
Natural prey of the crab spider Thomisus onustus (Araneae: Thomisidae), an extremely powerful predator of insects

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Natural History
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The natural prey of the crab spider Thomisus onustus inhabiting Eryngium plants was studied in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan. The total percentage of specimens of T. onustus found while feeding was low (9.1%). However, solitary late instar and adult females exhibited a very high feeding percentage (29.9%). Other sex–age groups of T. onustus, including small juveniles, adult males, and females guarding egg sacs, were found feeding significantly less frequently. Investigation has shown that T. onustus is a polyphagous predator, with representatives of four arthropod orders found in its diet. The primary food of T. onustus was Diptera and Hymenoptera, which collectively accounted for 94.2% of total prey. Worker ants constituted about one‐fifth of the prey, suggesting that T. onustus is a myrmecophagic spider. The length of prey killed by T. onustus ranged between 1.25 and 16.00 mm (mean 6.21 mm) and constituted from 34.4 to 587.9% (mean 194.9%) of length of their captors. The most frequently captured were large arthropods, exceeding the size of the spiders (83.1%). Small and medium‐sized juveniles captured considerably larger prey (in terms of prey–predator length ratio) than late instar and adult females. Over half of their prey constituted arthropods more than two‐fold larger than the spiders.

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... Within this family, spiders of the genus Thomisus have been well recognized as sit-and-wait (or ambush) predators on flowers and used as model organisms for studying body-color camouflage and interactions between pollinators and predators (Théry, Casas, 2002;. Primarily, prey of Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805 comprises bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae), hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Huseynov, 2007b). Though they sometimes eat other cursorial spiders (Huseynov, 2007b), web invasion and predation of web-builders have never been reported in a scientific research paper until now. ...
... Primarily, prey of Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805 comprises bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae), hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Huseynov, 2007b). Though they sometimes eat other cursorial spiders (Huseynov, 2007b), web invasion and predation of web-builders have never been reported in a scientific research paper until now. ...
... If no specific traits for dietary specialization have evolved in this genus, the observation that such generalized predators can apparently capture large web-building spiders in the web of their prey seems even more intriguing. Thomisus spiders are known as extremely powerful predators with an ability to subdue larger insects (Huseynov, 2007b). Thus, it might be possible that this prey-capturing ability may also be co-opted for more dangerous prey, that is, web-building spiders. ...
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Observational cases of predation and consumption on web-building spiders by two crab spiders from Japan, Thomisus labefactus Karsch, 1881 and T. kitamurai Nakatsudi, 1943 are reported based on the data collected from non-peer reviewed articles, illustrated books and various sources on the internet. Prey of Thomisus spiders mainly comprised orb-weaving spiders (Aranaidae), most frequently Nephila clavata (L. Koch, 1878). This publication represents the first description of web-invasion and araneophagy of orb-weaver spiders by Thomisidae in a research paper.
... Morse, 1984). Huseynov (2007) reported that Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805 is a common polyphagous crab spider in Palaearctic realm, where it primarily captures Diptera and Hymenoptera (94.2% of total prey). It has been also revealed that T. onustus attacked species which are about twice the size of the spider itself. ...
... Araneophagic cases by T. onustus were described that there were six individuals of Arachnida (Araneae), five of Thomisidae and one of Theridiidae. In these cases, all of the six spiders were cursorial and non-orb-weavers (Huseynov, 2007). ...
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In the present study, I reported that the female adult crab spider Thomisus labefactus preyed on a female adult of the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi in the centre of the web. To my knowledge, the case that a large orb-weaving spider A. bruennichi is fed upon by the crab spiders with web-invading is not known previously. It has been shown that T. labefactus, considered commonly as a sit-and-wait predator, also aggressively hunt A. bruennichi, the large web-building spider, attacking its prey at the centre of web. Source: Repository:
... Huseynov (2007) eredményeivel egybehangzó vizsgálataink is megerősítették, hogy a Thomisus fajok elsősorban a nektárral táplálkozó rovarokat (beleértve a méhféléket is) fogyasztják. Vogelei és Greissl (1989) megállapították, hogy a fehér karolópók megfelelő növekedéséhez, kiegyenlített egyedfejlődéshez kiemelkedően fontos a nektárt fogyasztó rovarok zsákmányolása, amit vizsgálataink is alátámasztanak. ...
... Crab spiders prey on many insect taxa and, therefore, may exert powerful predation pressure on insects (Huseynov 2007). With respect to Cassida larvae, Cassida rubiginosa Müller and Cassida vibex Linnaeus have been reported as prey of both Xysticus bifasciatus C. L. Koch and Misumena tricuspidata (Fabricius) (Kosior 1975), and Cassida viridis Linnaeus has been reported as prey of Xysticus cristatus (Clerck) (Engel 1932). ...
... The significant increased abundance of crab spiders on goldenrods might be explained by their preference for flowers as places to hide while preying on pollinating insects. Several crab spider genera from all continents are known to wait for prey directly on or beneath flowers, where they often catch pollinators larger than their own body size (Foelix 2011;Heiling et al. 2004;Huseynov 2007b;Morse 1983;Romero and Vasconcellos-Neto 2004a, b). Hence, the dense stands and the massive blooms of American goldenrod in late summer very likely attract crab spiders irrespectively Table 1 of the plants' non-native origin, but may also reduce the habitat of web-building spiders at the same time. ...
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Plant invasions can have major impacts on ecosystems and influence global species diversity. In Central Europe, Himalayan balsam ( Impatiens glandulifera ) and American goldenrods ( Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea ) are important invaders often establishing dense and homogeneous stands, especially in urban and other disturbed habitats. We investigated their impacts on plant-dwelling spiders (abundance, family structure, guild structure) and potential spider prey items during flowering season within an urbanized landscape using a paired design comparing invaded and native reference vegetation plots. In general, flowering American goldenrods and Himalayan balsam had no significant impacts on the spider family composition. Invasion of American goldenrods further had no effect on total spider abundance and potential prey item abundance. In contrast, goldenrods showed a significantly increased crab spider (Thomisidae) abundance while being less inhabited by web builders. Himalayan balsam negatively influenced free hunters and running crab spider (Philodromidae) abundance, while we found no effects on other groups and total spider abundance. For Himalayan balsam, potential prey item abundance was higher than in native vegetation stands. Notwithstanding that our results only represent a snapshot of the system, they suggest that large-scale removal of urban goldenrod stands during flowering season might negatively influence local spider abundance, especially of crab spiders. Management efforts should therefore be accompanied by compensation measures to avoid disruptive effects on local plant-dwelling spider communities.
... The true spiders are one of the most important biological control agents against different pests infesting different crops. El-Erksousy et al., 2006;Huseynov, 2007;Turnbull, 1973;Johnson et al., 2000;Whitehouse and Lawrence 2001 recorded the true spider's agent against certain agricultural pests. All adult spiders are predaceous, which play an important role in the reduction of pest pulsations (Greenstone 1999 andRiechert 1999). ...
... (publ. as Misumenops lepidus) I Occasionally feeds on ants. [99] Misumenops argenteus (Rinaldi) Probably I 17% of prey are ants; mostly ants that get caught in trichomes of plant Trichogoniopsis adenantha (OC), where spider spends most of its time. [145] Runcinioides argenteus Mello-Leitão (publ. as Misumenops argenteus) Unk Includes ants in diet. [146] Saccodomus formivorus Rainbow May be F or O Builds a basket-like web that appears to attract wandering Iridomyrmex ants. Spider also uses behavioral tactics-tapping ant with its own legs before attacking. [4, 147] Thomisus onustus Walckenaer I 42.8% of diet consists of ants. [147] Tmarus stoltzmanni Keyserling O Feeds exclusively on ant ...
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This paper provides a summary of the extensive theoretical and empirical work that has been carried out in recent years testing the adaptational significance of various spider-ant associations. Hundreds of species of spiders have evolved close relationships with ants and can be classified as myrmecomorphs, myrmecophiles, or myrmecophages. Myrmecomorphs are Batesian mimics. Their close morphological and behavioral resemblance to ants confers strong survival advantages against visually hunting predators. Some species of spiders have become integrated into the ant society as myrmecophiles or symbionts. These spider myrmecophiles gain protection against their own predators, live in an environment with a stable climate, and are typically surrounded by abundant food resources. The adaptations by which this integration is made possible are poorly known, although it is hypothesized that most spider myrmecophiles are chemical mimics and some are even phoretic on their hosts. The third type of spider-ant association discussed is myrmecophagy—or predatory specialization on ants. A table of known spider myrmecophages is provided as is information on their biology and hunting strategies. Myrmecophagy provides these predators with an essentially unlimited food supply and may even confer other protections to the spiders.
Technical Report
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The general behaviour of three crab spider species Thomisus citrinellus Simon, 1875, T. daradioides Simon, 1890 and T. stenningi Pocock, 1900 are discussed. They are common flower dwellers found in gardens. With their strong front legs, prey are grabbed, and overpowered by their strong venom enabling them to kill prey that are frequently 2-4 times their size. They prey on seven insect orders and flies were the most commonly caught prey followed by bees. Most of the prey (79%) are caught in the neck region. They can change colour but only 53% of the spider were found on flowers of the same colour.
Spiders and ants are infrequent types of prey in the diet of spiders. Both spider- and ant-eating were found in thomisid (crab) spiders but their origin remains unclear. Our goal was to gather data on spider- and ant-eating habits in thomisid spiders, construct a family-level phylogeny, and estimate when these habits evolved. Using prey acceptance experiments, we found 21 spider- and 18 ant-eating genera; based on photographic evidence there were 14 spider- and 20 ant-eating genera; and based on literature there were six spider- and seven ant-eating genera. Altogether we found evidence for 28 spider- and 30 ant-eating genera. We performed the most extensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of Thomisidae to date, using representatives of 75 nominal genera. The resulting topology was congruent with previous studies: Thomisidae were shown to be monophyletic; the genus Borboropactus was identified as a sister group to the remaining thomisids; the current subfamilies emerged as para- or polyphyletic, and Aphantochilinae was monophyletic and rendered Strophiinae paraphyletic within the ‘Thomisus clade’. Ancestral state reconstruction estimated both spider- and ant-eating as ancestral states, suggesting that common ancestors of Thomisidae were euryphagous predators that included spiders but also ants in their diet.
Technical Report
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Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) reflectance spectroscopy is one of the useful tools to evaluate the coloration of materials and living things. On crab spiders, sit-and-wait foragers on flowers, body coloration has been focused in the context of camouflage and/or prey attraction. For the first time, the present study shows UV-Vis reflectance spectra of Thomisus labefactus, a crab spider inhabits East Asia, reflects UV-Vis rays almost the same strength as an Australian crab spider Thomisus spectabilis, which also has substantial amount of UV reflection, unlike European species lacking UV reflection. 紫外・可視(UV-Vis)反射分光法は,材料や生物の色彩を評価する有益なツールの一つである.カニグモは花の上で獲物を待ち伏せする捕食者であり,擬態および/あるいは餌誘引における文脈で,体の色彩に焦点が当てられてきた.本研究では,東アジアに生息するカニグモ科の一種であるアズチグモThomisus labefactusでは最初となるUV-Vis 反射スペクトルの測定から,紫外線反射を欠いているヨーロッパ産の種とは異なり,相当量の紫外線を反射するオーストラリア産のカニグモ科の一種Thomisus spectabilisと同程度の強さで紫外線と可視光を反射することが示される.
Land-Use Change and Terrestrial Predator–Prey Networks Land-use change, here defined as the conversion of one land-use type into another (e.g., forest to arable land), affects biodiversity and biotic interactions worldwide (Sala et al., 2000). Although there has been large regional variation in the extent of agricultural expansion and abandonment in Europe in the past 50 years (Rabbinge and van Diepen, 2000), there has been a general trend that forest has expanded at the expense of agricultural land (Kankaanpäa and Carter, 2004; Rounsevell et al., 2006). The patterns have been similar in North America the past decades (Smith et al., 2010). Globally, particularly in developing countries, the general pattern has instead been agricultural expansion (Smith et al., 2010), threatening forest ecosystems (DeFries et al., 2010; Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011; but see Angelsen, 2010). In fact, models predict an increase of cropland between 10 and 25% up to 2050, mainly due to agricultural expansion in developing countries (Schmitz et al., 2014). Natural and semi-natural non-forest ecosystems are primarily threatened by a conversion to pasture land (Schmitz et al., 2014) or by cultivation with biofuels (Havlík et al., 2011). Climate change is an important additional driver of land-use conversion, as the range of crop species contract or expand (Olesen and Bindi, 2002) and as forests adapt to changing climatic conditions (Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2004). In the past, effects of land-use change were often exclusively assessed by their impact on species richness (Tilman et al., 2001). Today, it has increasingly become evident that we need metrics that capture additional features of biological communities to understand consequences of land-use change on ecosystem functions and the provision of ecosystem services (Tylianakis et al., 2007; Diehl et al., 2013). Trophic interactions that link species in food webs are important components that modulate functions provided by biological communities (Laliberté and Tylianakis, 2010; Tylianakis et al., 2010; Thompson et al., 2012). For example, the loss of large apex predators from an ecosystem due to anthropogenic disturbance may cascade through the food chain and lead to drastic effects on primary producers (Estes et al., 2011). Predator populations are often severely affected by anthropogenic disturbances (Attwood et al., 2008). Consequently, the conversion from one major land-use type into another may alter predator–prey interactions (Ives et al., 2005) and the provision of predator-mediated ecosystem services such as the control of agricultural pests (conservation biological control; Barbosa, 1998).
Data and photographs are presented regarding a diversity of Lepidoptera species successfully captured by crab spiders of the family Thomisidae, particularly in the southern Ural Mountains of the Russian Federation in early summer 2012. These included Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae), a large and robust prey species for a small spider. Further discussion is presented on insect prey, and on sphingids previously reported as falling prey to thomisid spiders.
The natural prey of medium-sized juvenile (ca. 3 mm) crab spiders Xysticus marmoratus Thorell 1875 inhabiting Eryngium biebersteinianum plants was studied on the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan. The percentage of specimens found feeding on prey was low (3.4%). Xysticus marmoratus is a polyphagous predator with representatives of four arthropod orders found in its diet. The primary food of X. marmoratus was ants (Formicidae), which accounted for 83.3% of the total number of prey. The length of prey killed by X. marmoratus ranged between 0.87–7.50 mm (mean 2.96 mm) and constituted from 28.5–300.0% (mean 96.9%) of the length of their captors. The most frequently captured size group of prey was 50–70% the length of the spiders.
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Stenophagy (narrow diet breadth) represents an extreme of trophic specialization in carnivores, but little is known about the forces driving its evolution. We used spiders, the most diversified group of terrestrial predators, to investigate whether stenophagy (1) promoted diversification; (2) was phylogenetically conserved and evolutionarily derived state; and (3) was determined either by geographical distribution and foraging guild. We used published data on the prey of almost 600 species. Six categories of stenophagy were found: myrmecophagy, araneophagy, lepidopterophagy, termitophagy, dipterophagy, and crustaceophagy. We found that the species diversity of euryphagous genera and families was similar to stenophagous genera and families. At the family level, stenophagy evolved repeatedly and independently. Within families, the basal condition was oligophagy or euryphagy. Most types of stenophagy were clearly derived: myrmecophagy in Zodariidae; lepidopterophagy in Araneidae; dipterophagy in Theridiidae. In contrast, araneophagy was confined to basal and intermediate lineages, suggesting its ancestral condition. The diet breadth of species from the tropics and subtropics was less diverse than species from the temperate zone. Diet breadth was lower in cursorial spiders compared to web-building species. Thus, the evolution of stenophagy in spiders appears to be complex and governed by phylogeny as well as by ecological determinants.
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Field observations and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the influence of body length of preys on the acceptance rate by spiders. Feeding experiments with 13 spider species and a model prey (crickets) reveal a decreasing acceptance rate with increasing prey size. Prey sizes of 50–80% of the spiders' size yielded the highest acceptance rates, crickets of double the spiders' size were accepted by two species only. By fitting the acceptance rate Y versus prey size X by Y(x)=Y(0) (1-x2), two coefficients could be calculated: Y(0), the size-independent palatibility of the prey and , a coefficient of size-induced refusal of the prey. These values describe the degree of specialisation towards (a) crickets and (b) large prey, respectively. Further comparison showed (a) that labidognath (= araneomorph) spiders do not necessarily subdue larger prey items than orthognath (=mygalmorph) spiders and (b) that webbuilding spiders are superior to non-webbuilding spiders in respect of catching large prey. A modified model of the generalized pattern of the length relations of predator and prey is given with special reference to spiders and compared to other polyphagous predator groups.
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Feeding experiments were performed with seven species of non-webbuilding spiders and a variety of prey taxa. Some species were generally polyphagous whereas other spiders restricted their prey to a few groups. At one end of the spectrum of prey specialization the thomisid Misumena vatia is limited to a few taxa of possible prey (Table 1). The literature of prey records of non-webbuilding spiders is reviewed (Table 2) with special emphasis on oligophagous or monophagous spiders. Monophagous spiders are generally rare and have specialized on only a few prey taxa: social insects (ants, bees, termites) and spiders.
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Size and species composition of flower patches were manipulated to determine whether these factors exerted indirect effects on the hunting success of flower-dwelling spiders via direct effects on insect pollinators. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) of two pollinator response variables (visitation rate and visitor size) revealed a significant pollinator preference for Bidens aristosa (tickseed sunflower) over Solidago juncea (goldenrod) and for large patches of a given plant species over small patches. Bidens received significantly more pollinator visits per floral unit per unit time and attracted significantly larger insects than Solidago. The significant patch size effect seen in the MANOVA was driven by the strong impact of patch size on the size of insects visiting the experimental patches: the size (mass) of insects visiting large patches was significantly greater than the size of insects visiting small patches of a given plant species, but visitation rates to large and small patches of a given plant species were similar. MANOVA indicated that hunting success of a flower-dwelling crab spider, Misumenoides formosipes, was also significantly affected by species composition and size of flower patches. Three measures of spider hunting success (rate of mass gain and its components, total prey mass captured per spider per day, and number of prey captured per spider per day) were evaluated, and the experimental treatments exerted similar effects on all three measures. Spiders occupying Bidens patches experienced greater hunting success than spiders occupying Solidago patches, and in patches of a given plant species, spiders occupying large patches experienced greater hunting success than spiders occupying small patches. The pattern of spider hunting success most closely paralleled the pattern described by the size of insects visiting the patches (BL>BS=SL>SS), suggesting that the size of visiting pollinators, rather than frequency of visitation, exerted a greater influence on spider hunting success. Taxonomic composition of a spider's diet varied with the plant species occupied. The size of insects captured by spiders was significantly greater than average size of insects visiting the patches, indicating that spiders selectively captured larger pollinator taxa. Spider movements among patches revealed a pattern of migration from Solidago to Bidens.
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Crab-spiders (Thomisus onustus) positioned for hunting on flowers disguise themselves by assuming the same colour as the flower, a strategy that is assumed to fool both bird predators and insect prey. But although this mimicry is obvious to the human observer, it has never been examined with respect to different visual systems. Here we show that when female crab-spiders mimic different flower species, they are simultaneously cryptic in the colour-vision systems of both bird predators and hymenopteran prey.
I compared the capture methods and prey of crab spiders Misumena vatia (Clerck) hunting on pasture rose (Rosa carolina L.), common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) and goldenrod (Solidago juncea Ait.). Individual spiders occupied milkweed and goldenrod inflorescences significantly longer than rose flowers. They also captured significantly larger biomasses of prey on milkweed and goldenrod than on rose. During the day, spiders captured a larger biomass of prey on goldenrod than on milk-weed; however, when nighttime captures on milkweed (entirely moths) were added, it was the most profitable feeding site. The low captures of prey on pasture rose were partly a consequence of the short period during which it attracted insects each day. Overall, bumblebees (Bombus spp.) were the most important prey in terms of biomass, although small syrphid flies (Toxomerus marginatus) were the most frequently captured prey. The only other frequently captured items were honeybees (Apis mellifera) and months, both primarily on milkweed. Only on milkweed was there sign of nocturnal hunting. Spiders hunting on roses invested considerable time finding new flowers each day and also took longer to process prey than did spiders on other flowers.
Spider populations were studied in three peanut fields in the Texas West Cross-Timbers region during the 1981 and 1982 growing seasons. Hunting species made up 85.8 and 91.7% of the spider fauna during 1981 and 1982, respectively; the remainder were webbuilders. Three hunting families, Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, and Thomisidae, were dominant, constituting 74.6% of the total spider fauna for the two study years. Each family in turn was dominated by a single species. Oxyopes salticus Hentz (Oxyopidae) constituted 37.3% of the total spider fauna in 1982 and 16.2% in 1981. The Lycosidae were dominated by Pardosa pauxilla Montgomery and, as a family, were 31.0% of the fauna in 1981 and 26.6% in 1982. The Thomisidae were dominated by the Misumenops spp., mostly M. celer (Hentz). The Misumenops spp. were 14.0% and 14.1% (If the spider fauna in 1981 and 1982, respectively. Spider abundance generally increased as the growing season progressed and plant size and structure increased. Lycosids were dependent on a closed plant canopy and were most successful in irrigated fields. Populations of most species, especially lycosids, declined in drought-stressed rain-fed fields, except Misumenops spp., which were most successful under rain-fed conditions. Ballooning activity of spiders was determined from suction trap samples in 1982; results showed O. salticus to be the most numerous aeronaut. The Araneidae and Linyphiidae were next most abundant in suction trap collections, although these and other web-building species constituted only 11.3% of the peanut spider fauna for the two study years. Identification of spider prey revealed a preference for Hemiptera (32.7%), with Lepidoptera and other Araneae constituting 17.3% each. Pest species taken as prey included Heliothis spp., Stegasta bosqueella (Chambers), leafhoppers, and thrips (Frankliniella spp.). Entomophagous species constituted about one-half the spider diet.
Aphantochilus rogersi is an ant-mimicking spider that preys exclusively on cephalotine ants. The spiders oviposit in close proximity to nests of the model ant Zacryptocerus pusillus, and emergent spiderlings tend to remain in the vicinity of natal egg sacs. Females of A. rogersi actively defend their egg sacs against approaching workers of Z. pusillus, but the latter may sometimes destroy the eggs. Feeding specialization on these ants is confirmed by more than 300 observation of young and adult A. rogersi carrying ant corpses in the field. Although A. rogersi possesses several behavioural traits which may reduce the risk of being injured by ants during subjugation, field and laboratory observations showed that social defence by Z. pusillus may cause mutilation to the spiders. Tests in captivity revealed an ontogenetic change in the prey-capture techniques employed by A. rogersi. Early-instar spiderlings can apparently only seize the ant's petiole tightly if they are able to approach the ant from the front. As the ant is paralysed, the spiderling positions itself vertically in relation to the substratum. Larger spiders, on the other hand, attack ants most frequently from behind, and seem better equipped to seize the ant's petiole firmly with their larger chelicerae. Owing to their greater strength, late-instar spiders are able to lift the struggling ant aloft. The selection of a suitable oviposition site, the mother's ability to defend herself and the eggs from nearby ants, and the capacity to capture and subdue ants safely from emergence to maturity, are regarded as crucial traits inherent in the mimetic and feeding specialization by A. rogersi.
Biology of spiders The prey of a lithophilous crab spider Xysticus loeffleri (Araneae, Thomisidae)
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