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First discovery of fossil Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758 (Nautilidae, Cephalopoda) from Pangasinan, northwestern Philippines


Abstract and Figures

A chambered nautilus shell from the early Pleistocene deep-water sediments in the Bolinao area of Pangasinan province, northwestern Luzon, Philippines is described. Although the shell is fragmentary, the shell features indicate that the specimen is referable with reservation to the extant Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758. This finding represents the first and oldest fossil record of N. pompilius and complements the Plio-Pleistocene gap of the nautiloid fossil records. Taphonomic implications for Cenozoic nautiloids were briefly discussed.
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Fossil Nautilus pompilius from Philippines 89
Paleontological Research, vol.12, no. 1, pp. 89-95, April 30, 2008
© by the Palaeontological Society of Japan
Modern chambered nautiluses are the only living
nautiloids and all belong to the single genus Nautilus
(Nautilidae, Nautiloidea, Cephalopoda; but see Ward
and Sanders, 1997). The genus includes ve or six rec-
ognized species living in deep waters of the tropical
Indo-Pacic (Saunders, 1987). A molecular analysis us-
ing mtDNA and nuclear DNA suggests that they diver-
sied during the last several million years (Wray et al.,
1995). The oldest fossil records of the genus Nauti-
lus include the late Eocene-early Oligocene Nautilus
praepompilius Shimansky, 1957, from the Republic of
Kazakhstan (Saunders et al., 1996) and the late Eocene
N. aff. cookanum Whiteld, 1892, from northwestern
Washington, USA (Squires, 1988). After the late Oligo-
cene, no fossil example of Nautilus has heretofore been
reported except for a recently collected specimen of N.
pompilius from the Holocene uplifted reefal sediment
in Leyte, Philippines (Kase et al., unpublished data).
Two other genera assigned to the Nautilida, Eutrepho-
ceras and Aturia, persisted to the end of the Miocene,
so that the fossil record of nautiloids has been totally
unknown for the Plio-Pleistocene (Kummel, 1956;
Teichert and Matsumoto, 1987). In this context, dis-
covery of a fossil example from this time interval is
therefore important for understanding the evolutionary
history of nautiloids. Fossil nautiloids have been an-
ticipated in Plio-Pleistocene marine sediments exposed
in areas where chambered nautiluses occur today (the
Indian and western Pacic Oceans; see House, 1987).
We document here the discovery of the rst fossil ex-
ample of the genus Nautilus, best interpreted as belong-
ing to N. pompilius Linnaeus, 1758, from this interval,
First discovery of fossil Nautilus pompilius
Linnaeus, 1758 (Nautilidae, Cephalopoda)
from Pangasinan, northwestern Philippines
1JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad, Department of Geology, University of South Florida,
4202 E. Fowler Ave., SCA 528, Tampa, FL 33620-5201, USA (e-mail:
2Geology Division, the National Museum of the Philippines, P. Burgos Street, Manila 1000, Philippines
3Mines and Geosciences Bureau, North Ave., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
(e-mail:, mazepeda@paci
4Department of Geology, the National Museum of Nature and Sciences (formerly National Science Museum),
3-23-1 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan (e-mail:,
5Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Hokkaido University, N10W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
6Department of Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University,
1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue-shi, Shimane 690-8504, Japan (e-mail:
Received May 25, 2007; Revised manuscript accepted August 20, 2007
Abstract. A chambered nautilus shell from the early Pleistocene deep-water sediments in the Bolinao area. A chambered nautilus shell from the early Pleistocene deep-water sediments in the Bolinao areaA chambered nautilus shell from the early Pleistocene deep-water sediments in the Bolinao area
of Pangasinan province, northwestern Luzon, Philippines is described. Although the shell is fragmentary,
the shell features indicate that the specimen is referable with reservation to the extant Nautilus pompilius
Linnaeus, 1758. This nding represents the rst and oldest fossil record of N. pompilius and complements
the Plio-Pleistocene gap of the nautiloid fossil records. Taphonomic implications for Cenozoic nautiloids
were briey discussed.
Key words: Nautilus pompilius, Early Pleistocene, Philippines, Nautilidae
Ryoji Wani et al.90
namely, from Lower Pleistocene sediment in Pangas-
inan province of northwestern Luzon, Philippines.
The specimen described here was collected by De
Ocampo in 1979, and is found in the collection of the
National Museum of the Philippines at Manila. Recent-
ly, Aguilar, Zepeda, Kurihara, Kase, and Wani surveyed
the stratigraphic position of the unit that yielded the
specimen, and Hagino and Hayashi analyzed nannofos-
sils and planktonic foraminifers to determine the age of
the unit.
Material and stratigraphy
The specimen discussed herein is in the collection
of the Geology Section of the National Museum of the
Philippines at Manila with registration number NMP-
491B. It was collected from a siltstone unit exposed at
locality TBC-1, on the northeastern corner of Tambac
Island in Tambac Bay, Bani Municipality, Pangasinan,
Philippines (16°15.617´N, 119°55.115´E; Figures 1, 2).
Fierstine and Welton (1983) reported the occurrence of
a fossil black marlin Makaira indica from this site. The
sediment exposed at this site consists of bioturbated,
unconsolidated sandy siltstone, gently dipping to the
west. Well preserved mollusks occur sporadically in
the siltstone beds at this site as well as in beds exposed
along the shore and in sea cliffs around the Tambac Bay
area. Shuto (1983, 1986) postulated that the siltstone
beds in this area were deposited at a depth of ca. 300 m
based on the lithology and associated fossil mollusks.
The fossil-bearing siltstone in the Tambac Bay area is
overlain by uplifted Pleistocene reefal limestone, named
the Bolinao Limestone by Aurelio and Peña (2002).
No previous report has mentioned the presence of the
fossiliferous sediment below the Bolinao Limestone
in the Tambac Bay area, except for Shuto (1986), who
referred it to the Cabatuan Formation without detailed
explanation, and De Ocampo (1983) who named it the
Zaragosa Mudstone. The Cabatuan Formation proper
consists of Plio-Pleistocene shallow marine sediments
in the Iloilo Basin of Panay (Corby et al., 1951; Aurelio
and Peña, 2002). Presumably, Shuto (1986) used this
formation name to refer to the fossil-bearing beds in
the Tambac Bay area because he regarded the fossil-
bearing beds as contemporaneous with the Cabatuan
Formation in the Iloilo Basin. The Neogene clastic unit
in Zambales and Pangasinan provinces was classically
named the Santa Cruz Marl and was later renamed the
Santa Cruz Formation (see Aurelio and Peña, 2002).
Corby et al. (1951) mapped this unit extending over the
western ank of the Zambales range and the Pangas-
inan Peninsula. Karig et al. (1986) surveyed the Santa
Cruz Formation in the Cabaluan area (ca. 50 km south
of the Tambac Bay area), divided it into three members
with a total thickness of ca. 750 m, and dated the upper
member as late Miocene to earliest Pliocene based on
planktonic foraminifers. However, the upper limit of the
Santa Cruz Formation is not exposed in the Cabaluan
area. We presume that the fossil-bearing formation in
the Tambac Bay area is an extension of the uppermost
part of the Santa Cruz Formation. However, the re-
ported age of the Santa Cruz Formation is much older
than the formation in the Tambac Bay area as discussed
below. Additional studies are needed to clarify the stra-
tigraphy of this area.
Two different ages have been given for the fossil-
bearing beds in the Tambac Bay area: Fierstine and
Welton (1983) dated the bed at locality TBC-1 as early
Pleistocene based on planktonic foraminifers, whereas
Shuto (1986) reported the occurrence of planktonic
foraminifers indicative of Blow’s (1969) zone N21 or
thereabouts (Late Pliocene) for the beds in the Tambac
Bay area. To conrm the age of the beds in this bay
area, we analyzed planktonic foraminifers and nanno-
fossils. Figure 2 shows the stratigraphic distributions
of four species of planktonic foraminifers important for
age assignment. Globigerinoides stulosus, which oc-
curs only in the lowest bed in the Tambac Bay area at
Figure 1.. Geographic map showing the position of the fos-
sil locality.
Fossil Nautilus pompilius from Philippines 91
POB-C, has its last occurrence (LO) at 1.77 Ma (Grad-
stein et al., 2004), while Globigerinoides sacculifer is
in all the samples examined and occurs abundantly at
POB-B. This fact strongly suggests that the datum plane
of 1.77 Ma is situated between POB-C and POB-B.
Another age-diagnostic species, Globoturborotalita
obliquus, is found below WLA-1 (Figure 2). The LO of
this species in the Atlantic is 1.30 Ma, but its LO in the
Pacic is still unsettled (Gradstein et al., 2004). Lastly,
Globorotalia tosaensis, whose LO is 0.61 Ma (Gradstein
et al., 2004), occurs throughout the entire stratigraphic
sequence in this area (Figure 2). These age ranges in-
dicate that the age of the bed at locality TBC-1 can be
estimated to range between 1.77 and 0.61 Ma.
Nannofossil analysis of the bed at locality TBC-1
yielded the age-diagnostic species Reticulofenestra
asanoi; however, the unit was devoid of another age-
diagnostic species, Gephyrocapsa parallela. The rst
occurrences of these species are 1.16 and 0.95 Ma, re-
spectively (Sato et al., 1999), which means that the bed
at locality TBC–1 was probably deposited between 1.16
and 0.95 Ma. The nannofossil age range determination
is congruent with the age obtained from the planktonic
foraminifer analysis. Therefore, based on the microfos-
sil age distribution, the age of the bed at locality TBC-1
is early Pleistocene.
Description of specimen NMP-491B
Specimen NMP-491B consists of the two nal
chambers of the phragmocone and a nearly complete
body chamber (ca. 135° in maximum angle; Maximum
Diameter [Max. D] = 160.5 mm). The shell material
is preserved on the body chamber, and the conch is
slightly crushed laterally. The coiling is compressed and
involute (Figure 3). The whorl section is oval (measured
width [W] = 80.1 mm; W/D = 0.50), with broadly
rounded anks. The shell has a very small umbilicus
(ca. 6% of D), and the umbilical callus is seemingly ab-
sent. The shell exterior is smooth with sinuous growth
lines that distinctly outline the hyponomic and ocular
sinuses. The shell color patterns are not preserved. The
siphuncular foramen with retrochoanitic septal necks
is subcentral within the whorl. The suture consists of a
broadly rounded ventral saddle, a broad lateral lobe, a
small saddle in the vicinity of the umbilical shoulder, a
shallow lobe on the umbilical wall, a small saddle near
the umbilical seam, and a dorsal lobe (Figure 4.2). The
septa are adapically convex. Abnormal shell growth and
predatory traces by other organisms are not observed. A
barnacle shell is attached within the posterior part of the
body chamber (Figure 3.2); this position inside the body
chamber indicates the Nautilus individual was dead at
the time of barnacle attachment.
Although specimen NMP-491B is only partly pre-
served, the shell bears some diagnostic features that
characterize modern Nautilus pompilius. These char-
acteristics are as follows (Table 1): (1) The shell W/D
ratio of 0.50 closely approximates those of the modern
N. pompilius in the Philippines and N. macrompha-
lus Sowerby, 1849 (0.48–0.52 and 0.52, respectively;
Hirano and Obata, 1979; Tanabe and Tsukahara, 1987),
but the ratio is smaller than those of the Eocene-age N.
praepompilius Shimansky, 1957 (0.60; Saunders et al.,
1996) and N. aff. cookanum Whiteld, 1892 (0.67;
Squires, 1988). (2) The shell involution is the same as
in N. pompilius (Saunders, 1981, 1987), but it is more
evolute in modern Nautilus macromphalus (Saunders,
1987; Ward, 1987) and the fossil N. praepompilius
(Saunders et al., 1996). (3) The size of umbilicus rela-
tive to shell diameter in NMP-491B (ca. 6%) is small
like that seen in modern N. pompilius (ca. 5–9%; Saun-
ders, 1987; Ward, 1987) and the fossil N. aff. cookanum
Figure 2.. Columnar section of the fossil-bearing area
showing the stratigraphic position of the interval that yielded the
Nautilus specimen and the stratigraphic ranges of the planktonic
foraminifers. For localities, see Figure 1.
Ryoji Wani et al.92
Figure 3.. Early Pleistocene specimen of Nautilus cf. pompilius Linnaeus, 1758. 1–4. Right and left lateral, apertural and ventral
views of NMP-491B, from early Pleistocene, Bolinao area, Pangasinan Province, northwestern Philippines, ×0.58. Triangles indicate posi-
tion of last septum. A barnacle shell (10 mm in diameter) is attached within the posterior part of the body chamber.
Fossil Nautilus pompilius from Philippines 93
(ca. 6%; Squires, 1988), but the umbilical size in N.
praepompilius is somewhat larger (ca. 9%; Saunders
et al., 1996), and it is much larger in N. macromphalus
(ca. 15–16%; Saunders, 1987; Ward, 1987).
Although the above-mentioned shell characters t
well both NMP-491B and modern shells of N. pompili-
us, some minor morphological differences are present.
In so far as is known, all the modern and fossil species
of Nautilus have essentially the same elements in suture
lines, but the shape and position of the lateral lobe and
the umbilical saddle differ in each species (Saunders,
1987; Squires, 1988; Saunders et al., 1996). NMP-491B
can be distinguished from N. praepompilius and N.
aff. cookanum in having the lateral lobe situated more
ventrally and the two saddles separated more distantly,
but these elements are almost the same in position in
NMP-491B and modern shells of N. pompilius and
NMP-491B (Figure 4). The only difference is that the
lateral lobe is shallower and the saddle in the umbilical
shoulder is less acute in NMP-491B compared to that
of the modern N. pompilius. Such minor differences are
not considered taxonomically signicant at the species
level in Nautilus at this time. Another difference is that
the small umbilicus of NMP-491B apparently lacks an
umbilical callus. Modern specimens of N. pompilius are
sometimes known to lack an umbilical callus on one or
both sides (Mapes et al., 1979; Saunders, 1981, 1987;
Wray et al., 1995). With only a single fossil speci-
men from the Philippines available for study, it seems
reasonable that specimen NMP-491B could have ab-
normal callus development. For these reasons specimen
NMP-491B can be assigned to N. pompilius with some
reservation. However, if additional Nautilus specimens
are recovered from this interval in the Philippines, and
these specimens are also missing the umbilical callus,
then a taxonomic reassessment must be made. Nautilus
stenomphalus Sowerby, 1849 from the Great Barrier
Reef in Australia also has a small, open umbilicus and
a color pattern that differs slightly from those observed
on N. pompilius. However, it has been suggested that
N. stenomphalus is a variant of N. pompilius (Saunders,
1987; Saunders and Ward, 1987b; Woodruff et al., 1987;
Wray et al., 1995), and it seems to be a reasonable and
conservative course to follow this interpretation at this
Figure 4.. Sutures of modern and fossil Nautilus. 1. Modern
Nautilus pompilius, from Tagnan area, Philippines, at a phragmo-
cone diameter of ca. 130 mm, ×0.72; 2. Early Pleistocene speci-
men of cf. N. pompilius, at a phragmocone diameter of ca. 130
mm, ×0.72; 3. Late Eocene–Early Oligocene N. praepompilius
Shimansky, 1957, at a phragmocone diameter of ca. 50 mm, ×
1.9, reproduced from Saunders et al. (1996); 4. Late Eocene N.
aff. cookanum Whiteld, 1892, at whorl height of 20 mm, ×1.9,
reproduced from Squires (1988). Arrows point toward aperture.
Abbreviations: V, ventral saddle; L, lateral lobe; USh, saddle in
umbilical shoulder; USe, saddle near umbilical seam; D, dorsal
Table 1.. Dimensions of shell morphology in the genus Nautilus. Abbreviations: W, shell width; D, shell diameter.
Age W/D Umbilicus diameter/D References
N. cf. pompilius
early Pleistocene 0.50 6% This study
N. pompilius modern 0.48–0.52 5–9% Hirano and Obata (1979),
Tanabe and Tsukahara (1987),
Saunders (1987), Ward (1987)
N. macromphalus modern 0.52 15–16% Saunders (1987), Ward (1987)
N. praepompilius late Eocene–
early Oligocene
0.60 9% Saunders et al. (1996)
N. aff. cookanum late Eocene 0.67 6% Squires (1988)
Ryoji Wani et al.94
time. These detailed comparisons with modern and fos-
sil species of Nautilus demonstrate that NMP-491B can
best be assigned to N. pompilius with reservation.
There is still the intriguing question of why fossil
nautiloids are so scarce in younger Cenozoic sediments
compared with Paleozoic and Mesozoic ammonoids and
nautiloids. In view of the general low population den-
sity in deep waters of modern nautiluses (Saunders and
Ward, 1987a), nektobenthic mode of life (Saunders and
Ward, 1987a), and expected postmortem behavior re-
sulting from delayed waterlogging of air chambers (Wani
et al., 2005; Wani and Ikeda, 2006), shells of Nautilus
may scatter widely around their original habitats. In-
deed, previous observations on sunken shells of modern
Nautilus reect such a distribution (e.g., Roux et al.,
1991). These facts suggest that fossil Nautilus in the
younger Cenozoic had low population densities, similar
to modern nautiluses, which may explain their sporadic
fossil occurrences.
We sincerely thank W. J. Mago (Mines and Geosci-
ences Bureau, Philippines) for cooperation in the eld-
work. This study was funded by a grant from the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (no. 18253007)
and also by a grant from the National Museum of
Nature and Sciences, Tokyo.
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... Studies on Recent nautilids showed that their (in comparison to most ammonites relatively thick) shells implode at a water depth of around 800 m, that the maximum depth range comprises about 100-700 m and that the preferred depth range is between 100-300 m (Hewitt and Westermann 1987;Saunders and Ward 1987;Dunstan et al. 2011;Ward et al. 2016). The suture line of Nautilus pompilius is relatively strongly differentiated (see Wani et al. 2008), the external part of which showing similar amplitudes as in A. mermeti, but the distance of the septa is relatively high compared to the Cenomanian species (Fig. 12A, B). According to the autecological discussion above, the habitat depth of A. mermeti was much shallower than the one of N. pompilius, i.e., a relatively shallow, wide epicontinental shelf sea, and considerable vertical migrations were largely excluded. ...
... are plotted in the diagram, too (1, specimen 17 ofTajika et al. 2015; 2, an early Pleistocene specimen fromWani et al. 2008). Abbreviations: Th, shell inflation; U, umbilical exposure; w, whorl expansion.Meister and Rhalmi 2002; Nagm et al. 2010a, b;Nagm and Wilmsen 2012;Meister et al. 2017;Wright and ...
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Cretaceous nautiloids are commonly characterized by inflated shells and prolonged stratigraphic ranges. In the Albian, the species of Angulithes appeared and compressed, short-lived forms with narrow venters emerged during the Cenomanian age. Based on a new description, the late Cenomanian nautiloid Angulithes mermeti is discussed with its palaeobiological background and placed in an evolutionary context of the Cenomanian lineage of Angulithes, considering contemporaneous palaeoenvironmental changes and inferred functional traits. A. mermeti is characterized by a nearly oxycone shell with sharp venter and narrow umbilicus, a fairly sinuous suture, low inter-septal distances, and an almost dorsal siphuncle. Its palaeobiogeographical occurrence was latitudinally restricted to shallow tropical–subtropical shelf seas with a preferred habitat depth between 5–50 m. Several morphological trends reflected by the Cenomanian species of the genus culminated in the late Cenomanian species A. mermeti, i.e., (i) increasing shell compression and sharpening of the venter, (ii) increasing folding of the septa, (iii) reduction of inter-septal distances, and (iv) dorsally directed migration of the siphuncle. The hydrodynamically efficient form was favorable to successfully populate the wide and shallow epicontinental seas that formed during the Cenomanian age. The increasing sutural sinuosity and the dense septal spacing aimed to buttress the shells against shell-breaking predators while the functional reason for the dorsal- directed migration of siphuncle is more elusive; it may have improved the efficiency of the hydrostatic apparatus and its internal position is beneficial in the case of predation, too. The gradual morphological change in the Cenomanian lineage of the genus Angulithes provides a well-constrained case study of rapid evolutionary response to major environmental pressure, i.e., the opening of newly available niches in the course of the great early Late Cretaceous transgression, in an otherwise rather bradytelic biotic group.
... Eutrephoceras herein) such as Eutrephoceras allionii (Michelotti, 1840), E. decipiens (Michelotti, 1861), E. dubaleni (Peyrot, 1932); all were originally named as species of Nautilus. Nautilids appear to have become The only Neogene Indo-Pacific records appear to be Nautilus sp. from late Miocene to early Pliocene rocks in the Philippines (Castro et al., 2020), N. pompilius in early Pleistocene rocks of the Philippines (Wani et al., 2008), Nautilus sp. from late Pleistocene rocks in Somalia (Carbone et al., 1999;Matteuci, 2015) and the rarely mentioned N. javanus Martin, 1879, andN. butonensis Martin, 1933, both from Indonesia. ...
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The fossil record of the cephalopod genus Nautilus has been obscured because a few influential taxonomists during the 20th Century decided that fossils similar to Nautilus were instead other genera. We now recognize fossils once classified as species of other genera as species of Nautilus. This includes fossils from Miocene rocks of Taiwan that were previously described as Kummelonautilus taiwanum but herein recognized instead as being the northernmost Neogene record of Nautilus in the Indo‐Pacific region. The name is corrected to Nautilus taiwanus, and now known to occur in two formations in central Taiwan, the early Miocene Shihmentsun and early to middle Miocene Houdongkeng formations. Miocene fossils from Indonesia that were placed in other genera are now considered to represent Nautilus as they were originally assigned, in addition to several Miocene species from Australia, which provide the southernmost Neogene fossil record for the genus. Some of these Indo‐Pacific fossils may represent the same species, but more specimens are needed to determine the amount of variability within these Neogene taxa.
... The fossil fauna treated in this paper derives from bioturbated carbonate-bearing siltstones of the Santa Cruz Formation (Janssen 2007). The age of the material is debated (Janssen, 2007;Wani et al., 2008;). The fauna is most likely of a Piacenzian age (late Pliocene), but a Gelasian age (early Pleistocene; Cohen et al., 2018) cannot be excluded (see , for a more extensive discussion on the age uncertainty). ...
We studied fish otoliths from twelve sediment samples of a well-preserved late Pliocene to early Pleistocene fauna originally from the northwest Philippines that were originally deposited in relatively deepwater marine environment. The fish fauna is systematically described, its paleoenvironmental character is explored, and its diversity is analyzed. Four unknown species have been encountered: Parascombrops schwarzhansi n. sp., Maurolicus sp., Pteropsaron sp., and Priolepis sp., of which one is described as new species and three were left in open nomenclature as their local recent counterparts are not well known yet. In addition, a variant Benthosema, Benthosema aff. fibulatum, is described. Overall, fifty-three taxa of fish otoliths were found, of which eighteen were identified at the species level and an additional twenty-seven at the genus level. Most extant species nowadays occur around the Philippines in relatively deep water (about 200 m depth), which is congruent with earlier studies on mollusks and echinoderms from the same deposits. This is the first study on a fossil fish otolith assemblage from the Philippines. Its diversity is very high and analysis by rarefaction curves suggests that additional sampling would add more fish species to the presented fauna list.
... It should be mentioned the presence of nautiloid shell fragments in the Pleistocene cemented eolianitic sands of Ciovai Island from the Bajuni Islands, Archipelago of Somalia (Carbone et al., 1999;Matteuci, 2015). Also, the specimens of Nautilus pompilius were reported by Wani et al. (2008) from the Pleistocene siltstone exposed on Tambac Bay (Tambac Island, Philippines) and by Kase et al. (unpublished datafide Wani et al., 2008) from the Holocene reefal rocks in Leyte (Philippines). ...
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The unique nautiloid specimen recorded so far from the latest Eocene marl bed of Durhana Quarry (DQ), Haskovo County (North-western Thrace Basin, Bulgaria) is described and discussed herein. It represents a phragmocone mould collected from the bench of level 103 of DQ. In the outcrop, one lateral side was exposed to the weathering process and the other was embedded in the rocks of the so-called "Tuff-Limestone Package" Member ("First Acidic Volcanic" Formation). The host-beds were previously documented as latest Eocene by a larger foraminifer and echinoid assemblage. The specimen belongs to the genus Euciphoceras Shultz, 1976. The attempt to assign a species name failed because the nautiloid has been compressed and slightly deformed by the diagenetic processes within the host-rocks. The general overview of the Eocene nautiloid records from the surrounding areas suggests a continuity of the same genera from Western Europe to South-central Asia (Tethyan Realm).
... The number of species in the genus Nautilus is uncertain. At least two fossil forms are known (Saunders et al. 1996, Wani et al. 2008) and eleven living species, one subspecies and seven variants have been named, of which regarded fi ve or six species as valid. Two species (Nautilus scrobiculatus Lightfoot, 1786 andN. ...
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The taxonomic history of Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758, the most widely distributed species of Nautilus Linnaeus, 1758, is complex, mostly owing to the antiquity of the earliest description by the naturalist Rumphius (Rumpf) in 1705. His account of its habits and illustrations of soft anatomy of specimens from Ambon, Molucca Islands, Indonesia were cited by Linnaeus in his description of N. pompilius. Nevertheless, there is almost no information on Nautilus in Indonesia. Live-caught animals (n = 44) from 150-400 m depth off Ambon provide the first morphologic and genetic details on Nautilus pompilius from the type region, including a recently proposed neotype for the type species. An additional sample (n = 62) obtained from the Sumbawa-Lombok Islands area, Indonesia, 1,500km to the southeast appears identical to those from Ambon. These populations have the largest known mature shells (mean ∼198mm diameter, ∼1,160 g shell plus body weight) of any of the numerous Indo-Pacific occurrences of Nautilus pompilius s.l. presently assigned to this species. Aside from size, few major phenotypic aspects differ from other populations of the species throughout its broad Indo-Pacific range. Data from two mitochondrial DNA gene regions identified a strongly supported clade comprising Ambon, Sumbawa, and Philippines N. pompilius s.s. These new data provide a baseline for evaluating genetic, phenotypic and geographic variation in the broadly distributed species N. pompilius s.l., as well as for establishing taxonomic relationships in populations of living Nautilus, including N. pompilius pompilius Linnaeus, 1758.
... A survey of the fossil record indicates that nautilids, the restricted group containing Nautilus and Allonautilus, experienced a series of radiations and extinctions throughout their history (Ward 1988). Although nautiloids are well represented in the fossil record prior to the Miocene, the more recent fossil record contains few representatives (Eocene–Saunders et al. 1996; Miocene–Teichert and Matsumoto 1987; Lower Pleistocene–Wani et al. 2007). The rarity in the fossil record during the past 20 million years, of a once abundant lineage of nautilids persisting to the present day suggests that populations of nautilids must have been small during this period. ...
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The extensive fossil record of coiled nautiloids indicates that they comprised a diverse assemblage of species in ancient oceans. Today they are represented by the genera Nautilus Linnaeus, 1758 and Allonautilus Ward and Saunders, 1997, inhabiting reef systems throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Some individual populations of Nautilus show subtle differences in shell morphologies, and these morphological differences may be used to diagnose different species. An alternative view is that these differences are simply geographically localized, morphological variants within the broadly distributed taxon generally referred to as Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758. Here we present a hypothesis for the phylogeny of present-day Nautilus and Allonautilus using molecular characters from two mitochondrial gene regions, 16S rDNA and Cytochrome Oxidase c subunit I. Populations of N. pompilius in Indonesia (Ambon Strait), the Philippines, Vanuatu (New Hebrides Islands), Papua New Guinea, Carter Reef and Osprey Reef (Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia) and N. macromphalus (Sowerby, 1849) in New Caledonia were surveyed as well as samples of N. repertus (Sowerby, 1849) (Rowley Shoals, Western Australia), N. belauensis (Saunders, 1981) (Palau), and N. stenomphalus (Sowerby, 1849) (Queensland, Australia). The gastropod Crepidula striolata (Menke, 1851) was included as an outgroup. Our results indicate that Nautilus is currently undergoing a period of evolutionary radiation throughout the Indo-Pacific region. The topology of the strict consensus tree suggests that the basal divergence between Nautilus and Allonautilus occurred in the waters surrounding the present-day island of New Guinea and the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef in northeast Australia. This was followed by a migration to the east by the common ancestor of N. macromphalus and the N. pompilius populations in Vanuatu, Fiji, and American Samoa. A subsequent migration to the west led to the founding of populations off the west coast of Australia, the Philippines, Palau, and Indonesia. Our results also indicate that N. macromphalus and A. scrobiculatus are phylogenetic species. However, N. pompilius is a paraphyletic assemblage of populations and does not represent a true phylogenetic species. Divergences within the genus Nautilus appear to be driven by geographic isolation, and we discuss how this may be a result of constraints on dispersal imposed by the ecology of the animals.
... Although Nautilus is considered a ''living fossil,'' the actual fossil record of this genus is very poor, making the study of its evolutionary history and migratory pathways difficult. The only record of a fossil Nautilus is a specimen attributed to N. pompilius from the Philippines, which, based on microfossils in the surrounding rock matrix, appears to be early Pleistocene [23]. The maximum age of the specimens in the cenote on Lifou provides a minimum age of the appearance of N. macromphalus in the Loyalty Islands. ...
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Exploration of a landlocked cenote on Lifou (Loyalty Islands) revealed 37 shells of the cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus Sowerby, 1849, in saltwater on the cenote floor, approximately 40 m below the water surface. The occurrence of these shells is unusual because N. macromphalus is restricted to the open marine waters surrounding the island. All of the shells are mature, and nearly all of them are unbroken, with faded red-brown color stripes. We analyzed seven shells to determine their age. Radiocarbon dating yielded ages of 6380±30 to 7095±30 y BP. The 238U-series radionuclides 210Pb (half-life = 22.3 y) and 226Ra (half-life = 1600 y) also were measured. Two of the samples showed radioactive equilibrium between the nuclides, consistent with the old radiocarbon dates, but the other five samples showed excess 210Pb. When corrected for radioactive decay, the 226Ra activities were much greater than those found in living Nautilus. We conclude that exposure to high activities of 222Rn and 226Ra in the salty groundwater of the cenote altered the activities originally incorporated into the shells. Human placement of the shells in the cavity is rejected based on their radiocarbon age and the geometry of the cenote. The most probable explanation is that the animals entered the flooded karstic system through a connection on the seaward side at approximately 7,000 y BP, during an interval of slowly rising sea level. Unable to find an exit and/or due to anoxic bottom waters, the animals were trapped and died inside. The open connection with the sea persisted for ∼700 y, but after ∼6400 y BP, the connection was lost, probably due to a roof collapse. This is a rare example of Nautilus in a karstic coastal basin and provides a minimum age for the appearance of N. macromphalus in the Loyalty Islands.
Mollusks are an invaluable resource in the Philippines, but recent reviews on the status of museum collections of mollusks or research trends in the country are lacking. Such assessments can contribute to a more comprehensive evaluation of natural history museums in the Philippines, as well as biodiversity management. This review showed that local museums in the Philippines have much to improve in terms of their accessibility and geographic coverage in order to effectively cater to research and conservation needs of the country. Online access to databases was lacking for local museums, making it cumbersome to retrieve collection information. The UST museum held the most species and subspecies across all museums (4899), comparable to the national museums of countries such as the USA and France. In terms of size, there were larger Philippine mollusk collections in museums abroad. Majority of mollusk specimens come from Regions 4 and 7, while the CAR and Region 12 were least sampled. Publications on Philippine mollusks are dominated by taxonomic and biodiversity research. Around 80% of publications were on marine species. Therefore, there is a great need to (1) improve access to collections by publishing databases and collections online; (2) improve spatial coverage of mollusk sampling to have a better nationwide (and habitat) representation of Philippine mollusk diversity; (3) fill important knowledge gaps in the ecological assessment of exploited mollusks and minor taxa that will be useful in status assessment and management; and (4) build a network of functional museums to facilitate mollusk and invertebrate researches and conservation by making properly curated specimens available to more researchers nationwide.
We studied representatives of seven vetigastropod families in an extremely well-preserved Plio-Pleistocene mollusc fauna found in relatively deep water sediments (c. 200-300 m paleodepth) from the north-western Philippines. The fauna is systematically described and its paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical character is explored. Twenty-six species of gastropods were studied, three of which are described as new: Halystina conoidea n. sp., Calliotropis arenosa n. sp. and Ethminolia wareni n. sp. Four new combinations are proposed: Pseudotalopia taiwanensis (Chen, 2006), Solariella segersi (Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006), Zetela tabakotanii (Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker, 2006) and Ilanga konos (Vilvens, 2009). Fourteen species are known living. Most extant species nowadays occur around the Philippines. Two of the species also occur in Neogene deposits from western Pacific islands. The new fauna offers insights into the character of relatively deep water Indo-West Pacific mollusc faunas prior to the onset of the late Quaternary ice ages.
Morphometric analyses of shell morphology in the Cretaceous nautiloid Eutrephoceras clementinum (d'Orbigny, 1840) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) from the Ariyalur area, southern India, reveal ontogenetic change from hatching to maturity as well as intra-specific variation in shell morphology. The shell breadth has a negative allometric relationship with shell diameter and with whorl height, and the umbilicus diameter has a positive allometric relationship with shell diameter. This shows that shell shape became relatively thinner with less variation, and the umbilicus diameter became relatively broader with growth. The siphuncle position moves from a dorso-central to ventro-central position with, growth. A constriction was recognized on the early whorl at 20 rum in shell diameter, and the interval angles of succeeding septa were changed at the 8th septum, indicating that they hatched at this stage. The bending of umbilical walls of apertures toward the center of coiling Suggests that E. clementinum attained maturity at about 115 mm in shell diameter. The comparison of the shell morphology of E. clementinum with that of E. bouchardianum (d'Orbigny, 1840) reported in the literature clarifies their difference in whorl shape and umbilical size, especially in the adult stage. This kind of morphometric study of nautiloids is essential for elucidating their adaptive designs for environment and mode of life, functional shell morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny, and evolution.
Rare specimens of the nautiloids Nautilus and Aturia and extremely rare specimens of a sepiamorph sepiid are described from the late Eocene Hoko River Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. The well-preserved partial phragmocones are from channel-fill clastics deposited on the inner and middle slopes of a submarine-fan system. The Nautilus specimen is allied to N. cookanum Whitfield from middle Eocene strata, New Jersey, and is probably conspecific with Nautilus sp. (Miller) from late Eocene strata, northwestern Oregon, both of which were previously assigned to Eutrephoceras. This is the first record of Nautilus in the northeastern Pacific. The Aturia specimen is tentatively identified as A. cf. A. alabamensis (Morton), a species previously only known from late Eocene strata in the Atlantic-Gulf Coastal area and northeastern Mexico. Aturia alabamensis may be the same as numerous Eocene North American aturiid species. The two sepiamorph sepiid specimens resemble Belosepia Voltz but are probably generically distinct. They are only the second record of sepiids in the Eocene of the northeastern Pacific.
Rare specimens of the nautiloids Nautilus and Aturia and extremely rare specimens of a sepiamorph sepiid are described from the late Eocene Hoko River Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. The well-preserved partial phragmocones are from channel-fill clastics deposited on the inner and middle slopes of a submarine-fan system. The Nautilus specimen is allied to N. cookanum Whitfield from middle Eocene strata, New Jersey, and is probably conspecific with Nautilus sp. (Miller) from late Eocene strata, northwestern Oregon, both of which were previously assigned to Eutrephoceras. This is the first record of Nautilus in the northeastern Pacific. The Aturia specimen is tentatively identified as A. cf. A. alabamensis (Morton), a species previously only known from late Eocene strata in the Atlantic-Gulf Coastal area and northeastern Mexico. Aturia alabamensis may be the same as numerous Eocene North American aturiid species. The two sepiamorph sepiid specimens resemble Belosepia Voltz but are probably generically distinct. They are only the second record of sepiids in the Eocene of the northeastern Pacific.
The discovery of a specimen of Nautilus praepompilius Shimansky, 1957, from the Chegan Formation of Kazakhstan confirms that this species is assignable to Nautilus, and that this extant genus extends back to the late Eocene. It is morphologically closest to Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus. The nepionic constriction shows that the hatching size was ca. 23 mm dia, close to that for Nautilus pompilius (ca. 26 mm dia).
Field experiments with Nautilus pompilius in the Philippines have uncovered two previously unknown postmortem phenomena: (1) waterlogging of the phragmocone does not occur until the mantle tissue detaches from the shell due to decomposition, and (2) the phragmocones of empty shells flood with seawater rapidly due to low internal gas pressure (< 0.9 atm). The latter is more significant for small shells, because of the lower total gas pressure in their phragmocones compared to larger shells, and the smaller limit of seawater volume that still allows flotation. The limiting diameter for shells to sink from only the latter mechanism (lower internal gas pressure) is similar to 200 mm. Ammonoids generally have body chambers longer than N. poinpilius, but the ratio of body chamber volume to phragmocone volume for most ammonoids is the same as for N. poinpilius. This ratio is the determining factor that allowed ammonoid shells either to float or sink from pressure compensation alone. This strongly suggests that (1) their limiting shell diameters approximate that of N. pompilius (i.e., similar to 200 mm), (2) such shells sank rapidly close to their habitats, even if they initially floated, and (3) only large shells had the potential to drift postmortem over long distances. These findings are crucial to interpreting the early taphonomic history of extinct ammonoids.
Living ectocochliate cephalopods have long been thought to be restricted to a single genus, Nautilus Linnaeus, 1758, comprising five or six extant species. The shells of two species, N. scrobiculatus Lighffoot, 1786, and N. perforatus Conrad, 1847, are quite distinct, but no soft-parts were known until 1984, when N. scrobiculatus was seen alive for the first time. Dissections show that significant anatomical differences exist between N. scrobiculatus and other Nautilus species, including differences in gill morphology and details of the male reproductive system. These differences, along with phylogenetic analysis of extant and selected fossil nautiloid species, indicate that N. scrobiculatus, and N. perforatus should be distinguished from Nautilus as a newly defined genus, Allonautilus. This analysis contradicts previous phylogenies proposed for the Nautilida, which placed Nautilus as the last-evolved member of the order. We surmise that Allonautilus is a descendent of Nautilus, that the latter is paraphyletic, and first evolved in the Mesozoic, rather than in the late Cenozoic, as has been previously suggested.