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Epidemics have been pivotal in the history of the world as exemplified by a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean that clearly altered New World geopolitics. By the end of the 18th century, yellow fever-then an "emerging disease"-was widespread throughout the Caribbean and particularly lethal in Saint-Domingue (present day Haiti). From 1793 to 1798, case fatality rates among British troops in the West Indies (including Saint-Domingue) were as high as 70%. A worse fate befell newly arrived French armed forces in 1802, ostensibly sent by Napoleon to suppress a rebellion and to reestablish slavery. Historians have disagreed on why Napoleon initially dispatched nearly 30 000 soldiers and sailors to the island. Evidence suggests the troops were actually an expeditionary force with intensions to invade North America through New Orleans and to establish a major holding in the Mississippi valley. However, lacking knowledge of basic prevention and control measures, mortality from the disease left only a small and shattered fraction of his troops alive, thwarting his secret ambition to colonize and hold French-held lands, which later became better known as the Louisiana Purchase. If an event of the magnitude of France's experience were to occur in the 21st century, it might also have profound unanticipated consequences.
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The 1802 Saint-Domingue Yellow Fever Epidemic
and the Louisiana Purchase
John S. Marr, MD; John T. Cathey, MS
Epidemics have been pivotal in the history of the world as
exemplified by a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean
that clearly altered New World geopolitics. By the end of
the 18th century, yellow fever—then an “emerging
disease”—was widespread throughout the Caribbean and
particularly lethal in Saint-Domingue (present day Haiti). From
1793 to 1798, case fatality rates among British troops in the
West Indies (including Saint-Domingue) were as high as 70%. A
worse fate befell newly arrived French armed forces in 1802,
ostensibly sent by Napoleon to suppress a rebellion and to
reestablish slavery. Historians have disagreed on why Napoleon
initially dispatched nearly 30 000 soldiers and sailors to the
island. Evidence suggests the troops were actually an
expeditionary force with intensions to invade North America
through New Orleans and to establish a major holding in the
Mississippi valley. However, lacking knowledge of basic
prevention and control measures, mortality from the disease left
only a small and shattered fraction of his troops alive, thwarting
his secret ambition to colonize and hold French-held lands,
which later became better known as the Louisiana Purchase. If
an event of the magnitude of France’s experience were to occur
in the 21st century, it might also have profound unanticipated
KEY WORDS: Aedes, dengue hemorrhagic fever, epidemics,
Haiti, history, 19th century, yellow fever.
Yellow Fever in the New World
Historians have speculated that New World yellow
fever epidemics began in the Caribbean basin in 1647-
1648. Carter,1a major yellow fever historian, con-
cluded that its origin was West Africa and got im-
ported (along with malaria) as a result of the massive
J Public Health Management Practice
, 2013, 19(1), 77–82
Copyright C2013 Wolters Kluwer Health |Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
slave trade. Epidemics raged on the coastal Americas
and Caribbean islands for more than 300 years, influ-
encing the political landscape of 5 colonizing Euro-
pean countries. However, the largest recorded yellow
fever epidemic with the highest case fatality rate oc-
curred in 1802 in Saint-Domingue (Table 1).2At that
time, Saint-Domingue—the western third of the island
of Espa˜
nola (Spanish)/Hispaniola (English)—had been
retaken from England in 1798. The English had occu-
pied the colony since 1793 to suppress slave rebellion
and to control buccaneers who had preyed on Euro-
pean ships for more than a century (the Figure). In
a 6-year period, Great Britain had experienced more
than 100 000 killed or made ill from the disease in their
West Indian possessions.3From 1793 to 1798, case fa-
tality rates among British troops in the West Indies (in-
cluding Saint-Domingue) were as high as 70%. This
devastating experience was a primary reason for their
withdrawal, along with their defeat by Haitian revolu-
tionaries, led by General Francois Dominique Toussaint
L’Ouverture, who successfully abolished slavery on the
The French Reinvasion of Saint-Domingue
and the Epidemic of 1802
Although the French had earlier assisted the Haitians
in fighting the British and Spanish and in freeing slaves,
Napoleon later resisted Toussaint’s attempt to take
full control of the island. With secret intentions of
Author Affiliations: Department of Community and Public Health, Virginia
Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia (Dr Marr); and
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Dr
The authors thank Alfred Crosby, Duane Gubler, Myron G. Schultz, Cabell
Smith, and Jack Woodall, for their important comments and suggestions, and the
reviewers, who improved the article with important suggestions.
No conflicts of interests are declared. There were no sources of support.
Correspondence: John S. Marr, MD, 6315 Pig Mountain Road, Free Union,
VA 22940 (
DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e318252eea8
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
78 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
TABLE 1 Major New World Yellow Fever Epidemics
Duration, mo Place
1672-1673 24 Cuba 2000
1793 5 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 5000
1798 4 New York, New York 2100
1802-1803 14 Saint Domingue 29 000-55 000
1853 4 New Orleans, Louisiana 7800
1853 3 Norfolk, Virginia 3000
1873 2 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 5000
1873 6 Memphis, Tennessee 2000
1878 6 New Orleans, Louisiana 4046
1878 6 Mississippi Valley 13 000
From Kohn2
reoccupying the island and reinstituting slavery, in the
late fall of 1801, Napoleon sent an initial force under
his brother-in-law, General Victor Emmanuel Charles
LeClerc, which led to war.4Napoleon’s strategic plans
were to eventually include a force of 60 000 soldiers and
sailors to subdue and co-opt the Haitian military, which
numbered less than a militia of 55 000 soldiers and
100 000 irregulars.5The largest fleet France had ever
mounted consisted of a total of 86 frigates and ships
of the line carrying 31 131 troops and artilleries from
its revolutionary armies, including a 5200-man Polish
legion. However, the recent observations by the med-
ical historian, McNeill,6note “considerable confusion
surrounds the numbers of French military personnel
sent to St. Domingue with totals in the literature rang-
ing from 60,000 to 82,000.” Ships landed in 3 different
ports in the spring of 1802. Twenty thousand soldiers
and sailors followed in later months. (In comparison,
40 000 soldiers, 10 000 sailors, 14 frigates, 13 ships of the
line, and 400 transport ships were used in Napoleon’s
failed 1799 Egyptian campaign.)7After arrival of his
troops, LeClerc was faced with fighting a guerrilla war
against Toussaint for several months along the coast
and immediate inland enclaves but eventually suc-
ceeded in restoring trade. Toussaint, faced with increas-
ing defections from his own followers, eventually was
tricked by LeClerc into a meeting where he was ar-
rested and exiled to Europe to die in a French jail. But
the struggle against the French was taken up by his
successor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The conflict contin-
ued, resulting in a Haitian declaration of independence
in 1804.
Within a year of LeClerc’s arrival in Haiti, he was
faced with a more serious problem than the rebellious
FIGURE Portion of Map Created by French Explorer Louis Hennepina
aShowing the Louisiana territory and portions of the Caribbean, including the island of Saint-Domingue located immediately east of “I de Cuba” (map originally entitled
Carte de
la Nouvelle France et de la Louisiane Nouvellement decouverte
, ca. 1683). Reproduced with permission from the Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Yellow Fever and the Louisiana Purchase 79
Haitians. His troops were succumbing in droves to
the most grievous epidemic of yellow fever in history.
Forts with garrisoned troops and offshore ships pro-
vided suitable environments for mosquito breeding.
Estimates of the death toll vary along with estimates of
the number of troops sent to Saint-Domingue. McNeill
reports that 50 000 to 55 000 (80%-85%) French soldiers
died, predominately because of yellow fever with only
a few related to combat (along with more than 20 000
deaths among civilians). By any standards, the number
of deaths and case fatality rate are difficult to compre-
hend unless one takes into account a convergence of
environmental and ecological factors ideal for an epi-
demiological disaster. McNeill documented how tem-
perature, rainfall, and ecological changes all favored
Aedes propagation, and mosquito density and longevity
in the Caribbean, all conducive to the spread of yellow
fever in the Caribbean between 1620 and 1914.6
The epidemic began in the spring of 1802. In April
and May of that year, LeClerc wrote to Denis Descr`
the French Minister of Marine:8
A man cannot work hard here without risking his life
and it is quite impossible for me to remain here for
more than six months . . . my health is so wretched that I
would consider myself lucky if I could last for that time!
The mortality continues and makes fearful ravages. . . . .
You will see that the army which you calculated at
twenty-six thousand men is reduced at this moment to
twelve thousand . . . . At this moment I have thirty-six
hundred men in the hospital. In the last fortnight I have
lost thirty to fifty men a day in the colony, and there is
no day when two hundred to two hundred and fifty
men do not enter the hospital, while no more than fifty
come out.
Factors Contributing to Mortality
There have been previous attempts to explain the high
case fatality rate among the French troops and civil-
ians compared with other New World yellow fever epi-
demics (Table 1). This extraordinary Saint-Domingue
figure also exceeds estimated rates for other lethal
arthropod-borne diseases (Table 2). The ranges in mor-
tality rates for these diseases are based on a spectrum
of historical and contemporary epidemics; the wide
ranges suggest that numerous adverse conditions are
responsible for these estimates. For example, an inor-
dinately high-case fatality rate for Oroya fever (90%)
is attributed to salmonellosis coinfection, whereas the
usual, commonly accepted rate for systemic bartonel-
losis is 40%.9In Saint-Domingue the confluence of
the many confined, immunologically naive hosts, a
large reservoir of infected individuals, favorable cli-
matic conditions, and the macro- and microenviron-
ments conducive to vector multiplication may have
TABLE 2 Arthropod-Borne Disease by Vector and Case
Fatality Rate
Disease Vector Case Fatality Rate, %
Yellow fever Mosquito 20-50
Dengue hemorrhagic fever Mosquito 40-50
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Tick 2-50
Epidemic typhus Louse 10-40
Rocky Mountain spotted fever Tick 20-80
Systemic bartonellosis (Oroya fever) Sand fly 10-90
Bubonic plague Flea 50-60
Malaria Mosquito 1-20
From Heymann.9
been synchronized in such a way as to create the condi-
tions for the epidemic. In addition, an element absent
in other yellow fever outbreaks of the era was ongo-
ing warfare and the presence of an opponent with an
understanding of how the fevers differentially affected
the Europeans, particularly those newly arrived. In ad-
dition to being a guerrilla tactician, Toussaint had med-
ical knowledge and an awareness of when and where
the fevers would strike his European enemies.6He ap-
parently knew that by maneuvering the whites into
the ports and lowlands during the rainy season, they
would die in droves. In a letter to Dessalines, he wrote:
“Do not forget that while waiting for the rainy season,
which will rid us of our enemies, we have only destruc-
tion and fire as our weapons.”6This observation sug-
gests that Toussaint knew more about the environmen-
tal conditions conducive to yellow fever transmission.
Yellow Fever Endemicity and Epidemicity
The Haitian historian, David Patrick Geggus,7notes
that, in the 1780s, an established French town on Saint-
Domingue experienced an overall annual mortality rate
of only 2.86% in its soldiers and 1.85% in sailors. He
suggested that the indigenous population and occupy-
ing troops had been largely free of endemic disease (pri-
marily malaria and yellow fever) due to an acquired im-
munity or infrequent contact with infected vectors, or
both. In the mid 1700s, epidemics on Saint-Domingue
were less frequent; tended to occur during summer
months; and, in some years, the population was en-
tirely free of disease. He posed 3 determinants for the
subsequent disastrous epidemic during the British oc-
cupation. These factors may also be applicable to the
French, along with additional considerations.
1. Increased concentrations of confined, recently ar-
rived, nonimmunes.
2. Increased importation of vectors from nearby islands
and Africa.
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
80 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
3. Climatic conditions conducive to multiplication of
As demonstrated by the earlier English occupation,
newly arrived European troops—not “seasoned” to the
Americas—were perhaps more susceptible to infection,
as a consequence of a miserable and unhealthy ocean
passage.6They had no time to acclimatize before en-
gaging in fighting in an unfavorable tropical climate.
Garrisoned facilities and nearby ships offered suitable
confined environments for Aedes breeding in fresh wa-
ter containers. There had to have been close proxim-
ity between susceptible troops, mosquitoes, and men
suffering from yellow fever, which ensured continuing
transmission and escalation of disease. Like the British
forces, the French were tightly confined. The ongoing
hostilities prevented escape from the disease to Aedes-
free mountain elevations or nearby countryside, which
was a common reaction when yellow fever erupted
in American cities that may have decreased estimated
overall case fatality rates. In skirmishes along the coast,
infected mosquitoes would have also abounded. The
importation of additional Aedes vectors from other
French colonies in the Caribbean or directly from Africa
on slave ships is certainly possible.
Geggus suggested an additional contributing factor
to the high mortality rate—French medical practices. By
1800, Great Britain had begun to discard antiphlogistic
practices, but, in the Caribbean, Britishers had prob-
ably used its therapeutic medicine, as did the French
who continued to favor this philosophy. One practice
in particular—venesection—was advocated by French
physicians for most illnesses, even wounds. A most in-
fluential medical figure at the time was Francois Joseph
Victor Broussais—“the most sanguinary physician in
history”—who continued to promote frequent blood
letting for most conditions well into the 19th century.10
From as little as 30 mL to as much as 3 to 6 pt of blood
might be rapidly taken from the patient to improve
his outcome. This antiphlogistic practice was common-
place in the French West Indies at the time. Bloodletting
among sick and injured soldiers, sailors, and civilians
suffering from any condition—including yellow fever
(a hemorrhagic fever) or malaria (an acute hemolytic
disease)—may have also added to the unusually high
mortality rates observed among French troops. In ad-
dition to bloodletting, French medicine advocated a
gastric purgative (calomel), blistering, and a daily bot-
tle of Madeira (or rum) for each soldier to “comble de la
eraison” induced by fever.11
In addition, dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic
fever—well known to the French as maladie de Siam,
brought from other Caribbean colonies and Africa—
have not been fully considered. According to Gubler,12
both dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever may have
been present in the New World as early as 1635 and both
were certainly present at the turn of the 18th century.
The French colonies in Southeast Asia had experienced
a disease compatible with dengue hemorrhagic fever
for decades, and its hemorrhagic signs and symptoms
resemble yellow fever enough that the 2 diseases may
have been indistinguishable at the time.
In the late fall, 1803 the remaining French troops
on Saint-Domingue began a withdrawal after suf-
fering the death of most of their forces, including
LeClerc and 5 other generals.13 In November 1803
Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Toussaint L’Ouverture’s suc-
cessor, defeated the last French forces at the Battle of
eres. Two months later on January 1, 1804, he de-
clared independence, naming the new republic Haiti
(Ayiti, Taino for “land of high mountains”).
Consequences and Counterfactuals
The epidemic resulted in an alteration of Napoleon’s
plan for his Caribbean possessions, and a bolder de-
sign on other New World territories. Although the im-
portance of yellow fever throughout the Americas has
been well documented by Carter, McNeill, and others,
Ackerknecht14 was one of the first medical historians to
propose that it had profound effects in the shaping the
early history of the United States.
Perhaps the most important epidemic in history was
that of Santo Domingo in 1802. It killed 29,000 of 33,000
soldiers and sailors sent by Napoleon to Santo Domingo
with the aim of reconquering that island and thereafter
the Mississippi valley. Napoleon might have succeeded
in his plans despite the heroic resistance of the Negroes
in Haiti, if the yellow fever had not*[sic] been nipped in
the bud. Had Napoleon succeeded there would have
followed a trichotomy of the North American continent
into French, Spanish and English regions.
Ackerknecht’s suggestion of an ulterior plan is not
mentioned by many historians who focus on the dis-
ease alone, or the rebellion itself; some argue that
reinstitution of slavery was his sole intent. Thus,
Corbett11 offered 2 possible motives for this disastrous
French misadventure—a “linear plot theory” (a North
American invasion) and the “Saint-Domingue-Center
view”; the latter proposed that Napoleon wished only
to reestablish a lucrative colony—“the Pearl of the
Antilles”—as a cash cow (vache `
institute an Exclusif on sugar exportation. However,
there is substantial evidence that he had greater am-
bitions. In a 1934 study of 18th-century French diplo-
macy in Louisiana, Lyon,15 cited a June 4, 1802, let-
ter from Napoleon to Decr`
es that revealed his true
*No doubt, he intended to say “nipped in the bud.”
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Yellow Fever and the Louisiana Purchase 81
intentions toward New World territories. His appar-
ent objective at the time was not only to suppress the
ongoing slave revolt on the island of Saint-Domingue,
but also to prepare for an invasion of the Mississippi
valley through New Orleans. With Saint-Domingue un-
der control, Napoleon readied another force in ports
along the coast of Holland:
My intention, Citizen Minister, is that we take
possession of Louisiana with the shortest possible
delay, that this expedition be organized in the greatest
secrecy, and that it have the appearance of being
directed on St. Domingo. The troops that I intend for it
being on the Scheldt, I should like them to depart from
Antwerp or Flushing.
France had already begun to prepare the southern
Mississippi region against possible aggression by
Americans infiltrating the upper valley, knowing that
the United States did not possess a significant armed
force—only a small coast guard fleet (no warships)
and a recently reconstituted army of fewer than 20 000
soldiers. The United States was already involved in
the quasi-war with France because its merchant ships
transporting sugar to Great Britain were being inter-
cepted. A 1799 letter from Thomas Jefferson to James
Madison substantiates a fear that Southern slaves
(estimated to be more than half a million) would rebel,
assisted by “Caribbean Black sailors” and a French
armed force.16 In addition, Napoleon anticipated that
these combined forces would be joined by 20 000 sym-
pathetic, disaffected Native Americans.17 These Indians
living on the east side of the Mississippi—Chickasaws,
Choctaws, Alibamons, Creeks, and others—were re-
ported as “devoted” to the French and were to receive
gifts that included “4,000 trading muskets, painted
yellow with some black flowers and a ferocious beast
on the butt end; 1000 (superior) muskets for the chiefs;
150 carbines; 20 000 pounds of powder; 25 000 gun
flints; 10 000 ramrods; 10 000 briquets; 5000 pickaxes;
1000 sabres; 5000 tomahawks; 3000 trading razors,
10 000 woolen strips; 1000 muslin shirts for the chiefs;
500 coats of Carcassonne blue cloth; with red collars
and cuffs; 500 black handkerchiefs, etc., etc.”.15
Earlier, in 1799, Toussaint had refused to comply with
the French Directory’s plan to invade Jamaica and then
Louisiana. The plan was put into abeyance for 2 years
until Napoleon took power as First Consul in 1801. By
that time, he had declared himself governor general for
life and the leader of the Republic of Saint-Domingue.
Napoleon, ignoring these declarations, dictated a letter
to Toussaint suggesting he was readying the plan:4
I am instructing the Minister of Marine to forward to
you your commission of Captain General of the French
part of St. Domingo. The government could hardly offer
you greater proof of its confidence in you. Use your
influence to the utmost for the maintenance of peace
and the encouragement of agriculture. Train and
organize the National Guard and the troops of the line. I
hope the time is not far distant when an army from St.
Domingo will be able to contribute to the extension of
French possessions and glory in your part of the world.
I salute you affectionately,
Remarking on the above the American historian and
journalist, Henry Adams, stated:18
Bonaparte explained the subject in confidential papers,
which would not have been secret unless they had
expressed his true objects. St. Domingo, like all the West
Indies, suffered a serious disadvantage, being
dependent for its supplies chiefly on the United
States—a dangerous neighbor both by its political
example and its commercial or maritime rivalry with
the mother country. The First Consul hoped to correct
the evil by substituting Louisiana for the United States
as the source of supplies for St. Domingo. In case of
war, either with the United States or England,
St. Domingo and the other French colonies in the West
Indies could be safely left to themselves, if Louisiana
and perhaps also Florida could be made a certain base
of supplies—for the islands had only famine to fear.
Napoleon eventually changed his plans and ordered a
separate fleet, assembled in Holland, to be sent directly
to Louisiana, possibly to avoid further ravages of dis-
ease on Saint-Domingue. For a time, he successfully
deceived both American and British observers:
Troops are now going out from some of the northern
parts of France for Sto Domingo, with orders to march
directly into the mountains and attack the Blacks before
the Fever can make much ravage among them. (troops
don’t want to go) there was a threat to shoot every 10th
man. Their fears of the climate of Sto Dom are natural,
for out of the late army of 35,000 men, 32,000 died of the
fever. But soldiers here are made to do anything. The
country is under a strong military government, which is
perhaps the most powerful upon earth. The affairs of
this government are transacted in great mystery,
compared to that of the US. 19
That force never left Holland due to a delay in ob-
taining official royal delivery of the lands from Spain
(cash-strapped, Spain had no colonial intentions for
the area). The order did not arrive until October, af-
ter which the English Channel ports became icebound.
Great Britain and the United States had become suspi-
cious of the concentration of ships and the British block-
aded the ports. By the following spring, the total expen-
ditures for the expeditions had reached 2 000 000 francs
(US $5.5 million in 2012). Napoleon, with grander plans
in mind, lost interest in his North America intentions
and sold off the territories to the United States in April
1803—the Louisiana Purchase.
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
82 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
One hundred years before the epidemiology of yel-
low fever was elucidated by Walter Reed and others,
lack of knowledge of basic preventive and control mea-
sures in the early 19th century led to one of the largest
epidemics of yellow fever in history. Indeed, effective
measures were absent (improper isolation and quar-
antine measures) or counterproductive (venesection);
all facilitated transmission of disease and subsequent
deaths. Volumes have been written on the historical im-
pact of yellow fever epidemics in North America. (The
famous 1793 Philadelphia epidemic was attributed to
ships carrying fleeing citizens and mosquitoes from
Saint-Domingue.) Scores of other books and articles
have been written on the Haitian revolution, focusing
on Toussaint L’Ouverture and the heroism of his fel-
low countrymen, but few authors fully acknowledge
the significant contribution of yellow fever to subse-
quent events. Had Napoleon succeeded, it is certain
he would have reinstituted slavery; enacted a sugar
Exclusif; fortified the island; and strengthened his other
Caribbean and North American possessions, includ-
ing the Louisiana territories. As Ackerknecht14 noted,
the epidemic had a pivotal effect on the history of
the United States. The once profitable New World
colony would have become a jewel in Napoleon’s
crown—a crown he was to place on his own head in
1804. The Louisiana territories would also have be-
come a major part of the tripartite European hold in
North America. The Haitian epidemic was an unantic-
ipated catastrophe that changed Old and New World
If a Black Swan event of the magnitude of France’s
experience were to occur in the 21st century, it might
also have unexpected economic and geopolitical con-
sequences. The history of yellow fever has ranged be-
tween complete ignorance of prevention and control
measures to present day knowledge that may not an-
ticipate future scenarios. A continuing mystery is why
the disease has never appeared in Asia and the Indian
subcontinent where its mosquito vector is abundant. In-
nate immunity, stringent immunization requirements,
isolation and quarantine measures, and infrequent in-
troduction of the virus do not seem to explain the con-
tinuing absence of the disease in these areas. With ab-
solute increases in air travel, international tourism, and
favorable climatic conditions, the disease may conceiv-
ably be successfully inoculated into the only continent
that has been inexplicably free of yellow fever. These
factors might also play elsewhere, reestablishing it (and
dengue fever) in suitable European, North American,
and Caribbean locales.20 The last chapter on the history
of yellow fever may not have been written.
1. Carter HR. Yellow Fever. An Epidemiological and Historical
Study of its Place of Origin. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore;
2. Kohn GC, ed. Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence: From An-
cient Times to the Present. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Facts on File;
3. Unknown title. London Gazette. 1798.
4. Geggus D. Yellow fever in the 1790s: the British army in
occupied Saint Domingue. Med History. 1979;23:38-58.
5. Korngold R. Citizen Toussaint. Boston, MA: Little Brown and
Company; 1944
6. McNeill JR. Mosquito Empires: Ecology and War in the Greater
Caribbean, 1620-1914. New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press; 2010.
7. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Web site. French campaign
in Egypt and Syria.
campaign in Egypt and Syria. Accessed September 18,
8. Rossier P. Lettres du G´
eral Leclerc, commandant en chef de
ee de Saint-Domingue en 1802. Boston, MA: Bedford-St.
Martin’s Press; 2006.
9. Heymann DL, ed. Control of Communicable Disease Manual.
19th ed. Washington, DC: American Public Health Associa-
tion; 2008.
10. Castiglioni A, Krumbhaar EB. AHistoryofMedicine.2nded.
New York, NY: A A Knopf; 1947.
11. Corbett B. The Haitian Revolution, Part IV. Napoleon’s West
Indian Policy and the Haitian “Gift” to the United States.
Stretch magazine. September 1991.
12. Gubler DJ. Dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever: history and
current status. Novartis Found Symp. 2006;277:3-16; discussion
16-22, 71-73, 251-253.
13. Meziere H. Le G´
eral Leclerc et l’exp´
edition de Saint-Domingue.
Paris, France: Biblioth`
eque Napol´
eonienne Tallandier; 1990
14. Ackerknecht EH. History and Geography of the Most Impor-
tant Diseases. New York, NY: Hafner Press; 1965.
15. Lyon E. Louisiana in French Diplomacy, 1759-1804.Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press; 1934
16. Dubois L, Garrigus JD. Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, 1789-
1804: a Brief History With Documents. Boston, MA: Bedford-St.
Martin’s Press; 2006.
17. Parkinson W. ‘This Gilded African’: Toussaint L’Ouverture.
London, England: Quartet Books Limited; 1978
18. Adams H. History of the United States: Jefferson Adminis-
trations. Library of America, 1986. (The New York:1891:124
citation is incomplete and dated).
19. March 15, 1803 letter of Joseph Carrington Cabell to his father,
Colonel Nicholas Cabell. Albert and Shirley Small collection,
Aldemann Library, University of Virginia.
20. Monath TP. Yellow fever: an update. Lancet Infect Dis.
Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... In 1802, French General Charles Leclerc wrote despairingly of the yellow fever afflicting his soldiers. 1 Two years later, he and 50,000 of his troops had perished to "Yellow Jack." 2 Even by contemporary standards, the Haitian outbreak of 1802-1804 had exceptional morality. 1 In contrast, the Haitian revolutionaries, initially under the leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture, fared much better than their French adversaries. ...
... 1 Two years later, he and 50,000 of his troops had perished to "Yellow Jack." 2 Even by contemporary standards, the Haitian outbreak of 1802-1804 had exceptional morality. 1 In contrast, the Haitian revolutionaries, initially under the leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture, fared much better than their French adversaries. 1 The epidemic was the result of Toussaint's military strategy, informed by his medical experience, as well as the failure of French forces to properly plan and implement strategies for disease and non-battle injuries (DNBIs). ...
... 1 In contrast, the Haitian revolutionaries, initially under the leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture, fared much better than their French adversaries. 1 The epidemic was the result of Toussaint's military strategy, informed by his medical experience, as well as the failure of French forces to properly plan and implement strategies for disease and non-battle injuries (DNBIs). ...
In 1802, the deadliest recorded epidemic of yellow fever struck a French expeditionary force, permanently destroying Napoleon Bonaparte's ambition to re-conquer Haiti and secure a North American empire. Toussaint L'Ouverture, Haitian revolutionary, effectively used his medical experience to spread this disease among French troops.
... Más adelante, los subtítulos dan seguimiento con referencias a otros libros y ensayos del autor. particulares para los europeos, contribuyó a la frustración del poder francés en Haití y la decisión de Napoleón de vender el territorio de Luisiana a los jóvenes Estados Unidos de América (Marr y Cathey, 2013). ...
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En los primeros meses del año 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud le otorgó oficialmente categoría de pandemia global al Coronavirus, o COVID-19, un virus prácticamente desconocido para el común de las personas hasta apenas unos meses antes. Expandida a una vertiginosa velocidad hasta alcanzar cada rincón del planeta, la pandemia produjo profundos efectos en diferentes latitudes y en distintos aspectos de las interacciones humanas, incluyendo las relaciones cívico-militares. El hemisferio americano no estuvo ajeno a esa transformación, y su esfera política registró importantes impactos. En ese marco, el presente trabajo analiza la evolución de los roles militares en América y contempla las implicancias posibles para el futuro regional, en relación con los temas del control cívico-militar, la gobernanza democrática y el fortalecimiento institucional.
... d) Yellow fever: One of the largest epidemics of yellow fever in history occurred at the beginning of the 19th Century. Owing this non-availability of effective measures of segregation, facility of quarantine and mass production of vaccine; helped in the spread of disease and consequent deaths (Marr and Cathey, 2013). e) COVID-19: Corona virus hits the human respiratory system very badly. ...
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Human beings are familiar with diseases and epidemics since starting of the mankind. The mankind also knows how to fight with diseases and epidemics. After every epidemic, mankind sets new rules and laws for their survival. COVID-19 is also affecting humans badly and mankind will also set some new rules. Every human being wants to live safely and survival is the most important thing for humans’ life. Safety is not only prime concern for humans but also it is the most important issue for the country too. Safe and secure life is the necessity to attain happiness. In COVID-19 epidemic social distancing is one of the major precautions to save mankind. In this work researchers have informed upon the importance of social distancing to save ourselves from COVID-19.
... d) Yellow fever: One of the largest epidemics of yellow fever in history occurred at the beginning of the 19th Century. Owing this non-availability of effective measures of segregation, facility of quarantine and mass production of vaccine; helped in the spread of disease and consequent deaths (Marr and Cathey, 2013). e) COVID-19: Corona virus hits the human respiratory system very badly. ...
... Farajollahi et al. 2011;Marr and Cathey 2013;Fredericks and Fernandez-Sesma 2014;Abushouk et al. 2016). Indeed, host switches have been common during the evolution of flaviviruses(Geoghegan et al. 2017). ...
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Flaviviruses display diverse epidemiological and ecological features. Tick-borne and mosquito-borne flaviviruses (TBFV and MBFV) are important human pathogens that alternate replication in invertebrate vectors and vertebrate hosts. The Flavivirus genus also includes insect-specific viruses (ISFVs) and viruses with unknown invertebrate hosts. It is generally accepted that viruses that alternate between taxonomically different hosts evolve slowly, and that the evolution of MBFVs and TBFVs is dominated by strong constraints, with limited episodes of positive selection. We exploited the availability of flavivirus genomes to test these hypotheses and to compare their rates and patterns of evolution. We estimated the substitution rates of CFAV and CxFV (two ISFVs) and, by taking into account the time-frame of measurement, compared them to those of other flaviviruses. Results indicated that CFAV and CxFV display relatively different substitution rates. However, these data, together with estimates for single-host members of the Flaviviridae family, indicated that MBFVs do not display relatively slower evolution. Conversely, TBFVs displayed some of lowest substitution rates among flaviviruses. Analysis of selective patterns over longer evolutionary time-frames confirmed that MBFVs evolve under strong purifying selection. Interestingly, TBFVs and ISFVs did not show extremely different levels of constraint, although TBFVs alternate among hosts whereas ISFVs do not. Additional results showed that episodic positive selection drove the evolution of MBFVs, despite their high constraint. Positive selection was also detected on two branches of the TBFVs phylogeny which define the seabird clade. Thus, positive selection was much more common during the evolution of arthropod-borne flaviviruses than previously thought. Overall our data indicate that flavivirus evolutionary patterns are complex and most likely determined by multiple factors, not limited to the alternation between taxonomically divergent hosts. The frequency of both positive and purifying selection, especially in MBFVs, suggests that a minority of sites in the viral polyprotein experience weak constraint and can evolve to generate new viral phenotypes and possibly promote adaptation to new hosts.
... The massive outbreak has registered in Ethiopia during 1959-1962 and followed by the endemic in Kenya which covers mostly the West Africa (Lepiniec et al. 1994). The yellow fever epidemics has discouraged the Napolean Bonaparte from accomplishing the defeat of United States of America (Marr and Cathey 2013). It was also observed that the construction of the Panama Canal has also been delayed because of the epidemic of Yellow fever (Chippaux and Chippaux 2018). ...
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Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the most extensively used biocompatible polymer. PEG-modification improves the original properties of conjugates and thus being exploited in different fields. PEGs demonstrated their ability to bind DNA, dyes and proteins, in solution and in solid phase via amine and thiol groups. Covalent linkage of PEG to drug molecules improves water-solubility, bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, immunogenic properties, and biological activities. Entrapment of drugs into the PEG vesicle offers substantial benefits in the treatment of many diseases including type 2 diabetes over conventional injection-based therapies. Therapeutic enzymes are conjugated with PEG for targeted therapy of diseases in which the native enzyme was inefficient. PEG has been most extensively investigated polymers for gene delivery due to its capability to form stable complexes by electrostatic interactions with nucleic acids. Many PEG-enzymes conjugates have already obtained FDA approval for clinical implications. PEGylated copolymers have least cytotoxicity and cell-compatibility concern, high efficiency, safety and biocompatibility and thus considered as an attractive polymer for gene and drug delivery system. For instance, many tissue engineering applications, PEG and its derivatives are likely to precise control of cell behaviour in growing tissues. For this application numerous bioresponsive and intelligent biomaterials are developed and extensively used in bone and tissue regeneration. PEG-derived hydrogels increase gene expression of bone-specific markers, secretion of bone-related matrix, and mineralization and may have a potential impact on bone-engineering therapies. PEG-coated poly(amidoamine) exhibits low toxicity to human corneal epithelial cells and effectively used as antimicrobial agents.
The relationship between human beings and Nature has been marked, especially since the Industrial Revolution, by a growing imbalance, which translates, amongst other manifestations, into the destruction and unbridled consumption of resources, which have led to the disappearance of large patches of forest and habitats essential for the survival of many animal and plant species, and, at the same time, for the development of other biomes harmful to the survival of human societies. The successive intervention of human beings on ecosystems has potentiated the emergence of zoonoses of epidemic and pandemic dimensions, and History shows how the occurrence of these impacts has been increasingly frequent and how urgent it is to reflect on the unruly attitude of society towards Nature, especially in the context of climate change and Anthropocene discussion. The bubonic plague, cholera, and yellow fever, which were present in the nineteenth century, are clear examples of the effects of globalization on the spread of diseases, thus demonstrating the need for international cooperation to control and struggle against them. In the twentieth century, other examples such as malaria, the Spanish flu, SARS, MERS, and COVID-19, whose consequences we intend to analyse in more depth, translate into a double effect of global lack of responsibility for the protection of Nature. After all, history proves that human action can lead to the emergence and spread of diseases of epidemic proportions that end up affecting the lives of people and societies, at an economic, social and cultural level. Tourism was one of the activities most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Born at the end of the seventeenth century, with the Grand Tour, tourism has known, throughout its own history, fluctuations dictated by events of a different nature, namely political (e.g. the French Revolution), social, and health. Thus, with this work, having as theoretical basis elements collected in the history of health/disease and in the environmental history, it is intended to reflect on the effects of pandemics and climate change verified with greater incidence in recent years on human mobility, tourism and leisure activities, as well as underlining the importance of the thickness of history in a debate that we consider crucial and urgent to increase public awareness on a global scale.
The host associations of mosquitoes vary by species, with some species being relative generalists, whereas others specialize, to varying extents, on a particular subset of the available host community. These host associations are driving factors in transmission dynamics of mosquito-vectored pathogens. For this reason, characterizing the host associations of mosquito species is critical for understanding the epidemiology of mosquito-vectored pathogens. Diverse methods have been used to associate mosquito species with their hosts. These typically include collecting mosquitoes that bite a restrained host (bait) or collecting wild blood-engorged mosquitoes and matching their blood meal to reference samples (blood meal analysis). Blood meal analysis refers to a collection of molecular techniques for determining the taxonomic identity of the source of a mosquito blood meal using cytological, serological, or DNA-based characteristics of the blood meal. Blood meal analyses that are based on DNA markers have advantages over cytological and serological methods and are effective for determining species-level identities of hosts from a broad range of potential host taxa. Here, we discuss effective techniques for analyzing blood meals.
Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease. Originally restricted to Central Africa, it was carried by the slave trade to Central and South America. It was a disease that caused widespread mortality across the southern United States and the Caribbean. It killed huge numbers of European troops fighting for possession of the rich Caribbean islands. As a result, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell Louisiana to the United States. The Louisiana Purchase was the result. Yellow fever continued to cause serious outbreaks until, following the Spanish-American war, Major Walter Reed and his colleagues demonstrated that it was transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Ruthless mosquito control followed and wiped out the disease not only in the United States but also in the Panama Canal region. This was followed by the development of a highly effective vaccine. Yellow fever persists in the jungles of South America and Central Africa.
This book explores the links among ecology, disease, and international politics in the context of the Greater Caribbean - the landscapes lying between Surinam and the Chesapeake - in the seventeenth through early twentieth centuries. Ecological changes made these landscapes especially suitable for the vector mosquitoes of yellow fever and malaria, and these diseases wrought systematic havoc among armies and would-be settlers. Because yellow fever confers immunity on survivors of the disease, and because malaria confers resistance, these diseases played partisan roles in the struggles for empire and revolution, attacking some populations more severely than others. In particular, yellow fever and malaria attacked newcomers to the region, which helped keep the Spanish Empire Spanish in the face of predatory rivals in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In the late eighteenth and through the nineteenth century, these diseases helped revolutions to succeed by decimating forces sent out from Europe to prevent them.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Department of History. Includes bibliographical references.
Yellow fever, the original viral haemorrhagic fever, was one of the most feared lethal diseases before the development of an effective vaccine. Today the disease still affects as many as 200,000 persons annually in tropical regions of Africa and South America, and poses a significant hazard to unvaccinated travellers to these areas. Yellow fever is transmitted in a cycle involving monkeys and mosquitoes, but human beings can also serve as the viraemic host for mosquito infection. Recent increases in the density and distribution of the urban mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, as well as the rise in air travel increase the risk of introduction and spread of yellow fever to North and Central America, the Caribbean and Asia. Here I review the clinical features of the disease, its pathogenesis and pathophysiology. The disease mechanisms are poorly understood and have not been the subject of modern clinical research. Since there is no specific treatment, and management of patients with the disease is extremely problematic, the emphasis is on preventative vaccination. As a zoonosis, yellow fever cannot be eradicated, but reduction of the human disease burden is achievable through routine childhood vaccination in endemic countries, with a low cost for the benefits obtained. The biological characteristics, safety, and efficacy of live attenuated, yellow fever 17D vaccine are reviewed. New applications of yellow fever 17D virus as a vector for foreign genes hold considerable promise as a means of developing new vaccines against other viruses, and possibly against cancers.
Dengue fever (DF) is an old disease; the first record of a clinically compatible disease being recorded in a Chinese medical encyclopaedia in 992. As the global shipping industry expanded in the 18th and 19th centuries, port cities grew and became more urbanized, creating ideal conditions for the principal mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. Both the mosquitoes and the viruses were thus spread to new geographic areas causing major epidemics. Because dispersal was by sailing ship, however, there were long intervals (10-40 years) between epidemics. In the aftermath of World War II, rapid urbanization in Southeast Asia led to increased transmission and hyperendemicity. The first major epidemics of the severe and fatal form of disease, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), occurred in Southeast Asia as a direct result of this changing ecology. In the last 25 years of the 20th century, a dramatic global geographic expansion of epidemic DF/DHF occurred, facilitated by unplanned urbanization in tropical developing countries, modern transportation, lack of effective mosquito control and globalization. As we go into the 21st century, epidemic DF/DHF is one of the most important infectious diseases affecting tropical urban areas. Each year there are an estimated 50-100 million dengue infections, 500000 cases of DHF that must be hospitalized and 20000-25 000 deaths, mainly in children. Epidemic DF/DHF has an economic impact on the community of the same order of magnitude as malaria and other important infectious diseases. There are currently no vaccines nor antiviral drugs available for dengue viruses; the only effective way to prevent epidemic DF/DHF is to control the mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti.
Bibliothèque Napoléonienne Tallandier
  • France Paris
Paris, France: Bibliothèque Napoléonienne Tallandier; 1990