
A Further Case of Anti-Lutheran Immunization, with Some Studies on its Capacity for Human Sensitization

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... As usual, this first report was quickly followed by others and before long several examples of anti-Lu a had been recognized. [3][4][5][6][7] An antibody,antithetically reactive to anti-Lu a ,was expected and 10 years later the finding of the anticipated anti-Lu b was recorded by Cutbush and Chanarin. 8 The availability of both anti-Lu a and anti-Lu b permitted the calculation of the gene frequencies of both Lu a and Lu b . ...
Die Hämagglutination hat nicht nur ein wissenschaftliches Interesse bez. Fragen der Genetik und Rassenkunde, sowie der chemischen Natur der mannigfachen sog. Gruppen-und Faktorensubstanzen im Stroma der Blutzellen and a., sondern auch ein großes praktisches Interesse für die Bluttransfusion, für den Vaterschaftsnachweis und andere forensische Aufgaben.
Six systèmes de groupes (Luthéran, Lewis, MNSs, P-Tja, Ii, Sd) sont considérés comme analogues au système ABO parce que les anti-corps de ces systèmes sont habituellement des IgM « naturelset, occasionnellement des IgG se présentant sous forme « immuneparfois doués d'un pouvoir hémolytique. Huit systèmes (Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Diego, Auberger, Yt, Xg, Dombrock) ont en commun, et pour caractère essentiel, de posséder des anticorps immuns analogues aux anticorps du système Rh. Le rôle de certains de ces anticorps en transfusion et en obstétrique est étudié. Les antigènes publics (de très haute fréquence) et les antigènes privés (de très basse fréquence) sont décrits en fonction de leur importance en pratique sérologique courante (contamination des sérumstests, difficultés de cross-matching pré-transfusionnel).
The articles published by the Annals of Eugenics (1925–1954) have been made available online as an historical archive intended for scholarly use. The work of eugenicists was often pervaded by prejudice against racial, ethnic and disabled groups. The online publication of this material for scholarly research purposes is not an endorsement of those views nor a promotion of eugenics in any way.
Bericht ber einen Fall von posttransfusioneller Bildung von Anti-Lua-Antikrpern. Auf Grund von 894 Lua-Bestimmungen wurden fr die Schweiz die folgenden Genhufigkeiten ermittelt: Lua: 2,72, Lub: 97,28. Es konnte gezeigt werden, da die Hufigkeit des Blutgruppengens Lua in Mitteleuropa kleiner ist als in Holland und England.
Nach eingehender Errterung der bisher bekannten Mglichkeiten, Fehlgeburten und hmolytische Fetosen durch Antigen-Antikrperreaktionen auf Grund von serologischer Inkompatibilitt zu erklren, wird ber ein neues erbgebundenes Antigen, das von uns nach der Familie bezeichnete Beckerantigen, berichtet, das anl\lich systematischer Eltern-Untersuchungen auf serologische Sonderkonstellationen bei Reihenfehlgeburten beobachtet wurde.
The immunologic nature of certain hematologic disorders has been reviewed and discussed. These include transfusion reactions, Rh isosensitization, acquired hemolytic anemias, purpuras (anaphylactoid and thrombocytopenic), agranulocytosis, and aplastic anemia. Possible mechanisms of pathogenesis and indications for treatment are briefly considered.
A case is reported in which incompatible Lu(a+) red cells survived normally in the presence of anti-Lua as indicated by hemoglobin-hematocrit determinations and by differential agglutination. This fact was later confirmed by Cr51 tagged cell studies. Sensitization apparently existed prior to transfusion although it was not detected by crossmatching at that time. The direct non-gamma antiglobulin test became positive and a potent antibody was produced which reacted well at 37 C. and in albumin, enzyme, and antiglobulin tests. The findings in this patient are discussed in the light of previously reported cases.
The articles published by the Annals of Eugenics (1925–1954) have been made available online as an historical archive intended for scholarly use. The work of eugenicists was often pervaded by prejudice against racial, ethnic and disabled groups. The online publication of this material for scholarly research purposes is not an endorsement of those views nor a promotion of eugenics in any way.
  • S T Callender
  • R R Race
Callender, S. T., and Race, R. R. (1946). Ann. Eugen. Camb., 13,102. Diamond, L. K. (1948). Personal communication.
  • S T Callender
  • R R Race
Callender, S. T., Race, R. R., and Paykoe, Z. V. (1945). Brit. med. J., 2, 83.
  • P Hattersicy
Hattersicy, P. 0. (1947). J. Lab. clin. Med., 32, 423.
Callender for their confirmation of the specificity of the first serum encountered, and Dr
  • R R We Thank Dr
  • Dr S T Race
We thank Dr. R. R. Race and Dr. S. T. Callender for their confirmation of the specificity of the first serum encountered, and Dr. J. Grant for her coordination of the selected transfusions.