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Interactive visualization of transient 3D electromagnetic and n-dimensional parameter spaces in virtual reality


Abstract and Figures

Purpose Nowadays many parameter studies for the design and optimization of electromagnetic devices are carried out by means of 2D and 3D nonlinear finite element (FE) models. Through optimization algorithms selecting one design as optimal with respect to the chosen cost function, the user does not gain any intuitive clue of the interrelations existing between design parameters, although numerous computations have been performed across the whole parameter space of the system. The purpose of this paper is to visualize a complex nonlinear FE solution system, which is parameterized through a number of control variables, in virtual reality (VR). Design/methodology/approach This paper presents a visualization approach for n‐dimensional parameter spaces of FE solutions in VR and the corresponding interpolation methods for enabling navigation through it. Findings The solution of an arbitrary electromagnetic FE problem is categorized with respect to possible changes, due to chosen design parameters, within the solution itself and variations in the underlying mesh in order to find appropriate interpolation methods for the visualization of each type of parameter space. Practical implications The implementation is based on modifying the popular Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Originality/value The paper presents different solution approaches for the visualization of an interpolation between arbitrary different meshes, but the problem remains unsolved and requires further research.
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Interactive Visualization of transient 3D
Electromagnetic and n-dimensional Parameter
Spaces in Virtual Reality
Martin Hafner, Stefan Böhmer, François Henrotte and Kay Hameyer
RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Electrical Machines
Schinkelstraße 4, D-52056 Aachen, Germany,
1 Abstract
Purpose - Nowadays many parameter studies for the design and optimization
of electromagnetic devices are carried out by means of 2D and 3D nonlinear
finite element models. Through optimization algorithms selecting one design as
optimal with respect to the chosen cost function, the user does not gain any
intuitive clue of the interrelations existing between design parameters, although
numerous computations have been performed across the whole parameter space
of the system.
Design/methodology/approach - This paper presents a visualization ap-
proach for n-dimensional parameter spaces of FE solutions in virtual reality
and the corresponding interpolation methods for enabling navigation through
Findings - The solution of an arbitrary electromagnetic FE problem is catego-
rizes with respect to possible changes, due to chosen design parameters, within
the solution itself and variations in the underlying mesh in order to find ap-
propriate interpolation methods for the visualization of each type of parameter
Practical implications - The implementation bases on modifying the popular
VTK framework.
Originality/value - Different solution approaches for the visualization of an
interpolation between arbitrary different meshes are presented as well, but the
problems remains unsolved and requires further research.
Keywords - Virtual reality, Visualization, Parameter space methods, VTK,
Scientific visualization
Paper type - Research paper
2 Introduction
Along with the development of computers, electromagnetic finite element (FE)
simulation software has attained nowadays a high level of sophistication. In
many real-life engineering situations, the problem is no longer only to be able
to simulate, but also to be able to interpret correctly and efficiently the huge
amount of numerical information generated by the simulation.
Complex FE simulations are routinely used for design purposes of electric
machines. With standard methods,e.g. Differential Evolution or Simulated
Annealing, the optimization process is performed blindly, like a black box, with
no prior knowledge of the system. At the end of the process, the engineer
has gained no intuitive understanding of the existing interrelations between
the different design parameters, and he must trust the optimum found by the
algorithm. A number of optimization techniques attempt to build along the
way some global knowledge about the objective function, and to perform some
sensitivity analysis, but it is seldom pointed out how much this construction is
precisely an aspect of technical design where the global cognitive capacities of
the human brain could definitely be worth being more explicitly exploited with
the help of virtual reality (VR) tools.
Therefore, the aim of this work is to visualize a complex nonlinear FE so-
lution system, which is parameterized through a number of control variables,
in virtual reality. This allows users to intuitively experience the sensitivity of
response under specific parameter changes in the multi-parameter space. In
case of a dynamic response, time can be chosen as the coordinate in a mono-
dimensional parameter space and the user can sweep back and forth in time,
with a cursor for instance, in order to analyze in detail the dynamic evolution
of a quantity of interest.
All FE simulations reported in this paper have been done with the finite ele-
ment package iMOOSE (van Riesen, Monzel, Kaehler, Schlensok & Henneberger
2004) whose numerical results were converted into the VTK data structure
(Kitware 2006).
3 The visualization pipeline of VTK
The Visualization Toolkit VTK (Schroeder, Martin & Lorensen 2006) is an
open source platform independent software library for 3D computer graphics,
image processing and visualization. It is applied for scientific purposes in various
fields of research (Joshi, Scheinost, Vives, Spencer, Staib & Papademetris 2008),
(Sustersic, Kandemir, Phoha & Schmiedekamp 2008), (Badesa, Pinto, Sabater,
Azorin, Sofrony & Cardenas 2009). This software package is capable of scalable
parallel processing (Ahrens, Law, Schroeder, Martin, Inc & Papka 2000) and is
also used for supercomputing visualizations (Ahrens, Lo, Nouanesengsy, Patch-
ett & McPherson 2008). The working principle of VTK is based on visualization
pipelines Fig. 1(a). These visualization networks are constructed by connecting
data objects, representing and providing access to data, and process or filter
objects that operate on those data objects (Schroeder, Avila & Hoffman 2000).
Each pipeline object has an internal state control to detect when a reexecute
command is necessary. Generally data update is performed from a source to a
drain object, as shown in the figure.
4 Methodology
4.1 Requirements
Requirements on parameter space visualization arise from the data and the tasks
to be fulfilled. The aim is to easily compare and evaluate the results of multiple
FE computations with a changing set of parameter. More precisely, there is
one FE dataset for each set of parameter values. This leads to a multidimen-
sional parameter space with no restriction in dimension or in the number of
available solutions. For better comparison and an intuitive recognition of the
observed phenomena within the solution parameter space, an interpolation of
the discrete steps should be performed to gain a continuous parameter space.
This interpolation functionality has to consider two different cases occurring in
electromagnetic FEA.
Solution Interpolation - By changing material characteristic or excita-
tion conditions, the magnitude and direction of the obtained field solution
differs, but remain defined on the same mesh. We only have to differ be-
tween continuous but discretized parameters (e.g. current density) and
non-continuous values (steel properties).
Mesh Interpolation - A variation of geometric parameters, such as teeth
or yoke width typically, leads to FE results, where the underlying mesh
changes between two different parameter values. Here, a mesh to mesh in-
terpolation is required to map between field nodes which do not necessarily
have the same global coordinates.
The method proposed here, also works for FE models with motion, where a
particular part of the mesh is rotated or translated in function of time. An
application of arbitrary hp-adaption techniques within the FEA is unaffected
by the visualization procedure, but requires further processing within the inter-
polation, see 5.3, 5.4.
Finally, the tool has to be integrated seamlessly into the existing inter-
face (Schoning & Hameyer 2008), (Hafner, Schoening, Antczak, Demenko &
Hameyer 2009) between iMOOSE and VTK, but should also be able to run
independently of iMOOSE in conjunction with any other VTK task. Further-
more maintainability and compatibility regarding future releases of VTK are
two important demands.
4.2 Design and Implementation
Given the fact that VTK is used for visualization and that there is an exist-
ing, recently published, implementation for time support (Biddiscombe, Geveci,
Martin, Moreland & Thompson 2007) (which essentially is a mono-dimensional
parameter space), it is considered to extend this implementation concept to hold
a multidimensional parameter space. The time support in VTK is realized by
attaching time specific meta information to the pipeline architecture which can
be passed up and down the pipeline, see Fig. 1(b). Hereby filters are enabled
to request specific time steps from a previous filter or source in the pipeline and
can pass the data down the pipeline. By activating the SnapToStep function-
ality, the interpolation between solutions is deactivated for performance issues
Source Data Data
Filter Drain
(a) Classical visualization pipeline of VTK.
Update Parameter
Data RenderingInterpolator SnapToStep
(b) Pipeline concept with time meta informations.
Figure 1: Different pipeline concepts of VTK.
and the navigation is limited to in memory available cases. This time support
represents exactly the desired behavior for the special case with only one param-
eter. So the idea of our design is to replace the scalar time by a vector whose
size equals the dimension of the parameter space, respectively the number of
Figure 2 shows a two dimensional parameter space, where a time-transient
FE computation is carried out for a series of different excitation currents. The
crosses symbolize the computed FE solutions corresponding to a unique param-
eter set (t,J). The path represents the interactive navigation through the solu-
tions in virtual reality. At step 1
a new FE solution is loaded and projected in
VR. At step 2
and 3
a solution interpolation is required, hence the underlying
mesh is constant. A navigation through time at steps 4
and 5
requires both a
mesh and a solution interpolation for a mono-dimensional direction (time axis).
The same operation in bi-direction is given in 6
J [ A
t [s]
Figure 2: Interactive navigation through a 2D parameter space.
5 Implementation details
5.1 Pipeline architecture
Coming up with version 5.0 VTK got a new pipeline architecture (Aylward,
Barre, Cedilnik, Hoffman, Ibanez, King, Martin, Moreland, Schroeder & Squillacote
2006) - the official documentation of each class can found in (VTK Online
Documentation 2010). The old pipeline concept handled both pipeline execu-
tion and algorithm operation in every filter or data source, allowing computing
only in forward direction. Performing an update or refresh command on the
render in Fig. 1(b) provokes the rendere to reload the data output of the Snap-
ToStep filter - no further request etc. are initiated. The new architecture splits
the pipeline in two separate classes. VtkAlgorithm is responsible for providing
and manipulation of data and vtkExecutive connects the different filter of the
pipeline and handles execution and communication. Following this approach it
is possible to transfer additional information up and down the pipeline by using
the executives. Furthermore all the data transfer between two objects in the
pipeline is handled by the corresponding executives. This enables the executives
to change the transmitted data before passing it to the next filter. In the VTK
5.0 concept, the exemplary refresh command of the render is communicated
backwards down to the DataSource and afterwards thought all contributing
filters back to the renderer.
VTK time support (Biddiscombe et al. 2007) uses the new architecture to
attach information about given or requested time steps and time range to the
communication in the pipeline. It is realized by extending the pipeline operation
by the following requests:
REQUEST_INFORMATION communicates information about time steps
and time range down the pipeline.
REQUEST_UPDATE_EXTENT communicates desired time steps up
the pipeline.
REQUEST_DATA generates data in the filter and populates it down the
In this paper, this approach is extended to fulfill the requirements of a mul-
tidimensional parameter space. As sketched in 4.2, the idea is to replace the
scalar time by a vectorial representation t
, (1)
where each entry piin this vector represents one dimension of the parameter
space and the value of piindicates a specific point within the field range of the
space dimension. This results in a vector holding n elements in the case of a
n-dimensional parameter space.
The VTK pipeline requests of the time support are designed to handle mul-
tiple time steps within one request. Based on this characteristic, the enhanced
n-D time vector, holding one parameter set, can be transcipted into a sequence
of time steps. By this, the basing pipelining functionality of VTK can be used
without modification. The time mapping and its reverse has to be performed
in each filter which manipulates the timing vector t, e.g. SnapToStep, or
processes data in function of t, e.g. Interpolator, cf. Fig. 1(b).
5.2 Source object
The new object DataSource is the first element in the execution pipeline of
Fig.1(b). This object is a container for all the solutions of a previously performed
FE computation. The solutions are internally stored in a vtkTemporalDataSet
which simply represents a sequence of data sets. Therefore, this class requires
the time to sequence transcription to identify every single solution by its unique
parameter set t.
5.3 Interpolator
Say one has got a FE model depending on ndesign parameters spanning a
n-dimensional parameter space Λ, and assume the model has been evaluated
for a cloud of points λiΛ. For each sampled point λi, the solution of the
FE problem for a physical quantity νhas been visualized over the domain of
analysis as a colormap of the solution:
v(x), x (2)
From a functional point of view, the displayed solution consists of 2 elements:
the evaluation point xand the value v(x)associated by the model to the
For the purpose of a smooth visualization of the solution v(x)when navi-
gating the parameter space Λ, interpolation methods between several solution
maps must be applied.
In order to formalize this problem mathematically one has to distinguish
amongst the ndesign parameters between the geometrical parameters ςi, i =
1, .., m and the non-geometrical parameters µj=m, .., n, so that the solution of
the FE problem can be written
v(x(ςi), µj). (3)
The interpolation is now obtained by the combination of a number of neigh-
boring pre-computed solutions. For the sake of simplicity, we assume only the
closest available solutions, represented by ςA
i, µA
jand ςB
i, µB
are used. The intermediary states between them, assuming an affine linear
combination, are
ςi(ζ) = ςA
i, ζ [0,1] (4)
µj(ζ) = µA
and the purpose of the interpolation method is to provide an approximate color
=v(x(ςi(ζ)) , µj(ζ)) . (6)
This setting with only two solutions and a linear affine interpolation is rather
simple but it suffices to explore the main difficulties encountered. The µ-
parameters can be treated by blending techniques.
˜vblend = (1 ζ)vx, µA
j+ζx, µB
This operation is implemented in 5.4.
If the mesh is not fixed during the FE computations (ς-parameters), for
example due to rotation, geometric parameter variation or mesh refinement
techniques, an additional mesh interpolation has to be performed. This inter-
polation consists of two tasks:
Vertex correspondence: A mapping between the vertices (nodes) of
the two data sets has to be computed.
Vertex path: After the mapping is found the displacement of each vertex
from its initial position to the new one has to be done.
Amongst the ς-parameters, one has to further distinguish between those that
represent a rigid body motion (angular position of the rotor for instance) from
those that describe a deformation of the underlying geometry.
In the first case, the vertex correspondence depends explicitly and exclusively
on the design parameter ς, and it can be treated rather easily. If one is aiming
at an intuitive access to the visualized field quantities and a minor loss accuracy
is acceptable in this case, the vertex path can be interpolated linearly between
the two given vertices, since the discretization of rotation is a small fraction of
an electrical period. This is also implemented in 5.4. If this simplification is not
sufficient, one can apply advanced approaches which try to preserve the mesh
structure, e.g. the intrinsic solution of (Sederberg, Gao, Wang & Mu 1993),
which modify the angles and edge lengths of the mesh. In case of an rotating FE-
part, the proposed approach can be simplified, since the rotation transformation
for each time step is explicitly known.
In the second case, morphing techniques must be applied:
˜vmorph =v(1 ζ)xςA
i+ζx ςB
i, µj(8)
A general solution, which does not require any further information about
the mesh or of its solution is given by Sederberg et al. (Sederberg & Greenwood
1992), who use a physically based model: one of the meshes is modeled as
a construct of wire. Then a vertex mapping is chosen which minimizes the
amount of work needed to transform this mesh to the second one by bending
and stretching. A more sophisticated solution is presented in (Tian, He, Cai &
Feng 2006), where arbitrary meshed geometries are transformed into each other.
A satisfying solution for the visualization by smooth interpolation between such
types of solution is still an open question.
To demonstrate this situation, Fig. 3 shows the image blending between
two almost identical FE simulations, where the tooth head varies. Even if this
method only consists of a cost effective pixel-wise addition of the rendered solu-
tion, tendencies are slightly distinguishable. Since FE electromagnetic governing
equations are usually first-order vector potential formulations, leading to zero-
order magnetic flux density solutions, an application of time-consuming field
projection would lead to a visualization of comparable quality.
5.4 Enhanced VTK Interpolator
Interpolation is necessary to navigate smoothly through the parameter space
because containing data is given by discrete points representing different param-
eter sets. Therefor a new filter called Interpolator is build based on the VTK
(a) Present FE solution ONE (b) Image blending 33%
(c) Image blending 66% (d) Present FE solution TWO
Figure 3: Image blending between two FE solutions with a tooth head variation.
time support interpolator. Interpolator is placed in the execution pipeline
and changes parameter information in the REQUEST_INFORMATION phase
by deleting the parameter points and only passing the parameter range down
the pipeline. Thereby, the next filter object in the pipeline is able to request
any point in the parameter space. If this point is not equal to one of the given
discrete points the interpolator generates it on demand.
The multidimensional parameter space interpolation is carried out by the
inverse distance weighting (IDW) (Shepard 1968), as sketched in case of 2D in
Fig. 4 to compute the function value at x, y by the surrounding points 0-3. The
value of a desired point is computed by a linearly weighted (affine) combination
of the surrounding discrete parameter points. Weighting is done by applying a
function of the inverse distance between the two points. Formally the method
is given by
v(x) = PN
, (9)
where xdenotes the desired point, v(x)the value of the desired point, vithe
value of the given point xiand dithe distance between xand xiin the n-
dimensional space. Ndenotes the number of neighbor points which equals 2n
in a regular n-dimensional grid. A intermediate position between two points in
one dimension is simply identified as weighted combination of the two points.
The advantage of this simple identification is, that the navigation in higher
dimensional spaces can be based on exactly the same principle. Moreover, this
allows a combination with arbitrary user interfaces or navigation models, such
as the high sophisticated time model of (Wolter 2010).
Figure 4: A exemplary 2D-Interpolation by IDW.
6 Conclusion and further prospects
In this paper, the popular open-source framework VTK is applied and expanded
to visualize multi-parameter spaces of finite element solutions. The correspond-
ing VTK filter chains are presented - necessary adaption within the VTK struc-
ture are proposed. To navigate smoothly through the parameter space, which
assists an intuitive interpretation of the ongoing changes within the FE solution,
a VTK based mesh and solution interpolation is applied. In present state, this
interpolation fails in case of a variation of the CAD model and consequently of
the underlying mesh, since this requires a mapping function between geomet-
rically different discretization. Even if several approaches from literature are
discussed, the development of an generally applicable solution for that problem
is current state of research.
To improve the immersion of such techniques, multi-parameter visualizations
should be projected in CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) or CAVE-
like environments. In a further step, this would require an integration of a
virtual reality library, e.g. VISTA (van Reimersdahl, Kuhlen, Gerndt, Henrichs
& Bischof 2000). Further, the implementation of FEA restarting facilities would
enable to perform simulations as a user’s reaction within the VR scene. The
implementation of an adequate input device for the navigation through the
multi-parameter spaces would also be of assistance.
This research was funded by the SEED Fund project "‘Interactive Data Visual-
ization in 3D Electromagnetics"’ of the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA)
(JARA - Jülich Aachen Research Alliance - Jara 2010). We are grateful to all
members of the Virtual Reality Group of the RWTH Aachen University headed
by Prof. Kuhlen for their support.
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... Within the scope of [6] its enhancement iMoose.trinity.VR [7], [8] has been developed, which applied the Open-Source Visualization Tool KIT (VTK) [9]. In 2009 the IEM started the development of iMoose.trinity.IVR [10] and new electromagnetic visualization methods [11], [12]. This software tool combines the advantages of both former packages and is integrated in the day-to-day visualization of FE data. ...
The interactive exploration of complex simulation data have spurred a renewed interest in visualization techniques, because of their ability to give an intuitively clue for the interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena. This paper presents a methodology for a bidirectional coupling of VTK-based visualization systems to interactive and immersive visualization systems which are specially adopted for the handing and processing of large and transient simulation data. In this work, the coupling is demonstrated by the flexible virtual reality (VR) software framework ViSTA which is used by many national and international research groups.
Parametric finite element analysis (FEA) models are commonly used in iterative design processes to obtain an optimum model given a set of loads, constraints, objectives, and design parameters to vary. In some instances, it is desirable for a designer to obtain some intuition about how changes in design parameters can affect the FEA solution of interest, before simply sending the model through the optimization loop. For example, designers who wish to explore the design space and understand how each variable changes the output in a visual way, looking at the whole model and not just numbers or a response surface of a single FEA node. This could be accomplished by running the FEA on the parametric model for a set of part family members, but this can be very time consuming and only gives snapshots of the model's real behavior. This paper presents a method of visualizing the FEA solution of the parametric model as design parameters are changed in real-time by approximating the FEA solution using parametric FEA modeling, surrogate modeling methods, and visualization methods. The implementation develops a parametric FEA mode that includes mesh morphing algorithms that allow the mesh to change parametrically along with the model geometry. This allows the surrogate models assigned to each individual node to use the nodal solution of multiple finite element analyses as regression points to approximate the FEA solution. The surrogate models can then be mapped to their respective geometric locations in real-time. The results of the FEA calculations are updated in real-time as the parameters of the design model change allowing real-time visualization.
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Up to date, numerical techniques for "low frequency" electromagnetic questions have been employed extensively for all possible types of application. Due to its complicated geometry on the one hand, the numerical computation of electrical machines was always and is still challenging. On the other hand, maximum conditions e.g. the aspect ratio of the device’s dimensions can be numerically troublesome and can let 3d numerical models grow up to huge systems which are difficult to handle. Furthermore, the modelling of particular physical effects can be difficult due to the particular boundary conditions in time or space, which must be fulfilled. In the beginning of Computational Electromagnetics, many authors amongst others the well known Peter Silvester [52] introduced to the engineering community the Finite Element Method (FEM) in mathematical theory and by useful Fortran program code. On this basis, the fundamental questions of stationary, harmonic or transient behaviour of electromagnetic devices could be tackled at that time. The FEM was ready for electric motor simulations [43]. Refinements and extensions of the FEM followed up to day. With increasing computational power, model refinements to the class of coupled problems appeared [29]. This coupling of physical effects by numerical models allows to better understand the device’s behaviour. Methods are coupled to methods to e.g. increase the computational velocity of the solution process. An attempt for a systematic classification of coupled problems can be found in [28]. However, the main goal of such efforts was to explore an overall behaviour of the device under study including all possible physical side effects simultaneously. As a consequence of this coupling approach, confusing many parameters describe the device under study. To unscramble the impact of the parameters, numerical models are developed to answer very specific questions [47]. From the numerical magnetic field solution derived parameters, such as e.g. inductivities, representing another class of model, help to understand the interrelation between physical effect, its mode of operation and its particular source. Therefore, such analytical approaches as the lumped parameter model, are still valuable for the understanding. Numerical solutions deliver the accurate over all result of a field problem, reflecting the state of energy in the electromagnetic device. However, the inference from that numerical solution back to the single source of effects is not possible. The coupled approach, having simultaneously all sources considered in a large numerical model does not allow to fully understand the detailed behaviour of the device and its dependency on the outer parameters. To cope with this dependency of parameters carefully to the final results, subproblems have to be defined, which employ particular boundary conditions to consider or not single sources respectively physical effects. As a consequence, a lot of simulations with meaningful parameter variations have to be performed to fully understand the device under study in the physical way. By spending such efforts, it is possible to determine important parameters which dominate the behaviour of the electromagnetic device. Things are getting more complicated by considering coupling effects which are of thermal or mechanical origin. Another way to cope with the mentioned problem of identifying and evaluating parameters is to develop a methodology to couple the numerical approach to analytical models. With this approach it is possible to separate a physical source from its effect in the model. This provides the possibility of determining the significant model parameter and its mutual interaction with others. Due to particular limitations of analytical models, for example such as non-linearity or complicated geometry, this approach is not in general applicable. However, particular and specific problems can be solved in an efficient way. This paper is a contribution which represents a methodology to better understand an electromagnetic device, such as an electric motor, and which enables to give an innovative impulse to the aspects of computation in electromagnetics.
Conference Paper
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With the advent of the first petascale supercomputer, Los Alamos's Roadrunner, there is a pressing need to address how to visualize petascale data. The crux of the petascale visualization performance problem is interactive rendering, since it is the most computationally intensive portion of the visualization process. For terascale platforms, commodity clusters with graphics processors (GPUs) have been used for interactive rendering. For petascale platforms, visualization and rendering may be able to run efficiently on the supercomputer platform itself. In this work, we evaluated the rendering performance of multi-core CPU and GPU-based processors. To achieve high-performance on multi-core processors, we tested with multi-core optimized raytracing engines for rendering. For real-world performance testing, and to prepare for petascale visualization tasks, we interfaced these rendering engines with VTK and ParaView. Initial results show that rendering software optimized for multi-core CPU processors provides competitive performance to GPUs for the parallel rendering of massive data. The current architectural multi-core trend suggests multi-core based supercomputers are able to provide interactive visualization and rendering support now and in the future.
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Nowadays, the postprocessing and visualization of finite element solutions is performed by means of static a posteriori methods. This means that a dynamic interactive exploration of 3D solution data is only possible in a very limited way. In this paper, an interactive postprocessing approach is introduced, allowing for a dynamic interaction with finite element solutions, a simplified mesh cutting and data exploring as well as new ways of exploring complex solutions.
This paper presents a new afgorithm for smoothly blending between two 2-D polygonal shapes. The algorithm is based on a physical model wherein one of the shapes is considered to be constructed of wire, and a solution is found whereby the first shape can be bent and/or stretched into the second shape with a minimum amount of work. The resulting solution tends to associate regions on the two shapes which look alike. If the two polYgons have m and n vertices respectively, the afgorithm is O(mn). The algorithm avoids local shape inversions in whkh intermediate polygons self-intersect, if such a solution exists.
In many fields using empirical areal data there arises a need for interpolating from irregularly-spaced data to produce a continuous surface. These irregularly-spaced locations, hence referred to as “data points,” may have diverse meanings: in meterology, weather observation stations; in geography, surveyed locations; in city and regional planning, centers of data-collection zones; in biology, observation locations. It is assumed that a unique number (such as rainfall in meteorology, or altitude in geography) is associated with each data point. In order to display these data in some type of contour map or perspective view, to compare them with data for the same region based on other data points, or to analyze them for extremes, gradients, or other purposes, it is extremely useful, if not essential, to define a continuous function fitting the given values exactly. Interpolated values over a fine grid may then be evaluated. In using such a function it is assumed that the original data are without error, or that compensation for error will be made after interpolation.
Implementing finite-element (FE) solvers for new formulations is often a tedious task, as many common parts are coded again and again. Also, commercial codes are often expensive and therefore difficult to include in, e.g., a teaching environment. iMOOSE is an open-source software package for FE calculations that tries to solve these issues. It is a general-purpose class library that allows for an easy implementation of new FE solvers or FE-related tools. Also included are ready-to-use solvers for electromagnetic calculations and a powerful post-processing tool. Due to its open-source nature, the source code can be examined, modified, and extended to fit the user's needs.
Conference Paper
Effectively developing complex distributed systems of interacting devices has challenged the state of the art for many years. Practical application domains like hunting for mines in the ocean using collaborating groups of unmanned, underwater vehicles have underscored the need for not only better programming languages for scalable distributed system design but also better development, modeling and visualization tools that enable the developers to more rapidly identify and avoid problems, then converge on viable solutions. The Command, Communication and Computation Language (C3L) was developed specifically for this application and utilizes a purely asynchronous, discrete-event driven architecture to achieve formal controllability and behavioral properties specifically for the application domain of unmanned, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) participating in a Mine Counter-Measures (MCM) mission. In such applications, collaborating AUVs act as a distributed system of autonomous agents. Effectively programming distributed systems has proven to be technically challenging, requiring a language with a foundation of strong controllability properties, the computational expressiveness approaching a general-purpose language and the ability to easily express communication between devices. C3L abstracts the complexities of communication and distributed control into a unified framework based on raising events, freeing the application developer from the tedious tasks of programming lower-level functionality and allowing him or her to focus on the higher-level behavioral requirements of the mission. The C3L language also features a rigorous yet intuitive plant model that explicitly designates state-space variables and procedures controlling precisely how controllable aspects of the state-space may change. This programming paradigm enables the developer to take a design that begins as a mathematical model and implement it almost directly as a program for evaluation. A compiler - based on the Microsoft Phoenix framework for compiler design and optimization has been created to take C3L programs and generate executable code for either simulation studies or for direct implementation on actual hardware. This compiler automatically extracts task-level parallelism inherent in C3L programs and generates a multi-threaded application with no explicit actions required by the programmer; such applications are ideal for the multi-core and many-core processors of today's and tomorrow's computers and embedded controllers. In complex, distributed systems, visualizations of performance and behaviors can be critically important to the overall utility of the application in either simulation studies or in actual applications. To best position C3L as a powerful language for modeling and implementing such systems, the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) was integrated with the C3L compiler. This permits a C3L program to generate directly powerful, 4-D presentations of data in a fully configurable way. Figure 1 illustrates a representative screen shot of such a visualization, depicting two collaborating AUVs in a MCM mission in a section of the Chesapeake Bay. The bathymetry was generated directly from NOAA echo depth sounding data in a text-based XYZ format; such data is freely downloadable from the Internet. Functions were created to convert the latitude and longitude data from the depth sounding data to meters, and then convert the irregularly-spaced depth sounding data to a surface using a filtered 2D Delaunay triangulation. The complexity of the resulting surface may be reduced using a quadric decimation filter if desired. Consequently, a C3L-based simulation or application may include visualizations not only of the 'actors' in the distributed system but also in a realistic scenario capable of utilizing actual bathymetry. We present the visualization support integrated into the C3L compiler and describe the language extensions developed to leverage these capabi
Electrical machine design resorts more and more to numerical simulation techniques instead of prototyping, so as to reduce development time and costs. In order to replace prototypes advantageously, numerical simulations must be accurate. This is achieved by using the discretization techniques like the finite element method combined with a fine mesh. This results in a large amount of computed data that need to be postprocessed adequately to allow making a correct interpretation of the results and taking the right decisions. Virtual reality environments are suited to match these demands. They offer the possibility of exploring efficiently and in detail the computed results of complicated geometries. In this paper, a postprocessing software exploiting virtual reality capabilities is demonstrated and application examples are shown.
Conference Paper
We present an automated implemented and computationally efficient method for smoothly morphing of point set surface. In the issue, corresponding between the surfaces is difficult for point set surface without any topological information. To overcome this, the method is guided by registration and warp functions, then the intermediate surfaces are constructed depend on only the local geometric information expressed by the point locations in 3D space. To reduce the distortion of the intermediate shapes, the distance metric between points is defined, and the algorithm optimally matches the points in the two models. The automated method provides the animator with a technique that can be used to create a set of models forming a smooth transition between pairs of a given sequence of keyframe models. The advantage of the new approach is that the capability of morphing between objects having a different topological without any intervene of animators.
Conference Paper
Using haptic (the sensing of touch) technology as an interface in medical and surgical procedures is a large interesting goal because of the benefits involved. This work presents a developed tool for evaluating the performance of a classic 2D-3D processing of a stack of medical preoperative images, and a new version of an efficient and simple algorithm for the integration of the haptic sense in a medical 3D environment generated from the 3D reconstruction. First of all, the developed tool for the 2D segmentation and 3D reconstruction is presented. The classical pipeline for surface 3D reconstruction is reviewed under a parametrical point of view. These parameters will play an important role in the analysis of the haptic behavior. Besides, all the parameters of the reconstruction are accessible and can be modified on-line during the reconstruction procedure. Later, the software architecture used for the integration of the haptic devices is described. The haptic rendering algorithm is detailed, including the collision detection algorithm (a simple ray-tracing scheme programmed using VTK capacities) that is used with the medical images. Finally, some results of the evaluation of the behavior of this algorithm are resumed.