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Analysis of Impervious Surface and its Impact on Urban Heat Environment using the Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (NDISI)


Abstract and Figures

The fast urban expansion has led to replacement of natural vegetation-dominated land surfaces by various impervious materials. This has a significant impact on the environment due to modification of heat energy balance. Timely understanding of spatiotemporal information of impervious surface has become more urgent as conventional methods for estimating impervious surface are very limited. In response to this need, this paper proposes a new index, normalized difference impervious surface index (NDISI), for estimating impervious surface. The application of the index to the Landsat ETM+ image of Fuzhou City and the ASTER image of Xiamen City in China has shown that the new index can efficiently enhance and extract impervious surfaces from satellite imagery, and the normalized NDISI can represent the real percentage of impervious surface. The index was further used as an indicator to investigate the impact of impervious surface on urban heat environment by examination of its quantitative relationship with land surface temperature (LST), vegetation, and water using multivariate statistical analysis. The result reveals that impervious surface has a positive exponential relationship with LST rather than a simple linear one. This suggests that the areas with high percent impervious surface will accelerate LST rise and urban heat island development.
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The fast urban expansion has led to replacement of natural
vegetation-dominated land surfaces by various impervious
materials. This has a significant impact on the environment
due to modification of heat energy balance. Timely under-
standing of spatiotemporal information of impervious surface
has become more urgent as conventional methods for
estimating impervious surface are very limited. In response
to this need, this paper proposes a new index, normalized
difference impervious surface index (NDISI), for estimating
impervious surface. The application of the index to the
Landsat ETMimage of Fuzhou City and the ASTER image of
Xiamen City in China has shown that the new index can
efficiently enhance and extract impervious surfaces from
satellite imagery, and the normalized NDISI can represent the
real percentage of impervious surface. The index was further
used as an indicator to investigate the impact of impervious
surface on urban heat environment by examination of its
quantitative relationship with land surface temperature (LST),
vegetation, and water using multivariate statistical analysis.
The result reveals that impervious surface has a positive
exponential relationship with LST rather than a simple linear
one. This suggests that the areas with high percent impervi-
ous surface will accelerate LST rise and urban heat island
At present, urbanization is progressing worldwide with
accelerated speed. The world’s urban population grew
rapidly from 220 million to 2.8 billion over the twentieth
century. It was expected that more than 50 percent of the
world population would be living in urban areas in 2008,
while this figure is only 15 percent one hundred years ago
The urbanization has brought about progress to the world,
but also brought with it the threat of environmental degrada-
tion and increased pressure on natural resources. Anthro-
pogenic land-cover totals to approximately 40 percent of the
Earth’s surface and the natural vegetation-dominated
May 2010 557
College of Environment and Resources, Fuzhou University,
And Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Eco-geographical
Process at Fujian Normal University, Ministry of Education,
Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, China (,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Vol. 76, No. 5, May 2010, pp. 557–565.
© 2010 American Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing
Analysis of Impervious Surface and its
Impact on Urban Heat Environment
using the Normalized Difference
Impervious Surface Index (NDISI)
Hanqiu Xu
landscapes have been replaced by impervious surfaces
(Sterling and Ducharne, 2008). The direct impact of this is
the rise of urban temperature and thus the formation of the
urban heat island (UHI) (Gluch et al. 2006). Detecting
impervious surface in urban areas is critical to understand-
ing the impact, and hence has attracted increasing interest.
This requires a cost-effective method to fast obtain impervi-
ousness information over urban areas. Fortunately, the
advantages of the repetitive, synoptic, and real-time view of
the satellite observation over other methods offer a promis-
ing method to map large impervious surface areas. The
methods for estimating impervious surface area (ISA) with
remote sensing technology have been frequently discussed
in recent remote sensing literature, and can generally be
catalogued into four groups: (a) by manual or semi-automatic
method through visual interpretation or multispectral
classification (Chen et al., 2006; Gluch et al. 2006; Jennings
et al., 2004; Madhavan et al., 2001), (b) through integration
of classified imperviousness results with data derived from
other sources (Plunk et al., 1990; Sleavin et al., 2000), (c) by
spectral mixture analysis (SMA) (Ji and Jensen, 1999; Phinn
et al., 2002; Wu and Murray, 2003; Xian and Crane, 2005;
Yang et al., 2003), and (d) through the relationship of
impervious surface with other land-covers, e.g., vegetation
(Carlson and Arthur, 2000).
The first two methods are mainly applied to high-
resolution imagery, while the latter two are carried out in
moderate-resolution imagery mainly based on the vegetation-
impervious surface-soil (V-I-S) model of Ridd (1995) which
treats each pixel in urban imagery as a linear combination
of these three end members. Plunk et al. (1990) were able to
measure impervious surface in Fort Worth, Texas using a
supervised classification of Landsat TM data and noted that
total impervious surface area was often underestimated.
Ji and Jensen (1999) obtained ISA using the SMA and a
layered classification method and achieved an accuracy of 83
percent. Carlson and Arthur (2000) retrieved the fraction
impervious surface cover of Chester County based on the
inverse relationship between impervious surface and vegeta-
tion. Phinn et al. (2002) mapped the urban composition of
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558 May 2010
Brisbane City and found that the SMA has advantage in
estimating urban ISA over the conventional classification
method. Wu and Murray (2003) used the SMA to estimate
the ISA of Columbia City from Landsat ETMdata with an
overall RMS error of 10.6 percent but had to mask out soil
and water features before processing impervious surface.
Yang et al. (2003) mapped a large area of impervious surface
using Landsat ETMdata with the assistance of high-
resolution imagery and a decision tree algorithm, and yielded
average errors ranging from 8.8 to 11.4 percent. Yang and Liu
(2005) estimated ISA of the Pensacola area by synergistic use
of Landsat ETMimagery and DOQQ data through multivari-
ate statistical regression models, but pointed out that the
model was unable to discriminate between impervious
surface and soil. Chen et al. (2006) estimated the impervious-
ness of Nanjing City in China by a classification of Ikonos
data and a subsequent visual correction to improve accuracy.
Gluch et al. (2006) used a supervised classification approach
to identifying land-cover classes in the Salt Lake Valley
while investigating overall surface thermal pattern in the
area. The majority of the classification error is due to
spectral confusion between light impervious and light soil.
More recently, Powell et al. (2008) estimated the impervious
surfaces in the Snohomish area of Washington by using a
combined spectral- and spatial knowledge-based classifica-
tion method to overcome the problem raised by the spectral
confusion between impervious surface and soil. With the
technique the authors were able to reveal the urban and
residential development of the area over a 34 year time
The above studies suggest that the present remote
sensing methods used in estimating ISA are rather compli-
cated with low degree of automation. Many methods need
pre-processing work to remove soil and water which
otherwise could be confused with impervious surface. Some
methods have to be assisted by high-resolution imagery. Up
to now, there is no automatic method to extract impervious
surface and the index-based method such as a NDXI (collec-
tively called for various normalized difference thematic
indices) has not yet been seen. Also, the detailed quantita-
tive relationship between ISA and temperature has not been
analyzed due to lack of a suitable index to represent ISA.
Therefore, this paper aims to demonstrate an approach for
facilitating estimation of impervious surface through a new
index, normalized difference impervious surface index
(NDISI). This was followed by the quantitative analysis of the
relationship of ISA with land surface temperature (LST) and
other urban biophysical components, such as vegetation and
water, to further examine the impact of impervious surface
on urban heat environment.
Creating the NDISI
To create an index to enhance impervious surface without
the problems existing in the previous work, the following
two general rules have to be taken into account: (a) simple
calculation and independent use just like a NDXI, and (b) no
much image preprocessing work required.
Various normalized difference indices have been
developed and intensively used since the development of
the NDVI of Rouse et al. (1973). A rule for creating such
indices is trying to find out the strongest and weakest
reflectance bands, respectively, among multispectral bands
for the interested land-cover type to be enhanced. Using the
strongest reflectance band as numerator and the weakest one
as denominator, the normalized ratio of these two bands can
maximally enlarge the contrast between the interested cover
type and background noise. Therefore, the new index should
be developed based on this rule.
The urban area is covered dominantly by impervious
surfaces such as building roof, paved road, parking lot, etc.
Apart from the concrete-dominated impervious cover,
vegetation, water, soil, and sand may be locally developed.
Among them, the soil and sand have similar spectral
response features to impervious surface, and thus often
made noise mixed up with the enhanced impervious surface
information in previous studies (Gluch et al., 2006; Wu and
Murray, 2003; Yang and Liu, 2005). Therefore, the solution
of this problem is a main task of the new index.
Many present imperviousness mapping methods are
based on Ridd’s V-I-S model. However, ignoring water, one
of the important components of urban ecosystem, in the
model has brought problems to these methods (Xu, 2007).
As a result, water features had to be mask out before
processing impervious surface. The removal of water
information from imagery is not only time-consuming, but
also causes unexpected errors in the resultant imagery.
Therefore, the use of the new index should avoid this
water-related preprocessing work.
According to the aforementioned three basic considera-
tions for creating the new index, the spectral characteristics
of impervious surfaces were first examined to find out the
strongest and weakest reflectance bands, respectively, for the
impervious materials. Through inspection of spectral
characteristics of major urban impervious surface types, a
common feature can be found, i.e., the impervious materials
generally have high emittance in thermal band (TIR) and low
reflectance in near-infrared (NIR) band (Figure 1). This is
because the impervious materials such as concrete and
asphalt have a strong capability of emitting heat but are
impossible for vegetation to grow upon. Therefore, the ratio
of a thermal band to a NIR band should greatly enhance
impervious surface features. However, soil, sand, and water
also possess this spectral feature (Figure 1). Obviously, the
index simply using the ratio of a thermal band to a NIR band
cannot effectively enhance impervious surface features,
because the so-enhanced impervious surface information
could be mixed with soil, sand, and water noise just like the
problems occurring in previous work.
Further inspection can find that despite the spectral
similarity to impervious materials in thermal and NIR bands,
soil, sand, and water generally have a higher reflectance
Figure 1. Signatures of main land-cover classes of Fuzhou
City from a Landsat ETMimage (29 May 2003). The DN
values are derived from reflectance of multispectral bands
or emittance of thermal band (see text for details).
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May 2010 559
than impervious materials in visible (VIS) bands, and soil
and sand have stronger reflectance than impervious
materials in middle infrared (MIR) band (Figure 1). Accord-
ingly, the VIS and MIR bands, together with the NIR band, can
form a weak-reflectance group of impervious surface, and
the ratio of thermal band to this group should be effective to
enhance impervious surface and suppress soil, sand, and
water noise. Therefore, the NDISI can be constructed as:
where NIR and MIR1 are a near-infrared band and a mid-
infrared band, respectively, such as ETMband 4 and band
5; TIR is a thermal band such as ETMband 6; VIS
is one
of visible bands such as ETMbands 1, 2 or 3. Dividing the
sum by 3 is to avoid too small a value of the index. Conse-
quently, the index can have a value ranging from 1 to 1.
This index is designed to (a) maximize the radiation
that is emitted from impervious surface in the form of heat
by using thermal wavelengths, (b) minimize the low
reflectance of NIR, MIR, and VIS bands by impervious surface,
and (c) take advantage of the high reflectance of MIR by sand
and soil. Obviously, the impervious surface features would
have positive values and thus be enhanced. While, the
unwanted non-impervious covers would be in negative
values and hence suppressed (Table 1).
However, the experiments showed that water could have
lower reflectance than impervious surface in visible wave-
lengths typically when water was clear. In this case, the
impervious surface features enhanced using Equation 1 can
be mixed with water noise. This is always a major problem
in previous work and seems impossible to be solved by using
original multispectral bands. Masking out water before using
Equation 1 appears to be the only method to solve the
problem. However, the seeking of the solution has found that
using a water index (WI)-derived band instead of the VIS band
in Equation 1 can significantly suppress the water noise, as it
can enlarge the contrast between water and impervious
surface. Therefore, Equation 1 can be re-written as:
where WI can be represented by the NDWI of McFeeters
(1996) or the MNDWI of Xu (2006):
where Green is a green band such as ETMband 2.
NDWI (Green NIR)
(Green NIR)
MNDWI (Green MIR1)
(Green MIR1)
Compared with accompanied multispectral bands, the
thermal band generally has a coarser resolution, i.e., 60 m
versus 30 m in ETMimagery. Nevertheless, the computa-
tion of the thermal band with finer-resolution multispectral
bands using Equation 1 or 2 can reduce the pixel size of the
thermal band, due to being fused with 30 m resolution
multispectral bands. As a result, the produced NDISI image
can have a resolution similar to multispectral bands rather
than to the thermal band.
Image Processing
The new index has been tested in different cities. Among
them, the results of Fuzhou and Xiamen cities of Fujian
province in China are provided in this paper but with
Fuzhou as a main case to fully demonstrate the new
approach. Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian province,
which is located in the coastal area of southeastern China
(Figure 2). A Landsat ETMimage of Fuzhou City acquired
on 29 May 2003 was used for the test. Even if a raw image
can be directly used for computing the NDISI, the image was
radiometrically corrected before the calculation to avoid a
dataset-specific result. The radiometric correction employed
the algorithm of Chander and Markham (2003) with the
addition of an atmospheric correction model suggested by
Chavez (1996). This converted the digital number (DN) of the
raw image to at-satellite reflectance. Thermal band 6 was
converted to at-satellite temperature, and then emissively
corrected to LST using the methods described by Weng et al.
(2004) and Nichol (2005). As the at-satellite reflectance
values range from 0 to 1, the values were multiplied by 400
and truncated to produce 8-bit DN values as suggested by the
USGS (2006). The LST was rescaled within 0 to 255 to
produce 8-bit data.
However, if a raw image is to be used, the only
preprocessing work should be done before computing the
NDISI is to rescale the DNs of thermal band between 0 and
255 to produce 8-bit data. In the case of using Equation 2,
the MNDWI or NDWI values also have to be rescaled within
0 to 255 for the same reason.
Application of the NDISI to Fuzhou’s ETMimage has
effectively enhanced the impervious surfaces of the city
(Figure 3a). Three visible-light bands (blue, green, and red)
were used respectively to generate different band combina-
tion modes to test Equation 1. A default value of 0 and
several manually adjusted threshold values were used to
extract impervious surface features from the NDISI images
generated with different band combination modes (Table 2).
The pixels with values greater than the threshold are
impervious surface and assigned a value of 1, while the
pixels with values equal or less than the threshold are non-
impervious surface and assigned a value of 0. Thus, the
resultant image is a binary image, only showing the
extracted impervious surfaces (Figure 3d). The extracted
impervious surface images were quantitatively assessed for
surface Sand Soil Vegetation Water
Minimum 0.198 0.125 0.110 0.377 0.827
Maximum 0.474 0.053 0.010 0.029 0.384
Mean 0.365 0.031 0.067 0.214 0.573
Standard division 0.064 0.029 0.022 0.062 0.079
Mean difference with / 0.396 0.432 0.579 0.938
impervious surface
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560 May 2010
Figure 2. Map showing the location of Fuzhou City and the test area.
(d) (e)
(b) (c)
Figure 3. Impervious surface-enhanced images of Fuzhou City using (a) NDISI, (b) SMA, and (c) Carlson
methods; and extracted impervious surface images of Fuzhou City thresholded at (d) 0.1048, (e) 0, and
Xiamen City, thresholded at (f) 0.121.
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May 2010 561
the accuracy as suggested by Congalton et al. (1983) and
Congalton (1991). A high-resolution SPOT5 image dated
14 December 2003 was employed as reference data for the
accuracy assessment. A simple random sampling scheme
was employed since only two categories (ISA versus non-ISA)
were assessed. A total of 663 pixels were sampled at random
coordinates mainly within urban-suburb areas (76,176
pixels) of the image. To investigate the relationship between
the NDISI and the real percentage of impervious surface
coverage within a pixel, a subpixel accuracy assessment was
further conducted using the method suggested by Wu and
Murray (2003). A total of 100 samples in the image were
randomly chosen for the assessment, as this sampling
number is thought to be a compromise between statistical
rigor and practical limitations (Wu and Murray, 2003). A 1
m resolution Ikonos Pan image of the study area, dated
22 June 2003, was used as reference data for the accuracy
assessment. The difference in acquisition dates between the
Ikonos and the test ETMimages is less than one month. For
every sampled NDISI pixel, the corresponding Ikonos image
was digitized and the percent impervious surface area
(%ISA) was calculated. In this way, each sampled NDISI
pixel can be related to real percentage of impervious surface
coverage within that pixel.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
The analysis of the impact of impervious surface on urban
heat environment was carried out by investigating its
quantitative relationship with other urban biophysical
components, i.e., LST, open water, and vegetation. The
quantitative relationship between vegetation and tempera-
ture has been frequently discussed based on the related
thematic index such as NDVI (Owen et al., 1998; Weng et al.,
2004). However, as a key component of urban ecosystem,
the relationship of impervious surface with temperature and
other urban components has not been quantitatively
analyzed in detail due to lack of a representative index. The
creation of the new index would allow this analysis to be
implemented by using multivariate regression analysis with
a huge number of samples throughout whole image. The
sampling was carried out systematically with a 5 5 grid
within whole image, and a total of 25,445 pixels out of
328,329 pixels of the test image were sampled. The system-
atic sampling throughout whole image with a great number
of samples would allow examine the relationship in more
detailed and objectively, as this can avoid the shortcomings
of simple random sampling regarding the coverage of a
whole image with a few hundreds of samples (Jensen, 2005).
Before the multivariate analysis, values of all thematic-
oriented indices, NDISI for impervious surface, MNDWI for
water and NDVI for vegetation, were normalized between
0 and 1 and then multiplied by 100. This permits analysis
of each index as a continuous variable from 0 to 100 percent
(Goetz et al., 2003) and allows the use of the NDISI as an
indicator of %ISA.
Results and Discussion
Figure 3a shows that the impervious surfaces of Fuzhou City
have been greatly enhanced. Urban area is characterized by
a light gray to white tone, indicating high NDISI values and
thus high coverage of impervious surface. While, dark gray
and black shades mainly occur in suburban and rural areas,
suggesting low coverage of impervious surface. The accuracy
assessment of the extracted impervious surfaces yielded a
highest overall accuracy of 90.7 percent along with a kappa
coefficient of 0.812, when using bands 2, 4, 5, and 6 to
compute the NDISI and a threshold value of 0.1048 to extract
impervious surface features (Figure 3d; Table 2). In the case
of using a default threshold value of 0, the accuracy can still
reach to 85.3 percent when using a band combination of
1, 4, 5, and 6 (Figure 3e; Table 2). The outputs at manually
Bands used: 1, 4, 5, & 6 Bands used: 2, 4, 5, & 6 Bands used: 3, 4, 5, & 6
Threshold value: 0.039 Threshold value: 0.1048 Threshold value: 0.1028
ISA Non- Line User’s ISA Non- Line User’s ISA Non- Line User’s
ISA total accuracy ISA total accuracy ISA total accuracy
ISA 325 38 363 89.5% 325 35 360 90.3% 324 42 366 88.5%
Non-ISA 27 273 300 91.0% 27 276 303 91.1% 28 269 297 90.6%
Column 352 311 663 352 311 663 352 311 663
Producer’s 92.3% 87.8% 92.3% 88.8% 92.1% 86.5%
Overall 90.2% 90.7% 89.4%
Kappa 0.803 0.812 0.788
Default threshold value: 0 Default threshold value: 0 Default threshold value: 0
ISA 347 92 439 79.0% 348 109 457 76.2% 344 117 461 74.6%
Non-ISA 5 219 224 97.8% 4 202 206 98.1% 8 194 202 96.0%
Column 352 311 663 352 311 663 352 311 663
Producer’s 98.6% 70.4% 98.9% 65.0% 97.7% 62.4%
Overall 85.3% 83.0% 81.2%
Kappa 0.701 0.651 0.616
557-565_08-078.qxd 4/19/10 5:36 PM Page 561
562 May 2010
SMA method Carlson method
ISA Non-ISA Line total User’s accuracy ISA Non-ISA Line total User’s accuracy
ISA 339 119 458 74.02% 338 157 495 68.28%
Non-ISA 11 181 192 94.27% 12 143 155 92.26%
Column total 350 300 650 350 300 650
Producer’s accuracy 96.86% 60.33% 96.57% 47.67%
Overall accuracy 80.1% 74.0%
Kappa 0.587 0.458
Water areas were not sampled for assessment as the water features were masked out beforehand for these two methods.
Figure 4. Scatterplot of NDISI versus %ISA.
selected threshold values are better when compared with
those thresholded at a default value, as the latter overesti-
mates ISA, and therefore has user’s accuracy of less than
80 percent (Table 2). The test of the new index in Xiamen
City with an ASTER image acquired on 06 September 2002,
using Equation 2 and MNDWI, yielded an overall accuracy of
90.8 percent and a Kappa of 0.815 when thresholded at
0.121 (Figure 3f), or 83.54 percent and 0.677 when thresh-
olded at 0. The similarity in the results of accuracy assess-
ment between Fuzhou and Xiamen cities using two different
sensor data suggests that the two independent processes
reinforce each other and the results merit recognition.
The subpixel accuracy assessment shows that the
normalized NDISI and the real percentage of impervious
surface are highly correlated (R
0.9054) with an overall
estimation RMS error of 0.0787 for all samples (Figure 4).
The relationship between NDISI-estimated ISA and %ISA
closely matches the 1:1 prediction line, and a consistent
linear relationship between the two measurements can be
examined in Figure 4. The subpixel accuracy assessment
indicates that the normalized NDISI values are close
enough to %ISA, and therefore can be used as continuous
variable to represent the real percentage of impervious
The impervious surfaces of the Fuzhou image were also
enhanced using the SMA and Carlson methods for the
comparison with the new approach, because they are most
widely used techniques (Figures 3b and 3c). Two major
problems can be found in their resultant images, i.e., the
enhanced impervious surface features are mixed with
sand/soil noise (see a sandy bar marked with “A” in the
figures) and slope shadow noise (marked with “B”). Conse-
quently, the ISA were over-estimated and non-ISA thus
underestimated (Table 3). Methodologically, the SMA method
extracts impervious surfaces simply by the addition of the
low-albedo and high-albedo fraction images. However,
besides bright impervious surface, sand and dry soil also
have high albedo, while wet soil, shadow, water as well as
dark impervious surface can all have low albedo characteris-
tics. Therefore, the enhanced impervious surface information
was unavoidably mixed with sand, soil, and shadow noise
and the previous study had to remove the sand, soil, and
water features before making low- and high-albedo images.
The Carlson method is mainly based on the relationship
between impervious surface and vegetation fraction cover,
and thus treats non-vegetation areas except water as imper-
vious surfaces (Carlson and Arthur, 2000). As a result, the
sand and soil are significantly mixed with impervious
surface. By contrast with these two methods, the NDISI can
remove shadow noise and greatly reduce the sand and soil
noise (Figure 3a).
In the study of the thermal properties of various
land-covers in the Salt Lake Valley, Gluch et al. (2006)
noted that soil thermal energy response was quite similar
to that of impervious surface. This caused spectral
confusion between impervious and soil in their classifica-
tion results (high omission errors in both impervious and
soil). Powell et al. (2008) also recognized the spectral
overlap between impervious surface and soil and had to
identify impervious surface with a combined spectral-
and spatial knowledge-based classification method.
Apparently, the similarity in both thermal energy and
spectral responses between imperviousness and soil can
also account for the relative low accuracy of the SMA and
Carlson methods. To overcome the problem raised by the
similarity, the creation of the new index takes full
consideration on the signatures of impervious surface and
soil, and uses multiple bands rather than only two bands
to construct the index. The much higher reflectance of
soil than impervious surface in the MIR wavelength range
(such as ETM5) makes them separable each other
(Figure 1). In addition, the ratio-based index is helpful
for reducing topographic difference and thus the slope
shades. The introducing of a visible band or a WI-derived
band contributes to the differentiation between water and
impervious surface. This is another advantage of the NDISI
over the SMA and Carlson methods, as the NDISI method
needs not to mask out water feature before enhancing
imperviousness features.
However, because the construction of the NDISI needs
thermal data, the new index can only be used in the multi-
spectral imagery having the thermal band(s) such as Landsat
TM/ETMand ASTER, and is not suitable for the data without
thermal band(s) such as QuickBird and Ikonos.
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May 2010 563
ISA LST 15.052e
LST (°C) Increased LST (°C)
0 15.05 /
10 16.05 0.99
20 17.11 1.06
30 18.24 1.13
40 19.44 1.21
50 20.73 1.29
60 22.10 1.37
70 23.56 1.46
80 25.12 1.56
90 26.78 1.66
100 28.55 1.77
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Relationship of ISA to LST and NDVI: (a) and (b) 2D scatterplot, and
(c) 3D scatterplot.
Quantitative Relationships between Impervious Surface and
Other Urban Components
Relationships of Impervious Surface with LST and Vegetation
This study examined the relationship between impervious
surface and LST through different regression models such as
linear, exponential, polynomial, and power using LST as
dependent variable and NDISI as independent variable. The
results of all models show up a strong positive correlation
between impervious surface and LST. This proves that the
development of impervious surface has contributed to
temperature rise. Of the four regression models, the expo-
nential model achieves the highest correlation value
(Figure 5a, significant at the 0.01 level). This suggests that
the relationship between ISA and LST is not simple linear but
rather exponential, and the temperature rise in the high-
density impervious surface areas is faster than in low-
density impervious surface areas. Table 4 shows that in
high-density impervious surface area (ISA 70), each
10 increment in ISA value could raise LST by more than
1.5°C, while this figure is around 1°C in low-density
impervious surface area (ISA 30).
The relationship between impervious surface and
vegetation was also explored using the four regression
models mentioned above. A result of strong negative linear
relationship has been revealed (Figure 5b; significant at 0.01
level), which indicates that the increase in impervious
surface area is responsible for substantial decrease in
vegetation covers. A declined and sharp upper edge of the
scatterplot shown in Figure 5b may imply a more strong
negative correlation between impervious surface and
Finally, the relationship among impervious surface,
vegetation, and temperature can be vividly shown in
graphical form with a three-dimensional spectral feature
space (Figure 5c). The top of the scatterplot is composed of
impervious surface-dominated pixels with high LST and low
vegetation, while the root represents low LST, low ISA, but
highly-vegetated pixels. Because the impervious surface
dominates the urban area, the plot is of a generally
cuneiform shape, big in head but thin in foot.
Relationship of Impervious Surface with LST, Vegetation, and Water
Impervious surface, water, and vegetation are three most
important biophysical components of urban ecosystem. The
interaction among the three components can have a signifi-
cant impact on urban temperature. Therefore, the quantita-
tive relationship of the three components with LST was
analyzed by stepwise regression, with LST as dependent
variable and NDISI, NDVI, and MNDWI as independent
variables. This produced the following model (significant at
0.005 level):
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564 May 2010
Original LST after increment LST after increment
NDISI LST (°C) of NDVI value (°C) of MNDWI value (°C)
10 14.89 13.29 13.12
20 17.06 15.46 15.29
30 17.92 16.32 16.15
40 19.25 17.65 17.48
50 20.72 19.12 18.95
60 22.60 21.00 20.83
70 23.56 21.96 21.79
80 25.27 23.67 23.50
90 26.24 24.64 24.47
100 27.96 26.36 26.19
The three independent variables are all retained during the
stepwise regression procedure, which suggests that impervi-
ous surface, water, and vegetation are all important factors
in modulating urban temperature. Nevertheless, they work
differently as indicated by the regression model. Impervious
surface contributes positively to LST rise, while water and
vegetation work inversely. Impervious surface has low NDVI
and MNDWI but high LST values, and thus is lack of vegeta-
tion and water coverage and in favor of sensible heat
exchange, which forms one of the bases of the UHI effect. On
the other hand, the greater water and vegetation cover
suggests comparatively higher rates of evapotranspiration
and favoring of latent over sensible heat exchange between
surface and atmosphere as compared with impervious
surface areas (Wilson et al., 2003). Based on very strong
fitness of the regression model (Equation 5; R
0.9396), we
may predict LST change at each 10 decrement of NIDSI value
by adjusting the proportion of the other two components.
Table 5 shows that each 10 decrement in NDISI value with
the increment in NDVI or MNDWI by the same value would
lower LST averagely by 1.6 °C or 1.8 °C, respectively. This
proves that the increase in vegetation and water coverage in
impervious surface area can considerably mitigate the UHI
One of the key challenges in urban remote sensing is to
properly discriminate between impervious surface and other
land-cover classes in a heterogeneous context. Therefore,
complicated methods have to be used in previous studies for
mapping impervious surfaces. To date, no index has been
created to enhance impervious surface feature, as a simple
two-band ratio index is not capable of doing so. Recognizing
this, the creation of the NDISI is based on the combination of
several spectral bands. This makes the new index be able to
enhance impervious surface features while suppressing
background noise such as sand, soil, and water, which
otherwise could be mixed with the extracted impervious
surface information and thus have to be masked out before-
hand. The NDISI images can delineate the distribution of
impervious surface features and represent real percentage of
impervious surface. It can be used straightforward, and
generally no preprocessing work is needed. Therefore, it will
greatly improve the efficiency of mapping large areas of
impervious surface and is a handy and fast tool for the
extraction of impervious surface.
18.762, (R20.9396)
LST 0.122NDISI 0.038NDVI 0.055MNDWI
The creation of the NDISI adds an important biophysical
input to the urban ecosystem model. This allows the quantita-
tive analysis of the relationship of impervious surface with
temperature as well as other components of urban ecosystem.
The regression model of Fuzhou City demonstrates that
impervious surface accounts for most of the variation in
urban heat environment dynamics. It contributes significantly
to the urban LST rise, while vegetation and water work
inversely. The reveal of the strong positive exponential
relationship between impervious surface and LST suggests that
the increase in built-up land percentage would exponentially
accelerate LST rise. Accordingly, increasing vegetation and
water covers in high-density impervious surface areas should
become a critical issue for mitigating the UHI effect.
This study is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 40371107) and Fujian Provincial
Department of Science and Technology, China (No.
2005YZ1011, No. 2007J0132, and No. JK2009004).
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... The bare soil index (BSI) is a numerical indicator that combines blue, green, red and NIR bands to capture the soil condition and its variation. Bare soil index refers to the soil covered by herb and scrub, rocky surfaces, artificial turf and woodchips (Barnes et al. 2003;McBratney et al. 2003) while greenness of vegetation can effectively be analysed using NDVI (Xu 2010): ...
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Organic matter in soil is an essential parameter for assessing the agrodynamic productivity of soils. Forest productivity and health largely depend on soil organic carbon (SOC). This study aims to assess SOC levels and analyze their relationship with biophysical parameters in tropical forests. SOC was predicted using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values derived from Sentinel-2A imagery. A total of 30 samples were collected through stratified random sampling based on NDVI values to estimate SOC. Regression analysis was performed between the estimated and predicted SOC, showing a strong correlation. The results indicated that SOC decreased with increasing soil depth in the Sariska Tiger Reserve, ranging from 8.27 - 26.54 t/ha at 5 cm depth and 1.9- 12.4 t/ha at 10 cm depth. NDVI was positively correlated with SOC, while the Bare Soil Index (BSI) showed a negative correlation. Additionally, soil pH and SOC were positively correlated, indicating high SOC levels.
... At the urban scale, the studies have mainly analyzed the evolution of urban thermal environment patterns based on surface temperature inversion. For the mechanism of the thermal environment, the studies have explored the intrinsic connection between ecological features and surface temperature based on landscape ecological patterns [13,14]; analyzed the quantitative relationship between the area of the underlying surface and the change in surface temperature based on the underlying surface change [15]; and indicated the characteristics of the NDVI in the thermal environment field in different scale intervals based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) [16,17]. And scholars have analyzed the spatial pattern of the thermal environment according to the urban thermal landscape changes. ...
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With global warming and rapid urban development, the urban surface temperature in summer has been increasing, seriously affecting people’s work and life. The formation and changes in surface temperature are directly related to material surroundings and spatial functions. Urban construction has led to an increase in POIs (points of interest), and the POI represents the functional activity within the space to a certain extent. Therefore, this paper attempts to reproduce the process of the urban internal function development of Chengdu according to the distribution characteristics of different types of points of interest. It also delves into the influence of internal spatial functions on surface temperature in Chengdu. The results show that the surface heat values for all types of functions show a significant increase from 2009 to 2022. The rate of increase is particularly pronounced for public transportation, with temperatures increasing by an average of 0.317 °C per year. In addition, there are differences in the thermal contribution values of different functions. The residential and commercial functions have the most significant impact on surface temperature, with both accounting for more than 0.45 of all functional contribution values. Public transportation has a small thermal contribution value but shows a trend of doubling growth. The findings will provide some insights into the design of cooling in future urban planning.
... In recent decades, the global population distribution has undergone a significant shift due to urbanization and industrialization, leading to a substantial migration of rural residents to cities and rapid urban expansion [1]. Concurrently, the original vegetated land surfaces have been replaced by vast expanses of impervious materials [2,3], resulting in a profound impact on the thermal balance of the land surface and environment [4] and affecting the ecosystems that support human life [5]. Measurements of the land surface temperature can provide a better understanding of the impact of these changes. ...
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During the process of urbanization, a large number of impervious land surfaces are replacing the biologically active surface. Land surface temperature is a key factor reflecting the urban thermal environment and a crucial factor affecting city livability and resident comfort. Therefore, the accurate measurement of land surface temperature is of great significance. Thermal infrared remote sensing is widely applied to study the urban thermal environment due to its distinctive advantages of high sensitivity, wide coverage, high resolution, and continuous measurement. Low-altitude remote sensing, performed using thermal infrared sensors carried by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is a common method of land surface observation. However, thermal infrared sensors may experience varying degrees of sway due to wind, affecting the quality of the data. It is still uncertain as to what degree angle changes affect thermal infrared data in urban environments. To investigate this effect, a near-ground remote sensing experiment was conducted to observe three common urban land surfaces, namely, marble tiles, cement tiles and grasses, at observation angles of 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60° using a thermal infrared imager. This is accompanied by synchronous ground temperature measurements conducted by iButton digital thermometers. Our results suggest that the temperature differences between the remote sensing data of the land surface and the corresponding ground truth data increase as a function of the increasing observation angle of the three land surfaces. Furthermore, the differences are minor when the observation angle changes are not more than 15° and the changes are not the same for different land surfaces. Our findings increase the current understanding of the effects of different angles on thermal infrared remote sensing in urban land surface temperature monitoring.
... where, Band Green and SWI 1 are bands 3 and 6 in green and shortwave infrared 1 reflections, respectively. Impervious surface included lands covered by roads, lanes, and paved playgrounds, which can be estimated for its areas (ImpA) as nonnormalized difference impervious surface index (NDISI) (Xu, 2010) according to Equation 3: ...
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Introduction A nature-connected environment is important for constructing building infrastructures in a sustainable city. However, its realistic application is rarely utilized in urban planning, primarily due to a lack of accurate regression of emotional perceptions of nature connectedness against existing landscape metrics. Method In this study, Changsha was selected as the study area, targeting 50 urban parks as plots, with 165 left unselected for prediction. Twenty pedestrians were randomly approached to assess their emotional perceptions of nature connectedness. Self-reported data were used to evaluate positive and negative emotion scores (Cronbach α: 0.803) and the emotional nonparametric relation index (ENRI) (Pearson correlation in retest: R square = 66.37%). Results Three machine-learning algorithms (random forest, AdaBoost, and gradient boosting trees [GBT]) were compared, with GBT being selected (R square: 76.49 ‒ 88.64 %) for further comparison with multivariate linear regression (MLR). Principal component analysis was used for verification, and the GBT algorithm surpassed MLR in regression performance. The green view index (GVI) in large and open green spaces was found to correlate with perceptions of positive emotions (parameter estimate [PE]: 0.02 ‒ 0.13). Conversely, large areas of green and blue spaces with low GVI on the flat plane were found to evoke negative emotions (PE: -0.13 and -0.04, respectively). Discussion Artificial intelligence was used for describing cases of design using our findings. For the purpose to evoke positive emotion of visitors, building embedded landscape can be designed in distant view with large tree canopies in closer view. Large area of green and blue spaces should not be recommended no matter whether buildings background the view.
... In addition to six optical bands, three widely used spectral indices (NDVI, NDWI and NBR) are also included (Eq. (3)) because they have all been demonstrated to enhance the impervious-surface features or help exclude some pervious surfaces Xu, 2010;Zhang et al., 2022b). ...
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Kochi city in southern India periodically experiences waterlogging or urban floods due to unabated urban growth and extreme rainfall events. This study aims to mitigate urban flood hazards through green infrastructure (GI) and its effective management. Assessment of storm water runoff (SWR) modeling is carried out in four scenarios, viz., baseline, past, severe, and green, using urban growth and GI driven simulations. Urban growth modeling and GI suitability analysis are carried out using Cellular Automata Markov (CA-Markov) and urban planning guidelines, respectively. The study provides insights into how GI influences SWR reduction and urban environment conservation, with 16% SWR reduction as compared to the baseline scenario and 18% when compared to the severe scenario.
Habitat loss and fragmentation in forest ecosystems are serious threats that lead to reduced resilience. The integrity and stability of the ecosystem are fostered by recognizing and protecting areas that are essential to maintaining the resilience of the ecological network. Research in the field of ecological network resilience has garnered attention in recent years, although the necessity of developing various assessment methods for network resilience is evident. Taking the Hyrcanian Forest ecosystem as a case study, this research aimed to identify the most important areas of the ecological network in maintaining and enhancing the resilience. To achieve this goal, first, a combination of the morphological spatial pattern analysis method and the assessment of the significance of ecosystem services was used to extract ecological source areas. Next, utilizing circuit theory and the least-cost path method, a network connecting sources was constructed, and pinch points were identified. After that, high-risk areas in ecological sources were found using the habitat risk assessment method. Using this integrated approach leads to the identification of valuable areas that are vulnerable to human threats and disturbances. Finally, the node removal method coupled with the calculation of network resilience indices, connectivity, and efficiency was employed to prioritize conservation areas. The results of the study indicated that the most important nodes were located in the northern edges of the forest, which have been under threat in recent years. Additionally, the region ranked moderately in terms of connectivity, indicating the importance of focusing on the conservation of forest patches before the complete fragmentation of the area. Furthermore, our findings underscore the importance of considering landscape connectivity and ecological network resilience in conservation planning for policymakers and managers aiming to protect biodiversity in the Hyrcanian Forest ecosystem.
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Impervious areas are one of the important indicators for evaluating the urbanization process, while surface temperature is one of the reference factors for evaluating the urban environment. In order to investigate whether the spatial distribution of an impervious surface has any influence on urban surface temperature, Xuzhou City was selected as the study area, and the impervious surface information was extracted based on the maximum likelihood classification method for Xuzhou City for the period of 2013–2022, and surface temperature inversion was performed using Landsat 8 remote sensing imagery and nighttime lighting data. In order to reduce the confusion between bare soil and impervious surfaces, the study area was divided into built-up and non-built-up areas for the selection of impervious and pervious surface samples using nighttime lighting data, and, finally, the maximum likelihood classification method was used to realize the extraction of impervious surfaces. The experimental results show that, by extracting the impervious surface of Xuzhou City, the impervious surface of Xuzhou City continued to increase from 2013 to 2022, in which the growth rate was faster in 2014–2016 and 2019–2021, and slower in 2017–2018 and 2021–2022, after performing surface temperature inversion as well as temperature grading. The results of impervious surface extraction and surface temperature inversion were subjected to overlay analysis and linear regression analysis. It was found that most of the impervious surface area is in high-temperature areas, and the density of the impervious surface is proportional to the surface temperature in the impervious surface and its surrounding area. Therefore, it can be concluded that the expansion of impervious surfaces is one of the reasons for the increase in urban surface temperature.
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As global urbanization accelerates, accurate extr-action of urban impervious surfaces has become crucial for urban planning, resource management, and environmental protection. However, existing methods face significant challenges handling high-resolution remote sensing images, especially in distinguishing impervious surfaces from regions with complex building structures and similar texture features. These challenges often lead to omission, misclassification, and blurred boundaries, affecting the accuracy and reliability of segmentation results. To address these issues, this study proposes an improved model based on CSW-DeepLabV3+. The model incorporates the Cross-Shaped Window Transformer architecture to enable the ex-change of information and integration of global features across different scales, enhancing the model's performance in complex scenarios. Additionally, a coordinate attention mechanism is employed to preserve global information while improving the processing of finer details. The experimental results show that the CSW-DeepLabV3+ model not only significantly outperforms existing models such as DeepLabV3+, FCN-8s, U-net, and PSP-net in terms of extraction accuracy but also excels in capturing global information and ensuring edge clarity. The MIoU, OA, Precision, Recall, and F1 scores reached 92.99%, 92.76%, 95.24%, 94.57%, and 94.87%, respectively. Additionally, the model demonstrated excellent computational efficiency and inference speed, providing a more precise tool for urban spatial planning and optimization. Lastly, based on this model's application, a spatiotemporal analysis of impervious surfaces in the Greater Bay Area from 2017 to 2023 was conducted. Results revealed a continuous expansion of impervious surfaces during this period, mainly concentrated in the urban core and surrounding areas, with significant development towards the southeast.
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We used National Land Cover Data 92 (NLCD 92), vector impervious surface data, and raster GIS overlay methods to derive impervious surface coefficients per NLCD 92 class in portions of the Mid-Atlantic physiographic region. Sample areas for the study were thirty-six subwatersheds ranging in size from 2 km 2 to 150 km 2 . A three-category rural-to-urban gradient design was utilized due to the changing sub-pixel relationship of impervious surface areas within developed/non-developed areas. A gradient rule based on the NLCD 92 DEVELOPED% defined the sample areas as “rural” (
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This paper proposes a technique to extract urban built-up land features from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETMϩ) imagery taking two cities in southeastern China as examples. The study selected three indices, Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) to represent three major urban land-use classes, built-up land, open water body, and vegetation, respectively. Consequently, the seven bands of an original Landsat image were reduced into three thematic-oriented bands derived from above indices. The three new bands were then combined to compose a new image. This considerably reduced data correlation and redundancy between original multispectral bands, and thus significantly avoided the spectral confusion of the above three land-use classes. As a result, the spectral signatures of the three urban land-use classes are more distinguishable in the new composite image than in the original seven-band image as the spectral clusters of the classes are well sepa-rated. Through a supervised classification, a principal components analysis, or a logic calculation on the new image, the urban built-up lands were finally extracted with overall accuracy ranging from 91.5 to 98.5 percent. There-fore, the technique is effective and reliable. In addition, the advantages of SAVI over NDVI and MNDWI over NDWI in the urban study are also discussed in this paper.
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The regional-scale climatic impact of urbanization is examined using two land cover parameters, fractional vegetation cover (Fr) and surface moisture availability (Mo). The parameters are hypothesized to decrease as surface radiant temperature (To) increases, forced by vegetation removal and the introduction of non-transpiring, reduced evaporating urban surfaces. Fr and Mo were derived from vegetation index and To data compared from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), and then correlated to a percentage of urban land cover obtained from a supervised classification of Landsat TM imagery. Data from 1985 through 1994 for an area near State College, PA, USA, was utilized. Urban land cover change (at the rate of >3 per cent km2 per year) was statistically significant when related to a decrease in normalized values of Fr and increase in normalized values of To. The relationship between urbanization and Mo, however, was ill-defined due to variations in the composition of urban vegetation. From a nomogram of values of Fr and To, a Land Cover Index (LCI) is proposed, which incorporates the influence of local land cover surrounding urbanized pixels. Such an index could allow changes in land use at neighbourhood-scale to be input in the initialization of atmospheric and hydrological models, as well as provide a new approach for urban heat island analyses. Furthermore, the nomogram can be used to qualify urbanization effects on evapotranspiration rates.
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A night-time thermal image from the ASTER satellite sensor, of the western New territories of Hong Kong is compared with a daytime Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) thermal image obtained nineteen days earlier. Densely built high rise areas which appear cool on daytime images are conversely, relatively warm on nighttime images, though the temperature differences are not well developed at night. Lower temperature gradients between different land cover types observed on the night time image result in meso-scale, rather than micro-scale climatic patterns being dominant, suggestive of processes operating in the Urban Boundary Layer (UBL), as opposed to the Urban Canopy Layer (UCL) which is dominant in the daytime. Thus, at night, proximity to extensive cool surfaces such as forested mountain slopes appears to be influential in maintaining cooler building temperatures. The relevance of satellite-derived surface temperatures for studies of urban microclimate is supported by field data of surface and air temperatures collected in the study area. Comparison of the ASTER Kinetic Temperature standard product with a thermal image processed using locally derived emissivity and atmospheric data indicated higher accuracy for the latter.
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data were used to map impervious cover in a watershed near Fort Worth, Texas. An 85.1% classification accuracy was obtained using a supervised maximum likelihood classification routine. This technique can be useful in areawide assessments of rainfall-runoff events when detailed ground survey information is not available. -Authors
In this study, Landsat 5-TM data were used to map urban land classes and the changes that occurred within them over a period of six years. The land classes were identified by Landsat 5-TM scenes taken in the same season in 1988 and 1994. The phenomena of land class changes were evaluated by adopting two remote sensing approaches, namely mapping and modelling, in a case study of the Bangkok Metropolitan area of Thailand. The quantitative results of changes, which were computed from a post-classification method, were used to analyse the pattern of changes in the urban land classes. The change-detection analysis indicated that 2% of agricultural land was lost, and there was a 14% increase in the commercial areas. The results demonstrated that the pattern of change in the urban land classes in Bangkok was that of agriculture lands to open lands; open lands to residential, and residential to commercial. The highest commercial land growth was observed in the high-density residential areas along main roads and the railway line. Data were generated from the two dates of TM images for the vegetationimpervious-soil (V-I-S) composition model. The trends of changes in the urban land classes and the anatomy of the study area were presented quantitatively through the V-I-S model. Good agreement was obtained between the values of changes computed for the impervious surfaces from the V-I-S model (which showed 6% changes) and the change-detection map (which showed 5.6% changes). The results of changes in the spatial pattern of commercial and residential areas (high, medium and low) emphasize that remote sensing data can be used for V-I-S modelling and mapping of urban surface features.
The majority of the world's population now resides in urban environments and information on the internal composition and dynamics of these environments is essential to enable preservation of certain standards of living. Remotely sensed data, especially the global coverage of moderate spatial resolution satellites such as Landsat, Indian Resource Satellite and Systeme Pour I'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), offer a highly useful data source for mapping the composition of these cities and examining their changes over time. The utility and range of applications for remotely sensed data in urban environments could be improved with a more appropriate conceptual model relating urban environments to the sampling resolutions of imaging sensors and processing routines. Hence, the aim of this work was to take the Vegetation-Impervious surface-Soil (VIS) model of urban composition and match it with the most appropriate image processing methodology to deliver information on VIS composition for urban environments. Several approaches were evaluated for mapping the urban composition of Brisbane city (south-cast Queensland, Australia) using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data and 1:5000 aerial photographs. The methods evaluated were: image classification; interpretation of aerial photographs; and constrained linear mixture analysis. Over 900 reference sample points on four transects were extracted from the aerial photographs and used as a basis to check output of the classification and mixture analysis. Distinctive zonations of VIS related to urban composition were found in the per-pixel classification and aggregated air-photo interpretation; however, significant spectral confusion also resulted between classes. In contrast, the VIS fraction images produced from the mixture analysis enabled distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and residential zones within the city to be clearly defined, based on their relative amount of vegetation cover. The soil fraction image served as an index for areas being (re)developed. The logical match of a low (L)-resolution, spectral mixture analysis approach with the moderate spatial resolution image data, ensured the processing model matched the spectrally heterogeneous nature of the urban environments at the scale of Landsat Thematic Mapper data.
The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is a new method that has been developed to delineate open water features and enhance their presence in remotely-sensed digital imagery. The NDWI makes use of reflected near-infrared radiation and visible green light to enhance the presence of such features while eliminating the presence of soil and terrestrial vegetation features. It is suggested that the NDWI may also provide researchers with turbidity estimations of water bodies using remotely-sensed digital data.