
Manual para el uso de de la tecnología EM en granjas de camarón en Tabasco

... Sin embargo, fue notoria la mayor ocurrencia de desoves durante la estación de verano en que los niveles de temperatura llegaron a 29 o C. El término probiótico fue definido como un suplemento microbiano formado por un cultivo simple o una mezcla de micro organismos que son adicionados con el propósito de manipular las comunidades microbianas presentes en los sistemas de producción (Balcázar, 2002, en Quiñones, 2008. Barba et al. (2009) indicaron que, aunque el mecanismo de acción de los microorganismos probióticos ha sido estudiado pobremente en forma sistemática, de manera general, promueven la absorción directa o descomponen la materia orgánica, disponen mediante procesos de oxidación, amonificación, nitrificación y desnitrificación de sales inorgánicas, las cuales son importantes para el crecimiento de las microalgas favoreciendo la fotosíntesis y oxigenación en la columna de agua. Esto trae consigo mejorar y mantener los rangos adecuados de calidad de agua para la acuicultura, como, por ejemplo: eliminar el amonio, ácidos orgánicos, ácido sulfhídrico, equilibrar el pH y otros compuestos químicos. ...
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Resumen The study was performed in order to identify the feasibility of operating a demonstration module production seed Nile tilapia in La Libertad. They told rearing tanks with aeration system and water recirculation supplemented with probiotic administration. Brood fish were acquired in Moyobamba, San Martin and after receipt underwent a selection process based on morphological characteristics that offer advantage for meat production. In breeding adults was established relationship female - male 3: 1. They were examined periodically females to collect eggs or larvae in their mouth for handling in artisanal incubators. They were evaluated the physical and chemical variables units incubation and breeding for the purpose of monitoring and control of water quality observing demonstration module temperature levels of 16.6 and 29 °C without the survival of being affected species. The highest frequency of spawning occurred in the summer season with temperature levels of 29 °C making the extraction and incubation of 4900 eggs in artisanal incubators determining a production of 3932 juvenile fish with a survival of 80.8%. The module operation seed production was technically feasible for Nile tilapia in La Libertad.
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The mass culture of scallops Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) faces serious problems because of high larval mortalities. The main cause of mortality is the presence of pathogenic bacteria belonging to the genus Vibrio. In this study, the potential inhibitory activity against vibrios was examined for a native bacterial strain identified as Alteromonas haloplanktis. This strain clearly suppressed the growth of Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio anguillarum, two strains that cause severe mortalities in larval cultures of A. purpuratus. The active inhibitory components were found to be produced during the stationary phase of the culture, and they appear to be sensitive to heat. The inhibitory metabolites were precipitated by ammonium sulphate, and they possibly contained a proteinaceous compound. This is the first report of the isolation of Alteromonas species associated with bivalve culture producing antibiotic substances. This strain is potentially useful as a probiotic in the culture of A. purpuratus.
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Argopecten purpuratus is one of the most valuable molluscs in aquaculture activities in Chile. However, there are several problems for mass production of seeds under controlled condition. One of these is bacterial infection in early larval stages. In this study, breeders were analyzed as possible route for bacterial entrance to cultures. Bacteria associated with gametes were found, with predominance of genus Pseudomonas. Also the genera Vibrio, Chromobacterium, Flavobacterium and Moraxella were detected. In spawning induced under sterile condition the transfer of bacteria from parents to early larval veliger stage was determined. Although bacterial concentration in gametes was low (0.24 CFU/Ovum), bacteria show a clear tendency to increase in number at the veliger stage. Among the transferred bacteria, the presence of Vibrio anguillarum- related (VAR) bacteria as potential pathogen for marine bivalves is remarkable.
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Shrimp farming development in southern Sinaloa and its effects on coastal environments were analyzed by municipalities and by region. The study was made on 24 farms that represent 89% of the total farms in the region. This activity grew from 100 to 1820ha after 14 yr, but there were no serious alterations of the landscape as a consequence of the farm construction, with the exception of those that had invaded lagoon systems. Most of the farms were built on saline, low-productive soils. However, some natural processes in the estuarine systems such as silting and hydrodynamics could have been modified because of the shrimp farm infrastructure (channels, dredging). The characteristics of the activity in the region are similar to those at state and national levels. Most operations are semiintensive systems with white, blue, and brown shrimp as the cultured species. The regional shrimp farms have not developed as much as the ones in other parts of the state, but growth is increasing gradually. We suggest that the development of this activity must be regulated, taking into account characteristics of the estuarine systems, and must incorporate a regional view, including some other interacting activities such as agriculture and fishing, to evaluate its growth potential.
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The most common substances used in pond aquaculture are fertilizers and liming materials. Fertilizers are highly soluble and release nutrients that can cause eutrophication of natural waters. Fertilizers are also corrosive and some are highly explosive, so proper handling is necessary to prevent accidents. Some liming materials are caustic and can be hazardous to workers if proper precautions are not exercised. Liming materials do not cause environmental problems, and liming and inorganic fertilizer compounds do not present food safety concerns. An array of other substances is used less frequently in aquaculture including: oxidants, disinfectants, osmoregulators, algicides, coagulants, herbicides, and probiotics. These compounds or biological products quickly degrade or precipitate. They are not bioaccumulative and do not cause environmental perturbations in natural waters receiving pond effluents. Accidental spills of some substances could cause environmental damage. Most substances used in pond aquaculture to improve soil or water quality present little or no risk to food safety. The use of human wastes in aquaculture or the contamination of aquaculture systems with agricultural or industrial pollution could result in product contamination and food safety concerns. Some substances pose safety risks to workers, explosion or fire hazards, or cause mild pollution.
ABSTRACTA shrimp production module was constructed on a pilot scale at Corpus Christi, Texas and operated on a demonstration basis from 21 April through 10 November, 1973. The unit, consisting of three adjacent ponds of 0.05 ha (nursery), 0.1 ha (intermediate) and 0.2 ha (grow-out) through which shrimp were rotated as they grew, provided a better utilization of space than previously realized in single pond units. Properly designed and operated, this module has production capabilities of 2,000 to 3,000 kg of shrimp during the 6 to 7 month growing season available in Texas and up to 6,000 kg in areas where year-round operation is feasible.
The ability of BLIS-(bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance)-producing Aeromonas media, strain A199, to act as a probiotic was assessed on the host animal, Crassostrea gigas, by testing whether or not strain A199 could prevent death of the oyster larvae when challenged with Vibrio tubiashii. Whereas larvae, challenged with the Vibrio, died within 5 days, the presence of both the pathogen and the probiotic strain, together, did not affect the viability of the larvae over the same time period. The viability of larvae challenged with A199 alone was also unaffected. In addition, A199 exhibited antagonistic activity against a wide range of fish/shellfish pathogens in vitro. These findings have important, economic implications for those engaged in the oyster producing industry where heavy losses can be experienced as a result of an infectious outbreak.
A global perspective on the environmental impacts related to the establishment and operation of shrimp aquaculture is presented. Alternatives to reduce the impacts are considered and research priorities are recommended.
El potencial de la camaronicultura para transformar el paisaje en la zona costera
  • L A Ruiz
  • C A Berlanga
Ruiz, L.A. y C.A. Berlanga R. 2001. El potencial de la camaronicultura para transformar el paisaje en la zona costera. El sur de Sinaloa como caso de estudio. En. Paez O.F. (ed.) Camaronicultura y medio ambiente. PUALICMYL-El Colegio de Sinaloa. México 328-334.
Utilización de Morera (Morus alba) en la alimentación de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Tesis de Licenciatura
  • M Palencia
  • L E Girón
Palencia, M. E J y L. E. Girón G. 2005. Utilización de Morera (Morus alba) en la alimentación de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad EARTH. Las Mercerdes de Guácimo, Costa Rica. 53p.
  • Martínez Córdoba
Martínez Córdoba, L. R. 1999. Introducción. En L. R. Martínez Córdoba (Ed.), Cultivo de camarones peneidos. Principios y prácticas (pp. 13-16). México: AGT Editor
Use of super-intensive greenhouse-enclosed raceway systems for the production of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei
  • B J Macabee
  • J W Bruce
  • C R Weirich
  • A D Stokes Y
  • C L Browdy
Macabee, B. J, J. W. Bruce, C. R. Weirich, A. D. Stokes y C. L. Browdy. 2003. Use of super-intensive greenhouse-enclosed raceway systems for the production of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei. p. 169 In: Abstracts of Aquaculture America 2003. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Herramientas moleculares: una estrategia para la prevención de epizootias virales en cultivos de camarón
  • J De La Rosa-Vélez
  • J R Bonami
De la Rosa-Vélez, J. y J. R. Bonami. 2002. Herramientas moleculares: una estrategia para la prevención de epizootias virales en cultivos de camarón. En L. R. Martínez Córdoba (Ed.), Camaronicultura. Avances y tendencias (pp. 83-110). México: AGT Editor. --(en prensa). Detección molecular de agentes virales que afectan al cultivo de camarón. Hidrobilológica.
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. FAO, Rome, Italy. 41 pp.