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Processes for the Production of Xylitol—A
I. S. M. Rafiqul
& A. M. Mimi Sakinah
Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti
Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Accepted author version posted online: 10 Sep 2012.
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Xylitol—A Review, Food Reviews International, 29:2, 127-156
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Food Reviews International, 29:127–156, 2013
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 8755-9129 print / 1525-6103 online
DOI: 10.1080/87559129.2012.714434
Processes for the Production of Xylitol—A Review
Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is used as a sweetener for diabetics and also for other
purposes (e.g., in chewing gum). Industrially, xylitol is manufactured through a chemi-
cal process that has some disadvantages, including a high energy requirement, extensive
purification steps, and a high cost of product. The microbial production of xylitol has
been examined as an alternative to the chemical process, which on an industrial scale is
time-consuming mainly due to sterilization and inoculum development. The enzymatic
production of xylitol from lignocellulosics is an attractive and promising alternative to
the chemical process, potentially eliminating the major disadvantages of conventional
processes. This article reviews the literature on xylitol production processes and iden-
tifies ways to further improve xylitol synthesis to compete with the current chemical
Keywords Xylitol, Xylose, Xylose fermentation, Xylose reductase (XR)
Xylitol is a naturally occurring five-carbon sugar alcohol that is used commercially as a
natural sweetener in various food products. It is also a normal metabolic intermediate pro-
duced during mammalian carbohydrate metabolism at a range of 5–15 g per day in an
adult human.
Xylitol is an ideal sweetener for diabetic patients because its metabolism
is independent of insulin.
It has been shown to prevent tooth decay
and ear infec-
tions in small children,
and is used for parenteral nutrition in infusion therapy.
might have widespread potential applications in the food industry, but the volume of use
is small because of its cost and lack of availability. It is principally used in certain sweet-
ened products such as confectionery,
in personal health products such as mouthwash and
and in the pharmaceutical industry such as a sweetener or coating agent for
pharmaceutical products.
Hence, xylitol has attracted global demand mainly due to its
insulin-independent metabolism, anticariogenecity, sweetening power similar to sucrose,
and pharmacological properties. The interest in xylitol production originated from its appli-
cability as a diabetic sweetener.
At present, xylitol is approved for use in foods,
pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and oral health products in more than 50 countries.
Its market is growing very fast and is currently estimated to be over US$ 340 million/year
and priced at US$ 6–7 per kg.
Xylitol is industrially produced by catalytic reduction of pure
D-xylose but can also
be produced by biotechnological approaches. The hemicellulosic sugar xylose is extracted
from lignocellulosic material (LCM) mainly by acidic or enzymatic hydrolysis. Industrially,
Address correspondence to Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. M. Mimi Sakinah, Faculty of Chemical and
Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
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128 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
xylitol is currently manufactured by chemical hydrogenation of pure
D-xylose in the pres-
ence of a nickel catalyst at elevated temperature and pressure.
The recovery of
xylitol is about 50–60% of the xylan fraction or 8–15% of the initial raw material and
the resultant product is very expensive because of the extensive separation and purification
The chemical method of xylitol manufacturing is laborious, and energy-
and cost-intensive. Moreover, it involves expensive refining treatments needed for the pro-
duction of pure xylose. As alternatives to the conventional method, two biotechnological
approaches seem promising: the microbial process and the enzymatic approach. These
biotechnological processes seem to be highly attractive alternatives that might be able to
produce a high-quality and cost-effective product. To understand the progress of xylitol
production methods, the features of the different methods, including the key technologies,
xylitol yields, productivities, advantages, and disadvantages, are compared (Table 1).
The microbial process uses bacteria, fungi, and yeast for xylitol production from
xylose or hemicellulosic hydrolyzate. The production of xylitol using bacteria and fungi
has been studied to a lesser extent compared with that using yeast. A few bacteria,
such as Enterobacter liquefaciens,
Corynebacterium sp.,
Mycobacterium smegma-
and Gluconobacter oxydans,
have been reported to synthesize xylitol from pure
D-xylose. There are very few studies regarding xylitol production from D-xylose using fila-
mentous fungi.
The best xylitol producers among the microorganisms are considered
to be yeasts. As a result, yeasts have been studied extensively in the last few decades by vari-
ous researchers.
The screening of different xylose-fermenting yeasts has confirmed
that the highest producer of xylitol comes from the genus Candida.
In the microbial
process using wild-type and recombinant xylose-fermenting yeast, xylitol yield obtainable
from pure xylose is in a range of 65–85%
and 86–100% of the theoretical value,
Xylitol is an intermediary metabolite of xylose utilization by microbial strains.
Xylose reductase (XR; EC and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH; EC are
the crucial enzymes in xylose fermentation and xylitol bioproduction by yeasts. These two
enzymes require pyridine nucleotide coenzymes with specificity towards its different forms
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADH or NADPH) in different yeasts. Under aerobic
conditions, the NADH formed during xylose metabolism can be reoxidized in the electron
transport system, and as a consequence, xylitol is not produced.
Under oxygen-limited or
anaerobic conditions, a redox imbalance occurs due to a variation in the coenzyme neces-
sity of these enzymes that leads yeasts to accumulate xylitol. Oxygen-limited conditions
favor xylitol synthesis because of NADH accumulation that subsequently inhibits the NAD-
linked XDH.
In addition to the coenzyme regenerating system, the ratio of XR and XDH
is the major metabolic regulator for xylitol production.
The production of xylitol through the microbial process is limited by factors that
include control of culture conditions (temperature, pH, shaking, aeration, cell inhibitors,
etc.), expensive nutrients, huge water requirement, and the type of process.
Thus, the
application of the microbial process on an industrial level is time-consuming, being related
to some preparatory works such as sterilization and routine inoculum preparation involving
input of energy, time, and labor, causing productivity reduction.
In addition, cell recy-
cling in the microbial process requires membrane separation, which seems less attractive
for the commercial production of xylitol due to high membrane-fouling problems.
benefit of the microbial process over chemical procedures is its lower cost due to the non-
necessity of extensive xylose purification.
However, the microbial method does not yet
have the advantages of the chemical process because of the low productivity of xylitol and
downstream processing problems.
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Table 1
Xylitol production processes with their yields, productivities, advantages, and disadvantages
Method Raw material Hydrogenation agent Y
(%) Q
(g/L·h) Advantage Disadvantage Reference
Chemical Xylan-
/Ni 50–60 n.a. It provides a highly purified
xylose that ensures
Nonhydrogenated sugars are
easily separated from the
mixture of polyols
Laborious and
cost/energy-intensiveUse of
extensive separation and
purification stepsRequirement
of high temperature and
pressureLow efficiency
processNot environmental
D-Xylose Wild-type yeast
Recombinant yeast
Cost effective due to the
nonnecessity of xylose
purification and low energy
consumptionHigh productivity
and moderate
yieldEnvironmental friendly
Time-consumingCell recycling
problemHuge water
processing problem regarding
the media ingredients
D-Xylose XR from yeast 96 2.8–3.33 No cell recycling
more attractive than microbial
process as it has the potential
for energy and water
savingsHigh yield and
productivityEasy recovery of
Cost of XR
Note. Y
= xylitol yield on xylose consumed (%); Q
= xylitol volumetric productivity (g/L·h); n.a. = not available.
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130 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
Xylitol production from xylose by enzyme technology can be an attractive alternative
to both chemical and microbial processes. There are scarce reports regarding the enzymatic
conversion of commercial pure xylose to xylitol using isolated XR from yeast.
XR-mediated bioreduction of xylose is NAD(P)H dependent; hence, 1 mole of coenzyme
is utilized per mole of xylitol produced. The bioconversion of xylose to xylitol is above
95% by the NADH-dependent reduction of xylose employing XR from yeast.
The high cost involved in large-scale production of xylitol seems responsible for its
limited commercial use. This has inspired researchers to work toward the development of
improved techniques to reduce the costs of production. In this field, the enzymatic approach
to xylitol production from xylose present in the lignocellulosic biomass may provide an
alternative for the chemical process.
A number of reviews have been published on the bioconversion of pure xylose
or xylose-containing hydrolyzate to xylitol, but all of these focused on the micro-
bial processes.
The general features of the in vitro enzyme-based xylitol
production have been reviewed briefly by Parajó et al.
This review attempts to
describe the current literature on the processes involving xylitol production, taking into
account the chemical and biotechnological processes, and microorganisms and their xylose
metabolism, and tries to identify ways to improve enzymatic xylitol production so that it
can compete with the current chemical process. In particular, the main steps in the pro-
duction of xylitol from LCM, such as hydrolysis of LCM to extract xylose, detoxification
and/or purification of hydrolyzate, hydrogenation of xylose, and recovery of xylitol, are
reviewed and discussed.
Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Methods
All lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) are consisted of three biopolymers cellulose
(34–50%), hemicellulose (19–35%), lignin (11–30%), and smaller contents of extractives,
ash, pectins, and proteins. The content of these constituents can vary according to growth
conditions and plant species and age.
Cellulose is the major chemical components of
LCM and is found in an organized fibrous structure. It is a linear homopolysaccharide com-
posed of d-glucose units linked together by β-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds to form a skeleton.
The size of a cellulose molecule is generally expressed by its degree of polymerization
(DP) (i.e., the number of anhydroglucose units that exist in a single chain).
The cellu-
lose chains in LCMs are linked together by hydrogen bonds. The long cellulose fibers are
in turn held together with hemicellulose and lignin through hydrogen-bonding interaction
and covalent interaction, respectively.
In LCMs, about 50–90% of the cellulose chain is
joined laterally by hydrogen bonds to form a crystalline (ordered) structure, whereas the
remaining fraction is less ordered and is called amorphous cellulose.
Hemicellulose, a second major constituent of LCM, is a complex heteropolysaccha-
ride whose chemical composition and structure vary from tissue to tissue within a single
plant and from species to species. In general, it is composed of a variety of building
blocks, including pentoses (e.g., xylose and arabinose), hexoses (e.g., glucose, galactose,
and mannose), and uronic acids (e.g., 4-O-methylglucuronic and galacturonic acids) with
acetyl side chains.
Hemicellulose is amorphous in structure and the variety of branch-
ing, linkages, and monomer units contribute to its complex architecture and thereby its
variety of conformations and function.
Hemicellulose differs from cellulose in three
main aspects. Firstly, it contains several different sugar units, whereas cellulose contains
only β-(1,4)-
D-glucopyranose units. Secondly, it exhibits a considerable degree of chain
branching, whereas cellulose is strictly a linear polymer. Thirdly, the DP of cellulose is
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Production of Xylitol 131
10–100 times higher than that of hemicellulose.
Hemicellulose in LCM is connected
to cellulose through hydrogen-bonding interactions and builds a structural matrix.
matrix is further bound to lignin to form a lignocellulosic complex. Lignin is the third
significant fraction in LCM and is a polymer of sinapyl, coniferyl, and coumaryl alco-
hol units linked by aryl–aryl, alkyl–alkyl, and alkyl–aryl ether linkages. It is found in the
plant cell walls, imparting structural support, impermeability, and resistance against micro-
bial attack.
Lignin is amorphous and hydrophobic in nature and is not hydrolyzed by
acids, but is soluble in hot alkali, readily oxidized and easily condensable with phenol.
Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin biopolymers are closely associated with each other;
thus, biomasses can be considered as composite materials in which lignin acts as a protec-
tive agent that prevents plant cell destruction by fungi and bacteria for conversion to fuels
and chemicals.
Hemicellulose normally accounts for 25–35% of the wood mass on dry basis (28%
in softwoods and 35% in hardwoods).
Hardwoods (e.g., aspen, oak, and willow) and
softwoods (e.g., spruce and pine) differ in composition and structure of the hemicellulose.
Hemicellulose in softwood has a higher proportion of mannose and glucose units than
hardwood hemicellulose, which generally contains a larger proportion of xylose units.
Moreover, hemicellulose is more highly acetylated in hardwoods than in softwoods.
During hydrolysis, xylose is the predominant sugar derived from hardwood hemicellulose
feedstocks, but arabinose can constitute a significant amount of the pentoses derived
from various agricultural residues and herbaceous crops (such as switchgrass).
A hard-
wood hemicellulose consists of O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucuronoxylan and glucomannan.
O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucuronoxylan, simply called xylan, is the major hemicellulose in
hardwoods. Xylan is found in substantial amounts, ranging from 11% to 35% (dry mass
basis) in LCMs such as agricultural residues (such as brewer’s spent grain, sugarcane
bagasse, wheat and rice straw, corncob, coconut or sunflower hulls, and cotton seeds) and
To make the LCM suitable for conversion in bio-based production processes, cellu-
lose and hemicellulose must be hydrolyzed into their sugar constituents for utilization
by organisms or enzymes. Hemicellulose is easily hydrolyzable due to its amorphous,
branched structure compared with cellulose,
which needs severe treatment conditions
because of its crystallinity, degree of polymerization, and accessible surface area.
purpose of hydrolysis of the hemicellulosic fraction of LCM, specifically hardwoods and
agricultural residues, is to maximize the recovery of pentose sugars (xylose or arabinose)
and minimize the coformation of toxic/inhibitory by-products. Furthermore, hydrolysis
of the hemicellulose prepares the cellulosic fraction for subsequent conversion by acid or
enzymes and presents particularly promising opportunities for research that could radically
reduce biomass processing costs. Hemicellulose is generally hydrolyzed by either acid,
autohydrolysis, or enzymes to produce xylose and/or xylooligosaccharides.
Acid Hydrolysis
Acid hydrolysis is a rapid and simple method for lignocellulosic biomass. The hydrolysis
conditions vary with raw material type, acid type and concentration, and reaction tem-
perature and time.
Xylose is the most abundant sugar released—with a small
amount of other sugars—in the hydrolyzate while fully grown or aged hardwoods or
agricultural residues are utilized as feedstocks. Different acids, such as sulfuric,
and acetic
acids, are commonly used as
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132 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
catalysts in the acid hydrolysis process. Acid hydrolysis is mainly of two types based on
the concentration of the acid applied: concentrated acid and dilute acid hydrolysis.
Concentrated acid hydrolysis. Concentrated acid hydrolysis is a relatively old method. It is
conducted at low operating temperature (<50
C) and atmospheric pressure with high acid
concentration (50–70%, v/v). Approximately 100% cellulose is converted to glucose in this
Normally, concentrated acids such as H
and HCl have been employed to
treat LCMs. Although the concentrated acids are powerful agents for cellulose hydrolysis,
they are toxic, corrosive, and hazardous and thus require special reactors that are resistant
to corrosion, which makes the hydrolysis process very expensive. Furthermore, the concen-
trated acid must be recovered after hydrolysis in order to make the process economically
Dilute acid hydrolysis. Dilute acid hydrolysis is one of the most studied and widely used
method among all the hydrolysis methods because it is effective and inexpensive.
This method can be applied either as a pretreatment preceding enzymatic hydrolysis or
as the main method of hydrolysis. In general, dilute acid hydrolysis is carried out at high
temperatures (160–230
C) and pressures (∼10 atm).
The concentration of mineral acids
such as H
or HCl used in this hydrolysis process is in the range of 2–5%.
The dilute
can effectively hydrolyze hemicellulose into monomeric sugars (xylose, arabinose,
glucose, galactose, and mannose) and soluble oligomers. Compared with other hydrolysis
methods, it is especially useful for the conversion of xylan in hemicellulose to xylose,
which can be further fermented to xylitol or ethanol by many microbial strains.
acid-catalyzed hydrolytic reaction is very complex, mainly due to the fact that the substrate
is in a solid phase and the catalyst in a liquid phase. It is a multistep reaction that takes
place sequentially as follows
: (i) protons diffusion in the wet lignocellulose matrix; (ii)
protonation of a glycosidic bond oxygen that connects monomeric sugars; (iii) cleavage
of the gylcosidic linkage, which is considered as the rate-limiting step; (iv) generation of
a carbocation as intermediate complex; (v) solvation of the carbocation with water; (vi)
regeneration of the proton with cogeneration of the sugar monomer, oligomer, or polymer
depending on the position of the glycosidic bond; (vii) diffusion of the reaction products
into the liquid phase, and (viii) return of the protons to the second step to begin the cycle
again. The initial and the rate-limiting steps are influenced by acid concentration, reaction
time, temperature, and liquid-to-solid ratio.
The major disadvantage of dilute acid
hydrolysis over enzymatic treatment is that it generates a hydrolyzate that contains not only
the sugar needed for bioconversion but also the degradation products of sugar and lignin as
well as acetic acid, which could slow down or prevent the bioconversion of hydrolyzate.
Hence, it is important to choose less severe conditions that will maximize the yield of xylose
while minimizing the formation of by-products such as furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural
(HMF), acetic acid, and lignin degradation products (LDPs).
Autohydrolysis is an alternative technology for the solubilization of hemicellulose, with
various advantages over the dilute acid hydrolysis, namely a more limited delignifi-
cation and reduced quantities of sugar degradation products (furfural and HMF).
Furthermore, it shows some environmental and technical advantages because no chemical
(such as acid or alkali) other than water is employed.
Autohydrolysis is typi-
cally conducted at temperatures of 160–260
C, which produces a high-molar mass of
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Production of Xylitol 133
xylooligosaccharides without altering substantially the structure of cellulose and lignin,
allowing improved recovery during further processing (including enzymatic hydrolysis of
cellulose or chemical delignification).
The variables that affect the autohydrolysis effi-
ciency and the hydrolyzate composition are residence time, temperature, liquid-to-solid
ratio, and structural integrity of raw material used.
The mechanism of autohydrolysis
reaction is similar to that of dilute acid hydrolysis. This reaction is catalyzed by hydronium
ions (H
). In autohydrolysis, water is the only reactive agent added to lignocellulosic
biomass and the reaction includes two steps. In the first step, H
coming from water
autoionization leads to depolymerization of hemicellulose by selective hydrolysis of both
acetyl groups and glycosidic bonds. In the second step, H
coming from acetic acid
also acts as a catalyst, increasing reaction kinetics. The contribution of H
from acetic
acid is higher than that from water. During autohydrolysis, acids released from hydrolysis
of uronic and acetyl groups present in hemicelluloses catalyze the hydrolysis of bonds
between hemicellulose and lignin as well as that of carbohydrates. Although uronic acids
are resistant to hydrolysis, they may also contribute to the formation of H
, although
their role i n hydrolysis is still not completely understood.
Garrote et al.
studied the production of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from corn-
cob by autohydrolysis and found that most of the cellulose was retained in the solid
residue, whereas partial delignification (up to 26% lignin removal) was achieved. The
authors reported that up to 94% of xylan was removed, producing xylooligomers and
other by-products (mainly xylose and furfural). Production of XOS from brewery’s spent
grain through autohydrolysis has been reported by Carvalheiro et al.
yield of 61% of the feedstock xylan obtained at 190
C after 5 min of reaction. It was
estimated that 63–77% of the initial xylan was selectively solubilized in autohydrolysis
treatments. Nabarlatz et al.
examined six agricultural residues as raw materials for
XOS production by autohydrolysis and found that the XOS yield followed xylan content
and its accessibility, and further progressively related to the content of acetyl groups in
the feedstocks. Analyses of the hydrolyzates revealed that they contained partially acety-
lated oligomeric and polymeric xylan fragments, and a small amount of monosaccharides
(e.g., xylose, arabinose, and glucose) and degradation products (mainly furfural, HMF, and
acid-soluble lignin). However, the liquor of autohydrolysis is only partly fermentable by
microorganisms because the sugars are mainly in the oligomeric form and thus a posthy-
drolysis step (with dilute acid) is needed to produce the corresponding monosaccharides.
A two-step process (autohydrolysis followed by posthydrolysis) is applied to obtain a
fermentable hydrolyzate.
Furthermore, autohydrolysis is nonspecific, and other reac-
tions than hemicellulose depolymerization take place, leading to liquor with a complex
Therefore, autohydrolysis is not feasible for the production of xylose to a
satisfactory level.
Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Hydrolysis of LCM by enzyme technology has been justified as an alternative hydrolysis
approach. In enzymatic hydrolysis, the utility cost is low compared with chemical
hydrolysis because enzymatic hydrolysis is usually performed at mild conditions (pH
∼5 and temperature 45–50
C) and does not have a corrosion problem.
Compared with
acid hydrolysis, enzyme hydrolysis is milder, environmental friendly, and more specific,
but it requires pretreatment to enhance the enzymatic digestibility.
The yield and rate of
enzymatic hydrolysis of LCM are dependent on various parameters such as catalytic prop-
erties of enzymes, their loading concentrations, incubation time, raw material type, process
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134 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
variables, pretreatment process, and compounds released during pretreatment method.
The pretreatment method removes lignin, reduces cellulose crystallinity, and increases
the porosity of the materials.
An increase in surface area of cellulose/hemicellulose
and enzymes loading improves the hydrolysis rate and time. Among all components
in biomass, lignin is considered as a principal barrier to enzyme attack on cellulose,
implying the significance of decreasing the structural integrity caused by lignin prior to
Xylanases and cellulase are the key enzymes used in most of the enzyme treatment
The digestibility of LCM by enzymes is controlled by the surface area of the
raw material, and the increasing of surface area through pretreatment or reducing parti-
cle size increases the hydrolysis of materials. The application of xylanases alone cannot
be sufficient due to the complex structure of LCM. Xylanases act synergistically and vary
with microbial origin. They cleave the β-(1,4) glycosidic bonds in the xylan molecule,
releasing short xylooligomers. The choice of a xylanase blend, consisting of xylosidases,
arabinofuranosidases, mannanases, hemicellulolytic esterases, and glucuronidases, is one
of the significant parameters for effective release of xylose from hemicellulosic material.
The choice is also related to xylan nature, which differs with biomass type (hard and soft
woods, agricultural residue, and grass). Pretreatment either by mild chemical agents at high
temperature or by other specific enzyme would present the better hydrolysis method for the
efficient recovery of xylose. Although enzyme-based hydrolysis results in higher produc-
tivities and/or yields in biotransformation of sugars from pretreated LCM, t he price of
enzymes is a crucial point in product costing. The use of a hemicellulolytic enzyme mix-
ture is another choice. However, for each material, reaction conditions have to be identified
and optimized for the specific enzyme blend. A pretreatment by wet oxidation is proved
to be efficient for LCMs, because a reduction in crystallinity was found along with the
degradation of lignin to carboxylic acids, CO
, and H
Even with a number of advantages, the major drawback of enzymatic hydrolysis is
that the presence of solid residuals (mainly lignin) and dissolution of enzymes in the
hydrolyzate make it difficult to separate and recycle the enzymes in order to reduce the
In addition, enzymes cannot freely penetrate the lignocellulosic matrix without
pretreatment because of the lignin and, thus, the rate of enzyme hydrolysis is slower than
acid hydrolysis.
Therefore, the feasibility and applicability of enzymatic hydrolysis of
hemicellulose requires further study. Dilute acid hydrolysis is still preferable to enzymatic
hydrolysis because it is a low-cost, simple, and faster method.
Detoxification Methods
The common and major problem associated with efficient bioconversion of xylose to
xylitol is that the hemicellulosic hydrolyzate contains a wide range of toxic compounds
that are inhibitory to xylose-fermenting microorganisms.
These compounds result
from hydrolysis of the lignocellulosic biomass and their concentration in the hydrolyzate
depends on the type of raw material and hydrolysis conditions employed.
growth inhibitors are usually divided into four main groups based on their origin: weak
acids, furan derivatives, phenolic compounds, and heavy metals such as copper, chromium,
iron, and nickel released from the hydrolysis equipment.
A variety of detoxification
methods, including physical, chemical, and biological treatments, have been developed to
reduce the concentration of inhibitors or to transform them into inactive compounds.
These methods include overliming, neutralization, solvent extraction, use of ion-exchange
resins, charcoal adsorption, evaporation, microbial cell adaptation, and treatments with
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Production of Xylitol 135
enzymes such as laccase and peroxidase.
The effectiveness of a detoxification pro-
cess depends both on the composition of hemicellulosic hydrolyzate and on the species
of microbes used.
Among these methods, the charcoal adsorption and the ion-exchange
resin have been reported as the most efficient.
Four different approaches have been
reported by Taherzadeh et al.
for minimizing the presence of inhibitors in hemicel-
lulosic hydrolyzates: (1) to use bioconversion friendly hydrolysis methods in order to
avoid formation of inhibitors; (2) to detoxify the hydrolyzate before use for fermenta-
tion; (3) to develop and/or use inhibitor resistant microorganisms; and (4) to convert
toxic compounds into nontoxic products that do not interfere with microbial metabolism.
When detoxification enhances the production costs, it is necessary either to bypass the
detoxification steps or to develop efficient and cheap methods.
The construction of a
genetically engineered new microbial strains that tolerates inhibitors would be a better
option because it would remove detoxification steps. Because this article specifically deals
with xylitol production processes, information on detoxification methods are not detailed
Xylitol Production
Xylitol is naturally found in small amounts in many fruits and vegetables (banana, grape,
yellow plum, strawberry, raspberry, lettuce, carrot, cauliflower, onion, etc.), as well as in
yeasts, lichens, seaweeds, and mushrooms. It can be extracted from these sources through
solid/liquid extraction, but such process would not be economically feasible due to the
relatively low xylitol content and high cost of the raw materials.
Therefore, extensive
research has been focused on xylitol production by chemical or biotechnological processes.
Fig. 1 s ummarizes the different methods of xylitol production.
Chemical Process
Xylitol is industrially manufactured by reducing pure xylose achieved from hardwood
hemicellulosic hydrolyzate in the presence of a Raney nickel catalyst.
The chemi-
cal process for manufacturing xylitol consists of four major steps (Fig. 1): (i) hydrolysis of
lignocellulosic biomass by mineral acid; (ii) purification and separation of the hydrolyzate
to obtain pure xylose as solution or in crystalline form; (iii) catalytic reduction of the xylose
to xylitol; and (iv) crystallization and separation of the xylitol. The chemical synthesis of
xylitol begins with the extraction of xylose from hemicellulosic material by acid-catalyzed
hydrolysis. The amorphous and noncrystalline structure of hemicellulose allows easy dif-
fusion of the hydronium ions in the polymer matrix, favoring the hydrolysis reaction. The
hydrolyzates generally contain a variety of sugars (xylose, arabinose, glucose, galactose,
and mannose) in proportions that are dependent on the biomass type and experimental con-
ditions. After purification and color removal, xylose-containing hemicellulosic hydrolyzate
can be used for manufacturing xylitol by reduction of xylose at 80–140
C and hydrogen
pressures up to 50 atmospheres in the presence of metal catalysts (Raney nickel). The
xylitol solution formed by catalytic reduction requires further chromatographic purification,
concentration, and crystallization of the product to achieve pure xylitol.
Xylitol yield is
only about 50–60% of the xylan fraction or 8–15% of the starting raw material. Therefore,
the xylitol production process is expensive due to the extensive separation and purification
Chemical methods are technically complicated multistep processes that have
relatively low efficiency. The greatest problem lies in achieving a complete and effective
Downloaded by [A. M. Mimi Sakinah] at 04:20 19 March 2013
136 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
Purified Xylose
Waste Water
not feasible
Cell recycling
Huge water
Figure 1. Xylitol production methods (adapted from Parajó et al.
separation of xylose from other hydrolysis by-products. Thorough purification is essen-
tial because the catalysts employed in the hydrogenation of xylose are very sensitive to
Despite a large number of drawbacks, the advantages of the chemical pro-
cess are that (i) it provides a xylose solution of sufficiently high purity that ensures specific
hydrogenation to yield xylitol on a commercial scale; (ii) nonhydrogenated sugars are easily
separated from the mixture of polyols by ion-exchange chromatographic techniques; and
(iii) it provides easy separation of desired polyols from the mixture after hydrogenation
of the wood hydrolyzates (containing 75% [w/w] xylose and 25% other sugars (such as
glucose, mannose, galactose, and arabinose).
The processes discussed in this review
for xylitol production with their yields, productivities, advantages, and disadvantages are
summarized in Table 1.
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Production of Xylitol 137
Biotechnological Processes
Biotechnological processes for the production of xylitol are based on the use of microor-
ganisms or isolated enzymes. In view of alternatives to the chemical process, two
biotechnological processes seem promising: the microbial process and the enzymatic
approach employing isolated XR. The microbiological process uses bacteria, fungi,
yeast, and recombinant strains to produce xylitol from pure xylose or a hemicellulosic
Bacterial production of xylitol. It has been reported that a few bacteria, such
as Enterobacter liquefaciens, Corynebacterium sp., Mycobacterium smegmatis, and
Gluconobacter oxydans, produce xylitol in small amounts.
Screening for xylose-
utilizing bacteria by Yoshitake et al.
showed that an Enterobacter strain grew on
D-xylose and produced xylitol extracellularly. Xylitol production by the Enterobacter strain
D-xylose was by NADPH-dependent XR; this proved that enzymatic conversion
was not confined to fungi and yeasts. This strain was reported to yield 33.3 g/L xylitol
in a cultivation medium containing 100 g/L initial xylose for 4 days with a productiv-
ity of 0.35 g/L·h. The Corynebacterium species produced xylitol only when grown in
media having both
D-xylose and gluconate. In another experiment, 17 cultures belonging
to three genera of facultative bacteria were screened by Rangaswamy and Agblevor,
Corynebacterium sp. B-4247 produced the highest amount of xylitol among the screened
cultures. The maximum xylitol yield produced in 24 hours was 0.57 g/g xylose using an
initial xylose concentration of 75 g/L. About 80% xylitol production yield was reported
by Izumori and Tuzaki
with D-xylose as the substrate using immobilized D-xylose iso-
merase and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Suzuki et al.
tested 420 bacterial strains based
on their xylitol-producing capacity from
D-arabinitol and observed that Gluconobacter oxy-
dans was the best xylitol producer among the isolates, with a yield of 29.2 g/L xylitol from
52.4 g/L
D-arabinitol after 27 hours of incubation using intact cells as the enzyme source.
However, xylose-fermenting bacteria do not currently attract researchers’ interest due to
the relatively low amount of xylitol produced.
Fungal production of xylitol. The production of xylitol using fungi has been studied
to a lesser extent. In xylitol production experiments, the filamentous fungi Aspergillus,
Byssochlamys, Gliocladium, Myrothecium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Neurospora sp. have
been shown to produce small quantities of xylitol in xylose-containing media.
Ueng and
detected low amounts of xylitol in the fermentation of Mucor sp. on sugarcane
bagasse hemicellulose hydrolyzate. Suihko
reported 1 g/L of xylitol production by
Fusarium oxysporum when grown 2 days in a medium containing 50 g/L of initial
xylose under aerobic conditions. There is only one significant report regarding the capacity
of the fungi Petromyces albertensis to produce xylitol. Dahiya
studied xylitol production
using P. albertensis and detected a yield of 0.4 g/g xylose after 10 days of incubation in a
fermentation medium containing 100 g/L
Production of xylitol by yeast. A scheme diagram of xylose metabolism in microorgan-
isms is shown in Fig. 2. Xylitol is produced as a metabolic intermediate compound in
all organisms whose xylose metabolism takes place in a sequential activity of XR and
XDH enzymes (Fig. 2). Keeping this in view, various researchers have been engaged
in microbial screening studies to identify efficient strains for the production of xylitol.
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138 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
D-Xylose reductase
D-Xylose isomerase
Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
Phosphoketolase Bypass
Xylitol dehydrogenase
D-Xylulose kinase
Figure 2. Xylose metabolism in microorganisms (adapted from Winkelhausen and Kuzmanova
Several wild-type and recombinant yeasts have been used for the fermentative produc-
tion of xylitol (Table 1). Biological production of xylitol by yeasts has been reported,
especially by Candida sp. such as Candida pelliculosa, C. boidinii, C. guilliermondii, and
C. tropicalis and Pachysolen tannophilus. Fifteen yeast strains were compared for xylose
with a mutant of Candida tropicalis HPX2 giving the highest xylitol
yield of above 0.90 g/g from 20%
D-xylose. In another experiment, Gong et al.
20 strains of eleven species of Candida, 21 strains of eight species of Saccharomyces,
and 8 strains of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. All of the Candida sp. produced xylitol
(10–15%, w/v). The XDH gene (XYL2)-disrupted mutant strain of C. tropicalis synthesized
xylitol from
D-xylose using glycerol as a cosubstrate with the xylitol yield and volumetric
productivity of 97% (w/w) of the theoretical yield and 3.2 g/L·h, respectively.
Forty-four yeast strains from the five genera of Candida, Kluyveromyces, Hansenula,
Pachysolen, and Pichia were screened by Barbosa et al.
for their ability to convert D-
xylose to xylitol. Candida guilliermondii and C. tropicalis were found to be the highest
xylitol producers. These yeasts produced 77.2 g/L xylitol from 104 g/L
D-xylose using
high cell densities and a defined medium under aerobic conditions. A volumetric produc-
tivity of 2.67 g/L·h xylitol with 172 g/L initial
D-xylose as substrate was obtained by
Horitsu et al.
using C. tropicalis. The fermentation conditions were optimized by da
Downloaded by [A. M. Mimi Sakinah] at 04:20 19 March 2013
Production of Xylitol 139
Silva and Afschar
during continuous cultivation of Candida tropicalis DSM 7524 for
xylitol production. C. tropicalis produced xylitol at a yield of 77–80% of the theo-
retical value (0.91 g/g) in a medium containing 100 g/L
D-xylose. Among the tested
yeasts, Vandeska et al.
selected Candida boidinii, which gave a higher xylitol yield
(0.47 g/g), corresponding to 52% of the theoretical value, with 150 g/L xylose after
14 days. Candida mogii gave the highest yield of 0.62 g/g in comparison with 11 other
D-xylose-utilizing yeasts studied by Sirisansaneeyakul et al.
In xylitol production exper-
iments, Dominguez et al.
compared six known xylitol-producing yeast strains and
concluded that Debaryomyces hansenii was an efficient xylitol producer, with a yield of
0.71 g/g. Ikeuchi et al.
screened xylitol-producing microorganisms from soils using
xylose as sole carbon source and selected strains classified as Candida sp. according to a
taxonomic identification. They reported that Candida sp. 559-9 was a potential candidate
for xylitol production, with a yield of 173 g/L from 200 g/L xylose after 5 days of incuba-
tion. In another investigation, Suryadi et al.
screened methanol-assimilating yeasts for
xylitol synthesis from xylose. Hansenula polymorpha was identified as a good xylitol pro-
ducer out of four strains screened, with 58 g/L xylitol production from 125 g/L xylose
after 4 days of incubation. Kim et al.
produced xylitol from xylose through the long-
term cell-recycle fermentation of Candida tropicalis using a chemically defined medium
that achieved a volumetric productivity of 5.4 g/L·h and a yield of 81% (w/w).
To increase production rate and to prevent the loss of xylitol-producing microbial
biocatalysts in a fed-batch submerged membrane bioreactor, Kwon et al.
employed a
hollow-fiber membrane. The authors observed that C. tropicalis produced xylitol at a yield
and production rate of 85% (w/w) and 12 g/L·h, respectively, from an initial xylose con-
centration of 200 g/L with glucose as cosubstrate (20 g/L). This is the highest volumetric
productivity among the reported values in the literature. Guo et al.
chosen 5 strains
for further study after screening 274 yeasts for xylitol production and identified Candida
maltosa and C. guilliermondii as the best xylitol producers. A total of 35 yeast strains
isolated from beetles gut showed a variation in their ability to synthesize xylitol from
Among them Pichia sp. produced highest amount of xylitol (0.58 g/g xylitol).
Recently, 270 yeast isolates were screened by Sampaio et al.
The authors concluded that
Debaryomyces hansenii UFV-170 was the best xylitol producer among the tested isolates,
producing 5.84 g/L xylitol from 10 g/L xylose after 24 hours of cultivation, corresponding
to a yield of 0.54 g/g xylose.
More recently, Huang et al.
developed a yeast strain, Candida tropicalis JH030,
for xylitol production from hemicellulosic hydrolyzate without detoxification. The newly
isolated strain gave a promising xylitol yield of 0.71 g/g from nondetoxified rice straw
hydrolyzate that had been made by the dilute acid pretreatment under severe conditions. The
nonnecessity of hydrolyzate detoxification indicates the potential of this yeast for xylitol
production. A xylitol-assimilation-deficient mutant strain, C. tropicalis SS2, was created
via chemical mutagenesis for xylitol production in batch and fed-batch cultures.
fermentation with this mutant produced a 6-fold higher xylitol yield than the parent strain
in a medium containing 25 g/L glucose and 25 g/L xylose. The mutant strain showed the
potential for xylitol production by fed-batch fermentation with repeated addition of glyc-
erol (as an alternative low-cost nonfermentable carbon source) and xylose that resulted in
3·3g/L·h xylitol productivity and overall xylitol yield of 0.93 g/g in a final concentration
of 220 g/L under aerobic condition. It is confirmed from the screening results of differ-
ent xylitol-producing microbes that yeasts, in general, and Candida genus are particularly
involved in xylitol synthesis.
However, the costs and times associated with hydrolyzate
detoxification for fermentative production of xylitol helps to perceive that the development
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140 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
and utilization of inhibitor tolerant organisms offers a more acceptable biotechnological
method to synthesize this compound from crude xylose feedstock. Table 2 summarizes the
reported data on the fermentative production of xylitol by different microbial strains using
pure xylose or lignocellulosic hydrolyzate. Due to the difference in physiological nature of
microbial strains and variation in composition of hydrolyzates used, comparison of their
fermentation efficiency is not so easy. Still, the table will give the reader a sense of the
performance of each strain.
Production of xylitol by recombinant strains. A large number of recombinant
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains have been constructed by expressing the xylose reduc-
tase gene (XYL1) from Pichia stipitis and C. shehate. The production of xylitol from xylose
using these transformants in batch, fed-batch, and cell-recycle fermentations have been
These strains required a cosubstrate (glucose, ethanol) for the growth and
maintenance of cells and for the regeneration of reduced coenzymes utilized in the reduc-
tion of xylose. The recombinant yeasts presented a high xylitol conversion yield ranging
from 86% to 100% of the theoretically expected value (Table 1), but the volumetric pro-
ductivity (1.0–2.34 g/L·h) was lower than that of wild-type xylitol-producing yeasts such
as C. tropicalis (5.4 g/L·h).
Among most of these transformants, the initial xylose
concentration did not exceed 20 g/L.
Because native Esherichia coli does not have the capability to produce xylitol, a
redesign strategy for that strain was employed involving a foreign metabolic pathway.
In order to improve the capabilities of bacteria to overproduce sugar alcohols, especially
xylitol, a variety of interesting genetic engineering efforts have been seen in the past few
To test the expression of XR gene isolated from Candida boidinii (CbXR) in
E. coli, xylitol was produced from a mixture of glucose and xylose, glucose serving as
the source of energy and reducing equivalents. Expression of NADPH-dependent CbXR
in the mutant strain PC09 (DeltaxylB, crp
mutant) in a batch fermentation containing
minimal medium resulted in the production of ∼250 mM xylitol (38 g/L in 46 hours),
with concomitant utilization of ∼150 mM glucose.
A xylitol-producing recombinant
E. coli strain was created by insertion of XR gene from Kluyveromyces lactis (XYL1) and
E. coli xylose permease (xylE) under the control of an isopropyl β-
(IPTG)-inducible promoter.
The gene disruption study indicated that a yhbC-deficient
strain exhibited the highest enhancements in xylitol productivity (increasing from 0.68 to
0.81 g/L·h) among the tested mutants. Khankal et al.
reported that by overexpressing
the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-linked XylFGH xylose transporter from E. coli resulted
in a specific xylitol productivity of 0.33 g/g·h in a fed-batch fermentation using defined
mineral salts medium. The obtained specific productivity is considerably higher than that
reported for Candida tropicalis (0.22 g/g·h) and significant enhancements are expected
from high-density resting cells with optimized oxygen control.
Production of xylitol from hemicellulosic feedstocks by engineered E. coli has the
potential to become a economically feasible approach.
Nyyssölä et al.
reported that
xylitol was synthesized from xylose in a recombinant Lactococcus lactis strain by express-
ing the XR gene from P. stipitis (XYL1) while metabolizing glucose as the energy source.
The glucose-limited fed-batch fermentation with high concentration of xylose (160 g/L)
produced 1.0 mol xylitol per mol xylose and 2.5 mol xylitol per mol glucose at a produc-
tion rate of 2.72 g/L·h for 20 hours. The authors also reported that the coexpression of the
xylose transporter gene with XR did not increase xylitol bioproduction appreciably.
Xylitol production from glucose by genetically engineered strains of Bacillus subtilis
was demonstrated.
The expression of xylitol phosphate dehydrogenase (XPDH) gene
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Table 2
Microbial production of xylitol from pure xylose or from lignocellulosic hydrolyzate
Microorganisms Fermentation conditions Raw material Time(h) P (g/L) Y
(g/g) Q
(g/L·h) Reference
Candida tropicalis HPX2 30
C, v/V 100/250 mL, X
20 g/L,
200 rpm
D-Xylose 24 40 >0.90 1.67 (28)
C. tropicalis BSXDH-3 30
C, v/V 1/2.5 L, X
50 g/L,
300–500 rpm
Glycerol (20 g/L)
n.a. n.a. 0.97 3.2 (30)
C. guilliermondi FTI-20037 30
C, v/V 100/250 mL, X
104 g/L,
200 rpm
D-Xylose 78 77.2 0.74 0.99 (31)
C. tropicalis IFO 0618 30
C, v/V 200/250 mL, X
172 g/L D-Xylose n.a. n.a. 0.64 2.67 (32)
C. tropicalis DSM 7524 30
C, X
100 g/L, 300 rpm, pH 2.5 D-Xylose 800 220 0.70–0.73 0.28 (33)
C. boidinii NRRL Y-17213 30
C, v/V 50/125 mL, X
150 g/L,
125 rpm
D-Xylose 336 53.1 0.47 0.16 (34)
C. mogii ATCC 18364 30
C, v/V 300/1000 mL, X
53 g/L,
250 rpm
D-Xylose n.a. n.a. 0.62 n.a. (35)
Debaryomyces hansenii
NRRL Y-7426
C, v/V 10/50 mL, X
150 g/L, 180 rpm Sugarcane bagasse 48 10.54 0.71 0.22 (36)
Candida sp.559-9 30
C, v/V 10/30 mL, X
200 g/L, 110 rpm D-Xylose 120 173 0.90 (ca.) 1.44 (37)
Hansenula polymorpha 30
C, v/V 200/500 mL, X
125 g/L,
150 rpm
Glycerol (5%)
96 58 0.62 0.60 (ca.) (38)
C. tropicalis 30
C, v/V 2/7l,X
150 g/L, 350–400 rpm,
14 recycle rounds
D-Xylose 284 110 0.81 5.4 (39)
C. tropicalis KCTC 10457 30
C, v/V 2/5l,X
200 g/L, 350 rpm,
10 recycle rounds
Glucose (20 g/L)
152 1824
0.85 12 (40)
Pichia sp. 28
C, v/V 100/250 mL,X
40 g/L, 250 rpm D-xylose 50 25 0.58 0.5 (ca.) (42)
D. hansenii UFV-170 30
C, v/V 25/125 mL, X
10 g/L, 200 rpm D-xylose 24 5.84 0.54 0.24 (43)
C. tropicalis JH030 30
C, v/V 60/250 mL, X
46 g/L, 150 rpm Rice straw 71 (ca.) 31.1 0.71 0.44 (44)
C. tropicalis SS2 X
25 g/L Xylose
Glucose (25 g/L)
67 (ca.) 220 0.93 3.3 (45)
Note. Y
= xylitol yield on xylose consumed (g/g); Q
= xylitol volumetric productivity (g/L·h); P = maximum xylitol production (g/L); n.a. = not available;
v/V = volume medium/volume system; X
= initial xylose concentration (g/L); ca. = calculated.
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142 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
from Lactobacillus rhamnosus or Clostridium difficile in a pentulose-synthesizing mutant
of B. subtilis (GX7) resulted in xylitol production with a yield of ∼23% in Luria broth (LB)
medium containing 10% glucose. More recently, Cheng et al.
studied xylitol produc-
tion from xylose mother liquor via a novel strategy that combines the use of recombinant
B. subtilis and C. maltosa. They developed a biological method for the detoxification of
xylose mother liquor by C. maltosa and the purification of xylose from detoxified mother
liquor using B. subtilis. Subsequently, xylitol was prepared by C. maltosa–mediated bio-
hydrogenation of xylose with 4.25 g/L·h volumetric productivity. Although this has been
shown to be a highly productive process, involvement of two microbial processing steps
(detoxification and xylitol production) renders it expensive and time-consuming. In fact,
the authors did not count the detoxification time while calculating productivity.
Xylose reductases (XRs), in general, show relaxed sugar specificity and are able to
L -arabinose, another major component of some hemicellulosic hydrolyzates (such
as hardwood hydrolyzate).
Promiscuous substrate specificity is problematic when
xylitol is the desired product from LCMs containing
D-xylose, L-arabinose, and other
sugar monomers. The XR enzyme was purified and characterized from Neurospora crassa
(NcXR) and found to have higher selectivity for
D-xylose over L-arabinose (2.4-fold), com-
pared with several other XRs.
Easy isolation of this enzyme, coupled with its high
catalytic efficiency and activity, may prove useful in the in vitro bioproduction of xylitol.
To improve the selectivity toward xylitol production, Nair and Zhao
the NcXR for reduced
L -arabinose reductase activity and, via various rounds of directed
evolution, found a mutant NcXR (VMQCI) that had a 50-fold lower catalytic efficiency
L -arabinose. The engineered E. coli strain in conjunction with the VMQCI was able
to eliminate arabinitol production from an equiweight mixture of xylose, arabinose, and
Regulatory factors in microbial xylitol production. The microbial production of xylitol
has been examined as an alternative to the chemical process, but its viability is depen-
dent on the optimization of the various fermentation parameters.
All research papers
reporting the conversion of xylose to xylitol utilizing microorganisms have represented
that the bioproduction of xylitol is influenced by several operating variables. Investigating
the effects of these variables is of particular interest as a prerequisite for achieving higher
yield and productivity of xylitol. Xylitol bioproduction by yeasts is usually influenced by
the process and culture (pH, temperature, aeration, reactor conditions, immobilization, and
inoculum concentration), the nutritional composition (carbon source, nitrogen source, and
micronutrients and their concentrations), and the genetic nature of the microbial strains
(wild-type isolates, recombinant strains, and mutants).
Enzymatic process for xylitol production. The synthesis of xylitol from xylose using
enzyme technology is an alternative and promising approach (Table 1). The XR-mediated
biohydrogenation of xylose is NAD(P)H dependent; thus, 1 mole of coenzyme is utilized
per mole of xylitol produced.
The enzymatic conversion of D-xylose into xylitol using
XR of Candida pelliculosa coupled with the oxidoreductase system of Methanobacterium
sp. (for NADP
to NADPH reduction with H
gas as an electron donor) has been reported
by Kitpreechavanich et al.
Xylose was converted to xylitol stoichiometrically with an
equimolar consumption of NADPH, and an almost quantitative conversion of xylose to
xylitol was obtained using a NADP
-to-xylose ratio of more than 1:30; the coenzyme was
completely retained and regenerated using a membrane reactor. About 90% conversion of
xylose to xylitol could be obtained at 35
C and pH 7.5 after a 24-hour reaction period.
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Production of Xylitol 143
Nidetzky et al.
optimized xylitol production from pure xylose by XR from Candida
tenuis coupled with glucose dehydrogenase from Bacillus cereus to regenerate NADH,
retaining it in negatively charged membranes employed in a bioreactor. In this system,
xylose was converted at initial concentrations of 300 g/L, with a 96% yield and xylitol pro-
ductivity of 3.33 g/L·h, and a kilounit of XR was maintained for a 150-hour reaction time
with only a single dosage of NADH. The authors concluded that XR from C. tenuis seems
to be well suited for enzyme-based production of xylitol due to its long-term stability, high
NADH-dependent activity, and the absence of strong product inhibition.
Neuhauser et al.
reported on the Candida tenuis XR-mediated NADH-dependent
xylose reduction coupled with formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from C. boidinii for by-
product-free recycling of NADH used in a pH-controlled enzyme reactor. In this process, a
fed-batch conversion of 0.5 M xylose to xylitol using yeast XR produced 2.8 g/L·h, which
was a 3-fold improvement when contrasted to a classical batch reaction that employed
equal initial concentrations of xylose and formate. Park et al.
investigated the syn-
thesis of xylitol from xylose by crude XR of Candida peltata in an electrochemical
bioreactor. This bioreactor contains a graphite-Mn(IV) electrode (cathode) as a catalyst
for the reduction of NAD
to NADH. Simultaneously, the resulting NADH is used to
further reduction of xylose to xylitol. Xylitol (3.5 mM) was generated from 10 mM
xylose in the electrochemical bioreactor, whereas 1.5 mM of xylitol was produced in the
conventional bioreactor. The xylose-to-xylitol reduction efficiency in the electrochemical
bioreactor was twice as high as that found in the conventional bioreactor, which uti-
lized NADH as a reducing equivalent. The enzymatic transformation of pure xylulose to
xylitol has also been proposed by Hasumi et al.
Biosynthesis of xylitol from xylu-
lose using xylulose reductase by coupling the regeneration of NADH to the hydrogenase
(from Alcaligenes eutrophus), with H
gas as a reducing agent was reported. After a 34-
hour reaction period, 98% of the xylulose was transformed into xylitol without by-product
formation. In the enzymatic approach, all experiments were carried out using a pure xylose-
containing medium, and the process was optimized for this medium. In order to optimize
the performance of the XR-catalyzed reactions for xylitol synthesis, the effects of process
variables on productivity have been studied, including pH, temperature, initial substrate,
and coenzyme concentration.
Effect of pH. The determination of the effect of pH on xylose reduction by monospe-
cific XR (msXR) and dual-specific XR (dsXR) was considered to be potentially valuable
because of the pH-dependent ionization of the groups involved in substrate binding and
In an enzymatic study leading to xylitol production, Yokoyama et al.
reported that the optimum pH for the bioreduction of D-xylose by purified Candida
tropicalis XR was 6.0, similar to the pH optima of most other XRs.
In another
investigation, Lee et al.
observed that the optimum pH for the conversion of xylose to
xylitol by XR from Candida parapsilosis was 6.0, with 81% and 65% of the highest activity
at pH 5.0 and 7.0, respectively. The optimum pH for xylitol oxidation was 8.0, with 85%
and 68% of the maximum activity at pH 7.0 and 9.0, respectively. Maximum reductase
activity at pH 6.0 and an alkaline pH optimum for xylitol oxidation (reverse r eaction) are
common properties of similar XRs isolated from diverse microbes.
Using NADH as
coenzyme, the optimum pH for Candida shehatae XR activity was 6.5.
To determine
the optimum pH range for activity, N. crassa XR (NcXR) activity was monitored at various
pH values ranging from 3.5 to 8.0 at saturating concentrations of NADPH (0.2 mM) and
xylose (1.0 M) prepared in universal buffer.
The pH range for NcXR activity was
4.5–6.5, with an optimum value of about 5.5. The optimum pH of NcXR was slightly lower
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144 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
than that of the other XRs (pH 6.0),
but its profile is very similar to many other XRs.
The pH range for the production of xylitol by XR from Pichia stipitis was 5.0–8.0, with an
optimum value of 6.0.
Effect of temperature. An enzymatic method of xylitol production from D-xylose
using isolated XR from C. pelliculosa was reported by Kitpreechavanich et al.
100 mM Tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.5) at 35
C, with a yield of 90% after 24 hours of incu-
bation. In another experiment, Verduyn et al.
observed that the optimum temperature
for XR from P. stipitis was 38
C and that the NADPH-linked XR activity increased lin-
early from 20
C. The enzymatic synthesis of xylitol was conducted by Nidetzky
et al.
in 50 mM Tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.0) at 25–35
C in which the optimum oper-
ational temperature was 25
C, which is similar to the temperature optimum in other
experiments on the enzymatic transformation of xylose to xylitol.
The optimum
temperature for XR from C. tenuis under standard assay conditions was found to be 50
by Neuhauser et al.
The NAD(P)H-dependent XR activity increased linearly from
25 to 50
C, resulting in 4.5-fold activation of XR. Recently, Wang et al.
pointed out
that the optimum temperature f or C. shehatae XR activity was between 35 and 40
Woodyer et al.
determined the optimum temperature for NcXR by measuring the activ-
ities of XR at temperatures ranging from 13 to 65
C and reported the optimum value to be
between 45 and 55
C. The enzyme is rapidly inactivated at higher temperatures, whereas at
lower temperatures, the reaction rate declines with temperature according to the Arrhenius
Effect of substrate and coenzyme concentration. The activity of XR was measured
spectrophotometrically at 340 nm by monitoring the oxidation of NADPH at substrate con-
centrations of 0.5 M xylose and 3.4 mM NADPH.
Nidetzky et al.
synthesized xylitol
from substrate mixtures of pure xylose and glucose (0.3–1.0 M each) or of xylose alone by
XR in a charged membrane rector. Substrate concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 M could
be completely transformed to xylitol in one batch cycle. When more concentrated sugar
solutions (0.3–1.0 M xylose and glucose each) or of xylose alone (0.6–2.0 M) were used,
a complete substrate bioconversion could not be obtained. For enzymatic production of
xylitol, the starting xylose concentrations will typically be in a range of 0.5–1.0 M with 96%
conversion using 0.1 mM coenzyme. The activities of XR were determined in a spectropho-
tometric test at 25
C using the reaction mixture containing 50 mM potassium phosphate
buffer (pH 7.0), 0.707 M
D-xylose, and 0.22 mM NAD(P)H.
Rizzi et al.
that the activities of Pichia stipitis XR were determined spectrophotometrically at 340 nm
using the reaction mixture containing 250 mM xylose or xylitol, 0.115 mM NAD(P)
NAD(P)H, 100 mM Tris/HC1 buffer (pH 7.0), and sufficient enzyme to produce changes
in absorbancy of 0.05–0.15 min
. Substrate inhibition was not observed at substrate con-
centrations of 0.5 M xylose and 0.5 mM NAD(P)H.
Product inhibition by xylitol
was also not observed up to 0.5 M concentration.
Because enzyme and NAD(P)H are expensive, the XR-catalyzed reduction of xylose
requires recycling of enzyme and regeneration of coenzymes to make the enzymatic
approach economically viable. This can be accomplished by (1) employing immobilized
enzyme technology for the recycling of enzymes in an enzymatic membrane reactor, and
(2) maximizing the total turnover number (TTN) of the enzyme by removing possible
inhibitors. In addition, several approaches for NAD(P)H regeneration have been developed
and applied to large-scale biosynthesis.
The costs of intracellular XR preparation
are tightly associated with the productivity of enzyme-producing microbial strains, media
composition, and process control. The reduction of enzyme costs through the generation
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Production of Xylitol 145
of high-yield strains can have a substantial positive impact on industrial production costs.
It is important to develop new and/or engineered strains that show higher XR production
in the hemicellulosic hydrolyzate. A simplified growth medium containing hydrolyzate as
a source of xylose, instead of commercial xylose, proves to be a cost-effective substrate for
XR production. Thus, the optimization of XR production from robust efficient organisms
using hydrolyzate as an alternative carbon source can help to reduce the costs of enzyme
preparation. Genetic engineering should be targeted to those strains of microbes that can
grow well in simple media like lignocellulosic hydrolyzate.
An immobilized multienzyme system showed much improved s tability and productiv-
ity as compared with native enzymes.
The application of immobilized XR in xylitol
production reflects characteristics of high performance, higher conversion rate, and lower
power consumption for bioconversion. The binding of enzymes on a suitable solid sup-
port is an advantageous modification of their use, which can increase their thermal and
operational stability, and recovery. Other advantages of immobilized XR systems are bet-
ter operational control, flexibility of reactor design, and easy recovery of xylitol without
biocatalyst contamination.
Recently, Su et al.
reported that immobilized XR,
compared with the free enzyme, has a higher substrate affinity and improve stability to
various parameters such as pH, temperature, and reuse. The authors concluded that XR
immobilized on chitosan beads was suitable for further development of producing xylitol
in the industry. The loss of enzyme activity could be related to inactivation of the biocata-
lyst caused by the denaturation and leakage of protein from the support’s surface because
of reutilization.
One of the major drawbacks in the bioprocess utilizing hydrolyzate
is the inhibitory effect of some compounds derived during acid hydrolysis of LCM.
In enzymatic xylitol production, the problems related to reaction inhibition can be over-
come by treatment of the hydrolyzate before reaction or by the hydrolysis of LCM with
enzymes to produce an inhibitor-free hydrolyzate. However, it should be kept in mind that
downstream processing costs are usually major contributors to overall production costs.
Thus, the innovative enzymatic approach can be very convenient and practical for use in
industrial-scale production of xylitol because of the approach and simplicity of downstream
Xylose Metabolic Pathways
The fungus Penicillium chrysogenum is reported to produce D-xylulose from D-xylose
by a two-step redox process and observed that this fungus possessed xylose-utilizing
enzymes that differed from xylose isomerase (XI; EC in bacteria.
results, in addition to some further experiments,
indicated that a two-step bioconversion
of xylose to xylulose i s specific for fungi and yeasts, whereas in bacteria the same
bioconversion is mediated by XI in a single step. Exceptionally, XI is detected in yeasts
Candida boidinii no. 2201,
and C. utilis.
Xylitol is an
intermediary metabolite of xylose utilization by microbial strain.
In xylitol-producing yeast, xylose is converted to xylitol either by NADPH- or NADH-
linked xylose reductase (XR). Then it is either released from the microbial cell or oxi-
dized to xylulose by NADP
-linked xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH). These two
reactions are selected as the rate-limiting steps for xylose metabolism and xylitol produc-
tion. Xylulokinase (EC catalyzes the phosphorylation of xylulose to xylulose
5-phosphate (X5P) and subsequently the resulting product can enter the pentose phos-
phate pathway (PPP) (Fig. 2). The PPP consists of two phases: an oxidative phase and a
nonoxidative phase. In the oxidative phase of the PPP, hexose phosphates (such as glucose
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146 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
6-phosphate) are oxidized to pentose phosphates (such as ribulose 5-phosphate), provid-
ing the NADPH needed in biosynthetic pathways. In the nonoxidative phase, pentose
phosphates are transformed to hexose and triose phosphates. Fructose 6-phosphate and
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are produced from X5P in the nonoxidative phase of the PPP.
These are then transformed to pyruvate in the glycolytic route. The pyruvate formed can
either be converted to ethanol or can enter the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The PPP also
provides erythrose 4-phosphate (used for aromatic amino acids biosynthesis) and ribose
5-phosphate (necessary for the biosynthesis of histidine and nucleic acids). In the fermen-
tative route, pyruvate decarboxylase converts pyruvate into acetaldehyde and, subsequently,
alcohol dehydrogenase acts on the acetaldehyde to yield ethanol. Alternatively, in the oxi-
dation path, pyruvate is oxidized in the TCA cycle and the respiratory chain while there
is available oxygen (Fig. 2). The transformation of X5P into acetyl phosphate and glycer-
aldehyde 3-phosphate by xylulose 5-phosphate phosphoketolase represents an alternative
pathway for its use.
The r atio of XR and XDH and the coenzyme-regenerating system are the main
metabolic regulators to produce xylitol.
A higher ratio of XR to XDH activity is
required to accumulate xylitol. XR and XDH are the crucial enzymes in xylitol biosynthesis
by yeasts. These two enzymes need pyridine nucleotide coenzymes showing specificity
towards its different forms (NADH or NADPH) in different yeasts. Under aerobic con-
ditions, the NADH formed in the second step of the xylose metabolism (Fig. 2) can
be reoxidized in the electron transport system, and as a consequence, xylitol is not
Under oxygen-limited or anaerobic conditions, a redox imbalance occurs due
to a variation in t he coenzyme necessity of these enzymes that leads yeasts to accumulate
xylitol. Oxygen-limited conditions favor xylitol synthesis because of NADH accumula-
tion that subsequently inhibits the NAD-linked XDH. It is concluded that oxygen lowers
the ratios of NADH-dependent XR to NAD-dependent XDH activities and consequently
minimizes xylitol production i n xylose-utilizing yeasts. In yeasts, the formation of xylitol
from xylose cannot be delinked from the formation of other metabolites (e.g., acetic acid,
ethanol, polysaccharides, and carbon dioxide) from xylose. The xylitol formation process
cannot be ceased after the initial step, while xylose is converted to xylitol.
Xylitol Recovery Process
The product recovery step can be one of the most significant operational costs of the pro-
cess. In the chemical process for xylitol production, the nickel catalyst is eliminated by
filtration and the hydrogenated solution is processed to recover xylitol through crystal-
lization, as shown in Fig. 3. When nonpurified xylose s olution is used, polyols other than
xylitol must be initially eliminated by ion-exchange chromatography using cationic resins.
The resulting xylitol-rich fraction is concentrated by evaporation and xylitol is crystallized
from aqueous solution and then separated by the above fractionating process.
purification and recovery is the final and most difficult step of the whole fermentation
process because of the low product concentration, the complex composition of the fer-
mentation medium,
and the fermentation by-products.
A few reports on xylitol
recovery from fermented broth are available in the literature.
can be used for the purification and recovery of xylitol present in the fermented broth.
This method includes sequential stages of centrifugation, adsorption, ethanol precipita-
tion, centrifugation, evaporation, and crystallization.
In the microbial process, the
fermented broth is centrifuged to separate the cell biomass and the resulting liquor is
treated with activated charcoal in order to remove colored substances, proteins, uronic
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Production of Xylitol 147
Chemical Hydrogenation of
Purified Xylose Solution
Purified Xylitol
Biohydrogenation of
Detoxified Xylose Solutions
Clarified Xylitol
Cell Biomass
Figure 3. A simplified process flowsheet for the recovery of xylitol.
acid, and other nonvolatile components (NVCs). The clarified liquor is concentrated by
vacuum evaporation to increase its NVC level and ethanol is added to precipitate the NVCs
other than xylitol (mainly proteins, but also uronic acids, and inorganic compounds). The
precipitate formed is separated by centrifugation and the refined supernatant liquor is con-
centrated again and crystallized at −5
C. Finally, xylitol crystals are separated by vacuum
filtration/centrifugation and rinsed with methanol.
Gurgel et al.
used charcoal to purify xylitol coming from the fermentation of
sugarcane bagasse hydrolyzate and found a xylitol loss of about 20%. The authors reported
that crystallization produced a good yield of xylitol, but after concentration of the fermented
broth, the r esulting solution was viscous and colored, thus making the crystallization pro-
cess difficult and too l ong (1 week at −15
C). Using response surface methodology and
xylitol-xylose pure solutions, Faveri et al.
identified the optimum xylitol supersatura-
tion value and cooling temperature to be 728 g/L and −6.0
C, respectively, which led
to 0.97 purity degree and 0.54 (g/g) xylitol crystallization yield. Rivas et al.
xylitol from fermented corncob hydrolyzate and reported that crystallization led to regu-
larly shaped, well-formed, homogeneous crystals containing 98.9% (w/w) of xylitol with
a xylitol crystallization yield of 0.47 g/g after a single crystallization step. Xylitol was
separated from fermented hemicellulosic hydrolyzate by crystallization and xylitol crystals
with 92–94% purity were obtained from two crystallization steps.
Membrane filtration was employed as an alternative technique for the separation and
recovery of xylitol from fermented broth, because it has the potential for energy savings and
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148 Rafiqul and Mimi Sakinah
a higher purity product.
A polysulfone membrane (10-kDa molecular weight cutoff) was
found to be the most effective for the separation and recovery of xylitol. It was reported that
the membrane allowed 82.2–90.3% of xylitol i n the broth to pass through while retaining
49.2–53.6% of impurities such as peptides and oligopeptides. The resulting permeate was
collected and crystallized and crystals with purity up to 90.3% were achieved. Despite these
advances, the downstream process for recovering xylitol from fermented broth is still a
bottleneck and no method allows the efficient purification and recovery of xylitol necessary
for economically feasible xylitol production.
Discussion and Conclusion
Xylitol is a functional sweetener that has attracted/raised commercial demand because
of its potential application in the food, pharmaceutical, health, and cosmetic sectors.
Commercially, xylitol is manufactured by the chemical process, with a yield of 50–60%,
which has some disadvantages, such as a high energy requirement, extensive separation
and purification steps, and an expensive product. The chemical process for the manufac-
ture of xylitol was developed in Finland in the 1970s. Since then, the microbial production
of xylitol has been studied extensively as an alternative to the chemical process. Yeasts
are identified as the best xylitol producers among the microorganisms studied. As a result,
yeasts have been explored extensively in the last few decades; it has been confirmed that the
highest xylitol producer comes from the genus Candida.
Despite the ability of recombi-
nant yeasts to bioconvert xylose to xylitol with almost theoretical yield, these strains could
not synthesize xylitol for long time due to an imbalance of the redox potential in the cell.
Furthermore, limitation in coenzyme regeneration is an important bottleneck for improved
xylitol production in recombinant strain investigations.
In some of the continuous fer-
mentation processes using natural xylose-fermenting yeast, a substantial improvement in
xylitol productivity was achieved, with moderate product yield only at low xylose con-
centration and high residence time. Enhancement in productivity and yield are important
factors for industrial xylitol production. Because of the drawback of microbial xylitol
production, especially the necessity of large amounts of sterile distilled water and long res-
idence times, it is important to emphasize the development of XR-catalyzed bioconversion
of xylose from hemicellulosic hydrolyzate. Although the yield of microbial bioreduction of
xylose to xylitol could be increased (by 65–85% and 86–100%) using different production
methods with wild-type and transformed yeasts, the chemical process would still be very
competitive in terms of large-scale manufacturing. The f ermentation method does not yet
have the advantages of the chemical process due to the low initial xylose concentration used
as well as to the downstream processing problem regarding the media ingredients.
Current trends in microbial xylitol production are directed towards the development
and application of engineered strains of microbes, particularly bacteria, to tackle the prob-
lems encountered by the conventional wild strains. Although xylitol production has been
greatly improved by fermentation technology, t here are still challenges that need further
investigations. These challenges include development of robust and novel strains with
hydrolyzate inhibitor tolerance, maintaining stable performance of the metabolically engi-
neered organisms in commercial-scale operations, developing more efficient downstream
technologies for the recovery of products, and enhancing xylitol yield and productiv-
ity based on the cost-effective bioconversion of LCM to xylitol. In addition, a life-cycle
assessment of xylitol production is necessary to find environmentally and economically
sustainable processes.
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Production of Xylitol 149
The production of xylitol from xylose using XR from yeast is an attractive alternative
to chemical and microbial processes. The XR enzyme is not available commercially despite
its potential applications in the synthesis of xylitol and/or ethanol. To explore the maximal
efficacy of XR on xylose to xylitol conversion, it is necessary to isolate and characterize the
XR from the potential xylose-fermenting yeast. The use of XR offers an alternative eco-
nomic interest to both the chemical reduction of pure xylose and the fermentation of xylose
obtained from hemicellulosic hydrolyzates. Compared with the microbial fermentations,
the enzymatic approach to xylitol synthesis is expected to achieve a substantial improve-
ment in productivity because cell transfer limitations are avoided in an enzyme reactor.
One significant advantage of in vitro enzyme-based xylitol production is that it can afford
an easy recovery of xylitol. Moreover, immobilization of XR would allow the reuse of the
enzyme and decrease the cost of industrial production. The improved stability and reusabil-
ity of immobilized XR could be a potential advantage in commercial production of xylitol.
The XR-catalyzed biohydrogenation of xylose is NAD(P)H-dependent and the conversion
of xylose into xylitol is higher than 95%.
There have been no reports on the enzymatic synthesis of xylitol from xylose present
in the lignocellulosic biomass. Bioproduction of xylitol by enzyme technology from
LCMs might offer a bright prospect in the biorefinery industry. Hence, much research
is required to develop efficient and bioconversion friendly hydrolysis methods for LCM,
robust microorganisms to prepare XR in a cost-effective way, and methods for optimization
of enzyme-based xylitol production. The enzymatic approach might be able to overcome
the disadvantages of the chemical process (exclusively being used at present) and the
fermentation process (under investigation).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Graduate Research Scheme (grant no.
GRS 090310), Universiti Malaysia Pahang, to conduct this research work.
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