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The present contribution reviews information on Crithmum maritimum L., a facultative halophyte belonging to the Apiaceae family and typical of coastal ecosystems. It grows wild on maritime rocks, piers, breakwaters and sandy beaches along the Mediterranean, Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Its propagation by germination, vegetative multiplication and the in vitro culture techniques is quite easy. Salinities exceeding 50 mM NaCl inhibit seed germination but seem without impact on seed viability. At the vegetative stage, growth was stimulated by low salinity but was markedly reduced at high levels of salt without any symptoms of toxicity. C. maritimum L. has been largely used for nutritional and medicinal purposes. The plant is also edible and it is consumed in the traditional diet of the first European farmers, as a potent source of minerals, vitamin C, essential oils and other biomolecules. The fruit of C. maritimum L. is rich in lipids (about 44% on dry weight basis) with oleic acid as major component (78.6% of the total fatty acids). All these features make this species one of the most promising halophytes in the context of biosaline agriculture.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(16), pp. 3564-3571, 18 August, 2011
Available online at
ISSN 1996-0875 ©2011 Academic Journals
Environmental eco-physiology and economical
potential of the halophyte Crithmum maritimum L.
Abdallah Atia*, Zouhaier Barhoumi, Rabhi Mokded, Chedly Abdelly and Abderrazak Smaoui
Laboratoire des Plantes Extrêmophiles, Centre de Biotechnologies, Technopole de Borj Cedria, BP 901, Hammam-Lif,
2050, Tunisia.
Accepted 6 July, 2011
The present contribution reviews information on Crithmum maritimum L., a facultative halophyte
belonging to the Apiaceae family and typical of coastal ecosystems. It grows wild on maritime rocks,
piers, breakwaters and sandy beaches along the Mediterranean, Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Its
propagation by germination, vegetative multiplication and the in vitro culture techniques is quite easy.
Salinities exceeding 50 mM NaCl inhibit seed germination but seem without impact on seed viability. At
the vegetative stage, growth was stimulated by low salinity but was markedly reduced at high levels of
salt without any symptoms of toxicity. C. maritimum L. has been largely used for nutritional and
medicinal purposes. The plant is also edible and it is consumed in the traditional diet of the first
European farmers, as a potent source of minerals, vitamin C, essential oils and other biomolecules. The
fruit of C. maritimum L. is rich in lipids (about 44% on dry weight basis) with oleic acid as major
component (78.6% of the total fatty acids). All these features make this species one of the most
promising halophytes in the context of biosaline agriculture.
Key words: Crithmum maritimum, salinity, nutritional and medicinal uses, biosaline agriculture.
Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae) is a halophyte also
known as crest marine, marine fennel, sea fennel,
sampier and rock samphire (Atia et al., 2009a). It is
typical of rocky coastal ecosystems, since it grows wild
on maritime rocks, piers and breakwaters and sandy
beaches. This aromatic plant grows wild in rock crevices,
rocky shores and shingle beaches along the
Mediterranean and Black sea coasts, as well as along the
Atlantic coast of Portugal and of south and south-west
England, Wales and Southern Ireland. This plant also
occurs along the coasts of other countries (e.g. Canada)
as a naturalized species (Ozcan, 2000; Ben Amor et al.,
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: (+216) 79
412 848. Fax: (+216) 79 412 638.
ABBREVIATIONS: ABA, abscisic acid; ABTS, 2,2'-azino-bis(3-
ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid); BA, 6-Benzyladenine;
B5, gamborg medium; GA
gibberellic acid 3; IBA, indole-3-
butyric acid; MS, murashige and skoog medium; MDA,
2005; Cornara et al., 2009). C. maritimum L. shows
substantial economical and medicinal potentials: it is
edible aromatic and has a powerful scent. Its organs
(roots, leaves and fruits) are rich in several bioactive
substances that could be used as aromatic, medicinal,
antimicrobial and insecticide (Atia et al., 2009a; Meot-
Duros and Magné 2009; Meot-Duros et al., 2010). In
temperate climates, the plant is used for ornamental
decoration in rock gardens along the sea (Franke, 1981).
It is also cultivated in many areas across Europe for
several economic and industrial purposes (Franke, 1981;
Atia et al., 2010a; Meot-Duros et al., 2008).
In the recent years, products of halophytes are more
and more produced and sold in the markets through the
world (Geissler et al., 2009; Koyro and Lieth, 2008; Koyro
et al., 2008). The benefit of herbal drugs has been
considered since ancient times (Grabley and Thiericke,
1999; Cornara et al., 2009), and even today many
halophytes are investigated for the development of new
phytocompounds. The demand from the medicinal and
cosmetic industry for essential oils or other products of C.
maritimum is rapidly increasing (Grigoriadou and
Maloupa, 2008). The objective of this review is to go over
and to update our knowledge about the medicinal
halophyte C. maritimum with a particular emphasis on its
eco-physiological responses to saline environment, its
economic importance and its potential as a promising
candidate for bio-saline agriculture.
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Superdivision: Spermatophyta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Apiales
Family: Apiaceae
Genus: Crithmum
Species: Crithmum maritimum L.
Crithmum: from Greek krithe: barley, from resemblance
of fruit to barleycorn.
Maritimum: of the sea.
C. maritimum L. (Apiaceae) is a highly branched
perennial herb of up to 30 to 60 cm in height (Cornara et
al., 2009). The root is a strong, thick and gnarled (Franke,
1981). The leaves are fleshy and succulent Figure 1.
They extend radially forming a rosette. They have a
sheath-like base with the short petiole ending in a pinnate
compound blade, which is usually divided into 3 leaflets,
each again pinnate. The leaflets are 2 to 5 cm long, 0.6
cm wide and linear to lanceolate with a conical, some-
times spiny tip. From the end of July to mid-August, a
stalk up to 30 cm high with 2 or 3 smaller leaves
develops from the terminal bud and ends in a compound
umbel with 10 to 20 rays, bearing an involucre and
involucels, each one consisting of several leaflets.
The species flowers between June and September and
the fruit begins to mature in November-December. The
flowers are of yellowish or greenish-white colour and
produce ovoid fruits which consist of two mericraps each
of them subdivided in 5 ribs. The Fruit are 5 to 6 mm
long, 1.5 to 2.5 mm large, ovoid-oblong, not compressed,
corky and olive-green to purple (Figure 1). At maturation
stage, in each groove of the spongy mesocarp, several
brown lines are visible. They represent the vittae. The
carpophore is also present (Franke, 1981; Atia et al.,
Cultivation and multiplication aptitude
This species produces high number of viable fruits that
Atia et al. 3565
permit their multiplication by germination without any
inconvenience. The germination of C. maritimum fruit has
been reported to be maximal in distilled water (Atia et al.,
2009a). The reed light, the nitrate and other nitrogen
compounds significantly promote and accelerate
germination (Atia et al., 2009b).
Although C. maritimum provide a limited number of
cuttings, the propagation by softwood cuttings is also
possible without any inconvenient. When the cuttings
produce sufficient roots, they can be easily transplanted
to the main field.
In vitro propagation is a useful technique for mass
multiplication and germplasm conservation of any plant
species (Kavitha et al., 2010). The multiplication of the C.
maritimum L. via in vitro culture technique has been
recently reported (Grigoriadou and Maloupa, 2008).
Different culture media have been used for in vitro culture
of other species of the family of Apiaceae (Hirai et al.,
1997). Shoot production of C. maritimum was significantly
stimulated when shoot tip explants were cultured in MS
medium. MS seems to be the most effective of the basal
media tested for in vitro cultivation of C. maritimum as it
leads to a significantly increase of number of new
microshoots produced / explant (3.4) and enhances shoot
height (3.1 cm).
According to Grigoriadou and Maloupa (2008), the B5
medium favours rooting (92.5% of the microshoots
develop roots) with and an average of 5.8 roots/explant
and 0.6 cm length. When added at 2.5 to 10 µM, BA
significantly increased shoot proliferation. Further, the
combination of different IBA concentrations with 2.5 µM
BA significantly improved the rooted microshoots, the
number of roots and root length.
Germination stage
Despite C. maritimum L. usually grows in the vicinity of
seawater, salinities exceeding 50 mM NaCl were found to
inhibit its germination (Atia et al., 2006; Atia et al.,
2009a). In the natural conditions of C. maritimum L., fruits
are continuously exposed to various ions including; Na
, Ca
, Cl
, and SO
. In a recent report, we show
that the salt-induced inhibition of seed germination was
salt-specific and could be classified in the following
decreasing order: MgCl
, MgSO
, Na
, NaCl.
Magnesium salts, that is, MgCl
and MgSO
, restrict
germination via their osmotic and ionic effects. At verylow
osmotic potentials, Mg
exerted a strong toxic effect that
may be explained by the high loss of nutrients from
seeds, especially phosphorus, nitrate, sulphate and
Sodium salts, that is, Na
and NaCl, adversely
affected germination mainly via an osmotic effect, since
high germination recovery could be observed after seed
3566 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Figure 1. General aspect of C. maritimum: (A) Aspect of cultivated plant, (B) detailed view of leaves. Note the
succulence aspect, (C) inflorescence aspect at the flowering stage, (D) inflorescence view after fruit formation,
(E) inflorescence aspect after fruit maturation, (F) and (G) detailed view of the fruit during prematuration stage,
(H) details view of fruit at maturation.
transfer in distilled water. This suggests that in natural
conditions, the plant produces seed banks consisting in
seeds that remain viable and germinate after the winter
rains, so that the plant can successfully establish (Atia et
al., 2011).
A useful approach to overcome the salt-induced seed
dormancy observed in halophytes consists in the exo-
genous application of germination-promoting substances.
In this way, nitrate, ammonium, and GA
proved to
significantly enhance seed germination of C. maritimum
L. under salinities (Atia et al., 2009a). Interestingly, red
light application was also efficient for seed germination
induction under salinity (Atia et al., 2009c). It seems
that salt inhibits germination partly by increasing ABA
content in seeds. This was confirmed by the fact that the
germination was inhibited by exogenous ABA addition in
the imbibition medium. This inhibition was alleviated by
nitrate (Figure 2). Fluridone, an inhibitor of ABA
synthesis, alleviated the salt-induced restriction of
germination too (Atia et al., 2009b).
In C. maritimum L. fruit, NaCl is mainly accumulated in
the external envelopes, that is, the spongy coat, the
secretory envelope and the endocarp layer (Atia et al.,
2010b). This phenomenon is of vital eco-physiological
significance for this halophyte, since it preserves the
embryo viability even if the salinity increases in the
Atia et al. 3567
> MgSO
Spongy coat
Reserve mobilisation
and embryo growth
Rainy water
Loss of viability
Lessivage of salt
Dispersion and
Chemicals: Flu,
nitrate, a
and GAs
Figure 2. A working model explaining the eco-physiological responses of C. maritimum to salinity during
germination stage.
medium (Figure 3). Upon salt leaching by winter rains,
water imbibition starts and seed germination can take
place allowing C. maritimum L. to establish in the saline
Vegetative stage
Several authors showed that C. maritimum L. is a
facultative halophyte (Ben Hamed et al., 2004; Ben Amor
et al., 2005). According to Ben Hamed et al. (2007), leaf
growth was stimulated by 50 mM NaCl, unaffected at 100
mM NaCl and was significantly decreased at 300 mM
NaCl but without any toxicity symptoms. Root growth was
significantly reduced at 100 and 300 mM NaCl (Ben
Hamed et al., 2007) Table 1.
In C. maritimum L., accumulating high amounts of Na
and Cl
in leaves had no severe impact on their water
status, which is indicative of includer behaviour (Ben
Hamed et al., 2004; Ben Amor et al., 2005, 2006). By
opposition to excluders halophyte which secrete the salt
by specific leaf structure like glands or trichomes,
includer halophytes sequester these toxic ions in their
vacuoles. Ben Amor et al. (2005) showed that salt
treatment reaching 200 mM NaCl did not induce
membrane lipid peroxidation since MDA values in both
roots and shoots remained close to those control. This
was concomitant with the stimulation of activities of the
protective antioxidant enzymes, namely superoxide
dismutase (SOD), catalase and peroxidase. Thus, the
antioxidative system was efficient to protect the plant
tissues against the toxic ions like Na+ and Cl- (Ben
Hamed et al., 2007) Table 1.
Salt tolerance aptitude of C. maritimum L. was also
attributed to its ability to maintain potassium supply, a
convenient water supply and/or highly capacity to
conserve tissue hydratation and to exhibit an efficient
antioxidant system (Ben hamed et al., 2004). This
performance is also related to a set of morphological
adaptations including leaf succulence, abundance of
palisade parenchyma, and aquifer parenchyma, a thick
cuticle layer and a low number of stomata avoiding water
C. maritimum L. has been largely used for nutritional and
medicinal purposes. The plant is edible; it was consumed
in the traditional diet of the first European farmers, as it is
a significant source of minerals. It was cultivated in
gardens and was sold on London streets as 'Crest
Marine' (Guil-Guerrero et al., 1998). The use of Samphire
as a condiment and pickle or as an ingredient in a salad
3568 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Quinic acid
Hesperidin Chlorogenic acid
Falcarindiol p-Toluic acid
Figure 3. Chemical structure of some biological active compounds found in C. maritimum L.
is well known (Atia et al., 2006; Meot-Duros et al., 2009).
For instance, in many European countries, the leaves are
washed, cut into small pieces and prepared for salads by
mixed juice and olive oil. In British Isles, the leaves were
formerly pickled and kept like capers in vinegar. Rock
Samphire Hash is a traditional British recipe. This was
prepared by mixing stems and leaves of C. maritimum L.
with a pickled cucumber and caper which cooked in
stock. Then this was bound with an egg yolk
entry.phpterm). In a Greek legend, it is even mentioned
as a vegetable served to Theseus by Hekate.
Cornara et al. (2009) reported that C. maritimum L. is
used in folk medicine as appetizer, tonic, carminative,
diuretic and vermifuge. Sailors used to consume food
preparations based on C. maritimum L. or eat leaves
asprotection against scurvy (Cunsolo et al., 1993). When
going on fishing trips, sailors took fresh leaves with them.
But on longer voyages the leaves were apparently kept
pickled in vinegar for better preservation. In Italy, the
decoction of shoots harvested before fructification were
used against inflammations of the urinary tract and
prostate and colics. It has tonic and purgative action
while the infusion of leaves has been largely used for the
digestive diseases and for renal therapy (Franke, 1981:
Cunsolo et al., 1993; Guil-Guerrero and Rodriguez-
Atia et al. 3569
Table 1. Summary of the eco-physiological salt-responses during the vegetative stage of C. maritimum L.
Physiological parameter Low salinity Moderate salinity High salinity References
Growth Stimulated Not affected Reduced Ben Amor et al. (2005)
Tissue hydratation Not affected Not affected reduced Grigoriadou and Maloupa (2008)
Toxic ion accumulation Accumulated Accumulated Highly accumulated Ben Hamed et al. (2004)
Potassium uptake Maintained Maintained Maintained Ben Amor et al. (2005)
Photosynthetic activity Maintained Maintained Maintained Ben Hamed et al. (2004)
Antioxidant systems Stimulated Stimulated Reduced
Ben Amor et al. (2005)
Ben Hamed et al. (2007)
Toxicity or tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Ben Amor et al. (2006)
Table 2. Geographical variability in the major volatile compounds from C. maritimum L.
(adapted from Pateira et al. 1999).
Portugal France Italy
Sabinene 24.4 - 0.7
α-Pinen 0.2 - 0.1
Cis-ß-Ocimen 3.9 - -
y-Terpinene 35.0 1% 22.9
4-allylanisol - 25% -
Terpinen-4-ol 4.9 - 0.2
Tymol methyl ether 15 - 25.5
Dillapiol 1.5 25% 0.1
Garcia, 1999). In Folk veterinary, the aerial parts were
used as food integrator for rabbits and leaves as
galactogogue (Cornara et al., 2009). C. maritimum L.
leaves are rich in several compounds such as vitamin C,
caratenoids, flavonoids as well as bioactive substances
that could be used for aromatic, medicinal, antimicrobial
and insecticide. The oils extracted from leaves showed
the presence of high concentrations of fatty acids of the
ω-3 and ω-6 series. These fatty acids play an important
role in modulating human metabolism and have beneficial
effects against coronary heart diseases (Guil-Guerrero
and Rodriguez-Garcia, 1999). Recent works by Meot-
Duros et al. (2008) revealed that C. maritimum L. leaves
extract exhibited high phenol content and high ABTS
radical scavenging activity. The C. maritimum apolar
extract had strong antimicrobial activity against
Micrococcus luteus, Salmonella arizonae, Erwinia
carotovora, Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. aeruginosa, P.
marginalis, Bacillus cereus and Candida albicans (Meot-
Duros et al., 2008). Furthermore, C. maritimum L.
essential oil was studied, both for its antioxidant (Ozcan,
2000) and its antibacterial properties (Ruberto et al.,
2000). Essential oils had strong antibacterial action
against a large panel of human pathogenic bacteria
(Roosi et al., 2007). This is the case of the Gram-positive
bacteria B. cereus and M. luteus (Glowniak et al., 2006).
Volatile compounds
Both shoots and the fruit of C. maritimum L. are rich in
volatile compounds (Atia et al., 2009). The volatile oil
yield reaches about 0.8% in fruits and to 0.15 to 0.3% in
leaves (Franke, 1981). The major volatile oils identified
consist of sabinene, dillapiole, α-pinen, γ-terpinene
(crithmen), p-cymol, apiole, cis-ß-Ocimene, thymol and
terpinen-4-ol (Table 2). Other less abundant volatile
compounds were also found in C. maritimum L. such as:
α-Thujene, Camphene, α-Phellandrene, Limonene,
Cineole, trans-ß-Ocimene, trans-2-Ovten-1-ol,
Terpinolene, Linalool, trans-p-Menthen-1-ol, and
Myristicin. In leaves, the percentage of the major volatile
oils is highly variable: e.g. α-pinen (0.8 to 1.2%),
sabinene (33 to 40%), myrcene (1.6 to 1.8%), α-terpinene
(1.1 to 2.2%), p-cymene (3.7 to 9.3%), cis-ß-Ocimene (2
to 2.7%), γ -terpinene (22.3 to 28%), terpinen-4-ol (5 to
7.3%), the thymolmethylether (12.9 to 15.5%) and
dillapiole (1.1 to 3.1%) (Pateira et al., 1999). Concerning
3570 J. Med. Plant. Res.
the fruits, it has been reported that they contain
approximately 8 to 40% dillapiole, 12% α-pinen and up to
48% γ -terpinene (Franke, 1981).
Antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids
C. maritimum L leaves are rich in several compounds
such as vitamin C, caratenoids, and flavonoids (Guil-
Guerrero and Rodriguez-Garcia, 1999). Quantitative
analyses of the content of flavonoids, tannins and total
polyphenols in the aerial parts of C. maritimum L.,
showed that the content of flavonoids was 0.08 to 0.42%.
The tannin content ranged from 0.10 to 2.65%, while
the content of total polyphenols varied from 4.72 to
9.48%. The highest contents of flavonoids, tannins and
total polyphenols were found in the samples collected
before flowering and at the beginning of flowering (Males
et al., 2003). The fruit of C. maritimum L. was by high
accumulation of polyphenols. For instance, the endocarp
layer accumulated O-dihydroxyphenols (Atia et al., 2009
The chlorogenic acid, a phenolic compound with high
radical-scavenging activity, was also found in
C.maritimum aerial parts (Meot-Duros and Magné, 2009)
Figure 3. The same authors identified the quinic acid,
another important phenolic compound. Quinic acid is a
cyclic polyol. It is produced synthetically by hydrolysis of
chlorogenic acid. This acid is used for the fabrication of
Tamiflu, a medicament for the treatment of influenza A
and B strains (http:/ /www.quinine-buchler. com/
quinicacid.htm). The aromatic ether O-geranylvanillin 3
was also isolated from C. maritimum L. (Cunsolu et al.,
1993). There is also evidence of some crithmic acid (p-
toluyl acid). In addition, polyacetylene compounds such
as falcarinon have been found in C. maritimum L.
(Hegnauer, 1973; Franke, 1981).
Recently, the occurrence of two bioactive flavonoids
was reported in C. maritimum L. Diosmin (3, 5, 7-
trihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone 7-rutinoside) and hesperidin
(3, 5, 7-trihydroxy-4-ethoxyflavanone7-rhamnoglycoside)
(Figure 2a and b) (Cornara et al., 2009). Meot-Duros et
al. (2010) purified the falcarindiol from the leaf apolar
extract of C. maritimum L. Falcarindiol is an antibacterial
and cytotoxic compound with multiple biological activities,
such as anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet-aggregatory and
antimutagenic properties (Miyazawa et al., 1996;
Christensen and Brandt, 2006). Falcarindiol extracted
from C. maritimum L. strongly inhibited the growth of M.
luteus and B. cereus. Moreover, this compound showed
cytotoxicity against IEC-6 cells (Meot-Duros et al., 2010).
The oils extracted from C. maritimum L. leaves showed
the presence of high concentrations of fatty acids of the
ω-3 and ω-6 series (Guil-Guerrero and Rodriguez-
Garcia, 1999). On the dry weight basis, their percentage
reaches 2.02% for neutral lipids, 0.57% for the glycolipids
and 0.26% for the phospholipids. In the fruit, the
percentage of lipids reaches 44.4% on the dry weight
basis. C. maritimum L. fruit oil was also rich with oleic
acid (78.6%), low level of palmitic acid (4.8%) and non
negligible amount of linoleic acid (15.4%) (Atia et al.,
2010a). This composition is similar to olive oil and canola
oil. These results confirm the good quality of C.
maritimum L. oil.
Several water-soluble compounds were observed in C.
maritimum. Among these solutes, the carbohydrates
namely sucrose and glucose, followed by organic acids
like malate and quinate (Meot-Duros and Magné, 2009).
C. maritimum L. leaves is a significant source of minerals;
hydrochlorates, sulphates, carbonates, potash, acetate,
iodine, and bromide ( Other
forms of minerals were also found in C. maritimum L. fruit
like phosphates, calcium, sulphur and sulphured amino
acids (Atia et al., 2010b).
In this review, we tried to present an updated overview
about the halophyte C. maritimum L. This plant has been
receiving the interest of the scientific community due to
its economical and fundamental interests: significant salt
tolerance in conjunction with potent medicinal and
economic importance. This species can grow in saline
land and irrigated with diluted sea water or diluted
brackish water. However, during germination and the
early growth stages, irrigating with non saline water is
needed. It is possible to successfully cultivate this
species in saline environments.
By studying the traditional uses and the
phytochemistry, we consider that C. maritimum L. is a
promising halophyte for biosaline agriculture and could
be proposed as a new industrial cash crop halophyte.
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... Sea fennel is a plant with well-developed mechanisms of adaptation to the Mediterranean climate and resilience to climate changes what makes it an ideal candidate for the promotion of halophyte agriculture. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has been recognised as a "cash" crop for saline agriculture (Atia, Barhoumi, Mokded, Abdelly, & Smaoui, 2011;Kraouia et al., 2023b;Renna, 2018). ...
... In addition to their protective function, these compounds also offer a pleasant taste and health benefits. Several studies in scientific journals reviewed nutritional composition and functional traits of sea fennel, as well as its consumption potential due to its richness in terms of health-promoting compounds, especially those with notable antioxidant activity (Atia et al., 2011;Kraouia et al., 2023b;Renna, 2018). Sea fennel leaves and stems, which are mainly harvested from spring until early autumn, are widely used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine and in the food industry, due to their distinctive sensory attributes in terms of taste, scent and colour. ...
... Sea fennel leaves and stems, which are mainly harvested from spring until early autumn, are widely used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine and in the food industry, due to their distinctive sensory attributes in terms of taste, scent and colour. They are used raw, cooked or preserved as pickles, in salads, as appetizers, for the preparation of condiments, dried spices, sauces, soups, herbal liqueurs, etc. (Atia et al., 2011;Kraouia et al., 2023b;Renna, 2018;Renna, Gonnella, Caretto, Mita, & Serio, 2017). In addition, sea fennel is also used for medicinal purposes, as numerous nutritive and health-beneficial components have been detected and identified in all parts of the sea fennel, such as ascorbic acid (Franke, 1982;Maoloni et al., 2021), minerals (Amoruso et al., 2022;Meot-Duros & Magné, 2009;Nabet et al., 2017;Pedreiro et al., 2023;Sánchez-Faure et al., 2020), carotenoids (Guil-Guerrero & Rodríguez-García, 1999;Nabet et al., 2017;Sarrou et al., 2019;Sousa, Alves, Neves, Tecelão, & Ferreira-Dias, 2022), organic acids (Maoloni et al., 2021;Meot-Duros & Magné, 2009;Sánchez-Faure et al., 2020), fatty acids (Ben Hamed, Ben Youssef, Ranieri, Zarrouk, & Abdelly, 2005;Castillo et al., 2022;Guil-Guerrero & Rodríguez-García, 1999;Labiad et al., 2021;Maoloni et al., 2021;Sánchez-Faure et al., 2020), phenolic compounds (Maoloni, Pirker, Pferschy-Wenzig, Aquilanti, & Bauer, 2023;Pedreiro et al., 2023;Sánchez-Faure et al., 2020;Sarrou et al., 2019;Veršić Bratinčević, Kovačić, Popović, Radman, & Generalić Mekinić, 2023), volatiles (Nabet et al., 2017;Ö zcan, Akgül, Bascr, Ö zck, & Tabanca, 2001;Pateira et al., 1999;Pedreiro et al., 2023;Sarrou et al., 2019). ...
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Extreme environmental conditions affect the synthesis and accumulation of bioactive metabolites in halophytic plants. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and quantity of key health-promoting phytochemicals in Croatian sea fennel, one of the most popular Mediterranean halophytes with a wide range of uses. The EOs were characterised by a high content of limonene (up to 93%), while the fatty acid profile shows a low content of oleic acid and the presence of valuable linoleic acid (ω-6) and linolenic acid (ω-3) in high percentages. The dominances of lutein and α-tocopherol were also confirmed in all samples. The results confirm the great variability in the chemistry of sea fennel populations in the Mediterranean region, with significant differences in the composition of the Croatian samples compared to the others, as well as the presence and high concentrations of the analysed bioactive compounds that contribute to the plant's health-promoting attributes.
... In these environmental contexts, Crithmum maritimum, also known as sea fennel, has received increasing attention in Mediterranean areas (Zenobi et al., 2021(Zenobi et al., , 2022. This perennial halophyte thrives on sandy beaches, maritime rocks, breakwaters, and piers along coastlines worldwide and is particularly abundant in Mediterranean countries (Atia et al., 2011). Sea fennel is rich in various bioactive compounds that have been extensively investigated and found to possess a wide range of positive properties. ...
... C. maritimum, a halophytic species known for its ability to grow and develop even under water stress conditions (Azeñas et al., 2019), is a promising candidate for the development of extensive green roofs, even in situations characterized by shallow substrates and limited irrigation (Nektarios et al., 2016). As a member of the halophyte group, which includes plants tolerant to saline environments, sea fennel has been identified as a potential crop for biosaline agriculture (Atia et al., 2011;Piatti et al., 2022;Politeo et al., 2023). This suggests its use in implementing more sustainable cropping systems that require fewer inputs while providing multiple services, particularly in addressing climate change issues and preserving agrobiodiversity (Renna, 2018). ...
... Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L., Apiaceae), also known as rock samphire or crest marine, is a halophytic species commonly found on cliffs and rocks, and somewhat less often on gravel or sandy soils along the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and European [Atia et al., 2011;Franke, 1982;Nartea et al., 2023]. It has been used for years as a source of vitamin C and in folk medicine as a diuretic, digestive and laxative [Franke, 1982;Renna, 2018]. ...
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Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is an edible halophytic species rich in various valuable phytochemicals, and has accordingly, been used in traditional medicine and nutrition since ancient times. The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition of sea fennel flowers from three regionally (ecologically) different locations on the Croatian Adriatic coast (Pag, Korčula, Cavtat). The profiles of essential oils (EOs), fatty acids (FAs), tocopherols, and phenolic compounds (total phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins) as well as associated antioxidant capacity were analysed. The flowers collected at the northernmost site had the lowest contents of total phenolic compounds, limonene in the EO and unsaturated FAs, but the highest content of α-tocopherol, one of the best-known plant lipophilic antioxidants. On the other hand, the flowers from Korčula and Cavtat contained high amounts of phenolics, especially chlorogenic acid (7.99 and 13.27 mg/g dry plant matter, respectively), resulting in high antioxidant activity of the samples. Despite these differences in composition, which may be related to the geographical location of the sampling site, sea fennel flowers from all locations can be considered a valuable source of important health-promoting phytochemicals.
... The essential oils isolated by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) were found to be a yellow liquid, with a yield of 0.2% (vol/wt) obtained based on wet weight [17]. The amount of essential oils in sea fennel reached about 0.8% in fruits, and 0.15 to 0.3% in the leaves [18]. The content of essential oil was found to be 0.6% [19]. ...
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This study was conducted to determine the sea fennel essential oil (SFEO) yield, composition , and antioxidant activity of leaves, stem, inflorescences, and umbels from seeds of wild sea fennel (SF) (Crithmum maritimum L.) from the Montenegro coast. The chemical composition of isolated essential oil was determined by GC/MS and GC/FID analyses. The antioxidant activity was determined using the DPPH assay. The maximum SFEO yield was found in umbels with seeds (4.77 mL/100 g p.m.). The leaves contained less EO (0.52 mL/100 g p.m.) than immature inflorescence (0.83 mL/100 g p.m.) The minimum EO content was found in the stem (0.08%). Twenty components were isolated from SFEO leaves, twenty-four from inflorescence, thirty-four components from the stem, and twenty-one components from umbels with seeds. Limonene (62.4-72.0%), γ-terpinene (9.5-14.0%), α-pinene (1.4-5.8%), and sabinene (1-6.5%) were found to be the main components of the SFEO from monoterpene hydrocarbons as dominant grouped components (86% to 98.1%). SF plant parts showed differences in chemical profiles, especially in specific and low-represented ingredients. (E)-anethole (4.4%), fenchone (0.5%), and trans-carveol (0.2%) were present only in umbel with seeds, while the β-longipipene (0.5%), (E)-caryophyllene (0.5%), and (2E)-decenal (0.2%) were found only in the stems. The degree of DPPH radical neutralization increased with incubation time. The SFEO isolated from the stems showed stronger antioxidant activity during the incubation times of 20 and 40 min (EC 50 value of 5.30 mg/mL and 5.04 mg/mL, respectively) in comparison to the SFEO isolated from the other plant parts. The lowest antioxidant activity was obtained with the SFEO leaves (155.25 mg/mL and 58.30 mg/mL, respectively). This study indicates that SFEO possesses significant antioxidant activities and is animportant component in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is important to preserve the existing gene pool and biodiversity with rational use SF for the extraction of high-quality essential oils.
... C maritimum has been known to people since ancient times. People living along the Mediterranean coast use seaweed as a diuretic, purifier, digestive aid, antiscorbutic, anti-cold and antiinflammatory, as well as a wound healer and anthelmintic [13]. C. maritimum can also be used as a food: its leaves can be eaten in salads, cooked, or treated with vinegar like capers. ...
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an alarming epidemiological clinical problem worldwide. Pharmacological approaches currently available do not provide adequate responses due to poor effectiveness, high toxicity, and serious side effects. Our previous studies have shown that the wild edible plant Crithmum maritimum L. inhibits the growth of liver cancer cells and promotes liver cell differentiation by reducing lactic acid fermentation (Warburg effect). Here, we aimed to further characterise the effects of C. maritimum on lipid metabolism and markers of cellular metabolic health, such as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), and Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3), as well as the insulin signalling pathway. To better mimic the biological spectrum of HCC, we employed four HCC cell lines with different degrees of tumorigenicity and lactic acid fermentation/Warburg phenotype. Lipid accumulation was assessed by Oil Red O (ORO) staining, while gene expression was measured by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The activation of AMPK and insulin signalling pathways was determined by Western blotting. Results indicate that C. maritimum prevents lipid accumulation, downregulates lipid and cholesterol biosynthesis, and modulates markers of metabolic health, such as AMPK, SIRT1 and SIRT3. This modulation is different amongst HCC cell lines, revealing an important functional versatility of C. maritimum. Taken together, our findings corroborate the importance of C. maritimum as a valuable nutraceutical, reinforcing its role for the improvement of metabolic health.
... These plant adaptation mechanisms often result in increased production of beneficial phytochemicals, which have a valuable nutritional composition for human diet and are widely used in cuisine in various dishes, as well as in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries [8][9][10][11][12]. The presence and content of these phytochemicals are influenced by the type and level of stress to which the plant is exposed. ...
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Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is one of the most abundant and widespread Mediterranean halophytes, traditionally harvested and used in the summer months. As the plant bioactive metabolites are strongly influenced by the plant vegetation period and environmental conditions, we investigated some of the main bioactive compounds from sea fennel leaves over a one-year period to gain a deeper insight into their annual changes. A comprehensive phytochemical analysis of the essential oils using GC-MS, as well as the major phenolic and carotenoid compounds using HPLC, was performed. The results showed a high positive correlation between temperature and all major bioactive compounds, especially phenolic acids, cryptochlorogenic acid, and chlorogenic acid (r = 0.887, p = 0.0001 and r = 0.794, p = 0.002, respectively), as well as the limonene content in the essential oil (r = 0.694, p = 0.012). PCA analysis clearly distinguishes the period from February to April from the rest of the year, which contained the least bioactive metabolites overall. The overall data analyzed show great variations in sea fennel phytochemicals during the period of a year, with β-carotene content being the least effected. Therefore, it can be concluded that the plant can be used as a functional food or in other industries, such as the cosmetic and/or pharmaceutic industries, beyond its typical harvest period (early to midsummer).
... Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae) is an edible perennial halophyte plant. This plant, commonly found on rocky coastal areas, piers, breakwaters, and, rarely, on sandy beaches, is known by several names including rock sapphire, sea fennel, and marine fennel [1]. This wild plant grows all along the Mediterranean coast and it is especially common in countries such as France, Turkey, Tunisia, Italy, Croatia, Greece, and Spain; it is also found along the Atlantic coast in Portugal [2]. ...
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In this study, four accessions of Crithmum maritimum L., not previously studied, collected in Isola delle Femmine (Italy) (S43), Croatia (S44), Montenegro (S45), and Israel (S46) were investigated. The volatile profile of essential oils was evaluated using GC–MS and 38 compounds were identified. All the analyzed samples show a composition characterized essentially by monoterpene hydrocarbons (94.0–97.6%), with limonene, γ-terpinene, β-phellandrene, α-pinene, and p-cymene as the principal compounds. In addition, a comprehensive review of the composition of C. maritimum essential oils that have been studied thus far was conducted. To evaluate the similarity between samples, principal component analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were utilized. To evaluate the possibility of addressing food value to natural species that can strengthen sustainable food policies, it appears necessary to consider the previous safety of the dietary intake of C. maritimum. A matrix plot analysis of the content of dillapiole, a toxic constituent, in the samples was performed. The results of the statistical analysis show the presence of six clusters indicating some differences between C. maritimum accessions from different locations. Regarding dillapiole content, the four accessions discussed in this paper showed dillapiole values of less than 2%, suggesting the healthiness of sea fennel from these locations, while the highest values were found in samples from France, Portugal, and Tunisia.
Background and Aims Crithmum maritimum is a wild, edible halophyte with large potential as a cash crop for salinized soils. However, the tolerance during seed germination appears to be highly site-specific and contradictory, whereas little is known on salinity tolerance during early seedling growth. This study was aimed at characterizing variation in the responses of germination and early seedling growth in diverse C. maritimum populations along the Iberian Southwest coast. Specifically, we sought to distinguish between direct salinity effects and those influenced by the salinity of maternal environments. Methods Physicochemical properties, including salinity of maternal environments, were assessed across diverse habitats. A total of 3480 seeds from 58 mother plants were utilized. Seeds were subjected to germination assays under various salinity treatments (0-500 mM NaCl), with subsequent monitoring of germination parameters. Non-germinated seeds were tested for recovery germination, and viability was assessed using the tetrazolium test. Of germinated seeds, 1160 seedlings were monitored for survival and early growth metrics. General Linear Models were employed to analyze the effects of salinity and maternal environmental influence on germination and early growth. Key Results Despite reduced and delayed germination under salinity, seeds showed remarkable tolerance up to 150 mM, surpassing prior reports, with consistent viability up to 500 mM, indicating substantial salinity-induced dormancy. Seedling growth was more sensitive to continued treatment; no plants survived above 150 mM. The salinity experienced by maternal plants had only a marginal effect on germination but significantly contributed to reduce seedling biomass production, both above and below ground. Conclusions This study highlights the significance of maternal salinity on early growth in C. maritimum, emphasizing the species' resilience to salt stress during germination and recovery. These insights are crucial for optimizing cultivation techniques and informing research on other halophytes in saline environments.
The increasing population has led to increased demand for food, in combination with the shrinking availability of good lands and good-quality water for crop cultivation. The relevance of biosaline agriculture comes into the forefront under these conditions. By examining recent research, technological advancements, and case studies, this chapter elucidates the pivotal role that domestication of halophytes can play in enhancing crop productivity, mitigating soil salinity, and ensuring sustainable food production in regions prone to salinization. Halophytes are a versatile group, having uses beyond conventional agriculture and extending into ecological restoration through phytoremediation aspects and food, fodder, and biofuel domains. Through the prism of case studies spotlighting successful assimilation of halophytes into agricultural paradigms, the potential of halophytes as cornerstones of profitable biosaline agriculture is effectively accentuated. However, the success of biosaline agriculture faces challenges, including the intricate dynamics of genetic diversity, the adaptation of agronomic methodologies, the interplay of market forces, and the imperative of consumer acceptance. The crucial role of persistent endeavors in fully harnessing the latent promise of domesticated halophytes within the tapestry of biosaline agriculture is also highlighted, which can address global food security challenges and pave the way for economically viable biosaline agriculture.
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Halophytes are salt-tolerant plants growing in saline ecosystems and are spread throughout the Mediterranean area. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in agricultural exploitation of halophytes, but poor attention has been given to pest and disease management of these species. The objective of this review is to assess the extent and distribution of pathogenic fungal and fungal-like (Oomycota) organisms on major Mediterranean halophytes. We retrieved 92 references spanning over 100 years, with more than half published since 2000. Ascomycota is the best-represented phylum, and the order Pleosporales has the highest species diversity. The order Pucciniales prevails in Basidiomycota, whereas Peronosporales is the richest order within Oomycota. Most of the pathogenic species have been isolated from aboveground organs, especially from leaves. Portulaca oleracea is the species with the most associated pathogens (16) and records (28). Leveillula powdery mildew, caused by Leveillula taurica, is the most common disease among the selected species. Cakile maritima was found to be vulnerable to different mycotoxigenic Alternaria species. Strengthening the research on diseases of halophytes is essential to successfully grow these species and to evaluate the risks related to the presence of mycotoxigenic species, which is crucial for the effective exploitation of halophytes as crops.
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The use of some halophytes for rehabilitation of salt affected area has been reported. Crithmum maritimum L. halophyte and apiaceae can tolerate high levels of salt. Their seed was endospermic and had a suitable size for oil extraction. The aim of this report is to localize the lipids in the seed and determine their oils composition. The results showed that the lipids were accumulated in endosperm tissue as oil globoids. The percentage of oils was 44.4% dry weight basis. The C. maritimum L. seed oil was rich with oleic acid (78.6%), low level of palmitic acid (4.8%) and non negligible amount of linoleic acid (15.4%). This composition is similar to olive oil and canola oil. These results confirmed the good quality of C. maritimum L. seed oils.
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Saline habitats contain various salt types that differently affect seed germination and subsequent seedling establishment. Most studies on the germination process have been carried out using NaCl, which may limit the accuracy of the conclusions drawn, especially regarding the plant behaviour under field conditions. We compare here the impact of iso-osmotic solutions of four salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2 and MgSO4) and mannitol on seed imbibition, germination, germination recovery, viability and seedling ion relations of the halophyte Crithmum maritimum L. Seed imbibition percentage declined as osmotic potentials decreased. MgCl2 and NaCl were the most and less adverse salt on the germination, respectively. As for seed germination and viability, K+, Ca2+, NO-3 and PO3-4contents within seedlings appeared to be salt-diminished. This was associated with higher ion (K+ and Ca2+) leakage. In conclusion, both osmotic and toxic salt components impaired seed germination. This may be related to the effects of different salts on ion content, seed imbibition, and nutrient leakage through membranes.
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A micromorphological study was carried out on Crithmum maritimum L. (rock samphire), a halophyte belonging to the Apiaceae and used in folk medicine. The study led to the finding of relevant amounts of two closely related flavonoids, namely diosmin and hesperidin, which attract increasing interest for their biological properties. Anatomical investigations of leaf tissue showed the presence of needle‐shaped crystals forming plumose clusters, mainly located close to, or within, vascular bundles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis provided a more detailed morphological characterization of crystals, while the absence of mineral elements in their composition was assessed by SEM‐EDX. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of leaf tissue was conducted to detect hesperidin and diosmin and to quantify their amounts. SEM analysis of two Rutaceae plants rich in hesperidin and diosmin, i.e., Citrus limon and Barosma betulina, revealed the same plumose crystals found in C. maritimum, while in these plants the two flavonoids were also quantified by HPLC. The data clearly indicate the occurrence of hesperidin and diosmin crystals in C. maritimum leaves, thus providing a scientific basis for an exploitation of this plant in saline agriculture, as a crop or source of bioactive phytocompounds.
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Crithmum maritimum is a perennial Apiaceae growing naturally in rocky coasts. The oil extracted from its seeds seems to be convenient for human consumption. Physiological aspects of its salt response were studied in a laboratory with NaCl concentration ranging from 0 to 300 mM. The results show that C. maritimum is a facultative halophyte, since it does not require salt for maximal growth. Fifty percent reduction in shoot DW, leaf surface area and leaf number were observed at 150 mM NaCl, indicating that C. maritimum is moderately tolerant to NaCl. Culture in the presence of NaCl led to large accumulation of Na+ and Cl in leaf tissues, without significant change in leaf water content. Thus, C. maritimum seemed to be able to sequester salt in leaf cells for osmotic adjustment. Indeed, the mean salt concentration in leaf tissue water was always higher than medium osmolarity. Growth was limited mainly by salt-induced decrease in the number of leaves. Biomass production per unit of leaf surface area was diminished only at highest salt concentrations. The presence of NaCl in the medium imposed a strong restriction in nutrient (K + and Ca2+) acquisition, which was due to inhibition of both root intrinsic performance for ion transport and root growth. In summary, salinity restricts C. maritimum growth through limitation of mineral nutrient acquisition, rather than osmotic and ionic deleterious effects.
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The antimicrobial activity of 28 essential oil samples isolated from local plants or plants cultivated in Corsica was evaluated against a large panel of human pathogenic bacteria, including Campylobacter jejuni which appeared as a good model for this purpose. The chemical composition of the 18 oils selected for their efficiency was determined by GC and GC/MS. Among them, the oils of Cistus ladaniferus, Crithmum maritimum, Daucus carota, Juniperus com-munis, Mentha aquatica and Santolina corsica showed compositions without components known as active, suggesting the presence of compounds not previously described as antibacterial agents.
Coleus forskohlii is an important indigenous medicinal plant in India. It has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for curing various disorders and this is the only source of the diterpenoid forskolin. Forskolin is used for the treatment of eczema, asthma, psoriasis, cardiovascular disorders and hypertension, where decreased intracellular cAMP level is believed to be a major factor in the development of the disease process. A comprehensive account of the morphology, distribution, medicinal uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities, analytical methods, cultivation aspects and biotechnological approaches for forskolin production reported are included in view of the many recent findings of importance on this plant.
The antioxidant effects of seafennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) essential oil and rose (Rosa canina) methanol extract at different concentrations were tested in natural olive oil stored at 60 degreesC, by measuring peroxide values and free oil acidity after regular intervals. All concentrations of both plant extracts showed antioxidant effect compared with control in experiments. The most effective extracts were 0.4% level of rose. The 0.2% concentrations of rose extract and seafennel oil and 0.4% level of seafennel oil followed in a decreasing order, respectively. The 0.2% level of seafennel oil in olive oil had more effect than those of only 0.02% concentrations of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Acidity values of seafennel oil at the 0.4% concentration were high compared with its 0.2% level. Acidity values of both rose concentrations were found partly similar.
Essential oils were isolated from different parts of Crithmum maritimum L. at three stages of the life cycle (vegetative, flowering and fruiting) in the same population (central west Portuguese coast) and essential oils were also extracted from plants growing spontaneously in five parts of the Western coast of Portugal, at the three life cycle stages. GC and GC–MS analyses were carried out in order to determine the oil chemical composition. The major oil components were dillapiol, sabinene, γ-terpinene and thymol methyl ether. The higher phenological variations observed were in the components of the inflorescences essential oils. Gradual variations were found along the life-cycle stages in the oils from the aerial parts. The oil data obtained from the five populations were statistically processed and the results showed the presence of two possible chemotypes of C. maritimum with different dillapiol content. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A methanol extract from Peucedanum praeruptorum showed a suppressive effect on umu gene expression of the SOS response in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 against the mutagen 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (furylfuramide). The methanol extract from P. praeruptorum was re-extracted with hexane, dichloromethane, n-butanol, and water, respectively. A suppressive compound in the hexane extract fraction was isolated by SiO2 column chromatography and identified as falcarindiol by EI-MS, IR, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Falcarindiol exhibited an inhibition of the SOS-inducing activity of furylfuramide in the umu test. Gene expression was suppressed 75% at less than 0.15 μmol/mL, and the ID50 value was 0.10 μmol/mL. The diacetate compound of falcarindiol did not show any suppressive effect on the SOS induction of furylfuramide. Falcarindiol was also assayed with the mutagen 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1), which requires liver-metabolizing enzymes, and showed a suppressive effect similar to that with furylfuramide. The falcarindiol ID50 value versus Trp-P-1 was 0.096 μmol/mL. The antimutagenic activities of falcarindiol and falcarindiol diacetate against furylfuramide and Trp-P-1 were tested by an Ames test using S. typhimurium TA100, which indicated that falcarindiol suppressed the mutagenicity of furylfuramide and Trp-P-1 and falcarindiol diacetate suppressed the mutagenicity of Trp-P-1. Keywords: Umbelliferae; Peucedanum praeruptorum; falcarindiol; antimutagenic activity; umu test; Ames test