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Diet of wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat (Tadarida plicata Buchannan, 1800) in central Thailand: Insectivorous bats potentially act as biological pest control agents



Insectivorous bats are major predators of nocturnal insects and have the potential to act as biological pest control agents in farmlands. The objective of the present study was to establish the diet of the guano bat, Tadarida plicata. The study was carried out at the Khao Chong Pran Cave, which houses 2.6 million bats, and is surrounded by rice fields. A total of 1,925 faecal pellets were collected from 385 bats during their morning return from January to December 2002. Faecal analysis indicated that T. plicata fed on at least nine insect orders: Homoptera (28.4%), Lepidoptera (20.8), Hemiptera (16.4), Coleoptera (14.4), Diptera (7.0), Hymenoptera (6.6), Odonata (6.0), Orthoptera (0.5) and Psocoptera (0.1). Light traps indicated that Coleoptera (41.2%), Homoptera (25.3), Hemiptera (18.8) and Diptera (12.7) were the most abundant insects in the study area. Homopterans, most of which were white-backed planthopper (Sogatella sp., Delphacidae) had the highest percentage frequency of occurrence in the bats' diet indicating that T. plicata potentially plays an important role in controlling this major crop pest. The presence of macropterous planthoppers and a large proportion of moths in its diet suggests that T. plicata feeds on windborne migrant insects at high altitude. Female bats fed significantly more on lepidopterans and coleopterans and less on damselflies than males. The diet diversity index of lactating females was higher than pregnant females. Diet did not differ significantly between the dry and rainy seasons for either sex.
Insectivorous bats have been suggested
as the primary consumer of nocturnal in-
sects (Kunz and Pierson, 1994). They prey
on a number of major farmland pests such
as corn borers, planthoppers, tobacco bud-
worms, and oriental armyworms (Whitaker,
1993). Thus, large colonies of insectivor-
ous bats may result in the large-scale deple-
tion of pest insects in surrounding farm-
lands. Since biological pest control involves
the use of natural enemies to suppress pest
population densities to levels lower than
they would otherwise be (Van Driesche and
Bellows, 1996), insectivorous bats poten-
tially act as biological pest control agents
(e.g., Lee and McCracken, 2005). Several
genera of bats including Tadarida and Mi-
niopterus form very large colonies up to
several million individuals in caves (Dwyer,
1966; Lekagul and McNeely, 1988; Mc-
Cracken, 1996). In Thailand, a total of ap-
proximately eight million individuals of
the wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, Tadarida
Acta Chiropterologica, 7(1): 111–119, 2005
PL ISSN 1508-1109 © Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Diet of wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat (Tadarida plicata
Buchannan, 1800) in central Thailand: insectivorous bats potentially
act as biological pest control agents
1Department of Forest Biology, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand
3Corresponding author: E-mail:
Insectivorous bats are major predators of nocturnal insects and have the potential to act as biological pest control
agents in farmlands. The objective of the present study was to establish the diet of the guano bat, Tadarida
plicata. The study was carried out at the Khao Chong Pran Cave, which houses 2.6 million bats, and is
surrounded by rice fields. A total of 1,925 faecal pellets were collected from 385 bats during their morning
return from January to December 2002. Faecal analysis indicated that T. plicata fed on at least nine insect
orders: Homoptera (28.4%), Lepidoptera (20.8), Hemiptera (16.4), Coleoptera (14.4), Diptera (7.0),
Hymenoptera (6.6), Odonata (6.0), Orthoptera (0.5) and Psocoptera (0.1). Light traps indicated that Coleoptera
(41.2%), Homoptera (25.3), Hemiptera (18.8) and Diptera (12.7) were the most abundant insects in the study
area. Homopterans, most of which were white-backed planthopper (Sogatella sp., Delphacidae) had the highest
percentage frequency of occurrence in the bats’ diet indicating that T. plicata potentially plays an important role
in controlling this major crop pest. The presence of macropterous planthoppers and a large proportion of moths
in its diet suggests that T. plicata feeds on windborne migrant insects at high altitude. Female bats fed
significantly more on lepidopterans and coleopterans and less on damselflies than males. The diet diversity
index of lactating females was higher than pregnant females. Diet did not differ significantly between the dry
and rainy seasons for either sex.
Key words: biological pest control, diet, Tadarida plicata, planthopper, Thailand
plicata from 17 caves were reported, mak-
ing it the most abundant mammal in Thai-
land (Boonkerd and Wanghongsa, 2002). In
Khao Chong Pran Cave, the largest colony
of T. plicata in Thailand, houses 2.6 million
bats (Hillman, 1999). Previous studies indi-
cated that Tadarida forages at high altitude
up to several kilometres, and as far as 25 km
from caves (William et al., 1973). As it
feeds on high altitude windborne insects
(McCracken, 1996; Fenton and Griffin,
1997), Tadarida potentially regulates insect
populations over a much larger area than its
feeding range. However, no detailed study
on the diet of T. plicata has been carried out.
Given that a bat ingests insects about half of
its body mass per night, 2.6 million T. pli-
cata (ca 15.5 g) will consume many tons of
insects a night. Rice fields make up the ma-
jority of farmland in central Thailand where
planthoppers are known to be the major pest
(Vungsilabutr, 2001). How much these in-
sects contribute to the diet of this bat is
therefore of interest. The larger the propor-
tion of pest insects in the diet, the higher po-
tential of this bat as a biological control
agent. The primary objective of the present
study is to establish the diet of T. plicata by
faecal analysis.
Female T. plicata experience two breed-
ing periods a year (Hillman, 1999; Leel-
apaibul, 2003). Reproductive females have
a higher demand for nutrients and energy
than nonreproductive females and males
while their foraging efficiency is affected
adversely by their higher body mass (Jones,
1990). Thus, the diet of reproductive fe-
males may differ from that of non reproduc-
tive females and males. Thus, the secondary
objective of the present study is to examine
dietary differences between sexes.
Study Site
Field work was carried out in Wat Khao Chong
Pran Nonhunting Area (13°43’N, 99°47’E) which is
about 100 km west of Bangkok. Khao Chong Pran
(KCP) is a 12 ha limestone outcrop, surrounded pri-
marily by rice fields, sugar cane plantations, and
sparse local settlements. Its elevation ranges between
70–180 m a.s.l. Five caves are present in KCP and the
largest is inhabited by T. plicata, Eonycteris spelaea,
and Taphozous sp. The cave is approximately 150 m
long, 50 m across at its widest point, and 40 m high
(Hillman, 1999). Local villagers collect bat guano
from this cave once a week under the guidance of
monks from the local monastery. The climate is char-
acterised by a tropical monsoon with 1,486 mm annu-
al rainfall, most (90%) of which occurs in the rainy
season. Generally, there are two seasons: the rainy
season (May–October) and the dry season (Novem-
ber–April). However, unusually high rainfall com-
pared to ten year averages occurred in November
2002 (123.1 mm), so it was treated as part of the rainy
season. The vegetation at KCP is mixed deciduous
forest, where Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Streblus as-
per, Lagerstroemia sp. and Diospyros sp. are domi-
Study Species
The wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat (T. plicata ) is
the smallest species in the genus, and the ears are typ-
ically joined by membrane over the forehead. Its fore-
arm is 43.1–50.2 mm. Average male body mass is
15.51 g (SD = 1.20, n= 424) whereas that of a nonre-
productive female is 15.93 g (SD = 1.10, n= 186)
(Leelapaibul, 2003). It roosts in caves, rock crevices,
and tree hollows. There are at least 17 caves in
Thailand reported to support populations of this bat,
most of which are in central Thailand (Yenbutra and
Felten, 1986; Boonkerd and Wanghongsa, 2002). It
has two breeding periods, the majority of late preg-
nant females were found in February–March and Au-
gust –September (Hillman, 1999). However, lactating
females were found nearly every month except in Jan-
uary–March and August. Tadarida has a narrow wing
suggesting that it is a fast flying open-space bat. Wing
loading of males is 0.21–0.29 (n= 12) while nonre-
productive females is 0.20–0.26 g/cm2(n= 5). Its as-
pect ratio is relatively high (YY: 15.47–19.08; XX
16.00–17.39 — Leelapaibul, 2003).
Bat Trapping
A number of studies indicate reduced bat activity
during full moon (Morrison, 1978; Reith, 1982; No-
winszky, 2004). However, the present study also
aimed to quantify insect abundance without bias to-
ward light-attracted insects such as moths (Bowden
and Morris, 1975). Thus, bat and insect trapping were
112 W. Leelapaibul, S. Bumrungsri, and A. Pattanawiboon
carried out during full moon. Bats were captured
during their morning return (04:30–07:00 h) once
a month during January–December 2002, on or
around the full moon. Thirty five males and 35 fe-
males were captured per month with a hoop net at the
main entrance. Captured bats were weighed, sexed
and their reproductive condition was noted following
Racey (1988). Bats were kept in cloth bags for about
two hours before they were released in the cave. Bat
faeces collected from bags were air dried and kept in
labeled Eppendorf tubes. In the laboratory, five faecal
pellets (Whitaker et al., 1996) per individual from 15
mature males and 15 females in each reproductive
condition were randomly selected, and washed in
50% alcohol for 15 minutes (Fenton et al., 1998).
Insect parts in faeces were identified using a stereo-
microscope by comparison with reference collections
and following Whitaker (1988), Borror et al. (1989)
and Wilson and Claridge (1991). Ingested insects
were identified to order, or to genera for Homoptera
(Wilson and Claridge, 1991). Identified insects were
scored as present/absent. The relative importance of
insects in bat faeces was expressed as percentage fre-
quency (McAney et al., 1991): the number of occur-
rences of particular category divided by total occur-
rences for all categories, multiplied by 100.
Insect Trapping
In order to evaluate the availability of prey for
T. plicata, an aerial feeding bat, that is likely forage in
open spaces, insects were sampled using three light
traps set permanently with 8 m high bamboo poles in
the rice fields in proximity to local villages. Each
light trap station was set at >1 km distance from the
others and within 15 km from the cave (within the av-
erage foraging range of T. brasiliensis, William et al.,
1973). There are no streetlights in such local villages.
Insects were trapped from 18:00 to 06:00 h on the
same night as bats were trapped. Trapped insects were
stored in 90% alcohol. One millilitre of trapped in-
sects was sampled and identified to family. The pres-
ence of insects in the traps was presented by percent-
age frequency.
Intraspecific Diet Variation
The Chi-square contingency test was applied to
determine intraspecific diet variation and seasonal
variation based on the frequency of each dietary item.
Dietary diversity index (DDI) of ingested insects was
calculated using the Shannon-Wiener index (Brack
and LaVal, 1985). The DDI was calculated and com-
pared between lactating and pregnant females during
its first breeding season (March–May) as data were
The faecal analysis of 1,925 faecal pel-
lets from 385 bats indicated that T. plicata
fed on at least nine insect orders. Homopte-
ra showed the highest percentage frequency
in bat faeces (28.4%) followed by Lepido-
ptera (20.8), Hemiptera (16.4), and Co-
leoptera (14.4). These four orders of insects
made up the majority (80%) of the diet.
Diptera (7), Hymenoptera (6.6) and Odo-
nata (6.0) contributed a small proportion to
the bats diet (Table 1). For Homoptera, 90%
were in the Delphacidae, most of which
were white-backed planthoppers (Sogatella
sp.). In the study area, Coleoptera (41.2),
Homoptera (25.3), Hemiptera (18.8) and
Diptera (12.7) were the most common in-
sects (98.0) in the light traps, while Lepi-
doptera were relatively rare (0.3) (Table 1).
There was significant differences in insect
abundance between months (Friedman test,
χ2= 59.59, d.f. = 6, P< 0.001). Coleoptera
showed the highest frequency percentage in
traps for most of the year, except in April,
August, September and December when ei-
ther Homoptera or Hemiptera was the most
abundant (Table 1).
Each bat fed on insects from between
one to seven orders each night (0± SD
= 3.7 ± 1.43). As there was a dietary shift
between months, Homoptera was the most
important for six months (February, March,
June, October, November and December),
Lepidoptera and Hemiptera for two months
(May, September and January, August re-
spectively), and a month for Coleoptera and
Hymenoptera for one month each (July and
April respectively) (Table 1).
Intraspecific Diet Variation
Tadarida plicata showed a significant
variation in diet between the sexes (χ2=
14.05, d.f. = 7, P< 0.05). Females fed more
Diet of Tadarida plicata in central Thailand 113
on Lepidoptera and Coleoptera but less on
Odonata (damselflies, Coenagrionidae)
than males (Fig. 1). Intraspecific diet varia-
tion among female bats was investigated.
Overall, pregnant, lactating and nonrepro-
ductive females showed no significant dif-
ferent in their diet (χ2= 12.29, d.f. = 12,
P= 0.42). The same was observed in lactat-
ing and nonreproductive females captured
in the same month (October) (χ2= 1.06, d.f.
= 5, P= 0.95). However, diet was signifi-
cantly different among lactating females in
different breeding seasons (χ2= 57.77, d.f.
= 6, P< 0.001) and different months in the
same breeding season (1st breeding season,
χ2= 32.13, d.f. = 12, P= 0.001; 2nd breed-
ing season, χ2= 32.79, d.f. = 18, P< 0.05).
Significant difference in their diet between
dry and rainy season was not detected in
both males (χ2= 4.83, d.f. = 7, P= 0.68)
and females (χ2= 4.64, d.f. = 6, P= 0.59).
The dietary diversity index of females in
the first breeding season (March–May) was
examined. Female reproductive conditions
influenced the diversity of ingested insects.
Lactating females (1.83) had a higher di-
etary diversity than pregnant ones (1.51).
Diet of T. plicata and Implications for
Insect Pest Control
The potential of insectivorous bats as
a biological control agent of pests in agri-
cultural ecosystems is supported by the
present study. Homopterans, lepidopterans,
hemipterans and coleopterans are among
the major pests in farms. Three serious out-
breaks of brown planthopper (Nilaparva-
ta lugens) have been recorded in Thai-
land since 1975. Generally, a large outbreak
occurs every 8–10 years. The loss of rice
yield in 1990 cost about 200–240 million
US dollars (Vungsilabutr, 2001). Growing
susceptible rice varieties and continuous
114 W. Leelapaibul, S. Bumrungsri, and A. Pattanawiboon
Month Homoptera Lepidoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Diptera Hymenoptera Odonata Others
Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps Faeces Traps
January 18.16 15.45 22.03 0.21 23.97 11.13 9.44 64.83 7.75 7.53 4.60 0.85 14.04 0 0 0
February 45.28 4.81 16.98 0.11 11.95 18.48 22.33 72.54 0.63 2.99 0 0.85 2.83 0 0 0.21
March 41.97 10.93 26.28 0.57 5.84 14.36 11.31 63.38 0.36 9.87 13.50 0.90 0.73 0 0 0
April 24.55 14.08 17.07 0.44 8.68 36.35 16.77 25.98 1.20 19.71 29.64 3.44 0.90 0 1.20 0
May 19.38 16.98 22.91 0.73 10.35 18.85 15.20 59.38 3.08 3.65 17.62 0.42 11.23 0 0.22 0
June 49.17 25.53 19.27 0.11 9.30 17.31 9.30 49.79 2.99 6.30 4.32 0.96 5.65 0 0 0
July 24.15 26.60 5.57 0.51 29.41 27.62 32.51 42.97 2.17 0.77 4.64 1.53 0.93 0 0.62 0
August 17.05 43.80 17.97 0.50 30.41 16.69 26.04 16.36 3.00 20.33 1.38 0.99 3.23 0 0.92 1.32
September 26.36 42.51 27.57 0.15 11.67 10.08 11.27 8.40 18.71 37.62 1.81 1.17 2.41 0 0.20 0.07
October 24.15 26.10 23.93 0.17 18.96 15.85 15.35 36.61 9.48 19.90 4.51 0.95 1.35 0 2.26 0.43
November 39.72 30.04 23.33 0.19 10.56 17.25 2.78 40.89 8.33 7.75 0 3.68 15.00 0 0.28 0.19
December 26.77 46.35 22.12 0.12 19.69 21.56 3.76 13.65 16.37 15.93 0.88 2.04 9.96 0 0.44 0.36
Overall 28.37 23.75 20.83 0.31 16.36 18.37 14.40 41.73 6.97 14.20 6.56 1.43 5.95 0 0.54 0.20
TABLE 1. Percentage frequency of diet items in faeces and traps during January–December 2002. Other insects included Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Ephemeroptera and
rice-growing throughout the year, which re-
sults in year-round food availability for this
insect, were suggested as the main causes of
the outbreaks. Conserving populations of
natural biological control agents of the plan-
thopper and growing insect-resistant rice
varieties can keep its population below eco-
nomic injury level. In this case, insectivo-
rous bats could play an important role as po-
tential biological pest control agents in the
rice field ecosystem. In the present study,
T. plicata feeds mainly on homopterans
identified as white-backed planthoppers
(Sogatella sp., Delphacidae), which was
specifically indicated as the main pest in
the rice fields in the study area (Vung-
silabutr, 2001). Except in the study area,
the brown planthopper is common in rice
fields in central and lower northern Thai-
land. It seems likely that Tadarida will also
feed on brown planthoppers when they are
Assuming that a bat ingest insects equal
to 50% of its body mass per night, Hillman
(1999) suggested that the 2.6 million T. pli-
cata in the study cave could consume 17.5
tons of insects each night. Moreover, since
Kunz et al. (1995) suggested that early lac-
tating female T. brasiliensis consume 73.4%
of its body mass each night, 17.5 tons of in-
sects are a minimum estimate. The overall
population of this bat species in Thailand
has been estimated as eight million (Boon-
kerd and Wanghongsa, 2002), so overall it
could feed on 54.8 tons of insects nightly.
Importantly, this also means that insectivo-
rous bats deliver economically valuable
ecological services and decrease health
risks to humans by reducing dependence on
pesticides. Moreover, bat guano is well
known as high nutrient fertilizer, and the
temple earns about 135,000 US dollars each
year from selling it.
Intraspecific Diet Variation
The variation in diet between male and
female bats may reflect temporal variation
Diet of Tadarida plicata in central Thailand 115
FIG. 1. Ferquency percentage of each insect order in the diet of female (n= 178) and male T. plicata (n = 180)
during January to December 2002
in the time of their return to the cave, which
coincides with the activity times of various
insects. During a breeding period, reproduc-
tive females of T. brasiliensis returned to
the cave later at dawn than males and non-
reproductive females (Lee and McCracken,
2001). Although no intensive study on the
dawn return of T. plicata has been carried
out, trapping indicates that, as in T. bra-
siliensis, fewer males returned to their cave
as the morning progressed (W. Leelapai-
bul, pers. obs.). As moths are largely noc-
turnal, the higher percentage of moths in the
diet of female bats could be the result of
secondary dawn activity in some moths.
Flight activity studies of nocturnal insects
indicate the highest activity occurs immedi-
ately after sunset, followed by a decrease
throughout the night, then followed by a
secondary peak shortly before sunrise
(Whitaker et al., 1996 and references there-
in; see Fullard and Napoleone, 2001).
Whitaker et al. (1996) pointed out that
moths dominated the diet of T. brasiliensis
during pre-dawn feeding bouts. In this spe-
cies, radar observation suggests that bats
encounter moths when these insects arrive
at the feeding ground of the bats in the ear-
ly morning (Whitaker et al., 1996).
The decreased maneuverability of preg-
nant females may be responsible for its low-
er diet diversity compared to lactating fe-
males. During pregnancy, the body mass of
females increases (by about 2 g — Leela-
paibul, 2003), resulting in lowering its as-
pect ratio, and decreased maneuverability.
Jones (1990) also found a similar result in
female Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. Dur-
ing late pregnancy, female T. brasiliensis
lower their feeding rate (Kunz et al., 1995)
while female Eptesicus nilssoni decrease
their foraging time (Rydell, 1993). On the
other hand, lactating females of several
insectivorous bat species double their food
intake during early lactation (Kunz et
al., 1995, and references therein). Rydell
(1993) indicated that female E. nilssoni
doubles its foraging time from early to mid
lactation. The higher food intake and in-
creased foraging duration of lactating fe-
males obviously supports the higher de-
mand for nutrients and energy associated
with milk production and results in higher
diet diversity of these females.
In our study, the significant variation
in the diet of lactating female T. plicata
between different breeding seasons and
between different months in the same sea-
son indicates that this bat is an opportunist.
It is expected that Tadarida, which flies
at high altitudes and feeds on nocturnal
airborne insects (William et al., 1973;
McCracken, 1996; Fenton and Griffin,
1997), should encounter different kinds of
insects at different times of the year. These
insects periodically disperse from their
feeding areas when local environment-
al conditions are not suitable, as in periods
of food shortage. Thus, the major dietary
components in any month could indicate,
at least in part, the dispersal or migration
of insects in the study area. For example,
planthoppers (Homoptera) which rely on
rice as their sole diet, show mass emigra-
tion from the area during dry-season rice
harvesting in February–March, and wet-
season harvesting in November–December
(Vungsilabutr, 2001). During these periods,
faecal analysis indicated that planthop-
pers are the major component of the bats’
diet, contributing 42–45% and 27–40%,
respectively (see Leelapaibul, 2003). In ad-
dition, the relatively high percentage fre-
quency of Homoptera in other months may
result from local movement of these in-
sects, since rice is asynchronously harvest-
ed in this irrigated area (Vungsilabutr,
2001). Several authors also indicated that
T. brasiliensis is an opportunistic feeder
(Kunz et al., 1995; Whitaker and Rodri-
guez-Duran, 1999; Lee and McCracken,
116 W. Leelapaibul, S. Bumrungsri, and A. Pattanawiboon
Does T. plicata Forage at High Altitude?
Tadarida plicata potentially forage at
high elevation based on its high aspect ratio
and high wing loading (Norberg and Ray-
ner, 1987). Previous studies suggested that
T. brasiliensis and other molossids forage at
high altitude, up to 3.1 km (William et al.,
1973; McCracken, 1996; Fenton and Grif-
fin, 1997). In addition to its wing morphol-
ogy, the incidences of macropterous (long-
winged morph) planthopper (Homoptera) in
its diet, which are the only planthoppers that
are able to migrate (Riley and Reynolds,
1987), and the exceptionally large percent-
age of moths in its diet compared to trapped
insects suggests it forages at high altitude.
A number of studies indicated windborne
migration of white-backed planthoppers
and noctuid moths at an elevation of 0.1–2.5
km (Johnson, 1969; Chen et al., 1995; Kisi-
moto and Sogawa, 1995; Feng et al., 2003)
Future Work and Recommendation
Although faecal analysis provides a reli-
able estimate of diet components of insec-
tivorous bats (Kunz and Whitaker, 1983),
diet composition of T. plicata revealed by
this method may be biased towards some
groups of insects. Some bat species includ-
ing T. brasiliensis regularly cull parts of in-
sects before ingesting them (Kunz et al.,
1995). Thus, this method may be biased
against insect taxa that are culled more
heavily. On the other hand, natural markers
like moth’s scales are retained for many
hours after ingestion (Robinson and Steb-
bings, 1993) whereas insects with soft body
are digested easily and are less likely to be
found in faeces.
A number of bat species including
T. brasiliensis and T. plicata double their
foraging bouts during their early lacta-
tion (Rydell, 1993; Whitaker et al., 1996;
Hillman, 1999). Temporal variations in
air-borne insect activity are also document-
ed (Johnson, 1969; Kisimoto and Sogawa,
1995, and references therein). Thus, diet
composition of evening feeding bouts may
be significantly different from dawn feeding
bouts as was indicated in T. brasiliensis.
Coleopterans and hemipterans were the ma-
jor dietary items in the evening bouts of T.
brasiliensis, while moths were the most im-
portant items in the early morning (Whita-
ker et al., 1996). In the present study, only
diet composition from morning bouts was
documented. To fully characterise the diet
of T. plicata, faecal analysis of evening
bouts during reproductive periods is recom-
In the present study, homopterans,
which are the most common component of
the diet for several months of the year, were
identified as white-backed planthoppers.
This species is very common in rice fields
in the study area whereas brown planthop-
pers are reported to be common in other ar-
eas. Studying the diet of T. plicata from lo-
cations where brown planthoppers are com-
mon, and investigating the relationship be-
tween abundance of this insect in rice fields
and its incidence in bat faeces is recom-
We are grateful to the monks of the Khao Chong
Pran temple for permission to carry out research in
their cave. We would like to thank P. Vungsilabutr for
providing information on planthoppers, C. Papata for
his encouragement and hospitality during field work,
D. Wiwatwittaya, P. Pattanothai, S. Saengthongprao
for their help during research planning. S. Sotthi-
bandu, D. Reed and P. A. Racey provided many sug-
gestions that improve this paper. This research was
supported by the Thailand Biodiversity Research and
Training Program (BRT T_345006).
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Diet of Tadarida plicata in central Thailand 119
Received 27 November 2004, accepted 17 April 2005
... Bats modify their foraging behavior to seek out these migratory moths, by flying at higher altitudes when the moths are flying and by adjusting their echolocation calls when foraging aloft and at ground level (Krauel et al., 2018a). Empirical support for other bat species exploiting migratory moths includes T. teniotis (Mata et al., 2016), C. plicata (Leelapaibul, 2005), a community of seven bat species in Australia (Kolkert et al., ...
... Although the insect migratory patterns were less well characterized, migratory planthoppers dominated the diet of C. plicatus in Thailand, comprising up to 45% of fecal volume, when millions of planthoppers infested nearby rice plantations (Leelapaibul et al., 2005). Subsequent fecal DNA analysis confirmed that during the rice-growing period, migratory Hemiptera were the most frequently taken prey among 76 insect taxa identified in feces of C. plicata (Thongjued et al., 2021). ...
... Dietary analysis based on insect fragments in feces can provide information on the proportional composition of diets, but these analyses are limited in taxonomic precision (Lee and McCracken, 2005;Leelapaibul et al., 2005). Fecal DNA analysis allows identification of food items to lower taxonomic levels, often to insect species level; however, until recently, fecal DNA studies have been limited to identifying the presence or absence of a dietary item but not its proportional representation in the diet. ...
... Bumrungsri et al. (2009Bumrungsri et al. ( , 2013 confirmed it is the primary pollinator of several economically valuable plant species like durian (Durio spp.), banana (Musa spp.) and petai (Parkia spp.). Furthermore, insectivorous bats are the primary predators of nocturnal insects, including agricultural pest species (Leelapaibul et al. 2005), and can eat 50-100% of their body weight each night (Kunz et al. 2011). Cave-roosting bats also serve as primary producers in caves with communities of invertebrates entirely dependent upon bat guano as their food source (McClure et al. 1967). ...
Bat diversity at Batu Caves has been studied for over a hundred years. Among the 20 caves at Batu Caves, records for the Dark Cave date back to the 1880s and constitute the most comprehensive faunal catalogue of any cave in Southeast Asia. Surveys between January and December 2019 updated and validated the results of past scientific studies at Batu Caves. Twelve species of bats were recorded by trapping using mist nets and harp traps, as well as observations at seven different sampling points. Cynopterus brachyotis, Embalonoura monticola, Hipposideros cineraceus, H. kunzi, Rhinolophus refulgens, and R. steno are new records for Batu Caves. A living sample of Rousettus leschenaultii (Leschenault's rousette) was captured during this survey, confirming its presence in Batu Caves. This study also reported a new locality for Hipposideros kunzi. The data obtained provides new information for the conservation and management of cave-roosting bat assemblages around Batu Caves.
... This service can have a high economic value, such as bat-related pest control, globally estimated at billions of dollars a year (Maine and Boyles, 2015); a value that may be even higher, since it is underestimated in several parts of the globe, including large regions occupied by tropical forests (Aguiar and Antonini, 2008). Bats are considered the main nocturnal predators of arthropods, with a high potential to control agricultural pests (Leelapaibul et al., 2005). In Brazil, it has been estimated that a single colony of bats (one million individuals) consumes about seven tons of insects per night (Benvindo-Souza et al., 2021). ...
Understanding the effects of habitat loss on communities is essential for biodiversity conservation and maintenance of ecosystem services. Considering that bats are efficient consumers of arthropods, including insects of economic interest, knowledge on how local and landscape factors influence bat assemblages may provide the basis for enhancement of key ecosystem functions, such as natural control for arthropods. Based on the species richness (total and insectivorous) and on the defaunation index (DI), defined as the loss or depletion of an animal species attribute, we investigated how the landscape can influence patterns of leaf-nosed bats and their potential of arthropod consumption in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We calculated species richness and DI using a compilation of bat records in the Atlantic Forest over 20 years (focal assemblages) and IUCN’s potential occurrence polygons (reference assemblages used in DI). We quantified the vegetation cover, the dominant type and the heterogeneity of the matrix within circular landscapes around each sampling site of focal assemblages. One hundred and four assemblages were included in the analyses, mostof them in the southeast of the Atlantic Forest, with agriculture as the dominant non-natural matrix. We found a negative effect of matrix heterogeneity on DI, and a positive effect of forest cover on the richness of insectivorous bats. The results highlight the importance of forest remnants in fragmented landscapes in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest for the maintenance of leaf-nosed bats and their potential for arthropod consumption
... As generalist predators, insectivorous bats eat a range of insects, largely of the orders of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera, and Hemiptera (Black, 1974;Kunz, 1974;Kunz et al., 1995;Kurta and Whitaker, 1998;Lee and McCracken, 2002;Leelapaibul et al., 2005;Whitaker, 1972). These arthropod orders include agricultural pests such as June beetles, click beetles, leafhoppers, plant hoppers, spotted cucumber beetles, Asiatic oak weevils, green stinkbugs, cotton bollworm, and pest moths (Baroja et al., 2021;Brown et al., 2015;Cohen et al., 2020;Des Marais et al., 1980;Froidevaux et al., 2017;Jay et al., 2012;Kolkert et al., 2021;Mizutani et al., 1992;Rodríguez-San Pedro et al., 2020;Taylor et al., 2018;Whitaker, 1972;Williams-Guillén et al., 2008;Tuneu-Corral et al., 2023). ...
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We conducted diet analysis of four species of leaf-nosed bats ( Hipposideros hypophyllus , H. durgadasi , H. fulvus , and H. speoris ) cohabiting a roost in the Kolar district, Karnataka, India using metabarcoding fecal DNA technique. We collected fecal pellets of these bats returning to the roost after the first feeding bout over different seasons. The whole diet of all these species consisted of 7,309 OTUs belonging to phylum Arthropoda. Although no significant difference among the whole diets of the four species was found, H. hypophyllus consumed the most amount of insect taxa (4,114 species) compared to others. The core diets consisted of 49 taxa belonging to 10 orders, 37 families, 46 genera. A significant difference was found among the core diets, with H. hypophyllus and H. speoris feeding on more varied insects. There was no overlap in diets and the bat species were observed to be diet specialists. Prey items belonging to orders Lepidoptera and Diptera were abundant in the diet of all four species of bats. The core diet of H. hypophyllus varied significantly between the seasons, with greater than 70% intake of lepidopteran insects in the monsoon and winter seasons. Our study reveals that these bats feed on insect pests too thus playing a role as biocontrollers.
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Resource partitioning among tropical bats in agricultural areas of Peninsular Malaysia remains unclear. This study was conducted to evaluate resource partitioning among bats by examining their fecal samples. The main bat species sampled included: Rhinolophus coelophyllus , Rhinolophus malayanus , Rhinolophus pusillus , Rhinolophus refulgens , Taphozous melanopogon and Hipposideros larvatus . Two harp traps were set at different elevations on a hilltop (Gunung Keriang) and two high nets were used in neighboring rice fields at three sites, for three consecutive nights per sampling from April 2021 to February 2022. A total of 301 bats and 1,505 pellets were analyzed using a conventional approach which examined the fecal sample under the microscope. All of the bat species within the study had insects from the order Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera in their diet. Larger bats exhibited a greater variety of prey consumption. Male individuals were observed to be generalists while female individuals were specialists, particularly during pregnancy and lactating reproductive stages. Bat species and insect order had a significant impact on the percentage fragment frequency of the insects consumed. Rhinolophus coelophyllus specialized in feeding on Coleoptera and Diptera, H. larvatus fed on Coleoptera, R. malayanus fed on Hemiptera, R. pusillus and T. melanopogon fed on Lepidoptera. Future molecular analysis can be carried out to further identify the insect pests consumed by these bats up to species level. These findings enhance our understanding of bats’ ecological roles in agricultural landscapes and contribute to conservation and pest management strategies.
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We investigated the timing and variation in evening emergence and dawn return of a maternity colony of Mexican free-tailed bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana, in the summers of 1996 and 1997. In both summers, the onset of evening emergences and the end of dawn returns correlated with sunset and sunrise, respectively. Bats tended to emerge earlier in relation to sunset during late summer than in spring to early summer. Dawn returns ended progressively later in relation to sunrise through the season. Bats emerged much earlier and ended dawn returns later in 1996 than in 1997, coincident with a severe drought in spring to midsummer 1996. Bat captures during different seasons at the cave entrance indicate that patterns of emergence and return were non-random with regard to age, sex, and reproductive classes of bats. Higher proportions of reproductive females emerged earlier in the evening and returned later at dawn. Non-reproductive and post-lactating females and males exhibited an opposite pattern. Higher proportions of juveniles tended to emerge earlier in the evening and to return earlier at dawn.
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Analysis of 597 fecal pellets collected throughout the year from Tadarida brasiliensis antillularum in Puerto Rico revealed that the diet, expressed as percent volume, differs from the Texan subspecies and consists largely of dipterans, hymenopterans, lepidopterans, and homopterans, in decreasing order of importance. This species seemed to prey heavily on swarms of flies or ants, suggesting that it is an opportunist, and appears to be roughly the ecological equivalent of species of Myotis in mainland North American communities. Overall seasonal variations in diet are significant, and at times are marked enough to produce biased estimates when small samples over narrow periods of time are examined.
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We studied foraging activity and food resource use of Brazilian free-tailed bats. Tadarida brasiliensis, from a large maternity colony near Uvalde, Texas. We recorded echolocation calls of bats at replicate sites in towns, cropland, and ranches and quantified the proportions of signal-receiving time, the numbers of feeding buzzes, and the mean attack attempts per unit of activity time to evaluate habitat use by bats. Food habits of the bats were determined from fecal samples, and the composition and relative abundance of various insect orders in the three habitats were assessed using light traps. Towns with mercury-vapor type street lamps appeared to be important feeding areas for the bats, where they exhibited higher foraging activity and attack rates than over cropland or ranches. The common use of street lamps over towns, however, could have affected the efficiency of our traps in insect assessment; towns exhibited lower relative insect abundance than the other two habitats. Insect abundance did not differ between ranches and cropland, but a decline in relative insect abundance occurred in pre-dawn periods over cropland, which correlated to a higher bat activity per unit time over ranches than on cropland. The bats also displayed higher attack rates, and had a broader diet, in evening than in pre-dawn periods. The diet of bats contained 12 orders of insects, which accounted for 80% of insect orders captured in traps. At the ordinal level, the relative importance of these prey in the bats' diet strongly correlated to those sampled by the traps. The differences in relative abundance of major insect orders between midnight and pre-dawn sampling also correlated to those in percent volumes of respective insect orders in the bats' diet. These results agree with our prediction and suggest an opportunistic foraging mode for this species.
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A maternity colony of northern bats, Eptesicus nilssonii, was observed regularly in southern Sweden (57°45′N, 13°25′E) during the reproductive period from 1988 to 1990. On average, females spent ca. 3 h outside the roost each night. Time spent outside the roost diminished during late pregnancy, when body weight was rapidly increasing. Foraging time was longer during lactation than during pregnancy. It increased by >100% between parturition and weaning, a reflection of increasing energetic costs of milk production. Foraging time did not differ significantly among individuals in the same stage of reproduction. Non-breeding females did not show seasonal changes in foraging time. Low body weights and deferred breeding in younger females may be effects of limited opportunities for foraging or competitive relationships among the females.
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During the summer of 1979 a cave which served as a summer aggregation site for male Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) was visited every 2 weeks for collection of feces and sampling of the insect fauna available as prey. A comparison of insects eaten, determined by fecal analysis, with insects collected from the foraging habitat showed that large proportions of lepidopterans were eaten throughout the summer, often in excess of proportional availability. Insects from five additional orders were eaten regularly, but they were frequently eaten less than the proportion in which they were available. Throughout the season, dietary intake of aquatic insects was low. Diet diversity decreased from early to late summer. The proportions of several orders of aquatic insects eaten were correlated to three measures of lunar illumination and cyclicity.
Both search and height-finding radars were used to observe the airborne behavior of free-tailed bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana, near several caves in the southwestern United States. Radar echoes from dense groups of bats covered areas as large as 400 square kilometers and rose to altitudes of more than 3000 meters. The presence of large numbers of bats within these areas was confirmed by visual observation from a helicopter. Bat flights appeared on radar at dusk and at dawn as a slowly expanding or contracting target, usually located near a known roost. The direction in which the echo expanded most rapidly was not due to drift of the bats by winds. This leading edge often moved at more than 40 kilometers per hour, indicating the capacity for rapid, well-directed, high altitude flight in these animals. Bats flying at such high altitudes must employ sensory systems other than echolocation for orientation and navigation.
(1) The diet of the bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum was analysed from faeces and prey remains from feeding sites through one breeding season. Light traps measured prey availability. (2) Previous studies have indicated opportunistic feeding, but rhinolophids use echolocation which may interpret insect wingbeat characteristics to select insect types (e.g. according to taxa, size). (3) R. ferrumequinum selectively dismembered large prey at perches, reducing energy costs. The diet varied over the season and consisted mainly of Lepidoptera (40.61% by volume) and Coleoptera (33.24%). Hymenoptera and Diptera were taken. More large items than expected by chance could result from the bats' acoustic search fields, or from selection. (4) More males than females of the cockchafer M. melolontha were eaten in May-June. The diet was most diverse in spring and autumn, when preferred prey items (moths) were scarce, and narrowest during late pregnancy, when moths constituted most of the diet. (5) R. ferrumequinum conforms to optimal foraging models for predators sensitive to the environment: selection for prey size, and rejection of unprofitable prey (Diptera and ichneumonids) except when more profitable prey (moths) were scarce was apparent. R. ferrumequinum certainly does not forage opportunistically.
Bat detectors on helium-filled kite balloons revealed echolocating bats active at altitudes ≤ 600 m above the ground over Brachystegia woodland in the Sengwa Wildlife Research Area, Zimbabwe. Feeding buzzes indicated that bats were actively foraging to 600 m. At least seven species of bats were detected, including six molossids and one emballonurid.
In a field experiment designed to evaluate dietary variation in Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) we found that lactating females fed largely on coleopterans and lygaeid bugs during evening feeding bouts and mostly on moths during morning feeding bouts. These results suggest that interpretations of food habits in this and other species may be biased unless samples from both nightly feeding bouts are included in the analyses. Diets of different individuals during the same feeding bout were strikingly similar, suggesting that lactating females either fed in the same general habitats or that they encountered and preferentially fed on similar prey items among those available. Bats captured upon return from evening feeding bouts produced significantly more fecal pellets than those captured following second feeding bouts. This difference suggests that either more food is eaten in the first feeding bout or, alternatively, highly chitinous insects such as coleopterans and lygaeids contribute more to fecal matter than relatively soft-bodied moths. We found no significant relationship between hardness of prey and number of pellets produced. Individual bats produced an average of 2-3.6 insects/pellet, but no consistent relationship was found between the number of insects eaten and the number of fecal pellets produced. Our analysis indicates that at least five pellets are needed to establish the number of insect taxa (families) consumed by a bat. Results from this study suggests that future research on food habits of insectivorous bats should examine fecal pellets or stomach contents from evening and morning feeding bouts to fully characterize the diet of a given species.