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The Self-Reflection and Insight Scale: A New Measure of Private Self-Consciousness


Abstract and Figures

Private self-consciousness and the subordinate constructs of self-reflection and insight are key factors in the self-regulatory process underpinning the creation of behavior change, both in clinical practice with clinical populations, and in performance enhancing coaching with nonclinical populations. This paper reports the construction and validation of the Self- Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS) which is designed to be an advance on the Private Self-Consciousnes Scale (PrSCS; Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). Previous work has found the PrSCS to comprise two factors, self-reflection and internal state awareness. In a series of studies two separate factor analyses found the SRIS comprised two separate factors labeled Self-Reflection (SRIS-SR) and Insight (SRIS-IN). “Need for self-reflection” and “engagement in self-reflection” loaded on the same factor. Test-retest reliability over a 7-week period was .77 (SRIS-SR) and .78 (SRIS-IN). The PrSCS correlated positively with the SRIS-SR and negatively with the SRIS-IN. The SRIS-SR correlated positively with anxiety and stress, but not with depression and alexithymia. The SRIS-IN was negatively correlated with depression, anxiety, stress and alexithymia, and positively correlated with cognitive flexibility and self-regulation. Individuals who had kept diaries had higher SRIS-SR scores but lower SRISIN scores than did those who had not kept diaries. Implications of these findings for models of self-regulation and goal attainment are discussed.
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University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
Private self-consciousness and the subordinate constructs of self-reflection and insight are
key factors in the self-regulatory process underpinning the creation of behavior change, both
in clinical practice with clinical populations, and in performance enhancing coaching with
nonclinical populations. This paper reports the construction and validation of the Self-
Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS) which is designed to be an advance on the Private Self-
Consciousnes Scale (PrSCS; Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). Previous work has found
the PrSCS to comprise two factors, self-reflection and internal state awareness. In a series of
studies two separate factor analyses found the SRIS comprised two separate factors labeled
Self-Reflection (SRIS-SR) and Insight (SRIS-IN). “Need for self-reflection” and “engage-
ment in self-reflection” loaded on the same factor. Test-retest reliability over a 7-week peri-
od was .77 (SRIS-SR) and .78 (SRIS-IN). The PrSCS correlated positively with the SRIS-SR
and negatively with the SRIS-IN. The SRIS-SR correlated positively with anxiety and stress,
but not with depression and alexithymia. The SRIS-IN was negatively correlated with depres-
sion, anxiety, stress and alexithymia, and positively correlated with cognitive flexibility and
self-regulation. Individuals who had kept diaries had higher SRIS-SR scores but lower SRIS-
IN scores than did those who had not kept diaries. Implications of these findings for models
of self-regulation and goal attainment are discussed.
This paper reports on the development and validation of a new measure of pri-
vate self-consciousness: the Self-Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS). Self-
Reflection, the inspection and evaluation of one's thoughts, feelings and behav-
ior and insight, the clarity of understanding of one's thoughts, feelings and
behavior, are metacognitive factors central to the process of purposeful, directed
© Society for Personality Research (Inc.)
Anthony M. Grant, Coaching Psychology Unit, School of Psychology, University of Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia; John Franklin and Peter Langford, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.
Appreciation is due to anonymous reviewers.
Keywords: self-reflection, insight, private self-consciousness, coaching, psychological mindedness
Please address correspondence and reprint requests to Anthony M. Grant, Coaching Psychology
Unit, School of Psychology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, NSW 2006. Phone: +612 9351
6792; Fax: +61 2 9351 2603; Email:<>
change (Carver & Scheier, 1998). Purposeful progress through the cycle of self-
regulation towards a specific goal rests on an individual’s being able to monitor
and evaluate his/her progress and use such feedback to improve his/her per-
formance (Figure 1).
The development of reliable measures of self-reflection and insight would pro-
vide researchers and practitioners with the means to assess metacognitive
processes such as psychological mindedness, self-reflection and insight and
enhance our understanding of their roles in purposeful behavior change (Grant,
To date, such measurement has often been conducted using the Private Self-
Consciousness Scale (PrSCS; Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). The purpose
of the present studies was to develop a more reliable measure that could be used
to examine levels of self-reflection and insight following a program of sys-
temised change, such as occurs in the coaching process or in clinical practice.
The PrSCS is a 10-item measure assessing individuals' tendency to direct
attention inwards (Fenigstein et al., 1975). There have been a number of psy-
Set a Goal
Develop an
Action Plan
(requires Self-reflection)
(associated with Insight)
Change what's not working
Do more of what works
Figure 1: Generic model of self-regulation and goal attainment showing role of self-reflection
and insight.
chometric problems associated with the PrSCS. For example, although some fac-
tor analytical studies have found support for a uni-dimensional structure (Britt,
1992), it is now generally accepted that the PrSCS is comprised of two sub-
scales; internal state (PrSCS-ISA) and self-reflection (PrSCS-SR).
The database PsycINFO lists over 280 papers related to the PrSCS, yet only 12
of these have discussed the distinction between internal state awareness and self-
reflection and there has been some disagreement as to the specific items that
comprise each subscale (Anderson, Bohon, & Berrigan, 1996; Burnkrant &
Page, 1984; Chang, 1998; Conway & Giannopoulos, 1993; Creed & Funder,
1998; 1999; Kingree & Ruback, 1996; Mittal & Balasubramanian, 1987; Piliavin
& Charng, 1988; Ruganci, 1995; Silvia, 1999; Watson, Morris, Ramsey, &
Hickman, 1996).
In addition, it has been argued that the items of the PrSCS-SR do not accu-
rately capture the essence of self-reflection because PrSCS-SR has been found
to correlate positively and significantly with measures of psychopathology. It has
been argued that this kind of psychopathology could be expected from rumina-
tion, rather than from a constructive self-reflection, and that the PrSCS-SR may
be tapping a negative or dysfunctional self-absorption rather than measuring a
constructive self-reflection (Anderson et al., 1996).
In distinguishing rumination from reflection, Trapnell and Campbell (1999)
developed two separate scales. The “reflection” scale attempted to capture a non-
pathological, philosophically orientated process of constructive self-examina-
Although the work of Trapnell and Campbell is an advance in differentiation
between rumination and philosophically oriented reflection, it is not clear that
the philosophical orientation of this scale is necessarily associated with metacog-
nitive factors inherent in the self-monitoring of performance as individuals move
or are coached through the self-regulatory cycle towards goal attainment.
Further, Trapnell and Campbell do not include a measure of internal state aware-
ness (or insight).
The PrSCS-SR confounds motive to self-reflect with the actual direction of
attention towards the self (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999). This is an important con-
ceptual issue as a motive to perform a specific act and the execution of that act
are logically independent. It may be that this fundamental conceptual confound
is another reason that the PrSCS-SR scale has performed inconsistently in past
research. This paper is the first to examine the relationship between these two
The PrSCS-ISA correlates negatively with anxiety and depression (Watson et
al., 1996). As insight is related to internal state awareness, scores on the insight
scale of the SRIS (SRIS-IN) should be negatively correlated with depression,
anxiety and stress. Predictions about the relationship between the self-reflection
scale of the SRIS (SRIS-SR) and psychopathology are not so clear. If the SRIS-
SR avoids tapping the rumination associated with the PrSCS-SR, then the SRIS-
SR should not correlate with measures of psychopathology. Because it was not
known a priori if the SRIS-SR would – in fact – avoid tapping a ruminative style
of self-reflection, no specific predictions were made.
Internal state awareness and the related construct of insight are associated with
the ability to identify and express feelings. Alexithymic individuals have a lim-
ited capacity to identify and express feelings (Loiselle & Dawson, 1988). Thus
the SRIS-IN should be negatively correlated with measures of alexithymia.
The processes of self-reflection and insight are logically independent. One
may spend considerable time in self-reflection without gaining insight. Thus no
specific predictions were made about the correlation between self-reflection and
Goal attainment and self-regulatory processes demand cognitive flexibility.
Cognitive flexibility refers to an individual's: a) awareness that there are options
and alternative courses of action available in any given situation, b) willingness
to be flexible and adapt to the situation, and c) self-efficacy in being flexible
(Martin & Rubin, 1995). Thus it was hypothesized that there would be a positive
correlation between both the self-reflection and insight scales of the SRIS and
cognitive flexibility.
As reflection and insight are central to the self-regulatory process (see Figure
1), both scales of the SRIS should correlate positively with measures of self-reg-
ulation, and individuals who regularly monitor their thoughts, feelings and
behaviors should have higher levels of insight and self-reflection. As journal or
diary-keeping requires the self-monitoring of thoughts, feelings and behavior,
responses of individuals who kept journals or diaries were compared with those
who did not keep journals.
This paper reports three studies. The first study reported on an initial factor
analysis of the SRIS. The second examined test-retest reliability. The third exam-
ined convergent validity of the SRIS. This final study also compared the respons-
es of individuals who kept journals with those of individuals who did not, and
included a second factor analysis of the SRIS.
The aim of Study One was to develop the SRIS through factor analysis.
Three doctoral level psychologists constructed items which they considered
likely to load on the proposed scales. The scales were “insight” (10 items), and
the two scales assumed to comprise “self-reflection”: “need for self-reflection”
(10 items) and “engagement in self-reflection” (10 items).
Participants and Procedure Two hundred and sixty undergraduate psychology
students participated for course credit (127 women and 117 men 16 partici-
pants did not indicate their gender; mean age = 20.58 years). Questionnaires
Study 1 Study 3
Factor Analysis Factor Analysis
Factor Loadings Factor Loadings
12 12
Item α= .91 α= .87 α= .71 α= .82
Engagement in self-reflection
I don't often think about my thoughts (R) .68 -.01 .32 -.07
I rarely spend time in self-reflection (R) .78 -.02 .61 -.12
I frequently examine my feelings .86 -.07 .85 -.09
I don't really think about why I behave in the way that I do (R) .72 .10 .57 -.02
I frequently take time to reflect on my thoughts .72 .01 .77 .04
I often think about the way I feel about things .72 -.08 .72 -.02
Need for self-reflection
I am not really interested in analyzing my behaviour (R) .71 .02 .63 -.05
It is important for me to evaluate the things that I do .75 .00 .76 -.01
I am very interested in examining what I think about .77 .01 .70 -.03
It is important to me to try to understand what my feelings mean .79 -.04 .78 -.14
I have a definite need to understand the way that my mind works .73 -.03 .72 -.17
It is important to me to be able to understand how my thoughts arise .72 -.02 .80 -.14
I am usually aware of my thoughts -.13 .67 -.43 -.23
I'm often confused about the way that I really feel about things (R) -.06 .79 -.18 .80
I usually have a very clear idea about why I've behaved in a certain way .21 .66 .27 .60
I'm often aware that I'm having a feeling, but I often don't quite know
what it is (R) -.01 .66 -.13 .76
My behavior often puzzles me (R) -.16 .78 -.17 .76
Thinking about my thoughts makes me more confused (R) .05 .65 -.03 .73
Often I find it difficult to make sense of the way I feel about things (R) -.06 .80 -.12 .87
I usually know why I feel the way I do .07 .78 -.27 .63
Factor Intercorrelations
Factor 1 1.00 -.03 1.00 -.31**
were completed in small group settings using a six-point scale (1 = strongly dis-
agree, 6 = strongly agree).
Responses were subjected to a principal components analysis with varimax
rotation to determine the optimal factor solution. Inspection of the scree plot
found five rather than the expected two factors. Subsequently, items which
showed minimal factor loading or loading on more than one factor were sys-
tematically eliminated.
A second principal components analysis with varimax rotation found a final
two-factor scale consisting of a total of 20 items (see Table 1). These two factors
accounted for 56% of the total variance. Six items from the engagement in self-
reflection subscale and six items from the need for self-reflection subscale
loaded on the same factor. This factor was labeled Self-Reflection (SRIS-SR).
Eight items from the insight subscale (SRIS-IN) loaded on the same factor.
Coefficient alpha for the self-reflection scale was .91, and .87 for the insight
There was a nonsignificant correlation of r= - .03 between the SRIS-SR and
the SRIS-IN. There was no significant difference between male and female
scores for either the SRIS-SR, (F (1, 243) = .68, ns) or the SRIS-IN (F (1, 243)
= .09, ns).
The final factorial solution revealed two factors which were labeled Insight
and Self-Reflection. Both scales had good internal consistency and performed
better in this respect than the PrSCS-SR and the PrSCS-ISA, given that
Anderson et al. (1996) reported Cronbach alphas of .63 (PrSCS-SR) and .56
(PrSCS-ISA). In accord with previous work (Creed & Funder, 1998) there were
no differences between male and female scores.
The finding that the SRIS-SR and SRIS-IN were not correlated (r= -.03)
appears to run counter to the generic model of self-regulation (Figure 1), which
predicts a positive correlation between self-reflection and insight. Previous work
has found that the relationship between SR and ISA is ambiguous (e.g.,
Burnkrant & Page, 1984) and this issue is further explored in Study 3.
An important and original finding of this study is that “need for self-reflec-
tion”and “engagement in self-reflection” loaded on the same factor. There has
been considerable inconsistency in the research into private self-consciousness
using the PrSCS, and it has been generally thought that these inconsistencies are
due to the use of the PrSCS as a unidirectional measure when in all probability
it is bidimensional. A less discussed issue with the PrSCS is the confounding of
the motive or need for self-reflection with the actual engagement in self-reflec-
tive acts. Clearly these are logically separate factors. However, the present study
has found that they appear to be inextricably connected.
In Study 2 test-retest reliability was evaluated over a seven-week period.
Participants and Procedure Twenty-eight undergraduate psychology students
participated for course credit (22 women and 6 men, mean age = 22.25 years).
Questionnaires were completed in small group settings.
The test-retest correlation over seven weeks for the SRIS-SR was .77 (p<
.001), and was .78 (p < .001) for the SRIS-IN. Both scales compared favorably
with the PrSCS given that Fenigstein et al. (1975) reported a test-retest correla-
tion over a two-week interval of .79.
To examine congruent validity, responses to the SRIS were correlated with
responses to established, related measures. These measures were the 20-item
SRIS-SR 1.00 - - 49.00 11.88
SRIS-IN -.31*** 1.00 25.57 3.95
DEP .15 -.21* 9.92 10.18
ANX .32*** -.31*** 9.12 8.24
STRESS .21* -.35*** 16.17 10.94
TAS-20 -.09 -.39*** 46.48 11.88
PrSCS .59*** -.26** 37.06 5.36
CFS .10 .26** 53.35 6.90
SCS .02 .23* 132.82 31.81
Note: SRIS-SR = Self-reflection scale; SRIS-IN = Insight scale; DEP = DASS-21 depression scale;
ANX = DASS-21 anxiety scale: STRESS = DASS-21 stress scale; TAS-20 = Twenty-item Toronto
Alexithymia Scale; PrSCS = Private Self-consciousness Scale; CFS = Cognitive Flexibility Scale;
SCS = Self-control Schedule.
*p< .05, **p< .01, ***p< .001
version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby, Parker, & Taylor, 1994), the
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), the
Cognitive Flexibility Scale (Martin & Rubin, 1995) and the Self-Control
Schedule (Rosenbaum, 1980). Study 3 also examined the differences between
individuals who currently kept diaries and those who did not, and incorporated a
second factor analysis of the SRIS.
Participants and Procedure One hundred and twenty-one undergraduate psy-
chology students participated for course credit (99 women and 22 men, mean age
= 23.23 years).
Participants completed the questionnaires in small group settings. In addition
to the measures detailed above, participants responded “yes” or “no” to the fol-
lowing question; "Do you currently keep a journal or diary on a regular basis in
which you write about your thoughts and feelings?" Participants were informed
that this question did not refer to keeping a time management or appointment-
tracking diary.
Pearson correlations between the measures mentioned above are presented in
Table 2. There was a negative correlation between the SRIS-SR and the SRIS-
IN. This is in contrast to the first study which found no relationship between
these two scales.
There was a positive correlation between the PrSCS and the SRIS-SR, and a
negative correlation between the PrSCS and the SRIS-IN. This finding further
Did Not Keep Diary Kept Diary Statistical significance
(n= 84) (n= 37) of difference score
Mean SD Mean SD F (1,119) p
SRIS-SR 48.11 5.91 51.03 5.93 6.26 .01
SRIS-IN 27.07 3.89 25.43 3.89 4.56 .03
DEP 10.02 10.46 9.68 9.63 0.03 .86
ANX 8.26 8.15 11.08 8.21 3.06 .08*
STRESS 15.71 10.51 17.19 11.94 0.46 .50
CFS 53.15 6.48 53.78 7.86 0.21 .65
SCS 132.31 31.85 134.00 32.10 0.07 .79
Note: SRIS-SR = Self-reflection scale; SRIS-IN = Insight scale; ANX = DASS-21 anxiety scale:
STRESS = DASS-21 stress scale; DEP = DASS-21 depression scale; CFS = Cognitive Flexibility
Scale; SCS = Self-control Schedule.
* significant with a one-tailed test.
supports the need for a measure of private self-consciousness that differentiates
between self-reflection and insight.
Scores on the SRIS-IN negatively correlated with measures of depression,
anxiety and stress, and with alexithymia, and positively correlated with measures
of cognitive flexibility and self-regulation. These findings provide support for
the convergent validity of the SRIS-IN.
Scores on SRIS-SR did not correlate with measures of cognitive flexibility or
self-regulation. There were positive correlations between the SRIS-SR and
measures of anxiety and stress, but there was no relationship between SRIS-SR
and depression and alexithymia.
Individuals who did not keep diaries had lower scores on the SRIS-SR than did
those who had kept diaries (Table 3). However, diary keeping was not associat-
ed with higher levels of insight; scores on the SRIS-IN were lower for those who
had kept diaries. There were no differences for self-regulation, depression, or
stress, nor for cognitive flexibility. However, using a one-tailed test there was a
significant difference between groups for anxiety, with journal-keepers being
significantly more anxious than individuals who did not keep journals.
There was a nonsignificant correlation between the SRIS-IN and SRIS-SR (r
= -.08, p= .63) for participants who kept diaries and a significant negative cor-
relation for participants who did not keep diaries (r = -.37, p= .001).
A principal components analysis with varimax rotation was conducted. Two
factors were specified. The emerging two factors accounted for 51% of the vari-
ance. Results are presented in Table 1.
These studies evaluate the validity of the SRIS, and explore the structure of
private self-consciousness and its relation to self-regulation. These studies pro-
vide support for the validity of the SRIS as a measure of self-reflection and
insight, and indicate that the SRIS is an advance on the PrSCS. Several findings
support this conclusion.
Firstly, in accord with some previous work with the PrSCS (e.g., Burnkrant &
Page, 1984) SRIS-IN and SRIS-SR loaded on different factors. A second factor
analysis confirmed this factorial structure. Further, the SRIS has more items than
the PrSCS, makes explicit reference to all three domains of human experience
(i.e., thoughts, feelings and behavior), and the internal and test-retest reliabilities
of the SRIS-IN and the SRIS-SR were better than those for the PrSCS.
The SRIS-IN demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity. It neg-
atively correlated with measures of depression, anxiety, stress and alexithymia,
and correlated positively with cognitive flexibility and self-regulation. The
SRIS-SR, which was designed to measure a constructive style of self-reflection,
was not related to depression. However, positive correlations between the SRIS-
SR and measures of anxiety were found. Based on previous arguments (e.g.,
Creed & Funder, 1998) this may indicate that the SRIS-SR may be tapping a dys-
functional rumination or self-focused style of self-reflection.
These studies have presented a number of original findings, some of which are
somewhat counterintuitive. These findings suggest that the relationship between
self-reflection, insight, self-regulation and goal attainment may be more com-
plex than originally thought.
The first study found an orthogonal relationship between SRIS-IN and SRIS-
SR. Drawing on the generic model of self-regulation presented in Figure 1, it
could be predicted that self-reflection should be positively correlated with levels
of insight.
Thus the orthogonal relationship between insight and self-reflection observed
in Study 1 is somewhat counterintuitive. This finding may be explained by the
notion that engagement in self-reflection does not necessary mean that one has
developed, or will develop, clarity of insight.
However, in contrast to the first study, Study 3 found that there was a signifi-
cant negative correlation between SRIS-IN and SRIS-SR for the total sample,
but also found that the relationship between SRIS-IN and SRIS-SR varied
between participants who kept journals and those who did not. This finding may
throw some light on inconsistencies evident in past research.
Past research on the PrSCS has found the relationship between self-reflection
and insight to be somewhat inconsistent. Creed and Funder (1998) found a sig-
nificant positive correlation between the PrSCS-ISA and the PrSCS-SR, where
Kingree and Ruback (1996) found an orthogonal relationship. Such inconsisten-
cies have tended to be explained by reference to the psychometric shortcomings
of the PrSCS. However, the improved psychometrics of the SRIS in terms of
number of items, internal constancy and test-retest reliability, reduce the chances
of such inconsistencies stemming purely from poor psychometrics.
Some of the factors that influence the relationship between self-reflection and
insight may include the extent to which an individual actually consciously
engages in acts of self-reflection, the psychological mechanisms and behaviors
that they use in the process of self-reflection, and the reason that they engage in
Individuals can engage in self-reflection in a number of different ways. For
some people self-reflection may be akin to an automatic appraisal process,
requiring little or no overt effort (Ekman, 1992). For others, self-reflection may
require conscious application of effort, and there is some evidence that individ-
uals prone to anxiety tend to utilise a conscious and purposeful approach to self-
reflection (Mansell, 2000).
To examine the effect of conscious and purposeful self-reflection or self-mon-
itoring on levels of insight and self-reflection, the responses of individuals who
kept a journal or diary in which they wrote about their thoughts and feelings
were compared with those who did not keep a journal or diary.
A correlational analysis found the correlations between the SRIS-IN and
SRIS-SR differed for journal-keepers and those who did not keep journals. For
journal-keepers there was a nonsignificant correlation between the SRIS-IN and
SRIS-SR (r= -.08, p= .63), and there was a significant negative correlation for
participants who did not keep diaries (r= -.37, p= .001).
This suggests that one confounding factor in previous research investigating
the relationship between self-reflection and insight may be the extent to which
participants engage in acts of conscious and purposeful self-reflection.
With regard to the differences for group means, contrary to predictions, diary
or journal-keeping was not associated with increased levels of insight; partici-
pants who did not keep diaries in fact had higher scores on the SRIS-IN. As
expected, individuals who had kept journals had significantly higher scores on
the SRIS-SR scale, a finding which provides further and unique support for the
validity of the SRIS-SR scale.
There are a number of possible explanations for the unexpected findings. For
those who did not keep journals, it could be that these individuals (who had high-
er levels of insight than did journal-keepers) did not engage in the kind of con-
scious and purposeful self-reflection measured by the SRIS-SR. For such indi-
viduals the self-reflection process and the experience of insight may be auto-
matic rather than deliberate.
For individuals who did keep journals, it could be that these individuals were
not explicitly keeping them in order to increase their levels of insight. Indeed,
Burt (1994) found that diary-keeping was often used as a means of providing an
outlet for expressing thoughts, feelings, and emotions - a strategy for discharg-
ing unpleasant emotions, rather than an explicit means of gaining insight. Thus,
it may be that participants who kept a journal were in some way stuck in a
process of self-focused self-reflection and self-examination.
The idea that journal-keeping participants in the present study were in some
way stuck in a process of self-focused self-reflection has some support also from
past work on the Transtheoretical Model of Change (Prochaska & DiClemente,
1984). Individuals who have difficulty in making changes tend to spend more
time thinking about their emotional reactions and ruminating on their problems
than actually focusing on solutions and attempting to change their behavior.
Indeed, Lyubomirsky, Tucker, Caldwell, and Berg (1999) found that dysphoric
self-reflection is characterized by a focus on the negative emotional aspects of
personal problems rather than on a constructive problem-solving approach.
Thus, such individuals may well lack the skills or resources to move from self-
reflection through to action and insight (Grimley & Lee, 1997).
The findings that journal-keeping is not associated with increased insight and
self-regulation, and that there is not a positive correlation between the SRIS-SR
and SRIS-IN scales, appear to run counter to the self-regulatory model present-
ed in Figure 1. Thus, this model may need some revision.
This discussion suggests that there are different kinds of self-reflection
involved in the self-regulatory cycle and goal attainment. In relation to coping
with stress, Lazarus and Folkman (1984) distinguish between a problem-focused
and an emotion-focused coping style. Adapting the approach of Lazarus and
Folkman for use in the present study, we can speculate that there are at least two
types of self-reflection.
One type may be a productive problem-solving or solution-focused approach
in which individuals constructively reflect on how best to reach their goals. The
other type may be a self-focused approach in which individuals attempt to under-
stand, contain or dissipate their negative emotional, cognitive and behavioral
reactions, rather than focusing on moving towards goal attainment.
This notion differentiates between problem-solving self-reflection (PS-SR)
and self-focused self-reflection (SF-SR). The term self-focused self-reflection is
used here in preference to the term emotion-focused, because this type of self-
reflection involves a focus on more than just emotions - it includes reflection on
cognitions and also on behavior.
Of course, individuals are likely to use both styles of self-reflection to some
extent, although showing a preference for one style over the other. The conjoint
use of problem- and self-focused coping style is commonplace. For example, in
an analysis of 1,332 episodes of coping with a wide range of life issues, Folkman
and Lazarus (1980) found that in 98% of the episodes both problem- and emo-
tion-focused coping styles were used.
According to this revised conceptualization, individuals who engage in SF-SR
are less likely to progress through the cycle of self-regulation towards goal
attainment. Such individuals would be more engaged in SF-SR than in PS-SR.
One would thus expect that SF-SR would be associated with difficulties in reach-
ing goals.
If this were the case then it can be hypothesized that as individuals systemati-
cally work towards the attainment of a specific goal which they had previously
been unable to attain (and this lack of attainment was due in part to being over-
ly engaged in SF-SR), their levels of insight would increase whilst their levels of
self-focused self-reflection would decrease. The present study could not test this
hypothesis, but such a study would provide useful insights into the metacogni-
tive factors involved in purposeful behavioral change such as that which occurs
in clinical or coaching practice.
There are a number of other limitations in the present series of studies. These
studies employed a relatively small and homogeneous sample drawn from an
undergraduate student population. Thus it is not clear to what extent these find-
ings will generalize across age and educational status. Future research should
seek to extend these findings with other populations. Further, the journal-keep-
ing participants were self-selected. Thus it is not clear whether the observed dif-
ferences in levels of self-reflection and insight are specifically related to journal-
keeping, or to some other factors.
It is of interest, however, that Accardo, Aboyoun, Alford and Cannon (1996)
found there were no significant differences in scores on personality inventories
between those who kept diaries and those who did not. Future research should
investigate these issues and also seek to extend the SRIS and develop scales
which further differentiate between SF-SR and PS-SR.
This paper documents the development and validation of a new measure of pri-
vate self-consciousness, the Self-Reflection and Insight Scale. The data present-
ed in this paper indicate that the SRIS is a valid and reliable measure of self-
reflection and insight which represents an advance on the much used, but oft crit-
icized PrSCS. This paper has presented a revised model of self-regulation and
goal attainment which distinguishes between SF-SR and PS-SR and has noted
that further development of PS-SR scales is needed.
This paper also presents data that begin to shed some light on the complex
relationship between self-reflection, insight, self-regulation and goal attainment.
Past research using the PrSCS has often found ambiguous and often contradic-
tory relationships between self-reflection and insight. The findings of this paper
suggest that these ambiguities may be due to the influence of factors such as
individuals’ skills in self-evaluation and the extent to which they actually engage
in conscious rather than automatic self-reflection through processes such as jour-
The development of this new measure of private self-consciousness provides
researchers with a new instrument with which to investigate and measure the
processes of self-reflection and insight, and in this way to further develop our
understanding of the sociocognitive and metacognitive processes central to pur-
poseful individual change.
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... Self-Reflection and Insight Scale. The Self-Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS; Grant et al., 2002) was used to measure self-reflection. It entails 20 items that are rated on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. ...
... Twelve of the items measure self-reflection (α = .91; Grant et al., 2002) and eight measure insight (α = .87; Grant et al., 2002). ...
... Grant et al., 2002) and eight measure insight (α = .87; Grant et al., 2002). Sample items include "I rarely spend time in self-reflection" (reverse coded item) and "I frequently take time to reflect on my thoughts." ...
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Lifelong learning can be indispensable for the adaptation to continuously evolving labor market and societal demands. In the current study, we examined psychological factors, notably aspects of personality (personality traits in the five-factor model and trait curiosity), self-reflection and motivation in relation to attitudes to lifelong learning. A specific aim was to examine the relative importance of these factors in their contribution to attitudes to lifelong learning. The study was carried out by use of a digital survey and included 717 adults (Mage = 47.93) within working life. The results showed that self-reflection and trait curiosity were the strongest predictors of attitudes to lifelong learning but work intrinsic motivation and openness to experience (a personality trait in the five-factor model) also contributed with unique explanatory power, although to a lesser degree. The results can inform individualized accessibility strategies for lifelong learning.
... Self-reflection and insight was assessed with the Self-Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS; Grant et al., 2002;Sauter et al., 2010). This 20-item measure assesses self-reflection and self-insight. ...
... Using 6-point Likert scales (1 = disagree strongly, 2 = disagree, 3 = disagree slightly, 4 = agree slightly, 5 = agree, 6 = agree strongly), participants were asked to rate the extent of their self-consciousness (e.g., Reflection: "I frequently take time to reflect on my thoughts", Insight: "I usually know why I feel the way I do"). The SRIS has good psychometric properties (Grant et al., 2002;Silvia, 2022). ...
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The majority of grief research has assessed Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) using cross-sectional surveys, which are limited in capturing within-person changes in daily grief reactions. These dynamic PGD reactions can be more effectively assessed using Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM). Accordingly, this data note presents a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) archive comprising three existing ESM projects investigating PGD reactions in daily life. Participants in this archive completed three data collection phases: baseline measures (including sociodemographic and loss characteristics, and psychopathology measures), a 14-day ESM phase (rating PGD reactions and contextual factors up to five times daily), and follow-up psychopathology assessments. The participants provided explicit digital consent for the use and reuse of their data in scientific research. In total, 315 people are included in this archive, with a total of 22,050 ESM-measurement points. The majority of the participants were middle-aged adults, identified as women, and had completed higher education. Almost half of the sample (48.73%) experienced the loss of a partner or child, the majority of these losses were due to natural causes (70.06%), and happened less than a year ago (59.24%). The data are stored in a trusted repository. This archive demonstrates that it is feasible to develop a FAIR archive including existing data on PGD in daily life. Given the resource-intensive nature and richness of these data, we encourage researchers to reuse and/or share ESM-data through this archive, helping to deepen our understanding of grief in natural settings.
... Self-Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS) questionnaire was included to account for individuals' inherent predisposition to reflect [82,173]. It is a widely utilized self-reported scale, rooted in theories of meta-cognition and personal development [80,81]. ...
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Nudging participants with text-based reflective nudges enhances deliberation quality on online deliberation platforms. The effectiveness of multimodal reflective nudges, however, remains largely unexplored. Given the multi-sensory nature of human perception, incorporating diverse modalities into self-reflection mechanisms has the potential to better support various reflective styles. This paper explores how presenting reflective nudges of different types (direct: persona and indirect: storytelling) in different modalities (text, image, video and audio) affects deliberation quality. We conducted two user studies with 20 and 200 participants respectively. The first study identifies the preferred modality for each type of reflective nudges, revealing that text is most preferred for persona and video is most preferred for storytelling. The second study assesses the impact of these modalities on deliberation quality. Our findings reveal distinct effects associated with each modality, providing valuable insights for developing more inclusive and effective online deliberation platforms.
... This led us to inquire whether these fundamental, albeit distinct changes, of self can also be observed in depression and anxiety, strengthening the idea that the self can signify a transdiagnostic understanding of how self-disturbance can underly and inform disorders across the spectrum of psychopathology. Though not included in current diagnostic criteria like the DSM or ICD, the concept of the self has been described as a feature of psychopathology in both MDD and AD (Grant et al., 2002;Smith and Greenberg, 1981;Trapnell and Campbell, 1999). In that vein, a meta-analysis by Mor and Winquist identified an association between different facets of the self with the measures of both depression and anxiety (Aldao et al., 2010;Mor and Winquist, 2002). ...
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Accurate and early diagnosis of Depression and Anxiety is met with the challenge of comorbid presentations and the neglect of the basic disturbances of self in current diagnostic criteria. Here, we review studies employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with self-based tasks in major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders (AD) to determine the transdiagnostic and differential-diagnostic applicability of neural markers related to the self. This systematic review identified three main findings: (I) Large-scale brain-wide changes related to self-dysfunction overlap significantly between MDD and AD. (II) Regional changes are unspecific to tasks and stimuli confirming their specificity to the self as distinguished from other cognitive functions. (III) MDD affects regions related to emotional-cognitive processing like the anterior cingulate cortex, while AD involves prefrontal and insular regions associated with interoceptive and emotional-cognitive regulation. Our systematic review shows the utility of the self as a transdiagnostic marker that exhibits neural topographic similarities across the diagnostic boundaries of MDD and AD. More fine-grained regional differences between MDD and AD can be found within their underlying large scale neural similarities, allowing for their differential-diagnostic specification. In conclusion, we demonstrate the relevance of the self as both a transdiagnostic and differential diagnostic neural marker in MDD and AD.
... We developed a scale to assess the psychological insight experience as a reception process for inspiring narratives. We began to elaborate the psychological insight scale by considering the definitions provided for this construct in various disciplines (clinical psychology, psychology of learning, research on creativity), along with a thorough analysis of existing psychological insight scales within those fields (Beck et al., 2004;Davis et al., 2020;Gori et al., 2015;Grant et al., 2002;Peill et al., 2022). Furthermore, the artificial intelligence ChatGPT (version 3.5; OpenAI, 2022) was employed to generate additional items, using the following prompt: "Act as a scientific researcher with expertise in media psychology. ...
This article presents the results of two experiments in which participants were exposed to audiovisual narratives (Study 1, N = 245) and to short written narratives (Study 2, N = 360) with high or low inspiring potential so as to validate a measurement instrument to assess psychological insight (Psychological Insight Self-Report Scale). Insight is defined as a reception process involving sudden discovery and the sensation of experiencing a state of enlightenment or inner revelation through exposure to inspiring narratives. The results of our research confirm the structural , criterion, construct, and incremental validity of the scale. Our work furthers the advancement of media entertainment research regarding the impact of eudaimonic messages by providing a new construct (psychological insight) to explain the effects of inspiring narratives.
... Het derde doel van het proefschrift was om te onderzoeken voor wie en wanneer PVM vooral gunstig of effectief kan zijn. Om aanvullend inzicht te krijgen in wie ( (Carver & Scheier, 1998;Grant et al., 2002;Klimoski & Hu, 2020). ...
Blended psychological interventions, comprising online and in‐presence activities, represent an interesting opportunity to tackle the current well‐being and mental health challenges in vulnerable populations such as international university students. The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of international students enrolled at the University of Padua (Italy) who participated in an 8 week blended intervention to support their well‐being and social connectedness, comprising online and face‐to‐face activities focusing on different topics such as well‐being, social‐media usage, communication skills, challenges and resources of being an international student. A total of six participants took part in the intervention. In‐presence group sessions were audio‐recorded and thematically analysed. The results identified three overarching themes: participants' experiences and interactions in the group sessions, participants' experiences with the online self‐help materials and participants' narratives during the group sessions. The intervention allowed for the identification of international students' needs and resources, and showed the usefulness and relevance of the blended modality to support their social connectedness and well‐being, pointing out the strength of mutual support and the need for an active role of the hosting countries and universities as fundamental resources for international students. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article's .
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Self-reflection, centered on the introspection and evaluation of one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in relation to self-concerns, occupies a central place in understanding the dynamics of mental health. The dual-factor model of mental health suggests that mental health has both positive and negative dimensions. Nonetheless, the relationship between self-reflection and mental health is a source of continuous controversy. This study is dedicated to thoroughly examining the connection between self-reflection and various mental health indicators and exploring the moderating effects of cultural background and self-reflection measurement tools. A meta-analysis of 39 studies including 12,496 subjects was conducted to determine the magnitude of the relationship between self-reflection and both positive and negative mental health. (1) The random-effect model showed no significant relationship between self-reflection and overall positive mental health or with individual positive indicators, including subjective well-being, life satisfaction, and self-esteem. In contrast, the model showed a significant positive relationship between self-reflection and overall negative mental health indicators, including depression and anxiety. (2) Cultural background moderates the relationship between self-reflection and positive mental health, while different measurements of self-reflection moderate the relationship between self-reflection and both positive and negative mental health. We found that self-reflection was significantly associated with negative mental health but not with positive mental health. Our findings suggest that focusing on self-reflection may offer potential for improving negative mental health outcomes, such as anxiety and depression, particularly when culturally sensitive approaches and appropriate measurement tools are used.
Lifelong learning can be indispensable for the adaptation to continuously evolving labor markets and societal demands. In the current study, we examined psychological factors, notably aspects of personality (personality traits in the five-factor model and trait curiosity), self-reflection and motivation in relation to attitudes to lifelong learning. A specific aim was to examine the relative importance of these factors in their contribution to attitudes to lifelong learning. The study was carried out by use of a digital survey and included 717 adults ( M age = 47.93) within working life. The results showed that self-reflection and trait curiosity were the strongest predictors of attitudes to lifelong learning but work intrinsic motivation and openness to experience (a personality trait in the five-factor model) also contributed with unique explanatory power, although to a lesser degree. The results can inform individualized accessibility strategies for lifelong learning.
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The present article discusses the concept of insight in terms of the scales in the literature that measure or assess insight. A search of Google Scholar and PubMed using the terms 'insight scale', 'insight questionnaire', 'insight survey', 'insight checklist', 'insight inventory' and ‘insight + major psychiatric diagnostic categories’ identified 44 scales that assess 6 different insight themes: 1) psychological insight, 2) cognitive insight, 3) clinical insight, 4) therapeutic insight 5) social insight, 6) Buddhist insight. Psychological insight is the state of awareness and understanding of one's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, personality, traits and whatever belongs to the self and the self's relationship with the environment. Cognitive insight assesses how inclined and intentional the person is to reflect on the cognitions he/she holds and at the same time how firmly he/she holds to his/her beliefs and cognitions and how much he/she believes in their accuracy. Clinical insight assesses awareness of the illness, importance of the symptoms and awareness of the cost of the illness. Psychotherapeutic insight is a type of insight that can be related to the patient's therapeutic rapport, in which the patient's awareness of himself or herself and the relationship he or she establishes with his or her environment during the sessions. While social insight brings the construct of insight a social context, Buddhist insight is an introspection or insight which is the aim of Buddhist or mindfulness practice. In conclusion, insight has a complex and unique construct which causes confusion while identify it comprehensively. Although there is an abundance of work on insight in the literature, there is still some way to go to elucidate this concept.
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Addressing shortcomings of the self-report Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), two studies were conducted to reconstruct the item domain of the scale. The first study resulted in the development of a new twenty-item version of the scale—the TAS-20. The TAS-20 demonstrated good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and a three-factor structure theoretically congruent with the alexithymia construct. The stability and replicability of this three-factor structure were demonstrated in the second study with both clinical and nonclinical populations by the use of confirmatory factor analysis.
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A distinction between ruminative and reflective types of private self-attentiveness is introduced and evaluated with respect to L. R. Goldberg's (1982) list of 1,710 English trait adjectives (Study 1), the five-factor model of personality (FFM) and A. Fenigstein, M. F. Scheier, and A. Buss's(1975) Self-Consciousness Scales (Study 2), and previously reported correlates and effects of private self-consciousness (PrSC; Studies 3 and 4). Results suggest that the PrSC scale confounds two unrelated motivationally distinct disposition-rumination and reflection-and that this confounding may account for the "self-absorption paradox" implicit in PrSC research findings: Higher PrSC sources are associated with more accurate and extensive self-knowledge yet higher levels of psychological distress. The potential of the FFM to provide a comprehensive Framework for conceptualizing self-attentive dispositions, and to order and integrate research findings within this domain, is discussed.
This book presents a thorough overview of a model of human functioning based on the idea that behavior is goal-directed and regulated by feedback control processes. It describes feedback processes and their application to behavior, considers goals and the idea that goals are organized hierarchically, examines affect as deriving from a different kind of feedback process, and analyzes how success expectancies influence whether people keep trying to attain goals or disengage. Later sections consider a series of emerging themes, including dynamic systems as a model for shifting among goals, catastrophe theory as a model for persistence, and the question of whether behavior is controlled or instead 'emerges'. Three chapters consider the implications of these various ideas for understanding maladaptive behavior, and the closing chapter asks whether goals are a necessity of life. Throughout, theory is presented in the context of diverse issues that link the theory to other literatures.
The positive and negative aspects of private self-consciousness were examined through a variety, of method's. Previous analyses have revealed that the private self-consciousness factor of the Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS) (Fenigstein, Scheier and Buss, 1975) consists of two factors (Burnkrant and Page, 1984; Mittal and Balasubramanian, 1987, Piliavin and Charng, 1988). A principal-components analysis confirmed the presence of these factors in a new sample of 149 undergraduates (83 females, 66 males), and identified rite relevant items. Scores on these factors, named internal state awareness and self-reflectiveness, exhibited a markedly different pattern of personality con elates with both self- and peel descriptions of personality and scores on three of the Big-Five NEO-PT Factors. While the content of the correlates of internal state awareness is almost universally positive, that of self-reflectiveness is largely negative in both self- and peel descriptions of personality. These results suggest that, while a high level of self-reflectiveness may entail a psychologically maladaptive style of private self-consciousness, a high level of internal state awareness may be one manifestation of psychological health. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A response to Silvia's (1999) critique of Creed and Funder's (1998) formulation of two types of private self-consciousness is presented. The current paper attempts to address some of the relevant concerns: (i) the multidimensional nature of the private self-consciousness scale is recognised as a problem which needs to be addressed (and which in part motivated our own research); (ii) the paradoxical effects of self-attention are more than a psychometric phenomenon and have been foreshadowed in laymen's, philosophers' and research psychologists' views of the construct; (iii) the trivialization of self-report scales as only able to describe themselves would render relatively meaningless most of the empirical data about personality gathered to date; and (iv) the criticism of the Aristotelian mode of research as merely accounting for variance fails to acknowledge that a certain amount of descriptive light must be shed on a phenomenon lest future theoretical questions remain not only unanswered, but unraised. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Based on factor analyses of the private self-consciousness scale, Creed and Funder (1998) posit 'two faces of private self-consciousness'. self-reflectiveness, which relates to negative outcomes, and internal state awareness, which relates to positive outcomes. The significance of this distinction is questioned. I contend (i) that the existence of two subfactors is a fatal deficiency in the private self-consciousness scale, not a benefit, (ii) that factor analysis can never discover aspects of personality, (iii) that only an underlying theoretical network, not unique variance, makes a scale useful and (iv) that the SR and ISA distinction exemplifies the undesirable Aristotelian approach (Lewin, 1931) to personality. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Directed diary keeping is an important method of gathering data for various therapeutic and research purposes. Little information, however, has been collected on spontaneously kept diaries. A questionnaire relating to personal diary keeping and five personality inventories were administered to 101 undergraduates. Analysis suggested that women keep diaries more often and at an earlier age than men. Also, information regarding diary content and reasons for starting and stopping a diary are discussed. Surprisingly, scores on personality inventories were not significantly different for respondents who had kept a diary than scores for those who had not.