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An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of International Tourism Demand: The Case of Izmir

Taylor & Francis
European Planning Studies

Abstract and Figures

Tourism has become an important sector in Turkey as a growing source of foreign exchange reserves and employment over the last two decades. After being one of the most important tourist destinations for decades, Izmir lost its relative importance after the 1990s. With its historical, cultural values and nature, Izmir still has a significant potential for tourism. Given the importance of this sector for Izmir, this paper investigates the factors affecting the international tourism demand in Izmir using the time series data between 1980 and 2005. The double logarithmic model is used in estimation. Real exchange rates, the GDP per capita of OECD countries, the GDP per capita of Izmir and the transportation public capital stock of Izmir are the variables used to explain Izmir's international tourist arrivals. The empirical results show that the prices and income of the tourist-generating country are the main determinants of the demand for tourism. Income and price elasticities are above 1. Local factors related to Izmir's level of development and the transportation public capital stock have no significant effect. Policy implications derivable from this study suggest that government should encourage alternative forms of tourism development besides mass tourism.
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An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of International Tourism Demand :
The Case of Izmir
A. Özlem Öndera, Aykan Candemirb, Neşe Kumrala
a Department of Economics, Ege University, 35100, Izmir, Turkey
b Department of Business Administration, Ege University, 35100, Izmir, Turkey
Tourism has become an important sector in Turkey as a growing source of foreign
exchange reserves and employment over the last two decades. After being one of the most
important tourist destinations for decades, Izmir lost its relative importance after 1990’s. With
its historical, cultural values and its nature Izmir still has a significant tourism potential.
Given the importance of this sector for Izmir, this paper investigates the factors
affecting international tourism demand in Izmir using time series data between 1980-2005.
Double logarithmic model is used in estimation. Real exchange rate, GDP per capita of
OECD countires, GDP per capita of Izmir and transportation public capital stock of Izmir are
the variables used to explain international tourist arrivals of Izmir. The empirical results show
that price and income of the tourist generating country are the main determinants of tourism
demand. Income and price elasticites are above one. Local factors related to the development
level of Izmir and transportation public capital stock have no significant effect. Policy
implications derivable from this study suggest that government should encourage alternative
forms of tourism development besides mass tourism via experience economy
Keywords: Tourism demand, Izmir, experience economy.
JEL classification: R11, C13
An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of International Tourism Demand :
The Case of Izmir
A. Özlem Öndera, Aykan Candemirb, Neşe Kumrala
a Department of Economics, Ege University, 35100, Izmir, Turkey
b Department of Business Administration, Ege University, 35100, Izmir, Turkey
1. Introduction
Tourism has become an important sector in Turkey as a growing source of foreign exchange
reserves and employment over the last two decades. Contribution of tourism to Turkish
economy has also been stressed by some researchers (see, Gunduz and Hatemi-J, 2005).
When the historical background of tourism in Turkey is examined, it is seen that the
development of tourism sector has merely depended on mass tourism and tourism plans has
been prepared to promote coastal activities, namely sea-sand-sun (3S) type of activities.
Moreover although Turkey has high tourism potential, she had not developed alternative
modes of tourism mainly depending on natural, cultural and traditional assets of the country.
Izmir, as being one of the leading tourism destinations at the beginning of modern
tourism activities in Turkey has also problems to realize its tourism potential after 1990’s.
However tourism is an important sector for the region in terms of employment and growth.
Factors affecting international tourism demand in Turkey has been investigated in Turkey
(see, Icoz, et al. 1998, Akis, 1998, and Akal, 2004 for example). However, there appears to
be no study related to the determinants of international tourism demand as far as Izmir is
Given the importance of the sector for Izmir, the aim of this paper is to investigate the
factors affecting international tourism demand in Izmir. The rest of the paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 gives some information about tourism sector in Turkey and Izmir. Section
3 explains the theoretical model. Section 4 gives detailed information about data employed
in the study. Section 5 gives the estimates of the study. The final section underscores the main
findings of the study and gives some policy recommendations.
2. Tourism in Izmir
The most strategic port and the third largest city of Turkey, Izmir is located at the
intersection point of many touristic centers. With a mystical history of 7,000 years, Izmir
proudly hosts a large number of extremely important architectural designs and archeological
On the other hand, Izmir presents its services to cultural tourism with its countless
historical sites reaching to our days from prehistoric times, works and buildings, museums,
typical Mediterranean kitchen, handicrafts, festivals, festivities, and other local cultural
specialties, as well as offering its respectful participation in the belief tourism with a large
collection of sacred places.
Congress tourism is rapidly developing, thermal waters are a very important tourism
resource for Izmir, as well as in all the Aegean Region. In the health tourism sector, Izmir has
numerous facilities. Touristic facilities in metropolitan Izmir are well developed, with a wide
range of possibilities to deserve the appreciation of every taste and savor.
With its historical identity, beaches and sea, mountains and plateaus, thermal waters,
macchia and red pine forests, Aegean agricultural products and soft climate, Izmir presents
many unique opportunities to realize recreational activities and nature-compliant tourism
types (see, Pirnar 2005, for details).
After being one of the most important tourist destinations for decades, Izmir lost its
importance after 1990’s. With its historical, cultural values and its nature Izmir still has a
significant tourism potential. Revival of tourism industry for the city will contribute the
regional and national economy. However the success of a destination is not easy since many
new destinations and variations of touristic products are introduced within the international
tourism market and current destinations and products try harder to strengthen their
competitiveness. (see, Ozdemir, 2005, for details).
The continuous decrease of share for tourism in and around Izmir can be seen from
Figure 1. In the last 25 years Izmir has lost its share with 50% (i.e. from 8% to 4%). The
tourism industry has been growing in Turkey but Izmir were incapable of adapting to this
growth. This has several reasons; the first reason was that the southern Turkey had long and
unoccupied seashore and became the “Turkish Riviera”. After 1995, Antalya province has
become the star of Turkish Tourism with a 30% of share for arrivals (see, Figure 2), the
second reason was that the Aegean Region was occupied by the summer residences which did
not leave enough space for the development of tourism. The third reason was that the facilities
became old-fashioned.
(% of Arrivals)
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
Figure 1: Share of Izmir in Touristic Activities (% of Arrivals in Turkey)
As can be seen from Figure 2, Izmir is still a destination for traditional tourist sending
countries, however southern Turkey (i.e. Antalya Region) has become one of the top
destinations for Russian tourists. Izmir cannot attract those new tourist sending countries.
Istanbul is increasing its share with the new efforts being performed in the last couple of
2000. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006.
İzmir Antalya İstanbul
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
Figure 2: Share of Izmir, Antalya and Istanbul in Touristic Activities (% of Arrivals in
Figure 3 presents the average length of stays in 2006. As can be seen from the figure
average length of stay in Turkey is 4 days, where Antalya province has 5 days of average stay.
ength of stay and occupancy rates in Izmir.
he occupancy rate reveals important information about the present situation and the potential
Ankara and İstanbul have lower average length of stay due to business trips, congress tourism
etc. Izmir has an average length of stay slightly above 3 days due to its position as a hub with
its port and airport.
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
Figure 3: Average Length of Stay (Days-2006)
The following table presents the average l
for tourism. The occupancy rate for Izmir, excluding the camping sites, cannot exceed 50%
which shows that there is no need for more investment for new facilities whereas the need for
effective marketing efforts can obviously seen. The highest rates are for 4 star hotels and
holiday villages (see Table 1).
Table 1: Average Length of Stay (Days) and Occupancy Rates in Izmir by Type and
lass of Establishment (Izmir 2006)
ype and Class of Establishment Average Length of Stay Occupancy Rate %
HOTEL Foreigner Citizen Total Foreigner Citizen Total
5 Star 3,0 1,9 3,4 20,78 17,97 38,75
4 Star 3,9 1,5 2,6 31,26 15,58 46,84
3 Star 2,2 1,5 1,6 6,35 26,56 32,91
2 Star 2,8 1,7 1,9 6,93 27,13 34,06
1 Star 1,8 1,1 1,2 3,23 30,62 33,85
Special Licence 2,0 1,5 1,9 20,41 3,96 24,37
Thermal - - - - - -
Boutique - - - - - -
Apart - 6,2 6,2 - 2,57 2,57
TOTAL 3,1 1,7 2,1 17,46 20,69 38,14
MOTEL 14,4 4,6 4,5 3,61 14,66 28,27
BOARDING HOUSE 7,3 2,7 2,9 1,48 12,43 13,91
HOLIDAY VILLAGE 5,9 3,5 4,2 17,59 27,16 44,75
INN - - - - - -
CAMPING 10, 13,8 12,5 24,39 51,76 76,15 4
GOLF EST. - - - - - -
TRAINING EST. 2,8 1,3 1,4 2,62 17,46 20,08
MOUNTAIN HOUSE - - - - - -
GRAND TOTAL 3,3 1,8 2,3 17,29 21,38 38,66
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tou m,
iterature for different countries
ee, Crouch, 1994, Lim, 1997, and Li et al. 2005, for a survey). Income and relative prices
are variables. Tourism prices are not in general available. Exchange rates have
3. Model
Tourism demand has been extensively investigated in the l
mostly used
used as a proxy variable for price. Other exogenous variables are also considered like cost of
transportation, attributes of the destination like safety, infrastructure etc.
Based on the literature, the international tourism demand model can be written as
++= 4321 (1)
where represents tourist arrivals, is the real Exchange rate, s the
ita GD pita of the
l stock,
The per capita GDP of the OECD countries are used as a proxy for income. It is expected
4. Data
order to measure the tourism demand we have used tourist arrivals. Another measure could
in logarithmic form.
per cap P of the OECD countries, t represents GDP per ca Izmir,
TRANSP is the transportation public capita
t is error term and t is time.
t tourist arrivals increase as the income increases. The real exchange rate is defined as the
price of the tourist generating countries currency in terms of host countries currency. The
coefficient of the real exchange rate is expected to be negative. GDP per capita of the region
is an indicator of the level of economic development, which could promote tourist arrivals.
The coefficient of the GDP per capita for Izmir is expected to be positive. Transportation
infrastructure is expected to have a positive impact on tourism. If the tourism demand model
is estimated in the log-log form, the coefficients could be interpreted as elasticities.
be tourism receipts which were not available for Izmir. Data on tourist arrivals are obtained
from Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT). Data on real exchange rate are collected
from electronic delivery system of Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. Data on GDP per
capita of OECD countries based on purchasing power parity (PPP) are obtained from OECD
datasets. Per capita income and transportation public capital stock data for Izmir are obtained
from Önder et al. 2007. Except for data on GDP per capita for Izmir and transportation capital
stock annual data from 1980 to 2005 were available. Data for GDP per capita for Izmir and
transportation capital stock were only available from 1980 to 2001. All the variables are used
5. Estimation
Table 2 presents the results of estimation of Equation 1. The equation is estimated by method
of e, Witt, 2000 for different methods). The dependent variable is tourist
ficients of real exchange rate and GDP per
apita of the OECD countries are as expected and significant. Price elasticity, -1.578 indicates
a price
ults of the Model I 1980-2001
Dependent Varaible: TOUR
least squares (se
arrivals and real exchange rate, GDP per capita of the OECD countries, GDP per capita of
Izmir and transportation capital stock of Izmir.
As can be seen from the table the coef
elastic demand for international tourism. The results also show that income elasticity is
above 2 indicating that tourism is a luxury good which is in line with previous literature on
tourism demand (see Eilat, and Einav, 2004, for example) All the diagnostic tests are
Table 2: Res
Variable Coefficient
Constant -8.952 -0.60
XCH -3.59***
GDPOPCt2.117 3.25***
y 9)
GDPPCt1.3946 0.77
TRANSPt-0.336 -0.72
Adj R20.872
Normalit 0.45 (0.7
Autocorrelation χ2(1) 61)
cedasticity F(8,22) .39)
0.26 (0.
Heteros 1.165(0
Notes: Normality is the Jarque-Bera Test has Chi-squared distributi n under null normality of
uals. Autocorrelation is a Lagrange multipl r test for first order serieal
hite h city test has F statistic under the null of
. p parenthesis.
resid ie
correlation. W eteroscedasti
homoscedastic error values are in
The coefficient of the GDP per capita of Izmir and transportation capital stock of Izmir
nd to be insignificant indicating that the local fact
are fou ors of Izmir does not have a
significant effect on international tourist arrivals.
We reestimate the model by excluding these two insignificant variables. Table 3
presents estimation results of the new model. Adjusted R2 is higher in this model. The price
and income elasticities are again above one and significant. This implies that income and
price policies has a strong effect on international tourism demand for Izmir. However policies
related to local factor are found to be ineffective.
Table 3: Results of the Model II 1980-2005
Dependent Varaible: TOUR
Variable Coefficient t-ratio
Constant -0,342 -0.19
EXCH -1.267 -4.20***
DPO 14.36***
Adj R20.891
g Tests
G PCt1.956
Normality 60)
relation χ2(1) 67)
asticity F(5,20) 46)
1.03 (0.
Autocor 0.17 (0.
Heterosced 0.95(0.
Notes: Normality is the Jarque-Bera Test has Chi-squared distributi n under null normality of
utocorrelation is a Lagrange multiplier test for first order serieal correlation. White
oscedasticity test has F statistic under the null of homoscedastic error. p values are in
In this stimated international tourism demand for Izmir, which is an important
tourism destination in Turkey. We used double logarithmic model for the time series data
between 1980-1995.
residuals. A
study we e
The results of the study show that price and income of the tourist generating country
are the main determinants of tourism demand. Income and price elasticites are above one.
Local factors related to the development level of Izmir and transportation public capital stock
ave no significant effect. This results implies that tourism demand in Izmir is mainly
the recent years. Homeros
wrote his world famous Iliad here and the oldest temple for goddess Athena was built in
stinations in the 1990’s.
, artisan food alongside culinary, environmental,
s on the factor of tourism generating countries. Local factors of Izmir are not effective
in demand generation, which is typical for mass tourism generating regions.
Izmir has a distinct place from the aspect of being an important center for tourism and
having a developed infrastructure as well as having rich natural, cultural and historical
resources and having a close location to tourist sending countries.
As being one of the leading tourism destinations at the beginning of modern tourism
activities in Turkey, Izmir has a very important potential for tourism with its location on the
Aegean shore, 7000 years of history and its organic agriculture in
Iz Besides these, Izmir was a home for Hitites, legendary tribe of Amazones, Phrigyians
and many others.
Despite all these natural, historical and cultural richness the city cannot benefit this
potential. Thus the demand for tourism is quite low and the city stayed at the back of many
shining tourism de
Policy implications derivable from this study suggest that government should
encourage alternative forms of tourism development besides mass tourism via experience
economy (including arts craft and design
archaeological and the variants of cultural tourism) for Izmir. Organic agriculture and food
sitors and the revenues can be increased. Izmir can also
be a leading city for health tourism with its thermal resources. The city can increase its
y depending of organic agriculture has a remarkable place in the tourism policy in
relation with experience economy. From this point of view Izmir has a great potential and the
government started activities to form clusters for organic agriculture and considerable amount
of support will be supplied. In such a cluster, culinary tourism can be developed, organic
farms and a gourmet institute can be founded, world famous chefs and cooks can be educated
and food festivals can be organized.
Besides organic agriculture the richness of the 7000 years of history can be utilized to
present the visitors meaningful experiences (performances about daily living in ancient times
etc.). By this means the number of vi
a es with conferences, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, fairs, sports, cultural events.
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... A widespread protected area system is in place with over 10% of its land area currently gazetted as national parks, national reserves or forest reserves: the system to date is comprised of 23 national parks, 28 national reserves, 4 marine national parks, 5 marine national reserves and 4 national sanctuaries Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) 2010). These critical biodiversity areas are the backbone of a flourishing tourism sector; one out of two international visitors to Kenya is anticipated to have at least one wildlife appreciative/viewing opportunity during their stay (Onder et al., 2009). ...
... , Bornova'nın doğal ve kültürel kaynaklarının turistik ürüne dönüştürülmek kaydıyla ekoturizm, kırsal turizm ve kültür turizmi yoluyla nasıl değerlendirilebileceğini araştırmışlardır. Önder, Candemir & Kumral (2009), 1980 yılları arasındaki zaman serisi verilerini kullanarak İzmir'de uluslararası turizm talebini etkileyen faktörleri incelenmiştir. İşci (2021), İzmir'de doğa temelli turizme (DTT) katılma motivasyonlarının kişisel gelişim/yenilenme deneyimine ve deneyim doyumuna; kişisel gelişim/yenilenme deneyiminin de deneyim doyumuna etkisini belirlemeye çalışmıştır. ...
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The daily increase in people’s interest in natural areas and the rapid growth of the nature-based tourism sector within the tourism industry are remarkable in terms of tourism. The demographic and travel characteristics, travel motivations, and general tourist profiles of nature tourists who make travel plans to natural areas differ according to other tourists’ characteristics. This study aims to determine the travel motivations and tourist profiles of tourists living in Izmir traveling within the scope of nature-based tourism activities. The study uses the quantitative research method and applies a nature tourism scale to 357 people participating in nature tourism activities. The obtained data have been analyzed using the program R-Project and the package program SPSS- 26. The analyses used the Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Mann Whitney-U and Kruskall Wallis-H tests for nonparametric tests in addition to descriptive statistics due to the scale not showing normal distribution. As a result of the analyses, demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, education, income status) and the scale’s sub-dimensions (i.e., motivation, preference of areas that come to the fore in terms of natural environment features, nature-based tourism activity preferences) were determined to have reveal significant differences between the factors that are effective in choosing the destination.
... However, while it is stated that income and price levels are the leading factors affecting tourism demand, there are some researchers who state that there are other effective demand variables such as ethnic identity, demographic factors, transportation, physical elements, attraction centers (Çeken et al. 2008:80;Önder et al. . 2009:1525Chon 2010:835;Ketenci 2010:91). It is known that touristic destinations contain many different factors and they are presented to tourists with different touristic products or services. For this reason, it is important to create motivational elements in order to attract tourists to destinations (Mercan and Kazancı, 2019, 115). Motiva ...
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Although Turkey has important values in terms of tourism, countries such as Russia, Germany, Iran and Ukraine account for a significant portion of tourism demand. However, the Turkish republics, which are an important market, do not have an important place in terms of tourist demand. The main purpose of the study is to reveal the reasons for the low tourism demand from the Turkic Republics. It is important to mutually increase the revenues obtained from tourism between Turkey and the Turkic Republics. In order to reveal the reasons for the low number of tourists from the Turkic Republics, a survey was conducted with 12 hotel managers from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan via e-mail. However, the same survey was conducted face-to-face with two general hotel managers to get the opinions of Turkish hotel managers. As a research method, the method of analysis of hierarchy (AHP) was used, which is one of the most effective methods for determining and presenting expert opinions. In the findings analyzed with the Ahp method, it is stated that the main problem in low demand is "promotion". However, in order of priority, other problems were determined as income status, price, information before travel, transportation, physical distance, tourism centers, bias and service quality.
... We also employed exchange rate as the most important determinant of tourism growth, following Balaguer and Cantavella-Jorda (2002) and Oh (2005), who argued that the exchange rate variable must be placed along with other explanatory variables in the tourism demand model to avoid the omitted variable issue. There are various studies which found that tourist highly consider exchange rate (Crouch 1995;Patsouratis et al. 2005;Önder et al. 2009). Chadeeand and Mieczkowski (1987) analyzed the impact of exchange rate (Canadian-USA) on tourism in Canada, and found that for every 1 % depreciation of the Canadian-US exchange rate, there is a corresponding 1.26% increase in the number of tourists in Canada. ...
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The current study explores the relationship between water resources and tourism in South Asia for the period of 1995–2017. The study employs the CIPS unit root test for stationarity of the variables and the CD test for cross-sectional dependence among cross-sectional units. As for the long-run parameters, a novel technique, known as dynamic common correlated effect (DCCE) model, is used which was recently developed by Chudik and Pesaran (J Econ 188:393–420, 2015b). The outcomes from the DCCE method suggest that water resources have a positive impact on tourism in South Asia. It is also proven that ignoring cross-sectional dependence among the cross-sectional units may bring about misleading outcomes. The findings of the study can be helpful for policymakers to understand the role of water resources in boosting tourism and contributing to the economic prosperity of South Asian countries.
Time series seasonally displays toward either an autoregressive or moving average process where persist in seasonality fluctuation. The paper examines the relationship of tourism demand with controlling an exogenous exchange rate using seasonal ARIMA model. The empirical results reveal that HEGY test for seasonal unit roots with lower and upper panel indicates the statistical significance which explains the failure of rejection of having unit roots at different frequencies. The estimated outcomes from tourism demand model specify that per capita income and exchange rate have the power in explaining tourism demand measured as tourist arrivals. In particular to forecasting model and due to the lower statistical value of RMSE and MAE displays that the SARIMAX (4, 1, 1) – (1, 1, 1)12 model is the best accuracy model to perform the long run ex-ante forecasting of tourism demand. This suggests tourism policy maker to pay more reflection in formulating the policy toward the exogenous factors in line with the uncertainty and unobserved seasonality.
Türkiye, önemli küresel turizm destinasyonları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma, Karadeniz Bölgesi’ne yönelik yabancı turistlerin turizm talebine yönelik belirleyicilik özelliklerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bölgeye gelen yabancı turist sayıları ile çeşitli ekonomik faktörler arasındaki ilişkiyi test etmek amacıyla bir panel veri yaklaşımı kullanmıştır. Açıklayıcı değişkenler arasında GSYİH, reel döviz kuru, satın alma gücü pariteleri bulunmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları, bölgeye gelen yabancı turist sayısıile GSYİH ve nüfusu arasında bağlantı olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ancak Karadeniz Bölgesine gelen yabancı turist sayısı ile reel döviz kuru ve satın alma gücü pariteleri arasında etkileşim anlamlı çıkmamıştır. Bulgular, turistlerin talebinde etki eden farklı sosyoekonomik ve politik faktörleri test etmek için daha fazla araştırma yapılması gerektiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır.
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This study has two purposes. Firstly, it aims to identify models that best estimate tourism demand. Secondly, it also aims to estimate the demand of Spanish tourists who visit Cappadocia, by using the identified proper models. As international tourism demand continually grows, the importance and magnitude of the tourism sector for the economies of the countries increase. In order to take into account the tourism demand, countries need to be prepared and therefore they want to know about the future demand. However, it is not always possible to know the actual demand and one can only make forecasts in such cases. This paper deals with forecasting international tourism demand, specifically focusing on the Spanish tourist visits in Cappadocia region of Turkey. In accordance with this aim, eight forecasting models are used. The results of the analyses for each model are obtained and the forecasting accuracy examined. It is seen that the Artificial Neural Networks and the Multiple Regression Model outperforms the other models. Finally, limitations of the study and future resarch directions are discused. Özet Bu çalışmanın iki amacı vardır. İlki, turizm talebini en iyi tahmin eden modelleri tanımlamaktır. İkincisi, tespit edilen uygun modeller yardımıyla Kapadokya'ya gelen İspanyol turistlere ilişkin talebi tahmin etmektir. Uluslararası turizm talebi arttıkça, ülkelerin ekonomisi için turizm sektörünün önemi ve büyüklüğü de artmaktadır. Ülkelerin turizm talebini dikkate almaları için hazırlıklı olmaları gerekmekte ve bu nedenle ülkeler gelecekteki turizm talebi hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak istemektedir. Ancak, gerçek talebi tespit etmek her zaman mümkün değildir ve bu gibi durumlarda insanlar sadece tahmin yapabilmektedir. Bu makale uluslararası turizm talep tahmini üzerine, özellikle de Türkiye'nin Kapadokya bölgesindeki İspanyol turist ziyaretleri üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu amaca uygun olarak, sekiz tahmin modeli kullanılmıştır. Her model için analiz sonuçları elde edilmiş ve tahmin doğruluğu incelenmiştir. Yapay sinir ağları ve çok değişkenli regresyon modelinin çalışmada kullanılan diğer modellere göre daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, çalışmanın kısıtları ile gelecekte gerçekleştirilecek araştırmalar için birtakım önerilere yer verilmiştir.
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Eighty-four post-1990 empirical studies of international tourism demand modeling and forecasting using econometric approaches are reviewed. New developments are identified and it is shown that applications of advanced econometric methods improve the understanding of international tourism demand. An examination of the 22 studies which compare forecasting performance suggests that no single forecasting method can outperform the alternatives in all cases. However, the time-varying parameter (TVP) model and structural time series model with causal variables perform consistently well.
An article in the Spring 1994 issue of this journal reported the results of a survey that examined the practices of 85 empirical studies of international tourism demand. This article reports a review of the findings of these studies. It concludes that findings vary widely and points to research that may clarify results.
The effect of public capital on regional output and private sector productivity has been the subject of considerable research in the field of regional development literature. However, there have been only a few studies that develop linkages between public capital and regional economic convergence. This study examines the dynamic effects of public capital and transportation capital stocks on output per capita in terms of regional convergence in Turkey at NUTS 2 level. A conditional convergence model based on per capita gross domestic product and per capita public capital and transportation capital stocks is estimated using the panel data set for the Turkish regions for the time period of 1980–2001. The results reveal that public capital has a positive and significant effect on output per capita and thus on regional convergence in some of the models in the Turkish regions,. However, the transportation component of public capital stock has a negative effect on regional convergence in all models employed in the study. This implies that transportation capital stock leads to larger regional disparities between the Turkish regions.
Detailed descriptive classifications according to the decade of publication, type of data, sample sizes, model specifications, the types of dependent and explanatory variables used, and the number of explanatory variables used, are provided and reviewed for 100 published studies of empirical international tourism demand models. Most of the studies undertaken have been published in the 80s, have used annual data, and have been based on estimation of loglinear single-equation models. Tourist arrivals/departures and expenditures/receipts have been the most frequently used dependent variables. The most popular explanatory variables used have been income, relative tourism prices, and transportation costs.RésuméUn inventaire des modèles de la demande du tourisme international. L'article présente le compte rendu de 100 études publiées de modèles empiriques de la demande du tourisme international, avec des classifications descriptives et détaillées selon la décennie de publication, type de données, étendue de l'enquête, spécifications du modèle, types de variables dépendantes et explicatives et nombre de variables explicatives. La plupart des études ont été publiées aux années 80, ont utilisé des données annuelles et ont été basées sur l'estimation des modèles à registre linéaire et àéquation unique. Les variables qui ont été utilisées les plus fréquemment sont les départs/arrivées des touristes et les dépenses/recettes. Les variables explicatives les plus utilisées ont été revenu, prix relatifs du tourisme et coût des transports.
An appropriate ARMAX model is applied to forecast international tourism revenues for Turkey for the post-2001 economic crisis. International tourist arrivals were seasonally dependable on earlier arrivals at lagged periods one, two and four. This implies high levels of repeat visiting. Through this model, the future international tourists arrivals are forecast for the 2002–2007 period to determine possible revenues for that same period.International tourism revenues can be explained by the current arrivals, a first-order autoregressive and a stochastic moving average filter at lag 3 for the 1963–2001 sample period. Future values of revenues are forecasted based on this model.The estimated models and their forecasts may be important for the economy of Turkey which is currently recovering from the recent economic crisis. Once US dollars expenditure per tourist is forecasted the gap between forecasts and needs can be defined more rationally to overcome economic crises. In short, discrepancy analysis may aid marketing promotion to increase arrivals and tourist expenditures.
This study examines the relationship between tourism demand for Turkey and national income of the tourist generating country at constant prices, and relative prices (prices in the host country divided by prices in tourist generating country). In determining the relationship, a double-logarithmic functional form of the regression model is used. Taking the period 1980–1993 as the base of the study, 18 countries which constitute an important percentage of tourism demand in Turkey have been chosen. In general, the results indicate a positive relationship between tourists arrivals and national income of tourist generating countries, and a negative relationship between tourist arrivals and relative prices.
International tourism is a fast growing industry generating half a trillion dollars in annual revenues and accounting for almost 10% of total international trade, and almost half of total trade in services. Yet, it has so far failed to receive the attention it deserves from mainstream economics. This paper attempts to provide an initial understanding of the determinants of international tourism. This paper claims that international tourism, as other forms of trade in services, is driven by unique factors of production, and may be better dealt with in a single industry study rather than in a general equilibrium trade model. In order to understand these determinants the world is viewed as a market of differentiated products, and a discrete choice estimation technique is applied to a large three-dimensional data set of tourist flows. It is shown that a relatively simple estimation technique, combined with a rich data set, can deliver reasonable substitution patterns. It is found, among other things, that political risk is very important for tourism, and that exchange rates matter mainly for tourism to developed countries. These have exchange rate elasticity of about one.
Like many developing countries, Turkey has also given priority to the development of tourism industry as a part of its economic growth strategy. This study intends to investigate whether tourism has really contributed to the economic growth in Turkey. The interaction between tourism and economic growth is investigated by making use of leveraged bootstrap causality tests. This method is robust to the existence of non-normality and ARCH effects. Special attention is given to the choice of the optimal lag order of the empirical model. It is found that the tourism-led growth hypothesis is supported empirically in the case of Turkey.