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Local anthropogenic contamination affects the fecundity and reproductive success of an Arctic amphipod


Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT: This study investigates whether adaptation to life in contaminated Arctic areas carries a cost for the populations in terms of reduced fecundity and reproductive success. The benthic amphipod, Orchomenella pinguis occurs in huge densities in both clean and contaminated sites. O. pinguis was collected at contaminated sites in an open fjord adjacent to Sisimiut, West Greenland, and at clean sites outside the fjord exposed to open waters. The broods of gravid females were analyzed for number of embryos, embryonic developmental stage and number of embryo abnormalities. Further, a sample from 3 of the sites was sexed and analyzed for intersex occurrence. The individuals collected at the most contaminated site had significantly higher fecundity (i.e. reproductive potential), but also higher frequency of embryo aberrations resulting in lower fertility (i.e. actual reproductive success) compared to clean site individuals. These results indicated a cost of living in highly contaminated environments in terms of reduced reproductive success. This study confirms the potential of the benthic amphipod O. pinguis as a bioindicator for assessments of reproductive effects of contaminants in the Arctic marine environment.
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Vol. 419: 121–128, 2010
doi: 10.3354/meps08872 Published November 30
The effects of pollution on wildlife and other organ-
isms in the Arctic marine environment are of great
concern, as many pollutants can have long-term
impacts on reproduction, embryo development,
growth or in other ways pose a risk to the health of ani-
mal populations (Attrill & Depledge 1997, Matthiessen
& Law 2002, Wu et al. 2005). Despite this concern,
there are very few toxicity studies for polar marine spe-
cies, vertebrate or invertebrate (Chapman & Riddle
2005). Benthic amphipods have potential as sensitive
bioindicator organisms of contaminant-induced effects
in marine ecosystems (Thomas 1993), and are also
widespread in Arctic environments.
The economy of Greenland, like most Arctic areas, is
highly dependent on marine ecosystem services since
a large part of the human population hunts and fishes
locally. Given that most of Greenland’s exports are also
based on fisheries, the maintenance of both local food
supply and the economy is highly reliant on the protec-
tion of the marine local habitats. However, the long-
range transport of contaminants (Lockhart 1995, Riget
et al. 2004), together with structural changes in Green-
land leading to more centralized consumer and indus-
trial activities, have resulted in a larger and more geo-
graphically concentrated discharge of contaminants
into the marine ecosystem.
One method to assess effects of contamination is
through the use of bioindicator organisms, which are
any kind of species whose function, status or popula-
tion productivity can be used to determine the state of
the ecosystem they inhabit (Adams 2005). For the West
Greenland marine ecosystem we suggest the benthic
© Inter-Research 2010 ·*Email:
Local anthropogenic contamination affects
the fecundity and reproductive success of an
Arctic amphipod
Lis Bach1, 2,*, Astrid Fischer1, 3, Jakob Strand1
1Department of Marine Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
2Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Denmark
3Department of Toxicology, Wageningen University and Research Centrum, Wageningen, The Netherlands
ABSTRACT: This study investigates whether adaptation to life in contaminated Arctic areas carries a
cost for the populations in terms of reduced fecundity and reproductive success. The benthic amphi-
pod, Orchomenella pinguis occurs in huge densities in both clean and contaminated sites. O. pinguis
was collected at contaminated sites in an open fjord adjacent to Sisimiut, West Greenland, and at
clean sites outside the fjord exposed to open waters. The broods of gravid females were analyzed for
number of embryos, embryonic developmental stage and number of embryo abnormalities. Further,
a sample from 3 of the sites was sexed and analyzed for intersex occurrence. The individuals col-
lected at the most contaminated site had significantly higher fecundity (i.e. reproductive potential),
but also higher frequency of embryo aberrations resulting in lower fertility (i.e. actual reproductive
success) compared to clean site individuals. These results indicated a cost of living in highly contam-
inated environments in terms of reduced reproductive success. This study confirms the potential of
the benthic amphipod O. pinguis as a bioindicator for assessments of reproductive effects of contam-
inants in the Arctic marine environment.
KEY WORDS: Orchomenella pinguis · Embryo development · Embryo aberrations · Greenland
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 419: 121–128, 2010
amphipod Orchomenella pinguis (Lysianassidae) as a
useful bioindicator species, since it is a highly common
macroinvertebrate in the area (Bach et al. 2009). Fur-
ther, O. pinguis is, like other lysianassid species, im-
portant in the benthic food chain where it forms an
essential link by decomposing organic matter and as a
food item for vertebrate predators such as fish and
birds (De Lange et al. 2005, Ide et al. 2005). In addition,
this species is relatively stationary, present in huge
densities, easy to sample and has a circumpolar distri-
bution (Horner & Murphy 1985, Sainte-Marie 1986a,b,
1991, Legezynska et al. 2000, Bach et al. 2009).
Contaminants can have a wide range of effects on
marine organisms. Several studies have reported im-
pacts of contaminants on reproductive success in
amphipod populations, including embryo aberrations
(Sundelin & Eriksson 1998, Camus & Olsen 2008, Sun-
delin et al. 2008b, Pastorinho et al. 2009) and reduced
fertility resulting from the occurrence of intersex (Ford
et al. 2003a,b, Ford & Fernandes 2005). Amphipods are
model organisms for reproductive studies. They are
easy to examine as there is no pelagic larval phase and
embryos are carried maternally in a ventral brood
pouch (marsupium) from fertilization of the eggs to
their emergence as fully developed juveniles. Amphi-
pods have thus been recommended as useful bio-
indicator species to assess effects of contaminants on
invertebrate reproduction (Sundelin et al. 2008a).
The fjord Ulkebugten (Sisimiut, West Greenland) is
impacted by untreated wastewater from different
sources including households (approximately 5500 in-
habitants), a hospital, a fish factory, and other indus-
tries, as well as a great deal of boat, trawler and cruise
traffic. This has resulted in a fjord contaminated
with e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
heavy metals (Bach et al. 2009; summarized in
Table 1). However, at all sites (including inside the har-
bor and at the hospital wastewater outlet) where sam-
pling was attempted, Orchomenella pinguis occurred
in large densities despite high contamination levels,
indicating that this species has high capacity to adapt
to live in contaminated environments. As a study area,
this fjord was ideal because of the availability of sites
with different contamination inputs in close vicinity
(max. 5 km) to clean sites.
This study is based on previous findings of dense
occurrences of O. pinguis at both clean and highly con-
taminated sites (Bach et al. 2009). The overall objective
of this study was to investigate if adaptation to life in
contaminated areas carries a cost in terms of reduced
fecundity (i.e. reproductive potential) and impaired
fertility (i.e. actual reproductive success) for popu-
lations of the Arctic benthic dwelling amphipod,
Orchomenella pinguis, in the fjord Ulkebugten, Sisim-
iut, Greenland.
Site GPS positions Sediment Sediment Organic Depth Sum of Copper Cadmium Mercury Lead TBT
grain size color content (%) (m) 16 PAHsa
Hospital 66° 56.584’ N, 53° 39.169’ W Silty Dark/black 4.00 5–10 1050 23 0.38 0.21 6.3 7
Marina 66° 56.611’ N, 53° 39.528’ W Small grained Dark grey 1.70 10–15 290 12 0.13 0.03 3.2 6
Harbor 66° 56.000’ N, 53° 40.093’ W Silty Black 5.60 5–10 12 900 130 0.61 0.35 33.1 523
Outer Bay 66° 56.529’ N, 53° 41.229’ W Grained Grey 0.80 5–10 20 6 0.11 0.01 1.3 >1
Frederik VII’s Island 66° 55.857’ N, 53° 45.447’ W Grained Grey 1.10 5 10 8.2 6 0.05 0 1.3 3
North Bay 66° 57.453’ N, 53° 46.323’ W Grained Grey 0.50 5–10 nd 6 0.09 0 1.0 >1
aAccording to the list of the 16 important PAHs designated by the US Environmental Protection Agency see Bach et al. (2009) for details
Table 1. Summary of contamination in sediment samples from 6 sites after Bach et al. (2009) and additional tributyltin (TBT) analyses. Average measurements of samples
taken in October 2006, August 2007 and August 2008: organic content, sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (µg kg dry wt–1), copper, cadmium, mercury and
lead (mg kg dry wt–1), and TBT (µg kg dry wt–1). nd: not determined
Bach et al.: Contaminant effects on amphipod reproductive success
Study area. Orchomenella pinguis was sampled in
August 2008 in Ulkebugten, an open fjord in Sisimiut
on the western coast of Greenland. Six sampling sites
(Fig. 1) were selected based on knowledge of local
contamination sources and levels (summarized in
Table 1) from a previous study (Bach et al. 2009) and
additional data for tributyltin (TBT) analyzed as
described by Strand et al. (2006). Three sites (sites 1 to
3) are located within the fjord, close to point sources:
(1) the Hospital outlet, (2) the Marina and (3) inside the
Harbor. One site, (4) Outer Bay, is located facing the
open waters, outside town but close to the small air-
port. The 2 reference sites (5) Frederik VII’s Island and
(6) North Bay were located outside the fjord and
exposed to the open water masses. All sites were
within a distance of ~5 km from each other and equally
influenced by tides, temperature (~6°C) and a stable
salinity (~33).
Sampling and analyses. Amphipods were sampled
overnight using traps baited with fish tissue. In most
cases, this sampling method provided more than a
thousand individuals in each catch. The amphipods
were kept in large buckets (10 l) in cold, aerated sea-
water and supplied with sediment and algae (Ulvae
sp.) as natural substrates and cover until processing.
Shortly after sampling, a number of brood bearing
females from each site was sorted from the overall
sample consisting of juveniles, males and mature
females. Gravid females were easily recognized
because they appear more stocky than males and non-
gravid females and because eggs and embryos in the
marsupium showed through the coxal plates as a
red/purple mass. A picture was taken of the gravid
females using a dissection microscope with a camera
attached for later measurements of individual body
length (anterior end of the cephalon to the distal end of
the telson) using an image analysis program (SigmaS-
can Pro version 5.0.0). Eggs and embryos were gently
removed from the living females and the number,
developmental stage and frequency of embryo aberra-
tions per brood per female were scored for each
female. Embryonic stages were categorized as shown
in Fig. 2, after Sundelin & Eriksson (1998), with spe-
cies-specific modifications.
The aberrations found in embryos in this study
(Fig. 3) included twin eggs, undifferentiated eggs and
embryos with ceased development, oedema and
impaired membranes, and other non-specific aberra-
tions; they were similar to those described by Sundelin
et al. (2008a) and found by Camus & Olsen (2008). A
high frequency of pale embryos was found in the
broods of Harbor females, which themselves were
somewhat paler than females from other sites. A small-
scale study based on ex vivo cultivation of pale em-
bryos from the Harbor, resulted in high frequency of
later-occurring aberrations, total arrest in embryonic
stages or delayed development; all with less output of
vital juveniles compared to a parallel study with
embryos from the North Bay where a 100% normal
output was found. As a result of these findings the pale
embryos were categorized as aberrations.
The term ‘embryo’ is used synonymously with egg
throughout the manuscript and thus also includes
early-stage unfertilized eggs. Based on previous hatch-
ing experiments, embryos were also classified abnor-
mal if the developmental stage was 2 stages delayed
compared to the rest of the embryos in the brood. For
analysis of results, all types of aberrations were catego-
rized as one group. To distinguish between severity of
embryo aberrations per female, the percentage was
calculated and indexed into >2 – 5%, >5 – 20%, >20 –
50% and > 50 – 100% embryo aberrations per female.
Differences between sites for female size and brood
size were tested by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis
test, since assumptions of normality and
homogeneity of variances could not be
met. Site differences in the frequencies
of broods with embryo aberrations
were tested with 2 ×2 contingency
tables and followed by a χ2test.
The intersex analysis was restricted to
3 sites: Hospital, Harbor and North Bay.
After removal of gravid females, sub-
samples of the samples from these sites
were prepared. From each sub-sample, a
number of individuals (34, 44 and 42, re-
spectively) was sorted under a stereo mi-
croscope and divided into males, mature
females, immature females (i.e. with
rudimentary brood plates) and juveniles.
Gender and intersex occurrence were
Fig. 1. Sampling sites in Sisimiut, Greenland, 2008. Locations range from the
inner part of the fjord Ulkebugten to open waters. Three sites are close to point
sources of contamination: (1) Hospital outlet, (2) Marina, and (3) the Harbor.
One site: (4) Outer Bay, faces open water but is close to the small airport. Two
reference sites are exposed to open water masses: (5) Frederik VII’s Island and
(6) North Bay
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 419: 121–128, 2010
analyzed after Ford et al. (2003b), where intersex was
classified as presence of rudimentary brood plates and 1
or 2 genital papillae. Site differences in the gender and
intersex occurrence were tested with 2 ×4 contingency
tables and followed by a χ2test.
The embryonic stages for Orchomenella pinguis
were comparable to those described by Sundelin &
Eriksson (1998) and used by Camus & Olsen (2008) on
Fig. 2. Orchomenella pinguis. Characterization of embryonic development of O. pinguis. Seven embryonic stages of embryogen-
esis were adapted: (1) oval blastocytes, red eggs in early cleavage stages, but with no clear structure; (2) small fracture, formation
of the caudal furrow; (3) widening of the caudal furrow and appearance of appendages rudiments; (4) dorsal organ is formed and
the embryo is characterized by a comma shape and segmentation of appendages; (5) appendages and eye pigments become visi-
ble and the embryo is shaped like a half moon; (6) dorsal organ has decreased and the embryos have clearly developed red eyes;
(7) hatched juveniles inside brood chamber, potentially free swimming
Fig. 3. Orchomenella pinguis. Pictures of embryo aberrations (indicated by arrows) show examples of undifferentiated eggs and
embryo arrests, twin eggs and differentiated embryo pigmentation. Aberration types are ab: undefined aberrations; ea: embryo
arrest (dead); m: membrane impaired; p: pale (dead) and tw: twin eggs
Bach et al.: Contaminant effects on amphipod reproductive success
individuals of Monoporeia affinis and Gammerus wilk-
itzkii, respectively. However, for O. pinguis the embry-
onic development was categorized into only 7 stages as
the blastocytes in the early cleavage stages were
grouped into one (Fig. 2).
Brood size
Females carrying broods were in the sizes of 6.4 to
13.4 mm and the average number of embryos per
female was 20 ± 10 (± SD; range: 3 to 44). As the
females from the Harbor were significantly larger
(Kruskall-Wallis: p < 0.05) than from any of the other
sites, and as a relation between size and number of off-
spring previously has been described for other amphi-
pods (Nelson 1980, Ford et al. 2003a), data were
normalized by division by female length (mm). A com-
parison of the mean brood size per female (normalized
to female length) for each site (Table 2) shows that
despite the normalization the Harbor females still car-
ried significantly larger broods than females at any of
the other sites (Kruskall-Wallis: p < 0.01), with females
at Outer Bay and the reference sites (Frederik VII’s
Island and North Bay) carrying the smallest broods.
Brood size in the Harbor was also larger when speci-
fied to each embryonic stage. Further, slightly more
embryos occurred in the early stages 1 to 2 than in the
later stages 5 to 7 at most sites.
Embryo aberrations
The percentage of females carrying broods with
aberrations (Fig. 4) was significantly higher (2 ×2 con-
tingency table: p < 0.01) in the Harbor (49%) compared
to all other sites, i.e. Marina (11%), Hospital (12 %),
Outer Bay (0%) and the 2 reference sites Frederik VII’s
Island (0%) and North Bay (16%).
The Harbor site was furthermore the only site with
females carrying broods with more than 20% abnor-
mal embryos (Fig. 4). The highest occurrence of aber-
rations in Harbor embryos was found in broods at the
later embryonic stages 4 to 6, where the average fre-
quency of embryo aberrations per brood reached 25 to
43% (Fig. 5).
Among the studied specimens, no observations of
female or male intersex at any of the sites were made
(Fig. 6). There were however small differences, though
none statistically significant, in the frequency of imma-
ture females between clean and contaminated sites.
Site n Length (mm) Brood size Normalized Normalized number of embryos in each stage of development
(no. of embryos) brood size (no. of
Mean Range Mean Range embryos mm FL–1)1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hospital 17 8.4 ± 1.2 6.4– 11.3 14 ± 6.5 3–29 1.7 ± 0.8 3.0 ± 0.8 1.7 ± 1.2 0 1.5 ± 0.5 1.2 ± 0.3 1.4 ± 0.7 0
Marina 28 9.2 ± 0.9 7.5– 10.9 19 ± 8.5 4– 39 2.1 ± 0.8 2.5 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.6 2.6 ± 0.7 3.9 2.4 ± 0.4 1.7 ± 0.7 0.5
Harbor 61 10.5 ± 1.0* 8.0 – 13.1 30 ± 7.7* 8–44 2.8 ± 0.6* 2.7 ± 0.7 3.0 ± 0.6 2.9 ± 0.6 2.6 3.0 ± 0.6 2.5 ± 0.7 0
Outer Bay 42 9.1 ± 1.1 6.7– 11.8 15 ± 7.3 4– 35 1.6 ± 0.8 2.0 ± 1.0 1.7 ± 0.5 1.1 ± 0.6 1.9 ± 0.8 1.3 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.6 1.2 ± 0.2
Frederik VII’s Island 10 9.0 ± 0.7 7.8– 9.7 11 ± 6.7 3 23 1.2 ± 0.7 1.8 ± 0.3 0 0 1.9 ± 0.7 0.4 0.6 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.3
North Bay 43 8.3 ± 0.7 6.9–10.5 14 ± 6.0 5 35 1.7 ± 0.6 2.6 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.4 1.9 ± 0.8 1.4 ± 1.8 1.8 ± 0.3 1.8 ± 0.7 1.5 ± 0.4
Table 2. Orchomenella pinguis. Data from brood-bearing females at 6 sample sites: number of individuals, n; mean ± SD and range of female body length (FL, mm) and
brood size; brood size normalized by dividing by female body length; and normalized number of embryos per brood in the 7 stages of embryonic development. *p < 0.05
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 419: 121–128, 2010
Adding the 2 female groups: mature and immature
females, but excluding the undifferentiated group (and
the already sorted gravid females), more females than
males were found at the Hospital and Harbor (63:37
and 61:31, respectively) while the gender distribution
was equal (50:50) in North Bay.
The reproductive patterns of Orchomenella pinguis
were studied at contaminated and clean sites. Brood
size, embryonic developmental stages and number of
eggs over embryo aberrations as well as gender and
incidences of intersex were recorded. All parameters
used can be negatively affected by contamination and
may carry costs in terms of reduced fertility as result
of e.g. smaller brood sizes, lower embryo survival,
delayed maturation and reduced pairing success (Sun-
delin & Eriksson 1998, Ford & Fernandes 2005).
A small fraction of the sampled individuals was
gravid females. Occasionally the gravid females were
found with full ovaries with unfertilized oocytes as
well, confirming that Orchomenella pinguis is itero-
parous as suggested by Sainte-Marie (1990). While the
size of the gravid females corresponded to the size of
gravid females collected in Saint Lawrence Estuary
(Sainte-Marie 1990), the broods were found to be
much smaller in the present study. This may reflect dif-
ferences in food availability or a combination of geo-
graphical life history differences. Even within the pre-
sent study, differences in body and brood size were
found for different sites. At the most contaminated site,
the Harbor, amphipod females were larger than the
females collected at the other sites, and even after nor-
malizing to length these females still carried larger
broods. Whether this is an effect of larger body size,
higher food availability or is an attempt to overcome
the higher degree of aberrations found in broods at this
site can only be speculated. However, the finding con-
tradicts the ‘cost of stress hypothesis’ by Calow & Sibly
(1990), whereby smaller broods are hypothesized to
occur in stressed individuals due to reallocation of
energy from growth and reproduction towards stress
defenses. Another factor which can affect the brood
size of amphipods is a potential loss of embryos from
the brood either resulting from active rejection of
dead/malformed embryos or due to abnormal brood
Hospital Marina Harbor Outer
VII's Island
12% 11%
0 % 0 %
% Females with aberrations
% Aberrations
Developmental stage
Fig. 5. Orchomenella pinguis. Percentage embryo aberrations
at each developmental stage for the (f) Hospital, (n) Marina,
(d) Harbor and (×) North Bay. See Fig. 2 for developmental
% Distribution
Males Adult
females Females with
brood plates
Juveniles Intersex
Hospital (n = 34)
Harbor (n = 44)
North Bay (n = 42)
Fig. 6. Orchomenella pinguis. Gender and intersex distribu-
tion for the Harbor, Hospital and North Bay samples
Fig. 4. Orchomenella pinguis. Percentage of females within
each site carrying broods with aberrations (see Fig. 3). The
degree of aberrations is indexed within each brood into
>2–5 %, > 5 20%, > 20–50 % and > 50 100% embryo aberra-
tions per female
Bach et al.: Contaminant effects on amphipod reproductive success
plate development (Ford et al. 2003a). This might be
the reason for the slightly smaller brood sizes observed
in the later embryonic stages 4 to 6 at most of the sites
in Ulkebugten.
The findings of high levels of embryo aberrations in
the broods of Harbor females, and to a lesser degree in
Hospital, Marina and North Bay females, indicate pol-
lution effects, and are as such in agreement with the
studies by Sundelin & Ericsson (1998) and Camus &
Olsen (2008). Both found severe damage in embryos of
amphipods collected near an aluminum smelter with
high PAH concentrations and in embryos exposed to
PAHs under laboratory conditions, respectively. While
contaminants in general can cause malformed em-
bryos, exposure to hypoxia may result in dead eggs
and embryos (Sundelin et al. 2008a, and references
herein). Particularly high levels of PAHs have been re-
ported from the Harbor in Ulkebugten (Bach et al. 2009;
Table 1) and these may, alone or in conjunction with
other contaminants such as TBT, have triggered the
high frequency of embryo aberrations in Harbor broods
in the present study. TBT was also found in high con-
centrations in the Harbor sediments and though no
studies, to our knowledge, have addressed the direct
effects of TBT on amphipod embryo development, re-
productive effects of TBT have been found in e.g. fish
larvae (Fent & Meier 1992, Bodammer 1993).
Though the evidence for embryo aberrations was
only really strong at the Harbor site (49%), there were
also lower frequencies of broods with aberrations at
the Hospital (12%), Marina (11 %) and North Bay
(16%), which are higher than the assumed back-
ground levels of 5% in amphipods (Sundelin et al.
2008a). The findings for the Hospital and Marina cor-
respond to the contamination levels at these sites,
which are elevated but lower than in the Harbor. The
occurrence of broods with embryo aberrations at the
reference site North Bay cannot be explained by the
measured contamination levels, but may be attributed
to other contaminants.
Regarding intersex, other studies report observa-
tions of intersex in amphipods from contaminated sites
related to direct contamination effects, incomplete
feminization by microsporidian parasites, or as a con-
sequence of environmental sex determination (Ford et
al. 2003b, Ford & Fernandes 2005). In the present
study, there were no indications of development of
intersex in Orchomenella pinguis in individuals from
the 3 sites studied. Females with rudimentary brood
plates are suggested by Ford et al. (2003b) to represent
a form of endocrine dysfunction, similar to that of inter-
sex, as they are often observed in populations with
high incidence of intersex. Whether the finding of the
higher frequency of females with rudimentary brood
plates in both Hospital and Harbor compared to the
clean site (North Bay) is due to natural differences in
amphipod maturation processes and/or to contamina-
tion effects as suggested by Ford et al. (2003b) and
thus in the category of intersex, is unclear at present.
The impact of contaminants on the amphipods and in
particular on their fecundity may not only affect indi-
viduals but the overall population size and productivity
over the long-term. As amphipods are brooders and
carry their young in a brood pouch until they hatch
as fully developed juveniles, contaminants affecting
adults will also affect their offspring as they are re-
leased into the same environment. This can be expec-
ted to have consequences in terms of slower recruit-
ment and/or re-colonization. The Harbor population
may already have experienced such population-level
effects. The sampling in August 2008 and an additional
sampling in 2009 yielded much fewer individuals at
the Harbor site that at earlier samplings in August 2006
and August 2007 (Bach et al. 2009); this is indicative of
recent environmental changes, and severe pollution
events like oil spills cannot be excluded.
These results indicate a cost of living in highly conta-
minated environments in terms of reduced reproductive
success, shown by an increase in embryo aberrations,
possibly accompanied by the development of different
reproductive strategies to overcome that cost. For future
studies of the costs of living in contaminated areas in
terms of reproduction, other parameters such as time to
reproduction onset, embryo development time and juve-
nile growth and survival are suggested to be included.
Further field and laboratory studies are also needed to
evaluate if the reproductive changes in the amphipods
can be mainly attributed to contaminants or if other en-
vironmental stressors also have significant effects.
The Orchomenella pinguis sample collected at the
most contaminated site in the Harbor, had higher fre-
quency of broods with embryo aberrations compared
to samples from cleaner reference sites and also from
less contaminated sites. However, the Harbor females
also produced larger broods; but whether this has
evolved as a reproductive strategy to overcome the
greater embryonic loss or is an effect of higher food
accessibility remains unclear. A larger suite of environ-
mental stressors should be included in future studies to
enable separation of environmental influences from
the effects of contaminants.
Acknowledgement. We thank A. Willumsen and staff at
Department of Arctic Technology, Technical University of
Denmark, and Sanaartornemik Illiniarfik for providing
research facilities in Sisimiut, Greenland.
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 419: 121–128, 2010
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Editorial responsibility: Hans Heinrich Janssen,
Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Submitted: September 16, 2009; Accepted: October 11, 2010
Proofs received from author(s): November 28, 2010
... Oxygen consumption measurements can provide insights into the metabolic activity, responses to stimuli, and the overall health of animals. Contaminant exposure can alter metabolic rates (MR) in a variety of different organisms and has been suggested as an early indicator of toxic effects with ramifications on fitness; MR alterations can affect the survival, growth, and reproductive output of organisms (Burton et al., 2011;Cooke et al., 2013;Auer et al., 2015). For example, when oxygen consumption rates are altered, reductions in feed intake, lower growth rates, and increased overall stress in aquatic animals can occur (Lushchak andBagnyukova 2006, Bagherzadeh et al., 2013). ...
... Previous work has shown that amphipods have absent or have reduced populations compared to other species following community surveys at contaminated areas (Swartz et al., 1982;Kravitz et al., 1999), although this is species-and contaminant-dependant (Bach et al., 2010). Conversely, polychaetes do not characteristically avoid contaminated habitat and may even increase numbers in such habitats due to tolerance and opportunistic behaviour from the absence of competitors (Black et al., 1997;Tefler et al., 2006). ...
... Physiological parameters are good indicators of the general population health (Maltby 1999;Burton et al., 2011;Cooke et al., 2013;Auer et al., 2015) and prolonged effects on metrics such as oxygen consumption may lead to long-term adverse impacts, such as decreased growth, reproduction and survival from both increases and decreases in MO 2 . Consequently, both the decreased MO 2 of E. estuarius and increased MO 2 for N. virens at the environmentally relevant concentrations tested lends support to potential population/community effects to benthic invertebrates as well as other organisms from sediment contaminated anti-sea lice chemotherapeutants SLICE® and IVM. ...
Pest management strategies to reduce sea lice infestations in the salmon aquaculture industry include in-feed treatments with ivermectin (IVM) and SLICE® (active ingredient [AI] emamectin benzoate [EMB]), which can result in local contamination of the environment. These compounds partition to sediments, have moderate persistence, and may pose a risk to non-target benthic organisms. The sub-lethal effects of EMB, IVM and a combination of both (EMB/IVM) on the benthic amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius and polychaete Nereis virens at environmentally relevant sediment concentrations were examined in subchronic exposures (28-30-d). E. estuarius avoided sediment containing >50 μg/kg IVM alone and in combination with EMB. N. virens avoided sediment with >50 μg/kg IVM and >0.5 μg/kg EMB/IVM and exhibited impaired burrowing and locomotory behaviour with both treatments. Oxygen consumption was significantly decreased in E. estuarius (up to 50% compared to controls) and increased in N. virens (by ∼ 200%) when exposed to EMB, IVM and EMB/IVM at concentrations <5 μg/kg. IVM, SLICE® and combination exposures at environmentally relevant concentrations caused adverse effects in E. estuarius and N. virens which could significantly alter organism fitness near salmon aquaculture operations.
... The bay is impacted by untreated wastewater from households, wastewater from a fish factory, a hospital and other industries, and is also exposed to a great deal of boat, trawler and cruise traffic. The occurrence and population structure of O. pinguis has recently been described in relation to contamination (Bach et al., 2009(Bach et al., , 2010, and at most sites where we attempted sampling, the amphipod occurred in large densities, indicating that this species has a high capacity to adapt and inhabit a contaminated environment. ...
... The Orchomenella species are lysianassoid amphipods, which are commonly known to be scavengers with an omnivorous diet; however some species-specific specialization in feeding is known (Legezynska, 2008). O. pinguis (∼5-10 mm length) is common in shallow waters and the intertidal zone in the higher latitude, is relatively sedentary and has a circumpolar distribution (Horner and Murphy, 1985;Sainte-Marie, 1986a,b, 1991Legezynska et al., 2000;Bach et al., 2009Bach et al., , 2010. This species is a major component of the bottom fauna and high densities up to 9000 individuals m −2 have been found in the area of Ulkebugten, Sisimiut, West-Greenland (Bach et al., 2009). ...
... The primary objectives of this study were to investigate if life in contaminated areas leads to loss of genetic diversity and if this loss carries a cost for the population. Based on the occurrence of O. pinguis in contaminated sites as previously described in Bach et al. (2009Bach et al. ( , 2010, we hypothesized that the populations inhabiting contaminated sites would exhibit tolerance towards the 'known' stressors. In contrast, due to the possible costs of adaptation and tolerance that could result in decreased genetic diversity and energetic cost of combating stress, the contaminated site populations were expected to show less resilience towards new stress. ...
... The Arctic nature is vulnerable to environmental contaminants because of low biological diversity, lack of nutrients and extreme seasonal variations in light (AMAP, 2009). Therefore the direct release of untreated sewage may have severe consequences for the receiving (aqueous) environment (Kallenborn et al., 2008; Bergheim et al., 2010; Bach et al., 2009 Bach et al., , 2010). With increasing populations in the Arctic communities it becomes even more vital to improve the status of wastewater treatment in these regions. ...
... Lorenzen et al. (2005) examined the persistence and pathways of dissipation of testosterone in agricultural soils at different temperatures, showing that the rates of testosterone dissipation and metabolite appearance and subsequent dissipation were temperature dependent with rates decreasing with decreasing temperatures. In those parts of the Arctic where treatment of domestic and hospital wastewater is absent e.g. in Sisimut, Greenland (Bach et al., 2009Bach et al., , 2010), discarded and excreted pharmaceuticals are discharged without any elimination. Concentrations of antibiotics in hospital effluents are typically higher by a factor of 100 compared to municipal sewage and what is found in sewage treatment plants (Kümmerer, 2009). ...
Treatment of wastewater is often inadequate or completely lacking in Arctic regions. Wastewater contains different kinds of substances that can be harmful for the environment and human health, including residues of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Bioaccumulation and biomagnifications of chemicals in the food web are of concern. This can affect fishery that is a significant industry in many Arctic coastal regions. Wastewater from human settlements may also contain antibiotic resistant bacteria and pathogens that can cause negative impacts on human health and the environment. In the Arctic, especially, the direct release of untreated sewage may have severe consequences for the receiving environment due to low biological diversity, low ambient temperatures and consequently high vulnerability of the Arctic ecosystem to environmental contaminants. Bucket toilets are common in remote settlements but are also used in towns. In settlements having inadequate sanitary facilities the risk of contracting diseases, such as hepatitis A, is unacceptably high. Conventional centralized wastewater collection systems and treatment plants are a challenge to build in the Arctic and expensive to operate. Thus alternative methods are needed. Possible solutions are improved dry or low flush toilets with collection of toilet waste at the household level and subsequent centralized treatment by dry composting or anaerobic digestion. Both treatment methods facilitate co-treatment of wastewater along with other organic waste fractions and provide a by-product that is environmentally safe and easy to handle. Combining the above with decentralized greywater treatment will reduce the costs for expensive infrastructure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
... These findings corroborate those by Löf et al., (2016a) from two localities in the Gulf of Bothnia, where the %AbEmb variability was best explained by PCBs (with PCB180 being the primary driver), PAHs (Phenanthrene, 1-Methylphenanthrene, benzo[ghi]perylene) and Cd. A higher aberration rate near known pollution sources has been reported as a general tendency in M. affinis and other amphipod species (Sundelin & Eriksson, 1998, Bach et al., 2010, Reutgard et al., 2014, Tairova and Strand, 2022. However, as contaminants occur in mixtures and under heterogeneous conditions, the univariate relationships between specific pollutants and reproductive responses should not be expected, which further motivates the development of biological indicators of contaminant exposure and effects applicable across ecosystems. ...
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Embryo development of sediment-dwelling amphipod Monoporeia affinis is sensitive to contaminant exposure. Therefore, embryo aberrations in gravid females are used to detect the biological effects of contaminant exposure in the Baltic Sea benthic habitats. The indicator based on the aberration frequencies in wild populations (ReproIND) is currently used for environmental status assessment within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Descriptor 8.2. However, so far, it has mainly been applied in the Bothnian Sea (BoS) and the Western Gotland Basin (WGB), where it was found to respond to contaminant pressure and non-chemical environmental factors, such as temperature. To expand the applicability of the indicator to other Baltic Sea basins, we used field data from the gulfs of Finland and Riga, BoS, and WGB to investigate the relationships between reproductive disorders and contaminants and environmental factors, thus evaluating the indicator suitability in these areas. Despite the natural variability of the environments and contaminant distribution across and within the basins, we found that high concentrations of contaminants, e.g. metals, PAHs, and PCBs, contribute significantly to the embryo aberrations in M. affinis. These findings support ReproIND applicability in the Baltic Sea and, perhaps, in other marine areas.
... The sensitivity of many benthic species has been studied in the laboratory, and a range of sub-lethal effects have been demonstrated from exposures not necessarily comparable to actual oil spill situations (2002a, Camus et al. 2002b, Olsen et al. 2007, Bach et al. 2009, Hannam et al. 2009, Bach et al. 2010, Hannam et al. 2010. Effects occur especially in shallow water (< 50 m), where toxic concentrations can reach the seafloor. ...
... Those substances include industrial chemicals, synthetic oil, grease, pesticides, industrial chemicals, flame-retardants, and residues of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Studies have shown negative ecological effects on benthic invertebrates in areas around marine town outfall sites of untreated wastewater in the Arctic (Bach et al. 2010). The lack of disinfection may also have consequences for the development of antibiotic resistance in the local microbial communities exposed to a variety of pharmaceutical residues at high concentration levels, including antimicrobial agents (Gunnarsdóttir et al. 2012), further imposing an increased health risk for the local population. ...
... In fact, Ottosen and Villumsen (2006) have shown that the sediments in and around the harbour of Sisimiut have rather high concentrations of heavy metals, most likely due to maritime activities as well as discharge of untreated waste water from households and industry into the ocean. This issue has also received a fair amount of attention in the scientific literature (e.g., Bach and Dahll€ of, 2012;Bach et al., 2010). Despite its importance this issue is beyond the scope of the present paper. ...
... Bottom-living organisms (benthos) are generally very sensitive to oil spills and high hydrocarbon concentrations in the water. The sensitivity of many benthic species have been studied in the laboratory and a range of sub-lethal effects have been demonstrated from exposures not necessarily comparable to actual oil spill situations (Camus et al. 2002a, Camus et al. 2002b, Camus et al. 2003, Olsen et al. 2007, Bach et al. 2009, Hannam et al. 2009, Bach et al. 2010, Hannam et al. 2010. ...
Technical Report
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This report is a strategic environmental impact assessment of activities related to exploration, development and exploitation of oil in the Greenland sector of the Labrador Sea and the southeast Davis Strait.
... Amphipods are considered suitable indicators for environmental monitoring (e.g. Thomas 1993, Duquesne et al. 2000, Bach et al. 2010, and understanding their ecology can provide a context against which the significance of impacts can be interpreted. The amphipod Orchomenella franklini (Walker, 1903) is believed to be one of the most abundant infaunal members of the nearshore Antarctic (Tucker & Burton 1988, Stark 2000, Knox 2007, and it is ubiquitous around the Antarctic coast (Lowry & Bullock 1976, De Broyer et al. 2007. ...
The nearshore Antarctic environment is subject to increasing anthropogenic impact, yet the ecological processes influencing some of its most dominant species remain poorly understood. We examined patterns of the distribution and abundance of the Antarctic amphipod Orchomenella franklini in relation to the local environment. Samples of benthic sediment were collected in East Antarctica across several spatial and temporal scales and were analysed for the abundance of O. franklini and various sediment properties. O. franklini was found to reach extremely high densities (> 41000 m(-2)), yet abundance was strongly heterogeneous on all spatial scales tested. Temporal variation in abundance was also significant and was location-specific, potentially reflecting fluctuations in food supply and variable conditions resulting from ice disturbance. Principal component analysis and generalised additive modelling revealed evidence of a relationship between the distribution of O. franklini and the sediment, which was consistent with its deposit-feeding trophic niche. Generally, the abundance of O. franklini increased with de creasing sediment grain size and increasing trace element concentration. Abundance also peaked at high (though not maximum) total organic carbon content. This is one of the first empirical demonstrations of a correlation between discrete physical sediment traits and the abundance of an infaunal benthic species in the Antarctic, with evidence consolidated from 2 geographic regions. The influence of local conditions on the abundance of O. franklini provides insight on the heterogeneity of Antarctic benthic ecosystems.
... Further, O. pinguis as many other amphipod species plays a central role in the benthic ecosystem as an ecosystem engineer and highly affects key processes such as decomposition of organic matter [12] . O. pinguis has previously shown response to mixed anthropogenic contamination (PAH, metals, etc.) in terms of reduced reproductive success [13] and resilience towards other stressors [4] . However, little is known on the response of O. pinguis towards contamination by metals only. ...
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Objective: To evaluate the potential local benthic biomonitor organism, Orchomenella pinguis (O. pinguis), for mining contamination by addressing accumulation and toxicity of mining related metals in this arctic marine amphipod. Methods: A toxicity study exposed O. pinguis to four commonly occurring heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) associated to the mining industry in Greenland using: 1) a 5-day water-only bioassay; 2) a water-only bioassay evaluating the response between metal accumulation in O. pinguis and metal concentrations in water during a 5-day period; and finally 3) a sediment bioassay evaluating the response between metal accumulation in O. pinguis and metal concentrations in sediment as a function of time during a 20-day period using different mixtures of mining-contaminated sediments. Results: LC50 values for the four metals were 2.8, 5.4, 10.4 and 21.4 µmol/L, for Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn, respectively, with corresponding modelled metal concentrations of 3.4, 1.0, 11.1 and 6.1 µmol/g dry weight. During the sediment exposure experiments, a similar concentration of Zn did not induce lethal effects at the same level. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the appliance of metal organism concentrations as an estimate of effects is not a sufficient biomonitor of environmental effects. The organism may sequester metals into cellular compartments thus rendering the metals inert for toxic effects. More studies are needed to investigate effects of metal bioavailability. Additional biomarkers such as effects on functional responses e.g. feeding and burial behavior or effects on reproductive success are suggested in order enhance to the ecological significance.
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Traps were used to study the effect of bait size and sampling time on the attraction of Anonyx sarsi Steele & Brunei and Orchomenella pinguis (Boeck) in Baie des Rochers, Middle Saint Lawrence Estuary. Numbers of lysianassids attracted to traps increased with increasing bait size (1–700 g). However, traps with ⩾ 10 g bait yielded significantly more first (5–9 mm in length) and second (15–28 mm) cohort Anonyx sarsi per g fresh weight of bait than traps with 1g bait, while yield of Orchomenella pinguis did not differ significantly with l g bait compared with ⩾ 10 g bait. With large bait, catchability (i.e. ratio number in traps: endobenthic abundance) of second cohort Anonyx sarsi was greater than that of Orchomenella pinguis and first cohort Anonyx sarsi. Orchomenella pinguis and second cohort Anonyx sarsi were significantly less abundant in traps set for 30 min at high tide in the day compared with the night, demonstrating that darkness is an important modifying factor of their foraging behaviour. In contrast, first cohort A. sarsi were equally represented in traps deployed in the day and at night. The swift second cohort A. sarsi responded to bait faster than other lysianassids in laboratory and field experiments. These findings point to a distinct segregation of the foraging patterns of these lysianassid species and size classes, which is attributed to differences in activity rhythms and swimming speed and behaviour. Anonyx species are apparently better adapted to compete for large carrion than Orchomenella species.
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The life history and fecundity of five shallow-water lysianassoids from the Saint Lawrence Estuary were examined. Orchomenella minuta and Or. pinguis are annual and iteroparous (two broods), Psammonyx terranovae is iteroparous (two broods) and probably biennial, and Anonyx sarsi and Onisimus litoralis are biennial and semelparous. Females of A. sarsi and On. litoralis cease feeding on bait shortly before or after oviposition, whereas females of the iteroparous Or. pinguis stop feeding on bait only when broods are in the latest stages of embryo development. These ontogenetic changes may result from gut constriction caused by developing ovaries and broods, or may be due to behavioural changes. Data on the fecundity of the Lysianassoidea are reviewed, and it is concluded that deep-living species are probably much less fecund than shallow-living species. Anonyx nugax, Or. pinguis, and A. sarsi are more fecund than other lysianassoids, possibly because of their high-risk carrion-feeding and suprabenthic foraging activities.
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The embryonic development of the deposit-feeding Baltic amphipod Monoporeia affinis (Lindstrom) was studied from fertilization to hatching. Severe types of aberrant embryonic development are described and the normal variation of the aberrations is estimated. Between 2 and 6% malformed, 0 and 5% undifferentiated and 0 and 6% dead eggs and embryos were observed at different sites in the coastal area of the northern Baltic proper and the Bothnian Sea without local contaminant discharges. The embryonic development of M. affinis was described to facilitate the use of the embryo variables in field studies of sediment toxicity. The merits of the different embryo variables as biomarkers in effect monitoring were evaluated. Gravid females were sampled in the receiving waters of 2 different types of pulp mills and an aluminum smeltery. Fecundity (eggs per female) and frequency of malformed, enlarged, undifferentiated and dead embryos per female were determined. Frequency of malformed embryos was higher at industrially affected stations as compared to reference areas (p < 0.0001, p < 0.0001 and p = 0.003 respectively). The highest frequencies (15.3%) were recorded close to the aluminum smeltery. In reference areas the frequency varied between 1.5 and 4.9. The number of enlarged embryos with oedema was higher near the pulp mills (p = 0.03, p > 0.0001), particularly the pulp mill with a bleaching stage, where 25 to 40% embryos per female were affected. Background frequencies of enlarged embryos (0.7 to 3.5%) were observed outside the aluminum smeltery. Undifferentiated eggs and dead eggs did not correlate to the exposure situation, suggesting these variables are of limited value in effect monitoring of xenobiotics. The frequency of malformed embryos was increased also when fecundity, reproduction sUCCeSS and developmental stage of embryos were unaffected. Thus, the variable is suggested to be particularly toxicant-sensitive and by analysing the number of malformed embryos of M. affinis an early warning of affected populations could be provided.
Explores models that provide the basis of links between physiological and population processes and points out implications for the application of physiological bioassays in ecotoxicology. Scope for growth is the difference between energy intake and total metabolic losses and hence is equivalent to production rate in the standard energy budget. When scope for growth is zero or negative, there can be no growth and reproduction, and hence though conditions need not be immediately lethal, they will limit distribution. Similarly, by directly influencing growth and reproduction, scope for growth ought to correlate positively with abundance. -from Authors
Preoccupations with regulatory and legal liability issues in marine environmental monitoring have led to programmes based on reductionist models that use nonbiological parameters which are indirect measures of biotic condition. The ability to assess the effectiveness of current monitoring programmes to protect the marine environment at regional and national scales does not currently exist. Current monitoring programmes rarely serve the function for which they were intended: an accurate and sensitive source of information from which conditions and trends can be defined and recognized, and management decisions made. In addition, the natural variability of systems is problematic and must be documented in order to distinguish natural from anthropogenic changes in environmental conditions. Owing to their ecological importance, numerical abundance, and sensitivity to a variety of toxicants and pollutants, amphipod crustaceans have long been known as sensitive environmental indicators. However, application and use of amphipods in such programmes is limited to the few regions where ongoing comprehensive taxonomic and natural history investigations have been undertaken. Potential for amphipods as bioindicators exists in a wide variety of environments, especially in the tropics, but their incorporation into such programmes is dependent upon completion of taxonomic surveys and inventories.
Zooplankton samples collected in winter-spring 1978-79 and in spring 1980 from under the sea ice at two sites near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were analyzed for species composition and abundance. Sixtyeight categories, including 48 species and 20 other categories where identifica- tion was made to genus or other higher taxonomic rank, were identified. Calanoid copepods were dominant under the ice. As spring progressed, however, other organisms, including cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods, hydrozoans, amphipods, larvaceans, and larval stages of planktonic and benthic invertebrates, became more numerous. Some of these organisms, such as cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods, probably lived in the sea ice in early spring and were released into the water column as the ice melted. A correlation matrix identified three groups of zooplankton. Group one, consisting of Pseudoculunus spp., had large fluctuations in numbers throughout the spring. Group two, consisting of benthic copepods, polychaetes, and the amphipod Hulirages mixius, became abundant when the ice began to melt. The third group, composed of ail other species, had a more uniform abundance during early spring, but declined in numbers as the ice melted.
Patterns of reproductive parameters found among the gammaridean amphipod crustaceans were examined quantitatively. Highly significant positive correlations were found in pairwise comparisons of brood size, egg size, minimum size of reproductive females, and mean size of reproductive females. Significantly higher values of minimum and mean size of reproductive females and brood size were found for comparisons of: 1) winter versus summer populations of the same amphipod species, 2) brackish-water versus freshwater and marine species, 3) species of the family Gammaridae versus the families AmpeUscidae and Haustoriidae, 4) single-brooded versus multiple-brooded species (brood size only), and 5) infaunal versus epifaunal species. Reproductive patterns appear to be more specific within amphipod family groupings than is true for some other organisms, potentially because of the habitat Specificity of the gammaridean families examined.