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This article discusses the concept of work engagement and summarizes research on its most important antecedents. The authors formulate 10 key questions and shape a research agenda for engagement. In addition to the conceptual development and measurement of enduring work engagement, the authors discuss the importance of state work engagement. Further, they argue that the social context is crucial and may set the stage for a climate for engagement with an important role for management. Engaged employees conserve their own engagement through a process of job crafting. After discussing possible dark sides of engagement and the relationship between engagement and health, the article closes with a discussion of organizational interventions to increase work engagement.
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European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
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Key questions regarding work engagement
Arnold B. Bakkera; Simon L. Albrechtb; Michael P. Leiterc
a Work and Organizational Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands b
School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia c Psychology
Department, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada
First published on: 19 August 2010
To cite this Article Bakker, Arnold B. , Albrecht, Simon L. and Leiter, Michael P.(2011) 'Key questions regarding work
engagement', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20: 1, 4 — 28, First published on: 19 August
2010 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2010.485352
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Key questions regarding work engagement
Arnold B. Bakker
Work and Organizational Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Simon L. Albrecht
School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Michael P. Leiter
Psychology Department, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada
This article discusses the concept of work engagement and summarizes
research on its most important antecedents. The authors formulate 10 key
questions and shape a research agenda for engagement. In addition to the
conceptual development and measurement of enduring work engagement, the
authors discuss the importance of state work engagement. Further, they argue
that the social context is crucial and may set the stage for a climate for
engagement with an important role for management. Engaged employees
conserve their own engagement through a process of job crafting. After
discussing possible dark sides of engagement and the relationship between
engagement and health, the article closes with a discussion of organizational
interventions to increase work engagement.
Keywords: Burnout; Commitment; Employee engagement; JD-R model;
Job resources; Vigour.
Employees’ psychological connection with their work has gained critical
importance in the information/service economy of the twenty-first century.
In the contemporary world of work, to compete effectively, companies not
only must recruit the top talent, but must also inspire and enable employees
Correspondence should be addressed to Professor Arnold B. Bakker, Work and
Organizational Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burg. Oudlaan 50, PO Box
1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail:
2011, 20 (1), 4–28
Ó2010 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2010.485352
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to apply their full capabilities to their work. Contemporary organizations
need employees who are psychologically connected to their work; who are
willing and able to invest themselves fully in their roles; who are proactive
and committed to high quality performance standards. They need employees
who feel energetic and dedicated, i.e., who are engaged with their work
(Bakker & Leiter, 2010).
The past decade has witnessed a sharp increase in scientific studies on
engagement (Albrecht, in press; Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, & Taris, 2008).
This research has shown that engagement is related to bottom line outcomes
such as job performance (Bakker & Bal, 2010; Halbesleben & Wheeler,
2008), client satisfaction (Salanova, Agut, & Peiro, 2005), and financial
returns (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2009b; for an
overview, see Demerouti & Cropanzano, 2010). In the present article, we
first define work engagement and briefly review what we do know from
research on the causes of engagement. We then introduce 10 key
questions that may illuminate new avenues for research on engagement.
The central aim of this article is to help shape the research agenda for work
Work engagement is most often defined as ‘‘. . . a positive, fulfilling, work-
related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and
absorption’’ (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010; Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonza
´, & Bakker, 2002, p. 74). In essence, work engagement captures how
workers experience their work: as stimulating and energetic and something
to which they really want to devote time and effort (the vigour component);
as a significant and meaningful pursuit (dedication); and as engrossing and
something on which they are fully concentrated (absorption; Bakker et al.,
Research has revealed that engaged employees are highly energetic, self-
efficacious individuals who exercise influence over events that affect their
lives (Bakker, 2009; Schaufeli et al., 2001). Because of their positive attitude
and activity level, engaged employees create their own positive feedback, in
terms of appreciation, recognition, and success. Although engaged employ-
ees do feel tired after a long day of hard work, they describe their tiredness
as a rather pleasant state because it is associated with positive accomplish-
ments. Finally, engaged employees enjoy other things outside work. Unlike
workaholics, engaged employees do not work hard because of a strong and
irresistible inner drive, but because for them working is fun (Gorgievski,
Bakker, & Schaufeli, 2010).
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Previous studies have consistently shown that job resources and personal
resources facilitate work engagement (Bakker & Demerouti, 2008; Bakker &
Leiter, 2010). Job resources refer to those physical, social, or organizational
aspects of the job that may reduce job demands, be functional in achieving
work goals, or stimulate personal growth (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007).
Examples of job resources are autonomy, social support from colleagues,
and skill variety.
Job resources are assumed to play an intrinsic motivational role because
they fulfil basic human needs, such as the needs for autonomy, relatedness,
and competence (van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, de Witte, & Lens, 2008).
For instance, skill variety fosters learning, thereby increasing job
competence, whereas decision latitude and social support satisfy the need
for autonomy and the need to belong, respectively. However, job resources
may also play an extrinsic motivational role, because resourceful work
environments foster the willingness to dedicate one’s efforts and abilities to
the work task (Meijman & Mulder, 1998). In such environments it is likely
that the task will be completed successfully and that the work goal will be
attained. For instance, performance feedback and a supportive supervisor
increase the likelihood of being successful in achieving one’s work goals.
Consistent with these notions about the motivational role of job
resources, several studies have shown a positive relationship between job
resources and work engagement (for a meta-analysis, see Halbesleben,
2010). For example, in their longitudinal study among a representative
sample of Finnish dentists, Hakanen, Schaufeli, and Ahola (2008) found
that job resources including craftsmanship (the possibility to work with
one’s hands), professional contacts (interacting with colleagues), and long-
term and immediate results of work (e.g., seeing the good results of
treatment) influenced future work engagement, which, in turn, predicted
organizational commitment. Further, in their study among managers and
executives of a Dutch telecom company, Schaufeli, Bakker, and van Rhenen
(2009) found that changes in job resources were predictive of work
engagement over a period of 1 year. Specifically, results showed that
increases in social support, autonomy, opportunities to learn and to
develop, and performance feedback were positive predictors of Time 2 work
engagement after controlling for baseline engagement.
According to the Job Demands–Resources model (JD-R; Bakker &
Demerouti, 2007), job resources become salient and gain their motivational
potential when employees are confronted with high job demands. Such
conditions represent so-called ‘‘active jobs’’ (Karasek, 1979), in which
employees become motivated to actively learn and develop their skills.
Hakanen, Bakker, and Demerouti (2005) tested this interaction hypothesis
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in a sample of Finnish dentists employed in the public sector. It was
hypothesized that job resources (e.g., variability in the required professional
skills, peer contacts) are most predictive of work engagement under
conditions of high job demands (e.g., workload, unfavourable physical
environment). The results largely confirmed the hypothesis by showing, for
example, that variability in professional skills boosted work engagement
when qualitative workload was high (see also Bakker, Hakanen,
Demerouti, & Xanthopoulou, 2007).
In addition to job resources, studies have shown that personal resources
or psychological capital (PsyCap) can be important predictors of work
engagement. PsyCap has been defined as ‘‘an individual’s positive
psychological state of development characterized by: (1) having confidence
(self efficacy) to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at
challenging tasks; (2) making a positive attribution (optimism) about
succeeding now and in the future; (3) persevering toward goals, and when
necessary, redirecting paths to goals (hope) in order to succeed; and (4)
when beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and
even beyond (resilience) to attain success’’ (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio,
2007, p. 3).
In their study among highly skilled Dutch technicians, Xanthopoulou,
Bakker, Demerouti, and Schaufeli (2007) examined the role of a slightly
different operationalization of PsyCap (self-efficacy, self-esteem, and
optimism—these elements are called personal resources) in predicting work
engagement. Results showed that engaged employees are highly self-
efficacious; they believe they are able to meet the demands they face in a
broad array of contexts. In addition, engaged workers have the tendency to
believe that they will generally experience good outcomes in life (optimistic),
and believe they can satisfy their needs by participating in roles within the
organization (organizational-based self-esteem).
These findings were replicated and expanded in a 1.5-year follow-up
study (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2009a). The
findings indicated that self-efficacy, organizational-based self-esteem, and
optimism make a unique contribution to explaining variance in work
engagement over time, over and above the impact of job resources. Thus,
engaged workers have psychological capital that helps them to control and
impact upon their work environment successfully.
In sum, on the basis of extensive research, we know quite a lot about
what engagement is and the conditions under which it emerges. Previous
research has consistently shown that job resources and personal resources
are important predictors of work engagement. These resources are
instrumental for work-related goals and they satisfy basic psychological
needs. Thus, work environments that are rich in resources foster work
engagement, particularly when job demands are high. Also, personal
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resources like self-esteem, optimism, and self-efficacy help employees to cope
with the daily demands in organizational life.
Although research on work engagement is flourishing, there are still many
things to be learned about engagement. Do researchers agree on the
definition of engagement? Is work engagement an enduring state that hardly
changes over time, or do we need to examine daily fluctuations in
engagement? In this section, we introduce 10 key questions that may
illuminate new avenues for research on engagement. The list is necessarily
selective, but we believe we have chosen important topics for future
1. How should we conceptualize engagement?
Everyday connotations of engagement refer to involvement, commitment,
passion, enthusiasm, absorption, focused effort, and energy (Schaufeli &
Bakker, 2010). In a similar vein, the Merriam-Webster dictionary describes
engagement as ‘‘emotional involvement or commitment’’ and as ‘‘the state
of being in gear’’. However, no agreement exists among practitioners or
scholars on a particular conceptualization of (work) engagement. Practi-
tioners often define engagement in terms of (1) organizational commitment,
more particularly affective commitment (i.e., the emotional attachment to
the organization) and continuance commitment (i.e., the desire to stay with
the organization), and (2) extrarole behaviour (i.e., discretionary behaviour
that promotes the effective functioning of the organization). Hence, the way
practitioners conceptualize engagement risks confusing different constructs
and risks ‘‘putting old wine in new bottles’’ (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010, p. 12).
In contrast, scientists usually define work engagement as ‘‘. . . a positive,
fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigour,
dedication, and absorption’’ (Schaufeli et al., 2002, p. 74). Despite no
universal agreement on the meaning of work engagement, there is broad
consensus on two core dimensions of work engagement—energy and
involvement/identification, both of which are included in the Utrecht Work
Engagement Scale (UWES; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010; Schaufeli et al., 2002),
the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI; Demerouti & Bakker, 2008), and
the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI; Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996).
As far as the dimensions of work engagement are concerned, further work is
needed to consider whether absorption is a core aspect of work engagement
or an outcome of energy and identification, and on the role of professional
efficacy. Resolving these questions requires further development in theory
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and measurement. However, from our perspective, there are clear categories
of ‘‘what we now know’’ and ongoing issues that we believe can be ‘‘put to
bed’’. For instance, we argue that it is time to put to bed the notion that
engagement is nothing more that some ‘‘old wine—new bottle’’ conceptual
cocktail consisting of commitment, job satisfaction, organizational citizen-
ship behaviour, and turnover intentions. We contend that there is clear and
sufficient theory (e.g., Inceoglu & Fleck, in press) and research (e.g.,
Hallberg & Schaufeli, 2006) demonstrating that engagement is an important
standalone motivational construct that is independent of other such
constructs which, in the main, are better conceptualized as outcomes of
engagement. The ongoing challenge is to clarify the relations between these
related, but not identical constructs, and to demonstrate the value-added
association with the concept of work engagement. These arguments lead us
to our first proposition:
Proposition 1: Work engagement is a distinct psychological
construct that consists of two core dimensions—energy and
identification—and which deserves the same theoretical and
practical attention as other more established organizational
2. How should we best measure engagement?
Measures of engagement need to have a clear theoretical underpinning,
should be clearly consistent with an associated definition, need to have
published statistical evidence in support of their validity and reliability, and
need to be of practical utility in organizational contexts (Macey &
Schneider, 2008). Although many practitioner-developed measures of
engagement exist in the commercial domain, relatively few measures of
engagement have been ‘‘road-tested’’ in the peer-reviewed literature. The
most often used scientifically derived measure of engagement is the UWES
(Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010; Schaufeli et al., 2002). The UWES includes a
subscale for each of the three engagement dimensions—vigour, dedication,
and absorption—and has been validated in several countries in Europe, and
also in North America, Africa, Asia, and Australia (Bakker, 2009).
Confirmatory factor analyses have repeatedly shown that the fit of the
hypothesized three-factor structure to the data is superior to that of
alternative factor models. In addition, the internal consistencies of the three
subscales are sufficient in each study.
Nevertheless, there are several questions that pertain to the measurement
of work engagement. First, given recent questions about the potential
negative consequences of having too much engagement (e.g., Halbesleben,
Harvey, & Bolino, 2009), should measures of engagement cover experiences
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which range from burnout on the negative pole to engagement on the
positive pole? So, for example, should engagement therefore be assessed
with wider spectrum measures such as the OLBI (Demerouti & Bakker,
2008)? Additionally, although Schaufeli and Bakker (2010) defined
engagement as a positive psychological state best characterized by energy
and identification, George (in press) has argued that it may be ‘‘especially
important for employees to be engaged at work when there are real
problems and the need for improvements and change’’. The experience of
such problems and challenges may be accompanied by the experience of
negative emotions and negative thoughts such as mild anxiety or frustration.
Whichever way the definition and measurement of engagement might
develop we would argue that the UWES, the OLBI, and the MBI will best
provide the core foundation from which any additional items, elaborations,
or refinements should proceed.
A second key measurement question centres on the way in which the
response formats for engagement questions should be framed. Given the
recent interest in the moment-to-moment and daily fluctuations in
engagement (e.g., Sonnentag, Dormann, & Demerouti, 2010) the question
arises as to whether the scales currently used to assess work engagement (see
Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010) are valid for the measurement of more state-like
and fluctuating experiences work engagement. Clearly, the time anchors on
the UWES and the MBI–GS (e.g., ‘‘a few times a month’’) do not fit with a
daily reporting schedule. The appropriateness of item wording to capture
the day-to-day variations in energy and dedication therefore remains an
open question. Alternative response formats on existing measures will help
achieve a more robust assessment of engagement across differing timelines
and contexts. This line of argument leads us to our second proposition:
Proposition 2: Measures of work engagement should capture both
positive and negative aspects of the psychological state and response
anchors should be designed to accommodate both short term and
longer term time frames.
3. Are there fluctuations in engagement across the working
Most previous studies on work engagement used a between-person design
and cannot explain why even highly engaged employees may have an off-day
and sometimes show below average or poor performance. Researchers have
therefore begun to examine daily changes in work engagement. A within-
person approach allows for a closer look at temporal patterns of work-
related experiences and behaviours. Individuals are not equally engaged at
work across all days. There are days on which employees feel more vigorous,
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absorbed, and dedicated than on other days. Sonnentag et al. (2010) argued
that averaging across these situations by assessing a general level of work
engagement (i.e., by asking individuals to provide retrospective reports over
the previous months and providing summary accounts of their psychological
states), ignores the dynamic and configurational part of the work
engagement phenomenon.
Sonnentag et al. (2010) summarized existing evidence that supports a
state perspective. The authors discuss quantitative diary studies demonstrat-
ing that work engagement fluctuates substantially within individuals. In a
typical diary study, 30–40% of the overall variance can be found at the day
(i.e., within-individual) level and 60–70% of the overall variance is at the
between-individual level. Sonnentag and her colleagues claim that in order
to investigate the full phenomenological experience of work engagement,
one has to focus on state work engagement as a momentary and transient
experience that fluctuates within individuals within short periods of time
(e.g., from hour to hour, or from day to day).
An important advantage of diary research is that it relies less on
retrospective recall than regular surveys, since the questions relate to
individuals’ perceptions and feelings on a specific day. In addition, when
daily changes in work engagement are temporarily separated from daily
changes in outcomes like performance and job crafting, state work
engagement could be causally related to such outcomes. Diary research
may also reveal what the day-to-day triggers are of state engagement.
Xanthopoulou and her colleagues found indeed evidence for unique effects of
daily changes in social support on daily work engagement among fast-food
restaurant employees (Xanthopoulou et al., 2009b) and among flight
attendants (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Heuven, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2008).
Sonnentag et al. (2010) suggested intensifying conceptual development on
day-specific (or even momentary) work engagement in order to arrive at a
better understanding of how day-specific engagement corresponds to
enduring engagement in experienced quality and configuration. As noted
earlier, such considerations have important implications for the design of
scale anchors used in measures aimed at assessing both state and enduring
work engagement. This line of argument leads us to our third proposition:
Proposition 3: Conceptualizations and measures of work
engagement will need to more closely consider the dynamic,
temporal, and configurational dimensions of the construct.
4. What is a ‘‘climate for engagement’’?
The notion of organizational climate is fundamental to the study of
organizations and is widely regarded as an important determinant of
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attitudinal, behavioural and performance related outcomes. Despite the
large number of different conceptualizations, taxonomies, and measures of
climate, there is broad agreement that organizational climate refers to
employees’ shared perceptions about formal and informal organizational
structures, events, practices, policies, and procedures that are rewarded,
supported, and expected in their organizational context (Reichers &
Schneider, 1990).
Nevertheless, and irrespective of the widespread practical application of
climate surveys as diagnostic tools for organizational improvement and
change (Parker et al., 2003), there is ongoing debate as to whether climate is
best conceptualized as a broad, generalizable construct (i.e., as organiza-
tional climate) or as a more specifically focused construct (Schneider, 2000)
such as service climate, climate for innovation, or climate for safety.
Additionally, Patterson et al. (2005) drew attention to the lack of
underpinning theory for much of the research and practice on organiza-
tional climate and argued in support of the development of well-validated
and theoretically grounded models and measures. It is our contention that a
comprehensive understanding of the relationship between climate and
engagement will best be achieved if researchers and practitioners can reach
broad agreement on a core set of engagement-related climate dimensions
analogous to the way in which broad agreement has been reached about the
‘‘Big 5’’ dimensions of personality (van den Berg & Wilderom, 2004).
Fortunately, researchers have come up with a range of theoretically
coherent and integrated ‘‘systems’’ of organizational resources, antecedents,
or drivers that help circumscribe the notion of ‘‘climate for engagement’’.
Example systems or taxonomies include Brown and Leigh’s (1996)
psychological climate dimensions (supportive management, clarity,
contribution, recognition, self-expression, and challenge), Riordan,
Vandenberg, and Richardson’s (2005) ‘‘employee involvement climate’’
(participation, information sharing and training, reward), and Lawler’s
(1993) ‘‘high involvement work practices’’ (participation/power/control,
information, rewards, training/development).
We propose that the six areas of worklife (Leiter & Maslach, 1999;
Maslach & Leiter, 1997, 2008) potentially provide an immediately useful
way to conceptualize ‘‘climate for engagement’’. The six areas—workload,
control, reward, community, fairness, and values—are similar to dimensions
of existing models and measures of organizational climate (e.g., Koys & de
Cotiis, 1991; Riordan et al., 2005) and provide a cohesive set of dimensions
that have been previously linked both theoretically and empirically to
burnout and engagement (e.g., Demerouti, Bakker, de Jonge, Janssen, &
Schaufeli, 2001; Laschinger, in press; Leiter, Laschinger, Day, & Gilin-Oore,
2009). Furthermore, when measured as climate constructs (at the level of the
unit or organization), the six areas can sensibly be modelled to influence
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employee perceptions of job demands and job resources (measured at the
level of the individual), which in turn have been shown to influence
engagement (see also Dollard & Bakker, in press).
In sum, and drawing from the JD-R model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007)
and needs theories such as Self Determination Theory (Deci, Connell, &
Ryan, 1989), we argue that when employees perceive that their organization
provides a supportive, involving, and challenging climate, and hence
accommodates their psychological needs, they are more likely to respond
by investing time and energy and by being psychologically involved in the
work of their organization. In effect, we position engagement as a key
mediating variable, or explanatory mechanism, which explains how
contextual variables such as climate and job resources influence important
organizational outcome variables. This line of argument leads us to our
fourth proposition:
Proposition 4: A ‘‘climate for engagement’’ representing six key
areas of worklife will serve as key contextual variable and have
direct and indirect effects on how employees experience job
resources, job demands, and engagement.
5. Can leaders influence follower engagement?
The role of the leader in fostering work engagement has received limited
research attention. Bass (2005) differentiated between three broad leadership
styles that vary from individual consideration and support for the employee
(transformational style) to a proportional exchange between the leader and
the employee (transactional style), or to no interest at all for the employee
(laissez-faire style). We do not expect that the latter two leadership styles
contribute to employees’ work engagement substantially, because they lack
motivational power and inspirational appeal.
Transformational leadership is defined as leadership behaviour that
transforms the norms and values of the employees, motivating them to
perform beyond their own expectations (Yukl, 1989). A central aspect of
this leadership style is the inspiring vision of the supervisor. The
transformational leadership style enhances employees’ feelings of involve-
ment, cohesiveness, commitment, potency, and performance (Shamir,
House, & Arthur, 1993). An employee who receives support, inspiration,
and quality coaching from the supervisor is likely to experience work as
more challenging, involving, and satisfying, and, consequently, to become
highly engaged with the job tasks.
We are aware of one diary study investigating whether supervisors’
leadership style influences followers’ daily work engagement. Tims, Bakker,
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and Xanthopoulou (in press) predicted that transformational leadership
would enhance employees’ work engagement through the mediation of self-
efficacy and optimism, on a day-to-day level. Forty-two employees first filled
in a general questionnaire, and then a diary survey for 5 consecutive
workdays. The results of multilevel analyses showed that optimism (but not
self-efficacy) partially mediated the relationship between transformational
leadership and work engagement. Thus, transformational leaders fostered
followers’ optimism, and indirectly contributed to followers’ levels of
vigour, dedication, and absorption. Future research should examine
whether transformational leaders also influence followers’ work environ-
ment, and indirectly their work engagement.
Perhaps alternative models of leadership can also be helpful in under-
standing when, how, and what kinds of leadership behaviour influence
engagement. Empowering leadership, drawing as it does from high-
involvement management research (e.g., Lawler, 1993), emphasizes the
importance of leaders actively encouraging and enabling followers to lead
themselves (Manz & Sims, 1987). Empowering leaders, by definition,
empower their employees through autonomy, discretion, control, or
decision latitude. Examples of empowering leader behaviours include
encouraging participative decision making, leading by example, sharing
information, coaching, and demonstrating concern for employees (Pearce &
Sims, 2002; Srivastava, Bartol, & Locke, 2006). In response to these
behaviours, and consistent with Self Determination Theory (Deci et al.,
1989), employees can be expected to have enhanced role-related feelings of
contribution, control, competence, connectedness, and meaningfulness. In
effect, to feel and be more engaged.
More generally, Avolio, Zhu, Koh, and Bhatia (2004) argued that while
leadership has been shown to be ‘‘positively associated with work attitudes
and behaviours at both an individual and organizational level (Dumdum,
Lowe, & Avolio, 2002; Lowe, Kroeck, & Sivasubramaniam, 1996), . . . the
mechanisms and processes by which . . . leaders exert their influence on their
followers’ motivation and performance have not been adequately addressed
in the literature’’ (p. 951). We here argue that leadership, and more
specifically transformational and empowering leadership, will have a direct
and positive influence on motivational constructs such as employee
engagement. This influence can result, for example, from the communication
of an inspirational vision and individualized consideration (Bass & Riggio,
2006), helping employees construe meaningfulness in their work (Arnold,
Turner, Barling, Kelloway & McKee, 2007), or the experience of group
positive emotions and mood (Bono & Ilies, 2006). More importantly, and
consistent with arguments developed by Houghton and Yoho (2005),
research needs to be conducted to determine the contingencies around which
specific kinds of leadership style will result in different motivational,
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attitudinal, behavioural, and performance outcomes. This line of argument
leads us to our fifth proposition:
Proposition 5: Transformational and empowering leadership will
both lead to employee engagement albeit in different degrees under
different conditions, and meta-analyses need to be conducted to
more confidently establish the effect sizes.
6. Is engagement contagious?
In most organizations, performance is the result of the combined effort of
individual employees. It is therefore conceivable that the crossover of
engagement among members of the same work team increases performance.
Crossover or emotional contagion can be defined as the transfer of positive
(or negative) experiences from one person to the other (Bakker, Westman, &
van Emmerik, 2001). If colleagues influence each other with their work
engagement, they may perform better as a team.
There is indeed some experimental evidence for such a process of
emotional contagion. Barsade (2002) conducted an innovative laboratory
study in which the transfer of moods among people in a group, and its
influence on performance was examined. Using a trained confederate
enacting mood, she showed that the pleasant mood of the confederate
influenced (video coders’ ratings of) the mood of the other team members
during a simulated managerial exercise (leaderless group discussion). The
positive mood contagion consequently resulted in more cooperative
behaviour and better task performance. In a similar vein, Sy, Cote, and
Saavedra (2005) found that when leaders were in a positive (vs. negative)
mood, individual team members experienced more positive and less negative
mood. The researchers also found that groups with leaders in a positive
mood exhibited more coordination and expended less effort than did groups
with leaders in a negative mood.
In another experiment, Damen (2007) asked a professional actor to show
high arousal, positively valenced emotions (e.g., enthusiasm) to followers
(business students). Participants were encouraged by the actor (a presumed
leader) to work on a task that asked them to process as many orders as
possible relating to personal computers (including software, printers, and
other hardware). Results showed that those who were exposed to engaged
leaders were more effective and produced more. One of the reasons for this is
that the emotions of the leader conveyed action readiness. In addition, the
effect only worked when followers’ emotions were similarly positive,
suggesting that a contagion effect may have been responsible for the
enthusiasm—performance link (see also Barsade, 2002).
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Other researchers focused on emotional contagion in the workplace
viewing contagion as a reciprocal emotional reaction among employees who
closely collaborate. Thus, in a field setting, Totterdell, Kellet, Teuchmann,
and Briner (1998) found evidence that the moods of teams of nurses and
accountants were related to each other even after controlling for shared work
problems. In addition, Bakker, van Emmerik, and Euwema (2006) in their
study among 2229 officers working in one of 85 teams found that team-level
work engagement was related to individual team members’ engagement
(vigour, dedication, and absorption), after controlling for individual
members’ job demands and resources. Thus, engaged workers who
communicated their optimism, positive attitudes, and proactive behaviours
to their colleagues, created a positive team climate, independent of the
demands and resources they were exposed to. The authors also discovered
that team engagement (vigour, dedication, and absorption) partly countered
individual members’ experience of strain. This all suggests that engaged
workers influence their colleagues, and, consequently, they perform better as
a team. Hence, our sixth proposition:
Proposition 6: Team engagement influences individual employee
performance through individual level engagement.
7. Do engaged employees conserve their own work
According to Grant and Ashford (2008), ‘‘Employees do not just let life
happen to them. Rather, they try to affect, shape, curtail, expand, and
temper what happens in their lives’’ (p. 3). Employees may actively change
the design of their jobs by choosing tasks, negotiating different job content,
and assigning meaning to their tasks or jobs (Parker & Ohly, 2008). It is our
view that particularly engaged employees will engage in such behaviour.
Wrzesniewski and Dutton (2001) call the process of employees shaping
their own jobs as ‘‘job crafting’’. These authors assume that employees may
make physical and cognitive changes in their tasks or relational boundaries.
Physical changes refer to the form, scope, or number of job tasks, whereas
cognitive changes refer to perception of the job. Relational boundaries
include employees’ discretion over their social interactions while doing the
Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin, and Schwartz (1997) suggest that
employees who view their work as a calling (i.e., focus on enjoyment or
fulfilment) are more likely to engage in job crafting, because work is more
central to their lives. In a similar vein, engaged employees may be more
inclined to proactively change their job demands and resources so that their
performance is optimal. It would be interesting to examine the strategies
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employees use to increase their work engagement. Are engaged workers
better able to mobilize their job resources? Do they search actively for
feedback about their performance? Studies on engagement and job crafting
may answer the question whether engaged employees really create virtuous
circles (Salanova, Schaufeli, Xanthopoulou, & Bakker, 2010).
There is some preliminary evidence for a relationship between engagement
and job crafting. In a longitudinal study among Finnish dentists, Hakanen,
Perhoniemi, and Toppinen-Tammer (2008) found a positive relationship
between engagement on the one hand, and personal initiative and innovation
on the other hand. They found that engaged dentists constantly made
improvements in their work and gathered feedback and ideas for improve-
ments from clients. Furthermore, a recent study among almost 750 young
Finnish managers (Hyvo
¨nen, Feldt, Salmela-Aro, Kinnunen & Ma
2009) showed that engaged managers were most eager to develop themselves
in their job and increase their occupational knowledge. They were also most
likely to have positive attitudes towards modernization and increased
productivity. They tried to get their teams function better towards achieving
jointly agreed goals, and endorsed the strongest drive to strive.
Taken together, these findings imply that engaged employees are not
passive actors in work environments, but instead actively change their work
environment if needed. Future research should investigate the extent to
which engaged employees increase their job resources, for example, ask for
feedback from their supervisor and mobilize their social network (Tims,
Bakker, & Derks, 2010). Additionally, it is conceivable that engaged
workers increase their job demands in order to create a challenging work
environment. This line of argument leads us to our seventh proposition:
Proposition 7: Engaged employees craft their own jobs—they
increase their job challenges and job resources—in order to stay
8. Is there a dark side of engagement?
Virtually all studies on work engagement offer evidence for the benefits of the
experience. Engaged employees have psychological capital, seem to create
their own resources, perform better, and have happier clients. This raises the
question whether there is also a dark side of work engagement. Previous
research on positive organizational behaviour (POB) constructs has indeed
shown that there can be a dark side of POB. For example, high self-esteem
can lead to an underestimation of the time that is necessary for goal
achievement (Buehler, Griffin, & Ross, 1994), and unrealistic optimism can
harm individuals and organizations by promoting inappropriate persistence
(Armor & Taylor, 1998). Furthermore, overconfidence has been found to
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hinder subsequent performance (Vancouver, Thompson, Tischner, & Putka,
2002; Vancouver, Thompson, & Williams, 2001), and creativity may lead to
frustration given the unfocused effort and diminished productivity that
creative individuals may experience (Ford & Sullivan, 2004).
Whereas previous research has identified several of the abovementioned
qualities (e.g., self-esteem, optimism) as potential positive predictors of
work engagement (Bakker & Leiter, 2010), it seems evident that
‘‘overengagement’’ can also have negative consequences. For example,
although engaged employees are not workaholics, they may become so
engaged in their work that they take work home. Indeed, Beckers et al.
(2004) conducted a survey-study among a representative sample of the
Dutch workforce and found that work engagement was positively related to
working overtime. The work–life balance literature has consistently shown
that work–home interference undermines recovery, and may consequently
lead to health problems (Geurts & Demerouti, 2003).
In addition, there may be specific conditions under which work
engagement is linked to worse performance. First, if those high in work
engagement are highly aroused, then the levels of arousal might be
distracting for cognitive performance (Beal, Weiss, Barros, & MacDermid,
2005). Second, high positive affect (which is related to engagement) is known
to promote heuristic processing that might impede performance where
detailed, controlled information processing is needed (see, for example,
Martin & Clore, 2001). Future research should test these hypotheses.
Furthermore, one may wonder whether enduring work engagement may
create workaholics, i.e., employees who have an inner drive to work hard,
even when they no longer like working overtime. Indeed, some scholars have
noted that ‘‘In order to burn out, a person needs to have been on fire at one
time’’ (Pines, Aronson, & Kafry, 1981, p. 4). This would imply that, over
time, the high arousal, positive affect (e.g., enthusiasm) of engaged workers
turns into negative affect and strain. The design of future research should
include ways of assessing potential long-term negative effects of high work
engagement. The absorption component of work engagement seems a likely
candidate for evoking unhealthy behaviour. Employees may become so
immersed in their work that they forget to rest or to maintain their personal
relationships. Consistent with this view, Halbesleben et al. (2009) found that
engaged employees were most inclined to show extrarole work behaviours
such as organizational citizenship behaviours. As a consequence, engaged
employees were most likely to experience work–family conflict. These
findings form the basis for our eighth proposition:
Proposition 8: There is a limit to engagement. Particularly if
engaged workers get overly involved in work activities, they may
experience work–-family conflict and other negative consequences.
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9. Is engagement related to health?
To date, only few studies have addressed the relationship between work
engagement and health. Demerouti et al. (2001) found moderate negative
correlations between engagement (particularly vigour) and psychosomatic
health complaints (e.g., headaches, chest pain). Hakanen, Bakker, and
Schaufeli (2006) showed that work engagement was positively related to self-
rated health and workability. Further, Peterson et al. (2008) found that
engaged health care workers reported less back- and neck pain problems,
and lower anxiety and depression. Finally, Shirom (2010) showed that
vigour (physical strength, cognitive liveliness, and emotional energy) is
positively related to mental and physical health. Since Wefald (2008) has
shown positive relationships between the Shirom-Melamed vigour measure
and work engagement, Shirom’s findings can also be taken as evidence for a
link between engagement and health.
However, recent research has generally failed to find evidence for a link
between engagement and physiological indicators of health. Langelaan,
Bakker, Schaufeli, van Rhenen, and van Doornen (2006, 2007) examined the
relationship between burnout and work engagement on the one hand, and
two physiological stress systems on the other hand, namely the Hypotha-
lamic Pituitary Adrenal axis (HPA-axis) and the cardiac autonomic system.
The HPA-axis is the central mechanism in the long-term adaptation of an
individual to his or her environment. The cardiac autonomic system consists
of two different branches, the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic
(vagal) system. The sympathetic system is involved in activity and arousal
(e.g., leading to elevated blood pressure and heart rate), whereas the
parasympathetic system has a prominent role in recovery and restoration
(e.g., leading to a reduction in heart rate).
With respect to the HPA-axis, Langelaan et al. (2006) found that their
burned-out and engaged study groups differed neither from each other, nor
from a control group, with respect to morning cortisol levels, the cortisol
awakening response (CAR), DHEAS levels, and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio.
Engaged employees only showed slightly better cortisol suppression than
the burned-out and control group in response to dexamethasone, indicating
a higher feedback sensitivity of their HPA-axis. Furthermore, burned-out
and engaged employees did not differ either from each other or from a
control group with regard to cardiac autonomic (sympathetic and
parasympathetic) functioning, as ambulatory measured in their daily life
(Langelaan et al., 2007). These findings were also not in line with
predictions. It was hypothesized that burnout would be associated with
increased sympathetic and/or reduced vagal control, whereas work
engagement was expected to be associated with reduced sympathetic and/
or increased vagal control.
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Taken together, previous studies suggest that engagement is related to
better subjectively reported health. However, engagement is not accom-
panied by deviances in (stress) physiological functioning. Even using a
sensitive design including extreme groups (burnout vs. engaged employees)
did not produce the expected findings. The HPA-axis and the sympathetic
and parasympathetic cardiac systems did not function more optimal in
engaged employees than in ‘‘normal’’, healthy individuals. Future studies
should try to illuminate physiological processes that explain the relationship
between engagement and health. What is needed is sensitive in-depth
research on the psychophysiological indicators of engagement, as well as
longitudinal studies on the relationship between engagement and health.
This line of argument leads us to our ninth proposition:
Proposition 9: Engagement is related to self-reported health, but
unrelated to known objective psychophysiological indicators of
health. Future research needs to illuminate physiological processes
that explain the relationship between engagement and health.
10. What are effective interventions for engagement?
Organizations have become increasingly interested in how to develop
engagement in employees. Although to date ‘‘only very few interventions to
improve work engagement exist and have been tested’’ (Schaufeli & Salanova,
in press), it will be useful to classify engagement interventions in terms of
organizational-, job-, and individual-level interventions. Some combination
of interventions across the various levels will probably be needed to develop,
embed, and sustain engagement in organizational settings.
Early evidence indicates that interventions to promote engagement
require a sustained effort. Statements of good intentions, lofty values, and
brief periods of cheerleading will not have a sustainable impact on
employees’ energy and identification with their work.
An example of a sustained intervention is the Civility Respect and
Engagement at Work (CREW) programme that builds upon a 6-month
sequence of group sessions following principles of organizational develop-
ment to improve civility among colleagues (Osatuke et al., 2009). Leiter et al.
(2009) determined that by increasing civility and decreasing incivility among
colleagues, the process improved work engagement as indicated by more
positive scores on the exhaustion and cynicism subscales of the MBI as well
as on the short version of the UWES. They contend that a key to the
effectiveness of this approach is its sustained implementation that permits
employees to identify new ways of interacting with one another,
opportunities to practise these new behaviours, and responsibility to the
workgroup to make best efforts for improving their collegiality.
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Organizational commitment to work engagement requires senior leader-
ship endorsement that is ideally realized by acknowledging engagement as a
core value. Regular employee surveys provide a means of monitoring
engagement and its variations across units. An open, effective communica-
tion strategy will send that information to leaders who can use it to guide
their development of employees.
In addition to workgroup programmes, such as CREW or other
organizational development strategies, instituting engagement requires well
thought-through policies that integrate engagement into decisions regarding
performance management and career development. On an operational level,
information about engagement successes and shortfalls across the organiza-
tion would inform decisions on resource allocation. Also, engagement
shortfalls may provide critical information to leadership about where the
organization is failing to realize its espoused values. That is, employees’
work engagement may provide a valuable, indirect signal regarding the
quality of products and services.
Whereas engagement seems to be contagious and may spread across
members of work teams (Bakker et al., 2006), leaders have a special role in
fostering work engagement among their followers. It is to be expected that
considerate leadership, and more particularly transformational leadership, is
well suited for inspiring the open collaboration among employees that
supports engagement. Indeed, research suggests that transformational
leaders are key social resources for the development of employee
engagement (Tims et al., in press).
If we next think of job level interventions, Bakker and Demerouti’s (2008)
model of work engagement holds straightforward and valuable implications
for practice. It suggests that job and personal resources play an important
role in engagement. Redesigning jobs in order to promote engagement boils
down to increasing job resources. Developing social support and changing
work procedures to enhance feedback and autonomy may create a structural
basis for work engagement. Also, job rotation and changing jobs might
result in higher engagement levels because they challenge employees,
increase their motivation, and stimulate learning and professional
Finally, in terms of individual level intervention, programmes aimed at
increasing work engagement could focus on building personal resources
such as psychological capital (e.g., efficacy beliefs, optimism, hope, and
resiliency) for employees. Additionally training, coaching, and develop-
mental supports may aim, for example, at building positive affect, emotional
intelligence, and positive adaptive behavioural strategies. Schaufeli and
Salanova (in press), for example, provided an interesting overview of how
positive psychology interventions, classified by behavioural, cognitive, and
volitional strategies, might be deployed in organizational contexts. Example
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behavioural strategies include developing signature strengths, expressing
gratitude, and nurturing social relationships. Schaufeli and Salanova
overview evidence in support of the effectiveness of each of these positive
psychological intervention strategies. Ongoing research aimed at determin-
ing how best to adapt these individual-based strategies to different
organizational contexts will of course be necessary.
Importantly, which ever strategies we implement in our attempts to
enhance engagement in organizational contexts, there is a clear and ongoing
need to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of such interventions across
a range of different contexts. Conventional evaluation taxonomies
(Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006) assessing the impact of engagement
interventions at the level of reaction, learning, behaviour, outcomes, and
return on investments might usefully be employed. On the basis of this
overview, we formulated our last proposition:
Proposition 10: There is a strong theoretical case for interventions
being able to influence engagement. Researchers need to line up with
practitioners to show that engagement interventions work.
Despite the proliferation in engagement related research, and despite
enormous advances having been made about how best to understand and
manage engagement, we believe that the notion of work engagement is at
something of a crossroads. Although one path might involve the ongoing
proliferation of relatively disconnected research and practice using a
diversity of models and measures, we believe the time is now ripe to agree
some common ground, consolidate what we know, and leverage from this
firm foundation additional research, which will redress fundamental issues
that still require resolution. We have noted clear categories of ‘‘what we
know’’ and clear categories of ‘‘what we don’t know’’ and where we should
focus our research and practice.
In terms of what we know, we argue there is a growing consensus that
engagement can be defined in terms of high levels of energy and high levels
of involvement in work (Bakker et al., 2008) and that the JD-R model
(Bakker & Demerouti, 2007, 2008) provides a useful unifying theoretical
platform to examine the causes and consequences of engagement. Ongoing
research that acknowledges and builds on this consensus will help the study
of engagement advance in a way that is coherent, systematic, and integrated.
We also argue that the question ‘‘is engagement old wine in a new bottle?’’ is
done and dusted. There is enough empirical evidence to debunk the notion
that work engagement is nothing more than a repackaging of related
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In terms of what we don’t know about work engagement and the work
that still needs to be conducted, we argue there is a need to develop existing
measures to better capture both positive and negative aspects of engagement
and adapt response anchors to accommodate both short-term and longer
term time frames. We also argue that we need to pay more attention to the
broader contextual organizational factors that impact on engagement. We
propose that a ‘‘climate for engagement’’, represented by Maslach and
Leiter’s (1997) six areas of worklife, serves as a useful organizing framework
for understanding how organizational context influences the downstream
employees experience job resources, job demands, and engagement.
Furthermore, we argue that we need to more fully understand the influence
that transformational and empowering leadership has on engagement, and
we need to more fully understand the crossover or emotional contagion
dimensions of engagement in team contexts. In terms of outcomes, we argue
in support of the need to illuminate physiological processes that explain the
relationship between engagement and health.
Finally, we argue that, as we progress our understanding of the
importance of work engagement in organizational contexts, the study of
engagement needs to proceed from well-established psychological theories.
We have proposed that through a focus on tried and tested theories and
models such as the JD-R, six areas of worklife, and transformational
leadership theory, we will no doubt derive a clearer understanding of how to
intervene to improve engagement at the level of the individual, the team, the
business unit, and the organization. Engagement researchers and practi-
tioners need to be seen to be making a positive difference in organizational
contexts, and the ongoing challenge is to continue to merge good science
and good practice in the pursuit of this worthy objective.
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Original manuscript received March 2010
Revised manuscript received April 2010
First published online August 2010
Downloaded By: [Canadian Research Knowledge Network] At: 12:15 18 March 2011
... Student engagement refers to the level of students' active participation in academic activities, such as attending lectures regularly, interacting with lecturers and classmates, and completing assigned tasks. Bakker et al. (2011) define student engagement as the excitement or concentrated effort that students put into their education, together with their "psychological connection to their work." According to Bakker et al. (2008), there are three distinct aspects that comprise the concept of student engagement, which are absorption, dedication, and energy. ...
... Student engagement refers to activities undertaken by students to participate in classroom learning, such as asking questions, answering, collaborating on group assignments, and interacting with lecturers and fellow students with the aim of achieving learning objectives. According to Bakker et al. (2011), student engagement is about students' enthusiasm or focused effort on their studies and their "psychological connection to their work." Specifically, the concept of student engagement encompasses three dimensions: absorption, dedication, and vigour (Bakker et al., 2008). ...
... Therefore, student engagement can be influenced by the classroom atmosphere or surrounding environment. According to Bakker et al. (2011), student engagement is about students' enthusiasm or focused effort on their studies and their "psychological connection to their work." Meanwhile, a conducive learning climate is important to support effective learning. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the influence of a supportive study climate, positive emotion, and PsyCap on academic performance, mediated by student engagement among university students around the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research is a quantitative study. The population in this study was 120 students around the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The data collection technique used was convenience sampling, with a final sample of 100 respondents. Data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires and the analysis tool used was SmartPLS 4.0. The result of this study explain that supportive study climate has no direct or indirect influence on academic performance, Positive emotions and PsyCap have no direct influence but have an indirect influence on academic performance, and Student engagement has a direct influence on academic performance.
... One limitation is that it focuses primarily on positive aspects of work engagement, and may not capture negative aspects such as workaholism or burnout (Schaufeli, Taris, & Rhenen, 2008). Additionally, the UWES may be subject to response bias, particularly social desirability bias, as respondents may provide answers that they believe are socially desirable or expected (Bakker, Albrecht, & Leiter, 2011). Overall, the UWES can be a useful tool for assessing work engagement and informing organizational policies and practices. ...
... While research has shown that absorption is generally associated with positive outcomes, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment, it is possible that there may be situations or contexts in which absorption has no effect on employees' intention to stay with their current organization. For example, a study by Bakker et al. (2011) found that while absorption was positively related to employees' intention to stay in a sample of Finnish nurses, this relationship was not significant in a sample of Finnish teachers. The authors suggest that the difference in findings may be due to differences in the nature of the work and the work environment. ...
Background: The ICT sector in the UAE has been developing rapidly with support from the government that provides aid in the form of licensing and policies that promote business activity. By 2025, this industry will experience a compound growth of 3.5%, which will affect employment and organizational management strategies. Since employees are the central resources that allow businesses to grow and reach their strategic targets, there is a need to define factors affecting workplace satisfaction and intention to stay. While previous research provides some insights on factors that contribute to employee retention, there is a lack of evidence specific of the UAE. Literature Review: Previous studies focused on relationships between different variables, including work satisfaction, organizational commitment, intention to stay, engagement, psychological capital, and the person-environment fit (P-E fit). However, none of the previous studies explored the correlation between the six factors simultaneously, since the majority of the researchers focused on examining the connection between two variables. Moreover, literature review demonstrated that the moderating and mediating effects of the different workplace-related factors were under-researched. Research Question: The primary research question was “How can turnover intention be reduced in the ICT Sector in the UAE?” The question was subdivided into five secondary research questions that concerned specific inter-relationships between the six variables identified during the literature review. Conceptual Model: This research focused on analysis of inter-relations among six variables divided into four types. Intention to stay was treated as a dependent variable, and psychological capital and P-E fit were independent variables. Work engagement was treated as a moderating variable, while job satisfaction and organizational commitment were treated as mediating variables. A total of eight hypotheses were created based on analysis of previous literature. Research Gaps: There is limited understanding of the direct effects of P-E fit and psychological capital on employees' intention to stay in the ICT sector in the UAE. Additionally, there is a dearth of studies examining the moderating effect of work engagement and the mediating role of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the relationship between psychological capital, P-E fit, and intention to stay Methods: This study utilized a quantitative approach to answer the research question. An online survey was conducted that included a total of 95 questions. The link to the survey was distributed among the telecommunication workers with the help of HR managers. The final sample included 412 employees from the ICT sector in the UAE. Multiple regression analysis, simple moderations modeling, and simple mediation modeling were used to test twelve hypotheses. SPSS Version 26 and Hayes’s PROCESS macro were used to conduct statistical tests. Results: The results provided evidence for accepting six hypotheses out of eight. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that P-E fit and psychological capital had a significant direct impact on intention to stay after controlling for gender, age, and education level. Moderation analysis demonstrated that work engagement did not moderate the relationship between psychological capital and intention to stay. At the same time, work engagement was found to positively moderate the relationship between P-E fit and intention to stay. Mediation modeling revealed that job satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between psychological capital and intention to stay. Moreover, simple mediation analyses revealed that organizational commitment partially mediated the relationship between P-E fit and intention to stay on the one hand and fully meditated the relationship between psychological capital and intention to stay on the other hand. Implications: The results of this research helped increase the generalizability of previous findings and discover new inter-relationships between the six variables. The research results also helped to formulate recommendations for managers in the ICT sector in the UAE concerning retention rates. Additionally, suggestions for future research were provided. Keywords: telecommunication sector, ICT, job satisfaction, intention to stay, person-environment fit, engagement, psychological capital, organizational commitment, UAE
... Njuki et al. (2017) hypothesized staff engagement as a dependent concept applying the indicators of labor commitment, productivity, objective accomplishment and personal wellness. Bakker et al. (2011) highlighted the necessity of organizations to recruit human capital with psychological attachment to their assignment, and who are gifted to devote fully to their occupation, exhibit hands-on and commitment to superior standards of performance. Hembadoon et al. (2022) investigated worker engagement as an independent construct on institutional performance by predictors of dedication, absorption and vigor. ...
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Employees well-being and satisfaction need to be the precedence of any successful organization that is aimed at achieving its objectives and customer satisfaction. Thus, the paper sought to scrutinize the connections among staff dedication and performance of deposit-taking Sacco’s in Nairobi, Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional census survey of forty-six (46) deposit -taking Sacco’s in Nairobi. Research data was gathered through a questionnaire in a descriptive design. The study utilized purposive sampling technique for the sample population. Reliability and validity of the variables was tested in a pilot study of three (3) deposit-taking Saccos in western part of Kenya. The data analysis was done by means of descriptive and inferential statistics as reinforced by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The research hypothesis was tested by means of regression analysis. The findings (R2 - 0.394; p-value=0.000) indicate that employee dedication has a significant impact on the performance of DT-Saccos in Nairobi, Kenya. The research has shown that staff dedication could pose a positive consequence on organizational performance. The study recommends that the senior managers of DT - Saccos should focus more on promoting labour dedication through effective communication, information sharing, employee participation in decision-making, transparent and accountable management and recognition of sterling personal achievement as they have been identified to affect organizational performance.
... Examples are emotional and cognitive demands. Job resources refer to those physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of work that are functional in achieving job goals, reducing job demands and associated physiological and psychological costs, or stimulating personal growth, learning, and development (Bakker et al., 2011). Examples are team support and job autonomy. ...
Purpose This study aims to validate the 17-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) within Public Primary Healthcare Centers, addressing the need for a reliable measure of work engagement among health workers. Design/methodology/approach This study conducted a validity and reliability analysis of the UWES-17 among community health workers in Chile, exploring its psychometric properties and structure, focusing on its three-factor structure and examining the causal relationships between work engagement dimensions. Findings The UWES-17 demonstrated a valid and reliable three-factor structure among Chilean health workers, with a significant construct dependence among its dimensions –vigor, dedication and absorption – highlighting their interrelated nature. Research limitations/implications While validated for community health workers in Chile, the UWES-17’s applicability across healthcare settings and professions warrants further investigation. Practical implications The validated UWES-17 can guide human resource practices in assessing and enhancing work engagement among health workers, potentially improving employee well-being and performance. Social implications Addressing work engagement and burnout among health workers is vital for a resilient healthcare system. This validated measure contributes to efforts to improve health worker well-being and healthcare service quality. Originality/value This study contributes a validated measure of work engagement specifically tailored to public primary healthcare centers, offering valuable insights for future research on health workers' well-being and performance. This research enhances the understanding of organizational dynamics within public healthcare settings.
... A sample item is, "At my work, I feel bursting with energy" (vigor); "I am enthusiastic about my job" (dedication); and "I am immersed in my work" (absorption). As Schaufeli et al. (2006) recommended, employee engagement was calculated as a unidimensional structure due to the high inter-correlations among the three dimensions (Bakker et al., 2011). Job crafting was measured using the Job Crafting Questionnaire (JCQ) developed by Slemp and Vella-Brodrick (2013). ...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among meaningful work, employee engagement, job crafting and career commitment. Methods The study primarily employed structural equation modeling to test the proposed research model and hypotheses. Data were collected through an online questionnaire from employees working at multiple companies. Findings The findings indicated that meaningful work affected employee engagement, job crafting and career commitment. In addition, employee engagement and job crafting mediated the relationships between meaningful work and career commitment. Originality This study identifies three important antecedents (meaningful work, employee engagement and job crafting) that improve employees’ level of career commitment. Based on previous findings indicating that career commitment can promote behavioral and attitudinal outcomes, this study focuses on contributors of career commitment, which ultimately may link to the positive outcomes of career commitment.
... According to Schaufeli et al. (2006), this implies that giving employees some control over when and how much they work allows them to be highly energetic, excited about their work, and completely involved in it. This arises from employees having increased procedural autonomy in managing their work, encompassing job expectations and resources (Bakker et al., 2011). A positive correlation between hybrid work and work engagement is anticipated in the Indian context, as it has been observed that employees generally opt for hybrid work arrangements . ...
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The workplace environment experienced tremendous transformation after the worldwide pandemic, with the hybrid model emerging as the most significant paradigm. For a considerable duration, organizations have faced challenges in creating an optimal work environment that fosters heightened productivity, well-being, employee performance, and overall job satisfaction. The present study aims to explore the transformation journey from crisis-induced hybrid work to the construction of a sustainable post-pandemic work environment, as well as the significant impact of the hybrid workplace on employee performance and job happiness. The researchers employed a quantitative method to collect data from 260 employees working in a hybrid work setting. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was applied to assess the data and examine the hypotheses. The findings indicate that hybrid work has a significant and positive effect on employee performance and job happiness. It also appears that hybrid work has a positive effect on work engagement and that work engagement considerably mediates the relationship between hybrid work and employee performance. However, the findings do not support the direct effect of hybrid work on job happiness, but rather the mediating role of work engagement in the proposed relationship between hybrid work and job happiness. The research introduces fresh insights by linking the hybrid workplace model to employee performance, job satisfaction and work engagement. Additionally, it extends the JD-R model into the hybrid workplace context. The practical implications of this study suggest that practitioners can leverage these findings to inform the development of policies and procedures aimed at enhancing employee performance and job satisfaction, particularly within the framework of the hybrid workplace model.
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Over the past two decades, remote work has emerged as a significant trend, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating its widespread adoption. What began as an experiment in the IT industry has transformed traditional work paradigms, reshaping communication patterns, organizational practices, and psycho-emotional responses to work. This study delves into the management innovations driving the evolution of remote and hybrid work environments. By analyzing how organizations are redefining strategies to maintain productivity, foster collaboration, and enhance employee engagement in these increasingly flexible models, we aim to uncover the key factors contributing to their success. Through a mixed-methods approach, insights from managers across various industries will be gathered to identify challenges and best practices. This research offers critical recommendations for organizations seeking to navigate and thrive in the future of work.
This study aimed to thoroughly examine and analyse the existing literature on inclusive leadership (IL), a leadership paradigm that addresses the fulfilment of employees’ needs for relatedness, distinctiveness, and competence. By employing an integrative review, we constructed a conceptual framework for IL. Additionally, we employed bibliometric methods, such as co-citation and co-occurrence techniques, to trace themes within IL literature. Utilising the VOSviewer tool, we reviewed 194 articles to visually map the landscape of IL research. We traced the evolution of IL research, illuminated the IL field’s development, and established the trends in IL research. We explored the theoretical underpinnings of IL studies to contextualise the literature’s development trajectory. We found that reciprocity and collective social identity are the cornerstones of IL literature. This review highlighted IL’s critical role as a unique leadership approach tailored to contemporary organisational contexts and flexible work environments. In conclusion, the integrative and bibliometric review’s findings underscore key areas for future research and offer implications for the continued growth of IL.
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This study explores the interconnected roles of organizational atmosphere, psychological capital, work engagement, and psychological contract on the work performance. Structural equation modeling and moderated mediation analyses were conducted to test the hypothesized relationships. Methodologically, the study employed a stratified random sampling of 369 faculty members across various disciplines. Key findings reveal that both organizational atmosphere and psychological capital have a significant positive impact on work engagement, which in turn, enhances work performance. Work engagement acted as a mediator in these relationships. Moreover, the psychological contract was found to moderate the relationship between work engagement and work performance, indicating that the engagement-performance link is stronger when employees perceive their psychological contract has been fulfilled. The implications of this research are multifaceted. Theoretically, it contributes to organizational behavior literature by integrating psychological contracts into the engagement-performance narrative. Practically, it provides actionable insights for university administrators, suggesting that investments in a supportive organizational atmosphere and the development of faculty psychological capital are likely to yield improvements in engagement and performance. The study also underscores the importance of effectively managing psychological contracts to maximize employee output.
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Although EI has become a popular tool in organizations there is still a need for increased empirical research on the construct (Salovey, Woolery, & Mayer, 2005). This study contributes to the literature by providing more information about Emotional intelligence which may alleviate Work Engagement Behavior. It does this by building on the small existing pool of knowledge in order to extend the research on EI. The expected outcome of this study was an increased understanding of how EI impacts on Work Engagement Behavior. Emotional intelligence was measured using the 33-item Schutte Self-Report Inventory (SSRI) developed by Schutte and colleague. Engagement was measured using the shortened version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2006). The scale consists of 9 items and was designed to erasure the three components of engagement: vigor, absorption, and dedication. The samples of 100 employees who are Khivraj Motors, Chennai. chosen for the study. Self Administered questionnaire distributed and information collected. Research design descriptive type with non probability purposive sampling technique was used for the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS (statistical package for social science).The statistical tools Correlation, Chi-Square Test, One-Way ANOVA, Regression Analysis were employed for the research study. From these Research Findings, managerial as well as theoretical implications have been discussed in this study.
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This study investigated vertical versus shared leadership as predictors of the effectiveness of 71 change management teams. Vertical leadership stems from an appointed or formal leader of a team, whereas shared leadership (C. L. Pearce, 1997; C. L. Pearce & J. A. Conger, in press; C. L. Pearce & H. P. Sims, 2000) is a group process in which leadership is distributed among, and stems from, team members. Team effectiveness was measured approximately 6 months after the assessment of leadership and was also measured from the viewpoints of managers, internal customers, and team members. Using multiple regression, the authors found both vertical and shared leadership to be significantly related to team effectiveness (p < .05), although shared leadership appears to be a more useful predictor of team effectiveness than vertical leadership.
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Research testing self-determination theory was discussed in terms of recent work on intrinsic motivation, participative management, and leadership. On three occasions, managers’ interpersonal orientations—toward supporting subordinates’ self-determination versus controlling their behavior—were related to perceptions, affects, and satisfactions of the subordinates. Data from 23 managers and their subordinates in a major corporation showed that managers’ orientations did correlate with the subordinate variables, although the magnitude of the relation varied, seemingly as a function of factors in the corporate climate. An organizational development intervention, focused on the concept of supporting subordinates’ self-determination, was provided for the managers. Evaluation of the program showed a clearly positive impact on managers’ orientations, though a less conclusive radiation to subordinates.
The Handbook presents comprehensive and global perspectives to help researchers and practitioners identify, understand, evaluate and apply the key theories, models, measures and interventions associated with employee engagement. It provides many new insights, practical applications and areas for future research. It will serve as an important platform for ongoing research and practice on employee engagement.
This book draws from a foundation of positive psychology and recently emerging positive organizational behavior (POB). Its purpose is to introduce the untapped human resource capacity of psychological capital, or simply PsyCap. This PsyCap goes beyond traditionally recognized human and social capital and must meet the scientific criteria of theory, research, and valid measurement. To distinguish from other constructs in positive psychology and organizational behavior, to be included in PsyCap the resource capacity must also be 'state-like' and thus open to development (as opposed to momentary states or fixed traits) and have performance impact. The positive psychological resource capacities that meet these PsyCap criteria - efficacy (confidence), hope, optimism, and resilience - are covered in separate chapters. These four resource capacities are conceptually and empirically distinct, but also have underlying common processes for striving to succeed and when in combination contribute to a higher-order, core construct of psychological capital. Besides these four, other potential positive constructs such as creativity, wisdom, well being, flow, humor, gratitude, forgiveness, emotional intelligence, spirituality, authenticity, and courage are covered in Chapters 6 and 7. The concluding Chapter 8 summarizes and presents the research demonstrating the performance impact of PsyCap, the PsyCap questionnaire (PCQ) for measurement and the PsyCap Intervention (PCI) for development. Utility analysis indicates that investing in the development of PsyCap can result in a very substantial return. In total, this book provides the theory, research, measure, and method of application for the new resource of Psychological Capital that can be developed and sustained for competitive advantage.
Transformational Leadership, Second Edition is intended for both the scholars and serious students of leadership. It is a comprehensive review of theorizing and empirical research that can serve as a reference and starting point for additional research on the theory. It can be used as a supplementary textbook in an intense course on leadership--or as a primary text in a course or seminar focusing on transformational leadership. New in the Second Edition: New, updated examples of leadership have been included to help illustrate the concepts, as well as show the broad range of transformational leadership in a variety of settings. New chapters have been added focusing specifically on the measurement of transformational leadership and transformational leadership and effectiveness. The discussion of both predicators and effects of transformational leadership is greatly expanded. Much more emphasis is given to authentic vs. inauthentic transformational leadership. Suggestions are made for guiding the future of research and applications of transformational leadership. © 2006 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.