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Food security and women’s health: A Feminist Perspective for International Social Work

International Social Work
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DOI: 10.1177/0020872809104252
2009 52: 485International Social Work
Ruth Phillips
international social work
Food security and women's health : A feminist perspective for
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International Association of Schools of Social Work
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International Social Work 52(4): 485–498
i s w
Sage Publications: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC
DOI: 10.1177/0020872809104252
Food security and women’s health
A feminist perspective for international
social work
Ruth Phillips
There are many imperatives for social workers to adopt and engage with
international perspectives in the current context for social work prac-
tice. The interconnectedness of a world characterized and challenged
by globalization calls for integrated global perspectives on many issues
that affect social work’s capacity to be effective in a broad set of ser-
vices and interventions.
Increasingly, the intersections between environmental and political
crises across the world have a direct impact on local contexts. These
connections have emerged as part of the increasing global mobility of
people affected by conflict displacement and poverty across continents
and through humanitarian refugee programs. Refugee populations are
indicative of the borderless global issues that are now embedded in the
broad practice knowledge that should underpin contemporary social
work advocacy, activism and everyday local practice. For example,
the impact of social and economic conditions in sub-Saharan Africa is
played out daily in the experiences of social workers in African refugee
communities in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia.
Mohan’s recent evaluation of international social work is that it is
a discipline and a field of practice, and that international social work
should be preoccupied with the ‘contours of social reality’ that indeed
‘represent human life in a divided world’ (2008: 13). Taking this lead,
Key words feminism food security global context social work research
and policy responses women’s health
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486 International Social Work volume 52(4)
this article seeks to enhance perspectives that link social work’s
diversity as a discipline with some clearly evolving relationships that
are inherent in global poverty. Bringing together the issues of food
security and women’s health demonstrates how the new global crisis of
food security is an old problem for women across the world. This leads
to an argument for a feminist analysis of food security and as an impor-
tant perspective on the health agenda for international social work.
The case for writing about food security and women’s health rests on
a global recognition of the importance of women and gender equality in
tackling poverty across the globe, as is exemplified by the inclusion of
gender equality in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) (UNDP, 2005). If women are to lead poverty recovery at the
grassroots level, their health has to be a primary consideration. As will
be demonstrated in this article, women play a central role in food secu-
rity and therefore face a double jeopardy as food supply diminishes or,
through price rises, becomes inaccessible. Women are the first to stop
eating but their well-being is often the key for maintaining access to
and the supply of food to families. Further, if food security is poor and
of poor quality, women’s health is significantly compromised, making
them at risk of maternal death or at the greatest risk of obesity from
poor nutrition in a poverty environment (Aguirre, 2000).
The narrative of women and food security is not confined to the
developing world, as it is demonstrably played out in all communities
across the globe where poverty exists, including in some of the world’s
wealthiest nations (Riches, 1997: 65; Rideout et al., 2007).
It is not an objective in this article to explore the epidemiology or
pathologies of health outcomes for women affected by food security,
but rather to view women’s basic health, as achieved through adequate
nutrition, as a central concern in strategies that engage with food secu-
rity as a core issue. This article explores the nexus between the growing
global problem of food security and its impact on women’s health, and
asserts the importance of adopting a feminist framework for interna-
tional social work in addressing and understanding these issues.
What is food security?
Although world hunger statistics are alarming, at 815 million people
going hungry in 2001 (Hussein, 2002: 627), food security is not simply
about describing the availability of sufficient food resources to sustain
humans’ nutritional needs or address hunger. Although the World Bank
describes food security in global terms, ‘as access by all people at all
times to sufficient food, in terms of quality, quantity and diversity for
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 487
an active and healthy life without risk of loss to that access’ (cited in
Hussein, 2002: 628), there is wide scholarship that sees food security as
a more complex set of problems. Concerns about food security include
issues such as population growth, control and mobility as well as the
distribution of resources, consumption of those resources, the produc-
tion of food, environmental management, climate change, economic
and social development, international trade issues, land ownership,
human rights and access to healthcare (PAHO, 2001).
Food security is also a key issue from a global political economy
perspective, where, as argued by policy-makers in international institu-
tions such as the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, it
is directly related to how developing countries can benefit from con-
stant changes in global agricultural trade. Trade patterns, terms of trade,
prices and trade reforms are now intrinsic to the strengths or weaknesses
of national economies and often determine their wealth and how it is
distributed across a nation. These elements of world trade can directly
affect access to food. Riemenschneider, of the North America Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, argues that ‘the case for
further trade liberalization rests on the potential for large global welfare
gains’ (2003: 1). In other words, a pure economic development perspec-
tive is insufficient in decisions about regulating global trade, as respon-
sibility for the fight against world hunger is now viewed as a global
problem in which all countries and international institutions must take
responsibility and in doing so ensure that all countries benefit from it.
Strategies for increasing benefits from global trade are complex as
they often mean supporting a shift from self-sustaining agriculture to
exportable foodstuffs that can be consumed by the rest of the world.
For example, it is argued that developing countries would benefit from
global trade reforms if ‘tariff escalation, specific consumer taxes and
domestic subsidies on selected tropical products, such as vegetable oils,
sugar, cotton or rice, were removed’ (Riemenschneider, 2003: 2), thus
allowing for the cheaper goods produced in developing countries to
compete in the global market.
Although there are claims that freer trade in agriculture has the poten-
tial to make a powerful contribution to rural development and hunger
reduction it is also recognized that this does not come automatically.
To address food security in the global economic context, developing
countries need companion policies that will increase agricultural pro-
ductivity and product quality to ensure that what they produce is com-
petitive in domestic and international markets (Riemenschneider, 2003:
2–3). To be able to compete in global markets developing countries
need to address very basic needs such as access to and management
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488 International Social Work volume 52(4)
of water resources, rural infrastructure such as roads, storage facilities,
gender-equal access to finance at the local level and so on. However,
a more primary need on the road to entering global markets as a means
of achieving wealth and food security is social protection. Developing
countries need to ensure that vulnerable individuals, households and
groups often disadvantaged by the initial impacts of trade reforms must
be supported by welfare infrastructure (Riemenschneider, 2003: 2–3). It
is at this level of development that food security is a day-to-day prob-
lem, especially for women.
International social work is engaged in many of the facets of food
security and, as Riches argues, it should be seen by social work
as ‘a pivotal ecological, economic and social justice issue for the
21st century’ (2000: 1). However, there are growing imperatives to
widen social work engagement. For example, including global warming
as a key issue for international social work is vital as evidence mounts
for extensive, worldwide food security issues in the future as global
temperatures rise (ABC, 2005; Rosegrant and Cline, 2003). It is now
generally agreed that climate change will increase the number of people
at risk of hunger from the current estimate of 500m to around 550m by
the middle of this century (ABC, 2005).
The impact of diminished lands for food production across the globe
means not only that people relying on local subsistence food consump-
tion will be affected, but also that millions of people who rely on food
exports from countries with smaller populations such as Australia will
lose food security. As these changes start to affect already poor coun-
tries and communities in particular, national and international organiza-
tions will have to plan and mobilize for the future. In considering the
potential implications of climate change, a diverse range of activities
could involve social work on an international scale. This would include,
for example, development planning, food production and distribution,
strategies to ensure access to water resources and for the conservation
of protected environments and, with the increase in climate-related
disasters such as droughts, flooding and hurricanes, emergency social
interventions (UNEP and UNFCCC, 2002: 13).
It is often cited that we produce enough food today to feed every-
one, even though more than 500m people (according to the UN Food
and Agriculture Organization) are estimated to be hungry, and that the
real issue is the inequitable distribution of food between wealthy and
poor countries (ABC, 2005; PAHO, 2001). This geographically sited
inequality of access to food will also be reflected in the impact of cli-
mate change in the near- and medium-term future. It is believed that
the worst aspects of climate change, on agriculture, are going to be in
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 489
semi-arid parts of the world, particularly Africa, the Middle East and
possibly the Indian subcontinent. Addressing these potential problems
will require adaptive strategies, particularly in new technologies that
exist in the West, such as the genetic modification of plants that can
tolerate drought more effectively (ABC, 2005). This solution requires
technology transfers from the developed to developing parts of the
world and in turn, demands significant lobbying and advocacy within
the developed world by social change activists such as social workers.
For the poorer parts of the world, food insecurity often exists on an
annual cycle (Hadley et al., 2007). People who rely on subsistence
farming, for example, can expect that each year they will run short of
food, resulting in poor health outcomes for all and stunted physical
growth for children (Hadley et al., 2007). As key providers of food and
managers of crops, women will also experience a cycle of anxiety as
the burden of planning for the next year’s food often rests with them.
Feminist frameworks
Before discussing feminist frameworks, it is important to put forward
a definition of what is meant by feminism in any given context. It is
widely accepted by feminists that there are many feminisms. Given this
multiplicity, it is often hard to argue for a feminist framework for prac-
tice. However, in social work, and in international social work in par-
ticular, there is extensive literature that argues for feminist social work
and feminist development practice (Antrobus, 2004; Dominelli, 2002;
Mohanty, 2004; Tinker, 1997; Weeks, 2003).
Dominelli (2002), for example, asserts a feminist social work prac-
tice that utilizes key objectives and agendas that are intrinsic to femi-
nism. She not only establishes the significance of feminism in social
work theory and social work practice, but emphasizes dual imperatives
for feminist social work. These imperatives reside in the dominance of
women as social workers and as social work clients. In other words,
‘arguments about the purpose of social work are intricately bound up
with disputes over women’s position in the social order’ (Dominelli,
2002: 17). For Dominelli and others (Healy, 2005; Ife, 1997) feminism
has had a highly influential role in the development of social work
theory, questioning its positivist epistemological paradigms by, for
example, challenging dualist thinking, introducing identity politics and
raising gender–power relations (Dominelli, 2002: 17–18). Dominelli
(2002) slips easily back and forth between feminist-as-self practitioner,
feminist theory for analysis and feminist frameworks for action, ser-
vices and advocacy (Phillips, 2007: 57).
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490 International Social Work volume 52(4)
For the international context, Mohanty (2004: 3) provides an
appropriately dynamic understanding of feminism when she describes
her own feminist vision:
. . . a world where women and men are free to live creative lives, in security and
with bodily health and integrity, where they are free to choose whom they love,
and with whom they set up house, and whether they want to have or not have
children; a world where pleasure rather than just duty and drudgery determine our
choices, where free and imaginative exploration of the mind is a fundamental right; a
vision in which economic stability, ecological sustainability, racial equality, and the
redistribution of wealth form the material basis of people’s well-being . . .
Mohanty goes on to include socialist and democratic ideals and broad
political processes that she believes could facilitate her vision, but what
is of interest in this discussion (encapsulated above) is a right to a good
life. Food security and good health are central to this. This discus-
sion draws on the broad range of feminist demands for a good life for
women and argues that without this as a primary agenda and, indeed,
a prioritized component of any social, economic or political interven-
tion, the interwoven problems of poverty and gender inequality cannot
be addressed. Mohanty’s emphasis on equality and the redistribution of
wealth is, according to Midgley (2007: 613), a long-term goal of social
workers as they support the focus of reduction of inequality as a core
objective for poverty reduction.
It may, however, be an over-simplification to accept Mohanty’s equa-
tion of gender equality equalling a good life definition of feminism in
this context. Postcolonial feminists and many postmodernist feminists
would argue that the position of social work in a battle for women’s con-
trol of food security and economic and civic participation should come
under considerable scrutiny due to the inevitability of the unequal power
position between the ‘core and the periphery’ (Hill Collins, 2000: 44),
or those within the dominant economic framework and those excluded
from it. The challenge for feminists (social workers) from both wealthier
countries or higher social or economic positions in their own countries
is to facilitate support without diminishing the position of women on
the margins of life, whether this is determined by gender, race or social
or economic class. Indeed, as observed by Hill Collins of struggles by
African American women activists, ‘marginality operated as an import-
ant site of resistance for decentering unjust power relations’ (2000: 43).
This tension is well expressed by Aiwha Ong in a discussion about
‘strategic sisterhood’ as a means of describing North–South feminist
partnerships for intervention in countries where the gender gap is
extreme, where she observes that a gap exists between ‘cosmopolitan’
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 491
feminism’s focus on the unequal distribution of gender rights across the
world and a focus on individualism that conflicts directly with ‘alterna-
tive ethics rooted in collective norms and goals’ (2006: 31). As ‘stra-
tegic sisterhood’ is based on a notion of gender citizenship achieved
through universalistic terms of individual freedom and equality, often
expressed in the North through the call for women’s rights as human
rights, other moral systems and visions of ethical living can be over-
looked (Ong, 2006: 31). Ong and other postmodern and postcolonial
feminists raise key questions for feminist approaches to development or
social work in developing countries. Ong suggests that the key question
of how to improve women’s conditions without being seen as the new
imperialists is often overlooked (2006: 32).
Women and food security: utilizing a feminist framework
Women make a vital contribution to food security. The following is a
summary of key targets for action made by the Pan American Health
Organization’s (PAHO) gender-specific analysis of this relationship:
a focus on reproductive health;
the need to recognize women’s productive labor;
a focus on women’s rights to resources such as land or livestock
ownership, access to water rights or borrowing money;
the disproportionate suffering of women and girls in poor house-
holds from poverty, and malnutrition, especially pregnant and lac-
tating women;
the need to address educational inequality.
(PAHO, 2001)
These points reinforce the need to adopt a women-centered, feminist
framework. However, despite nearly 40 years of the presence of femi-
nism, institutions and states consistently fail to acknowledge the impor-
tance of gender. This is not to suggest that a singularly focused feminist
approach would be comprehensive in addressing food security, poverty
and women’s health, but rather that within a feminist framework current
approaches can be enhanced and become more effective because the
transformations in the underlying structural and interpersonal status of
women must be supported. Ample models for broad intervention based
on political and civil rights, human rights and livelihood approaches
already exist (Hussein, 2002: 631) and are often compatible with femi-
nist frameworks seeking a ‘good life’ as reflected in Mohanty’s (2004)
vision above. What is different is that feminist approaches recognize
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492 International Social Work volume 52(4)
and acknowledge the specific limitations for women to fully participate
and have power to control their own destinies, which make women and
their children more vulnerable and at greater risk of ill health and loss
of rights than men.
Resisting the notion of a world flattened by globalization and globalized
problems, as Mohan (2008: 16) describes, drawing on Friedman (2005)
and Sachs (2005), as endemic to international social work, a feminist
analysis of the globalized world suggests many barriers to gender equal-
ity, freedom and good health. Although the MDGs have raised the need
for gender equality to be actively addressed by governments, formal
institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as funda mental
in the fight against poverty, there still appears to be a reticence to put
women at the center of the policy frame. This would not occur if femi-
nist frameworks were consistently adopted, as the central objective of a
feminist framework in the areas of poverty and development is to place
women at the center of the policy frame (Phillips, 2006: 27).
An example of this failure is the 2007 ‘Technical Report on Poverty’
by the Peruvian National Statistics Institute released in May 2008 and
celebrated by the Peruvian government. Velasco (2008) reported that,
despite some evidence in the report that the overall poverty rate had
dropped (5.2%), it failed to report on the situation for women. Accord-
ing to Velasco (2008), there is a total absence of data specifically con-
cerning women in the report. What Velasco finds most disturbing is
that the report indicates greater poverty among Indigenous-speaking
Peruvians and rural dwelling Peruvians, but at no point explores or
delineates women’s poverty. This occurred in a context where other
research shows women in Latin America experience significantly
greater poverty than men (PAHO, 2008: 69). There is also the key fac-
tor of a higher fertility rate among poorer households and that fewer
women from poorer households are economically active than women
from a higher socio-economic group (PAHO, 2008: 69).
In a feminist analysis, Arrigada (2002: 151) found that dependence on
the family for welfare in much of Latin America and the social and cul-
tural resistance to modernity that lies within the idea of family ensure
ongoing structural problems. She observed, ‘These are fundamental
issues when formulating policies and programs aimed at democratiz-
ing Latin American families, which need to alter the current balance
of men’s and women’s rights and obligations in their family domain’
(Arrigada, 2002: 151).
The failure to account for women’s specific experience of poverty in
reporting on poverty in Peru is counter to the agreed importance of rec-
ognizing gender as a key factor in poverty. It also ignores the critical
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 493
role women are playing in combatting extreme poverty in Peru. For
example, Llana (2008) reports that there are 5000 community kitchens
run by women in Lima (Peru’s capital) that feed an estimated 500,000
people each day as a means of countering growing, widespread food
insecurity problems in Peru. The overall drop in poverty rates in Peru
is being reversed to some extent by rapidly rising prices for food and,
in the face of a lack of action by the government, poor women are tak-
ing on the burden of addressing extreme food security problems for the
poorest families through the provision of meals. Women in the groups
that run the kitchens are also involved in direct action and advocacy for
food subsidies for their projects from the government via street protests
(Llana, 2008).
With a further 5000 similar kitchens producing food for the poor
across the country, the ‘Food for the Poor’ program represents a grass-
roots women’s movement that engages women at what is often the crux
of survival in a poverty environment. Llana (2008) also reported on
extensive personal growth benefits for the women involved, bringing
them into active political participation and the experience of solidarity
as well as equipping them to engage in other struggles for their commu-
nities. These women, who have been criticized for not addressing the
structural causes of poverty, have achieved significant gains for their
26,000 members by producing a vehicle for participatory politics for
women, a key objective in MDG 3. The efficacy of this type of women’s
movement is a further argument for a feminist framework in addressing
the multiple causes and effects of poverty, and indicates a prime touch-
point for social work in supporting such women’s organizations.
In a report of research by Diaz et al. (2002) it can be seen that they
too have neglected a gendered breakdown in their social capital study in
very poor communities in the mountains of Peru. They found a correla-
tion between capacity to build social capital and access to food secu-
rity. They also found that where people were able to generate greater
social capital they had more security over their property. Although
these findings are interesting, again they do not tell us anything about
the status of women and whether targeting support for women engaging
in social capital in these communities may lead to improved long-term
As Hyder et al. (2005: 3) point out, women in sub-Saharan Africa,
where the most extensive absolute poverty exists, bear the brunt of
efforts to maintain food security due to a traditional role in feeding the
family; but also in more contemporary arrangements where men have
been employed in producing cash crops, women are responsible for
their own food production.
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494 International Social Work volume 52(4)
There are also illnesses related to poverty and poor nutrition that
cause women extreme suffering. For example, fistula, a disease largely
contained in the developed world since the latter part of the 19th century
(with improved obstetric care and the availability of caesarean sec-
tions), is an extensive problem in sub-Saharan Africa. According to
the Fistula Foundation (2007), in Ethiopia, for example, there are an
estimated 100,000 women suffering from untreated fistula, and another
9000 women who develop fistula each year. Apart from being a wom-
an’s disease due to its link to childbirth, ‘the root causes of fistula are
grinding poverty and the low status of women and girls. In Ethiopia,
the poverty and malnutrition in children contributes to the condition of
stunting, where the girl skeleton, and therefore pelvis as well, do not
fully mature. This stunted condition can contribute to obstructed labor,
and therefore fistula’ (Fistula Foundation, 2007).
The low status of women in cultures where fistula is common also
adds to their poverty and their children’s poverty, as the key symptom
of uncontrollable, constant incontinence commonly leads to women
being exiled from their homes and marriages, excludes them from any
form of employment and from using public transport. Although this can
be viewed as a medical problem that can be addressed by better obstet-
ric care, it is also a powerful gender issue. Child brides in polygamous
cultures are ejected by their husbands due to this condition and often
lose all rights as mothers and wives. Key factors such as poor nutri-
tion affecting development are compounded by being married off and
becoming pregnant at extremely young ages.
Child brides also represent an important poverty issue in many coun-
tries where women’s status is subordinate to men. Increasingly, the fact
that girls as young as 9–12 years old are forced into marriage is directly
related to grinding poverty, as families struggle to survive in the con-
text of soaring inflation rates and high food prices (Hill, 2008). A coun-
try where the practice of child brides is most prevalent is Yemen, which
is heavily dependent on food imports, with global price changes affect-
ing food security. Health implications for girls undergoing this practice
include a high risk of death during childbirth (Hill, 2008).
The cases above demonstrate the need for a feminist approach to
women and food security. The extreme vulnerability of girls’ health
is related to three factors: poverty and lack of nutrition in their early
development; intergenerational poverty within their families and com-
munities; and early pregnancies resulting from the practice of child
brides. However, the underlying cause for poverty leading to extreme
health risk for young girls and young women in these communities is
the entrenched patriarchal cultures that are organized primarily in the
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 495
interests of men. Women have unequal status and little power to resist
culture and tradition or indeed men’s interpretations of religious texts.
Support for self-advocacy and for transformations in law that recog-
nize the basic human rights of protection of children and women and
women’s equal participation in civic, social and economic life is a
framework that social workers in the international context could adopt.
Research on food security has shown that good social networks
(Hadley et al., 2007) and strong social capital (Diaz et al., 2002) result
in greater resilience to food insecurity. These findings, even though
from vastly different contexts, are also borne out in the network of
Peruvian kitchens for the Food for the Poor organization across Peru,
where social support and solidarity from other poor women has not only
resulted in addressing the immediate alleviation of dire food insecurity,
but empowered women to take control of a crisis in their communi-
ties, take political action and provide skills development for women
who join the movement (Llana, 2008). Strong community development
practice and recognition of women’s specific circumstances of inequal-
ity of oppression appear to be central to addressing food insecurity in
very poor communities. The extremely diverse ways in which women
experience exclusion from decision-making and civic life can lead to
life-changing outcomes for women and their communities. If we return
to Mohanty’s (2004) feminist vision, social workers across the inter-
national spectrum can promote clear agendas for women’s right to have
a good life by adopting women-centered frameworks for practice and
research on food security.
International knowledge and research on core social policy issues have
traditionally informed improvements in local social work practice as
much as innovations in the local context have informed global responses
to key social problems. Based on this framework of interrelatedness,
this article has explored the implications of the increasing problem of
food insecurity and its specific implications for women’s health, and
argues that to achieve effective outcomes for the most vulnerable, femi-
nist frameworks should be adopted in international social work.
In international social work women’s well-being has to be a core
objective in community, family and individual social work practice.
Women not only bear the brunt of poverty more than men, they form
the majority of carers for children and older people and they are almost
always responsible for taking care of nutrition in households. Examples
of women’s specific relationships and experiences of food insecurity
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496 International Social Work volume 52(4)
demonstrate a need for strong advocacy at both grassroots and
international levels. Midgley’s (2007) call for social workers to
enhance their advocacy efforts in the international arena are echoed in
this article. It is vital for social workers and their associations to join
forces with other international organizations (Midgley, 2007: 624), but
in order to address women’s access to food security and a reduction in
poverty, there should be a focus on women’s NGOs and women-focused
development agencies.
It is also noted that in recent research conducted by Norman and
Hintze (2005) on international practice variations, social workers in
South Africa and Thailand (two countries with severe poverty) identify
community work and working with NGOs as important themes. They
conclude from their study that issues such as starvation and poverty will
‘surely require macro- as well as the micro-efforts of social workers
globally’ (Norman and Hintze, 2005: 565). This supports collaborative
international efforts by social workers and social work organizations to
address the issue of food security.
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Phillips: Food security and women’s health 497
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Social work is a profession focused on people within their environments. This is reflected in codes of ethics, where our shared mandate is to work towards individual wellbeing and social change. Recently, social work literature has promoted green and eco-social work, drawing on climate change science, notions of expanded and future justice, knowledge of the link between health and the environment, and principles of deep ecology. However, if social workers are to take up their place in a rapidly changing, globalised world, rife with environmental concerns, their education must prepare them to do this. One way of doing this is to embed curriculum on social work in relation to the natural environment in already existing units. This paper describes two examples of how this could be done based on the authors’ experiences from their respective universities. • IMPLICATIONS • It is incumbent on social work to respond to the mounting evidence related to the environmental crisis. • Social work is well placed in terms of theory, values, and skills to lead the way in developing an eco-social paradigm of potential relevance across disciplines. • Social work educators need to educate students about emerging issues, such as environmental degradation. Embedding material in already existing courses, as per examples provided in this paper, provides one way of doing this.
The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the meanings Israeli women who frequent soup assign to this experience. The study is based on participant observation and 16 recorded interviews with women in eight soup kitchens in Israel. The study adopts a gender-mainstreaming approach to food security that privileges the life knowledge of women living in poverty. The grounded theory method was employed in the collection and analysis of the data-field notes and interviews. Findings Four main categories regarding women’s constructions of motivations for frequenting soup kitchens emerged: (1) nutritional needs, (2) feeding others, (3) overall economic strategy, and (4) social needs. The issue of dealing with shame is also explored from a humanist and cultural perspective. Applications The findings indicate the need for social workers to consider food security, and eating arrangements when making assessments, evaluating interventions and developing programs and policies in all practice settings. Social workers need to provide information about community food services that are accessible and user-friendly for their women clients who deal with food insecurity and social isolation. Soup kitchens should be structured to allow for active participation of the service users in the administration and operation of food security programs. Finally, social workers should adopt a critical, feminist position regarding women’s use of soup kitchens as an oppressive survival strategy that stems from inequality in gender and class power relations.
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South Africa is food-secure nationally, but at household level, it is food-insecure due to socio-economic factors that limit access to food to a large number of people who live below poverty line. The study examined the impact of socio-demographic status on food (in) security particularly in the rural areas of uThungulu District Municipality. The results of this paper form part of the major study. One hundred and forty seven respondents, who were available to participate, completed the questionnaires about food security related issues. Unemployment rate exceeded fifty percent and a low percentage (25%) of the respondents was diverting to self-employment as means to generate income. The results further indicated that forty-two percent of the study population was earning the minimum income of R700 per month. The majority of the respondents were not actively involved in entrepreneur ship activities. The majority of the respondents had poor socio-economic profiles and this make them vulnerable to food insecurity.
The aim of this paper is to explore the state of food security by pitting the state with the progress made towards attainment of the MDGs in a few countries of the developing world. Findings indicate that though many countries have developed various projects towards the attainment of food security friendly MDGs, immense food crisis stubbornly persist. This food insecurity or food crisis has been exacerbated by various factors such as feminization of food production, unfavourable weather conditions and phenomenal population growth. This paper recommends that food security programmes in developing countries need to address food insecurity by making these programmes sustainable and increase their agricultural production. A paradigm shift that will see democratization of leadership and economic structures will hopefully facilitate or expedite the amelioration of food production and therefore the fulfilment of food security friendly MDGs.
The idea of growing in cities has been around for centuries, from the World War 2 ‘victory gardens’ to allotments, community gardens and even the more recent idea of ‘vertical farming’, the practise comes in many different forms. This chapter explores the idea of cultivating the urban, before delving into the policies and strategies which support Urban Agriculture (UA), analysing various methods employed by governments and organisations to encourage the growing of food in cities. The chapter reviews different forms of UA, reflecting on academic and other studies which have explored the impact of this activity. It provides a broad overview of UA and the various schemes ongoing, both within the Global North and Global South. We explore the latter with the case of Cuba and countries in Africa who have practised UA for years. The chapter summarises with an introduction to the idea of informal UA and guerrilla gardening: the core focus of this book.
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A cross-sectional survey administered to 789 persons in 20 communities in Peru found positive associations between social capital, economic development and food security. Findings also showed that communities serviced by a particular non-governmental organization possessed higher social capital, incomes and access to food than comparison communities.
Feminist theories of social work have been criticised in recent years for treating women as a uniform category and displaying insufficient sensitivity to the complex ways in which other social divisions (those of race, age, disability, etc.) impact on gender relations. This major text by a leading writer in the field seeks to develop a new framework for feminist social work that takes on board postmodernist arguments to do with difference and power yet retains a commitment to collective solidarity and social change. As such, it will be essential reading for students, educators and practitioners alike in social work.
Neoliberalism is commonly viewed as an economic doctrine that seeks to limit the scope of government. Some consider it a form of predatory capitalism with adverse effects on the Global South. In this groundbreaking work, Aihwa Ong offers an alternative view of neoliberalism as an extraordinarily malleable technology of governing that is taken up in different ways by different regimes, be they authoritarian, democratic, or communist. Ong shows how East and Southeast Asian states are making exceptions to their usual practices of governing in order to position themselves to compete in the global economy. As she demonstrates, a variety of neoliberal strategies of governing are re-engineering political spaces and populations. Ong’s ethnographic case studies illuminate experiments and developments such as China’s creation of special market zones within its socialist economy; pro-capitalist Islam and women’s rights in Malaysia; Singapore’s repositioning as a hub of scientific expertise; and flexible labor and knowledge regimes that span the Pacific.Ong traces how these and other neoliberal exceptions to business as usual are reconfiguring relationships between governing and the governed, power and knowledge, and sovereignty and territoriality. She argues that an interactive mode of citizenship is emerging, one that organizes people—and distributes rights and benefits to them—according to their marketable skills rather than according to their membership within nation-states. Those whose knowledge and skills are not assigned significant market value—such as migrant women working as domestic maids in many Asian cities—are denied citizenship. Nevertheless, Ong suggests that as the seam between sovereignty and citizenship is pried apart, a new space is emerging for NGOs to advocate for the human rights of those excluded by neoliberal measures of human worthiness.
English Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, neoconservative intellectuals and policy makers have promoted a unipolarist position which prescribes a new, unilateral role for the government of the United States in world affairs. This article discusses the concept of unipolarism and examines its implications for global inequality, social welfare and social work. French Aprè s l’effondrement de l’Union Soviétique, les intellectuels néoconservateurs et les stratèges se sont engagés dans la promotion d’une position unipolaire qui a prescrit un nouveau rô le unilatéral pour le gouvernement américain dans la gestion des affaires mondiales. Cet article aborde la notion d’unipolarité et en examine les conséquences en termes d’iné galités mondiales, de bien-ê tre social et de travail social. Spanish Siguiendo el colapso de la Unió n Sovié tica, los intelectuales neoconservadores y los creadores de política han promovido una posició n unipolar que prescribe un nuevo rol unilateral para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos en temas mundiales. Este artículo discute el concepto de unipolaridad y examina sus implicaciones para la desigualdad global, el bienestar social y el trabajo social.
Across the globe, social workers generally share common values and purposes, yet the focus of activities and practice parameters vary greatly. In an exploratory study, a survey of international practitioners revealed variable definitions of practice. The recent joint IASSW and IFSW definition of social work practice would likely help specific countries to clarify practice descriptions while promoting a more unified voice in social work efforts worldwide. French À travers le monde, les travailleurs sociaux partagent en général des valeurs et des buts communs. Pourtant, le centre des activités et les paramètres de pratique varient énormément. Les résultats de cette étude exploratoire des travailleurs sociaux internationaux indiquent qu'il existe des définitions variables de la pratique. La définition récente de la pratique en travail social conçue par AIETS et FITS pourrait aider des pays spécifiques à élaborer des descriptions de pratique particulières tout en favorisant une voix plus unifiée pour le travail social à travers le monde. Spanish A través del mundo, los trabajadores sociales generalmente comparten valores comunes y propósitos, aún cuando el enfoque de las actividades y los parámetros de la práctica varían enormemente. En un estudio exploratorio, una encuesta internacional de practicantes reveló definiciones diferentes de la práctica. La reciente definición común de la práctica del trabajo social por parte de organismos como la IASSW y la IFSW ayudarían bastante para que países específicos clarificasen las descripciones de la práctica; y así mismo a promover una voz más unificada en los esfuerzos del trabajo social a nivel mundial.
English> This article challenges contemporary professional culture to rethink international social work as a liberating praxis and a discipline of academic significance. Currently international social work tends to spatialize its objects of study. Since humankind's wellbeing is intrinsically linked with science and social transformation, the vocabularies of change merit meaningful contextualization. French Cet article met au défi la culture professionnelle contemporaine de repenser le travail social international pour en faire une praxis libératoire et une discipline académique significative. Le travail social international a tendance à spacialiser les objets de son étude. Comme le bien-être de l'humanité est intimement lié aux transformations scientifiques et sociales, les vocabulaires du changement méritent une mise en contexte significative. Spanish Este artículo desafía la cultura profesional contemporánea para repensar el trabajo social internacional como una práctica liberadora y una disciplina de significación académica. Actualmente, el Trabajo Social Internacional tiende a especializar sus objetos de estudio. Desde que el bienestar de la humanidad está intrínsecamente vinculado con la ciencia y la transformación social, los vocabularios de cambio merecen contextualizar sus significados.
Dietary habits and a predisposition to obesity are created through an ongoing inter-relationship with social conditions, and depend more on the influence of economic factors than on nutritional education, because foods are chosen on the basis of price, the level of satiety they produce, and the family's economic situation.Gender is another important aspect in the prevalence of obesity among women of low socioeconomic status.
An international Summit was called for June 2002 aiming to reaffirm the commitments of the 1996 World Food Summit and intensify efforts to halve the number of hungry people in the world to 400 million by 2015. However, progress on achieving this target is open to question. This paper analyses recent policy debates in two areas: first, the right to food and freedom from hunger; and second, the measurement of food insecurity at global and national levels. It agrees that the “World Food Summit–five years later” (WFS–fyl) should reaffirm commitment to the right of all people to food and freedom from hunger and the commitment to raise the resources required to achieve this. A rights–based approach to food security implies that policies be defined and actions taken to reduce hunger by a range of local, non–governmental, governmental and international actors. However, reliable information on who the hungry are and where they are situated is required in order to track progress to WFS targets and identify and implement appropriate actions at the global, national or subnational levels. The inter–agency Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS) plays a key role in generating information on trends of the numbers of food–insecure in the world, but the robustness of its “undernourishment” measure has been debated. The paper concludes by outlining practical ways to improve food security analysis, indicating the potential contribution of rights–based and livelihoods approaches.