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New records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) for Slovenia



Eight species of jumping spiders, new for Slovenian fauna have been recorded: Aelurillus v-insignitus (Clerck, 1758), Icius subinermis Simon, 1937, Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846), Phlegra cinereofasciata (Simon,1868), Pseudeuophrys vafra (Blackwall, 1867), Salticus unciger (Simon, 1868), Sitticus inexpectus Logunov & Kronstedt, 1997, Sitticus terebratus (Clerk, 1757)
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... The 21 st century began with some higher level systematics and taxonomic works that used Slovenia's exemplars (Agnarson 2004;Arnedo et al. 2004Arnedo et al. , 2009Gregorič 2008;Kuntner et al. 2008;Řezáč et al. 2008a, b;Van Helsdingen et al. 2001;Wang et al. 2010), but mostly continued to document the fauna through faunistic contributions (Buchar and Dolansky 2011;Buchar and Thaler 2002;Čandek et al. 2013, 2015Decae 2010;Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001;Franc 2004;Gorjan and Fišer 2010;Gregorič and Kuntner 2009;Kostanjšek , 2002aKostanjšek , b, 2003Kostanjšek , 2004aKostanjšek , b, 2005Kostanjšek , 2007Kostanjšek , 2011Kostanjšek , 2013Kostanjšek , 2014Kostanjšek and Celestina 2008;Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005;Kostanjšek and Gorjan 2013;Kostanjšek and Kuntner 2002;Kostanjšek and Miller 2004;Kostanjšek and Ramšak 2005;Kuntner 2001;Kuntner and Kostanjšek 2000;Kuntner et al. 2007;Neuhauser et al. 1995;Pipan et al. 2008;Polak et al. 2012), ecological and behavioral studies (Kralj-Fišer et al. 2013;Nentwig and M. 2010;Novak 2005b;Novak et al. 2004Novak et al. , 2010Tkavc 2008) and zoogeographical reviews (Blick et al. 2004;Decae 2010;Deltshev 2005;Finch et al. 2008;Knapič 2012;Kuntner and Šereg 2002;Le Peru 2011, Řezáč et al. 2014. ...
... Evarcha arcuata (Clerck, 1757) Heliophanus dubius C. L. Koch, 1835Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Tarman 2003 Heliophanus flavipes (Hahn, 1832) Čandek et al. 2013, 2004a, Kuntner 1999b= Aranea ritteri Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Heliophanus ritteri (Scopoli, 1763) Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1954 Heliophanus kochii Simon, 1868Čandek et al. 2013, Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gorjan 2014 Heliophanus lineiventris Simon, 1868= Heliophanus pouzdranensis Miller, 1958 Polenec 1992 Simon, 1937Čandek et al. 2013, Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 Leptorchestes berolinensis (C. L. Koch, 1846) Čandek et al. 2013, Kuntner 1997a, 2002= Leptorchestes cinctus Thorell, 1869Polenec 1982a Macaroeris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) Čandek = Eris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) Kuntner 1997b, 1997d, Kuntner and Kostanjšek 2000 Marpissa muscosa (Clerck, 1757) Budja 2008, Čandek et al. 2013, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Kuntner 1996, 1999b, Kuntner and Baxter 1997, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1988= Aranea rumpfii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Marpissa rumpfi Scopoli Polenec 1954= Marpissus muscosus Simon, 1868 Simon 1868 Marpissa nivoyi (Lucas, 1846) Čandek , Franc 2004, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Kuntner 1997b, 2002, Polenec 1992 (Hahn, 1829) Kuntner 1997b, 2002, ULRS 2002 Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer, 1778) Caporiacco 1949, Čandek et al. 2013, Gogala 1985, Gorjan 2014, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009= Aranea joblotii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Myrmarachne joblotii (Scopoli, 1763) Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1954, Tarman 2003 Neon levis (Simon, 1871) Bole et al. 1982, Gorjan 2014 Neon rayi (Simon, 1875) Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001 Neon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853) Budja 2008, Čandek et al. 2013, Gorjan 2014, Kostanjšek 2004a, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1974a, 1975a Pellenes nigrociliatus (Simon, 1875) Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gorjan 2014 Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875) Čandek , 2015, Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009 Pellenes tripunctatus (Walckenaer, 1802) Bole et al. 1982, Franc 2004, Polenec 1992Philaeus chrysops (Poda, 1761 Čandek , Franc 2004, Gorjan 2014, Kuntner 1997d, Kuntner and Kostanjšek 2000, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1966a, 1969a= Aranea catesbaei Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Aranea sloanii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) Kostanjšek 2003, Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 Phlegra cinereofasciata (Simon, 1868) Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 = Phlegra fuscipes Kulczyński, 1891Bole et al. 1982 Phlegra fasciata (Hahn, 1826) Gorjan 2014, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1968b, 1975a Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1826) = Sitticus truncorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Polenec 1988 Sitticus saxicola (C. ...
... Evarcha arcuata (Clerck, 1757) Heliophanus dubius C. L. Koch, 1835Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Tarman 2003 Heliophanus flavipes (Hahn, 1832) Čandek et al. 2013, 2004a, Kuntner 1999b= Aranea ritteri Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Heliophanus ritteri (Scopoli, 1763) Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1954 Heliophanus kochii Simon, 1868Čandek et al. 2013, Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gorjan 2014 Heliophanus lineiventris Simon, 1868= Heliophanus pouzdranensis Miller, 1958 Polenec 1992 Simon, 1937Čandek et al. 2013, Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 Leptorchestes berolinensis (C. L. Koch, 1846) Čandek et al. 2013, Kuntner 1997a, 2002= Leptorchestes cinctus Thorell, 1869Polenec 1982a Macaroeris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) Čandek = Eris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) Kuntner 1997b, 1997d, Kuntner and Kostanjšek 2000 Marpissa muscosa (Clerck, 1757) Budja 2008, Čandek et al. 2013, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Kuntner 1996, 1999b, Kuntner and Baxter 1997, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1988= Aranea rumpfii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Marpissa rumpfi Scopoli Polenec 1954= Marpissus muscosus Simon, 1868 Simon 1868 Marpissa nivoyi (Lucas, 1846) Čandek , Franc 2004, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Kuntner 1997b, 2002, Polenec 1992 (Hahn, 1829) Kuntner 1997b, 2002, ULRS 2002 Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer, 1778) Caporiacco 1949, Čandek et al. 2013, Gogala 1985, Gorjan 2014, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009= Aranea joblotii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Myrmarachne joblotii (Scopoli, 1763) Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1954, Tarman 2003 Neon levis (Simon, 1871) Bole et al. 1982, Gorjan 2014 Neon rayi (Simon, 1875) Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001 Neon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853) Budja 2008, Čandek et al. 2013, Gorjan 2014, Kostanjšek 2004a, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1974a, 1975a Pellenes nigrociliatus (Simon, 1875) Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gorjan 2014 Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875) Čandek , 2015, Fišer and Kostanjšek 2001, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009 Pellenes tripunctatus (Walckenaer, 1802) Bole et al. 1982, Franc 2004, Polenec 1992Philaeus chrysops (Poda, 1761 Čandek , Franc 2004, Gorjan 2014, Kuntner 1997d, Kuntner and Kostanjšek 2000, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1966a, 1969a= Aranea catesbaei Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 = Aranea sloanii Scopoli, 1763 Scopoli 1763 Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) Kostanjšek 2003, Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 Phlegra cinereofasciata (Simon, 1868) Kostanjšek and Fišer 2005 = Phlegra fuscipes Kulczyński, 1891Bole et al. 1982 Phlegra fasciata (Hahn, 1826) Gorjan 2014, Gregorič and Kuntner 2009, Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1968b, 1975a Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1826) = Sitticus truncorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Polenec 1988 Sitticus saxicola (C. L. Koch, 1846) Kostanjšek 2000, Polenec 1989 Sitticus terebratus (Clerck, 1757) Kostanjšek and , Nikolić and Polenec 1981, Polenec 1957, 1958, 1973c Talavera petrensis (C. ...
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Citation: Kostanjšek R, Kuntner M (2015) Araneae Sloveniae: a national spider species checklist. ZooKeys 474: 1–91. Abstract The research of the spider fauna of Slovenia dates back to the very beginning of binomial nomenclature, and has gone through more and less prolific phases with authors concentrating on taxonomy, faunistics, ecology and zoogeographic reviews. Although the body of published works is remarkable for a small na-tion, the faunistic data has remained too scattered for a thorough understanding of regional biotic diver-sity, for comparative and ecological research, and for informed conservation purposes. A national checklist is long overdue. Here, a critical review of all published records in any language is provided. The species list currently comprises 738 species, is published online at un-der the title Araneae Sloveniae, and will be updated in due course. This tool will fill the void in cataloguing regional spider faunas and will facilitate further araneological research in central and southern Europe.
... This number has been almost doubled in the ensuing years, mainly by contributions of the next generation of Slovenian arachneologists (e.g. Kuntner & Kostanjšek 2000, Fišer & Kostanjšek 2001, Kuntner & Šereg 2002, Kostanjšek & Miller 2004, Kostanjšek & Fišer 2005, Gregorič & Kuntner 2009), resulting in almost 700 records of spider species in Slovenia to date. ...
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Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti vrstno sestavo in pogostost pojavljanja posameznih vrst fitobentosa v izbranih mrtvicah reke Mure ter s pomočjo indikatorskih vrst fitobentosa ugotoviti kakovost vode. Skupno smo v treh mrtvicah reke Mure identificirali 147 taksonov iz petih razredov alg. Po številu identificiranih taksonov so prevladovale kremenaste alge s 117 (80 %) taksoni, sledile so Chlorophyceae z 11 (7 %), cianobakterije z 10 (7 %), Xanthophyceae s sedmimi (5 %) in Euglenophyceae z dvema (1 %) taksonoma. Številčno najbolj zastopana rodova sta bila Navicula in Nitzschia. V mrtvici Zaton I smo skupno identificirali 37, v mrtvici Zaton II 75 in v mrtvici Mali Bakovci 107 taksonov alg. V izbranih mrtvicah reke Mure smo skupno ugotovili 25 taksonov, ki do sedaj še niso bili znani na območju Slovenije. 19 za Slovenijo novih taksonov pripada razredu kremenastih alg, Borzia curta in Woronichinia robusta razredu cianobakterij, Bumilleria klebsiana in B. spirotaenia razredu Xanthophyceae ter Characium ensiforme in Microspora abbreviata razredu Chlorophycea. V času raziskav je mrtvica Mure Zaton I spadala v II.-III. kakovostni razred, kar pomeni kritično obremenitev vodnega telesa, mrtvici Mure Zaton II in Mali Bakovci pa v II. kakovostni razred, kar pomeni zmerno obremenjeno vodno telo.
... Icius subinermis probably lives in moist habitats under natural conditions (Stanković 2012, Leroy et al. 2014). However, it was also observed in urban environments or near residential areas ( Jäger 1995, Komnenov 2005, Kostanjšek & Fišer 2005, Helsdingen 2006, Stanković 2012. Furthermore, in most cases the specimens were found in buildings (e.g. in a house, greenhouse or apartment) ( Jäger 1995, 1996, Komnenov 2005, Helsdingen 2006). ...
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We report the first record of Icius subinermis Simon, 1937, one female, from Budapest, Hungary. We provide photographs of the habitus and of the copulatory organ. The possible reasons for the new record and the current jumping spider fauna (Salticidae) of Hungary are discussed. So far 77 salticid species (including I. subinermis) are known from Hungary.
... With sporadic papers in between and several after the above mentioned works (e.g. Kuntner 1999, Kuntner & Kostanjšek 2000, Fišer & Kostanjšek 2001, Kostanjšek & Miller 2004, Kostanjšek 2004, Kostanjšek & Fišer 2005, Kostanjšek & Celestina 2008, Gregorič & Kuntner 2009, Kostanjšek 2010), the number of the spiders listed in the checklist of Slovenian spiders (Nikolić & Polenec 1981) has nearly doubled in recent years and currently consists of 739 species, including the species presented in this paper. Despite the fact that the Slovenian spider fauna is still far from being fully known, the above listed additions to our spider fauna as well as a number of changes in the spider nomenclature in recent decades (Platnick 2013) certainly justify the need for a contemporary check-list of Slovenian spiders, which would provide a solid base for further investigations. ...
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The present study reports on and discusses new records for the Slovenian spider fauna, namely: Asthenargus bracianus, Clubiona leucaspis, Euryopis laeta, Lasaeola prona, Lathys stigmatisata, Meioneta innotabilis, Oecobius maculatus, Porrhomma microphthalmum, Trichoncus saxicola and Zodarion pusio. According to their areas of distribution and confirmed presence in the neighbouring countries, the presence of newly recorded species in Slovenia can be considered as expected, indicating still incomplete knowledge of Slovenian spider fauna.
... This number has been almost doubled in the ensuing years, mainly by contributions of the next generation of Slovenian arachneologists (e.g. Kuntner & Kostanjšek 2000, Fišer & Kostanjšek 2001, Kuntner & Šereg 2002, Kostanjšek & Miller 2004, Kostanjšek & Fišer 2005, Gregorič & Kuntner 2009), resulting in almost 700 records of spider species in Slovenia to date. Although the number of recorded spider species has almost doubled in recent two decades, the knowledge of the Slovenian spider fauna is still considered incomplete. ...
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Sixteen spider species, new to the Slovenian fauna, have been recorded: Aphantaulax trifasciata, on presumably extinct endemic species Nesticus idriacus are also provided, as well as suggestion to its transfer to the IUCN category rare (R).
Technical Report
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Es wird für Deutschland die erste konsequent kriterienbasierte Bewertung der naturschutzfachlichen Invasivität von gebietsfremden terrestrischen Wirbellosen Arten (alle Gruppen außer Insekten) vorgelegt. Zusätzlich werden kommentierte Gesamtartenlisten aller in Deutschland wild lebend nachgewiesenen gebietsfremden terrestrischen Arten (Archäozoa und Neozoa) der bearbeiteten Gruppen präsentiert. --------------- This volume presents an assessment of the invasiveness of selected as well as a checklist of all wild living nonnative terrestrial invertebrate species (Non-Insecta) in Germany [in German].
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Sixteen spider species, new to the Slovenian fauna, have been recorded: Aphantaulax trifasciata, Araneus triguttatus, Arctosa cinerea, Cnephalocotes obscurus, Helophora insignis, Heriaeus hirtus, Nomisia exornata, Nurscia albomaculata, Pardosa agricola, Pardosa prativaga, Pardosa proxima, Philodromus longipalpis, Runcinia grammica, Theridula gonygaster, Xysticus ninnii and Zora armillata. Recent records on presumably extinct endemic species Nesticus idriacus are also provided, as well as suggestion to its transfer to the IUCN category rare (R).
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This is the first complete catalogue of the jumping spiders of northern Asia. It is based on both original data and published data dating from 1861 to October 2000. Northern Asia is defined as the territories of Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, northern provinces of China, and both Korea and Japan (Hokkaido only). The catalogue lists 216 valid species belonging to 41 genera. The following data are supplied for each species: a range characteristic , all available records from northern Asia with approximate coordinates (mapped), all misidentifications and doubtful records (not mapped), habitat preferences, references to available biological data, taxonomic notes on species where necessary, references to lists of regional fauna and to catalogues of general importance. 24 species are excluded from the list of the Northern Asian salticids. 5 species names are newly synonymized:
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Izvleček. Ob pregledu zoološke zbirke Oddelka za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in materiala, nabranega v zadnjih treh letih, je bilo odkritih 21 vrst pajkov skakačev (Salticidae), ki doslej še niso bile najdene v Sloveniji. Abstract. CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE JUMPING SPIDERS FAUNA IN SLOVENIA (ARANEAE, SALTICIDAE) -The material from Biological Department animal collection (Biotehnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana) and the material collected and filed during recent years was revised. 21 species of jumping spiders (Salticidae) new for Slovenia were found: Asinellus festivus (C.L.
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Introduction to the checklists of arachnids by the AraGes (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, Scorpiones, Palpigradi). Ed. Arachnologische Gesellschaft (AraGes). The Internet lists provide an opportunity for everyone to easily inform themselves about the current status of the checklists of Germany, Switzerland and Austria and to get an overview of the species occurring in surrounding countries.
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Twelve species of Phlegm have been treated, of which five species are described as new to science : P bicognata sp. nov. (male and female, from the steppe zone of Eurasia), P dunini sp. nov. (female, from Azerbaij an and Turkey), P kulczynskii sp. nov. (male and female, from the mountains of S. Siberia and Mongolia), P logunovi sp. nov. (male and female, from Central Asia), and P obscurimagna sp. nov. (male and female, from Kyrghyzstan and S. Kazakhstan). P. fuscipes Kulczyhski in Chyzer & Kulczynski, 1891, is newly synonymized with P cinereofasciata Simon, 1868. New records for P sierrana, P tetralineata and P yaelae are provided. All species are (re)described, and distributional maps for each are provided as well.
The World Spider Catalog, Version 6
  • N I Platnick
Platnick N. I. (2005): The World Spider Catalog, Version 6.0. On:
Jumping spiders new to Slovenia (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae)
  • M Kuntner
Kuntner M. (1997): Jumping spiders new to Slovenia (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae). Acta Entomol slov. 5(2):117-122.
Checklist of the Italian fauna on-line version
  • F Stoch
Stoch F. (2003). Checklist of the Italian fauna on-line version. On: