... Previous studies have used multiple approaches to reveal the performance or functionality of each individual tooth: Feeding tracks were documented and related to radular SEM images (Ankel, 1936(Ankel, , 1938Eigenbrodt, 1941;Hickman & Morris, 1985;Janssen & Triebskorn, 1987;Mackenstedt & Märkel, 2001); the radular motion or feeding action was observed through glass surfaces (Ankel, 1938;Eigenbrodt, 1941;Hawkins et al., 1989;Krings, Faust, et al., 2019;Krings, Neumann, et al., 2021;Scheel et al., 2020;Wägele, 1983); the tooth wear after interaction with abrasive ingesta (e.g., sandpapers of different roughness) was documented to reveal contact areas Krings, Hempel, et al., 2021); physical radular models were constructed (Krings, Karabacak, & Gorb, 2021;Mangan et al., 2005); numerical simulations were computed to study the stress and strain distribution in different tooth types (Krings, Marcé-Nogué, et al., 2020;Krings, Marcé-Nogué, & Gorb, 2021;Miura et al., 2019;van der Wal et al., 1999); and the biomechanical behaviors of the teeth were tested in breaking experiments (Krings, Brütt, & Gorb, 2022a;Krings, Kovalev, & Gorb, 2021a. ...