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Night roost selection during winter by ruffed grouse in the central Appalachians


Abstract and Figures

In northern regions, ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) conserve considerable energy during winter by burrowing under snow cover to roost. When conditions are unsuitable for snow burrowing grouse almost invariably roost in conifers. We studied selection of winter night roosts by ruffed grouse in western Virginia, a region where snow accumulations are rare and transient. Grouse almost always used ground roosts when snow was present even though snow was never deep enough for snow burrowing. When snow was absent grouse did not show any clear preference in roost microsite type, and were found roosting in and under deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, in brush piles, and in leaf litter. We hypothesize that this ambivalence to conifers was due in part to persistent accumulations of fallen oak leaves, which likely afford grouse good thermal cover and concealment. Grouse were frequently found at low elevations during daytime, but rarely roosted in bottoms. This suggests daily elevational movements, possibly to avoid cold air settling in low-lying areas during night.
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Author(s): Darroch M. Whitaker and Dean F. Stauffer
Source: Southeastern Naturalist, 2(3):377-392.
Published By: Eagle Hill Institute
DOI: http://[0377:NRSDWB]2.0.CO;2
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2003 2(3):377–392
ABSTRACT - In northern regions, ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) conserve
considerable energy during winter by burrowing under snow cover to roost.
When conditions are unsuitable for snow burrowing grouse almost invariably
roost in conifers. We studied selection of winter night roosts by ruffed grouse
in western Virginia, a region where snow accumulations are rare and transient.
Grouse almost always used ground roosts when snow was present even though
snow was never deep enough for snow burrowing. When snow was absent
grouse did not show any clear preference in roost microsite type, and were
found roosting in and under deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, in
brush piles, and in leaf litter. We hypothesize that this ambivalence to conifers
was due in part to persistent accumulations of fallen oak leaves, which likely
afford grouse good thermal cover and concealment. Grouse were frequently
found at low elevations during daytime, but rarely roosted in bottoms. This
suggests daily elevational movements, possibly to avoid cold air settling in
low-lying areas during night.
Roost site selection is a fundamental aspect of the behavior of
free-living birds, having important consequences for energy budgets
and predator avoidance (Bergerud and Gratson 1988, Walsberg
1983). This is particularly true for ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus
L.) wintering in temperate and boreal forests, where weather can be
severe, predator pressure can be high, and individuals spend 19–23
hours roosting each day (Gullion and Svoboda 1972, Ott 1990).
Through most of the species’ range, wintering ruffed grouse typically
burrow under snow cover to roost. Snow burrowing reduces radiative
heat loss, provides shelter from wind, and traps air heated by thermal
radiation next to the bird. This affords a thermoneutral environment,
which can reduce metabolic heat production by 30 % or more when
compared to open roost sites; dry powder snow likely represents opti-
mal thermal cover for the species during winter (Thompson and
Fritzell 1988a). Further, because the exact location of grouse beneath
the snow surface is not evident, captures of snow-burrowing grouse
by predators are rare (Bergerud and Gratson 1988, Marjakangas
1Appalachian Cooperative Grouse Research Project (ACGRP), Department of
Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
*Corresponding author -
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3378
1990). Predator avoidance may also be enhanced through decreased
foraging and travel time, as snow burrows confer energetic savings
and are typically available in close proximity to food sources (Doerr
et al. 1974, Ott 1990).
In contrast to more northerly regions, conditions suitable for snow
burrowing by grouse are rare and transient in the central and southern
Appalachian Mountains. Consequently, ruffed grouse in the Appala-
chians typically must use alternate roost sites that afford reduced ener-
getic benefits (Ott 1990, Thompson and Fritzell 1988a). Several studies
have demonstrated that under such circumstances ruffed grouse and
other tetraonids almost invariably roost in the thickest conifer cover
available (Bump et al. 1947, Ott 1990, Pietz and Tester 1982, Pekins et
al. 1991, Swenson and Olson 1991, Thompson and Fritzell 1988a,
Woehr 1974). However, in the central Appalachians conifers are often
rare and dispersed and most are pines (Pinus spp.) that have relatively
sparse foliage, so conifers may be of less value as roosting cover. Also,
during many winters Appalachian grouse endure a prolonged period of
nutritional stress and energy deficit (Hewitt and Kirkpatrick 1997,
Norman and Kirkpatrick 1984, Thomas et al. 1975). This deficit is
closely tied to poor hard mast crops during fall and can lead to overwin-
ter reductions in total carcass fat of approximately 60 % in male and 75
% in female grouse (Norman and Kirkpatrick 1984). Although this
deficit does not lead directly to grouse mortality due to exposure or
starvation, it has important population consequences by reducing repro-
ductive success during the following spring (Norman and Kirkpatrick
1984, Servello and Kirkpatrick 1987; P.K. Devers, Virginia Tech, un-
published data). Consequently, strategies Appalachian grouse employ to
reduce energy expenditure in the absence of preferred roosting cover are
of interest to wildlife managers.
Given the energetic stress Appalachian ruffed grouse often endure
and the apparent rarity of preferred roosting cover, our objective was to
describe night-roosting behavior of ruffed grouse in the central Appala-
chians during winter. Specifically, we wanted to describe the general
types of roost microsite selected, habitat structure around roosts, the
topographic placement of roosts, and the influence of environmental
conditions on roost site selection.
Data were collected from January 1998 through March 2002 at
three study sites located in western Virginia (2,000–10,000 ha/site).
The northeastern (VA1; Augusta Co.) and southwestern (VA3;
Smyth Co.) study sites were separated by 270 km, while the third
study site (VA2; Botetourt Co.) was located between these two, 80
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 379
km from VA1. Topography on all three sites is complex, with relief
exceeding 500 m and abundant mountains, ridges, and hollows. Oak-
hickory (Quercus spp., Carya spp., respectively) and oak-pine for-
ests were the dominant cover on all study sites. A number of ever-
green species were dispersed throughout or locally common on these
sites. These include white (Pinus strobus L.), pitch (P. rigida
Miller), Virginia (P. virginiana Miller) and Table Mountain pine (P.
pungens Lambert), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.), and east-
ern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.). Mountain laurel (Kalmia
latifolia L.), great rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum L.), and
Catawba rhododendron (R. catawbiense Michx.) were common in
the forest understory.
We trapped grouse from September through mid November each
year on each site. Sex and age (juvenile or adult) of captured birds were
determined from feather criteria (Kalla and Dimmick 1995). Grouse
were then equipped with necklace-style radio transmitters (10 g,
148.000–152.000 MHz; Advanced Telemetry Systems, Isanti, MN) and
released at the capture site.
Like Thompson and Fritzell (1988a), we located most roosts by
flushing radioed grouse at dawn during winter (0630–0700 h; January
7–March 23). Additional roost sites were located opportunistically,
primarily during nightlighting recapture attempts (Huempfner et al.
1975). We tried to avoid flushing an individual grouse on more than
one occasion. Once a roost site was located we recorded the number of
grouse present and categorized the roost as one of the following
microsite types: conifer tree, conifer ground (i.e., on the ground under
a conifer), evergreen shrub, deciduous tree, deciduous ground, decidu-
ous shrub, open ground, snow burrow, or “other” (with a written de-
scription). A ground roost was determined to be associated with the
nearest tree or shrub whose foliage dripline encompassed it. Air tem-
perature at dusk (1700 h) was obtained from data loggers recording
hourly temperature readings at a central location on each study site
(Hobo® XT, Onset Computer Corp., Pocasset, MA). We used this tem-
perature as it reflected conditions during the period when roost sites
were being selected. However note that overnight low temperatures
usually were considerably colder and occurred near dawn (e.g., Fig. 1).
Overnight precipitation (none, rain, or snow), snow depth, and snow
cover (none, continuous, or patchy) also were recorded. Species,
height, Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), and dominance class (domi-
nant, subdominant, or understory) were recorded for each roost tree.
When we observed a grouse in a tree roost we recorded the roost
height. However tree roosting grouse were often difficult to locate
before they flushed, in which case we simply recorded the bird as
roosting “above ground.” Finally, slope aspect (North, South, East, or
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3380
West) and slope position were recorded, with slope position classes
being defined as the upper, middle, or lower one-third of the slope
(ridge, midslope, or toe/bottom, respectively).
A pair of 400 m2 (11.3 m radius) habitat plots was sampled for each
roost site (Noon 1981). The first plot was centered on the roost, while
the second was placed 60 m away in a random direction, but within the
same forest stand. At each plot we recorded tree basal area (estimated
using an optical prism) and counts of all trees within the plot classified
by species and size class (8–20, 20–40, 40–60, and > 60 cm DBH). We
established strip transects along the east-west and north-south axes of
each plot (22.6 m each). To estimate small stem density, we counted all
stems < 8 cm DBH and > 1.3 m tall within 1 m of each transect. Care was
taken to not double count stems in the area where transects overlapped
at the plot center (area sampled = 86.4 m2). We recorded the presence or
absence of deciduous and coniferous tree canopy cover at 10 evenly
spaced points along each transect. This yielded 20 observations/plot,
which we multiplied by five to obtain estimates of percent overhead
cover. Finally, we recorded the number of stems at ground level within 3
m of the roost site (alive or dead, all diameters).
Typically each radio-equipped grouse on a study site was located
twice weekly. Sets of 3–8 azimuths were collected in < 20 minutes
Figure 1. Nighttime air temperatures (°C; 1700 h–0700 h) along ridgetops and
bottoms on the VA1 study site (Augusta Co., VA) from January 26–February 1,
2002, the first week during which such data were collected. In total, thermal
inversions developed on 15 of 36 nights sampled.
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 381
by a roving technician using a using a handheld Yagi antenna from a
network of fixed telemetry stations (White and Garrott 1990).
Grouse locations were then estimated for each set of azimuths using
Lenth’s maximum likelihood estimator and specifying a bearing er-
ror of 7û for confidence ellipse calculations (Lenth 1981). These ra-
diotelemetry locations were used to estimate the daytime distribution
of grouse relative to slope position. For each study site we created a
combined dataset comprising locations from the 25 grouse having
the most extensive tracking histories (81–303 locations/grouse, mean
= 145 locations; 16 juvenile females, 19 adult females, 21 juvenile
males, 19 adult males). From this set we retained locations collected
between 0900–1600 h from January 1–March 20 each year, having
maximum likelihood error ellipses < 1.5 ha, and a Geometric Mean
Distance (GMD) between receiving stations and the location esti-
mate not exceeding 500 m (n = 882). Previously we conducted error
assessments at all three study sites using beacon transmitters having
known locations (White and Garrott 1990), which indicated that
mean linear error should be 45 m for locations taken from 500 m
and having error ellipses of 1.5 ha. However, as this error estimate
is for the least reliable locations used here, overall mean location
error would be considerably less than 45 m. From this dataset we
randomly selected 150 locations per site and overlaid them on
United States Geological Survey Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
of the study areas. Slope position for each daytime location was
assessed using the same classification scheme used for roost sites in
the field.
To describe the effect of slope position on nighttime air temperature,
we placed temperature loggers on the ridge, middle, and toe of various
slopes on the Augusta Co. study site during winter 2002 (Hobo® Temp,
Onset Computer Corp., Pocasset, MA). Loggers were left in place for 3–
4 nights and then moved to a new slope. We sampled 10 slopes, with
slope relief ranging from 25–60 m. The position of individual data
loggers was randomized on each slope and following data collection all
three loggers were placed in the same location for 24 h to verify that
they were recording temperature comparably.
We used DEMs to make a digital slope aspect map for each
study site, and from this calculated the expected number of roosts
by slope aspect class. For each site we created a Minimum Convex
Polygon (MCP; White and Garrott 1990) containing all grouse
radiotracking locations, and then multiplied the proportion of the
MCP having a particular slope aspect by the number of roosts ob-
served on that site. We summed values for each aspect class across
the three study sites to obtain an estimate of the expected number
of roosts by slope aspect.
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3382
Statistical analyses of categorical data were performed using Chi-
squared tests (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). Paired t-tests were used to com-
pare habitat measurements between roost site and random habitat plots
(Sokal and Rohlf 1995). A significance level of a = 0.05 was used for all
statistical tests. Analyses were carried out using Minitab statistical
software (Version 11.21, Minitab Inc., State College, PA).
From 1998–2002 we located 90 roost sites used by 72 radio-equipped
and 12 unmarked grouse on the three study sites (46 At VA1, 26 at VA2,
and 18 at VA3). A broad range of roost microsites was used with no one
type dominating the sample (Table 1). The most commonly used
microsite was evergreen shrubs, but this only accounted for about one-
third of all roosts. Roosts were almost evenly divided between evergreen
and non-evergreen microsites (Table 1). Evergreen shrub roosts were
fairly evenly divided between rhododendron (n = 16) and mountain laurel
(n = 15), while white pine was used for 14 of 18 conifer tree roosts.
Table 1. Winter roost microsites used by ruffed grouse at three study sites in western
Virginia (n = 90, 1998–2002).
Roost type Count %
Evergreen Shrub (ground) 13 14
Evergreen Shrub (above ground) 18 20
Conifer Tree (ground) 5 6
Conifer Tree (above ground) 13 14
Evergreen total 49 54
Deciduous Shrub (ground) 5 6
Deciduous Shrub (above ground) 0 0
Deciduous Tree (ground) 19 21
Deciduous Tree (above ground) 10 11
Deciduous total 34 38
Snow Burrow* 0 0
Open Ground 7 8
* Grouse were regularly observed ground roosting in snow (see Table 4), but snow depth
was never sufficient to allow birds to completely bury themselves.
Table 2. Habitat measures from paired 400-m2 sampling plots centered on roosts and
control sites (i.e., 60 m away in a random direction) in western Virginia, 1998–2002.
Differences were tested using a paired t-test (n = 44).
Feature Roost ± S.E. Control ± S.E. tP
% Deciduous cover 84.66 ± 2.18 84.55 ± 2.92 0.03 0.970
% Conifer cover 23.48 ± 4.50 16.93 ± 3.60 1.54 0.130
Conifers (8-20 cm)/ha 85.25 ± 19.75 53.00 ± 20.75 1.28 0.210
All conifers/ha 114.75 ± 25.00 77.75 ± 26.00 1.17 0.250
Basal area (m2/ha) 25.41 ± 2.15 28.18 ± 3.27 0.78 0.440
Stems < 8 cm/ha 7453 ± 793 5436 ± 656 2.95 0.005
Stems within 3 m 51.63 ± 5.79 33.62 ± 4.74 2.77 0.009
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 383
Deciduous roosts (n = 34) were associated with nine tree and three shrub
species, with no one species being used for more than four roosts. Seven
roosts were situated away from any immediate woody vegetation. Grouse
typically deposit a large number of fecal pellets during the night, and it
was evident that individual roost sites were not reused.
Habitat was sampled at 44 pairs of roost site and control plots.
Proportions of roosts for which habitat was sampled were similar to the
overall distribution of roosts across study sites (VA1 = 26, VA2 = 11,
VA3= 7) and between ground and above ground roosts (ground = 27,
above ground = 17). Most habitat variables did not differ between roosts
and controls (Table 2). There was a trend towards higher numbers of
conifers on roost plots than control plots, however this was not statisti-
cally significant. Density of small stems and number of stems within 3
m were greater around roost sites than on control plots (Table 2).
However only eight of the roosts sampled were located in sapling stands
(trees < 12.5 cm DBH), while 29 were in pole stands (12.5–28 cm
DBH), and 7 were in sawtimber stands (> 28 cm DBH).
Forty five percent of all roosts were classified as above ground
(Table 1). Of these above ground roosts, 16 were in understory shrubs or
trees, nine in subdominant (midstory) trees, and six in dominant
(canopy) trees. Roost trees ranged in DBH from 2.5–39.0 cm. Of 81
observations where roost height could be determined accurately, 49
were on the ground, 26 were < 5 m above ground, four were 5-10 m
above ground, and two were > 10m above ground. The highest roosting
grouse we located was in the forest canopy 17 m above ground. Because
of the ubiquity and persistence of oak leaf litter on the floor of oak forest
types in the region, virtually all grounds roosts were associated with this
substrate. Ground roosting grouse generally formed a nest-like depres-
sion in this leaf litter and, as evidenced by accumulations of droppings,
rarely relocated during the night.
Table 3. Slope position of daytime and nighttime (i.e., roosting) grouse locations at three
study sites in western Virginia, 1998–2002. Divisions between midslope and toe/bottom,
and between ridge and midslope were one-third and two-thirds of the way up slopes,
Number of locations
Site Toe/Bottom Midslope Ridge χ2
2 P
VA1 Night 4 18 24 30.30 < 0.001
Day 63 63 24
VA2 Night 0 19 7 9.15 0.010
Day 33 69 48
VA3 Night 4 6 7 0.21 0.900
Day 43 51 56
Total Night 8 43 38 20.85 < 0.001
Day 139 183 128
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3384
Local topography influenced roost site selection by grouse. Daytime
radiotelemetry locations of grouse were fairly evenly distributed across
slope position categories. In contrast, on all three study sites night-
roosting grouse were more common on ridges and midslopes than in
bottoms, with significant differences between the distribution of diurnal
and nocturnal observations being detected on two sites (Table 3). Night-
time air temperature also was affected by slope position, with thermal
inversions developing as cold air pooled at lower elevations on 15 of 36
nights sampled (Fig. 1). The observed distribution of roosts across slope
aspects did not differ from proportional availability (χ2
3 = 1.24, P =
0.745; Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Expected and observed distributions of grouse roost sites by slope
aspect during winter in western Virginia, 1998–2002.
Table 4. Influence of snow cover on incidence of ground roosting by grouse in western
Virginia, 1998–2002.
Ground Above ground χ2
No snow on ground 29 30 6.88 0.009
Snow on ground 20 5
Table 5. Influence of overnight precipitation on incidence of ground roosting in western
Virginia, 1998–2002.
Ground Above ground χ2
No precipitation 37 31 6.65 0.036
Rain during night 3 6
Snowfall during night 9 1
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 385
Weather-related variables influenced roost site selection by grouse.
Although snow depths were never sufficient to allow snow burrowing (
20 cm; Thompson and Fritzell 1988a), ground roosting increased when
any snow cover was present (Table 4). Precipitation during the night
also influenced the incidence of ground roosting, with the smallest
proportion of ground roosts observed during nights having rainfall, and
the greatest proportion observed during nights having snowfall (Table
5). Grouse shifted from predominantly using above ground roosts at
temperatures above freezing to using ground roosts when temperatures
fell below 0 °C (χ2
1 = 7.35, P = 0.007; Fig. 3). However this relationship
may have resulted from the association of snow cover with cold
weather, and no difference was detected when observations were re-
stricted to nights having no snow cover (χ2
1 = 1.40, P = 0.237). Air
temperature did not influence the proportion of grouse roosting in ever-
green vegetation (Fig. 4).
At five roosts a second grouse was flushed within a few meters of the
radioed bird, while at four roosts we observed three grouse in close
proximity to one another (nroosts = 90). Thus, 21% of the 103 grouse we
observed in roosts were in groups. Grouse populations on our study sites
have slightly male-biased sex ratios (Reynolds et al., 2000), but of seven
radioed (i.e., known-sex) grouse in these groups, six were females
(small sample size precludes statistical testing).
Figure 3. Proportion of ground and above ground night roosts selected by grouse
relative to air temperature (°C) at dusk (1700 h) during winter in western
Virginia, 1998–2002.
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3386
Our observations suggest the roosting behavior of ruffed grouse in
western Virginia differed from that observed elsewhere. Roost site
selection is predictable in other regions, with grouse almost invariably
selecting snow burrows when snow cover is suitable, and dense conifers
otherwise (Bump et al. 1947, Ott 1990, Pietz and Tester 1982, Pekins et
al. 1991, Swenson and Olson 1991, Thompson and Fritzell 1988a,
Woehr 1974). Although conditions were never suitable for proper snow
burrowing during our study, grouse in western Virginia did exhibit the
expected affinity for ground roosting in snow. In contrast to findings
from other regions, in the absence of snow we observed grouse using an
array of alternate roost microsites, with no one type being clearly
preferred. Particularly unexpected was that roosts were approximately
equally divided between evergreen and deciduous or open roost
microsites, and were often situated in areas having little or no conifer
cover (Tables 1 and 2). Indeed on several occasions grouse were found
roosting on the forest floor away from any immediate vegetative cover.
However this is not to say that no selection was occurring, as a number
of patterns were observed.
Roost Microsite Selection
There are several potential explanations for the intermediate use
of evergreen roosts we observed. An obvious reason would be that
Figure 4. Vegetation types selected for nocturnal roosting relative to air tem-
perature (°C) at dusk (1700 h) during winter in western Virginia, 1998–2002.
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 387
evergreen vegetation was rare and thus often unavailable as a roost-
ing substrate. However this is seldom the case in western Virginia,
where evergreen trees or shrubs are present or common through most
forest stands (Table 2; Fearer 1999). Another possibility is that
weather conditions were typically mild enough that grouse did not
incur a large thermodynamic cost by roosting in more open
microsites. However the lower critical temperature of ruffed grouse
is approximately 1.5 °C (Thompson and Fritzell 1988b), and we
found no evidence that grouse preferred evergreen roosts at lower
temperatures (Fig. 4). Other possible explanations which we find
more plausible include that the evergreen species common on our
study sites afford inferior roosting conditions, that non-evergreen
microsites in the region offer relatively high quality roosting habitat,
and that non-thermodynamic factors (e.g., predator avoidance) are
playing an important role in roost site selection. These explanations
are not mutually exclusive.
The sparse evergreen foliage of pines, mountain laurel, and rhodo-
dendron may afford thermal benefits intermediate between deciduous
trees and the thicker conifers used by grouse in other regions (i.e.,
spruces [Picea spp.], firs [Abies spp.] and cedars [Juniperus spp. and
Thuja spp.]; see Ott 1990, Thompson and Fritzell 1988a). Ott (1990)
reported that ruffed grouse thermostatic energy demands were similar
for hemlock and Norway spruce. However, hemlock may have received
little use on our sites because of its association with low-lying areas in
the region (see “Topographic Effects” below).
Ground roosts in oak-hickory forests may be superior to ground
roosts in other forest types. After leaf drop, oak leaves are much
more resistant to decay and saturation than those of other deciduous
tree species, particularly aspen (Populus spp.) and birch (Betula spp.)
typical of more northern forests in the core of the ruffed grouse’s
range. Consequently, oak leaves remain relatively dry and unmatted
(lofted) on the forest floor through the year, often accumulating to
depths exceeding 30 cm. We typically found that ground-roosting
grouse had created a nest-like depression in oak leaf litter; in one
case a grouse had completely buried itself in oak leaves. Such “leaf-
roosting” or “leaf-burrowing” would presumably afford thermal ben-
efits by reducing heat loss through convection and radiation. Other
observations also suggest that fallen leaves afford favorable roost
microsites. Ground roosting was frequent on nights when tempera-
tures fell below freezing and least common on nights having rainfall,
when leaves were wet (Table 5, Fig. 3). Because snow cover was
always shallow, ground roosts in snow typically extended down into
the leaf litter. Snow cover is associated with low temperatures, and it
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3388
may be that the combination of these factors contributes to a general
superiority of ground roosts during cold weather. Finally, grouse in
the region are red-phased, so are inconspicuous to predators when
buried flush with the similarly colored leaf litter. Given the behav-
ioral parallel to snow burrowing, the development of such leaf-roost-
ing behavior seems reasonable.
Ruffed grouse were found to roost in stands having relatively high
stem densities (Table 2; see also Thompson and Fritzell 1988a). This
affinity for areas of high stem density is interesting, though not unex-
pected. Numerous studies have reported stem density as being posi-
tively correlated with ruffed grouse habitat quality due to reduced pre-
dation risk, and this feature is widely viewed as the cornerstone of
ruffed grouse habitat needs. Though many roosts were found in mature
stands having relatively low stem densities, such roosts were generally
located in microsites having locally high densities of small stems, such
as evergreen shrub thickets and areas around windthrown trees. Stem
density is likely important even when grouse roost in trees and shrubs,
as most such roosts were situated within a few meters of the ground and
grouse often walk to and from roost sites.
Topographic Effects
One of the most striking aspects of roost site selection we ob-
served was the different distribution of day and nighttime grouse
locations across slope positions (Table 3), which suggest daily
movements downslope in morning and upslope in evening. As birds
are simply moving out of local hollows, such movements typically
would involve relatively small elevation changes and short travel
distances. A study of diurnal habitat selection by grouse on the VA3
site found that low-lying mesic sites were preferred, likely due to
the higher abundance of foods such as forbs and soft mast (Fearer
1999). However preference for higher elevation roost sites remains
unexplained. We considered the possibility that this might reflect
selection for some microsite type restricted to higher elevations.
However, given that grouse did not show any strong preference in
roost microsite type (Table 1), this seems unlikely. Indeed all roost
microsite types used were commonly available at all elevations on
our study sites.
A similar pattern of daily movement was observed in Idaho by
Hungerford (1951), who reported that during August and September
ruffed grouse broods moved upslope each evening to avoid thermal
inversions. Thermal inversions develop in convoluted terrain when
heavier cold air drains into low-lying areas during calm, clear, dry
nights (Geiger 1950) and are common during winter in western Virginia
D.M. Whitaker and D.F. Stauffer2003 389
(e.g., Fig. 1). The maximum temperature inversion we observed was
8.8 °C. On ridgetops, 57 % of hourly nighttime temperature readings
were < 1.5 °C (the lower critical temperature for ruffed grouse; Thomp-
son and Fritzell 1988b), while in bottoms 67 % were < 1.5 °C. Conse-
quently, it seems that in mountainous areas ruffed grouse may make
regular short-distance movements upslope during evening to avoid ener-
getically costly microclimates developing in low-lying areas. At times
wind chill may be greater at higher elevations due to increased expo-
sure. However, as mixing by wind prevents the formation of thermal
inversions (Geiger 1950), wind chill should be negligible on nights
when inversions develop. Though we did not measure it directly, it is
likely that grouse also avoid wind chill through selection of sheltered
microsites (e.g., Thompson and Fritzell 1988a).
Bump et al. (1947) reported that, though all slope aspects were used
regularly, grouse in New York were more often found on west-facing
slopes. Though we also located the greatest proportion of birds on west-
facing slopes, the distribution we observed did not differ from the
availability of slope aspects across study sites (Fig. 2).
Snow Roosting
In more northern forests at the core of the species’ range, grouse
numbers and production may be positively correlated with snow
roosting conditions during the preceding winter (Gullion 1970,
Kubisiak et al. 1980). In southern portions of the species’ range
ruffed grouse also snow burrow whenever accumulations of snow are
sufficient ( 20 cm; Ott 1990, Thompson and Fritzell 1988a). Given
that individual grouse in the South may never experience conditions
sufficient for proper snow burrowing, it is noteworthy that they ex-
hibit a strong predisposition for this behavior. Even when snow cover
was limited grouse buried themselves with their backs flush with the
snow surface (see also Ott 1990). On one occasion we were able to
backtrack from a grouse’s ground roost to a tree roost it had aban-
doned soon after a heavy snowfall had begun near midnight. These
observations suggest snow roosting is a strongly and broadly devel-
oped behavior of ruffed grouse.
Management Implications
Natural resource managers in the Appalachian region often devote
considerable energy and resources to improving habitat for ruffed
grouse. These efforts often include planting or favoring conifers, par-
ticularly white pine, both for their timber value and perceived value as
roosting cover for grouse and other upland game birds. While we often
found grouse roosting in understory white pines, our findings do not
Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3390
suggest a strong selection for roosting in pine forest types in the
central Appalachians, and we question the benefits of this practice as a
means to improve roosting cover. If managers feel suitable roosting
cover is limited, we suggest management for conifers having denser
foliage (e.g., eastern red cedar; Thompson and Fritzell 1988a). Also,
stands having high stem densities afford good escape and roosting
cover for grouse, and clearcuts or heavy selective cuts are often used to
create such habitat. Managers should consider orienting these habitat
management units such that they connect foraging habitat on lower
slopes with roosting habitat on upper slopes, thereby reducing expo-
sure of grouse to predators.
The authors are grateful for the assistance of several ACGRP cooperators,
who worked unusual hours in adverse weather to collect the data presented here.
The manuscript was greatly improved through critical reviews and input from
Patrick Devers, Carola Haas, Roy Kirkpatrick, Gary Norman, Jeff Walters, and
two anonymous reviewers.
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... In the northern portions of their range, snow can serve as important winter thermoregulation habitat and refugia from predators for ruffed grouse. Snow, as a roosting substrate, reduces winter metabolic requirements more than other roosting microsite types, minimizes physiological stress associated with low temperatures, and is preferred when available at sufficient depths (Shipley et al., 2019;Thompson III & Fritzell, 1988;Whitaker & Stauffer, 2003). Moreover, it provides cover from avian predators (Heinrich, 2017;Marjakangas, 1990). ...
... Depth is a clear choice, as is persistence (i.e., the length of time an area remains snow-covered). However, more complicated measures, like snow softness or surface crusting (related to the capacity for grouse to bury themselves within the snowpack) or the thermal resistance (related to the insulative properties of the snowpack), may also impact roost site quality and associated grouse survival (Devers et al., 2007;Whitaker & Stauffer, 2003). Assessment of these properties would likely lead to a more nuanced and accurate understanding of the influence of snow roosting habitat characteristics on ruffed grouse fitness. ...
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For wildlife inhabiting snowy environments, snow properties such as onset date, depth, strength, and distribution can influence many aspects of ecology, including movement, community dynamics, energy expenditure, and forage accessibility. As a result, snow plays a considerable role in individual fitness and ultimately population dynamics, and its evaluation is, therefore, important for comprehensive understanding of ecosystem processes in regions experiencing snow. Such understanding, and particularly study of how wildlife–snow relationships may be changing, grows more urgent as winter processes become less predictable and often more extreme under global climate change. However, studying and monitoring wildlife–snow relationships continue to be challenging because characterizing snow, an inherently complex and constantly changing environmental feature, and identifying, accessing, and applying relevant snow information at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, often require a detailed understanding of physical snow science and technologies that typically lie outside the expertise of wildlife researchers and managers. We argue that thoroughly assessing the role of snow in wildlife ecology requires substantive collaboration between researchers with expertise in each of these two fields, leveraging the discipline‐specific knowledge brought by both wildlife and snow professionals. To facilitate this collaboration and encourage more effective exploration of wildlife–snow questions, we provide a five‐step protocol: (1) identify relevant snow property information; (2) specify spatial, temporal, and informational requirements; (3) build the necessary datasets; (4) implement quality control procedures; and (5) incorporate snow information into wildlife analyses. Additionally, we explore the types of snow information that can be used within this collaborative framework. We illustrate, in the context of two examples, field observations, remote‐sensing datasets, and four example modeling tools that simulate spatiotemporal snow property distributions and, in some cases, evolutions. For each type of snow data, we highlight the collaborative opportunities for wildlife and snow professionals when designing snow data collection efforts, processing snow remote sensing products, producing tailored snow datasets, and applying the resulting snow information in wildlife analyses. We seek to provide a clear path for wildlife professionals to address wildlife–snow questions and improve ecological inference by integrating the best available snow science through collaboration with snow professionals.
... Although greater tree densities may provide better cover from predators, higher tree densities occur in younger stands; during the winter and early spring, ruffed grouse were more likely seeking food in mature aspen forests while snow was on the ground. Moreover, ruffed grouse tend to select ground roosts when snow is present, even when snow depth is limited and potentially insufficient (Whitaker and Stauffer, 2003). Stands with greater tree densities may limit snow accumulation underneath trees, creating suboptimal ground roosting conditions. ...
Climate change is expected to shift the distributions of global biomes. High latitude biomes, such as the boreal forest, are among the most vulnerable and serve as a bellwether for the effects of climate change on other ecosystems. We examined patterns of occupancy, local extinction, and abundance in a guild of forest-associated vertebrate prey species on the southern margin of the boreal forest in Minnesota (USA). We used multi-season, multi-state, and multi-species occupancy modeling approaches to determine the effects of land cover, forest structural characteristics, and climatic variation on two boreal-associated species, spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis) and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), and a forest generalist, ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). Occupancy, abundance, and extinction of spruce grouse was strongly associated with landscape-scale characteristics. In particular, deciduous forest cover may govern their southern range limit. Broadly, forest understory structure played a significant role in occupancy, extinction, and abundance patterns of all three species, with ruffed and spruce grouse generally associated with vegetation density in the lower and mid-canopy layer (5.00–15.00 m) and snowshoe hare associated with density in the shrub layer (1.37–5.00 m) in winter. Cooccurrence varied annually but was greatest in mixed forests during an uncharacteristically warm and snow-sparse year. Climatic variables (winter temperature and snowfall) were associated with extinction probabilities for all three species, but the effect was generally weaker than that of forest structure. Our results suggest that forest management practices that promote dense understory structure may help provide climate refugia for vertebrate prey species in boreal forest ecosystems.
... Moreover, the complex vegetation structure can help hazel grouse hide themselves from predators. However, many studies in other areas have shown that coniferous forest is also an indispensable habitat [50][51][52] that can help hazel grouse avoid predators in winter when the vegetation structure of deciduous forest is reduced, especially when snow cover is not enough for hiding. Because the winter is a critical period for hazel grouse, factors affecting the winter distribution of the hazel grouse need further research. ...
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Habitat, climate, and human disturbances have important effects on wildlife, and these are especially critical for threatened species. In this study, we used infrared camera traps to monitor the population dynamics of the hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) from 2012 to 2021 in northeast China and explore the effects of habitat, climate, and human disturbance on their distribution. We analyzed 16 environmental variables related to significant differences between presence recordings and absence recordings within and between seasons. Temperatures and roads influenced the distribution of the hazel grouse, but topography and vegetation types did not. The hazel grouse preferred deciduous forest and oak forest from spring to autumn. This study provides ecological information to help guide the mountain habitat management of the hazel grouse in national parks.
... One way these species are able to cope with the snow and freezing temperatures is to find shelter in spaces that are shielded from the elements. Snow itself has insulating properties that allow it to function as a temporary refuge (Colbeck 1983;Gouttevin et al. 2012;Palm and Tveitereid 1979;Pomeroy and Brun 2001), as in the case of Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) snow roosting (Blanchette et al. 2007; Thompson and Fritzell 1988;Whitaker and Stauffer 2003) and Meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) snow tunneling (Madison et al. 1984). However, in areas with less snowfall or short-lived snow, less ephemeral refuges are preferred. ...
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During winter, prey species in suburban areas of the northeastern United States must consider trade-offs in maximizing survival while they are simultaneously constrained by predators and climatic conditions associated with winter such as snow and low temperatures. Many mammalian prey mitigate the physiological stress from the cold by taking refuge in burrows. Some have also developed olfactory sensitivity to predator scent cues as they attempt to avoid predation in the landscape of fear and co-evolutionary arms race between predators and prey. The Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is one of these species that both uses burrows in winter and is sensitive to scents. However, despite the importance of cottontails in the diet of Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), one of their major predators, little is known about scent cues that cottontails use to detect foxes. Eastern cottontails and other suburban wildlife that occupied burrows dug by Groundhogs near Ithaca, New York, USA were exposed to scent wicks treated with Red fox urine during the winter of 2017–2018 to determine if the frequency of burrow use would decrease because of a perceived heightened risk of predation. We observed no response to the predator odor by cottontails and the other burrow-utilizing species. This lack of a behavioral response by prey may be due to the attenuation of fear in suburban environments. A surprising variety of mammalian and avian taxa (n = 22) were recorded at burrows, including Striped skunks, mice, Domestic cats, Virginia opossums, Bobcats, White-tailed deer, Weasels, a Coyote, and a Gray fox. Surprisingly we did not observe a single Red fox, for whom intraspecific scent cues are also important. We also documented daily patterns of activity around burrows of the five most commonly observed taxa. Our investigation reveals that Groundhogs are notable ecosystem engineers whose burrows function as important landscape features and local hotspots of biodiversity during the winter in a suburban ecosystem.
Color polymorphism is an adaptive strategy in which a species exhibits multiple color phenotypes in a population. Often, phenotypes are variably suited to different environmental conditions which may buffer the population against variable conditions. Modern climate change is creating novel selective pressures for many species, especially in winter habitats. Few studies have quantified the benefits of polymorphism for allowing species to cope with climate‐induced environmental change, particularly for species with more cryptic differences between morphs. We investigated how color polymorphism mediates selective pressures in ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus , a winter‐adapted bird species of North American forests. Ruffed grouse display phenotypic variation in plumage color, ranging from red to gray. Over five winters (2015–2022), we monitored weather conditions, habitat use, and weekly survival for 94 grouse to test whether individuals had lower survival when phenotypically mismatched with snow cover (e.g. a gray bird on a snowless landscape or a red bird in snow). Grouse phenotypically mismatched with snow cover had lower survival, but only when winter survival rates were lowest. During winters of lower overall survival, red grouse exhibited higher survival during snow‐free periods, whereas gray grouse had higher survival when snow was present. We also found that open habitat negatively impacted survival, regardless of color. While the effect of phenotypic mismatch was variable among years, it was a stronger predictor of survival than land cover, suggesting that snow is an important habitat feature mediating overwinter survival. Our work offers an advancement in understanding how environmental variability affects geographic variation in and maintenance of multiple color phenotypes in seasonally‐snow covered environments. Our finding that interactions between color morph and snow cover are important for conferring winter survival provides further evidence that color polymorphism may serve as a buffer against rapidly changing conditions and a pathway for persistence of polymorphic species. Keywords: Bonasa umbellus , color polymorphism, phenotypic mismatch, ruffed grouse, winter ecology, Wisconsin
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Color polymorphism is an adaptive strategy in which a species exhibits multiple color phenotypes in a population. Often times, phenotypes are variably suited to different environmental conditions which may buffer the population against variable conditions. Modern climate change is creating novel selective pressures for many species, especially in winter habitats. Few studies have quantified the benefits of polymorphism for allowing species to cope with climate-induced environmental change. We investigated how color polymorphism mediates selective pressures in ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus, a widespread and winter-adapted bird species of North American forests. Ruffed grouse display phenotypic variation in plumage color, ranging from red to gray. Over five winter seasons (2015-2022), we monitored weather conditions, habitat use, and weekly survival for 94 ruffed grouse to test whether individuals had lower survival when grouse were phenotypically mismatched with snow cover (e.g., a gray bird on a snowless landscape or a red bird in snow). Grouse phenotypically mismatched with snow cover had lower survival, but only when winter survival rates were lowest. During winters of lower overall survival, red grouse exhibited higher survival during snow-free periods, whereas gray grouse had higher survival when snow was present. We also found that open habitat negatively impacted survival, regardless of color. While the effect of phenotypic mismatch was variable among years, it was a stronger predictor of winter survival than land cover features, suggesting that snow is an important habitat feature mediating overwinter survival. Our work offers an advancement in understanding how environmental variability affects geographic variation in and maintenance of multiple color phenotypes in seasonally-snow covered environments. Our finding that interactions between color morph and snow cover are important for conferring winter survival provides further evidence that color polymorphism may serve as a buffer against rapidly changing conditions and a pathway for persistence of polymorphic species.
Behavioural flexibility is an important way in which animals respond to changing environmental conditions. During winter, snow cover is an important seasonal refuge that provides thermal insulation and protects overwintering species from predators. However, snow depth and quality can be highly variable throughout winter and it is unclear how species that use snow cover adjust their behaviour with changing winter conditions and in complex landscapes. During winter months, Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus spend a large portion of time roosting in trees, understorey and, in some cases, subnivean environments. Importantly, the ability to roost under snow has been associated with reduced stress levels and increased overwinter survival. Across three winters, we studied plasticity of roosting behaviour across a diversity of winter conditions and land‐cover types. In line with predictions, Grouse were more likely to use snow burrows when snow was deep and powdery, and experienced higher temperatures in snow roosts compared to other roost types. However, snow roosting behaviour did not vary strongly across land‐cover types, and Grouse were not more likely to use snow burrows at lower temperatures, potentially because snow roosting may serve to protect them from predators regardless of winter weather conditions. Both the snow conditions necessary for snow roosting and the occurrence of snow roosting behaviour were relatively rare during our 3‐year study (only 3% of all roosts were snow burrows). Loss of winter refugia due to warming winters and declining snow cover may limit the use of behavioural flexibility for winter‐adapted species to cope with environmental change.
All animals must select sites to rest and may spend a large portion of their lives doing so. Despite the importance of this period in their daily activity budget, we lack information about rest/roost ecology for most animals, including the imperiled lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus; hereafter “LEPC”). Therefore, we sought to identify how landcover, anthropogenic features, and human policy (i.e., presence of the Conservation Reserve Program [CRP]) influenced roost site selection and movement patterns of the LEPC. From March to May 2013-2015, we captured and fitted GPS transmitters to 106 LEPCs (n = 72 males; n = 34 females) within Beaver County, Oklahoma and recorded two nocturnal locations per 24-hour period, annually. We used discrete choice models and generalized linear mixed effects models to determine how vegetation cover, CRP patches, and anthropogenic features influenced roost site selection and movements to roosting sites, respectively. We found that roost sites were closer to CRP, leks, and croplands than would be expected at random. Conversely, roost sites were located farther away from shortgrass prairie, roads, and transmission lines than expected. The probability of a LEPC roosting in a location increased by 15% and 4.5% for every 36-meter decrease in distance to a CRP patch and distance to their lek of capture, respectively. Similarly, individuals roosting in CRP patches would travel shorter distances to get to roost sites if their last diurnal location was near CRP. Bird’s movements to roosts in CRP were 1.4 times shorter for every meter decrease in the distance of their last diurnal location to a CRP patch, indicating that individuals modify their movement based on CRP presence. Our results indicate that CRP is influential to roosting ecology of the LEPC within this region and may be meeting critical cover requirements.
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From 1996 to 2001, researchers at 10 Appalachian study sites collected radiotracking data sufficient to delineate 1,054 seasonal home ranges of Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus; hereafter “grouse”). Using information-theoretic model selection and paired comparison of home ranges from individual grouse, we evaluated individual, local, and landscape factors hypothesized to affect grouse home-range size. Females and juvenile males occupied home ranges that averaged >2× larger than those of adult males, and home ranges of females averaged 2.6× larger during successful breeding seasons than during years of reproductive failure. Clearcuts and forest roads are considered high-quality covers, and both were more prevalent in smaller home ranges. Several factors operating at a regional and landscape scale were also important. Previous studies have reported that southern grouse use relatively large home ranges, and we observed a continuous decline in home-range size with increasing latitude across the 710-km range spanned by our study sites. Home-range size of males, particularly juvenile males, was positively related to an index of population density. Given the species' “dispersed lekking” mating system, we interpret this as evidence of competition for preferred display sites. As has been reported for other game birds, all sex and age classes of grouse used smaller home ranges following closure of sites to hunting. Grouse inhabiting oak-hickory forests used larger home ranges than conspecifics in mixed mesophytic forests, and other factors interacted with forest type. In oak-hickory forests, female home-range size was inversely related to use of mesic bottomlands, which support important forage plants, and home ranges of adult grouse increased 2.5× following poor hard-mast crops. By contrast, home ranges of grouse inhabiting mixed mesophytic forests were unrelated to use of bottomlands, and the influence of hard mast was reduced. This is in line with the view that in Appalachian oak-hickory forests, grouse are under strong nutritional constraint. However, this constraint is reduced in mixed mesophytic forests, likely because of the presence of high-quality alternative foods (e.g., cherry [Prunus spp.] and birch [Betula spp.]). Facteurs associés à une variation de la taille du domaine vital de Bonasa umbellus dans les Appalaches
Bonasa umbellus in Missouri preferred to roost in the canopies of eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana and avoided roosting in deciduous cover. Roost sites had higher woody stem densities (mean 5494 stems/ha) than random plots (mean 4236 stems/ha). Ruffed grouse metabolic rates (±0.75%) at ambient temperature (Ta ) of -20 to 0°C were predicted from power used by a heated taxidermic mount. Standard operative temperature (Tes) was elevated 7.3, 2.6, 2.9, and -0.3°C in snow roosts, cedar tree roosts, cedar ground roosts, and deciduous roosts, respectively, above that at an open site for Ta of -20 to 0°C. When wind speed was 3m/sec in the open, Tes was elevated a mean of 12.9, 7.0, 6.7, and 2.5°C, in snow, cedar tree, cedar ground, and deciduous roosts, respectively. These increases in Tes resulted in a 33, 19, 18, and 6% reduction in metabolic rate in snow roosts, cedar tree roosts, cedar ground roosts, and deciduous roosts, respectively, from that in the open at -20 to 0°C and 3m/sec wind speed. About 40% of the elevation in Tes resulted from reduced convection inside roost sites and 60% from a more favorable radiation balance in roosts. Low coniferous vegetation provided thermal benefits that may be important because snow roosts were rarely available. -from Authors
Body fat, body weight and cecal length were monitored as condition indices in Bonasa umbellus collected during 4 seasons of the year. Analysis of the total nonstructural carbohydrate content of crop foods served as an index of diet quality.-from Authors
Fifteen spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis) and 7 ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) were radio-tracked between December 1977 and June 1979 in a 10-km2 area in Minnesota. Additional data were collected from display site and nest surveys and from direct observations. In months of snow cover, all spruce grouse preferred jack pine (Pinus banksiana) upland; from May through September all males and most females selected coniferous lowlands. Strong preferences for display sites in black spruce (Picea mariana) bogs and for nest sites in mixed bogs suggest that such lowlands may be critical for reproduction. Ruffed grouse varied considerably in patterns of habitat use. Logs used for drumming, nests, and broods were most frequently in alder (Alnus spp.) or upland-alder edge, suggesting that alder habitat may be important to the success of these ruffed grouse. Spruce grouse and ruffed grouse overlapped little in habitat use during snow-free periods. During periods of snow cover they both showed increased use of upland conifers. We believe the interspersion of lowland habitats with jack pine uplands allows ruffed and spruce grouse to coexist.
We measured the effects of temperature and wind on ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) metabolic rates in an open-circuit respiration system with a closed-circuit wind tunnel. Metabolic heat production was linearly related to operative temperature (Te) below a lower critical temperature of 1.5 ± 0.99 (SE) C. Standard metabolic rate was 3.2 ± 0.11 W (66.1 kcal/day) for a grouse of mean weight (607 g). Metabolic rate was related linearly to wind speed0.5\text{speed}^{0.5} . The regression predicting net metabolic heat production (metabolic heat production - evaporative cooling [M - E]) was 3.1589 - 0.1176Te0.1176\text{T}_{\text{e}} + 0.4141 (wind speed)0.5(\text{wind speed})^{0.5} (r2=0.98, P < 0.001), where Te = 0 to -20 C and wind speed ≤ 3 m/second. Mean high daytime cloacal temperature (40.6 ± 0.24 C) was > mean low nocturnal cloacal temperature (38.3 ± 0.54 C) (P = 0.006).