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Trapping Plum Curculio Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Southern United States


Abstract and Figures

A more practical method than limb jarring is needed to monitor the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), in peach trees. Of 223 orchard visits made in Arkansas, traps captured plum curculio adults on 114 visits, whereas limb jarring did so on only 29 visits. Pyramid traps and jarring tree limbs along the orchard edge began to capture plum curculio adults 1 wk before the start of fruit feeding damage and continued to capture plum curculio adults until after harvest. Pyramid traps located at the edge of the peach orchard caught significantly more adults than did traps placed >30 m into the orchard interior or traps placed along the edge of an adjacent woodlot. Pyramid traps and screen traps captured similar numbers of plum curculio adults in 14 of 17 samples. Only one orchard in Oklahoma and another in Arkansas had smaller circumference tree trunks (<38 cm) than the other orchards resulting in significantly more plum curculio adults captured in pyramid traps than in screen traps. The screen trap was less expensive and sustained environmental conditions better than did the pyramid trap and may be used on trees >38 cm in circumference. The derived economic threshold of 0.045 plum curculio adults per pyramid trap per day equated to 1% new fruit damage. This study suggested that combining trap counts with percentage of new fruit damage should be used to make insecticide application decisions against plum curculio.
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Trapping Plum Curculio Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Southern United States
Department of Entomology. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Environ. Entomol. 31(6): 1259Ð1267 (2002)
ABSTRACT A more practical method than limb jarring is needed to monitor the plum curculio,
Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), in peach trees. Of 223 orchard visits made in Arkansas, traps
captured plum curculio adults on 114 visits, whereas limb jarring did so on only 29 visits. Pyramid traps
and jarring tree limbs along the orchard edge began to capture plum curculio adults 1 wk before the
start of fruit feeding damage and continued to capture plum curculio adults until after harvest. Pyramid
traps located at the edge of the peach orchard caught signiÞcantly more adults than did traps placed
30 m into the orchard interior or traps placed along the edge of an adjacent woodlot. Pyramid traps
and screen traps captured similar numbers of plum curculio adults in 14 of 17 samples. Only one
orchard in Oklahoma and another in Arkansas had smaller circumference tree trunks (38 cm) than
the other orchards resulting in signiÞcantly more plum curculio adults captured in pyramid traps than
in screen traps. The screen trap was less expensive and sustained environmental conditions better than
did the pyramid trap and may be used on trees 38 cm in circumference. The derived economic
threshold of 0.045 plum curculio adults per pyramid trap per day equated to 1% new fruit damage. This
study suggested that combining trap counts with percentage of new fruit damage should be used to
make insecticide application decisions against plum curculio.
KEY WORDS plum curculio, Conotrachelus, peach, apple, sampling, trap
THE PLUM CURCULIO, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst),
causes yield loss and lowers fruit quality of pome and
stone fruits east of the Rocky Mountains (Chapman
1938). After mid-August, plum curculio adults over-
winter in weedy litter in Arkansas (Wylie 1954) or up
to 2 cm below the soil surface in Virginia (Bobb 1949).
Adults can overwinter in weedy orchards where suit-
able cover is available (Quaintance and Jenne 1912,
Snapp 1930, Chapman 1938). However, plum curculio
adults tend to move outside the orchard and enter
litter or soil in hedgerows or woodlots adjoining or-
chards. In spring, plum curculio adults begin to
emerge from the ground litter from full bloom to petal
fall (Wylie 1954). Once in fruit trees, they mate, then
feed on and lay eggs in fruit (Wylie 1954, Laßeur et al.
1987). Egg hatch prediction models have been de-
scribed by Reissig and Nyrop (1994), Johnson (1996),
Mulder et al. (1997), and Reissig et al. (1998).
Several methods have been used to detect damage
and monitor plum curculio activity in orchards. Grow-
ers inspect fruit for adult feeding damage, presence
of eggs under feeding scars, or larvae inside fruit
(LeRoux 1961). Jarring fruit limbs can be used to
determine the location and relative abundance of
adult weevils in a fruit orchard (Scott and Quaintance
1911, Wylie 1951). This technique dislodges plum cur-
culio adults from the limbs onto an underlying ground
cloth. A scout can quickly count the number of adult
weevils jarred onto the cloth because jarred weevils
remain motionless for several seconds. However, limb
jarring is labor intensive and dislodges blossoms or
fruit. In addition, it is difÞcult to achieve accurate
counts because of variations in tree shapes, height, and
weather conditions, and most importantly, because
plum curculio adults are most active in trees at night
(Wylie 1951; LeBlanc et al. 1984; Racette et al. 1991;
Chouinard et al. 1992, 1993). Other detection methods
include sticky-green thinning apples, sticky-green
balls, green painted sticky-coated ping pong balls, pit-
fall traps, sticky-trunk bands, inverted screen and win-
dow-pane traps (Scott and Quaintance 1911, Chap-
man 1938, Wylie 1951, Le Blanc et al. 1984, Jones and
Johnson 1988, Yonce et al. 1995, Maleckas 1996). A
more practical and reliable monitoring method than
jarring trees is needed, which will aid growers in
determining when plum curculio populations exceed
economic thresholds.
The pyramid trap and screen trap were both de-
veloped for monitoring pecan weevils, Curculio caryae
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK 74078.
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Okla-
homa State University, Stillwater, OK 74078.
0046-225X/02/1259Ð1267$02.00/0 2002 Entomological Society of America
(Horn). The pyramid trap was reported as an effective
monitoring tool that attracts pecan weevils and other
weevil species that walk up tree trunks. This trap
appears to mimic a tree trunk (Tedders and Wood
1994, Tedders et al. 1996). Pyramid traps placed be-
tween peach trees captured plum curculio adults in
Georgia (Yonce et al. 1995), Arkansas (Johnson 1996),
and Oklahoma (Mulder et al. 1997). Pyramid trap
captures coincided well with peach fruit damage by
plum curculio in Arkansas (Johnson 1996). Maleckas
(1996) found the pyramid trap worked well by itself
as a monitoring tool for plum curculio in Michigan
apples, whereas Prokopy et al. (1996) and Prokopy
and Wright (1998) found less relationship between
periods of pyramid trap capture of plum curculio
adults and damage in Massachusetts apples. Pyramid
traps have problems including warping of the Maso-
nite base and having the trap top or the pyramid trap
base dislodged by severe winds or livestock. The
screen trap was developed after the pyramid trap and
initially used to monitor pecan weevil, Curculio caryae
(Mulder et al. 1997). The screen trap can also capture
plum curculio adults in peaches (Johnson et al. 1998).
The economic threshold for plum curculio captures
in traps varies between processing and fresh market
peaches. In processing peaches, the economic thresh-
old was set at 0.2 plum curculio adults per pyramid trap
per day, which usually ensured 2% fruit damage
(damage threshold set by processors). However, the
fresh market allowed 1% fruit damage. Several years
of sampling experience indicated that to achieve 1%
damage of fresh market peaches, the economic thresh-
old had to be reduced to 0.2 plum curculio adults per
pyramid trap per day (DTJ, unpublished data).
In this study, we note the seasonal changes in the
number of plum curculio adults captured by pyramid
traps, jarring peach limbs, and percentage of new fruit
damage. Analyses were conducted to determine the
effects of trap locations in and around the orchard and
trap types on captures of plum curculio adults. Also, an
economic threshold was derived based on a linear
regression of pyramid trap captures to percentage fruit
damage assessed 1 wk after traps were sampled.
Materials and Methods
Pyramid traps were constructed from 6.35 mm Ma-
sonite and a boll weevil trap top (Technical Precision
Plastics, Mebane, NC) (Tedders and Wood 1994).
One side was painted with a medium gray paint (50:50
black/white), whereas the other side was painted with
dark gray paint (9:1 black/white). The paint was su-
perwhite #40-17 and black #40-11 ßat latex (Gabbard
Paint, Fayetteville, AR). From 1995 on, each trap was
kept visible by periodic hoeing or hand-removal of tall
The screen trap was constructed by following step-
by-step construction directions (Mulder et al. 1997).
The initial rectangular piece of 21-gauge galvanized
hardware cloth was 30 38 cm. The 30-cm straight
edges were folded together to form a cone, and the
overlapping edges were stapled together onto a piece
of wood lath 2 cm wide 10 cm long. Another piece
of lath 2 cm wide 15 cm long was stapled to the
opposite side of the cone. The wood lath added sup-
port to the cone. A boll weevil trap top was trimmed
down to the center cone and top plastic ring. Hot glue
was used to attach the top ring and small screen cone
to the small open end of the larger screen cone. The
trap was inverted and a 38-cm section of the screen
base was secured to a tree trunk by wire or rubber
strapping (Fig. 1).
Weekly, biweekly, or monthly counts of plum cur-
culio adults were recorded by two techniques: jarring
fruit tree limbs and pyramid traps. Limb jarring was
done during daylight hours only because of the many
sites being sampled in any given day. Counts were
made at 4 locations in and around commercial apple
or peach orchards from 1994 to 2001 in Arkansas and
Oklahoma. From 1997 to 2000, screen traps were
added to this study for comparison to counts obtained
in pyramid traps.
Peach orchards were sampled from 1994 to 2001 in
Arkansas. In 1994, mean counts of plum curculio adults
were recorded twice monthly from three pyramid
traps, each set between peach trees located at the
orchard edge, 10 m in from the edge (third row of
trees) and in the orchard center (30 m in from edge)
of each peach block VB in Haynes. Concurrently,
plum curculio adults were jarred from one limb on
each of four trees adjacent to each trap. These two
estimates of population levels of plum curculio adults
around and in peach trees were compared with per-
centage new catfaced fruit (30 fruit from each of 10
In 1995, there were Þve pyramid traps at the orchard
edge and Þve in the orchard center, each 1 m from a
peach trunk, and Þve pyramid traps along the edge of
the adjacent woodlot in two peach blocks VL and VB
in Haynes. All traps were spaced at least 15 m apart at
each location.
In 1996, counts were made twice a month from Þve
pyramid traps, each at the orchard edge and in the
orchard center of 14 orchard blocks in and around
Haynes and Forrest City. In Forrest City orchard M,
a comparison was made of trap counts relative to
distance from adjacent woodlots. This orchard had a
narrow fencerow woodlot to the east of row 1, a
woodlot north of rows 1Ð30, a pasture north of rows
30Ð55, a fresh market peach orchard north of rows
55Ð105, and a soybean Þeld to the south (Fig. 2). Two
pyramid traps were placed in rows 5, 30, 55, and 94
along the north edge and in the orchard center, and
four traps were placed along the east edge of row 1. In
1997, peach orchard VB and M, each had four blocks
consisting of two screen traps and two pyramid traps
at the edge and center of each peach block. Each block
had traps either with no bait or baited with a lure of
grandisoic acid, the plum curculio aggregation pher-
omone (all lure effects reported elsewhere). In 1998,
orchard M had two screen traps and two pyramid traps
only at the orchard edge of rows 55, 30, and 1. In 1999,
peach orchard VL had traps arranged in a randomized
complete block design (3 replicates) each consisting
1260 E
of four screen traps and four pyramid traps. One of
each trap type in each block had no bait or was baited
with a lure of plum essence or grandisoic acid (IPM
Technologies, Portland, OR). In 2000, an abandoned
peach orchard L in Wynne had a randomized com-
plete block design (3 replicates) each with Þve screen
traps and Þve pyramid traps. One of each trap type in
each block had no bait or was baited with a lure of
grandisoic acid or essence of tart cherry, sweet cherry,
or plum (IPM Technologies).
Peach orchards were sampled from 1995 to 2000 in
Oklahoma. In 1995, weekly counts were made of plum
curculio adults captured in Þve pyramid traps (three
along the edge and two in the center) in a peach
orchard in Perkins (PK), and two in Stratford (ST). In
1996, the PK orchard and the Porter (P) orchard each
had Þve pyramid traps (three along the edge and two
in the center), whereas the two ST orchards had three
traps along the edge. In 1997, the ST and PK orchards
had two screen traps and two pyramid traps arranged
in a randomized complete design using eight repli-
cates. In 1999 and 2000 in the PK orchard, weekly
counts were made for 10 screen traps and 8 pyramid
traps. Each block had traps either with no bait or
baited with a lure of grandisoic acid. In 2000, the peach
orchard in Harrah (H) had eight screen traps and six
pyramid traps. The two ST orchards each had eight
screen traps and eight pyramid traps in the edge and
Data were sorted by year (1994Ð2000), by state (AR
or OK), and orchard site. SigniÞcant differences were
determined between mean trap counts of plum cur-
culio adults for three sources of variation: trap location
(L), trap distance from woods (R row), and trap
type (T). An analysis of variance (ANOVA), using
PROC GLM (General Linear Models) LSMEANS
(STDERR PDIFF) and MEANS (Tukey), was used to
identify signiÞcant main and interaction effects, to
calculate the standard error of the mean and the prob-
ability of differences between means for each source
Fig. 1. Screen trap attached to (A) large circumference peach trunk and to (B) small circumference peach trunk.
of variation (SAS Institute 2000). The lure effect on
trap counts recorded in 1997, 1999, and 2000 in Ar-
kansas and 1997 in Oklahoma was removed from the
mean trap counts by incorporating lure effect into the
mean error value (see footnotes in Tables 3 and 4).
The economic threshold of the number of plum
curculio adults captured per trap per day for the pyr-
amid trap was derived by regression. The independent
variable of the number of plum curculio adults cap-
tured per pyramid trap per day (ranging from 0.01 to
0.4 adults) was regressed against the dependent vari-
able of the percentage of new fruit damage assessed 1
wk later (ranging from 0 to 8%) using the Fit Line
analysis in the JMP software (SAS Institute 1996). All
trap data and percentage damage data (1 wk later)
were collected from the following orchards in several
cities of Arkansas and sample dates: Forrest City (F)
on 15 and 29 April, 5 May, 6 June 1997, 26 May 1998;
Haynes (H) on 29 April, 4 and 11 June 1997, 2, 14, and
24 April, 26 May, 4 and 17 June, and 8 July 1998; Wynne
(B and KL) on 14, 24, and 30 April, 13 May, 29 June
1998, 28 April, 28 May, 4 and 18 June 1999; Colt (S) on
1 May 1998; Clarksville (MO) on 27 May and 6 July
1999, 3 April 2000; and Conway (G) on 11 April 2000.
Results and Discussion
Two sampling methods were used to detect pres-
ence of plum curculio adults in and around peach
orchards. In Arkansas from 1997 to 2001, 223 orchard
visits were made to record the number of plum cur-
culio adults captured in traps and jarred from peach
Table 1. The number of plum curculio adults captured per pyramid trap and per limb jarring (means SE; n 5) and percentage
new fruit damage in peach orchard VL in Haynes, AR (1995)
Pyramid trap Limb jar % New damage
Woods Edge Center Edge Center Edge Center
20 March Set out
3 April 1.0 0.6a 4.6 1.7a 0.6 0.2a 1.8a 0.0b Ñ Ñ
10 April 0.4 0.2b 3.0 1.0a 0.6 0.2ab 0.4a 0.4a 9.0 3.3
26 April 0.8 0.2a 1.0 0.3a 0.0 0.0b 1.2a 0.0b 1.3 3.7
17 May 0.0 0.0a 0.8 0.6a 0.2 0.2a 0.2a 0.0a 1.3 0.3
2 June 0.6 0.4a 0.8 0.2a 0.8 0.4a Ñ Ñ 1.7 1.0
14 June 0.0 0.0a 1.6 1.0a 0.8 0.6a 0.4a 0.2a 2.0 0.3
29 June 0.0 0.0b 1.8 0.7a 0.2 0.2b 2.0a 0.2b 0.7 0.0
12 July 0.0 0.0a 0.4 0.2a 0.2 0.2a 1.0a 0.4b 0.3 0.7
26 July 0.0 0.0a 1.0 0.6a 0.0 0.0a Ñ Ñ Harvest
27 Sept. 0.6 0.4a 2.6 1.0a 0.4 0.4a Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ
Column sums 3.4 16.6 4.8 7.0 1.2 16.3 9.3
Means trap values or mean limb jar values within a row followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly different (P 0.05, TukeyÕs
Studentized Range Test; SAS Institute 2000).
Fig. 2. Season mean catch of plum curculio adults (mean values followed by the same letter do not differ signiÞcantly
(P 0.05, TukeyÕs Studentized Range Test; SAS Institute 2000) in pyramid traps positioned from the west in row 94 to the
east in row one along the orchard perimeter and in the center, where triangles denote trap locations and the oval-box symbol
represents woods on the northeast and east perimeters of commercial peach orchard M in Forrest City, AR, in 1996 and 1997.
tree limbs. Overall, traps captured plum curculio
adults on 114 visits, whereas limb jarring did so on only
29 visits. This low number of orchard sampling visits
with successful captures of a plum curculio adult by
limb jarring was attributed to jarring trees during the
day instead of at night. Racette et al. (1991) and
Chouinard et al. (1992) reported that plum curculio
adults are mainly active at night. Occasionally, grow-
ers do jar tree limbs, but it is usually during the day.
Our data indicated that growers would have more
success detecting plum curculio adults in orchards by
using traps than by limb jarring. In the rest of this
paper, we describe the effect of trap placement (lo-
cation) and trap type on monitoring plum curculio
adults and present an economic threshold based on
the number of plum curculio adults captured per trap
per day.
First capture of plum curculio adults in peach or-
chards in the spring 1995 varied signiÞcantly by sam-
pling location (Table 1). On 3 April, plum curculio
adults were Þrst captured by pyramid traps in the edge
and orchard center and by limb jarring peach trees
along the orchard edge. Traps and limb jarring cap-
tured adults along the orchard edge before Þrst fruit
damage was recorded on 10 April. However, plum
curculio adults were not jarred from limbs in the
orchard center until 10 April, when damage along the
peach orchard edge was 9 and 3% in the orchard
center. Pyramid traps set along the orchard edge cap-
tured signiÞcantly more plum curculio adults on 10
April (F 5.81; df 2,14; P 0.03) than did traps
along the woods, but the numbers were similar to
counts from traps in the orchard center. On 26 April,
the traps along the edge and along the woods had
similar numbers of plum curculio adults but signiÞ-
cantly greater than that in the orchard center (F
9.33; df 2,14; P 0.008). On 29 June, traps placed in
the orchard edge had more plum curculio adult cap-
tures than at the center or along the edge of adjacent
woods (F 5.62; df 2,14; P 0.003). Trap counts
along the edge of the woods were zero from 26 April
to 26 July. Concurrently, traps and limb jarring cap-
tured adults in the orchard edge and orchard center.
The only other dates when pyramid traps set along the
orchard edge captured signiÞcantly more plum cur-
culio adults than did traps set in the two other loca-
tions were 29 June (summer generation of adults
emerging from the soil) and 27 September (adults
dispersing to overwintering sites).
Pyramid traps and limb jarring peach trees had
larger cumulative captures of plum curculio adults for
the season when sampled along the orchard edge (16.6
adults/trap and 7.0 adults/jarring) than did sampling
in the orchard center or along the edge of the woods
Table 2. Number of plum curculio adults captured per pyra-
mid trap (means SE; n 3) when placed in three locations in
peach orchard VB in Haynes, AR (1994)
Date Edge 3rd Row (7 m) Center (30 m)
8 April 1.3 0.3a 1.7 0.9a 2.0 1.0a
14 April 18.0 4.0a 7.7 2.6ab 3.0 1.0b
19 April 3.7 1.8a 0.3 0.3a 0.3 0.3a
28 April 3.7 0.3a 1.7 0.7a 1.0 0.6a
11 May 0.0 0.0a 0.3 0.0a 0.0 0.0a
26 May 0.0 0.0a 0.0 0.0a 0.3 0.3a
21 June 2.0 0.6a 2.0 1.2a 0.3 0.3a
8 July 0.7 0.3ab 2.0 0.6a 0.0 0.0a
20 July 0.0 0.0a 0.0 0.0a 0.0 0.0a
11 Aug. 2.3 2.3a 0.3 0.3a 0.0 0.0a
Means trap values or mean limb jar values within a row followed by
the same letter are not signiÞcantly different (P 0.05, TukeyÕs
Studentized Range Test; SAS Institute 2000).
Table 3. Effects of trap location (L), row (R trap distance
from woods), trap type (T), and interaction on counts of plum
curculio adults per trap in Arkansas
Yr (Site)-Source df F-value P
1994 (VB)-L 2, 4 6.31
1995 (VB)-L 2, 4 7.56
1995 (VL)-L 2, 8 13.79
1996 (M)-L 1, 8 66.6
1996 (M)-R 3, 8 53.7
1996 (M)-L*R 3, 8 23.7
1997 (M)-L 1, 3 606.9
1997 (M)-T 1, 3 123.3
1997 (VB)-L 1, 3 19.6
1997 (VB)-T 1, 3 0.09
1998 (VB)-L 1, 4 1.82
1998 (VB)-T 1, 4 0.27
1998 (M)-T 1, 2 1.81
1999 (VL)-T 1, 2 0.21
2000 (L)-T 1, 2 3.72
Type III Mean Square with Location * Block as an error term.
Type III Mean Square with Replicate (Location * Row) an error
Type III Mean Square with Lure * Block as an error.
Type III Mean Square with Block (Location * Trap) as an error
Type III Mean Square with Trap * Block as an error term.
Table 4. Effect of trap location (L) and trap type (T) on counts
of plum curculio adults per trap in Oklahoma
Yr (Site)-Source df F-value P
1997 (P)-L 1, 2 0.0
1997 (P)-T 1, 2 4.0
1997 (PK)-L 1, 3 0.35
1997 (PK)-T 1, 3 13.74
1997 (S)-L 1, 3 11.4
1997 (S)-T 1, 3 6.15
1998 (P)-L 1, 8 0.0
1998 (P)-T 1, 8 3.75
1998 (PK)-L 1, 10 2.07
1998 (PK)-T 1, 10 0.0
1998 (S)-L 1, 12 0.05
1998 (S)-T 1, 12 4.04
1999 (PK)-L 1, 8 2.31
1999 (PK)-T 1, 8 2.61
1999 (S)-L 1, 10 4.45
1999 (S)-T 1, 10 0.08
2000 (PK)-L 1, 8 2.87
2000 (PK)-T 1, 8 24.6
2000 (S)-L 1, 10 0.05
2000 (S)-T 1, 10 0.49
2000 (H)-L 1, 9 12.3
2000 (H)-T 1, 9 3.56
Type III Mean Square with Lure * Block as an error term.
Type III Mean Square with Block (Location * Trap) as an error
(trap only) where counts were 5 adults/trap or 1.2
adults/limb jarring (Table 1). Similarly, the season
cumulative percentage new fruit damage was 16.3%
along the orchard edge and 9.3% in the orchard center.
The traps at the edge and in 3rd row of orchard had
similar counts all season, but counts in edge traps
differed signiÞcantly from those in center on 14 April
only (Table 2).
We expected that plum curculio adults exiting over-
wintering sites in the woodlot would be caught Þrst in
pyramid traps along the woodlot edge, rather than in
traps along the orchard edge and Þnally in the orchard
center. Trap location (L) did signiÞcantly affect the
number of plum curculio adults captured in traps in
Arkansas orchard sites VB, VL, and M from 1995 to
1997, whereas in Oklahoma only orchard sites S in 1997
and H in 2000 had signiÞcant differences due to lo-
cation (Tables 3Ð5). Edge and center trap counts were
similar in Arkansas only in the VB site in 1998. We
thought that plum curculio adults had overwintered
inside the orchard because the ground cover was al-
lowed to grow excessively high the previous season
during and after harvest.
In Oklahoma orchards, signiÞcant differences in
trap catch of adults at different locations were harder
to detect. This was attributed to low plum curculio
populations typically 0.7 adults/trap in the orchard
edge, except in orchard PK in 1997 (1.44 adults/trap)
(Fig. 3A; Tables 4 and 5). In comparison, AR, popu-
lations in the orchard edge usually exceeded 0.9
adults/trap. It was as low as 0.76 adults/trap in orchard
VB in 1995.
Trap distance (R) noted as the number of tree rows
(7 m apart) from a woodlot signiÞcantly affected the
number of plum curculio adults captured in traps in
the Arkansas orchard site M in 1996 (Table 3). There
was also a signiÞcant interaction of trap location and
trap distance (L*R). Trap counts decreased signiÞ-
cantly the farther the traps were placed away from the
woods in the orchard edge and center (Fig. 3). These
Þndings agreed with those of Laßeur and Hill (1987)
and Laßeur et al. (1987), who used other sampling
methods to describe the edge effect that occurred
during the spring and late summer dispersal phases of
plum curculio adults.
Table 5. Number of plum curculio adults captured in traps (means SE) at different locations in and around peach orchard sites
in Arkansas and Oklahoma
Yr (Site) No.
Trap location
(7 m inside)
(30 m inside)
1994 (VB) 30 Ñ 3.12 1.04a 1.6 0.5a 0.7 0.2a
1995 (VB) 50 0.1 0.05b 0.76 0.18a Ñ 0.34 0.1b
1995 (VL) 50 0.34 0.1b 1.76 0.3a Ñ 0.42 0.1b
1996 (M) 56 Ñ 0.93 a Ñ 0.23 b
1997 (VB) 304 Ñ 3.83 0.6a Ñ 1.38 0.2b
1997 (M) 304 Ñ 2.59 0.6a Ñ 0.25 0.05b
1998 (VB) 120 Ñ 1.43 0.21a Ñ 1.98 0.28a
1997 (P) 24 Ñ 0.13 0.09a Ñ 0.13 0.07a
1997 (PK) 32 Ñ 1.44 0.37a Ñ 1.33 0.33a
1997 (S) 32 Ñ 0.69 0.17a Ñ 0.22 0.01b
1998 (P) 16 Ñ 0.06 0.06a Ñ 0.06 0.04a
1998 (PK) 24 Ñ 0.66 0.25a Ñ 0.17 0.1a
1998 (S) 24 Ñ 0.5 0.33a Ñ 0.42 0.22a
1999 (PK) 370 Ñ 0.08 0.017a Ñ 0.04 0.01a
1999 (S) 192 Ñ 0.04 0.01a Ñ 0.01 0.01a
2000 (PK) 370 Ñ 0.16 0.03a Ñ 0.1 0.02a
2000 (H) 140 Ñ 0.17 0.04a Ñ 0.04 0.01b
2000 (S) 198 Ñ 0.066 0.02a Ñ 0.057 0.02a
Means trap values or mean limb jar values within a row followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly different (P 0.05, TukeyÕs
Studentized Range Test; SAS Institute 2000).
Table 6. Number of plum curculio adults captured in either of
two trap types (means SE) placed in peach orchard in Arkansas
and Oklahoma from 1997 to 2000
Yr (Site) No.
Trap type
Pyramid Screen
1997 (VB) 298 2.51 0.4a 2.7 0.5a
1997 (M) 306 1.94 0.6a 0.9 0.25b
1998 (VB) 120 1.81 0.26a 1.6 0.24a
1998 (M) 90 2.22 0.67a 1.07 0.3a
1999 (VL) 88 2.55 0.31a 2.78 0.5a
2000 (KL) 165 2.9 0.24a 2.02 0.23a
1997 (P) 24 0.17 0.1a 0.08 0.06a
1997 (PK) 28 2.25 0.41a 0.54 0.17b
1997 (S) 32 0.63 0.17a 0.28 0.1a
1998 (P) 24 0.13 0.07a 0.0 0.0a
1998 (PK) 28 0.43 0.19a 0.46 0.24a
1998 (S) 16 0.75 0.35a 0.13 0.09a
1999 (PK) 518 0.08 0.01a 0.03 0.01a
1999 (S) 224 0.027 0.01a 0.022 0.01a
2000 (PK) 518 0.21 0.03a 0.046 0.01b
2000 (H) 245 0.03 0.01b 0.12 0.02a
2000 (S) 231 0.05 0.02a 0.07 0.02a
Means trap values or mean limb jar values within a row followed by
the same letter are not signiÞcantly different (P 0.05, TukeyÕs
Studentized Range Test; SAS Institute 2000).
Pyramid traps captured signiÞcantly more plum
curculio adults than did screen trap types (T) only in
Arkansas orchard site M in 1997 and Oklahoma site PK
in 1997 and 2000 (Fig. 3C; Tables 3, 4, and 6). It was
observed that peach trees in sites M and PK had a
trunk circumference 38 cm. All other sites had trees
with circumference 38 cm (Fig. 1A and B). Likewise,
the length of the screen trap bottom is 38 cm, so the
bottom overlaps on these small circumference peach
trunks. Future studies are expected to show that as
trunk circumference decreases below 38 cm, so will
screen trap catch. In contrast, counts from pyramid
traps remain the same to that from limb jarring re-
gardless of peach trunk size.
Prokopy and Wright (1998) suggested that pyramid
traps placed closer to fruit tree trunks caught more
plum curculio adults than those further away. From
1994 to 1997 in Arkansas, pyramid traps were staked on
the ground at least 1 m from peach trunks. This place-
ment resulted in low trap captures of adults in samples
taken after mid-May (summer adults) in Arkansas
(Oklahoma populations were always low). From 1998
on, pyramid traps were set on the ground but were tied
to peach tree trunks and kept weed-free. This in-
creased the season mean trap captures of summer
adults from 1 per trap before 1998 to between 1.5 and
3.3 adults per trap from 1998 to 2000 (Fig. 3B). Thus,
to maximize trap capture all season, the bottom edge
Fig. 3. Number of plum curculio adults caught per trap in Arkansas (bars to the left of vertical dotted line) or in Oklahoma
all sorted by year and orchard where (A) is the season catch, (B) is catch accumulated before (overwintered) or after 15
May (summer), and (C) is catch in pyramid traps or screen traps.
of the pyramid trap should be in full contact with the
ground, placed next to and tied to the peach tree; and
the area around each trap should be maintained weed-
free. Screen traps should be used only on trees with a
circumference 38 cm.
The economic threshold of 0.045 adults per pyramid
trap per day was derived from the following linear
equation (t 5.37, df 28, P 0.0001, r
0.51): D
0.33 14.49 * X; where X is the number of plum
curculio adults per pyramid trap per day (range, 0.01Ð
0.4 adults); and D is the assessed percentage of fruit
damaged 1 wk after recording the trap counts (range,
0Ð8% damage). Fruit damage was 1% in 19 out of 22
cases where the pyramid trap catch exceeded the
threshold of 0.045 plum curculio adults per trap per
day (Fig. 4).
In 1997Ð2001, several peach growers in Alabama,
Arkansas, and Oklahoma participated in an insect pest
management program (Johnson et al. 2002). Each or-
chard contained several pest-speciÞc traps. Three ori-
ental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), phero-
mone traps were set at eye level in peach trees in the
center of the orchard (set 30 m apart). Four gray
pyramid traps for monitoring plum curculio were tied
to peach tree trunks along the orchard edge adjacent
to woods. Four yellow pyramid traps for monitoring
brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say), were staked
between peach trees along the orchard edge and
baited with rubber septa charged with 50(l methyl
(2E, 4Z)-decadienoate, the aggregation pheromone
of Nearctic Euschistus spp. (Aldrich et al. 1995). Tar-
nished plant bugs, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beau-
vois), were monitored using four white sticky traps
tied to the lowest scaffold limb in trees along the
orchard edge (30 m apart). Growers or scouts made
weekly inspections for new pest damage on 30 fruit on
each of 10 trees along the orchard edge, scouted traps
for the presence of key pests, and accumulated
degree-days to predict hatch of oriental fruit moth.
Growers used this IPM program to assist in determin-
ing when plum curculio populations exceeded eco-
nomic thresholds.
The pyramid trap can be used in tree fruit orchards
with any size trunk circumference, whereas the screen
trap is restricted to orchards with trunks that exceed
a circumference of 38 cm. In these more mature or-
chards, the screen trap could replace the pyramid trap
for a number of reasons. First, a screen trap is only $15,
whereas a pyramid trap is more than $24. Also, screen
traps are more easily attached to tree trunks, are more
durable, have fewer maintenance problems, are
lighter than pyramid traps, and require less storage
space. Neither trap is a stand-alone decision-making
tool during the season, especially for the summer gen-
eration(s) of plum curculio. This study suggests that
combining weekly trap counts with percentage of fruit
damage should be used to make insecticide decisions
against plum curculio. Further research is needed to
increase plum curculio adult attraction toward either
the pyramid or screen trap.
We thank the peach producers who allowed us to evaluate
these traps in their orchards; Ron McNew and Ed Gbur
(University of Arkansas) and Mark Payton (Oklahoma State
University) for statistical analysis, and reviewers for their
comments. This work was partially funded by Gerber Prod-
ucts Company, USDA/CSREES Grant 99-04786 and
99-04785, and an Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Internal IPM Grant.
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Received for publication 29 June 2001; accepted 27 June
... The northern strain PC, originating from the Northeast, and the southern strain PC, originating from the Southeast, are univoltine and multivoltine, respectively, and are genetically distinct, which means the 2 strains might also exhibit different behaviors (Schoene 1936, McClanan et al. 2004, Zhang et al. 2008, Lampasona et al. 2020. Although Johnson et al. (2002) observed an edge effect in the southeastern strain of PC in Arkansas and Oklahoma peach orchards, no other studies have reported an edge effect by PC in any other Southeastern states. Without a better understanding of PC's dispersal behavior in the Southeast, a spatiotemporal management program targeting PC is likely to remain undeveloped. ...
... Various traps have been evaluated for their effectiveness in capturing and monitoring PC, such as the black pyramid trap, Circle trap, sticky Plexiglas panel, and vertical black cylinder trap (Vincent et al. 1999, Johnson et al. 2002, Prokopy et al. 2003, Leskey and Wright 2004, Leskey 2006, Akotsen-Mensah et al. 2010). These traps can yield different results in PC monitoring due to their capture mechanisms or deployment methods. ...
... The lack of an edge effect in our results could also be due to the small size of our study sites; however, Johnson et al. (2002) were able to observe significantly higher PC captures from pyramid traps deployed in the first peach row directly adjacent to a woodlot than those from pyramid traps placed in the fifth peach row in a Fig. 6. Number (mean ± SE) of PC adults collected by the Circle traps and beat sampling method combined at different tree locations in each sampling week in 2019, 2020, and 2021 in the Scarletprince orchard. ...
Full-text available
Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a key pest in Southeastern peach production by infesting fruit and decreasing yield. In Northeastern apples, plum curculio was found to have an “edge effect,” where more plum curculio are present next to a forested border than in the center of an orchard, and their propensity to fly or walk depended on air temperature. We conducted field studies over 3 seasons (2019–2021) to investigate whether plum curculio in small Southeastern peach plots exhibits the edge effect and to determine its primary mode of movement (flying or walking). Our results revealed that plum curculio did not exhibit the edge effect in Southeastern peaches. Thus, unlike Northeastern apples where plum curculio exhibits the edge effect, the reduced-input application program where insecticide sprays mainly target a few perimeter-row trees instead of the whole orchard for plum curculio management is not recommended for Southeastern peaches. Additionally, we observed that plum curculio in Southeastern peaches did not exhibit a primary mode of movement, and in most of the sampling weeks, the numbers of flying and walking plum curculio were not significantly correlated in the field. These results emphasize that using plum curculio sampling tools that only capture flying or walking plum curculio is not ideal for monitoring plum curculio activity in the Southeast. Overall, our findings indicate that plum curculio in Southeastern small peach plots and Northeastern apples does not exhibit the same behavior (i.e., edge effect and propensity to fly or walk).
... Over the past decade, there has been a great deal of effort directed toward development of monitoring tools for plum curculio (Piñ ero et al. 2001;Johnson et al. 2002;Leskey and Prokopy 2002;Prokopy et al. 2003Prokopy et al. , 2004Leskey and Wright 2004b) to permit deÞnition of integrated pest management (IPM)-based treatment thresholds for commercial orchards. Thus far, development of such a monitoring tool has included trap-based (Piñ ero et al. 2001, Johnson et al. 2002, Leskey and Prokopy 2002, Leskey and Wright 2004b, Leskey 2006) and trap tree-based (Prokopy et al. , 2004Leskey et al 2008) approaches, most of which rely on the use of olfactory attractants. ...
... Over the past decade, there has been a great deal of effort directed toward development of monitoring tools for plum curculio (Piñ ero et al. 2001;Johnson et al. 2002;Leskey and Prokopy 2002;Prokopy et al. 2003Prokopy et al. , 2004Leskey and Wright 2004b) to permit deÞnition of integrated pest management (IPM)-based treatment thresholds for commercial orchards. Thus far, development of such a monitoring tool has included trap-based (Piñ ero et al. 2001, Johnson et al. 2002, Leskey and Prokopy 2002, Leskey and Wright 2004b, Leskey 2006) and trap tree-based (Prokopy et al. , 2004Leskey et al 2008) approaches, most of which rely on the use of olfactory attractants. These attractants include the single-component, male-produced aggregation pheromone grandisoic acid (Eller and Bartelt 1996), plum essence (Coombs 2001), benzaldehyde, which is synergized by the presence of grandisoic acid (Piñ ero et al. 2001, Piñ ero and, and a multiple-component blend identiÞed from foliar and woody tissues of ÔStan-leyÕ plum that was found to be more attractive when combined with benzaldehyde and grandisoic acid (Leskey et al. 2005). ...
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Reliable electroantennogram (EAG) responses were obtained from the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), by using a whole body mount with glass electrodes Þlled with KCl-saturated AgCl solution that penetrated the antennal club (recording electrode) and the membrane attached to the cervical sclerite between the thorax and the head (indifferent electrode). Known attractive odor sources including extracts of headspace collections of ÔStanleyÕ plum and ÔEmpireÕ apple tissues and a synthetic source of racemic grandisoic acid were used to verify the sensitivity of the technique. The amplitude of responses was signiÞcantly greater for females than males among all candidate stimuli evaluated. The recorded amplitudes for all odor stimuli evaluated were signiÞcantly greater than the methylene chloride solvent control. The development of this EAG technique will facilitate use of a coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection system to aid in detection of novel, biologically and behaviorally active volatile sources that can be subsequently evaluated in behavioral trials and ultimately lead to more powerful attractants for use in monitoring and management programs for plum curculios in commercial fruit orchards.
... Insecticides against C. nenuphar in apple orchards are applied up to three times: initially at petal fall to kill adults immigrating from sources outside the orchard . Usually at least one other insecticide spray is applied 10-14 days after petal fall, and a third application may be applied near the end of the curculio's oviposition period Racette et al., 1992), if new fruit damage appears or if trap-based catches exceed 0.1 plum curculio adults/pyramid trap/week (Johnson et al., 2002;Blaauw et al., 2018). ...
... min) Chen et al., 2006 Flight mill experiments are artificial and in general, the insect is an infrequent flier Trapping has indicated that immigration in orchards of Massachusetts, USA can last for 51 to 85 days Piñero and Prokopy, 2006 8.25-35.71 Racette et al., 1992 Detection method Enzymes released by larvae feeding in fruit cause the fruit to drop prematurely, e.g. in apples before the fruit reaches 3 cm diameter FAO, 1995 Detection method Identification of C. nenuphar by morphological examination is limited to adult specimens because there are no adequate keys for the identification of eggs, larvae or pupae Johnson et al., 2002 Detection method Several methods have been used to detect adult C. nenuphar in orchards: beating and shaking branches and collecting adults that are dislodged and fall onto white sheets under the branches, using green painted sticky-coated ping pong balls, pitfall traps, pyramid traps, screen traps and sticky-trunk bands Eaton and Maccini, 2016 Detection method If the presence of C. nenuphar is expected, hosts at the outer edges of orchards should be monitored regularly during the period of flowering up to petal fall for feeding or egg laying punctures on young fruit. Armstrong, 1958 Pest biology The time spent inside the fruit (combining the egg and larval periods) varied from 13 to 49 days, the majority falling within the range 17 to 22 days Armstrong, 1958 Pest biology Development from final instar larva to adult takes 32 to 45 days, the extremes being 21 and 81 days Campbell et al., 1989 Pest Vincent et al., 1999 Pest/host combination Within an apple orchard, a plum curculio population released from insecticide control efforts is capable of returning to levels causing major economic damage within three years ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
part of the outputs produced under the mandate M-2017-0056 of the European Commission requesting EFSA for technical assistance in the field of quarantine pests qualifying as priority pests as by Article 6(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 on protective measures against pests of plants. Under the mandate EFSA produced: i) 1 methodology report (DOI available at the field "Related/alternate identifiers"), ii) 28 datasheets, one for each of the 28 candidate pests, and iii) 28 pest reports supporting the information provided in the datasheets.
... In the field, trees can be checked for the presence of beetles by jarring or disturbing the branches and collecting falling insects on a collection sheet (FAO, 2018a;Chouinard et al., 2019). However, this technique is time consuming and causes damage to the blossom and fruit (Johnson et al., 2002;Chouinard et al., 2019). ...
... Several odour-baited or unbaited trap designs targeting C. nenuphar adults were proposed as an alternative to jarring tree branches in the orchards and to monitor population levels for initiating control treatments (Prokopy et al., 2000;Johnson et al., 2002). While less time consuming, none of the trap designs are highly attractive and insect captures do not correlate to the density of oviposition scarring of the fruit. ...
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This pest survey card was prepared in the context of the EFSA mandate on plant pest surveillance (M‐2020‐0114) at the request of the European Commission. Its purpose is to guide the Member States in preparing data and information for Conotrachelus nenuphar surveys. These are required to design statistically sound and risk‐based pest surveys, in line with current international standards.Conotrachelus nenuphar,commonly known as the plum curculio,is distributed in the eastern and midwestern parts of North America, where it is a major pest of fruit orchards. Larval stages feed within the fruit, destroying fruit integrity. Themain hosts are stone fruits (Prunus spp.) butthis pest can also cause significant damage to pome fruits (Pyrus spp., Malus spp.) and highbush blueberries.Climatic conditions in most of the EUare expected to besuitable for the establishment of the plum curculioin areaswhere host plants are grown. The beetles disperseabout 300m per yearandthe main potential pathwayfor the entry of the pest intoEU territory is via infested host fruit commoditiesoriginatingfrom countries where the pest occurs. Surveillance should targetin particularhost plants around locations where these commodities are repacked, handled, stored, traded or disposed of. Visual examination of symptoms on the young fruit of host trees before swelling is the recommended method for detection. Adiagnostic protocol for the morphological identification of C. nenuphar adults is available and molecular identification of the adult and immature stagesis possible.
... The implementation of A&K on the outermost row of plants likely intercepted P. japonica entering vineyards, as the A&K stations resulted in 94% more dead beetles than the grower standard stations. Insecticidal sprays targeted at perimeter edge rows can reduce pest species numbers within entire fields for species known to move into crops from the surrounding landscape, such as the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Johnson et al. 2002), H. halys (Morrison et al. 2019, Suckling et al. 2019, and P. japonica (Sara et al. 2013, Henden andGuédot 2022), and focusing management strategies to these areas may result in reducing large fieldwide applications of insecticides. ...
Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) feeding negatively impacts many plant species, including grapes, potentially reducing fruit quality and yield. Chemical control, representing the current grower standard, relies on frequent broadcast applications of broad-spectrum insecticides, with alternative management strategies mostly lacking. Attract-and-kill (A&K) is a behavioral management strategy that combines semiochemical attractants and a killing agent on a substrate. This study assessed the impact of A&K on (i) the number of P. japonica adults and (ii) the percent of P. japonica feeding injury on grape foliage compared to the grower standard in commercial vineyards. This 2-year study was conducted at 3 commercial vineyards with 4 paired plots consisting of a grower standard control and an A&K treatment. The A&K treatment consisted of commercial lures, each placed on outside-edge grapevines, and weekly applications of carbaryl on the plants holding lures. The grower standard received broadcast insecticide applications at the grower’s discretion. The A&K treatment experienced similar numbers of P. japonica adults and similar proportions of leaf injury compared to the grower standard. The use of A&K reduced by 96% the crop area treated with insecticides compared to the grower standard. The area treated by A&K was at the edge of the vineyards, where more leaf injury occurred regardless of treatment. A&K is a targeted approach that was effective at managing P. japonica and reducing chemical inputs on a small scale. It has the potential to be scaled up and refined to provide growers with a new management strategy.
... Evaluations of baited trap-based approaches incorporating these key components have yielded mixed results. In southern peach orchards, Johnson et al. (2002) established an economic threshold to be used as a decision-based tool for triggering insecticide applications; a threshold of 0.1 adults per trap based on captures principally in pyramid traps was established. A threshold has not been established in north-eastern and mid-Atlantic apple orchards. ...
This book contains 9 chapters that cover topics on: conceptual framework for integrated pest management of tree-fruit pests; the evolution of key tree-fruit pests (classical cases); functional and behavioural ecology of tree-fruit pests; how do key tree-fruit pests detect and colonize their hosts (mechanisms and applications for integrated pest management); monitoring and management of the apple maggot fly and the plum curculio; trying to build an ecological orchards (a history of apple integrated pest management in Massachusetts, USA); managing pestiferous fruit flies through environmental manipulation; biorational approaches to disease management in apples; speciation, consumers and the market.
... There has been a great deal of effort directed toward development of trap-based (Prokopy and Wright 1998;Prokopy et al. 2000Prokopy et al. , 2003Piñ ero et al. 2001;Johnson et al. 2002;Leskey and Prokopy 2002;Leskey and Wright 2004b) and trap-tree based (Prokopy et al. , 2004 monitoring systems for use against plum curculio in commercial orchards. Both approaches rely heavily on olfactory cues to serve as attractants. ...
Full-text available
In 2005, captures of overwintered adult plum curculios, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in standard black masonite pyramid traps deployed in apple (Malus spp.) orchards from half-inch green until fruit reached 7 mm and baited with known attractants did not result in significant captures compared with unbaited traps as they had in 2003 and 2004. These baits included the synthetic aggregation pheromone, grandisoic acid (GA) alone, a six-component synthetic host plant volatile combination (6-Tree) identified from foliar and woody tissues of a Stanley plum tree in combination with GA (6-Tree+GA), and the synthetic fruit volatile benzaldehyde (BEN) in combination with GA (BEN+GA). In 2005, the average daily temperature was below 13°C, much cooler than in 2003 and 2004. We hypothesized that plum curculio could not discriminate between baited and unbaited traps because of reduced release rates of odor-bait stimuli due to their temperature-driven release system. From data collected from 2003 to 2005, we found that plum curculio captures in traps baited with GA alone, 6-Tree+GA, and BEN+GA were significantly related to temperature. We created a predictive model to determine the level of activity, i.e., trap captures in baited traps compared with unbaited traps, we would expect to observe at a particular temperature for these same odor stimuli. Our models predicts that at temperatures between ≈ 11 to 13°C we would expect to see no difference between captures in baited and unbaited traps. For captures in odor-baited traps to reach twice those in unbaited traps, our model predicts that temperatures must reach 19.2°C for GA alone, 18.5°C for 6-Tree+GA, and 15.8°C for BEN+GA.
... Decision support applications require thresholds for decisions on management interventions and often these are not available. The plum curculio, C. nenuphar, has been monitored in apple (Piñero and Prokopy 2003) and peach (Johnson et al. 2002;Leskey and Wright 2004;Akotsen-Mensah et al. 2010) orchards, where the optimal blend of synergistic host and pheromone volatiles, best trap type as well as economic thresholds were investigated. Optimal sensitivity is essential due to the high risk of large infestations resulting from even a small number of emerged adults. ...
For the large family Curculionidae, the number of species considered pests is expected to increase due to global movement of plant and soil material, as well as climate change. Pheromones are increasingly popular for use in pest management programmes, either as stand-alone tactics or with other management tactics. Biological differences between Curculionidae species often require species-specific optimization of methodologies to successfully collect, identify and integrate pheromones into management programmes. This review aims to provide an overview of current knowledge on non-Scolytinae Curculionidae pheromones and their use in strategies to manage these insects where they are pests. Throughout, we highlight the importance of understanding the chemical ecology of target pests and related species to direct pheromone sampling and the development of pheromone-based management tactics.
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Resumen: El ciruelo curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar) es una plaga destructiva que afecta principalmente a los cultivos de frutas de hueso, como ciruelas, cerezas, melocotones y albaricoques. Este capítulo proporciona una descripción general de la biología y el comportamiento de Plum Curculio, así como estrategias de manejo para mitigar el daño a los cultivos. El Plum Curculio es un insecto nocivo que se dirige a los cultivos de frutales de hueso. El insecto pasa por un ciclo de vida de cuatro etapas, causando varios tipos de daño a la fruta. Para controlar las poblaciones de Plum Curculio, se recomienda una combinación de métodos culturales, biológicos y químicos. Las consideraciones ambientales y de seguridad son importantes cuando se utiliza el control químico. Comprender e implementar estrategias de manejo puede minimizar el daño y mantener la calidad de la fruta. El monitoreo regular y el manejo proactivo de plagas son cruciales para un control exitoso.
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The Plum Curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar) is a destructive pest that primarily affects stone fruit crops, such as plums, cherries, peaches, and apricots. This chapter provides an overview of the biology and behavior of the Plum Curculio, as well as management strategies to mitigate crop damage. The Plum Curculio is a harmful insect that targets stone fruit crops. The insect undergoes a four-stage life cycle, causing various types of damage to the fruit. To control Plum Curculio populations, a combination of cultural, biological, and chemical methods is recommended. Safety and environmental considerations are important when using chemical control. Understanding and implementing management strategies can minimize damage and maintain fruit quality. Regular monitoring and proactive pest management are crucial for successful control.
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Many terrestrial Heteroptera have small, but functional, dorsal abdominal glands as adults. The chemistry, and associated intra- and inter-specific behavior, for dorsal abdominal gland secretions from 10 species representing four genera of Pentatomidae was investigated. Eighteen volatile compounds were identified in species-specific blends from the dorsal abdominal gland secretions ofEuschistus, Acrosternum, andEurydema adults, including aliphatic, aromatic, and terpenoid constituents. Evidence from bioassays is presented that parasitic Tachinidae (Diptera) and Scelionidae (Hymenoptera) use these secretions as kairomones. A field experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that minor volatiles increase the specificity of the main pheromone component from NearcticEuschistus species, methyl (2E,4Z)-decadienoate. However, significantly fewer individuals ofE. tristigmus were captured in traps baited with the complete blend for this species than in traps baited with methyl (2E,4Z)-decadienoate alone. Thus, at the concentrations tested, these kinds of dorsal abdominal gland secretions may be epideictic, promoting spacing in the natural habitat.
Pyramidal traps of various colors and trunk-wraps of white plastic and whitewash were evaluated to optimize pyramidal traps for collection of pecan weevils, Curculio caryae (Horn). Black traps were superior to all other colors tested and are recommended for use by growers. White plastic wrap was as effective and easier to use than whitewash and both increased trap capture (white plastic 2.8, whitewash 1.8 fold) of pecan weevils.
Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), enroute from hibernating sites in the woods were first recovered from plum trees at 95% full bloom. First mating occurred as early as 95% full bloom and no later than 90% petal fall. Most matings occurred during April when the adult population was highest. Fruit injury (feeding and oviposition) was greater on plum than on peach or other Prunus species. Little feeding and/or oviposition was recorded on fruit of Prunus japonica Thunb. in field nursery plots. However, when P. japonica fruit was picked, brought into the laboratory, put in cups with laboratory-reared plum curculio, the weevils fed and oviposited as well as on other Prunus species fruit. First field brood emergence was detected when most collected adult females (16 of 18) were virgin during 26 May - 1 June 1991. The 7-day period was indicative of a new generation because newly-emerged females were sexually immature for approximately 7 days. Prior to and after that 7-day emergence period, most females were mated. Various monitoring methods were evaluated which included green sticky balls, pitfall traps, sticky trunk bands, boll weevil traps, and tree jarring. Tree jarring was the best method for monitoring plum curculio.
Peach producers in the Southern USA generally follow a calendar spray program. Peach growers and county extension agents in AR, AL, FL and OK learned how to implement an integrated pest management program (IPM). Degree-days (DD, base 10°C) for plum curculio (PC) were accumulated daily after the PC biofix (second day when air temperature exceeded 21.1°C) and first trap catch of oriental fruit moth (OFM) (base 10°C). After bloom, weekly estimates were made of the density of PC, stink bug (SB), OFM and percent new pest damaged fruit. Economic thresholds were 0.1 PC per day or 1 SB or 1 PC jarred from peach limbs or 1% new fruit damage between 56 to 222 DD and from 611 DD to harvest. Participating growers and county agents received scouting recommendations and localized recommendations were updated on the Internet. Overwintered adult PC and SB moved to orchards in late February to early March in AL and FL and late March to early April in AR and OK. All states recorded low population levels of PC and OFM and less than 1% fruit damage whereas SBs caused from 3 to 6% damage. In Alabama, no PC or OFM adults were caught in traps in the demonstration orchards. Initially, participating growers applied between 7 to 12 insecticide sprays per season. The IPM program was implemented in 2000 and 2001 resulting in < 8 sprays and < 4 sprays per season, respectively. The OK research IPM block required only 3 sprays per season in 1999, 1 in 2000 and 1 in 2001. Isomate-M dispensers depressed mating of OFM from May to harvest in 1997 and 1998 in 200 acres of processing peaches and in 2000 and 2001 in 30 acres of fresh market peaches resulting in <1% damage.
An inexpensive pyramidal-shaped trap was designed and demonstrated to effectively monitor the emergence of pecan weevil adults Curculio caryae (Horn). The trap is constructed of masonite and uses a modified boll weevil eradication trap top as a collecting container. Weevils were preferentially attracted to brown traps when traps were painted brown vs. white. Brown traps positioned adjacent to pecan trees having whitewashed trunks also were more attractive to weevils than when positioned beneath non-white washed trees. Tall traps attracted more weevils than short traps having the same surface area. Two traps per tree captured twice as many weevils as one trap. This report describes the new trap design and presents information to which its effectiveness could possibly be attributed.
In May, 1958, studies on the distribution of fruit, and of fruit damages from all sources; were initiated in permanent apple orchard plots at Rougemont, Que. The object was to develop sound sampling techniques to determine, within error limits, damages to the fruit resulting from the feeding activities of orchard insect pests, and from mechanical causes, during the period apple set in early June to harvest in mid September. This is a report on variation in samples of apples, and of damages to the fruit from all sources, for the years 1958 and 1959, and on sampling recommendations.
Labeled (65Zn) adult plum curculio (PC), Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), that migrated to adjacent woodlots in fall 1982 reinfested the orchard in spring 1983. Spring migration is thought to include both a mass migration in a preferred direction (the reverse of fall migration direction) and an exploratory component by which PC seek optimal feeding and oviposition sites. A northwestern tendency was observed among PC migrating in one orchard in spring. PC were most active between 12 May (before tight cluster) and 27 June (June drop), with the highest speed of dispersion (4.4 m per insect per day) at fruit set. After emergence and migration to host trees, PC were found on the ground under apple trees, individually and in groups of up to 14 with equal numbers of each sex. As the growing season progressed, PC moved from outside rows adjacent to woodlots toward the center of the orchard, possibly searching for food, oviposition sites, and trees offering sufficient protection from desiccation. PC were more abundant in the southeastern part of the orchard and on early cultivars of trees with dense foliage. Implications for control and future research are discussed.