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On-farm selection for quality and resistance to
pest/diseases of cocoa in Sulawesi: (ii) quality and
performance of selections against Phytophthora pod
rot and vascular-streak dieback
Peter McMahon a , Agus Purwantara b , Agung W. Susilo c , Sri Sukamto c , Abdul Wahab
d , Hussin bin Purung e , Muhammad Hidayat e , Darna Ismail e , Tap Taproni d , Smilja
Lambert f , David Guest g & Philip Keane a
a Department of Botany , La Trobe University , Bundoora, 3086, Victoria, Australia
b Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate Crops , Bogor, 16151, Indonesia
c Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute , Jember, Indonesia
d BPTP SULTRA , Kendari, Sulawesi Tengarrah, Indonesia
e Mars Symbioscience Indonesia, Jl. Kima , Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
f Mars Australia , Ring Road, Ballarat, 3350, Victoria, Australia
g Food and Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture , The University of Sydney , Sydney,
Published online: 15 Sep 2010.
To cite this article: Peter McMahon , Agus Purwantara , Agung W. Susilo , Sri Sukamto , Abdul Wahab , Hussin bin
Purung , Muhammad Hidayat , Darna Ismail , Tap Taproni , Smilja Lambert , David Guest & Philip Keane (2010) On-farm
selection for quality and resistance to pest/diseases of cocoa in Sulawesi: (ii) quality and performance of selections
against Phytophthora pod rot and vascular-streak dieback, International Journal of Pest Management, 56:4, 351-361, DOI:
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On-farm selection for quality and resistance to pest/diseases of cocoa in Sulawesi: (ii) quality and
performance of selections against Phytophthora pod rot and vascular-streak dieback
Peter McMahon
*, Agus Purwantara
, Agung W. Susilo
, Sri Sukamto
, Abdul Wahab
, Hussin bin Purung
Muhammad Hidayat
, Darna Ismail
, Tap Taproni
, Smilja Lambert
, David Guest
and Philip Keane
Department of Botany, La Trobe University, Bundoora, 3086, Victoria, Australia;
Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate
Crops, Bogor 16151, Indonesia;
Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember, Indonesia;
Sulawesi Tengarrah, Indonesia;
Mars Symbioscience Indonesia, Jl. Kima, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia;
Mars Australia,
Ring Road, Ballarat 3350, Victoria, Australia;
Food and Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia
(Received 15 October 2008; final version received 18 June 2010)
The cocoa industry in Sulawesi, the main region of cocoa production in Indonesia, is threatened by destructive
diseases, including vascular-streak dieback (VSD) caused by the basidiomycete Oncobasidium theobromae and stem
canker and Phytophthora pod rot (PPR) or black pod, caused by Phytophthora palmivora. Using the considerable
genetic diversity of cocoa on farms, host resistance was identified and tested with the participation of farmers. Forty-
nine local and international cocoa selections with promising resistance characteristics (as well as susceptible controls)
were side-grafted onto mature cocoa in a replicated trial with single-tree plots. Developing grafts were assessed in the
dry season for severity of VSD infection, scored from 0 (no infection) to 4 (graft death). All of the 49 clones in the
trial became infected with VSD in at least some replicates. Average severity varied from 0.2 to 1.6. Potential VSD-
resistance was found in eight clones, including DRC 15, KA2 106 and a local Sulawesi selection, VSD2Ldg. Some of
the most susceptible clones were local Sulawesi selections from areas with a history of little or no VSD. Thirty-four
pod-bearing clones were evaluated over a 2-year period for yield, quality and resistance to natural infections of PPR.
Cumulative PPR incidence for all clones was 22% but varied from 8.6 to 43% among clones. Clones with less than
15% PPR incidence were designated as resistant, including DRC 16 and local Sulawesi selections, Aryadi 1, Aryadi 3
and VSD1Ldg. Scavina 12 was moderately resistant in the trial with a PPR incidence of 23%. Cumulative incidences
of the mirid, Helopeltis spp., determined in the same evaluation period, indicated that DRC16 was the most
susceptible clone with an incidence of 52% in ripe pods and 23% in immature pods. In comparison, KKM4 showed
evidence of resistance to Helopeltis spp., with incidences of 34 and 0.8% in ripe and immature pods, respectively. The
impact of diseases and pests (including cocoa pod borer) on bean losses and bean quality varied between clones but
generally the bean size (or bean count) was affected more than the fat content or shell content.
Keywords: cocoa diseases; Phytophthora pod rot; vascular-streak dieback; on-farm selections; resistance; Sulawesi
smallholders; Helopeltis; bean quality; side-grafted clones
1. Introduction
In Sulawesi, Indonesia, cocoa production has ex-
panded spectacularly beginning from minor produc-
tion in the early 1980s. This expansion has been
overwhelmingly in the hands of smallholders for whom
cocoa provides their main livelihood. As a result,
Indonesia is now the third largest cocoa producer
globally (Directorate General for Estate Crops 1999).
Following two decades of pioneer planting with
minimal problems, the smallholders and the Sulawesi
cocoa industry now face serious losses in production
and impacts on bean quality due to declining soil
fertility and pests and pathogens of which cocoa pod
borer (CPB, the moth Conopomorpha cramerella), the
oomycete Phytophthora palmivora which causes Phy-
tophthora pod rot (PPR) and stem canker, and the
basidiomycete fungus, Oncobasidium theobromae,
which causes vascular-streak dieback (VSD) (Keane
1992; Wardojo 1992) are the most serious. To address
these problems, an Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research (ACIAR) project was estab-
lished to encourage the use of farmer participatory and
locally applicable methods for the selection, testing and
use of genotypes with better resistance and/or quality
on farms. The project aimed to develop a method of
on-farm selection and clonal testing that could be
adopted by farmers with the help of local extension and
research officers. The possibility of on-farm selection
for superior genotypes was based on the genetic
diversity found on Indonesian cocoa smallholdings as
a result of the several introductions and subsequent
hybridization of diverse cocoa types (original Trinitar-
io types developed during the early 1900s, Amelonado
types introduced from Sabah, Upper Amazon x
*Corresponding author. Email:
International Journal of Pest Management
Vol. 56, No. 4, October–December 2010, 351–361
ISSN 0967-0874 print/ISSN 1366-5863 online
Ó2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2010.503284
Downloaded by [University of Sydney] at 16:33 05 August 2014
Trinitario ‘hybrid cocoa’ developed in Java and
including Upper Amazon and Trinitario material
from Malaysia and Papua New Guinea). As well, the
project aimed to build on the particular knowledge
held by farmers about the performance of genotypes on
their farms, the existing and widespread network of
government extension services in Indonesia and the
possibility of using clonal propagation (e.g. side-
grafting of mature trees) methods for farm improve-
ment. To this end, a clone testing trial was established
in Southeast Sulawesi. Clones collected with the
assistance of farmers, as well as international clones,
were propagated by side-grafting onto mature trees on
a working cocoa farm in an area affected seriously by
the major pest/disease problems typically found in
Sulawesi cocoa. Pod-bearing clones in this trial were
evaluated for 2 years (2005–2006). McMahon et al.
(2009) reported on the CPB incidence among the clones
under test during this period and the variability
detected in CPB incidence both between clones and
between seasons. Here we report on results for other
disease or pest problems, especially VSD and PPR.
VSD is a new encounter disease of cocoa, apparently
having transferred repeatedly to cocoa from an
unidentified host in Southeast Asia (Keane 1992) while
PPR occurs on cocoa worldwide. Host resistance to
VSD, at first in Papua New Guinea in the 1960s and
later in Malaysia, proved crucial to overcoming
epidemics that decimated the cocoa industries of those
countries (Zainal Abidin et al. 1984; Keane and Prior
1992). Resistance to VSD is partial, limiting infection
to branch tips thus preventing the fungus from
reaching larger branches and killing trees. Host
resistance to PPR appears to be partial and additive
(Tan and Tan 1990; Saul 1993; Van der Vossen 1997;
Zadocks 1997). Various studies have compared cocoa
genotypes for PPR resistance (e.g. see Blaha 1974;
Soria 1974; Saul 1993; Iwaro et al. 1997, 1998) and
identified resistance in some clones. The clonal testing
trial conducted at Ladongi indicated that the geno-
types, including local farm selections (many of which
were derived from introductions of Amelonado types
from Sabah), varied considerably in incidence and
severity of both PPR and VSD and provided support
to on-farm selection and testing as a promising method
for direct farm improvement and for identifying
promising genotypes for breeding programs.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Selection, collection and propagation of cocoa
genotypes and trial establishment
Cocoa genotypes were selected on farms in South,
Southeast and Central Sulawesi and East Kalimantan
provinces of Indonesia as budwood sticks, transported
to the farm trial site and side-grafted onto mature
cocoa trees as described in McMahon et al. (2009).
International clones and susceptible local selections
were included in the mixture of genotypes tested. The
clonal testing trial (with a total of 49 clones) was set up
in Ladongi in Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi on a
working cocoa farm with the cooperation of the
farmer. The design was single-tree plots, randomised
in 20 replicate blocks (McMahon et al. 2009). Due to
difficulties encountered in side-grafting mature trees,
only 10–18 replicates were achieved for most clones
and 34 clones produced a sufficient number of pods by
the end of 2004 for assessment.
2.2. Severity of vascular-streak dieback (VSD)
The severity of VSD, which infects vegetative shoots,
was assessed during the dry season of 2004 on
developing grafts in the 49 clones established in the
trial. Severity of infection was assessed on a scale 0–4:
0, no infection; 1, signs of chlorosis, little or no leaf
drop; 2, distinctive chlorosis and some leaf drop; 3,
severe leaf loss, dieback; 4, graft death.
2.3. Incidence of Phytophthora pod rot (PPR)
Pods were assessed for PPR twice per month in a 24-
month period from January 2005 to December 2006.
All ripe (harvestable) pods and the immature pods that
were infected with PPR or otherwise infested or
diseased were harvested and separated into healthy
and infected/infested pods. Pods affected by cherelle
wilt could be differentiated from infected/infested
immature pods by their smaller size and were not
included in the assessment. The numbers of immature
and ripe pods infected with PPR were counted.
Harvested ripe pods with PPR infection (but no CPB
infestation) were evaluated for intensity of infection:
either heavily infected (PPR lesion covering over 50%
of the pod surface) or lightly infected (lesion covering
less than 50% of the pod). To estimate the incidence of
PPR on a typical smallholding in the area, a plot of 50
trees was assessed on a farm 0.75 km from the trial site
using the same evaluation method as in the trial, except
that evaluations were conducted monthly.
2.4. Inoculation of detached pods with PPR-infected
pod tissue
Ripe detached pods from a few of the clones in the
Ladongi trial were wound-inoculated with PPR-in-
fected pod tissue. Small discs (5 mm diameter) were
removed from the mesocarp of a PPR-infected pod and
inserted into holes cut with a cork borer in the husks of
healthy pods of the selected clones with three replicate
pods for each clone. The pods were kept in a moist
chamber at room temperature. The length and width
(cm) of the lesion was measured daily for a week
providing an estimate of expansion rate of the lesion
area (cm
) for 7 d after inoculation (d.a.i.).
352 P. McMahon et al.
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2.5. Determination of actual and potential pod values
for each clone
For each replicate tree, extractable beans were
harvested and separated into two groups: extractable
beans obtained from healthy ripe pods and extractable
beans obtained from infested or diseased ripe pods (see
McMahon et al. 2009). The wet weight for each group
of beans was recorded. For each clone, the collected
beans were pooled, dried and the dry weight recorded.
2.5.1. Actual pod value (no. pods per kg dried beans)
Actual pod value was determined as the number of
ripe, harvestable pods (both healthy and infested/
infected) needed to give 1 kg of dry beans.
2.5.2. Potential pod value and bean losses
The potential pod value was determined from the
beans extracted from healthy pods. Bean losses were
estimated by comparing the bean harvest from all ripe
pods (from which the actual pod value was determined)
with the bean harvest (based on the beans harvested
from healthy pods) expected if all the harvested pods
were free of pest/diseases. Pod values were calculated
for clones producing at least 10 healthy ripe pods.
2.6. Bean quality
For the clones that produced a sufficient quantity of
beans, quality assessments were conducted at the
research laboratory of PT Effem/Mars in Makassar,
Sulawesi. Bean count was determined as the number of
dried beans per 100 g. Shell content and cocoa butter
content were determined. Shell content was evaluated
by deshelling 100 g of beans and weighing the shells to
determine % shell content. To determine cocoa butter
content, bean samples were milled on a Retche
planetary ball mill and the cocoa mass was analysed
for fat content in a Near Infra Red (NIR) high
performance analyser (Foss System II 6500 scanning
spectrophotometer, NIR Systems Inc. Silver Springs
MD) fitted with a transport module in reflectance
mode. Spectra were recorded in the range 400–2500 nm
at 2-nm intervals. Calibrations were developed by
using modified partial least square regression
2.7. Statistical analyses
Means for disease incidence (%) were weighted for the
numbers of pods produced by each replicate tree and
subjected to arc-sign transformations (Zar 1996).
Transformed values were subjected to ANOVA fol-
lowed by the Games–Howell test (SPPS Ver 11.5).
Data are presented in their original (untransformed)
form (see McMahon et al. 2009).
3. Results
3.1. VSD severity
Since VSD infects the vegetative shoots of cocoa
plants, all the clones initially established in the trial
were able to be assessed for VSD infection prior to
pod-bearing, when grafts usually still had fewer than
three branches. VSD infections were detected in all of
the clones tested in the trial in at least some replicates.
Table 1 shows the 49 clones in the trial at Ladongi
ranked from lowest to highest average VSD severity.
Clones varied considerably in average severity of
infection and in the range of severity among replicates
and by combining these two measurements, the level of
resistance for each clone was estimated (see Table 1
Resistant local selections were identified including
VSD2Ldg, selected from a farm in South-East Sulawesi
for potential VSD-resistance. The clones selected as
susceptible controls (VSD1Ldg and VSD4Ldg) were
susceptible or moderately susceptible in the trial. Two
clones known for VSD-resistance, DRC 15 from the
ICCRI collection (Susilo et al. 2009), and KA2 106,
closely related to KA2 101, from Papua New Guinea
(Keane and Prior 1992), proved to be the most
resistant clones in the trial. In addition, PM 1 and
PM 2, originally from an East Kalimantan estate and
Darwis 1, a local farmer selection from East Kaliman-
tan, appeared to be VSD-resistant. Among the most
susceptible of the clones were local selections from
South and Central Sulawesi. This could reflect the
short time that VSD has occurred at detectable levels
on cocoa farms in these areas. For example, VSD was
first reported as a problem in Central Sulawesi in 2000.
3.2. Incidence of PPR among clones
For the 34 pod-bearing clones evaluated over the 2-
year period, the cumulative incidence of PPR in ripe
pods did not exceed 45% in any clone. In two clones,
AA01 and KKM4, over 40% of the pods evaluated
were infected. The average PPR incidence for all the
clones in the trial was 22.3%. However, at a nearby
farm where practices typical of the area were con-
tinued, cumulative PPR incidence was higher at 28.7%
in the same evaluation period. Also, anecdotal reports
from farmers in the area suggest that the PPR
incidence during the wet season was higher in the
surrounding district than at the trial site: on some
farms, the proportion of harvested pods infected with
PPR exceeded 50% during the wet season but only
reached a maximum of 40% in the trial for all the
clones taken together (data not shown).
Figure 1 indicates that the cumulative PPR
incidence in ripe pods varied greatly among clones
from 8.6% in Aryadi 3 to 43.6% in AA01. In ripe pods,
PPR incidence was significantly low in VSD1Ldg,
DRC 16 (a PPR resistant clone from the ICCRI
International Journal of Pest Management 353
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collection in Java), Aryadi 3, Aryadi 1, Haris 2 and PM
2 (Table 2). The most susceptible clones were AA01
and KKM 4 while the susceptible controls (Phyt Ldg
and Sugeng) proved to be moderately susceptible in the
trial. (Figure 1, Table 2). Four approximate resistance
groupings were designated based on cumulative PPR
incidence: resistant (515%), moderately resistant
(15–24%), moderately susceptible (25–34%) and sus-
ceptible (434%). According to these criteria, the PPR-
resistant international clone Scavina 12, demonstrated
only moderate resistance in the trial. Figure 2 indicates
changes in PPR incidence with time for relatively
resistant clones compared to susceptible controls.
Generally, in these and other clones (data not shown)
the more resistant clones maintained a lower incidence
in ripe pods compared to susceptible clones during this
period although at times overlap occurred (Figure 2).
Table 2 shows that the proportion of PPR-infected
pods also infested with CPB exceeded 75% in most of
the clones, consistent with the high CPB incidence at
Table 1. VSD infection of clonal grafts in the Ladongi trial ranked from lowest to highest average severity.
Clone No. Clone name Source No. grafts Average severity Range of severity Resistance rating
12 DRC 15 ICCRI, Java 10 0.20 0–1 R
37 KA2 106 Papua New Guinea 11 0.27 0–1 R
18 PM 2 ICCRI, Kalimantan 17 0.29 0–1 R
1 Darwis 1 E. Kalimantan 10 0.30 0–1 R
36 KKM 4 Malaysia 13 0.31 0–1 R
9 PM 1 ICCRI, Kalimantan 11 0.36 0–1 R
16 VSD2Ldg SE Sulawesi 14 0.43 0–1 R
10 K 82 Papua New Guinea 14 0.43 0–2 MR
23 SCA 12 ICCRI collection 10 0.50 0–2 MR
15 AA02 ICCRI collection 18 0.50 0–1 R
29 RCC 71 ICCRI, N. Sumatra 13 0.54 0–1 MR
13 AA01 ICCRI collection 12 0.58 0–1 MR
14 GS 29 Reading, UK 12 0.58 0–1 MR
47 PBK 2 SE Sulawesi 12 0.58 0–1 MR
8 ICS 13 ICCRI collection 16 0.63 0–1 MR
19 KKM 22 Malaysia 16 0.63 0–1 MR
20 NIC 4 ICCRI collection 14 0.64 0–2 MR
22 Bal 209 Malaysia 11 0.64 0–1 MR
28 Sugeng SE Sulawesi 17 0.65 0–1 MR
7 NIC 7 ICCRI collection 12 0.67 0–1 MR
26 DRC 16 ICCRI, Java 15 0.67 0–2 MR
27 NW 6261 ICCRI collection 12 0.67 0–1 MR
24 RCC 70 ICCRI, N. Sumatra 11 0.73 0–2 MS
41 Baharuddin Central Sulawesi 16 0.75 0–3 S
44 Aryadi 2 South Sulawesi 16 0.75 0–1 MS
21 VSD3Ldg SE Sulawesi 18 0.78 0–2 MS
25 BR25 Malaysia 14 0.79 0–1 MS
46 Amiruddin SE Sulawesi 14 0.79 0–2 MS
30 RCC 72 ICCRI, N. Sumatra 15 0.80 0–2 MS
17 KEE 2 Papua New Guinea 11 0.82 0–1 MS
11 M4 Maluku 11 0.82 0–2 MS
6 VSD1Ldg SE Sulawesi 11 0.82 0–2 MS
40 Asmaun merah South Sulawesi 13 0.85 0–2 MS
48 VSD4Ldg SE Sulawesi 10 0.90 0–2 MS
32 RCC 73 ICCRI, N. Sumatra 13 0.92 0–2 MS
3 Darwis 3 E. Kalimantan 12 0.92 0–3 S
42 Ruslan Central Sulawesi 18 0.94 0–2 MS
2 Darwis 2 E. Kalimantan 12 1.00 0–2 S
31 PBK 1 SE Sulawesi 17 1.00 0–2 S
45 Aryadi 5 South Sulawesi 17 1.00 0–2 S
5 Anshary 2 Central Sulawesi 16 1.06 0–2 S
4 Anshary 1 Central Sulawesi 16 1.25 0–3 S
34 Haris 1 Central Sulawesi 11 1.27 0–2 S
49 PhytLdg SE Sulawesi 11 1.27 0–3 S
35 Haris 2 Central Sulawesi 18 1.39 0–3 S
39 Karmono 2 Central Sulawesi 10 1.40 0–2 S
33 Ridwan Central Sulawesi 15 1.40 0–3 S
43 Aryadi 1 South Sulawesi 14 1.43 0–2 S
38 Karmono 1 Central Sulawesi 11 1.64 0–2 S
Notes: Clones in the collection at ICCRI and local farm selections were included in the trial (see section 2). Individual grafts were assessed during
the dry season for VSD severity by ranking infection as 0, no infection; 1, signs of chlorosis, little or no leaf drop; 2, distinctive chlorosis and some
leaf drop; 3, severe leaf loss, dieback; 4, graft death. The resistance rating of clones incorporates both the average severity score and the range of
severity scores of infection observed among the replicates as follows: R, resistant: 50.50 and 0–1; MR, moderately resistant: 0.50–0.69 and/or 0–
2; MS, moderately susceptible: 0.70–0.99 and 0–2; S, susceptible: 40.99 and/or 0–3.
354 P. McMahon et al.
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the trial site (see McMahon et al. 2009). The ratio of
heavy (over 50% of the pod husk infected) to light
infection (less than 50% of the pod husk infected)
varied among the clones, providing evidence of
differential rates of lesion expansion on infected pods.
But there was no correlation between total PPR
incidence in ripe pods and the incidence of heavy
PPR infections (Pearson correlation coefficient,
Table 2. Incidence of PPR in ripe pods, the proportion of PPR-infected pods also infested with CPB and the ratio of heavy to
light infections (assessed only in PPR-infected pods free of CPB) in some of the clones tested at Ladongi (see Figure 1).
Clone no. Clone name
% Ripe pods
with PPR
Proportion infested
with CPB (%)
Ratio of heavy/light
PPR infection
2 Darwis2 11.4
88.5 2.0
6 VSD1Ldg 8.6
75.0 3.0
9 PM 1 31.4
85.7 2.7
13 AA01 43.6
82.4 2.7
14 GS29 19.3
87.1 2.0
18 PM 2 10.5
73.9 3.6
19 KKM22 20.3
82.5 4.0
21 VSD3Ldg 31.3
74.7 4.7
23 SCA12 20.4
83.5 4.0
24 RCC70 31.7
86.8 1.5
25 BR25 30.1
80.0 3.8
26 DRC16 11.0
90.0 1.1
28 Sugeng 30.4
85.5 2.6
31 PBK 1 21.0
90.2 4.5
34 Haris1 21.9
66.7 6.0
35 Haris2 11.1
86.8 0.4
36 KKM4 42.3
91.5 3.0
40 Asmaun merah 23.3
85.7 1.0
41 Baharuddin 23.2
91.9 9.0
43 Aryadi1 10.9
100.0 7
45 Aryadi3 8.6
86.1 1.5
46 Amiruddin 21.1
91.8 1.7
Note: Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P0.05, ANOVA, Games-Howell).
Figure 1. Cumulative PPR incidence (%) in ripe pods in the trial at Ladongi, determined over a 2-year period (January 2005 to
December 2006). Ripe pods (both healthy and infected) were harvested twice per month and evaluated individually for presence
or absence of PPR infestation. Each bar represents the mean PPR incidence (with SE bars), weighted for the numbers of ripe pods
harvested, for the 2-year period in an individual clone.
International Journal of Pest Management 355
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r¼0.205, P¼0.126). Also, there was no correlation
between PPR incidence in ripe pods and the heavy/
light infection ratio (Table 2) (Pearson correlation
coefficient, r¼0.175, P¼0.224).
Figure 3 indicates that the clones varied in percent
PPR infection at the immature stage of pod develop-
ment. Losses at the immature stage exceeded 20% of
the total harvest in the susceptible controls, PhytLdg
and Sugeng, and also in a number of other clones (e.g.
PM 1, RCC 70). The PPR incidence in ripe pods
(Figure 1) was positively correlated with incidence in
immature pods (Figure 2) (Pearson correlation coeffi-
cient, r¼0.399**, P¼0.01).
3.3. Lesion expansion in pods artificially inoculated
with PPR-infected tissue
Although PPR infections developed in most of the
wound-inoculated pods, the rate of expansion of
lesions (data not shown) proved to be highly variable
between replicates as well as clones. However, con-
sistent with the field results, DRC 16 showed evidence
of resistance with a relatively low average lesion area at
7 d.a.i. (550 cm
) compared to Sugeng, a susceptible
control, which had a higher average lesion area
(4130 cm
). However, lesion expansion data for other
clones tested were not so consistent with the field data
e.g. the clone VSD1Ldg, resistant in the field trial, had
moderate-large lesions 7 d.a.i. (averaging 92 cm
) and
PM 1, was quite resistant in the inoculation trial
(average lesion area at 7 d.a.i. 550 cm
) yet moder-
ately susceptible in the field trial (Figure 1).
3.4. Other pests and diseases
The most important pest at the trial site after CPB was
the mirid, Helopeltis spp. Figure 4 shows the cumula-
tive average incidence of this pest on total pods
harvested over the evaluation period. Losses due to
Helopeltis were especially high in DRC 16 with 23%
pods lost at the immature stage and a ripe pod
incidence of 52% (Figure 4). Losses out of the total
harvest at the immature stage of pod development were
between 10 and 20% in Darwis 2, Anshary 1 and PBK
2, while the highest total incidence (88%) occurred in
PBK 1, a CPB-susceptible control (see McMahon et al.
2009). Particularly resistant clones were KKM4 (with
Figure 3. PPR incidence (%) determined from the total pod harvest (immature and ripe pods) at Ladongi from 2005 to 2006.
Ripe pods (healthy and infected) and all infected immature pods were harvested twice per month. Differential shading in bars
indicates PPR incidence in immature pods (lower, darker shading) and in ripe pods (upper, lighter shading) as a proportion of all
the pods harvested. Values shown are means (with SE bars for each category) weighted for the number of pods harvested in each
Figure 2. Changes in PPR incidence during 2005 and 2006
in the ripe pods of relatively PPR-resistant clones, Aryadi 3
and PM 2 (continuous lines, solid symbols) and susceptible
control clones, Phyt Ldg and Sugeng (broken lines, open
symbols) identified at Ladongi (see Figure 1).
356 P. McMahon et al.
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an incidence of 34% in ripe pods and 0.8% in
immature pods) and PM 1, PM 2 and AA01.
Colletotrichum sp. was detected at negligible levels in
ripe pods, and was more common in immature pods.
However, incidence even in immature pods was less
than 1% of the total pod harvest for most of the clones
(data not shown). Damage by rodents (squirrels and
rats) was higher in ripe pods than immature pods. Even
so, incidence of damage (out of the total pod harvest)
at the ripe pod stage were less than 2% for most clones
(data not shown): only in KKM 22 (2.3%) and
Amiruddin (4.6%) were ripe pod losses due to rodent
activity higher.
3.5. Pod values and bean quality
Table 3 shows pod values for all the harvested pods
(actual pod values) as well as pod values determined
from healthy pods only (potential pod values) for
selected clones. Potential pod values were lower than
actual pod values in most clones, as expected, reflecting
the impact of pests and diseases. However, the
potential pod values determined in the Ladongi clones
were generally high and were much higher than
expected in some of the international clones. The small
bean size of Scavina 12 was reflected in its high pod
value but this was exceeded greatly by the Kalimantan
clone, PM 2, which had a remarkably high pod value
(172.5) consistent with the very small pods and beans
of this clone.
Bean losses due to pest/diseases in ripe pods were
calculated by comparing the bean harvest obtained
Figure 4. Incidence of Helopeltis spp. (%) determined from the total pod harvest (immature and ripe pods) at Ladongi from
2005 to 2006. Ripe pods (healthy and infested) and all infested immature pods were harvested twice per month. Differential
shading in bars indicates Helopeltis incidence in immature pods (lower, darker shading) and in ripe pods (upper, lighter shading)
as a proportion of all the pods harvested. Values shown are means (with SE bars for each category) weighted for the number of
pods harvested in each clone.
Table 3. Actual pod values (no. ripe pods (infected and
healthy)/kg dry beans), potential pod value (no. healthy pods
per kg dry beans) and bean losses in ripe pods harvested from
some of the cocoa clones in the trial at Ladongi, Southeast
Clone no.
pod value
pod value
2 Darwis 2 47.5 43.6 8.3
6 VSD1Ldg 49.1 34.8 29.2
11 M4 37.1 27.0 27.2
13 AA01 39.0 30.1 22.9
15 AA02 46.0 36.2 21.2
16 VSD2Ld 82.7 55.7 32.6
17 KEE 2 52.0 31.2 40.1
18 PM 2 172.5 152.7 11.5
19 KKM 22 45.2 36.2 20.0
21 VSD3Ldg 45.1 28.7 36.4
22 BAL 209 51.0 40.1 21.3
23 SCA 12 98.8 100.9 72.1
25 BR 25 42.5 35.2 17.1
28 Sugeng 40.3 30.1 25.3
30 RCC 70 50.6 37.0 26.9
31 PBK 1 53.4 44.3 17.1
34 Haris 1 52.1 44.6 14.4
35 Haris 2 53.0 39.9 24.7
41 Baharuddin 46.0 43.1 6.3
42 Ruslan 57.5 44.9 21.8
43 Aryadi 1 38.0 27.0 28.9
44 Aryadi 2 40.6 33.4 17.7
45 Aryadi 3 43.6 37.8 13.4
46 Amiruddin 46.5 22.8 50.9
49 PhytLdg 42.6 45.0 75.5
Notes: Pods were harvested twice per month over a 2-year period.
Beans were collected separately from healthy pods and pods affected
by pest/diseases, dried and weighed. Pod values are given for clones
producing at least 10 healthy ripe pods.
International Journal of Pest Management 357
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from all harvested pods with that of healthy pods
(Table 3). Bean losses can be attributed to the
combined effect of pests and diseases, mainly CPB
and PPR. Losses varied considerably among the
clones. Generally, the clones with apparent CPB-
resistance (McMahon et al. 2009) had relatively low
bean losses compared to other clones. For example,
Darwis 2, Aryadi 2, Scavina 12 and PM 2 showed bean
losses of less than 20%. However, clones with low PPR
incidence in the field did not follow this pattern as
PPR-resistant clones such as VSD1Ldg had high bean
losses (29.2%) while some more PPR susceptible clones
(e.g. Baharuddin, Haris 1) had lower losses.
Table 4 presents data on bean quality analyses for
26 of the clones tested in Ladongi. Most of these clones
did not meet the Standard National Indonesia (SNI)
specifications of quality (see Table 4 legend). Few
clones met the minimum fat content of 51% preferred
by industry. Pests or diseases seemed to have no effect
on the fat content of some clones (e.g. KKM 22, GS
29, Aryadi 1) but had a greater effect on others (e.g.
PM 1, Baharuddin). The highest fat content was in
PBK 2, a CPB-susceptible control. Bean count was
affected considerably by pests and diseases in some
clones. Of the 26 clones tested, 9 clones had a bean
count in healthy pods exceeding the industry threshold
requirement of 115, and this increased to 14 clones in
beans from infected pods (Table 4). In most clones,
beans extracted from damaged pods had a higher
proportion of flat beans and placental waste and higher
shell content than beans from healthy pods (Table 5).
4. Discussion
As evaluated in grafts at a relatively early stage of
development, a number of clones in the trial at
Ladongi showed a degree of VSD resistance. Some of
these, e.g. Sugeng and KKM 22, with relatively low
pod values and moderate resistance, could be immedi-
ately useful in VSD-affected areas. However, the VSD-
resistant clones, PM 2 and VSD2Ldg, had very high
pod values. These clones, particularly PM 2 with its
strikingly small pods and beans, would not be useful on
farms. However, the strong resistance characteristics of
these clones could make them valuable parental
material for cocoa breeding. Eight of the 14 clones
assessed as VSD-susceptible at Ladongi (Table 1) were
local selections from Central Sulawesi (see Table 1).
This province was largely unaffected by VSD at the
time the selections were made, and therefore the cocoa
genotypes grown in Central Sulawesi had not been
selected by farmers under pressure from VSD. The
apparently greater level of partial resistance among
genotypes selected from parts of South and Southeast
Table 4. Bean quality characteristics of some of the clones evaluated in the trial in Ladongi, Southeast Sulawesi.
Bean count Shell content (%) Fat content (%) Water content (%)
Healthy Damaged Healthy Damaged Healthy Damaged Healthy Damaged
Darwis 2 nd 135 nd 16.5 nd 48.9 nd 3.3
Anshary 1 143 86 13.7 13.3 47.9 47.2 2.9 3
VSD1Ldg 86 106 18.9 15.1 50.5 49.1 3.2 3
PM 1 123 151 14.6 16.8 51.4 47.3 2.9 3.1
M4 108 128 12.8 17.4 48 46.4 2.5 2.6
GS 29 79 100 8.4 17 50.5 50.5 2.9 3.1
AA02 91 nd 12.1 nd 50.2 nd 3.1 nd
VSD2Ldg 90 115 12 15.3 49.5 49.6 2.9 2.7
PM 2 178 244 19.2 20.7 47.7 46.8 3.1 3.3
KKM 22 89 108 10.8 14 49.8 51.2 2.8 2.7
VSD3Ldg 119 166 19.2 18.5 48 46.5 2.6 2.8
Bal 209 109 107 11.1 14.2 50.9 51.6 3 2.7
RCC 70 85 128 10.8 14.7 50.9 48.3 2.8 2.1
DRC 16 81 99 10.1 12.6 47.8 45.5 2.9 2.7
Sugeng 94 111 10.9 15.2 50.3 48.5 3.1 2.8
RCC 72 127 117 10.8 16.4 49.5 48.3 2.7 2.7
PBK 1 88 nd 13.8 nd 48.1 nd 3.1 nd
Haris I 98 130 12.6 15.5 48.9 47.8 2.9 2.7
Baharuddin 117 117 14.8 16.9 49.5 45.9 2.6 2.9
Ruslan 1 109 141 11.7 17.2 50.9 49.2 2.6 3.8
Aryadi 1 121 153 11.1 19.6 50.8 52.3 2.7 2.5
Aryadi 2 132 173 12.2 19 49.6 47.9 3.1 2.6
Aryadi 3 124 152 13.2 15.5 49.9 48.5 2.7 2.7
Amiruddin 115 163 13.1 18.8 49.7 48 2.8 3
PBK 2 nd 81 nd 13.6 nd 53 nd 2.8
PhytLdg 92 111 14.7 13.1 49.5 50.1 2.6 2.4
Notes: Beans harvested from healthy pods and pods damaged by pest/diseases were analysed separately and results from each category are shown
in separate columns. SNI specifications: max. bean count (no. dried beans in 100 g) ¼115, max. shell content ¼13% and minimum fat
content ¼51%. nd, not determined.
358 P. McMahon et al.
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Sulawesi (e.g. VSD2Ldg), where VSD has been
prevalent at least since the early 1980s, could be
explained by the longer period of time over which they
have possibly been selected under VSD pressure. This
indicates the capacity of the genetically diverse cocoa
in Sulawesi for adaptation to factors in the local
environment (e.g. pest and disease pressure) and the
potential value of employing locally adapted genotypes
for farm improvement, either by selection of resistant
clones or for breeding programs.
In the 2-year evaluation period, the clones tested in
Ladongi, including the on-farm selections, varied
considerably in their cumulative incidence of PPR,
enabling the identification of potential PPR-resistance
in some clones. These results support on-farm selection
as a useful way of identifying potential resistance in
cocoa genotypes but also re-affirm the necessity of
confirming identifications by farmers in systematic
trials (see McMahon et al. 2009). The field trial
indicated that the most PPR-resistant of the clones
were the local Sulawesi selections, Aryadi 3 and
VSD1Ldg. The former selection was identified as
having a low PPR infection rate by a farmer, Aryadi,
while the latter was a VSD-susceptible control. Aryadi
1, selected for CPB-resistance, also demonstrated
potential PPR resistance in the trial. While PPR
incidence fluctuated seasonally, the incidence in the
more resistant clones was generally lower than in
susceptible clones over the 2-year evaluation period
(Figure 2). Saul (1993) also found that lower PPR
incidence was maintained in PPR-resistant clones,
compared to more susceptible clones, during both
wet and dry seasons, and was especially evident during
wet seasons. The maintenance of a low incidence in
resistant types irrespective of the season suggests that
the PPR-resistance observed in the field at Ladongi was
constitutive to pods rather than being a seasonal effect
e.g. rainfall patterns or pod numbers. The PPR-
resistant Trinitario clone developed in Java, DRC 16,
proved to be one of the most PPR-resistant clones at
the ripe pod stage, but not at the immature stage.
Possibly, the high incidence of PPR infection in
immature pods of this clone might have been an
indirect effect of infestation by Helopeltis spp., which
occurred at a particularly high rate in the immature
pods of this clone (Figure 4). Except for DRC 16, PPR
incidence in immature pods was positively correlated
with that in ripe pods, evidence that similar resistance
mechanisms are operating at both stages of pod
Harvested ripe pods infected with PPR (but free of
CPB infestation) were evaluated for intensity of
infection: heavily infected or lightly infected. Since
evaluations were conducted at regular time intervals
Table 5. Bean waste (% dry weight of beans harvested) categorised as flat beans, clustered beans or placental waste from some
of the clones evaluated in the trial at Ladongi.
Healthy (%)
Damaged (%)
Flat Clustered Placental Flat Clustered Placental
Darwis 2 nd nd nd nd 1.0 0.0 0.8 1.8
Anshary 1 13.7 0.0 0.0 13.7 5.3 0.0 0.0 5.3
VSD1Ldg 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 1.1 0.0 0.7 1.8
PM 1 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 3.0 0.0 0.0 3
M4 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.0 0.0 2.1 5.1
GS 29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 4.5 0.0 7.6 12.1
AA02 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 nd nd nd nd
VSD2Ldg 2.8 0.0 0.0 2.8 8.2 0.0 0.0 8.2
PM 2 1.5 0.0 0.2 1.7 8.0 0.0 2.8 10.8
KKM 22 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
VSD3Ldg 8.8 0.0 0.0 8.8 14.9 0.2 2.0 17.2
Bal 209 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.7 0.0 0.6 1.3
RCC 70 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6.8 0.0 0.3 7.2
DRC 16 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 4.1 0.4 1.6 6
Sugeng 2.5 0.0 0.0 2.5 4.7 0.0 0.9 5.5
RCC 72 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.9 0.0 0.8 2.7
PBK 1 2.6 0.0 0.1 2.7 nd nd nd nd
Haris I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 4.7 1.4 0.7 6.8
Baharuddin 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 4.1 0.3 0.6 5
Ruslan 1 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 5.7 0.0 8.6 14.3
Aryadi 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
Aryadi 2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 5.4 0.0 0.9 6.3
Aryadi 3 19.5 0.0 0.0 19.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
Amiruddin 7.8 0.0 0.0 7.8 10.0 0.0 3.5 13.5
PBK 2 nd nd nd nd 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4
PhytLdg 6.6 5.8 0.1 12.5 7.9 0.9 1.5 10.3
Mean 3.0 0.2 0.0 3.4 4.4 0.1 1.5 6.0
Notes: Beans harvested from healthy pods and pods damaged by pest/diseases were analysed separately and results are shown in separate
columns. nd, not determined.
International Journal of Pest Management 359
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(approximately fortnightly) it would be expected that
in cumulative data for the 2-year evaluation period a
low ratio of heavy to light infections would be the
result of a slower expansion rate of pod rot lesions. The
ratio of heavy to light infections did vary between
clones (see Table 2) suggesting that the time taken for
PPR to spread though a pod may vary between clones.
However, these ratios were not correlated with the
incidence of PPR in ripe pods (Figure 1). Undoubtedly
pod size would affect the proportion of the pod affected
by PPR, with small pods being consumed by PPR more
rapidly than larger pods. For example, the resistant/
moderately resistant clones PM 2 and Scavina 12 both
had relatively high heavy/light infection ratios, perhaps
reflecting their small pod size. Evaluation only of PPR-
infected pods that were also free of CPB greatly
decreased the numbers of pods sampled (as most PPR-
infected pods also had CPB) making the data less
reliable. Nevertheless, the lack of correlation between
intensity of infection and incidence could be due to
different types of PPR-resistance mechanisms in pods.
Iwaro et al. (1997) identified two possible mechanisms
of resistance to PPR, the first at the stage of initial pod
infection (pre-penetration) and the second at the stage
of growth and spread of the pathogen following
infection of the pod (post-penetration). Possibly,
pods in the Ladongi trial with high heavy/light ratios
in infected pods, but relatively low PPR incidences (e.g.
Haris 1, PBK 1, KKM22, Scavina 12, Baharuddin),
were susceptible at the post-penetration but not the
pre-penetration stage of infection. Wound-inoculation
results for detached pods were inconsistent with the
field data in most of the clones, as clones that showed
apparent resistance in the field developed relatively
large lesions after artificial inoculation with infected
tissue. DRC 16 proved to be an exception, demonstrat-
ing a high level of resistance both in the field and
inoculation experiment. Possibly, some of the other
clones are resistant at the pre-penetration stage but not
at the post-penetration stage (and are susceptible to
artificial wound-inoculation), while DRC 16 is resistant
at both stages. Also, while PPR-resistance in some
clones might be attributable to a constitutive mechan-
ism (see above), variation in the cropping times of
other clones could account for their low PPR
incidence, especially if the peak crop falls outside the
wettest periods. Such clones might escape high levels of
PPR infection, but still be susceptible to artificial
inoculation. However, the high variability in lesion
expansion rates between replicates means no
strong conclusions can be drawn from the detached
pod tests.
The lower average incidence of PPR in the clones in
the Ladongi trial compared to trees on the nearby farm
plot assessed monthly, could be a result of the frequent
and complete harvesting method of both healthy and
diseased pods in the trial (twice per month in the trial
compared to once a month in the local area). This
observation was supported by anecdotal evidence from
nearby farmers. The higher frequency of harvesting
might have decreased the amount of inoculum avail-
able for new infections. In Cameroon, for example,
Ndoumbe-Nkeng et al. (2004) showed that regular
removal of pods infected with Phytophthora megakarya
at two sites in a 2-year period resulted in substantial
decreases in disease incidence.
Bean losses, estimated from the actual and poten-
tial pod values, would be expected to reflect the impact
of pests and diseases. However, losses varied consider-
ably between the clones and were not necessarily
greater in the more pest/disease susceptible clones
(Table 3). Nevertheless, the data suggest a closer
correspondence of bean losses with cumulative CPB
incidence (see McMahon et al. 2009) than with PPR
incidence. Possibly tolerance to infection/infestation
influenced bean losses. In the case of CPB infestation,
Teh et al. (2006) suggested that some clones, despite
being infested with CPB, exhibit relatively low bean
losses due to tolerance to infestation.
While pest/diseases clearly affected pod values and
bean quality parameters (especially bean counts) in the
Ladongi trial, even the healthy pods of many of the
clones tested had high pod values and bean quality
parameters that were below the industry minimum
standard. This could be a reflection of the condition of
the farm, which was located in an area of generally
poor soils, and also of the age and generally poor
condition of the rootstock trees. The trial at Ladongi
enabled identification of resistance in some clones but
in most cases this was to particular pest/disease
problems. Also, most of the potentially resistant clones
had high pod values or poor bean quality character-
istics. This was also the case for PM 2 and Scavina 12,
which showed evidence of potential resistance to more
than one pest/disease, but had unacceptable pod values
and bean quality characteristics. Clones such as these,
which have valuable resistance characteristics asso-
ciated with poor yield and/or quality, could be used as
parents in a cocoa breeding program to obtain hybrid
progeny with resistance as well as good quality and
yield characteristics.
The work presented in this paper was funded by the
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
(ACIAR Project CP/2000/102). Yohannes Junianto, formerly
plant pathologist at ICCRI, Jember, East Java, selected the
VSD resistant and susceptible local selections. Many thanks
are due to Pak Suntoro, former head of the Plant Protection
department, Dinas Perkebunan, Kendari, for his help in
facilitating the field trials established at Ladongi, Southeast
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