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Urban light pollution alters the diel vertical migration of Daphnia


Abstract and Figures

moonlight but also by artificial outdoor lighting, particularly in urban areas. Light pollution, or the sky glow produced by inefficient outdoor lighting, is prevalent in metropolitan areas (LOCKWOOD et al. 1990), and these areas often border freshwater lakes, coastal ecosystems, or both. Urban water quality may be influenced indirectly by light pollution, because zooplankton grazing influences water quality and the depth distribution of many zooplankters is affected by light. We tested the hypothesis that light pollution asso-ciated with urban areas reduces the amplitude and magnitude of zooplankton vertical migration. A field experiment manipulating underwater light intensity at night was performed in a suburban lake bordering a large metropolitan area.
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Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27 1–4 Stuttgart, October 2000
©2000 E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, D-70176 Stuttgart
0368-0770/00/0027-01 $ 1.00
Urban light pollution alters the diel vertical migration of Daphnia
Marianne V. Moore, Stephanie M. Pierce, Hannah M. Walsh, Siri K. Kvalvik and Julie D. Lim
Light is the fundamental factor controlling the diel
vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton (RINGEL-
BERG 1987, HANEY 1993). It not only serves as the
proximate cue triggering the ascent of zooplankton,
but it also reduces the amplitude of migration if light
levels are sufficiently high at night. For example, the
light of a full moon reduces the amplitude of Daph-
nia (GLIWICZ 1986, DODSON 1990) and chaoborid
(SMITH et al. 1992) migrations. Night-time light
intensities, however, are influenced not only by
moonlight but also by artificial outdoor lighting,
particularly in urban areas. Light pollution, or the
sky glow produced by inefficient outdoor lighting, is
prevalent in metropolitan areas (LOCKWOOD et al.
1990), and these areas often border freshwater lakes,
coastal ecosystems, or both. Urban water quality
may be influenced indirectly by light pollution,
because zooplankton grazing influences water quality
and the depth distribution of many zooplankters is
affected by light.
We tested the hypothesis that light pollution asso-
ciated with urban areas reduces the amplitude and
magnitude of zooplankton vertical migration. A field
experiment manipulating underwater light intensity
at night was performed in a suburban lake bordering
a large metropolitan area.
An enclosure experiment was performed on 7–8 July,
1997, 3 nights after the new moon, in Lake Waban
(area 0.4 km2, mean depth 4.8 m), a dimictic kettle
lake, located 16 km southwest of Boston in Norfolk
County, MA. Lake Waban's watershed (~36 km2)
circumscribes dense residential and commercial areas
as well as major highways (MOORE et al. 1998).
According to Carlson's Trophic State Index, this sub-
urban lake falls between the boundary of mesotro-
phy and eutrophy (see MOORE et al. 1998 for
limnological details). Resident fish include bluegill
(Lepomis macrochirus), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepo-
mis gibbosus), golden shiners (Notemigonos crysoleu-
cas), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), black crappie
(Pomoxis nigromaculatus), white perch (Morone amer-
icana), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides),
chain pickerel (Esox niger), brown bullhead (Ictalurus
nebulosus), and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Low
densities (0.3 ± 0.1 ind./L) of the planktonic preda-
tor, Chaoborus punctipennis, also occur in the lake
Field enclosures (diameter, 56.6 cm; length, 4.5
m), constructed from collapsible, coiled metal
frames, were covered with either thick black (6 mm)
or clear (4 mm) sheet plastic to shield or expose por-
tions of the water column, respectively, to night-time
downwelling irradiance. All enclosures were open at
the bottom, but closed at the surface with lids made
from circular plastic hoops (diameter, 80 cm) and
covered with the appropriate plastic sheet. A slit, cut
in the middle of the plastic of each lid, allowed pas-
sage of sampling equipment. Black enclosures
blocked up to 96% of daytime downwelling irradi-
ance according to a comparison of light measure-
ments made with a Li-Cor quantum sensor in these
enclosures and the lake.
At midday, prior to the evening experiment, the
Secchi disk depth and underwater light measure-
ments were obtained with a Li-Cor quantum sensor.
The latter measurements were made per meter from
the surface to the bottom of the lake. Daytime depth
distributions of crustacean zooplankton were also
determined at depths of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 m by filter-
ing water samples collected with a Kemmerer bottle
(4.2 L) through a plankton net (10 µm mesh). All
zooplankton samples were preserved immediately
with 5% buffered, sucrose–Formalin.
Three experimental enclosures (black plastic) and
three control enclosures (clear plastic) were deployed
at the deepest point (11.5 m) of the lake 30 min
before sunset. In addition, three adjacent locations in
the lake served as controls for “enclosure effects”. A
total of nine sites for the enclosures and the lake
sampling were arranged in a grid pattern of three
rows with three sites per row. Treatments (black,
clear, and open lake) were blocked across rows, and
treatments were randomly assigned a site within each
row. Blocking of treatments across rows prevented
isolated light sources near shore from differentially
2 Biology of freshwater Crustacea
affecting some treatments but not others.
Immediately prior to sampling the enclosures,
temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured
each meter from the lake surface to the substrate
with a YSI model 58 oxygen meter. Night-time light
intensities were below the detection limit (0.01
µEinst/m2/s) of a Li-Cor quantum sensor so subse-
quent measurements were made with an Optec SPS-
3 photomultiplier on 9 October, 1997. On the night
of the experiment, between 23:45 and 03:45 h, three
replicate water samples were collected with a
Kemmerer bottle (4.2 or 3.2 L) at each of three
depths (2, 4, and 6 m) inside or directly below each
enclosure and in the open lake locations. Samples
were filtered and preserved as described previously.
Crustacean zooplankton were later identified to spe-
cies and counted using a stereo microscope (30 ).
Nauplii were sub-sampled with a 5-mL Hensen–
Stempel pipette when their densities 50 ind./mL.
The coefficient of variation for sub-sampling was
Proportions of zooplankton per taxon collected at
night were compared among depths and treatments
using two-way ANOVA. In the lake, zooplankton
proportions per taxon were also compared among
times (day vs. night) and depth to determine if taxa
exhibited DVM. All zooplankton proportions were
normalized using an arcsin transformation (SOKAL &
ROHLF 1981).
Results and discussion
The depth distribution of a single species,
Daphnia retrocurva, differed significantly
among treatments (Table 1; F4,68 = 4.11, P <
0.01). The movement of Daphnia was signifi-
cantly greater in both amplitude (2 m higher)
and magnitude (10–20% more individuals) in
the black enclosures than in control enclosures
or the lake (Fig. 1). An ‘enclosure effect’ did not
bias the results, because the depth distribution
of Daphnia was similar in the clear enclosures
and the lake. Also, because all enclosures were
open at the bottom, kairomones from predators
and the abundance and distribution of algal
food should have been similar among enclo-
sures. Interestingly, Daphnia did not exhibit
DVM in the lake. Its vertical distribution was
similar during the day and night in Lake
Waban (F2,30 = 12.26, P > 0.05).
None of the other cladoceran (Bosmina and
Diaphanosoma) or copepod species in Lake
Waban were affected by light pollution in the
enclosure experiment. Copepod nauplii and D.
retrocurva dominated numerically the crusta-
cean zooplankton community with mean densi-
ties of 41.4 and 37.3 ind./L, respectively, across
all sampling depths. Of the four copepod spe-
cies present, Diaptomus minutus was most
abundant (mean density, 5.7 ind./L across all
sampling depths).
Night-time light intensity resulting from
light pollution at the surface of Lake Waban
was less than that of full moonlight (i.e. 0.01
µEinst/m2/s; MOORE RODENHOUSE 1986) and
ten times less than that measured at the surface
of an urban lake near the center of Boston, MA.
Problems with the photomultiplier prevented
Table 1. Two-way ANOVA comparing proportional
abundance of Daphnia retrocurva among treatments
(black enclosures, clear enclosures and open lake)
and depths (2, 4, and 6 m) in Lake Waban, Massa-
chusetts on 8 July, 1997. Proportional abundance is
the proportion of total density over all depths sam-
Source df Sum of squares F P
Treatment 2 0.002 0.94 >0.05
Depth 2 0.179 99.96 <0.01
Treatment depth 4 0.015 4.11 <0.01
Error 68 0.061
Fig. 1. Mean (n = 3) percent abundance (% ± 1 SD)
of Daphnia retrocurva (per L) across all sampling
depths (2, 4, and 6 m) and treatments (Clear: clear
enclosure; Black: black enclosure; Lake: lake sam-
pling site) in Lake Waban, Massachusetts on 8 July
M. V. Moore et al., Urban light pollution and vertical migration of Daphnia 3
us from obtaining absolute measurements of
light intensity at night. At midday, 7 July 1997,
the Secchi disc depth of Lake Waban was 1.7
m, and the light extinction coefficient (k)
equaled 0.82/m. On the night of the experi-
ment, the metalimnion occurred between 4 and
10 m, and hypoxic or anoxic conditions
occurred at depths 5 m (Fig. 2).
Using the Secchi depth recorded for Lake
Waban and a regression model developed by
DODSON (1990), a migration amplitude of 2.1
m is predicted empirically for Daphnia under
normal conditions (i.e. no light pollution) in
Lake Waban. Daphnias upward movement of 2
m in the black enclosures, coupled with its
absence of DVM in the lake, suggests that light
pollution either eliminated Daphnia DVM or
reduced its amplitude to a distance too small
for detection with the experimental methods
used. Interestingly, the model of DODSON
(1990) also predicts that full moonlight reduces
the amplitude of Daphnia DVM by 2 m in
north temperate lakes. This prediction, in con-
junction with the results of this current study,
suggests that the ecological effects of light pol-
lution in this lake are comparable to those of
full moonlight.
Suppression of zooplankton DVM by light
pollution is probably most likely to occur in
lakes with fish and relatively clear water. In
lakes with fish, Daphnia genotypes most sensi-
tive to light (i.e. negative phototaxis) occur, and
these genotypes respond more strongly to the
induction of DVM by fish kairomones than
clones from fishless habitats (DE MEESTER
1993). Finally, the penetration of light pollu-
tion and its effects should be greater in clear
lakes with low concentrations of DOC and
The suppression of DVM by light pollution
may have consequences for both algae and
zooplankton. Algal mortality in the epilimnion
may be reduced due to lower rates of zooplank-
ton grazing. Alternatively, the lack of nutrient
regeneration by zooplankton in the upper sur-
face waters at night could actually slow algal
growth in lakes experiencing severe nutrient
limitation (STERNER & HESSEN 1994). If light
pollution confines zooplankton to metalim-
netic depths, individual growth and reproduc-
tion may decline markedly due to colder water
temperatures (LOOSE & DAWIDOWICZ 1994).
Diel vertical migration of Daphnia was signifi-
cantly reduced in both amplitude (2 m lower)
and magnitude (10–20% fewer individuals) by
urban light pollution in a suburban lake.
Reduced algal grazing by zooplankton at night
in epilimnetic waters could potentially contrib-
ute to enhanced algal biomass in lakes and
coastal waters near urban areas, thereby lower-
ing water quality.
We thank SUE KOHLER for her expert technical assis-
tance regarding light instrumentation and LEE
HAWKINS for the loan of the Optec SPS-3 photomul-
tiplier. Field assistance was kindly provided by MYNA
JOSEPH. This research was supported by a Brach-
man–Hoffman Fellowship to the first author. Co-
authors were supported by an NSF-REU site grant
(IBN 9424179) and grants from the Sherman Fair-
child Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical
Fig. 2. Temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen
(mg/L) profiles for Lake Waban, Massachusetts on
7 July 1997 at 21:00 h.
4 Biology of freshwater Crustacea
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Authors' addresses:
M. WALSH, SIRI K. KVALVIK, Department of Biologi-
cal Sciences, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachu-
setts, 02481-8203 USA.
JULIE D. LIM, Newton North High School, 360 Low-
ell Avenue, Newtonville, Massachusetts, 02460 USA.
... Au niveau d'un écosystème, ces déplacements d'équilibre peuvent provoquer des réactions en chaine, dont le résultat est a priori imprévisible. Peu d'exemples sont documentés, le seul qui est cité est celui des migrations quotidiennes du plancton régulé par le niveau lumineux (Gliwicz, 1986), avec un impact de l'ALAN sur cette migration et indirectement sur la qualité de l'eau (Moore et al., 2000). ...
Technical Report
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Notes de lecture: éclairage et biodiversité. Lecture notes: lighting and biodiversity.
... However, ALAN may also favor diurnal and crepuscular predators (Bolton et al. 2017;Miller et al., 2017;Czarnecka et al., 2019;Tałanda et al., 2022), which often extend their feeding into the night hours. On the other hand, predation may be suppressed by ALAN if potential prey avoids light (Hadderingh et al., 1999;Moore et al., 2000;Vowles et al., 2014). ...
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Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a common anthropogenic disturbance altering animal behaviour. However, little is known about the impact of the spectral composition of ALAN and co-occurring predation risk on the behaviour of aquatic organisms. We experimentally investigated how ALAN of different spectra (cool white LED and HPS light) affects the behaviour and foraging of Gammarus jazdzewskii (Amphipoda) on chironomid prey, both as a single stressor and in combination with an olfactory predation cue. Gammarids exposed to ALAN in the absence of predation cues consumed less, compared to darkness, mainly due to their lower activity. Moreover, gammarids showed a stronger response to LED light, spending more time in shelter and increasing prey handling time in this treatment. The addition of predation cues did not enhance the negative impact of ALAN on the foraging success. Gammarids maintained similar consumption levels as in the ALAN treatment without predation cues and in darkness with predation cues. However, gammarids in LED light altered their behaviour in response to predation threat: they decreased prey handling time and consumed prey faster, which may have compensated for the higher food demand in stressful conditions. They also tended to exhibit risky behaviour, leaving the shelter and moving towards the lit area, presumably to escape and avoid combined effects of light and predation cues. Therefore, when assessing the effects of ALAN on organisms, light quality and co-occurring biotic factors should be considered, as predator pressure is common in natural environments.
... Sunlight affects the structure and functioning of ecological communities, including the primary productivity of terrestrial and aquatic plants (Duarte 1995;Fankhauser and Chory 1997), biotic interactions such as predation and competition (Bennie et al. 2014;Bolton et al. 2017;Duffy-Anderson and Able 2001;Gutman and Dayan 2005), species migrations (Moore et al. 2000;Ono and Simenstad 2014;Van Doren et al. 2017), and larval recruitment (Blockley and Chapman 2006). Additionally sunlight can, through associated infrared radiation (heat), affect bodily functions, for example, by increasing metabolic functions in ectotherms (Judd 1975) or causing heat stress when upper thermal limits are exceeded (Jurgens andGaylord 2018, Seabra et al. 2011). ...
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Light availability and habitat complexity are two key drivers of community assembly. Urbanisation has been shown to affect both, with important consequences to ecological communities. On the intertidal, for instance, studies have shown that light intensity is greater on natural rocky shores than on less complex artificial habitats (seawalls), though different habitats can also experience similar light intensities, for example when shaded by urban structures. Understanding therefore how these factors individually, and combined, affect communities is important to understand the mechanisms driving changes in community structure, and consequently provide solutions to tackle the increasing homogenisation of habitats and lightscapes in urbanised spaces through smart infrastructure designs. Here, we assessed how different light levels affect the recruitment of communities in rock pools and on emergent rock on an intertidal rocky shore. We cleared 30 patches of emergent rock and 30 rock pools and manipulated light using shades with different light transmissions (full light, procedural control, 75%, 35%, and 15% light transmission, full shade) and assessed mobile and sessile communities monthly for 6 months. Effects of reducing light levels were generally stronger on rock than in pools. Fully shaded plots supported double the amount of mobile organisms than plots in full sunlight, in both habitats. Algal cover was higher in pools compared to rock, and at intermediate light levels, but effects varied with site. This study highlights the importance of variable light conditions and different habitats for rocky shore communities, which should be considered in future coastal developments to retain natural biodiversity.
... Thus ALAN may also affect littoral zone of seas 3 , lakes and rivers [4][5][6] . Studies focusing on the effects of ALAN on aquatic organisms in open waters are scarce, despite its potential significance 7,8 . ...
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Artificial light at night (ALAN) is known to affect organisms in terrestrial ecosystems and adjacent litoral habitats. In the present study, we tested the effect of ALAN on the spatial distribution of organisms in open waters, using the insect larvae of Chaoborus flavicans as an example. During the day C. flavicans typically hide from visually hunting fish in deep, dark, anoxic waters. On safer nights, they forage in rich subsurface waters. Nighttime field tests revealed that light from an HPS street lamp mounted on a boat anchored in open water attracted planktivorous fish, but deterred planktonic Chaoborus from rich but risky surface waters. Chaoborus did not descend to the safest, anoxic hypolimnion, but remained in hypoxic mid-depth metalimnion, which does not appear to be a perfect refuge. Neither light gradient nor food distribution fully explained their mid-depth residence under ALAN conditions. A further laboratory test revealed a limited tolerance of C. flavicans to anoxia. Half of the test larvae died after 38 hours at 9°C in anoxic conditions. The trade-off between predation risk and oxygen demand may explain why Chaoborus did not hide in deep anoxic waters, but remained in the riskier metalimnion with residual oxygen under ALAN conditions.
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Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) is one of the most widespread stressors on coastal marine habitats. Despite their sparse use in light pollution studies, light traps are a useful methodology to explore which species are attracted by ALAN. For that purpose, we placed light traps during the day and at night in the shallow subtidal adjacent to three natural sandy shores. Additionally, to determine the origin of the catches, the sediment and the water column were also sampled in both periods by a Van Veen grab and a plankton net, respectively. Our results showed that light traps catches at night were dominated by migrant fauna, mostly amphipod crustaceans emerging from the sediment. Other species that perform diel vertical migrations, such as calanoid copepods, were also attracted. This approach may help to understand which taxa are more susceptible to ALAN in these shallow habitats.
Light pollution has increased globally, with 80% of the total population now living under light-polluted skies. In this Review, we elucidate the scope and importance of light pollution and discuss techniques to monitor it. In urban areas, light emissions from sources such as street lights lead to a zenith radiance 40 times larger than that of an unpolluted night sky. Non-urban areas account for over 50% of the total night-time light observed by satellites, with contributions from sources such as transportation networks and resource extraction. Artificial light can disturb the migratory and reproductive behaviours of animals even at the low illuminances from diffuse skyglow. Additionally, lighting (indoor and outdoor) accounts for 20% of global electricity consumption and 6% of CO2 emissions, leading to indirect environmental impacts and a financial cost. However, existing monitoring techniques can only perform a limited number of measurements throughout the night and lack spectral and spatial resolution. Therefore, satellites with improved spectral and spatial resolution are needed to enable time series analysis of light pollution trends throughout the night.
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This work seeks to demonstrate how light pollution impacts fishing activities, including catch rates and the profits of fishermen. Our goal is to examine how light pollution affects the fishing dynamics of sardines and anchovies in the Casablanca-Rabat region of Morocco, within a bioeconomic framework involving these two marine populations. In this article, we show that our model is well posed by studying the positivity and the boundedness of our system, and then we show the local stability of the interior equilibrium point. Then, we move on to calculating the fishing effort that maximizes fishermen’s profits and catches under two main constraints: The influence of light pollution on the sustained viability of the sardine and anchovy populations. Using data reported by the National Fisheries Research Institute (INRH), we obtain detailed results in numerical simulations.
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A cycle of zooplankton density that fluctuated in phase with the moon was observed throughout 1982-1983 in Cahora Bassa Reservoir on the lower Zambezi, in southeastern Africa. Despite constant birth rates, densities of four cladoceran and two copepod species, as determined from vertically hauled plankton net samples taken every 2-6 d, fluctuated over one order of magnitude. The pattern followed by each species included an exponential increase in population density from the last quarter of the moon through the new moon and the first quarter, till the full moon, then a sudden decrease resulting in lowest numbers during the moon's last quarter. The cycle was shown to be induced by predation. Much higher death rates between the full moon and the last quarter were caused by the abundant Tanganyikan sardine Limnothrissa miodon. As seen from an examination of gut contents, sardines crop zooplankton most efficiently on nights when the full or nearly full moon rises after sunset, i.e., when zooplankton approach the surface during darkness and become suddenly vulnerable in the first light of the rising moon. After the last quarter, zooplankton density is low, the moon gives little light, the fish shift to alternate food resources, and zooplankton populations grow exponentially again. I suggest that the moon phase cycle in zooplankton is a global phenomenon, but, previously uninterpreted, has been seen only as distracting @'random@' variations in seasonal density patterns. I also suggest that similar prey-predator interactions might have been responsible for selecting for and fixing intrinsic monthly rhythms in behavior and physiology of animals with long life-spans.
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Diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton is a behavioral antipredator defense that is shaped by the trade-off between higher predation risk in surface waters and reduced growth in deeper waters. We conducted two laboratory experiments to quantify the costs connected with DVM. In the first experiment, Daphnia magna were kept individually in thermally stratified flow-through tubes and exposed to seven different concentrations of fish-exuded kairomones. Above a threshold concentration, the strength of migration increased with increases in the concentration of fish exudates. Enhancement of migration resulted in a lower mean ambient temperature experienced by the animals and marked decreases in individual growth and reproduction rates. In order to separate costs due to low hypolimnetic temperatures in a stratified system from costs due to reduced food concentrations in deeper waters, we conducted an experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial design (fish presence vs. absence and high vs. low food conditions). Differences in mean ambient temperature between Daphnia that performed DVM and nonmigrating animals were found to have a much stronger impact on life history parameters than food effects. A reevaluation of field data on DVM in Daphnia further supports the view that vertical temperature gradients are more important than food gradients.
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Urban sky-glow (light pollution) trends, recorded photoelectrically in intermediate-band b (472 nm) and y (551 nm) filters at the original site of the Lowell Observatory on Mars Hill near downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, reflect not just the population growth of the surrounding city but also some ameliorating effects of lighting controls and a changing mix of outdoor lighting sources. Since 1976 the sky brightness increased in b but has been virtually constant in y. New ordinances limit lighting growth near observatories and require monochromatic low-pressure sodium luminaires for most applications.
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Organisms differ in the proportions of major elements that they contain, including N and P, which are known to be highly dynamic and potentially limiting to production of aquatic ecosystems. Such contrasting elemental composition between, for example, algae and herbivores, or between different herbivores, generates a suite of ecological predictions and opens up new dynamical possibilities. Here we review studies relating to the nutritional physiology of aquatic herbivores, especially freshwater pelagic species, and we relate element content to secondary production and nutrient recycling. A variety of evidence from many types of studies-physiological modelling, whole-ecosystem surveys, laboratory growth studies, etc-is assembled into an internally consistent picture of mineral limitation of aquatic herbivores. Herbivores with high nutrient demands (the best example is probably Daphnia and phosphorus) appear frequently to be limited not by the food quantity or energy available to them but by the quantity of mineral elements in their food.
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Inputs of total phosphorus (TP) to a small lake (0.4 km) located in western suburban Boston were compared during a drought (fall 1995) and a normal rainfall period (fall 1994) to explore potential effects of Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) and climate change on phosphorus loading to suburban lakes of the Northeastern U.S.A. In fall 1994, the watershed supplied 18 times more TP than Canada geese, but during the fall drought of 1995, TP from Canada geese exceeded that from the watershed by more than 7 times. Differences in the relative importance of TP loading from Canada geese and the watershed were caused by variation in streamflow between years. Under conditions of climatic warming, annual streamflow in the Northeast (U.S.A.) is projected to decline by ~30% with greatest reductions (~60%) occurring in the fall. At this time of year, Canada geese are most abundant and are likely to become the major contributor of TP to urban lakes. Furthermore, annual absolute inputs of TP from geese to suburban and urban lakes of the Northeast are likely to increase with warmer conditions associated with climate change, because ice cover in winter is unlikely to form on lakes in this region. Consequently, geese are likely to remain on such lakes during the winter rather than moving to open coastal waters as they do presently when lakes freeze. Thus, both the warmer and drier conditions predicted to accompany climate change may exacerbate effects of Canada geese on the water quality of suburban-urban lakes in this region of North America.
Clones were isolated from natural populations with contrasting fish predation pressure and were tested for their phototactic behavior in the presence and absence of fish and/or fish-mediated chemicals. The presence of fish-mediated chemicals induced a more negatively phototactic behavior in all clones tested. This response was observed within 24 h after exposure to these chemicals. Release from the presence of the fish-mediated chemicals resulted for most clones in a gradual change back to control behavior, which took several days. There was no indication of a maternal effect. The response was not enhanced by a more direct exposure to the presence of fish, suggesting that the stimulus is a chemical. The results indicated genetic differences in responsiveness to fish-mediated chemicals in Daphnia. Clones isolated from habitats in which fish were present were on average more responsive than clones isolated from a fishless habitat. Significant genetic differences in phototactic behavior between the clones tested could be observed in the presence as well as in the absence of fish-mediated chemicals.
Amplitude of diel vertical migration is predicted by water clarity. The model assumes that vertical migration serves to minimize mortality from visually feeding fish and to maximize grazing rate within this predation context. Three of 24 observations of diel vertical migration are outliers which are either ultraoligotrophic, or have minimal populations of plankton-eating fish, or both. The other observations in lakes with average photosynthetic rates >300 mg C m-2 d-1 and >2 g m-2 of plankton-eating fish showed diel vertical migration proportional to Secchi depth. The residual is significantly and inversely correlated with percent illumination of the moon. Water clarity and moon intensity together account for 84% of the variations in migration amplitude. -from Author