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The Effect of an Open Carpal Tunnel Release on Thumb CMC Biomechanics

Advances in Orthopedics

Abstract and Figures

Purpose. We have observed worsening thumb pain following carpal tunnel release (CTR) in some patients. Our purpose was to determine the effect of open CTR on thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) biomechanics. Methods. Five fresh-frozen cadaver arms with intact soft tissues were used. Each specimen was secured to a jig which fixed the forearm at 45° supination, and the wrist at 20° dorsiflexion, with thumb pointing up. The thumb was axially loaded with a force of 130 N. We measured 3D translation and rotation of the trapezium, radius, and first metacarpal, before and after open CTR. Motion between radius and first metacarpal, radius and trapezium, and first metacarpal and trapezium during loading was calculated using rigid body mechanics. Overall stiffness of each specimen was determined. Results. Total construct stiffness following CTR was reduced in all specimens but not significantly. No significant changes were found in adduction, pronation, or dorsiflexion of the trapezium with respect to radius after open CTR. Motion between radius and first metacarpal, between radius and trapezium, or between first metacarpal and trapezium after open CTR was not decreased significantly. Conclusion. From this data, we cannot determine if releasing the transverse carpal ligament alters kinematics of the CMC joint.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Orthopedics
Volume 2012, Article ID 151348, 4pages
Research Article
The Effect of an Open Carpal Tunnel Release on
Thumb CMC Biomechanics
Marc A. Tanner, Bryan P. Conrad, Paul C. Dell, and Thomas W. Wright
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Institute,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Thomas W. Wright,
Received 19 April 2012; Revised 23 October 2012; Accepted 24 October 2012
Academic Editor: Allen L. Carl
Copyright © 2012 Marc A. Tanner et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Purpose. We have observed worsening thumb pain following carpal tunnel release (CTR) in some patients. Our purpose was to
determine the eect of open CTR on thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) biomechanics. Methods. Five fresh-frozen cadaver arms with
intact soft tissues were used. Each specimen was secured to a jig which fixed the forearm at 45supination, and the wrist at 20
dorsiflexion, with thumb pointing up. The thumb was axially loaded with a force of 130N. We measured 3D translation and rota-
tion of the trapezium, radius, and first metacarpal, before and after open CTR. Motion between radius and first metacarpal, radius
and trapezium, and first metacarpal and trapezium during loading was calculated using rigid body mechanics. Overall stiness of
each specimen was determined. Results. Total construct stiness following CTR was reduced in all specimens but not significantly.
No significant changes were found in adduction, pronation, or dorsiflexion of the trapezium with respect to radius after open CTR.
Motion between radius and first metacarpal, between radius and trapezium, or between first metacarpal and trapezium after open
CTR was not decreased significantly. Conclusion. From this data, we cannot determine if releasing the transverse carpal ligament
alters kinematics of the CMC joint.
1. Introduction
Carpal tunnel syndrome and basal joint arthritis often
coexist [1]. A study of 246 patients with basal joint arthritis of
the thumb reported that 39% of the study patients also had
carpal tunnel syndrome [2]. Anecdotally, we have observed
worsening thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) pain in some
patients with previously asymptomatic (or minimally symp-
tomatic) first CMC arthritis after undergoing a carpal tunnel
release. The thumb CMC joint is the most common site for
reconstruction in the upper extremity secondary to osteoar-
thritis [3]. It is a semiconstrained joint composed of two
saddle-shaped articulations with opposing axes perpendic-
ular to each other. Minimal congruence and bony stability
allow for a wide range of motion [4].
The anterior border of the carpal tunnel is formed by
the transverses carpal ligament (TCL) [5]. The transverse
carpal ligament proper inserts into the scaphoid tubercle and
trapezial ridge radially and the hamulus and pisiform ulnarly
[6]. Studies have noted increase in carpal tunnel volume,
increase in the carpal arch width, and an overall decrease
in carpal stiness after carpal tunnel release (CTR) [612].
Rotational changes of the hamate, pisiform, and the trapez-
ium have also been reported, as well as an increase in the
distance between the trapezium and the hook of the hamate
[5]. Previous research suggests a direct relationship between
widening of the transverse carpal arch and loss of grip
strength [13]. Pillar pain is a common complaint after CTR
[14], perhaps as a result of the division of the TCL during
surgery [6].
Pain originates most commonly over the pisotriquetral
joint, possibly secondary to displacement of the pisiform or
alteration of forces over the joint [11,15].Thesametypeof
biomechanical changes could occur with the trapezium and
the CMC joint. The purpose of this study is to determine
the eect of open CTR on the kinematics of the trapezium
2 Advances in Orthopedics
and first CMC joint. Our hypothesis was that a CTR will
allow rotation of the trapezium altering the biomechanics of
the first CMC joint. These changes could result in the clinical
observation of increased first CMC joint pain in patients with
previous subclinical CMC arthritis.
2. Materials and Methods
Five fresh-frozen cadaver arms with intact soft tissues were
used. There were three male specimens and two female
specimens (donor age was not available). Each specimen was
secured to a custom-made jig with 3.0 threaded Steinman
pins, two at the distal radius and two placed in the second
metacarpal (Figure 1).
supination and was
designed to allow free motion at the thumb CMC joint and
radiocarpal joint while the wrist was fixed in 20of dorsiflex-
ion. A threaded 2.0 mm K-wire was placed from the tip of
the thumb distal phalanx into the thumb metacarpal, leaving
2 cm of wire out of the skin. The wire out of the skin was
placed into an MTS machine (MTS Systems, Eden Prairie,
MN) and the jig secured to the base of the testing machine.
An electromagnetic tracking system (Liberty, Polhemus
Inc, Colchester, VT) was used to measure the 3D translation
and rotation of the trapezium, radius, and first metacarpal.
Electromagnetic sensors were attached to the radius and
first metacarpal using custom-made fiberglass brackets. A
threaded K-wire was placed into the trapezium, ensuring that
the joint capsule remained intact, and a third electromag-
netic sensor was attached to the K-wire to track the trapez-
ium. The electromagnetic source was positioned within
20 cm of the sensors to minimize the eect of distortion cre-
ated by the testing machine and jig. Internal electronics of the
Polhemus Liberty system are capable of detecting distortions
and, when present, the testing setup was adjusted to elimi-
nate them. After loading at 10 N once to remove any slack,
the thumb was axially loaded with a 130 N force.
The total motion of the first metacarpal relative to the
radius, between the radius and trapezium, and between
the first metacarpal and the trapezium during loading was
calculated using rigid body mechanics. The stiness of each
specimen was also determined by measuring the slope of the
load-displacement curve during loading. The measurements
CTR. An open CTR was performed in the standard fashion
and verified visually and with palpation. The release was
performed without removing the specimen from the jig. A
paired t-test was used to determine dierences in rotation
and translation of the specimen befor and after CTR.
3. Result
Motion and stiness data is presented in Tab le 1.
All five specimens demonstrated a reduction in the total
construct stiness following CTR; however, the dierence
was not statistically significant (P=0.1). The average adduc-
tion, pronation, and dorsiflexion of the trapezium with
Figure 1: Photograph of a specimen secured in the custom-made
jig. The forearm is at 45-degree supination and the wrist at 20-
degree dorsiflexion, thumb pointing up.
respect to the radius did not change significantly after open
CRT. No significant decrease in range of motion was meas-
ured between the radius and first metacarpal (P=0.12),
between the radius and trapezium (P=0.32), or between
the first metacarpal and trapezium (P=0.55) after an open
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to determine the eect of
open CTR on the kinematics of the first CMC joint. Our
hypothesis that a CTR would cause rotation of the trapezium
altering the biomechanics of the first CMC joint was not sup-
ported by the data from this study. Less stiness was seen in
all of the specimens at the radius-metacarpal interface after
CTR; however, the dierence was not statistically significant.
The magnitude of change at the trapezium that would cause
symptoms is not known. It may have been that the small
changes in stiness we observed were not statistically sig-
nificant because the study did not have sucient power. We
do not know what decrease in stiness would be enough to
account for a perceived increase in postoperative pain at the
thumb CMC joint in patients with prior subclinical CMC
arthritis. Likewise rotation of the trapezium would likely
aect the scaphotrapezial trapezoid (STT) joint. This could
also cause pain near the base of the thumb. We did not
specifically evaluate the STT joint in this study.
The only previous study which addressed this issue was
presented in 2009 at the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgery meeting [16]. Changes in rotation of the trapezium
were noted in their study but were not statistically significant.
Outward rotational changes in the trapezium of 2.25 degrees
(±1.6 degrees) were found after CTR. They also reported
rotational changes in the pisiform and the magnitude of
these changes was greater than those found at the trapezium
(3.83 degrees and 4.5 degrees, resp.).
A weakness of this study is the small sample size and
the inherent variability of cadaveric specimens. Even though
the specimens were preconditioned, it is probable that in the
normal physiologic state some biomechanical changes may
Advances in Orthopedics 3
Tab le 1: Summary of mechanical properties for each combination of bones before and after open carpal tunnel release.
Measurement Intact
(mean ±SD)
After release
(mean ±SD) Dierence Pvalue
Rad-Met1 Rx(adduction) (deg) 2.2 ±1.3 2.1 ±1.6 6.6% 0.69
Rad-Met1 Ry(pronation) (deg) 0.7 ±0.6 0.7 ±0.4 7.9% 0.56
Rad-Met1 Rz(dorsiflexion) (deg) 3.5 ±1.4 3.4 ±1.5 3.0% 0.78
Rad-Met1 X(dorsal deviation) (mm) 1.9 ±1.6 2 ±1.7 3.3% 0.48
Rad-Met1 Y(subluxation) (mm) 1.4 ±0.7 1.5 ±0.7 9.1% 0.12
Rad-Met1 Z(ulnar deviation) (mm) 1.5 ±0.7 1.5 ±0.6 5.5% 0.54
Rad-Trap Rx(adduction) (deg) 1.9 ±1.1 2.1 ±1.2 10.2% 0.17
Rad-Trap Ry(pronation) (deg) 2.9 ±2.2 2.9 ±2.4 0.9% 0.83
Rad-Trap Rz(dorsiflexion) (deg) 2.0 ±2.7 1.9 ±2.3 4.1% 0.70
Rad-Trap X(dorsal deviation) (mm) 1.3 ±0.9 1.1 ±0.8 11.0% 0.13
Rad-Trap Y(subluxation) (mm) 1.0 ±1.1 1.0 ±1.1 6.0% 0.32
Rad-Trap Z(ulnar deviation) (mm) 1.2 ±0.5 1.3 ±0.6 8.6% 0.31
Trap -Met1 Rx(adduction) (deg) 9.0 ±9.8 8.6 ±8.8 5.1% 0.60
Trap -Met1 Ry(pronation) (deg) 2.7 ±1.7 2.6 ±2.0 2.5% 0.83
Trap -Met1 Rz(dorsiflexion) (deg) 12 ±11.2 11.9 ±11.2 1.3% 0.80
Trap -Met1 X(dorsal deviation) (mm) 0.5 ±0.2 0.6 ±0.5 32.4% 0.36
Trap -Met1 Y(subluxation) (mm) 1.2 ±1.2 1.2 ±1.2 2.8% 0.55
Trap -Met1 Z(ulnar deviation) (mm) 0.7 ±0.4 0.6 ±0.4 5.3% 0.39
Overall specimen stiness (N/mm) 48.9 ±23.4 41.4 ±18.4 15.3% 0.11
Rad-Met: radius to 1st metacarpal; Rad-Trap: radius to trapezium; Trap-Met: trapezium to 1st metacarpal.
occur over time as the constraints further stretch out. The
native musculature was not used to dynamically load the
CMC. In a cadaver specimen it is challenging to reproduce
physiological loading and it is possible that the tested
condition does not reproduce normal CMC loading. The
strengths of the study are that the surrounding soft tissues of
the forearm were not disturbed and the carpal tunnel release
was performed without removing the arm from the custom
jig. Many other factors come into play concerning the clinical
onset of 1st CMC joint pain including deconditioning or
increased activity level once the patient has recovered from
carpal tunnel surgery.
Our goal was to explore changes in kinematics at the
trapezium following CTR. These changes could be a result of
the changes in the anatomic relationship due to the release of
the TCL aecting the forces at its insertion onto the trapezial
ridge. Small rotational changes could aect the normal
kinematics of the CMC joint during physiologic loading.
Based on the methodology of this cadaver study, we were
unable to prove our hypothesis that releasing the TCL would
result in kinematic changes of the trapezium with secondary
eects on the 1st CMC joint that could be responsible for
postoperative pain in a previous arthritic but asymptomatic
CMC joint.
Ethical Approval
No human subjects were included in this study; therefore,
IRB approval was not required. At the time this project
began, no approval was needed for cadaver study.
Conflict of Interests
There was no financial or other support received for this
research, and none of the authors have a conflict of interests.
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... One potential type of therapy is therapeutic ultrasound [8][9][10], which has the potential benefit of warming deep tissues [11][12][13][14]. It is believed that this heating of local tissues increases blood flow, promotes healing, and reduces inflammation [15,16], as well as possibly increasing nerve and tendon flexibility [17,18]. ...
... The swelling of the transverse carpal ligament traps the median nerve and causes neurological damage from the pressure [29,30]. For mild CTS, alternative treatments are commonly used, such as splinting, heat, and cold [15,[29][30][31]. ...
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Background This study quantified the effects of heat, cold, and pressure on the median nerve and transverse carpal ligament in subjects without carpal tunnel syndrome. Material/Methods Subjects were individuals ages 20–50 who had no symptoms of carpal tunnel disease. Imaging ultrasound was used to measure the clearance around the median nerve, transverse ligament elasticity, nerve conduction velocity, thickness of the carpal ligament, and area of the median nerve. Pressure was applied to the carpal ligament to assess the effects of increasing pressure on these structures. On 3 separate days, 10 subjects had ThermaCare heat or cold packs applied, for either 60 or 120 minutes for heat or 20 minutes for cold, to the palmer surface of the hand. Results Tissue changes were recorded as a response to pressure applied at 0, 5, 10, and 20 N. The size of the nerve and ligaments were not significantly altered by pressure with the hand at room temperature and after cold exposure. After heat, the nerve, ligaments, and tendons showed significantly more elasticity. Conclusions Application of cold to the hand may reduce compression of the carpal ligament and nerve.
... One of the most common complications of CTS surgery is hand pain that is probably due to the division of the TCL during surgery. It is mostly originated over the pisotriquetral joint, possibly due to displacement of pisiform (14). ...
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common focal mono-neuropathy. A study was designed to compare the effects of traditional open carpal tunnel release with median neurolysis and Z-plasty reconstruction of the transverse carpal ligament on post-operative hand pain and hand function in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods: Fifty-two patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome entered the study. The patients were randomly assigned into two groups to undergo simple transverse carpal ligament release or division of the ligament with Z-lengthening reconstruction. Forty-five patients completed the study. Two patients of the simple open surgery group and 5 patients of the Z-plasty reconstruction group did not complete the follow up course. After the procedure, the patients were followed to assess post-operative pain and hand function during a 12-week period. Results: The scores of hand pain on the first day after surgery were not statistically different between the two groups (P=0.213). But the score of hand pain was significantly lower in the Z-plasty reconstruction group at week 1, week 3, and week 6 after surgery (P<0.001). However, at week 12, no patient complained of hand pain in both groups. Considering hand function, no patient had normal hand grip after the first week, but after three weeks, a significantly higher proportion of patients in the Z-plasty reconstruction group had reached near normal hand grip (76.1% vs. 29.1%;). However, at weeks 6 and 12, the differences were not statistically different between the two groups. Conclusion: We observed significant reduction in hand pain, shorter duration of hand pain and shorter period of time to reach normal hand grip by Z-plasty reconstruction of the TCL.
One hundred eight endoscopic carpal tunnel releases were performed by a modification of the technique described by Chow. Eighty-seven of the 108 cases were evaluated for quantitative postoperative widening of the transverse carpal arch. The average postoperative widening of the transverse carpal arch was 0.17 cm (7%), with a range of 0 to 0.5 cm. Seventy percent of the patients showed 0% to 10% widening, 26% showed 10% to 20% widening, and 4% showed more than 20% widening of the transverse carpal arch. Preliminary findings show that 3 weeks after endoscopic carpal tunnel release, pinch strength was at 102% and grip strength at 86% of preoperative values. Six weeks after surgery, pinch strength was 106% and grip strength was 121% of preoperative values. The complication rate in this series was 3%. The transverse dimension of the carpal arch generally widens after endoscopic carpal tunnel release but to a lesser degree than has been reported for open carpal tunnel release. The rate of improvement of pinch and grip strength after endoscopic release is faster than that reported in the literature after open release.
Two axes of rotation of the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of seven cadaver thumbs were located using an axis finder. The flexion-extension axis is located in the trapezium and the abduction-adduction axis is in the first metacarpal. These axes are fixed, are not perpendicular to each other or to the bones, and do not intersect. Motion of the first metacarpal on the trapezium can be defined by these two axes. Understanding of the movements of the basal joint of the thumb is essential to the study of its function and reconstruction.
Basal joint arthritis of the thumb and carpal tunnel syndrome are common conditions with an acknowledged coexistence. This article attempts to quantify the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in patients with basal joint arthritis and to examine some of the etiologic factors that affect the coexistence of the two disorders. Of 246 patients who had surgery about the basal joint, 95 patients (39%) were identified by chart review as having carpal tunnel syndrome. Eleven of 122 remaining patients contacted had symptomatic carpal tunnel syndrome confirmed by nerve-conduction studies, bringing the total to 106 (43%). The prevalence was higher in worker's compensation patients and those with diabetes mellitus. The prevalence was lower in men than in women, and patients with inflammatory joint disease were at less risk than those with osteoarthritis. Given this high association, great care should be taken to diagnose or exclude coexistent carpal tunnel syndrome in patients scheduled for basal joint surgery so that, if present, it can be treated at the same time, diminishing the risk of postoperative morbidity and delayed symptoms.
The mechanical characteristics of the transverse carpal arch were studied using fresh-frozen human cadaveric wrists. Tensile properties of the ligaments involved in this structure were also analyzed. The flexor retinaculum did not prove to be a major factor in the maintenance of the carpal arch since its division only reduced the global transverse carpal arch stiffness an average of 7.5%. On the contrary, the transverse intercarpal ligaments connecting the bones of the distal carpal row were shown to have an essential role in providing stability to the carpal tunnel.
Hypothenar pain was a major complaint in 1.1% of patients 6 months after operation in 500 consecutive carpal tunnel releases. Pain, discomfort, and loss of grip strength was noticed mostly during activities requiring full hand grip or activities associated with use of the heel of the hand, such as pushing up from a chair, or pushing open a door with the flat palm. The pain originated from the piso-triquetral joint, possibly a result of intercarpal alignment change after carpal tunnel release. Pisiform excision was curative, with complete relief of symptoms and return of strength and dexterity. Awareness of this syndrome and systemic evaluation of the piso-triquetral joint preoperatively and postoperatively, as presented here, are essential in the management of this condition.
We describe the morphologic changes that follow division of the transverse carpal ligament in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Fifteen hands in 12 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were studied with magnetic resonance imaging before operation and for 6 weeks after operation. Eight hands were studied at 8 months after operation. Carpal arch width, anterior displacement of the carpal canal contents, and carpal canal volume were measured by use of multiplanar reformation and three-dimensional reconstruction of magnetic resonance images. There was a 24.2 +/- 11.6% increase in carpal canal volume 6 weeks after carpal tunnel release (p less than 0.001). This difference persisted at 8-month follow-up. There was an anterior displacement of carpal canal contents 3.5 +/- 1.9 mm from its original position 6 weeks after operation (p less than 0.001). This palmar displacement persisted at the 8-month follow-up. There was no statistically significant increase in carpal arch width 8 months after carpal tunnel release. We believe that division of the transverse carpal ligament restores median nerve function by increasing the volume of the carpal canal. This volumetric increase results from an anterior displacement of the newly formed transverse carpal ligament and not from a widening of the bony carpal arch.
Disabling trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis is often associated with other skeletal or soft tissue pathology that necessitates simultaneous treatment. In this study of 100 trapezium arthroplasties, 65% of the patients required at least one concurrent operative procedure and, overall, 75% have received treatment for related problems before, during, or after the arthroplasty. In order of frequency, scaphotrapezial arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, hyperextension deformity of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint, trigger digits, and tenosynovitis of the wrist have been the most prevalent concomitant conditions requiring surgery. Awareness that trapeziometacarpal arthritis is frequently the focal site of a widespread inflammatory process involving other structures of the hand--termed herein the "basal joint pain syndrome"--is essential to optimal management of patients with pain at the base of the thumb.
A retrospective clinical study quantitated postoperative widening of the transverse carpal arch after carpal tunnel release in a group of 50 patients. The relationship of this widening with postoperative pain, forearm circumference, grip strength, and wrist range of motion was evaluated. Mean widening of the transverse carpal arch after carpal tunnel release is 10.4% or 2.7 mm. A direct relationship exists between widening of the transverse carpal arch and loss of grip strength. Residual pain, forearm circumference, and wrist range of motion are not related to widening of the transverse carpal arch.
Eighteen patients who underwent a new ligament reconstruction procedure for painful, unstable thumb carpometacarpal joints were studied. The condition was principally of idiopathic or posttraumatic origin. Reconstruction was done only when splinting and antiinflammatory regimens had failed. Results were directly related to the extent of articular degeneration. Restoration of strength, mobility, and freedom from pain were better if surgery was performed before significant articular damage was noted on x rays. Stages of joint degeneration are described, and the prognosis for ligament reconstruction at each stage is documented.