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Effect of Fermented Soybean, "Natto" on the Production and Qualities of Chicken Meat



Natto is a Japanese traditional soybean product fermented by Bacillus natto. The effect of natto supplement on the production and qualities of chicken meat was studied since the effective use of various waste foods is required in Japan. Dried natto prepared by heating at 60°C was added to a basic diet at an amount of below 2%. The supplementation of dried natto did not influence the weights of the carcass, breast and thigh meat, fillet or abdominal fat. Growth of the thighbone such as the length, thickness of cortex bone, and Ca/P ratio in bone ash were not altered by the addition of natto. However, the pH of male meat decreased following the supplementation of dried natto from days 28 to 80. The water-soluble protein content in male thigh meat increased in the group fed 2% natto from days 28 to 80. Free peptides increased in male thigh meat by feeding 2% natto from days 0 to 80. The supplementation of natto increased free glutamic acid in thigh meat regardless of sex. Moreover, the supplementation of natto specifically decreased meat cholesterol in female chickens though the effect was not shown in male chickens.
Since ancient times fermented soybean products were
made traditionally in Far East Asia including “Tempe” in
Indonesia, “Doubanjiang” in China, “Duenjang” and
“Chung-Kook-Jang” in Korea, and “Miso” and “Tofu-yo”
in Japan, (Asututi et al., 2000; Hong et al., 2004; Mine et al.,
2005). Natto is a Japanese cheese-like product also made
from soybeans by fermentation with Bacillus subtilis var.
natto (Bacillus natto), which is a gram-positive spore-
forming bacterium (Ashiuchi et al., 1998).
Currently more than 80% of feedstuffs for poultry are
imported in Japan (Ishibashi and Yonemochi, 2002). In
addition, large quantities soybeans are imported and the
self-sufficiency ratio is only 8% in Japan. Therefore, the
effective use of waste fermented soybean products with no
commercial value would be highly beneficial as feed (Cho
et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2007). Moreover, there are
advantages of the use of natto as feedstuff because the
biological value of soybeans is relatively higher than other
vegetable proteins and abundant nutrients remain after
fermentation such as isoflavones, saponins, lecithin, and
various vitamins.
In addition to residual nutrients, there are various
functional ingredients such as nattokinase, polyglutamic
acid, and dipicolinic acid in natto after fermentation. For
example, nattokinase is known as a fibrinolytic enzyme,
which cleaves directly cross-linked fibrin in vitro (Fujita et
al., 1993; Suzuki et al., 2003; Yamashita et al., 2003), and
polyglutamic acid is capable of calcium solubilization.
(Tanimoto et al., 2001) It is reported that the anti-
Helicobacter pylori activity of natto is derived from
dipicolinic acid (Sumi et al., 2006). Moreover, Bacillus
natto as a probiotic could be regarded as a functional
ingredient in natto. If natto could be used as poultry
feedstuffs, converting surplus natto into feedstuffs could
reduce feedstuff imports and productivity reuse food waste
In this study, natto supplement was fed to “Tsukuba-
jidori”, which is a high-quality meat-type chicken. “Jidori”
Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci.
Vol. 21, No. 12 : 1766 - 1772
December 2008
Effect of Fermented Soybean, “Natto” on the Production and
Qualities of Chicken Meat*
K. Fujiwara, Y. Miyaguchi1, **, X. H. Feng1, A. Toyoda1, Y. Nakamura1
M. Yamazaki2, K. Nakashima2 and H. Abe2
Laboratory of Poultry, Ibaraki Prefectural Livestock Research Center, Ibaraki, 311-3157, Japan
ABSTRACT : Natto is a Japanese traditional soybean product fermented by Bacillus natto. The effect of natto supplement on the
roduction and qualities of chicken meat was studied since the effective use of various waste foods is required in Japan. Dried natto
prepared by heating at 60°C was added to a basic diet at an amount of below 2%. The supplementation of dried natto did not influence
the weights of the carcass, breast and thigh meat, fillet or abdominal fat. Growth of the thighbone such as the length, thickness of cortex
bone, and Ca/P ratio in bone ash were not altered by the addition of natto. However, the pH of male meat decreased following the
supplementation of dried natto from days 28 to 80. The water-soluble protein content in male thigh meat increased in the group fed 2%
natto from days 28 to 80. Free peptides increased in male thigh meat by feeding 2% natto from days 0 to 80. The supplementation of
natto increased free glutamic acid in thigh meat regardless of sex. Moreover, the supplementation of natto specifically decreased meat
cholesterol in female chickens though the effect was not shown in male chickens. (Key Words : Chicken, Cholesterol, Glutamic Acid,
Natto, Soybean)
* This research was supported by a research-aid fund of research
projects for utilizing advanced technologies in agriculture,
forestry and fisheries, Japan.
** Corresponding Author: Y. Miyaguchi. Tel: +81-29-887-1261,
Fax: +81-29-888-8525, E-mail:
1 College of Agriculture, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, 300-0393,
2 National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, Ibaraki,
305-0901, Japan.
Received November 12, 2007; Accepted March 17, 2008
Fujiwara et al. (2008) Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21(12):1766-1772
chicken meat has recently become more popular in Japan
because of its better taste and firmer texture than broiler
meat. The chickens must be a Japanese species and have
been bred free-range. “Tsukuba-jidori” was developed in
Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan by crossbreeding between a male
White Cornish and a female crossbred chicken between
“Hinai-jidori” and Rhode Island Red.
To clarify the qualities of natto as a chicken feedstuff,
the effect of natto supplement on the productivity and
qualities of chicken meat were investigated in this study.
Diets, birds, and conditions for feeding
Natto provided by Takano Foods Co. Ltd (Ibaraki,
Japan) was dried in an oven at 60°C for 60 h followed by
grinding into 1 mm fragments using a grinder. It was
determined that the resultant dried natto contained more
than 1×109 cfu/g. Forty newborn male or female Tsukuba-
jidori in each group (2 replicates of 5 chickens making a
subgroup) were randomly housed in 8 different cages. Each
of the 4 groups of chickens was assigned randomly; a basic
diet without natto was supplied to the control group.
Experimental diets containing a basic diet plus dried natto
at different dosages (1% and 2%) were supplied to the other
3 groups. For two groups, 1% and 2% natto supplemented-
diets were supplied for days 0 to 80 (1DN and 2DN). In the
remaining group, a basic diet without dried natto was
supplied for days 0 to 27 and subsequently the 2% natto
supplemented-diet was supplied for days 28 to 80 (2DN-A).
During the experiment, chickens were fed on an ad libitum
basis and had free access to water. Preparation of dried
natto according to the experimental design described above
is shown in Figure 1.
Preparation of meats and analytical procedure
After the feeding for 80 days, the chickens were
slaughtered by decapitation. Breast and bone-in thigh meat,
fillet, and abdominal fat were taken from the carcasses and
weighed after exsanguination. The thighbone was also taken
from the thigh and weighed, and the. Length of the bone
and thickness of cortical bone were measured by slide
gauge. About one-gram of cortical bone was pulverized and
incinerated to ash at 500°C for 2 h. The bone ash was
dissolved in HCl and the solution was used for the
measurement of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). Calcium
was measured using an atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (AA6500F, Shimazu Co. Ltd., Kyoto,
Japan) and the phosphorus level was determined by a
colorimetric method. The pH value of the meat was
measured using a pH meter with a glass-electrode (Φ32PH
meter, Beckman, CA, USA). Meat samples were minced
and homogenized in 50 mM imidazole buffer. After
centrifugation, the water-soluble protein in the obtained
supernatant was measured by the Biuret method.
Furthermore, the supernatant was added to trichloroacetic
acid (TCA) and the amount of 10% TCA soluble peptides
was determined by the Folin method. Free glutamic acid
(Glu) in the meat was determined using an F-kit L-glutamic
acid (Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Germany). Briefly,
minced meat was dispersed in 1 mol/L perchloro acid and
homogenized with an IKA ultra disperser. After
Figure 1. Preparation of dried natto according to the experimental design explained in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Control, a basic
diet alone was supplied days 0 to 80. 1DN and 2DN, Basic diet with 1% and 2% dried natto was supplied for days 0 to 80, respectively.
2DN-A, Basic diet alone was supplied for days 0 to 27 and the diet with 2% dried natto was supplied for days 28 to 80.
Fujiwara et al. (2008) Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21(12):1766-1772
centrifugation, the resultant solution was added to 0.1 N
NaOH to reach pH 8.0 and adjusted to a volume of 25 ml
with water. The solution was used for the assay according to
the F-kit instruction manual.
Statistical analysis
All data were subjected to a 1-way ANOVA test.
Production performance
The effect of natto supplement on meat productivity is
shown in Table 1. The weight of the carcass was about 1.3
times higher in males than in females. The meat weights
obtained (breast, thigh, and fillet) showed the same
tendency as the whole carcass. The addition of 1% or 2%
natto did not influence on the meat productivity. The effect
of natto supplementation on thighbone growth is shown in
Table 2. All data including the length of the thighbone,
thickness of cortical bone, and the Ca/P ratio, were not
altered by natto supplementation. It is known that natto is
rich in isoflavones and vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7); the
former may help preventing bone loss by promoting
calcium absorption (Yamaguchi, 2002), and the latter acts
as a cofactor of gamma-carboxylase, which converts Glu
residues in osteocalcin molecules to gamma-
carboxyglutamic acid for promotion of normal bone
mineralization (Tsukamoto et al., 2000). The expected
results could not be obtained because of unsuitable
experimental conditions in this study though we regarded
the supplementation of natto should improve bone
Meat qualities
The effect of natto supplementation on the pH of meat is
shown in Figure 2. In male chickens, the pH of breast and
thigh meat decreased significantly in the 2% natto group
supplied for days 28 to 80 (2DN-A). This tendency was not
found in female chickens on the same diet. Various qualities
of meat depend on its pH. The nutritional composition of
breast and thigh meats such as moisture, crude protein (CP),
and fat content were investigated, showing that the protein
concentration of female thigh meat tended to decrease with
the supplementation of natto though the moisture and fat
concentrations of meat in males did not change significantly
(data not shown).
Many studies have identified relationships between feed
and meat qualities including color (Smith et al., 2002),
texture (Kristensen et al., 2002), and drip loss (Young et al.,
2004). However, effect of fermented soybean supplement
on the production performance and pH of meat has not been
investigated. Since the mechanism of the pH decrease by
Table 1. Effect of natto supplementation on meat production
Experimental groups
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Male (n = 10)
Carcass (g) 3,405 3,457 3,463 3,435
Breast meat, bone- in (g) 799 819 823 857
Thigh meat, bone-in (g) 918 889 921 917
Filet (g) 129.1 129.2 127.4 128.6
Thigh bone (right) (g) 30.5 29.7 30.3 31.6
Abdominal fat (g) 88.4 89.0 88.4 64.9
Female (n = 10)
Carcass (g) 2,538 2,495 2,510 2,504
Breast meat, bone-in (g) 637 616 603 620
Thigh meat, bone-in (g) 639 619 615 625
Fillet (g) 105.8 100.3 101.4 103.7
Thigh bone (right) (g) 19.6 18.6 19.0 18.1
Abdominal fat (g) 81.1 81.3 71.4 93.5
Cont., 1DN, and 2DN correspond to 0, 1, and 2% dried natto supplementation for days 0 to 80, respectively.
2DN-A, a basic diet was supplied for days 0 to 27 and subsequently 2% dried natto was supplied for days 28 to 80.
Table 2. Effect of natto supplementation on the bone growth of chicken
Experimental groups
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Thigh bone length (cm) 10.68±0.33 10.76±0.12 10.95±0.23 10.91±0.34
Cortical bone thickness (mm) 0.33±0.03 0.35±0.07 0.39±0.05 0.37±0.06
Ca/P ratio of the thigh bone 2.51±0.14 2.36±0.10 2.94±0.60 2.45±0.03
n = 3, Values are mean±SE.
Cont., 1DN, and 2DN correspond to 0, 1, and 2% dried natto supplementation for days 0 to 80, respectively.
2DN-A, a basic diet was supplied for days 0 to 27, and subsequently 2% dried natto was supplied for days 28 to 80.
Fujiwara et al. (2008) Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21(12):1766-1772
natto supplementation was not clarified in this study, we
intend to study the relationship between pH and
physicochemical properties of the meat of natto fed
chickens in our future research.
The water-soluble fractions such as the protein and
peptides contents in meat increased with the
supplementation of natto (Table 3). In male chickens, the
water-soluble protein content of thigh meat was
significantly higher in the 2DN-A treatment than in the
control. In female chickens, the water-soluble protein
content was not altered by natto supplementation. The
TCA-soluble peptide content male thigh meat as higher in
2DN than in the control (p<0.05). The free amino acids and
peptides that increase during post-mortem aging play an
important role in the formation of meat taste. It is reported
that the increase in free amino acids during the post-mortem
storage of meat is caused by the action of aminopeptidases
(Migita and Nishimura, 2006). Therefore, the free Glu
contents in the breast and thigh meats after feeding of natto
were determined, showing that the free Glu content of thigh
meat was higher in 2DN than in the control regardless of
sex (Figure 3). 2DN also increased the free Glu content in
female thigh meat. This tendency was not shown in breast
meat. Some di- or tri-peptides containing Ala, Asp, Val, Glu,
Ser, and Pro were recognized to enhance the taste of 0.02%
5'-inosinic acid (IMP) (Maehashi et al., 1999). Fujimura et
al. (2001) identified three compounds, free Glu, IMP, and
potassium ions, as active taste components in chicken meat
extracts. Glutamic acid and IMP, called “umami” taste, are
preferred by consumers and constitute a characteristic taste
of chicken meat. It is believed that free Glu is the most
important ingredient among these three active taste
compounds. Aging of meat also enhanced the increase in
several free amino acids.
It was believed that active taste components were not
influenced by diet (Farmer, 1999). However, it was recently
reported that free Glu and sensory scores in meat were
increased by a high CP diet, and the free Glu content was
increased by elevated dietary CP levels for 3 to 10 days
using Cobb strain female broilers (Fujimura and Kadowaki,
2006). Furthermore, the free Glu content was significantly
increased by dietary leucine (Leu). In particular, compared
Table 3. Effect of natto supplementation on soluble protein and peptide levels in chicken
Experimental groups
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Soluble protein (g/100 g)
Breast (male) 9.48±0.15 9.93±0.29 9.58±0.22 9.80±0.01
Breast (female) 11.5±0.55 12.3±8.8 12.5±0.17 12.4±0.12
Thigh (male) 3.94±0.11 4.41±0.18 4.25±0.06* 4.88±0.29**
Thigh (female) 5.92±0.15 5.71±0.09 5.91±0.19 5.87±0.31
TCA-soluble peptide (μmol/100 g)
Breast (male) 118.8±10.6 115.6±2.7 125.7±12.3 127.5±9.1
Breast (female) 04.5±2.8 107.2±4.9 115.6±3.1 109.0±8.3
Thigh (male) 84.6±5.5 103.9±8.3 129.2±19.1* 96.5±15.6
Thigh (female) 96.5±10.1 84.3±7.9 95.6±10.2 92.5±11.9
n = 3, Values are mean±SE.
Cont., 1DN, and 2DN correspond to 0, 1, and 2% dried natto supplementation for days 0 to 80, respectively.
2DN-A, a basic diet was supplied for days 0 to 27, and subsequently 2% dried natto was supplied for days 28 to 80. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05.
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Figure 2. Effect of the supplementation of natto on the pH of the
breast and thigh meat. Cont., 1DN, and 2DN correspond to 0, 1,
and 2% dried natto supplementation for days 0 to 80, respectively.
2DN-A, a basic diet was supplied for days 0 to 27, and
subsequently 2% dried natto was supplied for days 28 to 80.
Vertical bar, standard error (n = 5). Data bearing the same
superscripts are not significantly different (p>0.05).
Fujiwara et al. (2008) Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21(12):1766-1772
with the Leu 130% group, free Glu was increased by 17%
in the Leu 100% group (Imanari et al., 2007).
In this study, the increase in free Glu in meat was shown
by 2% natto supplementation though the 2% dried natto diet
did not have a high level of CP or Leu. It is reported that
Bacillus as a probiotic enhanced not only intestinal flora but
also meat production and qualities and lipid metabolism
(Santoso et al., 1995; Cavazzoni et al., 1998). Several
researchers have shown previously that the peptide content
of soy-fermented products is greater than that of
unfermented soybeans (Okamoto et al., 1995). Various
reports suggested that fermentation increased protein
content, eliminated trypsin inhibitors, and reduced the
peptide size in soybeans, soybean meal, and fermented
soybean might be of more benefit to livestock as a novel
feed ingredient (Hong et al., 2004). Therefore, natto
supplementation could enhance the meat qualities not by
providing additional protein but by other factors such as
biofunctional peptides in natto and Bacillus natto as a
Meat cholesterol levels of chickens fed with natto
supplement are shown in Figure 4. The cholesterol content
of thigh meat was higher in females than in males. The
supplementation of natto decreased meat cholesterol in
female thigh meat significantly (p<0.05). The same
tendency was shown in breast meat. On the other hand,
significant differences were not found in males. It is
reported that the supplementation of red mold rice
decreased the serum and meat cholesterol levels of broiler
chickens (Wan et al., 2005). It was also reported that
feeding of high levels of copper reduced the cholesterol
content by approximately 25% in the edible muscle tissue
of broiler chickens for 42 d without altering the growth of
the chickens or substantially increasing the copper content
of the edible meat (Bakalli et al., 1995). The high molecular
weight fraction of soybean protein hydrolyzates showed
hypocholesterolemic effect in rats (Sugano et al., 1989).
In the studies of bacterial cultures, egg with lower
cholesterol levels in the yolk were produced by feeding of a
dried culture of Bacillus subtilis, which is the same strain as
Bacillus natto (Xu et al., 2006). It is known that probiotics
in intestinal flora digest cholesterol for their own cell
metabolism. Gilliland (1985) reported that microorganisms
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Free glutamic acid (g/100 g)
Free glutamic acid (g/100 g)
Cont. 1DN 2DN 2DN-A
Free glutamic acid (g/100 g)
Free glutamic acid (g/100 g)
Figure 3. Effect of the supplementation of natto on the free
glutamic acid concentration in the breast and thigh meat. Cont.,
1DN, and 2DN correspond to 0, 1, and 2% dried natto
supplementation for days 0 to 80, respectively. 2DN-A, a basic
diet was supplied for days 0 to 27, and subsequently 2% drie
natto was supplied for days 28 to 80. Vertical bar, standard error (n
= 3). * and ** indicate that the values are significantly different at
p<0.1 and p<0.05, respectively.
Figure 4. Effect of the supplementation of natto on the cholesterol
content in the breast and thigh meat. Cont. and 2DN correspond to
0 and 2% dried natto supplementation for days 0 to 80,
respectively. Vertical bar, standard error (n = 3). ** Indicate tha
the values between Cont. and 2DN are significantly different at
Cont. 2DN
Cholesterol (g/100 g meat)
Cholesterol (g/100 g meat)
Cont. 2DN
Cholesterol (g/100 g meat)
Cholesterol (g/100 g meat)
Fujiwara et al. (2008) Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21(12):1766-1772
absorb cholesterol and cause a decrease in cholesterol in
host animals. Fukushima and Nakano (1995) suggested that
the serum cholesterol decrease in host animals fed
probiotics was caused by inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
activities. Haddin et al. (1996) showed that yolk cholesterol
levels decreased by feeding of 4×108 million living
Lactobacillus/g diet for 48 week.
However, our results showed that the decrease in meat
cholesterol level was found in females specifically,
suggesting that natto components act as female hormones
such as isoflavones with estrogen-like functions. Kishida et
al. (2006) reported that dietary isoflavone-rich fermented
soybean extract decreased the serum cholesterol
concentrations in female rats but did not affect the
concentrations in male rats. Furthermore, in accordance
with the deglycosylation of isoflavone glycosides, the
estrogenic activity of black soymilk by Bacillus natto on the
ERβ estrogen receptor increased threefold (Kuo et al.,
2006). The meat cholesterol lowering effect of natto
requires further study.
Recently, it has been well-shown that bioactive peptides,
which possess diverse and unique health benefits including
the prevention of age-related chronic disorders, such as
cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and decreased
immune function, are produced by fermented soybeans in
human diets (Mejia and De Lumen, 2006). In the poultry
industry, the supplementation of probiotics has recently
attracted interest from the point of poultry health.
Antibiotics are in widespread use to prevent poultry
pathogens and disease so as to improve meat and egg
production. However, the continued use of dietary
antibiotics has resulted in common problems, such as the
development of drug resistant bacteria (Sorum and Sumde,
2001), imbalance of normal microflora (Andermont, 2000),
and drug residues in the body (Burgat, 1991). As a result of
these problems, it has become necessary to develop
alternatives using beneficial microorganisms. A probiotic is
a live microbial feed supplement that beneficially affects
the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial
balance (Fuller, 1989), and is recommended as an effective
alternative to antibiotics (Sissons, 1989). Since it is possible
that natto, which contains bioactive peptides and living
Bacillus natto as a probiotic for poultry, we are also
investigating the immunomoduratory effects of natto from
the point of view of animal health.
We are grateful to the manager of Takano Foods Co.
Ltd., Ken-Ichiro Kaneko for providing fermented soybean
products. We wish to thank Mr. Kazuo Namai of the
Laboratory of Poultry, Ibaraki Prefectural Livestock
Research Center.
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... However, YW in group II was increased by 5.94% compared to the antibiotic group (P < 0.05) in the second sampling. Fujiwara et al. (2008) found that there was no improvement in YW by fermented soybean. In the second determination, YC improved by 11.57% and 15.08% in group I (P < 0.05) and group II (P < 0.01) compared with control, respectively. ...
... According to Table 5, compared with the control group, AH in group I was significantly enhanced (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively), and that of group II was significantly increased in the second determination (P < 0.01). The results were not in agreement with that of Fujiwara et al. (2008), who reported that FF did not improve AH. However, Park et al. (2016) indicated that adding 1% and 2% of fermented phytogenic feed additive to the diet of layers could improve AH. ...
Residual wastes can be fermented by using probiotics to formulate a well-balanced diet for poultry. The current study was conducted to investigate the effect of fermented feed (FF) formulated by the supplementation of probiotics into corn by-products, on the production performance of laying hens. A total of 468 49-week-old Hy-Line Brown chickens were randomly allocated into four treatments with three replicates, control group (basal diet), group Ⅰ (4% FF, w/w), group Ⅱ (8% FF, w/w), and antibiotic group (flavomycin, 50mg/kg). Laying hens were housed in three-tier cages (28 × 48 cm x 48 cm) and the temperature was maintained at 21ºC. The birds were fed 4.56 kg of feed to each group twice a day. Compared to the control group, the egg production and feed intake (FI) in the FF groups increased significantly. Egg weight (EW) in group Ⅰ was higher than that of group Ⅱ and antibiotic (p<0.01) while that in group Ⅱ was lower than control (p<0.05). The feed to egg ratio of FF groups compared to control was decreased (p<0.05). Eggshell strength (ESS) and egg shape index (ESI) in group Ⅱ were decreased significantly as compared to the control group (p<0.05). Yolk color (YC) albumen height (AH) and Haugh unit (HU) in FF groups were improved compared to the control group and antibiotic group (p<0.01). Yolk triglyceride (TG) level was significantly reduced in group II, compared to group I. These results indicated that the FF has no adverse effects and has beneficial effects on production performance and egg quality parameters of laying hens.
... natto (former name, Bacillus natto). Bacillus natto, as a probiotic strain, could be used as a functional ingredient in natto production (Fujiwara et al., 2008). Soymilk is a lactose-free product and contains GOS considered prebiotics as a source of energy due to the β-galactosidases in soybean. ...
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Functional foods containing probiotic bacteria are consumed worldwide. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), probiotics are living microorganisms that contribute to the host's overall health when provided in adequate amounts. Fermented dairy products, especially yogurt and other dairy-based products, are good substrates for probiotic delivery. However, recently, consumers have begun to seek alternatives due to lactose intolerance and high fat and cholesterol contents. Moreover, the growing vegetarianism has increased the demand for nondairy probiotic foods. Thus worldwide, researchers are studying probiotic bacteria feasibility in non-dairy products, including fruits, vegetables, and cereals. This study aims to give an overview of various nondairy based products that contain probiotic bacterial strains available worldwide based on fruits, vegetables, cereals, chocolate-based products, and meat products. Moreover, the latest globally available commercial products are also summarized.
... There are some other functional ingredients in natto such as polyglutamic acid and dipicolinic acid after fermentation. Dried natto has 13.4% nitrogen-free extract, 41.9% crude protein content, 5.7% moisture content, 21.3% ether extract, 10.5% crude fiber content and 5.631 cal/g gross energy content (Fujiwara et al, 2008a;Fujiwara et al, 2008b;He and Chen, 2013). Natto may be consumed with pasta, pizza and sushi (Karaçıl and Acar Tek, 2013). ...
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Soybeans are a type of edible legume which has a remarkable nutritional value in terms of protein content. There are many utilization types of soybean in the world, especially in Asia and USA. Soybean is used in making of, soybean oil, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, fermented bean paste, natto, soy sauce, soy flour, meat and dairy alternatives, soynut butter, vodka and other many products. Soybean oil is the most produced and consumed vegetable oil in the world according to the statistical values. The consumers in Turkey met with soybean oil in the beginning of the 90’s. Soybean oil is free-cholesterol such as all vegetable oils. It contains high amount of unsaturated fats. Therefore soybean oil that is 20% of the soybean seed is used for making salad, frying oil and as margarine. Moreover by using soybean oil; anticorrosion materials, cement components, construction materials, concrete additives, care oils, disinfectants, dust control agents, electrical insulation, fungicides (fungal toxins), metal coating and ink are produced. In addition to these products soybean oil is used in making of resin and plastic, paint and varnish, mineral oils, confectionery products, mayonnaise and salad dressings, shortenings, imitation chocolate, coffee whiteners, creams, imitation cheese, frozen desserts. High linoleic acid content makes soybean oil more important than other animal-based and vegetable oils. Soybean oil in full fat soybean is very digestible for all animals because of its fatty acid composition. The soybean products and their usage purposes in the feed sector may be explained as for providing of protein requirement and as an energy source. It may also be used as biodiesel that is typically made by chemically reacting lipids with an alcohol producing fatty acid esters. In this research, the situation and the utilization types of soybean and soybean products are given.
... The nutritional properties of the raw materials used are improved while the texture and wide variety of flavors develops during fermentation. Natto fermentation also adds the functional properties of soybean by the presence of nattokinase, polyglutamic acid and dipicolinic acid [4]. Nattokinase is a fibrinolytic enzyme shows ability to break the cross-linking of fibrin in vitro [5]. ...
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Natto is a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting whole soybean seeds with pure culture of Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and water lily (Nymphaea stellata) seeds as the raw materials for natto production. Chemical (proximate, amino acids and minerals) changes were observed on raw, steamed and fermented seeds. Proximate compositions of all samples were calculated in both wet basis and dry basis. In wet basis calculation, steaming and fermentation tended to lower the carbohydrates, ashes, fats and protein content which were attributed to the increase of moisture. The total amino acid, iron and magnesium contents of raw lotus seeds were 24.29%, 5.08 mg 100g-1 and 174.23 mg 100g-1 dry matter, respectively. After a 24h-fermentation at 40°C, the total amino acids decreased while iron and magnesium contents increased significantly reaching, in respective order, 9.9 mg 100g-1 and 411.36 mg 100g-1 dry matter. Changes in chemical composition after fermentation were more pronounced in lotus seeds than water lily seeds indicating that their nutrient composition were more suitable to support Bacillus subtilis growth.
... Research has also shown other benefits of supplementation. Natto (a fermented soybean food in Japan) components such as isoflavones act as female hormones with estrogen-like functions and could decrease meat cholesterol levels in female broilers [Fujiwara et al., 2008]. Kishida [2006] reported that dietary isoflavone-rich fermented soybean extracts decreased serum cholesterol concentrations in female rats. ...
Anti-nutritional factors in soy meal (SM) include trypsin inhibitor, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), structural polysaccharides and large molecular weight protein. These anti-nutritional factors limit the usage of SM for young monogastric animals. Aspergillus oryzae solid state fermentation was applied to eliminate these factors. Changes in physical and chemical characteristics of SM during fermentation were investigated. A. oryzae was more nutrient- than oxygen-oriented, illustrated by scanning electron microscopy. The concentration of GOS (raffinose, stachyose and verbascose) and trypsin inhibitor decreased from initial values of 9.48 mmol/100 g, respectively, to a non-detectable level after 36 hr fermentation. Structural polysaccharides decreased by 59% (w/w) and the degree of hydrolysis of SM protein increased from initial value of 0.9% to 7% (w/w) through the 7 d fermentation. Fermentation also modified nutritional factors. Protein content increased from 50.47% (w/w) to 58.93% (w/w) after 36 hr fermentation. Amino acids content were significantly enhanced. The research thoroughly studied the A.oryzae solid-state fermentation process on SM. Results showed that the process could provide a better protein source for monogastric animals.
... Research has also shown other benefits of supplementation. Natto (a fermented soybean food in Japan) components such as isoflavones act as female hormones with estrogen-like functions and could decrease meat cholesterol levels in female broilers [Fujiwara et al., 2008]. Kishida [2006] reported that dietary isoflavone-rich fermented soybean extracts decreased serum cholesterol concentrations in female rats. ...
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Soybean meal (SBM) and soybean hull (SBH) are generated after recovery of soybean oil from soybean processing. The protein content of SBM can be as high as 53.5 to 56.2% moisture-free basis (mfb). Soybean meal also has a favorable amino acid composition compared with other plant proteins. Because of its high protein content, SBM is primarily used as a commercial animal feed product. Soybean hull contains about 85.7% carbohydrates, 9% protein, 4.3% ash, and 1% lipids and is used as a fiber supplement in animal feed. Despite the recognized value of SBM and SBH, these components have some inherent disadvantages. The dietary energy value of uncooked SBM is relatively low because of antinutrional factors such as proteinase inhibitors and phytate. Oligosaccharides in the carbohydrate fraction, particularly raffinose and stachyose, could lead to flatulence and abdominal discomfort. Further, the widespread availability of distiller grains due to increaseed ethanol production from corn and other cereal grains has saturated the high-protein animal feed market. Microbial bioprocessing of SBM and SBH, along with protein enhancement and removal of antinutritional factors, will result in an enhanced sulfur amino acid profile and additional nutrients, such as vitamin B12. This chapter focuses on SBM and SBH conversion to premium animal feed products and reviews the latest developments in nutritional enhancement via enzymatic and microbial bioconversion.
The effects of natto, a fermented soybean food, on transcript levels of hen peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐γ (PPARG), PPARG coactivator‐1α and −1β (PPARGC1A and PPARGC1B), and nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCOR1) were investigated using real‐time polymerase chain reaction in white leghorn (Julia strain) hens. Twenty‐one‐ and 34‐week‐old hens were fed a basic or 3% dried natto‐supplemented diet for 8 weeks. In the 21‐ and 34‐week‐old hens fed the natto‐supplemented diet, hepatic PPARGC1B and NCOR1 transcript levels and adipose and hepatic PPARG transcript levels were significantly lower, respectively, than those in the control group. Furthermore, 34‐ and 42‐week‐old hens were fed a basic diet supplemented with 3% of the protein/fiber‐enriched fraction (PFB) or 0.6% of the fat‐enriched fraction (FAT) of natto, respectively, for 8 weeks. Adipose PPARG transcript levels were higher in the FAT diet group and significantly lower in the PFB diet group than in the control group. However, both FAT and PFB diet groups showed significantly lower hepatic PPARG transcript levels than did the control group. These results suggest that dried natto influences the transcript levels of PPARG, PPARGC1B, and NCOR1, and the FAT and PFB of natto influence the adipose and hepatic PPARG transcript levels in hens.
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The influence of dietary bacillus natto productive protein (BNPP) on endogenous thrombolysis was investigated in the rat. Animals were given a standard feed for 14 weeks, to which 0.2 or 1% BNPP was added. Thrombolysis was evaluated using an He-Ne laser-induced thrombosis model in mesenteric microvessels. Changes in thrombus volume, reflecting thrombolysis, decreased to 82% of the initial value in the control group. In contrast, the thrombus volume decreased to 67% in the animals fed 0.2% BNPP, and decreased to 51% in the group given 1% BNPP. The extent of thrombolysis in the 1% BNPP group was equivalent to that seen in animals treated with a bolus intravenous infusion of 0.2 mg/kg tissue plasminogen activator. The results demonstrated that the dietary administration of BNPP enhanced endogenous thrombolysis in a dose-dependent manner. Argatroban (2 mg/kg/h) enhanced endogenous fibrinolysis only in control animals, but not in the BNPP groups. The results support the suggestion that dietary supplementation with BNPP may provide a simple means to promote fibrinolysis not only in the treatment of thromboembolism but also in the prevention of venous occlusion.
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In order to examine the usefulness of restricted feeding often employed in chicken productions, effects of short-term restricted feeding on taste components of broiler meat, i. e., free amino acids and ATP metabolites, were studied using 49-day-old female Cobb strain broilers. In experiment 1, chickens were fed an experimental diet ad libitum (control), or the 50% or 25% amount of the control group (restricted feeding) for 10 days. Free amino acids and ATP metabolites of the breast meat extract were determined. In experiment 2, the time course of changes in free glutamic acid (Glu) and ATP metabolites by restricted feeding (50% of control) period was studied for 14 days. In experiment 3, in order to see the correlation between the chemical composition and the meat taste, the sensory evaluation of meat extract and meat were conducted. As a result, of all free amino acids in the meat extract, only Glu and arginine were significantly lower in the restricted groups than in the control group. Glu decreased gradually with time by restricted feeding down to 64.0% significantly on day 10. 5'-inosinic acid (IMP) in the meat extract was increased 12.8% on day 2, and remained constant thereafter. Sensory evaluation indicated that the taste of meat extract as well as of meat in the restricted group was inferior to that in the control group. All the results suggest that restricted feeding may deteriorate the meat taste of broilers rather than improve it, contrary to a general expectation. Therefore, we should be cautious to use restricted feeding to improve the meat quality of chicken.
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To elucidate the efficacy of different levels of microbial-fermented soy proteins (FSP) on piglet performance, a total of 240 weaned piglets (L??Y??D, 22?? d of age, 5.16??.07 kg initial BW) were allotted to 4 treatment diets comprising control, FSP-3%, FSP-6% and FSP-9%. The fermented soybean product named Pepsoygen??was utilized for the study. There were 15 pigs per pen and 4 pens per treatment. The control diet contained 15% soybean meal (SBM), and SBM for the treatment diets was replaced at 3, 6 and 9% with FSP, respectively. Experimental diets were fed from 0 to 14 d (phase-I) after weaning and then a common commercial diet was fed from 15 to 35 d (phase-II). There was a linear (p
A total of one hundred and forty four weaned pigs with an average BW of 8.09??.05 kg were used in a 28 day study to investigate the effects of fermented soy protein on growth performance, blood urea nitrogen and total protein concentrations in serum and nutrient digestibility in weaner pigs. Pigs were blocked by initial body weight and randomly allocated to one of four dietary treatments in a randomized complete block design. There were six replications per treatment. Dietary treatments included: SBM (corn-soybean meal basal diet), F 5, 10 and 15 (fermented soy product was used at 5, 10 and 15% to replace soybean meal in basal diet, respectively). ADG (average daily gain) and ADFI (average daily feed intake) were not affected (p>0.05) by dietary treatments during the entire 4-wk study period. There were linear increments in feed efficiency (p0.05). Digestibilities of histidine, lysine and methionine were increased as the FSP level increased (linear effect, p
Tempe is a fermented soy bean product originally made by Central Javanese people through fermentation with Rhizopus species. Although there is evidence of earlier fermentation of soy, tempe had appeared in the Central Javanese food pattern in the 1700s. Through its extensive use in main meals and snacks, it has led to people in the Jakarta prectinct having the highest known soy intake in the world and accordingly of the isoflavones contained. This provides an unique opportunity to consider the health effects of tempe (and soy), both beneficial and potentially toxic. Apparent health benefits are bowel health, protection against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers (e.g. breast and prostate) and menopausal health (including bone health). The long use of tempe at all stages of life, without recognised adverse effects, suggests it is relatively safe at the levels of intake seen in Central Java. However, further research on soy, both fermented and non-fermented, in Central Java should yield more insight into the mechanisms of action and the safe ranges of intake.
Impact of antibiotherapy on intestinal ecosystem.Ecological impact of antibiotherapy results from the interaction between microorganisms in the ecosystems and antibiotics at which they are exposed. The amount of antibiotics use in the world is continuously increasing. The fraction devoted to human care is only about half the total amount. There are multiple other fields of usage, in agriculture, breeding and veterinary medicine. Bacterial ecosystems exposed at antibiotherapy in man are mainly the skin and the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. The gastrointestinal system is quantitatively predominant and the consequences of the bacterial imbalance induced by antibiotics are potentially severe. It is the reason why it is the most extensively studied, in the literature and in the present review. The origin of resistant bacteria will be briefly discussed.
This review examines the scientific basis for claims that commercial probiotics prevent diarrhoea and increase digestive performance in young farm animals. Suppression of pathogenic coliforms in the stomach and intestine by competitive growth and bacteriocidal secretions of lactic acid bacteria justifies the use of lactobacilli in probiotics. However, there is as yet insufficient evidence to support the notion of a beneficial digestive role for this gut microflora.
The consumption of poultry meats exceeds 50% of total meat consumption. With the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and foot and mouth disease, the consumption of poultry meat is set to increase. The use of meat bone meal derived from cattle and pigs is prohibited. Therefore, plant protein has to be used more frequently and the importance of the study of amino acid nutrition is increasing. In order to improve dietary efficiency, it is necessary to elucidate the exact amino acid requirements of poultry. The amino acid requirements are not constant and are affected by various factors. By using the plasma amino acid concentration as a parameter, it is possible to predict the amino acid requirements within a short period using a small number of animals repeatedly. By satisfying the amino acid requirements through supplementing crystalline amino acids, it is possible to reduce dietary protein and excretory nitrogen simultaneously. However, when the dietary protein is reduced, the abdominal fat tends to increase. This is solved by deciding the optimum dietary protein level, but it is difficult to control the taste of poultry meat by dietary amino acids.
Bone loss with increasing age induces osteoporosis. This loss may be due to increased bone resorption and decreased bone formation. Osteoporosis with a decrease in bone mass is widely recognized as a major public health problem. Pharmacological and nutritional factors may prevent bone loss with increasing age. The chemical compounds in food that act on bone metabolism, however, are poorly understood. Genistein is a natural isoflavonoid phytoestrogen found in Leguminosae and has been demonstrated to have an anabolic effect on bone metabolism, suggesting its role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Genistein has a stimulatory effect on bone formation and mineralization in the tissue culture system in vitro, and it can stimulate protein synthesis in osteoblastic cells. Moreover, genistein has been shown to inhibit osteoblastic bone resorption by preventing the formation and differentiation of osteoclast-like cells from bone marrow cells, and the apoptosis of mature osteoclasts is induced by genistein through the Ca2+ signaling mechanism. Also, the suppressive effect of genistein on rat bone osteoclasts is partly involved in the inhibition of protein kinase and the activation of protein tyrosine phosphatase in osteoclasts. Daidzein, an isoflavone, did not have a greater effect than genistein. Various polyphenols [glycitein, resveratol, quercetin, catechin, and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate] found in food and plants did not have an anabolic effect on bone calcification in tissue culture in vitro. Genistein may be of significance in the prevention of bone loss with increasing age. The dietary intake of isoflavone (genistein and daidzein) could prevent bone loss in ovariectomized rats which are model animals of osteoporosis. In addition, the preventive effect of genistein on bone loss with aging is enhanced by the combination of zinc or casein phosphopeptides as food factors. Genistein is a useful biofactor in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, are the leading causes of death in North America. According to data provided by the World Health Organization in 2000, heart diseases are responsible for 29% of the total mortality rate in the world. Since cardiovascular diseases have a major impact on an individual’s quality of life, a tremendous amount of research has been done in the area of prevention and the treatment of the diseases. Fibrinolytic enzymes are agents that dissolve fibrin clots. Recently many food derived fibrinolytic enzymes have been found in various traditional Asian foods. Fibrinolytic enzymes can be found in a variety of foods, such as Japanese Natto, Tofuyo, Korean Chungkook-Jang soy sauce, and edible honey mushroom. Enzymes have been purified from these foods, and their physiochemical properties have been characterized. Fermented shrimp paste, a popular Asian seasoning, was shown to have strong fibrinolytic activity. These novel fibrinolytic enzymes derived from traditional Asian foods are useful for thrombolytic therapy. They will provide an adjunct to the costly fibrinolytic enzymes that are currently used in managing heart disease, since large quantities of enzyme can be conveniently and efficiently produced. In addition, these enzymes have significant potential for food fortification and nutraceutical applications, such that their use could effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases.