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Textual Scaffolds for Developing Fluency in Beginning Readers: Accuracy and Reading Rate in Qualitatively Leveled and Decodable Text


Abstract and Figures

This study examined first graders' accuracy and reading rate in highly decodable and qualitatively leveled texts. The study inspected accuracy and rate by different levels of practice (practiced vs. unpracticed) and at different times of the year (October, January, and May). Seventy-four first graders read both leveled and decodable texts with and without practice and then reread the same texts throughout the year. The accuracy results were inconclusive, favoring decodable texts in one analysis and leveled texts in another analysis. However, participants were significantly more fluent (words per minute) in practiced readings of leveled texts. Across the first-grade year, first graders were also more fluent in leveled texts although differences diminished throughout the year. Specific text features that facilitated fluency in leveled texts are discussed.
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Heidi Anne E. Mesmer
College of Education, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK, USA
This study investigated the effects of highly decodable text and coordinated
phonics instruction on first graders’ word recognition strategies. The quanti-
tative study sought to examine the validity of a major claim about highly
decodable text—that it enables readers to apply phonics instruction to a greater
extent than less decodable text. All participants received the same fourteen-day
phonics instruction. However, participants read either highly decodable or less
decodable text following the instruction. Treatment participants reading highly
decodable text were found to apply letter=sound knowledge to a greater extent
than control participants. They also were more accurate and relied on exam-
iners less for assistance. Treatment and control participants did not differ in
self-correction rates. As a replication of an earlier study, this work suggested
that readers with knowledge of the alphabetic principle, given the same phonics
instruction, will apply it more in a highly decodable context.
Recently, researchers, educators, and policymakers have expressed a
renewed interest in the instructional materials used with beginning read-
ers. Several articles exploring text issues have been written (Brown, 1999;
Cole, 1998; Hiebert, 1999; Johnston, 1998; Mesmer, 1999; Watson, 1997).
The topic ‘‘readers and texts’’ has become an inquiry focus of the Center
for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA), and a great
variety of instructional materials has flooded the textbook market. Due
in part to policies in many states, highly decodable text has become inc-
reasingly visible (California Department of Education, 1996; Texas
Department of Education, 1997; Virginia General Assembly, 2001).
The topic of text decodability is all the more heated within the context
of struggling readers. A number of programs that are typically used with
struggling readers, including those in special education programs, rely on
Address correspondence to Heidi Anne E. Mesmer, Oklahoma State University, College of
Education, 249 Willard Hall, Stillwater, OK 74074. E-mail:
Reading & Writing Quarterly, 21: 61786, 2005
Copyright #Taylor & Francis Inc.
ISSN: 1057-3569 print
DOI: 10.1080/10573560590523667
highly decodable materials (Wilson, 1996). Nonetheless, opinions vary
regarding its use with struggling readers. Some researchers question any
use of highly decodable text (Allington, 2001; Allington & Woodside=Jiron,
1998; Hicks & Villaume, 2001; Routman, 1997), while others insist it to be
foundational to reading acquisition (Fletcher, Francis, & Foorman, 1997;
Groff, 1999; Grossen, 1997; Kameenui & Simmons, 1997; Moats & Hall,
1999; Stein, Johnson, & Gutlohn, 1999). Still others believe that decod-
ability should be considered in choosing instructional materials but should
not serve as the only textual scaffold available to readers (Brown, 1999;
Cole, 1998; Hoffman, 2001; Mesmer, 1999, Hiebert, 1998).
Unfortunately, opinions and hypotheses dominate discussions because only
a small amount of research informs current knowledge. The National Reading
Panel (2000), Snow, Burns, & Griffin (1998), and others (Allington, 1997;
Pikulski, 1998) have noted this gap. In response to calls for study, researchers
have analyzed reading materials (Hoffman, Patterson, Assaff, Sailors, Mast, &
McCoy, 1993; Menon & Hiebert, 1999; Stein et al., 1999) or investigated how
readers respond to texts of varying levels of decodability (Hoffman, Roser,
Paterson, Salas, & Pennington, 2000; Mesmer, 2001b). In 1998, Pikulski pin-
pointed the need for an examination of readers’ responses to text by asking,
‘‘How many studies have been published in which the nature of beginning
reading texts is systematically varied and the effects measured?’’ (p. 30). The
present study responds to this need.
Decodability, like other textual scaffolds, may have some benefits.
However, it may also produce side effects. Ultimately, classroom teachers
need to understand when they might use texts with some level of decod-
ability and when these texts are not useful. This study sought a sophisti-
cated understanding of the use of decodability as a textual scaffold.
Decodability is not a long-term solution: like the training wheels on a
bicycle, it is designed to facilitate future independence.
This section will briefly review the current literature. The first portion
examines definitions of highly decodable text, and the following section
describes its theoretical purposes. The third section analyzes studies that
examined the effects of decodable text on readers, and the final section
presents a developmental model for the present study.
What is Decodable Text?
Most define decodable text by the presence of the following two features: a
proportion of words with phonically regular relationships between letters
62 H. A. E. Mesmer
and sounds, and a degree of match between the relationships represented
in text and those that the reader has been taught (Allington & Woodside-
Jiron, 1998; Groff, 1999; Hiebert, 1998; Stein et al., 1999; Willows, Borwick,
& Hayvren, 1981).
Phonic Regularity
In most studies, phonic regularity refers to letter=sound patterns that
are structurally simple, follow common letter=sound associations, and
recur in many different words (Ehri, 1998; Hiebert, 1998; Hoffman, 2001;
Hoffman et al., 1993; Juel & Roper-Schneider, 1985; Menon & Hiebert,
1999). Phonic regularity has been assessed by examining texts using many
methods, such as rating scales, rimes, and bigram versatility.
Rating scales have been used extensively to determine phonic regularity.
The following represent some tools:
1. a three-level rating scale based on Venezky’s (1970) work (Juel & Roper-
Schneider, 1985)
2. an eight-level system (Menon & Hiebert, 1999)
3. The Scale for Text Accessibility and Support-Grade 1 or STAS 1
(Hoffman et al., 1993, 2000).
(See Mesmer, 2001a, for a more detailed discussion of these systems).
Given the many ways of accounting for phonic regularity, several uni-
fying conclusions can be made about what regularity is and how it relates
to decodability. First, regular patterns, be they rimes or bigrams, recur in
many different words. Second, the most regular patterns have one-to-one
letter=sound correspondences (cat, trap, stump) or predictable two-to-one
patterns (seat, boat, blue). Third, highly decodable text is usually not
distinguished by a great number of regular words but instead by the
clustering of words with similar word parts together within specific pas-
sages (Hiebert, 1999; Juel & Roper-Schneider, 1985). Thus, in highly
decodable text, specific words may not be repeated more often, but certain
universal word parts are (rimes, bigrams, and specific patterns).
Lesson-to-Text Match
Currently decodable text is characterized by a degree of match between
letter=sound relationships represented in text and those that the reader
has been taught. Here, this feature is called lesson-to-text match (LTTM),
but in other works it has been called ‘‘instructional consistency,’’ ‘‘wholly
decodable,’’ and ‘‘text related,’’ (Hoffman, 2001; Reutzel & Daines, 1987;
Stein et al., 1999). In most studies, LTTM is expressed as a percentage of
words matching phonics lessons specified in teacher’s manuals. In seven
studies, researchers specifically evaluated this variable (Barr, Dreeben,
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 63
& Wiratchai, 1983; Beck, 1981; Beck & Block, 1979; Meyer, Greer, &
Crummey, 1987; Reutzel & Daines, 1987; Stein et al., 1993, 1999). Con-
sistently, they found highly decodable text to contain more words matching
phonics lessons. The purpose of the LTTM feature is to specify what has
been taught, because it can be independently measured much more easily
than learned information.
There are three main limitations of the LTTM feature. First, in previous
studies conceptualizations of LTTM took into account lessons specified in
teacher’s editions despite the fact that actual phonics lessons will differ
(Ball & Cohen, 1996; Pressley, Rankin, & Yokoi, 1996). Like Memer
(2001b), the present research examines actual phonics instruction as it
coordinates with words in text. Second, in previous studies, the nature of
the lessons is not specified even though the type of phonics instruction, use
of modeling, opportunity for practice, and quality of feedback all influence
how ‘‘decodable’’ words are to the reader. For this reason, this study’s
methodology specifies exactly the nature of lessons so that judgments can
be made about the instruction’s potential for rendering words decodable. A
final limitation of the LTTM feature is that no optimal percentage of LTTM
has been established by research (Allington, 2001). A major purpose of this
study is to report the percentage of words coordinated with lessons and to
also report the effects on readers.
Both features of the decodability definition, phonic regularity and LTTM,
contain restrictions. Using the analogy of readability, the limitations of
decodability may be better understood. Readability is established by
examining word- and sentence-level features that are independent of the
reader. However, there is clearly a reader=text interaction that also influ-
ences the readability of a book. This reader=text interaction is based on
individual differences that are difficult, if not impossible, to measure. Like
readability, decodability can be independently but not comprehensively
measured by calculating regularity and LTTM. Just as educators have
accepted readability as a gross measure of text difficulty, so also can they
accept decodability as a gross measure of word level difficulty at specific
literacy stages. As a whole, the decodability construct is functional and
draws on over twenty years of research.
What Are Theoretical Purposes of Decodable Text?
To become proficient, beginners must read great amounts of text, yet they
are significantly challenged by the task of identifying words in print.
Textbook authors have employed a variety of textual scaffolds to assist
readers as they identify words in text. All textual scaffolds, be they con-
nected to decodability or not, represent a manipulation of the reading
material at some level. Materials that do not contain textual scaffolds are
64 H. A. E. Mesmer
written with aesthetic purposes as the primary authorial force. Thus, the
purpose of decodability, like other scaffolds, is to assist the literacy
acquisition process.
Decodability, however, prompts readers to use specific strategies to
identify words. As a textual scaffold, decodability has two purposes. First,
it offers a context through which readers can use letter=sound strategies
(Adams, 1990; Gough, 1997; Stahl, Duffy-Hester, & Stahl, 1998). Theore-
tically, students reading highly decodable text should be able to apply
phonics instruction due to the coordination between letter=sound infor-
mation and words in print (Adams, 1990; Barr, 1972; Bryne, 1991; Gough &
Juel, 1991). In contrast, when students learn isolated phonics rules or
complete worksheets, they are not likely to generalize decoding strategies
to reading. Second, the regularity in decodable text along with the lesson-
to-text match focuses attention on letter=sound strategies. Readers who
apply letters and sounds during connected reading must be attending
consciously to them (Adams, 1990). Decodable text encourages this
conscious attention.
The Effects of Decodable Texts and Instruction on Word
Recognition Strategies
Four examinations of readers’ responses to decodable text can be found in
the literature (Foorman, Frances, Fletcher, Schatschneider, & Mehta, 1998;
Hoffman et al., 2000; Juel & Roper-Schneider, 1985; Mesmer, 2001b). A
quasi-experimental study by Juel and Roper-Schneider (1985) compared
the abilities of two first grade groups (N¼93), one reading in a highly
decodable text and the other in a high-frequency text. Both groups
received the same supplemental, scripted phonics program. The groups did
not differ in their abilities to read words in their own basals, but the de-
codable group performed better in reading pseudo-words at November=
December and February assessments. For this reason, the current study
was timed during the first two-thirds of the first grade year.
In a larger study, Foorman et al. (1998) compared three groups of at-risk
first and second graders (N¼285), one of which received direct phonics
instruction coordinated with decodable text. The other two groups rec-
eived either an embedded or implicit phonics program. Researchers mea-
sured decoding, receptive vocabulary, phonological processing, spelling,
and comprehension. The readers in the highly decodable text group had
superior performance on both the decoding and comprehension measures,
with the differences being most robust in decoding.
A smaller study contrasted readers’ abilities to apply phonics instruction
in a decodable and control context (Mesmer, 2001b). This study eschewed
pseudo-word assessments in favor of decoding abilities used during
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 65
connected reading. For fifteen days, all participants received the same
phonics instruction but were assigned to read either highly decodable or
control texts. Students reread texts, and data were collected using running
records. Oral reading errors were rated for the match between the pro-
nounced and written word. The treatment group had more errors in which
two or more phonemes matched the print than the control group.
Hoffman et al. (2000) also examined student behaviors as related to
predictability, decodability, and text-leveling systems. These researchers
rated little ‘‘books’’ for difficulty as well as decodability and predictability.
Participants were introduced to sets of books via three treatments, and
their accuracy, fluency, and reading rates were measured. Participants’
accuracy was positively and significantly correlated with more highly
decodable texts, indicating that decodability may have assisted students in
recognizing words. Participants’ fluency was negatively correlated with less
decodable text. Thus, as words became less decodable, participants were
less fluent.
According to these studies, young readers may be influenced in very
specific ways and at very specific times by text decodability. Readers
seemed to be most influenced during the first portion of first grade, a
period that in fact may be more precisely connected to word recognition
phases. Readers using decodable text also appear to pay greater attention
to letter=sound information, both in a global sense as well during con-
textualized reading. Furthermore, even when readers have been given the
same phonics instruction, those who read highly decodable text appeared
to apply this instruction more than control groups. Interestingly, three of
these studies included significant numbers of English Language Learners
(ELLs). A contribution of the present study is that the sample is different
A Model Based on Word Recognition Phases
Ultimately, decodability is a tool, one that can be used correctly or incor-
rectly, appropriately or inappropriately. Having discussed how decodability
may work in the previous section, this section examines when it may work.
As mentioned earlier, the theoretical purpose of decodability is to assist
readers in applying letter=sound strategies. With this purpose in mind, the
question remains: ‘‘When, developmentally, do readers need the most
assistance to apply letter=sound knowledge?’’
The word recognition literature specifies a series of developmental
phases through which readers pass as they become automatic. In these
stages, readers are distinguished by the extent to which they apply the
alphabetic principle. Prealphabetic readers do not use letter=sound cor-
respondences to recognize words (Ehri, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1998; Ehri
66 H. A. E. Mesmer
& McCormick, 1998). Partial alphabetic readers understand the alphabetic
principle and gradually apply their knowledge by using beginning or final
consonants. As readers move into full alphabetic reading, they connect all
letters in a word with the phonemes that the letters represent. At the
consolidated alphabetic phase, readers internalize multiletter units and
patterns. Finally, in the automatic phase, readers retrieve most of their
words by sight and are free to focus most of their attention on meaning.
Once readers understand and begin to apply their alphabetic knowledge
at the partial alphabetic stage, they often struggle to fully apply it in the
next phase. However, moving students into the full alphabetic phase is a
crucial goal for first-grade teachers (Ehri, 1998). Highly decodable text
may be particularly useful in helping young readers transition from the
partial alphabetic phase into full alphabetic reading. At this transition,
readers know enough about letter=sound correspondences to begin app-
lying them but not enough to handle the full range of complexities in
English. In addition, they need help to decode vowels, the most complex
letter=sound relationships in English.
The study had the following four major purposes:
1. to examine the theoretical claims about text decodability
2. to identify students who would benefit from highly decodable text
3. to contrast reading behaviors of groups (accuracy, self-corrections, need
for assistance, repetitions, and insertions)
4. to make improvements to an earlier study.
The study’s design chiefly investigated whether or not use of highly
decodable text resulted in a greater application of letter=sound informa-
tion. Both treatment and control groups received the same phonics
instruction, but the treatment group read highly decodable text and the
control group read less decodable text. The essential question was, ‘‘When
treatment and control groups were given the same phonics instruction,
did treatment readers apply this instruction more as they read a highly
decodable text than control readers who read less decodable text?’’
This major query was examined through an outcome variable in which
readers’ oral reading errors were rated for their match to the printed sti-
muli. Each error was assigned a point for each phoneme matching the print
in the correct sequence. For example, the word ‘‘ship’’ has three phonemes.
The error ‘‘lip’’ has two corresponding phonemes and would receive a two
rating; the error ‘‘show,’’ a rating of one; and the error ‘‘got,’’ zero. Errors
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 67
with two or more phonemes matching the print were called graphically
similar. This division corresponds with the developmental juncture of the
model. A reader who correctly pronounces zero or one phonemes is most
likely a pre- or partial-alphabetic reader using either no alphabetic infor-
mation or only initial sounds. A reader pronouncing at least two or more
phonemes correctly is more likely to move into the full alphabetic phase by
using more than simply initial or final sounds. The treatment group was
expected to have a higher average number of errors with two or more
phonemes matching the print.
The second purpose of the study was directly related to the type of
student who might benefit from highly decodable text. This purpose was
exploratory in nature but deemed vital given state mandates for the use
of highly decodable text in first grade and the preponderance of highly
decodable text in programs for struggling readers. Using a statewide screen-
ing measure, the study selected students who were beginning readers
demonstrating an understanding of the alphabetic principle and some
knowledge of sight words. Students who did not demonstrate these skills
at a minimal level or who had clearly surpassed beginning reading stages
were not selected.
The third purpose was to build on earlier work by contrasting reading
behaviors (Hoffman et al., 2000). Through data collected on running
records, the researcher examined word accuracy, the number of self-
corrections, repetitions, and the number of words provided by the assessor.
This query was related both to participants’ autonomy as they read highly
decodable text as well as the possible side effects of decodability. Treat-
ment participants were expected to be more autonomous as evidenced by
higher percentages of word accuracy, fewer appeals to the examiner to
pronounce words, and higher self-correction rates. As a side effect, they
were expected to repeat more often due to their increased focus on
Finally, in three crucial ways, this research improved upon a previous
study. First, it was timed during the first one-third of the first grade year,
when previous researchers had found highly decodable text to have its
most pronounced effects. Second, the decodable and control texts were
more uniform because the same publishers produced both. Third, a new
scale, containing eight levels instead of three, was used to measure phonic
regularity. The following questions guided the study:
1. When compared to control participants receiving the same phonics
instruction, did treatment participants have more errors in which two or
more phonemes matched the printed word?
2. When compared to control participants receiving the same phonics
instruction, did treatment participants have higher percentages of word
68 H. A. E. Mesmer
accuracy, fewer occasions in which they relied upon examiner assistance
to pronounce words (tolds), more self-corrections, and more repeated
words or phrases?
One school in a metropolitan area in the southeast participated in the
study. The school belonged to an urban district with approximately fifty
elementary schools. The school was labeled a ‘‘model’’ school by the
system, and many parents petitioned to have their children attend the
school. This fact made the population of students at this school different
than other schools, with higher poverty rates. The population at this school
consisted of 47% African-Americans, 51% Caucasian, and 2% other; 26% of
the students received free or reduced priced lunches.
Students from three first-grade classrooms participated in the study. In
these three classrooms, teachers shared similar practices. Teachers used
the morning message, shared reading, journaling, writer’s workshop, and
independent reading. Teachers also used a variety of reading materials,
including literature, big books, and ‘‘little books,’’ but did not make great
use of highly decodable text. Prior to the intervention, the researcher met
with the teachers and discussed the purpose of the study. Teachers agreed
to the intervention and were eager for the additional small group instruc-
tion that their students would receive.
Fifty-one participants were screened for this study and 23 participated
in the study. Participants had summed scores between 22 and 44 on the
statewide screening measure. Seventeen students had scores that were too
high to qualify for the study, five students had scores that were too low, one
student discontinued due to excessive absences, and five students were
eliminated due to the need to maintain equal numbers across classrooms.
Those who participated in the study understood the alphabetic principle,
could apply this to initial and final consonants, and had acquired some sight
word knowledge. They had neither begun to fully analyze words nor had
spellings that included many vowels.
The sample consisted of ten females and thirteen males. Eleven parti-
cipants were Caucasian and twelve were African-American. An equal
number of children from each classroom participated in the study (eight
per classroom), with the exception of one classroom, from which one
participant was lost due to excessive absences. In each classroom, the eight
participants were divided into two small groups, one receiving the treat-
ment and one the control. The intervention took place outside of the
regular classroom, with the researcher meeting separately with treatment
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 69
and control groups. A total of six small groups existed across the three
The Phonics Readers Levels 274 by Sundance Publishers were chosen
as the treatment text because they were highly decodable on three
measures—LLTM, regularity, and number of syllables. This pronounced
decodability made them especially viable for a short-term intervention. The
control books included the Alpha Kids Readers Levels 275, also published
by Sundance publishers. These texts could be best described as ‘‘little
books.’’ They contained short sentences, many high-content words, close
print7picture match, natural language, and some predictable elements.
Analysis of Decodability
During the total intervention, each group read fourteen books. The
content words in the treatment and control text were compared on LLTM,
phonic regularity, total number of running words, number of syllables, and
repetitions. Content words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs,
whereas structure words are pronouns, determiners, quantifiers, preposi-
tions, intensifiers, coordinate and adverbial conjunctions, conjunctive
adverbs, relative pronouns, and auxiliary and linking verbs (Clark & Clark,
1977). Content words were counted as opposed to structure words because
of the significant differences between these word-types, both in purpose
and in frequency. To understand the essence of a text, readers must
recognize these content words. For each feature, words were analyzed and
book set means compared using t-tests (a¼.05).
In the areas of LTTM, specific phonic regularity categories, and number
of syllables, the highly decodable and control texts differed significantly
(see Table 1 for specific decodability statistics). Note that the LTTM takes
into account only those sounds taught during the research intervention.
Procedures for measuring the LLTM followed those used in earlier
studies (Mesmer, 2001b). Each content word was analyzed for its match
to the letter=sound focus of lessons delivered by the researcher. For each
book, an average LTTM was obtained by comparing the number of content
words matching lessons to the total number of content words in the
book. For example, every short =e=word that appeared in the text when
the short =e=was the focus of the lessons was counted as matching. Later,
when the sound focus shifted to short =a=,bothshort=a=and short =e=
words were counted as matching. The treatment text contained about
40% of words matching the lessons, whereas the control text contained
only about 8%.
70 H. A. E. Mesmer
Phonic regularity was evaluated using the scale developed by Menon &
Hiebert (1999). This scale included eight levels and was chosen because of
its specificity in categorizing words. Level 1 words included short one- and
two-letter words, and Level 2 words contained short vowel c-v-c and v-c
patterns. Level 3 words contained clusters (tr, str, sl) and digraphs (th, sh,
ch) but not words ending in r, l, or gh. Level 4 words contained the silent
e pattern, and Level 5 words vowel digraphs (ea, ee, oa). Level 6 words
contained r-controlled words and words ending in 11. Finally, Level 7 words
included diphthongs (oi), and Level 8 words were multisyllabic.
The mean percent of words per book was reported for each word type.
The treatment and control books did not differ significantly at all levels of
phonic regularity. The most notable differences occurred at Level 2 (short
vowels): as might be expected, the decodable text contained many more
Level 2 words in comparison to the control text. The decodable text also
contained fewer silent e, vowel digraph, and diphthong words.
The words for the two sets of books were analyzed for the number of
syllables each contained. For each book, an average number of syllables per
content word was measured. As was found in previous studies, all book sets
TABLE 1 Decodability Statistics for Treatment and Control Books
Treatment Control
Feature MSDMSDT p
Percent words matching lessons=book
40.3 (16.3) 7.7 (2.11) 6.5 .0000
Number of content words=book 87.9 (34.3) 52.5 (29.5) 2.8 .009
Number of total words=book 122.5 (45.8) 92.5 (42.9) 1.7 .07
Number of repetitions=word=
4.4 (0.9) 3.1 (0.7) 3.8 .0009
Number of syllables=word 1.1 (0.3) 1.3 (0.0) 2.5 .01
Percent of content words=book in following categories:
Regularity 1 (1 & 2 letter words) 5.1% (5.9) 2.5% (3.9) 1.3 .19
Regularity 2 (short vowel o-v-c) 54.2% (18.5) 15.4% (12.7) 6.3 .00
Regularity 3 (blends &
18.1% (14.0) 10.4% (2.9) 1.6*.13
Regularity 4 (silent e) 2.1% (2.8) 12.1% (13.3) 2.6*.02
Regularity 5 (vowel digraphs) 0.0% (0.3) 12.8% (10.2) 4.3*.00
Regularity 6 (r- and l-controlled) 8.7% (8.0) 4.5% (3.7) 1.7 .09
Regularity 7 (diphthongs) 5.0% (4.1) 12.9% (10.7) 1.6*.03
Rather than reporting Level 8, the percent of multisyllable words, the table reports the aver-
age number of syllables per word. Thus, Level 8 is not reported, and the percentages for Levels
177 do not collapse to 100.
*indicates that a test for unequal variances was conducted.
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 71
differed significantly on the number of syllables per word, with the decod-
able books containing fewer syllables per word than the control books.
Number of Content Words, Running Words,
and Repetitions
The number of words contained in a text can place demands on the
reader, and for this reason affect the difficulty level of the text. Therefore,
each set was compared on the number of content words per book set.
When the number of content words was compared, the text sets differed
with the control books, on average containing about 52 words compared to
the 87 words in the decodable text. Depending on one’s perspective, this
difference might favor either the control or decodable readers. Assuming
that the reading of predictable, less decodable texts is usually driven by
memory, the depressed number of content words in the control set would
theoretically have enabled the control group to read more accurately
because they would have had to remember fewer words. From this per-
spective, the difference favored the control group. However, the fewer
number of content words could have disadvantaged the control group due
to the less amount of time spent reading and the fewer opportunities to
practice reading words containing the patterns taught.
For this reason, a second analysis was conducted comparing the total
number of running words per book as opposed to only content words. In
this analysis, the two book sets did not differ significantly. Collectively,
fourteen highly decodable texts contained exactly 1724 words, and the
control books exactly 1298 words. Within-set books varied widely in num-
bers of words, as indicated by the high standard deviations for both total
number of content words and total number of running words.
Finally, each word within each book was analyzed for the number of
times that it was repeated. The book means were than converted to group
means for both decodable and control sets, yielding an average number of
repetitions per word per book. On average, words in the highly decodable
set were repeated one time more than those in the control set. Although
repetition can characterize both highly decodable and less decodable text,
repetition in highly decodable text appears to be higher.
Design and Procedures
Due to the numerous questions about highly decodable materials as well as
calls for the manipulation of text, this study had an experimental design.
The independent variable was text, either a highly decodable text or a less
decodable text. The dependent variables included the degree of application
of letter=sound information, word accuracy, percentage of errors self-
corrected, number of repetitions, and number of words provided by the
72 H. A. E. Mesmer
researcher. Both treatment and control participants received this phonics
instruction. The phonics instruction intervention lasted fourteen days, and
each participant spent twenty minutes per day in this instruction. Although
all participants received the same phonics instruction, this instruction took
place within their prospective treatment groups, outside of the regular
classroom. Following each lesson, participants read either highly decodable
or less decodable text, depending on group. Maintaining internal validity
was a primary concern in the study, and the following procedures increased
1. selecting students from three different classrooms to control for teacher
2. balancing the number of treatment and control participants within each
3. counterbalancing the times during the day that groups met for lessons.
4. selecting participants within a specific score range to decrease the
sample’s heterogeneity.
5. controlling the phonics lessons.
Preintervention Procedures
Students were assessed by their classroom teachers using a statewide
literacy screening measure. Administered to first graders in fall and spring
of each year, this screening gives teachers diagnostic information about
their students and identifies students who are at risk for reading failure. All
students in the first grade are administered a twenty item, preprimer word
list and a spelling test. The spelling assessment approximated students’
applied knowledge of letter=sound information. Students are assigned
points for correct letter=sound representation in words based on various
features of the English language (e.g., initial consonants, final consonants,
blends, digraphs, short vowels, and long vowels). In addition, a bonus point
is assign if the word is spelled correctly. The total number of points that a
student can earn for the beginning of the year spelling is 57. The raw
scores for both the word list and spelling list are summed. If the summed
score is below 28, then other diagnostic measures are administered,
including phonological awareness, concepts about print, and letter
knowledge. Readers with scores at 28 or below qualify for additional
Within classrooms, participants were randomly assigned to treatments.
Four participants from each classroom were in the treatment group and
four were in the control group. When the total number of qualifying par-
ticipants within a classroom was not equal to eight, participants were
ordered by their summed scores alternately eliminated from the top and
then the bottom of the score range until only eight participants remained.
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 73
Intervention Procedures
The researcher delivered the daily twenty-minute lesson. The lesson
components were ordered to scaffold participants’ alphabetic learning. The
lesson was based on a model called ‘‘Hear-it, Read-it, Spell-it,’’ with which
students first practiced hearing a target vowel sound with phonemic seg-
mentation activities, practiced reading that sound in words, spelled the
sound in a dictated word, and then read books. For the treatment group,
the words in the books contained the target sound, and for the control
group, there was no control on words in text (See Appendix A, Lesson
Instruction within each activity progressed from teacher modeling to
group guided practice to independent practice. During independent prac-
tice, each participant individually completed one to two items within a
given activity (e.g., reading words, segmenting words, or reading pages).
The researcher gave participants specific, corrective feedback for inde-
pendent practice items. When items were not correct, the researcher asked
a scaffolding question. If the student was not successful after the scaf-
folding question, then the researcher modeled the correct procedure and
asked the student to repeat. If the student was still not successful, then the
researcher completed the item with the student.
Phonemic Segmentation
The phonemic awareness activities specifically focused on segmenting
words because this skill is crucial for later decoding (Muter & Snowling,
1998; Nation & Hulme, 1997; Snow et al., 1998). In addition, phonemic
segmentation corresponds with the skills that a full-alphabetic reader must
have in order to be successful (Ehri, 1998). The researcher first demon-
strated how words could be stretched out and then modeled a segmenting
procedure for tapping the table each time a new sound was heard. After the
word was segmented, it was pronounced completely. Toward the end of the
lesson sequence, when students were learning both short e and short a,
they were asked to differentiate between two words containing these
sounds using the methods described above. The Lesson Matrices detail
the specific words used for modeling, guided practice, and independent
Reading Words
During this part of the lesson, a strategy for blending sounds together in
words was modeled. The process for reading the words involved three
parts. Covering the last letter in the word, participants articulated the first
and second letter=sounds and then blended these together. After blending
these two sounds, they added the ending sound to the word and finally
articulate the blended word.
74 H. A. E. Mesmer
Dictated Writing
At the end of each lesson, participants wrote one word containing focus
sounds. During this segment of the lesson, the researcher said the word in
isolation and then used the word in a sentence to ensure participants’
familiarity with it. After this point, the researcher stretched the word out,
slowly enunciating each sound, and then asked the participants to write the
word. While the participants wrote the word, the researcher alternately
said the word in a standard fashion and stretched the word. All of the
writing was recorded in little journals.
Reading a New Book
The last segment of the lesson included introducing and reading a new
book. Prior to reading the book, each participant was asked to look
through the book at the pictures, thinking about the content of the story.
After this, a conversation followed, posing possible predictions about the
story. During the first reading of the book, the entire group was asked to
read the book chorally. This independent reading gave participants prac-
tice in applying the skills that they had just learned. Depending on the
group’s success, the researcher read along with the participants or stayed
silent. At the second reading, each child was asked to volunteer to read a
page of the book.
Approximately 90% of the time, all participants volunteered to read a
page. When a child did not volunteer, the researcher asked the participants
to read a page and volunteered to read along with him=her. At points when
a participant could not supply the correct word, the researcher waited
three seconds and then supplied the word.
Before each lesson, one participant from each group individually
reread the book from the previous day with a graduate assistant. Each
participant orally reread a familiar book every fourth day. During this
time, oral reading errors were collectedusingrunningrecordproce-
dures (Clay, 1993). To consistently collect types of oral reading errors,
standard procedures were established. Because ‘‘Tolds’’ were counted
as errors, participants were given ample opportunity to figure a word
out and encouraged to use strategies to help them. Participants were
told a word if after two-second wait, a generic prompt, and then a five-
second wait they could not correctly pronounce it. The running
records and the lessons were not performed by the same person to
avoid any bias in providing words to students. Repetitions, insertions,
omissions, and substitutions were denoted using standard markings
(Clay, 1993).
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 75
Post Intervention Procedures
After the intervention was completed, researchers coded the data. First,
the average word accuracy rate for each running record was calculated.
Insertions, omissions, substitutions, and tolds were all counted as errors.
Repetitions were not counted as errors because, in many cases, readers
repeated words or phrases to monitor themselves. Second, researchers
rated each substitution for its graphic similarity as described earlier. After
rating each substitution, a count was tabulated of the number or errors
with ratings of 071 and those greater than or equal to 2. The number of
self-corrections also was tabulated. Finally, any running record with 85%
word accuracy was not used in this analysis. This resulted in two pieces of
data, one from each group, being omitted.
Due to the design and two-sample comparison, Student’s t appeared to be
the most appropriate path for data analysis. However, the assumptions of
this test were examined, and an inspection of the data indicated that t-tests
would not be sufficient for several reasons. The distributions of many of the
sampling means were not normal and often moderately skewed. The t-test
is relatively robust to a violation of the normal distribution assumption if
the total sample is over 40, which it was not. In addition, the sample means
did not have equal variances. The t-test is also robust to this violation when
sample sizes are equal, which they were not.
For these reasons, the non-parametric equivalent to the t-test was the
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. In a recent comparison of Student’s t-test and
this test, the Wilcoxon better maintained Type 1 errors at the nominal
rate for non-normal distributions (MacDonald, 1999; Zimmerman, 1994). In
addition, with non-normal distributions, the Wilcoxon gave better power,
an advantage that was increased when sample sizes were unequal
(MacDonald, 1999). The Wilcoxon places the scores of each participant in
rank numerical order while retaining the group identity (treatment of
control). Then the ranks are summed by group. Higher rank sums indicated
higher overall scored. As specified in APA, the sum of ranks (W)are
reported along with related pvalues. In addition, zscores are reported.
The baseline equivalence of participants was established using the sta-
tewide assessment described earlier. Table 2 shows the mean scores and
standard deviations on the spelling assessment, word list, and the summed
scored. This information is reported to make the findings more under-
standable. However, the means were not analyzed parametrically: neither
the word list scores (treatment W¼111.5, control W¼119.0, p¼.93) nor
76 H. A. E. Mesmer
the spelling scores (treatment W¼107.5, control W¼123.5, p¼.87) nor
the summed scores (treatment W¼104.5, control W¼126.5, p¼.71)
differed significantly. On average, participants had made some inroads into
reading and knew some sight words but did not appear to be full alphabetic
The major question of the study related to the degree to which alpha-
betic information was applied during text reading. This was measured by
the GSE variables. The GSE 1 represented substitution errors in which
zero or one phoneme matched the printed word, and the GSE 2 category
represented substitution errors in which two or more phonemes matched
the printed word. Total GSEs or Total Substitutions represented the combi-
nation of these categories. Participants had an average of 3.5 running records.
Table 3 shows the data for the aforementioned categories.
TABLE 3 Sum of the ranks, z scores, and p values for GSE < 1, GSE > 2, and Total
GSEs categories
Treatment Control
N¼11 N¼12
Mean errors with 071 rating (GSE <1) 4.4 (5.4) 6.2 (5.9)
W(sums of the ranks)*94.5 136.5
Mean errors with 2þrating (GSE 52) 5.2 (2.3) 3.1 (1.9)
W(sums of the ranks)
139.1 91.5
Mean total substitutions (total GSEs) 9.6 (6.9) 9.3 (6.8)
W(sums of the ranks)
112.5 118.5
Mean errors represents the mean number of errors in a given category over 3.5 points of
measurement per participant.
*pvalue ¼.26.
pvalue ¼.03.
pvalue ¼.88.
TABLE 2 Participant’s Mean Scores on the Word List and Spelling Assessments
Word List
Max ¼20
Max ¼57
Summed score
score ¼28
Treatment 12.9 (5.12) 19.7 (5.3) 32.6 (6.28)
Control 12.5 (4.17) 20.4 (4.6) 33.0 (6.46)
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 77
Essentially, the data showed that the groups had the same total number
of substitution errors as indicated by Mean Total Substitutions. However,
the treatment group had significantly more errors in the GSE 2 category,
with a rating of 2 or greater. The reverse was expected for the GSE 1
category, with ratings of 071, but this was not the case. Therefore, the
answer to the first question, ‘‘Do treatment participants have more errors in
which two or more phonemes match the printed word?’’ is yes. By this
outcome variable, treatment participants applied letter=sound information
to a greater extent than control participants.
How did readers in the treatment group compare to control readers in other
behaviors? Were they more autonomous as they read? Table 4 reports the
means and standard deviations on word accuracy, tolds, self-corrections,
repetitions, and insertions along with the Wilcoxon Scores (sum of the ranks),
the z scores, and the pvalues. The parametric data not only give the reader an
understanding of the general tendencies of the sample but also support the
decision to use non-parametrics. Groups differed in three reading behaviors:
word accuracy, number of tolds, and repetitions. The treatment group was
slightly more accurate than the control group, relied on the examiner less or
pronounce unknown words, and had more repetitions. Thus, the treatment
TABLE 4 Sum of the ranks, Z scores, and p values for Reading Behaviors
Treatment Control
N¼11 N¼12
Mean percent of words read
accurately (SD)
95.6 (2.3) 92.6 (4.2)
W(sums of the ranks)*136.0 95.0
zscore 1.7
Mean number of tolds (SD) 0.2 (0.2) 1.7 (1.8)
W(sums of the ranks)
79.5 151.5
zscore 2.2
Mean percent of errors self-
corrected (SD)
20.0 (14.2) 19.5 (23.1)
W(sums of the ranks)
119.5 111.5
zscore .6
Mean number of repetitions
2.3 (1.0) 1.5 (1.2)
W(sums of the ranks)
132.5 98.5
zscore 1.5
Mean number of insertions
0.5 (0.3) 0.6 (0.8)
W(sums of the ranks)
114.7 117.0
zscore .23
78 H. A. E. Mesmer
participants were more accurate, less likely to appeal to the examiner to
pronounce words, but also more likely to repeat words or phrases. However, in
other reading behaviors the treatment group did not respond as predicted.
Note that the treatment group did not differ with respect to numbers of self-
corrections. Thus, the treatment group was more autonomous in some ways
but not in self-correcting.
This study is limited in several respects. First, the intervention phase was
fourteen days; clearly, a minimal amount of time using any type of highly
contrived texts is desirable. However, it is likely that the transition from the
partial to full-alphabetic phase scaffolded by decodable text lasts longer than
fifteen days. The need to control for actual instruction, a unique study feature,
partially justified this limitation. Future studies may extend the intervention
phase of the study. In addition, the small number of participants limited the
study. This study does not establish the long-term influences of decodability.
This work enhances current knowledge about the benefits and side effects
of highly decodable text in three ways. First, the findings support one of the
major theoretical claims about decodable text—that it results in a greater
application of letter=sound information during text reading. These findings
replicate similar data from a previous study (Mesmer, 2001b). Second, the
results here document the actual behaviors of reading highly decodable
text. Although highly decodable text lived up to one of the theoretical
assertions made about it, it did not result in readers who were necessarily
more autonomous in all reading behaviors. Finally, the screening and
selection of participants for this study suggested that readers must have
some knowledge of the alphabetic system in order to demonstrate the
behaviors found in this study. In addition, many readers in the first one-third
of first grade did not need the intervention’s short vowel focus and highly
decodable text, at least according to the screening instrument used here.
Living up to Theoretical Claims
The major finding suggests that highly decodable text does live up to
theoretical claims made about it. The phonic regularity and lesson-to-text
match in highly decodable text resulted in greater application of let-
ter=sound knowledge to recognize words. In this study, readers of highly
decodable text applied letter=sound knowledge during text reading to a
greater degree than treatment readers did. Although both readers of hi-
ghly decodable text and less decodable text had similar numbers of
substitutions, the quality of treatment readers’ substitutions showed more
attention to letter=sound information. Because the purpose of phonics
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 79
instruction is application during text reading, the finding indicates that
decodability facilitates this application.
As the primary finding of the study, this result intersected with other work.
This finding was supported by a very similar study (Mesmer, 2001b) as well as
by the Juel & Roper-Schneider (1985) study. In the latter study, readers of
more highly decodable text outperformed a control group on a generic
decoding measure at the beginning and middle of the year, whereas readers in
the Mesmer study applied letter=sound knowledge more during connected
reading. Thus, when readers received the same phonics instruction, as they
did in both of these studies, they were likely to internalize and apply that
instruction if they had exposure to more highly decodable text.
To a teacher working with readers, be they struggling or normally-
developing, the implication is clear—if you want readers to generalize
letter=sound information taught in a synthetic phonics lesson to connected
reading, then you must give them text that has some phonic regularity and
coordination with phonics instruction. In this study, the coordination with
phonics instruction (LTTM) was 40% over the fifteen-day intervention. One
contribution of the present study is that it examined the effects of
decodable text when it matched with actual, as opposed to scripted,
instruction. Thus, educators employing decodability scaffolds must make
certain that the text coordinates with phonics lessons that are being
delivered in the classroom. It is possible for a stand-alone phonics program
and a series of highly decodable texts to operate separately and thus to
have no benefit for the students. In this case, the phonics instruction may
focus on one sound while the text words emphasize another.
The specific phonic regularity features that resulted in this increased
application of phonics instruction are discussed in greater detail below. The
highly decodable text in this study was characterized by very specific pat-
terns. On average, about 54% of the words in this study’s highly decodable
texts were short-vowel c-v-c words (e.g., pin, bag, mat). This base of words
coordinated with the phonics lessons. The fact that the books featured short
vowel words made coordinating instruction easier. For a teacher, the easily
identifiable sound focus in highly decodable text is an added advantage. One
can retrieve a set of more highly decodable books, quickly identify the
sound focus, and then concentrate on teaching that sound. This focused
instruction is especially important for readers who are not breaking the code
and need the benefits of very consistent teaching to generalize behavior.
Words Accuracy, Tolds, Repetitions, and Highly
Decodable Text
In this study, the treatment group displayed reading behaviors that indicate
both benefits and potential side effects of using highly decodable text. The
80 H. A. E. Mesmer
major benefit appeared to be that the treatment group was more autono-
mous in its reading behaviors in two ways: it was slightly more accurate
than the control group, and it relied less on the examiner to provide words.
Although both groups read within acceptable word accuracy limits for
instructional level text (90% or above), the treatment group was more
accurate. This slight edge in word accuracy may have been the result of the
treatment group using the decodability scaffolds to help it identify words.
Therfore, one effect of using highly decodable text was a slight increase in
accuracy; this increased accuracy occurred with readers who understood
and could apply the alphabetic principle.
The second piece of evidence supporting increased self-confidence was
the lower number of tolds for the treatment group. This difference was
more pronounced than the word accuracy differences and seemed to
indicate that the treatment group again felt more empowered by the match
between the instruction that they had received and the textual scaffolds in
place. The control group, on the other hand, may have been frustrated by
the plethora of patterns that they confronted and more likely to give up on
applying phonics instruction. Although the situation clearly seems irra-
tional, this is the exact position we place readers in when they are trying to
make sense of the alphabetic code and have little contextual opportunity to
do so. In this day of heavy emphasis on phonics instruction, the study
affirms the need to consider text along with phonics instruction.
If a teacher has the goal of increasing student accuracy, attention to
letter=sound information, and independence, then using highly decodable
text and coordinating phonics instruction may be effective for readers with
basic alphabetic knowledge. The implication may be even more important
for struggling readers, some of whom reportedly have this knowledge yet
reach an obstacle when they need to more fully apply it (Brown, 1999;
Hicks & Villaume, 2001; Mesmer, 1999). However, the children in this study
did not read highly decodable text exclusively; their classroom libraries and
instruction provided them with a variety of other materials. Thus, a balance
of texts existed throughout the study. This implies that the use of highly
decodable text need not be exclusive—in fact, exclusive use may not be
desired at all.
In two ways, highly decodable text did not have the intended effects.
First, the treatment group did not self-correct at greater rates. Certainly a
characteristic of skilled reading is the ability to self-correct, and better
decoders usually do this at higher rate (Ehri, 1998). In fact, self-correcting
is perhaps the pinnacle of autonomous reading. Although the treatment
group showed some independence in not relying on the examiner to pro-
nounce words, its independence did not extend to greater self-monitoring.
Both groups self-corrected about 20% of their errors, or about 1 out of 5.
While this is not the optimal 1:3 ratio, it is respectable. The self-correcting
Text Decodability and the First-grade Reader 81
behaviors may not have differed because both treatment and control
groups may have made use of the scaffolds present within each of the
different texts. Thus, the control group may have relied on the print=
picture match, predictability, and other features to assist them as they self-
corrected. On the other hand, the treatment group depended on phonic
regularity and coordination with their phonics lessons.
The second effect of using highly decodable text was an increased level
of repetition for the treatment group. Although neutral, this finding can be
analyzed as potentially negative or positive. Repetition can be viewed as a
self-monitoring behavior, one in which skilled readers participate in order
to self-monitor. However, excessive repetition can accompany disfluency.
When analyzed from this perspective, the finding implies the possible
propensity for readers of highly decodable text to be less fluent.
As a behavior accompanying disfluency, the increased repeating beha-
vior may be accounted for developmentally. Several researchers have
documented a decreased fluency as readers initially learn to decode (Chall,
1983). Therefore, the increased repetition may have been a predictable
developmental result of increased attention to decoding. The key to using
highly decodable text lies in identifying the development of the reader and
the teaching goals. Some developing readers actually compromise accuracy
for fluency and may need to focus on more the latter temporarily at the
expense of the former. If the teaching goal of greater application of
letter=sound information temporarily outweighs the goal of fluency then
the teaching compromise may be acceptable.
Sampling and Timing
The study’s developmental model was not validated by this research;
nonetheless, it was useful to the study in three ways. First, it assisted in
setting screening standards for participants. The participants in this study
had a basic understanding of the alphabetic principle, could apply this to
spelling, and could recognize some preprimer words. Although the
screening did not specifically verify the participants’ use of initial con-
sonants to decode, previous research has established that use of initial
consonants in spelling and use of initial consonants in decoding appear
simultaneously (Stahl, McKenna, Kovach, & Eakle, 2001). These partici-
pants were at least partial alphabetic readers but not operating effortlessly
in consolidated alphabetic phases. Whether or not these participants were
transitioning from partial alphabetic to full alphabetic reading as specified
in the model is not clear. Future research should fully test and validate this
The second benefit of the developmental model was that it allowed for
an application of study results to struggling readers regardless of grade
82 H. A. E. Mesmer
level. Although this study took place with first graders, the participants
could be located along a developmental continuum upon which readers of
any age might be located. The extension to struggling readers is that given
the same abilities, they may also demonstrate behaviors similar to those
observed in this study.
Finally, the model has a pivotal policy implication: the key to using
highly decodable text is determining students’ development along a con-
tinuum of reading behaviors. If highly decodable text were used with
readers who did not have a firm understanding of the alphabetic principle,
then it is possible that the same results would not have been found. Policies
stipulating the use of highly decodable text in the first grade assume that
readers have the prerequisite skills previously mentioned. But in this study,
five of those screened did not; in addition, seventeen would not have
benefited from the intervention because their skills seemed to surpass the
requisite alphabetic knowledge. Therefore, policies about decodable text
should specify that assessment data be used to determine readers devel-
opment and that such data may be used in deciding whether or not
decodability is an appropriate textual scaffold. Educators should keep in
mind that a major goal of early reading instruction is increasingly sophis-
ticated application of the alphabetic principle until readers are accessing
words automatically. Part of this progression is reading full alphabetic
reading in the first grade (Ehri, 1998). In addition, a variety of texts,
including highly decodable text, should be available to teachers.
Given its short intervention length and other limitations, this work adds
only a piece to the puzzle over a highly disputed material. It does suggest
how readers might actually interact with decodability scaffolds. No one
material, be it controlled, predictable, or decodable, will work with all
readers all the time. Future research should focus on whether or not
decodability results in readers who are more able to handle a range of
materials containing no textual scaffolds as they mature. In addition,
investigations of the use of highly decodable text with struggling readers
should be undertaken, as well as examinations validating the study’s
developmental model.
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86 H. A. E. Mesmer
... For example, studies have shown the benefit of training in phonological awareness (Tibi & Kirby, 2018;Torgesen et al., 1999a;Vellutino et al., 2004;Kjeldsen, et al., 2014) with scaffolded use of manipulatives (Kilpatrick, 2015), explicit and systematic phonics instruction (Blachman et. al., 2014;Ehri, 2020;Martinez, 2011;Savage et al., 2018), extensive practice reading decodable text connected to newly learned phonics skills Mesmer, 2010), instruction in oral language and vocabulary development (Beck et al., 2013;Konza, 2014;Language and Reading Research Consortium [LAARC] , 2015), and comprehension instruction that includes the examination of genre, syntax, discourse, and intentional building of background knowledge (LAARC, 2015;Oakhill & Cain, 2012;Palincsar & Brown, 1984). ...
The purpose of this 5-year longitudinal study was to examine the rate of growth of oral reading fluency (ORF) scores in response to professional development and coaching related to the Science of Reading (SoR) in one urban public school district in the northeast United States. A non-random sample of all grade 1-5 students (n=434) enrolled in the school over a five-year period was used. Analysis of the growth in ORF scores was conducted using a latent growth curve analysis within a structural equation model framework. This model allowed comparison of growth between the sample and established national norms. Results indicate that across the grades over time, the sample demonstrated significantly greater growth (9%) when compared to the national norms (6%), despite interrupted instruction due to the covid-19 pandemic. These results suggest that repeated Professional Development (PD) and ongoing coaching to implement the SoR can lead to long-term growth in student ORF. The implications support SoR as an effective instructional framework which may mitigate against loss of instructional time in the classroom and serve as a protective factor against school interruptions, especially for at-risk learners. Keywords: science of reading, oral reading fluency, teacher professional development, teacher coaching
... These essential elements of literacy should be taught in alignment with evidence-based practices using systematic, explicit, cumulative, and diagnostic instructional methods (Kilpatrick et al., 2019;Moats, 2019;National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000). Examples of these practices include training in phonological awareness (Torgesen et al., 1999;Vellutino et al., 2004) to advanced levels (Kilpatrick, 2015), explicit and systematic phonics instruction (Blachman et al., 2014;Ehri, 2020;Martínez, 2011), extensive practice reading decodable text connected to newly learned phonics skills (Mesmer, 2010;Murray et al., 2014) instruction in oral language and vocabulary development (Beck et al., 2013;Konza, 2014;Language and Reading Research Consortium, 2015), comprehension instruction that includes the examination of genre, syntax, discourse, and intentional building of background knowledge (Language and Reading Research Consortium, 2015;Oakhill & Cain, 2012;Palincsar & Brown, 1984), and explicit instruction in writing (Berninger et al., 2002;Hochman & Wexler, 2017b). Research suggests gaps in teacher knowledge surrounding these literacy teaching approaches (Cohen et al., 2017;Joshi & Wijekumar, 2019;Kilpatrick, 2015;Seidenberg, 2017). ...
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This comparative study explored self-efficacy and ability for scientifically-based literacy instruction between a traditional and residency model of teacher preparation. Pre-/post-survey data was collected using the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy for Literacy Scale. Mentor teachers completed a modified version of the survey on candidates’ abilities. Data were analyzed using paired sample t -tests, independent sample t -tests, and a trend analysis. Results revealed that candidates in the Residency Model held higher levels of self-efficacy for literacy instruction than in the Traditional Model. Mentor teachers rated candidates in the Residency Model as more able to teach literacy than those in the Traditional Model. There was alignment amongst the mentor rating and the resident perception of ability. In the Traditional Model, the mentor and student teacher were not as aligned in their perspectives of student teacher ability to teach literacy. Teacher preparation programs should consider the potential of teacher Residency Models to prepare pre-service teachers for the use of the Science of Reading for teaching literacy.
... One example is an analysis of how a Texas law mandating the use of more decodable texts (texts carefully constructed to use phonetically regular words, often at the expense of coherent meaning) influenced the content of commercial reading series submitted for state approval (Hoffman et al., 2002). 3 Yet, no definitive research has suggested that such texts are necessary or effective (e.g., Mesmer, 2009;Pearson 2004), and there is some evidence that young children better comprehend texts that are more natural and authentic, even if less decodable (Price-Mohr & Price, 2020). ...
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In this commentary, we identify a phonics-first ideology and its polemical distortions of research and science to promote legislation that constrains and diminishes the teaching of reading. We affirm our own, and a majority of reading professionals’, commitment to teaching phonics. However, we argue that phonics instruction is more effective when embedded in a more comprehensive program of literacy instruction that accommodates students’ individual needs and multiple approaches to teaching phonics—a view supported by substantial research. After summarizing the politicization of phonics in the United States, we critique a legislated training course for teachers in Tennessee as representative of how a phonics-first ideology is expressed polemically for political purposes. We contrast it with a more collaboratively developed, balanced, nonlegislative approach in the previous governor’s administration. Specifically, the training course (a) makes an unfounded claim that there is a national reading crisis that can be traced to insufficient or inappropriate phonics instruction; (b) distorts, misrepresents, or omits relevant research findings and recommendations, most prominently from the report of the National Reading Panel; (c) inaccurately suggests that “balanced literacy instruction” is “whole language” instruction in disguise; and (d) wrongly claims that its views of phonics are based on a settled science of reading.
... An essential part of teaching students to read well and to be engaged in reading is to provide appropriate texts and, when necessary, to provide scaffolds that ensure students' comprehension of texts. In particular, the texts of instruction can be critical in the progress of all beginning readers (Mesmer, 2009) and readers who tend to need more support (Mathes et al., 2005). ...
This study reports the knowledge of text complexity held by preservice teachers prior to coursework. The goal of this research is to determine what strengths and what learning needs preservice teachers have related to text selection with the intention of informing programmatic redesign. In this preliminary component of a design-development study, we report findings from the Text Complexity Task, a verbal protocol task administered to 31 preservice teachers. Findings show that when evaluating text complexity, preservice teachers noted word and text-level features , but attended less to phonemic patterns, mul-tisyllable words, and sentence-level features. Additionally, participants differed in their arguments about how some text features (e.g., unknown vocabulary , rhyming patterns) influence text difficulty. Preservice teachers also differed in their views of how a reader's prior knowledge influences text difficulty, vocabulary knowledge, and word solving. The article concludes with recommendations for teacher educators interested in improving preservice teachers' text selection for reading instruction.
... Planned scaffolding refers to scaffolding that is more fixed (Azevedo & Hadwin, 2005) or permanent (Roehler & Cantlon, 1997). Planned scaffolds can be enacted through instructional frameworks (Clark & Graves, 2005), lesson plans (Stone, 1998), and through tools, such as texts (Mesmer, 2010) or technology (Murphy et al., 2019;Pea, 2004;Proctor et al., 2007;Xu et al., 2019). Technology as a planned scaffold includes specially designed platforms for supporting online inquiry (Kiili et al., 2016;Murphy et al., 2019), online reading comprehension (Proctor et al., 2007), and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Xu et al., 2019). ...
Sharing multiliteracies goals of equitable access to educational success, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework includes the use of contemporary technology tools, or new literacies, to customize ways to access information and processes and to construct and communicate knowledge. UDL also positions technology as a scaffold. In this commentary, we join other scholars in suggesting that identifying technology tools as scaffolds to traditional literacies is problematic because of two missing characteristics of scaffolding: (1) ongoing diagnosis and calibrated support and (2) fading. After presenting a review of scaffolding literature and examining key characteristics, we describe how technology use changes the nature of scaffolding. Next, we highlight the UDL guidelines and recommendations for the use of digital tools as well as uncover contradictions in technology's use as scaffolds. Additionally, we explore the intersection of UDL with multiliteracies and New Literacies highlighting the stances of equity, inclusion, and school success. We describe transitions from traditional scaffolding, to scaffolding in the UDL framework, to new literacy options that lead to multiliterate agency. We argue that everyday digital tools with inclusive features are new literacies options, that are readily available given equitable access to the Internet, devices, and software. They provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate their multiliterate agency and experience school success. Finally, we propose the concept of Universal Access to Learning in which UDL realigns with its architectural inspiration and foundation, Universal Design, to ensure consistent and continuing, or permanent, access to digital tools.
... If instructional texts are filled with rare words, especially ones that occur once, then the learner's processing may be overtaxed. When students must stop and decode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 the presence of numerous words, the process can compromise their automaticity with highfrequency words (Mesmer, 2009) and make the linguistic load on word recognition tedious (Perfetti, 2007). That is, the longer the search time needed to find the meaning of a word, the greater the load on the working memory while other information degrades. ...
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Reading instruction for young Arabic speakers presents challenges for textbook publishers and teachers. In the present study, the authors conduct an analysis at the word level of four multidisciplinary textbooks for reading instruction in grades one and two in Egypt. The study sought to answer the following questions: What are the most common words in standard Arabic? How many of the most common words in standard Arabic are used in the textbooks? How dense is the use of common words? How many rare words are used in the textbooks studied? A word frequency analysis from existing corpora were used to create a most common word list. From that list, the researchers were able to determine frequency and dispersion of the most common words in Arabic that were also used in the textbooks. Frequency and dispersion were calculated by octile, as well. Analysis found that the texts did not make use of any of the rare words found in the corpus, but many words in the texts did not appear in either the reference corpus inclusive of the common words list. Recommendations for policymakers and textbook publishers follow discussion of results.
... The question of how or if intersentential complexity supports word recognition proficiency is complex. In the context of an immediate text, children may read words more quickly when they recognize the pattern of repeated words or phrases from sentence to sentence (Mesmer, 2009). It may be that, when words are repeated between and across sentences, children could be receiving some of the repetition that underlies automaticity in recognizing specific words and patterns (Ehri, 2005). ...
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Texts classified according to guided reading levels (GRL) are ubiquitous in US beginning reading classrooms. This study examined features of texts across three grade bands (kindergarten, early first grade, final first grade) and the 10 GRLs within these bands. The 510 texts came from three programs with different functions in beginning reading instruction: core, intervention, and content areas. Text features were decoding, semantics, structure, and syntax from the Early Literacy Indicators system, mean sentence length (MSL) and mean log word frequency (MLWF) from the Lexile Framework, and word count. Five variables predicted GRLs of texts: semantics, structure, syntax, MSL, and word count. Differences in decoding and MLWF across grade bands were few and neither variable predicted levels of texts. Intervention texts had lower decoding and MLWF demands than core or content-area texts. Implications of a lack of discernible progressions in decoding and MLWF are discussed.
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The purpose of this meta-analysis is to synthesise the research evidence on the use of decodable texts in the teaching of word reading and pseudoword decoding to determine their effectiveness in facilitating the development of reading skills in children without reading disabilities. A total of 821 articles were identified in the initial search. The search resulted in 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analyses. The results of the risk of bias assessment revealed that the majority of the studies had a moderate to serious bias. The average standardised mean difference for word reading was small g = 0.20 and moderate g = 0.30 for pseudoword decoding. This finding highlights how using decodable texts can facilitate word reading and decoding to some degree, but they need to be used in combination with other reading instructional materials.
In this article, one teacher shares her journey using decodable books with her culturally and linguistically diverse students, documenting new understandings and tensions that she has encountered. Four literacy teacher educators augment the teacher's story by connecting it with the current literature on literacy and decodable books. After reading this article, readers will walk away with a stronger understanding of how and when to use decodable books with beginning readers, as well as concrete ideas and resources to support incorporating decodable books into the early grades literacy curriculum.
Educators have many questions about phonics instruction centering on topics including programs, approaches, assessment, transfer, and differentiation. We propose 8 principles to (1) help answer these common questions, (2) tackle current misconceptions, and (3) discuss research‐based practices about phonics instruction.
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You can use text as a teaching tool for scaffolding. The effective uses of simple predictable text, transitional text, decodable text, easy readers, and authentic literature are highlighted here.
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Hiebert evaluates several types of texts used for beginning reading instruction by examining the tasks each poses for young readers.
The authors describe a book leveling system developed to support emergent literacy in one Canadian school district.
The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and other nonparametric tests based on rank randomization are distribution-free with respect to the probability of Type I errors; however, they are not distribution-free with respect to the probability of Type II errors and power to detect differences. Various shapes of nonnormal distributions substantially reduce the power of nonparametric tests. However, these densities influence parametric counterparts such as t and F to an even greater extent so nonparametric methods acquire an advantage by comparison.
What kinds of texts are easier for struggling readers? In this article Cole explores this critical question.
Teachers must constantly adjust tasks and texts so that children's knowledge and their willingness to apply it develop in balanced ways.
Use of decodable text with struggling readers must be accompanied by reflective, systematic, consistent, and responsive teaching.
Describes the patterns of word recognition errors made by 41 pre-reading first grade children taught under two different instructional methods. Further, the reading error patterns related to the two instructional methods were compared with those that presumably arose from experience in contextual reading. (Biemiller, 1970) Word recognition error characteristics considered were (1) frequency of non-response to a word, (2) source of substitution errors (from among words taught at the same time, previously taught, or not taught), and (3) the graphic approximation of the error to the printed stimulus. When phonics instruction was given, incorrect responses tended to be non-responses or to come from previously taught or untaught words. By contrast with sight word instruction, the majority of incorrect responses came from other words taught at the same time. More errors with the phonics than the sight word method reflected graphic content. The findings supported the conclusion that different instructional methods influence differentially the pattern of word recognition errors. The error patterns found in this research and phonics learning, respectively, for sight word resembled those from the first and second stages described by Biemiller, (1970) This similarity suggests the possibility that children in Biemiller's study may have dealt with graphic sequences during the first phase through sight recognition and, during the second phase, by phonic and/or structural analysis./// [French] Decrit les courbes de distribution des erreurs dans la reconnaissance des mots, erreurs commises par 41 enfants de première année en phase pré-lecture, et exposés à deux méthodes d'instruction différentes. Plus tard, les courbes de distribution des erreurs en lecture par rapport aux deux méthodes d'instruction sont comparées avec celles obtenues dans le cas de lecture selon le contexte. (Biemiller, 1970). Pour les erreurs dans la reconnaissance des mots, les caractéristiques considérées sont: (1) fréquence de non-réaction à un mot (2) source d'erreurs de substitution (parmi des mots enseignés en même temps, enseignés auparavant, ou non enseignés) (3) l'approximation graphique de l'erreur au stimulus imprimé. Dans le cas d'instruction phonique, les erreurs avaient tendance à être non-réactions ou à provenir de mots enseignés. A l'encontre de l'instruction par reconnaissance du mot global, la majorité des résponses incorrectes provenaient d'autres mots enseignés en mêmes temps. Plus d'erreurs avec la méthode phonique qu'avec celle par reconnaissance du mot global, ceci a reflété le contenu graphique. Les résultas ont corroboré la conclusion que les méthodes pédagogiques diverses influencent d'une façon différente la courbe de distribution des erreurs dans la reconnaissance de mots. Les courbes de distribution d'erreurs pour la méthode reconnaissance du mot global ressemblent à la première étape de Biemiller (1970) et celle de la méthode phonique, à la seconde étape. Cette similarité suggère la possibilité suivante: que les enfants dans l'étude de Biemiller risquent d'avoir traité des séquences graphiques pendant la première phase par la reconnaissance du mot global et pendant la seconde phase par l'analyse phonique et/ou tructurelle./// [Spanish] Se describen las similridades de errores en el reconocimiento de palabras de 41 estudiantes del primer grado (antes de empezar a leer) a los que se les enseñó bajo dos métodos diferentes de instrucción. Aún más, las similaridades de errores relacionadas a los dos métodos de instrucción se compararon con los que se supone se presentan en la experiencia con la lectura contextual (Biemiller, 1970). Las características de los errores en el reconocimiento de palabras que se consideraron fueron; (1) frecuencia con que no se respondía a una palabra, (2) fuente de los errores de substitución (entre palabras que se enseñaban, se enseñaron anteriormente, o no se enseñaron), y (3) la aproximación gráfica del error al estímulo impreso. Cuando se dió instrucción sobre fónica, las respuestas incorrectas tendían a ser, o ninguna respuesta, o a ser provenientes de palabras anteriormente enseñadas o no enseñadas. En contraste con la instrucción de palabras visuales, la mayoría de las respuestas incorrectas provenían de otras palabras que se enseñaron al mismo tiempo. La mayoría de errores con el método fonético, en comparación al método de la palabra ilustrada, reflejó el contenido gráfico. Los resultados respaldaron la conclusión de que métodos de instrucción diferentes ejercen diferentes influencias en los errores en el reconocimiento de palabras. Las similaridades de errores que se descubrieron en esta investigación en la enseñanza por el método de la palabra ilustrada y el método de fonética se parecían a los de la primera y segunda etapa que describe Biemiller (1970). Esta semejanza sugiere la posibilidad de que en el estudio de Biemiller, puede que los niños hayan considerado secuencias gráficas durante la primera fase a través del reconocimiento visual y, en la segunda fase, por análisis fónico y/o estructural.