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218 Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012 DOI: 10.1564/23oct07
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tracy C. Leskey1, 2, George C. Hamilton3, Anne L. Nielsen3, Dean F. Polk4, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona3, J. Christopher
Bergh5, D. Ames Herbert6, Tom P. Kuhar7, Douglas Pfeiffer7, Galen P. Dively8, Cerruti R. R. Hooks8, Michael J.
Raupp8, Paula M. Shrewsbury8, Greg Krawczyk9, Peter W. Shearer10, Joanne Whalen12, Carrie Koplinka-Loehr12,
Elizabeth Myers12, Douglas Inkley13, Kim A. Hoelmer14, Doo-Hyung Lee2, and Starker E. Wright2
Keywords: Halyomorpha halys, brown marmorated stink bug, invasive pest,
IPM, specialty crops, row crops
Since its initial discovery in Allentown, PA, USA, the brown
marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys (Heterop-
tera: Pentatomidae) has now officially has been detected in 38
states and the District of Columbia in the USA. Isolated popu-
lations also exist in Switzerland and Canada. This Asian species
quickly became a major nuisance pest in the mid-Atlantic USA
region due to its overwintering behavior of entering structures.
BMSB has an extremely wide host range in both its native
home and invaded countries where it feeds on numerous tree
fruits, vegetables, field crops, ornamental plants, and native
vegetation. In 2010, populations exploded causing severe crop
losses to apples, peaches, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes and
row crops such as field corn and soybeans in several mid-
Atlantic states. Damaging populations were detected in vine-
yards, small fruit and ornamentals. Researchers are collabo-
rating to develop management solutions that will complement
current integrated pest management programs. This article
summarizes the current pest status and strategies being devel-
oped to manage BMSB in the USA.
Native Geographic Distribution, Introduction and Spread.
The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha
halys, is native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Hoebeke
& Carter 2003). Early Asian literature refers to BMSB as the
yellow-brown stink bug and as H. picus or H. mista. The first
USA populations were discovered in the mid-1990s in or near
Allentown, PA. In 2001, Karen Bernhardt with Penn State
Cooperative Extension recognized that the insect invading
homes was probably not native and sent a specimen to Rich-
ard Hoebeke at Cornell University who identified it as BMSB
(Hoebeke & Carter 2003). Today BMSB has been detected in
38 states and the District of Columbia (Figure 1) with isolated
populations in Switzerland (Wermelinger et al. 2008) and
Canada (Fogain & Graff 2011).
General Biology. Adults are distinguished from other
brown stink bugs in the USA by their larger size, light colored
banding on the antennae and legs and alternating light
and dark bands around the abdomen (Figure 2). The term
‘marmorated’ means having a marbled or streaked appear-
ance. Females emerge with undeveloped ovaries and must
feed before mating. Once mated, females lay light green egg
masses of ~28 eggs on the undersides of leaves. Depending
Figure 1. Distribution and impact of BMSB in the USA based on State
records and BMSB Working Group assessments as reported by May
2012. In addition, at least one unofcial detection has been made in CO.
1Corresponding Author; 2USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station, 2217 Wiltshire Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430. E-mail: tracy.; 3Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, 93 Lipman Drive, New Brunswick, NJ 08901; 4Dept. of Agricultural
& Resource Management Agents, Rutgers University, 88 Lipman Dr. New Brunswick, NJ 08901; 5Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech,
AHS AREC, 595 Laurel Grove Road, Winchester, VA 22602; 6Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Tidewater AREC, 6321 Holland
Road, Suffolk, VA 23437; 7Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech, 216 Price Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061; 8Department of Entomology,
University of Maryland, 4112 Plant Sciences Building. College Park, MD 20742; 9Penn State University, Department of Entomology, Fruit
Research and Extension Center, 290 University Drive, Biglerville, PA 17307; 10Oregon State University, Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research
and Extension Center, 3005 Experiment Station Drive, Hood River, OR 97031-9512; 11Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 250
Townsend Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716-2160; 12Northeastern IPM Center, Insectary Building, Cornell University, Ithaca
NY 14853; 13National Wildlife Federation, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190 USA; 14USDA-ARS, European Biological Control
Laboratory, CS90013 Montferrier-sur-Lez, 34988 St. Gély du Fesc CEDEX, France
Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012 219
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
on temperature, eggs hatch in 3–4 days. Nymphs go through
5 instars. First instar nymphs are reddish and black in color
and stay with the egg mass until they molt to the second instar
at which time they seek food sources. Nymphs darken and
express pronounced light and dark banding on their legs and
antennae (Hoebeke & Carter 2003).
In temperate Asia, BMSB completes one generation per
year, but is reported to have a partial second generation in
sub-tropical regions (Fujiie 1985) and up to 5–6 genera-
tions in southern China (Hoffmann 1931). In Allentown,
PA, BMSB completes one generation per year (Nielsen et al.
2008, Nielsen & Hamilton 2009a). Further south in WV, two
complete generations were documented (Leskey et al. 2012a).
In the mid-Atlantic region, summer adults appear from early
July to early September. Development occurs on a variety
of host plants with leaves, stems, fruit, pods, or seeds used
as resources. Adults readily move between hosts coinciding
with the presence of fruit, but can complete development
on a single species such as Paulownia (Chung et al. 1995,
Funayama 2004). Beginning in late August, decreasing day
length and temperature trigger adults to congregate in large
numbers on hosts prior to entering overwintering sites includ-
ing human-made structures (Hamilton 2009, Inkley 2012),
dead, standing trees, and rocky outcroppings in wooded
areas (Lee, unpubl. data). In spring when temperatures and
day length increase, adults emerge from overwintering sites to
locate host plants.
Pest status
Orchard Crops. In Asia, BMSB is an outbreak pest of tree
fruit (Funayama 2002). Damage to tree fruit in the USA was
first detected in Allentown, PA and Pittstown, NJ (Nielsen
& Hamilton 2009b). In orchards where BMSB is estab-
lished, it quickly becomes the predominant stink bug species
and, unlike native stink bugs, is a season-long pest (Nielsen
& Hamilton 2009b, Leskey et al. 2012b). In 2008–2009,
increasing BMSB populations in WV and MD caused late-
season problems to fruit crops (Leskey & Hamilton 2010a).
In southern PA and VA, BMSB was not a recognized pest until
the 2010 season. However, injury to apple (Figure 3) was
probably mistaken for physiological disorders such as cork
spot and bitter pit. Severe pest pressure in 2010 resulted in
$37 million in losses to mid-Atlantic apples alone (American/
Western Fruit Grower 2011) with some stone fruit growers
losing > 90% of their crop (Figure 4, Leskey & Hamilton
2010b). In 2011, damage, though not as severe, was observed
throughout the mid-Atlantic states. Damage may have been
mitigated by ~4-fold increase in insecticide applications
against BMSB in some MD and WV orchards (Leskey et al.
2012b). Intervention depended heavily on broad spectrum-
insecticides, especially pyrethroids. This practice disrupted
IPM programs, causing outbreaks of secondary pests such as
European red mites, wooly apple aphids and San Jose scale,
that are normally controlled by natural enemies. In 2010 and
2011, BMSB was detected in areas close to major fruit grow-
ing districts in OR, WA, NY, and MI (2011 only). Cherries
and hazelnuts, important crops in MI and OR, respectively,
are also at risk.
Grapes. Although the degree of impact is unclear, more
insight into the importance of BMSB in vineyards is emerging
(Pfeiffer et al. in press). Issues include impact on grape cluster
yield and quality, the effect of malodorous insects on crushed
clusters and potential contamination of juice and wine, result-
ing in “stink bug taint”, analogous to previously reported
“ladybug taint” resulting from crushed Asian ladybird beetles.
BMSB feeding on ripening berries causes a progressive necro-
sis with fruit collapse. Though unconfirmed, BMSB feeding
on the rachis may also cause abscission. Studies in NJ showed
possible differential susceptibility of grape cultivars to BMSB
infestation. Infestation levels of BMSB on Cabernet Sauvignon
and Traminette were 2–3 times greater compared with those
on Chambourcin. Future studies will focus on resistance of
Figure 2. BMSB life stages.
Figure 3. Internal injury to ‘Pink Lady’ apple as a result of BMSB
220 Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
a wider range of grape cultivars and possible mechanisms of
resistance. Management programs in grapes that do not rely
on pyrethroids are needed to avoid secondary outbreaks of
grape mealybug, the vector of grapevine leafroll virus. As for
potential taint of wine, controlled inoculation (as many as 25
BMSB/11.3 kg fruit) of juice/mush has not resulted in percep-
tible taint/aroma following fermentation; chemical analysis is
in progress (J. Fiola, unpubl. data). Effective means to remove
BMSB from clusters just before harvest were established in
VA, lessening the risk of tainted wine. Additionally, large
numbers of BMSB adults seeking overwintering sites damage
the ambiance of commercial wine tasting rooms.
Small Fruit. Little is known about the impact of BMSB
in small fruit crops. Research is underway to establish the
impact of BMSB feeding, determine BMSB phenology, and to
identify landscape and temporal risk factors associated with
BMSB on small fruit crops. In blueberries, BMSB was first
observed during the late-season in 2010, and many NJ blue-
berry growers have since reported it in and around structures
and houses. Contamination risks are a great concern to blue-
berry growers who mechanically harvest and then sell to proc-
essors or ship to other countries and regions within the USA
(Figure 5). During 2011, BMSB populations in NJ blueberry
farms remained low and did not require control measures.
In caneberries, stink bug species cause two types of injury.
Although not thoroughly investigated, it appears that early
season feeding can cause death of buds. Late in the season,
BMSB attack mature berries, inserting their stylets between
the drupelets, and possibly feeding on the receptacle. This
feeding causes discoloration and collapse of individual drupe-
lets (Maxey 2011). In VA caneberries, BMSB accounted for
25% of the entire pentatomid community by the end of 2011.
Vegetables. The extent of BMSB damage and risk to vege-
tables has not been fully determined. Based on observations
and initial research from the mid-Atlantic USA region, this
pest will feed on and cause severe damage to a number of
vegetables when densities are high (Kuhar et al. 2012). Sweet
corn (Zea mays) appears to be a strongly preferred host crop,
on which numerous nymphs and adults have been observed
on a single ear and nearly 100% damage has been recorded
in fields (Figure 6). The feeding stylets of BMSB are inserted
through the husk and pierce the tender kernels, which may
cause them to collapse and/or discolor. This damage is espe-
cially apparent after the ear is cooked. Bean crops such as
Phaseolus species are also attractive hosts and feeding may
result in scarred, flattened, and deformed pods. Vegeta-
bles such as pepper, tomato, eggplant, and okra also suffer
heavy feeding damage, typically averaging more than 20%
in research plots. Relatively less damage has been observed
on other vegetable groups such as crucifers or cucurbits.
However, because more than 200 species of plants are consid-
ered vegetables, more research is needed on this topic. Addi-
tionally, the risk of damage to a particular commodity may be
heavily influenced by the presence of neighboring host plants.
Row Crops. BMSB has been found damaging soybean,
wheat, and field corn. BMSB was first surveyed in soybean
fields in 2006 near Allentown, PA (Nielsen et al. 2011). By
2010, the majority of soybean fields in western and central
MD showed delayed maturity at field edges because of earlier
feeding by BMSB, especially next to woodlots, with growers
reporting > 50% yield loss. In 2011, BMSB surveys conducted
in DE, MD, and VA revealed that highest populations were
present on field edges. Treating just 12 meters into the field
prevented further invasion and resulted in an 85–95% reduc-
tion in insecticide used compared with whole-field treatments.
Follow-up studies will focus on defining specific protocols for
Figure 4. ‘Red Haven’ peaches stripped from trees by a MD grower
and left to rot because of ~100% BMSB injury in July, 2010.
Figure 5. BMSB nymphs crawling from a container of machine-
harvested blueberries highlighting the problem of contamination at
Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012 221
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
perimeter treatments and identifying BMSB densities needed
to cause delayed plant maturity, the “stay green effect”
(Figure 7). Results from insecticide trials conducted in VA
and MD indicate that most labeled products provide control
though further information including residual activity is
needed. Several wheat fields in MD were reported to contain
very high BMSB adults and one field yielded egg masses. Most
adults were near the field edge, adjacent to wooded borders.
Research on native stink bugs indicates that the most suscep-
tible stages of wheat development are the milk and soft dough
stages (Viator et al. 1983). This coincides with the stage of the
wheat fields containing large numbers of BMSB adults. Adults
from those fields laid many eggs over a very short time in the
laboratory. In the absence of a more highly preferred host,
wheat may be susceptible to BMSB, though more studies are
needed to determine if BMSB poses a significant risk. High
populations (> 3 per ear) were found on corn plants after the
ear had started to form especially within the first 12 meters
of field margins in DE. Unlike soybeans, perimeter treatments
are generally impractical for treatment of late-stage corn. A
pilot investigation in MD to determine how the surrounding
landscape influences densities in field corn suggests that corn
fields bordered by woodlots, other crops, and buildings have
higher populations compared with fields bordered by roads.
Ornamentals. In its native range, BMSB feeds on numer-
ous ornamental plants (Hoebeke & Carter 2003). Ornamental
crops in the USA are at risk because of the highly polyphagous
nature, high mobility, and the observed direct and potential
indirect damage by BMSB. Known ornamental hosts include
woody and herbaceous plants in nurseries, urban landscapes,
natural areas, and house plants (Raupp et al. unpubl. data).
Currently, the host list of BMSB includes > 100 plants many
of which are ornamentals (USDA APHIS 2010 and references
therein). BMSB became an important pest and economic
threat in commercial nurseries and landscapes with the large
populations of 2010. By mid-summer in MD, BMSB was
feeding on fruits of crabapples, hawthorns, and serviceber-
ries, disfiguring fruits and wilting plants. By autumn, BMSB
became very abundant feeding on the trunks of several trees
and shrubs (Figure 8). The resultant injury included copious
sap flow, fluxes, and discolored bark at feeding sites. Death
of herbaceous perennials has been reported. A 2011 field
survey of trees and shrubs at a commercial nursery in MD
showed 150 of 178 cultivars were used by BMSB. Top hosts
included cultivars or species of Syringa (lilac), Acer (maple),
Cercis (redbud), Platanus (London planetree), and Prunus
(ornamental cherry). Certain host plants are used solely for
feeding, whereas other hosts are used for feeding and oviposi-
tion (USDA APHIS 2010, Raupp et al. unpubl. data). There
is concern that BMSB could vector pathogens to ornamental
plants in the USA because in Asia it vectors the phytoplasma
responsible for Paulownia witch’s broom (Bak et al. 1993, Yu
& Zhang 2009). Ornamental hosts may contribute to damage
in other ways. In natural and semi-natural areas, ornamental
plants and other wild host trees may provide overwintering
habitat allowing BMSB to populate crops easily, and they may
support large BMSB populations that invade homes to over-
Nuisance Problems. BMSB is a significant nuisance to
homeowners and businesses because they will utilize attics,
garages, offices, and other buildings to overwinter (Watan-
abe et al. 1994, Hoebeke & Carter 2003, Hamilton et al.
2008, Hamilton 2009, Inkley 2012). This problem is exac-
erbated in rural areas where forests and agricultural fields
provide suitable habitat for BMSB to reproduce during the
growing season. Surprisingly large numbers of BMSB over-
winter in walls, insulation, attics and other suitable crevices
that provide cool, dry refugia (Figure 9). One homeowner in
rural Maryland collected 26,205 adult BMSB from January–
June in 2011, of which 10,584 (40.4%) were found in first
and second floor living space, with the remainder found in the
attic (Inkley 2012). Throughout the winter and spring, espe-
cially on warmer days, BMSB become active indoors, often
finding their way into living areas.
BMSB do not bite or sting humans and are not known to
transmit human pathogens. Nonetheless, they are a nuisance
because of the unpleasant odor they emit when disturbed,
sheer numbers and daily presence, staining of walls and
Figure 6. BMSB adult and nymphal feeding damage to sweet corn
Figure 7. BMSB feeding injury to the periphery of a soybean eld
illustrating the “stay green” effect and contrasting with the unaffected,
normally senescing plants at the center of the plot.
222 Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
floors with their frass, and activity due to their attraction to
light and moisture especially as temperatures warm (Inkley
2012). Their nuisance impact is well-documented by an
enormous volume of requests for information on the biol-
ogy and management of this pest at web sites and telephone
hot lines maintained by state government agencies and insti-
tutions. Since 2004, a Rutgers University web-reporting site
has received 10,000 BMSB reports and Pennsylvania State
University’s BMSB online fact sheet has been viewed more
than 600,000 times since 2008 (Jacobs, personal communica-
tion). In 2010 and 2011, University of Maryland’s BMSB web
page received more than 80,000 visits, while email and phone
contacts addressed approximately 900 inquiries (Traun-
feld, personal communication) and a self-help YouTube for
consumers generated about 1,300 hits per month since post-
ing in 2011. Distinct autumnal peaks of reports/visits clearly
defined the annual activity pattern of BMSB as they begin to
enter homes in mid-September. Additional web activity occurs
in January-April.
Long-term solutions
The Response. Most major media networks including ABC,
CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, BBC, and NPR and major print
outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post,
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and
Philadelphia Inquirer have run stories on the agricultural and
nuisance pest problems caused by BMSB raising national
attention. Researchers have formed a “Brown Marmorated
Stink Bug IPM Working Group” through the Northeastern
IPM Center (Leskey & Hamilton, 2010a,b, 2011a) which
has established itself as the primary platform for facilitat-
ing and coordinating research efforts, priority development,
and offering outreach across the USA. Content generated by
Figure 8. Adult BMSB feeding on the trunk of a London plane tree,
Platanus × acerifolia.
Figure 9. BMSB adults aggregating (A) beneath a mattress and (B) in the
attic of a home in rural MD in 2010-2011. Over 26,000 overwintering
adults were removed from the interior of this home in 2011 (Inkley 2012).
Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012 223
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
the Working Group and available on the Northeastern IPM
website has resulted in > 16,000 visits since 2010. Success-
ful grant initiatives that have cited priorities defined by the
Working Group include the USDA-NIFA Critical Issues and
Northeastern and Southern Regional IPM grants. In addition,
a national coordinated agricultural project funded by USDA-
NIFA Specialty Crop Research Initiative is studying the biol-
ogy, ecology, and management of BMSB in specialty crops.
This project includes over 50 researchers from 10 states and
includes a national outreach program that specifically targets
growers. The Northeastern IPM Center leads this national
outreach effort. A website,, (Figure 10) serves
as a hub for delivering BMSB management information and
providing knowledge emanating from the project’s research
program, links to key BMSB resources, and provides “the best
of” current information with an eye toward adding value for
growers. The United Soybean Board has funded a multi-state
research project to develop information on impact by and
management of BMSB in soybeans.
Conclusions. Without immediate intervention, BMSB
could put many farmers out of business, and dismantle IPM
and organic programs. The goal of the SCRI and other funded
projects is to generate information and technology building
a framework for management of BMSB in areas where it is
established and preventing future problems in new regions
and crops. Immediate efforts have focused on developing
management programs with chemical tactics (Leskey et al.
2012b), and then integrating these chemicals into compre-
hensive management programs. Researchers are focusing on
identification of the BMSB pheromone to improve monitor-
ing tools to detect activity and need for intervention. Efforts
to develop behaviorally based management strategies such
as attract-and-kill and biological control programs to reduce
insecticide inputs are underway.
Asian natural enemies of BMSB are thought to be an
important mortality factor and high levels of egg parasit-
ism are reported in China (Yang et al. 2009). In Asia, several
species of parasitoid wasps in the genus Trissolcus and
tachinid flies parasitize BMSB eggs and adults, respectively.
Surveys to determine the occurrence and impact of resident
natural enemies on BMSB in mid-Atlantic states revealed that
in non-crop landscape habitats, parasitoids attack BMSB eggs
and adults at very low levels that are typically less than 5%
(Hoelmer, unpubl. data) much lower than in Asia. However,
parasitoid activity may be significantly higher in agroecosys-
tems. BMSB egg parasitism was found at rates of 23, 26, and
55% in eggplant, pepper and field corn plots, respectively
(Hooks et al, unpubl. data). These varying results suggest
that the local composition of host plant species and landscape
structure influence natural enemy activity. Several indige-
nous Trissolcus spp., Telenomus podisi, generalist chalcidoid
wasps, tachinid flies, and various invertebrate and vertebrate
predators have been observed attacking BMSB. Predation of
BMSB egg masses by spiders and big eyed bugs (Geocoris
spp.) reached ~47% in MD soybean plots.
An entomopathogenic fungus, Ophiocordyceps nutans,
was reported infecting BMSB in Japan (Sasaki et al. 2012)
and several other fungus species have shown efficacy against
BMSB in the laboratory (Gouli et al. 2011). Exploration in
China, Japan, and South Korea resulted in the importation of
Asian Trissolcus species for host range studies to determine
their specificity to BMSB and suitability for field release in the
USA (Figure 11). Ultimately, classical biological control utiliz-
ing Asian natural enemies and conservation biological control
to enhance the activity of introduced and indigenous natural
enemies may provide the most promising long-term solutions
for landscape-level reduction of BMSB populations.
All researchers gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
the grower community and the many post-doctoral associ-
ates, graduate students, technicians, Extension personnel and
summer students working on this project. This research was
supported by USDA-NIFA SCRI Award #2011-51181-30937,
USDA NE Regional IPM Award # 2011-34103-30716, USDA-
APHIS, United Soybean Board, MD Soybean Board, MD
Grain Producer Utilization Board, MD Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, Project # MD-TNTO-8732, NJ Blueberry and
Figure 10., the web site for the USDA-NIFA SCRI
coordinated agricultural project.
Figure 11. Adult Trissolcus female attacking eggs of BMSB.
224 Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cranberry Research Council, Inc., NJ Department of Agri-
culture – Wine Industry Grants, NJ State Horticultural Soci-
ety, DE Soybean Board, VA Soybean Board, VA Agricultural
Council, VA Apple Research Program, VA Wine Board, VA
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Southern
Region Small Fruit Consortium, OR Hazelnut Commission,
and OR Wine Grape Board.
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Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012 225
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Tracy C. Leskey is a Research Entomologist with USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit
Research Station, Kearneysville, WV. She holds advanced degrees from Penn
State University and University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her current
research program targets development of effective monitoring tools and
behaviorally based management strategies for the brown marmorated stink
bug, plum curculio, dogwood borer, and apple maggot y to reduce insecticide
inputs and increase sustainability of orchard agroecosystems.
George Hamilton is an Extension Specialist in Pest Management and chair of the
Department of Entomology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Bacca-
laureate, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees were obtained at Eastern Connecticut
State College, University of Missouri and Rutgers University. Conservation
biological control and biology and management of the brown marmorated
stink bug are studied in a wide range of agricultural crops and urban settings.
Anne L. Nielsen is an Extension Specialist in fruit entomology at Rutgers Univer-
sity in Bridgeton, NJ. Her research focus is on developing biologically based
management programs through investigations in population ecology, the devel-
opment of phenological models and inuence of habitat characteristics on
biological control efcacy. Much of this research to date has centered on the
brown marmorated stink bug.
Dean Polk is a Tree Fruit IPM coordinator at Rutgers University in Cream Ridge,
NJ. He received an M.S. degree in Entomology from the University of Idaho in
1979. He coordinates the state-wide fruit IPM programs for apples, peaches,
blueberries and wine grapes. Some of his program interests have included
mating disruption in tree fruit and blueberries, reduced risk methods in fruit
crops, development of a database for tracking grower practices and pesticide
use, IPM practices for the invasive pests: brown marmorated stink bug and
spotted wing drosophila, and spatially referenced IPM for blueberry and other
fruit pests.
Cesar Rodriguez-Saona is an Extension Specialist in Blueberry and Cranberry
IPM, Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, P.E. Marucci Center,
Chatsworth, NJ. He received his M.S. degree from Oregon State University
and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside. He conducts basic
and applied research on the development and implementation of cost-effec-
tive reduced-risk insect pest management practices and delivers educational
information to growers. Prior to joining Rutgers University, he worked for
the USDA-ARS in Phoenix, AZ, University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada, and
Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI.
Chris Bergh is a Professor of Entomology at Virginia Tech’s Alson H. Smith, Jr.
Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Winchester, VA, where he has
a 75% research, 25% extension assignment. His research focuses on applied
insect ecology and behavior in relation to the development and validation
of new or improved pest monitoring and management tactics in commercial
tree fruit orchards and vineyards. His extension programming emphasizes and
promotes the adoption of tools and tactics intended to reduce or replace
insecticide use.
Ames Herbert is a Professor of Entomology at Virginia Tech stationed at the
Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Suffolk, VA. His program
addresses state-wide management of the insect pests of soybean, small grains,
cotton and peanut. Current projects focus on early season thrips management,
evaluation of transgenic cotton varieties for Lepidopteran pests, forecasting
cereal leaf beetle egg and larval peaks in wheat and stink bug management in
cotton and soybean. He is also the state IPM Coordinator.
Thomas Kuhar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Entomology at
Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. His applied research program encompasses all
aspects of integrated pest management in vegetable crops with a recent focus
on stink bug pests.
Doug Pfeiffer is a Professor of Entomology at Virginia Tech, specializing in IPM
in vineyard, small fruit and tree fruit systems. Recent and current research
includes mating disruption of grape root borer, risk assessment and monitoring
of grape berry moth, control of Japanese beetle and stink bugs in primocane-
bearing caneberries, spotted wing drosophila in small fruits, and biogeography
of races of plum curculio and their Wolbachia symbionts. In addition to fruit
IPM research and extension, he teaches graduate, undergraduate, and on-line
course in IPM. Pfeiffer also directs the on-line master’s program for the College
of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Galen P. Dively is an emeritus professor in the Department of Entomology at
the University of Maryland. He received his B.S. in biology at Juniata College
and M.S. and Ph.D in entomology from Rutgers University. He worked as an
Extension Specialist in Agricultural IPM for 34 years and served as the State
IPM Coordinator for 16 years. Since his retirement in 2006, he continues to
conduct research on ecological risk assessment of transgenic insecticidal crops,
sublethal effects of pesticides on honey bee colony health, efcacy evaluation of
organic insecticides, and studies addressing information gaps in the biology and
management of emerging pest species.
Cerruti RR Hooks is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in the
Department of Entomology, University of Maryland in College Park, MD. His
research involves the use of ecological principles and biological control in the
development of farming tactics that concurrently suppresses above and below
soil pest complexes while improving soil quality and health.
Michael J. Raupp is a Professor of Entomology and Extension Specialist in the
Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
He holds advanced degrees from Rutgers University and the University of
Maryland. His research interests focus on the mechanisms of plant resistance
and biological control of insect pests of ornamental plants. He works closely
with the tree care, landscape, and nurser y industries and homeowners to
develop IPM programs.
Paula Shrewsbur y is an entomologist at the University of Maryland in the
Department of Entomology. She received her M.S. from the University of Cali-
fornia, Riverside, and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in Entomology.
She conducts applied research and extension education programs to imple-
ment Integrated Pest Management for pests of ornamentals and turf grass. Her
current research focus is on methods to restore plant and insect community
dynamics as they relate to ecosystem services such as biological control in
managed environments, including the role of native and non-native plants, and
indigenous and exotic natural enemies towards managing invasive species.
Greg Krawczyk is an extension tree fruit entomologist/research associate
professor in the Department of Entomology at The Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity. His work is focused mainly on practical applications of principles of inte-
grated pest management in pome and stone fruit systems.
Peter W. Shearer is a Professor of Entomology at Oregon State University and
is stationed at the Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research & Extension Center,
Hood River, OR. His research activities involve studies on the management
of arthropod pests of pome and stone fruits by enhancing IPM strategies and
tactics including chemical, cultural, and biological control. Current focus areas
include sublethal effects of new pesticides on natural enemies, insecticide
resistance management and using herbivore induced host plant volatiles to
evaluate impacts of pesticides on benecial insects.
Joanne Whalen is the Extension Integrated Pest Management Specialist (Agri-
culture) for Cooperative Extension at the University of Delaware. She has
had thirty three years of experience carrying out applied research and exten-
sion programs in eld, fruit and vegetable crops. Current research and exten-
sion programs focus on development and evaluation of new insect sampling
226 Outlooks on Pest Management – October 2012
© 2012 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved.
strategies; evaluation of seed treatments, transgenic crops and insecticides for
insect management in eld crops and vegetables; and evaluation of tillage for
slug management in not-till eld crops.
Carrie Koplinka-Loehr directs the Northeastern IPM Center at Cornell Univer-
sity, Ithaca, NY. The Center promotes and funds agricultural and urban inte-
grated pest management projects in 12 northeastern states and in Washington,
D.C. With 23 years of experience in fostering IPM, she focuses on managing
staff and programs in ways that enhance environmental, economic, and human
health benets.
Elizabeth Myers is Communications Director for the Northeastern IPM Center
at Cornell University. She has an M.S. in Environmental Policy and a background
in scholarly publishing, science writing, and environmental consulting. Current
work focuses on IPM outreach, web content planning and development, and
impact reporting.
Doug Inkley is the National Wildlife Federation’s Senior Scientist, with a Ph.D. in
Zoology from the University of Wyoming. His work focuses on wildlife conser-
vation policy, including climate change and invasive species. His published
Similar articles that appeared in Outlooks on Pest Management include – 2007 18(3) 130;
2007 18(5) 219; 2008 19(2) 86; 2010 21(4) 195
research on BMSB reported on characteristics of a severe infestation (in his
own home).
Kim Hoelmer is a USDA-ARS Research Entomologist and the current Director
of the ARS European Biological Control Laboratory in Montferrier, France. His
research concerns the biology and behavior of predators and parasitoids, and
involves foreign exploration for new biocontrol agents of invasive insect pests
and their evaluation, eld release and establishment in the eld.
Doo-Hyung Lee is a postdoctoral research entomologist at USDA-ARS, Appala-
chian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, WV. He has studied the behavioral
aspects of economically important pests in agriculture and the application of
the knowledge for enhancing pest management programs. Current research
interest includes the overwintering biology of brown marmorated stink bug
and the dispersal capacity and pattern of the bug at landscape level.
Starker E. Wright is a Support Entomologist with USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit
Research Station, Kearneysville, WV. His research efforts support development
of effective monitoring tools and behaviorally based management strategies for
tree fruit pests to increase sustainability of orchard agroecosystems.
Future articles in Outlooks on Pest Management will include –
n Potential Exposure to pesticides based on actual residue
n The Farm4Bio consortium
n Pesticide emission models
n The work of IRAC
n The bed bug plague
n Agro-Economic Analysis of the use of Glyphosate in
n Empowering African smallholders to achieve food security
n Estimating human risk resulting from exposure to
n Sudden Oak Death in the UK
n Neonicotinic resistance
n The development of insect repellents
n An emerging mouse plague developing in southern
n Collection of pesticide containers
n The molecular basis of resistance to SDHI fungicides
n The benets of plant breeding
n IP and saved seed in Europe
n Why are there not more GM crops?
n The Waste Directive
n Banana diseases
n Non-target or secondary effects of fungicides
n Fungicide resistance in Brazil
n Insecticide discovery in the post-genomic era
n The SCARDA programme andits impact on African
n Opportunities for non-food crops in today’s farming
n Controlling potato cyst nematode in potato crops with a
n Pesticide container disposal from US and International
n Counterfeiting and other illegal PPPs
n The abuse of the parallel trade rules for the supply and
distribution of illegal/unregistered PPPs across Europe
n Insecticide Toxicology with particular reference to cotton
n The changing face of farm economics in Europe
n Opportunities and Initiatives to minimise children’s
exposures to pesticides
n Economics of insect pathogens used for insect