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Muslim Religious Leadership in Post-Colonial Mozambique

  • Christian Michelsen Institute


Based on archival and fieldwork research, this paper outlines in its first part the history of the formation of various types of Muslim religious leaderships during pre-colonial and colonial periods. Islam in Mozambique, especially in the northern part of the country, existed among Africans long before the arrival of the Portuguese in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It was linked to the World of Swahili, i.e. the East African coast and the Comoros, from the time of its formation. However, European colonial expansion drove the immigration of Indian Muslims from the Portuguese territories of Gujarat, India and later from British East Africa. How the resulting social, ideological, and racial differences among this leadership have been reflected and played out in relation to the state, the competing Muslim religious groups, and the international Islamic organisations in the post-colonial Mozambique, is the focus of the second part of this article.
Muslim Religious Leadership in Post-Colonial Mozambique
Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo
South African Historical Journal 60 (4) 2008
ISSN: Print 0258-2473/Online 1726-1686
DOI: © Unisa Press pp. 637-654
         
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Keywords: 
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Muslim Leadership in Colonial Mozambique
           
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Maca  Makua and Lomwe
apiamwene     
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the mahumu   humu   
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Slave Routes and Oral Tradition in Southeastern Africa
 Law, Custom and Social Order: The Colonial Experience in Malawi and Zambia 
Peasant Intellectuals: Anthropology and History in Tanzania
 
  
         kitabu    
those classes.
tariqa turuq t/dikiri   
      3
       
silsila ijaza
  shaykhs. These shaykhs  
            
    
  
          
turuq 
      
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  
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            
       
          
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 Arquivo
 
    
      
          
 shaykhs      
          
    
 
called sukutis
dhikr     turuq     
        
        
Wahhabis,     Ahl al-Sunna
   khalifa         
              dhikr
 
            
 
O Islão, o Poder, e a Guerra: Moçambique 1964–74 (Porto: Universidade
   
  
         
 
 641
   7   
             
 Shari’a8 He
Wahhabis tariqa
  Deobandis and
           
      10   
Wahhabism  
 
Qur’an and
the HadithShari’a
mawlid, ziyara
dhikr 
hiriz 
12            
7. Ibid
 O Islão, o Poder, e a Guerra
  Lusotopie   
Cahiers d’études Africaines
      
          
 O Islão, o poder, e a guerra
 African Islam and Islam in Africa:
Encounters Between Sus and Islamists         
Muslim Politics 
 Muslim Identity and Social Changes
in Sub-Saharan AfricaMuslim
   
    
RFHOM, 
 
          
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      
Barelwis (alleged
sponsored ziyaraturuq
their madrasas.15
       ziyara processions in
 madrasa           
16 
        association stopped
 
 
 
 
             
 
 
 643
 and the Indian-
Muslim Leadership and the Post-Independence State in 1975–1983
          
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 
   Grupos Dinamizadores
  
 Kupilikula: Governance and the Invisible Realm in Mozambique
 
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  
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colonial period. The Wahhabi  
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      
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 24
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 
The Shade of New Leaves: Governance in Traditional Authority
African Affairs
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27 The Wahhabis
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The Wahhabis
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, 
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Muslim Identity and Social Changes
 
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        
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Internal Muslim Competition, the State and the Islamic NGOs (1983–2000)
           
 
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 
 647
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   
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              
          
            
           
 
 hajj  
             
 
ziyara and dhikr
    
   Miraj and Sha’aban
 
 
 
fard 33
           
   
      
           
  
            
       
        
private madrasas   shaykhs   shaykh     
madrasas 
 
tariqa 
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 
          
    
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 
  
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The Return of the Graduates
      
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  Id
 
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     
The ‘Traditional’ Muslim Intellectuals of Northern Mozambique
  
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         
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 651
        
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           
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dhikr 
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          
    Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Society
 Peasant Intellectuals, 20.
 Controlling KnowledgePutting Islam to Work: Education, Politics, and Religious
Transformation in Egypt 
 Controlling Knowledge
 Putting Islam to WorkMuslim Politics, 
 
  
khalifas  
       
            
     
          
            
          
khalifas 
madrasas 
    madrasas  
     
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                
 
 653
            
          hajj    
             
versus  divide.
   
         
 
             
Shirazi into Monhé  
     
Slave Routes and Oral Tradition in Southeastern Africa
Le Fait Missionnaire
 Journal of Religion in Africa
Muslim Identity and Social Change
in Sub-Saharan Africa 
 Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Muslim Society
Cahiers d’études africaines
Law, Custom and Social Order: The Colonial Experience in Malawi and Zambia
     Muslim Identity and Social Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Muslim Politics
  Peasant Intellectuals:Anthropology and History in Tanzania   
           
        
              
 
    
The Shade of New Leaves: Governance in Traditional Authority
O Islão, o Poder, e a Guerra: Moçambique 1964–74
 Journal of Southern African Studies
L’Afrique Politique
    Indigenato 
African Affairs
African Islam and Islam in Africa: Encounters Between Sus and
Putting Islam to Work: Education, Politics, and Religious Transformation in Egypt.
Kupilikula: Governance and the Invisible Realm in Mozambique
 
... Membres, pour la plupart, de la confrérie Qadiriyya-Chistiyya centrée dans l'État d'Uttar Pradesh, les Indiens sunnites sont organisés, depuis les années 1930, en une association dénommée Comunidade Muçulmana de Porto Amélia (qui deviendra ultérieurement Pemba, voir encadré 1) Indiana Sunni (Communauté musulmane sunnite indienne de Porto Amélia [Pemba]). Cette association fait partie d'un réseau d'associations sunnites indiennes qui couvre l'ensemble du pays, appelé Communidades Maometanas ou Muçulmanas (Bonate, 2007(Bonate, , 2008 8 . Une communauté indienne encore plus petite, Ismaili Shia, s'est installée à Pemba dans les années 1930. ...
... Le contexte de leur émergence « ne peut être dissocié des facteurs qui ont contribué à l'émergence des ONG laïques en général », lesquelles trouvent leur origine dans la recherche de nouvelles approches du développement 11 . Au Mozambique, la première ONG islamique, la Ligue islamique mondiale (ar-Rabita al-Alami al-Islami), basée en Arabie Saoudite, apparaît quand le parti Frelimo au pouvoir met en pratique un modèle économique guidé par une idéologie athéiste marxiste (Bonate, 2008). Plus que la crise économique, c'est la guerre civile, menée par la Renamo sous la forme d'une résistance armée qui préoccupe principalement. ...
... En 2009, le représentant de l'AMA au Mozambique affirme que l'ONG ne poursuit aucun objectif politique ni projets de da'wa et se consacre exclusivement à des activités d'assistance et de développement. Dans les années 1980 et 1990, l'AMA, à travers son association avec le Conseil islamique, influençait les positions religieuses et politiques du parti au pouvoir (Bonate, 2008). L'AMA se serait avant tout préoccupée de da'wa et d'éducation islamique durant ces deux décennies, ce qui conduit à penser qu'elle a contribué à l'intensification des tensions politiques musulmanes internes au Mozambique. ...
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... Muslims were subjected to state persecutions along with other religious groups. 23 However, the government changed its approach in 1982 and, subsequently, two national umbrella organisations were officially registered. One was the Islamic Council, representing the Salafi trend, which became a top-down centralised hierarchical organisation. ...
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Based on fieldwork interviews with the internally displaced Muslims from the regions affected by the insurgency, such as Palma, Mocímboa da Praia, Macomia, Quissanga and others, this article unpacks the context, ideology and protagonists that gave rise and afforded sustenance to the insurgency in Cabo Delgado. After providing an overview of the historical trajectory of Islam in Mozambique, the article presents the ideological and historical underpinnings of the contemporary global jihadi movements, expanding into Africa and Mozambique. The article argues that for jihadism to take roots in any place, there should exist militant protagonists and the grievances that serve as emotional entry points for recruitment. Thus, the article examines the processes by which jihadi protagonists emerged in various communities and the grievances they articulated in order to provoke the insurgency against the State.
... Islam made inroads into the northern Mozambican coast in the 8th century and became associated with the Swahili ruling elites (Bonate 2007a: 56). Over the centuries, a locally and regionally rooted conception of Islam developed (Bonate 2006(Bonate , 2008. After 1900, Islam expanded, caused by the arrivals of Sufi orders at the end of the 19th century, the development of markets and infrastructure under the increased Portuguese presence, and the social and economic insecurities caused by the colonial domination (Bonate 2007b: 138, Morier-Genoud 2007. ...
... Muslims suffered immensely when the hajj, celebration of Ramadan and other Muslim holidays, collection of the monetary donation and rehabilitation of the mosques, and the functioning of the Qur'anic schools were all forbidden. 45 In 1981, Frelimo decided to reconsider its positions toward Islam and create a national Muslim organization, the decision which might have been influenced by the Saudi-based international Islamic NGO, the Muslim World League, especially given the Frelimo's belief that northern Mozambican Muslims were channeling their discontentment to Muslim countries, who, in their turn, were aiding the resurgent opposition groups, such as Renamo. 46 A nation-wide Islamic organization called the Conselho Islâmico de Moçambique (Islamic Council of Mozambique, CISLAMO) was established in a meeting between the government and a group of Maputo imams in January 1981, which was convened by Abubacar Ismael 'Mangira' with the purpose of responding to the Decree 12 ⁄ 1976 of the new government prohibiting associations, because most Muslims were organized into associations since the colonial period. ...
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This article is a historical overview of two issues: first, that of the dynamics of Islamic religious transformations from pre-Portuguese era up until the 2000s among Muslims of the contemporary Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and to a certain extent, Niassa provinces. The article argues that historical and geographical proximity of these regions to East African coast, the Comoros and northern Madagascar meant that all these regions shared a common Islamic religious tradition. Accordingly, shifts with regard to religious discourses and practices went in parallel. This situation began changing in the last decade of the colonial era and has continued well into the 2000s, when the so-called Wahhabis, Sunni Muslims educated in the Islamic universities of the Arab world brought religious outlook that differed significantly from the historical local and regional conceptions of Islam. The second question addressed in this article is about relationships between northern Mozambican Muslims and the state. The article argues that after initial confrontations with Muslims in the sixteenth century and up until the last decade of the colonial era, the Portuguese rule pursued no concerted effort in interfering in the internal Muslim religious affairs. Besides, although they occupied and destroyed some of the Swahili settlements, in particular in southern and central Mozambique, other Swahili continued to thrive in northern Mozambique and maintained certain independence from the Portuguese up until the twentieth century. Islam there remained under the control of the ruling Shirazi clans with close political, economic, kinship and religious ties to the Swahili world. By establishing kinship and politico-economic ties with the ruling elites of the mainland in the nineteenth century, these families were also instrumental in expanding Islam into the hinterland. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Portuguese rule took full control of the region as a result of military conquests of the ‘effective occupation’, and imposed new legal and administrative colonial system, called Indigenato, impacting Muslims of northern Mozambique to a great extent. After the independence in 1975, and especially since 1977, the post-independence Frelimo government adopted militant atheism and socialist Marxism, which was short-lived and was abolished in 1983 owing to popular resistance and especially, because of government’s perception that its religious policies were fuelling the opposition groups to take arms and join the civil war. The 1980s and 1990s were marked by an acute rivalry and conflicts between the two emerging national umbrella Islamic organizations, the Islamic Council and the Islamic Congress, each representing largely pro-Sufi and anti-Sufi positions. In the 2000s, these organizations became overshadowed by new and more dynamic organizations, such as Ahl Al-Sunna.
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This paper emphasizes the trajectory of Jaime Pedro Gonçalves (1936–2016) and especially the perspectives of this Mozambican bishop on some facts regarding the recent history of Mozambique. The hypothesis defended is that the trajectory approach is very important for understanding several aspects of Mozambique’s recent history, and that the bishop’s perspectives challenge and point to the limits of the ideas and explanations in the official narratives of the Frelimo governments.
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Este artigo visa analisar o conflito de Cabo Delgado sob o prisma do jihadismo transnacional, uma ideologia e um movimento político que se apoderam de demandas e agravos locais, sobretudo contra o Estado, despoletando a insurgência ou canalizando a resistência já existente. O conflito representa também uma resistência contra a ordem mundial dominada pelo Ocidente. A primeira parte do artigo se debruça sobre o conceito e a história do jihadismo transnacional, salientando as transformações na ideologia e na ação dos seus protagonistas, e sua expansão geográfica. A segunda parte analisa o contexto sociopolítico e econômico de Cabo Delgado que contribuiu para o início da insurgência, destacando a resistência contra o Estado moçambicano e contra a hegemonia ocidental na forma do extrativismo conduzido por corporações transnacionais que ali se instalaram a partir de 2010.
This article explores state–civil society interactions in Mozambique and South Africa with a focus on Islamic groupings, and places the two countries within an Indian Ocean coastal continuum of links to East Africa, India, and the Arab world. Contrasting the histories of dominant-party rule since the transitions in 1994 to multiparty-ism in Mozambique and to democracy in South Africa, the article discusses the development of Islamic organisations including both transnational Sufi orders and modernist reform movements as important components in local civil societies. The article contrasts the spaces for accommodation of Islamic groups that have been created in South Africa with the more radical secularism that has been in place in post-Independence Mozambique. Finally, the article discusses the effects of this contrast on possibilities for stability and democratic consolidation in the context of the 2014 elections in South Africa and Mozambique.
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The development of mass education and the mass media have transformed the Islamic tradition in contemporary Egypt and the wider Muslim world. This book focuses on the historical interplay of power and public culture, showing how these new forms of communication and a growing state interest in religious instruction have changed the way the Islamic tradition is reproduced. During the twentieth century, new styles of religious education, based not on the recitation of sacred texts but on moral indoctrination, have been harnessed for use in economic, political, and social development programs. More recently they have become part of the Egyptian government's strategy for combating Islamist political opposition. But in the course of this struggle, the western-style educational techniques that were adopted to generate political stability have instead resulted in a rapid Islamization of public space, the undermining of traditional religious-authority structures, and a crisis of political legitimacy. Using historical, textual, and ethnographic evidence, the author demonstrates that today's Islamic resurgence is rooted in new ways of thinking about Islam which are based in the market, the media, and the school.
From the second half of the nineteenth century, the Indian trade Diaspora re-established itself in the Eastern Indian Ocean. The goal of this paper is to assess the importance of its impact in Southern Mozambique, at the time of the setting up of the colonial System in the twentieth century. After presenting the context and the trajectories underlying the origins ofthe Asian presence in this area, we intend to accurately identify the marks that it has left behind. However, this analysis, based on written sources (archives andpublished documents), shall prove unable to clarify the countless foggy parts that, to this day, still cast shadows over this part of the history of Mozambique. In turn, this will enable us to delimit the boundaries of the invisibility of this subject. We are convinced that this invisibility, infact inherent in the very nature of the social groups in Diaspora, cannot be overcome without resorting to other than written sources. That is why we feel that is necessary to use oral testimonies and qualitative methods in order to be able to reconstruct the economic and family trajectories of the community and, thus, allow for a reliable analysis of the Indian présence in Mozambique.
islam au Mozambique est devenu très visible publiquement et très important politiquement durant la dernière décennie. De nombreuses mosquées ont été construites dans les villes et les campagnes et le Président de la République, catholique, s'est mis à se vêtir d'habits musulmans pour visiter les zones du pays à prédominance musulmane et même lors de son propre anniversaire. Les partis politiques se sont mis à courtiser assidûment cette religion et, mutatis mutandis, les musulmans sont devenus des acteurs importants dans les affaires nationales. Or, tel n'a pas toujours été le cas, loin s'en faut. Bien que numériquement important, les musulmans ont en effet été marginalisés, si ce n'est combattus par le pouvoir colonial portugais et ils ont été censurés et même réprimés après l'indépendance nationale par le nouveau pouvoir " marxiste ". Autrement dit, il s'est opéré durant les années 1980-1990 un retournement du positionnement de l'islam dans la société mozambicaine. Une série de questions se pose en conséquence. Tout d'abord quelle est la nature exacte de ce retournement ? Quand est-il arrivé et comment s'est-il produit ? Ensuite, quelles en sont les causes ? Est-ce le fruit de facteurs internes ou externes au pays ? Est-ce le résultat de changements au sein de l'islam ou au sein du pouvoir politique ? Enfin, quelle est la situation politico-religieuse dans le pays aujourd'hui après ce retournement ? Que peut-on prévoir ou imaginer, sur cette base, comme scénario pour l'avenir ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions qui ont motivé cet article et auxquelles ce dernier prétend répondre. Il existe peu d'écrits sur l'islam au Mozambique et encore moins concernant la période postcoloniale. Ce manque est en partie lié à l'hégémonie intellectuelle chrétienne liée à la colonisation portugaise procatholique. Il est dû également à la politique antireligieuse du premier gouvernement indépendant et à l'hégémonie " matérialiste " qui a dominé les études mozambicaines jusque dans le milieu des années 1980. À cela on peut ajouter la difficulté de la langue arabe ou swahili, • Une première version de ce texte a été présentée au XIV e Congrès de l'Association française des études du monde arabe et musulman (AFEMAM) au Centre d'Étude Afrique Noire (CEAN)/Institut d'Études Politiques (IEP) de l'Université de Bordeaux, 6-8 juillet 2000. Je tiens à remercier ici les critiques et l'aide précieuse de Yussuf Adam, Liazzat Bonate, Teresa Cruz e Silva, Sandra Ferreira, Michel Cahen et Christian Coulon. La recherche au Portugal a été menée grâce à une généreuse bourse de la Fondation luso-américaine pour le Développement (FLAD) – Instituto Nacional dos Arquivos Nacionais/Torre de Tombo (IAN/TT). La responsabilité du texte et des opinions émises n'engage que l'auteur.