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The influence of daylight regime on diurnal locomotor activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) during summer


Abstract and Figures

Knowledge on diurnal locomotor activity pattern in wild nocturnal medium-sized mammals, such as the European hare (Lepus europaeus) is scarce. In this study, we tracked nine European hares during the vegetation period using GPS-transmitters. In particular, we focused on the question how the timing of sunset and sunrise influences the activity peaks in this species. The horal distances between two consecutive hare positions were used as a measure of locomotor activity. European hares showed two distinct peaks in their daily activity. If sunset or sunrise were earlier, the maximum activity peaks of individual European hares occurred after sunset or sunrise, whereas activity peaks were shifted before sunset or sunrise when sunset or sunrise were later. During summer, when the nights are probably too short to allow the hares to cover their energetic requirements, the study animals regularly showed activity peaks in full daylight. In conclusion, our results imply that, although daylight regime normally regulates the diurnal locomotor activity pattern in mammals, other additional factors may play a role in modifying this regulation in European hares during summer.
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Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440
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Original Investigation
The influence of daylight regime on diurnal locomotor activity patterns of the
European hare (Lepus europaeus) during summer
Stéphanie C. Schai-Brauna,, Heiko G. Rödelb, Klaus Hackländera
aInstitute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria
bUniversité Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée (LEEC), F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
article info
Article history:
Received 1 February 2012
Accepted 13 July 2012
Lepus europaeus
Activity pattern
Knowledge on diurnal locomotor activity pattern in wild nocturnal medium-sized mammals, such as
the European hare (Lepus europaeus) is scarce. In this study, we tracked nine European hares during
the vegetation period using GPS-transmitters. In particular, we focused on the question how the timing
of sunset and sunrise influences the activity peaks in this species. The horal distances between two
consecutive hare positions were used as a measure of locomotor activity. European hares showed two
distinct peaks in their daily activity. If sunset or sunrise were earlier, the maximum activity peaks of
individual European hares occurred after sunset or sunrise, whereas activity peaks were shifted before
sunset or sunrise when sunset or sunrise were later. During summer, when the nights are probably
too short to allow the hares to cover their energetic requirements, the study animals regularly showed
activity peaks in full daylight. In conclusion, our results imply that, although daylight regime normally
regulates the diurnal locomotor activity pattern in mammals, other additional factors may play a role in
modifying this regulation in European hares during summer.
© 2012 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In mammals, circadian rhythms are predominantly regulated by
light (Goldman 1999; Cermakian and Sassone-Corsi 2002; van der
Merwe et al. 2011). Numerous studies have shown that the impact
of light as zeitgeber might be affected by various other intrinsic and
extrinsic factors, such as food availability, weather, temperature,
sex, season, reproductive status, and age (Getz 1961; Garshelis and
Pelton 1980; Zielinski et al. 1983; Ferguson et al. 1988; Larivière
et al. 1994; Kolbe and Squires 2007; Wronski et al. 2006; Rödel
et al. 2012). However, sunrise and sunset have been suggested to
trigger the onset and cessation of activity in a wide range of species
(Daan and Aschoff 1975; Benstaali et al. 2001).
Hares (genus Lepus) have been described as mostly nocturnal
mammals (Chapman and Flux 2008), although this seems to be true
only during winter (Homolka 1986; Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994;
Holley 2001). In summer, activity of hares appears to be less con-
sistent and partly diurnal (Mech et al. 1966; Cederlund and Lemnell
1980; Figala et al. 1984). Irrespective of this, also in hares sunset
and sunrise appear to play a major role concerning the onset and
cessation of activity, respectively (Mech et al. 1966; Figala et al.
1984; Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994; Holley 2001).
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.C. Schai-Braun).
In winter, hares start their daily activity shortly after sunset and
end it shortly before sunrise (Cederlund and Lemnell 1980; Pépin
and Cargnelutti 1994). However, studies on different hare species
report contradictory results regarding the influence of sunrise and
sunset as zeitgebers during late spring or summer. Snowshoe hare’s
(Lepus americanus) cessation of activity has been reported to be on
average 1 h before sunrise (Mech et al. 1966; Figala et al. 1984),
however, with notable variation. For some individuals the onset of
activity was 1 h after sunset (Mech et al. 1966), whereas another
one was observed to start its activity more than 2 h before sun-
set (Figala et al. 1984). European hares began to leave their forms
before sunset and to enter them after sunrise as the nights short-
ened in the early part of the year (Holley 2001). That means, in all
studies during late spring or summer sunrise and sunset somehow
trigger onset and cessation of hares’ activity, but the impact of these
zeitgebers is various.
It has been argued that the impact of sunrise and sunset in sum-
mer was altered by the number of daily night hours (Holley 2001).
In this European hare study the duration of the activity period did
not remain constant but decreased from 15 h in January to 12 h at
the end of March, mirroring the number of daily night hours. At this
point, the activity period was not further contracted but the hares
suddenly started to increase their activity period by including day-
light activity. This sudden transition from a totally nocturnal to a
partially diurnal regime was explained by an aversion to daylight
activity. Consequently, we suppose that the number of daily night
1616-5047/$ – see front matter © 2012 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
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S.C. Schai-Braun et al. / Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440 435
hours alter the impact of the predominant zeitgebers sunrise and
sunset. Hence, the hares’ activity pattern should display a sudden
start of daylight activity at the beginning and an abrupt withdrawal
from daylight activity at the end of summer.
In addition, a high ambient temperature might influence the
activity pattern of mammals. For example, in black bears (Ursus
americanus) it was shown that temperatures above 25 C substan-
tially reduced the level of activity (Garshelis and Pelton 1980).
Furthermore, the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) was
found to abandon diurnal activity in favour of nocturnal and/or
crepuscular activity when the temperature rose above 20 C(Getz
1961). We hence assumed that the impact of the zeitgebers sun-
rise and sunset might be altered by a high ambient temperature
in which case the hares’ activity would be restricted to the dark
However, detailed quantitative and individual-based data on
daily activity pattern in this genus are still scarce. In this study we
investigated the European hare’s (Lepus europaeus) diurnal loco-
motor activity patterns during summer. In particular, we did not
only focus on the timing of onset and cessation of activity but also
studied subtle changes of activity during 24 h. Our hypothesis was
that sunrise and sunset, the predominant zeitgebers for the Euro-
pean hare’s diurnal locomotor activity pattern, are slightly altered
in their impact by the number of daily night hours (season) and the
temperature. We tested this hypothesis by equipping nine individ-
uals with GPS collars, allowing us to assess their diurnal locomotor
activity patterns.
Material and methods
Study area
The study was conducted in Lower Austria near Zwerndorf
(4820N, 1650E) and the study area consisted of 270 ha arable
land with cereals as the main crop and an average field size of 3.1
(±0.3 SE) ha. Hare density in the study site was estimated in autumn
2009 by spotlight counts (Langbein et al. 1999) and accounted 35
European hares per 100 ha (SSB & KH, unpubl.).
Data collection
Nine adult European hares (4 males, 5 females) were caught
in un-baited box traps from May until September 2009. All ani-
mals were sexed according to secondary sexual characteristics and
equipped with a 70 g GPS collar (Telemetry Solutions, Quantum
4000 Enhanced). The collars were programmed to start working
right after the animal’s release and take 1 fix per hour. For additional
information on the individual hares’ GPS-data see the electronic
appendix. The accuracy of the GPS collars was tested beforehand
(see Harris et al. 1990) and yielded a mean precision of 3.5 m (±1.0
SE). Weather data and the time of sunrise and sunset were provided
by the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics.
Temperatures were recorded daily at 7 am and 7pm CET.
Calculation of positional data
The positional data were digitised using the software ArcGIS
9.2 (ESRI). We only included locations with a solution in three-
dimensional mode (based on 4 satellites) (Frair et al. 2010).
The distances (in metres) between two consecutive hare positions
(horal distance) were calculated. Although the horal distance does
not reveal the effective distance the hare covered between these
two fixes, it exposes a minimal distance the hare must have moved
during this hour. In the following, the “horal distance” is used as a
measure of hares’ activity, and the term “activity” is always used in
the sense of the hares’ locomotor activity.
Statistical data analysis
We analysed the data using multivariate (generalized) linear
mixed-effects models, allowing for the use of repeated measure-
ments. Statistical analyses were done with the software R 2.12.0 (R
Development Core Team 2011). Generalized linear mixed-effects
models were fitted using the package lme4 (Bates 2005). P-values
were extracted by likelihood ratio tests (Faraway 2006). When
using linear models, we visually checked normality of the model
residuals by normal probability plots. For all models, the homo-
geneity of variances and goodness of fit were examined by plotting
residuals versus fitted values (Faraway 2006).
We initially included sex in all models tested. However, since
there were never any significant effects of sex in our multivariate
analyses (p> 0.10), this factor was omitted from the models before
Diurnal activity pattern
We tested the effect of time of the day (covariate, in hours)
on the response variable horal distance by a linear mixed effects
model. In addition, we tested similar models only including data
subsets: one subset included all positional data with a shorter time
interval to sunset than to sunrise, and the other one comprised the
remainder. For all models, the response variable (horal distance)
was log-transformed in order to obtain a normal distribution of the
model residuals.
Since we expected a non-linear time course with at least one
maximum peak, we used polynomials to model the data. For this,
we gradually increased the complexity of the polynomials until the
9th order. All of these models were tested for significance, and,
in addition, we directly compared the support of these models by
using AICc (Burnham and Anderson 1998). The model with the low-
est AICc score can be considered as the best approximating model
of the model set. Note that different models can be considered to
find equally good support by the data when the AICc is smaller
than 2.
All (mixed effects) models included hare identity as a random
factor, in order to allow for the repeated measurements collected
from the different hares, and also an individual-specific code for
the day (“date”) as a second random factor in order to account for
the time series measured for each of the study animals during the
different days of the study. As it could be expected, there was sig-
nificant individual variation among the hares’ locomotor activity
(significant random factor “individual hare”: 2= 199.44, p< 0.001)
with a variance of 0.21 m/h (±0.55 SD).
Influence of different parameters on the activity peaks
A peak can be described mathematically by a parabola, i.e. by
a 2nd-order polynomial. The first derivative is used to find the
vertex of a parabola as the first derivative equals zero at the ver-
tex. At the maximum point of the parabola the hare’s activity is
highest. Therefore, if the horal distance is a function of the time
interval to and since sunrise or sunset, the independent variable
of this function indicates the time interval of maximum locomotor
Firstly, the time interval with the highest activity was deter-
mined. As the time of sunset and sunrise changes at about 1 min
per day in summer, and as each of the nine hares provided a dif-
ferent number of horal distances, several maximum points for each
animal were calculated. The horal distances of one day did not yield
enough data to calculate a morning and an evening maximum point.
For this reason, we pooled the horal distances of five days for every
hare to calculate one evening and one morning maximum point. If
Author's personal copy
436 S.C. Schai-Braun et al. / Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440
Fig. 1. Locomotor activity (measured as the horal distances moved by the hares)
described by a 6th-order polynomial regression model. Data (squares) are shown as
medians with 25th/75th percentiles. Time of sunrise/sunset during the study period
is indicated by grey shading. See text for details on statistics.
the first derivative at zero described a minimum point or an impos-
sible maximum point, the point was excluded from further analysis.
Out of 171 individual hare days (comprising 3506 hare locations) 36
extrema were calculated for the morning as well as for the evening.
47% of the morning extrema and 75% of the evening extrema were
sensible maximum points.
Secondly, the mean time of sunset and sunrise was calculated for
every five day interval. Each evening maximum point was paired
with its corresponding time of sunset and each morning maximum
point with its corresponding time of sunrise. Subsequently, the cor-
relations were tested by two linear mixed-effects models with hare
identity as random factor (see Fig. 3a and b). The same models were
used to test for correlations between activity peaks and the num-
ber of daily night hours (see Fig. 3c and d) and the temperature,
Light conditions and the occurrence of a morning activity peak
Here, we analysed two subsets of the data. One subset included
all fixes taken when the evening activity peak was during the dark
phase, the other one comprised the remainder (see Fig. 4a). To test
the effect of the light conditions on the occurrence of a morning
activity peak, we used a generalized linear mixed effects model for
binomial data with a logit-link function (“logistic regression”). Also
here, hare identity was included as a random factor (see Fig. 4b).
The mean number of satellites used for the location of the fixes
was7(±0.03 SE). The overlapping individual study periods were
on average 11 days (±9.2 SE) long with a minimum of 2 and a max-
imum of 91 days. That is, the number of GPS-fixes taken per animal
ranged from 25 to 2127 with an average of 230 (±219.4 SE). This
resulted in a total of 3528 fixes and thus a total of 3519 horal dis-
tances available for analysis (709 for males, 2810 for females). For
additional information on the individual hares’ GPS-data see the
electronic appendix.
Diurnal activity pattern
The daily time course of the hares’ activity, measured as
the horal distance covered between two fixes, was significantly
explained by a 6th order polynomial (2
6=1078.6, p< 0.001). This
model predicted for the European hares’ diurnal locomotor activity
Table 1
Results of linear mixed-effects models for the effects of different predictor variables
on the timing of locomotor activity peaks, including hare identity as a random fac-
tor. Analyses are based on nevening = 27 and nmorning = 17 five-day activity intervals of
repeated measurements of nine hares.
Response variables Predictor variables Slope 2
Morning activity
Sunrise 5.16 25.06 <0.001
Number of daily night hours 2.31 22.88 <0.001
Morning temperature 0.39 1.57 0.21
Evening activity
Sunset 1.82 10.68 <0.001
Number of daily night hours 1.02 11.06 <0.001
Evening temperature 0.18 1.09 0.30
two distinct activity peaks during night time (see model graph
in Fig. 1). We also verified that the 6th order polynomial was
the best approximating model describing this relationship by a
comparison with higher and lower parameterised models using
AICc values. This model selection procedure revealed that this
model had the lowest AICc score, with AICc > 87 in comparison
to all lower parameterised models, and AICc >1 in comparison to
higher parameterised models.
In relation to sunset and sunrise, the model including a 4th
order polynomial predicted that the hares’ activities were highest
1 h after sunset and again 5h later (2
4=489.75, p< 0.001; Fig. 2a).
Furthermore, a model including a 3rd order polynomial predicted
that hares were most active 5–3 h before sunrise (2
p< 0.001; Fig. 2b). The animals did not show any notable activities
5–8 h before sunset and 1 h before sunrise until 8 h after sunrise,
when the average distance moved by the hares was less than 10 m
within 1 h. Also here, we verified by model selection with AICc,
that the chosen polynomials were the best approximating mod-
els compared to models including lower-order (AICc > 76 and
AICc > 70, respectively) or higher-order polynomials (AICc > 2
and AICc > 2, respectively).
Influence of different parameters on the activity peaks
Daylight regime
There were significant and negative correlations between both
sunset and the timing of the evening activity peak and between
sunrise and the timing of the morning activity peak (Table 1). If
sunset or sunrise were earlier, the maximum activity peaks of indi-
vidual hares occurred later, whereas activity peaks were shifted
before sunset or sunrise when sunset or sunrise were later (Fig. 3a
and b). Note that the regression slope of the correlation between
sunset and the timing of the evening activity peak was steeper than
between sunrise and the timing of the morning activity peak.
Number of daily night hours
As expected, we found similar effects when testing the variable
number of daily night hours on hare activity peaks (Fig. 3c and d,
Table 1), simply because the number of daily night hours was highly
collinear with sunrise and sunset (correlation of sunrise vs. number
of daily night hours: R2= 0.99, F1,100 = 1.5 ×1031 ,p< 0.001, sunset
vs. number of daily night hours: R2= 0.97, F1,100 = 3628, p< 0.001).
There were no statistically significant correlations between the
morning temperature and the timing of the morning activity peaks
and between evening temperature and the timing of the activity
peaks in the evening (Table 1).
Light conditions and the occurrence of a morning activity peak
There was a significant effect of light conditions at the time of
the evening activity peak on the number of observed activity peaks.
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S.C. Schai-Braun et al. / Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440 437
Fig. 2. Locomotor activity (measured as the horal distances moved by the hares) in relation to the time of (a) sunset described by a 4th-order polynomial regression model
and (b) sunrise described by a 3th-order polynomial regression model. Data (squares) are shown as medians with 25th/75th percentiles. Dark phase is indicated by grey
The significant models predicted two distinct maxima when the
evening activity peak was during daylight (2
6=230.09, p< 0.001,
Fig. 4a; dashed line), whereas there was only one activity maximum
when the evening activity peak was during the dark phase (2
731.61, p< 0.001, Fig. 4a; solid line). In other words, there was a
higher probability of occurrence of a second activity peak (in 79%
of cases) when the evening activity peaks of individual hares were
in full daylight (2
1=15.50, p< 0.001; Fig. 4b).
Locomotor activity pattern in the course of the day
The hares of our study showed two peaks in their daily activity,
having a distinct one in the evening and another less pronounced
one in the morning. Thus, it can be concluded that European hares
have a time of reduced activity in-between an enhanced activity at
the beginning and end of the night. When looking at the activity
of the European hare in relation to sunset, the data indicated an
activity peak around sunset followed by a decrease and a second
increase in activity during the dark phase. During the hour of high-
est activity, hares moved on average 70 m. As the average field size
in the study area was 3.1 ha, we suggest that hares used only a few
different field types per night while being active. Furthermore, the
model predicted a peak before sunrise followed by a long period of
almost no activity. That is, the predicted periods of inactivity did not
last for the whole light phase. As a consequence, there was notable
locomotor activity well before sunset and after sunrise.
Factors influencing the diurnal locomotor activity rhythm
Influence of sunrise and sunset on the diurnal locomotor activity
There was a significant negative correlation between both the
timing of the morning activity peak and sunrise as well as between
the timing of the evening activity peak and sunset. As we assumed
that the activity peaks are collinear with onset and cessation of
activity, our results imply that the activity and inactivity of Euro-
pean hares in summer are closely tied to sunset and sunrise. This is
in accordance with other hare studies describing the major role of
sunrise and sunset concerning the onset and cessation of activity
(Mech et al. 1966; Figala et al. 1984; Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994;
Holley 2001). Nevertheless, the negative correlations in summer
imply that the impact of sunrise and sunset differ from winter.
While in winter European hares consistently started their daily
activity shortly after sunset and ended it shortly before sunrise
(Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994; Holley 2001), in summer the hare’s
activity peaks occurred after sunset or sunrise when sunset or sun-
rise were earlier, whereas activity peaks shifted before sunset or
sunrise when sunset or sunrise were later. Our results during sum-
mer confirm the ones of Holley (2001) who observed European
hares’ starting to leave their forms before sunset and enter them
after sunrise in the early part of the year. Thus, we conclude that
the power of the zeitgebers sunrise and sunset is altered in summer
by a seasonal factor.
The steep regression slope between sunrise and the timing of
the morning activity peak resulted in an 8–11 h shift in the timing
of the morning activity peak. In comparison, the shift of the timing
of the evening activity peak was much lower i.e. 5–6 h. This result,
indicating that sunset might be a stronger zeitgeber for the Euro-
pean hare’s diurnal locomotor activity pattern than sunrise, is in
line with another European hare study conducted in winter (Holley
2001). The latter study reported a stronger tie between onset of
activity and sunset than between cessation of activity and sunrise.
Influence of season on the diurnal locomotor activity rhythm
The negative correlation between the timing of the activity
peaks and sunrise or sunset might be explained by the European
hare’s need to fulfil its daily energetic demands, because the length
of the dark phase might limit the hare’s feeding time. Hackländer
et al. (2002) showed that European hares fed with a diet compara-
ble to the composition of stomach contents in free-ranging hares
had a higher food intake yet assimilated less energy than hares fed
with a high fat diet. This might be due to a trade-off between the
energy benefit of increasing food-intake and the additional weight
load in a flight animal (Hackländer et al. 2002). Such a trade-off
might also account for the small resting periods dispersed during
activity (Averianov et al. 2003) which may be used by the European
hares to digest before new food intake can take place. The results
of another study indicated that the duration of European hares’
activity period cannot be contracted further a certain point (Holley
2001). A possible explanation may be the hare’s need to fulfil its
daily energetic demands in combination with required digestive
Author's personal copy
438 S.C. Schai-Braun et al. / Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440
Fig. 3. Correlations between (a) evening activity peaks and sunset, (b) morning activity peaks and sunrise, (c) evening activity peaks and the number of daily night hours
and (d) morning activity peaks and the number of daily night hours with the regression lines (statistically significant). Dark phase is indicated by grey shading. See text for
details on statistics.
breaks. Sunset was late and sunrise early until middle of July and the
hare’s evening and morning activity peaks proceeded in full day-
light. During this time the dark phase seems not to be long enough
for the European hare to accomplish its energetic requirements. The
number of daily night hours was longer in August and September,
and hare’s evening and morning activity peaks took place during
the dark phase. We propose that during the vegetation period the
usual trigger of activity and inactivity, namely sunrise and sunset,
is slightly altered in its impact by the hares’ instinct to accomplish
their daily energetic requirements. Hence, the season in the form
of the number of daily night hours had an influence on the activity
pattern of the European hare and altered the impact of the usual
zeitgebers sunrise and sunset. There was no difference noticeable
in the influence of sunrise and sunset and the numbers of daily
night hours as these parameters were collinear.
Moreover, the season seems to have an impact on the hare’s
inactivity period during daytime. Our results are in line with pre-
viously reported activity data in European hares (Homolka 1986;
Holley 2001) showing that activity during the day is displayed
predominantly in summer. Outside the summer period, on the
contrary, European hare studies reported almost no activity during
daytime (Homolka 1986; Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994; Holley
2001). However, our study animal’s period of inactivity exceeded
the previously reported length of inactivity in European hares
during summer. Homolka (1986) showed that in Moravia (Czech
Republic) during a one all-day visual observation in July 30–50% of
the hares were active with foraging throughout the day except for
about 4 h in the middle of the day. The hares’ distinct length of inac-
tivity during the day might be explained by the different climate
in Southern Moravia and the eastern part of Lower Austria. The
Pannonian climate is responsible for hot and dry summers in our
study area, whereas the continental climate of Southern Moravia
is more moderate. Our study animals may react to the Pannonian
climate in summer with an extended period of inactivity during
the day. We therefore conclude that the length of inactivity during
daytime depends both on season and climatic conditions.
Influence of temperature on the diurnal locomotor activity rhythm
The ambient temperature has been proposed to influence the
activity pattern of some mammal species (Getz 1961; Garshelis
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S.C. Schai-Braun et al. / Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 434–440 439
Fig. 4. (a) Polynomial regression models describing locomotor activity (measured as the horal distances moved by the hares) with the evening activity peak being in the
light (dashed line) or dark phase (solid line). (b) Probability of the existence of a morning activity peak when the preceding evening activity peak was during the dark or light
phase. See text for details on statistics.
and Pelton 1980). However, this does not seem to be the case for
the European hare, at least not during the vegetation period, as we
could not find significant correlations between the activity peaks
and the temperature. An explanation might be that the European
hare, originally coming from the savannas of Eurasia (Averianov
et al. 2003), is adapted to high ambient temperatures, and, as a
result, the impact of the zeitgebers sunrise and sunset is not altered
by the daily ambient temperature.
Light conditions and the number of activity peaks
Our results revealed a significant influence of light conditions
at the time of the evening activity peak on the number of activ-
ity peaks. If the evening activity peaks of individual hares were in
full daylight, there was a higher probability of occurrence of a sec-
ond activity peak. It seems as if some unknown factor provokes an
increased activity by antedating the evening activity peak into full
daylight and hereinafter by evoking a second activity peak in the
early morning hours. No such findings were ever reported in the lit-
erature regarding hare’s activity patterns. We suggest that future
studies on hares’ activity patterns during the vegetation period
might carefully examine the number of activity peaks during the
night and decipher the factor(s) provoking an increased activity.
In conclusion, our study clearly shows that also in summer,
sunrise and sunset were the zeitgebers for the European hare’s
diurnal locomotor activity pattern. However, the results indicate
that this relationship was altered by the number of daily night
hours (season). We speculate that the hares’ feeding activity during
the short summer nights is not sufficient to cover their daily ener-
getic requirements during the vegetation period. The temperature,
however, had no influence on the locomotor activity pattern of the
European hare.
We thank the hunting society of Zwerndorf for cooperation,
especially Walter Metz for his help with hare trapping. The
study was funded by the following foundations or organisations:
Parrotia-Stiftung, Stiftung Dr. Joachim de Giacomi, Basler Stiftung
für biologische Forschung, Messerli Stiftung, Carl Burger Stiftung,
CIC Schweiz, CIC Deutschland, Paul Schiller Stiftung and Karl Mayer
Stiftung. The study complies with the current laws of Austria.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at
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... Garden dormice in forests in the Italian alpine region increased the activity significantly around 10:48 p.m. (Mori et al. 2020). A similar pattern is known for several nocturnal species, like the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), with a peak of activity in the evening (Schai-Braun et al. 2012). Around midnight, the brown hare's activity decreased again with an increase in the morning hours. ...
... Around midnight, the brown hare's activity decreased again with an increase in the morning hours. It was thought that these periods of low activity served to conserve energy reserves (Schai-Braun et al. 2012). A similar behaviour can be assumed for garden dormice with less activity after phases of higher activity. ...
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Garden dormouse Eliomys quercinus populations have been declining in range and number throughout Europe. Understanding and, therefore, preventing this decline is urgently needed. To devise effective conservation strategies, it is essential to gain knowledge on activity patterns of the target species. Diel activity patterns of garden dormice were investigated at 25 different sites in Germany. In an intensive camera-trap survey from March to October 2020, a total of 192,136 pictures were recorded in 3,682 camera-trap days. The relation between activity and environmental parameters such as habitat (urban vs. natural) and sunrise vs. sunset was investigated. In 2021, the cameras continued to monitor the forest sites and collected a further 41,659 images. The study revealed the effectiveness of camera trapping to gather information on activity of an elusive small rodent with minimum disturbance to the animals. Garden dormice were found to be predominantly nocturnal but were occasionally active during the day in the summer months. The peak of activity at all sites was shortly before midnight. Daytime activities could be related to the presence of young garden dormice or the supply of food. The fact that garden dormice maintain their nocturnal activity, even in urban areas, can be interpreted as an effect of predation pressure in the city.
... Both hare species are mostly nocturnal (Schai-Braun and Hackländer 2016) and showed similar circadian activity patterns (mountain hare: Cederlund and Lemnell 1980;European hare: Holley 2001;Pépin and Cargnelutti 1994;Schai-Braun et al. 2012). Hence, the two lagomorph species exhibit probably not a strong niche differentiation by temporal separation. ...
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Climatic variation along the elevation gradient promotes the natural parapatric occurrence of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) and Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis) in the Alps. Recent data indicate a displacement of mountain hares caused by competition with the European hare. Competitive exclusion might take place at a fine spatial scale and hybrids may sharpen competition. Genetic non-invasive sampling (gNIS) demonstrates to be effective to retrieve information from wild animals. However, based on the accuracy of the differing genetic analysis methods, the selection of the method might decisively influence results. To examine habitat preferences of Alpine mountain hares, European hares and their hybrids with particular interest in the influence of the accuracy of the genetic analysis method on the results, we performed gNIS in Grisons (Switzerland) for four years and compared habitat associations of the genotyped samples. We recorded 137 individuals (i.e., 35 hybrids, 49 European hares, 53 Alpine mountain hares). Combined nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis including individual identification revealed to be the most accurate indirect method for the study of habitat preferences of hares. Alpine mountain hares had a narrow habitat breadth and used little habitat diversity. Hybrids showed great similarities in their habitat preferences to European hares. Hybrids might increase the competition in favour of European hares and the displacement of Alpine mountain hares, since they show similar patterns of habitat use to European hares. Ongoing climate change potentiate the niche overlap between species, increasing the risk of Alpine hare decline due to hybridisation and displacement.
... thus frequently applied in large-scale hare monitoring projects. Both day-and night-time surveys can be conducted, with nocturnal surveys being the more commonly applied option due to the brown hare's night-time activity pattern (Schai-Braun et al., 2012). Spotlights or night vision goggles are utilized in such cases (Sliwinski et al., 2021). ...
Technical Report
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Executive summary Farmland birds are in decline in Europe and hence urgent action is needed to halt and reverse this decline. From mid-2016 to mid-2023, the Interreg PARTRIDGE project, improved the area of ten 500-hectare farmland demonstration sites - two each in Belgium-Flanders, The Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, and England - by enhancing existing and creating new wildlife-benefitting habitats, such as flower blocks with PARTRIDGE wild-bird mixes, and beetle banks, to levels above 7% of the farmed areas. In addition, we provided supplementary winter food through feeders, where feasible. The habitat improvements were tailored to our flagship and farmland biodiversity umbrella species the grey partridge and provided more and better breeding habitats for a wide range of farmland wildlife in summer, and more food and shelter overwinter. To demonstrate the expected effects of the project’s habitat improvements, we monitored grey partridges, breeding, and overwintering farmland birds. and hares. To determine the effect of feeders, we monitored their use by the different species and assessed the effect of best-practice management. Our key results show that: 1. significantly more grey partridges were observed in the managed demonstration sites compared to the reference sites where no or very little habitat management took place. 2. the number of breeding territories of farmland birds (abundance) and the number of species (diversity) were higher where the farmland habitat was enhanced with PARTRIDGE measures. Farmland bird species that live in small-scaled farmland landscapes with numerous hedgerows, wood edges, orchards benefited the most. Iconic farmland birds such as yellowhammer (30%), skylark (30%) and grey partridge (70%) had clearly more breeding territories in our demonstration sites than in the reference sites. 3. the number of wintering birds (abundance) and the number of wintering species (diversity) were higher where the farmland habitat was enhanced with wildlife benefitting habitats. Birds that rely heavily on seeds during winter benefited the most. 4. increased good quality habitat coverage had a positive impact on local hare populations. 5. our data showed that when our best-practice guidelines for supplementary winter feeding were followed, the visits of ‘un-welcome’ species, such as rodents, were strongly reduced. The data also validated our recommendation that the use of feeders is most important from February through to the end of April.
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Türkiye, due to its position as a bridge between Asia and Europe, encompassing three distinct biogeographic regions and its diverse climatic conditions and geographical features, exhibits the characteristics of a small continent in terms of biodiversity, hosting a very high number of mammalian species. However, information on these mammals' activity patterns and co‐occurrence, specifically in Türkiye, is limited. Our study aimed to reveal the daily activity patterns and temporal overlaps of mammalian species detected using camera traps in Sülüklü Lake Nature Park. The white‐breasted hedgehog was strictly nocturnal, while the European badger, gray wolf, European hare, wild boar, and beech marten tended to be nocturnal. The Caucasian squirrel was strictly diurnal, and the roe deer tended to be diurnal. The highest temporal overlap was found between the white‐breasted hedgehog and the beech marten (∆4 = 0.84, 95% CI), followed by the red fox and roe deer (∆1 = 0.77, 95% CI). The lowest temporal overlap (∆1 = 0.081, 95% CI) was found between the white‐breasted hedgehog and the Caucasian squirrel. The second lowest overlap (∆1 = 0.136, 95% CI) occurred between the Caucasian squirrel and the European badger. Our findings have provided new and detailed insights into the diversity of mammalian species within the nature park located in Northwestern Anatolia. These data will support and facilitate future research aimed at understanding the mechanisms of species coexistence in this ecosystem. The results obtained will enable a deeper examination of ecosystem dynamics and contribute to developing strategies for biodiversity conservation.
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Background Determining the density of mammalian wildlife in an ecosystem is very important for the ecosystem conservation. The aim of this study is to reveal mammalian wildlife density and compare the effect human footprint index (HFI) on the Mediterranean ecosystems. The mammalian wildlife surveys were conducted between August 2013 and December 2013, using 21 camera traps with 2175 camera trap days in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem in İzmir, Türkiye. We used random encounter model (REM) method to estimate densities. Results The population density for 5 mammals were; for red fox 7.89 ind./km² (± 0.82 SE), wild boar 4.36 ind./km² (± 0.46 SE), European hare 15.33 ind./km² (± 03.37 SE), beech marten 0.99 ind./km² (± 0.10 SE) and golden jackal 0.50 ind./km² (± 0.05 SE). These results were compared with mammal community which was previously studied in another Mediterranean ecosystem in Muğla, Türkiye, includes caracal and has a lower human footprint index. Conclusions According to results of this study human activity which can be revealed by Human footprint index (HFI) is one of the main parameter on Mediterranean ecosystem and it is effecting the density and occurence of species in mammal community. Both a higher human footprint index and the absence of caracal might cause higher density of red fox and European hare in İzmir, Türkiye. This study also suggests that caracal might be a serious suppressor on red fox which could be explained by competition. Caracal may also control the European hare in Mediterranean forest ecosystem of Anatolia. Thus, decreasing human footprint index and maintaining caracal suppressor effect are crucial for the conservation of the whole Mediterranean ecosystem.
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Human activities and biological invasions have caused unprecedented biodiversity loss over the past 500 years. Proximity to humans drives the spatial distribution of species toward less disturbed habitats. Invasive species can competitively exclude native species, but species may coexist due to different habitat preferences. Here, we investigated how proximity to farms and the presence of the non‐native European hare ( Lepus europaeus ) influence the habitat use by the Brazilian cottontail ( Sylvilagus minensis ) in southeastern Brazil. We found that the probability of cottontail site use increased with native forest cover and decreased with farmhouse proximity, ranging from 0.05 (SE = 0.02) at sites close to farmhouses (≅900 m) with no native forest to 0.70 (SE = 0.15) at sites far from farmhouses (≅2500 m) dominated by native forest. Higher risk of harassment and predation by free‐roaming dogs and cats may explain the negative effect of farmhouse proximity on cottontail habitat use. We found little evidence for competitive exclusion by the European hare. Instead, our results suggest that the two species spatially segregate due to different habitat preferences. While the European hare more likely uses farmland in its native and non‐native range, our results suggest that the Brazilian cottontail is a forest dweller. Although we found only weak evidence of competitive exclusion, we advise caution because invasive species may delay the onset of detrimental effects due to initial low population densities in newly invaded areas as is the case of the European hare in southeastern Brazil. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.
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Antipredator responses could affect nutrient intake, which could lead to nutritional deficits. However, little is known about the antipredator response of small herbivores because most are nocturnal or crepuscular and therefore very difficult to study in the field. Therefore, we experimentally assessed the effect of a reactive response to predation risk on the nutrient (i.e., phosphorous) intake of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) using three different playback sounds. Additionally, we studied the time spent being costly vigilant, the time spent foraging, and the vegetation height in which the hares were present using accelerometers and GPS. Our results showed that elevated predation risk from our playback experiment did not affect the (1) phosphorus intake, (2) time spent being costly vigilant, and (3) time spent in tall vegetation. However, elevated predation risk did increase the time spent foraging. Possibly hares spent more time foraging with an increased predation risk because hares cannot seek refuge from predators. Additionally, the effect on phosphorus intake could be weak because phosphorous intake does not benefit a flight escape, while the reactive response acts late in the predation sequence limiting the effect on hare ecology. Prey anti-predator responses seem strongly related to the escape tactics of prey species that can differ between different habitats and the time of the day. More detailed field studies are necessary to get a better insight into species' anti-predator-food tactics.
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Antipredator responses could affect nutrient intake, which could lead to nutritional deficits. However, little is known about the antipredator response of small herbivores because most are nocturnal or crepuscular and therefore very difficult to study in the field. Therefore we experimentally assessed the effect of a reactive response to predation risk on the nutrient (i.e., phosphorous) intake of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) by using three different playback sounds. Additionally, we studied the time spent being costly vigilant, the time spent foraging, and the vegetation height in which the hares were present by using accelerometers and GPS. Our results showed that elevated predation risk from our playback experiment did not affect the 1) phosphorus intake, 2) time spent being costly vigilant, and 3) time spent in tall vegetation. However, elevated predation risk did increase the time spent foraging. Possibly hares spent more time foraging with an increased predation risk because hares cannot seek refuge from predators. Additionally, the effect on phosphorus intake could be weak because phosphorous intake does not benefit a flight escape, while the reactive response acts late in the predation sequence limiting the effect on hare ecology. Prey anti-predator responses seem strongly related to the escape tactics of prey species that can differ between different habitats and the time of the day. More detailed field studies are necessary to get a better insight into species’ anti-predator-food tactics.
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In agrocoenoses in S Moravia, Czechoslovakia, in winter and spring the foraging activity of the hare begins between 1600 and 1700 hrs and ends round 0700 hrs. The period of daily rest lasts 9-10 hr. In summer the boundaries between the periods of activity and rest are indistinct, a considerable part of individuals being active throughout the day, except for c4 hr in the middle of the light phase of the day. During the light phase, hares spend 18% of their time foraging in spring, 29% in summer; in autumn and early winter (before the winter solstice) they forage only at night. After the winter solstice, foraging takes up 8.5% of the time in the light phase of the day and 61.5% at night. -from Author
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Daily movements during winter of 2 adult male (Nos 1 and 3) and 2 adult female (Nos 2 and 4) radiotracking hares Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 were estimated from simultaneous bearings using a 50 x 50 m grid.
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Activity patterns of 15 female black bears (Ursus americanus) were studied using motion-sensitive radiotransmitters during late summer and autumn of 1990 and 1991 in La Mauricie National Park, Québec. Female black bears primarily were diurnal during this period, and no difference in activity patterns was detected between solitary females and females with young. Onset of activity followed sunrise by an average of 30 min, and cessation occurred on average 141 min after sunset. Activity and resting periods averaged 245 and 57 min, respectively. The proportion of active bears was highest during the ripening time of berries (Rubus idaeus, Vaccinium myrtilloides, and Prunus virginiand) in late August and of beechnuts (Fagus grandifolid) in early October. Bears denned earlier in 1991 than in 1990, probably because of the poor beechnut crop.
The rimes of 241 entales into and 573 exits by brown hares from their forros on a 65 ha area of the Somerset Levels, South West England, were recorded over a ten year period to reveal the variation during the year of the duration of the daily activity period. In December when nightlength was l6 h, activity was exclusively nocturnal; intervals between entry and sunrise were longer and less consistent than those between sunset and exit. In June with nightlength down to 7.4 h, activity was part diurnal, post-sunrise and pre-sunset, for a total of 6 h. From a peak duration of 14.5 h in December, the activity period declined to 12 h in the third week of March, mirroring night time duration. It then increased to 13.5 h in late midsummer before again reducing in the autumn. Ir is suggested that the proximate cause of this circannual cyclicity is an aversion to daylight activity.
A comparison was made between the responses to live-traps of marked and unmarked individuals of Microtus pennsylvanicus and Peromyscus leucopus. Previously captured individuals of M. pennsylvanicus were more readily captured than were the unmarked ones, even after an interval of a month. There was no difference in the rates of capture of marked and unmarked P. leucopus. Comparisons of a given live-trapping technique utilized in two different habitats (marsh and old field) indicated no significant difference in its effectiveness after the second day of trapping. M. pennsylvanicus, in an old field, was found to abandon diurnal activity in favor of nocturnal and/or crepuscular activity when the temperature rose above 20⚬ C. During the winter, when the temperature dropped below 0⚬ C, activity was much less at all times. Except for less activity during the days the temperature rose above 20⚬ C, such responses were not observed in the marsh. Blarina brevicauda was found to be more active on cloudy days than on those that were sunny or rainy. No correlations between activity and temperature variations was observed for this species.