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Vegetation classification and synecology of Bohemian Robinia pseudacacia stands in a Central European context


Abstract and Figures

Synanthropic forest and shrub vegetation dominated by Robinia pseudacacia spontaneously growing in the open landscape and suburban areas in Bohemia (Czech Republic) was analysed. In total, 374 of 502 known phytosociological relevés were synthesized - 302 relevés were sampled in the field and 72 published relevés were obtained from the literature. Within the class Robinietea (including two orders and three alliances) one association is validated and two new subassociations are described: Arrhenathero elatioris-Robinietum (including var. Calamagrostis epigejos), Poo nemoralis-Robinietum cardaminopsietosum arenosae and Poo nemoralisRobinietum typicum. Currently, four associations of these Black Locust stands from Bohemia are recognised: Chelidonio-Robinietum, Poo nemoralis-Robinietum, Arrhenathero elatioris-Robinietum, and Melico transsilvanicae-Robinietum. The description of several units is amended with synecological characteristics (altitude, aspect, slope, bedrock, soil type, and important physicochemical and biochemical characteristics) and distribution both in Bohemia and, according to hints in the literature, also in Central European countries. The position of Black Locust stands in the syntaxonomical system is discussed, and nomenclatural types and diagnostic species combinations of higher syntaxa are given. The current level of knowledge of Black Locust stand classification in Central Europe is compared.
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