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User experience - A research agenda


Abstract and Figures

Over the last decade, 'user experience' (UX) became a buzzword in the field of human – computer interaction (HCI) and interaction design. As technology matured, interactive products became not only more useful and usable, but also fashionable, fascinating things to desire. Driven by the impression that a narrow focus on interactive products as tools does not capture the variety and emerging aspects of technology use, practitioners and researchers alike, seem to readily embrace the notion of UX as a viable alternative to traditional HCI. And, indeed, the term promises change and a fresh look, without being too specific about its definite meaning. The present introduction to the special issue on 'Empirical studies of the user experience' attempts to give a provisional answer to the question of what is meant by 'the user experience'. It provides a cursory sketch of UX and how we think UX research will look like in the future. It is not so much meant as a forecast of the future, but as a proposal – a stimulus for further UX research.
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User experience a research agenda
{Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Psychology, Social Psychology and
Decision-Making, Darmstadt, Germany
{Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Over the last decade, ‘user experience’ (UX) became a buzzword in the field of human
computer interaction (HCI) and interaction design. As technology matured, interactive
products became not only more useful and usable, but also fashionable, fascinating things to
desire. Driven by the impression that a narrow focus on interactive products as tools does not
capture the variety and emerging aspects of technology use, practitioners and researchers
alike, seem to readily embrace the notion of UX as a viable alternative to traditional HCI.
And, indeed, the term promises change and a fresh look, without being too specific about its
definite meaning. The present introduction to the special issue on ‘Empirical studies of the
user experience’ attempts to give a provisional answer to the question of what is meant by ‘the
user experience’. It provides a cursory sketch of UX and how we think UX research will look
like in the future. It is not so much meant as a forecast of the future, but as a proposal a
stimulus for further UX research.
1. Introduction
User experience (UX) is a strange phenomenon: readily
adopted by the human computer interaction (HCI)
community practitioners and researchers alike and at
the same time critiqued repeatedly for being vague, elusive,
ephemeral. The term ‘user experience’ is associated with a
wide variety of meanings (Forlizzi and Battarbee 2004),
ranging from traditional usability to beauty, hedonic,
affective or experiential aspects of technology use.
UX has gained momentum in recent years, mostly as a
countermovement to the dominant, task- and work-related
‘usability’ paradigm. Ideas represented by UX are im-
portant, but by no means original. Early writings on
usability already expressed the notion that manifestations
of usability such as productivity or learnability are not
primary. Primary is the person’s experience at the moment
experienced (Whiteside and Wixon 1987). Or consider
Carroll and Thomas (1988), who close their article on
‘fun’ with:
‘We realize that many people will read this article as a
joke. To this extent, we are the victims of our own
analysis: there are risks in being serious about fun. Still
though, we continue to see, without humor, the prospect
of a decade of research analysis possibly failing to
provide the leverage it could on designing systems
people will really want to use by ignoring what could be
a very potent determinant of subjective judgments of
usability fun’ (p. 23).
It indeed took the field about a decade to absorb those
ideas. Consequently, first writings on aspects of UX were
mainly programmatic (e.g. Alben 1996, Hassenzahl et al.
2001, Overbeeke et al. 2002), aimed at convincing the HCI
community to take issues beyond the task-related more
seriously. Gradually, this literature has been replaced by
more conceptual papers (e.g. Hassenzahl 2003, Wright et al.
2003; see Forlizzi and Battarbee 2004, for a recent
overview). These papers tried to establish a common
ground, a shared view of what constitutes a ‘good’ user
experience. But even now, while UX is well discussed
on conferences and symposia, it only rarely enters the
relevant academic journals. We believe that the lack of
empirical research is one of the reasons for this. The
absence of empirical research whether qualitative or
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Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 25, No. 2, March-April 2006, 91– 97
Behaviour & Information Technology
ISSN 0144-929X print/ISSN 1362-3001 online ª2006 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/01449290500330331
quantitative impedes theoretical advancement and
restricts our understanding of UX as concept and its
further development.
The present special issue on ‘Empirical studies of the user
experience’ is meant as a contribution to the limited body
of empirical work on UX. Our objective was to collect a
series of original, high-quality empirical papers on various
(mainly positive) aspects that go beyond the purely
cognitive and task-oriented. This request was well received
by the community. All in all, 28 manuscripts were
submitted for review. Thirty-nine expert reviewers assessed
the manuscripts. Our emphasis as editors was not only on
the quality of the papers, but also on the diversity of the
resulting collection. We set out to demonstrate the richness
of UX research, the diversity of topics, approaches and
The final issue contains seven papers. Kil-Soo Suh and
Sunjhe Chang (this issue) demonstrate how a technology
(i.e. virtual reality) leads to a particular experience (i.e.
telepresence), which mediates knowledge, attitudes, pur-
chase intentions and perceptions of product risk. In the
paper ‘Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds
to make a good first impression!’ (this issue), Gitte
Lindgaard, Gary Fernandez, Cathy Dudek and Judy
Brown show how fast impressions of the visual appeal of
a website are formed and how stable they are. Mark Blythe,
Josephine Reid, Peter Wright and Erik Geelhoed (this
issue) take an interdisciplinary approach to the empirical
study of UX. Their analysis of Riot!, a location-sensitive
interactive play, not only gives interesting insights into the
mechanics, problems and benefits of such a new technol-
ogy, it also reveals the way different conceptual and
methodological approaches lead to different perspectives,
which strongly benefit from each other. This article also
demonstrates the potential mismatch between designers’
intentions and users’ actual experiences. A group of papers
emphasises methods and tools: Regan Mandryk, Kori
Inkpen and Thomas Calvert (this issue) focus on using
physiological measures to study the UX with entertainment
technologies. With ‘affectemes and allaffects’, Lesley
Axelrod and Kate Hone (this issue) suggest and test a
novel approach to coding emotional expression during
experiences with technology. Ann Light (this issue) focuses
on interviewing techniques to gather insights into the
experiential. Finally, Marian Petre, Shaily Minocha and
Dave Roberts (this issue) transfer UX to the field and
demonstrate how a more holistic understanding of quality
in the context of business-to-consumer extends or alters
established tools and techniques.
We hope the present issue will encourage scientists and
practitioners to engage in empirical UX research and by
that to advance our understanding of UX. It is meant as
another starting point for rich research practices. But what
are promising topics to study beyond those already
addressed? Is there a ‘research agenda’ for UX? In the
remainder of this editorial, we attempt to provide a cursory
sketch of how we think UX research will look like in the
future. Our view is not meant to be an accurate forecast.
Rather, we intend it to be a proposal a stimulus for
further UX research.
A glance at the literature on UX, such as the ‘Design and
Emotion’ conferences (e.g. McDonagh et al. 2003), the
‘Funology’ workshops and publications (Blythe 2003,
Blythe et al. 2004), Helander and Tham’s (2003) special
issue on ‘Hedonomics’, the emerging literature on ‘Aes-
thetics’ (e.g. Tractinsky in press), or the work of Pat Jordan
(e.g. Jordan 2000) and recently Don Norman (2004a),
reveals three major perspectives. One thread predominantly
deals with addressing human needs beyond the instru-
mental; a second thread stresses affective and emotional
aspects of the interaction; and a third thread deals with the
nature of experience. Let us briefly discuss each perspective
(see Hassenzahl in press, for a further overview) and the
most interesting related research questions.
2. Beyond the instrumental
Since its early days, HCI research focused almost exclu-
sively on the achievement of behavioural goals in work
settings. The task became the pivotal point of user-centred
analysis and evaluation techniques (e.g. usability testing).
To ensure the interactive product’s instrumental value
became the major endeavour of the field.
However, this narrow focus on the instrumental was
repeatedly challenged. In an early attempt to define UX,
Alben (1996), for example, identified beauty (i.e. aesthetics)
as an important quality aspect of technology (see Hassen-
zahl 2004b, Lavie and Tractinsky 2004). Beauty clearly
goes beyond the instrumental. It becomes important
because of its intrinsic value (Postrel 2002), which echoes
the fact that beauty satisfies a general human need (Maslow
1954). Beauty is an end rather than a means.
Gaver and Martin (2000) argued for the importance of a
whole range of specific non-instrumental needs, such as
surprise, diversion, or intimacy, to be addressed by
technology. These ideas begin to disseminate into HCI
research practice, as demonstrated by faMiliar (Mandic
and Kerne 2005), an addition to email, which visualizes
‘rhythms in social engagements’ (p. 1617). It builds on
intimacy as a core construct (see also Vetere et al. 2005).
Drawing upon the concept of emotional usability (Logan
et al. 1994), Hassenzahl (2003) argued that future HCI
must be concerned about the pragmatic aspects of
interactive products (i.e. its fit to behavioural goals) as
well as about hedonic aspect, such as stimulation (i.e.
personal growth, an increase of knowledge and skills),
identification (i.e. self-expression, interaction with relevant
others) and evocation (i.e. self-maintenance, memories).
92 M. Hassenzahl and N. Tractinsky
This multidimensional model explicitly links product
attributes with needs and values. A product’s novelty and
the challenges it provides, for example, contribute to its
hedonic quality, which is relevant because it promises
fulfilment of an underlying human need a need for being
stimulated, to perfect one’s skills and knowledge, to grow.
Such means-end chains (e.g. Gutman 1997) provide insights
into the ‘meaning’ of products and by that, a better
understanding of how to address those meanings by design.
Albeit different in detail, all of these approaches have a
common goal: to enrich current models of product quality
with non-instrumental aspects to create a more complete,
holistic HCI.
What are the challenges of this perspective for future
research? Above all, non-instrumental needs must be better
understood, defined and operationalised. How do they
translate into product quality? Which product attributes
are linked to which needs? Based on a better understanding,
their interplay and importance can be studied. Perhaps the
most intriguing question is how the overall quality or the
‘goodness’ of an interactive product is formed, given
pragmatic and hedonic aspects and underlying needs
(Hassenzahl 2004b, Norman 2004b). Are instrumental
and non-instrumental quality perceptions related to each
other, as for example demonstrated for beauty and
usability by Tractinsky et al. (2000), or independent of
each other, as shown by Hassenzahl (2002) for hedonic and
pragmatic quality aspects? Are needs equally important, do
they form a hierarchy (as suggested by Jordan 2000) or
rather a particular, context-dependent prioritisation (Shel-
don et al. 2001), which may change with specific usage
situations, personal tastes or both? Can we create dynamic
quality models, which are able to prescribe an adequate
weighting of quality aspects (and the related needs) for a
given product and context of use? How do we design for
particular needs? And finally: What is the impact of
embedding non-instrumental needs into products in terms
of acceptance, valuation and choice? Tractinsky and Zmiri
(in press), for example, showed the choice of personalised
user interfaces (‘skins’) to be driven by aesthetic and
symbolic considerations. Is this finding generalisable or
does it depend on product ‘genre’ (e.g. ‘leisure’ versus
‘work’) and usage situation (e.g. ‘social’ versus ‘time
3. Emotion and affect
Current research emphasises the importance of the affective
system for a wide range of central processes, such as human
decision-making (e.g. Loewenstein and Lerner 2003) or
subjective wellbeing (Suh et al. 1996). The ‘Affective
Computing’ project was one of the pioneering attempts to
address affect by HCI (Picard 1997). It called attention to
the importance of affect and emotions. However, affective
computing takes a ‘computer’ perspective. It predomi-
nantly deals with questions such as how computers can
sense user affect, adapt to it, or even express its own
affective response (see Picard and Klein 2002, Hudlicka
2003). In addition, humans interacting with technology are
depicted as having mostly negative emotions. Conse-
quently, affective computing deals with mechanisms that
detect and undo negative emotions a substitute for human
and social care and friendship, close to an automated
version of anger management. For example, Interacting
with Computers Special Issue on Affective Computing
(Cockton 2002) is dominated by illustrations of how
interactive systems can aid irritated users, manage their
frustrations or prevent other negative emotions. In this
paradigm, the researchers envision computerised toys that
are ‘capable of soothing a crying child or of perhaps
artificially preventing strong feelings of loneliness, sadness,
frustration, and a host of other strong, negative emotions’
(Picard and Klein 2002, p. 23).
Although UX research shares Affective Computing’s
recognition of affect and emotions, it is rather concerned
with affective consequences on the human side than with
technology, which is able to have affect (see Hollnagel 2003,
for a critique of Affective Computing). UX takes a ‘human’
perspective. It is interested in understanding the role of affect
as an antecedent, a consequence and a mediator of technology
use. In addition, it is rather focused on positive emotions. To
prevent frustration and dissatisfaction had always been a core
objective even of the most cognitively driven perspective on
HCI. What is new in UX research is a focus on positive
emotional outcomes such as joy, fun and pride.
A design example that actually seeks to foster positive
emotional experiences is Gustbowl (van der Hoog et al.
2004), a communication tool designed to connect children
and parents. Analyses revealed children parent commu-
nication to be predominantly emotional and built on
affective rituals. Both aspects are not supported by the
occasional phone-call, which makes the communication
sometimes awkward and slightly unpleasant, although
children and parents want the contact. Gustbowl is an
actual bowl, maybe placed in the hallway, which transmits
pictures of things thrown into it to its counterpart. The
other bowl acknowledges receipt with a wobble and an
image of the sender bowl’s content. Gustbowl exploits the
ritual of coming home. A father may have the habit of
depositing his keys, without much thinking, into the bowl
when coming home. A daughter living apart would receive
a slight wobble and a picture of the keys reminding her of
home, without the need for an explicit act of communica-
tion. Gustbowl enables the sending of affective messages in
an implicit, unobtrusive, effortless and continuous way,
which blends into day-to-day life.
A second example for an affective requirement addressed
by a technology comes from Millard et al.’s (1999)
User experience a research agenda 93
motivational user interface for call-centre software. Call-
centre agents expressed the need to have an instant
overview of the quality of interaction they had so far with
their customers. Negative interactions tend to get more
weight in retrospective assessments. Thus, a single negative
interaction can have a significant negative impact on an
agent’s wellbeing, with no regard whether in fact the
majority of interactions had been positive. A common way
to avoid this type of bias is the use of diaries. Based on this
general idea, Millard and colleagues designed moodies,a
function that allowed collecting an electronic token for
each call, which represents the quality of the interaction
with the customer. This collection enables an agent to
produce an instant, unbiased image of the overall quality of
customer interaction during his shift.
Desmet et al. (2001) demonstrated, how affect could
become a design goal. They tried to fit a mobile phone to
the user’s preferred affective response. While all users
naturally required a positive response, some preferred an
exciting phone (i.e. high psychological arousal) while others
preferred a calming phone (i.e. low psychological arousal).
In a gradual process, Desmet and colleagues designed two
mobile phone prototypes, which indeed fitted the affective
requirements of the two different groups.
A slightly different line of research has it roots in the
Technology Acceptance literature. It studies the interplay
and causal links between user perceptions (e.g. perceived
usability) and intention to use or actual behaviour. Zhang
and Li (2004), for example, found the perceived affective
quality of a course management system to be an antecedent
of its perceived usability, usefulness and the intention to
use. This is in line with previous research (Davis et al. 1992,
Igbaria et al. 1994), which reported an impact of perceived
enjoyment on technology acceptance.
Generally speaking, there are two basic ways in dealing
with emotions in UX (Hassenzahl in press): One line of
research stresses the importance of emotions as conse-
quences of product use (e.g. Kim and Moon 1998, Desmet
and Hekkert 2002, Hassenzahl 2003, Tractinsky and Zmiri
in press). The other line concentrates on their importance
as antecedents of product use and evaluative judgments
(e.g. Singh and Dalal 1999, visceral level in Norman 2004a).
What are the challenges of this perspective for future
research? Obviously, individuals do have affective require-
ments. They must, for example, regulate their moods. This
is especially relevant for emotion work (Hochschild 1990),
where the display of affect (e.g. being friendly, being in a
good mood) becomes a central part of the job description
(e.g. flight attendant, hotel receptionist, call-centre agent).
A central question is, how resulting affective requirements
can be collected and translated into concrete products or
functions as shown by Gustbowl or the motivational
interface? Should technology be a vehicle for affect
maintenance and regulation? Another interesting question
concerns emotions as design goals. Is it possible to design
emotions? Or are emotions too ephemeral (see Hassenzahl
2004a)? In other words, if emotions are a product of many
different situational aspects, designers may not have the
ability to exert the amount of control needed for creating
particular emotions. Using an interactive product may not
be comparable to watching a movie in a cinema or visiting a
theme park. Thus, designers may settle for establishing the
context for an emotion rather than the emotion itself. And
further: What are the effects of addressing affect and
creating affective responses on judgements (e.g. liking,
willingness-to-pay) and behaviour (e.g. money or time
spent on product, performance). For example, is it possible
to trace the way beauty creates emotions and, more
generally, the way those emotions influence judgement
and decision-making, both immediately (Lindgaard et al.
this issue) and reflectively?
4. The experiential
The experiential perspective on UX emphasizes two aspects
of technology use: its situatedness and its temporality. In
this view, an experience is a unique combination of various
elements, such as the product and internal states of the user
(e.g. mood, expectations, active goals), which extends over
time with a definitive beginning and end. The experiential
assumes all these elements to be interrelated to interact
and modify each other. The outcome of this process is the
actual experience. For example, consider the difference
between ‘a tomato in one’s fridge’ versus ‘the taste of a
marvelous tomato sauce on homemade gnocchi’ or ‘a
mystery thriller on one’s bookshelf versus ‘being awake all
night because of the thrilling story, which unfolds while
reading’. The product (a tomato, a thriller) is used in a
particular situation, which then forms an experience.
Experiences have advantages. In contrast to material
outcomes (e.g. ‘to experience a concert of one’s favourite
pop star’ versus ‘a new watch’), experiential outcomes have
a more positive impact on one’s wellbeing (van Boven and
Gilovich 2003). They possess affective quality and help to
transform and regulate affective states. It seems, thus, a
good idea to emphasise the experiential in interactive
products rather than the material.
Forlizzi and Batterbee (2004, p. 263) go a step further
and distinguish between ‘An Experience’, which ‘can be
articulated or named, has a beginning and end, [and]
inspires behavioural and emotional change’ and ‘Experi-
ence’ as ‘a constant stream of ‘‘self-talk’’ that happens
when we interact with products’. The former acknowledges
the experiential as complex, unique and thus, outstanding
and hard to repeat. The latter view underlines the temporal
aspects of experiences, their subjectivity and dynamics.
Both perspectives raise many challenges and interesting
questions. How can we cope with the seeming complexity
94 M. Hassenzahl and N. Tractinsky
of experience? Similar to the question about our ability to
design for certain emotions, it is not clear whether we can
‘design’ an experience. Can designers exert enough control
over all relevant elements in a way that a positive
experience becomes certain? Or do we rather ‘design for
an experience’, that is, to take experiential aspects into
account while designing, without being able to guarantee a
particular experience. Another perspective would acknowl-
edge the ubiquity of experiences and rather ask how we
could design products in a way that positive experiences,
successes, joy are attributed to the quality of the product
rather than to other situational aspects? This perspective
may require UX to break one of the fundamental
assumptions of traditional HCI: interactive products must
step back, be transparent and blend into the context. A
good product is one that performs without being recog-
nised. But is it not the aspiration of all designers to gain
recognition for the positive experiences caused by their
Another question arises from the ‘experience as stream of
self-talk’ perspective. How is this stream transformed
into retrospective summary assessments (e.g. Ariely and
Carmon 2003)? Such assessments represent an experience.
They have an impact on future experiences. Moreover, they
form the basis for communicating about experiences.
Hassenzahl and Sandweg (2004), for example, showed
summary assessments of software’s usability to depend
heavily on problems encountered at the end of a usage
episode. This end-effect highlights the difference between an
experience and retrospective judgements about experiences
(see Kahneman 1999, for a thorough discussion of this idea
in the context of wellbeing). Judgements about experiences
and the experiences themselves are related, but not
5. Summary and conclusion
So, what is UX? We took a brief look at three prominent
perspectives. Each perspective contributes a facet to our
understanding of users’ interactions with technology, while
sharing some ideas and arguments with the other perspec-
tives (see figure 1).
Thus, none of these perspectives fully captures UX. UX
is about technology that fulfils more than just instrumental
needs in a way that acknowledges its use as a subjective,
situated, complex and dynamic encounter. UX is a
consequence of a user’s internal state (predispositions,
expectations, needs, motivation, mood, etc.), the character-
istics of the designed system (e.g. complexity, purpose,
usability, functionality, etc.) and the context (or the
environment) within which the interaction occurs (e.g.
organisational/social setting, meaningfulness of the activ-
ity, voluntariness of use, etc.). Obviously, this creates
innumerable design and experience opportunities.
The current strong interest in UX, which encompasses
both practice and research, is not accidental. Many
interactive products found their way into our daily lives.
State-of-the-art machinery (graphics, sound, networks,
miniaturisation, etc.) allows for more than mere function-
ality. At the same time, the growing and changing base of
users shifts the parameters of demand for interactive
products. The UX perspective takes this shift seriously.
Its focus on aspects beyond the functional, on the positive,
the experiential and emotional is no coincidence. It is
driven by commercial vendors, who are sensitive to the
changes in business climate, by designers who appreciate
new design opportunities, and by a scientific community
that shows renewed interest in the affective system and its
interplay with cognition.
Especially the focus on the positive aspects of technol-
ogy use mirrors a trend in psychology, where Seligman
and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) argued for a new millennium
psychology to be positive, i.e. to deal with human
strengths and the promotion of wellbeing rather than
with human weaknesses and healing alone (see also
Kahneman et al. 1999). UX in the sense of a positive
HCI would, thus, focus on how to create outstanding
quality experiences rather than merely preventing usability
problems. Again, this will question another implicit
assumption of traditional HCI, one that equates high
quality with the absence of problems. This may be
analogous to the notion that absence of illness equals
health. But just as there is much more to wellbeing than
the absence of malady, so must there be more to UX than
the absence of problems. From our perspective, one of
HCI’s main objectives in the future is to contribute to our
quality of life by designing for pleasure rather than for
absence of pain. UX is all about this idea.
Figure 1. Facets of UX.
User experience a research agenda 95
We would like to thank our supportive expert reviewers:
Carol Barnum, Mark Blythe, Katrin Borcherding, Scott
Brave, Cindy Corritore, Pieter Desmet, BJ Fogg, Jodi
Forlizzi, Bill Gaver, Matthias Go
¨bel, Martin Graff, Kai-
Christoph Hamborg, Jeffrey Hancock, Tsipi Heart, Paul
Hekkert, Ben-Tzion Karsh, JinWoo Kim, Jim Lewis,
Clayton Lewis, Gitte Lindgaard, John McCarthy, Joachim
Meyer, Rolf Molich, Andrew Monk, Kees Overbeeke, Ant
Ozok, Nayna Patel, Whitney Quesenbery, Ginny Redish,
Josephine Reid, Harald Reiterer, Rick Schifferstein, Andrew
Sears, Jonathan Sykes, Hartmut Wandke, Terry Winograd,
Peter Wright, Ping Zhang, Martina Ziefle. Last but not least,
we would like to thank Ahmet Cakir and Tom Stewart for
encouraging us to put together the present special issue.
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User experience a research agenda 97
... It is now acknowledged that designing for experience includes but it is much more than designing for efficiency and other traditional attributes of usability. While efficiency is focused on attributes such as fast, easy, functional, and error-free, UX involves feelings and thus focuses on beautiful (harmonious, clear), emotional (affectionate, lovable), stimulating (intellectual, motivational), and on tactile (smooth, soft), acoustic (rhythmic, melodious) in case of multimodal interfaces [69]. ...
... The same ISO standard defines UX as the whole set of a person's perceptions and responses resulting from the use and/or anticipated use of a product, system, or service [74]. Therefore, UX is a slightly broader concept: a good level of usability is required to avoid hampering UX, but UX also includes hedonistic aspects not involved in usability quality [69]. ...
... These instruments can try to measure, for example, satisfaction, ease of use perceived value, and emotions evoked by the system. An example of a questionnaire used to evaluate UX is AttrakDiff [69]. For HCAI systems, questionnaires can help to understand how the users perceive AI behavior, the system's general utility, and vice versa. ...
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The rapid growth in interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a significant driver of research and business activities in recent years. This raises new critical issues, particularly concerning interaction with AI systems. This article first presents a survey that identifies the primary issues addressed in Human-Centered AI (HCAI), focusing on the interaction with AI systems. The survey outcomes permit to clarify disciplines, concepts, and terms around HCAI, solutions to design and evaluate HCAI systems, and the emerging challenges; these are all discussed with the aim of supporting researchers in identifying more pertinent approaches to create HCAI systems. Another main finding emerging from the survey is the need to create Symbiotic AI (SAI) systems. Definitions of both HCAI systems and SAI systems are provided. To illustrate and frame SAI more clearly, we focus on medical applications, discussing two case studies of SAI systems.
... Usability indicators are linked to user experience (UX), which encapsulates the 'user's feelings' when interacting with a particular product, system, or service. Consequently, user experience is a term widely used to refer to the emotional aspect of the 'perceived quality' of interactive products [Hassenzahl and Tractinsky 2006]. UX is a broader concept than usability, as it also includes aspects of user interaction with an organisation, its services and products, as well as thoughts, perceptions, and associated emotions [Knijnenburg et al. 2012]. ...
Map portals can facilitate the work of public administration units and improve access to information, although they have to present high material and technical quality. Not without significance are also measures supporting these websites. This paper aims to assess the quality of selected geoinformation websites. The study was carried out in the form of a quality audit with the use of selected web applications provided in a freeware, thin-client model. A comparative analysis was performed on three versions of the geoservice functioning for the Tomice municipality (accessed on 5th July 2023): 1) eMPZP website (, 2) municipal geoportal (, and 3) municipal map portal ( The measurements were taken only once and in an ad hoc manner. The tests were performed in selected quality dimensions: responsiveness, performance, content and hyperlink quality, accessibility for people with disabilities, syntactic code correctness, search engine optimisation (SEO), and usage indicators, with special emphasis on overall quality. The conclusion was that each of the geoportals evaluated presents good quality. However, it would be wrong to compare them in absolute terms, as the quality of these services should be assessed through the lens of the different times in which they operate.
... SD=1.10) reflect user satisfaction. This finding is consistent with literature indicating that user-friendly interfaces enhance user satisfaction (Aydoğan et al., 2022;Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006;Thong et al., 2002). ...
The purpose of this research is to develop a mobile magazine application (M-IKLIM) that provides content on climate change for middle school students within the scope of the TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 2209/A project, and to evaluate the usability of this application. The research was conducted using the Design-Based Research (DBR) method. The study group consists of middle school students. The Mobile Application Satisfaction Questionnaire (MASQ), developed by Namlı (2010), was used as the data collection tool. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analyses. In the descriptive analyses, the mean and standard deviation values of each survey question were calculated. In the correlation analyses, the relationships among the survey data were examined. According to the research results, the M-IKLIM application was generally evaluated positively by the students. Students indicated that the application is user-friendly and suitable for its purpose. The survey results show that the application is generally understandable and not complex. Correlation analyses revealed that user-friendly interfaces and the safety of the application increase student satisfaction. However, it was determined that improvements need to be made in some areas. In future studies, it is recommended to analyze user feedback in more detail and continuously improve the application based on this feedback.
... A well-designed interface enhances user interaction and satisfaction (Nielsen and Molich, 1990). According to Hassenzahl and Tractinsky (2006), an aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-navigate interface boosts user engagement. For OTA mobile apps, Lin and Chen (2013) found that good interface design leads to higher user satisfaction and repeat usage. ...
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Mobile apps have revolutionised the way people travel, especially via Online Travel Agency (OTA) platforms, in today's rapidly evolving digital era. These apps, including popular ones like, Agoda, and Traveloka, became essential tools for travelers, offering services from flight bookings to hotel reservations with just a few taps. In Malaysia, a country known for its rich cultural diversity and vibrant tourism industry, OTA mobile apps saw widespread adoption. However, the factors that influenced their usage among Malaysian travelers were complex and multifaceted. This study investigated the various elements that shaped the use of OTA mobile apps in Malaysia, aiming to uncover the key drivers and barriers that affected user behavior. By exploring the technological, cultural, economic, and social factors at play, this research provided valuable insights into how these apps were perceived and utilized by different segments of the population. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 216 respondents through an online questionnaire. The analysis highlighted several critical factors, including user preferences, information accuracy, interface design, and connectivity issues, which all played a role in shaping the overall user experience. Additionally, cultural considerations significantly influenced expectations and satisfaction levels. The findings of this study offered practical recommendations for OTA providers, suggesting ways to enhance app functionality and tailor marketing strategies to better meet the needs of Malaysian travelers. By addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the insights gained, industry stakeholders could optimize their services to foster greater user satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately this will lead to a surge of the sustainability and development of the tourism sector in Malaysia. 2
... Fundamentally UX is subjective, affective and individual and should be understood as such (Forlizzi & Battarbee, 2004). There are numerous definitions of UX from different points of view including definitions by Forlizzi and Battarbee (2004), Hassenzahl and Tractinsky (2006), Norman (2004) and Jordan (2004) as well as the International Standard Organisation (ISO). ...
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Abstract With the continuous addition of new infotainment and driver assist features, In-Vehicle Infotainment systems (IVIs) are evolving to enhance convenience. However, balancing the system's output (information presentation) and input (vehicle controls) has become a major challenge for automotive companies. To address the complexity and information overload, many have shifted from physical controls to embedded digital touchscreens, raising questions about how far this transition should go. This shift from physical to digital interfaces presents both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, digital touchscreens can increase driver distraction due to the visual load and eliminate haptic feedback and muscle memory. On the other hand, they offer flexibility and modern aesthetics. The primary research question was: What are the pros and cons of physical and digital interfaces from a user perspective? The secondary question focused on how the context of use (driving vs. non-driving) impacts user experience with each interface type. To explore these questions, this thesis investigated user satisfaction with both physical controls and digital touchscreens. Online user interviews and a literature review were conducted to assess the pros and cons of each interface in different contexts. The findings revealed that no single interface type is universally preferred. Users favored physical controls while driving, due to the haptic feedback and ease of use, but preferred digital interfaces in non-driving situations, due to their modern appeal and functionality. The study also revealed that user preferences varied based on behavior and attitudes, with early adopters perceiving digital interfaces as more trendy, while conservative users viewed physical interfaces as more reliable. These insights led to the development of design guidelines and a hybrid interface concept, blending physical and digital elements. The concept was evaluated and deemed a better solution than existing systems, though some refinements were suggested. The results provide a foundation for balancing physical and digital elements in future IVI designs. The design guidelines, developed from user needs and research findings, aimed to balance the strengths of physical and digital interfaces. These guidelines led to a conceptual UI design that combined physical controls for driving tasks with digital touchscreens for flexibility in non-driving contexts. The hybrid design was evaluated by both original participants and a wider audience, receiving positive feedback as an improvement over current systems. However, some aspects, like balancing ease of use with digital complexity, needed refinement. Overall, the guidelines, impact map, and evaluations represent progress toward more intuitive and user-friendly in-vehicle interfaces
The so-called second wave of VR has brought to research and market a lot of new displays, input devices, and content solutions during the last few years. Not only has new hardware entered the consumer market with low-cost price patterns, but whole new technologies are also being designed and developed.
Machine learning recommendation systems are one of the best and most far-reaching utilisation of AI advances in business. These are the product instruments used to give ideas to clients based on their needs. Expansion in the number of choices, be it several online sites or several items, has made it hard for the client to look over many items. Today, there is no framework for banks to help relate to clients' monetary decisions and proposition them with applicable items according to their inclination before approaching the bank. Like some other businesses, monetary assistance seldom has any like, input, and perusing history to record evaluations of administrations. So, it becomes a test for constructing recommended systems for monetary administrations. The advantage of these recommended systems is that they give the customer better recommendations based on their savings, spending, and investment needs.
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Trend cashless dalam transaksi digital telah menggantikan metode pembayaran konvensional dalam kebutuhan keseharian. Adanya percepatan transformasi digital telah membawa implikasi dampak berkelanjutan di masyarakat. Mulai dari perilaku impulsive buying, maraknya penipuan hingga fenomena pinjaman online. Dalam setiap kemudahan teknologi, terdapat proses dan keputusan desain di dalamnya. Dalam hal ini kemudahan layanan keuangan digital di e-commerce berpengaruh terhadap perubahan pola perilaku pengguna dan gaya hidup baru dalam berbelanja. Penelitian ini memetakan cakupan intervensi desain pada perubahan perilaku dengan kombinasi data literature, ethnography online, survei, dan wawancara sebagai landasan analisis berbagai aspek behavioral design dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pengguna. Hasil penelitian ini menyajikan strategi desain yang digunakan pada tahap perubahan perilaku dalam menavigasi layanan Paylater. Penerapan sudut pandang desain perilaku membantu mengidentifikasi efektivitas trigger dari setiap tahapan. Sehingga dapat memperkuat desain dan memitigasi atau meminimalisir risiko dari interaksi pengguna yang mungkin diabaikan.
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The effect of life events on subjective well-being (SWB) was explored in a 2-year longitudinal study of 115 participants. It was found that only life events during the previous 3 months influenced life satisfaction and positive and negative affect. Although recent life events influenced SWB even when personality at Time 1 was controlled, distal life events did not correlate with SWB. SWB and life events both showed a substantial degree of temporal stability. It was also found that good and bad life events tend to covary, both between individuals and across periods of the lives of individuals. Also, when events of the opposite valence were controlled, events correlated more strongly with SWB. The counterintuitive finding that good and bad events co-occur suggests an exciting avenue for explorations of the structure of life events.
This volume is a comprehensive roadmap to the burgeoning area of affective sciences, which now spans several disciplines. The Handbook brings together, for the first time, the various strands of inquiry and latest research in the scientific study of the relationship between the mechanisms of the brain and the psychology of mind. In recent years, scientists have made considerable advances in understanding how brain processes shape emotions and are changed by human emotion. Drawing on a wide range of neuroimaging techniques, neuropsychological assessment, and clinical research, scientists are beginning to understand the biological mechanisms for emotions. As a result, researchers are gaining insight into such compelling questions as: How do people experience life emotionally? Why do people respond so differently to the same experiences? What can the face tell us about internal states? How does emotion in significant social relationships influence health? Are there basic emotions common to all humans? This volume brings together the most eminent scholars in the field to present, in sixty original chapters, the latest research and theories in the field. The book is divided into ten sections: Neuroscience; Autonomic Psychophysiology; Genetics and Development; Expression; Components of Emotion; Personality; Emotion and Social Processes; Adaptation, Culture, and Evolution; Emotion and Psychopathology; and Emotion and Health. This major new volume will be an invaluable resource for researchers that will define affective sciences for the next decade.
This chapter reviews a major theoretical issue underlying usability engineering that emerges when usability is defined in terms of user experience. Usability engineering is emerging as an identifiable design philosophy and approach to the building of usable software systems. Usability, ultimately, lives in user experience. Therefore, usability engineering must be grounded in experience. Engineering is commitment to action in the world. It is building artifacts economically according to specification and infinite time. Engineering always operates against a background of scarce resources, such as talent, materials, time; and money. Usability Engineering provides a collection of powerful tools to support this part of the process. Engineering involves building things. Almost hidden by the transparency of this truism is that engineering involves a commitment to action in the world. A commitment is a pledge to cause to happen, by a specified time, an event with shared, agreed upon conditions of satisfaction. Engineering, and more generally commitment, depends on interpretation against a shared background of meaning, in other words, against agreed upon goals and conditions of satisfaction.
Human-computer interaction (HCI) can be defined as a discipline, which is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems [products] for human use (Hewett et al, 1996). Evaluation and design require a definition of what constitutes a good or bad product and, thus, a definition of interactive product quality (IPQ). Usability is such a widely accepted definition. ISO 9241 Part 11 (ISO, 1998) defines it as the “extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.” Although widely accepted, this definition’s focus on tasks and goals, their efficient achievement and the involved cognitive information processes repeatedly caused criticism, as far back as Carroll and Thomas’ (1988) emphatic plea not to forget the “fun” over simplicity and efficiency (see also Carroll, 2004). Since then, several attempts have been made to broaden and enrich HCI’s narrow, work-related view on IPQ (see, for example, Blythe, Overbeeke, Monk, & Wright, 2003; Green & Jordan, 2002; Helander & Tham, 2004). The objective of this article is to provide an overview of HCI current theoretical approaches to an enriched IPQ. Specifically, needs that go beyond the instrumental and the role of emotions, affect, and experiences are discussed. Purchase this chapter to continue reading all 7 pages >
Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability go hand-in-hand in good design.
ever, the field has been defined largely at a conceptual level, with the space of devices that might populate it little defined either analytically or by example. In order to better understand the range of information appli- ances that might evolve, we developed a large number of conceptual design proposals which we presented in a work- book produced for our partners. These speculations were intended to open a conversation with the group about the values that might characterise everyday technologies—val- ues seldom reflected in existing products. The goal of this paper is to describe the Alternatives work- book both in terms of the proposals it made for future information appliances and as a method for pursuing design. First, almost half the paper is devoted to the pre- sentation of reduced versions of the workbook pages, slightly modified to retain legibility, as a way of simulating their impact directly. Second, we discuss the ideas in terms of the cultural values they suggest for technologies meant to be integrated in everyday life. Finally, we describe the proposals as an example of research through design, describing how they were designed to balance concrete- ness, openness and multiplicity to allow the emergence of a design space that could be developed with our partners. ALTERNATIVE VALUES Suggestions for how digital technologies might be employed in everyday settings tend to represent a narrow ABSTRACT As a way of mapping a design space for a project on infor- mation appliances, we produced a workbook describing about twenty conceptual design proposals. Here we describe them both in terms of content and process. On the one hand, they serve as suggestions that digital devices might embody values apart from those traditionally associ- ated with functionality and usefulness. On the other, they are examples of research through design, balancing con- creteness with openness to spur the imagination, and using multiplicity to allow the emergence of a new design space.
Remote controls are part of everyday life. Unfortunately, the experience of using a remote is not always pleasurable. This research documents the process of developing multiple remote control concepts that are ergonomic and enjoyable to use. As part of the design process, we researched design concepts with 147 consumers in three cities. The research yielded design-specific data, but also provided insight to some general consumer trends in remote usage and preference for children and adults. This research also suggests that an expanded definition of usability may be required for certain product categories such as consumer electronics. Central to this expanded definition are the concepts of behavioral and emotional usability. Behavioral usability refers to the traditional work related definition of usability. Emotional usability refers to additional needs, such as entertainment or enjoyment, that enhance the product usage experience.