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Abstract and Figures

In literature about mathematical modeling a diversity can be seen in ways of presenting the modeling cycle. Every year, students in the Bachelor's program Applied Mathematics of the Eindhoven University of Technology, after having completed a series of mathematical modeling projects, have been prompted with a simple three-step representation of the modeling cycle. This representation consisted out of 1) problem translation into a mathematical model, 2) the solution to mathematical problem, and 3) interpretation of the solution in the context of the original problem. The students' task was to detail and complete this representation. Their representations also showed a great diversity. This diversity is investigated and compared with the representations of the students' teachers. The representations with written explanations of 77 students and 20 teachers are analyzed with respect to the presence of content aspects such as problem analysis, worlds/models/knowledge other than mathematical, verification, validation, communication and reflection at the end of the modeling process. Also form aspects such as iteration and complexity are analyzed. The results show much diversity within both groups concerning the presence or absence of aspects. Validation is present most, reflection least. Only iteration (one is passing the modeling cycle) more than once is significantly more present in the teachers' group than in the students' group. While accepting diversity as a natural phenomenon, the authors plea for incorporating all aspects mentioned into mathematical modeling education.
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Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application
2012, Vol. 1, No.6, 3-21
ISSN: 2178-2423
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
Jacob Perrenet
Eindhoven School of Education, Eindhoven University of Thechnology, Eindhoven
Bert Zwaneveld
Ruud de Moor Institute, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen
In literature about mathematical modeling a diversity can be seen in ways of presenting the modeling
cycle. Every year, students in the Bachelor’s program Applied Mathematics of the Eindhoven
University of Technology, after having completed a series of mathematical modeling projects, have
been prompted with a simple three-step representation of the modeling cycle. This representation
consisted out of 1) problem translation into a mathematical model, 2) the solution to mathematical
problem, and 3) interpretation of the solution in the context of the original problem. The students’ task
was to detail and complete this representation. Their representations also showed a great diversity.
This diversity is investigated and compared with the representations of the students’ teachers. The
representations with written explanations of 77 students and 20 teachers are analyzed with respect to
the presence of content aspects such as problem analysis, worlds/models/knowledge other than
mathematical, verification, validation, communication and reflection at the end of the modeling
process. Also form aspects such as iteration and complexity are analyzed. The results show much
diversity within both groups concerning the presence or absence of aspects. Validation is present most,
reflection least. Only iteration (one is passing the modeling cycle) more than once is significantly
more present in the teachers’ group than in the students’ group. While accepting diversity as a natural
phenomenon, the authors plea for incorporating all aspects mentioned into mathematical modeling
Keywords: mathematical modeling cycle, representations, higher education.
1 Introduction
From experience, supported by research (see for instance Galbraith & Stillman, 2006), it is
well-known that learning mathematical modeling is a difficult task for students both in secondary and
higher education. The problems that students but also teachers, are confronted with are: 1) the lack of
unanimity about the essence and the vision of the modeling process; 2) the almost inherent complexity
of the modeling process and, consequently, the complexity of teaching; 3) the fact that mathematical
modeling is in the first place always about something, a situation and a problem arising from that
situation, and that mathematics is ‘only’ a part of the whole process. In this article we focus on the
diversity of the representations of the modeling the cycle, whereby all three problems play a role.
1.1 Representations of the mathematical modeling cycle; some examples from literature
In the research literature about teaching mathematical modeling it is agreed that the modeling
process is a sort of cycle that starts and ends with a problem situation in real life or in a non-
mathematical discipline, and that there is a translation of the problem into mathematical terms and a
mathematical solution. However one can find a lot of modifications, extensions and improvements
regarding this cycle. Examples can be found in Blomhøj & Hoff Kjeldsen (2006), Borromeo Ferri
(2006) and Kaiser & Schwartz (2006). These authors often refer to the didactical representation of the
modeling process by Kaiser (1995) and Blum (1996), see Figure 1. This representation is based upon
cognitive psychological research on the behaviour of pupils and students working on modeling
assignments (Borromeo Ferri, 2006).
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
Figure 1. The Modeling cycle according to Kaiser (1995) and Blum (1996)
More recently, Blum & Leiß (2006) constructed a more detailed representation; see Figure 2.
Figure 2. The modeling cycle according to Blum and Leiß (2006)
In literature, many alternative representations of modeling can be found. Various aspects are
emphasized, depending on the perspective used. At the end of the 1970s Berry and Davies (1996),
developed the representation of Figure 3, based upon the modeling cycle for introductory engineering
education. See also Haines & Crouch (2010). We notice that for these engineering students ‘reporting’
has been given an explicit position in this cycle, but outside the continuing cycle.
Figure 3. Modeling cycle according to Berry and Davies (2006)
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
The following, more recent examples indicate that the set of variations has not yet stabilized.
See the representations of Carreira, Amado & Lecoq (2011), Figure 4, and Girnat & Eichler (2011),
Figure 5. And see the representations with specific attention for the role of information technology by
Greefrath (2011), Figure 6 (an extension of Figure 2), and by Geiger (2011), Figure 7.
Figure 4. Modeling cycle according to Carreira et al. (2011)
Figure 5. Modeling cycle according to Girnat and Eichler (2011)
Figure 6. Modeling cycle according to Greefrath (2011)
Formulation of task
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
Figure 7. Modeling cycle according to Geiger (2011)
As a last example, we present a representation from our own educational context. It has been
developed within the context of explaining secondary education mathematics students and
mathematics freshmen about the role of mathematical modeling in the study program of Applied
Mathematics of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) (Adan, Perrenet & Sterk, 2004),
Figure 8. We see special attention for the phase of problem analysis with use of common sense. Also,
similar to the representation of Geiger (2011) in Figure 7, the role of technology (the computer) is
explicitly mentioned.
Feedback problem analysis using common sense
Retranslation translation into mathematics
Implementation mathematical analysis
Figure 8. The modeling cycle according to Adan, Perrenet and Sterk (2004)
1.2 Diversity in representations
From this explorative review one can conclude that more or less common to all these
representations (and underlying visions) is that one starts with a notion of a problem. This problem has
Mathematical model Computer program
Mathematical solution
Practical solution Key questions
Practical problem
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
to be translated into a mathematical model of this problem, from non-mathematical language into
mathematics. Then the mathematical problem has to be solved by some kind of calculation and the
mathematical solution has to be interpreted in terms of the original problem. However, there are so
many diverse detailed representations of the modeling cycle that there is apparently not one overall
accepted vision on modeling and the teaching of modeling (Spandaw & Zwaneveld, 2009). The
following two questions illustrate this; firstly: why should students learn to model? See for instance
Bonotto (2007) who refers to the tension between teaching the core business of mathematics
(abstraction and generalization) and teaching modeling which depends critically on the characteristics
of the problem situation. See also Kaiser and Maass (2007) who point out the disposition among
teachers and students that the mathematics curriculum should be devoted to pure mathematics and not
to handling non-mathematical situations and problems. And secondly, as a consequence of all this:
what is the best way to teach modeling? The lack of agreement about what is the ‘best’ representation
of the modeling cycle has at least one advantage: it stimulates the debate and serves as a topic for
research (Kaiser, Blomhǿj, and Sriraman, 2006). These authors stress that the representation of course
depends on the function in the teaching process. They discern six functions: retrospectively analyzing
authentic mathematical modeling processes; identifying key elements in mathematical modeling
competences; retrospectively analyzing students’ modeling work; supporting students’ modeling work
and their related metacognition; as a didactical tool for planning modeling courses or projects; and as a
way of defining and analyzing a curricular element in mathematics teaching.
Many researchers of mathematical modeling education are, or have been, mathematical
modelers themselves. Therefore, one could assume that a diversity of representations would also be
present in the community of mathematicians. It is an open question whether such a diversity would
also be present in students’ representations. As a teacher of a modeling course within the Applied
Mathematics program at the TU/e, the first author of this article noticed a large diversity also within
the population of students concluding their Bachelor program. After describing this educational
context, we will come back to the research questions about this representation diversity in more detail.
1.3 Mathematical modeling in the Eindhoven program of Applied Mathematics
Mathematical modeling education at the TU/e, within the Bachelor program of Applied
Mathematics, is spread over three years and consists of a series of modeling projects. See also Perrenet
and Adan (2010, 2011). The goal of this program is that the students learn to apply mathematical
knowledge and skills in order to solve problems posed in non-mathematical terms. The modeling
courses constitute about ten percent of the Bachelor program. The students work in pairs or threes on
the modeling problems. Three domains of application are involved: technology, digital communication
and operational management. Every small group has its own coach, a member of faculty, and on top of
that, sometimes there is an external client, someone in a real company with a real problem.
Throughout the years of the program, the projects have gradually become more open, more time
consuming and more complex. Also the students’ dependency on the coach should decrease. The
educational goal of the program is that students should not apply mathematical skills and knowledge
that they have learned before. Rather, the students should use whatever skills and knowledge that they
have or even try to master new skills and knowledge that are useful for the problem at hand. Until
recently there was only a short elementary introduction to the modeling process (Figure 8) without
detailed and formalized instruction.
Within the same cohort, every group gets another problem. Following are examples of
problems used:
Operational management: Roundabouts
Nowadays, everywhere in the Netherlands, junctions are being replaced by roundabouts. The
claim is that traffic flows faster through roundabouts. Is that true?
Digital communication: Blogs
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
Blogs have become a common way to present (any kind) of information on the web. Looking
at the various characteristics of any recently accessible blog, would there be a systematic way to
predict its future popularity (for instance, in terms of number of visits) and thus to classify a new blog
as potentially popular?
Technology: Tsunami
Tsunamis are extremely high waves (caused by earthquakes) with sometimes disastrous
consequences. Mathematical models play an important role in modern warning systems for tsunamis.
Investigate the causes and damaging consequences of tsunamis and develop a simple model to
describe the propagation of tsunamis. By making use of available geophysical data, try to use this
model to predict whether tsunamis are a potential risk
for the Netherlands.
Projects involve training in diverse communication skills. Connected to the series of projects
is a reflection portfolio which contains a small reflection assignment after each project and a series of
larger reflection assignments at the end of the third year. The first author of this article is responsible
for the reflection assignments as discussed below.
Figure 9.
Elementary modeling cycle used as a stimulus for the research in this paper
The research reported in this paper is inspired by a specific reflection assignment in the third
year. The students are presented with Figure 9 and the statement that this would be the essence of the
mathematical modeling process. They are asked to comment and to construct a more detailed
The reason for asking the students to construct (complete) a representation of such a complex
process as modeling is, that it will help them to improve their understanding. From the study of
Zwaneveld (1999) it appears that, in the context of mathematics education, concept mapping is a
suitable tool for the visualization of cognitive structures concerning mathematical knowledge. Concept
maps have been developed in the seventies of the twentieth century with the aim to visualize
developing knowledge of students in the beta domain, see e.g. Novak (1977) and Sowa (1984).
Concepts and their mutual relations are graphically represented, normally with the concepts placed in
rectangles and the relations by means of labelled connecting arrows. Such a graphical representation
maps how a student or an expert ‘sees’ a subject. Constructing such a graph, concept mapping,
stimulates meaningful learning (Novak and Gowin, 1984). It is based upon the cognitive theories of
Ausubel (1968) who, among other things, pointed at the importance of prior knowledge for the
learning of new concepts. See also Novak and Cañas (2006). Many scholars have investigated the
benefits of constructing concept maps by students. For example, McAleese (1998) found that the
process of making knowledge explicit using knots for concepts and arrows for relations enables the
student to become conscious of what he or she knows and to give it a meaning and to adapt and
expand that knowledge.
1.4 Research questions
As mentioned before, the first author of this article has repeatedly observed that, at the end of
the Bachelor program, there are great differences in the way mathematics students represent the
modeling cycle when asked to do so. Curiosity about the degree of the differences and interest in the
educational consequences of these differences were the motives for systematic research into these
differences. Our perspective is focused on the fourth function of the representation of the modeling
Problem Model
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
cycle, as mentioned by Kaiser et al. (2006) above: supporting students’ modeling work and their
related metacognition. It was decided that it would be interesting to also involve the modeling cycle
representations of the teachers. In what follows, we use for short the term ‘teacher’ instead of
‘coaching staff member’. Globally formulated, the research question is:
What diversity exists in the representations of the mathematical modeling cycle by students and
Sub questions are:
1. What differences and similarities concerning contents and form of modeling cycle representations
exist between mathematics students at the end of the Bachelor program Applied Mathematics.
2. What differences and similarities concerning contents and form of modeling cycle representations
exist between mathematics teachers involved in the Bachelor program Applied Mathematic?
3. What differences and similarities concerning contents and form of modeling cycle representations
exist between the teachers’ group and the students’ group involved in the Bachelor program Applied
2 Methods
2.1 Respondents and stimulus task
Our respondents were students and teachers of Applied Mathematics of the TU/e. The
participants consisted of 77 students and 30 teachers. The students were seven cohorts near their
completion of the Bachelor program; teachers were all mathematicians connected to the study year
2009/2010 in modeling education as a coach or a client. All were presented with the elementary
representation of the modeling cycle (Figure 9) and asked to give comment and expand this
representation. Not all of the teachers reacted; we received 20 useful reactions (almost 70%). In
contrast, the students gave a 100% response rate, as it was a compulsory assignment. The drawings
and the explaining texts have been collected in order to look for systematic differences and
2.2 Selection of variables
The explorative analysis of literature (see section 1.1) suggests interesting aspects to look at,
concerning the content as well as the form of the representation. As for content, we started with
problem analysis, the presence of other worlds than the mathematical world, the presence of other
models than the mathematical model, and the presence of other knowledge than mathematical
knowledge. These four aspects can be seen as detailing the first (language) step of translating the
problem into the mathematical model. For detailing the second (calculation) step, the role of the
computer was chosen. Detailing the third (interpretation) step led to the aspects of validation
(confrontation of the solution with what was asked for) and communication (with teachers), keeping in
mind that their presence could also be possible at other locations in the cycle.
From our own experience, we added verification (confrontation of the mathematical solution
with the mathematical limits and intuitions), as the counterpart of validation within the calculation
step. Also, we added the aspect of reflection afterwards, reflection on the modeling process as a whole.
Turning to the form of the representation we firstly chose iteration, referring to the aspect of repetence
in going around the cycle as a whole. Secondly, we chose counting the numbers of nodes and edges as
a measure of complexity of the representation.
With these aspects the two authors did a first analysis (independently) of all 20 teachers’
representations and texts and a sample of 20 students’ representations and texts. We discussed the
outcomes with each other and consulted two experts in mathematical modeling and mathematical
modeling education: Dr.Eng. Kees van Overveld and Prof.Dr.Eng. Ivo Adan, the first being a physicist
and design methodologist, who has been teaching multidisciplinary modeling courses at the TU/e for
many years, and the second being a mathematician and who has been coordinating the modeling
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
education in the Bachelor program of Applied Mathematics for many years. With their help the set of
variables and their definitions were refined for further analysis. The main changes were the removal of
the aspect concerning the role of the computer and the choice for another measure of complexity.
The presence of the role of the computer appeared to be manifold: for calculation, for
simulation, or as a means for finding information. Moreover, its role was often more or less implicit,
leading to long discussions whether to score it at present or not. Finally, because of this ambiguity, it
was decided to remove it from the variable list. Elaborating on the aspect of complexity, it should be
noted that literature offers all kinds of measures to characterize the complexity of graphs, already for
graphs with singular undirected edges (for an accessible first impression, see Orrison and Yong
(2006)). Our first exploration showed that in our data the representations mostly have the form of
directed graphs and often with multiple edges between nodes. Also it appeared from our data that
edges and nodes could differ much in character and consequently, the representations as a whole. We
noticed process schemes (representations with states and actions to represent transitions between
states), communication schemes (representations with actors and streams of information) and even
combinations of both. Because of this diversity, the choice for a manageable complexity measure was
difficult. In consultancy with both experts mentioned before, we finally chose for another scoring
method, first looking at the complexity of every node and then using the maximum of these local
complexities as a measure of the complexity of the representation as a whole. The chosen measure also
appeared to suit those cases where no representation was present but only explanatory text data. We
will explain this measure of complexity further in the next sextion, along with definitions and scoring
rules for the other variables.
At this point we want to emphasize that our way of looking at the data was with descriptive
perspective. We were not judging the delivered representations, as in principle, for students at the end
of the Bachelor program and certainly for teachers, the representations delivered should be correct by
2.3 Operationalization of variables and analysis
- Problem Analysis:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or explanatory text
that in the beginning of the process the problem is analyzed? Here it does not concern mathematical
assumptions, rather it does concern a non-mathematical analysis of the problem, such as the answer to
the question: what is really relevant? Or: what is really the problem?
- Worlds:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory text that
the modeling cycle not only takes place in the mathematical world, but also in several other worlds?
And if so, which ones?
-Models:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory text that
in the modeling cycle several types of models (other models than the mathematical model only) are
used? If so, which ones?
- Knowledge:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory text
that other than only mathematical knowledge is used and, more specifically, domain specific
knowledge? If so, what kind?
- Verification:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory text
that the mathematical model has to be tested and adapted against mathematical logic and consistency?
- Validation:Is mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory text that
a mathematical model has to be tested and adapted against the requirements of practice?
-Communication:Is mutual interaction with the coach or client mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in
the representation or explanatory text?
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
- Reflection:Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the
explanatory text that after finding a satisfying solution one should look back at the process as
a whole, reflecting on what could be used or improved for the next time?
Is it mentioned (score 1) or not (score 0) in the representation or in the explanatory
text that generally it is necessary to go through the modeling cycle more than once?
- Complexity:For every node of a representation we counted the number of incoming and outgoing
edges (relations); the so-called local complexity of a node. Next, we computed the maximal local
complexity for every representation. Since all other variables were measured in a binary way, it was
decided to dichotomize this one as well. Representations with a maximal local complexity above the
median of all maximal local complexities were categorized as representations with a ‘high degree of
complexity’ (score 1); the other representations were categorized as representations with a ‘low degree
of complexity’ (score 0).
In the analysis only the representation delivered was always used at first and after that
the clarifying text (if present). In some cases no representation had been constructed, but only
described in relation to the stimulus representation. In those cases, we constructed a
representation based upon the text. During the analysis, the other aspects that also caught the
eye have been registered.
In order to ensure the reliability of our method, firstly, all data has been scored independently
by both researchers. Secondly, all scores have been compared and discussed. In the great majority of
cases (90 %) agreement in scores existed without discussion; for the remaining 10% only minimal
discussion was needed to reach consensus. In order to further ensure the validity concerning our
selection of variables, we discussed it afterwards with a sub group of fifteen teachers involved in the
modeling projects. They agreed that the variables used in the study were the relevant ones (except for
3 Results
3.1 Examples of diversity
To give an impression of the degree of diversity, we first give a series of examples from the
students’ group as well as from the teachers’ group. Most examples, because of the Dutch language or
because they were delivered handwritten had to be edited a little for reasons of readability. Such
editing only concerned the clarity of the representation, never the content or the form of the
Figure 10. Example of the simplest teacher representation
The simplest teachers’ representation is almost the same as the representation of Figure 9, the
only difference being that ‘language step’ has been replaced by ‘translation step’ and ‘calculation’ by
‘mathematical calculation’. See Figure 10.
calculation step
Problem Model
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
A complex teacher representation can be found in Figure 11, with a maximal local complexity
of 6 (at the node ‘model’). In this example we see validation and verification clearly present,
approximative and simplified model are specific types of models, and refinement is inherent to
problem analysis and scored accordingly.
language step
refinement evaluation of complexity
refinement both
validation adaptation
implementation translation step
Figure 11. Example of a complex teacher representation
The simplest student representation is the one in Figure 12. We can notice ‘Problem Analysis’
and ‘Quantities and Relations’ as a specific mathematical model.
Figure 12. Example of the simplest student representation
Implementation and
Problem Analysis
Analysis of results
Relevant Aspects
Quantities and
problem model
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
In Figure 13 a student representation is shown wherein the client plays a central role, making
this representation scores at communication (not shown here are the student’s explanations of the
figures 1 to 5 in his representation).
Figure 13. Example of a student representation with an explicit role for the client
In Figure 14 a student representation example is shown with distinction between the real world
and the mathematical world, which therefore scores on the variable worlds.
Figure 14. Example of a complex student representation with distinction between the real world and the
mathematical world
Especially some teachers only delivered a text without a drawing. We give two examples; the
first one contains a lot of text (we summarized it); the second one contains only a little text.
Example of a reaction (from a teacher) without a drawing but with a lot of text:
1. Informal description of the problem
2. Mathematization
3. Hierarchy of important – unimportant effects and relations
Problem Orientation Deepening
Model Solution
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
4. Analysis of potential models
lower bound and upper bound within an ordered set
simplest models
small parameters/asymptotics/perturbation methods
5. Definition of the Minimal Model
simplicity against requirements
6. Continuing interaction with reality
if necessary more or less steps back
7. Possibly multiple cascades of models
partially ordered
Example of a teacher’s reaction without a representation and with little text: Few thoughts
arise and I am OK with the triangle.
After this first impression of the diversity we will give an overview of the results.
3.2 Frequencies in both groups and associations between variables
Table 1 shows an overview of the frequency percentages in both groups. Regardinghe result of
the aspect of complexity we can tell that some representation were so complex that we could not
compute the precise maximal local complexity. We scored these as ‘high’ (score 1). The median value
of all maximal local complexities appeared to be equal to 4.
We see in Table 1 that only at the aspect of iteration there is a clearly significant difference
between both groups: iteration is more often present in the teachers’ representations. In both groups
validation scores more than 50% and knowledge and reflection less than 20%.
aspect % presence at teachers
(N=20) % presence at students
problem analysis 40 60
worlds 25 16
models 35 20
knowledge 15 10
verification 30 47
validation 65 81
communication 25 31
reflection 5 1
iteration 70** 39**
high complexity 50 53
** = difference significant at 0.05 (t-test, two-sided)
Table 1. Frequency percentages per aspect in the teachers’ group and the students’ group
To explore patterns, we investigated associations between variables within the groups by use
of the phi coëfficiënt (Field, 2009, p. 791), which measures the degree of association between two
dichotomous variables (with only values 1 and 0). For the following pairs of variables in the teachers’
goup, φ was at least 0.4 at a level of significance of .05 or lower: communication and problem analysis
(φ = 0.471 at significance level .035), worlds and knowledge (φ = 0.467 at significance level .037),
worlds and problem analysis (φ = 0.471 at significance level .035), problem analysis and validation (φ
= 0.599 at significance level .007), and iteration and validation (φ = 0.435 at significance level 0.052).
However, the teachers’ group is too small for further analysis into clusters. In the students’ group, only
some association exists between complexity and verification (φ = 0.309 at significance level .007).
3.3 Qualitative analysis of the use of terms
For the aspect of knowledge (other knowledge than mathematical knowledge) the terms used
fell into a few categories such as literature of the domain, common knowledge and knowledge of
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
physics. The aspects of worlds and models revealed much more diversity in the use of terms, therefore
further (qualitative) analysis was performed. Worlds refers to whether modeling not only takes place
in the mathematical world, but also in one or more other worlds; models refers to whether in modeling
other types of models than mathematical models are used.
In Table 2 we give an overview of terms used for other worlds than the mathematical world
and the frequency of occurrence (between brackets, if greater than 1). The majority of the teachers
(75%, 15 out of 20, Table 1) and the majority of the students (84%, 65 out of 77, Table 1) do not refer
to other worlds. In both groups a minority uses other terms indeed. Most of them use one other term,
whereas some use several other terms. Only some other terms are used by several students and/or
teachers: reality, practice and real world. Mostly, reality is mentioned as another world, but sometimes
also the non-mathematical outer world or the inner world is denoted (in the teachers’ group as well as
in the students’ group).
Students Teachers
reality (4)
practice (3)
original world
real world
genuine world
non-mathematical side
world where the problem takes place
perceptions of the problem situation
real world (2)
non-mathematical world
physical world
playground with attributes (e.g. of an astronomer or a plumber)
conceptual world
‘world in-between’ (unlabeled)
Table 2. Frequency of terms for other worlds than the mathematical world
In Table 3 we give an overview of terms used for other models than the mathematical model
and the frequency of occurrence (between brackets, if greater than 1). We did not make a separate list
for terms like ‘model’ (when mathematical model is meant) and ‘sub model’ (when the mathematical
model of a sub problem is meant). The majority the teachers (65%, 13 out of 20, Table 1) and the
majority of students (80%, 62 out of 77, Table 1) do not refer to other models. In both groups a
minority uses other terms indeed. Most of them use one other term, some use several other terms. Only
some other terms are used by several students and/or teachers: simplified model, stochastic model.
Mostly general terms, such as simplified model or possible model, are used; sometimes terms have a
specific mathematical background, such as a stochastic model; sometimes the background is another
domain, such as a physical model.
Students Teachers
simple model
simplified models (4)
analyzable model
computable model
manageable model
unusable model
uncomputable model
adapted model
frozen model
conceptual model
mental model
concept model
final model
specified problem
head model
intuitive model
physical model
model (if distinct from mathematical model)
scheme with quantities and relations
extended model
simplified model
simplest model
approaching model
stochastic model (2)
first principle model
empirical data model
right model
possible model
ordered set of potential models
more complete, but less transparant models
minimal model = The Model
deterministic model
continuous model
discretisized model
computable model
minimal physical model
detailed model
model versions
Table 3. Frequency of terms for other models than a mathematical model
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
3.4 Miscelleneous
Finally, the following other interesting aspects caught the eye in individual cases during the
project approach: mentioning that time and money are relevant
mixing up verification/validation: in some cases (also in the teachers’ group) the term
‘verification’ was used to refer to validation (we scored these cases as ‘validation’)
decision nodes (see Figure 15 for an example)
parallel processing (see Figure 16 for an example)
Figure 15. Example of a student representation with decision nodes
Figure 16. Example of a student representation with parallel sub processes
Problem Articulated problem Mathematical problem
Language step Filtering out the
mathematical problem
Sub problems
Gathering information
Making assumptions
Splitting up into sub problems
Solutions to sub problems
Solving sub problem
Solution to problem as a
Language step
Articulated solution
Analyzing the solution
For example investigating
applicability, use, reality value of
the solution and investigating
points for improvement
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
4 Conclusions and discussion
From our analysis of the data of teachers and students it indeed appears that there is a large
diversity in the representation of the modeling cycle, from a marginal extension of the sober cycle
until rather complex representations. This is true for the teachers as well as for the students. The
occurrence of problem analysis and validation scores in the top three in both groups; the reference to
other knowledge than mathematical knowledge and reflection scores in the bottom three in both
Teachers use the term iteration significantly more often than students. A possible explanation
is that the students may sometimes have to solve problems where going through the cycle once is
enough or it could be that there is no time left to go through the cycle once more.
In the teachers’ group the strongest association between aspects in representation is between
problem analysis and validation. An explanation is that in problem analysis what is essential in the
problem, is investigated. This logically asks for a validated connection between solutions and these
essential elements.
Although it was not the objective to evaluate the representations on correctness, the fact that
even in the teachers’ group, validation and verification were confused was remarkable.
We can distinguish three factors that could explain the observed diversity. 1) From a
constructivistic perspective (Cobb, Yackel, & Wood., 1992) of mathematical knowledge,
representational diversity is to be expected by definition. 2) Mathematical modeling is not the same in
various mathematical domains. Not only were the teachers that took part in our investigation
specialists within a domain, but also the students during the conclusion of their BSC program had
already chosen a mathematical specialization and had some specific knowledge of a unique sub
domain. 3) Until recently, the mathematical modeling education track in the Applied Mathematics
program in Eindhoven, comprised very little modeling theory for all students, but much guidance by a
unique series of coaches and clients in modeling projects with unique content. For the teachers’ group,
a fourth factor could be thought of, namely, that some teachers answered the question more seriously
than others. In the students’ group, that could not be the case, as it was a compulsory assignment for
them. A critique of our method could be that the elicited representation may not mirror the real
modeling behavior of students in practice. Close observation of students and the comparison of
behavior with given representations would result in interesting questions for further research. Another
critical remark could be that starting from scratch, instead of starting from the elementary three-step
representation, would have been an even better way to measure diversity. We agree that possible
diversity would have been greater, but that would support our main finding. Our result, concerning the
difference of presence of iteration, was not prompted by the three-step elemenatry representation.
From all our the operationalizations, the most freedom and therefore the hardest choice was at the
aspect of complexity. We are convinced that our choice was a rational one, however we cannot exclude
that other choices with possibly somewhat different results are thinkable.
Would we have the courage to generalize our results on diversity to other contexts of
mathematics education? We think that an important factor would be the diversity in the theoretical and
the practical experience of the modellers. With extensive explicit instruction of the modeling cycle,
with more closed assignments and similar assignments for all students, representation diversity would
probably decrease. However, using the constructivism argument the (first explanation factor
mentioned above) we expect that even at the secondary level and even under conditions with less
freedom, some diversity can be expected. Blum and Borromeo Ferri (2009, p. 48), referring to
Borromeo Ferri (2007), reported that secondary school mathematical modellers used the steps of
(Blum and Borromeo Ferri’s) modeling cycle unsystematically. Could it not be that students used their
own diverse cycle systematically?
Looking back at our investigation, we realize that we started with a descriptive perspective.
Students at the end of the Bachelor program and certainly their teachers are expert modellers, so their
representation of the modeling cycle is right by definition. Seeing our results concerning the mix-up
by some students and even by some teachers of validation and verification, triggered a change to the
prescriptive perspective. We will now answer the question: what aspects of the modeling cycle should
be present in teaching modeling?
Jacob Perrenet, Bert Zwaneveld
Of course, we require the aspects of the elementary three-step cycle presented before (Figure
9). Looking back we now prefer slightly different terms, leading to: problem situation, mathematizing,
mathematical model, solving, mathematical solution, and interpreting.
This study lead us to the following extra aspects:
- Problem Analysis:In the beginning of the process the problem is analyzed, looking for answers to
such questions as: ‘What is really relevant?’ Or: ‘What is really the problem?’
- Worlds, Models, and Knowledge:This cluster of aspects refers to the fact that mathematical modeling
is much more than modeling alone. The modeller does not work in the mathematical world only:
problems come from other domains with relevant non-mathematical knowledge and relevant non-
mathematical models. A specific non-mathematical model is the result of the problem analysis which
could be called the conceptual model, as problem analysis is in fact conceptualizing the problem
- Verification:The mathematical model and the solution have to be tested and adapted against
mathematical logic and consistency.
- Validation:The mathematical model and the solution have to be tested and adapted against the
requirements of practice.
- Communication:Mutual interaction with the coach or client (problem-owner) is necessary.
- Iteration:Students should receive problems that are complex enough to realize that generally it is
necessary to go through the modeling cycle more than once.
- Reflection:Although hardly mentioned by the modellers of our population, we emphasize that
mathematical modeling – just as problem solving (see, e.g. Schoenfeld, 1985, 1992) – cannot do
without metacognitive activity. Reflection, especially afterwards, should not be forgotten at the
moment that students, teachers and clients are pleased when an acceptable solution has been found for
the problem at hand. Answering questions such as: could the methods used be applied in other
contexts? could the models used be applied to other modeling problems? what improvements were
necessary after verification and validation and why? would strengthen the capacities of the
mathematical modeller for the future.
Finally, we show in Figure 17 an example of a representation of the modelling cycle with all
these aspects.
Figure 17. Modelling cycle with all aspects found in our study
mathematical world
mathematical model
reflecting on the modeling process
conceptual model
domain knowledge
non-mathematical world
or problem analysis
domain models
problem situation
domain knowledge
mathematical solution
The Many Faces of the Mathematical Modeling Cycle
We are grateful to the (former) coordinator of mathematical modeling education in Applied
Mathematics, Ivo Adan, for his mediation between us and the modeling teachers. We thank Ivo Adan
and especially Kees van Overveld for discussing methods of analysis of the modeling cycle
representations. Finally, we are grateful to Kees van Overveld for giving feedback on an earlier
version of this paper.
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... The modelling process is iterative, involving cycles of understanding the problem, simplifying it, mathematising, validating, and refining (Blum & Borromeo Ferri, 2009;Lesh & Harel, 2003). This variation in modelling cycles demonstrates its adaptability across educational contexts but also highlights a lack of consensus in how the modelling process is conceptualised, as different representations emphasise diverse aspects and priorities (Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012). Mathematical modelling allows students to engage meaningfully with mathematics by connecting abstract concepts to real-world contexts. ...
... Students, too, may struggle with abstraction and validation, particularly when faced with ambiguous or incomplete data. Moreover, designing fair and accessible modelling tasks for learners from diverse backgrounds remains a challenge, as such tasks must accommodate varying levels of prior knowledge and experience (Borromeo Ferri, 2013;Jablonka & Gellert, 2011;Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012). ...
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This article explores the complex relationship between mathematics and real-world contexts, a pivotal focus in mathematics education. Using a narrative review methodology, I critically examine five approaches, contributing to blurring the boundaries between abstract mathematics and practical applications: word problems, mathematical modelling, the history of mathematics, sociopolitical approaches, and interdisciplinary approaches. Each approach is analysed for its potential to enhance engagement, foster critical thinking, and promote inclusivity while addressing challenges such as teacher preparedness, curricular constraints, and assessment practices. Commonalities across these approaches highlight their collective ability to contextualise mathematics, making it more relevant and dynamic for learners. The discussion emphasises the transformative potential of integrating real-world contexts into mathematics education. The article concludes with practical recommendations for teachers, policymakers, and researchers, encouraging pedagogies that help learners apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to address real-world challenges.
... While technology can validate models created through traditional methods, it can also risk overshadowing fundamental mathematical understanding. Adan, Perrenet, and Sterk (2004) and Perrenet and Zwaneveld (2012) highlight the need for caution, suggesting that technology should not merely serve as a validation tool but rather be integrated thoughtfully into the modeling process to foster deeper comprehension and retention of mathematical principles. ...
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This qualitative study explores the mathematical modeling processes of eighty-seven pre-service mathematics teachers in Turkey, focusing on their approaches to real-world problem-solving and the integration of technology. Utilizing a case study design, participants engaged in the Demijohn Problem, a modeling activity centered on quadratic functions. Data were collected through audio and video recordings, worksheets, and reflective essays. Findings indicate that while participants effectively understood and simplified problems, they faced challenges in model development and verification, often over-relying on technology without critical evaluation of their outputs. The study emphasizes the dual role of technology as both a facilitator and a potential barrier to deeper understanding. Recommendations for future research include comparative studies, focused investigations on interpretation and verification processes, and interventions promoting self-reflection on technological outputs. This research highlights the need for a balanced approach to mathematical modeling that fosters critical thinking and robust problem-solving skills.
... The main reasons for using this framework are: (1) Blomhøj and Højgaard Jensen (2003) focus on structural aspects of the modelling process which can be used as a tool to compare and Figure 1. The modelling process by Blomhøj and Højgaard Jensen (2003, p. 125) contrast to other descriptions of modelling; (2) The modelling process as described by Blomhøj and Højgaard Jensen as a non linear and non cyclic process is empirically observed (Ärlebäck, 2009;Borromeo Ferri, 2006;Oke & Bajpai, 1986), but not always depicted in other modelling schemes (see Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012 for examples of different schemes); (3) Blomhøj and Højgaard Jensen's framework is a similar view of modelling that forms the basis of the construction of the guiding questions used in Frejd (2011) to examine national course test items; and (4) It is an elaborated research perspective, which does not contradict the description of modelling in the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 2012). Instead it may be seen as an extension of the Swedish teaching goal, the modelling ability, with more clear and defined details, which leaves less space for interpretations. ...
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A new national curriculum has recently been implemented in the Swedish upper sec-ondary school where one of the goals to be taught is modelling ability. This paper presents a content analysis of 14 ”new” mathematical textbooks with the aim to investigate how the notion of mathematical modelling is presented. An analytic scheme is developed to identify mathematical modelling in the textbooks and to analyse modelling tasks and instructions. Results of the analysis show that there exist a variety of both explicit and implicit descriptions, which imply for teachers to be attentive to complement the textbooks with other material.
... Son varias las representaciones del ciclo de modelización que se pueden encontrar en la literatura (Doerr et al., 2017;Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012). Sin embargo, tal como Doerr et al. (2017) señalan, estas, como toda representación visual, transmiten algunos aspectos importantes de la modelización, pero inevitablemente relegan otros a un segundo plano o incluso los omiten. ...
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Con base en la presentación de un breve recorrido de la investigación en modelización matemática, en este artículo se identifican y analizan las principales tendencias y perspectivas que han marcado la evolución de la investigación en esta línea de estudio. Entre estas se incluyen aproximaciones a la definición de modelización matemática, el uso de tecnologías digitales, la interdisciplinariedad, la integración curricular, la formación docente y el conocimiento del profesor, entre otras. De esta manera, se identifican elementos clave del conocimiento del profesor que deberían fortalecerse en los programas de formación docente. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de formación que contribuye al desarrollo del conocimiento del profesor, al transitar de experimentar la modelización por sí mismo a diseñar e implementar actividades de enseñanza. Concluimos argumentando sobre cómo elementos clave que emergen de la literatura, aún sujetos a debate y confusión, podrían estructurarse en los programas de formación docente para contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento tecnológico y pedagógico para la enseñanza de la modelización matemática.
... One perspective frequently adopted is that of mathematical modelling as a cyclic process addressed in research literature as the modelling cycle (Niss & Blum, 2020;Geiger & Frejd, 2015). The modelling cycle can be organized and depicted in many ways with different foci (Borromeo Ferri, 2006;Jablonka, 1996;Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012). Figure 1 below displays an example that shows two domains -reality and mathematics -as well as a set of transitions (Blum 2015). ...
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In this chapter, we compare mathematical modelling and mathematical literacy, and explore mathematical modelling tasks as a means for fostering students’ mathematical literacy. We draw on our own research on three different classroom-based mathematical modelling tasks in different contexts that yielded rich and varied student activities. We analyze the tasks in light of five components of mathematical literacy: developing human capital, maintaining cultural identity, pursuing social change, creating environmental awareness, and evaluating mathematical applications. These five components can be used to enact or evaluate teaching that fosters students´ mathematical abilities to participate effectively and democratically in society in a productive and critical manner. We use these five components to evaluate how the three modelling tasks can foster mathematical literacy. The results show that all components came to the fore in at least one of the three analyzed modelling tasks. More generally, our approach to evaluating mathematical modelling tasks serves as an illustration for teacher educators and teachers concerning how they can analyze modelling tasks to foster mathematical literacy.
... The term "modeling cycle" is established to represent such solution processes (Depaepe et al., 2015). While nuances in modeling cycles may exist among subjects and within the mathematical discipline (Komor et al., 2021;Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012;Verschaffel et al., 2000), the expanded model in Fig. 1 (based on Blum and Leiss (2007) incorporates elements proven empirically relevant. According to Giere (1999), this is a representational conception of a model, accordingly representing an idealized description of mathematical solution processes of reality-based tasks. ...
... Mathematical modelling is a process of solving problems in real situations. It includes the recognition of a problem or situation, the formulation of a task, the explanation of conditions, the use or development of mathematical tools to translate and solve the situation, the creation of models and their evaluation to establish solutions, among others (Blum et al., 2009;Maaß, 2006;Perrenet & Zwaneveld, 2012). Mathematical modelling is a core practice for engineers across various professions (Cosmes Aragón & Montoya Delgadillo, 2021;Gainsburg, 2006Gainsburg, , 2013. ...
In this chapter, we explore the integration of mathematics and engineering through mathematical modelling. Drawing on situated learning as our theoretical framework, the research took place in a mathematical modelling course for engineers at a Colombian university. We analysed documents, video recordings, and field notes through content analyses. These data were produced by students when developing mathematical modelling projects. We identified four types of mathematical modelling processes conditioned by the formal and functional aspects of a product, as well as user demands and preferences. Finally, a mathematical modelling and engineering integrated process is described from subject participation, context, and professional practices.
... Because of its complexity, we only use the DCS to motivate the definition of simplified models and to validate our findings, and we perform our theoretical analysis on the simplified models, which we introduce in "The DDE model and Household network model" sections. In other words, our goal in this paper is to complete a full mathematical modeling cycle (Perrenet and Zwaneveld 2012), with the caveat that since we do not have access to real epidemiological datasets, we use one of the most complex and realistic epidemiological simulators (Lorch et al. 2022), which is based on real aggregate datasets. ...
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Inferring the source of a diffusion in a large network of agents is a difficult but feasible task, if a few agents act as sensors revealing the time at which they got hit by the diffusion. One of the main limitations of current source identification algorithms is that they assume full knowledge of the contact network, which is rarely the case, especially for epidemics, where the source is called patient zero. Inspired by recent implementations of contact tracing algorithms, we propose a new framework, which we call Source Identification via Contact Tracing Framework (SICTF). In the SICTF, the source identification task starts at the time of the first hospitalization, and initially we have no knowledge about the contact network other than the identity of the first hospitalized agent. We may then explore the network by contact queries, and obtain symptom onset times by test queries in an adaptive way, i.e., both contact and test queries can depend on the outcome of previous queries. We also assume that some of the agents may be asymptomatic, and therefore cannot reveal their symptom onset time. Our goal is to find patient zero with as few contact and test queries as possible. We implement two local search algorithms for the SICTF: the LS algorithm, which has recently been proposed by Waniek et al. in a similar framework, is more data-efficient, but can fail to find the true source if many asymptomatic agents are present, whereas the LS+ algorithm is more robust to asymptomatic agents. By simulations we show that both LS and LS+ outperform previously proposed adaptive and non-adaptive source identification algorithms adapted to the SICTF, even though these baseline algorithms have full access to the contact network. Extending the theory of random exponential trees, we analytically approximate the source identification probability of the LS/ LS+ algorithms, and we show that our analytic results match the simulations. Finally, we benchmark our algorithms on the Data-driven COVID-19 Simulator (DCS) developed by Lorch et al., which is the first time source identification algorithms are tested on such a complex dataset.
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A partir do entendimento de que a Modelagem Matemática está associada à busca por uma solução para um problema e que, nessa busca, é requerido o uso de um conjunto de procedimentos, trazemos uma discussão em torno de duas atividades de modelagem matemática que foram desenvolvidas no âmbito de um projeto de Iniciação Científica, o qual se fundamenta na ideia de que a integração de recursos tecnológicos à Modelagem Matemática para além de favorecer mobilização de conhecimentos diversos, promove geração de signos. São sobre esses signos, produzidos ao longo de atividades de modelagem matemática, que direcionamos o nosso olhar. Contudo, a nossa interpretação sobre signo segue apoiada na teoria semiótica peirceana; de que o signo é algo que representa alguma coisa a alguém. Para discutir acerca de aspectos relacionados a tal produção de signos (interpretantes), mediada pela tecnologia, evidenciamos os signos (interpretantes) que seguem atrelados ao exercício de busca por uma resposta para o problema em estudo. Como resultados inferimos que os interpretantes produzidos manifestam (des)conhecimentos e ganham conotações diferentes (imediato, dinâmico e final), sempre relacionados ao que representam ou provocam no intérprete.
This study aims to explore pre-service teachers’ solution spaces and model strategies in the mathematical modelling tasks involving estimations. A case study method was employed in the research. 119 pre-service teachers participated in the study. The data were collected in two weeks. The pre-service teachers created groups consisting of four or five individuals according to their wishes. Thus, 26 different groups emerged. The modelling problem was designed by the researcher by considering containing the reality, authenticity, closeness, openness, and modelling competencies criteria. The data collection tools consisted of the worksheets and presentation records of the pre-service teachers. The deduction and induction analysis methods were used together in the data analysis. According to the obtained findings, it was determined that the pre-service teachers used five different modelling strategies. In the problem given within the scope of the number of elements that could fit in a surface, the “reference point” was used most; on the other hand, the “concentration measures” were used least. It is found that taking the area covered by a sprinkler model as a reference rather than the area occupied by sprinklers in the solution spaces produces more realistic results. The solutions spaces created within these strategies was used to detail the modelling process. It is significant for teachers who will apply a similar modelling problem to know the created different modelling strategies and solution spaces. It is thought that the solution spaces will provide a source for teachers to keep track of the information related to their students.
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Mathematical Modelling: Can It Be Taught And Learnt? Werner Blum & Rita Borromeo Ferri Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1, 45-58 Abstract Mathematical modelling (the process of translating between the real world and mathematics in both directions) is one of the topics in mathematics education that has been discussed and propagated most intensely during the last few decades. In classroom practice all over the world, however, modelling still has a far less prominent role than is desirable. The main reason for this gap between the goals of the educational debate and everyday school practice is that modelling is difficult both for students’ and for teachers. In our paper, we will show examples of how students and teachers deal with demanding modelling tasks. We will refer both to results from our own projects DISUM and COM² as well as to empirical findings from various other research studies. First, we will present some examples of students’ difficulties with modelling tasks and of students’ specific modelling routes when solving such tasks (also dependent on their mathematical thinking styles), and try to explain these difficulties by the cognitive demands of these tasks. We will emphasise that mathematical modelling has to be learnt specifically by students, and that modelling can indeed be learned if teaching obeys certain quality criteria, in particular maintaining a permanent balance between teacher's guidance and students’ independence. We will then show some examples of how teachers have successfully realised this subtle balance, and we will present interesting differences between individual teachers’ handling of modelling tasks. In the final part of our paper, we will draw some consequences from the reported empirical findings and formulate corresponding implications for teaching mathematical modelling. Eventually, we will present some encouraging results from a recent intervention study in the context of the DISUM project where it is demonstrated that appropriate learning environments may indeed lead to a higher and more enduring progress concerning students’ modelling competency.
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Open University of the Netherlands One of the chapters of the new Dutch handbook of didactics of mathematics, which is currently being written by a team of didacticians, concerns mathematical modelling. This handbook aims at (further) professional development of mathematics teachers in upper secondary education. In this paper we report about the issues we included: dispositions about modelling, goals, designing aspects, testing, the role of domain knowledge, and computer modelling. We also reflect on the relationship between mathematics, teaching of mathematics and modelling, and on the role of modelling in the Dutch mathematics curriculum. INTRODUCTION In this paper we describe how the subject of mathematical modelling is treated in the new Dutch handbook of didactics of mathematics, which is to appear within the next few years. The intended audience of the handbook consists of students in teachers' colleges as well as mathematics' teachers in upper secondary education who want to learn about teaching modelling as part of their professional development. We try to bridge the gap between educational research and teaching practice by bringing together results, scattered about the literature, thus making them accessible to (future) teachers. We highlight those topics which our post graduate courses for teachers have shown to be most urgent for their practical needs. Many maths teachers are not familiar with modelling or do not want to spend time on modelling in math' class. Therefore we first address the question what modelling is (not) about and why it should be included in the mathematics curriculum. Next, we cover briefly some essential issues concerning the teaching of modelling.
Looking at modelling from a cognitive perspective has largely been neglected in the current discussion regarding modelling. Using the mathematical didactical and cognitive-psychological approach of mathematical thinking styles, this study analyses the modelling performed by teachers and students in context-bounded mathematics lessons. This study is complex, and so are the results. The focus of this paper is on the depiction of reconstructed and so-called individual modelling routes of sixteen-year-old learners working in groups on modelling problems during mathematics lessons. These routes provide an insight into the learners' cognitive procedures during modelling.
In this paper, we shall report on some of the work that has been, and is being, done in the DISUM project. In §, we shall describe the starting point of DISUM, the SINUS project aimed at developing high-quality teaching. In §, we shall briefly describe the DISUM project itself, and in §3 we shall present and analyse a modelling task from DISUM, the “Sugarloaf” problem. How students dealt with this task will be the topic of §4, the core part of this paper. How experienced SINUS teachers dealt with this task in the classroom will be reported in §5. Finally, in §6, we shall briefly describe future plans for the DISUM project.
Oratie De kracht van wiskun Vanaf september 2006 is Jaap Molenaar hoogleraar Toegepaste Wiskunde binnen het instituut Biometris van de Universiteit Wageningen. Tot dusver heeft hij altijd gewerkt in de toegepaste analyse, waarbij hij zich sterk maakt voor meer gebruik van wiskundige inzichten in industrie en maatschappij. Zijn onderzoek concentreert zich rond het modelleren van continue fysische processen. In onderstaande oratie beschrijft Jaap Molenaar de overstap van de dode materie naar de levende natuur. Het is een controversiële tekst: zo betoogt hij dat een wiskundig model niet leidt tot begrip van het beschreven fenomeen en trekt hij het evolutiemodel in twijfel. Onze brievenrubriek staat open voor gefundeerde reacties. Toen ik na de middelbare school een stu-die moest kiezen, heb ik over veel richtin-gen nagedacht. Eén richting echter sloot ik bij voorbaat uit: biologie. Dat leek me veel te moeilijk en ongrijpbaar. Maar wat gebeurt er nu? Na me vele jaren met de dode na-tuur bezig gehouden te hebben, stap ik op rijpere leeftijd toch de wereld van de leven-de natuur binnen. En dat het echt een ande-re wereld is, blijkt wel uit het volgende voor-val. Toen ik voor het geven van mijn eerste collega mijn fiets stalde aan de Binnenha-Figuur 1 Bouwsel ter bescherming van een wespennest