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Abstract and Figures

Wellbeing is a growing area of research, yet the question of how it should be defined remains unanswered. This multi-disciplinary review explores past attempts to define wellbeing and provides an overview of the main theoretical perspectives, from the work of Aristotle to the present day. The article argues that many attempts at expressing its nature have focused purely on dimensions of wellbeing, rather than on definition. Among these theoretical perspectives, we highlight the pertinence of dynamic equilibrium theory of wellbeing (Headey & Wearing, 1989), the effect of life challenges on homeostasis (Cummins, 2010) and the lifespan model of development (Hendry & Kloep, 2002). Consequently, we conclude that it would be appropriate for a new definition of wellbeing to centre on a state of equilibrium or balance that can be affected by life events or challenges. The article closes by proposing this new definition, which we believe to be simple, universal in application, optimistic and a basis for measurement. This definition conveys the multi-faceted nature of wellbeing and can help individuals and policy makers move forward in their understanding of this popular term.
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Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J., & Sanders, L. (2012 ). The challenge of defining wellbeing. International
Journal of Wellbeing, 2(3), 222-235. doi:10.5502/ijw.v2i3.4
Rachel Dodge
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Copyright belongs to the author(s)
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Rachel Dodge · Annette P. Daly · Jan Huyton · Lalage D. Sanders
Abstract: Wellbeing is a growing area of research, yet the question of how it should be defined
remains unanswered. This multi-disciplinary review explores past attempts to define wellbeing
and provides an overview of the main theoretical perspectives, from the work of Aristotle to the
present day. The article argues that many attempts at expressing its nature have focused purely
on dimensions of wellbeing, rather than on definition. Among these theoretical perspectives, we
highlight the pertinence of dynamic equilibrium theory of wellbeing (Headey & Wearing, 1989),
the effect of life challenges on homeostasis (Cummins, 2010) and the lifespan model of
development (Hendry & Kloep, 2002). Consequently, we conclude that it would be appropriate
for a new definition of wellbeing to centre on a state of equilibrium or balance that can be
affected by life events or challenges. The article closes by proposing this new definition, which
we believe to be simple, universal in application, optimistic and a basis for measurement. This
definition conveys the multi-faceted nature of wellbeing and can help individuals and policy
makers move forward in their understanding of this popular term.
Keywords: definition, equilibrium, challenges, resources
1. Introduction
Research in wellbeing has been growing in recent decades (e.g., Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith,
1999; Kahneman, Diener, & Schwarz, 1999; Keyes, Schmotkin, & Ryff, 2002; Stratham & Chase,
2010; Seligman, 2011). However, very early on in the research Ryff and Keyes (1995) identified
that ‚the absence of theory-based formulations of well-being is puzzling‛ (pp. 719720). The
question of how wellbeing should be defined (or spelt) still remains largely unresolved, which
has given rise to blurred and overly broad definitions of wellbeing‛ (Forgeard, Jayawickreme,
Kern, & Seligman 2011, p. 81). This deficit can be traced back as far as Ryff (1989a), who
believed that ‚there has been particular neglect < *in+ the task of defining the essential features
of psychological wellbeing‛ (p. 1069). Indeed, Thomas (2009) argued that wellbeing is
‚intangible, difficult to define and even harder to measure‛ (p. 11).
A theme that will run through this paper is the difference between the ‘description’ of a
construct and its ‘definition’. As interest in the measurement of wellbeing grows, there is a
greater necessity to be clear about what is being measured, and how the resulting data should
be interpreted, in order to undertake a fair and valid assessment. Therefore, any new definition
must go beyond an account or description of wellbeing itself, and be able to make a clear and
definite statement of the exact meaning of the term. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to
propose a definition of what constitutes wellbeing: ‚a complex, multi-faceted construct that has
continued to elude researchers’ attempts to define and measure‛ (Pollard & Lee, 2003, p. 60).
The challenge of defining wellbeing
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2. The historical background to wellbeing research
Knowing the historical background to the study of wellbeing is necessary to the definition of
wellbeing. Two approaches emerged: the hedonic tradition, which accentuated constructs such
as happiness, positive affect, low negative affect, and satisfaction with life (e.g., Bradburn, 1969;
Diener, 1984; Kahneman, Diener, & Schwarz, 1999; Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999); and the
eudaimonic tradition, which highlighted positive psychological functioning and human
development (e.g., Rogers, 1961; Ryff, 1989a; 1989b; Waterman, 1993). However, despite the
differences in approach, most researchers now believe that wellbeing is a multi-dimensional
construct (e.g., Diener, 2009; Michaelson, Abdallah, Steuer, Thompson, & Marks, 2009; Stiglitz,
Sen, & Fitoussi 2009). Consequently, the diversity of dimensions has created a ‚confusing and
contradictory research base‛ (Pollard and Lee, 2003, p. 2).
An early attempt to define wellbeing was Bradburn’s (1969) classic research on
psychological wellbeing. His work marked a move away from the diagnosis of psychiatric
cases to the study of psychological reactions of ordinary people in their daily lives. His
discussion stemmed from his interest in how individuals coped with the daily difficulties that
they faced. Bradburn highlighted how psychological wellbeing (which he also referred to as
happiness) was the variable that ‚stands out as being of primary importance‛ (p. 6). He linked
this to Aristotle’s idea of eudaimonia, which is now more commonly translated as wellbeing.
Aristotle believed this to be the overarching goal of all human actions. The majority of
Bradburn’s research focused on the distinction between positive and negative affect. His model
specified that:
an individual will be high in psychological well-being in the degree to which he
has an excess of positive over negative affect and will be low in well-being in the
degree to which negative affect predominates over positive (Bradburn, 1969, p.
3. What constitutes wellbeing?
Although Ryff (1989a) criticised Bradburn’s work for not defining the basic structure of
psychological wellbeing, an emphasis on positive and negative affect has been central to the
work of Diener and Suh (1997). They believed that:
subjective well-being consists of three interrelated components: life satisfaction,
pleasant affect, and unpleasant affect. Affect refers to pleasant and unpleasant
moods and emotions, whereas life satisfaction refers to a cognitive sense of
satisfaction with life (Diener & Suh, 1997, p. 200)
Headey and colleagues (Headey, Holmstrom, & Wearing, 1984a; 1984b; Headey, 2006) picked
up on the need for positive and negative affects to be seen as distinct dimensions, rather than
opposite ends of the same continuum (Bradburn, 1969) as they are ‚only moderately negatively
correlated‛ (Headey, 2006, p. 2). This was more recently supported by Lee and Ogozoglu (2007)
and Singh and Duggal Jha (2008).
Ryff’s early work (Ryff, 1989a) identified aspects that constitute wellbeing: autonomy;
environmental mastery; positive relationships with others; purpose in life; realisation of
potential and self-acceptance. More recent research has placed different emphases on what
wellbeing is: ability to fulfil goals (Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project, 2008);
happiness (Pollard & Lee, 2003) and life satisfaction (Diener & Suh, 1997; Seligman, 2002a).
However, again, this highlights the problem that researchers have focused on dimensions or
descriptions of wellbeing rather than on definitions (Christopher, 1999).
The challenge of defining wellbeing
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Over 30 years ago, Shin and Johnson (1978) seemed to move closer to defining wellbeing by
stating that it is ‚a global assessment of a person’s quality of life according to his own chosen
criteria‛ (p. 478) and this judgement is still reflected in today’s literature (Zikmund, 2003; Rees,
Goswami, & Bradshaw 2010; Stratham & Chase, 2010). But what, exactly, is ‚quality of life‛?
The World Health Organization defined quality of life as:
an individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture
and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations,
standards and concerns. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way
by the person’s physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social
relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment
(World Health Organization, 1997)
This emphasis on achieving goals reflects the work of Emerson (1985) and Felce and Perry
(1995), who believed that wellbeing stems from individuals’ perception of their current
situation and their aspirations.
However, a problem with the term ‘quality of life’ is that it is used interchangeably with
‘wellbeing’ in a variety of disciplines. Many believe that this has made the task of defining
wellbeing ‚conceptually muddy‛ (Morrow & Mayall, 2009, p. 221). However, Stratham and
Chase (2010) argue that the term wellbeing has enabled psychologists to ‘de-medicalise’ (p. 5)
the concept of health. Consequently, it is now possible to consider quality of life separately
from ideas of illness. This neatly reflects the seminal work of Herzlich (1973), who placed great
emphasis on the attitude of the individual towards health, very like the current emphasis of
wellbeing research using subjective wellbeing measures. Herzlich explained how health can be
viewed in both a positive and negative light. Firstly, it can be seen as an ‚absence of illness‛ (p.
53). Indeed, she discussed how individuals might not notice health until something affects it.
On the other hand, Herzlich proposed that health can be seen in a positive light ‚as a presence
of which one is fully aware because of one’s feelings of freedom and of bodily and functional
well-being‛ (p. 53).
Another useful point made by Herzlich is how important it is to define ‚what constitutes
normality‛ (p. 55). However, she admitted that normality was very difficult to evaluate. This
difficulty of reaching a definition of normality also reflects the current problem of attempting to
define wellbeing. Herzlich believed just identifying an ‚absence of illness‛ was inadequate in
terms of defining normality. Furthermore, she suggested that ‚some writers have insisted that
it may be futile to try to treat health as a single concept‛ (p. 55). This view is reflected in a
recent article by Forgeard and colleagues (2011), who propose that:
some researchers have preferred to ignore the multifaceted nature of wellbeing
and equate it with one construct (often life satisfaction), leading to the
unfortunate omission of other important aspects of wellbeing (p. 81)
Consequently, it seems that a narrow emphasis on quality of life cannot adequately help us to
define wellbeing. Indeed, it would seem that quality of life appears to be a dimension of
wellbeing rather than an all-embracing definition.
The focus on positive functioning that has attracted increased attention in the past few
years (Duckworth, Steen, & Seligman, 2005; Linley & Joseph, 2004; Linley, Joseph, Harrington,
& Wood, 2006) dates back to William James' writings on healthy mindedness (James, 1902), and
spans nearly 60 years to the work of Rogers (1961), who discussed wellbeing in terms of ‚the
good life‛ (p. 186). He believed that each individual strived towards becoming a ‚fully
functioning person‛ who is open to experience, is trusting in his/her own organism, and leads
The challenge of defining wellbeing
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an increasingly existential life (Rogers, 1961, p. 187189). His work has partly influenced the
work of Ryff and Singer (2008) in their development of core dimensions of psychological
wellbeing (PWB): self-acceptance; purpose in life; environmental mastery; positive
relationships; personal growth; and autonomy.
An interesting development is the way in which this area of wellbeing has impacted on
clinical psychology. Joseph and Wood (2010) have called for clinical psychology to adopt
measures of positive functioning. This is because they believe that psychiatry has adopted a
restricted view of wellbeing, seeing it as ‚an absence of distress and dysfunction‛ (p. 831).
Therefore, the adoption of positive function would naturally broaden the field. They also
believe that there is a possibility that this new slant on measurement will allow for prediction
and treatment of distress and dysfunction. Research in this area has been undertaken by Keyes
(2002; 2005), who views mental health as a syndrome of wellbeing symptoms. He believes that
mental health is created ‚when an individual exhibits a high level on at least one symptom of
hedonia and just over half the symptoms of eudaimonia, i.e., positive functioning in life‛
(Keyes, 2009, p. 15). In his 2002 research, Keyes asked youths to report the frequency of three
symptoms of emotional wellbeing, four symptoms of psychological wellbeing and five
symptoms of social wellbeing. Keyes made a ‚diagnosis of flourishing‛ if the individual
displayed a third of the emotional symptoms, four of the psychological symptoms and five of
the nine symptoms of positive flourishing ‚almost every day‛ or ‚every day‛ in the past thirty
The work of Keyes has led to the use of the terms ‘flourishing’ and ‘languishing’ as
scientific concepts, rather than as philosophical ideals, as they had been previously presented
(e.g., Griffin, 1986; Sumner, 1996; Hurthouse, 1999; Nussbaum, 2000). Keyes’ work had a direct
influence on the formulation of ‚a well-being manifesto for a flourishing society‛ by Shah and
Marks (2004). This rather uplifting and encouraging document highlights that one of the key
aims of any democratic government should be ‚to promote the good life: a flourishing society,
where citizens are happy, healthy, capable and engaged in other words with high levels of
well-being‛ (p. 2). The manifesto goes on to clarify what Shah and Marks consider wellbeing to
Well-being is more than just happiness. As well as feeling satisfied and happy,
well-being means developing as a person, being fulfilled, and making a
contribution to the community (2004, p. 2)
Unfortunately, again, this appears to be more of a description of wellbeing rather than a
The term ‘flourishing’ has now become synonymous with the positive psychology
movement. Indeed, Gable and Haidt (2005) explain that ‚positive psychology is the study of
the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people,
groups, and institutions‛ (p. 104). In a systematic examination of literature, Alkire (2002) noted
39 varying endeavours between 1938 and 2000 to define a ‘flourishing’ life.
The undeniable leader of the positive psychology movement is Martin Seligman. On the
first day of his presidency of the American Psychological Society (APA) in 1998 he stated that:
I realized that my profession was half-baked. It wasn't enough for us to nullify
disabling conditions and get to zero. We needed to ask, what are the enabling
conditions that make human beings flourish? How do we get from zero to plus
five? (Seligman, 1998, cited in Wallis, 2005, online)
The challenge of defining wellbeing
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More than ten years on, Seligman has recently published his latest book entitled Flourish
(Seligman, 2011), in which he outlines his new ‘dynamic’ concept of wellbeing, which moves
away from theories based purely on happiness. The rationale behind this welcome departure
from a now rather over-used term is because, according to Seligman (2011), the notion of
‘happiness’ is an awkward construct that hides the true, complex, nature of human flourishing.
He clearly states the rationale behind this change in direction:
I used to think that the topic of positive psychology was happiness< I now
think that the topic of positive psychology is well-being, that the gold standard
for measuring well-being is flourishing, and that the goal of positive psychology
is to increase flourishing. (Seligman, 2011, p. 13)
Flourish discusses his theory with great clarity, but in terms of resolving the debate on defining
wellbeing, it is disappointing. His 24-page chapter entitled ‘What is Well-being?’ fails to
achieve its aim. In fact, Seligman states:
Well-being theory denies that the topic of positive psychology is a real thing;
rather the topic is a construct well-being which in turn has several
measurable elements, each a real thing, each contributing to well-being, but none
defining well-being. (2011, p. 15)
Instead, his new theory of wellbeing concentrates, yet again, on elements of wellbeing which he
believes are a set of building blocks for a flourishing life: Positive Emotion, Engagement,
Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA).
At this stage, the pursuit of a definition of wellbeing may appear bleak. However, we
disagree with Seligman that wellbeing is a construct. This would imply that wellbeing is ‚not
presently observable or objectively measurable but is assumed to exist because it < gives rise
to measurable phenomena‛ (Reber, 1995, p. 157). From the discussion so far, this obviously is
not true. Instead, it is proposed that wellbeing should be considered to be a state ‚a condition
of a system in which the essential qualities are relatively stable‛ (Reber, 1995, p. 750).
4. Equilibrium
A theory that supports Reber’s proposal is the dynamic equilibrium theory of wellbeing (now
more often referred to as set-point theory). This was originally proposed 23 years ago by
Headey and Wearing (1989) and suggested links between personality, life events, wellbeing
and illbeing. The theory built on the work of Brickman and Campbell (1971), who had
previously demonstrated that individuals tend to return to a baseline of happiness even after
major life events.
Headey and Wearing continued to research their model (1991; 1992) and believed that ‚for
most people, most of the time, subjective well-being is fairly stable. This is because stock levels,
psychic income flows and subjective well-being are in dynamic equilibrium‛ (1991, p. 49). This
emphasis on equilibrium is not new and reflects, yet again, the work of Herzlich (1973). Her
research emphasised that individuals saw equilibrium not only as a norm but also as a state
that they would like to ‚attain or keep‛ (p. 59). Interestingly, in contrast to Headey and
Wearing’s idea that most individuals have stable wellbeing, Herzlich’s interviewees saw it as a
rare occurrence. However, Herzlich noted how often equilibrium was referred to by her
participants and that it had a wide variety of applications. She found that the word ‚expresses
a whole area of individual experience. It serves, in a way as a distillation of the language of
health‛ (p. 59). She went further to fully explain what equilibrium is, in terms of health:
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
Concretely, equilibrium comprises the following themes: physical well-being,
plenty of physical resources; absence of fatigue; psychological well-being and
evenness of temper; freedom of movement and effectiveness in action; good
relations with other people. (Herzlich, 1973, p. 60)
The continued aim of Headey and Wearing’s research has been to ‚understand how people
cope with change and how their levels of well-being are affected‛ (1992, p. 6). They propose
that a change in wellbeing occurs only when, due to external forces, ‚a person deviates from his
or her equilibrium pattern of events‛ (1992, p. 93). Consequently, Headey and Wearing propose
a definition of wellbeing in which wellbeing is shown ‚as depending on prior equilibrium
levels of wellbeing and of life events, and also on recent events‛ (1992, p. 95). This reflects their
framework for analysing subjective wellbeing (SWB), which considers the relationship between
stocks and flows:
Figure 1. Headey & Wearing’s (1991) stocks and flows framework (p. 56)
In this model, Headey and Wearing proposed that differences between individuals in terms of
SWB are due to ‘stable stocks’ (otherwise known as stable personal characteristics). ‚As a result
of stable stocks each person has a level of subjective wellbeing which represents his/her own
‚normal‛ equilibrium level‛ (1991, p. 57). Stocks are drawn upon to deal with specific life
experiences (‘flows’) so that satisfaction is enhanced and distress is diminished. Consequently,
‚it is more appropriate to regard subjective well-being as a fluctuating state rather than a stable
trait‛ (p. 56).
The theory has received much empirical investigation (Ormel & Schaufeli, 1991; Ormel &
Wohlfaryh, 1991; Suh, Diener, & Fujita, 1996). Suh and colleagues (1996) tested the dynamic
equilibrium theory by tracking 222 psychology students (aged 2021) during a transitional
period of their life (which was their college graduation) and examined the effect of this life
event on their SWB and the time it took these participants to adjust (to return to their state of
equilibrium). Their findings supported the dynamic equilibrium model by demonstrating that
Social background
Social Network
Favourable events
which yield
(income gains)
Adverse events which
yield distress
(income loss)
Life Satisfaction
Positive Affect
Negative Affect
Flows/psychic income
Subjective wellbeing
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
‚only recent life events influence SWB and that the impact of magnitude drops quickly
afterward‛ (p. 1095). Consequently, in trying to define wellbeing, it is justified to consider the
state of equilibrium as central.
5. Challenges
A more recent extension of this theory has been explored by Cummins (2010). Now the term
‘equilibrium’ has been replaced by ‘homeostasis’; and the term ‘life events’ with the term
Figure 2. Cummins’ Changing Levels of SWB
Cummins’ theory focuses on the strength of a challenge and how this affects the level of SWB.
This includes a derived set-point range (70 to 80 points) that was determined by previous
research undertaken by Cummins (1995; 1998). The emphasis of the model is the role of
homeostasis in defending the set point of SWB. The model may be a little confusing and
complex at first glance. However, it tries to demonstrate different phases denoted by the letters
‘a’ to ‘c’.
When an individual experiences no challenge, SWB stays at the set-point.
When an individual experiences mild challenge, the level of SWB will vary slightly
within the set-point range (Phase a)
Phase b signifies where SWB is prevented from decreasing below the set point, due to
the strong homeostatic defence.
Phase c signifies a situation where the challenge is too strong for homeostasis to manage.
SWB would now fall sharply.
Consequently, it would seem appropriate that any definition of wellbeing centres on a state of
equilibrium or balance that can be affected by life events or challenges.
Strong homeostatic defense
Very strong
Strength of challenging agent
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
6. Resources
Linked to challenges is the idea that each individual develops relevant skills or resources to
cope with the trials they face. This balanced rationale between skills and challenges has been
central to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s (1975) concept of ‘flow’ – ‚the state in which people are so
involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter‛ (2002, p. 4), which in turn leads to
happiness. The original model assumed that enjoyment would happen when the strength of
challenge and skills were both very low as well as when they were both high, as demonstrated
in the following diagram:
Figure 3. Demonstration of the relationship between challenges and skills
(Csikszentmihalyi, 2002, p. 74)
0 (Low) Skills (High) ∞
However the new model predicts flow only when challenges and skills are relatively in balance
(Csikszentmihalyi, 2002, p. 252).
Hendry and Kloep’s (2002) lifespan model of development also explores the interaction
between life challenges and personal resources. Their theory is based on five key principles:
1) To stimulate development, individuals need challenge.
2) Successful solving of the challenge leads to development.
3) If a challenge is not solved, this will lead to problems in meeting future challenges.
4) The process of solving challenges is ‚an interactional, dialectical process‛ (p. 16) that
leads to changes in the individual and/or the environment and accordingly
stimulates development.
5) Individuals will have differing levels of resources to meet the challenges.
Although this theory is not directly linked to wellbeing, it reflects dynamic equilibrium theory
in terms of challenges that an individual faces and in terms of how wellbeing is a fluctuating
state. It also links to Cummins’ idea of a homeostasis defensive range in terms of the resource
pool that Hendry and Kloep discuss.
7. A new definition of wellbeing
The concept of wellbeing is undeniably complex, considering the aspects previously discussed.
This paper has highlighted the difficulty that researchers have had with defining wellbeing but
it has also recognised that previous research has been driven by dimensions and descriptions
rather than definitions. In order to move closer to a new definition of wellbeing, therefore, this
paper has focused on three key areas: the idea of a set point for wellbeing; the inevitability of
A3 A4
A1 A2 Boredom
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
equilibrium/homeostasis; and the fluctuating state between challenges and resources.
Consequently, we would like to propose a new definition of wellbeing as the balance point
between an individual’s resource pool and the challenges faced:
Figure 4. Definition of Wellbeing
The see-saw represents the drive of an individual to return to a set-point for wellbeing
(Brickman and Campbell, 1971; Headey and Wearing 1989, 1991, 1992) as well as the
individual’s need for equilibrium or homeostasis (Herzlich, 1973; Cummins, 2010). Now,
however, the stocks and flows of Headey and Wearing (1992) have been replaced by the
resources and challenges of Hendry and Kloep (2002) and are the elements that can affect the
individual’s equilibrium; tipping the see-saw from side to side, supporting Csikszentmihalyi’s
(2002) updated concept of ‘flow’. This works just as Kloep, Hendry and Saunders (2009)
Each time an individual meets a challenge, the system of challenges and
resources comes into a state of imbalance, as the individual is forced to adapt his
or her resources to meet this particular challenge (p. 337).
In essence, stable wellbeing is when individuals have the psychological, social and physical
resources they need to meet a particular psychological, social and/or physical challenge. When
individuals have more challenges than resources, the see-saw dips, along with their wellbeing,
and vice-versa.
The definition supports Headey and Wearing’s (1992) aim to ‚understand how people cope
with change and how their levels of well-being are affected‛ (p. 6). However, the proposed
definition contradicts Cummins’ idea of SWB being static when the individual is not
challenged. Instead, we would argue, in line with Hendry and Kloep’s theory, that a lack of
challenge will lead to ‚stagnation‛ (Hendry & Kloep, 2002), which will also affect the balance of
the see-saw. The dynamic nature of the definition also reflects the viewpoint of Nic Marks, of
the New Economics Foundation. He recently spoke of his interpretation of wellbeing on BBC
Radio 4’s Reasons to be cheerful:
Wellbeing is not a beach you go and lie on. It’s a sort of dynamic dance and
there’s movement in that all the time and actually it’s the functuality of that
movement which actually is true levels of wellbeing (Nic Marks, Radio 4, 7
January 2012)
8. The considered strengths of the new definition
The authors of the current paper advocate that the vigour and freshness of this new proposed
definition embraces a number of strengths: simplicity, universal application, optimism and
basis for measurement.
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
8.1 Simplicity
Firstly, the simple, yet precise nature of the definition answers Forgeard and colleagues(2011)
plea to move away from ‚broad definitions‛ (p. 81). As much as we are indebted to the work of
Headey and Wearing (1992) and Cummins (2010), each of their models was complex and
difficult to follow at first glance. Wellbeing has become a term used by the lay person, and is
not just for the consideration of academics. Consequently, the authors believe that we have a
duty to communicate what wellbeing is, in a clear and effective manner. Indeed, Lilienfeld
(2012) talks in a forthright manner about the public’s scepticism in regard to psychology and
explains that we should be ready to communicate effectively when we ‚dare to venture out-
side of the hallowed halls of academia or our therapy offices to that foreign land called the ‘real
world’<‛ (p. 1). Consequently, we believe that the definition will be accessible in this forum.
8.2 Universal application
Secondly, a true asset of the definition is its universal nature. The definition can be applied to
all individuals regardless of age, culture and gender. However, this universal nature does not
reflect ‚a pronounced increase in the popularity of reductionist explanations of human
behaviour‛ (Lilienfeld, 2012, p. 120) that has existed during the past several decades. Instead, it
allows for the notion that each individual has a unique resource pool which ‚determines
whether or not a task an individual meets turns out to be a routine chore, a challenge < or a
risk‛ (Hendry & Kloep, 2002, p. 24).
8.3 Optimism
The definition also reflects the current emphasis on positive psychology. It views individuals
‚as decision makers, with choices, preferences, and the possibility of becoming masterful,
efficacious‛ (Seligman, 2002b, p. 3). In a similar vein, Csikszentmihalyi (2002) makes it clear
that ‚happiness is not something that just happens < *it+ is a condition that must be prepared
for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person‛ (p. 2). This puts the pursuit of
wellbeing in the hands of individuals by teaching them that they can increase their resources or
challenges to maintain a sense of equilibrium. As well as reflecting this new direction in
psychology, it also echoes current trends within the National Health Service in the UK with the
Expert Patient Programme (EPP) that was launched in 2002. This programme supports the idea
of self-management: whatever we do to make the most of our lives by coping with our
difficulties and making the most of what we have (Martyn, 2002, p. 4).
8.4 Basis for measurement
Finally, the proposed definition answers a number of the concerns expressed at the start of this
paper. With wellbeing becoming tangible (Thomas, 2009, p. 11) and operationalised,
measurement becomes easier. This would extend the qualitative work undertaken by Hendry
and Kloep (2002) on resources and challenges with the potential for developing a quantitative
measure of wellbeing based on these two aspects and adds to the theoretical ideas already
reviewed in this paper.
The authors have already used the definition to develop a new wellbeing questionnaire that
is currently being applied in a Further Education setting. This questionnaire was developed
through focus groups that explored the challenges faced by students aged 16-18, and the level
of resources they felt they currently had to deal confidently with these challenges. The
questionnaire is helping students to identify for themselves what resources need further
The challenge of defining wellbeing
Dodge, Daly, Huyton, & Sanders
development in order to maintain a stable level of wellbeing and it will be supported by a
newly designed pastoral programme. Although our current research is being undertaken in an
educational location, if our proposed definition is accepted as a valid definition of wellbeing
the questionnaire could easily be adapted and applied across a wide range of settings.
To conclude, the publishing of this definition is timely given the intention of the UK
government to implement measures of wellbeing for the UK as a whole. Indeed, the Office of
National Statistics recently opened a discussion paper on domains and measures of national
wellbeing (Beaumont, 2011). The paper states that the question of individual wellbeing ‚is an
area which the national debate showed was important to people‛ (Beaumont, 2011, p. 4) and
which has consequently been placed at the heart of the national wellbeing framework. We
believe that using the proposed definition of wellbeing could aid the measurement of national
wellbeing and further the understanding of wellbeing as a whole.
Rachel Dodge
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Annette P. Daly
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Jan Huyton
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Lalage D. Sanders
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Publishing Timeline
Received 14 January 2012
Accepted 22 April 2012
Published 29 August 2012
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... The problem of definition has been present and pronounced in the wellbeing literature for decades, i.e., there is currently no consensus about the definition of wellbeing. Typically, the authors of studies on wellbeing establish this fact and then go on to present a new concept of wellbeing that is worthy of consensus (30,(33)(34)(35). ...
... A systematic review of the diverse and eclectic literature on wellbeing in philosophy, psychology, economics, health, sociology, and many other disciplines is beyond the scope of this paper. However, after reviewing some key disciplinary summaries and conceptualizations of the topic (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(39)(40)(41), we have found that the very different narratives of wellbeing in different disciplines share elements that can be considered common across disciplines. The starting point for developing our meta-theory of wellbeing was therefore to identify a set of often unspoken premises that may be common to most of the existing models of wellbeing. ...
... Premise 1: The principle of "the more is better" prevails when it comes to wellbeing. In our view, the majority of scientific narratives (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(39)(40)(41) focus mainly on the idea that an increase in wellbeing requires a quantitative increase in some material, psychological or social dimension. There is a need for more material goods, health, happiness, cultural capital, social cohesion, etc. to increase wellbeing. ...
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There is a growing focus on public health initiatives that prioritize wellbeing. The main question of our study is whether this, in its current form, can really represent a new response to the challenges of previous strategies, or whether there is a greater chance that it will essentially reproduce the problems associated with the paradoxical situation of public health. Based on a review, analysis and evaluation of the literature on wellbeing in public health, we outlined the foundations of a new meta-theory of wellbeing and a possibility for its social application. In our view, wellbeing is seen as a social representation of a combination of positive and negative freedom of choice concerning the quality of everyday life, used in a positioning process involving both individual and collective aspects. Health is a particular aspect of the social representation and positioning of wellbeing, which encompasses aspects of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual functioning of individuals. The wellbeing meta-theory also opens up the possibility for more effective solutions to the social challenges related to wellbeing and salutogenetic health. It underscores the importance of the need for a dedicated social subsystem where the goals and organizational culture of the organizations involved are focused on wellbeing and health promotion. In our study, we consider this to be the Public Wellbeing System (PWS). Our conclusion is that the development and operation of a new set of institutions—the Public Wellbeing System (PWS)—based on the co-production of services that meet the needs and demands of society, and dedicated to the promotion of wellbeing, may provide an opportunity to overcome the public health paradox.
... Well-being is a concept of global interest, and youth well-being is an important research area, arising from concerns over increased mental health issues in this population (Ng & Vella-Brodrick, 2019). Researchers argue that theoretical frameworks are necessary in order to understand, measure, sustain, and increase well-being (Butler & Kern, 2016;Dodge et al., 2012;Wassell & Dodge, 2015), and to evaluate related policy and intervention effectiveness (Butler & Kern, 2016). ...
... Moreover, the understanding of well-being must also include consideration of all parties involved, and the larger organizations, systems and environments in which they are located (Wassell & Dodge, 2015). The struggle to define and measure well-being has led to many possible definitions, but it is often viewed as multidimensional (Dodge et al., 2012). While some well-being frameworks either focus on hedonic (positive affect) or eudaimonic (self-realization and flourishing) aspects, frameworks that combine both elements are argued as providing a fuller well-being picture (Ascenso et al., 2018). ...
... These findings reflect well-being's complexity, which researchers have articulated as reflecting a positive and negative balance, such as a state of psychological, social, and physical equilibrium dependent upon individual resources in the face of challenges (Dodge et al., 2012). Joseph Sirgy and Wu (2009) argue that well-being involves a balance of survival needs associated with negative emotions, and growth needs associated with positive emotions. ...
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This thesis discusses the use of Action Research to investigate Relational Composition for well-being purposes with a Canadian community children's choir that I also co-conducted. Relational Composition is a theory explaining the thinking and processes of community composers interacting at various levels of creative control with music-makers. This composing is relational because it privileges people's well-being and enables composers to build supportive relationships with musicians of all skill levels, becoming vital community members and having transformational experiences alongside participants. Contrary to some common community music (CM) approaches, members do not always compose in Relational Composition. The relational aspect mea0ns that collaboration decisions are based on what approach serves the group best, which may be no, or extensive, co-creation. This research emerges from the global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and is situated within the fields of CM, choral arts, and music education. Well-being is a prominent research theme, and this study is no exception, as it is related to negative affects from pandemic disruptions as well as the need to address lockdown recovery for CM groups. Well-being, Relational Composition, and participation form the conceptual framework, along with the PERMA model from positive psychology, which provides a means of analyzing well-being related to participants' composition, learning, and performance of new collaborative works. PERMA examines well-being as measured by Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Findings suggest that leaders and choristers demonstrated well-being in each of these areas from Relational Composition of four new pieces, which they developed together, then performed for the community. These pieces were musically delightful, well-received, and a source of immense pride and ownership, with composing collaboration overcoming any hurdles or limitations. Nevertheless, lack of composing experience, confidence, and skill; increased chorister socializing; and time issues created challenges. Leaders gave vital support to choristers and one another during a challenging time of restarting the choir, and findings continue to support a role for community composers who work in various ways, as per Relational Composition's theory. However, attempting iii to return to choral practice norms impacted future composing for the choir, even though the choir experienced significant pandemic recovery. SUMMARY FOR LAY AUDIENCE This study investigates Relational Composition for well-being purposes with a
... Equally, 'wellbeing' as a concept has remained vague until now, including in the context of schools and school policies. Various researchers have conceptualised wellbeing as an individual's state of equilibrium between their challenges and resources (Dodge et al., 2012); theorised that wellbeing is subjective, concerning life satisfaction and positive and negative emotions (see, e.g., Diener et al., 1997); and that wellbeing is focused on an individual's flourishing (Seligman, 2011). Scholars have also noted that much of the literature on wellbeing tends to describe rather than define this concept (Dodge et al., 2012) but acknowledge that it is certainly muti-faceted (Gennings et al., 2021;McLellan et al., 2022), especially when considering children's wellbeing (Ben-Arieh et al., 2014). ...
... Various researchers have conceptualised wellbeing as an individual's state of equilibrium between their challenges and resources (Dodge et al., 2012); theorised that wellbeing is subjective, concerning life satisfaction and positive and negative emotions (see, e.g., Diener et al., 1997); and that wellbeing is focused on an individual's flourishing (Seligman, 2011). Scholars have also noted that much of the literature on wellbeing tends to describe rather than define this concept (Dodge et al., 2012) but acknowledge that it is certainly muti-faceted (Gennings et al., 2021;McLellan et al., 2022), especially when considering children's wellbeing (Ben-Arieh et al., 2014). With respect to wellbeing at school, contributions have focused on recognition theory Thomas et al., 2016), traced the inclusion of various wellbeing discourses into national education policy (Spratt, 2016) and highlighted the heterogeneity of how wellbeing is operationalised at school (Holzer et al., 2021). ...
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Children continue to comprise a significant portion of refugees and migrants worldwide and may be impacted by challenges or trauma prior to or during their journey, or after arrival in the host country. School serves as a constant place in the lives of many of these newly arrived children, and a potential setting for wellbeing support. However, there is a gap in understanding how young newcomers are supported at school and by whom; this is especially unclear in an education system like England's, which has a default policy of directly mainstreaming non‐English‐speaking students, which many young newcomers are. We interviewed 29 school staff members at eight secondary schools to gather their perspectives on who provides wellbeing support to young newcomers and the nature of such support. Using thematic analysis, we found that the majority of wellbeing support for young newcomers is performed by English as an additional language (EAL) staff and that the main form of support provided is through individualised relationship building, which in turn mutually fosters other types of support. Using Gholami's framework of moral care and caring pedagogy as central to teachers' praxis, we discuss how care is at the core of EAL staff actions in supporting newcomer wellbeing and how these staff members at times prioritise care over learning. Our findings have important implications for both school staff and newcomer students, for which we provide several recommendations.
... However, this distinction has been debated and challenged due to discoveries demonstrating substantial conceptual and, in certain instances, physiological overlaps (Kashdan et al., 2008). Moreover, with a broader range of notions, conceptions, and measurement tools available (Dodge et al., 2012), it has become increasingly uncertain what is meant by monitoring well-being. In this context, the term well-being has been increasingly integrated into the study of outdoor education to account for the positive aspects of mental health and well-being among university students, beyond merely the absence of negative factors. ...
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In the contemporary era, outdoor education programmes have become integral across various educational levels, with the Ministry of Education emphasizing physical health as a means to enhance learning outcomes. Mental health and well-being, however, also emerge as critical aspects linked to these programmes. This study aimed to explore the theories underpinning outdoor education programmes on mental health and well-being, also, drawing insights from selected past studies. Employing a qualitative approach, this literature review utilized Google Scholar as the primary data collection tool. The findings revealed that the most commonly applied theories in outdoor education programmes related to mental health and well-being include social constructivism learning theory, Kolb's experiential learning theory, the outward-bound educational process model, health promotion theory, and social cognitive theory. From the past studies, several main themes emerged. Outdoor education programmes significantly enhance social interactions, self-esteem, and emotional regulation, promoting physical health, which in turn supports mental well-being. Engagement with natural environments has therapeutic effects, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Given these findings, outdoor education programmes should be integrated more extensively into educational curricula to leverage their benefits for mental health and well-being. Schools and educational policymakers should consider training educators in the application of these theories to maximize programme effectiveness. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to further validate the long-term benefits of outdoor education on mental health and explore the mechanisms through which these benefits are achieved. In conclusion, outdoor education programmes have a multifaceted impact on mental health and well-being, supported by various educational and psychological theories. These programmes offer valuable opportunities for experiential learning, social interaction, and connection with nature, contributing to enhanced mental and physical health.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted employees in numerous ways, notably through the shift to work-from-home (WFH) arrangements. This transition has disrupted employees’ workplace well-being (WWB), with blurred boundaries between family and work life becoming more common. The challenge of balancing work and family demands under WFH conditions is referred to as the work-family interface (WFI). This study explores the effect of WFI on WWB and examines whether psychological detachment—defined as a recovery experience that allows individuals to mentally disengage from work to restore personal resources—moderates this relationship. The implementation of WFH during COVID-19 pandemic has posed a challenge of balancing the interaction between work and family or can be known as work-family interface (WFI). Psychological detachment as a form of recovery experience to replenish an individual's resource is assumed to moderate the relationship between WFI and WWB. So this study aims to look at the impact from WFI to WWB and also the moderation effect of psychological detachment. The study was conducted on 143 employees using convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling method. The instruments utilized in this study are the Work Family Interface from the Work-Family Interface Scale, with a reliability score of α = .728; the Workplace Well-being from the Workplace Well-being Questionnaire, with a reliability score of α = .893; and the Psychological Detachment from the Recovery Experience Questionnaire, with a reliability score of α = .825 and ω = .828. The results demonstrated that the Work-Family Interface (WFI) exerts a significant influence on workplace well-being (WWB) (p = .000). Furthermore, the findings substantiated that the four dimensions of the WFI markedly impact WWB (p = .000). However, the hypothesis that psychological detachment acts as a moderator in the relationship between WFI and WWB was not supported (p = .263, p > .05).
Athletes’ overall well-being (WB) often intertwines with their sport WB and vice versa. While holistic WB measures have been explored in nonsport contexts, researchers aim to understand competitive athletes’ WB using psychometrically rigorous assessments. Consequently, two interrelated studies were conducted to develop and validate companion instruments: (a) the Well-Being in Sport Questionnaire to gauge outcome-related sport WB and (b) the Sport Well-Being Enhancement Profile to identify strategies for enhancing sport WB. Following contemporary instrument development recommendations, including item development, content, and factor validity, the instruments underwent exploratory factor analysis, exploratory structural covariance modeling, confirmatory factor analysis, and measurement invariance. By utilizing the Well-Being in Sport Questionnaire and Sport Well-Being Enhancement Profile, coaches, athletes, and practitioners can comprehensively understand athletes’ WB, facilitating strategies for daily enhancement alongside peak sport performance.
The article analyses the peculiarities of experiencing personal well-being in the conditions of martial law. The indicators of personal well-being in 2018 (N=96) are compared – the control level, with the indicators in 2022 (N=100) and in 2023 (N=84). The respondents were residents of the Chernihiv and Kyiv regions, on the territory of which hostilities took place and which were temporarily under occupation. Scale of subjective social well-being, Scale of satisfaction with life, Scale of psychological well-being were used. No statistically significant changes in the experience of life satisfaction (subjective well-being) were recorded. In both men and women, in the second year of the war, an increase in orientation towards social visibility and social approval was found. The general indicators of subjective social well-being in 2023 exceeded the pre-war level for men and did not change for women. The article showed that men’s experience of personal well-being is more dynamic: it decreased in the first six months of the large-scale invasion and exceeded the pre-war level in the second year of military operations. During the first half-year of martial law, their evaluations of emotional acceptance in the immediate circle decreased, the feeling of social distance increased, and the positivity of perceptions of other people fluctuated. For women, certain parameters as – autonomy, competence, positive relationships, self-acceptance – did not change. In men, in 2022, there is a decrease in indicators of autonomy, personal growth, life goals, self-acceptance, in 2023, these parameters of personal well-being exceed the pre-war level. Post-traumatic growth was recorded in respondents of both sexes, which was manifested in an increase in the desire for social influence, awareness of life goals and a sense of personal growth. The results can be used in psychocorrective work with traumatized persons. Key words: personal well-being, psychological well-being, subjective social well-being, subjective well-being, martial law.
Effective antiretroviral treatment means that people with HIV are living for longer. This includes Black African women, who represent a large proportion of people aging with HIV in the United Kingdom. Despite this, the impact of living and aging with HIV on the well-being of Black African women aging with HIV has not been investigated. Interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with eight Black African women ages 50 years and older living with HIV developed six superordinate themes. Findings demonstrated how experiences of HIV-related stigma negatively affected social, occupational, and psychological well-being. Perspectives on living and aging with HIV into the future included experiences of acceptance, uncertainty, anxiety, and hope. Recommendations are made, including developing clinical practice to consider needs relating to social and psychological well-being, as well as physical well-being, for women aging with HIV.
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Background/Objectives: Orphans’ and Vulnerable Children’s (OVC) primary caregivers (PCGs) in Ethiopia live with multiple social and emotional problems stemming from extreme poverty, war, environmental disasters, and the HIV pandemic. Family and community supports are strained, leaving OVC’s PCGs dependent on inconsistent humanitarian aid. This aid is typically focused on OVCs and does not address PCG well-being. This study aimed to assess PCG well-being and explore their perceived stress and the traditional family and community coping mechanisms. Method: Participants from the Oromia region of Ethiopia were recruited, and a mixed-methods design was employed. Six cases were included using a criterion sampling technique. An explanatory data analysis technique was used, and data were triangulated from interviews, focus group discussions, archival information, and surveys. A 36-item Well-being Measuring Tool (WMT) Likert scale was employed to measure well-being domains. Result: The results indicated that none of the PCGs reported the desirable and average summative well-being domain mean scores [25 and 23]. Among the ten well-being domains, only “spirituality” and “community cohesion” were above the average score [2.3]. The “economy” domain had the lowest score, indicating a critical deficiency [1.3]. A lack of community support could exasperate perceived stress, and well-being deficiencies were linked. Conclusions: Lack of family and community support could exacerbate feeling overlooked, unwelcome, and lonely. A policy that promotes a supportive community environment and safeguards the most vulnerable OVCs and their PCGs should be in place. This study recommends further rigorous research examining the well-being determinants of OVCs’ PCGs in Ethiopia and the role of traditional support systems in rural settings.
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The causal relationships between neuroticism (N), long-term difficulties (LTDs), life situation change (LSC), and psychological distress (PD) were examined using self-report and interview data from a 7-year, 3-wave study in a general population sample (N = 296) . LTDs were classified as either endogenous (dependent) or exogenous (independent). We found that earlier neuroticism had a strong direct and a moderate indirect effect (through endogenous LTDs) on PD. The direct effect was strikingly stronger than those of LTDs and LSC. In addition, much correlation between endogenous LTDs, LSC, and PD could be attributed to the confounding effects of earlier neuroticism. High neuroticism tended to strengthen the effect of LSC on PD. These findings suggest that temperamental dispositions are more powerful than environmental factors in predicting PD.
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Positive and Negative Affect, and Grit as predictors of Happiness and Life Satisfaction Kamlesh Singh and Shalini Duggal Jha This study explores the relationship between the concepts of Happiness, Life Satisfaction, Positive and Negative Affect and Grit. Happiness is the average level of satisfaction over a specific period, the frequency and degree of positiveaffect manifestations or the extent to which an individual experiences positive emotional states, and the relative absence of negative affect. Life Satisfaction is one’s evaluation of satisfaction with life in general and Grit refers to the character strength of perseverance described in Positive Psychology. The study was carried out on 254 undergraduate students of technology. Results revealed that the concepts of Grit, Positive Affect, Happiness and Life Satisfaction are significantly positively correlated. Negative Affect showed a significantly negative correlation with Grit, Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Stepwise regression analysis showed that Positive Affect, Grit and Negative Affect together account for 19% of the variance in Life Satisfaction. Grit, Negative Affect and Positive Affect account for 11% of the total variance in Happiness
The new edition of Health Psychology is the perfect introduction to this rapidly developing field. Throughout the book, the psychological processes that shape health-related behaviours, and affect core functions such as the immune and cardiovascular systems, are clearly explained. These relationships provide the foundation for psychological interventions which can change cognition, perception and behaviour, thereby improving health. The book is split into five sections, and builds to provide a comprehensive overview of the field: The biological basis of health and illness stress and health coping resources: social support and individual differences motivation and behaviour relating to patients Extensively revised to include new material on behavioural change, the role of stress, resilience and social support, recovery from work, and the care of people with chronic disease, the book also includes a range of features which highlight key issues, and engage readers in applying what we have learned from research. This is essential reading for any undergraduates studying this exciting field for the first time, and the perfect primer for those embarking on postgraduate study © 2016 Charles Abraham, Mark Conner, Fiona Jones and Daryl O'Connor. All rights reserved.
This was the title of a workshop (and its short proceedings) that resulted in the book "Well-being: Foundations of hedonic psychology" (Russel-Sage, 1999). Please refer to the published version.