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A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm, Denmark – a study of a historic plant-fossil collection at Lund University, Sweden


Abstract and Figures

A historic collection of plant fossils from the Bagå Formation, Bornholm, Denmark registered at the Lund University is reviewed and found to be dominated by ferns with subsidiary Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Bennettitales and Equisitales. Ten genera are represented, of which six can be confidently identified to species level. The Bagå Formation flora is most similar in age to the flora of the Middle Jurassic Mariedals Formation of Eriksdal, Skåne, although there are important compositional differences between these assemblages. The Bagå flora is characteristic of the temperate (warm and humid) biome of the Early– mid Jurassic. A historical investigation reveals that at least four scientists contributed material to the collections. A palynological investigation made on samples from the leaf fossils reveals that the macroflora was most probably collected from the Sorthat beds as the palynoflora corresponds to the Pliensbachian Chasmatosporites Zone.
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A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm, Denmark a study
of a historic plant-fossil collection at Lund University, Sweden
Mehlqvist, K., Vajda, V. & Larsson, L., 2009: A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm, Denmark a study of a
historic plant-fossil collection at Lund University, Sweden. GFF, Vol. 131 (Pt. 12, June), pp. 137–146. Stockholm.
ISSN 1103-5897.
Abstract: A historic collection of plant fossils from the Baga
Formation, Bornholm, Denmark registered
at the Lund University is reviewed and found to be dominated by ferns with subsidiary Ginkgoales,
Coniferales, Bennettitales and Equisitales. Ten genera are represented, of which six can be confidently
identified to species level. The Baga
Formation flora is most similar in age to the flora of the Middle
Jurassic Mariedals Formation of Eriksdal, Ska
ne, although there are important compositional differences
between these assemblages. The Baga
flora is characteristic of the temperate (warm and humid) biome of
the Earlymid Jurassic. A historical investigation reveals that at least four scientists contributed material
to the collections. A palynological investigation made on samples from the leaf fossils reveals that the
macroflora was most probably collected from the Sorthat beds as the palynoflora corresponds to the
Pliensbachian Chasmatosporites Zone.
Keywords: Baga
Formation, Bornholm, Jurassic, flora, climate, vegetation.
GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Lund University, So
lvegatan 12, SE 223 62 Lund, Sweden.
Manuscript received 2 November 2008. Revised manuscript accepted 10 March 2009.
Plant fossils have long been reported from exposures from the
Formation along the western side of the Danish island of
Bornholm (Fig. 1). Plant fossils were particularly abundant in
the old clay pit at the Hasle tile factory until closure of the
operation and inundation of the pit. Many well-preserved plant
fossils were recovered from this site in the early 20
century and
a small collection (ca. 50 specimens) of these is available at the
Department of Geology. Lund University, Sweden. Some of the
plant fossils in the Lund collection were collected and described
by Mo
ller (1902, 1903) but at least four other geologists have
contributed to the collection since 1881. Other studies of the
Formation macroflora have been carried out by Bartholin
(1892 1894), Hjort (1899), Florin (1958) and McElwain et al.
The Baga
macroflora has not been studied in detail for the
past 100 years and the collection held at the Lund University
has never been described. This study aims to document the
floristic composition of the collection, compare the flora to
coeval plant associations, assess the depositional environment
and palaeocli matic setting of the assemblages and outline the
historical context of the collectors. Since there are no records
indicating the precise position of the beds from which the plant
fossils were sourced, we further aim to date the macroflora by
palynostratigraphic analysis of sam ples taken from the same
Geological setting
Bornholm constitutes a complex fault-bounded horst in the
SorgenfreiTornquist Zone between the Danish Basin and the
Polish Trough (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994). Crystalline
Precambrian rocks are exposed in the northeastern part
of Bornholm but in the southwestern and western part of the
island, Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary successions are
preserved overlying crystalline basement in a complex series of
downfaulted blocks (Gry & Flemming 1977; Gravesen et al.
1982). On the west coast two fault zones converge at the Rønne
Graben, which together with several smaller structural blocks on
the island probably experienced initial movement during the late
Carboniferousearly Perm ian (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994).
Sedimentation continued episodically in the Røn ne Graben
through most of the Mesozoic.
Lower to Middle Jurassic sediments on Bornholm are bound
by unconformities. The Jurassic strata rest on either lower
Palaeozoic or Upper Triassic sediments, and they are in turn
overlain by unconsolidated Quaternary sediments (Koppelhus &
Nielsen 1994). During the early Hettangian, deepening of the
basin occurred leading to the formation of lacustrine
environments and deposition of carbonaceous clays. In these
sediments (Munkerup Member of the Rønne Formation), plant
fossils belonging to the Thaumatopteris flora are abundantly
preserved (Vajda & Wigforss-Lange 2009, this volume). In the
late Hettangian, lower delta plain/coastal plain environments
were represented in the area and carbonates, sand, sandy clay
and clay were deposited (Sose Bugt Member). A transgression
during the Sinemurian saw deposition of sands and clays in
tidally-influenced channels and coastal plains (Galgeløkke
Member). A further marine transgression in the early
Pliensbachian resulted in deposition of the 80 140 m thick,
sandy and silty Hasle Formation in shelf and shoreface
environments (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994) followed by a
regression in the late Pliensbachian which saw deposition of the
coal-bearing Baga
Formation (Petersen 1993).
volume 131 (2009), pp. 137–146. Article
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The Pliensbachianlower Bathonian Sorthat and Baga
mations were originally both part of the Baga
Formation as
defined by Gravesen et al. (1982), includi ng the Levka, Sorthat
and Baga
beds. However, Michelsen et al. (2003) subdivided the
Formation into the Sorthat Formation (Levka and Sorthat
beds) that had previously been called “Baga
Fm lower”
(Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994), and the overlying Baga
beds) that had previous been called “Baga
Fm upper”.
The plant fossils studied herein were all collected before the
differentiation of the Sorthat and Baga
formations and there is
no information accompanying the mater ial to be certain from
which part of the succession they derive. We therefore employ
the old stratigraphical terminology (Fig. 2).
The Sorthat beds have been estimated to be coeval with
the Levka beds since both ov erlie the Hasle Formation
(Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994). The Sorthat beds have been
estimated to reach a thickness of 200 m (Gry 1969) and these
beds have been exposed in the southernmost part of the clay pit
of the Hasle tile factory until relatively recently. A thorough
lithological and palynological study was presented by
Koppelhus & Nielsen (1994). The lithology of the Sorthat
beds consists of carbonaceous sandstones with coal beds and
rootlets deposited on a delta plain (Gravesen et al. 1982).
The Baga
beds consist mainly of a series of relatively uniform
successions of grey lacustrine clay packages, up to 190 m thick,
capped by coaly clays and coals with rootlets, interbedded with
sands. The clays are typically white, yellowish or red-brown and
contain abundant well -preserved plant compressions. Plant
impressions are also abundant in some yellowish or reddish iron-
rich claystones (Mo
ller 1902). The depositional environment has
been interpreted as a meandering river system within an overall
deltaic setting. Extensive peat-forming mires and lakes
developed on the floodplains adjacent to the sandy and gravely
channels (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994). The best exposures of the
beds were formerly in the clay pit of the Hasle tile factory
(Fig. 2) but this type section became inaccessible in the late
1990s after closure of the tile works and flooding of the clay pit.
However, small exposures are still present around the margin of
the pit, from which plant remains can be recovered. Exposures
are also accessible at the coastal section at Korsodde (Fig. 2),
which based on detailed palynological investigations have been
subdivided into six palynological zones encompassing late
Pliensbachian early Bathonian (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994).
Material and methods
A collection of ca. 50 specimens of plant fossils (referred to as
the Lund collection in this text) from the Baga
Formation on
Bornholm was described and illustrated using standard
macrophotographic techniques with low-angle illumination
from the upper left. Cuticular analysis of the fossil leaves was
not attempted since the preserved organic matter is generally
thin and strongly degraded. Assessment of the palaeoclimate
was based broadly on the taxonomic composition of the
assemblage. To this end, the assemblage was compared with the
fossil collection from the same formations held at the Swedish
Museum of Natural History in Stockholm to evaluate any
collection bias.
The plant fossils were classified according to the scheme of
Meyen (1987) and emendments according to Smith et al. (2006).
Where the whole leaves have been preserved, the length and
width were measured and the length/width relationship
calculated. The whole length of the shoot is only given when
the whole shoot has been preserved.
Palynological samples were prepared from the sediment
samples derived from four blocks that host macrofossil
specimens; the macrofossils were not damaged during sampling.
Fig. 1. Locality map of Bornholm with the distribution of Triassic
Jurassic sediments indicated in green. Arrow indicates Baga
locality. The main plant-bearing outcrops are indicated by circles at
and Korsodde.
Fig. 2. Jurassic lithostratigraphic scheme for Bornholm and SE Ska
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The palynological samples were collecte d from the blocks
hosting the following leaf fossils: Eboracia lobifolia, Cladoph-
lebis nebbensis and Ginkgoites troedssonii. The samples were
processed at Global Geolab Ltd., Alberta, Canada, according to
the standard palynological procedures, first treated with dilute
hydrochloric acid to remove calcium carbonate, then macerated
by leaving the sample in hydrofluoric acid of a concentration of
75% overnight. The organic residue was collected on a 20 mm
mesh sieve and mounted in epoxy on strew slides. Three hundred
palynomorphs from each slide were counted. Palynological
slides and macerated residues are deposited at the GeoBiosphere
Science centre, Lund University, Sweden and illustrated pollen
and spores are registered by LO-numbers.
The Lund collection was gathere d between 1881 and 1946, from
Hasle Clay pit, Korsodde and Nebbeodde. The contributors were
all well known personalities linked to the Lund University and a
short summary of their geological achievements is outlined
Hjalmar Mo
ller (18661941) was a Swedish botanist and
geologist. His primary background was in botany and he
obtained his doctoral degree at the Lund University in 1903. In
his early career, he made research trips not only within the
nordic countries but also to remote places such as Java and
Burma, collecting exotic plants (Regne
ll 1992). However, he
also had a strong interest in geology and combined his dual
interests when in 19011903 he worked as a amanuensis at the
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, with fossil
plants (Regne
ll 1992). It was during this time that Mo
collected fossil-plant material from the Jurassic Baga
that was subsequently stored both at the Swedish Museum of
Natural History and at the Geological Department of Lund
University. He published two volumes based on that material:
Contribution to the fossil flora of Bornholm (in Swedish): 1.
Pteridophytes (1902), 2. Gymnosperms (1903). Mo
ller also
studied the Jurassic floras in Fyledalen, Ska
ne, resulting in a
publication in collaboration with Thore Gustaf Halle
18841964 (Mo
ller & Halle 1913). In the following years he
worked as lecturer at several colleges of higher learning but from
1917 he obtained a full-time research position at the Swedish
Museum of Natural History. He contributed to the Lund
collection in 19011902.
Bernhard Lundgren (1843 1897) was a Swedish palaeontol-
ogist born in Malmo
, Ska
ne. Lundgren began his geological
carrier as a student at the Lund University in 1860. In 1865 he
finished a thesis on the Maastrichtian Danian chalk exposed in
the Limhamn quarry, near Malmo
ll 1992). He later
continued describing the fauna in these limestones but also the
fauna from the Campanian limestones in the northwestern part
of Ska
ne, resulting in several publications. In 1880 he became a
professor of geology at the Lund University. He collected the
plant fossils of the Lund collection in 1876.
A.F. Carlson was a collaborator to Alfred Nathorst. Carlson
was a keen collector employed at one of the coal mines in Ska
and over 35 years he provided Nathorst with plant fossils
(Halle 1921). The fossil floras of Baga
were collected by Carlsson
in 1881 and 1883. Nathorst named the Dipteridacean fern,
Dictyophyllum carlsonii Nathorst 1878b in honour of Carlson.
Seth Nilsson Stenestro
m was a geologist, active at the Lund
University. He wrote his thesis in 1940 on the Ordovician
sediments from the Fa
ng valley in Ska
ne. He was an active
member of the Lund Geological Fieldclub and became its
secretary in 1946 (Regne
ll 1992). The circumstances of his
collection of the Bornholm material remain unknown but the
material was collected in 1946, a time when the Soviet military
still maintained post-war control over the island of Bornholm.
Ten plant genera were identified in the studied material, of
which six were determined to species level. Ferns dominate the
collection and are mostly represented by specimens attributable
to Eboracia. Only one genus of conifers is present. Other orders
represented are Ginkgoales, Bennettitales and Equisetales. Some
of the plant fossils from the Lund collection could not be
identified due to poor preservation.
Systematic Palaeobotany
Order Equisetales
Family Incertae Sedis
Genus Neocalamites Halle, 1908
Type species.– Neocalmites hoerensis Halle, 1908; Lower
Jurassic; Ska
ne; Sweden.
Neocalmites sp.
Fig. 3A
Material. Three incomplete axes.
Description. The three incomplete axes are compressions in a
white claystone. The axes are ca. 80 mm long and 10 mm wide at
the nodes. The segments between the nodes are 20 mm long.
Ribs run longitudinally along the stems with an average of 12
ribs across the full width of the stem, each rib is 0.8 mm wide.
No leaves are preserved.
Remarks. Segmented equisetalean axes from the Jurassic may
have borne foliage of various types (e.g. Schizoneura,
Equisetum, Phyllotheca) but in the absence of leaves such
axes are traditionally assigned to the morphotaxon Neocalmites.
ller (1902) classified several equisetalean stems as Equisetum
sp. but like the presently studied material, they lack leaves or
reproductive structures, so definitive attribution to the
extant genus is not possible. Neocalamites has a long
(Mesozoic Cenozoic) stratigraphic distribution hence its
biostratigraphic utility is limited. However, it may be a useful
palaeoenvironmental index. Based on analogies with
morphologically similar extant Equisetum species, it is
interpreted to represent a plant of consistently moist habitats
(e.g. marsh, lake margin or forest understorey) that typically
occurred in dense thickets.
Order Osmundales
Family Osmundaceae (Martinov, 1820)
Genus Cladophlebis Seward, 1894.
Type species.–Cladophle bis alberts ii (Dunker) Brongniart
(1849); early Cretaceous, northern Germany.
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C. nebbensis (Brongniart) Nathorst, 1876
Figs. 3H, I
Material. Eight specimens.
Description. Isolated pinnae are preserved as compressions
and impressions. Most specimens have lost their organic
material. The pinnules are oblong with entire or slightly dentate
margins and are attached by their full base. The pinnules are
arranged oppositely across the rachilla and are inserted at
45608. The rachilla is 1 mm wide. Each pinnule has a
prominent and persistent midvein. The lateral veins are once-
forked. Pinnules are 11 (14) 17 mm long (10 specimens), 3 (4.5)
5 mm wide (10 specimens), with a L/W ratio of 3.17.
Remarks. According to Mo
ller (1902), Cladophlebis is one of
the most common ferns in the Baga
Formation and he
identified several different species within this genus.
Cladophlebis is a very widespread and long-ranging genus in
the Mesozoic. Individual species potentially have some
biostratigraphic value but their use is hampered by
difficulties in consistently differentiating the many established
species. Of the species commonly reported from the Triassic
Jurassic of southern Sweden, the Bornholm specimens appear
to match the features of C. nebbensis (Brongniart) Nathorst,
1876, especially in their rather large pinnules. Cladophlebis
svedbergii Johansson, 1922 from the Triassic Jurassic of
ne is also similar in the pinnule form and may be
synonymous with C. nebbensis.
Order Cyatheales
Family Dicksoniaceae (Schomburgk, 1848)
Genus Eboracia Thomas, 1911
Type species.–E. lobifolia (Phillips) Thomas, 1911; Jurassic;
Yorkshire, England.
E. lobifolia (Phillips) Thomas, 1911
Fig. 3B
Holotype. See Thomas (1911, p. 388, figure on p. 387).
Material. Twenty-eight specimens in the Lund collec tion.
Diagnosis. See Thomas (1911).
Description. The specimens are represented by isolated pinna
impressions ca. 40 mm long. The pinnules are attached by their
full base and are oppositely to subo ppositely arranged.
A prominent midvein can be distinguished on most specimens.
The pinnule margin is entire with a broadly rounded apex.
The pinnules are attached to the rachilla at angles of ca. 458.
Pinnules are 10 (11) 13 mm long (10 specimens), 4 (4.5) 5 mm
wide (10 specimens), with a L/W ratio of 2.41.
Remarks. The specimens in the Lund collection are conspecific
with several specimens held at the Swedish Museum of Natural
History, which Mo
ller (1902) assigned to Dicksonia lobifolia.
This species has a chequered taxonomic history having been
assigned to several genera by various workers. It is here assigned
to Eboracia based on its gross morphological similarities to
fertile fronds described from the middle Jurassic of Yorkshire
(Thomas 1911). E. lobifolia appears to represent the most
common fern, in the Baga
Formation flora based on the
collections in both Lund and Stockholm.
Eboracia sp.
Fig. 3C
Material. Fourteen specimens.
Description. The specimens are represented by incomplete
fronds and occur as thin coalified films in a reddish-brown
claystone. The specimens have 25 mm long pinnae attached to a
prominent rachis but no complete fronds were encoun tered.
The pinnules are small, oblong and are inserted on the rachilla at
458. The rachillae in turn depart the rachis at 458. The pinnules
are oblong, nearly li near, with a broadly rounded apex.
The pinnules are attached by their full base and are oppositely
arranged. Each pinnule has an entire margin and a prominent
midvein. Pinnules are 3 (3.5) 5 mm long (10 specimens), 2 (2)
2 mm wide (10 specimens), with a L/W ratio of 1.85.
Remarks. Specimens attributable to this genus fall into two
morphotypes and are here assigned to Eboracia lobifolia
and Eboracia sp. These species are preserved in different
lithologies: Eboracia lobifolia in a white clay as impressions
whereas Eboracia sp. is preserved as compressions in a red clay.
Eboracia sp. has considerably smaller pinnules than Eboracia
lobifolia. Although this may be a developmental difference, we
retain these forms as separate species until a larger population of
better preserved specimens becomes available.
Order Polypodiales
Family Dipteridaceae (Seward & Dale, 1901)
Genus Hausmannia Dunker, 1846
Type species.–Hausmannia dichotoma Dunker, 1846; Lower
Cretaceous; near Buckenburg, Hanover, Germany.
Hausmannia forchhammeri Bartholin, 1892
Fig. 3E
Holotype. Table VII, Fig. 4 of Bartholin (1892), the specimens
are not numbered (selected here).
Material. Fourteen incomplete speci mens.
Diagnosis. See Bartholin (1892, p. 17).
Description. The specimens are represented by incomplete
leaves that occur as coalified films in a reddish-brown mudstone.
The leaves are palmately lobed. The shape of the apex of each
lobe is pointed acute. The leaf base is cuneate. The veins are
easily distinguishable. The major veins are dichotomously
forked and run radially to the margin. From these major veins, a
complex reticulate array of smaller veins is given off dividing
the leaf into a fine meshwork. The major veins are separated by
about 5 mm for most of their leng th. Areolae between the
secondary veins are around 1 mm in diameter.
Remarks. The collection contains only portions of these
leaves but their shape, texture and reticulate veins are
distinctive and permit ready assignment to H. forchhammeri.
H. forchhammeri occurs in considerable numbers in an
assemblage from the Baga
Formation held in the collections
of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Those specimens
are very well preserved and include complete leaves.
Additionally, several specimens attributable to Hausmannia
from Rhaetian to middle Jurassic strata of southern Sweden
(Stabbarp, Ho
r, Bjuv and Eriksdal localities) are held in the
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collections of the Natural History Museum. Whilst the latter
have venation patterns broadly consistent with the Baga
Formation specimen, they are all too fragmentary to be assigned
to an established species. The genus is long-ranging (from late
Triassic to late Cretaceous).
Genus Dictyophyllum Lindley & Hutton, 1834
Type species.–Dictyophyllum rugosum Lindley & Hutton,
1834; Jurassic; Yorkshire, England.
Dictyophyllum sp. cf. Dictyophyllum nilssonii (Brongniart)
Goeppert, 1846
Fig. 3D
Material. Two specimens.
Description. These fossils retain a thin coaly film of organic
matter. One incomplete pinnate frond measures 60£ 50 mm.
The rachis and midvein of each pinnule are very clear
(0.5 mm wide) and persistent, but the reticulate subsidiary
veins are indistinct. The pinnules are around 10 mm wide and
30 mm long with an entire margin; pinnule apices are pointed
acute. The pinnules are attached at a 908 to the rachis by their
full base and are alternately arranged. The lamina is
continuous between adjacent pinnules via a very narrow
flange flanking the rachis, thus making these leaves strictly
Remarks.–Dictyophyllum is a common Dipteridacean genus
of the mid-Mesozoic. About nine species have been recorded
from the TriassicJurassic of southern Sweden and
representatives of these are held in the Swedish Natural
History Museum. Of these, the single degraded specimen in the
Lund collection is closest to D. nilssonii (Brongniart) Goeppert,
1846 in its relatively large size and long pinnules that are
arranged at a high angle to the rachis. Of the several other
Dictyophyllum species reported from the TriassicJurassic of
southern Sweden, Dictyophyllum acutilobum (Braun) Schenk,
1867 and Dictyophyllum exile (Braun) Nathorst, 1906 have
proportionately shorter pinnules. D. carlsonii Nathorst, 1878b
and D. rugosum Lindley & Hutton, 1834 are distinguished by
their more completely fused pinnules. Dictyophyllu m muensteri
(Goeppert) Nathorst, 1878a and Dictyophyllum obsole tum
Nathorst, 1878b are separated from the studied material by
their shorter and/or rounded pinnules, whereas Dictyophyllum
spectabile Nathorst, 1906 is differentiated by its very long and
narrow pinnules.
Family Dicksoniaceae (Gaud.) (Schomburgk,
Genus Coniopteris Brongniart, 1849
Type species.–Coniopteris murrayana Brongniart, 1849.
Coniopteris hymenophylloides (Brongniart) Seward, 1900
Fig. 3F
Description. The single specimen found in the Lund collection
is an incomplete frond fragment (compression) 40 mm long and
30 mm wide. The pinnules are small (, 4 mm long), attached by
their full base, and have slightly lobed margins.
Remarks.–Coniopteris is a common cosmopolitan Mesozoic
fern genus. Similar leaves from the Baga
Fm were assigned
to the morphogenus Sphenopteris by Mo
ller (1902) but
the available material is essentially identical to the pinnule
shape of the widespread Jurassic species Coniopteris
Incertae Ordinis
Spiropteris Schimper, 1869
Type species.–Spiropteris miltoni (Brongniart) Schimper
(1869); age and location uncertain.
Spiropteris sp.
Fig. 3G
Material. A single impression is present in the collection.
Description. The circinnately coiled portion of this frond apex
is oval with major and minor diameters of 20 and 10 mm,
respectively. The rachis is 2 3 mm wide.
Remarks.–Spiropteris was erected as a morphotaxon to include
distinctive fossil circinnately coiled frond tips (or “fiddle-
heads”) that could not be assigned to foliage-based genera
due to the absence of lamina features. Hence, Spiropteris
species have little stratigraphic or phylogenetic values. Mo
(1902, 1903) collection at the Swedish Museum of Natural
History contains several similar Spiropteris specimens of
variable size.
Seed Plants
Order Pinales
Family ?Cheirolepidiaceae (Takhtajan, 1963)
Genus Pagiophyllum Heer emend. Harris, 1979
Type species.–Pagiophyllum circinium (Saporta) Heer, 1881;
Upper Jurassic; Sierra de San Luiz, Portugal.
Pagiophyllum steenstrupi Bartholin, 1894
Fig. 3J
Material. Five specimens.
Description. The fossils consist of fragmentary axis
compressions with preserved leaves arranged in a loose spiral
(flattened on compressions). The leaves arch shortly above their
base; they have entire margins and pointed acute apices. Leaves
depart the stem at 20 308 b efore sharply arching to 80 908.
Leaf density is 10 per 20 mm along the stem. Leaves have a
prominent, persistent midvein. Whole shoots are 40 mm long.
Leaves are 5 (8) 10 mm long (10 specimens), 1 (2) 3 mm wide
(10 speci mens), with a L/W ratio of 3.85.
Remarks.–Pagiophyllum has short but relatively broad leaves
similar to several modern southern hemisphere conifers
(Townrow 1969; Harris 1979; Jansson et al. 2008a, 2008b).
Several Pagiophyllum species occur in Mo
ller’s collection:
Pagiophyllum johnstrupi Bartholin, 1894 and P. steenstrupi
Bartholin, 1894, Pagiophyllum falcatum Bartholin, 1894,
Pagiophyllum peregrinum (Lindley & Hutton) Schenk emend.
Kendall, 1948, Pagiophyllum kurrii (Pomel) Schimper, 1872 and
these species were described by Mo
ller (1902) as being very
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abundant in the Baga
Formation. The specimens available in the
Lund collection are most similar to P. johnstrupi and
P. steenstrupi, Bartholin 1894, but as these two species are
rather similar and the available material is not well preserved,
identification at species level is somewhat tentative. Assignment
to P. steenstrupi is preferred as this species is characterised by
relatively broad leaves inserted at high angles to the stem.
P. johnstrupi has slightly arched leaves at lower angles to the
stem. However, the latter may simply represent a morphological
variant of P. steenstrupi, since both taxa occur in the same
assemblage from the Baga
Formation (Bartholin 1892 1894)
and are commonly preserved close together. A more detailed
study of a larger collection is warranted to evaluate the
distinctiveness of these species. P. steenstrupi is interpreted to
represent one of the mid-storey or canopy components of the
vegetation. There is no evidence to suggest that the branches
were shed as regular units as, for example, in extant Taxodium or
Metasequoia, so the plant is interpreted to have been evergreen.
Pagiophyllum species are widespread in the Jurassic of Europe
(see for example, Harris 1979).
Order Ginkgoales
Family Ginkgoaceae Engler (In Engler &
Prantl, 1897)
Genus Ginkgoites Seward, 1919
Type species.–Ginkgoites obovata (Nathorst) Seward, 1919;
Upper Triassic (Rhaetian); Ska
ne, Sweden.
Ginkgoites troedssonii Lundblad, 1959
Fig. 3K
Material. Eight specimens.
Description. The specimens are preserved as compressions in
both red and white clay. The leaves are fan shaped with multiple
deep dissections. Each lamina segment has an entire margin and
is 10 15 mm wide and up to 100 mm long. The veins are
prominent, gently divergent, sparsely forked with densities of 10
veins per 10 mm across the apical part of each segment (ave rage
12 veins per segment). The petiole is not preserved in any of the
Remarks. Several Ginkgo species were reported by Mo
(1903). Around seven species assigned to either Ginkgo or
Ginkgoites have been reported from the Latest Triassic to
middle Jurassic strata of southern Sweden. Of these, the
specimens in the Lund collection are consistent with the
characters of G. troedssonii Lundblad, 1959, especially in their
relatively broad lamina segments with blunt or truncate apices.
The remaining six species from southern Sweden have shorter
and narrower lamina segments or, in the case of Ginkgo
obovata Nathorst, 1886, an almost undivided obovate lamina.
Ginkgoaleans are assumed to have been deciduous trees
and were more common in cooler (non-tropical) regions in the
middle Jurassic. Their presence in moderate numbers favours a
mid-latitude location for the Baga
Formation flora.
Order Bennettitales Engler, 1892
Family Williamsoniaceae (Carruthers, 1870)
Genus Otozamites Braun emend. Watson & Sincock, 1992
Type species.–Otozamites (Zamites) brevifolius Braun, 1843;
Jurassic; Bayreuth, Germany (see Watson & Sincock (1992) for
discussion of typification).
Otozamites sp. cf. Otozamites mimetes Harris, 1949
Fig. 3L
Material. Five specimens.
Description. No complete leaves of Otozamites were identified
in this study and only the leaflets on one side of the rachis are
preserved in any one specimen. The leaflets have an
asymmetrical contracted base with a slight auricle on the
acroscopic side and are attached to the upper side of the rachis,
which is 1 mm wide. The specimens are preserved as
compressions and impressions in red clay. The leaflets are
oblong with a rounded apex and entire margin. The veins
are narrowly spaced with about 20 veins/pinnule; they are
gently divergent from the centre of the leaflet base to the margin.
Leaflets are separated by 1 mm from each other along the rachis,
departing the rachis at about 908. The preserved length of leaf:
50 mm; leaflets are 5 (7.5) 9 mm long (9 leaflets), 3 (3) 5 mm wide
(9 leaflets), with a L/W ratio of 1.95.
ller’s collection in the Swedish Natural History
Museum contains several well-preserved Otozamites species
that are similar to the one described here. Only one species of
Otozamites has been thus far collected from the Triassic
Jurassic strata of southern Sweden (specimens from the middle
Jurassic of Kurremo
lla held in the Swedish Museum of Natural
History). The Ska
ne specimen is designated Otozamites
bunburyanus Zigno, 1873 on the specimen’s label but this
material has never been formally described. It differs from the
Bornholm specimens in the Lund collection by its much
narrower leaflets. The specimen in the Lund collection is most
similar to O. mimetes Harris, 1949 from the middle Jurassic of
Yorkshire in its short, proportionately broad leaflets with
broadly rounded apices. Insufficient and incomplete material
prevents certain allocation to that species.
Palynology and dating
The samples yielded a well-preserved and entirely continental
palynoflora dominated by gymnosperm pollen grains, particu-
larly Chasmatosporites spp., Cerebropollenites macroverrucosus,
Fig. 3. Plant macrofossils from the Baga
Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Bornholm. A. Neocalmites sp., a leafless sphenophyte axis. LO10508.
B. Eboracia lobifolia (Phillips) Thomas, 1911, detached fern pinna, LO10509. C. Eboracia sp., fern frond, LO10510. D. Dictyophyllum sp. cf.
D. nilssonii (Brongniart) Goeppert, 1846, a dipteridacean fern frond, LO10511. E. Hausmannia forchhammeri Bartholin, 1892, fragment of
fan-shaped dipteridacean fern frond, LO10512. F. Coniopteris hymenophylloides (Brongniart) Seward, 1900, fragmentary fern frond, LO10513.
G. Spiropteris sp., detached fern crozier, LO10514. H, I. Cladophlebis nebbensis (Brongniart) Nathorst, 1876, osmundaceous fern pinnae,
LO10515, LO10516. J. Pagiophyllum steenstrupi Bartholin, 1894, possible cheirolepidiacean conifer twig, LO10517. K. Ginkgoites troedssonii
Lundblad, 1959, matted and dissected ginkgoalean leaves, LO10518. L. Otozamites sp. cf. O. mimetes Harris, 1949, fragmentary bennettitalean
leaf, LO10519. Scale bars 10 mm.
GFF 131 (2009) Mehlqvist et al.: A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm 143
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Corollina torosus and Perinopollenites elatoides (Fig. 4).
Seed ferns are represented by bisaccate pollen grains of
Alisporites spp. The understorey vegetation of ferns is
represented by the spores Deltoidospora toralis, various species
of Baculatisporites spp. and isolated specimens of Striatella
seebergensis amongst others. This assemblage is typical for the
Chasmatosporites Zone, as defined by Koppelhus and Nielsen
(1994) indicative of a latest Pliensbachian age. Assemblages
ascribed to this zone have been described from the Sorthat beds
of the Hasle Clay pit. There, the Sorthat beds rest on the Hasle
Formation and are estimated to be around 200 m thick.
The exposure is no longer accessible but almost 60 m was
previously exposed in the pit. The palynological content broadly
matches the composition of the macroflora in terms of fern and
conifer abundance.
We have excluded the Baga
beds as the source for the main
part of the macroflora since the palynoflora of Baga
beds is
dominated by laevigate fern spores and lar ge quantities of
the gymnosperm pollen P. elatoides and the presence of the
Callialasporites spp. (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994). Callialas-
porites is missing altogether in the presently studied assemblages
and Perinopollenites abundance is low. Additionally, ornamen-
ted spores occur in the Baga
beds, such as Ischyosporites
variegatus, Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus and Staplinisporites
caminus that are not present in the assemblages studied herein.
The assemblages from the Baga
beds have been referred
to the Callialasporit es Perinopollenites zone tentatively dated
to the Aalenian Bathonian (Koppelhus & Nielsen 1994).
Discussion and comparison with other floras
Bartholin (1892 1894) first described the plant fossils from the
Formation and compared them to various early- to mid-
Mesozoic floras. He recognised a more diverse flora than
represented in the Lund assemblage and considered 25 species to
be characteristic of the Rha etian to Hettangian.
ller (1902) identified 68 species from the Baga
Formation and
suggested that of all the Ska
ne assemblages, the Baga
flora is most
similar to the RhaetoLiassic floras of Bjuv and argued that they
contained 19 species in common (Mo
ller & Halle 1913). He also
noted similarities to the Rhaetian flora of Franken, Germany (with
19 species in common), and to the Rhaetian/Liassic floras of
Poland. These correlations were tentative given the relatively few
well-studied Mesozoic assemblages of northern Europe at that
time. The palynological investigation herein indicates that the
macroflora is of latest Pliensbachian age, a dating that also explains
the relative dissimilarity with the Bajocian fossil flora of Eriksdal,
ne described by e.g. Tralau (1966). Only five genera in the
Lund collection (Baga
Format ion) are represented in the
macrofloral assemblage from Eriksdal, so the floristic differences
may reflectcontrasting depositional settings and the younger age of
the Eriksdal flora.
ller (1902, 1903) identified a surprisingly large number of
species (68) of which nearly 50% were ferns (mostly Dicksonia
and Cladophlebis species), represented in the spore assemblages
by Deltoidospora. Twenty-four species distributed in six genera
were identified as cycads/bennettitaleans (Mo
ller 1902, 1903).
The pollen genus Chasmatosporites, so abundant in the
palynological assemblages of this study, may be linked to the
Cycadales/Bennettitales (Batten & Dutta 1997). Especially
prominent in Mo
ller’s studies, in terms of its species richness (11
species), is the bennettite Otozamites, which contrasts with the
single known species assigned to this genus from the Triassic
Jurassic of nearby Ska
ne. These levels of diversity are atypical
of most mid-Mesozoic assemblages from northern Europe
suggesting considerable taxonomic duplication in the original
study. A thorough revision of all the assemblages from the Baga
Formation is, therefore, justified to determine the full
composition and diversity of the flora and clarify its
biostratigraphic signature.
Although Mo
ller (1902) described cycads from the Baga
Formation none was found in the Lund collection. Given that
these are generally rare plants in coal-mire assemblages, their
absence is not unexpected in the comparatively small Lund
collection. The size of the presently studied collection (ca. 50
specimens) is probably not completely representative of the flora
that grew on Bornholm during the Jurassic period but it
complements the work of Mo
ller. The floristic components
represented in the Swedish Natural History Museum and Lund
collections collectively provide a preliminary basis for
palaeoclimatic interpretation.
Palaeo-environment and climate interpretation
The Lund-material is dominated by ferns belonging to
Eboracia. At least four other genera of ferns are present,
which together with spheonphytes, suggests moist conditions
since these groups are dependent on water for their
reproduction and generally thrive in the understorey of
moist-climate forests. The miospore assemblages reveal a
flora of gymnosperms, ferns and some seed ferns consistent
with, but rather more diverse than, the macrofloral content.
This plant association also suggests a relatively warm, climate
based on the high diversity of ferns (Mo
ller 1902) and the
presence of Dipteridaceae in particular. Dipteridaceae has a
tropical distribution in the modern flora. Although this family
was more extensively distributed in the Mesozoic, it appears to
have favoured generally warmer climates (Corsin & Waterlot
1979). According to Behrensmeyer et al. (1992) ferns
belonging to the families Osmundaceae, Matoniaceae and
Dipteridaceae were probably the dominant herbs in many
floras during this period.
The warm temperate/cold temperate biome boundary is typically
placed at 608 latitude and the warm temperate biome is centred at
408 under modern conditions (Willis & McElwain 2002).
Bornholm was situated at a latitude of 358N during deposition of
the Baga
Formation sediments (Scotese 2003), which places
Bornholm firmly within the Jurassic warm temperature biome
(Rees et al. 2000). However, the presence of ginkgoaleans and the
absence of very large-leafed bennettites suggest the climate was
somewhat seasonal and not so warm as to be considered tropical or
Previous studies have interpreted the Baga
Formation to have
been deposited in a meandering river system with well-
vegetated marshy flood plains (Petersen 1993). The coal
deposits in the formation attest to long periods of mire
development a nd support a humid climate interpretation
(Vakhrameev 1991; Vajda 2001).
The ferns and sphenophytes in the assemblage are interpreted to
have occupied the lowermost stratum in marsh and associated
moist-forest vegetation. Bennettites, such as Otozamites are
interpreted to have been mid-storey shrubs since there is no
evidence that this group ever developed a truly tall arborescent
habit. Conifers, such as Pagiophyllum, together with ginkgoaleans,
144 Mehlqvist et al.: A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm GFF 131 (2009)
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probably grew on better-drained sites and were the dominant mid-
to upper-storey plants.
These palaeoenvironmental interpretations of the Baga
assemblages agree well with Vakhrameev’s (1991) vegetation-
community, type 1, which characterised swampy littoral or
intra-montane lowland areas and was dominated by moisture-
loving plants such as ferns and sphenophytes, and which is
commonly associated with coal-bearing deposits.
A historical collection of the Middle-Jurassic fossil plants from
sediments of the Baga
-Sorthat formations, Bornholm, held at the
Geological Department, Lund University, Sweden, is dominated
by ferns, although Coniferales, Bennettitales, Ginkgoales and
Equisetales are also present. Ten fossil-plant genera were
identified, of which six could be identified to the species level.
The flora is interpreted as growing in a humid, warm temperate
biome. Although smaller and less diverse, the Lund collection
includes the same taxa identified during Mo
ller’s (1902, 1903)
studies of the Baga
Formation flora. The macroflora of the Lund
material has further been dated to the latest Pliensbachian
Chasmatosporites zone based on palynology. This age, together
with some possible variation in depositional environment, is likely
to explain the taxonomic differences evident with the Rhaetian
Hettangian and Bajocian macrofloras of neighbouring Ska
Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of selected taxa from sample R-2357-26/PTC collected at the Hasle Clay Pit, Bornholm. Magnifications £ 500
A. Deltoidospora toralis (Leschik) Lund, 1977, LO10520. B. Deltoidospora toralis (Leschik) Lund, 1977, LO10521. C. Apiculatisporites ovalis
(Nilsson) Norris, 1965, LO10522. D. Baculatisporites comaumensis (Cookson) Potonie
, 1970, LO10523. E. Striatella seebergensis (Nilsson) Filatoff &
Price, 1988, LO10524. F. Corollina torosa Cornet & Traverse, 1975, LO10525. G. Chasmatosporites elegans Nilsson, 1958, LO10526.
H. Chasmatosporites hians Nilsson, 1958, LO10527. I. Cerebropollenites macroverrucosus (Thiergart) Schultz, 1967, LO10528. J. Perinopollenities
elatoides Couper, 1958, LO10529. K. Monosulcites minimus Cookson, 1947, LO10530. L. Alisporites robustus Nilsson, 1958, LO10531.
GFF 131 (2009) Mehlqvist et al.: A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm 145
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Acknowledgements.–The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Prof.
Else Marie Friis for providing access to the fossil-plant collections at the Swedish Museum
of Natural History. Dr Stephen McLoughlin is acknowledged for the valuable comments on
the manuscript and help for identification of problematic macrofossil specimens. Ove
Johansson is thanked for the help with the collections at NRM and for providing general
information on the collections. Susan Turner is thanked for the additional comments. This is
a project within the Lund University Centre for Studies of Carbon Cycle and Climate
Interactions (LUCCI) and a contribution to IGCP 506: Marine/Non-marine Jurassic
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146 Mehlqvist et al.: A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm GFF 131 (2009)
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... (Smith et al. 2006). These families are well represented in different Middle Jurassic floras worldwide (Barale & Ouaja 2002;Wang 2002;Cleal & Rees 2003;Birkenmajer & Ociepa 2008;Mehlqvist et al. 2009;Barbacka 2011;Vaez-Javadi 2011;Kostina & Herman 2013;Scanu et al. 2015), but their distribution is far from understood in low-latitude regions such as Mexico. ...
... The ultimate segments (each pinnule) of Cladophlebis possess a prominent and persistent midvein that gives off secondary forked veins (Seward 1898(Seward -1919. These Cladophlebis diagnostic characters have been reported on other Jurassic Cladophlebis species from Bornholm, Denmark (Mehlqvist et al. 2009), Sardinia, Italy (Scanu et al. 2015), Yorkshire, UK (Harris 1961 or the one described by Person & Delevoryas (1982). Therefore, the material should not be referred to Cladophlebis but it can be placed within Dicksoniaceae. ...
... The Jurassic fossil record for Dicksoniaceae is known from different floras worldwide (e.g., Barale & Ouaja 2002;Wang 2002;Cleal & Rees 2003;Birkenmajer & Ociepa 2008;Mehlqvist et al. 2009;Barbacka 2011;Vaez-Javadi 2011;Kostina & Herman 2013;Scanu et al. 2015). We compared the fossil material to extant and extinct genera from Dicksoniaceae and it appears to show a unique combination of features (Table 1). ...
Mesozoic ferns from Mexico have been the subject of serious academic endeavours since the beginning of the 20th Century, to understand these plants at the time of their peak diversity. Most findings have been made in a set of Middle Jurassic Basins of the Mixtec Terrain in the Oaxaca State. However, fossil ferns are scarce in other assemblages, so further identification of this group has been infrequent. Here we describe six new and recently collected fossil plants from the Middle Jurassic Otlaltepec Formation, Puebla. Based on their fertile and vegetative fronds, we propose the new genus Paralophosoria Morales-Toledo, Mendoza-Ruiz & Cevallos-Ferriz, gen. nov. in the Dicksoniaceae, represented by Paralophosoria jurassica , Morales-Toledo, Mendoza-Ruiz & Cevallos-Ferriz, sp. nov., and identify the following genera: cf . Aspidistes , Sphenopteris , Spiropteris . A fern with uncertain affinities was also described. This work contributes to the understanding of fern diversity in low latitudes during the Middle Jurassic in Mexico.
... Several palaeoecological studies on marine and terrestrial organisms as well as on land plants have yielded ambiguous results. For example, Mehlqvist et al. (2009) suggested a warm and humid climate with a pronounced seasonality typical for the warm temperate zone based on analyses of plant remains recovered from a late Pliensbachian delta complex located on the island of Bornholm, Denmark. However, several studies on the fossil record of marine invertebrates have revealed the presence of cold-water adapted taxa in the European Realm. ...
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The Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition was characterised by a drastic turnover from a cool climate to a period of rapid global warming. While the warming associated with the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event is rather well-studied, the cause, intensity and extent of the preceding cooling in the late Pliensbachian are still discussed. Occurrences of glendonite play an important role in this debate, since glendonite is a pseudomorph after the cryophilic carbonate mineral ikaite. This study describes the frst glendonite-bearing carbonate concretions from South Germany (Buttenheim clay pit, northern Franconian Alb), which represent the southernmost glendonite occurrence in the late Pliensbachian documented so far. Based on petrographical and sedimentological investigations as well as stable isotope analyses it is concluded that a low temperature was the main factor for ikaite formation in the studied section, suggesting that the late Pliensbachian cooling had a more far-reaching impact on the temperature of the European epicontinental sea than previously assumed. To explain the low temperatures required for ikaite precipitation, a model for the sea-ice driven formation of cold bottom-water masses on the continental shelf is proposed. The occurrence of several layers containing reworked hiatus concretions in the studied outcrop is interpreted as the result of recurrent sea-level falls caused by multiple glacial pulses characterising the overall cool climate in the late Pliensbachian.
... Conifer pollen assemblages indicate dominance of Araucariacea (Araucariacites), Cupressaceae (Perinopollenites) and Cheirolepidiaceae (Classopollis) accompanied by gingkoes (Gingko hutonii) . This spore-pollen assemblage is widespread through central and north Europe from the United Kingdom and North Sea (Slater et al., 2017, Scandinavia (Guy-Ohlson, 1986Mehlqvist et al., 2009;Vajda, 2001;Vajda and Wigforss-Lange, 2009) and Ukraine (Shevchuk et al., 2018), evidence for an extensive and homogeneous vegetation across Europe during the Aalenian and Bajocian. ...
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The Early Jurassic Jenkyns Event (~183 Ma) was characterized in terrestrial environments by global warming, perturbation of the carbon cycle, enhanced weathering and wildfires. Heating and acid rain on land caused a loss of forests and affected diversity and composition of land plant assemblages and the rest of the trophic web. We suggest that the Jenkyns Event, triggered by the activity of the Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Province, was pivotal in remodelling terrestrial ecosystems, including plants and dinosaurs. Macroplant assemblages and palynological data show reductions in diversity and richness of conifers, cycadophytes, ginkgophytes, bennetitaleans, and ferns, and continuation of seasonally dry and warm conditions. Major changes occurred to sauropodomorph dinosaurs, with extinction of diverse basal families formerly called ‘prosauropods’ as well as some basal sauropods, and diversification of the derived Eusauropoda in the Toarcian in South America, Africa, and Asia, and wider diversification of new families, including Mamenchisauridae, Cetiosauridae and Neosauropoda (Dicraeosauridae and Macronaria) in the Middle Jurassic, showing massive increase in size and diversification of feeding modes. Ornithischian dinosaurs show patchy records; some heterodontosaurids and scelidosaurids disappeared, and major new clades (Stegosauridae, Ankylosauridae, Nodosauridae) emerged soon after the Jenkyns Event, in the Bajocian and Bathonian worldwide. Among theropod dinosaurs, Coelophysidae and Dilophosauridae died out during the Jenkyns Event and a diversification of theropods (Megalosauroidea, Allosauroidea, Tyrannosauroidea) occurred after this event with substantial increases in size. We suggest then that the Jenkyns Event terrestrial crisis was marked especially by floral changes and origins of major new sauropodomorph and theropod clades, characterized by increasing body size. Comparison with the end Triassic Mass Extinction helps to understand the incidence of climatic changes driven by activity of large igneous provinces on land ecosystems and their great impacts on early dinosaur evolution.
A recently discovered Early Jurassic locality at Hicks Creek, Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska, yielded a macrofossil plant assemblage comprising predominantly bennettitaleans and ferns, accompanied by horsetails, seed ferns, cycads and conifers. Single species from different plant groups dominate the assemblage (e.g. Cladophlebis alata , Otozamites pterophylloides ; less frequent Rhaphidopteris sp. and Pagiophyllum falcatum ; sporadic Thallites sp., Klukia sp., Todites williamsonii , Coniopteris bella , Sagenopteris sp., Zamites sp., Nilssoniopteris pristis , Pseudoctenis sp., Eretmophyllum sp. and Elatides sp.). We also encountered a new foliage of cycadophyte type, Hanophyllum varioserratum gen. et sp. nov. Hicks Creek is one of four Alaskan areas with fossil Mesozoic plants that have been investigated. Along with rocks of Puale Bay and the East Fork of Boulder Creek exposures, this locality is of Early Jurassic age, while Cape Lisburne is Early Cretaceous (Albian). Based on a comparison of the floral composition of Hicks Creek with some other localities (Alaska and beyond), environmental conditions for the Peninsular terrane are inferred. Floristic differences between localities are explained by the varied topography, interpreted as disturbed coastal–lagoonal or as undisturbed, moist and warm inland. Some taxa ( Todites williamsonii , Coniopteris bella , Nilssoniopteris pristis , Otozamites tenuatus , O . mimetes , Brachyphyllum crucis ) common to the Alaska Peninsula and Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire may suggest a possible pathway of plant migration during the movement of the Peninsular terrane. The occurrence of Cladophlebis alata in the Lower Jurassic of south‐central Alaska and the Lower Cretaceous of northwestern Alaska may also shed light on the posited spread of this species.
Fossil plants are reported from beds exposed on northern Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands. The fossiliferous beds are exposed near sea level and constitute the basal intervals of sedimentary succession at Rip Point. The low diversity macrofossil assemblage contains only charcoalified woods and isolated fern pinnae. However, the palynoassemblage from the same beds contains typical Antarctic Late Mesozoic pollen and spores of Nothofagus, conifers, ferns and fungi. The sterile and probable pteridophytic remains are assigned to the Coniopteris. The dark tuff lithologies, with evidence of alteration and recrystallization, and simililarities between the fossil assemblage a others the Antarctic Peninsula support a Late Cretaceous age. The persistence of Coniopteris until the Late Cretaceous in Antarctica compares with its range in Northern regions and follows its cosmopolitan distribution during the Jurassic its patchy distribution at the end of the Cretaceous is indicative of persistence in moist, cool, high latitude refugia, especially in insular environments, before its final extinction.
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A new fern Birisia mandshurica, sp. nov. (Dicksoniaceae) from the lower–middle Albian Frentsevka Formation of southern Primorye, Far East of Russia is described. This species is characterized by short-creeping rhizomes with closely spaced stipes and bipinnate fronds with narrow linear pinnules. A reconstruction of B. mandshurica is proposed. It comes from the autochthonous locality of ferns and herbaceous angiosperms and was a part of pioneer open community, which occupied low flat plains between river channels. Revision of ferns, described as Acanthopteris gothanii Sze from China, shows, that these ferns belongs to Birisia alata (Prynada) Samylina. The name Acanthopteris Sze should be abandoned, due to absence of spore-bearing pinnules and poor preservation of sterile pinnules in type specimens. Based on Chinese and Russian material of good preservation, we provide emended diagnoses of the genus Birisia Samylina and its type species B. alata. Re-examination of various species of the genus Birisia revealed that this genus was widely distributed in the Cretaceous floras (from the Barremian to the Coniacian) of Eastern Siberia, New Siberian Islands, North-East and Far East of Russia, China, Japan, Alaska and Western Canada. B. alata is the most widespread species.
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A complete profile was measured and sampled in the study area to determine the age of the Shemshak Group. A total of 159 samples were collected from plant-fossiliferous horizons and subsequently investigated in the Geosciences Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University Laboratory. Fifteen identified plant macrofossil species (ten genera) were categorized into Osmundales, Dipteridales, Marattiales, and Peltaspermales. The species encountered are Korallipteris yipinglangensis, Cladophlebis nebbensis, Cladophlebis haiburnensis, Cladophlebis denticulata, Clathropteris meniscioides, Dictyophyllum exile, Thainguyenopteris parvipinnulata, Osmundopsis sturii, cf. Marattiopsis intermedia, Scytophyllum waehneri, and Peltaspermum decipiense. In this study, 5 ferns and seed ferns species are reported for the first time in the northeastern Alborz Mountain. A Late Triassic (Rhaetian) age is assigned to the Shemshak Group based on ferns and seed ferns chronostratigraphy. Also, a lowland deltaic environment, including wet and drier conditions, is suggested by ferns and seed ferns revealed in the studied area.
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In the result of the re-examination of type material of the genus Birisia from the Cretaceous deposits of Siberia and North-East of Russia, we include only three species in this genus: B. alata (Prynada) Samylina (early-middle Albian — Coniacian), B. onychioides (Vassilevskaja et Kara-Mursa) Samylina (Aptian), and B. acutata Samylina (early-middle Albian). Species B. ochotica and B. alata are united under the name B. alata. Species B. jelisejevii, B. samylinae and B. oerstedtii are excluded from the genus Birisia as mismatching to the generic diagnosis. Species of Birisia are distinguished each other in size and degree of dissection of pinnules, in shape, presence and number of lobes, as well as the number of branches of the lateral veins inside the lobes. The pinnules of the Birisia are characterized by the signifi cant variability and have a slightly diff erent structure depending on their location on the leaf blade. Therefore, for a more accurate species identifi cation of Birisia, it is necessary to have the most complete leaves with branching of two or three orders and the fertile pinnules.
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Quantifying charcoal particles preserved in sedimentary environments is an established method for estimating levels of fire activity in the past, both on human and geological timescales. It has been proposed that the morphology of these particles is also a valuable source of information, for example allowing inferences about the nature of the vegetation burned. This thesis aims to broaden the theoretical basis for these methods, and to integrate morphometric study of sedimentary charcoal with its quantification. Three key questions are addressed: firstly, whether the elongation of mesocharcoal particles is a useful indicator of fuel type; secondly, whether different sedimentary archives tend to preserve different charcoal morphologies; and finally, the critical question of how morphology affects charcoal quantification. The results corroborate the idea that grasses and trees produce mesocharcoal with distinctly different aspect ratios. However, the application of this as an indicator of vegetation change is complicated by the inclusion of species which are neither grasses nor trees, and by considerations of the effects of transportation. Charcoal morphotypes in diverse sedimentary environments are shown to be influenced by vegetation types, transportation history, and the nature of the fire that produced them. Previous research has treated charcoal quantification and charcoal morphology as separate issues. Here it is shown that understanding morphology is essential for the accurate quantification of charcoal, since it affects the relationship between volumes and the two-dimensional areas from which measurements are taken. Understanding this relationship could allow such measurements to be used not just as relative measures of past fire activity, but to enable the accurate quantification of the charcoal sequestered in soils and sediments. This has important implications for our ability to understand the effects of fire on carbon cycling, and the role that fire plays in the Earth system.
The biostratigraphic record of the temporal and spatial distribution of some pan-tropical cosmopolitan Jurassic epi-byssate pectinid and epi-cemented ostreid bivalves is recorded from Middle and Late Jurassic sequences exposed in the Tanggula Mountains, northern Tibet Plateau of China. At the time, this region was restricted to palaeo-latitudes between the 60° south and 60° north. This demonstrates two key points: 1) the Hispanic Corridor played an important role in connecting the palaeo-Pacific with Tethyan and European bivalve faunal provinces and has done so since the earliest Jurassic Hettangian, or even earlier (end-Triassic); and 2) some pan-tropical thermophilous bivalve species, including Camptonectes (Camptonectes) auritus, Chlamys (Chlamys) textoria, Actinostreon gregareum, Nanogyra nana, and possibly Chlamys (Chlamys) valoniensis, migrated across the vast palaeo-Pacific from east to west.
Fossil plants are preserved in three main ways: as impressions, phytoleimmas and petrifactions (for more details see J. M. Schopf, 1975). In the first case the remains of a plant decay completely, leaving its impression on the rock. This is not merely a mechanical impression of the plant on the sediment, which has not quite solidified, but a result of a complex physico-chemical process. The remains liberate decomposition products into the surrounding mineral medium (matrix), producing a peculiar geochemical situation around themselves. Impressions on rough sandstone are often covered by a thin mineral crust rendering the finest detail. Moulds produced by voluminous remains, casts and stone nuclei are often contrasted with the impressions. In reality these are different cases of the same type of preservation when vegetative matter disappears. A leaf impression is an extremely flattened mould and a cast is an impression of a particular inner surface of the remains.