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Abstract and Figures

The Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems is a standard for clinical knowledge representation, maintained by the Health Level Seven (HL7) organization and approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It offers a wide range of syntactical constructs (various forms of numer-ical, logical, temporal operators, conditions, …), each of which crisply defines a specific unit of clinical knowledge (yes-no evaluations). As medical conditions and conclusions cannot always be formulated in a strict manner, methods of fuzzy set theory and logic are used to represent uncer-tainty, which is usually a part of practical clinical knowledge. Based on the extension of Arden Syntax to Fuzzy Arden Syntax by Vetterlein et al. (on the basis of Tiffe's earlier extension), we im-plemented a Fuzzy Arden Syntax compiler which is able to process a fully fuzzified version of Ar-den Syntax. We describe the compiler, its components (lexer, parser, and synthesis), and discuss its implementation.
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Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
Fehre K
1, 2
, Mandl H
, Adlassnig K-P
1, 2
The Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems is a standard for clinical knowledge representation,
maintained by the Health Level Seven (HL7) organization and approved by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). It offers a wide range of syntactical constructs (various forms of numer-
ical, logical, temporal operators, conditions, …), each of which crisply defines a specific unit of
clinical knowledge (yes-no evaluations). As medical conditions and conclusions cannot always be
formulated in a strict manner, methods of fuzzy set theory and logic are used to represent uncer-
tainty, which is usually a part of practical clinical knowledge. Based on the extension of Arden
Syntax to Fuzzy Arden Syntax by Vetterlein et al. (on the basis of Tiffe’s earlier extension), we im-
plemented a Fuzzy Arden Syntax compiler which is able to process a fully fuzzified version of Ar-
den Syntax. We describe the compiler, its components (lexer, parser, and synthesis), and discuss its
Keywords – Clinical decision support, clinical knowledge representation, Arden syntax, fuzzy
logic, compiler construction
1. Introduction
One of the main goals of health informatics, e-health, and medical computer sciences is to improve
the quality of health care and avoid medical error. Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) are
tools that help to achieve these aims. The purpose of the systems is to provide diagnostic and thera-
peutic advice, alerts and reminders, or serve as disease and therapy management programs. Arden
Syntax for Medical Logic Systems, maintained by the Health Level Seven (HL7) organization [1]
and approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), is a standardized representa-
tion form of clinical knowledge and an excellent technical point of departure to build CDSSs. An
Arden Syntax knowledge base consists of a set of units known as medical logic modules (MLMs),
each of which contains sufficient logic for a single medical decision. An MLM is partitioned into
four categories: maintenance, library, resources, and knowledge. Maintenance, resources, and li-
brary include maintenance of the knowledge base, change control, localized strings, and explanato-
ry information while the knowledge category includes implementable clinical information.
Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems, Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent
Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Medexter Healthcare GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
A CDSS based on Arden Syntax checks the accessible computerized medical data with regard to
specific conditions and reacts accordingly. However, medical data do not always permit an unequi-
vocal statement as to whether a specific condition is fulfilled or not. Sometimes, preconditions of
an implication are rather approximate and not entirely fulfilled. Fuzzy set theory and logic is an
approach to solve this conflict.
Zadeh’s article in 1965 [9] is seen as the starting point for the development of fuzzy set theory and
logic. In fuzzy logic, a conclusion is permitted, provided that the result is weakened with regard to
the content of its condition. Based on these considerations, Fuzzy Arden Syntax as a full extension
(generalization) of Arden Syntax was first proposed by Tiffe in his Ph.D. thesis [6]. This proposal
of Fuzzy Arden Syntax was taken as a basis, adapted to the interim advancements of Arden Syntax,
and developed further by Vetterlein et al. [7]. For comparison we refer to [7, 8]. The Fuzzy Arden
Syntax compiler we developed, programmed, and describe in this paper is based on the syntax pro-
posed by Vetterlein et al. [7].
2. Methods
We implemented a Fuzzy Arden Syntax compiler which converts a Fuzzy Arden Syntax MLM into
Java byte code runnable on an additionally implemented Fuzzy Arden Syntax engine as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Compiling and running an MLM
One of the main goals of the Arden Syntax is the ability to interchange MLMs or packages of
MLMs (whole knowledge bases) between health care institutions. To fulfill this condition, the
compiled MLMs generated by the compiler have to be as general as possible. Therefore, an addi-
tional Arden Syntax engine is needed to provide access to other MLMs, information about the sur-
rounding environment, and additional control information.
2. 1. Fuzzy Arden Syntax
The Fuzzy Arden Syntax proposed by Vetterlein et al. [7] is based on Arden Syntax, version 2.5.
As the most recent version of Arden Syntax is 2.7 [1], the compiler described in this report includes
several Arden Syntax extensions (actually from versions 2.1 to 2.7).
A compiler consists of several components: a lexical analyzer, a parser, and a synthesis component.
As the Fuzzy Arden Syntax compiler also supports former versions of Arden Syntax, the compiler
has to determine the Arden Syntax version of a provided MLM. For this purpose we developed a
rudimentary lexer-parser pair which collects this information from a given MLM.
2. 2. Lexer
A lexer, or lexical analyzer, converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens. To this
end the lexer partitions a given MLM into sequences of characters and assigns symbols to the
strings according to the given language rules. Thus the lexer typifies sequences of characters. For
Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
example, the string “2 + 3” is converted into the token sequence NUMBER PLUS NUMBER. Dur-
ing the lexical analysis, the present MLM is also checked against some fundamental syntax con-
straints. For implementing such a lexer in Java, multiple generators are available. We selected
JFlex [4], because JFlex is a reliable Java tool and supports integration into our development
2. 3. Parser
Following lexical analysis, the next step of the compilation process is parsing. The parser analyzes
the tokens provided by the lexer and converts the linear sequence of these into a hierarchical struc-
ture, the so-called parse tree. For example, the expression “2 + 3” is represented by a node “+” with
two leafs “2” and “3”. During this conversion, the input (the MLM) is verified according to the
syntactical and grammatical correctness as provided in the Fuzzy Arden Syntax specification. If
there are any incorrect expressions, the process of compiling is aborted and an error message is
sent. Similar to the lexer, parser generators are available. These are adjusted to automatically con-
struct parsers from a given Backus–Naur form (BNF). However, the present Arden Syntax specifi-
cation contains some shift-reduce problems (e.g., expressions like “sort time x”) and therefore the
use of a fully automated parser generator is not possible. As Arden Syntax is the foundation of
Fuzzy Arden Syntax, this also holds for Fuzzy Arden Syntax. Therefore, we had to program the
parser in a stepwise manner. In future implementations we will work closely with the HL7 Arden
Syntax Special Interest Group to solve the issues for the upcoming Arden Syntax and Fuzzy Arden
Syntax versions. Nevertheless, based on the most recent BNF for Arden Syntax we developed a
BNF for Fuzzy Arden Syntax, which will be published outside of this paper.
2. 4. Synthesis
The next phase of the compilation is synthesis. If the parse tree is successfully generated, the syn-
thesis transfers the nodes of the parse tree into Java objects. This is done by creating an instance of
a dedicated class for each occurrence of a language construct (e.g., an operator, value, or a variable)
and by storing these in a data structure according to the parse tree. For example, a value of type
number is represented by an instance of the class Arden Syntax number and subordinated to a “+”
operator which may itself be subordinated to an assignment statement, a slot, and finally to an in-
stance of the class MLM. Meanwhile, the compiler checks whether the respective MLM contains
all necessary slots and resolves special expressions like the “it” keyword. Finally, the instance of
the MLM class refers to all slots and statements in the given MLM. This instance is serialized,
stored in a file, and constitutes a compiled MLM.
2. 5. Engine
Contrary to other implementations of Arden Syntax [2, 3], we programmed an engine to read and
execute the serialized MLMs. The engine is used to coordinate communications with the surround-
ing environment. Thus, for a running MLM the engine provides the ability to evaluate curly braces
expressions, call events or other MLMs, and collect information about the system the engine is ex-
ecuted upon (e.g., local information, such as language and country). The compiled MLM is ex-
ecuted by calling the evaluation method of the MLM instance which itself evaluates all direct sub-
ordinated nodes. Furthermore, each node in the tree built by the compiler is evaluated by assessing
its direct subordinated nodes and calculating and returning the corresponding result. If required, the
engine is instructed to read data from a database or call other MLMs. Our implementation provides
Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
an interface for this engine, so that each user can adjust the engine’s properties according to his/her
2. 6. Fuzzy Arden Syntax Handling
Compared to Arden Syntax, Fuzzy Arden Syntax contains several new language elements and ex-
tensions with respect to interpretation and evaluation of language expressions. Fuzzy linguistic va-
riables and a number of the data types (fuzzy number, fuzzy time, and fuzzy duration) are new in
Fuzzy Arden Syntax.
Compiled linguistic variables and objects hold their values as a map containing the field names and
the associated values. In contrast to Arden Syntax objects, the fields of linguistic variables may
only store fuzzy data types. At present, fuzzy data types refer to piecewise linear fuzzy sets. A
fuzzy set is a mapping, assigning each element of the set a given truth value, which is a real number
from 0 to 1. Figure 2 shows examples of fuzzy sets for an underweight, normal, and overweight
body mass index (BMI).
Figure 2: Three fuzzy sets
This type of fuzzy sets may be defined by the following statements:
underweight := Fuzzy Set (0,1),(18.5,1),(19.5,0); (1)
normal := Fuzzy Set (18.5,0),(19.5,1),(24,1), (25,0); (2)
overweight := Fuzzy Set (24,0),(25,1); (3)
The definition of fuzzy sets by lists of point-value pairs is also used for internal representation of
these fuzzy sets. In other words, a compiled Fuzzy Arden Syntax data type has a list of point-value
pairs as its value.
According to Vetterlein et al. [7], some operators must be able to handle such fuzzy data types as
incoming parameters. These are, for example, the comparison operators in which one of its parame-
ters refers to a fuzzy and the other to a crisp data type. To facilitate this process, each input parame-
ter which refers to a fuzzy data type must provide a method, making it possible to determine the
truth value at a certain point. To illustrate such a calculation of the truth value at a given point, we
describe the algorithm in pseudo code below:
Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
INPUT an arbitrary point whose truth value should be calculated
SET lower-bound to null
FOR each fuzzy-point in the list of fuzzy-points
IF fuzzy-point < point THEN
SET lower-bound to fuzzy-point
ELSE IF fuzzy-point EQUAL point THEN
RETURN truth-value at fuzzy-point
ELSE IF fuzzy-point > point AND lower-bound is not set THEN
RETURN truth-value at fuzzy-point
ELSE IF fuzzy-point > point AND lower-bound is set THEN
calculate slope of the truth value edge between lower-bound and fuzzy-point
RETURN (pointlower-bound) * slope + truth value at lower-bound
Since the data type boolean is replaced by the data type truth value in Fuzzy Arden Syntax, the
corresponding implementation will hold its value in a float variable. Furthermore, each data type
implementation will store the applicability, a truth value expressing the degree to which the main
value may be considered applicable.
A major challenge was the implementation of conditional statements such as if, conclude, or switch.
If the condition is an expression of the truth value type then, unlike previous Arden Syntax ver-
sions, Fuzzy Arden Syntax has to execute each of the conditional blocks, each with the appropriate
truth value. If the execution of a compiled MLM arrives at such a statement, the entire current vari-
able heap is copied, and the applicabilities of the contained values are manipulated accordingly. If
the conditional statement does not contain an aggregate expression, it returns a set of variable heaps
to the calling node, which evaluates all following subordinated nodes with each of the resulting
heaps. Thus, the evaluation of an MLM may provide several results that are interpreted according
to the calling instance. The arithmetic operations for variables referring to fuzzy sets are defined
and implemented according to Zadeh’s extension principle [9], provided that the corresponding
operation in the crisp case is defined as well.
3. Discussion and Conclusion
We developed a Fuzzy Arden Syntax compiler to compile the source code MLMs and a Fuzzy Ar-
den Syntax engine to execute the compiled MLMs. The compiler is a complete extension of the
existent Arden Syntax compiler which can parse all versions of Arden Syntax from 2.1 up to the
most recent version 2.7. This Arden Syntax compiler together with its corresponding engine is em-
bedded in an Arden Syntax server. The server is based on a service-oriented architecture protocol
(SOAP)-based framework for remotely calling and running compiled MLMs. In addition, we de-
veloped a Fuzzy Arden Syntax integrated development environment (IDE) to be used by an MLM
author to write, verify, compile, and test MLMs.
It should be noted that Arden Syntax is an imperative programming language which is procedural
and modular. We suggest that the Arden Syntax (and thus Fuzzy Arden Syntax) is Turing-
complete, but formal proof is yet to be obtained and will be a subject of future research. A quine
[5], named after the philosopher and logician Willard van Orman Quine (1908–2000), is the sim-
plest form of a self-replicating program. A quine prints its own code and exists for any program-
ming language that is Turing complete. The construction of a quine for Arden Syntax is trivial. The
presentation of a quine would exceed the scope of this report.
Schreier G, Hayn D, Ammenwerth E (Hrsg.). Tagungsband der eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth.
6.-7. Mai 2010, Wien. OCG Books Nr. 264. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. 2010
4. References
[1] HEALTH LEVEL 7, Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems, Version 2.7. Health Level 7, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008.
[2] HRIPCSAK, G., CIMINO, J.J., JOHNSON, S.B., CLAYTON, P.D., The Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
Decision-Support System as a Model for Implementing the Arden Syntax, in: P. D. Clayton (Ed.) Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, McGraw-Hill, New York, 248–252, 1992.
S.B., SHERMAN, E.H., CLAYTON, P.D, Medical Decision Support: Experience with Implementing the Arden Syntax
at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, in Proc AMIA Symp 1995, 169–173, 1995.
JFlex 1.4.3. Available at (last accessed: 10 January 2010).
[4] QUINE, W. V, On Decidability and Completeness. Synthése 7:441–446, 1949.
[5] TIFFE, S., Fuzzy Arden Syntax: Representation and Interpretation of Vague Medical Knowledge by Fuzzified
Arden Syntax, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University Vienna, Vienna 2003.
[6] VETTERLEIN, T., MANDL, H., ADLASSNIG, K.-P., Vorschläge zur Spezifikation der Programmiersprache
Fuzzy Arden Syntax (Proposal of a specification of the programming language Fuzzy Arden Syntax – in German).
Technical Report, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, 2008. Available at
thomas.vetterlein/articles/FuzzyArdenSpezif.pdf (last accessed: 10 January 2010).
[7] VETTERLEIN, T., MANDL, H., ADLASSNIG, K.-P., Fuzzy Arden Syntax: A Fuzzy Programming Language for
Medicine. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2010.01.003, 2010.
[8] ZADEH, L. A., Fuzzy Sets. Information and Control 8:338–353, 1965.
Corresponding Author
Karsten Fehre
Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems
Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems
Medical University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 23, BT 88.03, A-1090 Vienna
... To convert MLMs into an executable format, Arden Syntax compilers described in the literature usually either transform code into intermediate all-purpose programming languages such as Java [8][9][10] or C++ [11], or into specific virtual machine code [12]. The construction of such a compiler by means of a parser generator presupposes a computable language description in the form of a grammar, usually provided in Backus-Naur form. ...
Objective: The Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems is a standard for encoding and sharing medical knowledge in the form of Medical Logic Modules. To improve accessibility for clinicians, the originators of the standard deliberately designed Arden Syntax expressions to resemble natural language, and parentheses around operands are not generally required. For certain patterns of nested expressions, however, the use of parentheses is mandatory, otherwise they are not accepted by an Arden Syntax environment. In this study, we refer to such patterns as anomalies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent and the circumstances of such anomalies, and to outline a solution based on an alternative grammar encoding approach. Methods: To analyze the distribution of anomalies in nested expressions, we developed two custom-made complementary utilities. The first utility, termed parser, checks a single expression pattern against the specification-compliant grammar for syntactic correctness. The second utility, termed composer, automatically creates an extensive amount of expression patterns by permuting and nesting operators without the use of parentheses, and stores these together with the expected syntactic correctness. By means of these utilities we conducted a comprehensive analysis of anomalies by comparing the expected correctness with the actual correctness. Any detected anomalies are stored into a set of files, grouped by the respective top-level operator, for a subsequent analysis. Results: The composer utility nested 165 unary, binary, or ternary operators of Arden Syntax version 2.8 to a depth of two, resulting in a set of 76,533 expression patterns, of which 18,978 (24.8%) have been identified as anomalies. An automated assessment of their practical relevance for medical knowledge encoding is infeasible. Manual screening of selected samples indicated that only a small proportion of the detected anomalies would be relevant. The cause of the anomalies lies in the encoding of the grammar. A change of the basic encoding approach with some additional customizations eliminates the anomalies. A working expression parser is included in the supplementary material. Conclusion: Arden Syntax expressions are affected by anomalies. Since only a small proportion of them have practical relevance and they cannot cause false calculations or clinical decisions, their practical impact is likely limited. However, they may be potential points of confusion for knowledge engineers. An alternative expression grammar, based on a different encoding approach, would not only eliminate the anomalies, but could considerably facilitate both maintenance and further development of the standard.
... We can define the four fuzzy sets of BMI linguistic variables like: The first three fuzzy sets were defined by Fehre et al. (2010) and upon them, we described the fourth one, see Figure 12. ...
Full-text available
Obesity is associated with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and asthma. The knowledge of the obesity related cancer (ORC) domain is highly required to be represented in a structured and formalised shape. In this paper, we develop an ontology to represent ORC domain knowledge with its diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. The proposed ontology is based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) integrated with the fuzzy logic. The fuzzy developed ontology handles the overlapping concepts, ingesting more concepts, and copes with the linguistic domain variables, which were not possible using the regular ontologies. It allows the users to query the fuzzy Dl reasoner for element and answer them with the fuzzy ontology. By developing the fuzzy ORC ontology, it is expected to be a good practice for the ontologists and knowledge engineers.
... We can define the four fuzzy sets of BMI linguistic variables like: The first three fuzzy sets were defined by Fehre et al. (2010) and upon them, we described the fourth one, see Figure 12. ...
Full-text available
Obesity is associated with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and asthma. The knowledge of the obesity related cancer (ORC) domain is highly required to be represented in a structured and formalized shape. In this paper, we develop an ontology to represent ORC domain knowledge with its diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. The proposed ontology is based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) integrated with the fuzzy logic. The fuzzy developed ontology handles the overlapping concepts, ingesting more concepts, and copes with the linguistic domain variables, which were not possible using the regular ontologies. It allows the users to query the fuzzy Dl reasoner for element and answer them with the fuzzy ontology. By developing the fuzzy ORC ontology, it is expected to be a good practice for the ontologists and knowledge engineers.
... The Arden Syntax server was used to provide system/language independent access to the rule engine [11]. For projects that relied on fuzzy logic, we used the enhanced Fuzzy Arden Syntax IDE and Fuzzy Arden Syntax rule engine [12,13]. All of these software products were implemented in Java. ...
Arden Syntax is a widely recognized standard for representing clinical and scientific knowledge in an executable format. It has a history that reaches back until 1989 and is currently maintained by the Health Level 7 (HL7) organization. We created a production-ready development environment, compiler, rule engine and application server for Arden Syntax. Over the course of several years, we have applied this Arden - Syntax - based CDS system in a wide variety of clinical problem domains, such as hepatitis serology interpretation, monitoring of nosocomial infections or the prediction of metastatic events in melanoma patients. We found the Arden Syntax standard to be very suitable for the practical implementation of CDS systems. Among the advantages of Arden Syntax are its status as an actively developed HL7 standard, the readability of the syntax, and various syntactic features such as flexible list handling. A major challenge we encountered was the technical integration of our CDS systems in existing, heterogeneous health information systems. To address this issue, we are currently working on incorporating the HL7 standard GELLO, which provides a standardized interface and query language for accessing data in health information systems. We hope that these planned extensions of the Arden Syntax might eventually help in realizing the vision of a global, interoperable and shared library of clinical decision support knowledge.
Full-text available
We began implementation of a medical decision support system (MDSS) at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center (CPMC) using the Arden Syntax in 1992. The Clinical Event Monitor which executes the Medical Logic Modules (MLMs) runs on a mainframe computer. Data are stored in a relational database and accessed via PL/I programs known as Data Access Modules (DAMs). Currently we have 18 clinical, 12 research and 10 administrative MLMs. On average, the clinical MLMs generate 50357 simple interpretations of laboratory data and 1080 alerts each month. The number of alerts actually read varies by subject of the MLM from 32.4% to 73.5%. Most simple interpretations are not read at all. A significant problem of MLMs is maintenance, and changes in laboratory testing and message output can impair MLM execution significantly. We are now using relational database technology and coded MLM output to study the process outcome of our MDSS.
Objective: The programming language Arden Syntax has been optimised for use in clinical decision support systems. We describe an extension of this language named Fuzzy Arden Syntax, whose original version was introduced in S. Tiffe's dissertation on "Fuzzy Arden Syntax: Representation and Interpretation of Vague Medical Knowledge by Fuzzified Arden Syntax" (Vienna University of Technology, 2003). The primary aim is to provide an easy means of processing vague or uncertain data, which frequently appears in medicine. Methods: For both propositional and number data types, fuzzy equivalents have been added to Arden Syntax. The Boolean data type was generalised to represent any truth degree between the two extremes 0 (falsity) and 1 (truth); fuzzy data types were introduced to represent fuzzy sets. The operations on truth values and real numbers were generalised accordingly. As the conditions to decide whether a certain programme unit is executed or not may be indeterminate, a Fuzzy Arden Syntax programme may split. The data in the different branches may be optionally aggregated subsequently. Results: Fuzzy Arden Syntax offers the possibility to formulate conveniently Medical Logic Modules (MLMs) based on the principle of a continuously graded applicability of statements. Furthermore, ad hoc decisions about sharp value boundaries can be avoided. As an illustrative example shows, an MLM making use of the features of Fuzzy Arden Syntax is not significantly more complex than its Arden Syntax equivalent; in the ideal case, a programme handling crisp data remains practically unchanged when compared to its fuzzified version. In the latter case, the output data, which can be a set of weighted alternatives, typically depends continuously from the input data. Conclusion: In typical applications an Arden Syntax MLM can produce a different output after only slight changes of the input; discontinuities are in fact unavoidable when the input varies continuously but the output is taken from a discrete set of possibilities. This inconvenience can, however, be attenuated by means of certain mechanisms on which the programme flow under Fuzzy Arden Syntax is based. To write a programme making use of these possibilities is not significantly more difficult than to write a programme according to the usual practice.
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center is implementing a decision-support system based on the Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Modules (MLM's). The system uses a compiler-interpreter pair. MLM's are first compiled into pseudo-codes, which are instructions for a virtual machine. The MLM's are then executed using an interpreter that emulates the virtual machine. This design has resulted in increased portability, easier debugging and verification, and more compact compiled MLM's. The time spent interpreting the MLM pseudo-codes has been found to be insignificant compared to database accesses. The compiler, which is written using the tools "lex" and "yacc," optimizes MLM's by minimizing the number of database accesses. The interpreter emulates a stack-oriented machine. A phased implementation of the syntax was used to speed the development of the system.
Corresponding Author Karsten Fehre Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems Medical University of Vienna Spitalgasse 23, BT 88 A-1090 Vienna Email: karsten
  • L A Zadeh
ZADEH, L. A., Fuzzy Sets. Information and Control 8:338–353, 1965. Corresponding Author Karsten Fehre Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems Medical University of Vienna Spitalgasse 23, BT 88.03, A-1090 Vienna Email: 212
Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems, Version 2.7
  • Health Level
HEALTH LEVEL 7, Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems, Version 2.7. Health Level 7, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008.
Corresponding Author Karsten Fehre Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems Medical University of Vienna Spitalgasse 23
  • Fuzzy Sets
ZADEH, L. A., Fuzzy Sets. Information and Control 8:338–353, 1965. Corresponding Author Karsten Fehre Section for Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems Medical University of Vienna Spitalgasse 23, BT 88.03, A-1090 Vienna Email:
  • On Decidability
QUINE, W. V, On Decidability and Completeness. Synthése 7:441–446, 1949.
Vorschläge zur Spezifikation der Programmiersprache Fuzzy Arden Syntax (Proposal of a specification of the programming language Fuzzy Arden Syntax
  • T Mandl
  • H Adlassnig
VETTERLEIN, T., MANDL, H., ADLASSNIG, K.-P., Vorschläge zur Spezifikation der Programmiersprache Fuzzy Arden Syntax (Proposal of a specification of the programming language Fuzzy Arden Syntax-in German).