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Abstract and Figures

A new species of Gesneriaceae discovered in remnants of deciduous forests on limestone outcrops in Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and compared with morphologically related taxa. This plant presents the diagnostic features of the tribe Gloxinieae, but a unique combination of morphological traits distinguishes this taxon from previously described genera. Its phylogenetic position was inferred based on analyzing DNA sequences variation of five loci: the rpl16 intron, rps16 intron, trnL-F intron-spacer, a portion of the plastid-expressed glutamine synthetase gene (ncpGS) and the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the position of this new species in the Gloxinieae, as a sister lineage of a clade including the Brazilian genera Mandirola and Goyazia. However, tests using topological constraints do not reject the alternative relationship that places this taxon with Gloxiniopsis in a monophyletic group. To accommodate this species in the current generic circumscription of Gloxinieae, the new genus Chautemsia A.O. Araujo & V.C. Souza is created.
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de Araújo & al. • Ch autems ia calc icola, gen. et sp. nov.TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208
Generic boundaries in tribe Gloxinieae were reorganized by
Roalson & al. (2005a) on the ground of phylogenetic analyses
of molecular characters and morphological synapomorphies
(Roalson & al., 2005b). Gloxinieae now include some 20 genera
and approximately 170 species (Boggan & al., 2008; Roalson &
al., 2005a, 2008). The recent studies showed that several genera
of Gloxinieae, particularly Gloxinia L’Hér. as recognized by
Wiehler (1983), were not monophyletic. From the latter genus,
a new tribe Sphaerorrhizeae Roalson & Boggan was segregated
including the new genus Sphaerorrhiza Roalson & Boggan. For
the remaining taxa new generic names were proposed including
Gloxinella (H.E. Moore) Roalson & Boggan, Gloxiniopsis Roal-
son & Boggan and Nomopyle Roalson & Boggan, whereas gen-
era Mandirola Decne. and Seemannia Regel were resurrected.
In the framework of a detailed taxonomic survey of the
Gloxinieae in Brazil, a new taxon was discovered in Minas
Gerais, Brazil. The material was identified as belonging to
Gloxinieae based on the presence of scaly rhizomes, but did
not fit in any of the existing genera. In the present study we
describe the diagnostic features of this plant and explore its
affinity in Gloxinieae using sequences of the rpl16 intron,
rps16 intron, ncpGS, and ITS regions and the published ITS/
trnL-F dataset of Roalson & al. (2005b).
Taxon sampling and
Leaves from live
plants collected in the field or from cultivated specimens held
in the greenhouses of the Conservatoire & Jardin botaniques
de la Ville de Genève (Switzerland) were sampled and immedi-
ately dried in silica gel. Twenty-four accessions representative
of 20 Gloxinieae species and 14 genera (including the newly
described taxon) plus two outgroups were sequenced for the
rpl16 intron, rps16 intron, the trnL-F intron-spacer, a portion
of the plastid-expressed glutamine synthetase gene (ncpGS)
and the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS).
Two outgroup species, Gesneria humilis L. and Rhytidophyl-
lum vernicosum Urb. & Ekman, were selected from the tribe
Gesnerieae, a sister lineage of Gloxinieae according to previ-
ous phylogenetic analyses (Zimmer & al., 2002; Roalson &
al., 2005b). A list of these 26 accessions and their vouchers is
provided in the Appendix.
DNA was isolated using the CTAB method of Doyle &
Doyle (1987) with the addition of 1% polyphenol polyvinyl-
pyrolidon. The primers used to amplify and sequence the rpl16
intron, trnL-F intron-spacer and the region between exons
7 and 11 of ncpGS are indicated in Perret & al. (2003). The
rps16 intron was amplified and sequenced using the primers
rpsF and rpsR2 (Oxelman & al., 1997). ITS was amplified and
sequenced with primers ITS 5P and ITS 8P (Möller & Cronk,
1997). Both amplifications and sequencing reactions follow
procedures described in Perret & al. (2003). All sequences
were aligned by eye, insertions/deletions (indels) were not
coded as separate characters. Newly acquired sequences have
been deposited in EMBL/GenBank.
Phylogenetic analyses and tests of alternative topolo-
For parsimony analyses, all characters were equally
weighted and gaps were treated as missing characters. Heu-
ristic searches were conducted in PAUP* v.4.0b10 (Swofford,
2002), using 1000 random taxon addition sequences with tree-
bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping and keeping
Chautemsia calcicola: A new genus and species of Gloxinieae
(Gesneriaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil
Andréa Onofre de Araújo,1 Vinicius Castro Souza1 & Mathieu Perret2
1 Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo,
Av. Pádua Dias, 11, 13418-900, Piracicaba – SP, Brazil
2 Conservatoire & Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Impératrice 1, C.P. 60, 1292 Chambésy, Genève, Switzerland
Author for correspondence: Andréa Onofre de Araujo,
A new species of Gesneriaceae discovered in remnants of deciduous forests on limestone outcrops in Minas Gerais,
Brazil, is described and compared with morphologically related taxa. This plant presents the diag nostic features of the tribe
Gloxinieae, but a unique combination of mor phological traits distinguishes this taxon f rom previously described genera. Its
phylogenetic position was inferred based on analyzing DNA sequences variation of five loci: the rpl16 intron, rps16 int ron,
trnL-F intron-spacer, a por tion of the plastid-expressed glutamine synthetase gene (ncpGS ) and the ribosomal DNA internal
transcribed spacer (ITS). Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the position of this new species in the Gloxinieae, as a sister
lineage of a clade including the Brazilian genera Mandirola and Goyazia. However, tests using topological constraints do not
reject the alternative relationship that places this taxon with Gloxiniopsis in a monophyletic group. To accommodate this species
in the current generic circumscription of Gloxinieae, the new genus Chautemsia A.O. Araujo & V.C. Souza is created.
Brazil; Brazilian Atlantic forest; Chautemsia; Gesneriaceae; Gloxinieae; molecular phylogeny; taxonomy
TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208de Araújo & al. • Chaute msia cal cicola , gen. et sp. nov.
up to 1000 most parsimonious trees per random addition rep-
licate. To evaluate internal support, heuristic searches were
completed for 1000 bootstrap replicates (BS; Felsenstein,
1985), with TBR swapping. The number of trees saved at each
replicate was limited to 1000.
Bayesian inferences were performed with MrBayes v.3.1
(Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003). The combined dataset was
divided into three partitions: plastidic regions, ncpGS and ITS.
For each partition, the optimal model of DNA substitution
was selected by the Akaike information criterion (AIC) using
Modeltest v.3.7 (Posada & Crandall, 1998). In each case the
optimal model was the General Time Reversible model, with
rate heterogeneity modeled by assuming that some proportion
of sites are invariable and that rate of evolution at other sites is
modeled using a discrete approximation to a gamma distribu-
tion (GTR + I + Γ). All the parameters values were unlinked
across partitions and estimated during the Markov chain
Monte Carlo (MCMC) runs. Two independent analyses were
run from different random trees (Nruns = 2) with temperature
of 0.15. The chains were run for 10,000,000 generations, with
trees sampled every 100th generation. We discarded 25% of
the samples obtained during the f irst 1,000,000 generations.
Posterior probability (PP) and branch lengths were averaged
across remaining sampled trees. To examine potential incon-
gruences between datasets we inspected whether the topology
resulting from the combined analyses of all the regions con-
flicts with the topologies obtained through separate analyses
of the plastidic and nuclear sequences. Only conflicting nodes
with 70% BS or higher were considered.
The relevance of alternative relationships between the new
taxon and other Gloxinieae genera were tested using the “Shi-
modaira-Hasegawa test” (SH test; Shimodaira & Hasegawa,
1999; Goldman & al., 2000) implemented in PAUP* v.4.0b8
(Swofford, 1999). Topologies that force the monophyletic re-
lationships between Chautemsia and the members of the
other Gloxinieae genera were built in MacClade (Maddison &
Maddison, 1992). For each of these topological constraints, a
new heuristic search was performed using our 5-regions matrix
and the maximum parsimony criteria. Then, two subsets of trees
obtained with and without constraint were compared simultane-
ously with the RELL option of the SH test and 1000 bootstrap
replicates as implemented in PAUP* v.4.0b8 (Swofford, 1999).
We used the GTR model with proportion of invariant sites (I)
and gamma shape (G) parameters (six substitution types: A/C =
0.8511, A/G = 2.2387, A/T = 0.8533, C/G = 0.5712, C/T = 3.5860,
G/T = 1.0000, I = 0.5094, G = 0.6706, freqA = 0.3041, freqC
= 0.2038, freqG = 0.1995, freqT = 0.2926). The model and all
parameters were selected based on the results of analyses using
Modeltest v.3.7 and AIC (Posada & Crandall, 1998).
To test the inf luence of taxon sampling on the phylogenetic
position of Chautemsia, newly generated sequences for this
taxon were added to the ITS/trnL-F dataset of Roalson & al.
(2005b). New sequences for Gloxiniopsis racemosa (Benth.)
Roalson & Boggan, Goyazia petraea (S.M. Phillips) Wiehler
were also added to this dataset. Accessions for which either
ITS or trnL-F sequences were not available were excluded
from the dataset (i.e., Bellonia spinosa Swartz, Gloxinia
planalta Wiehler and Solenophora tuerckheimiana J.D. Sm.)
The resulting matrix includes an extensive sampling in the
tribe Gloxinieae with 59 species representing all the 19 genera
recognized by Roalson & al. (2005a). Phylogenetic analyses
of this combined ITS/trnL-F dataset were performed using
MrBayes v.3.1 with each region treated as a single data parti-
tion and following the procedures defined above.
Phylogenetic analyses.
The combined matrix of all
DNA regions comprised a total of 4124 characters with 294
variable sites and 96 parsimony-informative characters. Of
these, 2273 (294 variable, 96 parsimony-informative) were
derived from plastidic sequences, 701 (185 variable, 68 par-
simony-informative) from ncpGS, and 650 (244 variable, 141
parsimony-informative) from ITS.
Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree of the
total combined dataset
is shown in Fig. 1. This topology is
identical to the one obtained using parsimony analyses. Values
of posterior probability and maximum parsimony bootstrap are
indicated at each node. The comparison of this tree with re-
sults derived from separate analyses of the nuclear and plastid
datasets indicated two supported topological incongruences
(BS > 70%). Both are in the plastid-based topology: one is re-
lated with the placement of Mandirola cf. rupestris (Gardner)
Roalson & Boggan within the Mandirola/Goyazia clade and
the other concerns the monophyly of the two Gloxinia species
with the Gloxinia/Seemannia clade. Because these topological
incongruences do not involve the newly described genus, only
results obtained from the complete dataset will be discussed.
Chautemsia appears sister of a clade including the Brazilian
genera Goyazia Taub. and Mandirola (Fig. 1). This relationship
has a posterior probability of 99% but a bootstrap support of
only 63%. This lineage is in turn sister with the Seemannia/
Gloxinia clade (PP = 100%, BS = 63%). The other relation-
ships within Gloxinieae agree with the topology presented in
Roalson & al. (2005b: f ig. 6) and Roalson & al. (2008: fig.
2). Unfortunately, the low supports for the basal relationships
within the Gloxinieae observed by Roalson & al. (2005b) were
little improved in our analyses despite the larger number of mo-
lecular characters used. The SH-tests of alternative topologies
forcing Chautemsia to be monophyletic with other Gloxinieae
genera, indicate significant differences in the likelihood scores
for all genera (P < 0.05) except Gloxiniopsis (P 0.06). In
further Bayesian analysis of the extended ITS/trnL-F matrix
of Roalson & al. (2005b), Chautemsia appears in an unresolved
position, as a single branch at the base of a large polytomy that
groups all the major lineages of South American Gloxinieae
(result not shown; see Roalson & al., 2005b).
Morphological traits.
The new taxon displays the
following floral characters: frondose florescence, corolla
infundibular-cylindrical, erect in the calyx, floral anthocy-
anin absent (yellow only in the throat), corolla tube internally
glabrous except at the throat with glandular trichomes, nectary
divided into five finger-like glands. The fruit structure found
de Araújo & al. • Ch autems ia calc icola, gen. et sp. nov.TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208
Fig. . Bayesian 50% majority
rule consensus tree resulting
from the combined analysis of
rpl16 intron, rps16 intron,
trnL-F region, ncpGS and ITS
sequenced for 24 accessions in
Gloxinieae and two outgroups
in Gesnerieae
. Numbers above
the branches are PP values;
those below are bootstrap
values when ≥50%. Asterisks
indicate conflicting nodes with
BS > 70% between this tree and
the plastid-derived tree.
Table .
Morphological comparison of Chautemsia with other genera in Gloxinieae.
Character Chautemsia Gloxinia Gloxiniopsis Mandirola Seemannia Goyazia Diastema
Florescence Frondose Bracteose,
rarely frondo-
Bracteose Frondose Fondose,
rarely frondo-
Frondose Bracteose
Corolla color White with
yellow throat
White, purple,
pinkish or
partly maroon
White with
purple stripes
in throat
White and
partly purple,
violet or
Red, orange
or dark pink
White or white
with violet
stripes, pink-
ish, purple
White with
purple mark-
ings on lobes
or reddish
Corolla shape Infundibular-
or cylindrical-
Campanulate Campanulate-
or hypocrateri-
ventricose or
Nectary 5 finger-like
Absent or
annular with
5 lobes
Absent or
5 lobed glands,
or annular
with 5 lobes or
5 lobed glands
or annular
5 finger-like
Fleshy Dry Fleshy Dry Dry Dry Fleshy
splitting the
to the base
Apical Dorsal;
splitting the
to the base
Apical Apical Apical Dorsal;
splitting the
to the base
TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208de Araújo & al. • Chaute msia cal cicola , gen. et sp. nov.
in this species matches the definition of horizontal follicular
fruits (Weber, 2004). This kind of fruit is f leshy at maturity,
horizontally held with the hypanthium splitting dorsally and
completely to the base, exposing the seeds (Fig. 2). None of
these characters is exclusive of this taxon, but this set of char-
acters is not found in any other genus of Gloxinieae (Table 1).
According to the classification of Wiehler (1976) and his
identification key to tribes of Gesnerioideae (Wiehler, 1983),
Chautemsia fits in the tribe Gloxinieae. Indeed, the new taxon
displays all the diagnostic traits of Gloxinieae such as rhi-
zomes with f leshy leaf scales, opposite leaves and inferior
ovary. Moreover, our phylogenetic result clearly confirmed
that Chautemsia is nested within Gloxinieae (Fig. 1).
Combined analyses of five DNA regions support Chautem-
sia as the sister lineage of a clade comprising the genera Goya-
zia and Mandirola (Fig. 1). This grouping is geographically
consistent since species in this clade are endemic to central or
southeastern Brazil, outside of the range of other Gloxinieae
species. Chautemsia can be easily distinguished from other
Brazilian taxa based on features such as its white corolla,
horizontal follicular fruit and nectary composed of five long
finger-like and separate glands (Table 1; Fig. 2). The phylo-
genetic affinities of Chautemsia with Brazilian taxa should
be considered with caution. Indeed, the SH-tests indicated
that our data do not allow to reject the alternative relationship
that places Chautemsia and the monotypic genus Gloxiniop-
sis in a same clade (P = 0.06). Analysis of the phylogenetic
relationship of Chautemsia based on the taxonomically more
exhaustive ITS/trnL-F dataset of Roalson & al. (2005b) did
not provide further information about the generic affinities
of Chautemsia. These appeared as unresolved at the base of a
large polytomy including the main lineages of South American
Gloxinieae (Roalson & al., 2005b, 2008). Therefore, a more
confident placement of Chautemsia in Gloxinieae will need
additional data to help improve the supports of the basal rela-
tionships among the main Gloxinieae lineages.
Morphologically, Chautemsia most closely resembles
Diastema Benth., which also includes weak herbs with an
Fig. .
Chautemsia calcicola.
calyx and finger-
like nectar y glands (ovary and
corolla removed);
dinal section of inner corolla,
showing stamens and stami-
longitudinal sect ion
of outer corolla;
lateral and
superior views of stigma;
mature dehiscent fruit (seeds
removed). Scales: A = 1 cm;
B = 0.5 mm; C, D = 5 mm;
E = 1 mm; F = 2 mm. (Illustra-
tor Samira Rolim).
de Araújo & al. • Ch autems ia calc icola, gen. et sp. nov.TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208
infundibular-cylindrical corolla, a nectary of five long, finger-
like, separate glands, and horizontal follicular fruit, dehiscing
dorsally and splitting the hypanthium to the base (Weber, 2004).
Chautemsia can be distinguished from Diastema by the follow-
ing characters: frondose f lorescence with solitary flowers (vs.
bracteose), corolla white with unspotted lobes, and stigma sto-
matomorphic (vs. bilobed; Table 1). Furthermore, Chautemsia
occurs only in southeastern Brazil whereas Diastema is found
from Bolivia to Mexico and rarely occurs in Brazil (only in
Acre near the border of Peru). Our result confirms the finding of
Roalson & al. (2005b) that D. vexans H.E. Moore is segregated
from the rest of the genus (Fig. 1). However, neither of these two
lineages was found related with Chautemsia indicating that their
morphological similarities could be due to convergences. Beside
Diastema, other taxa share with Chautemsia a fleshy fruit with a
splitting hypanthium, e.g., Gloxiniopsis, Kohleria Regel, and the
monophyletic group comprising Gloxinella, Monopyle Moritz
ex Benth., Nomopyle and Phinaea Benth. (Kvist & Skog, 1992;
Roalson & al., 2008). None of these taxa have a nectary similar
to that of the new genus, however.
In their revision of the genus Kohleria, Kvist & Skog (1992)
stated: “As is often the case in genera of Neotropical Gesneria-
ceae, no single feature distinguishes the genus Kohleria from
related and similar genera in the tribe Gloxinieae, but the ge-
nus is set apart by a suite of characters.” In a similar way, the
unique combination of characters that define this new taxon
and its lack of close relatives in the tribe, leads us to recognize
this taxon as a new genus. With this addition, tribe Gloxinieae
now comprises 21 genera.
Chautemsia calc icola A.O. Araujo & V.C. Souza, gen. &
sp. nov.Type: Brazil. Minas Gerais, Mun. Iguatama,
Fazenda Faroeste, próximo ao município de Arcos,
20°15′45.1S, 45°40′10.3″ W, 690 m alt., 13 Jan. 2005, A.O.
Araujo, V.R. Scalon, A. Chautems, G. Barriera & R. Tsuji
500 (holotype: ESA!; isotypes: G!, SPF!, SPFR!). – Fig. 2.
Affinis Diastemati Benth. nectario quinque glandulis di-
git i formibus et capsula carnosa dorsaliter omnino secedenta,
sed floribus axillaribus solitariis, lobis corollae plene candidis
et stigmate stomatoformi differt.
Perennial herbs, 4.0–8.5 cm high, with scaly rhizomes.
Stems terete, erect, unbranched, usually reduced to 3–4 nodes.
Internodes 0.2–3.2 cm long. Leaves opposite, anisophyllous,
sometimes strongly unequal in a pair, petiole 0.3–3.2 cm long,
blades 0.5–5.5 × 0.4–3.3 cm, elliptic, the basal ones frequently
broadly elliptic or circular, apex acute or obtuse, base sym-
metrical, cuneate or attenuate, margin serrate, sometimes
irregularly, adaxial and abaxial surface pubescent, discolor
green, 4–5 pairs of secondary veins. Florescence frondose,
epedunculate, flowers solitary, 1 or 2 flowers in the upper node,
sometimes another flower in the lower node, subtending leaves
1.3–3.1 × 0.3–1.7 cm. Flowers without bracteoles, with pedicel
erect-ascending, 0.9–1.5 cm long, glabrescent, zygomorphic,
floral tube conic, ca. 2 mm; calyx aestivation open, sepals free,
lobes equal, 0.1–0.3 × 0.1–0.2 cm, green, inside glabrous near
base and sparsely pubescent toward apex, outside pubescent to
densely pubescent, elliptic, sometimes obovate, with margin
entire; corolla infundibular-cylindrical, aestivation imbricate,
tube 0.9–1.5 cm long, inside glabrous, sparsely pubescent only
in the throat, with glandular, uniseriate, capitate, short or long
trichomes, outside sericeous, near base glabrous; tube white
to white-yellowish; throat not constricted, yellow, 0.3–0.5 cm
diameter; lobes white, broadly depressed-ovate with entire or
slightly sinuate margins, glabrous inside, outside glabrous to
sparsely sericeous, 0.3–0.5 cm long; stamens 4, included in the
corolla, 0.9–1.3 cm long, filaments glabrous, anthers all coher-
ent opening by longitudinal slits, staminode ca. 0.8 cm long.;
nectary of 5 long, finger-like, separate glands; ovary inferior;
style 1.2–1.4 cm long, sparsely pubescent, glabrous toward
apex; stigma stomatomorphic. Capsule 0.8–1.2 × 0.2–0.6 cm,
pubescent, ellipsoid, apex erect, fleshy, dehiscing dorsally and
splitting the hypanthium to the base, capsule without prominent
costae. Seeds without enlarged funicle.
Etymology. – The name of this genus (Chautemsia) honors
Dr. Alain Chautems, curator at the Conservatoire & Jardin
Botaniques de la Ville de Genève, who investigated Brazilian
Gesneriaceae for over 20 years. He deserves this homage in
recognition to his important contribution to the knowledge
of this family and to his deep involvement in training new
Distribution and ecology. – Despite extensive investiga-
tions of the limestone flora in central and southeastern Brazil
made by the first collector of this taxon (Melo, 2008), the spe-
cies has been so far only found in the localities Arcos, Pains
and Iguatama in the region of Formiga, in the western part
of Minas Gerais. The species is restricted to deciduous forest
remnants on limestone outcrops between 600 and 800 m. We-
ber (2004) stated that horizontal follicular fruits are probably
associated with a rain-splash dispersal mechanism: when seeds
are exposed, they are washed away by water drops. In view of
the occurence of the new species on dripping rocks, this kind
of dispersal strategy seems quite appropriate.
Conservation status. – Endangered, based on the occur-
rence in an area smaller than 5000 km² and known by fewer
than five localities (IUCN, 2001).
Phenology. – The peak f lowering period was observed in
January and fruiting specimens were found in February and
March, matching the rainy season. During the dry season from
May to September, plants are dormant and reduced to scaly
rhizomes hidden in rock crevices.
Paratypes. – Brazil. Minas Gerais, Mun. Arcos, Fazenda
Faroeste, margem direita do Rio São Miguel, 1 Jan. 2003,
P.H.A.Melo & J.A. Lombardi 408 (BHCB, G); Mun. Pains, Fa-
zenda Amargoso, MG 439 Km 16, 20°15′05.7″ S, 45°39′46.7″ W,
6 Mar. 2003, P.H.A. Melo 446 (BHCB, G); Mun. Pains, fronteira
entre os municípios de Pains e Formiga, região da nascente do
Rio São Miguel, 20°27′22″ S, 45°39′15″ W, 700–800 m, 25 Jan.
2005, P.H.A. Melo & N.L. Assunção 1257 (BHCB, G); Mun.
Iguatama, Fazenda Faroeste, margem esquerda do Rio São
Miguel, 20°15′45S, 45°40′10″ W, 700–800 m, 25 Mar. 2005,
P.H.A. Melo & J.F. Martins 1315 (BHCB, G).
TAXON 59 (1) • Februar y 2010: 203–208de Araújo & al. • Chaute msia cal cicola , gen. et sp. nov.
Boggan, J.K., Skog, L .E. & Roalson, E.H. 2008. A review of the
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We are g rateful to Pablo Hendrigo Melo for com mun icating the
discovery of this plant, sending pictu res as well as dried and pick-
led mater ial and for guiding us to one of its localities. John Boggan
kindly provided material of Seemannia purpurascens g rown at the
Smith sonian Institution. We also thank Er ic H. Roalson for provid-
ing his alignment of DNA sequences and Fadil Avdija for his help in
the laboratory work. T he first author thanks Fundação de Amparo a
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, International Association for Plant
Taxonomy and the Elvin McDonald Research Endowment Fund of the
Gesneriad Society, Inc. for suppor ti ng this research.
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Roalson, E.H., Boggan, J.K. & Skog, L.E. 2005a. Reorganization
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Taxa sampled for the st udy. Samples ta ken from cultivated material with indicated accession numbers were collected in CJB (Conservatoire
et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève greenhouse), GRF (Gesneriad Resea rch Foundation, Sarasota, U.S.A.), MP (Mauro Peixoto private collection,
Brazil), or USBRG (Botany Resea rch Greenhouses of the Smithsonian Institution). Voucher number s are given when present. N.A., no data
Species, accession numbers and/or voucher specimen (herbar ium), GenBank accessions (ITS, ncpGS, trnL-F, rps16, rpl16)
Achimenes admirabilis Wiehler, CJB AC-2510, A. Chautems & M. Perret 01-033 (G), GQ344504, AJ459689, AJ439827, N.A., AJ487784; Chautemsia calcicola
A.O. Araujo & V.C. Souza, A.O. Araujo & al. 500 (ESA), GQ344506, GQ383515, GQ383543, GQ383581, GQ383631; Diastema sp., MP 0872, GQ344510,
GQ383517, GQ383546, GQ383585, GQ383634; D. vexans H.E. Moore, GRF 840 306, GQ344511, GQ383518, GQ383547, GQ383586, GQ383635; Gesneria
humilis L., CJB s.n., A. Chautems & M. Perret 97-020 (G), GQ344513, AJ459683, AJ439821, GQ383588, AJ487778; Gloxinella lindeniana (Regel) Roalson &
Boggan, A.O. Araujo 604 (G), GQ344515, GQ383521, GQ383550, GQ383590, GQ383638; Gloxinia erinoides (DC.) Roalson & Boggan, CJB s.n., A. Chautems
& M. Perret 01-034 (G), GQ344519, AJ459690, AJ439828, GQ383593, AJ487785; G. perennis (L.) Fritsch, A.O. Araujo & al. 536 (ESA), GQ344516, GQ383522,
GQ383551, GQ383591, GQ383639; Gloxiniopsis racemosa (Benth.) Roalson & Boggan, A.O. Araujo 548 (ESA), GQ344514, GQ383520, GQ383549, GQ383589,
GQ383637; Goyazia petraea (S.M. Phillips) Wiehler, A.O. Araujo & al. 457 (ESA), GQ344517, GQ383523, GQ383552, N.A., GQ383640; G. rupicola Taub.,
A.O. Araujo & al. 545 (ESA), GQ344518, GQ383524, GQ383553, GQ383592, GQ383641; Kohleria spicata (Kunth) Oerst., CJB s.n., A. Chautems & M. Perret
97-018 (G), GQ344520, AJ459682, AJ439820, GQ383594, AJ487777; Mandirola ichthyostoma (Gardner) Seem. ex Hanst., A.O. Araujo 514 (ESA), GQ344527,
GQ383527, GQ383559, GQ383601, G Q383648; A.O. Araujo 518 (ESA), GQ344528, GQ383528, GQ383560, GQ383602, GQ383649; A.O. Araujo & al. 531
(ESA), GQ344522, G Q383526, GQ383555, GQ383596, GQ383643; A.O. Araujo 544 (ESA), GQ344521, GQ383525, G Q383554, GQ383595, GQ383642; M.
cf. rupestris (Gardner) Roalson & Boggan, A.O. Araujo 530 (ESA), GQ344529, GQ383529, GQ383561, GQ383603, GQ383650; Nomopyle dodsonii (Wiehler)
Roalson & Boggan, GRF 9769, GQ344535, GQ383530, GQ383565, GQ383609, GQ383654; Phinaea albolineata (Hook.) Benth. ex Hemsl., A.O. Araujo & al.
538 (ESA), GQ344538, GQ383531, GQ383566, GQ383612, GQ383655; Rhytidophyllum ver nicosum Urb. & Ek man, A.O. Araujo & al. 600 (G), GQ344539,
GQ383532, GQ383567, GQ383613, GQ383656; Seemannia gymnostoma (Griseb.) Toursark., A.O. Araujo & al. 549 (ESA), GQ344542, GQ383534, GQ383569,
GQ383616, GQ383658; S. nematanthodes (Kuntze) Schum., A.O. Araujo & al. 550 (ESA), GQ344541, GQ383533, GQ383568, GQ383615, GQ383657; S. aff.
purpurascen s Rusby, CJB AC-1481, A. Chautems & M. Perret 97-019 (G), GQ344540, AJ459684, AJ439822, GQ383614, AJ487779; S. purpurascens Rusby,
USBRG 02-197, Ibisch 960111 (US), GQ344544, GQ383535, GQ383571, N.A., GQ383659; S. sylvatica (Kunth) Hanst., CJB s.n., A.O. Araujo & al. 603 (G),
GQ344546, GQ383537, GQ383573, GQ383618, GQ383661; Smithiantha laui Wiehler, GRF s.n., GQ344552, AJ459685, AJ439823, GQ383623, AJ487780.
... Total DNA was isolated from silica-gel dried leaf tissue using the NucleoSpin Plant II (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany) following the manufacturer's protocol. Sequences of atpB-rbcL, matK, rpl16 and rps16 introns, trnL-F intron-spacer, and ITS were newly acquired for this study or gathered from published data (Perret et al. 2003;Araujo et al. 2010;Perret et al. 2013;Serrano-Serrano et al. 2015). The primers used to amplify and sequence the atpB-rbcL, rpl16 intron, trnL-F intron-spacer and ITS are indicated in Perret et al. (2003) and Araujo et al. (2010). ...
... Sequences of atpB-rbcL, matK, rpl16 and rps16 introns, trnL-F intron-spacer, and ITS were newly acquired for this study or gathered from published data (Perret et al. 2003;Araujo et al. 2010;Perret et al. 2013;Serrano-Serrano et al. 2015). The primers used to amplify and sequence the atpB-rbcL, rpl16 intron, trnL-F intron-spacer and ITS are indicated in Perret et al. (2003) and Araujo et al. (2010). The matK region was amplified and sequenced using the two primers pairs matK1F/matK943R and matK762F/matK1R as described in Perret et al. (2013). ...
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Sphaerorrhiza, a genus of herbaceous plants endemic to the Cerrado domain in Brazil, was recently segregated from the genus Gloxinia and placed in its own monotypic subtribe Sphaerorrhizinae. Most information on this little-known taxon derived from the observation of a single species and a limited number of collections. Using new material representative of all recognized species we reassess the monophyly of Sphaerorrhiza and its phylogenetic placement within Gesnerioideae based on the analysis of nuclear (ITS) and plastid (atpB-rbcL, matK, rpl16, rps16, trnL-trnF) DNA sequences. Our results support the monophyly of the genus and its segregated position from the other clades of Gesneriaceae. A taxonomic revision of Sphaerorrhiza is presented, including new anatomical and morphological data and the first reported chromosome number for the genus. Four species are recognized and two species are described as new, S. rosulata and S. serrata. Descriptions, illustrations, and a distribution map, as well as a key to the species of Sphaerorrhiza, are provided.
... Differences in topologies between studies are given as polytomies. Dotted branches indicate no or low branch support. 1 Plus a few species of Gesneria; 2,3 Non-monophyletic genera; 4 In Araújo et al. (2010) forming a mixed clade. D) tribe Episcieae based on Clark et al. (2012), Smith and Clark (2013) and Perret et al. (2013). ...
... A new Gesneriaceae taxon was collected from Brazil with a unique combination of morphological features that placed it in tribe Gloxinieae, and its placement in this tribe was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of five sequence regions (Araújo et al. 2010). This taxon was described as a new genus, Chautemsia A.O.Araújo & V.C.Souza, on the basis of its relatively isolated position in the tribe. ...
Sparked by the publication of large phylogenetic studies and major generic redefinitions in the Gesneriaceae, we review this growing body of molecular studies on the family. Different aspects of molecular data and their use in Gesneriaceae systematics are considered including conceptual challenges on the phylogenetic work undertaken to date as well as an overview of taxon sampling in the family. Molecular data are currently available for 70 of 72 recognized New World genera and 64 of 68 Old World genera. Many of the smaller genera and some of the larger genera are completely sampled. Current knowledge of tribal and generic delineations and relationships among the New World genera is relatively advanced. In contrast, intergeneric relationships and tribal arrangements are mostly unresolved for the Old World genera. In this paper we illustrate and summarize the published phylogenetic work in composite phylogenies with an emphasis on the most pertinent and accurate molecular systematic studies. This paper provides the molecular-based background for a new formal classification of the family Gesneriaceae.
... Araujo (2007), Perret et al. (2013) and Roalson et al. (2005a) established that Mandirola and Goyazia were closely related genera, based on morphological and molecular data. According to Araujo (2007) and Araujo et al. (2010b), Mandirola is polyphyletic by the circumscription of Roalson et al. (2005a), and the species recognized in Goyazia should be included in Mandirola. Howard (1975) observed prolate spheroidal to prolate pollen grains, tricolpate, long colpi with granulate membrane, and reticulate exine in Goyazia villosa (Gardner) R.A. Howard. ...
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Gloxiniinae comprises herbs and subshrubs usually growing on rocky outcrops, rocky fields or gallery forests. For Gesneriaceae in some cases variations in pollen morphology allow the differentiation of genera and species. We studied the pollen grains of ten Brazilian species of Gloxiniinae (Gesneriaceae), including the genera Chautemsia, Gloxinia, Goyazia, Mandirola and Seemannia with the purposes of describing the pollen morphology of these genera, and contributing to the taxonomic characterization of the group and a better delimitation of genera and species of Gesneriaceae. The pollen grains were acetolyzed, measured, photographed and described qualitatively. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive and multivariate statistics. Non-acetolyzed pollen grains were observed in SEM and TEM in order to provide more details of the ornamentation and the structure of the exine. The analyzed species differ as to the pollen amb, shape, length, width and ends of colpi, presence or absence of margo, type of endoaperture and exine ornamentation. We found circular, subcircular and subtriangular amb, oblate spheroidal and subprolate shape, long or very long colpi, narrow, wide or very wide, with or without margo, lalongate or lolongate endoaperture in microreticulate or reticulate pollen grains. The reticulate ornamentation appears in the Gloxinia species’ pollen grains, and lolongate endoapertures represent the pattern for the subtribe pollen grains except in Chautemsia. The pollen grain metrics examined by principal component analysis allow generic distinction. We conclude that qualitative and quantitative pollen data help to delimit the genera and species of Gloxiniinae.
... We obtained DNA sequences for one nuclear (ITS/5.8S) and three plastid DNA regions (matK, rps16 intron and trnL-trnF intron and spacer) following the procedure described previously [Perret et al. 2013;Araújo et al. 2010]. Additional markers could be available for certain ...
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The effects of specific functional groups of pollinators in the diversification of angiosperms are still to be elucidated. We investigated whether the pollination shifts or the specific association with hummingbirds affected the diversification of a highly diverse angiosperm lineage in the Neotropics. We reconstructed a phylogeny of 583 species from the Gesneriaceae family and detected diversification shifts through time, inferred the timing and amount of transitions among pollinator functional groups, and tested the association between hummingbird pollination and speciation and extinction rates. We identified a high frequency of pollinator transitions, including reversals to insect-pollination. Diversification rates of the group increased through time since 25 Mya, coinciding with the evolution of hummingbird-like flowers and the arrival of hummingbirds in South America. We showed that plants pollinated by hummingbirds have a two-fold higher speciation rate compared to plants pollinated by insects, and that transitions among functional groups of pollinators had a little impact on the diversification process. We demonstrated that floral specialization on hummingbirds for pollination has triggered rapid diversification in the Gesneriaceae family since the early Miocene, and that it represents one of the oldest identified plant-hummingbird associations. Biotic drivers of plant diversification in the Neotropics could be more related to this specific type of pollinator (hummingbirds), than to shifts among different functional groups of pollinators.
... Variation in a taxon may reflect interactions between the environment and the genotype and patterns of variation generally indicate some measure of gene flow or breaks (discontinuities) in gene flow (Schonewald-Cox et al. 1985;Rieseberg and Burke 2001;Ellstrand 2003;Araujo et al. 2010;Maquia et al. 2013). Multivariate analyses can facilitate recognition of groups resulting from genetic isolation through phenotype analyses. ...
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The economically important gymnosperm Gnetum L. is distributed in humid tropical forests of Africa. Its leaves are used as commercialized vegetables and greatly alleviate poverty for local people. Previously, the number of species recognized in Africa was uncertain, and Gnetum africanum Welw. and G. buchholzianum Engl. had been variously, and erroneously, applied to specimens. Based on recent morphological studies, species limits were clarified and two new African species, Gnetum interruptum E.H.Biye and G. latispicum E.H.Biye, were described. The purpose of this study was to determine species limits, to investigate potential infraspecific variation in wild African Gnetum species and to determine which features distinguish them in order to assess the validity of four species recognized by Biye et al. (Pl Syst Evol 300(2):263–272, 2014). Sixty-seven morphological characters were scored for a total of 175 (56 male and 119 female) specimens and analysed using cluster, principal components and principal coordinates analyses. Four distinct clusters of Gnetum specimens were recognized that correspond to the species now described as G. africanum, G. buchholzianum, G. interuptum and G. latispicum. A lack of geographical correlation with subclusters as well as their structure suggests there is no justification for recognizing infraspecific taxa. Characters that describe features of the spikes should be used to differentiate between and identify the species in Africa. In view of the high levels of utilization of two species and rarity of a third, it is urgent to assess the threat status of Gnetum species in Africa and to design appropriate conservation strategies to conserve these economically valuable plants.
... Análises filogenéticas (Zimmer et al. 2002;Roalson et al. 2005a) mostraram que vários gêneros da tribo Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae) não eram monofiléticos, estimulando modificações profundas na taxonomia do grupo. Nas últimas décadas, alguns de seus gêneros tiveram sua circunscrição modificada, outros foram restabelecidos ou excluídos da tribo e gêneros novos foram descritos (Roalson et al. 2005b;Araujo et al. 2010a). Com essas reformulações, Gloxinieae passou a contar com 20 gêneros; Gloxinia L´Hér. ...
... Análises filogenéticas (Zimmer et al. 2002;Roalson et al. 2005a) mostraram que vários gêneros da tribo Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae) não eram monofiléticos, estimulando modificações profundas na taxonomia do grupo. Nas últimas décadas, alguns de seus gêneros tiveram sua circunscrição modificada, outros foram restabelecidos ou excluídos da tribo e gêneros novos foram descritos (Roalson et al. 2005b;Araujo et al. 2010a). Com essas reformulações, Gloxinieae passou a contar com 20 gêneros; Gloxinia L´Hér. ...
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Gloxinia L'Hér. foi um dos gêneros cuja delimitação foi mais modificada em decorrência da reorganização da tribo Gloxinieae nas últimas décadas. Como parte dos estudos taxonômicos no gênero, são designados 15 lectótipos, indicados seis nomes ilegítimos supérfluos, e proposta uma nova combinação neste trabalho; são incluídos, também, comentários sobre três espécies com identidade incerta.Gloxinia L'Her. is a genus that has undergone major changes since the reorganization of the tribe Gloxinieae in the last few decades. We here designate 15 lectotypes, indicate six illegitimate superfluous names, and propose one new combination for this group; comments about three species with uncertain identities are also included.
Gesneriaceae are represented in the New World (NW) by a major clade (c. 1000 species) currently recognized as subfamily Gesnerioideae. Radiation of this group occurred in all biomes of tropical America and was accompanied by extensive phenotypic and ecological diversification. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses using DNA sequences from three plastid loci to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Gesnerioideae and to investigate its relationship with other lineages of Gesneriaceae and Lamiales. Our molecular data confirm the inclusion of the South Pacific Coronanthereae and the Old World (OW) monotypic genus Titanotrichum in Gesnerioideae and the sister-group relationship of this subfamily to the rest of the OW Gesneriaceae. Calceolariaceae and the NW genera Peltanthera and Sanango appeared successively sister to Gesneriaceae, whereas Cubitanthus, which has been previously assigned to Gesneriaceae, is shown to be related to Linderniaceae. Based on molecular dating and biogeographical reconstruction analyses, we suggest that ancestors of Gesneriaceae originated in South America during the Late Cretaceous. Distribution of Gesneriaceae in the Palaeotropics and Australasia was inferred as resulting from two independent long-distance dispersals during the Eocene and Oligocene, respectively. In a short time span starting at 34Mya, ancestors of Gesnerioideae colonized several Neotropical regions including the tropical Andes, Brazilian Atlantic forest, cerrado, Central America and the West Indies. Subsequent diversification within these areas occurred largely in situ and was particularly extensive in the mountainous systems of the Andes, Central America and the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Only two radiations account for 90% of the diversity of Gesneriaceae in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, whereas half of the species richness in the northern Andes and Central America originated during the last 10 Myr from a single radiation.
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The genus Kohleria (Gloxinieae) ranges from Mexico to Peru and E to Suriname and from sea level to 2500m altitude. About 100 species have been described in Kohleria, but only 17 are here recognized. Fourteen species occur in Colombia, with nine being endemic to this country. Eleven Kohleria species occur in exposed, disturbed habitats along rivers, roads, etc. The remaining species are found in shaded, humid forest understory. Ecological factors, such as phenology, flowers and pollination, fruits and dispersal, and phytogeography are described and distributions are mapped. -from Authors
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Morphological and molecular studies in tribe Gloxinieae have led to the need to describe four new genera and one new tribe, with two historically recognized genera resurrected and three currently recognized genera submerged into other generic concepts. The new genera Gloxinella, Gloxiniopsis, Nom- opyle, and Sphaerorrhiza include species previously treated in Gloxinia. The genus Sphaerorrhiza also is treated as a new,tribe because of its distant phylogenetic relationship to the Gloxinieae. Mandirola and Seemannia have been resurrected to define monophyletic,groups of species previously treated in Gloxinia. The genera Anodiscus and Koellikeria have been submerged,into the new,circumscription of Gloxinia to reflect phylogenetic relationships and morphological,similarities among,the species of these genera. The circumscription of Kohleria is here broadened to include Capanea. In all, seven generic transfers of already available names are made as well as 11 new combinations: Gloxinella lindeniana, Gloxinia erinoides, G. xanthophylla, Gloxiniopsis racemosa, Kohleria affinis, K. tigridia, Mandirola rupestris, Nomopyle dodsonii, N. peruviana, Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana,and S. burchellii. Key words: Gesneriaceae, Gesnerioideae, Gloxinieae, Sphaerorrhizeae
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Tribe Gloxinieae has been estimated to include 22 genera and approximately 290 species. This study presents maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions sequences, the chloroplast DNA trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer region sequences, a morphological cladistic dataset, and combined analyses of these datasets. These analyses suggest that the genera Gloxinia, Phinaea, and (possibly) Diastema are polyphyletic; Kohleria is paraphyletic in relation to Capanea; Bellonia and Pheidonocarpa should be considered members of tribe Gesnerieae; and Lembocarpus is a member of tribe Episcieae. Furthermore, the historically recognized genus Seemannia, now included in Gloxinia, appears to form a strongly supported monophyletic group; several Gloxinia species from southern Brazil appear to be most closely related to Goyazia; Capanea, Kohleria, Pearcea s. l., and Diastema vexans appear to form a strongly supported clade; and Diastema, Monopyle, Phinaea (in part), and a few Gloxinia species (Gloxinia dodsonii, G. lindeniana, and G. racemosa) form a clade. Classification issues and generic boundaries of these lineages are discussed in detail.
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Gesneriaceae tribe Gloxinieae is a diverse clade of approximately 19 genera and 215 species. As with many tropical lineages, patterns and timing of diversification are poorly understood. This is a particular difficulty in groups such as the Gesneriaceae that have no fossil record. Here we explore maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference of phylogenetic relationships in the tribe based on nuclear, chloroplast, and morphological data sets, use Fitch parsimony optimization (FPO) and dispersal vicariance (DIVA) analyses to explore biogeographic patterns in the Gesnerioideae, and use penalized likelihood calibrated by geological events in the Caribbean and South America to explore timing of movement of lineages among Caribbean, Central American, and South American land masses and islands. Likelihood and Bayesian analyses increase support of previous hypotheses of relationships using parsimony and provide additional resolution in some parts of the phylogeny. FPO and DIVA analyses suggest that the most likely scenario for movement among Central American, Caribbean, and South American areas was either an early dispersal to Central America and the Caribbean prior to diversification of the Gloxinieae clade with subsequent back dispersal to South America, or the ancestor of the Gloxinieae had a broad distribution across Central America and Andean/western South America. Estimations of the timing of movement of these lineages among these land masses suggests that the Greater Antilles/Aves Ridge landbridge likely played a role in dispersal events and that the Gloxinieae/Gesnerieae lineage likely arrived in the Central America/Caribbean zone at least 26 million years ago.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
The recently-developed statistical method known as the "bootstrap" can be used to place confidence intervals on phylogenies. It involves resampling points from one's own data, with replacement, to create a series of bootstrap samples of the same size as the original data. Each of these is analyzed, and the variation among the resulting estimates taken to indicate the size of the error involved in making estimates from the original data, In the case of phylogenies, it is argued that the proper method of resampling is to keep all of the original species while sampling characters with replacement, under the assumption that the characters have been independently drawn by the systematist and have evolved independently. Majority-rule consensus trees can be used to construct a phylogeny showing all of the inferred monophyletic groups that occurred in a majority of the bootstrap samples. If a group shows up 95% of the time or more, the evidence for it is taken to be statistically significant. Existing computer programs can be used to analyze different bootstrap samples by using weights on the characters, the weight of a character being how many times it was drawn in bootstrap sampling. When all characters are perfectly compatible, as envisioned by Hennig, bootstrap sampling becomes unnecessary; the bootstrap method would show significant evidence for a group if it is defined by three or more characters.