The dominant metaphysics of science is materialism (mind from matter) and that of religions are idealism (matter from mind) and/or interactive substance dualism (mind and matter are two independent entities but they interact in us when we are alive). All these three metaphysics have serious problems. Because of these problems science and religions are at opposite poles. We cannot ignore science because our daily life is based on it and we cannot ignore religion because it teaches us how to live. Therefore, serious effort is needed to bring them closer.
Materialism has an explanatory gap problem in: how can subjective experiences (SEs) arise/emerge from non-experiential matter? Idealism has the reverse of the materialism’s explanatory gap problem, i.e., how can non-experiential matter arise/emerge from SEs? The interactive substance dualism seven problems are: (1) Association or mind-brain interaction problem, (2) Problem of mental causation, (3) ‘Zombie’ problem, (4) ‘Ghost’ problem, (5) Neurophysiological many-one/many relation problem, (6) Causal pairing problem, and (7) Developmental problem.
The IDAM framework addresses those problems well. The IDAM framework is the Inseparable dual-aspect monism framework: the Dual-Aspect Monism (Vimal, 2008b) with dual-mode (Vimal, 2010c) and varying degrees of the dominance of the dominance of aspects depending on the level of entities (Vimal, 2012a), where each entity-state has inseparable mental and physical aspects.
As per (Vimal, 2011g), “All theist religions have built-in interactive substance dualism. This is because, after death, the presumed ‘soul’ (mental entity) is separated from the dead body (physical entity). This means the soul is a separate substance/entity and the dead body is a separate substance. These two substances interact when we are alive in such a way that they appear inseparable. Moreover, both (soul and dead body) and all other entities are postulated to be the parts of the same fundamental entity (one may call it by different names such as: God, Brahman, Allah, the dual-aspect entity, physics’ vacuum, and so on) whether we are alive or dead; and the same Brahman is in all entities: this is the doctrine of ‘All (entities) in One (Brahman/God/Allāh) and One (Brahman/God/Allāh) in All (entities)’. All religions also include idealism that God/consciousness is the fundamental reality.”
In IDAM framework, we argue that in the soul (if it indeed exists after death), the mental aspect is dominant and its physical aspect is latent/recessive as ‘subtle body’ where traces of karmas and unfulfilled intense desires are embedded; whereas, in dead body, it is other way around (physical aspect is dominant and its mental aspect is latent). Brahman/God/Allāh is the fundamental dual-aspect entity; in its unmanifested state (before or at Big Bang), Brahman/God/Allāh has both the dominant physical aspect and latent mental aspect; this is called the causal Brahman/God/Allāh. The physical aspect of the unmanifested state of empty-space (void at ground state of quantum potential with minimum energy) with quantum fluctuations leading to Big Bang for creating universe is equivalent to the fluctuations in cosmic consciousness (the mental aspect of the unmanifested state of kāran (causal) Brahman/God/Allāh) leading to the creation of universe. This is because the mental and physical aspects of unmanifested state of causal Brahman/God/Allāh/sunyatā/void are inseparable and hence fluctuations in physical aspect can be translated to that in the mental domain automatically and vice versa. The manifested state of Brahman/God/Allāh is called kārya (effect) Brahman/God/Allāh that started after Big Bang. Kārya Brahman/God/Allāh has varying degrees of dominance of aspects depending on the level of entities. Inert entities have a dominant physical aspect and latent mental aspect. Over 13.72 billion years after Big Bang, kārya Brahman/God/Allāh evolved into us; when we are awake and conscious, both aspects are equally dominant; when we are in deep sleep, our physical aspect is more dominant than our mental aspect, that is why we are non-conscious; in dream state, both aspects seem dominant to some extent because we experience something, but it is different from wakeful state. In samadhi/mystic/sufi-state, both aspects are dominant and we experience (a) BLISS (Ānanda) that is called God/Allāh/Parmātman/Sat-cit-ānanda, (b) inner light perception, and (c) unification of subject and objects. Therefore, we should meditate and reach to this state and meet our God living in each of us; this is our final goal of life consistent with all religions. This is rigorously consistent with modern science.
Conclusion/Summary: We all have our own views. My view is expressed in the IDAM framework, where a state of each entity including primal entity has dual-aspect. The two aspects of each entity-state are: (i) subjective first person perspective (1pp) mental aspect and (ii) objective third person perspective (3pp) mental aspect. The 1pp-mental aspect is always latent to a third person; for example, I will never know what you experience or think; it is personal and private; but we converse so both of us are confident that our (brain-state’s) 1pp-mental aspect is dominant in us during conscious wakeful state of our brain along with its inseparable physical aspect. Therefore, 1pp-mental aspect of inert-entity-state is always latent to us, which implies that 1pp-mental aspect of primal entity is also latent to us. In other words, both aspects are latent in the primal entity in its unmanifested state. During its manifestation, first, its physical aspect appeared through cosmic fire (such as Big Bang) because there are scientific evidences. Both aspects of manifested state of universe co-evolved and over 13 billion years, 1pp-mental aspect became dominant in us along with its inseparable physical aspect. This means we are one of the best products of evolution. A normal human being usually has 3 major states: sleep, dream and wakefulness. The fourth state is rare, but is known to be achieved by sufis, yogis, mystics, and like. This fourth state is called God/Parmātman/Sat-cit-ānanda/Allāh in my view because we get unlimited pleasure (pleasure center gets activated), subject-objects appear unified (enmity disappears), and we acquire all the useful attributes of God. Thus, if we are able to achieve this state (e.g. via meditation), we become Him and we get liberated from negative energies. Since all above have scientific evidence and metaphysically not inconsistent with all religions, we can bring science and religions in the same boat, i.e., in the same dual-aspect monism metaphysics (foundation). Otherwise, they are and will remain in different boats while sailing in opposite directions. This is because science’s dominant metaphysics is materialism and religion’s metaphysics are idealism and/or interactive substance dualism, which are opposite to materialism; all these three metaphysics have serious problems. Thus, through the doctrine of unification of science and all religions, the IDAM framework can maximize peace and happiness and minimize war and suffering.