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Nitric Oxide-Dependent Posttranslational Modification in Plants: An Update


Abstract and Figures

Nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated as an essential regulator of several physiological processes in plants. The understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying its critical role constitutes a major field of research. NO can exert its biological function through different ways, such as the modulation of gene expression, the mobilization of second messengers, or interplays with protein kinases. Besides this signaling events, NO can be responsible of the posttranslational modifications (PTM) of target proteins. Several modifications have been identified so far, whereas metal nitrosylation, the tyrosine nitration and the S-nitrosylation can be considered as the main ones. Recent data demonstrate that these PTM are involved in the control of a wide range of physiological processes in plants, such as the plant immune system. However, a great deal of effort is still necessary to pinpoint the role of each PTM in plant physiology. Taken together, these new advances in proteomic research provide a better comprehension of the role of NO in plant signaling.
Schematic illustration of NO dependent PTM in plants. To date, all the analyses of NO-modified proteins in plants followed an NO production induced by (a)biotic stress or NO donors treatment. The NO radical can react with transition metals (M) of metalloproteins. This process is called metal nitrosylation and can affect notably (non)-symbiotic hemoglobins (nsHb and sHb) and an Arabidopsis thaliana NO-dependent guanylate cyclase (AtNOGC1). The Tyr nitration depends on the formation of NO derivatives, particularly peroxynitrite formed in the presence of the superoxide anion (O2•−). Nitration occurs on one of the two carbon equivalent (C3) of the aromatic ring of tyrosine residues to form a 3-nitrotyrosine. This reaction has been demonstrated in plants for the ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR), the guanylate cyclase of Medicago truncatula (MtGS1a) or the of O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase A1 (OASA1). Protein S-nitrosylation is the electrophilic attack of nitrosonium cation (NO+, resulting from the oxidation of NO) on a thiolate group of a cysteine residue of a target protein. Among numerous proteins, this posttranslational modification affect for example peroxyredoxin II E (PrxII E), salicylic acid binding protein 3 (SABP3), nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1), transcription factor TGA1, respiratory burst oxidase homologue D (RBOHD) or cell division cycle 48 (CDC48). All these modifications will participate to the change of the plant cell physiology depending on the stimulus applied.
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Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 15193-15208; doi:10.3390/ijms131115193
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
ISSN 1422-0067
Nitric Oxide-Dependent Posttranslational Modification in Plants:
An Update
Jeremy Astier and Christian Lindermayr
Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Ingolstädter Landstr. 1,
85764 Neuherberg, Germany; E-Mails: (J.A.); (C.L.); Tel.: +49-89-3187-2129 (J.A.);
+49-89-3187-2285 (C.L.); Fax: +49-89-3187-3383 (J.A.); +49-89-3187-3383 (C.L.)
Received: 6 September 2012; in revised form: 16 October 2012 / Accepted: 6 November 2012 /
Published: 16 November 2012
Abstract: Nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated as an essential regulator of several
physiological processes in plants. The understanding of the molecular mechanism
underlying its critical role constitutes a major field of research. NO can exert its biological
function through different ways, such as the modulation of gene expression, the
mobilization of second messengers, or interplays with protein kinases. Besides this
signaling events, NO can be responsible of the posttranslational modifications (PTM) of
target proteins. Several modifications have been identified so far, whereas metal
nitrosylation, the tyrosine nitration and the S-nitrosylation can be considered as the main
ones. Recent data demonstrate that these PTM are involved in the control of a wide range
of physiological processes in plants, such as the plant immune system. However, a great
deal of effort is still necessary to pinpoint the role of each PTM in plant physiology. Taken
together, these new advances in proteomic research provide a better comprehension of the
role of NO in plant signaling.
Keywords: metal nitrosylation; S-nitrosylation; tyrosine nitration; nitric oxide;
posttranslational modification; plants
1. Introduction
Nitric oxide (NO) is a ubiquitous diatomic gas that has been described as an important regulator of
a wide range of physiological processes in animal models [1]. NO production is not restricted to
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13 15194
animal cells, and several studies have shown that it takes place in other kingdoms, such as plant
organisms [2]. Several lines of evidence indicate that NO can be synthesized in plants from nitrite,
polyamines and L-arginine, through nonenzymatic or enzymatic mechanisms [3,4]. However, with the
exception of nitrate reductase, the corresponding enzymes are yet to be identified, and understanding
NO generation in plants remains an important challenge [4,5]. Nevertheless, the functions of NO in
plants have been widely studied over the past decades and a significant amount of evidence
demonstrated the involvement of NO in the regulation of several biological processes, including
hormonal signaling, root growth, stomatal closing, iron homeostasis, germination, or pollen tube
growth. Moreover, NO participates in the establishment of adaptive responses against biotic and
abiotic stresses in plants [2,6–8].
Although the described NO functions in plants have been increasing over the last years, the precise
molecular mechanisms underlying its physiological roles are still poorly understood. Some works
about NO way of action in plants demonstrated that artificially generated as well as endogenously
produced NO can modulate several gene expressions, involved in stress responses, hormonal signaling
or primary metabolism [4,9–11]. In addition, NO has been demonstrated to impact cGMP, Ca2+,
protein kinase, ROS or phytohormones signaling in plants [2,12–14]. Moreover NO can directly
modify target proteins by posttranslational modification (PTM), three of them being the major
NO-dependent PTM. The first one concerns the interaction of NO moiety with metalloproteins in a
so-called metal nitrosylation. The second refers to the modification of tyrosine residues of proteins by
NO, resulting to the formation of 3-nitrotyrosine. The last one concerns the formation of a nitrosothiol
group on cysteine residues of target proteins, in a reaction called S-nitrosylation. Under distinct
conditions, other NO-dependent modifications, such as S-glutathionylation or formation of disulfide
bridges, are also observed [15–17]. However, these modifications will not be discussed in this review.
Here, we will highlight metal nitrosylation, tyrosine nitration, and S-nitrosylation, discuss their
importance and mechanisms of formation, and finally present recent examples of plant proteins
modified by NO.
2. Metal Nitrosylation in Plants
Because of its chemical properties, NO can interact with transition metals of metalloproteins
to form metal-nitrosyl complexes. More precisely, NO· binds iron, zinc or copper centers of
metalloproteins through coordination chemistry [18]. The bound NO group is then susceptible to
further nucleophilic or less frequently electrophilic attacks, depending on the protein bounded [18,19].
This reactivity explains the possible involvement of metal-nitrosyl complexes in the formation of
S-nitrosothiols groups [20]. The reversible formation of the metal-nitrosyl complex will induce
conformational changes that impact the reactivity or the activity of the concerned target
proteins [18,19]. This PTM has been highlighted through the use of different analytical techniques
such as infrared spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, or crystallography assays [21–23].
In animals, a well-described model for this kind of PTM is the activation of soluble guanylate
cyclase (sGC) after N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation in neurons. NO binds to the
six-coordinate complex heme of sGC, which rapidly is converted to a five-coordinate ferrous nitrosyl
complex. This reaction will cause the rupture of Fe-His bound in the heme, leading to conformational
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changes that activate sGC (for review see [24]). This activation results in the production of cyclic
guanosine 3',5' monophosphate (cGMP), a second messenger involved in different signaling
processes [25]. In plants, cGMP has also been linked to NO-dependent signaling [4] and response to
biotic and abiotic stresses, such as NaCl exposure or pathogen attack [26,27]. Although several sGC
have been characterized in plants, only one recent work identified a protein from Arabidopsis thaliana
exhibiting a sGC activity modulated by NO [28]. In this work, authors identified and characterized
AtNOGC1. This protein has been identified using in silico analysis searching for plant proteins
containing a heme-binding motif and a catalytic center of plant GC. Using recombinant protein and the
in vitro activity test, they have shown that AtNOGC1 displays an increased GC activity when treated
with NO. This work strengthens a direct link between NO and cGMP signaling, but the physiological
role of this protein and its regulation by NO remain to be determined in planta.
The best characterized plant protein undergoing metal nitrosylation is hemoglobin. In plants,
hemoglobins are separated in three groups based on their structural properties, namely class 1, 2 and
truncated hemoglobin class 3 [29–31]. Class-1 nonsymbiotic hemoglobins (nsHb) have a high affinity
for oxygen with a low KD and are therefore unlikely to function as oxygen transporters [29–31]. Over
the past decade, extensive work has shown that, in plants, oxygenated class 1 nsHbs can be oxidized
by NO, resulting in nitrate production [32–34]. This NO scavenging reaction is now accepted as a
general mechanism modulating NO bioavailability, participating in the regulation and detoxification
of NO in plants [2,29–31,35]. Some studies also reported similar processes for class-2 symbiotic
hemoglobins (sHb) that are able to interact with NO and to scavenge it [36–39]. Few data are available
for the third class of Hb and no roles of these proteins in NO signaling have yet been demonstrated
in plants.
Beside this NO scavenging role of Hb, recent data have demonstrated that both class-1 and class-2
nsHb could display a nitrite reductase activity, leading to the formation of nitric oxide in vitro during
hypoxia or anoxia [40,41]. These results reinforced the link between NO signaling and hemoglobins.
Nonetheless, complementary analysis must be performed to confirm such activity in vivo.
Few more studies report the inhibition of some target proteins through metal nitrosylation in plants
such as the ascorbate peroxidase, the cytochrome c oxidase, the lipoxygenase or the catalase [42–45].
Recently, Gupta and colleagues [46] have shown that NO produced during hypoxia inhibits the
aconitase, resulting in an increased level of citrate in A. thaliana. Therefore, the precise mechanisms of
inactivation of this protein remain to be determined.
3. Tyrosine Nitration in Plants
Tyrosine (Tyr) nitration is the reaction of a nitrating agent with a tyrosine residue of a target protein
that lead to the addition of a nitro group (NO2) in the ortho position of the phenolic hydroxyl group,
resulting in the formation of 3-nitrotyrosine [47]. The NO2 group originates mainly from peroxynitrite
(ONOO), a powerful oxidative agent resulting from the reaction between NO and the superoxide
anion. Under physiological condition, ONOO can react with CO2 and be further decomposed in CO3
and NO2, a powerful nitrating agent. Moreover, Tyr nitration can result from the reaction of nitric
oxide with tyrosyl radicals [48].
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Tyr nitration is restricted to specific target tyrosine residues [49,50] and can promote
conformational changes that lead to the activation or the inhibition of the target proteins. Although this
modification was first thought to be irreversible, a growing body of evidence tends to demonstrate that
denitration processes may occur, both in enzymatic or nonenzymatic ways [51,52]. Moreover, even if
this PTM is associated with protein degradation in animals [51], it has not been proved in plants.
Furthermore, some proteomics analyses done in A. thaliana challenged by a pathogen have
demonstrated that the increase in nitrated proteins is a transient phenomenon, suggesting that it is a
reversible mechanism [53,54].
The study of this PTM has been mainly based on two methods. The first one is the use of specific
antibodies raised against 3-nitrotyrosine residues, allowing the immuno-purification of the modified
proteins or their detection in western blotting experiments [55]. The other is the use of chemical
analysis techniques such as chromatography purification before mass spectrometry analysis [56–58].
Moreover, some techniques resulting in the specific fluorescent labeling of the 3-nitrotyrosine residues
have been recently developed [59].
The biological significance of this PTM is not well established in plants. It is likely that Tyr
nitration interferes with signaling based on phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, especially if both
modifications involve the same Tyr residues. However, no published data is yet available for such
mechanism in plants [52].
Only few works have been done so far to determine Tyr nitrated proteins in plants. Early
approaches reporting evidence for the occurrence of Tyr nitration in plants concerned tobacco cells
invalidated for the expression of nitrate reductase [60] or treated by an elicitor [61], leaves of
salt-stressed olive plants [62] and A. thaliana challenged by an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas
syringae [54].
More recent studies aimed in identifying the proteins undergoing this PTM. The first work was
carried out on A. thaliana infected by P. syringae [53]. In this work, authors identified eleven proteins
that are undergoing Tyr nitration during the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), a form
of programmed cell death (PCD) triggered by plant cells at the sites of pathogen infection. The
proteins identified are related to primary metabolism, such as nitrogen assimilation, ATP synthesis,
Calvin cycle and glycolysis and photosynthesis. Interestingly, another group pointed out the
importance of Tyr nitration as a significant PTM for the proteins involved in the photosynthetic
apparatus [63,64].
Using anti-nitrotyrosine antibodies immuno-purification coupled with mass spectrometry analysis,
Chaki and colleagues [65] identified 21 nitrated proteins in total extracts from hypocotyls of untreated
sunflowers plants. These proteins are involved in several processes, such as the primary metabolism
(photo- and ATP synthesis, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism), the proteasome pathway and cell
signaling and antioxidant machinery. A further work done on sunflower hypocotyl submitted to high
temperatures allowed the identification of these 21 proteins plus a new one, a carbonic anhydrase [65].
Moreover the exposition of the sunflowers plants to a high temperature induced a stronger Tyr
nitration of some of the previously identified nitrated proteins, whereas none of them displayed a
reduced level of nitration.
A recent extensive identification of nitrated proteins in plants has been carried out on crude protein
extracts from A. thaliana seedlings using immuno-purification followed by mass spectrometry
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analysis. In this study, Lozano-Juste [66] identified 127 proteins that are putatively Tyr nitrated in
A. thaliana. Among them, 35% have homologs that were previously reported to be nitrated in other
organisms, supporting the relevance of these results. Remarkably, here again more than 60% of the
identified proteins are involved in the primary metabolism.
More recently, Tanou and colleagues [58] assayed the Tyr nitration content of citrus plants, both in
leaves and roots, after salt stress or chemical treatment with NO or H2O2. Out of these analyses, they
were able to identify 88 and 86 putative candidates in leaves and roots, respectively. Remarkably, 23%
of the candidate proteins in leaves are involved in photosynthesis.
If all these recent studies provided putative candidates for Tyr nitration, only few studies
characterized a single protein with the determination of the nitrated residue(s). These more detailed
characterizations are essential to confirm the potential candidates obtained by the broad proteomic
analyses presented above, and to confirm the biological impact of this PTM.
In their study of high temperature treated sunflowers, Chaki and colleagues [67] demonstrated that
the ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR), an enzyme mediating the final step of photosynthetic
electron flow in chloroplasts, was inhibited after SIN-1 (a peroxynitrite generator) treatment in vitro
and after high-temperature treatment in vivo. Nevertheless, the precise Tyr residue involved in this
mechanism remains to be determined.
Àlvarez and collegues [68] recently reported the inhibition of O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase A1
(OASA1) by Tyr nitration in A. thaliana. They have demonstrated that this protein undergoes Tyr
nitration selectively on its Tyr302 residue in vivo after a treatment with SIN-1. The authors explained
that inactivation of this enzyme could avoid an extra production of cysteine and/or glutathione,
preventing locally the scavenging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, further needed in
downstream signaling events for an efficient stress response.
Using the symbiotic model involving root nodule formation between Medicago truncatula and
Sinorhizobium meliloti, Melo and collegues [69] have shown that one of the guanylate cyclase
(MtGS1a) is modified by Tyr nitration. The nitration of the Tyr167 residue of this protein results in a
loss of its activity and occurs in vivo in response to an impaired nitrogen fixation, modulating the
MtGS1a activity in accordance with the cell requirement in ammonia assimilation.
4. S-Nitrosylation in Plants
S-nitrosylation, also known as S-nitrosation, constitutes the most studied and described
NO-dependent PTM in plants. It refers to the reversible covalent binding of an NO moiety to the thiol
group of a cysteinyl residue (Cys) of a target protein, leading to the formation of an S-nitrosothiol
(SNO; [70]). Depending on the target protein concerned, this PTM will lead to a modification of its
enzymatic activity or its protein function.
NO can exist in three different reactive states—nitrosonium cation (NO+), nitric oxide radical
(NO), and nitroxyl anion (NO)—which show different reactivities with thiol groups. While NO· do
not directly interact with thiols, NO+ confers strong electrophilicity and reactivity towards most
biological R-SH species. However, besides the direct S-nitrosylation activity of NO, this molecule
mainly functions as a precursor for several higher nitrogen oxides, which effectively mediate
S-nitrosylation of proteins. Additionally, S-nitrosylation can also be achieved through the exchange of
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the NO moiety from an S-nitrosylated protein in a so-called transnitrosylation reaction [71,72]. Besides
the possibility of the existence of other proteins with suspected transnitrosylases activity in
animals [20], GSNO appears to be one of the major actors of the transnitrosylase activity in plants,
modulating the total SNO content [72–75].
Despite the fact that Cys is present in the majority of plant proteins, S-nitrosylation is restricted to
specific Cys residues. This specificity seems to be driven by the presence of surrounding acidic and
basic amino acids in the vicinity of the considered Cys, and the presence of this residue in an
hydrophobic pocket that can favor the concentration of nitrosylating agents [20]. Moreover, allosteric
and conformational mechanisms that increase the nucleophilicity of the Cys residue favor the
S-nitrosylation, as well as a colocalization of the production of nitrosylating agents with their target
proteins [76]. However, the specificity of S-nitrosylation is still up for discussion. A recent analysis
of 55 known S-nitrosylated proteins containing 70 NO-Cys sites revealed that proximal
acid–base motif, Cys pKa, sulfur atom exposure, and Cys conservation or hydrophobicity in the
vicinity of the modified Cys, do not define the specificity of S-nitrosylation. Instead, this analysis revealed
a revised acid–base motif, which is located more distantly to the Cys and has its charged groups
exposed [77].
As a major PTM, S-nitrosylation is a reversible and dynamic mechanism. Nonenzymatic and
enzymatic ways have been proposed to promote denitrosylation of target proteins and tightly regulate
this Cys modification [17,70,78,79].
The study of the S-nitrosylated proteins has been mainly based on the use of the biotin switch, a
pioneer technique developed by Jaffrey and colleagues [80]. This technique refers to the labeling of
S-nitrosylated proteins, allowing in a three step reaction the replacement of the SNO group by a
biotin tag. This specific labeling allows the further purification and/or detection of S-nitrosylated
proteins using affinity chromatography or antibodies detection techniques, and can be coupled with
mass spectrometry analysis for further identification [70,81]. Based on this specific labeling of
S-nitrosylated proteins, several other proteomic-based approaches have been recently developed (for
review see [20,70]).
Study of S-nitrosylation in plants is a recent topic of interest, but over the last seven years, an
increasing amount of analyses and characterizations provided evidences that it is a major PTM in
plants. The first analyses were based on proteome wide-scale analysis in order to identify potential
candidate proteins undergoing S-nitrosylation in plants. Analyses were done on A. thaliana plants
untreated or after a brief salt stress [81], A. thaliana seedlings exposed to NO gas [82], to P. syringae
pv. tomato [83], in the medicinal plant Kalanchoe pinnata after GSNO treatment of protein extracts [84]
and in Brassica juncea exposed to low temperature [85], in citrus exposed to salinity, H2O2 or GSNO
treatments [58,86] and more recently in rice noe1 (nitric oxide excess1) mutant [87] and in tobacco cell
suspensions exposed to the oomycete elicitor cryptogein [88]. Protein S-nitrosylation was also
investigated in organelles, such as purified mitochondria of A. thaliana [89] and peroxisomes of pea
plants exposed to abiotic stress [90]. All these analysis provide a list of over 200 putatively
S-nitrosylated plant proteins. However, for the most part of them, S-nitrosylation were obtained using
pharmacological NO donors. Moreover, the S-nitrosylation of these candidates needs confirmation
by a candidate-specific approach, to ensure a mechanistic and biological comprehension of the impact
of the S-nitrosylation in plants.
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Apart from these general proteomic approaches, around 20 different candidate proteins have
been more tightly characterized [17,33,54,84,88,89,91–99]. The functional significance of the
S-nitrosylation of these candidates has been recently reviewed for the most part of them [70,75,100].
Interestingly, most of the characterized proteins are linked or potentially linked to the plant
immunity. Peroxiredoxin II E (PrxII E) belongs to the peroxiredoxin family that detoxifies a large set
of peroxide substrate and participates in redox signaling in plants. Among them, PrxII E displays an
ONOO reductase activity [54] that is inhibited through the S-nitrosylation of its Cys121 residue in
A. thaliana challenged with P. syringae bacteria [54,83]. This phenomenon is proposed by the authors
as a mechanism allowing a fine tuning of the NO signaling, avoiding damaging and signaling effect of
ONOO notably through Tyr nitration.
Another plant signaling pathway leading to defense responses and impacted by NO through
S-nitrosylation involves the nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1)/Transcription factor
TGA1 system. In plants, NPR1 is a key regulator of salicylic acid (SA)-dependent signaling that
promotes defense responses in plants. Following oxidative changes triggered by SA, NPR1 hexamers
dissociate through the reduction of intermolecular disulfide bounds into monomers, and is translocated
into the nucleus where it interacts with TGA factor including TGA1, allowing the expression of
defense related genes [101]. Therefore, the oligomer/monomer switch and the NPR1/TGA interaction
are critical for triggering plant defense responses. Despite the existence of contradictory data,
S-nitrosylation of these proteins has been shown to be crucial in the regulation of theses processes (for
review see [70,75,100]). Another protein linked to SA signaling pathway has also been characterized:
the salicylic acid binding protein 3 (SABP3). SABP3 possesses carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity and
SA binding properties and is involved in the development of the HR in tobacco [102]. In A. thaliana
challenged by an avirulent P. syringae strain, SABP3 undergoes S-nitrosylation on its Cys280 residue
that leads to the decrease of the CA activity and SA binding properties of the protein [97]. All these data
highlight the connection between SA and NO signaling in the establishment of plant defense responses.
One recent important work allowing a better comprehension of the NO signaling in plants and
involving S-nitrosylation concerns the NADPH oxidase [98]. AtRBOHD is a NAPDH oxidase that is
responsible for reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in responses to several pathogen attacks [103].
After P. syringae infection of A. thaliana plants, Yun and colleagues [98] reported the
S-nitrosylation of AtRBOHD on its Cys890 residue. This PTM avoid the fixation of one cofactor of the
enzyme, resulting in a decreased activity of the protein. Therefore, regulating AtRBOHD by
S-nitrosylation NO might modulate the ROS production after a pathogen attack, which impacts the
development of HR after pathogen infection.
Another recent work identified physiologically S-nitrosylated candidates in a plant defense context.
Indeed, the S-nitrosylation of eleven proteins has been reported subsequently to the recognition of
the oomycete elicitor cryptogein [88], known to trigger a fast and transient NO production in
tobacco leaves and cell suspensions [104–106]. Among these proteins, NtCDC48 has been further
characterized. CDC48 (cell division cycle 48) is a hexameric AAA+ ATPases (ATPases associated
with various cellular activities) involved in multiple cellular pathways, including growth, development,
cell division and differentiation, protein degradation and disease resistance [107–110]. NtCDC48 has
been shown to be S-nitrosylated on its Cys526 residue, which is required for the full activity of the
protein in vitro. NO donor treatments of the recombinant protein resulted in subtle conformational
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changes and a decrease of the activity of NtCDC48 in vitro. Nevertheless, further investigation must
be carried out to decipher the impact of NtCDC48 S-nitrosylation in plant defense reaction triggered
by cryptogein in planta.
Recently, it was demonstrated that the transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) protein of A. thaliana
undergoes S-nitrosylation in vitro [96]. TIR1 is a receptor subunit for auxin, part of an E3-ubiquitin
ligase complex involved in the degradation of transcriptional repressors called Auxin/indole-3acetic
proteins (Aux/IAA). This degradation results in the transcription of genes and participates to the auxin
signaling, involved in plant development. Interestingly, S-nitrosylation of TIR1 promotes its interaction
with Aux/IAA proteins, facilitating their degradation, and therefore taking part in the auxin-dependent
signaling pathway [96]. This example illustrates the involvement of the S-nitrosylation, not only in
plant defense, but also in plant development.
5. Conclusions
NO-triggered PTMs constitute today a major field of investigation in order to better understand the
NO-dependent signalization in plants (Table 1, Figure 1). To date, metal nitrosylation reports in plants
are scarce, and the main purpose of this PTM is assumed to be a scavenging and detoxification
process. More effort must be put on determining the involvement of this PTM in the induction of
further signaling events, such as the production of cGMP by putative NO-dependent sGC. On the
contrary, Tyr nitration has begun to be recognized over the last years as an emerging and important
PTM in plants. Nevertheless, a lot of work remains, such as by using more physiological approaches to
decipher the real biological role of this PTM in general plant physiology, thus allowing for a better
understanding of the impact of NO. S-nitrosylation is the best characterized NO-dependent PTM and a
general picture of the involvement of this PTM is emerging in different processes, especially in plant
defense mechanisms against biotic and abiotic stresses. Here again, several efforts are needed to better
understand the relevance of this PTM in physiological contexts.
Table 1. Examples of nitric oxide target proteins in plants.
Posttranslational modification Target protein References
Metal nitrosylation NO-dependant Gunylate cyclase 1 (AtNOGC1) [24]
Hemoglobins [25–37]
Aconitase [42]
Tyrosine nitration Ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR) [63]
O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase A1 (OASA1) [64]
Guanylate cyclase [65]
S-nitrosylation Peroxiredoxin II E (PrxII E) [50]
Nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1) [75,90]
Transcription factor TGA1 [90]
Salicylic acid binding protein 3 (SABP3) [93]
Respiratory burst oxidase homologue D (RBOHD) [94]
Cell division cycle 48 (CDC48) [84]
Transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) [92]
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13 15201
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of NO dependent PTM in plants. To date, all the analyses
of NO-modified proteins in plants followed an NO production induced by (a)biotic stress
or NO donors treatment. The NO radical can react with transition metals (M) of
metalloproteins. This process is called metal nitrosylation and can affect notably
(non)-symbiotic hemoglobins (nsHb and sHb) and an Arabidopsis thaliana NO-dependent
guanylate cyclase (AtNOGC1). The Tyr nitration depends on the formation of NO
derivatives, particularly peroxynitrite formed in the presence of the superoxide anion
(O2). Nitration occurs on one of the two carbon equivalent (C3) of the aromatic ring of
tyrosine residues to form a 3-nitrotyrosine. This reaction has been demonstrated in plants
for the ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR), the guanylate cyclase of Medicago
truncatula (MtGS1a) or the of O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase A1 (OASA1). Protein
S-nitrosylation is the electrophilic attack of nitrosonium cation (NO+, resulting from the
oxidation of NO) on a thiolate group of a cysteine residue of a target protein. Among
numerous proteins, this posttranslational modification affect for example peroxyredoxin II
E (PrxII E), salicylic acid binding protein 3 (SABP3), nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related
gene 1 (NPR1), transcription factor TGA1, respiratory burst oxidase homologue D
(RBOHD) or cell division cycle 48 (CDC48). All these modifications will participate to
the change of the plant cell physiology depending on the stimulus applied.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13 15202
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... Модификации белков, вызываемые NO, включают в себя, главным образом S-нитрозилирование, нитрование остатков тирозина и металл-нитрозилирование (Astier, Lindermayr, 2012). При этом в зависимости от способа модификации возможны как активация, так и ингибирование целевых ферментов (Мамаева и др., 2015; Arora et al., 2016). ...
... Так, NO реагирует с GSH с образованием Sнитрозоглутатиона (GSNO), который обладает способностью транснитрозилировать белки (Chaki et al., 2011). Также Sнитрозоглутатион рассматривается как транспортер молекул NO, участвующий в сигналинге (Astier, Lindermayr, 2012). GSNO является мощным индуктором защитных генов (del Rio et al., 2006). ...
... GSNO является мощным индуктором защитных генов (del Rio et al., 2006). NO обладает способностью стимулировать синтез глутатиона (Astier, Lindermayr, 2012). С другой стороны, оксид азота может ингибировать глутатионредуктазу, нитрозилируя сульфгидрильные группы в ее активном центре (Beltran et al., 2000). ...
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In the monograph the modern data on mechanisms of formation and biological effects of reactive oxygen species in plant cell are generalized. Their damaging and signal effects, interaction with other mediators, role in the transduction of hormonal signals and development of plants resistance to the influence of stressors are considered. The classification and detailed characteristic of enzymatic and low-molecular antioxidants, data about their functional interplay with each other and participation in the processes of cellular signaling are given. Features of functioning of antioxidative system at the action of abiotic stressors of various nature (hypo- and hyperthermia, dehydration, salinity, heavy metals) on plants are characterized. Approaches to the regulation of state of antioxidative system of plants with the use of exogenous antioxidants, signal mediators and stress phytohormones and also by genetic transformation are analyzed. The conclusion is made that interaction between pro- and antioxidants is the cornerstone of regulation of plants resistance to stress factors of various nature. For experts in field of physiology, biochemistry and cellular plant biology, and related sciences, and also teachers and students of higher educational institutions.
... Under experimental conditions, the activities of GR isoforms were unaffected by NO-PTMs induced by ONOOand GSNO, suggesting a potential mechanism for preserving GSH regeneration and sustaining antioxidant capacity against nitro-oxidative stress. Notably, the resistance of pea GR to nitration by peroxynitrite is a rare observation in higher plants, where nitration typically results in loss of protein function [77]. ...
... Further computational analyses using PropKa 3.1 highlighted extreme pKa values for these atoms, supporting the hypothesis that nitration at Tyr345 disrupts MDAR functionality. This hypothesis was validated through site-directed mutagenesis, where the Tyr345Phe mutant showed resilience to ONOO -, confirming the role of Tyr345 in regulating MDAR activity [72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80]. ...
... In higher plants, three predominant types of SODs are identified, characterized by their prosthetic metal ions: manganese (Mn-SODs), Fe-SODs, or a combination of CuZn-SODs. The presence of various forms of SODs within plant peroxisomes has been documented in a minimum of ten diverse plant species [68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82]. Currently, SOD is recognized as a consistent enzyme present in all categories of peroxisomes, although the specific array of isozymes varies depending on the organ and species of the plant. ...
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Nitric oxide (NO) has been firmly established as a key signaling molecule in plants, playing a significant role in regulating growth, development and stress responses. Given the imperative of sustainable agriculture and the urgent need to meet the escalating global demand for food, it is imperative to safeguard crop plants from the effects of climate fluctuations. Plants respond to environmental challenges by producing redox molecules, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which regulate cellular, physiological, and molecular processes. Nitric oxide (NO) plays a crucial role in plant stress tolerance, acting as a signaling molecule or free radical. NO is involved in various developmental processes in plants through diverse mechanisms. Exogenous NO supplementation can alleviate the toxicity of abiotic stresses and enhance plant resistance. In this review we summarize the studies regarding the production of NO in peroxisomes, and how its molecule and its derived products, (ONOO−) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) affect ROS metabolism in peroxisomes. Peroxisomal antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), are key targets of NO-mediated post-translational modification (PTM) highlighting the dynamic metabolism of ROS and RNS in peroxisomes.
... These modifications help alleviate the adverse impacts of abiotic stresses. The application of S-nitrosoglutathione, a NO donor, augmented the antioxidant defence mechanism, reduced hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and ROS concentrations, enhanced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport towards the root, and improved tolerance to aluminum stress in wheat seedlings (Astier and Lindermayr, 2012). It has observed elevated mineral and metabolite levels within the cells of the lichen Ramalina farinacea in the presence of NO (Kov a cik et al., 2019). ...
... Gasotransmitters influence diverse physiological processes in plants through various pathways, such as post-translational modifications, the mobilization of second messengers, or interaction with protein kinases. Among these modifications, NO and S-nitrosylation have been extensively studied in plants (Astier and Lindermayr, 2012). S-nitrosylation is characterized by the reversible covalent binding of NO with the thiol group of a cysteinyl residue (Cys) in specific proteins, leading to the creation of S-nitrosothiol compounds. ...
... One of the mechanistic actions of NO to accomplish cell signaling functions is through the posttranslational modifications (PTM) of proteins such as S-nitrosylation (Feng et al. 2019;Gupta et al. 2020). It consists of the binding of NO to a thiol group in cysteine (Cys) residues modifying the activity, stability, subcellular localization, or protein-protein or protein-DNA interactions of a target protein (Astier and Lindermayr 2012). ...
This study provides evidence about the relationship between Target of Rapamycin (TOR) kinase and the signal molecule nitric oxide (NO) in plants. We showed that sucrose (SUC)-mediated TOR activation of root apical meristem (RAM) requires NO and that NO, in turn, participates in the regulation of TOR signaling. Nitric oxide (NO) constitutes a signal molecule that regulates important target proteins related to growth and development and also contributes to metabolic reprogramming that occurs under adverse conditions. Taking into account the important role of NO and its relationship with Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling in animals, we wondered about the putative link between both pathways in plants. With this aim, we studied a TOR-dependent process which is the reactivation of the root apical meristem (RAM) in Arabidopsis thaliana. We used pharmacological and genetic tools to evaluate the relationship between NO and TOR on the sugar induction of RAM, using SNP as NO donor, cPTIO as NO scavenger and the nitrate reductase (NR) mutant nia2. The results showed that sucrose (SUC)-mediated TOR activation of the RAM requires NO and that NO, in turn, participates in the regulation of TOR signaling. Interestingly, TOR activation induced by sugar increased the NO levels. We also observed that NO could mediate the repression of SnRK1 activity by SUC. By computational prediction we found putative S-nitrosylation sites in the TOR complex proteins and the catalytic subunit of SnRK1, SnRK1.1. The present work demonstrates for the first time a link between NO and TOR revealing the complex interplay between the two pathways in plants.
... These media need a number of nutrients and antibiotics to protect against contamination by other organisms (76) . The sensitivity of this method may reach 100%, but it is not used in the daily work of laboratories because it requires a long period of incubation and is high in cost (77) . ...
Nitric oxide (NO), a small gaseous molecule with redox activityserves as a central regulator of growth, development, immunity. This remarkable signaling molecule orchestrates a complex symphony of biological responses, navigating through intricate pathways that influence essential aspects of plant life. The absence of canonical Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOS) in higher plants has led to the discovery of alternative NO production pathways, featuring key contributors like nitrate reductase (NR) in mitochondria, peroxisomes, and chloroplasts. In the realm of plant physiology, NO emerges as a multifaceted player, significantly impacting reproduction, symbiotic interactions, senescence, and defense mechanisms. In symbiotic relationships, NO plays a pivotal role in interactions with rhizobia, mycorrhizae, and lichens, influencing nodule development and senescence. Furthermore, NO governs plant senescence, acting both as a signaling molecule and a modulator of hormone-induced processes. In defense responses, NO collaborates with reactive oxygen species, influencing hypersensitive cell death. Beyond growth, NO showcases its potential in postharvest applications, preserving sensory attributes, enhancing nutritional quality, and serving as an eco-friendly alternative for pest and disease control in horticultural crops. As research delves deeper, unveiling additional dimensions of NO's contributions, it holds promise for innovative applications in agriculture, environmental management, and sustainable horticulture.
NO is a gaseous signaling redox-active molecule that functions in various eukaryotes. However, its synthesis, turnover, and effects in cells are specific in plants in several aspects. Compared with higher plants, the role of NO in Chlorophyta has not been investigated enough. Yet, some of the mechanisms for controlling levels of this signaling molecule have been characterized in model green algae. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, NO synthesis is carried out by a dual system comprising nitrate reductase and NO-forming nitrite reductase. Other mechanisms that might produce NO from nitrite are associated with components of mitochondrial electron-transport chain. In addition, NO formation in some green algae proceeds by oxidative mechanism similar to that in mammals. Recent discovery of L-arginine-dependent NO synthesis in colorless alga Polytomella parva suggests the existence of a protein complex with enzyme activity that are similar to animal nitric oxide synthase. This latter finding paves the way for further research into potential members of the NO synthases family in Chlorophyta. Beyond synthesis, the regulatory processes to maintain intracellular NO levels are also an integral part for its function in cells. Members of the truncated hemoglobins family with dioxygenase activity can convert NO to nitrate, as was shown for C. reinhardtii. In addition, the implication of NO reductases in NO scavenging has also been described. Even more intriguing, unlike in animals, the typical NO/cGMP signaling module appears not to be used by green algae. S-nitrosylated glutathione, which is considered the main reservoir for NO, provides NO signals to proteins. In Chlorophyta, protein S-nitrosation is one of the key mechanisms of action of the redox molecule. In this review, we discuss the current state-of-the-art and possible future directions related to the biology of NO in green algae.
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Through intricate interactions with phytohormones, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide (NO) donor, has a variety of impacts on plant physiology. This comprehensive review sheds light on the significance of SNP’s in plant biology under normal and stress conditions. SNP’s history, importance in plant biology, and interactions with phytohormones must all be understood to comprehend its physiological impacts on plant growth and development. This study examines how SNP influences seed germination, root growth, flowering duration, fruit development, and resistance to biotic and abiotic challenges to improve stress tolerance and crop productivity. Based on the literature review this study explored the molecular and pharmaceutical mechanisms of SNP-phytohormone, crosstalk affects, important signaling pathways, including calcium-dependent signaling and MAPK cascades. The requirement for tailored application strategies is highlighted by the fact that different plant species and genotypes react to SNP treatment differently depending on the context. This study also discussed the consequences of environmental and agricultural sustainability, emphasizing SNP’s potential to improve stress tolerance, pest control, and crop output. For sustainable, practical applications, it also underlines the necessity to handle obstacles and constraints such as concentration-dependent effects and potential environmental repercussions. Understanding the complex interactions between SNP and phytohormones provides doors for sustainable agriculture and biotechnology advancements. This comprehensive study offers encouraging possibilities for solving major issues in agriculture and environmental resilience by illuminating the molecular and physiological mechanisms.
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Nitration of tyrosine (Y) residues of proteins is a low abundant post-translational modification that modulates protein function or fate in animal systems. However, very little is known about the in vivo prevalence of this modification and its corresponding targets in plants. Immunoprecipitation, based on an anti-3-nitroY antibody, was performed to pull-down potential in vivo targets of Y nitration in the Arabidopsis thaliana proteome. Further shotgun liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) proteomic analysis of the immunoprecipitated proteins allowed the identification of 127 proteins. Around 35% of them corresponded to homologues of proteins that have been previously reported to be Y nitrated in other non-plant organisms. Some of the putative in vivo Y-nitrated proteins were further confirmed by western blot with specific antibodies. Furthermore, MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight) analysis of protein spots, separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis from immunoprecipitated proteins, led to the identification of seven nitrated peptides corresponding to six different proteins. However, in vivo nitration sites among putative targets could not be identified by MS/MS. Nevertheless, an MS/MS spectrum with 3-aminoY318 instead of the expected 3-nitroY was found for cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Reduction of nitroY to aminoY during MS-based proteomic analysis together with the in vivo low abundance of these modifications made the identification of nitration sites difficult. In turn, in vitro nitration of methionine synthase, which was also found in the shotgun proteomic screening, allowed unequivocal identification of a nitration site at Y287.
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In this work, a method for the determination of trace nitrotyrosine (NO2Tyr) and tyrosine (Tyr) in Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures is proposed. Due to the complexity of the resulting extracts after protein precipitation and enzymatic digestion and the strong electrospray signal suppression displayed in the detection of both Tyr and NO2Tyr from raw A. thaliana cell culture extracts, a straightforward sample cleanup step was proposed. It was based on the use of mixed-mode solid-phase extraction (SPE) using MCX-type cartridges (Strata™-X-C), prior to identification and quantitation using fast liquid chromatography–electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Unambiguous confirmation of both amino acids was accomplished with accurate mass measurements (with errors lower than 2 ppm) of each protonated molecule along with a characteristic fragment ion for each species. Recovery studies were accomplished to evaluate the performance of the SPE sample preparation step obtaining average recoveries in the range 92–101 %. Limit of quantitation obtained for NO2Tyr in A. thaliana extracts was 3 nmol L−1. Finally, the proposed method was applied to evaluate stress conditions of the plant upon different concentrations of peroxynitrite, a protein-nitrating compound, which induces the nitration of Tyr at the nanomolar range. Detection and confirmation of the compounds demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed approach. Figure Determination of trace nitrotyrosine and tyrosine in Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures by liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry is achieved
Cytosolic NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase (GAPDH; GapC; EC catalyzes the oxidation of triose phosphates during glycolysis in all organisms, but additional functions of the protein has been put forward. Because of its reactive cysteine residue in the active site, it is susceptible to protein modification and oxidation. The addition of GSSG, and much more efficiently of S-nitrosoglutathione, was shown to inactivate the enzymes from Arabidopsis thaliana (isoforms GapC1 and 2), spinach, yeast and rabbit muscle. Inactivation was fully or at least partially reversible upon addition of DTT. The incorporation of glutathione upon formation of a mixed disulfide could be shown using biotinylated glutathione ethyl ester. Further-more, using the biotin-switch assay, nitrosylated thiol groups could be shown to occur after treatment with nitric oxide donors. Using mass spectrometry and mutant proteins with one cysteine lacking, both cysteines (Cys-155 and Cys-159) were found to occur as glutathionylated and as nitrosylated forms. In preliminary experiments, it was shown that both GapC1 and GapC2 can bind to a partial gene sequence of the NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase (EC; At5g58330). Transiently expressed GapC-green fluorescent pro-tein fusion proteins were localized to the nucleus in A. thaliana protoplasts. As nuclear localization and DNA binding of GAPDH had been shown in numerous systems to occur upon stress, we assume that such mechanism might be part of the signaling pathway to induce increased malate-valve capacity and possibly other protective systems upon overreduction and initial formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species as well as to decrease and protect metabolism at the same time by modification of essential cysteine residues.
NO has important physiological functions in plants, including the adaptative response to pathogen attack. We previously demonstrated that cryptogein, an elicitor of defence reaction produced by the oomycete Phytophthora cryptogea, triggers NO synthesis in tobacco. To decipher the role of NO in tobacco cells elicited by cryptogein, in the present study we performed a proteomic approach in order to identify proteins undergoing S-nitrosylation. We provided evidence that cryptogein induced the S-nitrosylation of several proteins and identified 11 candidates, including CDC48 (cell division cycle 48), a member of the AAA+ ATPase (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) family. In vitro, NtCDC48 (Nicotiana tabacum CDC48) was shown to be poly-S-nitrosylated by NO donors and we could identify Cys110, Cys526 and Cys664 as a targets for S-nitrosylation. Cys526 is located in the Walker A motif of the D2 domain, that is involved in ATP binding and was previously reported to be regulated by oxidative modification in Drosophila. We investigated the consequence of NtCDC48 S-nitrosylation and found that NO abolished NtCDC48 ATPase activity and induced slight conformation changes in the vicinity of Cys526. Similarly, substitution of Cys526 by an alanine residue had an impact on NtCDC48 activity. More generally, the present study identified CDC48 as a new candidate for S-nitrosylation in plants facing biotic stress and further supports the importance of Cys526 in the regulation of CDC48 by oxidative/nitrosative agents.
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are involved in a plethora of cellular responses in plants; however, our knowledge on the outcomes of oxidative and nitrosative signaling is still unclear. To better understand how oxidative and nitrosative signals are integrated to regulate cellular adjustments to external conditions, local and systemic responses were investigated in the roots and leaves of sour orange plants (Citrus aurantium L.) after root treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H(2) O(2) ) or sodium nitroprusside (a nitric oxide donor), followed by NaCl stress for 8 days. Phenotypic and physiological data showed that pre-exposure to these treatments induced an acclimation to subsequent salinity stress that was accompanied by both local and systemic H(2) O(2) and nitric oxide (NO) accumulation. Combined histochemical and fluorescent probe approaches showed the existence of a vascular-driven long-distance reactive oxygen species and NO signaling pathway. Transcriptional analysis of genes diagnostic for H(2) O(2) and NO signaling just after treatments or after 8 days of salt stress revealed tissue- and time-specific mechanisms controlling internal H(2) O(2) and NO homeostasis. Furthermore, evidence is presented showing that protein carbonylation, nitration and S-nitrosylation are involved in acclimation to salinity stress. In addition, this work enabled characterization of potential carbonylated, nitrated and nitrosylated proteins with distinct or overlapping signatures. This work provides a framework to better understand the oxidative and nitrosative priming network in citrus plants subjected to salinity conditions.
Nitric oxide (NO) is now recognized as a key regulator of plant physiological processes. Understanding the mechanisms by which NO exerts its biological functions has been the subject of extensive research. Several components of the signaling pathways relaying NO effects in plants, including second messengers, protein kinases, phytohormones, and target genes, have been characterized. In addition, there is now compelling experimental evidence that NO partly operates through posttranslational modification of proteins, notably via S-nitrosylation and tyrosine nitration. Recently, proteome-wide scale analyses led to the identification of numerous protein candidates for S-nitrosylation in plants. Subsequent biochemical and in silico structural studies revealed certain mechanisms through which S-nitrosylation impacts their functions. Furthermore, first insights into the physiological relevance of S-nitrosylation, particularly in controlling plant immune responses, have been recently reported. Collectively, these discoveries greatly extend our knowledge of NO functions and of the molecular processes inherent to signal transduction in plants.
Nitric oxide (NO) is involved together with reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the activation of various stress responses in plants. We have used ozone (O3) as a tool to elicit ROS-activated stress responses, and to activate cell death in plant leaves. Here, we have investigated the roles and interactions of ROS and NO in the induction and regulation of O3-induced cell death. Treatment with O3 induced a rapid accumulation of NO, which started from guard cells, spread to adjacent epidermal cells and eventually moved to mesophyll cells. During the later time points, NO production coincided with the formation of hypersensitive response (HR)-like lesions. The NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and O3 individually induced a large set of defence-related genes; however, in a combined treatment SNP attenuated the O3 induction of salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis and other defence-related genes. Consistent with this, SNP treatment also decreased O3-induced SA accumulation. The O3-sensitive mutant rcd1 was found to be an NO overproducer; in contrast, Atnoa1/rif1 (Arabidopsis nitric oxide associated 1/resistant to inhibition by FSM1), a mutant with decreased production of NO, was also O3 sensitive. This, together with experiments combining O3 and the NO donor SNP suggested that NO can modify signalling, hormone biosynthesis and gene expression in plants during O3 exposure, and that a functional NO production is needed for a proper O3 response. In summary, NO is an important signalling molecule in the response to O3.