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Proceedings of BERC's Second Conference on 'Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine'

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Palestine Bioexploration Center: Use of the Screen-To-Nature (STN) technology for exploring biological activities Palestinian flora. M. S. Ali-Shtayeh, Rana M. Jamous Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center (BERC), Til, Nablus, Palestine. BERC- Bio-Xploration Center (BERC-BEC) was established in 2013 through the Bio-Xplore project: “Novel methodology for the Identification of Valuable Natural Products Derived from Mediterranean Flora” funded by European Union under the ENPI CBC MED programme (Bio-Xplore I B/1.1/288). BERC-BEC provides scientific support for converting some folklore medicine into pharmaceuticals or other useful products developed according to international standards. It increases job opportunities and strengthen economic clusters. Based upon the new findings of BERC-BEC, local scientists will be able to increase research and identify valuable active compounds. Discovering of new compounds will result in increasing agricultural area for targeted plants. Successful growing of crops will lead to building of new local factories to extract the active materials, which can be used for producing new cosmetic component, dry spice and tradition flavors additives. BERC-BEC also helps protect the environment, especially threatened plant species. Its educational programs will increase the public’s awareness of the value of the native flora and the importance of its conservation. BERC-BEC has introduced the Screen-to-Nature (STN) technology into different Palestine, through the GIBEX program. The technology was introduced to the community as well as to scientists. All the workshops and research started with caution and suspicion and ended with much excitement and motivation to work together. Scientist as well as local people and traditional doctors were amazed to realize the benefits of the collaboration from both sides. From then on much excitement was involved in the project and it turned out to be very successful. Results were presented and discussed. The STN technology which is implemented at BERC-BEC is a novel technique, as it enables the screen of tens of thousands of specimens in a relatively short time thereby increasing the chances of discovering new valuable compounds. The STN technology is innovative in the sense that it allows local people to be involved in Research &Development (R&D) tasks and work. This is something which is not usually available and which might help promoting R&D activities among students in Palestine. Since the screening of the plants is done in the field the screens must be light and easy to carry. The screens are simple to understand and simple to operate in different environment and produce fast but accurate and reliable results. Through the Bio-Xplore project were used 10 STN kits. These include among others antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, protease and protease inhibitors, round worm lethality, planaria regeneration and lethality. During the project period BERC team was able to screen more than 1500 plant extracts belonging to 602 plant species, these plants are distributed among 368 genera and 109 Family. The results of these screens are discussed in this presentation.
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This book is aimed at providing the readers with ethnobotanic and ethnopharmacological information on plants currently used for treating various ailments in Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine (TAPHM) in the West Bank and Gaza. The information is mainly based on twenty year-long ethnobotanic and ethnopharmacological studies in the West Bank and Gaza. The information was collected from a large number of informants, on the basis of their knowledge of traditional medicine, including: households, practitioners or healers, "attarine", and persons with acknowledged knowledge of traditional medicine at their communities. The book is a reference of clinical information on over 192 herbs used in the Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine (TAPHM). The book is intended for educational purposes, as well as a convenient reference for both health professionals and their clients. It makes no claims for the appropriateness of any herb in individual situations. Correct choice of herbs may require evaluation by a health professional. With this precaution in mind, the information should be useful to a broad range of users. The book includes information about botanical classification, dosage, preparation, physiological notes, and traditional Palestinian clinical indications. The clinical rules and procedures of TAPHM are explained in clear and concise language. The book comprises a preface, two chapters: Introduction on Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine; and Plants Used in Traditional Arabic Palestinian Medicine; References; two Appendixes; and 5 Indexes ( Plants Arabic Common Name, English Name, Scientinfic Name, Plant Family Name, and Ailments treated by the plants mentioned in the book) . Appendix A: Photos of plants mentioned in the book. Appendix B: "The 2008 Palestinian National Inventory of Medicinal Plants: West Bank and Gaza". This includes 355 medicinal plants. A limited database on TAPHM extracted from this book, is now available free online. The database comprises 192 herb entries plus indexes by Arabic common name, English name, scientific name, family, and diseases they treat, for cross-referencing and easy look-up of terminology, and indexing of terms.
Nablus Editors Mohammed Saleem Ali-Shtayeh Rana Majed Jamous BERC " Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine
  • Lecture Theater
  • Berc
Lecture Theater, BERC, Til, Nablus Editors Mohammed Saleem Ali-Shtayeh Rana Majed Jamous BERC " Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine " May 17, 2007