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Update on Photoprotection



Photoprotection by sunscreens, clothing and glasses are important to protect the skin against the detrimental effects of sun exposure. In order to achieve complete protection, topical strategies must shield against the range of solar wavelengths ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B, infrared radiation that can damage the skin. To provide the necessary broad spectrum coverage, combinations of chemical and physical UV filters along with molecules that are capable of interfering with and/or preventing the deleterious effects of sunlight are discussed in this review.
335 Indian Journal of Dermatology 2012; 57(5)
Ultraviolet (UV) composes only a small region of the
electromagnetic radiation spectrum and is divided into
three subdivisions: Ultraviolet C (UVC) (200–290
nm), Ultraviolet B (UVB) (290–320 nm), and UVA
(320– 400 nm). Ultraviolet A (UVA) is further divided
into UVA1 (340–400 nm) and UVA2 (320–340 nm).
Ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs 100% of UVC,
approximately 90% of UVB, and virtually no UVA and
hence depletion of the ozone layer has lead to a substantial
increasein UVtransmission tothe Earth’ssurface.
The understanding of Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and
its effects on the skin is important. The UV spectrum
causes ageing of the skin, sunburn development, the
production of precancerous and cancerous lesions, and
immunosuppression. Immunosuppressive effects include
suppression of contact hypersensitivity and delayed-type
hypersensitivityandchanges inLangerhans cellfunction. [1]
UVA is associated with ageing effects and produces
pigmentation. It penetrates deeper into the skin layer and
indirectly damages the DNA via the production of radical
oxygen species (ROS). It causes a decrease in Langerhans
cells in the dermis.[2] UVA increases the expression of
p53, a tumor suppressor gene,[3] whereas promoting UVB
carcinogenicity and oxidative stress.[4] UVB exposure, on
the other hand, causes sunburns and DNA strand breaks.
UVB produces pyrimidine dimer mutations, which are
stronglyassociated withnonmelanomaskincancers.[4]
For many years the focus of research and protective
strategies, has been centered on the UV part of sunlight,
because their relatively high photon energy causes
macroscopic skin changes that are visible even after a
short duration of exposure resulting in accelerated skin
ageing and contributing to the development of cancer. UV
radiation only accounts for approximately 7% of the sun’s
energy[5] but InfraredA (IRA) (760–1440 nm) can also act
as a damaging environmental factor to skin through its
ability to result in alterations in gene expression of skin
cells at multiple points,[6] resulting in accelerated skin
ageing[7,8]and contributingto thedevelopmentofcancer.[9]
The effect of visible light on the skin has received very
little attention, compared with UV radiation and its effects
on the skin are probably less important than the role of
UV radiation. However, visible light sensitivity is an
important phenomenon in diseases such as porphyria, solar
urticaria, and other idiopathic photodermatoses such as
Modern topical photoprotection involves both primary
protective factors (sunscreens) that absorb or reect
UV radiation and secondary factors (e.g., antioxidants,
osmolytes, and DNA repair enzymes) that can disrupt
the photochemical cascade triggered by UV-penetration,
therebylimiting skindamage.
Sunscreens have been divided into chemical absorbers
(organic) and physical blockers (inorganic) on the basis
of their mechanism of action. Chemical sunscreens
are generally aromatic compounds conjugated with
a carbonyl group. This general structure allows the
Address for correspondence: Dr. Reena Rai, Department of Dermatology,
PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, India. E-mail:
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DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.100472
Update on Photoprotection
Reena Rai, Shanmuga Sekar C, Srinivas CR
Department of Dermatology, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, India
Photoprotectionbysunscreens, clothingandglasses areimportantto protectthe skin againstthe detrimentaleffectsof sunexposure. In
order to achieve complete protection, topical strategies must shield against the range of solar wavelengths ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B,
infrared radiation that can damage the skin. To provide the necessary broad spectrum coverage, combinations of chemical and physical
UVlters alongwith moleculesthat arecapable ofinterfering withand/or preventingthe deleteriouseffects ofsunlight arediscussed in
Key Words: Photoprotection, sunscreens, uv radiation
CME Article
What was known?
Modern topical photoprotection involves both primary protective factors
(sunscreens) that absorb or reect. UV radiation and secondary factors
(e.g., antioxidants, osmolytes, and DNA repair enzymes) that can disrupt the
photochemical cascade triggered by UV-penetration.
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336Indian Journal of Dermatology 2012; 57(5)
Rai, et al.: Photoprotection
molecule to absorb high-energy UV rays and release
the energy as lower-energy rays, thereby preventing the
skin-damaging UV rays from reaching the skin. Physical
blockers or nonchemical sunscreens reect or scatter
UVR. They contain inert minerals such as titanium
dioxide or zinc oxide. Organic are either UVA or UVB
UV B blockers
PadimateOis themostpotent UV-B absorber. Thedecline
in its use, along with the demand for higher sun protection
factor (SPF) products have led to the incorporation of
multiple active ingredients into a single product to achieve
the desired SPF, replacing single Para amino benzoic acid
The cinnamates have largely replaced PABA derivatives
as the next most potent UVB absorbers. They are
octinoxate (octyl methoxycinnamate [OMC]) and
cinoxate (2-ethoxyethyl-methoxycinnamate). OMC is a
potent UVB absorber and is the most frequently used
sunscreen ingredient. The efcacy of OMC can be further
increased when encapsulated in polymethyl methacrylate
Salicylates are weak UVB absorbers and they are generally
used in combination with other UV lters. Both octisalate
and homosalate are water insoluble that leads to their high
substantivity, which is the ability to retain its effectiveness
afterexposuretowaterand perspiration.Trolaminesalicylate
is water soluble and has been used in hair products. These
compounds can also play a minor role to stabilize and
preventphotodegradation ofother sunscreeningredients.[11]
The absorption prole of octocrylene spans from 290 to
anexcellent safetyprole withlowirritation,phototoxicity,
and photoallergic potential.[12] Octocrylene may be used in
combination with other UV absorbers to achieve higher
SPFformulas andtoaddstability.
Ensulizole or phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid is water
soluble, and it is used in products formulated to feel lighter
and less oily, such as daily use cosmetic moisturizers.
It is a selective UVB lter, allowing almost all UVA
Ultraviolet A
Although benzophenones are primarily UVB absorbers,
oxybenzone absorbs well through UVA II and can be
considered a broad-spectrum absorber. It signicantly
augments UVB protection when used in a given formula.
Oxybenzone has the highest incidence of contact and
photocontact dermatitis of all sunscreens, and these
reactionsare intensiedby exposureto sunorheat.[13]
Benzophenones have poor substantivity, but uptake of the
molecules is detectable in the blood and urine after topical
application. However, the systemic absorption seems to be
of little biological consequence.[14] The molecules become
unstable with UV exposure via oxidation reactions and
consumptionof antioxidantreserves.[11]
Oxybenzone is not photostable and can generate oxygen
radicals upon UV exposure.[15] There is a concern about
its endocrine and carcinogenic effect even though current
scienticstudies havenotsupportedthisfears.[16]
inthenear UVAportion of thespectrum.Anthranilatesare
less effective in this range than benzophenones, and they
areless widelyused.
Butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane or avobenzone provides
superior protection through a large portion of the UVA
range, including UVA I. Despite its efcacy and broad
spectrum, avobenzone is intrinsically photounstable and
signicant photodegradation can occur with a loss of
50–90% of molecules after 1 hour of UV exposure.[17] To
increase the photostability of avobenzone, molecules such
Table 1: Sunscreens and their absorption spectra
Organic lters Sunscreen ingredients Absorption (nm)
Aminobenzoates PABA 283-289
Padimate O 290-310
Anthralates Meradimate 286,335
Cinnamates Octinoxate 311
Cinoxate 289
Salicylates Octisalate 307
Homosalate 306
Trolamine Salicylate 260-355
Benzophenones Oxybenzone 288,325
Sulisobenzone 288,366
Dioxybenzone 288,352
Dibenzoylmethane Avobenzone 360
Camphor Ecamsule 345
Miscellaneous Octocrylene 303
Ensulizole 310
Octyltriazone 314
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as UV absorber (e.g., octocrylene) and non-UV lter (e.g.,
diethylhexyl2, 6-napththalate)are added.
Terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid or Mexoryl
SX provides protection within the near UVA range. The
compound is photostable, water resistant, and has low
Methylene-bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol
UVB transmission. This molecule offers a broad spectrum
coverage with two absorption peaks at 303 and 360 nm.
The molecule size is large, minimizing the opportunity for
systemic absorption or endocrine-like effects. It acts as a
hybridbetween organicandinorganiclters,combiningthe
micronizedparticletechnologyofinorganicUV lterswith
an organic molecule and together, these properties serve to
Bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl triazine
It has a broad spectrum of coverage from 280 to 380 nm
and is photostable. It is also advantageous for a lack of
Hydroxybenzotriazoles class: Drometriazole trisiloxane
Drometriazole trisiloxane (DTB) belongs to the class of
hydroxybenzotriazole molecules. It has broad-spectrum
coverageand isphotostable.
Inorganic sunscreens
Inorganic sunscreens or physical blockersscatter or reect
UV rays
Some of the original sunblocks were opaque formulations
reectingor scatteringUVR.Poorcosmeticacceptance had
limited the widespread use until micro sized forms became
available,also knownasinorganicparticulate sunscreens.
Titanium dioxide
Titanium dioxide is a broad-spectrum UV lter that does
not penetrate the stratum corneum. It has undergone a
processofmicronization for improvedcosmesis. Microne
titanium dioxide provides photoprotection against UVB and
UVA II (315–340 nm)[18] but lacks coverage within UVA1
Zinc oxide
Zinc oxide is a safe and effective ingredient in photoprotective
products. It is photostable, nonphotoreactive,[19] and
nonphotocatalytic.[12] It has little potential for irritation or
sensitization.Smaller,micronized zincoxideisconsideredas
the UVB range as titanium dioxide, this inorganic UV lter
covers predominately the UVA spectra, with protection into
UVA1. Zinc oxide is also considered inferior as a UV lter
Secondary photoprotection
Secondary photoprotection involves the use of active agents
to counteract the inherent photochemical processes that can
induce DNA damage in skin cells. It may be achieved by
antioxidants, osmolytes, and DNA repair enzymes,[20,21]
(e.g.,photolyaseandT4 endonucleaseV).
UVA damages the skin tissue through reactive oxygen
species (ROS) production, and these radicals are neutralized
by the body’s innate defense mechanism through a
series of enzymatic (e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase,
glutathione reductase, and peroxidase) and nonenzymatic
antioxidants (AOs). When the buildup of ROS from UV
and environmental pollutions exhausts the enzymatic
machinery and depletes the AOs reservoir, damage to the
DNA, lipid membrane, and proteins can occur. Topical
AOs exert their effect inside the cells and can reverse this
shortage.Furthermore,once penetratedthrough thestratum
corneum, they may remain active for several days.[22] The
antioxidants have also been shown to protect against Near
infrared radiation (IRA) and hence they are important for
theircentral roleinIRAinducedadverseeffects.[7,23]
Antioxidants that are used in sunscreens and cosmetic
products are vitamins and polyphenols. Vitamins
formulated in sunscreens are water soluble vitamin C
and lipophilic vitamin E. Application of L-ascorbic acid
has shown to protect UV-related damage as measured
by erythema or sun burn cells.[24] Topical application of
a-tocopherol has demonstrated a number of protective
effects including reduction in erythema,[25] photoaging,[26]
photocarcinogenesis,[26]and immunosuppression.[27]
Silymarin is derived from the milk thistle plant, Silybum
marianum. This avonoid has strong AO effects capable
of scavenging ROS and preventing lipid and lipoprotein
oxidation. Topical silymarin has been shown to inhibit
UVB-induced sunburn cells, prevent UVB induced
pyrimidine dimers, and reduce the number of UVB-induced
tumorsin mice.[28]
Green tea polyphenols
Green tea contains a rich level of polyphenols and as
AOs, tea polyphenols are more potent than vitamins C
and E. They are capable of scavenging singlet oxygen,
superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, peroxyl radicals,
and hydrogen peroxide. Aside from the AO functions,
tea polyphenols also have antiinammatory and
Osmolytes are small molecules that control and stabilize the
cellular environment by regulating hydration and responses
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are not only utilized by cells to control cell volumes, but
they have been identied as integral parts of the cellular
defense against environmental noxae. The osmolytes
taurine[30] and ectoine[31] have been demonstrated to protect
against detrimental UV effects and are incorporated into
Photoprotection by clothing
Wearing clothing has been emphasized as an important
means of photoprotection. Compared with sunscreens,
clothing has a number of advantages. Clothing and hats
offer a balanced and uniformed protection for both UVA
and UVB but most of the sunscreens deliver more UVB
protection.Clothingand hatsoffer morereliableprotection
as long as users remember to wear them. By contrast,
a user needs to apply sunscreens 30 minutes prior going
outdoors and reapply them every 2 hours, and the degree of
protection offered by sunscreens depends on application of
The protection offered by clothing is measured by
ultravioletprotection factor(UPF).
UPF is dened as the ratio of average effective UV
irradiance transmitted without fabric to the average
effective UV irradiance transmitted through fabric. Fabrics
are placed into classes based on the calculated label UPF
value.[32] The good protection is composed of fabrics with
labelUPF valueof15–24,thevery goodprotectionclassis
composed of fabrics with label UPF values of 40–50, and
50+(the highestvaluepermittedonalabel).
Polyester has the best UV absorbing capacity while
cotton has the least.[33] The use of optical whitening agents
can likewise increase UPF through their uorescent-
like properties (re-emitting absorbed UVR in the visible
spectrum); however, this augmented protection is limited
bypartial UVBcoverage.[34]
To conclude wearing a colored loose tting fabric offers
thebestphotoprotectionfrom clothing.
Photoprotection by glasses
UVR ltration by sunglasses is important because it
prevents the development of certain ocular disorders
including cancers of the eye/eyelid, cataracts, and possibly
age-related macular degeneration. Sunglass effectiveness,
on the other hand, depends on factors such as size, shape,
UV blocking ability, and reection from the back of
the lens.[13] The American Academy of Ophthalmology
recommends that sunglasses block 99% of UVR, and those
that comply with this standard are labeled accordingly. [35]
The United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
Australia, and France have standards for UV protective
sunglasses. In our country we do not have any standard
guidelines for sunglasses. Dongre et al.[36] studied the UV
protective properties of sunglasses in UV phototherapy
chambers and reported that the mean reduction in UVA
penetration was 84.89% and that in UVB penetration was
68.74%. Thirteen sunglasses (four branded ones and nine
unbranded ones) provided greater than 80% reduction in
UVA rays and hence wearing sunglasses during outdoor
Newer technologies in sunscreens
Various technologies are used to make the sunscreens more
effectiveand cosmeticallyacceptable.
Nanotechnology in sunscreens
Nanomaterials are ultrane single particles with a
diameter less than 100 nm.[37] Nanotechnology is currently
being developed for diagnosis and labeling, targeting of
drugs, and immunotherapy. In 1999 the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) allowed the use of nanoparticles in
sunscreens. The use of nanoparticles improves the texture
andcosmeticappealof sunscreens.
The traditionally used physical blockers such as titanium
dioxide and zinc oxide are thicker formulations and hence
were not cosmetically acceptable. The newer sunscreens
containing nanosized products of titanium dioxide and
zinc oxidehave replaced the older formulations and these
ultraneparticlesblendwiththeskin andare cosmetically
The use of nanotechnology has revolutionized the
eld of sunscreens but toxicologists believe that the
nanoparticles can be potentially harmful. The penetration
of nanoparticles are limited by their molecular size.
Lademann et al.
[38] investigated the penetration of titanium
dioxide microparticles into the horny layer and the orice
of the hair follicle in human skin and found that the
amount of titanium dioxide found in any given follicle
wasless than1%oftheapplied totalamountofsunscreen.
Penetration of microparticles into the viable skin tissue
wasnot detected.
Thelarger surfacearea ofthe ultraneparticlescanprovide
an interface for catalytic reactions which can produce
free radicals and damages the proteins, lipids and DNA.
Nanoparticles can also form complexes with proteins which
canescapeimmunologicalsurveillance.[39] The nanoparticle–
protein complexes can also act as haptens, which can
induce autoimmune diseases.[40] Further studies are required
This technology consists of styrene/acrylate polymers
that form a nonabsorbable material. These spheres are
then lled with water, which upon application to the skin,
These hollow spheres increase the surface area contact of
UV lters with incoming UVR, increasing the effective
SPFof asunscreenby50–70%.
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Controversial aspects of sunscreens
There are certain controversies regarding the
usage of sunscreens.
Schulmpf et al.[41] noted that benzophenone, 3-benzylidene
camphor, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor, and octyl-
methoxycinnamate increased uterine weight in immature
rats. Scientic Committee of Cosmetic Products and Non-
Food Products, an European committee based in Belgium,
noted that the relative estrogenic potencies of UV sunscreen
products, both in vitro and in vivo, were about 1 million
lessthanestradiol,thepositivecontrolsubstance.[11] Thyroid
weight was increased by higher 4-methylbenzylidene
camphor doses. The UV lter benzophenone 2 inactivates
human recombinant thyroperoxidase in vitro and disturbs
thyroid hormone homeostasis in rats.[42] The endocrine
activity of sunscreens is controversial and future studies are
There are conicting reports regarding the efcacy of
sunscreens against the immunosuppressive effects of UV
and it has been shown that the application of a sunscreen
with a higher SPF can decrease the systemic UVB induced
suppressionofcontacthypersensitivityinhuman skin.[43]
Regular sunscreen application can delay[44] or prevent the
onset of skin tumors in mice, while other reports also
There is also a risk that the regular use of sunscreen could
lead to decreased vitamin D levels in the elderly[46]through
the decreased UVB-induced cutaneous synthesis of
previtaminD3; butthe riskisminimalintropicalclimate.
Measuring sunscreen efcacy
The UVB protection offered by sunscreens is measured by
Sun protection factor
SPF is a numerical rating system to indicate the degree of
the ratio of the least amount of UV energy (UVB) required
to produce minimal erythema on sunscreen-protected skin
to the amount of energy required to produce the same
erythema on unprotected skin. As UVB is approximately
1000 times more erythemogenic as compared with UVA,
theSPF islargelyameasureofprotectionagainstUVB.
This term is dened as the ability of a sunscreen to
maintain efcacy and withstand adverse conditions such
as exposure to water and sweat.[47] The FDA also denes
theterms‘water-resistant’and ‘verywaterresistant.’Water
resistance is dened as the ability of a sunscreen to retain
its photoprotective properties following two 20-minute
intervals (40 minutes total) of moderate activity in water
immersion. Very water resistant is dened by doubling
aquatic activity time to four 20-minute activity intervals (80
minutes total).[48] Interestingly, the FDA permits products
labeled as water resistant or very water resistant to be
Assessing UVA protection
The in vivo testing methods are immediate pigment
darkening (IPD), persistent pigment darkening (PPD), and
theprotectionfactor inthe UVA(PFA).These methodsare
expensive, and require unacceptably high UVA exposure to
human subjects. IPD describes the immediate gray-brown
pigmentation of the skin as caused by the oxidation of
preformed melanosomes in the skin. IPD peaks within the
rst minute after UVAexposure.[13] The transient nature of
IPD which requires immediate testing makes it a less than
idealmeasurement toolof UVAprotection.
The PPD method, currently used in Austria and Japan,
evaluates sunscreen effectiveness against UVA by
measuring melanin photo-oxidation postexposure.[50] PPD
is measured between 2 and 24 hours following irradiation
and has the added benet of simultaneously evaluating
sunscreen photostability. However, PPD requires subjects
be exposed to high-intensity lamps for long periods of time
The PFA has a less inclusive endpoint following UVA
irradiation, measuring either erythema or pigmentation
(tanning). Like PPD, it is evaluated 24 hours after light
In vitro models of evaluating UVA protection present a
uniquesetofsolutionsandchallenges.Unlike in vivo testing,
laboratory testing may be a more efcient, reproducible,
cost-effective testing method. In vitro method of UVA
protection is measured by the Diffey critical wavelength
determination.[51] In this method, the sunscreen agent is
applied to a substrate, and the UV absorbance is measured
alongacontinuumfrom290 to400nm.Itisthencalculated
as ‘the wavelength below which 90% of sunscreen’s UV
absorbance occurs.[13,49] The UK uses a variation of this in
vitro testcalled the Boots Star rating. The Star system is a
ratio of two in vitro tests: the measurement of a product’s
Ideal Sunscreen
The ideal sunscreen should rst and foremost provide
superior efcacy with broad-spectrum coverage,
photostability, and high substantivity. It should have an
appealing feel and uniformly coat the skin surface. Lastly,
a sunscreen should be supplied at a reasonable cost to the
General application recommendations
Application density
The average adult should apply approximately 35 mL
for full-body application to cover an area of 1.73 m.[2,52]
In addition to application density, consumers should be
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educated on overall guidelines for sunscreen use. The
sun-protective clothing is a powerful adjunct to topical
sunscreens.Clothingshould cover skinrst, and sunscreen
should be used under clothing as well as to exposed skin.
Individuals should avoid time spent outdoors between 10
am and 4 pm. Since the time zones and daylight savings
time separates solar noon from the ascribed noon time,[53]
Ting offers a convenient rule of thumb: ‘If one’s shadow
islongerthan oneistall,’avoid prolongedoutsideactivity.
Eide[54] refers to this as the ‘shadow rule’ and patients
should avoid this time, when the solar zenith is less than
Reapplying sunscreen after initial application is another
important step in effective sun safety. Individuals should
applyarst coat ofsunscreen half anhourbefore walking
out of the door. A second application approximately 20
minutes after initial application is estimated to prevent an
additional65–80%ofUVtransmission[55] and corrects areas
ofmisapplication.[56]Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2
hours and more frequently during activity-lled days. Up
to 85% of a product can be removed by towel drying, so
reapplication should occur after swimming, sweating, or
Complete topical photoprotection can only be obtained
if a sunscreen formula protects against UVB, UVA, and
IRA. The role of additional wavelengths contributing to
skin damage is currently not known. In order to achieve
a near complete broad spectrum protection as possible,
a sunscreen should incorporate molecules of both of
primary and secondary photoprotection along with other
What is new?
Complete topical photoprotection can only be obtained if a sunscreen formula
protects against UVB, UVA, and IRA.
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How to cite this article: Rai R, Shanmuga SC, Srinivas CR. Update on
photoprotection. Indian J Dermatol 2012;57:335-42.
Received: April 2011. Accepted: December 2011.
Source of support: Nil, Conict of Interest: Nil.
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342Indian Journal of Dermatology 2012; 57(5)
Rai, et al.: Photoprotection
1 The effects of UVA include
a) ageing effects and pigmentation
b) production of radical oxygen species
c) decrease in Langerhans cells
d) increases the expression of p53, a tumor suppressor
e) all of the above
2. AllareUVBblockersexcept
a) octinoxate
b) octisalate
c) avobenzone
d) octocrylene
3. The substance used to stabilize water insoluble
sunscreen ingredients is
a) meridimate
b) trolamine salicylate
c) ecamsule
d) ensulizole
4. Secondaryphotoprotection includesallexcept
a) Antioxidants
b) Osmolytes
c) DNA repair enzymes
d) Inorganicsunscreens
5. TheclothingmaterialwithbestUVabsorbingcapacity
a) Cotton
b) Wool
c) Polyester
d) Silk
6. Theadverse effectsof nanoparticlesinclude
a) interface for catalytic reactions
b) complexes with proteins which can escape
immunological surveillance
c) inductionof autoimmunediseases.
d) all of the above
7. The UV lter which disturbs thyroid hormone
homeostasis in rats is
a) octylmethoxycinnamate
b) benzophenones
d) homosalate
8. The in vivo methods for measuring UVA protection
are all except
a) immediatepigmentdarkening (IPD)
b) persistent pigment darkening (PPD)
c) protection factor in the UVA (PFA)
d) sun protection factor (SPF)
9. The average adult should apply approximately
---mLforfull-bodyapplicationtocoveranareaof 1.73
a) 25 ml
b) 30 ml
c) 35ml
d) 40ml
10. Completetopicalphotoprotectioncanonlybeobtained
if a sunscreen formula protects against
a) UVB
b) UVA
c) IRA
d) all of the above
1.(e) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4.(d) 5.   (c)
6.(d) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10. (d)
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Whilesubmittinganyarticlethe author/sgive/s anundertaking thatthespecicarticleis notsubmitted elsewhereoris
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– Koushik Lahiri
 Editor,IJD®
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... The generated solids were filtered and washed with a mixture of ether and hexane (1:5) to afford pure 3benzyl-2-thioxothiazolidin-4-one (13; 3.17 g, 94%). 1 ...
... (11). 1 [36,37] The ...
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To discover novel anti-melanogenic compounds with tyrosinase inhibitory activity, (Z)-3-benzyl-5-benzylidene-2-thioxothiazolidin-4-one ((Z)-BBTT) analogs 1–12, designed based on the hybrid structure of a β-phenyl-α,β-unsaturated carbonyl motif and a 3-benzyl-2-thioxothiazolidin-4-one scaffold, were synthesized as novel tyrosinase inhibitors. Of the 12 analogs, 2 (6 and 8) showed mushroom tyrosinase inhibitory activity similar to that of kojic acid, a representative tyrosinase inhibitor, and 3 analogs (1–3) exhibited mushroom tyrosinase inhibitory activity that was more potent than that of kojic acid. In particular, analog 3 revealed highly potent inhibition with an IC50 value of 90 nM, which was 214 times lower than that of kojic acid (IC50 value = 19.22 μM). A kinetic study using mushroom tyrosinase and analogs 1–3 and 6 demonstrated that these analogs were competitive inhibitors, which was further supported by in silico studies. Analogs 1 and 3 have strong anti-melanogenic potency in B16F10 mammalian cells owing to their anti-tyrosinase activity without perceptible cytotoxicity in melanoma cells (B16F10) and the main epidermal cells (HaCaT). Moreover, analog 3 exhibited strong antioxidant capacity, scavenging reactive oxygen species, 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical, and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical, partially contributing to its anti-melanogenic effect. (Z)-BBTT analogs, including analog 3, may be promising candidates for inhibiting melanin production.
... However, it may display relatively less efficiency in safeguarding against UVB radiation. [17,18] Secondary photoprotection involves a range of compounds including antioxidants, osmolytes, and DNA-repair enzymes, which collectively work to mitigate skin damage by interrupting the photochemical cascade triggered by UV sunlight exposure. Antioxidants operate by mitigating the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated from UVA radiation. ...
... Moreover, they can maintain their efficacy for several days post-application, ensuring sustained protection against oxidative stress. [18,19] Yashada Bhasma (zinc oxide), underwent screening to evaluate its potential as a free radical scavenger. Parameters including lipid peroxidation (LPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and reduced glutathione (GSH) were examined. ...
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The utilization of minerals in cosmetic formulations has been a longstanding tradition, with Yashada Bhasma (zinc oxide) emerging as a prominent ingredient in modern sunscreen formulations due to its remarkable properties. This article provides a comprehensive examination of Yashada Bhasma historical significance, chemical composition, and therapeutic attributes as described in classical literature. The scientific analysis validates its efficacy as a physical barrier against UVA and UVB radiation, highlighting its photostability and compatibility with sensitive skin. Structural and chemical characterization techniques illuminate its nano-scale transformation during the purification process, enhancing its effectiveness. Comparative analyses with other sunscreen ingredients emphasize its superiority in terms of UV protection spectrum, skin compatibility, and regulatory approval. A market survey reveals the widespread incorporation of Yashada Bhasma into various Ayurvedic and herbal cosmetic products, reflecting its acceptance and popularity among consumers. Overall, this article bridges the gap between Classical wisdom and scientific validation, showcasing Yashada Bhasma as a versatile and effective component in sunscreen formulations, poised to meet the evolving needs of skincare and sun protection in contemporary times.
... The recommended dose is 2 mg/cm2 of the skin surface, equivalent to approximately 30 ml or a handful of sunscreen for the entire body. The "teaspoon rule" where one teaspoon should be applied to the face, hand and neck, one teaspoon to each arm and forearm and two teaspoons to the trunk and each leg [33,36,37]. Sunscreens play a crucial role in preventing skin malignancies and other UV-related skin damage, such as photoageing as evidenced by a significant study in Australia, which showed that its regular use reduces the risk of MM and SCC [33,38]. ...
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Background: The skin, representing the largest organ in the human body, serves numerous funtions crucial for homeostasis, as well as acts as the primary physical barrier protecting the organism from external environmental factors such as microorganisms, mechanical damage, heat or cold exposure, toxins, as well as solar radiation, posing various risks to the skin, including sunburn, photoageing and skin malignancies. Objectives: This study aims to explore the effects of solar radiation on the skin and to discuss preventive measures against its negative influence on the skin. Methods: An exhaustive search of references related to sun exposure and skin published in PubMed was undertaken, using the search terms: "solar exposure and skin, ultraviolet radiation and skin, visible light and skin, sunscreen, photoprotection”. Conclusions: Solar radiation, particularly ultraviolet radiation (UVR), induces acute and chronic damage to the skin, leading to conditions such as sunburn, photoaging, and skin malignancies. However, adequate exposure to sunlight is crucial for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which plays essential roles in calcium homeostasis, immune function, and potentially other physiological processes. Strategies such as proper sunscreen use and other photoprotection methods can mitigate the adverse effects of solar radiation while allowing for sufficient vitamin D synthesis.
... Zinc oxide provides protection against both UVA and UVB rays, making it an effective sunscreen ingredient. It forms a physical barrier on the skin's surface, reflecting and scattering harmful UV radiation [10,26]. Zinc oxide's soothing houses make it advantageous in relieving rashes, irritations, and itching related with stipulations like eczema, dermatitis, and diaper rash. ...
... Sunscreens as well as certain cosmetics and personal-care products contain UV filters whose purpose is to absorb UV radiation to protect skin and hair (Rai et al. 2012;Palm and O'Donoghue 2007;Uter et al. 2014). In total, 29 organic and inorganic substances are approved as UV filters as ingredients in cosmetic products by the European Union (European Union 2021). ...
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The chemical UV filter 2-ethylhexyl salicylate (EHS) is used in various personal-care products. The dermal and oral metabolism of EHS have already been targeted by different studies. However, toxicokinetic data after a single dermal exposure to EHS was missing. In our study, three volunteers were dermally exposed to a commercial EHS-containing sunscreen for 9 h with an application dose of 2 mg sunscreen per cm² body surface area. The exposure was performed indoors, and sunscreen was applied on about 75% of the total skin area. Complete urine voids were collected over 72 h and eight blood samples were drawn from each subject. Urine samples were analyzed for EHS and seven known metabolites (5OH-EHS, 4OH-EHS, 2OH-EHS, 6OH-EHS, 4oxo-EHS, 5oxo-EHS, and 5cx-EPS) by online-SPE UPLC MS/MS. The peaks of urinary elimination occurred 10–11 h after application. The elimination half-lives (Phase 1) were between 6.6 and 9.7 h. The dominant urinary biomarkers were EHS itself, followed by 5OH-EHS, 5cx-EPS, 5oxo-EHS, and 4OH-EHS. 2OH-EHS, 6OH-EHS, and 4oxo-EHS were detected only in minor amounts. An enhanced analysis of conjugation species revealed marginal amounts of unconjugated metabolites and up to 40% share of sulfate conjugates for 5OH-EHS, 5oxo-EHS, and 5cx-EPS. The results demonstrated a delayed systemic resorption of EHS via the dermal route. Despite an extensive metabolism, the parent compound occurred as main urinary parameter. The delayed dermal resorption as well as the slow elimination of EHS indicate an accumulation up to toxicological relevant doses during daily repeated dermal application to large skin areas.
Topical sunscreens and the UV filters in them have achieved mainstream significance in today’s age. Many advances have occurred in sunscreen science, making this space vibrant and exciting. Inorganic filters include titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, with a potential new entrant into the space, cerium salts, in the future. Among chemical sunscreens, bemotrizinol awaits US FDA approval as the first chemical filter to undergo the Maximum Usage Trial (MUsT) process. Newer proprietary filters such as Methoxypropylamino Cyclohexenylidene Ethoxyethylcyanoacetate (MCE) and Phenylene Bis-Diphenyltriazine (Triazorb) and the anticipated HAA-299 filter are all expected to enhance sun protection from the new age sunscreens, by providing more coverage in the UVA region to achieve spectral homeostasis. Further addition of antioxidants and tints, which can further reach into the visible light and the infrared region, may be of great clinical significance to preventing pigmentary conditions in SOC. This chapter gives a comprehensive but simple overview of the UV filters from inorganic filters to chemical filters to just discovered agents with protective properties in the solar spectrum.
The solar radiation has multiple sub-components of which the ultraviolet radiation is the most potent and well-studied to cause cutaneous photocarcinogenesis. For a very long time, UVB was considered the main agent for solar-induced skin cancers through direct DNA damage; however, more recently, UVA has also been established to contribute to the process of carcinogenesis, notably by the formation of ‘dark’ CPDs. Both components contribute to pigment darkening on sun exposure. Other lesser energetic parts of sunlight, such as the visible light spectrum, have recently come into focus for their ability to generate photopigmentation, acting mainly through free radical generation, and mainly from the blue end of the spectrum, called high energy visible light (HEVL). Interestingly, the photopigmentation effects of visible light have been noted to be more significant and more persistent in SOC compared to higher skin types. This chapter addresses the contributions of each of these components towards the total impact of sun exposure on skin, with a specific emphasis on SOC and the differential outcomes noted in the group.
This paper provides insights into the occurrence of sunscreen products in the aquatic environment due to their excessive use and their potential damage to aquatic ecosystems. Sunscreens applied on human skin to eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet (UV) light are mixtures containing not only UV filters, organic and inorganic compounds, but also emulsifiers, gelling agents, sensation enhancers, preservatives, antimicrobial agents, and antioxidants. The growing use of sunscreens, along with the boost of tourism, has led to the detection of these compounds in the environment. Ingredients of sunscreens often pose a threat to water quality, marine environment, aquatic life, even in agriculture, and therefore constitute an emerging risk to environmental and public health. The UV filters presented in water affect marine organisms and aquatic receptors, and can even end up in humans’ bodies via the food chain. Through a literature review, the occurrence of sunscreen ingredients in the aquatic environment was investigated, as well as the possible solutions for mitigation of sunscreen pollution. Mitigation of sunscreen pollution can be achieved through environmental education, the development of environmentally friendly products as well as with effective removal processes in wastewater treatment plants. Well-rounded campaigns can provide information and raise awareness, to motivate consumers to make proper use of products taking environmental concerns into account. The findings of this paper underline the extent and the severity of sunscreen pollution as well as the significance of education as a valuable tool for the mitigation of water pollution. In general, this review offers a comprehensive overview of the subject.
The utilization of marine resources in the cosmetics industry is a burgeoning field with vast potential. Marine-derived compounds, such as algae extracts, marine peptides, and sea minerals, offer unique benefits for skincare and cosmetics products. These resources provide natural sources of antioxidants, moisturizers, and anti-aging agents. Marine ingredients are increasingly incorporated into formulations for sunscreen, anti-wrinkle creams, and skincare treatments. In addition, the sustainable harvesting of marine resources aligns with eco-friendly practices in the cosmetics industry. As the demand for natural and effective cosmetic solutions grows, this chapter critically reviews marine resources that hold promise for innovative and environmentally conscious beauty products.
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Background: Reactive oxygen species generated by ultraviolet light result in photocarcinogenic and photoaging changes in the skin. Antioxidants protect skin from these insults. Objective: This study defines formulation characteristics for delivering L-ascorbic acid into the skin to supplement the skin's natural antioxidant reservoir. Methods: L-ascorbic acid or its derivatives were applied to pig skin. Skin levels of L-ascorbic acid were measured to determine percutaneous delivery. Results: L-ascorbic acid must be formulated at pH levels less than 3.5 to enter the skin. Maximal concentration for optimal percutaneous absorption was 20%. Tissue levels were saturated after three daily applications; the half-life of tissue disappearance was about 4 days. Derivatives of ascorbic acid including magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl-6-palmitate, and dehydroascorbic acid did not increase skin levels of L-ascorbic acid. Conclusions: Delivery of topical L-ascorbic acid into the skin is critically dependent on formulation characteristics.
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Infrared A (IRA) radiation (760-1440 nm) is a major component of solar radiation and, similar to UVR, causes photoaging of human skin by increasing the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in human skin fibroblasts. In this study, we assessed the IRA-induced transcriptome in primary human skin fibroblasts. Microarray analysis revealed 599 IRA-regulated transcripts. The IRA-induced transcriptome differed from changes known to be induced by UV. IRA-responsive genes include the categories extracellular matrix, calcium homeostasis, stress signaling, and apoptosis. Selected results were confirmed by real-time PCR experiments analyzing 13 genes representing these four categories. By means of chemical inhibitors of known signaling pathways, we showed that ERK1/2, the p38-, JNK-, PI3K/AKT-, STAT3-, and IL-6 as well as the calcium-mediated signaling pathways, are functionally involved in the IRA gene response and that a major part of it is triggered by mitochondrial and, to a lesser extent, non-mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species. Our results identify IRA as an environmental factor with relevance for skin homeostasis and photoaging.
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The exact pathogenesis of photoaging of the skin is not yet known. Earlier, a number of molecular pathways explaining one or more characteristics of photoaged skin have been described, but a unifying mechanistic concept is still missing. Here we propose the "Defective Powerhouse Model of Premature Skin Aging", which reconciles most of the earlier conducted research as one concept. In this model, the persistence of UV radiation-induced mtDNA deletions or the infrared radiation-induced disturbance of the electron flow of the mitochondrial electron transport chain leads to inadequate energy production in dermal fibroblasts. As a consequence of this defective powerhouse, retrograde mitochondrial signaling pathways are triggered that then they transduce functional and structural alterations in the skin. This model, which is supported by a growing number of recent studies, is of direct clinical importance in preventing and treating photoaging in human skin.Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (2009) 14, 44-49; doi:10.1038/jidsymp.2009.1.
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Infrared radiation (IR) is increasingly used for wellness purposes. In this setting, it is frequently combined with UV radiation, primarily for tanning purposes. The impact of IR on UV-induced carcinogenesis is still unclear. Hence, we investigated the interplay between IR and UV with regard to UV-induced apoptosis. Pretreatment of murine keratinocytes with IR before UV reduced the apoptotic rate. Likewise, the number of sunburn cells was reduced in mice preexposed to IR before UV. The amounts of UV-induced DNA damage were reduced by IR both in vitro and in vivo. This was not observed in DNA repair-deficient mice. UV-induced downregulation of the antiapoptotic proteins FLIP(L) and BCL-X(L) was prevented by IR, whereas the proapoptotic protein BAX was downregulated. These data indicate that IR reduces UV-induced apoptosis that may be mediated by several pathways, including reduction of DNA damage and induction of antiapoptotic proteins. The antiapoptotic effects of IR may support the survival of UV-damaged cells and thus carcinogenesis. As, however, IR reduces UV-induced DNA damage, the balance between these two effects may be important. Thus, in vivo carcinogenesis studies are required to define the role of IR and its interaction with UV in photocarcinogenesis.
Manufacturers of sun-protective clothing face a confusing array of information because the published literature contains many contradictory claims. This study was undertaken to shed more light on the influence of fiber type, fabric porosity, thickness, and thread count on the UVR-blocking properties of undyed fabrics. Results of this study show that fabric porosity, as estimated by image analysis, was the single best predictor of an undyed woven fabric's UVR-blocking properties. Fiber type and thickness also proved to be important determinants. Polyester, silk, and wool fabrics exhibited better UVR-blocking properties than cotton or rayon when porosity and thickness were taken into account. These findings will prove useful to manufacturers of sun-protective clothing who supply clothing to skin cancer victims and patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. Designers of protective clothing for industrial welders and astronauts could also find the image analysis technique described useful for quantifying fabric porosity.
A rapid method has been developed in order to compare the photostability of several sunscreen agents incorporated in the same type of emulsion. Thin films of the different preparations were spread on quartz plates and irradiated with a solar simulator. Differences in energy distribution according to wavelengths observed with solar simulator and sun radiation were taken into account. A kinetic study of absorption properties was carried out under solar simulator irradiation. A simple calculation gave the results which would be obtained under sunlight. This technique differentiated the reversible transformations of photoisomerizable compounds from an irreversible disappearance which resulted in a significant loss of protective power. Applied to benzylidene camphor derivatives, this technique showed the excellent photostability of these sunscreen agents. Evaluation de la photostabilité des filtres solaires: dérivés du benzylidène camphre et du dibenzoylméthane. Une méthode rapide d'évaluation de la photostabilité de divers agents filtrants incorporés dans le měme type d'émulsion a été mise au point. Elle permet, à partir d'irradiations à 1'aide d'un simulateur solaire, d'obtenir une estimation comparative de la stabilité sous irradiation solaire des filtres étudiés quelles que soient les longeurs d'ondes auxquelles ils absorbent. Cette technique présente l'avantage de distinguer la transformation réversible de composés isomérisables conduisant très rapidement à un équilibre photostationnaire et la photo-instabilité ou disparition irréversible et lente des composés étudiés. Cette propriété d'isomérisation réversible confère, en particulier aux dérivés du benzylidène camphre, une excellente stabilité photo-chimique.
Sunscreens are agents that attenuate the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin by absorption or reflection of part of the incident radiation or by interception of harmful products of its interaction with the Sunscreens may be applied topically or ingested; however, topical agents are by far the more common and effective and only they will be discussed in this report. Topical sunscreens are formulated as creams or lotions and are characterized by their sun protection factor, a measure of their efficacy against sunburning and their substantivity, their resistance against removal after application.