
Tempo, Auftakt, Levels of Actions, and Practice: Rhythms in Ordinary Interactions

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This article builds on Scollon’s work on rhythm in ordinary talk (1981, 1982) and mediated discourse analysis (primarily 1998 and 2001) extending his work by utilizing multimodal interaction analysis (MIA) (Norris 2004) as the methodological framework. With multimodal transcripts of everyday interactions from grooming a horse to a workplace interaction and two boys painting Easter eggs, the article first illustrates Scollon’s notion of tempo, then discusses the new findings of Auftakt (offbeat or prelude taken from musicology) and that rhythm in chains of lower-level action may cross modal boundaries, before investigating a micro-medium-macro link. This micro-medium-macro link in everyday interaction is then explored through the analysis of the complexity of rhythm in everyday interaction by analysing an example of a father playing ball with his two-year old son. Here, it is demonstrated how multimodal rhythms are superimposed from chains of lower-level actions to chains of higher-level actions and to practices. Further, these superimposed rhythms are shown to take on a different tempo at each level. The article ends with the claim that rhythm, as Scollon thought, to a large extent structures ordinary interaction; but, as discussed throughout, and Scollon would have agreed, it is MIA that allows us to analyse the multimodal complexity.

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... It is worth noting that the practice of transcribing embodied actions alongside the rhythm of speech is a common research practice in existing multimodal rhythm analysis (e.g. Hood, 2011;Norris, 2009), and this paper will follow this methodological approach. ...
... The multimodal synchronies in the interaction appear crucial in construing a sense of rhythmic coordination across different participants and different semiotic resources in communicative practice. This finding aligns with Norris (2009), Deppermann (2013 and Mondada (2018) who argue that rhythms can be produced both within and across turns. In the analysis of daily conversation, Norris (2009) demonstrates how the embodied hand-arm movement of another speaker can reproduce the rhythm of speech by one speaker. ...
... This finding aligns with Norris (2009), Deppermann (2013 and Mondada (2018) who argue that rhythms can be produced both within and across turns. In the analysis of daily conversation, Norris (2009) demonstrates how the embodied hand-arm movement of another speaker can reproduce the rhythm of speech by one speaker. This paper finds further multimodal rhythmic patterns in classroom interaction; that is, another speaker can silently participate in the ongoing conversation by synchronizing their embodied actions, as a transition in space or as a shift in gaze and body orientation, with the speech rhythm of one speaker, as shown in Excerpt 3 and Excerpt 4. The multimodal analysis also demonstrates that while each semiotic action might operate with different temporalities, they are finely coordinated and synchronize to different degrees with the rhythm of speech to constitute a higher level of pedagogic practice and formulate a coherent lesson. ...
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A continuing challenge for scholars working with multimodal educational research is to devise theoretical and methodological tools that can effectively navigate the complexity and emergent meaning when different semiotic resources interact. This paper demonstrates how rhythm, as an integration principle, coordinates the interaction of speech and embodied action in classroom settings at multi-scalar temporalities. Transcription designs are also devised to capture and visualize the patterns of multimodal rhythmic interaction. Drawing on a social semiotic theorization of rhythm, the paper conducts nuanced multimodal analyses of video data documenting teacher-student embodied interaction. The paper first reports four types of multimodal rhythmic patterns in classroom interaction, showcasing how rhythms coordinate across participants and semiotic resources. It then demonstrates how the tempo of the speech rhythmically structures the embodied actions at different time scales, resulting in multimodal synchronies that are semantically motivated. Finally, the paper reveals that the multiple actions in a pedagogic practice, while themselves rhythmical, may not always be rhythmically integrated with speech. The paper contributes to existing studies of speech-action interplay by developing theoretical and methodological tools to capture and visualize their interactions. Observations developed in this paper can also potentially inform pedagogic practices that involve the co-deployment of speech and embodied action. click to read and download the article for free before February 14, 2025.
... Norris (2019), building on Scollon's work (1998a), defines practice as an action with history. To be able to align with one another, social actors must share practices (Norris, 2011). Sight translation can be understood as a practice of reading aloud, which is a social practice with some embedded history not necessarily shared. ...
... Certain actions have a patterning effect on interaction, such as background music, in which interlocutors align with the beat. Alignment as a phenomenon in communication has been studied in linguistics with a focus on verbal alignment and in sociological studies with a focus on proximity (distance) (Norris, 2011). Norris (2011) argues that rhythm can also be seen at the level of practices; when people engage in practices with a mutual understanding of these, they know what they are expected to contribute with and when (Norris, 2011). ...
... Alignment as a phenomenon in communication has been studied in linguistics with a focus on verbal alignment and in sociological studies with a focus on proximity (distance) (Norris, 2011). Norris (2011) argues that rhythm can also be seen at the level of practices; when people engage in practices with a mutual understanding of these, they know what they are expected to contribute with and when (Norris, 2011). ...
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This paper presents an analysis of three roleplayed interpreted institutional meetings in which sight translation is part of the interaction. The analysis is based on multimodal (inter)action analysis and utilises the analytical tool of modal density as indication of attention/awareness. This analytical framework is novel in interpreting studies. The data include filmed material from an experimental setting and participants’ reflections about the situation. The findings show variations in sight translation practices and that the shift from interpreting to sight translation affects interactional patterns, particularly social actors’ attention and agency. In my discussion of agency in sight-translated interaction, I argue that interpreters, in addition to translating, need to pay attention to interactional issues related to attention and agency caused by the interpreting method.
... world. This element is present in daily actions as observed in speech and body movements made by the human being [72]. On the one hand, there is a social synchrony between human movements. ...
... The tempo is an underlying social interaction organiser [73]. On this basis, a study [72] shows that two individuals in contact tend to synchronise their movements and they reach to establish a 675 common beat pattern. Tempos are also observed in verbal discourse, for example when a question is posed and an answer is provided. ...
This paper introduces an architecture as a proof-of-concept for emotion detection and regulation in smart health environments. The aim of the proposal is to detect the patient’s emotional state by analysing his/her physiological signals, facial expression and behaviour. Then, the system provides the best-tailored actions in the environment to regulate these emotions towards a positive mood when possible. The current state-of-the-art in emotion regulation through music and colour/light is implemented with the final goal of enhancing the quality of life and care of the subject. The paper describes the three main parts of the architecture, namely “Emotion Detection”, “Emotion Regulation” and “Emotion Feedback Control”. “Emotion Detection” works with the data captured from the patient, whereas “Emotion Regulation” offers him/her different musical pieces and colour/light settings. “Emotion Feedback Control” performs as a feedback control loop to assess the effect of emotion regulation over emotion detection. We are currently testing the overall architecture and the intervention in real environments to achieve our final goal.
... Children perceive better the responses that they receive from the exterior through a constant beat, allowing giving logical sense to their world. This element is present in daily actions as observed in speech and body movements made by the human being (Norris, 2009). On the one hand, there is a social synchrony between human movements; the tempo is an underlying social interaction organizer (Scollon, 1982). ...
... On the one hand, there is a social synchrony between human movements; the tempo is an underlying social interaction organizer (Scollon, 1982). On this basis, Norris (2009) shows that two individuals in contact tend to synchronize their movements and they reach to establish a common beat pattern. Tempos are also observed in verbal discourse, for example when a question is posed and an answer is provided. ...
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This article is based on the assumption of musical power to change the listener's mood. The paper studies the outcome of two experiments on the regulation of emotional states in a series of participants who listen to different auditions. The present research focuses on note value, an important musical cue related to rhythm. The influence of two concepts linked to note value is analyzed separately and discussed together. The two musical cues under investigation are tempo and rhythmic unit. The participants are asked to label music fragments by using opposite meaningful words belonging to four semantic scales, namely “Tension” (ranging from Relaxing to Stressing), “Expressiveness” (Expressionless to Expressive), “Amusement” (Boring to Amusing) and “Attractiveness” (Pleasant to Unpleasant). The participants also have to indicate how much they feel certain basic emotions while listening to each music excerpt. The rated emotions are “Happiness,” “Surprise,” and “Sadness.” This study makes it possible to draw some interesting conclusions about the associations between note value and emotions.
... Multimodality is a broad theoretical concept that comprises several methodological frameworks. In general, multimodal theories consider that interaction between participants occurs through a combination of different communicative resources or "communication modes" (Norris, 2004(Norris, , 2009, or, in the words of Stivers and Sidnell (2005: 2): "Participants [in interaction] encounter a steady stream of meaningful facial expressions, gestures, body postures, head movements, words, grammatical constructions, and prosodic contours." ...
The increasing practice of remote interpreting (RI) by telephone and video link has profoundly changed the ways in which interpreting services are being delivered. Although clinical research on RI has reported positive results, empirical research in other settings, such as legal contexts, has demonstrated that RI can affect the quality of interpreter-mediated communication. This book investigates the possible effects of using RI on the quality of healthcare interpreting. Central to the research design are three series of simulated interpreter-mediated doctor–patient encounters, each involving a different interpreter and using three different interpreting methods: face-to-face interpreting, telephone interpreting and video interpreting. These sessions were video recorded, transcribed and annotated according to categories previously established in interpreting studies. First, quantitative analyses of miscommunication and interaction management were carried out to identify potential relationships between message equivalence issues and interactional issues and to establish the possible influence of environmental and technological factors. These data were submitted to comparative, qualitative analyses, which were triangulated with the findings from the participants’ perceptions, collected by means of thirty post-simulation interviews. The insights generated by this work are highly relevant for all users of RI to anticipate and overcome communication problems.
... Once we have produced transcripts of pertinent excerpts from our video data, we engage with methodological tools that are relevant for the data pieces such as modal density (Norris 2004a), modal configuration (Norris 2009a), the foregroundbackground continuum of attention/awareness (Norris 2004a;2008), semantic/pragmatic means (Norris 2004a), levels of action (Norris 2009b), scales of action (Norris 2017b), agency (Norris 2005;Pirini, 2017), or the site of engagement (Scollon 1998(Scollon , 2001Norris, 2004aNorris, , 2019Norris, , 2020Norris and Jones 2005). Here again, we rely on audio-visual technology without, however, favouring any one kind. ...
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This paper presents a concise introduction to Multimodal (inter)action analysis (MIA), which began to be developed in the early 2000s in tandem with technological advances for visual qualitative research. By now, MIA has grown into a fully-fledged research framework, including multimodal philosophy, theory, method and methodology for the study of human action, interaction and identity. With systematic phases from data collection to transcription (including transcription conventions) and data analysis, this framework allows researchers to work in a data-driven and replicable manner moving past common interpretive paradigms (Norris 2019, 2020).
... multimodality) and in the direction of delineating what it is that we are examining (moving the research interest beyond the instance that researchers may find relevant). Modal density, it is shown, is achieved through either intense or complex usages of modes, resulting in rhythm and pace of speech as well as rhythm and pace of other modes (Norris 2009). ...
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This article problematizes the notion of selecting micro-data pieces to shed light upon the focus of participants. The issue presented is two-fold: 1. The article shows that selecting micro-analytical data pieces does not allow a researcher to determine the focus of a participant; and 2. The article demonstrates that language use of a participant does not necessarily mean that the participant is focused upon a conversation. Both, purely working with micro-analytical data pieces and the presumption that language use indicates focus of the speaker, are problematized and it is shown with an example from a relatively large study of family Skype conversation that includes 82 participants that: 1. Focused attention can only be analyzed correctly when crossing micro-analytical boundaries; and 2. A participant can utilize language without paying focused attention to an interaction.
... Therefore the particular proxemic relationship with Sean that Eleanor produces through layout and furniture is of durable materiality. Layout and furniture are intimately linked to proxemic relationships, and proxemics is durable in similar ways (Norris 2010). Eleanor could stand up and move around the room. ...
Researchers seeking to analyse how intersubjectivity is established and maintained face significant challenges. The purpose of this article is to provide theoretical/methodological tools that begin to address these challenges. I develop these tools by applying several concepts from multimodal (inter)action analysis to an excerpt taken from the beginning of a tutoring session, drawn from a wider data set of nine one-to-one tutoring sessions. Focusing on co-produced higher-level actions as an analytic site of intersubjectivity, I show that lower-level actions that co-constitute a higher-level action can be delineated into tiers of materiality. I identify three tiers of materiality: durable, adjustable and fleeting. I introduce the theoretical/methodological tool tiers of material intersubjectivity to delineate these tiers analytically from empirical data, and show how these tiers identify a multimodal basis of material intersubjectivity. Building on this analysis I argue that the durable and adjustable tiers of material intersubjectivity produce the interactive substrate, which must be established in order for actions that display fleeting materiality to produce intersubjectivity. These theoretical/methodological tools extend the framework of multimodal (inter)action analysis, and I consider some potential applications beyond the example used here.
... Children perceive better the responses that they receive from the exterior through a constant beat, allowing giving logical sense to their world. This element is present in daily actions as observed in speech and body movements made by the human being [9]. On the one hand, there is a social synchrony between human movements; the tempo is an underlying social interaction organizer [10]. ...
Conference Paper
This article is based on the assumption of the power of music to change the listener’s mood. The proposal studies the participants’ changes in emotional states through listening different auditions. This way it is possible to answer to the question if music is able to induce positive and negative emotions in the listener. The present research focuses on the musical parameter of note value through its four basic components of the parameter note value, namely, beat, rhythm, harmonic rhythm and rhythmic accompaniment to detect the individual preferences of the listeners. The initial results prove that the influence of beat in music for eliciting emotions is dependent of the personality of each participant in terms of neuroticism and extraversion.
Multimodal interaction analysis (Norris, 2004) is a holistic methodological framework that allows the analyst to integrate the verbal with the nonverbal, and to integrate these with material objects and the environment as they are being used by individuals acting and interacting in the world.Keywords:discourse analysis;pragmatics;research methods in applied linguistics;sociolinguistics
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A conceptual distinction between linguistic (and other semiotic) resources for making typological (or categorial) versus topological (or continuous variation) meanings is used as part of a multimedia semiotic analysis of an episode from a problem‐based learning tutorial session in medical education. A semantic analysis of the evaluative language of the participants shows them frequently using various linguistic devices for getting beyond simple “true or false” categorial judgments and also resorting to nonverbal (mainly gestural and graphical) representations when more topological meanings are needed. A tension is identified in medical diagnostic discourse between the typological emphasis of reasoning in terms of diagnostic categories and the frequently topological‐quantitative or categorially ambiguous nature of the data and phenomena under discussion.
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
This article identifies some limitations of discourse analysis by analyzing interactions between five boys in which the TV and the computer are featured as mediational means. The incorporation of several modalities into transcripts and a shift in focus from primarily language to human action facilitate a better understanding of the multi-modal interaction involved. The use of conventional transcripts with a focus on language demonstrates that movie- and computer-mediated interactions appear fragmented; by contrast, an inclusion of images into the transcripts, representing central interactions and/or images of a movie or computer screen, demonstrates the significant visual modes that are imperative to the ongoing talk. Just as written words correspond to the oral language, images can exemplify the global interaction among the participants, or they can represent the images on the screen. In addition, viewing an image is much faster than reading a description, so that these images also display the fast pace of the movie- and/or computer-mediated interaction.
Methodological approaches in which data on nonverbal behavior are collected usually involve interpretative methods in which raters must identify a set of defined categories of behavior. However, present knowledge about the qualitative aspects of head movement behavior calls for recording detailed transcriptions of behavior. These records are a prerequisite for investigating the function and meaning of head movement patterns. A method for directly collecting data on head movement behavior is introduced. Using small ultrasonic transducers, which are attached to various parts of an index person's body (head and shoulders), a microcomputer determines receiver-transducer distances. Three-dimensional positions are calculated by triangulation. These data are used for further calculations concerning the angular orientation of the head and the direction, size, and speed of head movements (in rotational, lateral, and sagittal dimensions). Further analyses determine relevant changes in movements, identify segments of movements, and classify the quantifications of movement patterns. The measured patterns of nonverbal behavior can be accurately related to features of verbal communication and other time-related variables (e.g., psychophysiological measures). To estimate the possible meanings of behavioral patterns, a heuristic is proposed that includes the situational context as the basis of interpretation.