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Ludders, J. W., R. H. Schmidt, F. J. Dein, and P. N. Klein. 1999. Drowning is not euthanasia. Wildlife Soc. B. 27:666-670.
John W
H. Schmidt,
F Joshua
and Patrice
N. Klein
Historically, there has been considerable discus-
sion within the nuisance wildlife control and trap-
ping communities as to whether drowning is a
humane method for killing animals. The issue
received more attention in 1993, when the
American Veterinary Medical Association's Panel on
Euthanasia reaffirmed its position that drowning is
an unacceptable method (Andrews et al. 1993). For
this article, we make a distinction between euthana-
sia, a "good death" that occurs without pain or dis-
tress (Andrews et al. 1993), and death due to killing
by other methods. The central issue in this debate
is whether drowning animals are rendered uncon-
scious by great levels of carbon dioxide (CO2 car-
bon-dioxide-induced narcosis) early in the drown-
ing process and thus are insensitive to the distress
and pain associated with drowning.
Proponents of drowning cite an article by Gilbert
and Gofton (1982) in which the authors stated that
drowning animals die from carbon-dioxide-induced
narcosis. However, Gilbert and Gofton (1982) did
not report any information on levels of carbon
dioxide in blood, which is needed before a deter-
mination can be made about the acceptability of
drowning as a method of euthanasia. We wish to
introduce and clarify information concerning
effects of carbon dioxide that have been absent in
the debate on drowning.
In their laboratory investigations, Gilbert and
Gofton (1982) determined time to death by drown-
ing in mink (Mustela vison), muskrat (Ondatra
zibethica), and beaver (Castor canadensis).
Readings of the electrical activity of the brain (elec-
troencephalograph, EEG) and of the heart (electro-
cardiograph, ECG) were recorded from each animal
during drowning, and time of death was taken to be
the moment when electrical activity of the brain
ceased (EEG signal became flat). On average, the
EEG signal became flat in mink after 4 minutes, 37
seconds; in muskrats after 4 minutes, 3 seconds; and
in beaver after 9 minutes, 11 seconds. However,
neither arterial nor venous blood samples were col-
lected before, during, or after the animals drowned,
so the partial pressures of carbon dioxide (PCO2)
or oxygen (PO2) in blood from these animals were
not measured. The authors stated that "[d]eath by
CO2 induced narcosis (submersion asphyxia) was
evident in beaver, about 50% of muskrats, but 'wet'
drowning (defined below) occurred in mink"
(Gilbert and Gofton 1982:835). A review article
written by Timperman (1972) was referenced to
corroborate their conclusion. Timperman's (1972)
paper discussed the forensic diagnosis of drowning
through identification of diatoms in the lungs of
victims. The author mentioned that carbon-dioxide-
induced narcosis could be a possible cause of death
during drowning, but he also acknowledged that
death could be from anoxia. However, he did not
provide substantiating data, such as blood gas analy-
ses, to support either factor as the cause of death by
Proponents of drowning make a distinction
between "wet" or "dry"
drowning, the former occur-
ring when water enters the lungs and the latter
when the lungs remain relatively dry. To some,
"dry" drowning implies that because the animal
does not inhale water, then death is from CO2-
induced narcosis, although this is most likely incor-
rect. According to reports of incidents involving
human drownings, 2 events may occur following
submersion: 1) during the ensuing panic and strug-
gle, water is swallowed and aspiration occurs in
Address for John W. Ludders:
College of Veterinary
Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. Address for Robert H.
Schmidt: Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan UT 84322-5210, USA. Address for F.
Joshua Dein:
USGS-BRD National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI 53711, USA. Address for Patrice N. Klein: Humane Society of the
United States, 700 Professional Drive, Gaithersburg,
MD 20879, USA.
words: animals, carbon dioxide, drowning, euthanasia, killing
1999, 27(3):666-670 Peer edited
and carbon-dioxide narcosis
* Ludders et al. 667
85% of the victims, which leads to "wet" drowning,
i.e., the lungs fill with water (Newman and Stewart
1995) and hypoxia and cardiac arrest occur rapidly,
the latter probably because the vagal nerve, in
response to water contacting the mucous mem-
branes of the larynx or trachea, causes a reflex
slowing and arrest of the heart (Suzuki 1996); or 2)
during drowning, the act of swallowing water may
lead to laryngospasm (an involuntary closure of the
glottis or entrance to the airway), thus sealing the
airway and preventing water from being aspirated
into the lungs (Yagil et al. 1983, Suzuki 1996).
Approximately 15% of human drowning victims
experience "dry" drowning, in which the lungs
remain relatively free of water (Newman and
Stewart 1995). Hypoxia and cardiac arrest develop,
but often this process is protracted compared to
the victims experiencing "wet" drowning. In fact,
current research strongly suggests that death
occurs more rapidly when water is inhaled because
it initiates a reflex vagal inhibition of the heart
(Suzuki 1996). Thus, a longer period of conscious-
ness may be associated with "dry"
drowning than
with "wet" drowning. The accumulated evidence
(as discussed below) indicates that the cause of
death during drowning is hypoxia and anoxia, not
CO2-induced narcosis.
Stedman's Medical Dictionary (1995:1176)
defines narcosis as a "[g]eneral and nonspecific
reversible depression of neuronal excitability, pro-
duced by a number of physical and chemical
agents, usually resulting in stupor rather than in
anesthesia." Hypercarbia, or an excess of carbon
dioxide (CO2) in blood, can cause narcosis. In ani-
mals, CO2 is a normal byproduct of oxygen (02)
metabolism, and it is eliminated from the body
through the lungs and the process of pulmonary
ventilation (Guyton 1991). The relationship of CO2
production to 02 utilization is-expressed as the res-
piratory exchange ratio, generally accepted to be
around 0.8; it indicates that in general, less CO2 is
produced for a given amount of metabolized 02
(Guyton 1991).
Several studies, involving numerous animal
species in which blood gases were measured, indi-
cate that carbon-dioxide narcosis does not occur
until the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arte-
rial blood (PaCO2) exceeds 95 millimeters of mer-
cury (mm Hg) and true anesthesia occurs only
when PaCO2 exceeds 200 mm Hg. For example,
laboratory rats exposed to 100% CO2 at various
chamber fill rates started to show evidence of CO2
narcosis (they became uncoordinated) after PaCO2
exceeded 123 mm Hg (Hewett et al. 1993). The
same rats became immobile only after PaCO2
exceeded 212 mm Hg, and they finally lost the
pedal reflex to painful stimulation (toe pinch) after
PaCO2 exceeded 332 mm Hg (Hewett et al. 1993).
A study of the narcotic properties of carbon diox-
ide in dogs sheds more light on the issue of CO2-
induced narcosis (Eisele et al. 1967). In this study,
the narcotic and anesthetic properties of CO2 were
determined in 2 ways: 1) by determining the MAC
(the minimum alveolar concentration of an inhalant
anesthetic that prevents purposeful movement by
an animal exposed to a painful stimulus) for the
inhalant anesthetic halothane (2-bromo-2-chloro-
1,1,1-trifluoroethane), and then, in a step-wise man-
ner, replacing the halothane with CO2 while main-
taining a constant plane of anesthesia; and 2) by
administering only CO2 to dogs and recording the
PaCO2 when each dog was anesthetized and unre-
sponsive to a painful stimulus. The results indicat-
ed that increasing levels of PaCO2 above 95 mm Hg
were increasingly narcotic. At a PaCO2 of 95 mm
Hg the narcotic effect of CO2 was minimal as it
reduced the MAC of halothane by only 0.08%. In
this study, anesthesia was produced at an average
PaCO2 of 222 mm Hg.
Drowning animals, of course, are not breathing
100% C02, let alone air;
in fact, they are not breath-
ing at all. Because the drowning animal cannot
breathe, it uses all of the 02 available in its blood,
and CO2 accumulates because of oxygen metabo-
lism. As previously noted, the respiratory exchange
ratio indicates that the rate of 02 utilization is
greater than the rate of CO2 production (Guyton
1991), and this fact is demonstrated by numerous
animal studies. In dogs that were drowned with
either cold salt water (CSW) or cold fresh water
(CFW), PaCO2 increased significantly, but after 10
minutes of immersion it never exceeded 64.8?4.9
mm Hg in either group (Conn et al. 1995).
However, PaO2 significantly decreased in both
groups; after 4 minutes of immersion, PaO2 was
16.4?1.5 mm Hg in the CFW group and 18.8?21.6
mm Hg in the CSW group, and after 10 minutes of
immersion it was 9.6?3.8 and 8.8+1.9 in the CFW
and CSW groups, respectively. Similar results were
found in another study involving anesthetized, intu-
bated dogs that inhaled a fixed quantity (20 ml/kg)
of fresh water (Rai et al. 1980). Prior to inhaling
water, the PaO2 and PaCO2 were 100 mm Hg and
35 mm Hg, respectively. Five minutes after inhaling
668 Wildlife
Society Bulletin 1999, 27(3):666-670
water, the PaO2 and PaCO2 were 35 mm Hg and 52
mm Hg, respectively. During 40 minutes of obser-
vation, PaCO2 never exceeded 60+0.5 mm Hg
(mean + SEM) and the PaO2 did not exceed 47+5.5
mm Hg. The results from these 2 studies show that
PaCO2 levels were well below those necessary to
induce CO2 narcosis and that the dogs were hypox-
emic (inadequate oxygen in blood).
In a study that measured cerebral blood flow and
arterial blood gases in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)
held under water for more than 4 minutes, the
average PaO2 was 52 mm Hg (minimum recorded
was 37 mm Hg) at 4.61 minutes, while the average
PaCO2 was 51 mm Hg (Stephenson et al. 1994).
These numbers indicate that the ducks were
hypoxemic and hypercarbic and that PaCO2 was
not at levels known to produce narcosis. However,
PaO2 had decreased to hypoxemic levels, and had
the ducks not been killed by decapitation, the PaO2
would have continued to decrease to levels incom-
patible with life, i.e., the ducks would have died
from anoxic asphyxiation.
A study in which blood gases were measured in
beaver during submersion sheds more light on the
drowning issue, especially as it relates to furbear-
ers. After venous and arterial catheterization to
sample blood, European beaver (Castor fiber) were
forcefully submerged in water for up to 10 minutes
(Clausen and Ersland 1970). From the authors' fig-
ures, the following conclusions can be drawn.
Throughout the period of submersion, PaCO2
increased but never exceeded 100 mm Hg; it took
7.5 minutes of submersion before PaCO2 exceeded
95 mm Hg. The PaO2 rapidly decreased during the
first 7 minutes of submersion, but both PaO2 and
arterial hemoglobin saturation with oxygen were at
hypoxemic levels (PaO2<50 mm Hg and satura-
tion<50%) within 5 minutes from the start of sub-
mersion. Thus the beavers were hypoxemic 2-3
minutes before PaCO2 reached 95 mm Hg.
The method by which great CO2 concentrations
kill animals is anesthesia-induced respiratory arrest
and the ensuing tissue hypoxia-anoxia (Mullenax
and Dougherty 1963,Andrews et al. 1993). In fact,
the time to death is prolonged when oxygen is used
with CO2. When a gas mixture consisting of
approximately 70% CO2, 24% N2 and 6% 02 was
used to kill mink, for example, the 5 test animals
survived for at least 15 minutes in the gas mixture
(Hansen et al. 1991). One animal died 6 minutes
after being removed from the gas mixture, but the
4 other animals fully recovered.
The preceding evidence demonstrates that in
drowning animals,
lags behind hypoxia
and anoxia and that drowning animals die from
hypoxia and anoxia. All of this suggests that drown-
ing animals experience hypoxemia-induced dis-
comfort and distress before CO2
narcosis occurs, if
narcosis occurs at all. This raises the question: do
animals experience distress during drowning? For
the following reasons,
we believe that the answer is
yes. The classic stress response consists of changes
in heart rate and increases in blood pressures and
circulating blood levels of epinephrine and norepi-
nephrine and other stress-related hormones
(Moberg 1985). In rats breathing 100%
CO2 (CO2
anoxia), plasma norepinephrine increased signifi-
cantly and was released from the sympathetic nerv-
ous system and not the adrenal
medulla (Borovsky
et al. 1998). The authors concluded that the
response was mainly from hypoxia, not from CO2
in and of itself (Borovsky
et al. 1998).
In a model of asphyxia in which rats were stran-
gled (anoxic asphyxia), mean serum norepineph-
rine and epinephrine concentrations were signifi-
cantly greater in the strangled group compared to
the non-strangled group (norepinephrine=5.4+2.6
ng/mL vs. 2.8+0.1 ng/mL, P<0.001 and epineph-
rine=6.0+3.4 ng/mL vs. 3.8+3.0 ng/mL, P<0.05;
Hirvonen et al. 1997). The author concluded that
the data supported the idea that catecholamine
concentrations increased in blood upon suffocation
and could be used as indicators of hypoxia
(Hirvonen et al. 1997).
In dogs that were drowned with either cold salt
water (CSW) or cold fresh water (CFW),
rine and norepinephrine concentrations (pg/mL)
increased significantly after immersion and contin-
ued to rise throughout the experimental period
(Conn et al.
1995). Prior
to immersion,
was 206?25 in the CFW
group and 133?67 in the
group. After 10 minutes of immersion, it had
risen to 174,650+1,750 in the CFW group and
153,250+4,585 in the CSF
group. Prior to immer-
sion, norepinephrine was 224?46 in the CFW
group and 374+182 in the CSW
group, and by 10
minutes it had reached 63,025?4,946 in the CFW
group and 50,400+1,796 in the CSF group. The
authors noted that though the greater values
reported in their study could be partly
sudden cold stress that has been described after
cold-water immersion, a more important etiological
factor is likely to be anoxic-ischemic stress pro-
ducing a catecholamine surge (Conn et al. 1995).
* Ludders
et al. 669
Thus, the accumulated data indicate that hypoxia-
anoxia readily elicit the stress response in a variety
of animal species.
To summarize, data from several studies and a
variety of animal species indicate that CO2 can
produce narcosis, but only at partial pressures in
arterial blood exceeding 95 mm Hg. Furthermore,
data from rats and dogs suggest that a level of CO2-
induced narcosis sufficient to render an animal
insensible to the discomfort, anxiety, and stress
associated with hypoxemia is probably above 123
mm Hg; true C02-induced anesthesia, and thus
insensibility, does not occur until PaCO2 exceeds
200 mm Hg.
We recognize that drowning has been a tradi-
tional wildlife management technique, especially
for trapping aquatic mammals such as beaver,
muskrat, nutria (Myocastor coypus), mink, and river
otters (Lontra canadensis). In some states, trap-
pers have been encouraged to drown non-aquatic
mammals captured in cage traps, including rac-
coons (Procyon lotor), striped skunks (Mephitis
mephitis), and opossums (Didelphis virginiana).
Drowning is a method of killing animals that is con-
venient for humans. However, the concept of
euthanasia is independent of traditions and con-
venience, and drowning can not be considered
euthanasia. As we noted at the beginning of this
article, euthanasia is a "good death" that occurs
without pain or distress. Time is an important ele-
ment in euthanasia, and any technique that requires
minutes rather than seconds to produce death can
not be considered euthanasia. We encourage
wildlife administrators, researchers, animal care and
use committees, managers, and trappers to consid-
er these findings as they develop wildlife euthana-
sia technique guidelines and Best Management
Practices for Trapping (Proulx and Barrett 1989,
Friend et al. 1994, Hamilton et al. 1998).
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670 Wildlife Society Bulletin 1999, 27(3):666-670
John W. Ludders
(top photo) is - -
an associate professor
and chief
of section in anesthesiology in
the Department of Clinical i
Sciences at the College of
Veterinary Medicine, Cornell
He received his B.S.
(zoology) and his D.V.M. from
Washington State University
and did his residency in veteri-
nary anesthesiology at the
University of California, Davis. :
His research interests are in
analgesia and anesthesia for
birds. j
Robert H. Schmidt (bottom
photo) is an associate profes-
sor in the Department of
Fisheries and Wildlife at Utah
State University. He received
his B.S. in natural resources
from Ohio State University;
M.S. in forestry,
fisheries, and
wildlife from the University of
Nebraska, Lincoln; and an
M.S. and Ph.D. in biological
ecology from the University
California, Davis. His inter-
ests cover the spectrum of
wildlife policy, ecology, and
management. Robert was president of the Western Section of
The Wildlife Society in 1989 and currently serves as president
of the National Animal Damage Control Association and as an
Executive Board member of the Wildlife Damage Management
Working Group of TWS.
F. Joshua Dein is animal welfare officer at the United States
Geological Service-Biological Research Division, National
Wildlife Health Center. Trained
as a biologist and a veterinari-
an, he is responsible for providing technical assistance to man-
agers and researchers in areas such as captive animal manage-
ment, capture and immobilization of wildlife, biological sample
collection, telemetry implantation, euthanasia, and disease
monitoring. He also has interests in electronic information
resources, moderating the Wildlife Health mailing list and the
Wildlife Health information Partnership. Patrice M. Klein is the
wildlife veterinarian for the Humane Society of the United
States (HSUS) and the veterinary director of the HSUS Wildlife
Rehabilitation Training Center, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She
received her B.A. in biology from Hofstra
University in 1976, an
M.S. in pharmacology-toxicology from St. John's University,
New York in 1983, and her V.M.D. from the University of
Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1988. She has
extensive training and experience in pathology and is a diplo-
mate in the American College of Poultry
Veterinarians. From
1990 to 1995, Pat was the center veterinarian at the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research
Center, Laurel, Maryland, where she was responsible for the
health management of endangered species of birds such as
whooping cranes and Mississippi sandhill cranes and evaluated
the effects of environmental pollutants on avian species. She is
currently working with Humane Society International
on inter-
national wildlife rehabilitation programs in Central and South
... Yet rat populations can recover quickly (Easterbrook et al. 2005;Singleton et al. 2010;Gras, Patergnani, and Farina 2012) and there is growing international concern about the accidental poisoning of non-target animals and the secondary poisoning of predators and scavengers by rodenticides (Eason and Spurr 1995;Thorsen et al. 2000;Brakes and Smith 2005;Rattner and Mastrota 2018;Serieys et al. 2019). There is also growing pressure for pest management to adopt more humane methods, including shifting away from rodenticides because they cause painful and often protracted, death ( Ludders et al. 1999;Edelman 2002;Mason and Littin 2003;Littin et al. 2004Littin et al. , 2014Meerburg, Brom, and Kijlstra 2008;Yeates 2010;Hadidian 2015). This paper discusses an attempt in 2014/15 by Environmental Health (EH) officials in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, to move away from rodenticides by implementing a jobcreation project that hired previously unemployed people to trap and drown rats. ...
... comm., 15 February 2018) Drowning has been a traditional wildlife management technique in North America and in Canada, if it takes a trapped animal <5 min to drown, it is considered sufficiently humane (Gilbert and Gofton 1982). However, drowning clearly causes stress and suffering to animals and cannot be considered to be a form of euthanasia because it causes death in minutes rather than seconds ( Ludders et al. 1999;Ludders et al. 2001;AVMA 2013;Beausoleil and Mellor 2015). In this regard, the NSPCA's position on the matter is consistent with growing international concerns about the ethics of managing pests and other wildlife (Ohl and Van der Staay 2012; Littin et al 2014; Hawkins et al. 2016). ...
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There is growing concern globally about the inhumane treatment of ‘pest’ animals, including rodents, and about the ecological consequences of rodenticides, notably the poisoning of non-target wildlife like raptors and scavengers. Recent contestation between Environmental Health (EH) officials in Khayelitsha, Cape Town’s largest African township, and the National Council for Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) illustrates the tension that can arise between innovative ecologically-focused strategies and existing legislation and animal protection practices. In 2013/14 EH officials introduced a job-creation project to trap and drown rats, describing it as ‘humane’ because it avoided poison thereby posing no danger to wildlife such as owls. The NSPCA, however, halted the project, arguing that drowning was both inhumane and illegal. Death by poison is also inhumane but the South Africa’s Animals Protection Act (1962) allows it (and trapping and hunting) to be used against ‘pests’/‘vermin’. The NSPCA, which has never challenged the Act for allowing the inhumane treatment of these animals, used it to trump local preferences. A representative survey from Khayelitsha showed that there was some support for an NSPCA-like position (14% thought that drowning was cruel and that workers should not be allowed to trap and drown rats) but that the majority (70%) indicated that they were both concerned about the poisoning of non-target animals and supported the continuation of the trapping and drowning project. This was not a contestation over whether animals should be protected, but over how to do this, and which animals to include.
... Gilbert and Gofton (1982) evaluated time until death and physiological responses to mink, muskrat, and beaver subjected to drowning in a controlled environment, concluding that the early onset of CO2-induced narcosis experienced by the drowning animal causes rapid unconsciousness (early in the drowning process) followed by a relatively stress and pain-free death. In their article in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, "Drowning is Not Euthanasia," Ludders et al. (1999) effectively refute contentions that drowning animals undergo a humane death, demonstrating that drowning causes stress and pain before dying from hypoxia and anoxia (not CO2-induced narcosis). The authors stated: "….any technique that requires minutes rather than seconds to produce death [can not] be considered euthanasia." ...
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The Northern river otter (Lontra canadensis; hereafter river otter) has been the subject of trapping for various purposes and can serve as a surrogate for discussing animal welfare issues pertaining to both research and conservation, and for evaluating humane and ethical issues pertaining to the wildlife system in the United States (U.S.) and the associated fur industry. In this chapter, I review humane issues relative to traps and trapping systems that are used to restrain river otters for research and conservation purposes, and kill more than 30,000 river otters on an annual basis in the U.S. and Canada, and relate them to the Best Management Practice (BMP) developed for river otters. Although various traps and trapping systems are believed to meet humane standards based on the BMP process and the U.S. furbearing management system, I consider meaningful and objective evaluations to make such conclusions as largely absent and in need of additional review. I explore the existing evidence related to the humaneness of killing and restraining traps and trapping systems used to capture river otters for fur, integrating my experiences with trapping and handling the species for reintroduction projects. I initially review the BMP outcome for river otters and live-trapping studies conducted for river otters and Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) to establish a basis for contrasting various approaches and study designs relevant to the humane trapping of river otters. I integrate these outcomes to critically explore liabilities associated with the BMP developed for river otters. Humane concerns pertaining to the BMP and the trapping of river otters in general focus on: 1) the inadequate variety of traps and trapping systems used to evaluate the humaneness of river otter trapping; 2) the lack of transparency in the process used to evaluate body-grip traps; 3) the extended trap-checking periods often associated with water trapping; 4) the issue of drowning with the use of submersions sets; 5) the trapping of female river otters during periods of cub rearing; and 6) the unintended capture of river otters (lack of selectivity) during American beaver (Castor canadensis; hereafter beaver) trapping seasons, and the likely inhumane consequences (for river otters and beavers) of using a recommended trigger modification for 330-size body-grip traps to improve trap selectivity. Based on the limited number of traps and trapping systems tested to date, I conclude that the river otter BMP offers little new or insightful information to enhance humane trapping for this species.
... Hunting methods which are considered traditional, or which are undertaken by indigenous people, are often not scrutinised scientifically for their impacts on animal welfare (Hampton and Hyndman, 2019). No animal-based welfare studies have been published regarding dugong (Dugong dugon) hunting in Australia, for example, despite concerns about welfare outcomes, because one of the killing methods includes drowning (Hampton and Hyndman, 2019) -which is generally considered to have severely negative welfare consequences (Ludders et al., 1999). ...
Wild animal welfare may be compromised in many different ways during hunting, trapping, fishing and whaling activities. Some key hunting methods and their welfare implications for both target and non-target animals are discussed highlighting the issues that impact on animal welfare, including the equipment used in hunting, the skill of the hunter and the duration of the hunt. The impacts on fish welfare of catch and release recreational fishing, subsistence fishing, bycatch in artisanal fisheries and killing methods are also presented. The hunting of whales and other cetaceans is considered, focused on Japanese dolphin drive hunts and the commercial hunting of large whales and how these activities impact cetacean welfare. Open Access:
... Several other mammal trapping devices are not covered by the AIHTS. For example, underwater traps (killing devices or restraining traps used as killing devices in drowning sets) received little attention in the past, even though the adequacy of drowning as a killing method has been questioned [80,81]. Many types of traps are excluded because the fur of the target species is not traded, e.g., traps used with rats and mice, including break-back traps, glue boards, multi-capture mouse traps, and bamboo rat traps. ...
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In 1999, after pressure from the European Union, an Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) that would result in the banning of the steel-jawed leghold traps in the European Community, Canada, and Russia was signed. The United States implemented these standards through an Agreed Minute with the European Community. Over the last two decades, scientists have criticized the AIHTS for (1) omitting species that are commonly trapped; (2) threshold levels of trap acceptance that are not representative of state-of-the-art trap technology; (3) excluding popular traps which are commonly used by trappers although they are known to cause prolonged pain and stress to captured animals; (4) inadequate coverage of capture efficiency and species selectivity (i.e., number of captures of target and non-target species) performance. Concerns about the ability of standards and test procedures to ensure animal welfare, and about the implementation of standards, have also been voiced by wildlife biologists, managers, and conservation groups. In this review, we present a synopsis of current trapping standards and test procedures, and we compare the standards to a then contemporary 1985-1993 Canadian trap research and development program. On the basis of the above-noted concerns about AIHTS, and our experience as wildlife professionals involved in the capture of mammals, we formulated the following hypotheses: (1) the list of mammal species included in the AIHTS is incomplete; (2) the AIHTS have relatively low animal welfare performance thresholds of killing trap acceptance and do not reflect state-of-the-art trapping technology; (3) the AIHTS animal welfare indicators and injuries for restraining traps are insufficient; (4) the AIHTS testing procedures are neither thorough nor transparent; (5) the AIHTS protocols for the use of certified traps are inadequate; (6) the AIHTS procedures for the handling and dispatching of animals are nonexistent; (7) the AIHTS criteria to assess trap capture efficiency and species selectivity are inappropriate. We conclude that the AIHTS do not reflect state-of-the-art trapping technology, and assessment protocols need to be updated to include trap components and sets, animal handling and dispatching, and trap visit intervals. The list of traps and species included in the standards should be updated. Finally, the concepts of capture efficiency and trap selectivity should be developed and included in the standards. Based on our review, it is clear that mammal trapping standards need to be revisited to implement state-of-the-art trapping technology and improve capture efficiency and species selectivity. We believe that a committee of international professionals consisting of wildlife biologists and veterinarians with extensive experience in the capture of mammals and animal welfare could produce new standards Animals 2020, 10, 1262 2 of 26 within 1-2 years. We propose a series of measures to fund trap testing and implement new standards. Abstract: In 1999, after pressure from the European Union, an Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) that would result in the banning of the steel-jawed leghold traps in the European Community, Canada, and Russia was signed. The United States implemented these standards through an Agreed Minute with the European Community. Over the last two decades, scientists have criticized the AIHTS for (1) omitting species that are commonly trapped; (2) threshold levels of trap acceptance that are not representative of state-of-the-art trap technology; (3) excluding popular traps which are commonly used by trappers although they are known to cause prolonged pain and stress to captured animals; (4) inadequate coverage of capture efficiency and species selectivity (i.e., number of captures of target and non-target species) performance. Concerns about the ability of standards and test procedures to ensure animal welfare, and about the implementation of standards, have also been voiced by wildlife biologists, managers, and conservation groups. In this review, we present a synopsis of current trapping standards and test procedures, and we compare the standards to a then contemporary 1985-1993 Canadian trap research and development program. On the basis of the above-noted concerns about AIHTS, and our experience as wildlife professionals involved in the capture of mammals, we formulated the following hypotheses: (1) the list of mammal species included in the AIHTS is incomplete; (2) the AIHTS have relatively low animal welfare performance thresholds of killing trap acceptance and do not reflect state-of-the-art trapping technology; (3) the AIHTS animal welfare indicators and injuries for restraining traps are insufficient; (4) the AIHTS testing procedures are neither thorough nor transparent; (5) the AIHTS protocols for the use of certified traps are inadequate; (6) the AIHTS procedures for the handling and dispatching of animals are nonexistent; (7) the AIHTS criteria to assess trap capture efficiency and species selectivity are inappropriate. We conclude that the AIHTS do not reflect state-of-the-art trapping technology, and assessment protocols need to be updated to include trap components and sets, animal handling and dispatching, and trap visit intervals. The list of traps and species included in the standards should be updated. Finally, the concepts of capture efficiency and trap selectivity should be developed and included in the standards. Based on our review, it is clear that mammal trapping standards need to be revisited to implement state-of-the-art trapping technology and improve capture efficiency and species selectivity. We believe that a committee of international professionals consisting of wildlife biologists and veterinarians with extensive experience in the capture of mammals and animal welfare could produce new standards within 1-2 years. We propose a series of measures to fund trap testing and implement new standards.
... Though ineffective shots are "unlikely", if the animal is wounded and remains conscious "then suffering will be high" [30]. A wounded seal may drown which is considered a painful and distressing way to die [58]. The EFSA expert panel deemed that if a seal is not killed by a first shot and re-stunning is necessary that it is "likely" that this will be effective and suffering will be "low". ...
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The control of predators, on land and in the sea, is a complex topic. Both marine and terrestrial mammal predators come into conflict with humans in Europe in many ways and yet their situations are rarely compared. Areas of conflict include the predation of livestock and farmed fish, and the perceived competition for wild prey (for example wolves competing with hunters for deer and seals competing with fishermen for salmon). A lethal method (shooting) and non-lethal methods of conflict reduction (including enclosures, guarding, and aversion) used for terrestrial large carnivores (e.g., bear, wolf, wolverine, lynx) and marine mammals (seals) are discussed. Control measures tend to be species- and habitat-specific, although shooting is a widely used method. Potential impacts on predator welfare are described and welfare assessments which have been developed for other wildlife control scenarios, e.g., control of introduced species, are considered for their potential use in assessing predator control. Such assessments should be applied before control methods are chosen so that decisions prioritizing animal welfare can be made. Further work needs to be carried out to achieve appropriate and widely-accepted animal welfare assessment approaches and these should be included in predator management planning. Future research should include further sharing of approaches and information between terrestrial and marine specialists to help ensure that animal welfare is prioritized.
... Animal welfare advocates also assert that trapping is inhumane. Practices such as drowning and bludgeoning have been recognized by the veterinary community to be inhumane (Ludders et al. 1999, AVMA 2001. Kill traps are not endorsed for animals as large as beaver, and reviews of test data on them support the general conclusion that they cannot ensure a humane death for beaver (IAFWA 1997, Hadidian 2003, given the varying durations until time of death and the type and severity of injuries sustained. ...
... Dugong (Dugong dugon) hunting is perhaps the most well-known example of an indigenous hunting activity that has produced ethical debate (Marsh et al. 2004), media attention (Dingle 2012), and speculation surrounding animal-welfare outcomes (Thiriet & Smith 2013) but, to date, no published animal-based welfare studies. This is surprising for several reasons: large numbers of dugong are hunted annually, the species is critically endangered (Marsh et al. 2004), recent changes to legislation on animal welfare in some Australian states do not exempt indigenous hunting (Flint et al. 2017), and current killing methods include drowning (Thiriet & Smith 2013), a process widely accepted to have undesirable animalwelfare impacts (Ludders et al. 1999;Iossa et al. 2007). Given the relative simplicity of performing validation studies of physical killing methods for restrained large marine animals (Mörner et al. 2013;Work & Balazs 2013;Hampton et al. 2014;Flint et al. 2017), this seems a curious oversight on the part of Australian scientists and funding agencies. ...
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Much progress has been made toward assessing and improving animal welfare in conservation. However, several glaring knowledge gaps remain where animal‐welfare concerns exist but animal‐welfare studies have not been performed in politically sensitive contexts. Based on contemporary issues in Australia, we identified 4 topics that require more research: animal‐welfare oversight for operations designated as management (as opposed to research); animal‐welfare impacts of biological agents used to control invasive animals; welfare of animals hunted recreationally; and animal‐welfare impacts associated with indigenous wildlife use. Animal‐welfare science may be applied to these sensitive topics through simple quantitative studies (e.g., quantifying the frequency of adverse animal‐welfare events). Several such studies have effectively addressed animal‐welfare concerns in similarly contentious contexts, including feral camel (Camelus dromedarius) culling in Australia, recreational hunting in Scandinavia, and indigenous whale hunting in the United States. For discussions of animal welfare in conservation to be evidence‐based, courageous research is required in the 4 key areas we identified.
... A review of drowning as a method for killing beaver and other animals determined that drowning can take minutes to cause death and results in pain and distress . Due to their speci c diving adaptations, seals [55] fi do not lose consciousness quickly if trapped underwater in a net, and could, in fact, remain conscious until death; a process which could take tens of minutes and, potentially, over an hour in some cases . The [30] NAMMCO Coastal Seal Working Group has recommended that the method of catching common seal pups in nets in Iceland needs to be investigated to ensure that it ful ls the NAMMCO requirement that fi killing methods should result in an immediate death . ...
Seals are killed in a number of European countries and regions for commercial, management and recreational reasons. This is the first review to make a comparison across different nations, and it reveals that a variety of methods are employed, including the use of firearms, clubs, netting and harpoons. There is disparity in terms of which firearms and ammunition may be used and what, if any, training is required in killing methods. Seal killing presents serious animal welfare challenges and this may be exacerbated in some cases by the absence of close seasons, the practice of shooting from moving platforms or when conditions are suboptimal, and the use of nets. The introduction of internationally agreed standards could help ensure that welfare is paramount in seal management, legislation and practice. If lethal control measures are to continue, then good practice should include the annual training and assessment of hunters, the implementation and enforcement of relevant legislation, increased effort to improve the efficiency of killing (including the assessment of this through the expert and independent examination of carcasses), and minimising conflict by locating fish farms away from core seal habitat.
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Ce document a été préparé dans le but d’accompagner les biologistes et techniciens de la faune du ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), les consultants et les acteurs du milieu dans la réalisation d’inventaires de micromammifères. Les personnes qui réaliseront des inventaires doivent s’assurer d’utiliser une version à jour du présent document, accessible à l’adresse suivante : Par ailleurs, le présent protocole standardisé est destiné à être utilisé lors d’études d’impact ou d’autres projets nécessitant la détection de micromammifères en situation précaire. Finalement, ce document vise à uniformiser l’information qui parvient au Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec (CDPNQ), chargé de compiler les données d’inventaire des directions régionales, des consultants et des autres partenaires.
When we talk about violence and crimes, we usually think of harm done to other humans, and when we talk about cruelty, we generally think of companion animals. But this chapter addresses hunting and trapping as acts of human aggression and violence against defenseless and unsuspecting sentient nonhuman animals. After a brief overview of current knowledge from animal cruelty research, the NAM is being addressed as a legal cover for these acts, followed by examples from hunting and an in-depth look at trapping. Violence does not occur in isolation. Instead, there is increased awareness of the intersectionality of violence affecting everything, from individual animals to humans to nature. This chapter’s exploration of violence is needed for us to understand that wild animals too, are being victimized and thus need to be fully protected from human-caused violence. This points to the importance of empathy and compassionate conservation as well as emphasizing the need for justice, personhood, and rights for wild animals, as discussed in the next chapter.
The time periods and the behavioural pattern of mink euthanized with carbon dioxide (CO2), 100% and 70%, carbon monoxide (CO), 4%, and nitrogen (N2), 100%, are described. The time between the placement of the animal in a glass box and the first symptoms of incoordination (phase I), the period of loss of consciousness (phase II), and, finally, the coma phase until cessation of respiration (phase III) using three groups each of 10 pastel male mink each were recorded. Phase I times ranged from 14 s for CO2, 31 s for N2, and 49 s for CO. In phase II, the difference was even more pronounced, being 5 s for CO2, 15 s for CO, and 45 s for N2. In phase III, the time was 58 s for N2, 134 s and 151 s for CO2 and CO respectively. Hence, the critical period from the time when the animals were placed in the glass box till unconsciousness occurred (phase I and II) was 19 s for CO2, 64 s for CO, and 76 s for N2. The total course of euthanasia was 153 s for CO2, 215 s for CO, and 134 s for N2. The following minimum times will be required before it can be judged to be safe to remove the animals: CO2 and N2: 5 min, and for CO: 6.5 min. In a supplementary experiment, involving a mixture of 70% CO2 and 30% atmospheric air, it was not possible within the allotted time to kill adult male mink.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The author first considers what is known at present of the physiopathology of drowning.Subsequently full attention is given to obvious differences between experimental drowning and drowning as it normally occurs. Putrefaction and post-mortem mutilation are both frequent and set limits to the investigation possibilities of drowned bodies. The picture is altered in relation to the degree of pollution of the water responsible. Moreover resuscitation efforts, i.e. artificial ventilation and drug administration, can influence some post-mortem laboratory measurements.Hydrocution and death from hypothermia in water are then commented upon. These cases call rather for a diagnosis per exclusionem, since no visible specific cadaveric signs are induced, except for the occasional diatom penetration into the lungs.The investigation possibilities under these different circumstances are summed up.The possible findings in the upper air passages and stomach are considered in regard to their diagnostic significance. Most of the methods applicable to examination of lung tissue are mentioned. They are judged according to their own merits. Blood analysis in relation to the aqueous inflow or biochemical reactions are summarized. The diagnostic value of the presence of diatoms in the organs, and particularly in the bone marrow, is sketched and illustrated by two particular cases.In conclusion the author emphasizes the reliability of the diatom examination when used critically in experienced hands.
Beavers were submerged in water for 10 minutes. The corresponding changes in pH, Pco2, HbO2 saturation and lactic acid concentration were determined in arterial and venous blood. Upon submersion the heart frequency fell by about 85 per cent at a constant arterial blood pressure. These cardio-vascular responses reflect a selective blood flow distribution ensuring ample O2 supply to the heart and central nervous system (cf. Elsner, 1969). The O2 depletion was identical in inferior caval and mixed venous blood (a. pulm.) showing that the well circulated compartment includes part of the hind body. Data on arterial-venous O2 difference and blood O2 depletion indicate that the lung gas contributed about half the O2 delivered to the well circulated compartment during the first four minutes of submersion. Venous plasma CO2 remained nearly constant during submersion, showing that CO2 was retained in the tissues. Accordingly, the mean alveolar-capillary CO2/O2 exchange ratio was very low during submersion.
Monitoring of EEG, EKG and overt behavior of mink, muskrat, and beaver caught in leg hold traps in an aquatic tank, showed marked differences by species. Death by CO2 induced narcosis (submersion asphyxia) was evident in beaver, about 50 percent of muskrat but "wet" drowning occurred in mink. Bradycardia was evident in all three species but was most pronounced in the beaver. Times to cessation of struggle, brain activity and heart activity indicated that the terminal dives of mink and muskrat, but not beaver, fell within the tentative criteria of humaneness for trapping devices established by the Federal Provincial Committee for Humane Trapping of Canada.
The effects of aspiration or aspiration-cum-swallowing were studied in two groups of anesthetized dogs. Group I animals were subjected to aspiration (20 mlg/kg) whereas that of group II to aspiration (20 ml/kg) cum-swallowing (20 ml/kg) of fresh water. Aspiration produced decrease in plasma sodium and chloride whereas potassium, hemoglobin and haematocrit increased. These changes were transient and the values came back towards preaspiration level in the surviving animals. In animals subjected to aspiration-cum-swallowing, there was no initial increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit and both these values decreased significantly. The pattern of electrolyte changes was essentially similar to the aspiration group. All the animals in the two groups showed an immediate onset of significant asphyxia and acidosis that persisted throughout the period of observation. It is concluded that aspiration of 20 ml of fresh water per kg body weight produces only transient changes in hemoglobin, hematocrit and electrolyte balance, whereas the changes in arterial gas and pH are significant and persistent. It is further concluded that the swallowed water modifies the aspiration induced changes in fresh water drowning.
To compare the pathophysiologic changes occurring during drowning in cold fresh water and cold salt water with reference to viability. Randomized, prospective, controlled submersion experiments in two contrasting cold liquids. A laboratory at a large university-affiliated medical institution. Thirteen healthy, anesthetized mongrel dogs. Three dogs served as controls and were immersed but not submerged. The remainder were submerged in cold fresh water or cold salt water (4 degrees C). Catheters were placed in the femoral artery, right carotid artery and right internal jugular vein. Electrocardiogram, pneumogram, and rectal temperatures were measured continuously during submersion/immersion. Cold water submersion with drowning produced a large initial decrease in carotid artery temperature (approximately 7.5 degrees C in the first 2 mins) compared with a minor decrease (approximately 0.8 degrees C with immersion). No significant differences were noted in the rate of decrease of temperature between drowning in fresh water and salt water. During cold fresh water drowning, aspiration produced gross hemodilution with an average increase in body weight of 16.5%. Hematocrit values, serum sodium concentrations, and osmolality decreased while serum potassium concentrations, catecholamines, and free hemoglobin increased. All measured biochemical data (except PaO2) remained at viable levels. By contrast, during cold salt water drowning, average body weight increased by only 6%, with hemoconcentration and a shrinkage of vascular volume. Hematocrit and hemoglobin values increased by 30%, but initial plasma free hemoglobin values remained unchanged. Serum sodium concentrations, osmolality, and potassium concentrations increased rapidly to critical levels. On submersion in cold water, all of the experimental animals developed tachypnea immediately, followed by aspiration with predictable effects. The biochemical and pathophysiologic changes in cold water drowning approximated those changes reported for warm water drowning for both fresh and salt water with one exception and continued aspiration of cold water produced extremely rapid core cooling as long as the circulation remained intact. This process of acute submersion hypothermia may protect the brain temporarily from lethal damage, as reported in cases of cold fresh water drowning. Concentrations of circulating catecholamines increased exponentially in both groups of test animals. Clinically, their acute effects on the circulation, compounded by significant hypothermia and extreme anoxia, must hamper the detection of residual circulation at rescue and may play a role in sudden death from cold water in the absence of drowning.
The two methods (prefilled and fixed flow rate filled chambers) recommended in the 1993 AVMA Euthanasia Panel report for using carbon dioxide to euthanatize rats were evaluated in terms of their effect on behavior and selected blood gas values. Responses were videotaped during exposure to > or = 90% carbon dioxide in a prefilled chamber or a gradually filled chamber, using a fixed flow rate of 20% chamber volume/min. Arterial blood samples were taken to determine partial pressure of oxygen, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, pH, and oxygen saturation prior to entering the chamber and at time points determined by rats' responses to carbon dioxide. Rats showed similar reactions when exposed to carbon dioxide by either method. Significant differences in mean time for each response to occur were seen between euthanasia methods. Maintaining a near atmospheric oxygen chamber concentration by using a 75% CO2: 20% O2: 5% N2 gas mixture to gradually fill the chamber did not change rats' reactions upon exposure. Significant differences were found between pre-exposure values and values from samples obtained when rats became immobile after entering the prefilled chamber. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide significantly increased, and pH and percent oxygen saturation significantly decreased from pre-exposure values in all samples obtained after rats entered the gradually filled chamber. Partial pressure of oxygen in these rats was greater than or equal to pre-exposure levels in all samples. Rats appeared sedated because of the anesthetic effects of carbon dioxide when immobility was observed. Distress was not observed in the rats when either method of euthanasia was used.