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Patricia M. Danzon and Andrew J. Epstein
Purpose – This study examines the effect of price regulation and
competition on launch timing and pricing of new drugs.
Methods – Our data cover launch experience in 15 countries from 1992 to
2003 for drugs in 12 major therapeutic classes. We estimate a two-
equation model of launch hazard and launch price of new drugs.
Findings – We find that launch timing and prices of new drugs are related
to a country’s average prices of established products in a class. Thus to
the extent that price regulation reduces price levels, such regulation
directly contributes to launch delay in the regulating country. Regulation
by external referencing, whereby high-price countries reference low-price
countries, also has indirect or spillover effects, contributing to launch
delay and higher launch prices in low-price referenced countries.
Implications – Referencing policies adopted in high-price countries
indirectly impose welfare loss on low-price countries. These findings have
The Economics of Medical Technology
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Volume 23, 35–71
Copyright r2012 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
ISSN: 0731-2199/doi:10.1108/S0731-2199(2012)0000023005
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Copyright © 2012. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.
implications for US proposals to constrain pharmaceutical prices through
external referencing and drug importation.
Keywords: Pharmaceutical economics; drug pricing
New drugs are potentially global products and can contribute importantly
to health outcomes for consumers and expenditures for payers. Prompt
launch is also critical for drug manufacturers, given the fixed patent life
over which to recoup the high costs of R&D.
In fact, in a study of the 1990s
launch experience of 85 drugs in 25 industrialized countries, roughly half
of the potential country-compound launches occurred, and many of the
eventual launches involved months or years of delay (Danzon, Wang, &
Wang, 2005). Launch lags in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s
were attributed to increased regulatory requirements for proof of safety and
efficacy (e.g., Grabowski, Vernon, & Thomas, 1978;Peltzman, 1973). How-
ever, in the 1990s the United States and the European Union harmonized
and accelerated new drug review, such that remaining differences in regis-
tration requirements cannot fully explain observed launch lags, especially
between EU countries.
By contrast, price regulation has become more complex and potentially
contributes both direct (domestic) effects on launch lags in the regulating
country and indirect (spillover) effects on launch in other countries. Price
regulation may delay launch directly through three mechanisms. First,
regulation that reduces the manufacturer’s expected price and net present
value (NPV) of revenues reduces incentives for launch, especially in small
countries and for drugs with low expected sales volume, assuming some
fixed costs of launch. Second, negotiation strategies may lead to strategic
delay by firms or regulators to influence the ultimate price. Third, regula-
tory processes may entail pure bureaucratic delay. The welfare con-
sequences of these direct/domestic effects of a country’s regulation on its
citizens are ambiguous a priori, because any foregone health benefit due to
fewer/later launches may be offset by savings from lower drug prices
and better pre-launch information about a drug’s relative safety and
More problematic from a social welfare perspective are the indirect/
spillover effects that arise when one country regulates its drug price with
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reference to the price of the same drug in other countries (‘‘external
referencing’’). For example, many EU countries cap their prices at the mean,
median, or minimum price in a group of other EU countries. By under-
mining market segmentation and price discrimination, external referencing
by high-price countries creates spillover incentives for a firm to seek higher
prices or not launch in lower-price referenced countries. The welfare
consequences in the referenced low-price countries are clearly negative, since
they suffer reduced access to new drugs and possibly higher prices due to
external referencing by other countries, with no offsetting benefits. Parallel
importation by high-price EU countries from low-price EU countries is a
second spillover mechanism that may also contribute to non-launch and
higher prices, and hence negative welfare consequences for the exporting
Understanding these indirect effects of one country’s regulation
on launch in other countries is particularly important as the scope of refer-
encing is increasing in the EU and in other regions, and the United States
considers both referencing foreign drug prices and/or legalizing parallel
trade (‘‘drug importation’’).
Previous studies of launch experience for new drugs (Danzon, Wang, &
Wang, 2005;Kyle, 2006, 2007;Lanjouw, 2005) have generally concluded
that price regulation contributes to launch delay. As detailed below, how-
ever, these prior estimates are inconclusive because: their proxy measures of
regulation were at best rough and sometimes inaccurate, leading to possible
measurement error and some contradictory results; they lacked product-
specific data on prices of competitor products, a critical benchmark for
regulation and hence expected launch prices; they estimated launch equa-
tions that presupposed regulatory effects on launch prices, but were unable to
corroborate with evidence on launch prices; and none clearly distinguished
the indirect spillover effects of regulation from benign determinants of
launch sequencing.
This chapter provides robust estimates of the effects of regulation on both
launch delay and launch prices. We distinguish clearly between the direct/
domestic effects of a country’s own regulatory system and the indirect/
spillover effects on other countries, and clarify the negative welfare con-
sequences of the spillover effects. We use the average price (lagged one
quarter) of established products in the same subclass as the most accurate
available measure of the effect of regulation on expected prices and hence
the direct effect of regulation on launch.
We distinguish the influence of
products in the same subclass vs. older subclass, to provide evidence on
whether the availability of older, cheaper products constrains launch prices
for new drugs in innovative subclasses and hence the extent of static
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vs. dynamic competition. We also provide evidence on (lack of) first-mover
advantage and on the influence of local corporations on launch timing and
prices in some countries. Additionally, to identify the impact of external
referencing spillovers separately from rational launch sequencing, we
compare the effects on launch delay and pricing in low-priced EU countries
of prior launch in high-priced EU countries with prior launch in high-priced
non-EU countries.
Our study uses quarterly sales data, by drug, from IMS Health from 1992
to 2003 for 15 major countries and 12 major therapeutic classes, all of
which experienced entry of a new subclass during our study period (e.g., in
the antiulcerant class, the proton pump inhibitors [PPIs] displaced the
H2-antagonists). We estimate a two-equation model of launch hazard and
launch price for molecules in the superior subclasses.
We find that launch hazards and prices of new drugs are positively
associated with prices of established products in the same new subclass,
but find no evidence of effects of old subclasses on new subclasses. Thus,
to the extent that regulation reduces drug prices, it directly contributes
to launch delay/non-launch, but availability of cheaper drugs in older
subclasses does not constrain drug prices for new subclasses. Regulatory
referencing by high-price EU countries contributes to launch delay/
non-launch in low-price EU countries. The evidence here shows that
indirect regulatory strategies that rely on referencing to foreign prices or
importing from foreign countries can impose significant welfare loss on these
foreign countries due to launch lags, non-launch, and higher prices. The
model implies that such effects will be greater, the larger the referencing
country relative to the referenced country and the greater the potential price
difference. Thus, this evidence is particularly relevant as the United States
considers external referencing and/or legalizing drug importation/parallel
trade, given the huge size of the US market (almost 40% of global
pharmaceutical sales) relative to potential referenced countries.
It is also
relevant to the growing concern over high prices of drugs in developing
countries, which are plausibly attributable in part to the risk of referencing
or importation by higher-priced countries, as well as other factors.
In this chapter, we first review the relevant literature and describe the
main types of price regulation and their expected direct and indirect effects
on drug launch. We then outline our theoretical model, the empirical
specification, data, and variable definitions. The final sections report the
empirical evidence on direct and indirect effects of regulation on drug
launch timing and launch prices, and draw policy conclusions.
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Several studies have examined effects of price regulation on lags in new drug
launch. Danzon, Wang, and Wang (2005) studied the launch experience of
85 new drugs in the 25 leading markets in the 1990s, focusing on drugs that
had met registration requirements of one of the two strictest agencies (the
US Food and Drug Administration [FDA] and the UK Medicines Agency)
and hence could potentially meet registration requirements in other
countries. This analysis is used as a proxy for the direct regulatory effect
on a new drug’s expected price the average price of all competitor products
in the class, measured at the time of the new drug’s global launch. This
class-wide average price at global launch may be an imprecise measure of
expected price for a new drug in a new subclass, because the average
includes older subclasses and generics and because several years may have
elapsed between first global launch and launch in a particular country. Our
present study estimates separate effects of (a) the average price of other
on-patent drugs in the new subclass (‘‘superior’’ brands) vs. (b) the average
price of older brands in other, related subclasses (‘‘inferior’’ brands), and
(c) the average price of generics, all measured contemporaneously (one
quarter prior to launch). We find that launch of new brands is affected only
by prices of brands in the same subclass. That prices of new drugs are not
constrained by prices of older, cheaper brand, or generic substitutes has
important implications for regulatory policy.
Kyle (2007) used a more heterogeneous sample of compounds and
countries, a longer time period (1980–1999), and measured regulation with a
vector of regulatory structure indicators and a price rank indicator. She
concluded that price controls reduced launch probability in countries that
impose them. However, the regulatory indicators are from 2000/2002; hence
they postdate the 1980–1999 analysis period and do not reflect significant
changes in several countries within the analysis period. The indicators
incorrectly classify some countries and are missing for others. More funda-
mentally, within each measured regulatory type, there are major unmea-
sured differences across countries and over time that affect prices. Kyle’s
only measure of expected price is an indicator for a country’s price rank in
2002, which is invariant across classes and years. This was negatively related
to launch probability prior to 1995, contrary to predictions, and insigni-
ficant after 1995. Kyle’s (2006) analysis of launch in the G7 countries uses a
single binary indicator for drug price controls. This is negatively associated
with launch probability in some specifications, but is insignificant in others.
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Thus, this evidence for the direct effects of regulation on launch proba-
bilities from these analyses using regulatory indicators is inconclusive.
With respect to spillover effects of regulation, these prior papers use
indicator variables for prior launch in a high-price vs. low-price country.
However, none tests for differential effects between countries that are
closely linked vs. those that are not, which is necessary to distinguish
regulatory spillovers from other unobserved factors that may lead to
sequenced launches, such as coordinated regulatory filings. Finally, these
papers show that launch by a local corporation increases launch proba-
bilities on average, but there is no analysis of differential effects across
countries and no compelling evidence on whether this reflects a true
experience advantage or simply political bias towards local firms.
Lanjouw (2005) examined launch in a large, heterogeneous sample of new
drugs in 68 countries between 1982 and 2002, using covariates measured at
first global launch. She also lacked data on competitor prices and measured
regulatory stringency with binary indicator variables that are invariant
across classes and over the 20-year study period. Given the imprecise
measure of regulation, the conclusions on direct effects of price regulation
are inconclusive. Lanjouw did not address spillover effects.
None of the previous papers examine effects of regulation on launch
prices. Kanavos and Costa-Font (2005) argue that parallel trade has led
regulators in the lower-price EU countries, such as Italy, France, and
Portugal, to accept higher prices, but they do not directly test this. Similarly,
Grossman and Lai (2006) present a theoretical model in which regulators in
parallel export markets accept higher regulated prices under regimes of
international patent exhaustion (i.e., parallel trade is permitted), but no
empirical evidence is presented. Our chapter is the first to provide evidence
of effects of regulatory spillovers on launch prices.
New drugs facetwo possible regulatory hurdles: registration and price approval.
In all countries, drug registration requires proof of safety, efficacy, and
manufacturing quality as a condition of market access. In the 1990s, the
US FDA and counterpart agencies in Europe harmonized some data
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requirements and adopted measures to accelerate review while retaining
autonomy in decision-making. Since 1995, the European Medicines Agency
(EMA) has offered both centralized and mutual recognition procedures that
can lead to simultaneous registration of new drugs in all EU countries, as an
alternative to the traditional country-by-country review through national
drug-approval agencies.
Thus, cross-national differences in drug registra-
tion regulation cannot explain large systematic differences in launch timing
among EU countries or between the United States and European Union.
Japan is an exception in retaining special requirements, including clinical
trials on Japanese citizens.
Price/Reimbursement Regulation
Once a new drug clears registration hurdles, most countries with national
health insurance systems require price approval as a condition of reimburse-
Countries use one or both of two criteria to set launch prices:
(a) ‘‘internal referencing’’ to prices of one or more competitor products in
the same therapeutic class, with potential for mark-ups for superior efficacy
or other factors,
or (b) ‘‘external referencing’’ to the minimum, median, or
mean of prices of the same drug in specified comparator countries. Most
price regulatory regimes disallow post-launch price increases, and price cuts
are sometimes mandated; hence, the launch price is critical to a drug’s life
cycle price profile. Internal referencing may entail bureaucratic delay and
possibly strategic delay if firms (regulators) hold out to achieve a higher
(lower) price. However, regulators should have incentives to weigh any costs
associated with launch delay against the benefits in lower prices, with no
significant spillover to other countries.
By contrast, because external referencing regimes benchmark their price
to the price of the same drug in other countries, they create incentives
for firms to delay launch in referenced lower-price countries until prices
have been established in other potentially higher-price countries and/or
regulators in low-price countries accept higher prices. Thus, higher-price
countries that reference lower-price countries can impose launch delay and
possibly contribute to higher prices in the referenced countries.
Identifying the contribution of these regulatory regimes to drug launch
experience in specific countries is complex because most countries use
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 41
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multiple forms of regulation, including both internal and external referen-
cing, and the details of each regulation type differ across countries. The
effects of internal referencing depend on the choice of comparator products
and criteria for and size of mark-ups, if any. External referencing effects
depend on countries referenced, whether minimum, median, or mean price is
used, the other countries that the referenced countries reference, exchange
rates, and whether external referencing is only one among several factors
considered. The complexity of these regulatory details and changes within
countries over time make it impossible to accurately categorize countries
by regulatory indicators or derive a firm’s optimal launch sequence and
minimum reservation price for each drug–country pair. However, a clear
prediction is that referencing of low-price countries by high-price countries
will exacerbate launch delay and possibly raise prices in the low-price
countries, especially if they are small relative to the referencing countries. Of
the countries in our data during our study period, France, Japan, Canada,
the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, and Brazil nominally used both internal and
external referencing for some drugs in at least part of our time period.
Greece and Portugal also used external referencing for most of the period.
In Germany and the United Kingdom, a new drug could be launched and
reimbursed without regulatory approval of price, although governments
monitor average international price differences and other control mechan-
isms applied.
In the United States, private sector plans negotiate
prices, and some public sector plans (e.g., Medicaid, the Veterans Admini-
stration) mandate either a discount off the average or the lowest price to
private plans.
The inability of regulatory indicator variables to accurately measure these
complex regulatory systems is evidenced by results from international price
comparisons. For example, although France, Japan, and Canada all use
both internal and external referencing, weighted price indexes for 1999 and
2005 show Canadian and French prices roughly 30% lower than the
United States, whereas Japan’s prices were higher than the United States
(Danzon & Furukawa, 2003, 2008).
Rather than using regulatory type indicators, we use average prices of
competitor products as the most accurate measure of the net direct effect of
each country’s regulatory system on expected prices for new drugs. These
lagged prices can be treated as exogenous, because prices are constrained by
regulation in most countries and incentives for competitors to cut price as an
entry deterrence strategy are weak or nonexistent (see footnote 5). To test
for spillover effects, we categorize countries as high-price EU countries
(UK, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden), low-price EU countries (France,
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Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece), and high-price non-EU countries (US,
Canada, Japan, Switzerland), based on average prices in our dataset and
evidence from earlier price comparisons (Danzon & Furukawa, 2003).
Parallel Trade
Parallel trade between EU states is legal under the Treaty of Rome. In our
data, parallel imports are reported only in the high-price EU countries,
but the exporting country is not reported. Parallel exporting countries are
mainly the low-price EU countries (France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and
Portugal) (Burstall, 1998). Parallel export risk may raise a firm’s reserva-
tion price for launch in low-price countries within the European Union.
Measurement of parallel trade risk is described below.
If markets were separable and prices were unregulated, profit-maximizing
firms would set prices independently for each country and would launch
promptly after registration in all markets where the expected net present
value of revenues exceeds country-specific fixed launch costs. With price
regulation and potential spillovers, a necessary condition for launch of drug
sin country jis that expected net present value of revenues exceeds country-
specific fixed costs plus any revenue loss in other countries due to spillovers:
t¼1(½PsjtðPbjt ðR;NbjtÞ;Pgjt ðNgjt Þ;Yj;PsktÞCsjt Qsjt ðQjt;Nbjt ;NgjtÞ
XjktðPsjt ;Rkt;Ikt Þ)ert dt4FjtðHÞð1Þ
The expected price of product s,P
, is assumed to depend on: P
, the
average price of competitor brand products, which depends on regulatory
regime Rand on number of brand competitor products in the subclass
(or launch order if first-mover advantage is significant) N
; the average
price of competitor generics P
, which depends on number of generic
competitors N
; per capita income, Y, which may affect demand and
regulatory stringency; and P
, the price of drug sin countries k,y,KZ0
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that are referenced by j. Expected sales volume Q
depends on aggregate
sales in the class Q
, and on the number of brand and generic competitors
and N
Expected net revenue from launch is decreasing in
, the spillover effect of P
on revenues in country k,
which either references to jor derives parallel imports Ifrom j. F
is total fixed cost of drug launch, including registration cost F
and price
approval cost F
, which may be lower if the launching corporation is home-
based H;Tis the duration of the economic life of the drug indexed by t;and
ris the discount factor.
Eq. (1) yields the firm’s reservation price for launch in country j.It
is increasing in X
if launch in jmay reduce revenue loss in country k
due to spillovers from country jð@PAsk
sj =@Xjk40Þ.IfFis invariant across
countries and drugs, reservation price is decreasing in expected market
size ð@PAsk
sj =@Qsj o0Þ. More generally, firms are less likely to launch drugs in
countries with low expected sales, due to low volume or because price
regulation reduces expected prices.
The regulator’s reservation or maximum offer price depends on the
regulatory regime. Under internal referencing, the regulator’s offer depends
directly on prices of substitute products ð@POffer
sj =@Pbj 0Þand evidence of
incremental benefit. If there is diminishing incremental benefit from addi-
tional drugs in a subclass, offer prices are likely to be non-increasing in
launch order (N
). Under external referencing, although the regulatory
formula is based on prices in comparator countries, prices of existing
products provide an empirical proxy for achievable price levels under
country j’s referencing formula. Regulatory offers may be related to per
capita income ð@POffer
sj =@Yj0Þ, given the political pressures in most coun-
tries to constrain health spending within budgets that depend on per capita
income. Potential budget impact may lead regulators to offer lower prices
for drugs with relatively large expected volume, Q
, other things equal
sj =@Qsj 0Þ. If local corporations are favored, @POffer
sj =@Hj0.
If POffer
sj PAsk
sj 0 and a launch price can be agreed within this range,
launch occurs. If not, negotiations may continue and launch may ultimately
occur if either POffer
sj increases, PAsk
sj falls, or some mechanism is negotiated
to bridge the difference, such as a price–volume offset.
In our data, we observe only the launch date and launch price condi-
tional on launch, not the date of registration approval or the ‘‘ask’’ and
‘‘offer’’ prices. We therefore estimate reduced form equations for the launch
hazard and launch price as a function of the determinants of the firm’s ask
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price and the regulator’s offer price. The reduced form launch hazard
equation is:
hsjt ¼hP
Because the bargaining range P
W0 also defines the range for
the price, conditional on launch, the reduced form launch price equation
includes the same variables as the launch hazard equation:
Psj ¼fP
Identification of structural parameters from the reduced form estimates is
not possible because most variables enter both the ‘‘ask’’ and the ‘‘offer’’
equations and with the same expected sign. In theory, expected price and
market size at global launch t
influence the decision to seek registration
approval and hence could identify the launch hazard equation, whereas
launch price depends on (lagged) contemporaneous competitor prices. In
practice, both pre-launch values and change over time of the expected price
and quantity variables were insignificant in the launch equation, after
controlling for contemporaneous values.
Launch Estimation
We estimate the launch hazard using a maximum likelihood discrete-time
implementation of a proportional hazards model based on complemen-
tary log–log regression.
In the clog–log analysis, each drug is eligible for
launch in all countries starting from its quarter of first launch in any country
in our sample (‘‘global launch’’), and remained eligible until it launched.
Thus each drug sin each country jcontributes t
observations, the number
of quarters from product s’s global launch through either first launch in
country jor the end of our study period.
To account for the intramolecule
clustering across countries, we used robust standard errors or molecule
random effects.
The hazard of launch is h
, the probability that drug slaunches in
country jin period tconditional on not having previously launched. Using a
clog–log specification implies that
hsjt ¼1exp expðlðtÞþbGsjtÞ
where G
is a vector of explanatory variables as outlined above. To facilitate
interpretation, we present marginal effects calculated at the regressors’
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mean values. The standard errors of the marginal effects were calculated using
the delta method.
One limitation of the clog–log specification is failure to account for
possible time-invariant unobserved characteristics common to a molecule
across countries that influence launch. Unobserved heterogeneity may lead
to coefficient attenuation and biased estimates of duration dependence
(Heckman & Singer, 1984;Lancaster, 1990). We address this issue by adding
a normally distributed term for the drug-level heterogeneity n
hsjt ¼1exp expðlðtÞþbGsjt þnsÞ
Split-Population Estimates
The clog–log specification embeds the assumption that the probability of
launch goes to unity as time goes to infinity. Some of the molecules in our
sample might not meet drug-approval requirements or would have limited
market potential in some countries, however. We therefore also estimate a
discrete-time split-population model with time-varying covariates (Jenkins,
1995;Schmidt & Witte, 1989), which allows for some empirically estimated
sample-wide proportion of drugs never to launch.
Launch Price
We use ordinary least squares with molecule-clustered standard errors to
model the log of launch price of drug sin country j, conditional on launch-
ing. To account for unobserved molecule characteristics we also report
results from a generalized least squares (GLS) random effects estimator.
We use data from IMS Health’s Midas database on drugs in 15 countries
for 12 therapeutic classes, all of which experienced the launch of a new
subclass shortly before or during our study period, 1992–2003.
The data
for each molecule include active ingredient, originator corporation(s) and
marketing companies, pack description, launch date, therapeutic class, and
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quarterly data on outpatient sales at manufacturer prices (revenue in local
currency) and unit volume (IMS standard units)
from 1Q 1992 through 4Q
2003. After the data were screened for internal consistency, revenue was
adjusted for inflation using country-quarter-specific Producer Price Indexes
available from the International Monetary Fund, with 2003 as the base year,
and converted to US dollars using the average 2003 country-specific
exchange rate. Price per dose for each drug was calculated on a quarterly
basis as the ratio of total revenues to standard units sold.
Of the 375 molecules in the dataset, 116 are classified as in new subclasses
(‘‘superior’’) and 259 are classified as in older subclasses (‘‘inferior’’).
Among the superior molecules, 221 of their potential 1,740 drug–country
launches had occurred prior to our study period; we observe 885 of the
1,519 potential superior drug–country launches during our 12-year study
Variable Definitions
Regulation/Expected Price
We use the (log-lagged) unweighted average price of competitor brand
(originator and licensed, including parallel imports) products in the same
therapeutic class as a comprehensive measure of the direct effect of price
regulation on expected price for a new drug. The price of close competitor
products is the explicit regulatory benchmark in internal referencing
regimes; it should also be a rough proxy for the net effect of external
referencing formulae. In free-pricing countries, the average price of esta-
blished products provides an estimate of the expected price of a new drug,
assuming competition constrains similar products to have similar prices. We
distinguish between average prices for superior and inferior subclasses, to
test for differential effects within vs. between subclasses, as proxies for
static vs. dynamic price competition in free-pricing countries; in regulated
markets, analogous effects operate via the regulator’s choice of comparator
Launch Order and First-Mover Advantage
Number of brand competitors in the subclass was included to test for first-
mover advantage and/or diminishing incremental benefit. It was insignif-
icant and replaced in the launch equation with an indicator variable for
quarters in which there are no molecules in the country-subclass. Indicator
variables for launch order are retained in the launch price equation.
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Expected Sales Volume
The (log-lagged) total number of doses sold in the same therapeutic class as
the new drug is included as a measure of expected volume.
The expected
effect on launch hazard and price is uncertain a priori, depending on whether
the firm’s opportunity cost of delay dominates the regulator’s concern
over budget impact. It was insignificant and was dropped from the price
equation to conserve degrees of freedom.
External Referencing Spillovers
To test for indirect effects in low-price countries of regulatory referencing by
high-price countries, we included three count variables that measure the
number of countries in which a molecule has already launched, categorized
by low-price EU countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece),
high-price EU countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom) and high-priced non-EU countries (the United States,
Japan, and Canada). Our categorization of low- and high-price EU countries
is supported by actual average prices (see below). These variables are also
interacted with indicators for whether the potential launch is in a low-price
vs. high-price EU country. Although the external referencing hypothesis
predicts that launch delay and price in low-price EU countries will be
positively related to prior launch in high-price EU countries, this could also be
explained by rational launch sequencing, even without external referencing.
An additional prediction of the external referencing hypothesis alone, which
we test, is that the association between launch in a low-priced EU country
and prior launch in a high-priced EU country should be greater than the
association between launch in low-price EU countries and prior launch in
high-price non-EU countries.
In the price equation, we include similar interactions, except that we use
the Minimum Own Price in high-price EU, low-price EU, and high-price
non-EU countries, defined as the lowest price received for the molecule in
any country where launch has already occurred, for each country group,
rather than simple count variables for number of prior launches. Estimates
using Maximum Own Price were similar to those reported here using
Minimum Own Price. Both variables could not be included together due
to collinearity.
We also include a dummy variable Any PI Share in Subclass, to test
whether risk of competition from parallel import reduces the propensity to
launch or reduces launch prices.
Because the IMS data do not identify the
country from which PIs originate, we cannot test directly whether volume
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of parallel exports reduces launch hazards in exporting countries. Rather,
the propensity to parallel export is subsumed in the country-fixed effects.
Launch Timing
A quadratic in years since global launch is included to control for the decline
in incentives for launch with time since global launch, because patents run
regardless of launch and compounds may undergo obsolescence due to entry
of newer compounds. An indicator for molecules launched before 1990
controls for their relatively old age. An indicator for molecules launched
since 1996 tests for effects of the EMA regime. It is expected to be positive if
the cost-reducing effects of the EMA coordinated registration process
outweighed the increased risk of spillovers. Molecules launched during
1990–1995 are the referent category.
Country of Domicile
Previous studies have found that on average new drugs launch more quickly
in the home country of the originator firm (Danzon, Wang, & Wang, 2005;
Kyle, 2006, 2007); however, differences across countries, by type of local
firm, and effects on launch prices have not been examined. Elsewhere
(Danzon & Epstein, 2009), we report results for three categories of local
corporations: Local Originators, Solo Licensees, and Local Co-marketers.
These effects are included in the regression estimates but not discussed in
detail here.
Country and Year Effects
We include country-fixed effects to capture other country-specific factors
that may affect launch delay and launch prices (controlling for expected
price, volume, and per capita income), in particular, pure bureaucratic delay
and parallel export risk. Germany is excluded as the referent country.
The Dollar–Euro/ECU exchange rate and the PPI are included in the
price equation to control for exchange rate and indexing trends that could
bias our dollar-denominated estimates of competitor prices and launch
prices. Year effects were included in some specifications, but were generally
insignificant and are not reported here.
Product Characteristics
The price equation includes product characteristics that affect price per
dose, including pack size, pill strength (grams per unit), and indicator
variables for specialized formulations (oral delayed and non-oral solids),
with oral solids (basic tablets and capsules) as the referent formulation.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 49
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There are substantial differences in the number and timing of molecule
launches by country and subclass (Table 1). For the superior subclasses,
Germany and the United States (two free-pricing countries) have the most
molecules ever launched (88 and 86). Sweden, the United States, the Nether-
lands, Germany, and the United Kingdom (all higher price, less-strictly
regulated) also have the shortest median launch delay (17.4–18.7 months).
Japan, Portugal, and France (all strict price-regulated countries) have the
fewest superior molecules (53, 62, and 69 respectively) and the longest mean
launch lags (41, 31, and 37).
Table 2 reports unweighted mean prices by country-subclass-license type,
to provide a rough measure of benchmark competitor prices used by
regulators and firms in forming price expectations. Note that these means
reflect differences in molecules and formulations, in addition to price differ-
ences for identical products, and hence are not valid indexes of cross-
national price differences for a standardized basket of drugs.
These unweighted mean prices show that, for originator/licensee superior
products in the EU, the strictly price-regulated regimes (France, Spain,
Portugal, Greece, and Italy) have relatively low prices. Thus, we classify
them as ‘‘low-price EU markets.’’ The countries with no or less extensive
price/reimbursement regulation (Germany, the United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and Sweden) have higher mean prices, and we classify them as
‘‘high-price EU markets.’’ The United States has the highest prices, followed
closely by Canada; we also classify Switzerland and Japan as ‘‘non-EU high-
price markets’’ based on other price index comparisons (Danzon &
Furukawa, 2003), although Japan’s unweighted mean prices are quite low
in Table 2. Originator prices are lower in inferior than superior subclasses,
and country rankings are similar but with smaller differentials. Other brand
prices are generally higher than for Unbranded Generics, as expected.
prices generally fall between generic and originator prices, as expected;
however, these differentials are not based on a standardized product mix and
do not provide an accurate measure of originator/PI price differentials.
Table 3 reports marginal effects from our basic launch specification,
using clog–log estimates with either robust, clustered standard errors, or
molecule-level normal random effects to control for unobserved molecule
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Table 1. Launch and Molecule Count and Mean and Median Launch Delay by Country and Subclass.
Country Superior Subclasses Inferior Subclasses
Molecules Launches Mean Launch
Median Launch
Molecules Launches Mean Launch
Median Launch
High-price EU countries
Germany 88 72 18.5 9.5 131 18 30.4 17.5
UK 80 58 18.7 6.5 116 24 69.2 41.5
Netherlands 73 56 18.1 10 112 21 43.7 15
Sweden 77 62 17.4 7 82 19 49.9 18
Low-price EU countries
France 69 53 30.9 29 105 19 87.6 59
Greece 72 55 30.1 22 107 37 116.8 54
Italy 76 61 24.8 21 127 26 74.7 48.5
Portugal 62 48 37.0 33.5 113 26 85.8 67
Spain 76 62 28.1 21 112 23 43.9 31
High-price non-EU countries
Canada 73 62 25.6 16 98 22 91.9 66.5
Japan 53 42 41.0 40 158 43 63.3 28
Switzerland 78 63 23.9 18 111 21 55.5 47
USA 86 72 17.9 8 97 23 86.4 62
Low-price non-EU countries
Brazil 71 60 31.2 20.5 92 40 107.1 90.5
Mexico 72 59 28.6 17 105 28 84.0 55
Note: Launch delays measured in months.
Sample includes all molecules present and new launches occurring in our data during 1992–2003.
Launch delays are calculated only for country launches that occurred during 1992–2003 (regardless of when the global launch occurred).
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 51
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Table 2. Mean Price per Dose by Country, Subclass and License Type in 2003.
Country Superior Subclasses Inferior Subclasses
High-price EU countries
Germany 30.31 0.49 9.23 0.94 2.56 0.32 0.33 0.75
UK 13.26 0.64 1.36 0.61 6.18 0.93 0.46 1.27
Netherlands 35.53 0.05 2.22 7.75 10.79 0.45 0.61 0.72
Sweden 24.41 0.34 1.79 0.45 13.08 0.26 0.42 0.98
Low-price EU countries
France 6.52 0.41 N/A 0.89 0.28 0.39 N/A 0.75
Greece 12.84 1.11 N/A 0.56 6.26 0.45 N/A 0.80
Italy 2.24 0.41 N/A 0.77 0.30 0.31 N/A 0.61
Portugal 1.83 0.44 N/A 0.78 0.33 0.20 N/A 0.34
Spain 6.13 0.33 N/A 1.06 0.28 0.63 N/A 0.69
High-price non-EU countries
Canada 49.30 0.57 N/A 0.60 1.03 0.93 N/A 0.57
Japan 12.27 0.44 N/A 0.73 2.62 1.26 N/A 0.59
Switzerland 34.64 0.81 N/A 0.76 5.81 0.37 N/A 1.43
USA 52.70 0.90 N/A 14.22 11.05 1.43 N/A 12.72
Low-price non-EU countries
Brazil 2.34 0.39 N/A 0.95 4.21 0.21 N/A 0.35
Mexico 18.34 0.69 N/A 1.65 5.84 0.26 N/A 0.53
Note: All prices are ex manufacturer prices per standard unit in 2003 US Dollars.
Sample includes all molecules present in our dataset in 2003.
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Table 3. Marginal Effects for Launch Model.
Variables Clog–Log With
Clustered SEs
Clog–Log With
Normal REs
Log average price of superior brands
(Lag 1Q)
[0.0027] [0.0032]
Log average price of inferior brands
(Lag 1Q)
0.0031 0.0053
[0.0029] [0.0031]
Log total volume of all drugs in class
(Lag 1Q)
0.0034 0.0012
[0.0027] [0.0035]
Num generic manufs per molc in superior
subclass (Lag 1Q)
0.0002 0.0005
[0.0002] [0.0004]
Num generic manufs per molc in inferior
subclass (Lag 1Q)
0.0001 0.0001
[0.0001] [0.0001]
No molecules in superior subclass D.V. 0.0135 0.0089
[0.0105] [0.0129]
No molecules in inferior subclass D.V. 0.0210
[0.0074] [0.0181]
Time since global launch (years) 0.0291
[0.0046] [0.0049]
Time since global launch squared (years) 0.0011
[0.0002] [0.0002]
First global launch before 1990 D.V. 0.0002 0.0131
[0.0090] [0.0149]
First global launch in [1996-end] D.V. 0.0023 0.0058
[0.0066] [0.0108]
Num already launched (UK, Germany) 0.0290
[0.0071] [0.0072]
Num already launched (Sweden,
[0.0052] [0.0059]
Num already launched (Italy, France) 0.0126
[0.0055] [0.0058]
Num already launched (Spain, Portugal,
0.0031 0.0024
[0.0030] [0.0040]
Num already launched (Canada, Japan,
Switzerland, USA)
[0.0030] [0.0035]
Any PI share in subclass D.V. 0.0008 0.0041
[0.0072] [0.0092]
Launch by local originator corporation D.V. 0.1286
[0.0458] [0.0420]
Launch by solo licensee corporation D.V. 0.0328
[0.0130] [0.0157]
Launch by local co-marketer
corporation D.V.
[0.0145] [0.0160]
USD to (ECU or Euro) exchange rate 0.0044 0.0115
[0.0209] [0.0255]
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 53
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Table 3. (Continued )
Variables Clog–Log With
Clustered SEs
Clog–Log With
Normal REs
UK D.V. 0.0101 0.0090
[0.0085] [0.0111]
Netherlands D.V. 0.0276
[0.0082] [0.0106]
Sweden D.V. 0.0249
[0.0099] [0.0116]
France D.V. 0.0340
[0.0078] [0.0110]
Greece D.V. 0.0341
[0.0086] [0.0116]
Italy D.V. 0.0296
[0.0084] [0.0109]
Portugal D.V. 0.0405
[0.0084] [0.0115]
Spain D.V. 0.0261
[0.0079] [0.0112]
Canada D.V. 0.0310
[0.0084] [0.0108]
Japan D.V. 0.0436
[0.0083] [0.0114]
Switzerland D.V. 0.0313
[0.0089] [0.0119]
USA D.V. 0.0283
[0.0085] [0.0104]
Brazil D.V. 0.0326
[0.0084] [0.0111]
Mexico D.V. 0.0345
[0.0086] [0.0115]
Therapeutic class fixed effects included? Yes Yes
Num observations 23,400 23,400
Number of molecule-level clusters 111 111
Model log-likelihood
Mean of dependent variable 0.0378 0.0378
Note: All prices are ex manufacturer prices per standard unit in 2003 US dollars.
Standard errors in brackets.
Significant at 10%;
significant at 5%;
significant at 1%.
D.V., dummy variable; Num, number; manuf, manufacturer; molc, molecule.
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characteristics. The clog–log and random effects estimates are generally
consistent. Country and class-fixed effects are included.
Direct Effect of Price Regulation
Launch hazards are significantly related to mean prices of competitor
brands in the same subclass: for superior products a 10% increase in
competitor prices is associated with a 0.053 percentage point increase in the
launch hazard, which implies an elasticity of 0.0014 at the 3.8% mean
launch hazard for superior molecules per quarter. Thus to the extent that
regulation reduces prices, it reduces incentives to launch. These estimates
may underestimate the magnitude of regulatory effects, if our measure of
mean price, based on all originator and licensed products in the subclass,
includes some that are not used as comparators by regulators. Cross-class
price effects are insignificant, indicating that regulatory benchmarking
and/or competitive constraints operate primarily within rather than between
subclasses, and that dynamic competition is driven by product character-
istics other than price. Similarly, the effects of number of generic compe-
titors are negative but statistically insignificant, providing further evidence
that availability of older, cheaper generic substitutes is not a significant
deterrent to the launch of new brand products, even in older subclasses
where generics are more numerous, possibly because generic substitution is
mostly within rather than between molecules.
Unit volume for the therapeutic class – whether measured contempor-
aneously, at global launch, as a growth rate, or by subclass – was not
significant. This may reflect offsetting incentives for regulators to constrain
prices more stringently for compounds with large potential sales, whereas
firms prefer to launch these drugs more promptly.
Launch Timing and Sequence
Launch hazards appear first to decrease then increase with time since global
launch, reaching a minimum at 13.5 years from global launch.
average quadratic specification reflects the diverse launch patterns in
Table 1, which shows median launch lags for superior drugs of less than
one year in the high-price EU countries and the United States, followed
by launch within the second year for all other countries except France,
Portugal, and Japan, where launch typically occurs later.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 55
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The coefficient on the post-1996 global launch indicator is negative but
insignificant for superior drugs. Taken at face value this suggests that on
average the EMA process has not reduced launch lags, possibly because
price approval is the rate-limiting regulatory hurdle and any cost-reducing
effect of accelerated approval is offset by increased risk of spillovers.
Indirect Regulatory Effects: Cross-National Spillovers
The evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that launch in low-priced EU
countries is adversely affected by the risk of spillover to higher-price EU
countries through external referencing and possibly PI risk. For superior
drugs, the coefficients on number of countries in which launch has already
occurred are positive and significant, with the exception of prior launch
in the three lowest-price EU countries, Spain, Portugal, and Greece.
The marginal effect is largest for prior launch in the United Kingdom or
Germany, at 0.030, and is 0.025 for prior launch in Sweden or the
Netherlands. By contrast the marginal effect of prior launch in Italy or
France is 0.013, and for high price non-EU countries the marginal effect
is only 0.009.
This pattern confirms that firms delay launch in low-price
EU countries until launch has occurred in higher-price EU countries.
Moreover, because Spain, Portugal, and Greece reference the lowest prices
in a group of relatively low-price countries, including France and Italy, a
firm’s optimal launch strategy plausibly leads to launching last in these three
countries, after higher prices have been established in the countries that
they reference.
To explore further the spillover effects, we estimated a specification that
includes counts of prior launches in high-price EU, low-price EU, and other
high-price countries (Canada, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States),
together with interactions between these launch counts and indicators for
whether the current observation is a low- or a high-price EU country.
Marginal effects of these interactions are reported in Table 4. The marginal
effect of a prior launch (from zero to one) in a high-price EU country on
launch in a low-price EU country is 0.0018, whereas the effect of a prior
launch in another low-price EU country is only 0.0005, and the difference is
statistically significant. Similarly, the marginal effect on launch in a low-
price EU country is greater from a prior launch in a high-price EU country
than from a launch in a high-price non-EU country, as expected, because
referencing and parallel trade within the EU is only to EU countries. This
evidence thus supports the hypothesis that the observed pattern reflects
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spillovers, rather than other unobserved factor that may be correlated with
launch timing across countries.
Parallel import presence in the class is not associated with launch hazard
in the importing country, after controlling for country-fixed effects. This
may simply reflect the high correlation between the PI indicator and the
country indicators for the four importing countries – Germany, Sweden, the
Netherlands, and the United Kingdom – and the high PIs presence across
classes in those countries. It is also more likely that parallel trade risk
leads primarily to non-launch or launch delay in the parallel export coun-
tries, not in the importing countries. We cannot measure this effect in the
exporting countries because our data do not report PI country of origin;
hence, it is subsumed in country effects.
Country-Fixed Effects
For superior drugs, compared to Germany, the referent country, other
country effects are all negative. Marginal effects are smallest for the United
Kingdom (0.011) and other relatively free-pricing countries; marginal
effects are largest for Japan (0.044), probably reflecting its unique clinical
Table 4. Marginal Effects of Prior Foreign Launch on Launch Hazard
in Low-Price EU Countries for Superior Subclasses.
Marginal Effects of Prior Foreign Launch in Low-Price EU Countries
Clog–log with robust clustered SEs
Net effect of a single prior launch in a
high-price EU country
Net effect of a single prior launch in a
low-price EU country
Difference 0.0013
Net effect of a single prior launch in a
high-price EU country
Net effect of a single prior launch in a
high-price non-EU country
Difference 0.0012
Standard errors in brackets.
Significant at 10%;
significant at 5%;
significant at 1%.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 57
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trial requirements; and the major EU parallel export countries (Spain,
France, Greece, Portugal, and Italy) are all significantly negative, as are
several other countries.
Split-Population Estimates
The split-population estimates are generally consistent with the clog–log
estimates (see Danzon & Epstein, 2009). However, the split-population
estimates imply that the probability of never launching is highly significant
for 27.7% of inferior molecule–country pairs, compared with only 4.9%
of the superior molecules. This provides further evidence that certain mole-
cules, especially late entrants in inferior classes, are not marketable in certain
Whether this reflects inability to meet regulatory or market
requirements cannot be determined with our data.
Table 5 reports the determinants of (log) launch price using ordinary least
squares (OLS) with robust, clustered standard errors, and GLS random
effects to control for unobserved molecule heterogeneity. Our discussion
focuses on estimates that include gross domestic product (GDP) per capita;
excluding GDP changes primarily the country-fixed effects, as reported
below. Year-fixed effects were also included, to control for any bias in our
inflation and exchange rate adjusters, but these coefficients were generally
insignificant and are not reported. Therapeutic class effects were omitted
because they are highly collinear with competitor prices and order of entry
within class.
Competitor Prices
For both superior and inferior products, launch prices are significantly
positively related to prices of competitor products in the same subclass
(elasticity of 0.12 for superiors and 0.17 for inferiors). The cross-subclass
elasticity of inferior drug prices on launch price of new superior drugs is also
positive but smaller (0.08). This confirms the earlier evidence, that launch
hazards are influenced mainly by prices of established products within
subclass, implying that dynamic competition between subclasses is based on
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Table 5. Determinants of Launch Prices, OLS, and Normal Random
Effects Regressions.
Variables OLS w/Robust Clustered SEs Normal Random Effects
Superior brands’ price
missing D.V.
0.0615 0.0636 0.0644 0.0685
[0.1879] [0.1886] [0.1134] [0.1138]
Log avg price of superior
brands (Lag 1Q)
[0.0394] [0.0395] [0.0201] [0.0201]
Inferior brands’ price missing
0.1093 0.114 0.004 0.0157
[0.1523] [0.1541] [0.1118] [0.1121]
Log avg price of inferior
brands (Lag 1Q)
0.0393 0.0387 0.0844
[0.0398] [0.0397] [0.0206] [0.0206]
Generics’ price missing D.V. 0.0674 0.0689 0.0095 0.0115
[0.1168] [0.1165] [0.0758] [0.0761]
Log avg price of generics in
class (Lag 1Q)
0.0292 0.0294 0.0169 0.0162
[0.0295] [0.0296] [0.0194] [0.0195]
Time since global launch
0.0427 0.0413 0.0391 0.0367
[0.0265] [0.0265] [0.0260] [0.0261]
Time since global launch
squared (years)
0.0028 0.0027 0.0005 0.0003
[0.0018] [0.0018] [0.0018] [0.0018]
First brand launch in
ctry-subclass D.V.
0.1998 0.2034 0.2132 0.2164
[0.1656] [0.1656] [0.1307] [0.1312]
Second brand launch in
ctry-subclass D.V.
[0.0824] [0.0824] [0.0749] [0.0751]
Third or fourth brand launch
in ctry-subclass D.V.
[0.0611] [0.0613] [0.0555] [0.0557]
High-price EU min own
price missing D.V.
0.0649 0.0631
[0.0821] [0.0821] [0.0575] [0.0578]
Log min own price in hi-price
EU (Lag 1Q)
[0.0623] [0.0622] [0.0261] [0.0262]
Low-price EU min own price
missing D.V.
0.0185 0.0161 0.0251 0.03
[0.0524] [0.0527] [0.0483] [0.0485]
Log min own price in
low-price EU (Lag 1Q)
0.0243 0.0234 0.0221 0.0188
[0.0394] [0.0390] [0.0279] [0.0280]
High-price non-EU min own
price missing D.V.
0.1054 0.1076 0.1019
[0.0649] [0.0651] [0.0554] [0.0556]
Log min own price in hi-price
non-EU (Lag 1Q)
[0.0522] [0.0519] [0.0251] [0.0252]
Any PI share in subclass
0.022 0.0232 0.0207 0.0236
[0.0795] [0.0786] [0.0650] [0.0653]
Log GDP per capita 0.862 1.8350
[0.9232] [0.7426]
Launch by local originator
corporation D.V.
0.0311 0.0332 0.0693 0.0739
[0.1009] [0.1011] [0.0694] [0.0696]
Launch by solo licensee
corporation D.V.
0.0742 0.0708 0.0543 0.0452
[0.0770] [0.0768] [0.0623] [0.0625]
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 59
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Table 5. (Continued )
Variables OLS w/Robust Clustered SEs Normal Random Effects
Launch by local co-marketer
corporation D.V.
0.0031 0.0038 0.0265 0.0288
[0.0971] [0.0980] [0.0782] [0.0785]
USD to (ECU or Euro)
exchange rate
0.1475 0.1373 0.0265 0.0042
[0.6339] [0.6234] [0.4524] [0.4542]
Country-specific quarterly
Producer Price Index
0.0065 0.0088
[0.0044] [0.0039] [0.0044] [0.0039]
Avg pack size (up to 100) 0.0118
[0.0017] [0.0017] [0.0010] [0.0010]
Pack sizeW100 D.V. 1.1996
[0.1880] [0.1888] [0.1114] [0.1118]
Avg pill strength (g) 0.4791
0.0577 0.0766
[0.2452] [0.2457] [0.2737] [0.2738]
Form: oral solid delayed
0.1014 0.1092 0.1059 0.0926
[0.1994] [0.1988] [0.1823] [0.1829]
Form: injectable D.V. 2.0793
[0.3009] [0.3025] [0.0885] [0.0887]
Form: other 0.0523 0.0551 0.0793 0.0734
[0.1683] [0.1663] [0.1702] [0.1708]
UK D.V. 0.3218
[0.0957] [0.0827] [0.0875] [0.0784]
Netherlands D.V. 0.0707 0.0734 0.0669 0.0711
[0.1034] [0.1022] [0.0798] [0.0802]
Sweden D.V. 0.1746 0.0541 0.3307
[0.1684] [0.0859] [0.1335] [0.0844]
France D.V. 0.2055
0.1272 0.1956
[0.1117] [0.1098] [0.1003] [0.0969]
Greece D.V. 0.2805 0.3932
[0.7187] [0.1198] [0.5893] [0.1050]
Italy D.V. 0.19 0.3485
0.0835 0.2521
[0.1922] [0.1031] [0.1664] [0.0970]
Portugal D.V. 0.373 0.3098
[0.7279] [0.1107] [0.5961] [0.1077]
Spain D.V. 0.1941 0.2498
[0.4840] [0.0992] [0.3931] [0.0928]
Canada D.V. 0.0439 0.0363 0.0338 0.0197
[0.1078] [0.1054] [0.0923] [0.0925]
Japan D.V. 0.1482 0.5852
0.3752 0.5573
[0.5017] [0.2021] [0.3967] [0.1221]
Switzerland D.V. 0.1417 0.2091
[0.4039] [0.0911] [0.3162] [0.0888]
United States D.V. 0.1838 0.5272
0.35 0.3833
[0.4014] [0.1347] [0.3125] [0.0987]
Brazil D.V. 1.2852 -0.3136
[1.6940] [0.1111] [1.3787] [0.0940]
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non-price product attributes. Generic prices have no significant effect on
launch prices of new superior brands, suggesting weak price competition
between new brands and old generics.
Launch Timing and Sequence
Controlling for inflation and exchange rates, launch prices for superior
products decline with time elapsed since global launch, at an estimated rate
(from the random effects model) of –3.8% (p¼0.05) per year.
suggests that manufacturers cannot obtain a higher price simply by holding
out in launch price negotiations.
For superior products, there is no evidence of first-mover advantage in
prices, although second and third entrants do receive higher prices relative
to later entrants in a class.
Cross-National Spillovers
For superior products, launch prices increase with the lowest price previ-
ously received in other high-price EU countries, whereas effects of launch in
Table 5. (Continued )
Variables OLS w/Robust Clustered SEs Normal Random Effects
Mexico D.V. 0.9276 0.2477
[1.2631] [0.1215] [1.0153] [0.0960]
Constant 7.0696 1.2244 16.8192
[8.7738] [0.8798] [7.1791] [0.7247]
Log GDP per capita
Yes No Yes No
Year fixed effects included? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 950 950 950 950
Number of molecule-level
109 109 109 109
0.89 0.89 0.87 0.87
Mean of dependent variable 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74
Standard errors in brackets.
Significant at 10%;
significant at 5%;
significant at 1%.
D.V., dummy variable; Num, number; avg, average; ctry, country.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 61
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low-price EU countries is insignificant. The minimum own price received in
non-EU countries is significantly positive for superior molecules, but
insignificant for inferior molecules, which launch less frequently in high-price
non-EU countries such as the United States and Canada.
We also estimated equations with interactions to test the hypothesis
that spillovers to low-price EU countries are largest from high-price EU
countries. Marginal effects of the interactions are reported in Table 6,
which parallels Table 4 for the launch model in structure and results. We
find that the effect on launch price in a low-price EU country is larger for a
10% increase in a drug’s minimum own price in high-price EU countries
than from a 10% increase in minimum own price in other low-price EU
countries. Specifically, the difference in the marginal effects in the minimum
own price elasticity based on the OLS model is 0.39, and based on the RE
model is 0.26. Similarly, the effect on launch price in a low-price EU country
is substantially larger for a 10% increase in a drug’s minimum own price in
high-price EU countries than it is for a 10% increase in minimum own price
in high-price non-EU countries. The differences in the own price elasticity
are 0.37 from the OLS model and 0.24 for the RE model, consistent with
Table 6. Spillover Effects of Own Price on Launch Price in Low-Price
EU Countries for Superior Subclasses.
Marginal Effects of Log Min Own Price on Launch Price in Low-Price EU Countries
OLS w/Robust
Clustered SEs
Random Effects
Net effect of log min own price in high-price
EU countries (Lag 1Q)
[0.0861] [0.0845]
Net effect of log min own price in low-price
EU countries (Lag 1Q)
0.0366 0.0096
[0.0591] [0.0432]
Difference 0.3870
[0.1103] [0.1055]
Net effect of log min own price in high-price
EU countries (Lag 1Q)
[0.0861] [0.0845]
Net effect of log min own price in high-price
non-EU countries (Lag 1Q)
0.0551 0.0096
[0.0837] [0.0778]
Difference 0.3684
[0.1641] [0.1580]
Note: All prices are ex manufacturer prices per standard unit in 2003 US dollars.
Standard errors in brackets.
Significant at 10%;
significant at 5%;
significant at 1%.
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the hypothesis that launching first in high-price EU markets can influence
prices in low-price EU markets. This evidence from launch prices thus
validates that launch delay in low-price markets may ultimately yield higher
prices in these markets through spillovers from higher-price markets, in
addition to avoiding contamination of those high-price markets.
The indicator for PI presence has no significant effect on launch prices
of superior drugs. This is consistent with theory and prior evidence, that PI
supplies are limited and middlemen capture most of any price differential.
The US Dollar per Euro/ECU exchange rate, which declined from a high
of 1.38 in 1992 to a low of 0.83 in 2000, is insignificant for superior pro-
ducts but large and significant for inferior products. This suggests that our
exchange rate adjustments accurately tracked manufacturer’s pricing
adjustments for the more broadly diffused superior products, which are
at higher risk of referencing and parallel trade. By contrast, our exchange
rate adjustment apparently over-adjusted for launch pricing for inferior
products, which were less likely to launch in the United States and therefore
plausibly, were priced independently of the USD/Euro exchange rate.
For superior drugs, the country-specific Producer Price Index (our price
deflator) is significantly negative in the OLS specification, suggesting that
launch prices of drugs on average have not kept pace with economy-wide
inflation, but this conclusion is tentative because the RE estimate is
Country-Fixed Effects
The country-fixed effects in Table 5 are dramatically different depending on
whether GDP per capita is included. Without GDP controls, prices for
superior molecules in the United States and Japan are significantly higher
than in Germany; prices in Switzerland and Canada are higher but insignifi-
cant, whereas prices in Brazil, Mexico, and all other EU countries are
lower, except the Netherlands and Sweden that are similar to Germany.
However, after controlling for GDP per capita, Brazil, Mexico, Spain,
Portugal, and Greece have prices significantly higher, and Switzerland,
the United Kingdom, and Sweden have prices significantly lower than
Germany, based on the RE estimates.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 63
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Although these are not pure hedonic country effects, taken at face value
they imply that the prevailing spread in drug prices across EU countries is
compressed relative to the counterfactual of differentials based on per
capita income. This may explain at least in part why Spain, Portugal, and
Greece, the lowest-price EU countries in our sample, adopt more stringent
price controls than the higher-price northern countries. However, these
low-price EU countries appear to be constrained in their ability to keep
price differentials in line with income differentials, in part due to external
referencing by and parallel importing to higher-income countries. The
evidence here confirms that the resulting interconnectedness across coun-
tries contributes to higher prices – in addition to delay or non-launch – of
new drugs in these low-price EU countries, as firms seek to avoid spillovers
to prices in higher-price EU countries.
Our findings demonstrate price regulation has both direct (country-specific)
and indirect (spillover) effects on launch timing and launch prices of new
drugs. Launch timing and prices are significantly related to prices of
established products in the same subclass, our measure of price regulation.
Thus, to the extent price regulation reduces price levels, it contributes
directly to longer average launch delays observed in countries that adopt
such regulation. Our estimates suggest that the magnitude of these direct
effects is quite small, although downward bias due to measurement error is
possible. Welfare conclusions on the direct effects of price regulation are
ambiguous, assuming that regulators weigh the benefits of lower prices
against any welfare loss from reduced access to new drugs for their citizens.
We also find significant evidence of indirect or spillover effects of the
external referencing form of price regulation. Specifically, regulatory refer-
encing by high-price countries to lower-price countries within the EU creates
incentives for manufacturers to delay launch in low-price countries until
higher prices have been established in other countries that might reference
these low-price countries. Consistent with such strategies, we show that
launch in higher-price EU countries is associated with increased launch
hazard in lower-price EU countries, and launch prices in low-price
EU countries are directly related to prior launch prices in high-price EU
markets. This evidence, that spillover effects are greater from high-price
EU countries to low-price EU countries, than from high-price non-EU
countries, in both launch and price models, supports the hypothesis that
they are attributable to referencing and possibly parallel trade, not to other
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unmeasured factors that may lead to closely sequenced launches across
countries. To the extent that referencing or parallel importation by higher-
price countries leads to longer launch delay or higher prices in lower-
price countries than would otherwise occur, a welfare loss is imposed on
low-priced countries by the higher-price countries that adopt these regula-
tory strategies.
Although the lower-income EU countries regulate their drug prices,
Spain, Portugal, and Greece nevertheless had relatively high drug prices
given their income, whereas high-price EU countries had lower drug
prices relative to their per capita GDP. Both the theory and evidence
presented here suggest that external referencing has contributed to this
convergence of pharmaceutical prices relative to GDP among EU countries.
Parallel trade effects are expected to be smaller, and empirical estimation
is problematic because our data do not identify exported volumes or source
countries. With that caveat, the evidence on launch timing suggests that
country-fixed effects are negative for countries that are significant parallel
We find no evidence of first-mover pricing advantage, and no evidence
that manufacturers can raise prices simply by delaying launch. Although
prices of new drugs are constrained by prices of established drugs, due to
either regulation or competition, such effects occur primarily within
subclasses, with weaker constraints from older, cheaper drugs.
This evidence, that policies of external referencing (and, with weaker
evidence, parallel importing) impose an external cost on the referenced or
exporting countries, is based on the European Union, where such policies
already exist. However, it has important implications for the US debate
over drug price controls through external referencing and drug importation.
The theory above indicates that the launch lag externality will be greater
if referenced countries are small and low price, compared to a much larger,
higher-price referencing or importing country. Because the United States
has both higher brand prices and much higher total volume than most
potential reference or exporting countries, the impact on these countries
if the United States were to adopt referencing or drug importation
would potentially be much larger than the European Union effects docu-
mented here.
1. Pharmaceutical R&D takes on average 8–12 years and costs roughly $802m
(in 2001 US dollars) per new compound approved in the United States (DiMasi,
Hansen, & Grabowski, 2003).
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 65
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2. Negative external effects may accrue to other countries if the regulated prices
result in suboptimal contribution to joint costs of R&D, but these effects are small
for countries that account for a small share of global sales.
3. Parallel trade is expected to have less effect on launch delay in low-price
countries than external referencing because (a) parallel trade only reduces prices
for the traded fraction of sales, (b) manufacturers may be able to limit parallel
trade supply restrictions to exporting countries, two-tier price structures, etc., and
(c) launch delay would simply delay the onset of trade with no lasting effect on
post-launch price differentials.
4. Delay could simply reflect launch budget constraints faced by firms, in which
case a rational strategy may be to launch first in the most profitable markets and use
the revenues generated to cover launch in less profitable markets.
5. We treat the lagged average price of competitor products as exogenous because
prices are regulated in all but three countries in our sample; the exceptions are the
United States, Germany (except classes under reference pricing and time periods
with price freezes), and the United Kingdom (except price increases are not
permitted). Although firms could in theory cut price below the regulated price, this
would not be a rational entry deterrence strategy in pharmaceutical markets for
two reasons. First, subsequent price increases would be barred by regulation, and,
second, patients have little incentive to be price-sensitive in most markets, because
co-payments are generally independent of drug price. We confirmed the assumption
that prices are sticky and are unrelated to anticipated launch of competitors by
comparing several measures of price change prior to launch with price change in
other periods.
6. Estimates for the old subclasses (reported in Danzon & Epstein, 2009) show
that late-launching drugs in older subclasses have more limited launch success
than new drugs in new subclasses, consistent with non-price dynamic competition.
Launch by local corporations accelerates launch timing but does not affect launch
prices. These effects are confined to a few, regulated countries, suggesting that local
firms benefit from political influence rather than real experience advantages.
7. Regulating US prices based on external referencing to foreign prices has been
proposed but so far not enacted. Drug importation has been approved but so far is
not implemented, because the Secretary of Health and Human Services has been
unwilling to certify that safety and cost-reduction requirements would be met.
8. Under the mutual recognition procedure, a manufacturer selects one rappor-
teur country to review the application; other countries have 90 days in which to
challenge the approval, otherwise it takes effect automatically.
9. Price approval is generally not required if the drug is launched without
reimbursement, but such unreimbursed launch is rare, except for ‘‘lifestyle’’ drugs.
10. Internal referencing may involve informal negotiations between the manu-
facturer and the regulator, as in France, or a more mechanistic reference price (RP)
reimbursement system as in the Netherlands. RP systems may be (a) therapeutic RP,
which classify drugs based on mechanism of action and indication, regardless of
patent status, and (b) generic RP, which group drugs by molecule, and hence usually
apply only to off-patent drugs. All drugs in an RP group receive the same reim-
bursement (the ‘‘reference price’’). A manufacturer may in theory charge a higher
price, but the patient must pay any excess over the RP.
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11. Many other countries, including the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy,
Germany, and Spain, and most US health plans used a form of generic RP
reimbursement for off-patent compounds for at least part of our period. However,
because these generic RP systems apply only to off-patent drugs, they are unlikely to
affect launch decisions for new drugs, given our evidence of no significant effect of
prices of generics or older brands on prices of new brand drugs.
12. As of 1998, the EU countries that used external reference pricing include
Denmark (since April 1997, up to 10 EU countries excluding Greece and Italy),
Greece (lowest in the EU), Ireland (lower of United Kingdom or the average in
Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom), Italy
(average of up to 12 EU countries, must be on market for 4 countries and at least 2
with direct price controls), the Netherlands (since June 1996, average price in
Belgium, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom sets the maximum internal
reference price for drugs under internal RP reimbursement), and Portugal (lowest in
France, Italy, and Spain) (Burstall, 1998). The specifics of these explicit referencing
schemes have changed over time. For example, France subsequently included
the United Kingdom and Germany in its referencing basket used as one factor in
setting launch prices. Informal comparisons are also common, for example, the
quinquennial revisions of the UK’s Pharmaceutical Price Regulatory Scheme (PPRS)
frequently compared UK prices to prices in other EU countries to determine across
the board cuts of UK prices.
13. Germany adopted an internal reference price reimbursement system in 1989
but excluded new on-patent drugs, which could be launched and reimbursed without
price approval, until 2005. The United Kingdom permits free pricing of individual
drugs, subject to a rate of return constraint on each firm’s portfolio of drugs. The
renegotiation of this profit-control scheme every five years involves international
price comparisons and required cuts in UK prices that are often influenced by the
price comparisons. Since 1999, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
has reviewed cost-effectiveness as a condition of reimbursement for most new drugs,
which could slow or prevent new drug launch.
14. Footnote 5 explains why we treat average price of branded competitor
products P
as exogenous. We treat number of generic competitors in the class as
exogenous because generic entry takes several years to plan and obtain regulatory
approval, and entry incentives depend primarily on sales of older molecules facing
patent expiry.
15. For example, France applies spending limits and sets a target volume as well
as regulated price.
16. Clog–log is preferred to logit because the former assumes a continuous launch
decision process (Allison, 1995).
17. Thus, although the first-stage results report thousands more observations than
the second-stage results, the number of drug–country launches is the same in the first
and second stages.
18. We calculated marginal effects for interactions of dummy variables X
and X
as {[F(Xb|X
¼1, X
¼1) F(Xb|X
¼0, X
¼1)] [F(Xb|X
¼1, X
¼0) F(Xb|
¼0, X
¼0)]}, where Fis the inverse of the clog–log function, 1 exp[exp(Xb)].
Other regressors were held at their means or at zero if they were related to X
or X
Standard errors were calculated using the delta method.
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 67
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19. To account for possible selection bias due to correlation between the
propensity to launch and the launch price, we also estimated both a two-stage
Heckman selection correction model that includes as a regressor the inverse Mills’
ratio from a clog–log first-stage hazard equation, and a traditional full information
maximum likelihood Heckman model based on a probit first-stage equation. The
coefficients on the inverse Mills’ ratios are significant only for the newer subclasses
(‘‘superior’’ drugs) and only in the two-stage models. The first-stage launch equation
is identified primarily off functional form. These unconditional results are generally
similar to the conditional estimates, which are reported here. See Danzon and
Epstein (2009) for more detail.
20. Our 15 countries include all 5 large EU markets (United Kingdom, Germany,
France, Spain, and Italy) and a subset of both high- and low-price smaller EU
countries (Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, and Greece). Omitting the other six small
EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, and Luxembourg)
should not lead to biased estimates given their small size and that they are not
expected to be systematically different from the included countries.
21. The IMS standard unit is a proxy for a dose for each formulation, for
example, one tablet or capsule, 5 ml for liquids. The IMS price data for the United
States do not reflect off-invoice discounts given by manufacturers to health plans and
hence are upward biased for manufacturer net revenues.
22. We combined multiple form-3 level formulations (e.g., tablets and capsules,
possibly of different strength) in a given country and quarter into a single observation
and defined the price as the volume-weighted average price per unit. Identical forms
that were launched by different co-marketing companies were also averaged.
23. Classification of molecules as superior or inferior was based mainly on
mechanism of action, with input from several physicians and review of articles in
PubMed (see Berndt, Danzon, & Kruse, 2007). No value judgment is intended by
use of ‘‘superior’’ and ‘‘inferior.’’ Our analysis includes only the first launch of each
compound. We exclude follow-on indications or formulations because they typically
face fewer registration requirements and pricing would be based on the price of
existing formulations. We also focus on launch by an originator or licensee
corporation, excluding the few cases of prior launch by copycat products. Five
superior molecules and 20 inferior molecules were diffused to all our countries prior to
our period. These are included as competitor products but are not in the sample
of potential launches.
24. However, we observe 946 country–molecule–product launches, because of
simultaneous launches of multiple distinct formulations (form 2-level, such as an oral
solid and a liquid).
25. Measures of volume by subclass and number of competitors were not
significant and were dropped.
26. We estimated specifications of the launch and price models that measured
spillovers with either the number of countries previously launched in or minimum/
maximum own prices. The specifications reported here yielded the better model fit
and conceptual fit with the dependent variables.
27. We estimated a model specification that included the average price of parallel
imports, and it was not significant.
28. Local Originator identifies a molecule’s originator corporation launching in its
country of domicile; Solo Licensee identifies a locally domiciled, licensed corporation
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that launched the molecule in at least one country by itself; and Local Co-marketer
identifies a locally domiciled, licensee corporation that launched together with
another firm in its home country and did not launch alone in any country. These
categories are not mutually exclusive; for example, a molecule with a small Local
Originator could also have a Solo Licensee or a Local Co-marketer as a marketing
partner, all from the same country.
29. Danzon and Furukawa (2003, 2008) report weighted price indexes, based on
standardized market baskets, for originator and generic products in 1999 and 2005.
30. Some of the PI, Unbranded Generic, and Other Brand means include very few
products. For unbranded generics, the relatively high mean US price is surprising
and reflects its product mix, whereas volume-weighted price indexes for standardized
products show low generic prices in the United States (Danzon & Furukawa, 2003).
31. For the old subclasses of drugs, which experienced a few late launches during
our period, the minimum is 49.0 years. The minimums from the split-population
estimates are 10.9 years for new and 50.3 years for old subclasses.
32. The p-values for Wald tests comparing these marginal effects are as follows:
UK/Germany vs. Italy/France, p¼0.019; UK/Germany vs. high-price non-EU
countries, p¼0.009; Sweden/Netherlands vs. Italy/France, p¼0.062; Sweden/
Netherlands vs. high-price non-EU countries, p¼0.003.
33. We included the average price of PIs in earlier specifications, but it was not
34. The estimated percent never launching is significantly higher once we control
for Local Originator Corporation, suggesting that some countries approve locally
originated drugs that have limited diffusion potential elsewhere.
35. The net impact of time since global launch (a quadratic) was calculated as
btsgl þ2btsgl2
t, where the mean value of time is 2.16 years.
36. If manufacturers priced inferior drugs based on local prices that were flat or
falling in ECUs/Euros, the prices would be rising over time in USD, due to USD
devaluation, thus explaining the positive and significant coefficient on the exchange
rate variable.
37. Product characteristics have expected effects. Price per unit is significantly
negatively related to pack size, particularly for pack size over 100 units, possibly
indicating economies of scale in packaging and/or the competitive use of large packs
to give discounts to pharmacies in countries such as the United States, that permit
pharmacists to dispense from large packs. Price is unrelated to strength (grams of
active ingredient per unit) in the RE estimates, suggesting that the positive coefficient
in the OLS results for superiors reflects between- rather than within-molecule effects.
Compared to the oral solid formulations (the omitted category), price per dose is
significantly higher for injectable and non-oral forms (liquids, creams, etc.).
This research was supported in part by a grant from Wyeth Pharmaceu-
ticals and by support from the Merck Foundation to the University of
Effects of Regulation on Drug Launch and Pricing 69
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Pennsylvania. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the research sponsors.
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