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Abstract and Figures

A revised check-list of the Trichoptera in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Eastern Fennoscandia, the Faroes, and Iceland, reflecting current views on Trichoptera systematics, is given. A total of 242 species are recognized from these areas. The list includes 3 recently described species, and 6 species recorded as new to NW Europe, while 7 species are deleted due to synonymy, misidentification, or abnormality. Further, 38 additional regional records are included, as well as 1 deletion due to insufficient documentations. Annotations for new and rare species are provided. The hydroptilid Agraylea cognatella McLachlan, 1880 is retained as a valid species and the male genitalia of this species as well as the male genitalia of A. multipunctata Curtis, 1834 are figured.
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Revised check-list of NW European Trichoptera
A revised
check-list of the
Trichoptera in Denmark, Sweden,
Norway, Eastern Fennoscandia,
the Faroes, and Iceland, reflecting
current views on Trichoptera systematics,
is given. A total
of 242 species
are recognized
from these areas. The list includes 3 recently described species,
and 6 species recorded as new to NW Europe, while 7 species are deleted due to synonymy,
or abnormality.
Further, 38 additional
regional records are included,
as well
as 1 deletion due to insufficient documentations. Annotations for new and rare species are
The hydroptilid Agraylea cognatella
McLachlan, 1880 is retained as a valid species
and the
male genitalia of this species as well as the male genitalia of A. multipunctata
Curtis, 1834 are
T. Andersen, University Library, Dept. of Science, Realfagbygget, Allégt. 41, N-5000
gen, Norway.
P. Wiberg-Larsen, Ribe amtsrÅd,
Miljøafdelingen, Sorsigvej
35, DK-6760
Ribe, Denmark.
During the last decade, interest in Trichoptera Colpotaulius major Martynov, 1909, Lithax
systematics has greatly increased and evidence obscurus (Hagen, 1859) and Athripsodes bilineat-
from larval studies has contributed much to our us (Linnaeus, 1758), being recorded as new to
understanding of the relationships on the family, NW Europe, while 7 species, Hydroptila kim-
genus or species level (see e.g. Wiggins 1981). minsi Mosely, 1930, H. simplex Nielsen, 1948,
Since Svensson & Tjeder (1975c) presented the Plectrocnemiella carelica Nybom, 1950, Hyd-
first comprehensive check-list of the Trichoptera ropsyche borealis Martynov, 1926, H. guttata
of NW Europe there has consequently been a high Pictet, 1834, Micrasema minimum McLachlan,
number of nomenclatural changes concerning the 1876, and Adicella filicornis (Pictet, 1834), are
species represented within this area. Furthermore, deleted due to synonymy, misidentification, or
several faunistic studies, which have greatly abnormality. A total of 38 additional records from
increased our knowledge on the occurrence and one of the NW European countries/regions are
distribution of the NW European Trichoptera, included, while 1 record is deleted due to insuffi-
particularly in Denmark and Norway, have cient documentation. In addition, a few errors of
appeared. incorrect authorship, dates, etc., in Svensson &
Svensson & Tjeder's (1975c) list included 240 Tjeder's (1975c) list have been corrected.
species for NW Europe. In the present list, the In the present paper, the Trichoptera species in
number of species is increased to 242 species; this Denmark (D), Sweden (S), Norway (N), Eastern
figure emerges due to 3 species, Oxyethira kling- Fennoscandia (EF), the Faroes (F), and Iceland
stedti Nybom, 1983, Apatania forsslundi Tobias, (I) are listed. Eastern Fennoscandia comprises
1981 and Apatania sp.n.? (Tobias in litt.), being Finland, the earlier Finnish provinces which
described as new to science from within the area, became part of Soviet Union in 1940 and 1944,
6 species, Tinodes maclachlani Kimmins, 1966, Russian Karelia, and the Kola Peninsula. In the
Plectrocnemia geniculata McLachlan, 1871, list, EF' indicates that the species is not known to
Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum Malicky, 1977, occur in Finland itself.
Geographically, Svalbard and Bear Island
belong to NW Europe, and records from these
islands ought to be included in the list. However,
as only one Trichoptera species, Apatania zonella
(Zetterstedt, 1840) is recorded from these islands
(e.g. Lack 1933 (as A. arctica (Boheman, 1865),
Bertram & Lack 1938 (as A. arctica), Decamps
& Voisin 1971, Solem et al. 1977), they are not
treated separately in the list.
The present check-list is intended to present
current views on Trichoptera systematics based
on larval as well as adult morphology. In contrast
to the list of Svensson & Tjeder (1975c), the fami-
lies here are listed in accordance with current con-
cepts, i.e. in a general trend from primitive to
derived (e.g. Wiggins 1982, Barnard 1985).
Within the different families, however, tribes,
genera, and species are listed in alphabetical
The list is based on earlier publications, study
of museum- and private collections and personal
communications. Reference is given to relevant
papers not mentioned by Svensson & Tjeder
(1975c) as well as to more recent papers. Annota-
tions are given for those species with italized num-
Family-group taxa
We have accepted the families Ecnomidae and
Goeridae. In treating Ecnomidae as a separate
family and not as a subfamily of Polycentropodi-
dae, we agree with Lepneva (1964), who based
her opinion on the distinctive larval morphology.
The family Ecnomidae has been widely accepted
(e.g. Malicky 1973, Botosaneanu & Malicky
1978, Edington & Hildrew 1981, Tobias & Tobias
1981, Wiggins 1982, Barnard 1985).
The Goeridae are considered a separate family
by Ross (1944), Malicky (1973) and several subse-
quent authors, who based their opinions on both
adult and larval morphology. It should be noted
however, that Wiggins (1973b, 1977) has treated
the Goeridae as a subfamily of the Limnephilidae,
the Goerinae.
Genus-group taxa
Eomystra Martynov, 1934 and Synafophora Mar-
tynov, 1927 are considered to be synonyms of
Glossosoma Curtis, 1834 in accordance with
Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) and Tobias &
Tobias (1981).
According to Kimmins (1966), Oxytrichia
Mosely, 1939 is a synonym of Oxyethira Eaton,
Nielsen (1981) and Schuster (1984) recognized
Ceratopsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977 and Hy-
dropsyche Pictet, 1834 as separate monophyletic
genera based on characters in the larval, pupal
and adult stages (genital structures of both males
and females). Ceratopsyche includes the Hy-
dropsyche morosa-species group, represented by
two species in Europe. We have accepted the
proposals of Nielsen and Schuster, although there
are differences of opinions concerning the splitt-
ing of Hydropsyche (see Schefter et al. 1986).
Based on larval characters (the alignment of coxal
combs on mesothoracic legs), Solem (1981) sug-
gested that Agrypnia crassicornis (McLachlan,
1876) should be transferred to the genus Agrypne-
tes McLachlan, 1876. We have followed the sug-
gestion made by Solem, although several authors
merely regard Agrypnetes as a synonym of Agryp-
nia (e.g. Malicky 1983, Barnard 1985).
In a phylogenetic study of the genera of Brachy-
centridae, Flint (1984) only recognized five
genera within this family, thereby treating Oli-
goplectrum McLachlan, 1868 as one of five sub-
genera within the genus Brachycentrus Curtis,
1834. We have decided to follow this synonymy in
the present check-list.
Schmid (1951) placed Anabolia dubia Ste-
phens, 1837 in the genus Ironoquia Banks, 1916
based on characteristics of the adults. However,
by comparing preimaginal descriptions of Iroreo-
quia parvula (Banks, 1900) and L punctatissima
(Walker, 1852) from North America (Flint 1960)
with descriptions of/. dubia (e.g. Lepneva 1966),
Svensson & Tjeder (1975c) concluded that larvae
of I. dubia differed from those of /. parvula and I.
punctatissima. Moreover, they found it of great
importance that pupae of I. parvula. differed
from those of /. dubia (in particular by the
absence of gills in I. parvula and presence of gills
in I. dubia). Based on these literature studies,
they concluded that I. dubia was not an Irono-
quia. Instead they placed it in'a "Gen. incertum".
We studied larvae of /. dubia and found that they
perfectly fitted the larval diagnosis of Ironoquia
given by Wiggins (1977), and we do not consider
the question of absence/presence of pupal gills to
be of importance. Larvae of I. parvula inhabit
temporary pools, having been found to leave a
pool in late spring presumably in the final instar,
and to crawl beneath fallen leaves around the
edge. There, they evidently aestivate as larvae
until late summer, when pupation occurs (Flint
1958, Wiggins 1973a). As pupation takes place in
a terrestrial environment, pupal gills are of no
advantage and therefore probably absent in I.
parvula, whereas I. dubia pupate in slow-flowing
streams among leaves (Ulmer 1909), where
presence of gills is an obvious advantage.
Eaton (1867) based his generic name Bereodes
on "Berea", a misspelling of Beraea Stephens,
1833. Nearly all subsequent authours have used
the spelling Beraeodes, which according to Bar-
nard (1985) "is regarded as a justified emenda-
The genus Athripsodes Billberg, 1820 has been
divided into two genera, Athripsodes and Cera-
clea Stephens, 1829 in accordance with Morse &
Wallace (1976).
The genus Triaenodes McLachlan, 1865 is divi-
ded into two genera, Triaenodes and Ylodes Mil-
ne, 1934 in accordance with Manuel & Nimmo
Subgenera are omitted in the present list. It
should be noted however, that Svensson & Tjeder
(1975c) gave subgeneric rank to Apatelia Wal-
lengren, 1886, Parapatania Forsslund, 1934 and
Gynapatania Forsslund in Forsslund & Tjeder,
Species-group taxa
Hydroptila simplex Nielsen, 1948 has bcen dele-
ted from the present list, as the only known speci-
men no doubt represents an abnormality (see also
Wiberg-Larsen 1985). We do not find it possible
to establish formal synonymy for H. simplex.
Plectrocnemiella carelica Nybom, 1950 has
been deleted from the list, as the only known spe-
cimen (a male) according to Dr. H. Malicky (Ny-
bom in litt. ) represents an abnormality. As indica-
ted by Hulden (1984), it should be regarded as a
synonym of Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis,
There is much controversy in the literature
regarding the taxonomy and classification of Apa-
tania species, especially of the A. muliebris- and
A. zonella groups.
Numerous species or subspecies of the A.
muliebris group are recognized in NW Europe
(see Nielsen 1950, 1969, Schmid 1954, Svensson
& Tjeder 1975c). However, as the A. muliebris
group reproduces by parthenogenesis only, each
individual female is reproductively isolated, and
according to the biological species concept, a dis-
tinct species (Solem 1985a). According to Solem
(1985a), Norwegian specimens of A. muliebris
McLachlan, 1866 are very variable with respect to
the morphology of female genitalia. Actually,
specimens referable to various subspecies, viz. A.
m. muliebris McLachlan, 1866, A. m. cimbrica
(Nielsen, 1950), A. m. jemtlandica Nielsen, 1969,
and A. m. kolteriana Nielsen, 1969, occur togeth-
er in streams in the Dovre mountains in Central
Norway. We therefore agree with Solem (1985a),
that recognition of several distinct species or sub-
species in the A. muliebris group is unwarranted.
The A. zonella group comprises A. auricula
(Forsslund, 1930), A. dalecarlica (Forsslund in
Forsslund & Tjeder, 1942), A. forsslundi Tobias,
1981, A. hispida (Forsslund, 1930), A. stylata
Navas, 1916, and A. zonella (Zetterstedt, 1840). In
A. zonella, parthenogenetic reproduction seems
to be the main reproductive strategy; males gener-
ally make up less than 1 % of the populations, al-
though the frequency of males in some popula-
tions might be higher (Lack 1934, Schmid 1954,
Corbet 1966, Solem 1985b, Andersen & Wiig
1987). Parthenogenesis is probably also the main
reproductivc strategy in ohter species in the A.
zonella group. Therefore, the A. zonella group
shows similar taxonomic problems as the A.
muliebris group and is difficult to handle because
of the wide variation in morphological features
(Solem 1985a). During a study in the Dovre
mountains in Central Norway, Solem (1985a)
found it difficult to distinguish the taxa A. dalecar-
lica and A. forsslundi, as he found all kinds of in-
termediate forms. Further, Andersen & Wiig
(1987) demonstrated clinal shape variation in
West Norwegian A. zonella. However, pending
further evidence we have decided to accept the
many species currently recognized in the A.
zonella group.
Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) listed Apatania
majuscula McLachlan, 1872 from Norway and
from their geographical regions 21: tundra and 23:
taiga, which includes Finland. However, these
records cannot be confirmed (see Solem 1985a).
A. majuscula was recorded from the Arkangel'sk
region and from eastern Siberia by Lepneva
Superfam. RHYACOPHILOIDEA Stephens, 1836
Fam. RHYACOPHILIDAE Stephens, 1836
Rhyacophila Pictet, 1834
dorsalis (Curtis, 1834) 1 - - - - F -
fasciata Hagen,1859 2 D S N EF - -
syn. septentrionis McLachlan,1865
nubila (Zetterstedt, 1840) 3 D S N EF - -
obliterata McLachlan, 1863 4 - S - EF -
Fam. GLOSSOSOMATIDAE Wallengren,1891
Wallengren, 1891
Glossosoma Curtis,1834
syn. Eomystra Martynov, 1934
syn. Synafophora Martynov, 1927
boltoni Curtis, 1834 5\ D - - EFx - -
syn. vernale (Pictet, 1834)
intermedium (Klapdlek, 1892) 6 - S N EF - -
nylanderi McLachlan,1879 7 - S N EF - -
Subfam. AGAPETINAE Martynov, 1913
Agapetus Curtis, 1834
fuscipes Curtis, 1834 8 D S - - - -
ochripes Curtis, 1834 9 D S N EF - -
syn. comatus Pictet,1834
Fam. HYDROPTILIDAE Stephens, 1836
Agraylea Curtis,1834
cognatella McLachlan, 1880 10 - S N EF - -
multipunctata Curtis, 1834 11 D S N EF - -
sexmaculata Curtis,1834 12 D S N EF - -
syn. pallidula McLachlan,1875
Hydroptila Dalman,1819
angulata Mosely, 1922 13 - S - EF - -
cornuta Mosely, 1922 14 D S N EF - -
forcipata (Eaton, 1873) 15 D S N EF - -
lotensis Mosely,1930 16 - - - EF - -
occulta (Eaton, 1873) 17 D S N EF - -
syn. kimminsi Mosely,1930
pulchricornis Pictet,1834 18 D S N EF - -
simulans Mosely,1920 19 D S N EF - -
sparsa Curtis, 1834 20 D S - EF - -
1 Numbers in italics refer to the "Notes". .1
tineoides Dalman, 1819 21 D S N EF F -
syn. femoralis (Eaton, 1873)
vectis Curtis, 1834 22 - S - - - -
syn. maclachlani Klapdlek, 1891
Ithytrichia Eaton,1873
clavata Morton,1905 23 - S - EP-
lamellaris Eaton,1873 24 D S N EF - -
Orthotrichia Eaton,1873
angustella (McLachlan, 1865) 25 D S N - - -
costalis (Curtis,1834) . 26 D S N EF - -
syn. tetensii Kolbe,1887 ` ' .
tragetti Mosely, 1930 27 - S - EF - -
Oxyethira Eaton,1873 '
syn. Oxytrichia Mosely, 1939
boreella Svensson & Tjeder, 1975 28 - S - - - -
distinctella McLachlan,1880 29 D S N EF - -
ecornuta Morton, 1893 30 - S - EF - -
falcata Morton,1893 31 D - - EF - -
flavicornis (Pictet, 1834) 32 D S N EF F ? -
syn. costalis Eaton, 1873 et auct., nec (Curtis,
frici Klap£lek , 1 89
1 33 D S N EF - -
klingstedti Nybom,1983 34 - - - EF - -
mirabilis Morton, 1904 35 - S N EF - -
sagittifera Ris,1897 36 D S N EF - -
simplex Ris,1897 37 - S N EF - -
tristella Klapálek, 1895 38 D S N EF - -
Stactobiella Martynov,1924
risi (Felber, 1908) 39 - S - EF - -
syn. ulmeri (Siltala, 1908)
Tricholeiochiton Kloet & Hincks, 1944 '
syn. Leiochiton Guinard,1879 (preocc.)
fagesii (Guinard,1879) 40 D S - EF - -
Superfam. HYDROPSYCHOIDEA Curtis, 1835
Fam. PHILOPOTAMIDAE Stephens, 1829
Subfam. PHILOPOTAMINAE Stephens, 1829 ,
Philopotamus Stephens,1829
montanus (Donovan,1813) 41 D S N EF - -
Wormaldia McLachlan,1865
occipitalis (Pictet, 1834) 42 D S N - - -
subnigra McLachlan,1865 43 D S N EF - -
Subfam. CHIMARRINAE Rambur, 1842
Chimarra Stephens,1829 .
marginata (Linnaeus, 1767) 44 - S N EF - -
Fam. PSYCHOMYIIDAE Curtis, 1835
Lype McLachlan,1878
phaeopa (Stephens, 1836) 45 D S N EF - -
reducta (Hagen, 1868) 46 D S - EF - -
Psychomyia Latreille,1829
pusilla (Fabricius,1781) 47 D S N EF - -
Tinodes Curtis,1834
maclachlani Kimmins, 1966 48 D - - - F -
syn. aureola (Zetterstedt, 1840)
syn. pusillus McLachlan,1862
pallidulus McLachlan,1878 49 D S - - - -
unicolor (Pictet,1834) 50 D - - - - -
waeneri (Linnaeus,1758) 51 1 D S N EF F -
Fam. ECNOMIDAE Ulmer, 1903
Ecnomus McLachlan,1864
tenellus (Rambur, 1842) 52 D S N EF - -
Cyrnus Stephens, 1836
crenaticornis (Kolenati, 1859) 53 D S N EF - -
fennicus Klingstedt,1937 54 - - - EF - -
flavidus McLachlan, 1864 55 D S N EF - -
insolutus McLachlan, 1878 56 D S N EF - -
trimaculatus (Curtis, 1834) 57 D S N EF - -
Holocentropus McLachlan, 1878
dubius (Rambur, 1842) 58 D S N EF - -
insignis Martynov,1924 59 D S N EF - -
picicornis (Stephens,1836) 60 D S N EF - -
stagnalis (Albarda, 1874) 61 D S - EF - -
Neureclipsis McLachlan, 1864
bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) 62 D S N EF - -
Plectrocnemia Stephens,1836
syn. Plectrocnemiella Mosely,1934
conjuncta Martynov, 1914 63 - S - EF - -
conspersa (Curtis,1834) 64 D S N EF F -
syn. carelica (Nybom, 1950)
geniculata McLachlan, 1871 1 65 - - - - F -
Polycentropus Curtis, 1835
flavomaculatus (Pictet, 1834) 66 D S N EF F -
syn. multiguttatus (Curtis, 1835)
irroratus (Curtis,1835) 67 D S N EF - -
syn. multiguttatus McLachlan,1878 nec
(Curtis, 1835)
Fam. HYDROPSYCHIDAE Curtis, 1835
Cheumatopsyche Wallengren,1891 1
lepida (Pictet, 1834) 68 D S N EF - -
Ceratopsyche Ross & Unzicker,1977
syn. Hydropsyche auct. partim, nec Pictet, 1834
nevae (Kolenati,1858) 69 - S N EF - -
silfvenii (Ulmer,1906) 70 D S N EF - -
Hydropsyche Pictet,1834
angustipennis (Curtis,1834) 71 D S N EF - -
bulgaromanorum Malicky, 1977 72 - - - EF - -
contubernalis McLachlan,1865 73 D S N EF - -
syn. ornatula auct., nec McLachlan,1878
syn. borealis Martynov, 1926
fulvipes (Curtis, 1834) 74 D - - - - -
pellucidula (Curtis, 1834) 75 D S N EF - -
saxonica McLachlan, 1884 76 D S - EF - -
siltalai D6hler, 1963 77 D S N EF - -
syn. instabilis Mosely, 1939, nec (Curtis, 1834)
Fam. ARCTOPSYCHIDAE Martynov, 1924
Arctopsyche McLachlan, 1868
ladogensis (Kolenati, 1859) 78 - S N EF - -
Superfam. LIMNEPHILOIDEA Kolenati, 1848
Fam. PHRYGANEIDAE Leach, 1815
Agrypnetes McLachlan,1876
syn. Agrypnia auct., nec Curtis, 1835
crassicornis McLachlan,1876 79 - S - EF - -
Agrypnia Curtis, 1835
syn. Dasystegia Wallengren, 1880
czerskyi (Martynov, 1924) 80 - S - EF - -
obsoleta (Hagen, 1864) 81
1 D S N EF F -
pagetana Curtis,1835 82 D S N EF - -
picta Kolenati, 1848 83 D S N EF - I
principalis (Martynov, 1909) 84 - S - EF - -
sahlbergi (McLachlan, 1880) 85 - S N EF - -
varia (Fabricius, 1793) 86 D S N EF - -
Hagenella Martynov, 1924
clathrata (Kolenati, 1848) 87 D S N EF - -
Oligostomis Kolenati, 1848
reticulata (Linnaeus,1761 ) 88 D S N EF - -
Oligotricha Rambur, 1842
syn. Neuronia Stephens, 1829 (preocc.)
lapponica (Hagen, 1864) 89 - S N EF - -
striata (Linnaeus, 1758) 90 D S N EF - -
syn. ruficrus (Scopoli, 1763) .
Phryganea Linnaeus,1758
bipunctata Retzius, 1783 91 D S N EF - -
syn. striata auct., nec Linnaeus, 1758
grandis Linnaeus, 1758 92 D S N EF - -
Semblis Fabricius,1775
syn. Holostomis Mannerheim,1838
atrata (Gmelin, 1790) 93 - S N EF - -
phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758) 94 - S - EF - -
Trichostegia Kolenati,1848
syn. Nannophryganea Martynov, 1924
minor (Curtis, 1834) 95 D S N EF - -
Brachycentrus Curtis,1834
syn. Oligoplectrum McLachlan,1868
maculatus (Fourcroy, 1785) 96 D - - - - -
subnubilus Curtis, 1834 97 D S N EF - -
Micrasema McLachlan,1876
gelidum McLachlan, 1876 98 - S N EF - -
setiferum (Pictet,1834) 99 D S N EF - -
syn. nigrum (Brauer, 1857)
Crunoecia McLachlan,1876
irrorata (Curtis, 1834) 100 D S N - - -
Lasiocephala Costa,1857
basalis (Kolenati, 1848) 101 D - - - - -
Lepidostoma Rambur, 1842
hirtum (Fabricius, 1775) 102 D S N EF - -
Fam. LIMNEPHILIDAE Kolenati, 1848
Subfam. DICOSMOECINAE Schmid, 1955
Ironoquia Banks, 1916
syn. Caborius Navds, 1918
dubia (Stephens, 1837) 103 D S N EF - -
Subfam. APATANIINAE Wallengren,1886
Apatania Kolenati,1848
syn. Apatelia Wallengren,1886
syn. Apatidea McLachlan,1874
syn. Gynapatania Forsslund in Forsslund & .
syn. Parapatania Forsslund, 1934
auricula (Forsslund, 1930) 104 - S N EF - -
dalecarlica (Forsslund in Forsslund & Tjeder,
1942) 105 - S N EF - -
forsslundi Tobias,1981 106 - S N - - -
hispida (Forsslund, 1930) 107 - S N EF - -
sp.n. ? 108 - - N - - -
muliebris McLachlan, 1866 109 D S N - F -
syn. cimbrica (Nielsen, 1950)
syn. intermedia (Nielsen, 1950)
syn. nielseni Schmid, 1954
syn. m. jemtlandica Nielsen,1969
syn. m. kolteriana Nielsen,1969
stigmatella (Zetterstedt,1840) 110 - S N EF - -
stylata Nav£s , 1 9 1 6 ill 1 - S - - - -
wallengreni McLachlan, 1871
1 112 - S N EF - -
zonella (Zetterstedt,1840) 113 - S N EF - I
syn. arctica (Boheman, 1865)
Subfam. DRUSINAE Banks, 1916 '
Ecclisopteryx Kolenati,1848
dalecarlica Kolenati,1848 114 D S N EF - -
Subfam. LIMNEPHILINAE Kolenati, 1848
Annitella Klapálek, 1907
obscurata (McLachlan, 1876) 115 D S N EF - -
Chaetopteryx Stephens,1829
sahlbergi McLachlan,1876 116 - S N EF - -
villosa (Fabricius, 1798) 117 D S N EF - -
Schmid, 1955 .
Brachypsyche Schmid,1952
sibirica (Martynov,1924) 118 - S - EF - -
Chilostigma McLachlan,1876
sieboldi McLachlan, 1876 119 - S N EF - -
Trib. LIMNEPHILINI Kolenati, 1848
Anabolia Stephens, 1837
syn. Arctoecia McLachlan,1875
concentrica (Zetterstedt, 1840) 120 - S N EF - -
furcata Brauer,1857 121 1 D S - - - -
laevis (Zetterstedt,1840) 122 - S N EF - -
syn. brevis (Zetterstedt, 1840)
syn. soror McLachlan,1875
syn. sororcula McLachlan, 1876
nervosa (Curtis, 1834) 123 D S N EF - -
Arctopora Thomson,1891
syn. Lenarchulus Schmid, 1952
trimaculata (Zetterstedt,1840) 124 - S N EF - -
Asynarchus McLachlan, 1880
contumax McLachlan, 1880 125 - S N EF - -
impar (McLachlan, 1880) 126 - S N EF - -
lapponicus (Zetterstedt, 1840) 127 - S N EF - -
syn. fusorius (McLachlan, 1875)
syn. modestus (Hagen,1861)
syn. rhanidophorus (Wallengren, 1879)
thedenii (Wallengren, 1879) 128 - S N EF - -
Colpotaulius Kolenati, 1848
incisus (Curtis,1834) 129 D S N EF - -
major Martynov,1909 130 - - - EF - -
Glyphotaelius Stephens, 1837
pellucidus (Retzius, 1783) 131 1 D S N EF - -
Grammotaulius Kolenati, 1848
nigropunctatus (Retzius,1783) 132 D S N EF - I
syn. atomarius (Fabricius,1793)
nitidus (Müller, 1764) 133 D S N - - -
sibiricus McLachlan, 1874 134 - - - EF - -
signatipennis McLachlan, 1876 135 - S N EF - -
Lenarchus Martynov, 1914
bicornis (McLachlan,1880) 136 - S - EF - -
productus (Morton, 1896) 137 - S N EF - -
Limnephilus Leach, 1815
syn. Limnophilus Burmeister, 1839
affinis Curtis, 1834 138 D S N EF F I
algosus (McLachlan, 1868) 139 - S N EF - -
auricula Curtis,1834 140 D S N EF - -
binotatus Curtis, 1834 141 D S N EF - -
syn. xanthodes McLachlan,1873
bipunctatus Curtis, 1834 142 D S N EF - -
borealis (Zetterstedt,1840) 143 - S N EF - -
centralis Curtis,1834 144 D S N EF - -
coenosus Curtis,1834 145 D S N EF - -
decipiens (Kolenati,1848) 146 D S N EF - I
diphyes McLachlan,1880 147 - S N EF - -
dispar McLachlan, 1875 148 D S N EF - -
syn. minusculus (Banks, 1907)
elegans Curtis,1834 149 D S N EF - I
externus Hagen, 1861
1 150 - S N EF - -
syn. congener McLachlan, 1875
extricatus McLachlan, 1865 151 1 D S N EF - -
femoralis Kirby, 1837 152 - S N EF - -
syn. nebulosus Kirby, 1837 (preocc.)
femoratus (Zetterstedt, 1840) 153 - S N EF - -
fenestratus (Zetterstedt, 1840) 154 - S N EF - I
syn. miser McLachlan,1875
flavicornis (Fabricius, 1787) 155 D S N EF - -
fuscicornis Rambur, 1842 156 D S N EF - -
fuscinervis (Zetterstedt,1840) 157 D S N EF - -
germanus McLachlan,1875 158 D S N EF - -
griseus (Linnaeus, 1758) 159 D S N EF F I
hirsutus (Pictet, 1834) 160 D S N - - -
ignavus McLachlan, 1865 161 D S N EF - -
lunatus Curtis,1834 162 D S N EF - -
luridus Curtis,1834 163 D S N EF - -
marmoratus Curtis,1834 164 D S N EF F -
nigriceps (Zetterstedt,1840) 165 D S N EF - -
pantodapus McLachlan, 1875 166 - S N EF - -
picturatus McLachlan,1875 167 - S N EF - I
politus McLachlan,1865 168 D S N EF - -
quadratus Martynov,1914 169 - S N EF - -
rhombicus (Linnaeus, 1758) 170 D S N EF F -
sericeus (Say, 1824) 171
1 D S N EF - -
syn. despectus Walker, 1852
sparsus Curtis, 1834 172 D S N EF F I
stigma Curtis, 1834 173 D S N EF - -
subcentralis Brauer, 1857 174 D S N EF - -
subnitidus McLachlan,1875 175 - S N EF - -
syn. scalenus Wallengren, 1879
tauricus Schmid, 1964 176 D S - - - -
syn. hirsutoides Svensson,1971 1
vittatus (Fabricius, 1798) 177 D S N EF F -
Nemotaulius Banks,1906
punctatolineatus (Retzius, 1783) 178 D S N EF - -
Phacopteryx Kolenati,1848
brevipennis (Curtis, 1834) 179 D S N EF - -
Rhadicoleptus Wallengren, 1891
alpestris (Kolenati,1848) 180 D S N EF - -
Schmid, 1955
Enoicyla Rambur, 1842
pusilla (Burmeister, 1839) 181 D - - - - -
Halesus Stephens, 1836
digitatus (Schrank,1781) 182 D S N EF - -
radiatus (Curtis,1834) 183 D S N EF F -
syn. interpunctatus (Zetterstedt, 1840)
tesselatus (Rambur,1842) 184 D S N EF - -
Hydatophylax Wallengren, 1891
infumatus (McLachlan,1865) 185 D S N EF - -
Mesophylax McLachlan,1882
impunctatus McLachlan,1884 186 - - - - F -
Micropterna Stein,1874
lateralis (Stephens, 1837) 187 D S N EF - -
sequax McLachlan, 1875 188 D S N EF - -
Parachiona Thomson,1891 1
syn. Hypnotranus Wallengren,1891
picicornis (Pictet,1834) 189 D S N EP - -
Potamophylax Wallengren,1891 1
cingulatus (Stephens,1837) 190 D S N EF F I
syn. latipennis auct., nec (Curtis, 1834)
latipennis (Curtis,1834) 191 D S N EF - -
syn. stellatus (Curtis, 1834)
luctuosus (Piller & Mitterpacher,1783) 192 D - - - - -
nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) 193 D S N EF - -
rotundipennis (Brauer,1857) 194 D S - EF - -
Stenophylax Kolenati,1848
permistus McLachlan,1895 195 D S N EF - -
Fam. GOERIDAE Ulmer, 1903
Goera Stephens, 1829
pilosa (Fabricius, 1775) 196 D S N EF - -
Lithax McLachlan,1876
obscurus (Hagen, 1859) 197 D - - - - -
Silo Curtis, 1830
nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) 198 D - - - - -
pallipes (Fabricius, 1781) 199 D S N EF - -
Fam. BERAEIDAE Wallengren,1891
Beraea Stephens,1833
maura (Curtis, 1834) 200 D S N - - -
pullata (Curtis,1834) 201 D S N EF - -
Beraeodes Eaton,1867
minutus (Linnaeus, 1761) 202 D S N EF - -
Ernodes Wallengren,1891
articularis (Pictet, 1834) 203 D S - - - -
Fam. SERICOSTOMATIDAE Stephens, 1836
Notidobia Stephens,1829
ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1761) 204 D S N EF - -
Sericostoma Latreille,1825
personatum (Spence in Kirby & Spence, 1826) 205 D S N EF - -
Fam. ODONTOCERIDAE Wallengren,1891
Odontocerum Leach, 1815
albicorne (Scopoli,1763) 206 D S - - - -
Fam. MOLANNIDAE Wallengren, 1891
Molanna Curtis, 1834
albicans (Zetterstedt, 1840) 207 D S N EF - -
syn. palpata McLachlan,1877
syn. distinguenda Wallengren, 1891
angustata Curtis,1834 208 D S N EF - -
nigra (Zetterstedt,1840) 209 - S - EF - -
syn. carbonaria McLachlan, 1877
submarginalis McLachlan,1872 210 - S - EF - -
Molannodes McLachlan,1866
tinctus (Zetterstedt, 1840) 211 1 D S N EF - -
syn. zelleri McLachlan,1866
syn. steinii McLachlan,1872
Fam. LEPTOCERIDAE Leach, 1815
Adicella McLachlan,1877 .
reducta (McLachlan, 1865) 212 D S N - - -
Athripsodes Billberg,1820
syn. Leptocerus auct. partim, nec Leach, 1815
albifrons (Linnaeus, 1758) 213 D S N EF - -
aterrimus (Stephens, 1836) 214 D S N EF - -
bilineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 215 - - - EFx - -
cinereus (Curtis, 1834) 216 D S N EF - -
commutatus (Rostock,1874) 217 - S N EF - -
Ceraclea Stephens, 1829
syn. Leptocerus auct. partim, nec Leach, 1815
syn. Athripsodes auct. partim, nec Billberg,
alboguttata (Hagen, 1860) 218 D S N EF - -
annulicornis (Stephens, 1836) 219 D S N EF - -
dissimilis (Stephens, 1836) 220 D S N EF - -
excisa (Morton, 1904) 221
1 - S - EF - -
fulva (Rambur, 1842) 222 D S N EF - -
nigronervosa (Retzius, 1783) 223 D S N EF - -
perplexa (McLachlan, 1877) 224 - S N EF - -
senilis (Burmeister, 1839) 225 D S N EF - -
Erotesis McLachlan, 1877
baltica McLachlan, 1877 226 D S - EF - -
Leptocerus Leach, 1815
tineiformis Curtis,1834 227 D S - EF - -
Mystacides Berthold,1827
azurea (Linnaeus, 1761) 228 D S N EF - -
longicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) 229 D S N EF - -
nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) 230 D S N EF - -
Oecetis McLachlan,1877
furva (Rambur, 1842) 231 D S N EF - -
lacustris (Pictet,1834) 232 D S N EF - -
notata (Rambur,1842) 233 - S N EF - -
ochracea (Curtis,1825) 234 D S N EF - -
testacea (Curtis,1834) 235 D S N EF - -
Paroecetis Lestage,1921 1
strucki (Klapálek, 1903) 236 D - - - - -
Setodes Rambur,1842
argentipunctellus McLachlan, 1877 237 - S N - - -
Triaenodes McLachlan,1865
bicolor (Curtis,1834) 238 D S N EF - -
unanimis McLachlan,1877 239 - S - EF - -
Ylodes Milne, 1934
syn. Triaenodes auct. partim, nec McLachan,
detruncatus (Martynov, 1924) 240 - S N EF - -
reuteri (McLachlan,1880) 241 D S - EF - -
simulans (Tj eder,1929) 242 D S N EF - -
syn. forsslundi (Tjeder,1941)
5. Not recorded in Finland (Huld6n et al. 1977).
Svensson & Tjeder (1975c), citing the late Dr. A.
Nielsen (in litt.), suggest that the species is extinct
in Denmark. However, it has just recently been
recorded from Skjern A at Tarp.
9. Svensson & Tjeder (1975c) stated that the spe-
cies is probably extinct in Denmark. However, it
still occurs in several streams although it has
disappeared from many localities.
10. According to Marshall (1979), the abdomen
of the type specimen, which has been crudely fig-
ured by McLachlan (1880), has been lost. Malicky
(1983) omits the species from his atlas of Euro-
pean Trichoptera. Moreover, Hans Malicky (in
litt. ) informs us that he has seen one A. cognatella
from Siberia (in the Martynov collection), which
was identical with A. multipunctata. He was not
able to find any information in the literature
which would allow a distinction between the two
species. He therefore suggested that A. cognatella
is a synonym of A. multipunctata. One of us (Wi-
berg-Larsen) examined Swedish and Danish
material of Agraylea and found distinct differen-
ces between males of A. cognatella and A. multi-
punctata (Figs. 1-4). Tobias & Tobias (1981)
also recognized A. cognatella and gave figures of
both males (closely resembling the present fig-
ures) and females. Judging from their figures,
females of A. cognatella differ from A. multipunc-
tata by the presence of excision dorsally on poste-
rior border of segment VIII and the absence of a
distinct ventral sclerite of segment VIII.
14. Re-established as Danish by Wiberg-Larsen
15. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
17. According to Marshall (1977), H. kimminsi
Mosely, 1930 is a synonym of H. occulta (see also
Nybom 1980). Recorded in Norway by Andersen
& Tysse (1985) (see also Marshall 1977) and in
Sweden by Gullefors (1985).
23. Not recorded in Finland (Hulden et al. 1977).
Ithytrichia clavata was described by Morton
(1905) based on North American material. Tjeder
(1930) identified the species from Swedish mate-
rial, as he was not "able to find the slightest differ-
ence" between a Swedish specimen and North
American specimens borrowed from K.L. Mor-
ton. However, Ross (1944) and Lazare Botosa-
neanu (in litt.) express doubts about the identity
of northern and western European specimens.
Pending further evidence, we have decided to
retain I. clavata in the present check-list.
26. Recorded in Norway by Andersen (1975).
Figs. 1-4. Genitalia and abdominal
VII - VIII of male Agraylea spp. -1, 2. A. cognatella (Särna, Dalarna,
- I. Genitalia, dorsal view.
- 2. Abdominal segments
VII - VIII. -3, 4. A. multipunctata
(Gentofte So,
Zealand, Denmark). - 3. Genitalia, dorsal
- 4. Abdominal segments
VII - VIII. (I - lateral
view, v - Central
28. In describing O. boreella, Svensson & Tjeder
(1975b) did not study the type-specimen or other
material of the closely related O. falcata. How-
ever, Kelley (1984) has studied relevant type-speci-
mens and considers O. boreella as a valid species,
distinct in both males and females.
29. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
31. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
(1985). Inadvertently not included in the check-
list of Finnish insects (Hulden 1984) (Pekka Hiili-
virta in litt.).
32. Only larvae of Oxyethira have hitherto been
recorded in the Faroes. However, current tax-
onomy does not permit separation of larvae of
Oxyethira species.
34. Nybom (1983) described this new species
based on Finnish specimens.
38. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
40. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
(1981, 1985) and in Finland by Hiilivirta (1982).
42. Recorded in Norway by Andersen (1979).
Norwegian populations belong to ssp. trifida
Andersen, 1983 (see Andersen 1983).
43. According to Wiberg-Larsen (1980b), the
species is probably extinct in Denmark. However,
well as A. dalecarlica, might be a synonym of A.
108. Wolfgang Tobias (in litt. ) informs us that he
has taken some specimens of probably new Apa-
tania species, belonging to the A. zonella group, in
Varanger, NE Norway.
109. Recorded in Norway by Solem (1978) and
Andersen (1979). However, the species has pre-
viously been recorded in Norway (e.g. Brekke
1946, Loken 1966), but it was not included for
Norway by Svensson & Tjeder (1975c).
111. Scandinavian populations belong to ssp.
scandinavica Forsslund in Svensson & Tjeder,
1975. There seems to be doubts about the true
identity of this subspecies (see Svensson & Tjeder
116. Wolfgang Tobias (in litt. ) informs us that he
and Dagmar Tobias have taken this species in
Norway (Pasvik, NE Norway).
130. Recorded in Finland by Nybom (1980).
133. Recorded in Norway by Andersen & Soli
142. Recorded in Norway by Solem (1985b).
145. Not mentioned from Denmark by Svensson
& Tjeder (1975c), although it was recorded in this
country by Esben-Petersen (1938) (see also
Wiberg-Larsen et al. 1980).
147. Wolfgang Tobias (in litt. ) informs us that he
and Dagmar Tobias have taken this species in
Norway (Pasvikelv, NE Norway).
148. L. minusculus (Banks, 1907) was recorded
as new to Europe from northern Norway by
Tobias (1976b) (see also Botosaneanu & Malicky
1978). However, according to Malicky (1979), L.
minusculus is a synonym of L. dispar.
150. Recorded in Norway by Andersen (1975).
174. Recorded in Denmark by Mogensen (1973)
and Wiberg-Larsen et al. (1980).
175. Malicky (1979) placed L. scalenus Wallen-
gren, 1891 in synonymy with L. subnitidus.
176. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen et
al . ( 1980) .
189. Not recorded in Finland (Hulden et al. 1977).
190. Recorded in Iceland by Svensson & Tjeder
(1975c), based on previously unpublished materi-
al. Same year recorded as new to Iceland by Gisla-
son (1975).
194. Not mentioned from Denmark by Svensson
& Tjeder (1975c), although the species was record-
ed in this country by Esben-Petersen (1933) (see
also Wiberg-Larsen et al. 1980).
197. Not mentioned from Denmark by Svensson
& Tjeder (1975c), although the species was record-
ed in this country by Esben-Petersen (1933) (see
also Wiberg-Larsen et al. 1980).
200. Recorded in Norway by Andersen (1980).
204. Recorded in Norway by Solem (1967,
212. According to Bo W. Svensson (unpubl.
manuscript), previous records of A. filicornis
(Pictet, 1834) in Denmark (e.g. Esben-Petersen
1916) actually refer to A. reducta.
215. According to Ola Nybom (in litt.) taken in
Russian Karelia.
227. Recorded only once in Finland (Helsinki) by
Nybom (1980), who suggests that the specimens
(6 females) are accidental immigrants from the
Baltic. According to the late Dr. A. Nielsen
(Svensson & Tjeder 1975c) "the known popula-
tion in Denmark is now threatened by water pol-
lution". However, there actually exists several
populations of L. tineiformis in Denmark (espe-
cially in Zealand and Funen), although it has
disappeared from several lakes and ponds due to
231. Recorded in Norway by Andersen (1975).
236. Known only from two Danish localities
(Hannerup So, north of Hobro, NE Jutland, and
Plovskxr Mose, Ebberup, Funen).
240. Recorded in Norway by Tobias (1976a).
242. Recorded in Denmark by Wiberg-Larsen
(1981). The species is deleted from the Finnish
fauna by Hulden et al. (1977), but according to
Ola Nybom (in litt.) there are several Finnish
records (see also Hulden 1984).
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to Dr. Pekka Hiilivirta, Helsinki, Dr. Hans
Malicky, Lunz, Mr. Ola Nybom, Helsinki, Dr. John O.
Solem, Trondheim, Dr. Michael Stoltze, Copenhagen,
and Dr. Wolfgang
Tobias, Frankfurt a. M., for valuable
information and suggestions,
and to Dr. Lazare Botosa-
neanu, Amsterdam, for critically reading the manu-
script. Further, we wish to thank Dr. Hugo Andersson,
Museum of Zoology and Entomology, University of
Lund, for loan of specimens of Agraylea
Judy A. Paciorek has corrected the language.
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... In 1889 and 1890 P.B. Mason and F.A. Walker, respectively, made short stopovers in the Faroes on their way to Iceland and collected insects, but no new species were added to the Faroese species list (McLachlan 1889; Walker 1890a, 1890b). A few years later the Danish botanists C.H. Ostenfeld and E. Warming also collected insects in the Faroes, and one new record of Trichoptera species Potamophylax cingulatus (Stephens 1837) was recorded by J.C. Nielsen (1908) (as 'Anabolia areata Kol.' which Henriksen (1928) corrected to 'Stenophylax latipennis Curti.' which, in turn, later authors (Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987;Solem & Gullefors 1996) reported as the syn. latipennis auct., nec (Curtis, 1834). ...
... He also recorded an uncertain Oxyethira flavicornis (Pictet 1834) (as its syn. O. costalis Eaton, 1873 et auctt., nec (Curtis, 1834)), but only the genus can be assigned with certainty (Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987). ...
... Nielsen 1969). However, this and other A. muliebris subspecies have been questioned or refuted (Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987;Malicky 2005;Solem 1985). ...
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In this paper the literature on Trichoptera in the Faroe Islands is reviewed and occurrence of species in recent research on freshwater insects is added. The first record of Trichoptera dates from 1782, without any recognisable species. Today, 20 species are known from the islands, but their frequency of occurrence differs between the Northern Islands and the other islands. A difference in topography of the island groups has previously been hypothesized as an explanation, and data presented in this paper support this hypothesis.
... In Fauna Europaea Malicky (2012) lists this taxa as a valid species with distribution in Finland, Norway and Sweden, but notes that " Brauer's species is misapplied for the species occurring in Fennoscandia." According to Botosaneanu (1974) Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987). Svensson & Tjeder (1975) illustrated M. nigrum sensu auct. ...
... Remarks. The Apatania zonella (Zetterstedt, 1840) group of species contains predominantly parthenogenetic species of which several were listed for Norway by Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen (1987). However, when compiling the latest checklist of Norwegian Trichoptera species Solem & Andersen (1996) treated A. zonella in a wide sense omitting most of the other species in the group as we at that time deemed it necessary to re-examine available material to confirm identification before listing them. ...
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Records of 108 species of Trichoptera from Finnmark, northern Norway, are presented based partly on material collected in 2010 and partly on older material housed in the entomological collection at the University Museum of Bergen. Rhyacophila obliterata McLachlan, 1863, must be regarded as new to Norway and Rhyacophila fasciata Hagen, 1859; Glossosoma nylanderi McLachlan, 1879; Agapetus ochripes Curtis, 1834; Agraylea cognatella McLachlan, 1880; Ithytrichia lamellaris Eaton, 1873; Oxyethira falcata Morton, 1893; O. sagittifera Ris, 1897; Wormaldia subnigra McLachlan, 1865; Hydropsyche newae Kolenati, 1858; H. saxonica McLachlan, 1884; Brachycentrus subnubilis Curtis, 1834; Apatania auricula (Forsslund, 1930); A. dalecarlica Forsslund, 1934; Annitella obscurata (McLachlan, 1876); Limnephilus decipiens (Kolenati, 1848); L. externus Hagen, 1865; L. femoratus (Zetterstedt, 1840); L. politus McLachlan, 1865; L. sparsus Curtis, 1834; L. stigma Curtis, 1834; L. subnitidus McLachlan, 1875; L. vittatus (Fabricius, 1798); Phacopteryx brevipennis (Curtis, 1834); Halesus tesselatus (Rambur, 1842); Stenophylax sequax (McLachlan, 1875); Beraea pullata (Curtis, 1834); Beraeodes minutus (Linnaeus, 1761); Athripsodes commutatus (Rostock, 1874); Ceraclea fulva (Rambur, 1842); C. perplexa (McLachlan, 1877) and Mystazides longicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) are previously not listed for Finnmark. The total number of Trichoptera species known to occur in Finnmark is now 126 of which three belong in Rhyacophilidae, three in Glossosomatidae, 10 in Hydroptilidae, two in Philopotamidae, two in Psychomyiidae, nine in Polycentropodidae, five in Hydropsychidae, one in Arctopsychidae, nine in Phryganeidae, three in Brachycentridae, one in Lepidostomatidae, 57 in Limnephilidae, one in Goeridae, two in Beraeidae, one in Sericostomatidae, three in Molannidae and 14 in Leptoceridae. Four of the species, Oxyethira falcata, Asynarchus thedenii, Limnephilus diphyes and Ceraclea perplexa are listed in the 2010 Norwegian Red List for Species.
... Cyrnus crenaticornis (Kolenati, 1859) is recorded for the first time in South Norway. The species has previously been taken in S0r Varanger in eastern Finnmark (see Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987). In Sweden it is re corded from a few provinces north to Da larna and Giistrikland (Forsslund & Tjeder 1942, Gullefors 1988). ...
... Lype reducta (Hagen, 1868) is not previously recorded from Norway. The species has a palaearctic distribution; taken in most parts of Europe including Denmark, Sweden and Finland (Botosaneanu & Malicky 1978, Andersen & Wiberg-Larsen 1987. In Sweden it is restricted to the southern regions: Skine, Halland, Smiland, Oland and Vastergotland (Forsslund & Tjeder 1942, Forsslund 1953). ...
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Records of a total of 11 1 Trichoptera species from Buskerud are given, 92 species are taken in eastern Buskerud, and 70 in western Buskerud. The total number of species until now recorded from eastern Buskerud is 102, while the number from western Buskerud is 80. One species, Lype reducta (Hagen, 1868) is previously not recorded from Norway. Further, eight of the species are considered as rare in Norway. Four of these, Rhyacophila fasciata Hagen, 1859, Ironoquia dubia (Stephens, 1837), Limnephilus fuscinervis (Zetterstedt, 1840) and Athripsodes albifrons (Linnaeus, 1758) were taken only in eastern Buskerud, one species, Ceratopsyche silfvenii (Ulmer, 1906) only in western Buskerud, while three species, Hydroptila simulans Mosely, 1920, Hydropsyche contubernalis McLachlan, 1865 and Ylodes simulans (Tjeder, 1929) were taken in both regions.
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The microcaddisfly (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) fauna is catalogued from a review of more than 1,300 literature citations through the end of 2020 to include 2,665 currently recognized, valid species in six subfamilies and 76 genera. Fourteen subspecies are included in the total as well as 23 fossil species and three fossil genera. The family Ptilocolepidae (Trichoptera), also covered in this catalogue, comprises 19 valid species in two genera; two subspecies and two fossil species are included in the total. The monotypic genus Eutonella , currently considered incertae sedis within Trichoptera, was formerly placed in Hydroptilidae and is also included in this catalogue. Genus-group and species-group synonyms are listed. Information on the type locality, type depository, sex of type, distribution by country, and other relevant taxonomic or biological information is included for each nominal species. Summary information on taxonomy, phylogeny, distribution, immature stages, and biology are provided for each subfamily, tribe, and genus where known. An index to all nominal taxa is provided to facilitate catalog use.
This chapter focuses on the island biogeography of aquatic invertebrates in the North Atlantic islands: Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Shetland and Orkney and adjacent larger regions, Norway and Britain. The North Atlantic area was also the scene for major tectonic developments from the Tertiary onwards. Aquatic insect groups, such as Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera are non-existent on Svalbard and the Faroes and only a single ephmemeropteran taxon is found in Greenland. The specimens in North West Iceland are related to Scandinavian specimens, but specimens in South West and South Iceland are related to Greenland specimens. The only endemic species of aquatic invertebrates in Iceland are two subterranean amphipods. These include: Crymostygius thingvallensis, and Cranonyx islandicus. Comparison with the Greenland fauna is difficult because of its Nearctic origins, but the other North Atlantic islands are dominated by Palaearctic species.
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The Trichoptera include more species than any of the other primarily aquatic orders of insects, which are usually found in clean fresh water. Distribution of the species of an order based on geography can provide guidance for researchers working in the field. In the current study, for the first time, a list of known Trichoptera species in Kyrgyzstan is given along with a new record. The list is prepared based on the relevant literature between 1875 and 2020 and a study conducted in 2012. Literature search revealed that 21 known species of caddisflies of 13 genera and 8 families have been reported from Kyrgyzstan; our research found that Triaenodes reuteri McLachlan 1880 is also present in Kyrgyzstan. We also re-illustrate the male genitalia of T. reuteri and provide a detailed redescription. Based on literature search and our observations, the Kyrgyzstan caddisfly fauna has been poorly studied; it is expected that new records and new species will be found in Kyrgyzstan through further research.
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This paper focuses on the origin of Trichoptera species in Iceland in light of the island biogeography of caddisflies in the North-Atlantic islands, i.e., Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Shetland, and Orkney, and adjacent larger regions, Norway and Britain. Three of the 12 recorded species have circumpolar distribution, the other nine are Palaearctic. The number of species declines with the distance from the mainland of Europe and is independent of the island sizes. However, the occurrence of species is stochastic, with only a few species common to the more remote islands—e.g., Iceland has 12 species and the Faroe Islands 20, but only 4 species are common to both islands. Studies on phylogeographic patterns of two species, Potamophylax cingulatus and Apatania zonella, show different history based on genetic markers. Potamophylax cingulatus in Iceland is from a western European lineage, distinct from two eastern and southern European lineages that may have diverged in southern refugia during the glacial periods of the latest Ice Age. The ancestors of the Icelandic population have migrated from the Iberian Peninsula up the west cost of Europe to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. The parthenogenetic A. zonella in Iceland originated near the Bering Strait, and has migrated along two routes, one westward through northern Eurasia and the other eastward through North America and Greenland to Iceland, where the two populations meet. Preliminary phylogeographic studies on two other circumpolar species, Limnephilus fenestratus and L. picturatus indicate possible interchanges between North America and Europe, but due to a low number of samples, it is difficult to state where the Icelandic population came from.
Characters are provided for the identification of larvae of the three Philopotamus species occurring in Central Europe: P. ludificatus. P. montanus and P. variegatus. Notes are given on their habitat and distribution.
The controversy featuring Hydropsyche instabilis (CURT.) and H. siltalai DÖHL. is outlined. The lectotype of H. instabilis, a female in the CURTIS Collection, has been re-examined and is considered to be distinct from H. siltalai. The male imago depicted by McLACHLAN as H. instabilis has been found in the British Museum (Natural History). Contrary to the view of DÖHLER, based on McLACHLAN’s drawing and subsequently accepted in the literature, this specimen is considered to be conspecific with MOSELY’s instabilis i.e. with H. siltalai and not with the female lectotype of H. instabilis. However the lectotype in the CURTIS collection has priority for the name H. instabilis. SVENSSON & TJEDER’s claim that the designation by BOTOSANEANU & MARINKOVIC-GOSPODNETIĆ of a lectotype of H. siltalai DÖHL in the CURTIS Collection is invalid is upheld, but it is not agreed that their Swedish H. siltalai is conspecific with the female lectotype of H. instabilis or that TOBIAS had mixed the sexes of the two species. H. instabilis and H. siltalai should stand as discrete species. If the suggestion meets with approval, it is proposed to designate as lectotype of H. siltalai DÖHLER a male imago in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) from which it is thought that KIMMINS’ drawings for MOSELY’s (1939) description were made.
Based on independent studies of immature stages and adults of Athripsodes, sens. lat. (Leptocerus auctt. nee Leach, 1815), two distinct genera are recognized, Athripsodes Billberg, 1820, and Ceraclea Stephens, 1829, which together comprise a new tribe. Characters are given to distinguish the two genera in the larval, pupal and adult stages. Data are presented which support monophyletic hypotheses for the tribe and for each of the two genera.
The Hydropsyche morosa group is recognized as Hydropsyche subgenus Ceratopsyche. Through study of type specimens and of series collected over much of the range, geographic variation is assessed in Hydropsyche (C.) alhedra Ross and Hydropsyche (C.) cockerelli Banks. Hydropsyche (C.) racona Denning and H. (C.) riola Denning are designated as junior subjective synonyms of H. (C.) alhedra; and H. (C.) bicornuta Denning and H. (C.) jewetti Denning as junior subjective synonyms of H. (C.) cockerelli. Revised diagnoses are given for the two species. Diagnosis and description are provided for the male and female of Hydropsyche (C.) aenigma n. sp. from New York State; this species is contrasted with its close relatives H. (C.) alternans (Walker) and H. (C.) centra Ross.