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Exploring the Handshake in Employment Interviews
Greg L. Stewart and Susan L. Dustin
University of Iowa Murray R. Barrick
Texas A&M University
Todd C. Darnold
Creighton University
The authors examined how an applicant’s handshake influences hiring recommendations formed during
the employment interview. A sample of 98 undergraduate students provided personality measures and
participated in mock interviews during which the students received ratings of employment suitability.
Five trained raters independently evaluated the quality of the handshake for each participant. Quality of
handshake was related to interviewer hiring recommendations. Path analysis supported the handshake as
mediating the effect of applicant extraversion on interviewer hiring recommendations, even after
controlling for differences in candidate physical appearance and dress. Although women received lower
ratings for the handshake, they did not on average receive lower assessments of employment suitability.
Exploratory analysis suggested that the relationship between a firm handshake and interview ratings may
be stronger for women than for men.
Keywords: handshake, employment interviews, first impressions
A firm handshake is often identified as an aspect of nonverbal
communication that has a critical influence on impressions formed
during employment interviews. Indeed, a recent search of the
Internet revealed nearly a million listings that detailed the impor-
tance of the handshake and gave advice about the proper way to
shake hands during an interview. In spite of seemingly widespread
acceptance of the important role the handshake plays in interview
success, empirical research examining the handshake in employ-
ment interviews is lacking.
Nonverbal cues other than the handshake, such as eye contact
during discussions and smiling, have been shown to have a critical
influence on interview assessments (DeGroot & Motowidlo,
1999). Although not studied in the interview context, the ubiqui-
tous prevalence of the handshake at both the beginning and the end
of interviews suggests that nonverbal cues communicated through
the shaking of hands may convey important information about job
applicants. The handshake may specifically convey information
about an individual’s personality, as early research suggested a
traitlike relationship between the handshake and personality
(Chaplin, Phillips, Brown, Clanton, & Stein, 2000; Vanderbilt,
1957). In short, good handshakes are believed to communicate
sociability, friendliness, and dominance, whereas poor handshakes
may communicate introversion, shyness, and neuroticism (Chaplin
et al., 2000). Yet, research has not explored relationships between
the nonverbal act of shaking hands and employment interview
In this article, we empirically examine the role of the handshake
in employment interviews. We first seek to determine whether
quality of the handshake does indeed correspond with interviewer
assessments. We then explore the nature of what is being conveyed
through the handshake by examining relationships between the
handshake and personality. We also assess the effect of potential
gender differences in handshaking.
Is Handshake Quality Related to Ratings in Employment
In the interview context, nonverbal behaviors are assumed to
convey useful information (Gifford, Ng, & Wilkinson, 1985;
Schlenker, 1980). The category of nonverbal cues can be broadly
defined as cues, other than the content of responses, or demo-
graphic differences like sex and race (Parsons & Liden, 1984).
Nonverbal behaviors commonly thought to be important during an
interview include eye contact, smiling, posture, interpersonal dis-
tance, and body orientation (Forbes & Jackson, 1980; Imada &
Hakel, 1977; Motowidlo & Burnett, 1995; Young & Beier, 1977).
These behaviors are assumed to influence interviewer reactions,
which in turn result in attributions of applicant characteristics such
as communication ability, intelligence, and self-confidence (De-
Groot & Motowidlo, 1999; McGovern & Tinsley, 1978).
Given that a handshake typically occurs in the interview setting,
it is surprising that researchers have not looked at the role this form
of tactile nonverbal communication may play in the interview
setting. The handshake is a nonverbal touch behavior that can
convey an “immediacy” dimension in interviews (Imada & Hakel,
1977). Immediacy is an interaction between two individuals that
involves close physical proximity and/or perceptual availability
(Mehrabian, 1972). It has been theorized that greater immediacy
Greg L. Stewart and Susan L. Dustin, Department of Management and
Organizations, University of Iowa; Murray R. Barrick, Department of
Management, Texas A&M University; Todd C. Darnold, Marketing and
Management Department, Creighton University.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Greg
L. Stewart, Department of Management and Organizations, Tippie
College of Business, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. E-mail:
Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association
2008, Vol. 93, No. 5, 1139–1146 0021-9010/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.93.5.1139
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