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Problem statement: The theory discussed is revealing, as compared to studies on the human brain, the fact that he has inherited the structure and organization of three fundamental types of reptiles, ancient or primitive mammals and mammals, or recent evolved. What is very disconcerting is that nature has been able to connect with each other and establish a sort of communication between them. Approach: The objective was to focus the study on chemical substances that regulate the activity of nerve cells, neurons. We can define neuromodulators or modulators of behavior because their intervention more or less obvious influence our own actions. The method under consideration is the TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation, a noninvasive technique of Neurostimulation and neuromodulation which is based on a type of electromagnetic induction of an electric field. Results: This property of TMS allows us to understand the precise moment when a brain region contributes to a certain task, to map the functional connectivity between different brain regions, to identify the causal relationships involved far treated between brain, cognition and behavior. Conclusion: It 'as certain that the thoughts and experience change the configuration of our brain connections, but so can the induced systems, based on the same principle, capable of altering particularly for therapeutic, rehabilitative or educational, the brain matter on the basis of premises of the so-called phenomenon called Hebbian learning based on chemical changes in the cells and synapses known as long-term potentiation.
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... They are closely related to neurological diseases. Brain lesions affecting the limbic system including the hypothalamus, amygdale, and cingulate gyrus which are intimately associated structures such as the basal ganglia are mainly associated with emotion and mood disturbances which often are the first symptom of neurological disease [3,4]. ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic is causing serious fear of falling sick, dying, helplessness and stigma. Such diseases have had a negative considerable influence on every aspect of society of any given nation. Although depression is a commonly occurring global mental health disease, research concerning tools and strategies for early detection, prevention and treatment has not yet focused on the possible utilisation of measures of Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a potential predictive factor impacting depression. The present study investigated the correlation between the construct of EI and the depression during Covid-19 pandemic. A population sample of 141 outpatients (57% female) have completed self-report instruments assessing EI and depression. The regression model reveals that Covid-19 exposure predicted depressive symptoms and there was positive beta for Covid-19 (β, 176, p < 0.04). The positive beta for using emotions RO (β, 259, p < 0.06) and managing emotions UE (β, 217, p < 0.05) suggest that participants in our sample were skilled at using and managing emotions to improve their behaviour and emotions, prevent, reduce and overcome the depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Because the neural system involved in EI overlaps with the neural system that subserves critical decision making during any serious crises such as the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, measures of EI may show predictive values in terms of early identification of those at risk for developing depression as a result of COVID-19 exposure. The current study points to the potential value of conducting further studies of a prospective nature. Keywords: Covid-19; Neurology; Emotional Intelligence (EI); Depression; Medial Prefrontal Cortex (MPC); Limbic Brain
... Lo studioso fa riferimento a: @BULLET de La Garanderie (1991) e alla sua teoria del gesto mentale; @BULLETReuchelin (1981), che si sofferma sulla possibilità di trovare un'adeguata risoluzione, in grado di compensare un deficit; @BULLET von Uexküll (1967) eVygotski (1987), che effettuano un'attenta disamina, relativa agli effetti derivanti dal contesto sociale; @BULLET Bandura (2013) il quale sostiene che l'apprendimento, attraverso l'esperienza diretta, spesso si produce su base vicaria, vale a dire, analizzando il comportamento degli altri e le conseguenze che ne scaturiscono. Tali studi, se pur diversificati, riconducono all'idea della plasticità del sistema nervoso (Corona-Cozzarelli 2011), che non verrebbe più considerato come una struttura predefinita, bensì capace di rimodularsi a seguito di emergenti necessità funzionali, oppure connesse a bisogni indotti da eventi traumatici e/o patologici. È conclamato, infatti, che un neurone, non più in grado di operare come prima, possa essere sostituito, da un altro neurone, grazie a un diverso collegamento sinaptico, determinando così la possibilità di ristabilire e reintegrare il circuito: subentra, ovvero, una funzione vicaria di altri neuroni, in sostituzione dei neuroni parzialmente o mal funzionanti. ...
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Nell'ambito del confronto scientifico sulla teoria della semplessità, la vicarianza è intesa come la capacità creativa del cervello di usare molteplici e spesso inusuali strategie per raggiungere un obiettivo, per rimpiazzare un senso o per supplire ad un processo con un altro. Nel campo educativo-didattico, la vicarianza permette l'individuazione di possibili " deviazioni " metodologiche per fronteggiare la complessità che caratterizza i processi di insegnamento-appren-dimento. Questo volume si offre alla comunità scientifica come uno spazio di confronto interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare che consenta di supportare, in maniera flessibile e non lineare, la ricerca didattica e pedagogica nell'individuazione delle strategie più efficaci per rispondere alle attuali emergenze educati-ve. I lavori sono suddivisi in cinque sezioni: Agire didattico e vicarianza; Vicarianza in educazione tra ontogenesi e filogenesi; Vicarianza ed inclusione in una prospettiva psico-socio-educativa; Vicarianza ed empatia in ambito educativo; Il " corpo in atto " nel processo di insegnamento-apprendimento.
... In this section, we will present the main terminology of TMS that has been studied to date. TMS was originally introduced by Anthony Barker et al. [4] as non-invasive focal brain stimulation and safe and painless way to study the CNS, more specifically, to activate human motor cortex and assess the human central motor pathways [15]. ...
Neurological and psychiatric disorders are characterized by several disabling symptoms for which effective, mechanism-based treatments remain elusive. Consequently, more advanced non-invasive therapeutic methods are required. A method that may modulate brain activity and be viable for use in clinical practice is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). It is a non-invasive procedure whereby a pulsed magnetic field stimulates electrical activity in the brain. Here, we focus on the basic foundation of rTMS, the main stimulation parametters, the factors that influence individual responses to rTMS and the experimental advances of rTMS that may become a viable clinical application to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders. The findings showed that rTMS can improve some symptoms associated with these conditions and might be useful for promoting cortical plasticity in patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, these changes are transient and it is premature to propose these applications as realistic therapeutic options, even though the rTMS technique has been evidenced as a potential modulator of sensorimotor integration and neuroplasticity. Functional imaging of the region of interest could highlight the capacity of rTMS to bring about plastic changes of the cortical circuitry and hint at future novel clinical interventions. Thus, we recommend that further studies clearly determine the role of rTMS in the treatment of these conditions. Finally, we must remember that however exciting the neurobiological mechanisms might be, the clinical usefulness of rTMS will be determined by its ability to provide patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders with safe, long-lasting and substantial improvements in quality of life.
... Glutamate appears to be rich in all superfoods used during Paleolithic period which may have antidepressant like activity (Singh et al., 2010c; Tee and Hassan, 2011). These foods may also modulate brain configuration during emotional behavior (Corona et al., 2011). ...
... Rosalind Pichard also affirmed that emotions are physiological and cognitive responses that body gives in relation to certain external stimuli and that these emotions are associated with realization of purposes related to the survival of the individual and of the species in a physic and socio-cultural environment. We refer to the limbic system (Corona, Cozzarelli, 2011), the system assigned to the elaboration and regulation of emotions and to the activation and mediation of essential functions for survival. Emotions and feelings together take part to our multiple cognitive processes. ...
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This experience of psycho-emotional education is part of more extensive international researches based on the hypothesis that the “emotional experience”, if inserted in the daily conduct of the school curriculum, especially in the nursery school one, represents an excellent training opportunity, since it fosters the learners’ best perception of the self, thus strengthening their expressive and communicative attitude. On the basis of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) principles and inspired by a previous experience carried out by the Department of Human Science for training, this experimental project has been put into practice by some nursery schools in RC, thus providing very interesting data for the confirmation of the hypothesis. It has been also developed a study on the affective computing and the cognitive computing pursuing a new perspective that exceeds the traditional vision of what is defined as artificial intelligence and analyzes intelligence and aspects of perceptions, often neglected, with a methodological approach considering the emotional processes as important as the cognitive ones.
... The data produced by research have allowed to hypothesize on various relevant systems approach to the treatment of disorders such as Floor Time. 3 We found that the severity and mainly the symptoms of autism varies greatly from individual to individual and in most cases tends to have a regressive phase with age, especially if mental retardation is mild or absent, and a valid treatment is not undertaken at an early age. ...
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The international scientific community classifies autism as a behavioral syndrome caused by a developmental disorder. Our research is directed to investigate the role of genetic factors, environmental, and their mutual interaction, and in particular we have focused on the study of the brain through neuroimaging techniques by which it was studied the role of the image, both structural and functional, processed in the brain. The data produced by research so far have allowed to speculate on various relevant systems approach to the treatment of disorders such as Floor Time. In education, in fact, has been established the effectiveness of interventions directed not only to children with this disorder, but also and above all forms of psycho-education for the same: areas of intervention based on training not only behavioral but just on developing motor intentionality and communicative self. The project is developed, therefore, alternating moments of observation and direct work with the child in the class meetings for discussion and exchange with the teachers and parents. Each meeting is organized on a monthly basis and last for 4 hours, had as its goal to monitor the project and redefine individual pupil through the identification of new targets to pursue. Between us and the other is an empathic link that's why we talk about emotional resonance.
... Consequently, since the birth, the child is engaged in dealing between what is perceived in an objective and what is conceived subjectively. The research we are conducting (Corona F., Cozzarelli C., 2011) is aimed just to the discovery and discrimination of the intermediate that is allowed between the child's creativity and objective perception based on reality testing. Field of investigation extended specifically to people with various types of medium-severe disability. ...
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The term transitional object opens the way to the condition of being able to accept the same way the difference and similarity. The research we are conducting is aimed just to the discovery and discrimination of the intermediate that is allowed between the child's creativity and objective perception based on reality testing (Corona F., Cozzarelli C., 2011). The assumption we made is that the object mediator, as an extension of himself, has a crucial role in fulfilling the role of facilitator of the transformation. There are people with ADHD who need very often, if not always, represented by the concrete mediation, because their ability to symbolize is still developing or has stopped for some reason. There may also be phases or periods of life when a person who does not have any particular difficulties and who came to use less concrete mediators of an object, such as voice and gesture, have the need to return the items. But the fact remains that the ultimate goal is the achievement of symbolization. was fielded a methodological proposal similar to the one used in Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), psychotherapy, developed thanks to the U.S. clinical psychologist Albert Ellis, and that has changed over time stands in Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy (rational-emotive behavior therapy / REBT).
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The term "enactive mind" comes from the Varela work and the concept of "activation" underlines. Approach you enactive involves two concepts: from a side than the perception he consists in an action to his time driven by the perception coming from that action date and from the other but the cognitive structures they emerge from the recurring sensory- motor schemes which allow the action to be perceptively driven. In the specific one, approach him EM places like a frame to frame a series of phenomena considered essential for the comprehension of the concept of adaptation as social as the necessity of considering the relation world complexity as, the importing time constraints present in it, the nature and the modes in which mechanisms of this adaptation allow the formation of the social knowledge. In the EM approach the child "activates the social world" selectively perceiving it in the terms of what which is immediately essential for a social action, while the mental representations (the social knowledge) of this individualized world build themselves based on the repeated experiences ripened by these actions driven by the perception, become then deeply you root in the history of relational actions of the child to be tools for the adaptation to the world in which alive. The enactive vision, although it recalls in the meaning the concept of representation as mode to know, tries to exceed it in favor of the corporeality, that is an incorporate mind (embodied mind). A corollary of this theory is that subjects with autism learn on the people in a deviating way with respect to the typical social development process.
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Abstract: Problem statement: The cultural aspect of the game lies in its extraordinary value as a learning tool, as even traditional model of sports, eventually took on new and expanded features. Motor-sports activities proposed in the form of play, are increasingly seen as a real social need, which involves large and small, young and old, able-bodied and disabled people in perspective of a practice that is not just reserved for a select few and tied to the achievement of high performance but is increasingly accessible and adapted to all individual skills and abilities, as stated by Corona. Among the possible applications of information technology in the United States has been imagined and realized the combination of two areas or learning, education, entertainment and fun. Approach: The new roles in the training areas in Europe have created a radical shift to a more focused reflection on ways and methods that can facilitate transmission of knowledge using tools borrowed from its edutainment. In fact they are multiplying in this sense approaches and experiences that change, depending on the cultural horizons examined the practices of learning fun. Results: A cognitive knowledge cannot be separated from knowledge and thus affective learning tacit or experimental is considered effective. When we experience our feelings are engaged and respond directly, learning experience and its knowledge in a spontaneous and sensory. Conclusion: Research conducted in the field has shown that recreational activities can teach children different things: To tell stories, to know and be able to count the numbers, participate and be together with others. Yet even for the highest age group we must move towards the game-teaching.
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Problem statement: The definition of "symbolic species" used by Terrence W. Deacon means more complete the process of monitoring the encounter between semiotics and cognitive sciences neurosemiotics better defined. Approach: The mechanism of the symbolic threshold means that it is put in place an approach to reality no longer seen as a representative of simple association, but under a restructuring or a recombination, at least relatively stable, a number of different elements in a hierarchical plan. Possible will be a channel for research that is based on the theoretical model called "symbolic" and use the model interactive / cognitive develop through which different forms of language, communication and supports the expression and actions of each of us. From the neurobiological point of view, with regard to neuronal function, several theories are based on brain function as a binder with extreme plasticity, consistent with fragments of information to higher levels of the brain are organized and interact in order to acquire meaning. These transactions are done through organizing maps consist of groups of neurons, synapses and neurotransmitters, continuous regeneration to form categories of objects and events to recognize. Results: The most effective in building a map of the difference of a traditional information technology, borrowed from the language suggested by our mind, are much more spontaneous and direct .The study showed the effectiveness of this tool as the construction of knowledge of the inexhaustible capacity of the mind during laboratory work at the Degree of Education, University of Salerno (Italy), compared to affected users mainly adopt systems, strategies and possible interventions for teaching in kindergartens and adolescence. Conclusion: Applicability of the questionnaires were administered in teaching and scientific mind map. The consequences of the administration of the questionnaire has far exceeded expectations and led the students, the motivation to carry out projects to promote knowledge of the fundamentals of experience in various fields and disciplines, through a system that is considered usable, functional, from early childhood, particularly for people with disabilities.
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Problem statement: The aphasia is one of human language and action related brain associative diseases. The mechanisms of the diseases and the brain association are still unclear. In this study, we proposed our models of the neuronal signal processes, in a view of BioInforPhysics, to understand the mechanisms. Approach: Our models are based on today
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Innate neuroinflammatory changes, increased oxidative stress and disorders of glutathione metabolism may be involved in the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Propionic acid (PPA) is a dietary and gut bacterial short chain fatty acid which can produce brain and behavioral changes reminiscent of ASD following intraventricular infusion in rats. Adult Long-Evans rats were given intraventricular infusions of either PPA (500ug uL1, 4µl animal1) or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) vehicle, twice daily for 7 days. Immediately following the second daily infusion, the locomotor activity of each rat was assessed in an automated open field (Versamax) for 30 min. PPA-treated rats showed significant increases in locomotor activity compared to PBS vehicle controls. Following the last treatment day, specific brain regions were assessed for neuroinflammatory or oxidative stress markers. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed reactive astrogliosis (GFAP), activated microglia (CD68, Iba1) without apoptotic cell loss (Caspase 3 and NeuN) in hippocampus and white matter (external capsule) of PPA treated rats. Biomarkers of protein and lipid peroxidation, total glutathione (GSH) as well as the activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were examined in brain homogenates. Some brain regions of PPA treated animals (neocortex, hippocampus, thalamus, striatum) showed increased lipid and protein oxidation accompanied by decreased total GSH in neocortex. Catalase activity was decreased in most brain regions of PPA treated animals suggestive of reduced antioxidant enzymatic activity. GPx and GR activity was relatively unaffected by PPA treatment while GST was increased perhaps indicating involvement of GSH in the removal of PPA or related catabolites. Impairments in GSH and catalase levels may render CNS cells more susceptible to oxidative stress from a variety of toxic insults. Overall, these findings are consistent with those found in ASD patients and further support intraventricular PPA administration as an animal model of ASD.
Over a century of behavioral research has shown that stress can exert both positive and negative effects on memory. We have explored the idea that the complex effects of stress on learning and memory can be characterized by hormetic- and non-hormetic dose-response functions, in which stress may either stimulate or impair brain men~ory mechanisms, depending, in part, on the timing and duration of the stress experience. Extensive work has shown that acute stress or corticosteroid administration has a biphasic effect specifically on hippocampus-dependent learning, memory and synaptic plasticity. We suggest that brief stress exerts a rapid enhancement of memory-related functions of the hippocampus, produced by the amygdala-induced-activation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity in conjunction with excitatory effects of neuromodulators, including glucocorticoids, norepinephrine, corticotropin-releasing hormone, acetylcholine and dopamine. We propose that the rapid stress-induced activation of the amygdala-hippocampus brain memory system results in a linear (non-hormetic) dose-response relation between emotional strength and memory formation. In response to more prolonged stress, a delayed inhibition of hippocampal function develops, which can be attributed to compensatory cellular responses which protect hippocampal neurons from excitotoxicity. The inhibition of hippocampal functioning in response to prolonged stress is potentially relevant to the well-described curvilinear (hormetic) dose-response relationship between arousal and memory. In summary, our emphasis on the temporal features of stress-brain interactions addresses how stress can activate, as well as impair, hippocampal functioning to produce differently shaped (non-hormetic/hormetic) stress-memory dose response functions.
Le Finalità del Cervello
  • R Granit
Granit, R., 1979. Le Finalità del Cervello. 1st Edn., Boringhieri, Torino, ISBN: 8833903605, pp: 228.