Content uploaded by Gregory Ernest Fry
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All content in this area was uploaded by Gregory Ernest Fry on Oct 16, 2017
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Succession of Government in
the Post-Golonial States of the
South Pacific: New SuPPort for
Greg Fry'
ABSTRACT limired bv â leeal docurhenl, The conslrainls on
souemméntal Dówer were to be partly ensured by
ihe oooonunitìes that a westñinster conslirution
would'orovide for oDDos¡tion to an incumbent
eovernràent and also-for an actual change of
Ëovernment to occur ¡f the electorate or lhe parlia-
äen¡ became disenchanted with the existing pol¡l-
¡cal leadership. lt did nol lake long for lhis bel¡ef lo
be shatiered, Most of these stâtes were n€ver to
exDerience a constilutional change of governmenl.
Wùere a chanqe did occur il was usually tchieved
bv use of forcè. wh€re there was oo chan8e in the
pólitical leadership the conslitution was usually
âltered or isnored to entrench a one.paly stale
maintaining-ils rule ¡hrough the employment or
threâl of lorce,
Bv contråst. the exÞeÍience of ten newly ¡nde'
oenáent South Paciñc su¡es appears lo give new
iuoDorr to constirurionalism. Their Wesrminster-
ryiè cons¡irutions provide an opponunily to chal-
lense the exisling Sovernment and these conslltu-
tion:s actually govem lhe way in which po\aer
chânses hands. There have now been lwelve cxses
of a'succession of governmenl in the region ln
each câse the change has been constilutional They
have also been Þeaceful: the const¡lulional chan ges
oi oower did nôt have to be upheld by force: those
losins Þoweraccepred the si¡ua¡ion Funher. where
a chãiee of govèrnment has oo( occurred. lhe
oooonuiitv toi â successful challenge has never-
iÉrjless exísred. Force ha5 not been used to sup'
press legitimate opposition. nor has lhere been any
âftemDt to alter lhe constiruùonal mecnanlsm\ rn a
wâv rhat would enlrench lhe exisl¡ng
This ÞaÞer examines this ralher unique experi'
ence ofihè oost.colonial states of lhe Soulh P¡cific
The stares I include ¡n this study are Papua New
Guinea. Fiii. western Sâmoa. Vanuatu. Solomon
lslands. Klriba¡i. Tuvalu, Nauru. Niue and the
cook lslaDds.' The onlv Paciñc lsland slate
excluded lrom rhis analysia is Tonga where there is
nóiãnsri¡ut¡onat provision for a change oI goveni-
when the Weslm¡nster model wâs exporled to lhe
new çtâtes of ,{sia and Africâ there was a hope that
constiruron¡l Þrovisions might control political be'
haviour. This Èope was bÂs€d oo a belief in constl'
iuiionatism-rhai gov€rnmenlâl power could be
'Grê! Frv rl a Pordoctorål Fellow ¡n lhe Stralegic¿nd
-nêie í: Stùdies Ccntre ANU This anicle is¡ relised
""rsiòn of a oaper d€livered to the canbeÍa Låw
w"itìioJvl ón i:onsritutioråi Law and Conrirutional
oÑerõoÉeru in rhe Pæifrc lslÂnds :l-::l Âpril l98l
itre auttror wistes lo thank Dr HuBh Cùllins for hir
comments on lh€ drâÍi
Succ¿ssion oÍ Gowmne ¡n the Pos¡'Colonial States
rncnr to occur. Although pârliamÈnlary elections
,,.. h"l¿. thev can haue- no effect on the compos¡'
i-irn of cabinèt whtch is appornted bv the King. A
.trinc" of co"ernm"nt can ieally only occur if the
lincãies oi abdicate5. Thi( places Iong¡r io a very
diftõrenr c¡tegory lrom other South Pâcific s(ates.
I have two main purposes. The Rrsl is to demon'
rrrâte lhat ñost of ìhe South Pâci6c states s-h!!e â
inmmon se¡ of conslilulionâl mechanlsms con-
¡erned wilh chaneing governmenl5 and furlher.
ihar rhese mechanirmJ d¡fï€r siEnificandv lran
i¡o'e conrained in other iariant. oi the weslmin'
i¡e¡ model exÞorled to domin¡ùns and. more
iecenrlv. to lsiä and Alricâ. I argu€ (hat lhis is so
iõ rtrã ôo;nr *t"r. we can t¡lk of a Sùuth Paciñc
m,¡lel of succession . M!/ second purPore ls lo
i.*onstrate lhe legitimac) thâl hâs bcen âccorded
r¡"qe consrirutionãl mechanisms throughoül the
Soulh Pacinc. Conespùnding to these purpose-s.
rhe firsl secrion uf lhe paper ü€als with the constÈ
ruriond orovis¡ons. and the second. with Ihe oper'
rrion of ihose orovisions. lconclude by râisinglwo
non.rnl ouesrións that are ÞroñÞled bv this discus'
iion: firitty. why do lhe South Pâc iñc . counrries
actept ¡nd posiiiuely 5uppofl con5titutional suc'
cersion of ¡ Weslminsler typc when thls has not
uiner'allv been the cese rn oihcr po5l-colonial soci-
Ëii.t. año.econdlt. wh¡rt ¡re Ihe impìicalions for
consrtutionrl sucr:èssion ìn lhe future ùf lhe forces
for chance !vh¡ch dr€ ¡lreådy âfiectrng lhe nature
rìn,.I teueiùf Þolilicrl parlic¡pition tnd orssnisrLion
in rhe PâL¡ñc lslånd states?
Constitut¡onal Mèchanisms
Thcre ir a high ,leSree ol "imili¡rily ¡n rhe upproach
rx len bv sduìh P¡,iilìc lonstitultons Io thc qucs¡ion
of how. and in whâ! circumstûnces. governm€nts
\hduld be ÃDÞornlcd 3nJ di'mirscd Å st¡rtrng poiflt
i. ""¡¿r'raniinc thi! \imilaritv is lhÈ fxcl lh¡t ¡ll
ihc in,leDcndent-P¡ciñ,r lsl¡nd Lountrrcs were Bric
ish Au;tmlian or ÌJclv ZÈ¡l:ìfld territorìe\' They
e¡i¡ eroe¡ienced British-stvle decolunisittion ¡nJ
n."o"rriion fot self_qoYernmenl Nine of (he
èleien countrier in f¡¡t üdopled a form of west'
Àinttcr model ¡s their conrliiul¡onÂl *lruc¡ure. lhe
ÈxccÞlon\ hcrng Tongr în¡l Kirihu¡i'wc woul'l
rhcreiore exocc¡thut lhese eonrlilutions would ¡!
lçasr embodi the gcnErll prinùiple undcrlying the
wesrminstcr !iew uf \uc(cssion-lhat the rppor'
runirv rhoul¡l he Þrovide. wrlhin ceft|ìin pre5'
,:íhÈ'd ìimits. [or a¡ternmenls to he chiìnged il the
electo¡ate ,¡r r repìesen(a¡i!e pâriiaminl lvished ¡t.
ihe :imilariries ii'ucces.ion mech¡ni\m5 rctuxlly
ao \vêll bctl)nJ lhis in eiShl of lhe nine crunlr¡es
_* ¡¡"ê " form ¡l Wcstmrnster model Such
m¿chânisrns ¡rre nor onlY shared l¡ken ¡ogclher'
rhe\' ûlso âmounl Io x unique vâ anl .tf lhe Wcst_
mi¡isler aDrrrrrôch to \tlccÈJ:'ion qLleslion!
Wh\' v.rt¡l.l 'uch r unlquc approxch Jcvelop in
rhe Sdoth Pâc'lìc l Thrce ressons mav be rdvanced
ihe lìrst is lhrt lhe South PILciñc coLrniries shâred
the services of â handful of constitu (ional advisers
Professor Davidson of lhe Australian National
Universitv. for examÞle, moved from advis¡ng
Western Sàmoa. to Ñauru, and finallv to Papua
New Guinea. Colin Àikman was a consullan( Lo
borh lhe western Samoan and Cook Islands
qovemments, Another prominent adv¡ser' Proles'
õor Ghai fron warwiik Universily was one ol
severa¡ advisers to Pâpua New Guinea and later
Àecâme th€ mosr influeùtial consultant in lhe Solo'
mon Islands ând vânuatu. We couLd lherefore
exoect some ideas concern¡ng the mechanisms lor
chånsins sovernmenrs lo be transpoled from
cor.,nirv- td countrv wilh these advisers. Bu! it
should al5o be emÞhasised (hat constrtution_making
in lhe Pacific has taken place over ¡ lwen(y year
óÊriod-from lhe lâle 1950s to the lale l970s thus
ihê imase sho'rld not be crealed ùl several consr¡-
turional-consuhanls working ¿t lhe same Iime and
communicating with each óther on åpp.oaches to
the task.
Secondlv. it is verv likelv that. especially in th(
I9?0s. (hoÁe workinE on Pâ¿iñc con5l¡lulionl woulJ
hâve been influenc€¿ bv the experience wilh west-
minster succession me¿hanilmi in lhe former Bdt-
i\h ternrÒries in Africâ. PanlY as â resull o[ lhir
erperience. lhinking ¡n legal circles had begun ro
chànee oanrcularlv-in relalron to lhe encoding of
convãntions and tÉe discrelionary role of (he head
ol slâte.
A lhird. and bv far the mos! impo.tanl, factor
contriburinc to ihe development oI a uniqu<
aooroach in the South Paciñc was lhe general
ebience of oreanised Þrnres rhal coLrld [orm ã
n.u.rn-enr unãer a Wèslminsler ivlLem. At lhe
¡ime tha¡ their conslilu¡ions were being devised.
seven of lhe eìeven Paciñc Is¡and countries did not
h¡ve ¡nv Þoliticâl pa ie\ at ¡¡1. nor in mosl ctscs
,l l rhev l'rok like develoÞrnE Pan¡e\ did 'ub\e'
oùen(lv develoÞ tn Nauru \ryÈs¡ern Samoa ând lhe
Solomôn lrl¡näs and lhere w€re panles in Ptp'rir
New cuinea wh€n rhe consritutiùn $a. bern!
ànçn uo but it wes a verv fluid parlv.vstem onlç
in Fiii. Vanu¡tu rnd the Cooì. Islânds dìd lhere
¿riirîh:,r tr. mi,:hr erll;' pxilv \!stem FJcednrlh
.uch ¿ situ¡tion t-he consliaution'maler' were lilell
io devis€ \imrtar mechanrsms ro resolve (he prob'
lem of who should selecl a governmÈnl. The
à¡sence of oarties in lhe Sou[h Paciñc counldes
"li-inar¿,f tire usu¡l aÞÞroach lo thc choice ol a
covernmenr-namelv. rhat the parl' lh¡( gÂins a
-mâioritv of se¡ts in òarliåmenl âÍler a tsenerdl e¡ec-
iiui ¡eôomet the government. lnd r¡s leader lhe
prime minister.
( l) A Sourh Paciñc Model of Succession l
ThÈ ¡DDrOaCh to succer{ion oi govcrnment ques-
tron" ili¡t em.r*ed rrs L¡ result of Ih(sc inlìu(nùe'
hirs lo be Jeen primârllv as ¡ ùommon rc*ponsc to
simrlar Doìiticâl ferlures at I llme when cerliìln
¡sp.c¡s of rh" conventionâlapproa-ch hud heJùmê
unf.rshion¡ble. There are ground\ tor viewrng Ihis
tÎ?i"t""Ïlì.î,:"',ïÁi"iå:;l':ff i$"\Ì'"'iliiåiï;
i,i;i";lii# ;;"";ii*iion'makeri or their âdvìsers
'".i ir ìs iuc¡ ar ttr" t;me. there does not appe:ìr lo
lii:"üffi , i,*""*"1,;::::',iîT i:'ii:l",'jË¡
:""':^.ì;i i" ;;Ë;;;ì"ion; tnd ro Asia and À[r¡c¡
üiíi""ä." li""ii. "r"r its specific fe ure\ have
;:l;"ïii'.i"ü. ri'.," are rhiee m¡in rearures or
iÈ""'i{"'ìirì Þ"cinc model : firsrlv the use Ùf. a
Èllu::',1,i.;l;:, 1"."lxåil;:i:" "9"'å: "':iÌ
à¡òÀarv tole iot ttre head of 5rrte on queslron\
äiìiliî'!ió'i. -o rhirdlv the encodins or the
ll"iåiìri" ìri* rhe primé mini\ter )hould resign
iåii.""iÀõüà iá'.;;g;t I no-confidence morion
'-ä" .-orr i.po.t"nt "haracteristrc ut lhi\ 'môdel'
::'1,1' :':å19.Ìil',iji:,îll $'ül',''"1i"",1' li:il;
l'lï ""'"i.iäãií"ü.'if "i overnments fi rst rhe ke'v
i"":ì1":""'x'*'"1 sru mi ;lì'ilÏ:: ii:'i:,'"]:
;l"i:Iá;;âv then \ele¡t his minis(rv or rn some
:'*r li:$¡l';:lll'*:l::"1 ?J frï'ã'"Ti',",iÌl
ill'Ï¡ì'iriJiü.ä "ii;i'"r that i\ cruùiul in Llerer-
Îi".ï'¿'Jil iJi;ì";;;;. ihe pârriament makes th¡\
:i::l:i:;;; ;,i;,;; ror a Þoliricrl leâder when rhc
iri:ut ""I,,*.*;,i,:t'iiåÌ"îäì i¡ih"!': i¿
:"::iî.;;;; iandidÂres in the drsr ballor other
;;ii;'; ;;; trcve ro be taken wirh the person
iiliÏiì"ü'iri rÑ-"ò,"" bcins elimintte'l Lrrrer each
ir should be emphasised thâl Lhe Proviriun i\ thnl
*åt'"àiJi. ¡.,"ti.n whenever therc is ir,vaci¡ncv'
.".îìi,i.,"i i¡i re".on for lhe vacâncy we would
Lifil""¡ "iì"iìi-l¡'.timsr¡nccs thãr the usurl
:i i::ul lirlli',1 ju ï:?:ï.'lï::1i.l:ôj[: i
ili:ä,',,'."Ji1iò;".',".ï"J,""î,:ïillff "lllliJ'i:
iìlh"':rit".tll :i ; litl*i',x lil"l'lx
Ï'",ìil!ii'i åî-.j,i-;ti.t"nie motion ln rhe li¡t(er
:-:-"":;;ìi i¡.re is r olovisron [or (hc delëîtcd
üiå;"åìü.i"irä "¿'¡e a seneml êrection rrier I
nîl',3ffi lflljiîlltåliriiiru""r'ï:iil;
ìr.. "-'"i.¡on thtlt Þiìrli mefll 'houkì \i)te (o
l'tf ,'¡: "lllÏ¡.;Llî;ìl" I'iìl"lìirì;'' Li'.äììlLil:
iì::iÏ ;ì ì;:i;¡ iil sourh PÑÉc wdrrmtn\rcr
li'Ïìlr i i'wo "ìt i;'- .l;J*'!:i.;Ìlì"n" ì:iilii
Creg FrY
Thp.e \hâlt be c Prime Minist€r who shall be
.Ë"iÿ as suctr bv the N'lembers ol Paflrcmenl
ïliîi-ä"ìi itãi "","ber in accordance witb
iÀl ó.ou¡.lo-ns of s.nedule 2 to this conslrt'rrron'
Schedule I slates, inter ¿i¡a :
,4\ soon as Þoss¡ble after I g€neral elecr¡on of
*li,o"ï''î' ,lï'8fril' ;Ì' #i;:"ffi"ìL'':
ååìil'.i;.:ô"ìJ,-"i ïñãtl convene î meeting or
ä;Ë;i i; iñ Purpose or elecrrns ¡ Prime
Minisler' .
lñ rhè Weslern Samoan const¡tulion the wording
i. -*h te.t Þrecise anJ is open to inlerprelâ(lon'
The relÈvant Provision slates:
The Hearl oI Stale shall appo¡nl âs?rime ]'linis-
J"lìi'ii*i,i" ò;'.i C;¡inài a À'rember of Parlia'
i;ll :i";:l**g:l'"";"Ê:i"'iå:fl I ìs:l'
Thi< wordine w3s originally used in lhe Samoan
¡,'ìii,àñJiì Äi' "îlsiõ ân Act which introduced
;;:*;;ï i;;; ùi iabiner sovernmenr' Davidron
Xürüiü,t'"rî rt" ã;;rr bill-shse the wordins who
:liíiäi;. i;;;"",1 ;rs charised bv rhe workins
ã.i-míree on Self.Governmenl to reâd. who com-
ìüäirìi-t'liìÃi,i¿.;"t he savsì wâs inten'lcd to
l---Ï- Ir,ìi "^,.""inrment would be made rilllhe
ìlJ"iìi"iiiî À'iË,i ¡tv had colsider€d rhe mauer
íi"'iìüi.i""à'iü""i¡*tion ( Dsvidson let'?:16l)'
iiÏ,1ä"1:;,Ë,i. ;iih;ush rh€ wordins redected
j;::ì':i' i;; 'üi; ¿";üìiuäon was drewn up in the
i"r" -ilsos. r¡e intention wa5 lhe same. li lnar pro'
ui,le,l tor more cxplicrtl:' in ìätcr constlLuuons'
",jli, jl* :ri+:'i*.',1, jî,lll''1"îl'l'':"',0.:
ìil1ìl'ìi:'iil ';,;"i.; ''' made cleirer bv rhe inclu'
*ril*i'iuirIi*:lul*T'sn""i i""t, il
:::.ijjl"'¡";i;;;i;ã ;i;h rhis situcrion the htsh
]i'"'i'Jli.¡ããåi 'tto"l¡ "ppoint íÌ' premier ¡ member
t*'*'"tt'*t'tñt'in the ùóinion of th€ hish
l,¡1.;,''"i. ácrinc in his discretiùn is l;ke,lv ro
IXIÏ',)il''Ï iË .iiütiä*ce or ir miìj',rirv or (he
åiliü"i.i,'r,n" Ar"emblv ' when prrliâment rc rn
l']""'li,:ii ii. üt* commiirioner is ro uppoinr the
Ì:ììi:i i;,' :;";;i;ds rhe marorit:/ or the
'i"_;hl" Th" imDli(ttlion is thal the phra\e com-
î*ii"t"l*l"ll'¿,:"11 ti,i*'i.llii'"i:fi ,li'i'¿
lÏì"]ìiiìi "., ìn i.i''ion is rhe onll, excepr¡on to
iìÈil,üÏi,iri"ìì,ìv "t" ueins the sorc determinLrnt
ìli,i'i'l!Ël"J;l l,t souernm-ent 'n the eisht west-
iìii']i.i'uiiiin' ."ñrul.mins ro rhe sltuth P¡ci6c
n,,,lcl .
" îl i,''. *'n."n,r"r.,l thus rar on the ralc of the
."iiii'ül"^iì ;J; i;"pnùin¡ins sovernmenrs lrs
iliiJ'iü iìiäii-l"c c,"*;iìcnr' ùrrcn coinci'le' with
:i -".;r;;;;,., ;oì.. Fur ei(umple. u pârri:ìmenrrrv
iìiu!''ïiì.i " -..*la1 "r""rion shich app!ìrnrs:ì n€w
Stccession oÍ Õovrntn¿n: itl the Posl'Colon¡ul Stl)tes 5ì
Þrime m¡nisrer is at the same.rim! rism¡s:jlì:+l: ?åi""t;i;:,:i":Î:.:i"îl'î;"'';i:,i:'"ifl"ii'ts:
[ïll:",.+{llä:óî}ii"",'^'ñ[,1äiî'¡fr lim;lf "',;.p.1¡+¡;','g"i,:än:1',?r'if;
iscirmed Ity â majonr! vl,* ll'Pii'liT'ï'Jj','":iliäi ãiiËr":,ír¡"Ë prime in¡nisrer be named in a no'con6-
-:-i.r-r ha( rñ .ê<rÊn or De o¡smlsscu rrrsu¡
il"i::ä¿iit'riii¡'U iÈt":'"?ilft iiÉ':'i¡iliþUlr''iå il"ò."'T$
.irw¡thor,rt an interveninsåenerar (rec on r trEuil'- ìiììilliãiäit; iÉ" ipecific riechanisms ernploved.
:)i:ll"lo','.''f¡^T:"fiii'ilÏ iiìi"i:i,'lÌä,1ì: ilti*li*"sa:I;".1",'"";mi.u:il";#lli:
"'T"i"lt lì"il;"Iåil; ¡.t ic or the so-uth Pccific ment passes r' no-con rìden-ce motron '
n*:i""-" üiäTirr¿::r*i:r"ri*;'**+Uil+¡¡t,;i*'i*5'i'* .-."1þ;
Ë:Ë'";i",i''iif,t,i""r:"1äI*luïfiitj"i: ii¡ä r;pt!,-' : irfËîifiÏfiå:il
$f,+$i:''"t"-l åfiiËffi ,'i;fff it fi:î;iiiiü;trtriii[ i{Ïi,',Ëffi
ilJ¡ili:i"-.är,i"å'"i,rare ro inre, ir.àl'ui!Ï: lil*t*,tLlî"i.î::'il"'d",î:J:'Jì il"ri"ìif;
j't.uccession. no,liscrerionar!'power rs rnvorr<l 'llli'li- ji::::;;";"mcnrc The wav in which thc
l"i lüi'-ü'îi ii'i n*rirurion sripurires.rhc,r'¿r:; ilil"o'il:ì:lÍ'å"'":[üi'jï,ii';l'i;i; ;;;;;'
cr¡l¡r rction he musr take rl cerra-rn crrcumstancEs :::i:ll:tì:ii';;:;;;;; øuD df consrirurrons. rhose
ïii¿."i;-,1ì;:r;i;-"" rdan(rs. for examtre. r,ìi lï"t?iijl.'nfrl"*i,ËiÍr'si"I""å"'å:'s';"" t**.
l#i:i¡]tl'ùi:n[iri:f.':ji¡!.rî:j i'1i."*ini'i;x[+¡¡H{:l'ri:r,'#ü-!i
fi[ïf]üTliJ:.ii''ii'l'¡üril::'r.:i¡:.':*ittrï'*,ffi',:;i,$i].l+fr *rlü
r;irrion to who i¡ i\ rhar rormrrrv '."""ì."i";;: öåìi¡]i"nu",."n"...u.T*.":gllT"i'rî'¿",,1:t'tl:
Ë'ffi,"ji*ü'ii-li':**t.-"l*'i+ffi it+ll';'['tln','::l'".,¡ 'lii':
bati. Tul]alu. and Näuru. or tne olner ¡
con,,(irution 5ripLr,ares r.,,n" n,,.. '.¡,¡"''1iiì¡lil ilÍl*jillilliisi'.::lîïliïilHi"""ä'fål::
rê\if'n of advise a ßenellr ¿r€cr¡on "".,::ì:: :i iå,,iäJ ri,y,. p"iri,*.nr. _G:TIilx,Jj:"i1Tìì:"årìì
::*"j':ì.Xìì'"1^Ï iiÌlï i'nli.:'i,,'i"1,'ri" ìi iñii ,-rii iiiå. .ini',.,.h9y1q'îoùr,r di,.i,- hi.
i:ÀÈi¡"".Ì,îìi.l'r,"' iô ¡. siven 'rr inrcnrion to Pr'rt.l '"¡-"-:"::l:ii'''fil"l;i'l"",liìl:i ;";; ir,", ,*
no.ùondrenrc mr,tior¡. N.orrce *: ,' 9" irì;lL,iil s.,',ii'þ*:äiö",ì"ìü *"srirure\ n th¡rd i¡pprùâch ro
PapÌia Nc$ curnex..the solomon rsrrn r' \ r urtl lù"i!.1åi '-,iüi'ri"ns wirh¡n wes(minsrer-Ivpe
rniiNiue. thir¡.llv. there 's \crlat"'n orr wlr^E.reïJiiì iåüìiiüiiò"'.' 1" rhrs spproach. xq \ae have \een'
pirme minrsrer has the o$ion ol î0vrsrng¿.1¡''i*- i¡ï cäììinor-generat ¿oe\ nor have rhe Ji'ùrcriun-
¡lecúon when a no-lonhdence '9tJt'l$ìt;;ì; iiu iã*,e. toi¡oot" o. prime minister lhe Þerson
crrri€d. The prime minr'rler hxs \ucn Àn,oprrorr,xr :li^'i"ìi!;i"-;; .;;ahd or'be.t chle Io cùm'
Ëiii.lìiriin's"..". Niue nnr.rhe t'"*,i:l',:9;:i :l:,$;l'I"llJ3""""TflTo.Jl,i,u in p.,r,',."n,
in'iÈe crse or r¡e c,,'ok ldnnü'. h we\€f ,tne ne¡u ìüi'"i tii,; öiäìq"ppoinr loujrnmenrs is si"cn
ùt .itare i\ given lhe discrellunary,lÙwlr'r ,.- r<,,"r iô óxrhrment ttsÈt¡. I nts InLruucs lhe crse $hÈre :r
it'" orime niiniste. s requc\r ror x ¡rrssolrtrÙn L5c( iiJ#;i"ii'Jìi;;'*; ¡i,rierm ¡ sener ur election
l¡riÌ6)l. ln Nturu. rhe.ptes'dent 'rocìlìoL,ni;;iiiì ïi ",i i¡r.¿ ru ¡.iermine rhe i\',,. ã\ ,¡ would be rn
oo"lr to call i¡ generiìl clecliùn q'1!'l f,u.ndour. orher we:,lmrnsrer svsrcm5. ',,e onl) e¡ccpliÙn r!
:åì,ilî;;l':Jf;Í|¡lì:l".'äil*"'l:irì!::"i::ii!li'i; ;;;i;. " !;;","."n, o'| prime minisrer i' di\mi'sed
llr¡u"t+:g¡*i".,'¡;¡q¡**'^"*""';"gg*ffi$$iilå¡;j¡frJ.iiil1ft i
iï::îîîffi,'"'J' l":,Till'',,,,'u"* *,.,_-.i,I -ì *ui.,""".* -..,"c l:rriïiåiîllsrriy,jïÌ
'ffihiü,$ii.*ün{ffi hT+,if,H;i:::ffi*r.*-i:åi{
"r.ìil,ï,üi"i.ii"i.,r'. .".o5¡ e¡1"-¡1sç; ä[f] rtilt*'¡{¡¡¡¡3ig'"'3¡'ät i:l "*,ï',"Xîl
f*m**ii-*lihl:i:..l ii-:lÏ,irruÏl:*i*;
äii$$i*îirrl;ï:n'üs¡':ll11i1i:"ii"trt5$içç5tfi ¡-ç.,uw
îi{lälj¡,å":''iffi x+r"¡:gr5¡¡it¡i"i"þÏúii{:,ffi iiîi+{:i:Ë.'{""ä
9:::11:l:'i;'r;'',J' Ë-ãücte¿ ^memuer
iüsÈffi n,rîjffi
i::*',È,il.u""¡,."r,î"Tr;:iîîì:,ïrCrT:ik iiËt,!,:,Ë[i":..T,ïüili".î:fl,"".,i"{'.*ï
'_1î$:;". J",.åi"'""ini. il ;iuåii ii y¡i;, ,'¡"" 3;,ïi: ""':, i:'l'iffi 'lUi:'
t"Tn"å"",i!ïri.jÀìii"gdrr,7,**Tl'.ìjìt:*:.fäË:ù¡ii,,,"1Êïi::f :gi,ïilirfjårli
li*l,iir.¡g;1$*¡*iu";ffi f¡$:i$'i,:,.l"i..1+r.'.:li..:l*:i*l'.**iri
i'""J..,'li,låT:üii i;;"."*, '¡1.1x'"'".';iiÏìì täTiì-t':llii,"*l: ""ou'l::""il*"ï)'í''''Jìi:
ii$:iÏiLîi"E{{;1r;.,}ü..¡'i'"'*'l;;iri'r iÏ.*..:Ï:i';Ïi'lhrnx{g'vernmen
cr€s Fry Stt¡Ï(sriotl ol ôoternmenl
in te Posl-Colon¡al States 53
ii¡ **tlffi.,.,",""ç f;;"$;$+hl+*d,"t",#l'.llfl$åîi
HJ:i ,ll¿i iliÌi3B'ìi';"ì¿iiit_Clj"Ul..:.'.y"* oniulT"r.o,u,.. o," "r.o associa,err wi,h ,he period
ïili,-irlr:"*"1","¿'Lt,.it'i.'lÍi!:å:""î'.îi.ü:i uì:älj'fu,Ë"lia[:ltt]k'L"+:ii*¡-."*
,iì$:,"i Ï¡i+"; e.¡":af iiï ti"î st"::ii
r::ff 'ïü..".ii"*iüiiå*.bl,Ï;.t.r,'"?"*,itËffi þt#iËy"+$ff $li,4rji,lliÏ::l
til{t rn:+:d: *""ril,'*.:lmiru*';ç -ffi
Prlç:"ïìll: :ì::J;;;;'ã rhe qeneial electi
ìåtli;"-"¡;;,";Ë;ìi;""fJ"li,å1i:r.:¿i'j'ii.iHi äli:..l*iäjt"ni:*¿Ull:
'{ü:.äÏrilüi:mÏ"*,1'""'Ìl'*l^y¿'il;i; å"uäiï'iãliiiTi'i'r.¡' ;" 't':,i::'r"'ål''^""t:ï'
ili"oiiì1",ff"iìää".g:}jl"*: ,.:lll",í,,T.; **":'il*Jñi',,f"'liËä'Ïr:i*
iif;i*t**ü*åïf JË[ï"*l;]-'i,"'"ll,i""llç""'*:[:v*h-jii,"T:ä'iri:iiiå'.:
SiiTlii.iìlüi ;;;i; ¡. .t=^*,*ul;l'{i,$l{-i lå:""m,i:ilir'r*,'üË!:.j'"'ft lJÈ"r":!':ii
seconoreiru,^E-v,.Jq.--;;.';;","r,.r"",111vi'r;ü liìiä.ï'iËi;;;i.'"",þ"r9ï*iÌi,r¿"fl:iååä
H""xmlryr¡ffi ;:+"i,;:.:**ll:l:lf: ifti1*Tkiî#åË{Ëti**".:nrnt:;
ürl;qql ,:.,,1""'ll*,:l::{"1;jffàij"$";."nóì Ëiï'e¿ ¡ero'e,!!9_p3l,l3Toun,¡.. rir" yupuu
i¿1il:qlri.{..Ë"fr#liË*.*:."",1*:;::*hru: n"l"'¿liËi,!,ir'ç:¡"'.fl;ffixi""Fi¡t;
riri;rË:i¡Ïi't'*+ünu¡",nr¿t*iît*iiå¡,'rrl:'[{ülliUtt¡:if*{f *
tl,n*".lt::"*';"ilå::i"'låìiiii;,i;"ii:;;: ii*,li ll:l:,':l¡:i,jlT:ilï,i",,x.;;J^'_..,"
$iÏtiÈt'::t :*,*:å3*ä:üi:i'{",åå, '*î,îårrl:ïi:':'il'.Ëill,-"l.'1?$,ï:irfl:i'.:
ürii;ä*x':.iå.,i1¡"Ëi$ï::'i":::.": Lä:,*r"^{"tl."l;*,'':;,:'ï¡Tlsr.:'lT!r'.il:
"iÏ.:nt,"lË;.tl,t¡¿qi,¡¡;*ïi'ï;ì,, iliî'õ;"^ ""r 91¡l*:.$"i,'^åiiJ:-dÏ'lilii
:ì:jiîir*:'-',"xl5i¡¡¡*j$!';:."* ì{i"1ir.ii,iç!î:ä;iri"ii"rii"ip"i'"' '¡'
lï*,:i';r,:;;;iËq:rä;,,'*.,** iliäi*iî, Ìl:l;ll."ii{ïiÌi:i'.t:'}Tûï'"'tilffii**,ii
iìcììron, errore rhergrc î?:1i;'.'sï i,:iåiå'li ;.ri:f-i4h i{ïtËiri:r,.:xr¡li!,:.q,i!:
iirig{1ffi ;*¡ç.$$¡i""-,.""'ruiriili*Irrä:u:iil[ii'iffi ;;i:"""'i{$
ïtï"Ì'i:iiir ü!!ì!{*i*ìr,*'*;mii i.:,*:*i"iå"::$î"îiiji',rjt",m ;,","
il*i**+i'r**thHî'ii1$iÏìi[i#l+iil'''i'*t-+f -nH¡ï't'iåfi"'i,çfr
shown rn rne-of¡L',,"o'"iì ilr'tuuch "*i."t"r ol drscre-uon¿rv.P""'' ã",äimjnar;on of who shor¡rrr
i*Ëm'":"x;::t lffi';iJ'Ë.ä?iiiïüä""!ìi'åì in "t'*'n' in rhe d€term¡n
üf+$;g*g$içt'ùH.ü,tiïi fir$FiË$ffi $T*' rffi i,*
r*rrîïIïåî:Trr"ü:,*r*,,',*,*i*ii iïï"t'","ni¡¡ç5iithï:iåff ü'åi'f'":I
l;+irgli'l*tuli was ut';l :*ili':'"*"yil"l".'""";;l'llll ;i':'":l':lr;
u#iffiä+frfrffi** uu-ltqtJlll'**it*t-o
c¡es Fry S|,cc¿sston ol Govemmë¡t¡ i¡t the Post'Coloniul Sta¡es 55
""y.|:il""itll'"H:"îfl:i*:illifi,;q:iËië h':,T"'f¡:'l;î :iisjfi:Tr"Ïì:,[{ä'i':i'.'iT
Ïfü[läi1;:.ii,",i!:ï:rit:1,fti,""ü:sii'l'"'J':ö l"fi*,"*å-.ilii'ln'j':ìT.';åfir.-tå#i"#Ïi
:liËäll¡Li"'bï.,!ü1ii:*tìffi;ñi,:iËJji1l:l¡1i åì,,ilIi. iüË p"iio¿ r" yhb!år:îi:;:l^"i"1ïp,1,:
iål'îffiî!,IL:"ÌiT:å1i:ï{{"¿*,ll¡;.*tili¿ ii,.:i:*:l*,;ru*ä*:,"1'+::;r[ltlil,i¡
iì;:I;.',.1'i\,åiiidåiii,liiåìüiüËt- "'-l rumóurs rhar rbe Bovernmen, '"."i1"i'ä iãti H'
üJi,iläif¡.tt¡;i,g*,rt',ion t;'nîlu",lìIì liËiä; i;" rnodiñcarions @.the rures sovernrns
ff¡i'"'-'*ffi :ljil;itrt't.}*i"iÉ[tuiliÏiü:sÏifr äl::f Er"Ëi:*P''Tç
*lti*,',';"¡:rff S,l*i:*$:,¡:l"Muifl t^:i$$î.1ï.i¡'ilili:l¡,"\r¡,:i*
¡¡ililçi5i$ffii.lilk"'":ffi + n nu;,'+"r,:*çii,¡+,î':::*iäi'ff
(lrThe No-conñdence Motfll,-_^ .^. .".*,." whitsr n ñde_nce ,moùon \ have nor been pur
i::":,u'rtl"*:tïi¡i'"äi'':l'å:{'ïå',r Få:*-'u"::lìlittlU;";*::rl:l;'"'""1
Ìüi""'"':u ;"^gllg,,yffìl,iîÌft,"dlÏd";iTiì: i;i';T;ilp! ;;iìü':-,i:i"u?r.H'iï',Li¡,llìüi:
l.lli,., or no parue. or ou. rn," 'airiorrìrl t:n:".T1,,]',o"}'ilRtåliåïi ¡ä"'iällî; Þ;;;it*""
lilll iil;i$ö 'läi,iå .""^ (o rend itserr-to^^¡;iìi'ì;i'dï: h.:i'o kneq rhat tr hc di\i nor
ull:nfük:,ltffii*iiiil* ruf,ffiil:-;:.:; r+
cres Fry
I1Y-YT,: ï':'"',;ï.:;;';inìsrer arre'r a eeneral ele": îiilì,löi äii¡ani"m. were quicklv jertisoned
i:qi;Ïiq{:tuilË.,ï.lll,"l,.l,"liiî:!Tì'#r;killiî,1'rqtF:'tf üi"*¿iþÈril*
Ëifi:*ftf*:]:ffi flå;ill":¡i-,"ïff i#f"iiîiüd'"'rffi .:itü",l;:'t¡.[$
[h[i+iil[f*:'';,tril*'."'*li*..: :$;e#ffi ïi,,ffi üd:î+"iffi
':-:----::i'ir;'"'" r^ ân incÙmbent qovernmenr ii;i;;ì;o- an't orsânisarioir and the Íìbqence ol
l:!;lîJTrj1iÏ"uå3,fi,i'.ÎÎnTiåliåliìàËi;à;"lr- !iiËälì" ì,iiuruànenr in domeiric pori,icar
ii¿ji"t*,*:*:-,iiillå'lsl':*'l;,å1"*.i:*:i i,¿.," .*;*l¡il:r"""rir,¿ì,ti{iåiiil:i,'îr:.¿
t?:"',ll'":'; ôhserve rhar rhe consti(utionâl ölü.;;ïó; !l"l l"^:::g'Ρi" renresentûtrves
ut**wru'mr*rlm*W i¡*;np+ ffi
iõiÀ.-ror.réa0e1,ii"",iî*.tì;"îå""*Tiiiïi;1i: 'y,rilTjl.tiiTìi:l"ifiilii;ilglx;:':Jll:
[j'*liîl*ËïËf fi [i,i{#ï,f ,'*:i"'',ilif üü-i"î:iÍ+råi{irtr"îï"iÊ'w
üTiJTj fåîï:1jff"ï:çfnllj m:fii;i àrriå'å,îi"ñ.," c,i".".rnr.',he so,omon .rsr.'nds'
[+'ufi ,miilËie*ritrifir,;mil$"di':;ffi f ]'.i*:;ü$i'ï'ii'ïffi {
ill¡""¡"ilf:'""':mrio",îì*lå',"n""11ï",,î:ï¿ì'": i,:.iïid;ìii:'i'ti;r-r'''"*,ii:"",i".Ì:"-'ïT¡li
ä{+îft ",i1iqli*tlit+*rï:iüïuu+.,l".u.... -i*iä't*q",¡.i¡U¡i;*'li
n:'i:ll,','X:,'tili:l-üi-:_*ilülþ"',* li,hiri*:f*¡"'iìT:lj ili"'iilÅå'l;
;'¿;";íÑ. h"i misht sociâl-and.,porrÙctll.j'lÌlLli iliiliìüà ,ä nìiirìåat po*.r a t'e irare leÌel onrv in
å'nËi ii,òt' o"."ptãn."'¡ !1", j."-,,".51.11iìË;ii;ï Þ"tii'iî¡ v'"nunr" do rhe conJirions c st ror the
iioü'oiã-.o-pli* xnd rheir detailed cor'¡¡wl;'ìíï ili.ìür";i or \uch an ùut.sroup. ln rhese
åftÏffi 'rrî++j*+*:mlç
.*l¿r f¡i**nrffi i$fi ftq: il¡'iit
Stúcession o¡ Oovefiñent in lhe Post'Colonial States
iäiid{:i"Jff lîk" j".¿:',"jåtFii'riill:åi"r
.îl*'sìå"å:ii:: üåier haue pur ror*ard as
ii'f:rulqiiüf ï'hþil';"-¡'i;:;
iTf Til**:,'.',*.'""¡:'iiåîii:"1"J:'li''"!:lii;Ë;
iË"::'* i:*riJ:::è;-",ff l'"'ltJ'3:ïn' l':5
Èli:ii[:{:.tfl:trtti:r.*,:;fi Ti-'r:rNì
':r"':*ili:l"rJt'*i.;,"ffii:¡':':ï':f ¡:i'li:
ir't'¿iìüj'iüåìì'',ipïäiòithãm rhis mav take the
;;:Ï;ï ;;-âtdmÞr ât secession' lr maf be
*lt.lj',ffi f
l-,1*ft .+,J-ii,;it'
ll[ü]îüi li¡åiqîiii;i*il";l"T¡',Ëir;
h**i:r*ll::xltl*ì ilËih,ïiåliliì$åii
' þî:äli**di':d:'äi,[iiirifl{:li'r,þ:d
f'l*"1'l im";';* :i".ü::lÌlåf Ë':Tü J:
Hü:"i,hirrÏj",;""l.:,*;få:ä:ïfl F,'fililå
iüJ-iüii'iiiiiäppi.e"ì "necrive Po*er rrer wrrh Lhe
¡.iñr l(iribâti is å semi'presldenrlar mooer'
' Ë** iîi,:"ì:îr*Í;iitifþxJn{"}ä:{
' Htiå'.li¡iqå:':Fi, :ii"1i:ltll*:,¡*'ltl
å"äì'f Tfi ,$illlU#1äìiä"i'iÏdll"
" ëJ tiá;i.';i öovernmem ilwestan sammr'
, "*1f ,: l',1:1f #lif lì.',if, ji' rliál Ë;"i"rr r r-*p.æ
' i"iÌ ;i'iliüi¿ãî;ôËÌoipnme min¡ster durine t¡e
"l*çliJ*t+ft ¡i¡$ur",f ,:Tifi '#'ifilff :r
" llK'"Ï;ji. *no.*, o.c,ed LâBumor Ha.;s as Pr€'
"',* üli'"tl"':ii$"fi ;lTliäii;lJ,l"å""iihi:lå
,, llm ...*{f':"}",."iiffi¡¡iffi [1;";¡¡
'*rl*,',';'"-qj. $jp*i's¡'*,åi?.;"i. ;|
1Ëåiíilai'tîl¡' '¡" rt¡i sotomon lrandi E¿(r'-
s.o¡¡¡ir¿¡ 26 Augus¡ l9EI ' P r'
Creg FrY
Att'chrent t
t--tt* *+::+tgt" Poriticât Þ¡rtië3 ffi
cóok lsì¡nds 1965
Nãurù 1968
F1j t 1970
b¿forê 1979: ro
r¡êstnjrste¡ li[::"ir",-"
pàrly in opposl rroñ
testolnster flñ Pårty svstem
ueslnirsrer Hlfiå.'n1?i"1"",',,
one partv
lestrinster flñ¡ Põ¡tY systën
ToÍeâ 1e7o lll:lilllln) no Þ¡'tres
Ntue 1974 testñinster no gàrties
Pâpu¡ xer te75 {estminrter l}:l!'i"t-**'
r !álu L9?8 Hêstninster no Þôrties
soìoñoû re70 vês!ñiñster :]:lXñNrtl-tàrtt
(lrib¡ti l9i9 Seoi-Þresideñttål 'o parltês
vðnú¿tù 1980 l¡estninster ftf, pðrtv tvsten
jlrtccession o! Oovemñent in lhe Post'Colonial Stales
lBritl sh
(lorgån King)
Áttachiìen! 2
soulf PACIFIC STATES - CI1ANGES 0F GovERNl',tEltf 1970-02
e!ÉX LêadêrshiÞ Ch¡nqe ¡þchañi5ñ
,.,r"_,,,". n¡r!,!rârorðnasese'nil:::ï":ï::i,#:",r'*'*
resrern sânoò T¡nasesê to r'tâta'¿f¿ !:Illiî":i::{';Î:" "'*''
esrernsò¡oà rà,¡'ôrà tor¡n¡sesè ;:lî:lìî!:i"H"i,"i.::qÎ".
resrerñ sàßoå T¿nåsese to TuÞuora tilI:'ì-:ì::1,#:" t""*'"n
râuru De nobÛrt to Do'ivoqo !il:H":i::{'#:" t"*'*
Nâúru oo*ivoeo to Hàffis Ï:ìf:;ln":'ïi:'""*'"'
,,ôùru Hðrr1s to oe RobÙ't ';:ìlå::î:i'i'ïi: '''-'*
cook rsrànds Henrv to oôvts Ïi::":1"::!,:ì1":ij:l::Ì;Î"
påÞùd Nëk Gujne¡ soñåre to cha¡ :illlåÏ::'íä"i:",i:'Îi,'
of Prl'
soronon t3rânds (enirorcð tô üâmalonr t::ll:ÏÎ:íitïi: ""*'*
fuvóÌù L'otr to Puà Puà !::l*'l"lÌ::i';:T "'*'*
fes¿e'r s¡ßo. fupuorð to vð'¿r !il:|iî"1Ì::1,;Î:" '"*''
Attðchæ¡t 3
Íenry 1965-78 (14 Yeðrs)
Rðtu .rõ 1970-8? (r3 Y¿árs)
r¡uf¿'àh¿u t970_82 (13 Yêa.s)
$.tð'àfà 196?-¡0(9teaft)
0e Roburt 1968-76 { 9 Yê.rs)
Rex 1914-8? ( 9Yeà.s)
Soñàre 1975-81 (TYears)
(enjlore¡ 19?8-81 ( 4Yêãrs)
Làuti 19?8_8Ì (4Yeà.r)
.tðhaj t979-82 { 4yeðrs)
Ltni l98o_82 (3Jeðrs)
Greg Fry
l. this refer5 o¡lv to ìeðdetshiþ of the nó!i^nil oovÞr¡neñt structure' Prlo'
" i; i";;;;"il"-^"" or Lhese ìè¿de'5 *ec the
or coee'nrent '
Ài.ìiãìi-li-cni+ HrntsteE or their equrvðleft in ô Leeirlðtive À'seiòrv
ili'iii""ii,iilì;;i. in arr cases excep¿ loreð the rêåder '¡s eì€cÈed to
2. (!nq Tðuf.!ðháu fùpoù lv cð@ to the throne 1n 1965 follorìñg the dèàth
^f n ..ñ såìote. Hrs Þroiner, Pr¡nce u tpelehàke' bec¡ft Prirc Hiñistê'
i; iË;ie ia¡; àrd hàs Eñ¿iied in this Þosrtion'
'' :i::,s',å'iii lå"Ì:;åi",:'iii,:'"iìlï iî:"äl:"1"Í;'ì!i6Ï:'.,i";::"""'
àr Prlñe tñiste. iñ 1973 for ð l'ltt""t t te"ts until his deâth lí 1975'
ihiç ñaker hrs Lotðl tem one of 14 yeårt'
Á- oÞ Roburt had beeñ elecled He¡d of Lhe NðurÙ Loc¿ì cove'nært Councll slæe
" ii:i"ïl.n:ìm:lÏ'il:ìi;;ìi'ril;t,l'::nlr Ír"i'lål' iî"lli;' ii"l'l'
n¡tioràl leàder therefo¡e àrcÙnts Èo zo vÞ¡'r'
5. lex {¿s Leôder of Covê¡¡ûe¡t Blsiness iñ Lhê r¡ile Legi5lðtjve Assenòlv f'on
1966 ùrti ì Ì974.
le65-78 (14 Yê¡.s)
1966-82 (U years)
1965-8? (l8 rۈrs)z
1959-70 {12 Yeàrr)3
19s6-76 (2r Yêàrs)a
1966-8¿ {t7 Ye¡rr)5
19?2-81 (r0 Ye¡rs)
r9?e.8t ( 7 Yeðrs)
1975-8I ( 7 yeôrs)
1978-82 ( 5 Yeðrs)
1979-82 ( 4 Yeðrs)
Agricultural Modernization in
the USSR: Backing GonfidentlY
into the future with sights firmlY
fixed on the Past
Robert F. Miller'
rntrcducìron l?'ft,19i'r'J,:"*ål$:lål;or,ïl"ll"",X':Tiì,""";i9:
*rt[*;nqni:a**,ffi ll[Wft*+l#:$"i"i+ïfl;#ii¡il"*rpp
iitr#$iäFi*$;ffi H$#trtr###*,rH$ärdii
i::i']å'iT":ilÌìJ;ìii¿rv"'àî.î.ìi.ï"r the reár rh;;'ü"ìiã iär¡"i"'. tr'.i totartv eschewed rhe
chânee in the official âttrtude rowaro asnÙultur" lji!iÈ"i" 'ü"iililÏev had üsed toimplemenr rhem:
;ÅÏi'f'ilìlì i'i'ìïiti'" ¡" treated as an economic i'r'i"i-rJõui.t spusmo¿ic adminisrrarive r€-orExnr-
*äJi üLït'v äìiË.npment in its own rieht an! läìiJ|¡iì ,Ë"ñã;i'hãnded., stmi-rirerate oersonal
rhe kev to furrher pfogress ln lne economy as a inte €ntions in âlfonomlc theory rnflñmcl¡ce:lhe
if:åilrli,'r*u*i":::i:ì".'"'**iJ; $rr":titå:t ilTill"l'.'.$u'Lt;r*"i'¡¡
l'ä""Ëïüí"-èå .;"*g ¡at¡le wirh his more cons:-r: iåäiiåi,äiåoã"i "r piày control in aøiculture cna
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äli't:,'!îi¡iå! Àì;ã;v ¡ti¿usrrv and defence iJåiï.-aåà caretut exie¡mentarion before innovat'
Khrushchev had besun his camparsn shortlv iiË''iåiè ìt iìl''iit; it'" hâllmark or the Brezhne\
*1,"'n*"1:,ldr:i$llirlixlt":l'*ii*'u'l: ig3"""¡$'n"i*iïlHi: as i'l was ro mor orher
''it'u.. ¡u'ing repudiared rhe star¡nist regâcv IÛ
iÅi-àåì¡tìät äó"ì,ìi";,i"v which broush.r him ro
ffiH#ç+*l*p*Tinti*¡l'; 6I
holders of teachins a;d research posts in Polilical Science ând alli
Ñiw Zealand and- overseas, and to others whose panicipat¡on
Associâr¡on is likelv. in the opinion of the Executive, to be a
.r"diês aPsa oublishes Po¡rtics. the APSA Newsletler, occasioni
aPs,\ ex¡srs to oromote the development of political studies. Meñbershlp is open.lo
:ii of teachine aàd research posts in Polilical Science ând allied subjecls ¡n Aus¡ralla'
7Âârâñá â¡ri ôv.rcêâr ,n¡l rô ôthers whose Danicioât¡on in the acilvttles ot rne
N€w Zeâland and- overseas, and to others
Associ¡t¡on is likelv, in the opinion of tht
srudies. APSA publishes Po¡tuics, the APSA
ìiiiå"i"ìilä'Ë liiìlv. i" thã òpinion of the Execuûve, d be advantageous to polilical
lñäi;;:'ii,sà ;i;iúil; P;¡írrci, the APSA Newsleuer, òccasional Monõsr¿phs and holds
an an¡ual contèrence. A subscription lo Pol¡lics ând the Newsleller (published hve llmes
a year) is ¡ncluded in APSA membership.
Secteta¡! -Trcosu rer ( N Z):
E!¿cutive Ofrcet:
Published twice_yearly, in Mây and November
Ediror: Pârrick Weler Â.N.U
Review Ednor: Marian Sâwer A.N.U
.lssociàt€ Editors: GeolÌr€v Hawker CànbenåC A,E
Måriat Simms CaobeÍa C. E
Newsleller Editor: John Warhurst A.N U
E¿itorial Boørd
Don Aitkin.,Ausrrâlian Nâlionâl Universirv: Keith Jâckson Universilv of Cânlerbury
ããicliËúìiiti. rcú¡nçg"i c¡¡, Dean Jaensch. Flifldeß Unrversitv
ä"i"i1c;li. S"¿*" Úi*-"i'v, Dav¡d Kemp Monash universitv
Brirn 8eãd. C;iffi¡h Univeßirv: Mârin Painrer. Svdnev U¡iversrrv
Bruce Headev. Metbourne Unrversitv: ,Andrew Parkin. n'nd€rs Unrvêrsrly
ÃiJñi,-à'l¡seâit.M"d"*u"i'*'itÍ, caroleP¡remân svdnevuniversitv
All APSÀ and Po¡ti¿r conespondence should be âddressed to:
-Mânuscriols and ed¡tonal coíespondence to The Editor:
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spo¡dence to:
Polirical Science DePanment
Auslrâlian Nal¡onal UniversitY
PO Box 4
R¿¡es lor 1983:
- APSA membership $30.00
P¿l¡¡ics Srbsc¡iD¡rotri
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" - -- O"".r"a. $25.00 Overseas $35 00
strhçcriDtion to APSA NEWSLETTER onlY. $10.00
"ïi;; ä;;;i i;iit;¿ *úrot in¿.i.¡ in:Aus¡ralia: APAIs and c¡{i'l¿i¡n¿s: overseas:
"i"n'ð.liöi'3ci.--cÜäiËÑr coNreNts, BehaviourÂl sociål and Educa¡ionàl
i;'"iåiÀl I"'rãii'"i¡"-'"1 -gi¡liosápt'v of Poli(ical science: Int€rnational Poliricâl
Ëä;:;iú.iäöì$;¡alSìiiñ".i Óitation lndex (sscl)ì combined Retrospecrive
Index Sets (CRIS).
l 2-3 Ofrce-bedreß
Elain€ Thompson. University of New South Wål€s
Perer Boyce, Un¡ve¡siry of wcstem Auslrâliâ
Parnck W€ller. Australian Nâtionâl Unrvêßity
Don Airk¡n. Auslral¡an Nationâl Un¡v€rsitv
John Wârhursr, ^ustratian
Nârional University
Hyam Gold, Univ€rsity of Olaso
Lo¡s Bellin8ham
Margit Sedlac€k
rsBN 0032-3268
Journal ol the Auslralasian Political Studies Association
Volume 18 No. 1
May 1983
Presldentlal Address
1 The Politics ot Aboriginal Society Peter Loveday
the Small Govemftent Debate
7 SmâllGovernment and SocialEquity PeterWilenski
26 From the Ethical to the MinimalSlare: Marian Sawer
State ldeology in Australia
Developñent and Politics
36 Pohtical Analvsrs and DeveloÞment Studies Davrd Goldswon6y
48 Succession ot Govemment rri the Posl.Colonral
States of the Soulh Pacilic Grêg Fry
Politlcs ¡n the USSR
61 Agricultural l\4odernization in the USSR Robert F. N4ìller
73 Pertv Secretaries in Soviet Fesearch
lnêtilutes: Oivided Loyalties? Stephen Fonescue
8¿ PoJitrcar Patronâge in the LJSSFì lrom Lenin
to Erezhoev - TH Rigby
9O PACsAmericana: PolilicalAction Committees
and Political Panies, 1980 and 1982 Elaine Thompson
98 Chanoes in the Ethnrc Vote in Australia. lan l\,4cAllisler and
196i-79 Jonalhan Kelley
108 Explâining the Growth of Government Expendilure John A.C. Conybeare
120 Studênts: are they really so conseñalive? C.A. Footes
127 'fhe South Auslralian Election 1982 oean Jaensch
131 Reviews