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Multiple mechanisms involved in the large-spectrum therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders

The Royal Society
Philosophical Transactions B

Abstract and Figures

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major phytocannabinoid present in the Cannabis sativa plant. It lacks the psychotomimetic and other psychotropic effects that the main plant compound Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being able, on the contrary, to antagonize these effects. This property, together with its safety profile, was an initial stimulus for the investigation of CBD pharmacological properties. It is now clear that CBD has therapeutic potential over a wide range of non-psychiatric and psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression and psychosis. Although the pharmacological effects of CBD in different biological systems have been extensively investigated by in vitro studies, the mechanisms responsible for its therapeutic potential are still not clear. Here, we review recent in vivo studies indicating that these mechanisms are not unitary but rather depend on the behavioural response being measured. Acute anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects seem to rely mainly on facilitation of 5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmission in key brain areas related to defensive responses, including the dorsal periaqueductal grey, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial prefrontal cortex. Other effects, such as anti-compulsive, increased extinction and impaired reconsolidation of aversive memories, and facilitation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis could depend on potentiation of anandamide-mediated neurotransmission. Finally, activation of TRPV1 channels may help us to explain the antipsychotic effect and the bell-shaped dose-response curves commonly observed with CBD. Considering its safety profile and wide range of therapeutic potential, however, further studies are needed to investigate the involvement of other possible mechanisms (e.g. inhibition of adenosine uptake, inverse agonism at CB2 receptor, CB1 receptor antagonism, GPR55 antagonism, PPARγ receptors agonism, intracellular (Ca(2+)) increase, etc.), on CBD behavioural effects.
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doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0389 , 3364-3378367 2012 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
Francisco Silveira Guimarães
Alline Cristina Campos, Fabricio Araújo Moreira, Felipe Villela Gomes, Elaine Aparecida Del Bel and
therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders
Multiple mechanisms involved in the large-spectrum
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Multiple mechanisms involved in the
large-spectrum therapeutic potential of
cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders
Alline Cristina Campos1,2, Fabricio Arau
´jo Moreira3,
Felipe Villela Gomes4, Elaine Aparecida Del Bel5
and Francisco Silveira Guimara
Group of Neuroimmunology, Laboratory of Immunopharmacology, Institute of Biological Sciences,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Program, Medical School, and
Department of Pharmacology,
Institute of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Avenue Antonio Carlos 6627,
31270-901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine of Ribeira˜o Preto, University of Sa˜o Paulo,
Avenue Bandeirantes 3900, 14049-900, Ribeira˜o Preto, Sa˜ o Paulo, Brazil
Faculty of Odontology of Ribeira˜o Preto, Department of Morphology, Physiology and Stomatology,
University of Sa˜ o Paulo, Avenue Cafe
´s/n, 14040-904, Ribeira˜ o Preto, Sa˜ o Paulo, Brazil
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major phytocannabinoid present in the Cannabis sativa plant. It lacks the psy-
chotomimetic and other psychotropic effects that the main plant compound D
(THC) being able, on the contrary, to antagonize these effects. This property, together with its safety
profile, was an initial stimulus for the investigation of CBD pharmacological properties. It is now clear
that CBD has therapeutic potential over a wide range of non-psychiatric and psychiatric disorders such
as anxiety, depression and psychosis. Although the pharmacological effects of CBD in different bio-
logical systems have been extensively investigated by in vitro studies, the mechanisms responsible for
its therapeutic potential are still not clear. Here, we review recent in vivo studies indicating that
these mechanisms are not unitary but rather depend on the behavioural response being measured.
Acute anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects seem to rely mainly on facilitation of 5-HT1A-
mediated neurotransmission in key brain areas related to defensive responses, including the dorsal
periaqueductal grey, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial prefrontal cortex. Other effects,
such as anti-compulsive, increased extinction and impaired reconsolidation of aversive memories,
and facilitation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis could depend on potentiation of anandamide-
mediated neurotransmission. Finally, activation of TRPV1 channels may help us to explain the
antipsychotic effectand the bell-shaped dose-response curves commonlyobserved with CBD. Consid-
ering its safety profile and wide range of therapeutic potential, however, further studies are needed to
investigate the involvement of other possible mechanisms (e.g. inhibition of adenosine uptake, inverse
agonism at CB2 receptor, CB1 receptor antagonism, GPR55 antagonism, PPARgreceptors agonism,
intracellular (Ca
) increase, etc.), on CBD behavioural effects.
Keywords: cannabidiol; anxiety; depression; psychosis; serotonin; anandamide
Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main non-psychotropic
phytocannabinoid present in the Cannabis sativa
plant, constituting up to 40 per cent of its extract.
The chemical characterization of the main cannabi-
noids present in this plant by Mechoulam’s group in
the 1960s [1] originated the first wave of scientific
interest in this compound. With the discovery of the
endocannabinoid (eCB) system in the early 1990s
and the rise, in the words of Bill Devane [2], of the
new dawn of cannabinoid pharmacology, there was a
renewed interest in CBD, with the number of related
published studies growing exponentially since then.
Recent comprehensive reviews suggest that this
compound is one of the most promising candidates
for a therapeutic tool in a wide range of disorders
[3,4]. In the present paper, we will review the evidence
that supports its use in psychiatric disorders and the
proposal mechanisms that try to explain it.
Early reports describing the effects of CBD in animal
models of anxiety were inconsistent. Silveira Filho &
*Author for correspondence (
One contribution of 15 to a Theme Issue ‘Endocannabinoids in
nervous system health and disease’.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2012) 367, 3364–3378
3364 This journal is q2012 The Royal Society
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Tufik [5] did not find any effect of CBD
(100 mg kg
) in rats tested in the classical Geller-
Seifter conflict model of anxiety, whereas Zuardi &
Karniol [6] described that a much lower CBD dose
(10 mg kg
) attenuated conditioned emotional
responses. These apparent contradictory results were
subsequently explained by Guimara
˜es et al.[7].
Using an ethologically based model of anxiety, the
elevated plus maze, they showed that CBD promotes
anxiolytic-like effects with an inverted U-shaped
dose-response curve, higher doses (more than
20 mg kg
in rats) being ineffective (table 1).
The anti-anxiety properties of CBD in rats were
later confirmed in different species (mice) and
animal models, including the Vogel conflict test and
contextual fear conditioning [810]. More recently,
CBD was shown to decrease defensive behaviours
evoked by predator exposure, a proposed model of
panic attacks and posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) [11,13]. CBD also reduces marble burying
behaviour in mice, suggesting that this compound
could be effective in obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) [14]. Moreover, CBD can interfere in learning
and/or memory of aversive events, processes that have
Table 1. Preclinical and clinical studies investigating the anxiolytic properties of CBD. , anxiolytic effect; , anxiogenic
effect; CFC, contextual fear conditioning; EPM, elevated plus maze; ETM, elevated T maze; GAD, generalized anxiety
patients; OF, open field; VCT, Vogel conflict test; i.p., intraperitoneal injection; i.c.v., intracerebroventricular injection;
DPAG, dorsal periaqueductal grey; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; PL, prelimbic cortex; IL, infralimbic cortex;
CeA, central amygdala.
model species effective doses CBD effect references
studies with laboratory animals
Geller-Seifter conflict model rat 100 mg kg
i.p. no effect [5]
conditioned emotional responses rat 10 mg kg
i.p. [6]
EPM rat 2.510 mg kg
i.p [7]
EPM mouse 1 10 mg kg
i.p. [8]
VCT rat 10 mg kg
CFC rat 10 mg kg
i.p. ; decreased autonomic responses [10]
predator exposure (Cat)þEPM rat 5 mg kg
restraint stress þEPM rat 30 nmol intra-cisterna
decreased autonomic and delayed
anxiogenic effect
predator exposure (snake) mouse 3 30 mg kg
i.p. panicolytic [13]
marble burying mouse 30 mg kg
i.p decreased compulsive behaviour [14]
CFC/fear memory extinction rat 6.35 nmol i.c.v. ; facilitated extinction [15]
ETM/DPAG electric stimulation rat 30 – 60 nmol intra-
, panicolytic [16]
restraint stress þEPM rat 10 mg kg
i.p. decreased autonomic and delayed
anxiogenic effect
EPM/VCT rat 1530 nmol intra-
EPM/VCT rat 3060 nmol intra-
CFC rat 3060 nmol intra-
, decreased autonomic responses [20]
CFC rat 30 nmol intra-PL [21]
CFC rat 30 nmol intra-IL [21]
CFC rat 10 mg kg
14 days
CFC/fear reconsolidation rat 10 mg kg
i.p. ; memory reconsolidation
model/measures subjects dose (mg, p.o.) CBD effect references
clinical studies
simulated public-speaking healthy
400 mg [24]
neuroimaging study healthy
400 mg [25]
fearful facial stimuli healthy
600 mg [26]
fearful facial stimuli healthy
600 mg [27]
anxiety symptoms (visual
analogue mood scale)
GAD 400 mg [28]
simulated public speaking social phobics 400 mg [29]
Review.Cannabidiol and psychiatric disorders A. C. Campos et al. 3365
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been associated with PTSD pathophysiology [30].
Intracerebroventricular administration of CBD facili-
tates extinction in a contextual aversive conditioning
model [15]. In this same paradigm, it can also
impair reconsolidation, resulting in the attenuation of
the aversive memory trace. In this study, the impair-
ment of contextual fear memory did not show
reinstatement and was long-lasting (22 days) [23].
Contrasting with these results, Elbatsh et al.[22]
have recently reported that repeated (14 days) admin-
istration of CBD increases freezing in a contextual fear
conditioning test. The reasons for this difference is
unknown, but may involve the distinct conditioning
protocols and drug administration regime (chronic
versus acute) used compared with other studies that
investigated the effects of CBD in this model
[15,21,23]. Moreover, in this study, it is also possible
that CBD could have interfered in learning/memory
mechanisms, because the animals were conditioned
under the drug effect [22].
(a)Clinical anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol
In agreement with the results obtained in animal
models, clinical studies confirmed that CBD has anxio-
lytic properties (table 1). Following the initial report
that it blocks the anxiogenic effects of high doses of
the main psychoactive compound present in the Canna-
bis sativa plant, D
-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) [31],
it was demonstrated that CBD can also reduce anxiety
in healthy volunteers during a neuroimaging study or
after a simulated public-speaking procedure [24,25].
More recently, using the latter procedure, Bergamaschi
et al.[29] showed that CBD (600 mg p.o.) decreases
anxiety in treatment-naive social phobic patients.
(b)Brain sites of cannabidiol anxiolytic effects
Neuroimaging studies show that CBD changes the
activity of brain regions related to the control of
emotional process [25,27]. It attenuates blood oxygen-
ation in the amygdala and the anterior and posterior
cingulate cortex in subjects exposed to fearful faces
[27], impairs the connectivity between the pre-frontal
and subcortical regions [27] and decreases the acti-
vation of left-amygdala hippocampal complex and
left posterior cingulate gyrus [25].
These clinical findings were complemented by
studies in rodents, using direct administration into
brain sites related to anxiety- or panic-like responses
(figure 1). Microinjection of CBD into the dorsal por-
tions of the periaqueductal grey (DPAG) promoted
anxiolytic-like effects in the elevated plus maze, elev-
ated T maze and Vogel conflict tests. It also
decreased escape latency in a model of panic attacks,
electrical stimulation of the DPAG [16,18]. Anxiolytic
effects were also found after CBD injection into the
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in rats
tested in the elevated plus maze, Vogel conflict test
and contextual fear conditioning [19,20]. This latter
effect corroborates results showing that the effects of
CBD in a contextual fear conditioning model is associ-
ated with decreased neuronal activation (measure by
cFos expression) in this area [21]. This same treatment
attenuated the activation of the pre- and infra-limbic
cortical regions. In these two brain areas, however,
CBD produced opposite effects, decreasing and facili-
tating, respectively, conditioned emotional responses
[10]. Recently, Hsiao et al.[26] showed anxiolytic
effects of CBD injection into the central nucleus of
the amygdala. Other possible brain sites of CBD
anxiolytic effect have not yet been investigated (e.g.
the hippocampus).
(c)Mechanisms of the anxiolytic effects of
CBD can produce multiple pharmacological actions
over a wide range of drug concentrations (table 2)
[3,4]. CBD is proposed to activate or modify the func-
tion of several receptors in the central nervous system
(CNS), including CB1, CB2, GPR55, TRPV1 and 5-
HT1A receptors (table 2)[32,33,35,42]. Moreover, it
could inhibit the anandamide hydrolysing enzyme
(fatty acid amide hydrolase, FAAH) and the adenosine
hippocampus: neurogenesis (CB1, CB2?)
PL: CER (5-HT1A)
BNST: CER, anxiety
anxiety/panic (5-HT1A)
anxiety (TRPV1?)
CER (?)
Figure 1. Possible brain sites and mechanisms of CBD effects on anxiety. BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CeA,
central nucleus of the amygdala; CER, conditioned emotional response; DPAG, dorsal periaqueductal grey; IL, infralimbic
prefrontal cortex; PL, prelimbic prefrontal cortex.
3366 A. C. Campos et al. Review.Cannabidiol and psychiatric disorders
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transporter [33,43,50], indirectly increasing the levels
of these neurotransmitters.
Some of CBD effects involve intracellular pathways
that play fundamental roles in neuronal physiology.
For example, in hippocampal neurons, CBD increases
intracellular calcium concentrations via mitochon-
drial uptake and release and/or activation of type-L
voltage-gated calcium channels [38,39]. CBD has
also a potent action in inhibiting oxidative and nitrosa-
tive stress, a mechanism that has been related to its
neuroprotective effects with implications for the treat-
ment of Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s
diseases. It decreases the neuronal damage pro-
moted by b-amyloid protein deposit [47,51] and
attenuates the depletion of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopa-
mine and GABA levels by modulating the expression
of the inducible nitric oxide synthase and reducing
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-gen-
erating NADPH oxidases [47,5254]. Moreover,
CBD pretreatment attenuated high-glucose-induced
mitochondrial superoxide generation and NF-kB
activation, along with the expression of adhesion
molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 [48]. Together,
these results suggest that CBD can exert CB1- and
Table 2. Possible mechanisms of CBD behaviour effects. Evidence from in vitro studies. CHO, Chinese hamster ovary cells.
biological system mechanism biological system concentration range references
endovanilloid related
CB1 receptor antagonist mouse brain membranes 4.9 mM(K
CB2 receptor inverse agonist CHO transfected cells 4.2 mM(K
TRPV1 agonist HEK-293 transfected cells 3.2 mM (EC
transporter inhibition
HEK-293 transfected
cells, rat brain
7.5 8.6/22 mM (IC
5-HT1A receptor agonist CHO transfected cells 16 mM (increases
receptor response by
5-HT2A receptor agonist CHO transfected cells 32 mM (IC
5-HT3 receptor antagonist Xenopus laevis oocytes 1030 mM[36]
suppression of mitogen-
induced IDO activity
(decreasing tryptophan
human blood cells 8.9 mM (IC
others intracellular (Ca
) increase hippocampal cell cultures/
approximately 1 mM
allosteric modulation of m
and dopioid receptors
cerebral cortex
100 mM[40]
PPArgreceptors agonist aorta preparations 5 mM (IC
GPR55 antagonist cell membranes of
transfected cells
445 nM (IC
blockade of adenosine
uptake/indirect A2 agonist
microglia and
macrophages cell
less than 250 nM (K
500 nM (effective
TRPV2 agonist HEK-293 transfected
cells/rat dorsal root
ganglia (DRG) sensory
3.7 mM (EC
TRPM8 antagonist HEK-293 transfected
cells/rat dorsal root
ganglia (DRG) sensory
80140 nM(IC
TRPA1 agonist HEK-293 transfected
cells/rat dorsal root
ganglia (DRG) sensory
96 nM(EC
P38 MAPKinase inhibition PC12 cells 10
M (effective
NF-kB activation PC12 cells 10
M (effective
inhibition of mitochondrial
superoxide production
vascular endotelial cells 4 mM (effective
inhibition of inducible nitric
oxide synthase (iNOS)
kidney 10 mg kg
CBD was able to antagonize the effects of the CB1 agonist CP55940-induced stimulation of [35S]GTPgS binding to mouse brain
membranes at a much lower concentration (K
¼79 nM) than the K
for displacement of the CB1 ligand.
CBD acts as an inverse agonist with a lower concentration (K
¼65 nM) than the K
for displacement of the CB2 ligand.
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CB2-independent neuroprotective/antioxidant/anti-
inflammatory effects [48].
The large majority of these possible mechanisms
have been unveiled by in vitro studies. Their associ-
ation to the behaviour effects of CBD is still not
clear, a topic that is further complicated by the
common bell-shaped dose-response curves produced
by this compound in distinct biological systems [4].
In the last decade, however, several in vivo studies
have helped us to understand the mechanisms of
CBD central effects.
(d)In vivo mechanisms of cannabidiol anxiolytic
effects: 5-HT1A receptors
Russo et al.[35] were the first to suggest that CBD
could act as a 5HT1A receptor agonist. They observed
that, at mM range, this drug displaces 8-OH-DPAT,
a 5-HT1A receptor agonist, from cloned human
5-HT1A receptors expressed in cultured cells obtained
from Chinese hamster ovary. In vivo experiments gave
further support to the involvement of 5-HT1A recep-
tors in the effects of CBD [18 20,55]. For instance,
the neuroprotective effects of CBD in hepatic ence-
phalopathy or cerebral infarction are mediated by
these receptors [55,56]. Regarding the behavioural
studies, the effects of CBD in a PTSD model (preda-
tor exposure) were prevented by WAY100635, a
5HT1A receptor antagonist [11]. This same antagon-
ist prevented the anxiolytic- and panicolytic-like effects
of CBD after injections into the DPAG [16,18], bed
nucleus of the stria terminalis [19,20] and prefron-
tal cortex (M. V. Fogac¸a & F. S. Guimara
˜es 2012,
unpublished data; figure 1). In humans, although no
study so far has investigated the involvement of 5-
HT1A mechanisms in CBD effects, the anxiolytic pro-
file of this drug in the public speaking model was
remarkably similar to the positive control ipsapirone,
a 5HT1A receptor partial agonist [24].
Other CBD effects also involve 5-HT1A receptors.
It decreases nausea and vomiting probably by an indir-
ect agonism at these receptors. Although the
mechanism of this indirect action is unclear, it may
involve interactions with allosteric sites or changes in
different systems that would result in a facilitation of
5-HT1A-mediated responses [57]. Adding to the evi-
dence that the interaction of CBD with 5-HT1A
receptors could be complex, it was recently shown
that this compound antagonizes food intake induced
by 8-OH-DPAT [58]. Therefore, additional research
is clearly needed to clarify how CBD facilitates
5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmission.
(e)In vivo mechanisms of cannabidiol effects:
the endocannabinoid system
CBD could facilitate eCB-mediated neurotrans-
mission by blocking the metabolism and uptake of
anandamide [33]. However, AM251, a CB1 receptor
antagonist, failed to prevent the anxiolytic effects of
CBD injected into the DPAG observed in the elevated
plus maze at the same dose that antagonized the anxio-
lytic effects of anandamide [18,59].
On the other hand, CB1, but not 5-HT1A, receptor
antagonism was able to prevent CBD effects on both
extinction and reconsolidation, indicating that its
interference on aversive memories involves eCB-
mediated mechanisms [15,23]. These results agree
with the well-described facilitation of extinction by
endogenous cannabinoids [60], suggesting that CBD
interferes with aversive memories by facilitating the
effects of eCBs [45].
Finally, AM251 blocked CBD effects in the marble
burying model [14], whereas 5-HT1A-receptor antag-
onism was ineffective. This result corroborates the
proposal that anxiety and OCD models engage distinct
brain mechanisms, with the marble burying beha-
viour being related to repetitive behaviours instead of
anxiety [61].
How facilitation of eCB-mediated neurotrans-
mission decreases repetitive behaviour is unknown,
but may involve attenuation of glutamate-mediated
neurotransmission. eCBs can reduce the release of
several neurotransmitters, including glutamate [62],
a major neurotransmitter of the cortico-striato-
thalamo-cortical circuitry that has been implicated in
the pathophysiology of OCD [63]. Anti-glutamatergic
drugs such as riluzole and memantine decrease marble
burying behaviour [64,65] and are proposed to be
clinically useful for OCD treatment [66,67].
An indirect anti-glutamatergic action via increased
eCB neurotransmission may also be involved in other
central effects of CBD such as anticonvulsant [3], an
effect that could also be related to indirect CB1-
mediated inhibition of glutamate release. Corroborating
this proposal, anticonvulsant effects of other inhibitors
of anandamide metabolism/uptake have recently been
described [3]. Moreover, epileptic patients present a
significant reduction in the fraction of CB1-positive
glutamatergic, but not GABAergic, axon terminals,
probably resulting in increased neural excitability [68].
(f)In vivo mechanisms of cannabidiol effects:
adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Impairment in adult hippocampal neurogenesis has
been associated with the pathogenesis of anxiety dis-
orders and depression [69] and at least some of the
behavioural effects of prototype antidepressant drugs
depend on facilitation of this process [70]. CBD can
also increase adult hippocampal neurogenesis, as first
demonstrated by Wolf et al.[71]. They also showed
that the proneurogenic effect of CBD was absent in
CB1-knockout mice [71]. Because CBD is not
a CB1-receptor agonist, this result suggested that
CBD effect was mediated by an indirect activation of
these receptors, possibly by inhibition of anandamide
metabolism/uptake [33]. Corroborating this latter
possibility, recent results from our group showed that
CBD increases proliferation of hippocampal progeni-
tor cells in culture, an effect mimicked by CB
receptor agonists and prevented by antagonists
of these receptors [72]. Moreover, CBD effects were
also inhibited by overexpression of the FAAH, reinfor-
cing the proposal of anandamide involvement. These
results agree with those previously reported by Jiang
et al.[73] showing that a synthetic CB1 agonist is
able to promote embryonic and adult hippocampus
neurogenesis, an effect associated with the anxiolytic
3368 A. C. Campos et al. Review.Cannabidiol and psychiatric disorders
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and antidepressant properties of the drug. Similar
to prototype antidepressants, the anxiolytic effect
of repeated administered CBD (30 mg/daily for 14
days) in mice submitted to a chronic unpredictable
stress model disappeared when hippocampal neuro-
genesis was inhibited [72], suggesting a causal link
between its proneurogenic and anxiolytic effect after
repeated administration (figure 1).
Other mechanisms could also be involved in CBD
effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis—for
example, activation of peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptors. This particular mechanism seems
to be important during neuroinflammation and neuro-
degenerative process related to b-amyloid protein
deposits in CNS [51]. Although the pro-neurogenic
effect of CBD has not yet been studied in rats, it
could help us to explain the recent report that repeated
CBD treatment enhances contextual fear conditioning
[22]. Immature newborn neurons are selectively acti-
vated by this task [74], and neurogenesis suppression
impairs contextual fear memory [75]. Considering
the important role proposed for hippocampal neuro-
genesis in several brain functions [76,77], the effects
and mechanisms of CBD on this process is another
important research venue to be pursued.
(g)Cannabidiol and the vanilloid system
CBD can activate transient receptor potential (TRP)
channels [33]. These channels comprise a family of
over 50 members and are present in different species,
including yeast, worms, insects, fish and mammals [78].
The vanilloid receptor 1 or TRPV1 is one of the first
identified members of the family, being a non-selective
cation channel with a preference for calcium. It is acti-
vated by noxious stimuli, heat, protons (pH ,5.9) and
various, mostly noxious, natural products such as cap-
saicin [79]. TRPV1 receptors are present in the brain,
where anandamide has been proposed to act as an
endogenous agonist or an endovanilloid [80]. These
receptors can facilitate the release of glutamate [81], a
neurotransmitter that induces defensive responses in
brain areas such as the DPAG [82]. On the basis of
these pieces of evidence, we hypothesized that TRPV1
activation could be at least partially responsible for the
inverted U-shaped dose-response curves commonly
observed with CBD. Accordingly, using intra-DPAG
injections, we showed that local pretreatment with an
ineffective dose of the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine
turned a higher, ineffective dose (60 nmol) of CBD
into an anxiolytic one [83]. TRPV1 receptors are also
involved in the bell-shaped dose responses curves of
anandamide analogues [84,85].
In addition to TRPV1, CBD could also interfere with
other members of the TRP family, activating TRPV2
and ankyrin type 1 (TRPA1) channels and antagonizing
melastatin type 8 (TRPM8) channels [45,46]. The role
played by these mechanisms on CBD behavioural
effects, however, is unknown at the moment.
Initial studies with laboratory animals suggested that
CBD prevents some of the effects produced by THC
[86]. Similar antagonism was also found in humans,
where CBD attenuated the impairment of time pro-
duction tasks and the euphoria induced by THC in
healthy volunteers [87,88]. Confirming and extending
these results, Zuardi et al. [31] demonstrated that
CBD inhibits THC-induced anxiety and psychotic-
like symptoms such as disconnected thoughts,
perceptual disturbance, depersonalization and resist-
ance to communication. In the same year, it was
observed that patients admitted to a psychiatric hospi-
tal in South Africa after the use of a variety of Cannabis
virtually devoid of CBD showed a much higher fre-
quency of acute psychotic episodes than in other
countries [89], suggesting that the presence of CBD
in Cannabis samples protects users against the occur-
rence of THC-induced acute psychotic episodes.
Because experimental evidence indicates that the
antagonistic effect of CBD did not result from a phar-
macokinetic interaction between the two cannabinoids
[90], these initial observations led to the hypothesis
that CBD could possess antipsychotic properties.
An initial study in rats investigated whether this
compound could attenuate stereotypies induced by
the dopaminergic agonist apomorphine. CBD effects
were compared with those of haloperidol [91]. Both
drugs reduced apomorphine-induced stereotyped be-
haviour in a dose-related manner. Even though they
increased plasma levels of prolactin, CBD had much
lower potency, with significant increases only seen
after the doses of 120 and 240 mg kg
. Moreover,
contrary to haloperidol, CBD did not induce cata-
lepsy, even at doses as high as 480 mg kg
. These
results suggest that CBD exhibits a profile similar to
atypical antipsychotic drugs. In another study, CBD
was compared with haloperidol and clozapine, an aty-
pical antipsychotic drug. The drug inhibited the
hyperlocomotion induced by amphetamine and keta-
mine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, in mice [92].
As expected, while both haloperidol and clozapine
inhibited hyperlocomotion, only haloperidol induced
catalepsy. These results extend CBD antipsychotic-
like effects to a glutamate-based model. In agreement
with these results, CBD, similar to clozapine, reversed
the disruption of prepulse inhibition (PPI) in mice and
the hyperactivity and reduction of social interaction in
rats caused by MK-801, another NMDA receptor
antagonist [93,94]. Typical antipsychotics, on the
other hand, are usually unable to restore the deficits
in PPI and social interaction induced by NMDA
receptor antagonists [95,96].
Extending findings from studies using single drug
administration, chronic treatment with CBD attenu-
ated amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion [97].
Preliminary results from our group indicate that this
treatment regime is also able to decrease the impair-
ments in PPI and object recognition induced by
repeated administration of MK-801 (F. V. Gomes,
E. A. Del Bel & F. S. Guimara
˜es, unpublished data).
Despite these findings, there are also negative results
regarding the possible antipsychotic effects of CBD.
Chronic treatment with this drug failed to change be-
havioural changes such as locomotor hyperactivity and
PPI deficits observed in transmembrane domain neur-
egulin 1 mutant (Nrg1) mice, a proposed model for a
schizophrenia susceptibility gene [98]. A summary of
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the studies investigating the antipsychotic-like effects
of CBD in animal models can be seen in table 3.
(a)Cannabidiol and psychosis: clinical studies
The antipsychotic-effects of CBD have also been demon-
strated in humans (table 3). In healthy volunteers,
Leweke et al. [100] observed that the decrease of the
perception of illusory image induced by nabilone, a
synthetic cannabinoid drug with THC-like properties,
was reduced by CBD. Another model used to evaluate
antipsychotic-like activity of drugs in humans is the
administration of sub-anaesthetic doses of ketamine.
This drug induces psychotic symptoms that mimic
both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
An initial investigation in healthy subjects showed
that CBD induced a non-significant trend to reduce
ketamine-induced dissociative effects, but, at the same
time, augmented the activating effects of ketamine
Table 3. Preclinical and clinical studies investigating the antipsychotic properties of CBD. , antipsychotic-like effects;
BPRS, brief psychiatric rating scale; CADSS, clinician administered dissociative states scale; PANSS, positive and negative
syndrome scale; PPQ, Parkinson psychosis questionnaire.
model species effective doses CBD effects references
studies with laboratory animals
stereotyped behaviour
rat 60 mg kg
D-amphetamine- and
mouse 1560 mg kg
MK-801-induced disruption
of PPI
mouse 5 mg kg
mouse 50 mg kg
(chronic – 21
MK-801-induced social
withdrawal and isruption of
rat 3 – 30 mg kg
hyperlocomotion and
deficits in social interaction
rat 3 mg kg
locomotor hyperactivity and
Nrg 1 mutant mouse 1, 50 and 100 mg kg
no effects [98]
model/measures subjects (n) doses CBD effects references
clinical studies
THC-induced impairment of
time production task
healthy male volunteers
1560 mg (acute) [87]
THC-induced euphoria healthy male volunteers
0.15 mg kg
THC-induced psychotic
healthy male volunteers
(acute) [31]
nabilone-induced impairment
of perception of binocular
depth inversion
healthy male volunteers
200 mg (acute) [100]
THC-induced psychotic
symptoms (PANSS)
healthy male and female
volunteers (six)
5 mg (iv, acute) [101]
ketamine-induced psychotic
symptoms (BPRS and
healthy male volunteers
600 mg (acute) (trend) [102]
psychotic symptoms (BPRS) schizophrenic female
patient (one)
increasing oral doses of CBD,
reaching 1500 mg d
psychotic symptoms (BPRS) male patients with
schizophrenia (three)
increased from 40 up to
1280 mg d
(30 days)
one patient
showed mild
L-dopa-induced psychosis
(BPRS and PPQ)
Parkinson’s disease
patients (six)
increased from 150 up to
600 mg d
depending on
the clinical response (four
psychotic symptoms (BPRS
and PANSS)
acute paranoid
schizophrenia patients
600 mg d
(four weeks) [34]
Stroop Colour Word Test schizophrenic patients
300 and 600 mg (acute) no effect [106]
3370 A. C. Campos et al. Review.Cannabidiol and psychiatric disorders
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[102]. Because only a single dose of CBD was used,
additional studies are needed to characterize the effects
of CBD in this model [102].
The therapeutic use of CBD in psychotic patients
was tested for the first time in 1995. In an open, case-
report study, a 19-year-old black schizophrenic female
patient, who presented serious side effects after treat-
ment with conventional antipsychotics, received
increasing oral doses of CBD (up to 1500 mg d
) for
four weeks [103]. A significant improvement with no
side effects was observed in all items of the standard
brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS) during CBD treat-
ment, with an efficacy similar to that of haloperidol.
Symptom worsening was observed when the adminis-
tration was interrupted. In another case study, CBD
was administered to three 22- or 23-year-old male
schizophrenic patients who had not responded to typical
antipsychotic drugs for 30 days [104]. The dose of CBD
was increased from 40 up to 1280 mg d
. One patient
showed mild improvement, but only slight or no change
was observed in the other two, suggesting that CBD may
not be effective for the treatment of resistant schizo-
phrenia. Moreover, CBD had no beneficial effects on
the performance of schizophrenic patients in the
Stroop colour word test, which can be used to assess
attentional processes frequently impaired in schizo-
phrenia [106]. It is still unknown whether chronic
administration of CBD could improve the cognitive def-
icits in the disorder. No significant side effects were
observed during CBD treatment in these clinical
studies, suggesting that CBD is safe and well tolerated
in schizophrenic patients.
In an open-label study evaluating CBD effects on
psychotic symptoms associated with L-dopa use in Par-
kinson’s patients [105], the drug decreased scores of a
questionnaire developed to assess psychotic symptoms
in Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson psychosis question-
naire), improved total BPRS scores as well as scores
specifically related to positive and negative symptoms.
Confirming the lack of motor effects observed in
animal studies, CBD did not affect motor function.
On the contrary, it decreased the total scores of the
unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale, suggesting an
improvement of this function.
Overall, therefore, even if there are negative results,
most clinical studies with normal subjects or schizo-
phrenic patients suggest that CBD has antipsychotic
properties. Corroborating this possibility, a four-week
double-blind controlled clinical trial in 42 acute
schizophrenic and schizophreniform psychosis patients
comparing the effects of CBD with those of amisul-
pride, an atypical antipsychotic, showed that both
treatments were equally effective in reducing acute
psychotic symptoms after two and four weeks of treat-
ment [34]. Moreover, compared with amisulpride,
CBD caused a lower incidence of extrapyramidal
symptoms and increases in prolactin and weight gain.
The presence of antipsychotic properties in CBD is
also supported by convergent evidence linking the
habitual use of Cannabis to the risk of developing schizo-
phrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis, especially in
vulnerable subjects [107]. This effect has been attribu-
ted to THC. In agreement with the initial reports
showing antagonism of THC-induced psychotomimetic
effects [31,87,88], the presence of CBD in Cannabis
strains has been shown to be protective against the
occurrence of psychotic-like reactions and cognitive
impairment [108110]. In this context, Di Forti et al.
[111] found that the use of Cannabis containing high
THC- and low CBD concentration was associated with
a higher risk of a first psychotic episode. Furthermore,
the presence of CBD protects from Cannabis-associated
decrease in hippocampal volume [112]. This neuropro-
tective effect of CBD has also been reported in the
human basal ganglia, where there was a strong positive
correlation between N-acetylaspartate/total creatine
ratio and the amount of CBD (as measured by its
presence in hair samples) in the putamen/globus palli-
dum of recreational Cannabis users. This finding could
reflect a CBD-induced enhancement of neuronal and
axonal integrity in these regions [113]. More recently,
Bhattacharyya et al. [114], investigating the effects
of THC and CBD during attentional salience proces-
sing, have also showed that these two cannabinoids
produce opposite effects on prefrontal, striatal and
hippocampal functions.
(b)Brain sites and mechanisms of cannabidiol
antipsychotic effects
Few studies in laboratory animals have investigated
the possible brain sites and mechanisms of CBD antipsy-
chotic effects. Consistent with the behavioural data
described earlier, both CBD and clozapine, but not halo-
peridol, increased neuronal activation (measured by
cFos-protein expression) in the prefrontal cortex. Prob-
ably reflecting its motor side effects, only haloperidol
increased cFos in the dorsal striatum. CBD, and, in
addition, increased cFos in the nucleus accumbens
[115], an effect shared by typical and atypical antipsycho-
tic drugs [116]. Intracerebroventricular administration of
CBD (10 mg) also enhanced cFos expression in waking-
related brain areas such as hypothalamus and dorsal
raphe nucleus [117], but the relation between this finding
and its antipsychotic properties is unclear.
A number of neuroimaging studies in healthy
volunteers have compared the effects of CBD and
high doses of THC. Consistent with the behavioural
findings in humans and rodents, these drugs caused
opposite effects on brain activity in the striatum,
anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortex, parahippocampal
gyrus, amygdala, right posterior superior temporal
gyrus, middle occipital gyrus and cerebellum [27,
101,114,118120]. Behavioural measurements in
these studies indicated that some of these changes
(decreased activation of ventral and dorsal striatum,
anterior cingulate gyrus, right temporal lobe) are associ-
ated with the psychotic-like effects of THC, suggesting
that these regions could be possible brain suites of CBD
action [121]. No study using direct injections into key
brain regions associated with the pathophysiology of
schizophrenia, such as the prefrontal cortex and nucleus
accumbens, has been performed so far to investigate
CBD antipsychotic properties.
Regarding the pharmacological mechanisms, intra-
cerebroventricular administration of CBD enhanced
extracellular levels of dopamine in the nucleus
accumbens [122]. A similar finding was found after
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microdialysis perfusion of CBD (30, 60 or 90 nM) into
the rat lateral hypothalamus [117], a procedure that
also enhanced alertness. It is unclear how this effect
would relate to the antipsychotic properties of CBD
because usual antipsychotic drugs act by antagonizing
dopamine-2 receptors [123]. Moreover, studies with
animal models that involve dopaminergic stimulation
suggest that the antipsychotic-like doses of CBD
(60120 mg kg
) are higher than those needed to
induce anxiolytic-like effects [7,91,92] and reverse be-
havioural deficits induced by the NMDA receptor
antagonist MK-801 [93,94,99]. These findings indicate
that the mechanisms of CBD effects on glutamate-
or dopamine-based models could be at least partially
distinct. This possibility needs to be further explored.
Recently, Leweke et al.[34] showed that schizo-
phrenic patients treated with CBD present higher
anandamide serum levels compared with those receiv-
ing the antipsychotic amisulpride. Moreover, in the
CBD group, there was a significant association between
anandamide levels and improvement of psychotic
symptoms. In the same study, they confirmed, in vitro,
that CBD inhibits FAAH activity in a concentration
(10 mM) that does not interact with receptors (dopa-
mine, GABA, serotonin and glutamate) commonly
associated with schizophrenia. However, by indirectly
activating CB1 receptors via increased levels of
anandamide, CBD could potentially modulate neuro-
transmitters systems related to these receptors [121,
124]. Moreover, as previously discussed, facilitation
of CB1-mediated neurotransmission by CBD also
increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis, a mechan-
ism that could be related to the cognitive deficits
found in schizophrenic patients [124].
As discussed already, CBD and anandamide can
also activate TRPV1 channels. This mechanism,
probably by facilitating the pre-synaptic release of glu-
tamate [80], is involved in the ability of CBD to
reverse the disruption of PPI induced by the NMDA
receptor antagonist MK-801 [93].
Other mechanisms that could also help us to explain
CBD anti-psychotic effects are facilitation of 5-HT1A-
mediated neurotransmission, an effect shared by the
atypical anti-psychotic aripiprazole, which acts as a par-
tial agonist at these receptors, and anti-inflammatory/
neuroprotective action [124].
Cannabis sativa exerts significant effects upon humour,
which include euphoria and mood elevation [125].
THC may account for most of these effects through
activation of CB1 receptors. Considering these obser-
vations, as well as the effects of synthetic cannabinoids
and drugs that increase eCB levels, a putative role
for the eCB system in mood disorders has been pro-
posed [126]. The effects of CBD, however, have
been scarcely investigated (table 4). The fact that
this compound, in addition to facilitating eCB activity
[33], may facilitate the activation of 5-HT1A receptors
[35] suggests that it might also have antidepressant-
like properties. 5HT1A receptors modulate responses
to stressful stimuli and are proposed to mediate the
effects of antidepressant drugs [129].
Stress exposure is a key aetiological factor in
depression [130] and animal models used to study
antidepressant-like effects are generally based on acute
responses to inescapable aversive stimuli, which are
prevented by antidepressants [131]. Alternatively, con-
sidering the nature of depression as a chronic
psychiatric disorder, some models investigate drug
effects upon the diverse consequences of chronic
stress, including anhedonia and changes in exploratory
activity [132].
One of the first studies that indicate the presence of
antidepressant-like properties in CBD focused on its
ability to prevent the autonomic and behavioural conse-
quences of inescapable stress [17]. Rats were submitted
to restraint stress during 60 min, which increases heart
rate and blood pressure and caused anxiogenic-like
responses in rats exposed to the elevated plus maze
24 h later. CBD was injected 30 min before the stress
at the doses of 1, 10 or 20 mg kg
. The doses of 10
and 20 mg kg
attenuated the changes in autonomic
parameters, whereas at 10 mg kg
CBD also prevented
the late anxiogenic-like effect of stress. There were no
changes in motor activity or basal cardiovascular par-
ameters, discarding any possible confounding factor
[17]. Similar effects were observed after intra-cisterna
magna administration of CBD [12], thus suggesting
that these effects are centrally mediated.
Another behavioural model widely used to assess
antidepressant-like effects, mainly due to its pharmaco-
logical predictability, is the forced swim test. In this
assay, rats or mice exposed to inescapable swimming
assume a posture of immobility, which is reversed by
antidepressants [131]. We tested in mice the effects of
CBD (3 100 mg kg
) injected 30 min prior to the
test [128]. The drug produced an inverted U-shaped
dose-response curve. At the dose of 30 mg kg
reduced immobility similar to the tricyclic antide-
pressant imipramine (30 mg kg
). Our behavioural
Table 4. Antidepressant-like effects of CBD. Studies with laboratory animals. FST, forced swimming test; TST, tail
suspension test.
model species effective doses CBD effects references
restraint stress rat 1020 mg kg
cardiovascular and behavioural effects of stress [17]
FST mouse 200 mg kg
immobility [127]
TST mouse 20 200 mg kg
no effect [127]
FST mouse 30 mg kg
immobility [128]
chronic unpredictable
mouse 30 mg kg
chronic treatment)
the behavioural consequences of stress through
enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis
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findings in the forced swimming test were confirmed by
another study, published in the same year. CBD was
tested at the doses of 20, 100 and 200 mg kg
with the higher dose being effective. The drug had no
effect, however, in the mouse tail suspension test. One
drawback common to all these studies is that the animals
received only acute injections. Depression, however, is a
chronic disorder that requires long-lasting drug treat-
ment [130]. CBD has been recently tested against the
consequences of chronic unpredictable stress, which
includes anhedonia and anxiety-like behaviour [130].
Chronic treatment with CBD was able to prevent
these behavioural changes, an effect that depends on
hippocampal neurogenesis, similar to antidepressant
drugs [72]. This observation further strengthens the
notion that this natural cannabinoid should be con-
sidered as a potential approach for the treatment of
mood disorders.
Despite this body of evidence, no clinical study has
investigated whether CBD can decrease depressive
symptoms in patients. This compound has been
tested, however, in patients suffering from bipolar dis-
orders, a subtype of mood disorder, in whom it was
not effective in treating manic episodes [133]. Actu-
ally, this is in line with animal models, in which
CBD failed to prevent hyperactivity in rodents [134].
To summarize, although the data are scarce, preclini-
cal studies so far do provide evidence that this
compound could induce antidepressant-like effects.
Clinical studies are important to confirm this possibility.
(a)Mechanisms of cannabidiol
antidepressant effects
Similar to findings with animal models of anxiety, the
attenuation of the behavioural consequences of restraint
stress and the antidepressant-like effects of CBD in
the forced swimming test were attenuated by a
5-HT1A receptor antagonist [17,128]. In the latter
model, despite the association between increased
expression of neurotrophic factors and antidepressant
activity [130], CBD failed to modify brain-derived
neurotrophic factor hippocampal levels [128].
As discussed earlier, CBD can also facilitate hippo-
campal neurogenesis, probably by facilitation of eCB
neurotransmission [72]. The involvement of this
mechanism on its antidepressant-like properties after
repeated administration remains to be investigated.
CBD is a safe compound with a wide range of
therapeutic applications, including the treatment of
psychiatric disorders [3,4]. These findings make this
drug an attractive candidate for future clinical use.
Its therapeutic use, however, has some limiting factors.
In addition to its low and variable oral bioavailability in
humans [135], it causes bell-shaped dose-response
curves and, judging from the studies with laboratory
animals, possesses a narrow therapeutic dose range.
A clear target of future research, therefore, is to try
to develop compounds with similar safety and clini-
cal profile but with larger effective dose ranges. To
this aim, a better understanding of the mechanisms
The behaviour studies reviewed here clearly indicate
that more than one mechanism is involved, depending
on the effects being measured (anxiolytic, anti-
compulsive, antidepressant or antipsychotic-like) and
the drug regime (single versus repeated administration).
Facilitation of 5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmission in
key brain areas related to defensive responses, including
the dorsal periaqueductal grey, bed nucleus of the
stria terminalis and medial prefrontal cortex, seems
responsible for CBD acute anxiolytic-like effects. Other
CBD effects, such as anti-compulsive, increased extinc-
tion and impaired reconsolidation of aversive
memories, facilitation of adult hippocampal neurogen-
esis and blockade of the anxiogenic consequences of
chronic unpredictable stress could depend on poten-
tiation of anandamide-mediated neurotransmission.
Finally, activation of TRPV1 channels may help us to
explain the antipsychotic effect and the bell-shaped
dose-response curves commonly observed with CBD.
In addition to these mechanisms, CBD can interfere in
several other important biological processes (e.g. inhi-
bition of adenosine uptake, inverse agonism at CB2
receptor, CB1 receptor antagonism, GPR55 antagon-
ism, PPARgreceptors agonism, intracellular (Ca
increase, etc.). Additional in vivo studies are clearly
needed to investigate their possible involvement on
CBD behavioural effects.
This work was supported by grants from CNPq, CAPES,
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... Among these, we will especially focus on group number 4 and 5, i.e., the effects of CBD on inflammation, and suppression of drug metabolism in this review to understand how CBD inhibits tacrolimus metabolism and affects the chronic pain that many post-organ-transplant recipients experience. [41]; inverse agonist/antagonist and negative allosteric modulator [63] Anxiolytic effects [64]; increase neurogenesis by indirectly activating CB1 by inhibition of anandamide metabolism/uptake [62]; pain relief [63]; increase neurogenesis [65]. Although CBD is not an agonist of CB1 and CB2, CB1/CB2 antagonist reversed the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD indicating some roles they have on the anti-inflammatory effects by CBD [66]. ...
... Although CBD is not an agonist of CB1 and CB2, CB1/CB2 antagonist reversed the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD indicating some roles they have on the anti-inflammatory effects by CBD [66]. [41,[62][63][64][65][66][67] Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) Inverse agonist [41,63]; antagonist [63]; negative allosteric modulator [63] Similarly to CB1, CB2 is considered to be involved in the effects of CBD (see above) although CBD is not an agonist of CB2. ...
... Anxiolytic effect [62][63][64], vertical motor effect at high dose [73]; anti-epileptic, antipsychotic effect [63]; antidepressive effect [63]; improve sleep [74] Anxiolytic effects and anti-depressive effect may have positive effects after organ-transplant [41,[62][63][64]67,71,73,74] Adenosine receptor (AR) Agonist ...
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Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the major phytochemical constituents of cannabis, Cannabis sativa, widely recognized for its therapeutic potential. While cannabis has been utilized for medicinal purposes since ancient times, its psychoactive and addictive properties led to its prohibition in 1937, with only the medical use being reauthorized in 1998. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD lacks psychoactive and addictive properties, yet the name that suggests its association with cannabis has significantly contributed to its public visibility. CBD exhibits diverse pharmacological properties, most notably anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, it interacts with key drug-metabolizing enzyme families, including cytochrome P450 (CYP) and uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), which mediate phase I and phase II metabolism, respectively. By binding to these enzymes, CBD can inhibit the metabolism of co-administered drugs, which can potentially enhance their toxicity or therapeutic effects. Mild to moderate adverse events associated with CBD use have been reported. Advances in chemical formulation techniques have recently enabled strategies to minimize these effects. This review provides an overview of CBD, covering its historical background, recent clinical trials, adverse event profiles, and interactions with molecular targets such as receptors, channels, and enzymes. We particularly emphasize the mechanisms underlying its anti-inflammatory effects and interaction with drugs relevant to organ transplantation. Finally, we explore recent progress in the chemical formulation of CBD in order to enhance its bioavailability, which will enable decreasing the dose to use and increase its safety and efficacy.
... Furthermore, CBD has been reported to interact with 5HT 1A receptors [105], G-proteincoupled receptor 55 (GPR55) [106], the µand δ-opioid receptors [107], the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) cation channels [108], peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) [109] and FAAH [109]. ...
... Furthermore, CBD has been reported to interact with 5HT 1A receptors [105], G-proteincoupled receptor 55 (GPR55) [106], the µand δ-opioid receptors [107], the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) cation channels [108], peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) [109] and FAAH [109]. ...
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Historically, the multiple uses of cannabis as a medicine, food, and for recreational purposes as a psychoactive drug span several centuries. The various components of the plant (i.e., seeds, roots, leaves and flowers) have been utilized to alleviate symptoms of inflammation and pain (e.g., osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), mood disorders such as anxiety, and intestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. It has been established that the intestinal microbiota progresses neurological, endocrine, and immunological network effects through the gut–microbiota–brain axis, serving as a bilateral communication pathway between the central and enteric nervous systems. An expanding body of clinical evidence emphasizes that the endocannabinoid system has a fundamental connection in regulating immune responses. This is exemplified by its pivotal role in intestinal metabolic and immunity equilibrium and intestinal barrier integrity. This neuromodulator system responds to internal and external environmental signals while also serving as a homeostatic effector system, participating in a reciprocal association with the intestinal microbiota. We advance an exogenous cannabinoid–intestinal microbiota–endocannabinoid system axis potentiated by the intestinal microbiome and medicinal cannabinoids supporting the mechanism of action of the endocannabinoid system. An integrative medicine model of patient care is advanced that may provide patients with beneficial health outcomes when prescribed medicinal cannabis.
... CBD is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. It is one of the many phytocannabinoids found in the plant, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound responsible for the psychoactive effect of cannabis (Campos et al., 2012). CBD has gained increasing attention recently due to its potential therapeutic properties and minimal side effects. ...
The active component in cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD), was first isolated from the hemp plant in 1940. Chronic pain, inflammation, migraines, depression, and anxiety have long been treated with CBD. The fundamental mechanisms of CBD's effects on periodontal inflammation have yet to be fully understood. The amino sulfonic acid taurine is a substance that naturally exists in the body and is an inhibitory modulator of inflammation. This study examined the effects of CBD, taurine, and their combination on inflammatory cytokines and periodontitis in vivo. To assess the expression of inflammatory markers of iNOS, COX-2, TNF-α, and IL-1β, as well as TRAP count and resorbed pit areas, CBD and taurine were applied to RAW264.7 cells. The following groups of 45 Sprague-Dawley rats each were created: control (healthy), vehicle (induced periodontitis), low- and high-dose-CBD with taurine which were each treated for an additional 21 days. Rat teeth were obtained and subjected to histomorphometric studies. The combination of the two significantly decreased the expression of inflammatory markers TNF-α and IL-1β and the amount of TRAP+ cells and resorbed pit areas. Among rats with P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis, the alveolar bone resorption levels, periodontal pocket depth, and distance between cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and alveolar bone crest (ABC) were significantly reduced after treatment with CBD and taurine, suggesting that combining CBD with taurine could be a novel therapeutic agent against periodontal disease.
... Preclinical studies, however, suggest that CBD may reduce fear and anxiety-related behaviors through non-CB receptor-dependent mechanisms. These mechanisms include transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels and 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A (5-HT1A) receptors [18]. CBD is a TRPV1 agonist, but at sufficient doses causes desensitization of the channel. ...
The relationship between cannabis use and mental health is complex, as studies often report seemingly contradictory findings regarding whether cannabis use results in more positive or negative treatment outcomes. With an increasing number of individuals using cannabis for both recreational (i.e., non-medical) and medical purposes, it is critical to gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which cannabis may be helpful or harmful for those diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Although cannabis is composed of hundreds of compounds, studies assessing the effects of “cannabis” most often report the impact of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (d9-THC), the primary intoxicating constituent of the plant. While d9-THC has documented therapeutic properties, negative clinical outcomes commonly associated with cannabis are generally related to d9-THC exposure. In contrast, non-intoxicating cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) show promise as potential treatment options for psychiatric symptoms. In this article, findings from studies and reviews examining the relationship between mental health conditions (mood, anxiety, psychosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]) and cannabis use are summarized to highlight critical variables that are often overlooked, including those associated with cannabis use patterns (e.g., frequency of use, amount used, cannabinoid exposure, product choice, and route of administration). Further, this article explores individual factors (e.g., age, sex, genetics/family history) that likely impact cannabis-related outcomes. Research to date suggests that youth and those with a family history or genetic liability for psychiatric disorders are at higher risk for negative outcomes, while more research is needed to fully understand unique effects related to sex and older age.
Ongoing legalization of cannabis for recreational use contributes to increasing numbers not only of incidents of driving under the influence, but within all forensic fields. In addition, newly emerging cannabinoids such as hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and the increasing use of cannabidiol (CBD) products have to be addressed. The aims of this study were first to extend laboratory analysis capacity for the “established” cannabinoid ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its metabolites 11-OH-THC and THC-COOH in human plasma/blood, and second to develop analytical procedures concerning HHC and CBD. An LC-MS/MS method based on the available (low-end) instrumentation was used. Samples (250 µL) were prepared by protein precipitation and solid phase extraction. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a reversed-phase C18 column within 15 min. Detection was performed on a 3200 QTRAP instrument (Sciex) in positive multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Matrix matched six-point calibrations were generated applying deuterated internal standards for all analytes except HHC. The method was fully validated according to GTFCh guidelines. Linear ranges were 0.5-25 µg/L for THC, 11-OH-THC, HHC and CBD, and 2.0-100 µg/L for THC-COOH, respectively. Limits of detection and limits of quantification were 0.5 and 1.0 µg/L (THC, 11-OH-THC, HHC, CBD), and 2.0 and 4.0 µg/L (THC-COOH). Applicability of plasma calibrations to blood samples was demonstrated. Acceptance criteria for intra- and inter-day accuracy, precision, extraction efficiency and matrix effects were met. No interfering signals were detected for more than 60 pharmaceutical compounds. The presented method is sensitive, specific, easy to handle and does not require high-end equipment. Since its implementation and accreditation according to ISO 17025, the method has proven to be fit for purpose not only in DUID cases but also within post-mortem samples. Furthermore, the design of the method allows for an uncomplicated extension to further cannabinoids if required.