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The loss of large old trees in many ecosystems around the world poses a threat to ecosystem integrity.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1231070
, 1305 (2012);338 Science et al.David B. Lindenmayer
Global Decline in Large Old Trees
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Large old trees are among the biggest
organisms on Earth. They are keystone
structures in forests, woodlands, savan-
nas, agricultural landscapes, and urban areas,
playing unique ecological roles not provided
by younger, smaller trees. However, popula-
tions of large old trees are rapidly declining in
many parts of the world, with serious implica-
tions for ecosystem integrity and biodiversity.
The definition of “large and old” trees
depends on the ecosystem, tree species, and
environmental conditions under consid-
eration. Both the size and the age of a tree
affect characteristics such as the large inter-
nal cavities, complex branching patterns,
and idiosyncratic canopy architectures that
distinguish large old trees from younger and
smaller trees ( 1).
Large old trees (see the fi gure, panels A to
C) play critical ecological roles. They provide
nesting or sheltering cavities for up to 30%
of all vertebrate species in some ecosystems
( 2). Large old trees also store large quantities
of carbon, create distinct microenvironments
characterized by high levels of soil nutri-
ents and plant species richness, play crucial
roles in local hydrological regimes, and pro-
vide abundant food for numerous animals in
the form of fruits, fl owers, foliage, and nec-
tar. In agricultural landscapes, large old trees
can be focal points for vegetation restoration,
facilitate ecosystem connectivity by attracting
mobile seed dispersers and pollinators, and
act as stepping stones for many animals.
Younger and smaller trees cannot provide
most of the distinctive ecological roles played
by large old trees ( 3). For instance, large old
trees in Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans)
forests of mainland Australia provide irre-
placeable shelter and nesting sites for more
Global Decline in Large Old Trees
David B. Lindenmayer,
William F. Laurance ,2 Jerry F. Franklin
The loss of large old trees in many ecosystems
around the world poses a threat to ecosystem
1Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Austra-
lian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
2Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Sci-
ence, and School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James
Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4878, Australia.
3School of Environmental and Forest Science, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. E-mail: david.
cal regions of the world, but is rare in large
areas of central and western Africa where
many individuals lack Duffy-antigen recep-
tor expression on red blood cells. Thus, this
“Duffy-negative” phenotype appears to have
evolved as an innate resistance mechanism to
P. vivax infection.
McMorran et al. extend previous work that
demonstrated an important role for platelets in
resistance to malaria ( 8) by identifying plate-
let factor 4 (PF4) as a key molecule in plate-
let-mediated killing of P. falciparum. PF4 is
released from α granules in activated plate-
lets to promote blood coagulation ( 9). It binds
the Duffy-antigen receptor, along with sev-
eral other chemokines ( 10). McMorran et al.
found that a functional Duffy-antigen receptor
is required for the antiparasitic activity of PF4.
The implications of lacking this antipara-
sitic mechanism for Duffy-negative individ-
uals living in P. falciparum malaria endemic
regions are not yet clear. One might predict
that these individuals will be more prone to
episodes of severe malaria. Indeed, mortality
among African children with malaria-induced
coma is higher than in children with the same
condition from Papua New Guinea, where
Duffy-negative individuals are less common
( 11). However, further evidence is required
to support this proposition. Alternatively,
compensatory antiparasitic mechanisms may
have evolved in Duffy-negative individuals
to help control parasite growth and/or reduce
pathology following infection. The identifi ca-
tion of other such mechanisms will offer fur-
ther insights into innate immune responses to
infection, and potentially identify vulnerable
aspects of parasite biology.
Platelets decrease in number (thrombocy-
topenia) during acute malaria. McMorran et
al. suggest that this is not to the host’s advan-
tage, limiting this innate form of resistance.
However, other data show that platelets can
contribute to cerebral malaria, a major cause
of mortality. Platelets at normal physiologi-
cal concentrations cause clumping of para-
sitized red blood cells from African chil-
dren, a phenomenon associated with cerebral
malaria ( 12). Thrombocytopenia may there-
fore reduce pathology by protecting the host
against cerebral malaria, which may explain
in part why there has been less pressure to
maintain platelet-associated parasite killing
mechanisms in Africans. The Duffy-negative
phenotype to prevent P. vivax invasion of red
blood cells seems to have been under stron-
ger selective pressure than the maintenance
of a PF4-dependent antiparasitic mechanism
in central and western Africa. However, given
the potentially different origins and timelines
of P. falciparum and P. vivax adaptations to
humans ( 13, 14), another possibility is that
the Duffy-negative phenotype has simply
been under selective pressure in this part of
Africa for longer. In addition, nonmalaria
pressures may also have infl uenced this selec-
tion over time.
Cells of the innate immune system—mac-
rophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells,
and γδ T cells—play an important role in
defending against parasites, often providing a
rst line of defense and augmenting acquired
(adaptive) immunity. By understanding how
innate mechanisms of protection against
malaria have been under strong selective pres-
sure during evolution, we may better under-
stand how to protect people from malaria. For
example, how PF4 kills P. falciparum is not
yet clear, but when this knowledge is avail-
able, vulnerable features of parasites will be
identifi ed that could be targeted with appro-
priate drugs. Understanding new antiparasitic
mechanisms selected by evolution will enable
us not only to complement existing cellular
and molecular approaches to identifying drug
targets to kill parasites, but also to select safer
targets that have less effect on the host.
1. World Health Organization, “World Malaria Report” WHO
Press, Geneva, 2011.
2. B. McMorran et al., Science 338, 1348 (2008).
3. A. A. Escalante, F. J. Ayala, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92,
5793 (1995).
4. D. P. Kwiatkowski, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 77, 171 (2005).
5. R. Horuk et al., Science 261, 1182 (1993).
6. J. D. Haynes et al., J. Exp. Med. 167, 1873 (1988).
7. L. H. Miller, S. J. Mason, D. F. Clyde, M. H. McGinniss,
N. Engl. J. Med. 295, 302 (1976).
8. B. J. McMorran et al., Science 323, 797 (2009).
9. R. Eisman, S. Surrey, B. Ramachandran, E. Schwartz,
M. Poncz, Blood 76, 336 (1990).
10. A. Chaudhuri et al., J. Biol. Chem. 269, 7835 (1994).
11. S. J. Allen et al., QJM 89, 779 (1996).
12. S. C. Wassmer et al., J. Infect. Dis. 197, 72 (2008).
13. F. Prugnolle et al., PLoS Pathog. 7, e1001283 (2011).
14. R. Culleton, R. Carter, Int. J. Parasitol. 42, 1091 (2012).
15. D. I. Baruch et al., Blood 90, 3766 (1997).
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than 40 species of cavity-using vertebrates
( 4). For many dependent species, the keystone
roles of large old trees continue for decades
or even centuries after tree death, when they
become standing dead trees or large logs ( 1).
The loss of large old trees is a recognized
concern in many ecosystems worldwide.
For example, populations of large old trees
are plummeting in intensively grazed land-
scapes in California, Costa Rica, and Spain,
where such trees are predicted to disappear
within 90 to 180 years ( 5). In southeastern
Australia, millions of hectares of grazing
lands are projected to support less than 1.3%
of the historical densities of large old trees
within 50 to 100 years ( 6).
Large old trees are declining in forests at
all latitudes. Larger trees (>45 cm in diameter)
throughout southern Sweden have declined
from historical densities of ~19 per hectare
to 1 per hectare ( 7). In California’s Yosemite
National Park, the density of the largest trees
(see the figure, panel A) declined by 24%
between the 1930s and 1990s ( 8). Large old E.
regnans trees—Earth’s tallest fl owering plants
(see the figure, panel B)—are predicted to
decline from 5.1 in 1997 to 0.6 trees per hect-
are by 2070 ( 4). Fragmented Brazilian rain-
forests are likely to lose half of their original
large trees (60 cm diameter) in the fi rst three
decades after isolation ( 9).
Large old trees are exceptionally vulnera-
ble to intentional removal, elevated mortality,
reduced recruitment, or combinations of these
drivers (see the figure, panel C). They are
removed during logging, land clearing, agri-
cultural intensifi cation, fi re management, and
for human safety. Droughts, repeated wild-
res, competition with invasive plants, edge
effects, air pollution, disease, and insect attack
( 10) can all increase tree mortality. The likeli-
hood of new trees growing into large old trees
can be diminished by overgrazing or browsing
by native herbivores ( 11) and domestic live-
stock ( 6), by competition with exotic plants,
and by altered fi re regimes.
Drivers of large old tree loss often inter-
act to create ecosystem-specifi c threats ( 12).
In agricultural landscapes, chronic livestock
overgrazing, excessive nutrients from fertil-
izers, and deliberate removal for firewood
and land clearing combine to severely reduce
large old trees ( 6). Populations of large old
pines in the dry forests of western North
America declined dramatically in the last cen-
tury because of selective logging, uncharac-
teristically severe wildfi res, and other causes,
although efforts are now made to reduce the
density of the stands so that high-severity fi res
do not occur and large trees are saved (see the
gure, panel D). Salvage logging is equally
damaging, whereby natural disturbances,
such as fi re or insect attack, are followed by
removal of all remaining live and dead trees
(see the fi gure, panel E). In certain tropical
savannas and temperate forests, interactions
among drivers occur over vast areas and result
in entire landscapes supporting few large old
trees ( 13). Modeling suggests that even mod-
est increases in adult mortality can seriously
erode populations of long-lived organisms
such as large old trees ( 14).
Although large old trees are declining
across much of the planet, not all ecosystems
are losing such trees. Elevated plant-growth
rates in tropical forests, possibly in response
to rising concentrations of atmospheric car-
bon dioxide, might result in larger numbers
of large old trees, at least where such forests
escape other human disturbances.
Large old trees are more likely to per-
sist in particular parts of landscapes such
as disturbance refugia. Research is needed
to determine the locations and causes of
such refugia and to devise strategies to pro-
tect them ( 15). For example, timber or other
commodity extraction (e.g., cropping) in
managed landscapes might be concentrated
where large old trees are least likely to per-
sist or develop. Maintenance of appropriate
population age structures can help to ensure
the perpetual supply of large old trees. This
requires policies and management practices
that intentionally grow such trees and reduce
their mortality rates ( 5).
Just as large-bodied animals such as ele-
phants, tigers, and cetaceans have declined
drastically in many parts of the world, a grow-
ing body of evidence suggests that large old
trees could be equally imperiled. Targeted
research is needed to better understand their
key threats and devise strategies to counter
them. Without such initiatives, these iconic
organisms and the many species dependent on
them could be lost or greatly diminished.
1. R. van Pelt, Identifying Mature and Old Forests in Western
Washington (Washington State Department of Natural
Resources, Olympia, WA, 2007).
2. J. Remm, A. Lohmus, For. Ecol. Manage. 262, 579 (2011).
3. D. B. Lindenmayer, Forest Pattern and Ecological Process:
A Synthesis of 25 Years of Research (CSIRO Publishing,
Melbourne, 2009).
4. W. F. Laurance, New Sci. 213, 39 (2012).
5. P. Gibbons et al., Conserv. Biol. 22, 1309 (2008).
6. J. Fischer et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 19597
7. M. T. Jönsson et al., J. Veg. Sci. 20, 91 (2009).
8. J. A. Lutz, J. W. van Wagtendonk, J. F. Franklin, For. Ecol.
Manage. 257, 2296 (2009).
9. W. F. Laurance et al., Nature 404, 836 (2000).
10. W. R. Anderegg et al., Nat. Climate Change, 10.1038/
nclimate1635 (2012).
11. A. T. Vanak et al., Ecography 35, 315 (2012).
12. G. P. Asner, S. R. Levick, Ecol. Lett. 15, 1211 (2012).
13. B. J. Palik et al., For. Ecol. Manage. 261, 128 (2011).
14. S. L. Lewis et al., Nature 457, 1003 (2009).
15. B. Mackey et al., Ecol. Appl. 22, 1852 (2012).
Global decline. (A) Over 95% of California’s majestic coastal redwoods have been lost to logging and for-
est clearing ( 8). (B) Large old Mountain Ash (E. regnans) trees in mainland southern Australia are critical
habitats for many elements of the biota but are also readily killed and often consumed by wildfi res ( 4). (C)
Baobab trees, like this giant in Tanzania, are under threat from land clearing, droughts, fungal pathogens,
and overharvesting of their bark for mat-weaving ( 3). (D) Efforts to conserve large old Ponderosa Pine (Pinus
ponderosa) trees include reducing the risk of stand-replacing fi re by removing small trees and applying low-
severity prescribed fi re. (E) During post-insect attack salvage logging operations in British Columbia, Canada,
all large trees are removed.
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... LOTs are degrading and disappearing at an alarming rate globally, increasingly confined to small remnant patches (Lindenmayer et al., 2012;Liu, Xia, et al., 2022;Piovesan et al., 2022). This trend significantly impacts global ecosystems and biodiversity, especially in tropical regions (Xie, Chen, et al., 2024). ...
... To safeguard these invaluable ecological treasures, it is crucial to adopt a macro-pattern research approach (Lindenmayer et al., 2012;Xie, Liu, et al., 2024). This method can uncover the essential dynamics and broad trends affecting LOT populations, offering insights that smaller-scale studies cannot provide (Lindenmayer, 2017). ...
Large old trees (LOTs) are invaluable natural treasures and cultural legacies, holding ecological, historical, social, and economic significance. However, climate change and human impacts threaten their existence. Understanding their species composition, age structure, biomass, and distribution patterns in relation to environmental factors is essential for effective conservation. In Hainan Island, South China, we analyzed 1081 LOTs from 74 species across 35 families, using a combination of field surveys and government data. The dominant families were Moraceae, Sapindaceae, and Fagaceae, with key species including Ficus altissima , Litchi chinensis , and Tamarindus indica . The age distribution followed a reverse J‐shape, indicating a prevalence of trees aged 300–399 years. In contrast, diameter at breast height (DBH) and height distributions were unimodal, favoring medium to large‐sized trees. Spatial analysis revealed uneven distribution patterns: the western zone exhibited the highest species diversity, the central zone moderate diversity, and the eastern zone low diversity, reflecting uneven urban and agricultural impacts. Most LOTs were concentrated at elevations of 0–50 m. Factors such as GDP, urbanization, and forest cover positively correlated with LOT abundance and diversity, with forest cover and average annual temperature particularly favoring these trees. The findings emphasize the intricate relationship between environmental factors and LOT distribution. They advocate for tailored conservation strategies that address the complex interplay of ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural influences on their preservation. Abstract in Chinese is available with online material.
... Veteran trees are in decline globally (Lindenmayer et al., 2012). ...
... Selective removal, logging operations and alterations of disturbance regimes are among the main drivers of the decline (Calix et al., 2018;Lindenmayer et al., 2012). While the contribution of forestry and selective removal to the decline is widely acknowledged, the impact of altered disturbance regimes is often overlooked (Buckley & Mills, 2015a;Doudová et al., 2022;Horák, 2017). ...
Veteran and ancient trees are key structures sustaining biodiversity in wooded landscapes. Their value depends on tree‐related microhabitats (TreMs) such as hollows, cracks and other structures related to wounds and wood decay. Decline and loss of veteran trees results in the loss of TreMs thus threatening the biodiversity associated with them. Veteranisation , that is, interventions aimed at creating or accelerating formation of rare TreMs in live trees, are thus increasingly applied to bridge gaps in habitat continuity and sustain the biodiversity associated with veteran trees. Several studies investigated the use of artificially created TreMs by various organisms. No study has, however, investigated saproxylic beetles attracted to freshly veteranised trees, and how different veteranisation techniques affect attractivity of veteranised trees to saproxylic beetles. We veteranised 48 sessile oaks using two types of deep and two types of shallow cuts and trapped saproxylic beetles on the veteranised and control trees in the first season after the intervention. The sampling yielded 280 species (6171 individuals) of saproxylic beetles, including 64 that are threatened. Veteranised trees attracted more abundant and diverse communities than control trees. Community composition differed between shallow and deep cuts and between the two types of deep cuts. Freshly veteranised trees thus attract diverse and abundant communities of saproxylic beetles consisting mainly of species potentially exploiting the wounds. The high proportion of threatened species, often associated with old oaks, suggests that veteranised trees benefit even some threatened saproxylic biodiversity already during the first year after the veteranisation.
... In protected and unpopulated savannas, the tree-grass dynamics that shape savannas are largely governed by biotic and abiotic factors including climate, herbivory, and fire (Bond, 2005). However, in anthropogenic systems the dynamics of large trees i.e. trees with the ability to outgrow the 'fire trap' (> 3 m height), are increasingly governed by the direct and indirect effects of land-use change (Lindenmayer et al., 2012). In particular, the loss of larger savanna trees (adults >5 m height or >14 cm DBH (Moncrieff et al., 2014;Smith et al., 2012) is concerning because of the critical ecological functions they provide, such as increased soil nutrients (Ward et al., 2018;Zhou et al., 2021), elevated plant diversity (Mensah et al., 2020), grazing sites for herbivores (Treydte et al., 2010), and nesting and roosting opportunities for birds and bats (Fenton and Rautenbach, 1986;Monadjem et al., 2016). ...
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Anthropogenic land-use change is currently one of the greatest threats to biodiversity across the globe and tropical savannas are likely to be disproportionately impacted by these changes in coming decades. In particular, the loss of larger savanna trees is concerning because of the critical ecological functions they provide. Here, we studied the potential for positive (e.g., increased resources, propagation) and negative (e.g., harvesting, cattle grazing) influence of two increasingly dominant land uses throughout southern African savannas, communal lands and intensive agricultural, on the size class distributions of dominant large tree species (i.e., knobthorn [Senegalia nigrecens] and marula [Scelerocarya birrea]) in savannas surrounded by these transformed lands. We recorded a total of 646 knobthorn and 303 marula individuals. The two species showed individualistic responses to surrounding land use types. Average abundances (mean, ± 95 % CI) of marula were similar between savanna patches surrounded by savanna only, and savannas surrounded by agricultural and communal areas, while the abundance of most size classes of knobthorn were drastically reduced by surrounding land uses, likely from harvesting for fuel wood. In this study we showed that the influence of land use changes on large tree populations spills over onto the savannas they surround. Furthermore, tree population responses depend on both the surrounding land use and species identity, which determine the nature of exploitative activities. The different exploitative activities appear to be neutral with respect to the populations of marula while reducing populations sizes of knobthorn (i.e. through wood fuel harvesting). We conclude with management recommendations that may increase knobthorn populations in communal areas. Specifically, we suggest encouraging people to propagate knobthorn and other native and wood fuel species for sale at nurseries, teaching harvesting approaches that foster sustainable populations, and encouraging alternative sources fuel and diversified livelihoods.
... Such strategies frequently emerge in academic and policy discourse, including the creation of firebreaks, the conduct of controlled burns and the establishment of community-based fire monitoring systems to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of wildfires (Fernandes et al. 2013). At the same time, preserving mature, old-growth and dead trees is paramount, as they provide essential habitats for many species (including several bat species) and contribute to the ecological stability of forests (Lindenmayer, Laurance, and Franklin 2012). Finally, limiting logging and restricting construction activities within forested areas are crucial to prevent habitat fragmentation and maintain their structural integrity, especially on islands where such ecosystems are extremely vulnerable. ...
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Background: The study of island species richness has gone far beyond traditional theories, as more and more studies attempt to include new predictor variables besides island area. Despite the rich bat diversity of Mediterranean islands, no studies have examined the factors influencing chiropteran species richness in such a geographic context. Aims: We used Greek islands as a model to detect drivers of bat species richness based on a broad species occurrence dataset from islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, which was explored using 10 potential predictor variables. Materials and Methods: Initially, we comprehensively evaluated all available data and sources for 53 Greek islands, deemed essential. This resulted in a reduced set of 28 islands. Predictors were grouped into three categories: island area, landscape diversity and island isolation. Generalised linear models were employed to identify the most significant factors explaining bat species richness in the 28 islands. Results: Tree cover and the distance between the islands and their nearest coast (mainland or island) best performed to predict bat species richness on Greek islands. Discussion: We show the important role of landscape composition and degree of isolation in influencing the distribution of bat species on islands. Conclusion: We highlight the importance of forest habitats and the vital role of their management and protection, especially in the insular systems of the Mediterranean basin, where the risk of forest degradation or loss due to wildfires and land use change is especially high.
... Understanding the underlying mechanisms of tree decline is crucial for predicting the response of old trees to anthropogenically induced environmental changes such as drought stress [10], repeated wildfires, or insect attack [11][12][13]. The study of age-related growth in trees is often complicated by the loss of the oldest and largest trees in forests as a result of forest management and uncontrolled logging [14][15][16][17]; indeed, there has been a dramatic decline in populations of large old trees across the world [18]. This pattern is even clearer with regard to deciduous trees, which show markedly lower longevity than conifers [19]. ...
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Veteran trees are important elements in forests, as well as urban and suburban areas, and represent part of our cultural heritage. However, increasing age also brings a reduction in vitality. Information on tree physiological vitality can be gained by examining ecophysiological traits, such as photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and leaf water potential. Here, we assess the effects of age on the photosynthesis and water status of 600-year-old pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L.) by comparing them with neighbouring 25-year-old trees. While gas exchange measurements indicated lowered photosynthesis in old trees, their maximum rates of Rubisco carboxylation and electron transport were similar to younger trees, suggesting that biochemical limitations to photosynthesis are not the reason behind their reduced vitality. Moreover, there was no difference in light-adapted and dark-adapted chlorophyll fluorescence between old and young trees. In contrast, stomatal conductance (under unlimited soil water availability) was lower, indicating increased stomatal limitations to photosynthesis in veteran trees. On the other hand, high water potential during mild summer drought conditions indicated better access to soil water in old trees, while stomatal conductance in old trees was higher than in young trees at night. A reduced ability to open and close stomata may be one of the reasons for the observed decline in veteran tree vitality, with a lowered ability to regulate stomatal conductance resulting in reduced carbon gain and unnecessarily high water loss.
...  play a number of ecological roles (e.g. microclimate creation, water storage, nutrient cycling) that differ from those of younger and smaller trees , 2018, Lutz et al. 2012);  provide unique wildlife habitats through the development of structural characteristics such as high overstory crowns, large tree branches, large snags and down logs (Wisdom et al. 2000, Bull et al. 1997);  contribute very little to wildfire hazard and are generally more resistant to fire, drought, a changing climate and other stressors compared to smaller trees , Cannon et al. 2022;  make outsized contributions to carbon storage and sequestration, thereby helping to mitigate climate change (Law et al. 2022, Mildrexler et al. 2020, Smith et al. 2005);  are now rare relative to historic conditions due to past and ongoing logging and, once lost, are very difficult if not impossible to replace (Lutz et al. 2018, Lindenmayer et al. 2012 Based on these reasons, numerous experts across many disciplines have made explicit recommendations that retaining large and old trees is of the utmost importance in any fuels reduction or forest restoration/ resiliency projects that are implemented on western federal lands (see Appendix). ...
... A comparison of the diameter distributions under the three different climate scenarios indicates that the number of Cupressus funebris decreased with increasing emissions (Figure 2). Lindenmayer et al. predicted that some conifer species would experience widespread mortality due to significant climate change [118]. Furthermore, similar results have been reported in recent studies. ...
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This study establishes a climate-sensitive transition matrix growth model and predicts forest growth under different carbon emission scenarios (representative concentration pathways RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) over the next 40 years. Data from the Eighth (2013) and Ninth (2019) National Forest Resource Inventories in Chongqing and climate data from Climate AP are utilized. The model is used to predict forest growth and compare the number of trees, basal area, and stock volume under different climate scenarios. The results show that the climate-sensitive transition matrix growth model has high accuracy. The relationships between the variables and forest growth, mortality, and recruitment correspond to natural succession and growth. Although the number of trees, basal area, and stock volume do not differ significantly for different climate scenarios, the forest has sufficient seedling regeneration and large-diameter trees. The growth process aligns with succession, with pioneer species being replaced by climax species. The proposed climate-sensitive transition matrix growth model fills the gap in growth models for natural secondary forests in Chongqing and is an accurate method for predicting forest growth. The model can be used for long-term prediction of forest stands to understand future forest growth trends and provide reliable references for forest management. Forest growth can be predicted for different harvesting intensities to determine the optimal intensity to guide natural forest management in Chongqing City. The results of this study can help formulate targeted forest management policies to deal more effectively with climate change and promote sustainable forest health.
Detection of early warning signals (EWSs) for forest declines is a critical yet challenging in forest ecology and management. Although the EWSs have been investigated from the perspective of external stresses, changes in tree resistance in stresses before forest declines have received much less attention. In this study, we utilized tree ring-width data from 346 juniper trees in the Qilian Mountains to calculate tree resistance in stresses during non-decline period of forest and to explore the temporal relationships between the occurrence of forest declines and changes in resistance of trees. The forest declines, characterized by sustained slow growth rates, were identified independently. The results showed that, there was a decrease in tree resistance during the 12 years before forest declines. This phenomenon was particularly common at the study sites. Resistance of trees before forest declines was positively correlated with tree growth during forest declines, which implying that lower pre-decline resistance was associated with more severe forest decline. These observations suggest that decreasing resistance can be used as an EWS of forest declines. Our results provide insights into the relationships between changes in ecological resilience and forest stability and are useful for monitoring or predicting changes in forest health under future climate change.
Restoring forests is crucial for safeguarding biodiversity and providing ecosystem functions on degraded lands globally. Despite significant restoration efforts over a half-century in the Loess Plateau of China ’s prominent dryland region, the impact of restored forests on biodiversity remains less understood. Unlike the abundant studies in the tropics, such understanding is urgently needed for dryland regions given that forest restoration is being scaled up. Here, we assessed the alpha- and beta-diversity of birds from taxonomic and functional dimensions in restored forests, and compared them to that of relatively undisturbed primary forests. We conducted rigorous point-count surveys and acoustic recordings during the avian breeding season in 2021 and 2023. We found that plantations have limited support for bird taxonomic and functional diversity compared to secondary and primary forests. Notably, the biodiversity inference drawn from our acoustic recordings generally supported similar conclusion of bird diversity across studied forest types. Additionally, secondary forests exhibited greater functional richness compared to plantations and contributed complementary functional trait space relative to primary forests. While nestedness dominated functional beta-diversity, spatial turnover dominated the taxonomic beta-diversity between the bird communities of restored forests and primary forests. Importantly, spatial proximity positively influenced the nestedness component of taxonomic beta-diversity, indicating that the distance of plantations to local primary forests (i.e., dispersal limitation) influenced bird community assembly during forest recovery. Overall, our findings provide insights on preserving intact primary forests, delivering biodiversity benefits of forest restoration in dryland regions, and prioritizing restoration locations only when tree planting is necessary.
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Forests provide innumerable ecological, societal and climatological benefits, yet they are vulnerable to drought and temperature extremes. Climate-driven forest die-off from drought and heat stress has occurred around the world, is expected to increase with climate change and probably has distinct consequences from those of other forest disturbances. We examine the consequences of drought- and climate-driven widespread forest loss on ecological communities, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services and land–climate interactions. Furthermore, we highlight research gaps that warrant study. As the global climate continues to warm, understanding the implications of forest loss triggered by these events will be of increasing importance.
Forest Pattern and Ecological Process is a major synthesis of 25 years of intensive research about the montane ash forests of Victoria, which support the world's tallest flowering plants and several of Australia's most high profile threatened and/or endangered species. It draws together major insights based on over 170 published scientific papers and books, offering a previously unrecognised set of perspectives of how forests function. The book combines key strands of research on wildfires, biodiversity conservation, logging, conservation management, climate change and basic forest ecology and management. It is divided into seven sections: introduction and background; forest cover and the composition of the forest; the structure of the forest; animal occurrence; disturbance regimes; forest management; and overview and future directions. Illustrated with more than 200 photographs and line drawings, Forest Pattern and Ecological Process is an essential reference for forest researchers, resource managers, conservation and wildlife biologists, ornithologists and mammalogists, policy makers, as well as general readers with interests in wildlife and forests. 2010 Whitley Certificate of Commendation for Zoological Text.
A 135-kD parasite protein, a minor component of the Plasmodium knowlesi malaria radiolabeled proteins released into culture supernatant at the time of merozoite release and reinvasion, specifically bound to human erythrocytes that are invaded and carry a Duffy blood group determinant (Fya or Fyb), but did not bind to human erythrocytes that are not invaded and do not carry a Duffy determinant (FyFy). Specific anti-Duffy antibodies blocked the binding of the 135-kD protein to erythrocytes carrying that specific Duffy determinant. Purified 135-kD protein bound specifically to the 35-45-kD Duffy glycoprotein on a blot of electrophoretically separated membrane proteins from Fya and Fyb erythrocytes but not from FyFy erythrocytes. Binding of the 135-kD protein was consistently greater to Fyb than to Fya both on the blot and on intact erythrocytes. The 135-kD protein also bound to rhesus erythrocytes that are Fyb and are invaded, but not to rabbit or guinea pig erythrocytes that are Duffy-negative and are not invaded. Cleavage of the Duffy determinant by pretreating Fyb human erythrocytes with chymotrypsin greatly reduced both invasion and binding of the 135-kD protein, whereas pretreating Fyb erythrocytes with trypsin had little effect on the Duffy antigen, the 135-kD protein binding, or on invasion. However, instances of invasion of other enzyme-treated erythrocytes that are Duffy-negative and do not bind the 135-kD protein suggest that alternative pathways for invasion do exist.
Herbivores cause treefalls in African savannas, but rates are unknown at large scales required to forecast changes in biodiversity and ecosystem processes. We combined landscape‐scale herbivore exclosures with repeat airborne Light Detection and Ranging of 58 429 trees in Kruger National Park, South Africa, to assess sources of savanna treefall across nested gradients of climate, topography, and soil fertility. Elephants were revealed as the primary agent of treefall across widely varying savanna conditions, and a large‐scale ‘elephant trap’ predominantly removes maturing savanna trees in the 5–9 m height range. Treefall rates averaged 6 times higher in areas accessible to elephants, but proportionally more treefall occurred on high‐nutrient basalts and in lowland catena areas. These patterns were superimposed on a climate‐mediated regime of increasing treefall with precipitation in the absence of herbivores. These landscape‐scale patterns reveal environmental controls underpinning herbivore‐mediated tree turnover, highlighting the need for context‐dependent science and management.
From the kings of the jungle to the boreal giants, the world's greatest trees are in big trouble
We explored the main factors affecting the global distribution of tree cavities – a habitat component of mostly biotic origin that is crucial for many animal species. We considered the influence of eight environmental variables (ranging from the single-tree to the biogeographic-region scale) on cavity density in a meta-analysis of 103 published studies. The global median density of cavities was 16ha−1, with densities highest in Australasia and lowest in the Palaearctic region. Two major factors influencing density were identified: cavity density was positively related to the amount of precipitation, and was higher in natural than in managed forests. These effects suggest that the distribution of tree cavities largely reflects the incidence of fungal heart-rot in trees, and that forest management, by affecting wood decay processes, can have a broad-scale impact on tree microhabitat availability. Although air temperature, forest composition and wood hardness had suggestive univariate effects, neither these variables nor biogeographic region explained any additional variation in multifactor models. In regions where woodpeckers are present there was an upper limit to the density of woodpecker-excavated cavities (approximately 10–20cavitiesha−1) that was considerably lower than the highest total cavity densities encountered (up to 140ha−1). This indicates that primary cavity-nesters are particularly important keystone species in cavity-poor forests where wood decay processes are suppressed either climatically or by forest management.
In response to climate change and other threatening processes there is renewed interest in the role of refugia and refuges. In bioregions that experience drought and fire, micro-refuges can play a vital role in ensuring the persistence of species. We develop and apply an approach to identifying potential micro-refuges based on a time series of remotely sensed vegetation greenness (fraction of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the sunlit canopy; fPAR). The primary data for this analysis were NASA MODIS 16-day L3 Global 250 m (MOD13Q1) satellite imagery. This method draws upon relevant ecological theory (source sink habitats, habitat templet) to calculate a micro-refuge index, which is analyzed for each of the major vegetation ecosystems in the case-study region (the Great Eastern Ranges of New South Wales, Australia). Potential ecosystem greenspots were identified, at a range of thresholds, based on an index derived from: the mean and coefficient of variance (COV) of fPAR over the 10-year time series; the minimum mean annual fPAR; and the COV of the 12 values of mean monthly fPAR. These greenspots were mapped and compared with (1) an index of vascular plant species composition, (2) environmental variables, and (3) protected areas. Potential micro-refuges were found within all vegetation ecosystem types. The total area of ecosystem greenspots within the upper 25% threshold was 48 406 ha; around 0.2% of the total area of native vegetation (23.9 x 10(6) ha) in the study region. The total area affected by fire was 3.4 x 10(6) ha. The results of the environmental diagnostic analysis suggest deterministic controls on the geographical distribution of potential micro-refuges that may continue to function under climate change. The approach is relevant to other regions of the world where the role of micro-refuges in the persistence of species is recognized, including across the world's arid zones and, in particular, for the Australian, southern African, and South American continents. Micro-refuge networks may play an important role in maintaining beta-diversity at the bio-region scale and contribute to the stability, resilience, and adaptive capacity of ecosystems in the face of ever-growing pressures from human-forced climate change, land use, and other threatening processes.
Questions: Can small and isolated high-conservation value forests (e.g. designated woodland key habitats) maintain old-growth forest characteristics and functionality in fragmented landscapes? To what extent have past disturbances (natural and anthropogenic) influenced the development of old-growth characteristics of these forests? How long does it take for selectively cut stands to attain conditions resembling old-growth forests? Location: Southern boreal zone of central Sweden. Methods: We linked multiple lines of evidence from historical records, biological archives, and analyses of current forest structure to reconstruct the forest history of a boreal landscape, with special emphasis on six remaining core localities of high-conservation value forest stands. Results: Our reconstructions revealed that several of these stands experienced wildfires up to the 1890s; all had been selectively harvested in the late 1800s; and all underwent substantial structural and compositional reorganization over the following 100-150 years. This time interval was sufficient to recover considerable amounts of standing and downed dead wood (mean 60.3 m3 ha−1), a range of tree ages and sizes (mean basal area 32.6 m2 ha−1), and dominance of shade-tolerant spruce. It was insufficient to obtain clearly uneven tree age structures and large (>45 cm diameter) living and dead trees. Thus, these forests contain some, but not all, important compositional and structural attributes of old-growth forests, their abundance being dependent on the timing and magnitude of past natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Our landscape-level analysis showed marked compositional and structural differences between the historical forest landscape and the present landscape, with the latter having a greater proportion of young forests, introduction of non-native species, and lack of large trees and dead wood. Conclusions: The remnant high-conservation value stands were not true representatives of the pre-industrial forests, but represent the last vestige of forests that have regenerated naturally and maintained a continuous tree cover. These traits, coupled with their capacity for old-growth recovery, make them valuable focal areas for conservation.
The vegetation dynamics of the savanna ecosystem are driven by complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors, and thus are expected to exhibit emergent properties of biocomplexity. We explore the relative importance of static and dynamic drivers in explaining the patterns of mortality of large trees in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Data on large trees were collected from 22 transects in April 2006, and these transects were re-sampled in November 2008. Of the 2546 individually-identified trees that were re-sampled, 290 (11.4%) died in the interim. We tested several competing hypotheses with varying levels of complexity, and found that mortality of large trees was affected mainly by both static (geophysical and landscape characteristics) and dynamic (elephant damage and fire) factors that were either additive or interactive in their effects. Elephant damage was the main predictor of tree mortality, but fire also played an important role depending on the landscape type. Other static variables such as position-on-slope, height below canopy, and altitude had weak effects in explaining tree mortality. These results indicate that keystone features such as large trees, show differential vulnerability to mortality that is landscape-specific. For conservation managers, this implies that the dynamic drivers (elephant and fire) of tree mortality have to be managed at the specific landscape-level. We suggest that this emergent biocomplexity in the spatial and temporal patterns of large tree mortality is not unique to the African savannas, but is likely widespread across heterogeneous landscapes.
Studies of forest change in western North America often focus on increased densities of small-diameter trees rather than on changes in the large tree component. Large trees generally have lower rates of mortality than small trees and are more resilient to climate change, but these assumptions have rarely been examined in long-term studies. We combined data from 655 historical (1932–1936) and 210 modern (1988–1999) vegetation plots to examine changes in density of large-diameter trees in Yosemite National Park (3027 km2). We tested the assumption of stability for large-diameter trees, as both individual species and communities of large-diameter trees. Between the 1930s and 1990s, large-diameter tree density in Yosemite declined 24%. Although the decrease was apparent in all forest types, declines were greatest in subalpine and upper montane forests (57.0% of park area), and least in lower montane forests (15.3% of park area). Large-diameter tree densities of 11 species declined while only 3 species increased. Four general patterns emerged: (1) Pinus albicaulis, Quercus chrysolepis, and Quercus kelloggii had increases in density of large-diameter trees occur throughout their ranges; (2) Pinus jeffreyi, Pinus lambertiana, and Pinus ponderosa, had disproportionately larger decreases in large-diameter tree densities in lower-elevation portions of their ranges; (3) Abies concolor and Pinus contorta, had approximately uniform decreases in large-diameter trees throughout their elevational ranges; and (4) Abies magnifica, Calocedrus decurrens, Juniperus occidentalis, Pinus monticola, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Tsuga mertensiana displayed little or no change in large-diameter tree densities. In Pinus ponderosa–Calocedrus decurrens forests, modern large-diameter tree densities were equivalent whether or not plots had burned since 1936. However, in unburned plots, the large-diameter trees were predominantly A. concolor, C. decurrens, and Q. chrysolepis, whereas P. ponderosa dominated the large-diameter component of burned plots. Densities of large-diameter P. ponderosa were 8.1 trees ha−1 in plots that had experienced fire, but only 0.5 trees ha−1 in plots that remained unburned.