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Evidence based exercise: Clinical benefits of high intensity interval training



Background: Aerobic exercise has a marked impact on cardiovascular disease risk. Benefits include improved serum lipid profiles, blood pressure and inflammatory markers as well as reduced risk of stroke, acute coronary syndrome and overall cardiovascular mortality. Most exercise programs prescribed for fat reduction involve continuous, moderate aerobic exercise, as per Australian Heart Foundation clinical guidelines. Objective: This article describes the benefits of exercise for patients with cardiovascular and metabolic disease and details the numerous benefits of high intensity interval training (HIIT) in particular. Discussion: Aerobic exercise has numerous benefits for high-risk populations and such benefits, especially weight loss, are amplified with HIIT. High intensity interval training involves repeatedly exercising at a high intensity for 30 seconds to several minutes, separated by 1-5 minutes of recovery (either no or low intensity exercise). HIT is associated with increased patient compliance and improved cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes and is suitable for implementation in both healthy and 'at risk' populations. Importantly, as some types of exercise are contraindicated in certain patient populations and HIIT is a complex concept for those unfamiliar to exercise, some patients may require specific assessment or instruction before commencing a HIIT program.
Evidence based exercise
Clinical benefits of high intensity interval training
Tim Shiraev
Gabriella Barclay
mortality.5–10 Exercise has been shown to be
an important additional strategy to a weight
loss program.11 However, in Australia, nearly
40% of males and 60% of females carry out
insufficient daily physical activity.12
Aerobic exercise has a marked impact on
cardiovascular disease risk. Benefits include
improved serum lipid profiles, blood pressure
and inflammatory markers as well as reduced
risk of stroke, acute coronary syndrome and
overall cardiovascular mortality.13–19 Additionally,
aerobic exercise is effective in the prevention and
management of insulin resistance and T2DM.20,21
A recent meta-analysis looking at the effect of
different levels of light or moderate physical activity
on all cause mortality demonstrated that 30 minutes
of moderate exercise five times per week (the basis
of most exercise prescription guidelines22) reduced
all cause mortality by 19% versus no activity.23
Importantly, as light or moderate aerobic exercise
can be carried out in an incidental manner, it is
potentially accessible and nondisruptive to most of
the population.
High intensity interval
Many exercise programs prescribed for fat reduction
involve continuous, moderate aerobic exercise
(CME), as per Australian Heart Foundation clinical
guidelines.22 However, such exercise programs
have been shown to fail to result in significant fat
High intensity interval training (HIIT) involves
repeatedly exercising at a high intensity for 30
seconds to several minutes, separated by 1–5
minutes of recovery (either no or low intensity
exercise).25 The most common HIIT intervention
used in studies is the Wingate Protocol developed
in the 1970s.26 This involves 30 seconds of cycling
at maximum effort (at an intensity of over 90% of
maximal oxygen uptake, also known as 90% of VO2
Obesity rates in Australia are among
the highest in the world,1 with one in 4
adults being obese.2 Obesity increases
the risk of coronary heart disease, type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and stroke,
three of the top five causes of burden of
disease and injury in Australia.2 Dietary
modification is the mainstay of any
weight loss program3,4 and has been
shown to improve cardiovascular and
metabolic risk factors including blood
pressure, lipids, serum glucose, glycated
haemoglobin (HbA1c) and insulin
levels as well as reducing risk of acute
coronary syndromes, stroke and all cause
Aerobic exercise has a marked impact on cardiovascular disease risk. Benefits
include improved serum lipid profiles, blood pressure and inflammatory
markers as well as reduced risk of stroke, acute coronary syndrome and overall
cardiovascular mortality. Most exercise programs prescribed for fat reduction
involve continuous, moderate aerobic exercise, as per Australian Heart
Foundation clinical guidelines.
This article describes the benefits of exercise for patients with cardiovascular and
metabolic disease and details the numerous benefits of high intensity interval
training (HIIT) in particular.
Aerobic exercise has numerous benefits for high-risk populations and such
benefits, especially weight loss, are amplified with HIIT. High intensity interval
training involves repeatedly exercising at a high intensity for 30 seconds to
several minutes, separated by 1–5 minutes of recovery (either no or low intensity
exercise). HIT is associated with increased patient compliance and improved
cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes and is suitable for implementation in
both healthy and ‘at risk’ populations. Importantly, as some types of exercise are
contraindicated in certain patient populations and HIIT is a complex concept for
those unfamiliar to exercise, some patients may require specific assessment or
instruction before commencing a HIIT program.
exercise therapy; risk factors; body weight
clinicalEvidence based exercise – clinical benefits of high intensity interval training
max) separated by 4 minutes of recovery, repeated
4–6 times per session, with three sessions
per week.25,27 This results in only 2–3 minutes
of exercise at maximum intensity and 15–25
minutes of low intensity exercise per session,
making it a time efficient method of exercise. Less
demanding protocols may be utilised for sedentary,
overweight patients, which is important to
remember considering the target patient population
for exercise as prevention and management of
cardiovascular and metabolic disease.
HIIT vs continuous
moderate exercise
High intensity interval training has been shown to
significantly reduce subcutaneous fat, especially
abdominal fat,27 as well as total body mass,28,29
and to improve VO2 max (a marker of physical
fitness)30 and insulin sensitivity.31 In comparison
with CME, HIIT burns more calories and increases
postexercise fat oxidation and energy expenditure
more than steady-state exercise.32 Further, HIIT
decreased total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol,
while increasing HDL-cholesterol33 and VO2 max32
more than CME. Interestingly, in a 2008 study,
fat loss was significantly increased after HIIT,
while fat loss did not change in CME patients
versus controls,31 ie. there was no difference in
fat loss between subjects carrying out CME and
the inactive subjects. In a study that highlights
the efficacy of HIIT, subjects carrying out HIIT
demonstrated improvements in endothelial
function, VO2 max, body mass index (BMI), body
fat percentage, blood pressure and glucose
regulation, more so than a group receiving dietary
and psychological advice in addition to CME.29
Perhaps most importantly, increased exercise
energy expenditure (such as with HIIT) as assessed
by metabolic equivalents (METs) has been shown to
result in a reduced risk of cardiovascular events in
both males18 and females,17 and decrease all cause
mortality.34 However, long term studies are needed
to specifically assess the effect of HIIT on overall
HIIT effects in high risk
In patients with cardiovascular disease, HIIT was
shown to be superior to CME in reducing blood
pressure,35 improving endothelial function,35–37 lipid
profiles,38 VO2 max,38 left ventricular37 and overall
myocardial function,35 as well as reversing left
ventricular remodelling in heart failure patients.37
Patients with metabolic syndrome who carry out
HIIT have been demonstrated to have improved
endothelial function, insulin signalling, blood
glucose and lipogenesis.29
Studies carried out in T2DM patients
demonstrated reduced blood glucose and increased
mitochondrial capacity and GLUT4 expression after
only 2 weeks of three 20 minute sessions of HIIT
per week,39 and have been shown to significantly
improve glucose tolerance at 6 months with no
such changes in CME subjects.40
Importantly, HIIT programs are not only
effective, but are also safe. HIIT has been used
effectively in patients with diabetes,39 stable
angina,41 heart failure37 and after myocardial
infarct,38 as well as postcardiac stenting42 and
coronary artery grafting.43
Further research is still required into the effect
of HIIT versus CME in cohorts with cardiometabolic
diseases, especially observation of long term
outcomes. Similarly, elucidation of the efficacy
of HIIT in certain patient populations is needed,
such as in those who have recovered from a
cerebrovascular event or in those suffering from
peripheral arterial disease.
Patient perspectives
A common reason given for not exercising is time
constraints,44 and long term adherence to exercise
programs is often less than 50% at 6 months.45 HIIT
allows equal or improved outcomes for markedly
less time investment and has the potential to be
associated with higher rates of adherence46 due
to the varied protocol leading to less boredom,29,47
although this remains controversial.48 In one study,
similar changes were seen over a 6 week period
in both HIIT subjects and CME subjects, although
HIIT subjects performed only 20% of the exercise
duration performed by the CME group,49 making it
an extremely efficient intervention.
Potential disadvantages of
Injuries are often a concern when beginning any
exercise program (particularly one such as HIIT),
especially in elderly and sedentary patients. While
musculoskeletal injuries may occur, they are not
more common in groups performing HIIT50 versus
other forms of exercise and can be minimised
with careful selection of exercise equipment,
for example cycling instead of walking. A recent
systematic review demonstrated no cardiac or
other potentially lethal events across seven HIIT
studies in patients with coronary artery disease,51
suggesting HIIT is very safe when performed in a
controlled environment, although prescription of
such exercise must be considered on an individual
patient basis.
Due to the extreme energy expenditure
required in the interval phases of HIIT, high levels
of motivation are required. While effective in
controlled trials, and perhaps associated with
higher adherence levels (as discussed above),
studies to assess long term adherence rates to HIIT
are still needed.
Importantly, as some types of exercise are
contraindicated in certain patient populations52
and because HIIT is a complex concept for those
unfamiliar to exercise, some patients may require
specific assessment or instruction in HIIT from an
exercise physiologist or physiotherapist.
High intensity interval training has been shown to
have numerous clinical benefits for both healthy
and ‘at risk’ populations. General practitioners
are encouraged to discuss with their patients the
concept of ‘evidence based exercise’ and using HIIT
as part of their exercise program.
Tim Shiraev BSc(Hons) is a final year medical
student, University of Notre Dame, School of
Medicine, Sydney, New South Wales. timothy.
Gabriella Barclay BSc(Nutrition)(Hons), is a dieti-
cian, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, New South
Conflict of interest: none declared.
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... High intensity training has been shown to be safe for both the healthy and diseased populations (8,12). Studies on special populations, namely obese young females (22), chronic stroke survivors (9), and patients with cardiovascular and metabolic disease (24) supported this. ...
... The rationales underlying the potential efficacy of HIIT as a promising strategy for addressing diabesity encompass the use of muscle glycogen, heightened insulin sensitivity, enhanced adipose tissue reduction, elevated cardiorespiratory fitness, modulation of gut microbiota iScience Article composition, augmented caloric expenditure, and regulation of appetite. [21][22][23] In the current investigation, we observed outcomes from HIIT that align with those previously documented in existing literature (depicted in Figures 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B). From a historical vantage point, given that HIIT yields such favorable outcomes and demands less time for execution, it has engendered a transformative shift in global iScience Article physical activity engagement. ...
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Investigations involving high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have proven to be efficient in controlling diabesity. This study aimed to assess the impact of discontinuing HIIT and retraining within the context of diabesity. 75 C57BL6 mice went through 5 stages: baseline, induction of diabesity with Western diet, training, detraining, and retraining (6 weeks each period). Detraining led to elevated adiposity, exacerbated metabolic parameters and intestinal health, and altered gut microbiota composition. Retraining restored blood glucose regulation and enhanced intestinal health yet did not induce fat reduction. While both training and retraining exerted an effect on the composition of the gut microbiota, the impact of diet demonstrates a more substantial potency compared to that of exercise concerning intestinal health and microbiome. These findings may contribute to a broader understanding of diabesity management and introduce perspectives for the use of specific physical training to enhance patient outcomes and intestine health.
... Interval training, often referred to as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is a training method where, in a single session, exercise bouts performed at high intensity are interspersed with periods of active or passive recovery, both lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes Blondel et al. 2001). Many studies have shown that HIIT can be a time-efficient and enjoyable method to improve health, fitness, and sports performance for clinical populations, healthy subjects, and athletes (Bacon et al. 2013;Milanović, Sporiš, and Weston 2015;Shiraev and Barclay 2012). Although HIIT is widely used in many sports (Rosenblat 2021), the prescription of HIIT sessions involves several parameters such as the number of sets and repetitions per set, the duration and intensity of the high-intensity and recovery intervals, etc. ...
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In many physical activities, exercise is not continuous, but intermittent: it involves a sequence of exercise fractions at varying intensities, some higher than others. In planned training, this type of exercise is found in the form of high intensity interval training (HIIT), which is an effective and time-efficient approach that has been popular in high-performance sports over the last century, and in clinical settings for the past twenty years. Models are available to predict performance during continuous exercise (without intensity variation) over various durations. The ecological validity of some continuous exercise models has been reported. However, this is not the case for intermittent exercise, which has several parameters that can be modified, leading to a large variation in individual responses. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to compare the major models of intermittent exercise and determine their strengths and weaknesses, the constructs on which they are based, and their applicability to various physical activities. The master’s thesis also reviews the evolution of continuous exercise models to better understand the elements that need to be considered to improve the validity of intermittent exercise modelling. Due to the lack of quality data to compare a set of HIIT sessions of the same degree of difficulty, the thesis presents a study that uses simulations to identify the main limitations of the intermittent exercise models included in commercial applications, i.e., the Coggan and Skiba models. The study reveals the limitations of these models in prescribing sessions with a low number of repetitions performed at supramaximal intensity, interspersed with long recovery periods. The main intermittent exercise models have limitations that restrict their widespread use. In order for intermittent exercise modelling to evolve into more valid models that improve understanding of the physiological phenomena involved, it is crucial that the models be tested against a robust set of comparable intermittent exercise data. The thesis draws a detailed portrait of the continuous and intermittent exercise models, accounts for their evolution over time, and provides elements to guide future exercise modelling. Finally, the thesis identifies the limits of the current intermittent exercise models, makes recommendations to sports practitioners to promote their good use, and proposes a modification to the Coggan model that reduces its limitations. Key words: modelling, critical power, anaerobic reserve, training load Dans plusieurs activités physiques, l’exercice n’est pas continu, mais intermittent : il comprend un enchaînement de fractions d’exercice à des intensités variées, certaines plus élevées que d’autres. Dans l’entraînement planifié, on retrouve ce type d’exercice sous la forme de l’entraînement par intervalles (EPI), qui est une approche efficace et économe en temps, très populaire dans les milieux sportifs depuis plus d’un siècle, et dans les milieux cliniques depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années. Des modèles sont disponibles permettant de prédire les performances lors de l’exercice continu (sans variation d’intensité) sur des durées variées. La validité écologique de certains modèles de l’exercice continu a été rapportée, montrant leur capacité à s’appliquer aux situations observées sur le terrain. Ce n’est toutefois pas le cas pour l’exercice intermittent, qui comporte plusieurs paramètres pouvant être modifiés, et menant à une grande variation des réponses individuelles. L’objectif du mémoire est de comparer les principaux modèles de l’exercice intermittent et déterminer leurs forces et leurs faiblesses, les construits sur lesquels ils sont fondés, et leur applicabilité dans diverses activités physiques. Il s’agit aussi de revoir l’évolution des modèles de l’exercice continu pour mieux comprendre les éléments à considérer pour améliorer la validité de la modélisation de l’exercice intermittent. Face au manque de données de qualité permettant de comparer un ensemble de séances d’EPI de même degré de difficulté, le mémoire présente une étude qui procède par simulations pour identifier les principales limites des modèles de l’exercice intermittent inclus dans des applications commerciales, soit les modèles de Coggan et de Skiba. L’étude révèle les limites de ces modèles quant à la prescription de séances comprenant un faible nombre de répétitions effectuées à intensité supramaximale, entrecoupées de longues périodes de récupération. Les principaux modèles de l’exercice intermittent présentent des limites restreignant leur utilisation généralisée. Pour que la modélisation de l’exercice intermittent évolue vers des modèles plus valides, permettant d’améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes physiologiques en jeu, il est crucial de confronter les modèles à un ensemble robuste de données comparables de l’exercice intermittent. Le mémoire dresse un portrait détaillé des modèles de l’exercice continu et intermittent, fait état de leur évolution au fil du temps, et propose des éléments pour guider la suite des travaux de modélisation. Enfin, le mémoire identifie les limites des modèles de courants de l’exercice intermittent, présente des recommandations aux intervenants sportifs pour favoriser la bonne utilisation de ceux-ci, en plus de fournir une modification du modèle de Coggan qui diminue les limites de celui-ci. Mots-clés : modélisation, puissance critique, réserve anaérobie, charge d’entraînement
... Increasingly, following the COVID-19 pandemic, exercise performed at home has become an important alternative to fitness activities performed in shared spaces such as gyms [11]. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), a form of exercise that involves short bursts of high-intensity activity (e.g., sprinting) interspersed by periods of rest, is associated with numerous health benefits, including improvement in stamina [12] and reduced risk of cerebrovascular events [13]. Although there are no case studies linking HIIT or circuit training with EIIC, the pathophysiological mechanisms of prolonged intense exercise leading to gut hypoperfusion are likely transferable between different forms of endurance exercise, especially if rest periods are short. ...
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The current case presents a male in his 40s without significant past medical, surgical, or family history. Hematochezia started immediately after one hour of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which included free-weight exercises and a circuit training instructional video. Relevant investigations included negative stool cultures and flexible sigmoidoscopy showing ischemic colitis in the mid-sigmoid. Histology also supported ischemic etiology, leading to the diagnosis of exercise-induced ischemic colitis (EIIC). The patient made a full recovery following supportive treatment, including intravenous fluid. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of ischemic colitis secondary to HIIT performed at home. The case reviews risk factors for EIIC and highlights the diagnosis as being possible outside the context of long-distance and endurance exercise.
... : 2541-7126 (Print) 556 khusus untuk melakukannya sehingga dapat dilakukan di area mana saja (Klika & Jordan, 2013). Penelitian sebelumnnya mengungkapkan manfaat latihan HIIT seperti pada kebugaran kardiorespirasi (Nugraha & Berawi, 2017), peningkatan VO2Max pelari jarak jauh (Herlan, & Komarudin, 2020) dan berbagai manfaat pada kesehatan hanya dengan waktu latihan yang singkat daripada program latihan lainnya (Shiraev & Barclay, 2012 ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan latihan kebugaran HIIT 7 Menit dalam bentuk sebuah aplikasi android yang kelayakannya teruji sehingga bisa dengan mudah digunakan oleh pengguna untuk meningkatkan kualitas kebugaran melalui panduan dari sebuah aplikasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Tiga orang pakar terlibat untuk memvalidasi desain aplikasi android yang dibuat dan validasi pengguna oleh 60 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling. Instumen yang digunakan adalah intrumen validasi ahil media dan materi, serta instrumen validasi pengguna menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif statistik. Hasil validitas kelayakan latihan kebugaran HIIT 7 Minutes memperoleh persentase 84%, 87%, dan 89% yang artinya bahwa aplikasi yang dikembangkan telah valid dan layak digunakan. Dengan adanya hasil dari penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas kebugaran pengguna aplikasi, membantu para praktisi olahraga dalam meningkatkan kebugaran secara mandiri, membantu para pelatih untuk memberikan menu latihan mandiri bagi atletnya melalui bantuan aplikasi android.
... Furthermore, we propose a supervised endurance training program that alternates moderate and high intensities, with personalized target intensities, adjusted according to the physical characteristics of the subject. This type of training has already been proposed to patients presenting cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndrome [58][59][60][61], with a growing body of evidence emerging in cancer patients [16]. Training has been associated with many benefits, such as improving physical functioning and fitness (i.e., V˙O 2 peak), reducing side effects of cancer treatments, preventing bone loss and weight gain, increasing muscle strength, decreasing cancer-related fatigue and improving quality of life [16,[62][63][64][65][66]. ...
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Background Up to 70% of breast cancer patients report symptoms of insomnia during and after treatment. Despite the ubiquity of insomnia symptoms, they are under-screened, under-diagnosed and poorly managed in breast cancer patients. Sleep medications treat symptoms but are ineffective to cure insomnia. Other approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, relaxation through yoga and mindfulness are often not available for patients and are complex to implement. An aerobic exercise program could be a promising treatment and a feasible option for insomnia management in breast cancer patients, but few studies have investigated the effects of such a program on insomnia. Methods This multicenter, randomized clinical trial evaluate the effectiveness of a moderate to high intensity physical activity program (45 min, 3 times per week), lasting 12 weeks, in minimizing insomnia, sleep disturbances, anxiety/depression, fatigue, and pain, and in enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness. Patients with breast cancer be recruited from six hospitals in France and randomly allocated to either the “training” or the “control” group. Baseline assessments include questionnaires [Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire (PSQI), Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)], home polysomnography (PSG), and 7-day actigraphy coupled with completion of a sleep diary. Assessments are repeated at the end of training program and at six-month follow-up. Discussion This clinical trial will provide additional evidence regarding the effectiveness of physical exercise in minimizing insomnia during and after chemotherapy. If shown to be effective, exercise intervention programs will be welcome addition to the standard program of care offered to patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy. Trial registration : National Clinical Trials Number (NCT04867096).
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The aim of the research was to investigate how students who play volleyball’s resting pulse rate and breath holding time are affected by high intensity interval training. Thirty volleyball players from Karnataka were chosen as subjects for the study. There were two equal groups formed out of them. Every group comprised the fifteen participants. For twelve weeks, Group I received high intensity interval training three days a week. Group II served as the control group and was not subjected to any additional training beyond their usual physical education curriculum. The variables that were chosen as criteria were the resting pulse rate and the breath holding time. Before and right after the training programme, all of the participants in the two groups were tested on a few chosen dependent variables, such as breath holding time and resting pulse rate, using bend-knee sit-ups and Cooper’s 12-minute run/walk test, respectively. To determine whether there was a significant difference between the groups, the analysis of covariance was employed. The significance level for testing the ‘F’ ratio derived from the analysis of covariance was set at the.05 level of confidence, which was deemed suitable.There was a significant difference between high intensity interval training group and control group on breath holding time and resting pulse rate
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Background The term "diabesity," which refers to the simultaneous presence of diabetes and obesity, is associated with a significant mortality rate globally. However, there is a lack of comprehensive literature on the effects of stopping high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and then resuming it. This study sought to examine how the interruption and subsequent resumption of HIIT impacted the physiological changes in mice with diabesity. Seventy-five C57BL6 mice were used in this study, divided into five stages: baseline, diabesity induction, training, detraining, and retraining. Diabesity was induced in two groups of mice (obese - Western Diet, and control - diet AIN) over 10 weeks. Both groups were further divided into control and trained animals, with each stage (training, detraining, and retraining) lasting 6 weeks. HIIT was performed three times a week, consisting of five sets at 90% of maximum speed (Vmax). This study also analyzed various parameters, including lipid profile, glycemic kinetics, blood glucose, adiposity index, intestinal histology, and gut microbiota profile. Results HIIT resulted in metabolic enhancements and a fat loss, whereas the detraining led to a decline in these alterations. Although retraining exhibits a degree of blood glucose regulation, it was not effective in generating fat loss and weight loss. Conversely, HIIT retraining seems to enhance goblet cell populations and increase gut crypt depth, concurrently causing modifications in the gut microbiota composition. While both the initial training and subsequent retraining exerted an effect on the composition of the gut microbiota, the impact of a Western diet demonstrates a more substantial potency compared to that of physical training concerning intestinal health and microbial composition. Conclusions These findings may contribute to a broader understanding of diabesity management and introduce novel perspectives for the use of physical training to enhance patient outcomes in gut microbiota composition.
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Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) compared with moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) for people with interstitial lung disease (ILD). Design: Single-centre, randomised controlled feasibility, pilot trial. Setting: Patients were recruited from the chest clinic of a tertiary ILD centre and attended circuit-based PR in the hospital’s gym, followed by a personalised 6-month community programme. Participants: 58 patients, stratified per ILD type, were randomised into two groups: 33 to HIIT (18 males:15 females) (mean age (SD): 70.2 (11.4) years) and 25 to the MICT exercise mode (14 males:11 females) (mean age (SD): 69.8 (10.8) years). Interventions: 8-week, twice weekly, circuit-based PR programme of exercise and education, followed by a personalised 6-month community exercise programme. Outcome measures: Feasibility outcomes included staff-to-patient ratio and dropout rates per group. Primary outcome was the 6 min walk distance (6MWD). Secondary outcomes included the sniff nasal pressure, mouth inspiratory and expiratory pressures, handgrip and quadriceps strength and health status. Random-effects models were used to evaluate average variation in outcomes through time across the two groups. Results: The 6MWD peaked earlier with HIIT compared with MICT (at 4 months vs 5 months) but values were lower at peak (mean (95% CI): 26.3 m (3.5 to 49.1) vs 51.6 m (29.2 to 73.9)) and declined faster at 6 months post-PR. Secondary outcomes showed similar faster but smaller improvements with HIIT over MICT and more consistent maintenance 6 months post-PR with MICT than HIIT. Conclusions: HIIT is feasible in circuit-based ILD PR programmes and provides quick improvements but requires closer supervision of training and resources than MICT and benefits may be less well sustained. This would make it a less attractive option for clinical PR programmes. A definitive, multicentre randomised controlled trial is required to address the role of HIIT in ILD.
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Objective: To systematically review all the prospective cohort studies that have analysed the relation between adherence to a Mediterranean diet, mortality, and incidence of chronic diseases in a primary prevention setting. Design: Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Data sources: English and non-English publications in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1966 to 30 June 2008. Studies reviewed Studies that analysed prospectively the association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet, mortality, and incidence of diseases; 12 studies, with a total of 1 574,299 subjects followed for a time ranging from three to 18 years were included. Results: The cumulative analysis among eight cohorts (514,816 subjects and 33,576 deaths) evaluating overall mortality in relation to adherence to a Mediterranean diet showed that a two point increase in the adherence score was significantly associated with a reduced risk of mortality (pooled relative risk 0.91, 95% confidence interval 0.89 to 0.94). Likewise, the analyses showed a beneficial role for greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular mortality (pooled relative risk 0.91, 0.87 to 0.95), incidence of or mortality from cancer (0.94, 0.92 to 0.96), and incidence of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease (0.87, 0.80 to 0.96). Conclusions: Greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a significant improvement in health status, as seen by a significant reduction in overall mortality (9%), mortality from cardiovascular diseases (9%), incidence of or mortality from cancer (6%), and incidence of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease (13%). These results seem to be clinically relevant for public health, in particular for encouraging a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern for primary prevention of major chronic diseases.
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The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the link between training characteristics (volume, duration, frequency, and intensity) and running related injuries. A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and SportDiscus. Studies were included if they examined novice, recreational, or elite runners between the ages of 18 and 65. Exposure variables were training characteristics defined as volume, distance or mileage, time or duration, frequency, intensity, speed or pace, or similar terms. The outcome of interest was Running Related Injuries (RRI) in general or specific RRI in the lower extremity or lower back. Methodological quality was evaluated using quality assessment tools of 11 to 16 items. After examining 4561 titles and abstracts, 63 articles were identified as potentially relevant. Finally, nine retrospective cohort studies, 13 prospective cohort studies, six case-control studies, and three randomized controlled trials were included. The mean quality score was 44.1%. Conflicting results were reported on the relationships between volume, duration, intensity, and frequency and RRI. It was not possible to identify which training errors were related to running related injuries. Still, well supported data on which training errors relate to or cause running related injuries is highly important for determining proper prevention strategies. If methodological limitations in measuring training variables can be resolved, more work can be conducted to define training and the interactions between different training variables, create several hypotheses, test the hypotheses in a large scale prospective study, and explore cause and effect relationships in randomized controlled trials. 2a.
Context Studies have shown an inverse relationship between exercise and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), but data on type and intensity are sparse. Objective To assess the amount, type, and intensity of physical activity in relation to risk of CHD among men. Design, Setting, and Participants A cohort of 44452 US men enrolled in the Health Professionals' Follow-up Study, followed up at 2-year intervals from 1986 through January 31, 1998, to assess potential CHD risk factors, identify newly diagnosed cases of CHD, and assess levels of leisure-time physical activity. Main Outcome Measure Incident nonfatal myocardial infarction or fatal CHD occurring during the follow-up period. Results During 475755 person-years, we documented 1700 new cases of CHD. Total physical activity, running, weight training, and rowing were each inversely associated with risk of CHID. The RRs (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) corresponding to quintiles of metabolic equivalent tasks (METs) for total physical activity adjusted for age, smoking, and other cardiovascular risk factors were 1.0, 0.90 (0.78-1.04), 0.87 (0.75-1.00), 0.83 (0.71-0.96), and 0.70 (0.59-0.82) (P<.001 for trend). Men who ran for an hour or more per week had a 42% risk reduction (RR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.44-0.77) compared with men who did not run (P<.001 for trend). Men who trained with weights for 30 minutes or more per week had a 23% risk reduction (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.61-0.98) compared with men who did not train with weights (P=.03 for trend). Rowing for 1 hour or more per week was associated with an 18% risk reduction (RR, 0.82; 05% CI, 0.68-0.99). Average exercise intensity was associated with reduced CHD risk independent of the total volume of physical activity. The RRs (95% CIs) corresponding to moderate (4-6 MET's) and high (6-12 METs) activity intensities were 0.94 (0.83-1.04) and 0.83 (0.72-0.97) compared with low activity intensity (<4 ME Ts) (P=.02 for trend). A half-hour per day or more of brisk walking was associated with an 18% risk reduction (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.67-1.00). Walking pace was associated with reduced CHD risk independent of the number of walking hours. Conclusions Total physical activity, running, weight training, and walking were each associated with reduced CHID risk. Average exercise intensity was associated with reduced risk independent of the number of MET-hours spent in physical activity.
Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial for the prevention and management of hypertension. In the general population, physical activity has been shown to decrease mortality. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify and synthesize the literature examining the impact of physical activity on mortality in patients with high blood pressure (BP). An extensive search was conducted by two independent authors using Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library electronic databases (between 1985 and January 2012) and manual search from the reference list of relevant articles. Inclusion criteria were as follows: longitudinal design with minimum 1-year follow-up; hypertensive status of the cohort was indicated; and BP, physical activity, and mortality were measured. Six articles evaluating a combined total of 48 ,448 men and 47 ,625 women satisfied the inclusion criteria. Cardiovascular and/or all-cause mortality were shown to be inversely related to physical activity in all studies. For example, patients with high BP who participated in any level of physical activity had a reduced risk (by 16-67%) of cardiovascular mortality, whereas a greater than two-fold increase in risk of mortality was noted in nonactive individuals. However, activity classification and parameters, such as frequency, duration, intensity, and volume, as well as BP status, were not consistent across studies. Regular physical activity is beneficial for reducing mortality in patients with high BP. More research is needed to establish the impact of specific kinds of physical activity and whether any differences exist between sexes.