... Ethnographic work (Schatz, 2009;Yanow, 1996Yanow, , 1999Ybema et al., 2009;Hulst, 2008bHulst, , 2008aHulst, , 2008cHulst, , 2010Bourdieu, 1977;Bourdieu, 1990;Nicolini, 2009a) Action research and Participatory inquiry (Reason and Bradbury, 2001;McIntyre, 2008;Whyte, 1991) Qualitative surveys (Maynard-Moody and Musheno, 2003) Quantitative surveys (Francis et al., 1984.;Barr, 1987;Barr, 1991;Brannan et al., 2008;Butcher, 1992) Interviews (Wagenaar, 2004(Wagenaar, , 2007aDurose, 2007Durose, , 2009Durose and Lowndes, 2010;Bartels, 2010a;Maynard-Moody and Musheno, 2003;Forester, 1988Forester, , 1999 Narratives and storytelling (Durose, 2007(Durose, , 2009Durose and Lowndes, 2010;Maynard-Moody and Musheno, 2003;Goldberg, 2009;Schon, 1983;Forester, 1993Forester, , 1999Yanow, 1995aYanow, , 1996Hulst, 2008c) Frame analysis (Schon and Rein, 1995;Yanow, 1996Yanow, , 1999 Profiling practitioners (Forester, 1999;Hulst, 2010;Bang and Sørensen, 1999;Hendriks and Tops, 2005;Bang, 2005) Shadowing (Czarniawska, 2008;Hulst, 2010;Nicolini, 2009a) Appendix 2. Actors the engagers engage with ...