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Creating an entrepreneurial culture in support of SMEs



This article focuses upon the importance of creating the 'cultural' climate for support of small enterprise development. It might well be a waste of time and resource to concentrate SME development efforts on entrepreneurs and their immediate 'support' agencies unless equal consideration is given to investing in the development of an 'enterprise culture' in the broader SME stakeholder environment. It is this environment that shapes the 'level (or skewed) playing field' for small enterprise development. In recognition of the fact that the words 'entrepreneurship' and 'enterprise culture' are frequently confused in the rhetoric that surrounds development, they are first defined. The enterprise culture derives from the 'life world' of the entrepreneur. Sensitivity to this world and its underpinning values lies at the root of creating conditions for 'effective'(as opposed to socially deviant) entrepreneurial behaviour. Entrepreneurial values and beliefs contrast sharply with those of government and corporate bureaucracy. Therein lies the root of the problem. Key SME stakeholders, and in particular donors, are likely to embrace bureaucratic cultures. Yet they are dominant 'supply side' customers for local development agencies, and as such they are capable of exercising a pervasive bureaucratic influence on the behaviours and values of such agencies, threatening their culture and more important their potential for long-term sustainability. The threat to the enterprise culture may paradoxically come from those who seek to support it. There is therefore an imperative to develop strategies for creating an enterprise culture among key stakeholders. This can only be achieved by a process of strategic partnership learning. How this might be achieved is discussed.
... On the other hand, Stuetzer et al. (2018) suggest that it combines all three perspectives of entrepreneurship, namely organization, behaviour, and performance. Besides, EC is a combination of values, mindsets, and viewpoints commonly shared in a society which underpin the notion of any entrepreneurial 'way of life as' being desirable and in turn supports the pursuit of 'effective' entrepreneurial behaviour by individuals or groups (Gibb, 1999;Ruël et al., 2012). Most acknowledge this as an essential factor of a territorial culture promoting the prosperity of regional clusters and economies (Beugelsdijk, 2007). ...
... In NEC literature, various dimensions were examined to characterize this domain. The dimensions include entrepreneurial beliefs (Davidsson, 1995;Davidsson & Wiklund, 1997), 'effective' entrepreneurial behaviour, entrepreneurial 'way of life' (Gibb, 1999), the level of entrepreneur's participation in industry association activity (Minguzzi & Passaro, 2001), entrepreneurial orientation (Afriyie & Boohene, 2014), creative -innovative, daring to take risks, seizing business opportunities, sustainable achievement (Nguyen, 2016) Cognition. It concerns how individuals think and act. ...
... Therefore, we implemented those research frameworks and filled their research gaps by offering the comprehensive network of both veins of EC which demonstrates the sufficient causal chains. We pursued the works of Korber and McNaughton (2017) and Fitz-Koch et al. (2017) to organize the variables that create the causal relationships of EC based on three levels of analysis combining individual, organization, and socio-economic system; which are represented in Figure 2 and 3. Davidsson (1995); Davidsson and Wiklund (1997) Gibb (1999) 'Effective' entrepreneurial behaviour; entrepreneurial 'way of life' N/A Gibb (1999) Swierczek and Jatusripatak (1994) Characteristics; commercialization; decision making -entrepreneurial mode; entrepreneurial definition; innovation; motivation; operating management philosophy; proactivity Swierczek and Jatusripatak (1994) Swierczek and Jatusripatak (1994); Swierczek and Quang (2004) McClelland (1961) Bourdieu (1977Bourdieu ( , 1986Bourdieu ( , 1989Bourdieu ( , 1990 Capital; field; habitus N/A Spigel (2013) Minguzzi and Passaro (2001) Age of entrepreneur; attitude to delegating of the entrepreneur; education level of the entrepreneur; father's profession; level of entrepreneur's participation in industry association activity Minguzzi and Passaro (2001) Minguzzi and Passaro (2001) Hayton et al. National-level postmaterialism cultural motives; national-level socially supportive cultural norms Stephan et al. (2015) Stephan et al. (2015) Thampi et al. ...
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Objective: The objective of the article is to review entrepreneurial culture (EC) literature by seeking, analysing, and synthesising the research findings of extant journal articles. This study aims to demonstrate the evolutionary trends and current trends in EC research, which cannot be found in extant literature reviews of EC due to the limited number of analysed articles which focused only on the associations between national EC (NEC) and entrepreneurship. Research Design & Methods: This research employed a systematic literature review (SLR) approach. The research technique of Garrard (2004) was utilized to create an SLR matrix to analyse the EC literature in peer-reviewed English journal articles. This study gathered and analysed 83 publications in 57 journals in the period between 1992 and 2021. Findings: The article proposes four essential outcomes as the results of integrating the information that was investigated and approved in the literature. Firstly, there is an extreme development tendency in the number of EC articles which started rapidly in 2012. Secondly, this study offers the holistic framework of NEC which is the combination of five forms or indications including needs and motives, beliefs and behaviours, cognition, cultural values (societal and individual levels), and social context; while organizational entrepreneurial culture (OEC) is a unidimensional construct or a combination of the organizational characteristics that stimulates, promotes, and sustains the entrepreneurial activities of the organizations. Thirdly, this research generated two nomological networks that recapitulate and display the causal relationships of both veins of EC, which can be employed and expanded to enrich institutional theory and social cognitive theory. Finally, it provides promising research areas for future EC research in terms of research context, research design, theory, framework, measurement, and nomological network of NEC and OEC. Implications & Recommendations: These findings provide meaningful implications for both theory and practice. In the theoretical context, we integrated and described the most recent and exclusive trends, frameworks, theories, measurements of both veins of EC and their causal relationships, and the research guideline for further research, thus, contributing to the theoretical development in EC literature. In a practical context, two nomological networks of EC contribute to the positive perceptions, awareness, and acknowledgement of the importance of developing and sustaining an appropriate EC amongst individuals, organizations, and nations. Contribution & Value Added: This research integrates and demonstrates the most recent and exclusive trends, frameworks, theories, and measurements of EC and their causal relationships, proposing the research guideline for further studies. By offering the evolutionary trend of EC articles, this study provides evidence for selecting a suitable methodology through which future research can be conducted to create novel knowledge to develop the EC field. This study offers the holistic frameworks and two nomological networks of NEC and OEC that can be leveraged to enlarge the institutional theory and social cognitive theory, resolving the problems of disintegration and disjointedness that emerged in the literature.
... From 1987 to 2015, it was possible to highlight studies that proposed to analyze the relationship between the EB and the strategy, based on proximal causes, centered on performance results (about 46% of the articles). According to most of them, entrepreneurial individuals should improve their strategic skills (Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999;Gilinsky et al., 2010;Herron & Robinson, 1993;Sandberg & Hofer, 1987), considering that the The entrepreneur's cognitive apparatus employs different strategies to produce solutions in the face of adversity (Mathews, 2008), that is, to develop an entrepreneurial culture, it is essential to have learning strategies (Freeman et al., 2013;Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999). ...
... From 1987 to 2015, it was possible to highlight studies that proposed to analyze the relationship between the EB and the strategy, based on proximal causes, centered on performance results (about 46% of the articles). According to most of them, entrepreneurial individuals should improve their strategic skills (Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999;Gilinsky et al., 2010;Herron & Robinson, 1993;Sandberg & Hofer, 1987), considering that the The entrepreneur's cognitive apparatus employs different strategies to produce solutions in the face of adversity (Mathews, 2008), that is, to develop an entrepreneurial culture, it is essential to have learning strategies (Freeman et al., 2013;Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999). ...
... al. (2013),Gibb (1999),Herron and Robinson (1993),Hmieleski et al. (2013),Israel and Hitzeroth (2018),Kourtit et al. (2015),Kourtit and Nijkamp (2012),Krueger et al. (2000),Mathews (2008),Mourão and Locatelli (2020), Quintillán and Pena-Legazkue (2019), Wójcik and Ciszewska-Mlinarič (2020). al. (2018), Capello and Lenzi (2016), Crammond et al. (2018), De Rosa and McElwee (2015), Garcia-Rodriguez et al. (2015), Gartner et al. (1999), Idris (2011), Moruku (2013), Munoz (2018), Olsson and Bernhard (2021), Palich and Bagby (1995), Troise and Tani (2020), Hongwei and Ruef (2004). ...
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Study objective: identify the gaps and theoretical axes of international scientific production related to the Entrepreneurial Behavior (EB) of the individual business owner as well as the strategies adopted, in different contexts, in addition to providing insights for future research. Methodology/approach: descriptive and qualitative study, based on a systematic review of 56 articles collected in June/2021 in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, with the support of the StArt tool, and the content analysis with aided by the Atlas.ti software. Main results: consolidation of the methodological profile of the studies and the topics addressed, identifying that both the EB and the strategy have fragmented definitions, even after numerous research. There is a positive relationship between EB and strategy, and the EB influences decision making and contributes to raising organizational performance. The success of an enterprise can therefore be determined by the ability and speed to respond effectively to changes in context. Theoretical/methodological contributions: advancement of research in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategy, with the identification of EB categories and strategies adopted (especially with regard to the understanding of EB and its influence on strategy), and consolidation and recommendation of a future research agenda. Relevance/originality: the theoretical articulation between entrepreneurship and strategy focuses on the EB, in the search for opportunities and competitive advantage, which are indispensable for business growth. Social/management contributions: contribute with managers and entrepreneurs in the identification of behavioral issues and strategic choices adopted in the most diverse contexts, including the sustainable development of organizations.
... No período de 1987 a 2015, foi possível evidenciar estudos que se propuseram a analisar a relação entre o CE e a estratégia, a partir de causas proximais, centradas nos resultados de desempenho (cerca de 46% dos artigos). Segundo a maioria deles, os indivíduos empreendedores devem aprimorar suas habilidades estratégicas (Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999;Gilinsky et al., 2010;Herron & Robinson, 1993;Sandberg & Hofer, 1987), tendo em vista que o aparato cognitivo do empreendedor emprega diferentes estratégias para produzir soluções diante de adversidades (Mathews, 2008), ou seja, para desenvolver a cultura empreendedora é fundamental que existam estratégias de aprendizagem (Freeman et al., 2013;Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999). ...
... No período de 1987 a 2015, foi possível evidenciar estudos que se propuseram a analisar a relação entre o CE e a estratégia, a partir de causas proximais, centradas nos resultados de desempenho (cerca de 46% dos artigos). Segundo a maioria deles, os indivíduos empreendedores devem aprimorar suas habilidades estratégicas (Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999;Gilinsky et al., 2010;Herron & Robinson, 1993;Sandberg & Hofer, 1987), tendo em vista que o aparato cognitivo do empreendedor emprega diferentes estratégias para produzir soluções diante de adversidades (Mathews, 2008), ou seja, para desenvolver a cultura empreendedora é fundamental que existam estratégias de aprendizagem (Freeman et al., 2013;Gartner et al., 1999;Gibb, 1999). ...
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Objetivo do estudo: identificar as lacunas e os eixos teóricos da produção científica internacional relacionados ao Comportamento Empreendedor (CE) do indivíduo proprietário de empresa, bem como as estratégias adotadas em diferentes contextos, além de fornecer insights para pesquisas futuras. Metodologia/abordagem: estudo descritivo e qualitativo, a partir da revisão sistemática de 56 artigos, coletados em junho de 2021, das bases Scopus e Web of Science, com o apoio da ferramenta StArt; e análise de conteúdo, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti. Principais resultados: consolidação do perfil metodológico dos estudos e dos temas abordados, identificando que tanto o CE quanto a estratégia possuem definições fragmentadas, mesmo após inúmeras pesquisas. Há relação positiva entre o CE e a estratégia, sendo que o CE influencia a tomada de decisão e contribui para elevar o desempenho organizacional. O sucesso de um empreendimento pode ser, portanto, determinado pela capacidade e velocidade em responder eficazmente às mudanças de contexto. Contribuições teórico/metodológicas: avanço da pesquisa nos campos de empreendedorismo e estratégia, com a identificação das categorias de CE e das estratégias adotadas (especialmente no que tange à compreensão do CE e de sua influência na estratégia); e consolidação e recomendação de agenda futura de pesquisas. Relevância/originalidade: a articulação teórica entre empreendedorismo e estratégia se concentra no CE, na busca de oportunidades e de vantagem competitiva, que são indispensáveis ao crescimento dos negócios. Contribuições sociais/para a gestão: contribuir com gestores e empreendedores na identificação de questões comportamentais e de escolhas estratégicas, adotadas nos mais diversos contextos, incluindo o desenvolvimento sustentável das organizações.
... Una de las descripciones más completas es la propuesta de Gibb (1999:28) quién define cultura emprendedora como "El conjunto de variables, creencias y aptitudes comúnmente compartidas en una sociedad". Para Gibb (1999), el emprendimiento es una forma de vida que puede ser fomentada mediante programas dirigidos a estimular las pequeñas empresas. Bajo éste mismo enfoque, las universidades impulsadas por iniciativas de política pública desarrollan programas que pretenden tener un efecto positivo en el desarrollo de innovación (Culkin, 2016). ...
... Como se puede observar, el interés por crear una cultura emprendedora desde las instituciones tanto públicas como privadas y, en especial desde las universidades, se ha extendido por todo el mundo y en todas las disciplinas. Autores como Gibb (1999), considera que mediante programas de emprendimiento se puede desarrollar habilidades, rasgos y un comportamiento emprendedor entre los individuos. ...
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Libro de Emprendimiento e innovación, explica el diseño y pasos para lograr proyectar y emprender un negocio, las áreas que se manejaron fueron, salud, medio ambiente, sustentabilidad, industria, alimentos, diseño y creatividad.
... Entrepreneurial culture is viewed in academic literature as a crucial component of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and the primary determinant of its efficiency and effectiveness (Feld, 2020). Gibb (1999) argued that an entrepreneurship culture is a collection of values, ideas, and attitudes that establish the notion of any entrepreneurial way of life as desirable and, as a result, encourage individuals or groups to pursue effective entrepreneurial behaviour within a society. Culture instills dynamism in an entrepreneurial environment by facilitating capacities to grow, enabling experiences, and framing personalities. ...
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The significance of green entrepreneurship in achieving socioeconomic and environmental goals has received widespread recognition in academic literature. However, despite this acknowledgment, the internal and external variables influencing the expansion and sustainability of green agricultural enterprises have not been thoroughly studied and explored in the literature. This research aims to test the theoretical Green Agriculture Support Framework (GASF), suggesting internal and external support elements that, when strategically aligned, foster the growth of green agriculture enterprises, particularly those leveraging technologies and tools associated with Agriculture 4.0. To this end, we utilized survey data collected from managers and employees of green enterprises located in Pakistan. The collected data was analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method, incorporating the partial least squares (PLS) approach through SmartPLS software. The findings imply that external variables (formal Institutions, Government Support, Culture) have significant impacts on the development of green enterprises and that internal factors (Technology, Talent Management) have somewhat limited impacts. Consequently, policymakers must concentrate on creating strategies and measures to enhance the external environment of an organization, that is, intensive government support, less rigid formal institutions and their policies, entrepreneurial culture, and overall improved economic condition of the country, and be cautious about the internal factors like rigid and outdated technology and talent management policies, that may hinder the development of such enterprises. As a result, using the organismic integration theory (OIT) theoretical lens, this research contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the various internal and external factors that significantly affect the growth of innovative green agriculture enterprises. A thorough understanding of green determinants assists in identifying the areas that require attention of policymakers for the effective growth of the green agricultural sector in an economy, leading to valuable implications for green policies. K E Y W O R D S agriculture 4.0, entrepreneurial culture, green entrepreneurship, precision agriculture, small-medium enterprises, smart farming, sustainability 2 | SAVASTANO, Samo et al.
... The engagement with local businesses helps differentiate risks and increase investment opportunities. At the same time, a unified "top-down" policy aimed at developing regions' support without considering the needs of entrepreneurs, without understanding the local culture, often turns out to be ineffective (Gibb, 1999). ...
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Barinova V., Zemtsov S. From Direct SMEs’ Support to Entrepreneurship Policy in Russia: Why do Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Matter? Regional Research of Russia, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 440–457.Traditional approaches to entrepreneurship support prevail in Russia. Significant amounts of direct federal support are allocated to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but their role in the economy is consistently low. Public support imposes a weak impact on the SMEs development in comparison with macroeconomic and institutional factors. However, the support has increased significantly during the pandemic. We show that direct financial support is not always efficient, especially in developing countries. The aim of the article is to propose an alternative entrepreneurship policy for Russia, based on creation of favourable business environment in regions and cities, networks of business agents and proactive public support system considering specifics of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems. The article formulates the principles and goals of the ecosystem approach. The approach involves cooperation of local stakeholders and evaluating the support measures’ effectiveness to reduce transaction costs for business agents and creating the motivation for growth and diversification. The work identifies the best practices in Russia and abroad. Previous policy in Russia does not fully comply with the principles and goals of the ecosystem approach: local authorities and business agents are not sufficiently involved, do not always consider regional specific, some measures create the wrong incentives for business agents, and some support institutions are not opened enough to public control. We proposed an appropriate typology of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems, based on the mentioned goals and principles, for a more differentiated entrepreneurship policy. There are several successful regional practices of SMEs’ development (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, and Tyumen oblasts, Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan), that can be distributed within similar types of ecosystems.
... According to Lee,& Peterson [29], entrepreneurial culture is an organisational framework in which specific behaviour, such as initiative, is encouraged. Gibb [30] argued that an entrepreneurship culture is a collection of values, ideas, and attitudes that establish the notion of any entrepreneurial way of life as desirable and, as a result, encourage individuals or groups to pursue effective entrepreneurial behaviour within a society. Brownson [16] viewed entrepreneurial culture as a society in which individuals display attributes, values, mindsets, and behaviours associated with entrepreneurs in a way that separates them from others. ...
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Entrepreneurship is critical to the development of modern complex societies, not just for their survival but also for their long-term viability. Knowing the importance of entrepreneurship to the development of an economy brought about the introduction of entrepreneurship education into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. However, the restricted way entrepreneurship education is usually taught and practised has not helped undergraduates to imbibe an entrepreneurial culture and create a venture while at university. To close these gaps, the current study envisaged the impact of entrepreneurial culture and venture creation among undergraduate students of selected public universities in the South West region of Nigeria. Specifically, the purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the participants from selected universities in the South West region of Nigeria that offers entrepreneurship as a degree programme. A total of 450 questionnaires were administered. A total of 396 copies of questionnaires were returned valid and confirmed as fit for analysis, representing an 88% response rate. The data collected were analysed using structural equation modelling. The findings from this study concluded that students who exhibit entrepreneurial attributes, values, and mindset are more likely to be entrepreneurs than students who do not. This study recommends that universities work harder to promote entrepreneurial culture by focusing entrepreneurship education more on practical application.
... Por ello, es preciso considerar que el espíritu emprendedor recae sobre una persona o individuo que desarrolla, y cuya virtud en descubrir cómo, cuándo y dónde existen las posibilidades de desarrollar ideas de negocios, planificar y ejecutar una serie de acciones que determinan el camino adecuado para fomentar un proyecto o plan empresarial. Sobre esta idea es preciso que las universidades en su propio entorno académico deben reforzar el conjunto de características que definen el actuar de un estudiante de manera determinada, cuyo propósito es que pueda demostrar ciertas competencias que se orienten a definir y alcanzar objetivos que se han propuesto para su desempeño personal y profesional.Al respecto,Gibb (1999) señala que el espíritu emprendedor, derivado de una cultura emprendedora, es el conjunto de valores, creencias y aptitudes comúnmente compartidas en una sociedad, la cual sostiene la idea de que es deseable un modo de vida emprendedor apoyando continuamente la búsqueda de un comportamiento emprendedor efectivo por parte de los individuos o grupos". Por tanto,Gibb (2007) manifiesta que este concepto está ligado a las actividades que realiza la universidad emprendedora. ...
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RESUMEN El presente artículo presenta un análisis descriptivo y explicativo del papel que juega la universidad, como ente formador superior, en el desarrollo de las capacidades para fomentar el perfil y espíritu emprendedor a partir de sus estudios universitarios. La investigación se realizó bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, cuyo propósito fue el de evaluar en qué medida la formación emprendedora de los estudiantes de las carreras de Administración de Empresas y Administración de Empresas Turísticas Bilingüe influía en la competitividad de éstos. Se aplicó una encuesta a 157 estudiantes, que han egresado y los que están por egresar en el campo de las ciencias empresariales. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que sí, la universidad establece los planes de estudios adecuados, un perfil docente con competencias que permitan relacionar la teoría con la práctica, el desarrollo de las competencias necesarias para emprender y personales, se puede garantizar un profesional, altamente, competitivo en el mercado. ABSTRACT This article presents a descriptive and explanatory analysis of the role played by the university, as a higher training entity, in the development of capacities to promote the profile and entrepreneurial spirit from university studies. The research was carried out under the quantitative approach, the purpose of which was to evaluate to what extent the entrepreneurial training of the students of the Bilingual Business Administration and Tourism Business Administration careers influenced their competitiveness. A survey was applied to 157 students, who have graduated and those who are about to graduate in the field of business sciences. The results obtained showed that yes, the university establishes the appropriate study plans, a teaching profile with competencies that allow to relate theory with practice, the development of the necessary skills to undertake and personal, a professional, highly, competitive can be guaranteed in the market.
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Basic education is for all in South Africa. The dawn of the democratic government in 1994 brought forth numerous curriculum changes throughout the basic education system to redress past differences. The changes saw the introduction of a subject like Technology designed to stimulate innovativeness and develop learners' creative and critical thinking skills. This study aimed to explore the role of the basic education system in promoting entrepreneurship skills, including teacher selection and evaluation, learning tools, classroom situations and support systems for the effectiveness of the system in producing learners with entrepreneurial skills. The constructivist worldview underpinned this qualitative study, using four schools within the Malelane Circuit in Mpumalanga Province. A case study explored the system's role in promoting entrepreneurship skills to learners. Senior phase technology teachers were selected for data collection, two grade 7 Technology teachers, four grade 8 Technology teachers, and four grade 9 Technology teachers. Primary data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Meanwhile, journals, books and policy documents were used for secondary data. A thematic data analysis technique was employed. The study revealed that entrepreneurship education promotes creativity and innovation needed to eradicate poverty and unemployment in our country. Furthermore, data show, among other things, that the basic education system is faced with challenges in teacher selection, resources, and infrastructure for an array of information. It is recommended that the basic education system invests in training Technology teachers properly towards content knowledge and recruitment of teachers qualified to teach the subject.
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