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DOI: 10.1126/science.1231070
, 1305 (2012);338 Science et al.David B. Lindenmayer
Global Decline in Large Old Trees
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Large old trees are among the biggest
organisms on Earth. They are keystone
structures in forests, woodlands, savan-
nas, agricultural landscapes, and urban areas,
playing unique ecological roles not provided
by younger, smaller trees. However, popula-
tions of large old trees are rapidly declining in
many parts of the world, with serious implica-
tions for ecosystem integrity and biodiversity.
The definition of “large and old” trees
depends on the ecosystem, tree species, and
environmental conditions under consid-
eration. Both the size and the age of a tree
affect characteristics such as the large inter-
nal cavities, complex branching patterns,
and idiosyncratic canopy architectures that
distinguish large old trees from younger and
smaller trees ( 1).
Large old trees (see the fi gure, panels A to
C) play critical ecological roles. They provide
nesting or sheltering cavities for up to 30%
of all vertebrate species in some ecosystems
( 2). Large old trees also store large quantities
of carbon, create distinct microenvironments
characterized by high levels of soil nutri-
ents and plant species richness, play crucial
roles in local hydrological regimes, and pro-
vide abundant food for numerous animals in
the form of fruits, fl owers, foliage, and nec-
tar. In agricultural landscapes, large old trees
can be focal points for vegetation restoration,
facilitate ecosystem connectivity by attracting
mobile seed dispersers and pollinators, and
act as stepping stones for many animals.
Younger and smaller trees cannot provide
most of the distinctive ecological roles played
by large old trees ( 3). For instance, large old
trees in Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans)
forests of mainland Australia provide irre-
placeable shelter and nesting sites for more
Global Decline in Large Old Trees
David B. Lindenmayer,
William F. Laurance ,2 Jerry F. Franklin
The loss of large old trees in many ecosystems
around the world poses a threat to ecosystem
1Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Austra-
lian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
2Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Sci-
ence, and School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James
Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4878, Australia.
3School of Environmental and Forest Science, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. E-mail: david.
cal regions of the world, but is rare in large
areas of central and western Africa where
many individuals lack Duffy-antigen recep-
tor expression on red blood cells. Thus, this
“Duffy-negative” phenotype appears to have
evolved as an innate resistance mechanism to
P. vivax infection.
McMorran et al. extend previous work that
demonstrated an important role for platelets in
resistance to malaria ( 8) by identifying plate-
let factor 4 (PF4) as a key molecule in plate-
let-mediated killing of P. falciparum. PF4 is
released from α granules in activated plate-
lets to promote blood coagulation ( 9). It binds
the Duffy-antigen receptor, along with sev-
eral other chemokines ( 10). McMorran et al.
found that a functional Duffy-antigen receptor
is required for the antiparasitic activity of PF4.
The implications of lacking this antipara-
sitic mechanism for Duffy-negative individ-
uals living in P. falciparum malaria endemic
regions are not yet clear. One might predict
that these individuals will be more prone to
episodes of severe malaria. Indeed, mortality
among African children with malaria-induced
coma is higher than in children with the same
condition from Papua New Guinea, where
Duffy-negative individuals are less common
( 11). However, further evidence is required
to support this proposition. Alternatively,
compensatory antiparasitic mechanisms may
have evolved in Duffy-negative individuals
to help control parasite growth and/or reduce
pathology following infection. The identifi ca-
tion of other such mechanisms will offer fur-
ther insights into innate immune responses to
infection, and potentially identify vulnerable
aspects of parasite biology.
Platelets decrease in number (thrombocy-
topenia) during acute malaria. McMorran et
al. suggest that this is not to the host’s advan-
tage, limiting this innate form of resistance.
However, other data show that platelets can
contribute to cerebral malaria, a major cause
of mortality. Platelets at normal physiologi-
cal concentrations cause clumping of para-
sitized red blood cells from African chil-
dren, a phenomenon associated with cerebral
malaria ( 12). Thrombocytopenia may there-
fore reduce pathology by protecting the host
against cerebral malaria, which may explain
in part why there has been less pressure to
maintain platelet-associated parasite killing
mechanisms in Africans. The Duffy-negative
phenotype to prevent P. vivax invasion of red
blood cells seems to have been under stron-
ger selective pressure than the maintenance
of a PF4-dependent antiparasitic mechanism
in central and western Africa. However, given
the potentially different origins and timelines
of P. falciparum and P. vivax adaptations to
humans ( 13, 14), another possibility is that
the Duffy-negative phenotype has simply
been under selective pressure in this part of
Africa for longer. In addition, nonmalaria
pressures may also have infl uenced this selec-
tion over time.
Cells of the innate immune system—mac-
rophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells,
and γδ T cells—play an important role in
defending against parasites, often providing a
fi rst line of defense and augmenting acquired
(adaptive) immunity. By understanding how
innate mechanisms of protection against
malaria have been under strong selective pres-
sure during evolution, we may better under-
stand how to protect people from malaria. For
example, how PF4 kills P. falciparum is not
yet clear, but when this knowledge is avail-
able, vulnerable features of parasites will be
identifi ed that could be targeted with appro-
priate drugs. Understanding new antiparasitic
mechanisms selected by evolution will enable
us not only to complement existing cellular
and molecular approaches to identifying drug
targets to kill parasites, but also to select safer
targets that have less effect on the host.
1. World Health Organization, “World Malaria Report” WHO
Press, Geneva, 2011.
2. B. McMorran et al., Science 338, 1348 (2008).
3. A. A. Escalante, F. J. Ayala, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92,
5793 (1995).
4. D. P. Kwiatkowski, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 77, 171 (2005).
5. R. Horuk et al., Science 261, 1182 (1993).
6. J. D. Haynes et al., J. Exp. Med. 167, 1873 (1988).
7. L. H. Miller, S. J. Mason, D. F. Clyde, M. H. McGinniss,
N. Engl. J. Med. 295, 302 (1976).
8. B. J. McMorran et al., Science 323, 797 (2009).
9. R. Eisman, S. Surrey, B. Ramachandran, E. Schwartz,
M. Poncz, Blood 76, 336 (1990).
10. A. Chaudhuri et al., J. Biol. Chem. 269, 7835 (1994).
11. S. J. Allen et al., QJM 89, 779 (1996).
12. S. C. Wassmer et al., J. Infect. Dis. 197, 72 (2008).
13. F. Prugnolle et al., PLoS Pathog. 7, e1001283 (2011).
14. R. Culleton, R. Carter, Int. J. Parasitol. 42, 1091 (2012).
15. D. I. Baruch et al., Blood 90, 3766 (1997).
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than 40 species of cavity-using vertebrates
( 4). For many dependent species, the keystone
roles of large old trees continue for decades
or even centuries after tree death, when they
become standing dead trees or large logs ( 1).
The loss of large old trees is a recognized
concern in many ecosystems worldwide.
For example, populations of large old trees
are plummeting in intensively grazed land-
scapes in California, Costa Rica, and Spain,
where such trees are predicted to disappear
within 90 to 180 years ( 5). In southeastern
Australia, millions of hectares of grazing
lands are projected to support less than 1.3%
of the historical densities of large old trees
within 50 to 100 years ( 6).
Large old trees are declining in forests at
all latitudes. Larger trees (>45 cm in diameter)
throughout southern Sweden have declined
from historical densities of ~19 per hectare
to 1 per hectare ( 7). In California’s Yosemite
National Park, the density of the largest trees
(see the figure, panel A) declined by 24%
between the 1930s and 1990s ( 8). Large old E.
regnans trees—Earth’s tallest fl owering plants
(see the figure, panel B)—are predicted to
decline from 5.1 in 1997 to 0.6 trees per hect-
are by 2070 ( 4). Fragmented Brazilian rain-
forests are likely to lose half of their original
large trees (≥60 cm diameter) in the fi rst three
decades after isolation ( 9).
Large old trees are exceptionally vulnera-
ble to intentional removal, elevated mortality,
reduced recruitment, or combinations of these
drivers (see the figure, panel C). They are
removed during logging, land clearing, agri-
cultural intensifi cation, fi re management, and
for human safety. Droughts, repeated wild-
fi res, competition with invasive plants, edge
effects, air pollution, disease, and insect attack
( 10) can all increase tree mortality. The likeli-
hood of new trees growing into large old trees
can be diminished by overgrazing or browsing
by native herbivores ( 11) and domestic live-
stock ( 6), by competition with exotic plants,
and by altered fi re regimes.
Drivers of large old tree loss often inter-
act to create ecosystem-specifi c threats ( 12).
In agricultural landscapes, chronic livestock
overgrazing, excessive nutrients from fertil-
izers, and deliberate removal for firewood
and land clearing combine to severely reduce
large old trees ( 6). Populations of large old
pines in the dry forests of western North
America declined dramatically in the last cen-
tury because of selective logging, uncharac-
teristically severe wildfi res, and other causes,
although efforts are now made to reduce the
density of the stands so that high-severity fi res
do not occur and large trees are saved (see the
fi gure, panel D). Salvage logging is equally
damaging, whereby natural disturbances,
such as fi re or insect attack, are followed by
removal of all remaining live and dead trees
(see the fi gure, panel E). In certain tropical
savannas and temperate forests, interactions
among drivers occur over vast areas and result
in entire landscapes supporting few large old
trees ( 13). Modeling suggests that even mod-
est increases in adult mortality can seriously
erode populations of long-lived organisms
such as large old trees ( 14).
Although large old trees are declining
across much of the planet, not all ecosystems
are losing such trees. Elevated plant-growth
rates in tropical forests, possibly in response
to rising concentrations of atmospheric car-
bon dioxide, might result in larger numbers
of large old trees, at least where such forests
escape other human disturbances.
Large old trees are more likely to per-
sist in particular parts of landscapes such
as disturbance refugia. Research is needed
to determine the locations and causes of
such refugia and to devise strategies to pro-
tect them ( 15). For example, timber or other
commodity extraction (e.g., cropping) in
managed landscapes might be concentrated
where large old trees are least likely to per-
sist or develop. Maintenance of appropriate
population age structures can help to ensure
the perpetual supply of large old trees. This
requires policies and management practices
that intentionally grow such trees and reduce
their mortality rates ( 5).
Just as large-bodied animals such as ele-
phants, tigers, and cetaceans have declined
drastically in many parts of the world, a grow-
ing body of evidence suggests that large old
trees could be equally imperiled. Targeted
research is needed to better understand their
key threats and devise strategies to counter
them. Without such initiatives, these iconic
organisms and the many species dependent on
them could be lost or greatly diminished.
1. R. van Pelt, Identifying Mature and Old Forests in Western
Washington (Washington State Department of Natural
Resources, Olympia, WA, 2007).
2. J. Remm, A. Lohmus, For. Ecol. Manage. 262, 579 (2011).
3. D. B. Lindenmayer, Forest Pattern and Ecological Process:
A Synthesis of 25 Years of Research (CSIRO Publishing,
Melbourne, 2009).
4. W. F. Laurance, New Sci. 213, 39 (2012).
5. P. Gibbons et al., Conserv. Biol. 22, 1309 (2008).
6. J. Fischer et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 19597
7. M. T. Jönsson et al., J. Veg. Sci. 20, 91 (2009).
8. J. A. Lutz, J. W. van Wagtendonk, J. F. Franklin, For. Ecol.
Manage. 257, 2296 (2009).
9. W. F. Laurance et al., Nature 404, 836 (2000).
10. W. R. Anderegg et al., Nat. Climate Change, 10.1038/
nclimate1635 (2012).
11. A. T. Vanak et al., Ecography 35, 315 (2012).
12. G. P. Asner, S. R. Levick, Ecol. Lett. 15, 1211 (2012).
13. B. J. Palik et al., For. Ecol. Manage. 261, 128 (2011).
14. S. L. Lewis et al., Nature 457, 1003 (2009).
15. B. Mackey et al., Ecol. Appl. 22, 1852 (2012).
Global decline. (A) Over 95% of California’s majestic coastal redwoods have been lost to logging and for-
est clearing ( 8). (B) Large old Mountain Ash (E. regnans) trees in mainland southern Australia are critical
habitats for many elements of the biota but are also readily killed and often consumed by wildfi res ( 4). (C)
Baobab trees, like this giant in Tanzania, are under threat from land clearing, droughts, fungal pathogens,
and overharvesting of their bark for mat-weaving ( 3). (D) Efforts to conserve large old Ponderosa Pine (Pinus
ponderosa) trees include reducing the risk of stand-replacing fi re by removing small trees and applying low-
severity prescribed fi re. (E) During post-insect attack salvage logging operations in British Columbia, Canada,
all large trees are removed.
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